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ESAS Reviewer

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ESAS (Prepared by: Engr. Ronnie S.

April 9, 1996
Instruction: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Mark only one answer for each item by shading
the box corresponding to the letter of your choice on the answer sheet provided. STRICTLY NO ERASURE ALLOWED.
Use pencil No. 1 only.

1. Caruso obliged himself to deliver Vallejo a violin. Subsequently, they entered into a contract whereby they agreed.
Instead of Caruso delivering a violin to Vallejo, Caruso would just sing a classical song. The obligation is extinguish by:
A. Compensation B. The condonation C. the confusion D. novation
Ans. D
2. A roller starts from rost at the highest point of the track 30 m above the ground. What speed will it have at ground level
if the effect of friction is neglected?
A. 35.6 m/s B. 58.8 m/s C. 65.2 m/s D. 24.5 m/s
Ans. D
3. Tin is produced from
A. Cassiterite B. Bauxite C. Sphalerite D. Magnetite
4. The hexadecimal number B6C7 is equal to the decimal number.
A. 46791 B. 47691 C. 49761 D. 49671
Ans. A
5. An ideal gas in a cylinder is compressed adiabatically to one third its original volume. During the process 45 J of work is
done on the gas by the compressing agent. By how much did the internal energy of the gas change in the process?
A. 55 J B. 50 J C. 40 J D. 45 J
Ans. D
6. A closed cylindrical tank 2 m in diameter and 4 m depth with axis vertical contains 3 m depth of water. Air at a pressure
of 0.06 kg/cm 2is pumped into the cylinder above the liquid surface. Determine the total normal force acting on the wall
of the tank.
A. 15,720 kg B. 12,550 kg C. 13,800 kg D. 16,400 kg
Ans. C
7. It is obtained as a by-product in the refining of copper and lead.
A. None of these B. Nickel C. Silver D. Gold
Ans. B
8. How much perspiration must evaporate from a 5.0-kg baby to reduce its temperature by 2 deg. C? The heat of
vaporization for water at body temperature is about 580 cal/g. For the body, c = 0.83 cal/g deg. C.
A. 13.4 g B. 14.3 g C. 15.7 g D. 12.5
Ans. B
9. In grid metal wiring conduit, the minimum electrical trade size is:
A. 25 mm B. 20 mm C. 15 mm D. 32 mm
Ans. C
10. Is any building, room or separate place which houses or encloses electrical supply equipment connected to
transmission or distribution lines and the interior of which is accessible, as a rule, only to a properly qualified persons.
A. General room B. Electric supply room C. electric plant D. substation
Ans. D
11. A piece of wood weighs in mass units 10.0 g in air. When a heavy piece of metal is suspended below it, the metal
being submerged in water, the “weight” of wood in air plus metal in water is 14.0 g. The “weight” when both wood and
metal are submerged in water is 2.00 g. Find the density of the wood.
A. 830 kg/cu. m B. 845 kg/cu. m C. 840 kg/cu. m D. 820 kg/cu. m
Ans. A
12. The twisting moment of a shaft is _________ proportional to horsepower and _________ proportional to the speed.
A. Inversely, inversely B. Directly, directly C. inversely, directly D. directly, inversely
Ans. D
13. Conductors must have a clearance from windows, porches, fire escapes of not less than
A. 900 mm B. 700 mm C. 1000 mm D. 800mm
Ans. C
14. A ball is dropped onto a solid floor from an initial height, h o.If the coefficient of restitution, e, is 0.90, how high will the
ball rebound?
A. 0.81h o B. 0.85 h o C. 0.45 h o D. 0.90 h o
Ans. A
15. A flexible shaft consists of a 5-mm diameter steel wire encased in stationary tube that fits closely enough to impose a
frictional torque of 2 N-m/m. If the shearing stress is not to exceed 140 MPa, what will be the angular rotation of one
end relative to the other end? Use G = 83 GPa.
A. 32.06 deg B. 34 deg C. 33.21 deg D. 31.21 deg
Ans. C
16. What is the formula of the compound Carbon Diselinide consisting of Carbon C and Selenium Se?
A. CSe 2 B. CSe C.(CSe)2 D. C 2Se
Ans. A
17. The members of the board shall hold office for a term of _________ years from the date of appointment or until their
successors shall have been appointed and qualified.
A. 4 B. 6 C. 3 D. 5
Ans. C
18. This device includes any switch of device used to start and stop the motor
ESAS (Prepared by: Engr. Ronnie S. Alcorcon)
A. Circuit breaker B. Rheostat C. Relay D. Controller
Ans. D
19. A man borrowed P20,000 from a local commercial bank which has a simple interest of 16% but the interest is to be
deducted from the loan at the time that the money was borrowed, and the loan is payable at the end of one year. How
much is the actual rate of interest?
A. 12% B. 14% C. 10% D. 19%
Ans. D
20. Find the value of J in the following program:
15 J = J”2 + I”
IF (I.EQ.3) GO TO 16
I = I+1
GO TO 15
A. 34 B. 9 C. 40 D. 15
Ans. A
21. Which of the following BASIC’s string has not been correctly written?
A. 84.56 B. 2 + 7 C. TWENTY SEVEN D. SYMBOL IS “X”
Ans. D
22. A cubical copper block is 1.50 cm on each edge submerged in oil for which p = 820 kg/cu. m. what is the tension on
the string that is supporting the block when submerged? pc u m = 8920 kg/cu. m
A. 0.268 N B. 0.789 N C. 0.249 N D. 0.148 N
Ans. A
23. CPE means
A. Commission on Professional Education B. Continuing Program of Education
C. Continuing Professional Education D. Continuing Professional Engineering
Ans. C
24. At the same pressure and temperature, equal volumes of all gases contain equal number of molecules. This is known
A. Boyle’s Law B. Faraday’s Law C. Avogadro’s Law D. Charle’s Law
Ans. C
25. Pick out the item that does not belong to the computer.
A. OCR B. Mouse C. MICR D. Plotter
Ans. D
26. A 5 kg block is moving at a speed of 5 m/s. what is the force required to bring the block to a stop in 8 x 10−4 seconds?
A. 18.8 kN B. 13.2 kN C. 15.4 kN D. 9.2 kN
Ans. A
27. A steel rail 30 m long is firmly attached to the roadbed only at its ends. The sun raises the temperature of the rail by
50 deg. C, causing the rail to buckle. Assuming that the buckled rail consist of two straight parts meeting in the center,
calculate how the center of the rail rises. (Coefficient of linear expansion = 12 x 10−6 /° C)
A. 0.47 m B. 0.49 m C. 0.41 m D. 0.52 m
Ans. D
28. An ideal gas at 0.60 atmospheres and at 87 deg. C occupies 0.450 liter. How many moles are in the sample?
(R = 0.0821 1-atm/mole-K)
A. 0.0198 mole B. 0.0002 mole C. 0.0091 mole D. 0.0378 mole
29. When 50 L of air at STP is isothermally compressed to 10 L, how much heat must flow from the gas?
( Patm = 100 kPa).
A. 8.35 kJ B. 8.23 kJ C. 8.05 kJ D. 8.48 kJ
Ans. C
30. How much 58% sulfuric acid solution is needed to provide 150 gram of H 2 SO 4 ?
A. 240 grams B. 215 grams C. 180 grams D. 259 grams
Ans. D
31. At STP a gas occupies 0.213 liters. How many moles are there in this sample of gas?
A. 0.0950 mole B. 0.0089 mole C. 0.0890 mole D. 0.0095 mole
Ans. D
32. A liter of sample of air at 1 atm. Pressure is allowed to expand isothermally into a 20 liters vessel. What will its new
pressure be?
A. 0.25 atm. B. 1.5 atm. C. 2.0 atm. D. 0.5 atm.
Ans. D
33. A 20 liter sample of gas exerts a pressure of 1 atm, at 25 deg. C. If it is expanded into a 40-liter vessel that is held at
100 deg.C, what will be its final pressure?
A. 0.50 atm. B. 1.0 atm. C. 0.315 atm. D. 0.63 atm.
Ans. D
34. A car moving at 70 km/hr has a mass of 1700 kg. What force is necessary to decclerate it at rate of 40 cm/ s2 ?
A. 4250 N B. 0.680 N C. 680 N D. 42.5 N
Ans. C
35. Carbon materials used in the field of electrical engineering are manufactured mostly from
A. dolomite B. manganetite C. manganese D. graphite
ESAS (Prepared by: Engr. Ronnie S. Alcorcon)
36. A cylinder of diameter 1.0 cm at 30 deg.C is to be slid into a hole on a steel plate. The hole has a diameter of 0.99970
cm at 30 deg.C. to what temperature the plate must be heated? Coefficient of linear expansion for steel i
1.2 x 10−5 /deg.C.
A. 62 deg.C B. 65 deg.C C. 48 deg.C D. 55 deg.C
Ans. D
37. When Fe++ changes to Fe+++ in a reaction
A. It loses proton B. It gains an electron C. it gains a proton D. it loses an electrons
Ans. D
38. Overhead telephone wires are
A. Copper wires B. Steel wires C. Aluminum wires D. ACSR conductors
Ans. B
39. It is the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom.
A. Molecular number B. Proton number C. mass number D. atomic number
Ans. D
40. Determine the submerged depth of a cube of steel 0.30 m on each side floating in mercury. The specific gravities of
steel and nercury are 7.8 and 13.6, respectively.
A. 0.155 m B. 0.165 m C. 0.184 m D. 0.172 m
Ans. D
41. When the loads on successive unit lengths of a cable are not spaced at equal horizontal distance, the cable assumes
a shape of
A. parabolic B. corona C. hyperbola D. catenary
Ans. D
42. which of the following may cause any member of the board to be removed by President of the Philippines
A. incompetence B. malpractice C. all of these D. neglect of duty
Ans. C
43. the heat transfer due to motion of matter caused by change in density called
A. absorption B. radiation C. conduction D. convection
Ans. D
44. What is the useful kw rating of a tin smelting furnace, smelting 150 kg of tin per hour. Initial temperature of metal 18
deg. C; sp. heat 0.055; latent heat of liquefaction is 13.3 kCal/kg; smelting temperature of tin is 235 deg.C.
A. 3.5 kW B. 5.0 kW C. 4.4 kW D. 6.6 kW
Ans. C
45. The part of specification which describes the work as a whole
A. Specific clause B. Introduction C. title D. general clause
Ans. D
46. A classification of contracts which is perfected by mere consent
A. Executed B. Express C. implied D. consensual and real
Ans. D
47. A cylindrical water tank is 8 m in diameter and 12 m high. If the tank is to be completely filled, determine the minimum
thickness of the tank plating if the stress is limited to 40 MPa.
A. 11.77 mm B. 10.25 mm C. 13.18 mm D. 12.6 mm
Ans. A
48. Which of the following does not belong to the Code of Ethics?
A. Penal provisions B. Relation with the client and employer
C. Preparation and signing of plans D. Professional life
Ans. C
49. A 60-kg motor sits on four cylindrical rubber blocks. Each cylinder has a height of 3 cm and a cross- sectional area of
15 cm sq. the shear modulus for this rubber is 2 MPa. If the sideways force of 300 N is applied to the motor, how far
will it move sideways?
A. 0.124 cm B. 0.075 cm C.0.102 cm D. 0.092 cm
Ans. B
50. A material used for insulation
A. Rubber B. All of these C. asbestos D. mica
Ans. B

ESAS (Prepared by: Engr. Ronnie S. Alcorcon)

October 6, 1996
Instruction: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Mark only one answer for each item by shading
the box corresponding to the letter of your choice on the answer sheet provided. STRICTLY NO ERASURE ALLOWED.
Use pencil No. 1 only.

1. What is the size in square millimeter¿ ¿) is the cable of 250 MCM size?
A. 118.656mm2 B. 126.675 mm2 C. 112.565mm2 D. 132.348 mm2
Ans. B
2. For a person to be considered to be a member of the Board of electrical Engineering, he must: Be a natural born
Filipino citizen and a resident of the Philippines for at least _______ consecutive years; Be at least __________ years of
age, of proven integrity with high moral values in his personal as well as his professional conduct; Have practiced
electrical engineering for a period of not less than _______ years prior to his appointment, with sworn statement as such.
A. 5, 45, 10 B. 5, 35, 10 C. 10, 35, 5 D. 5, 45, 15
Ans. B
3. An automobile moving at a constant velocity of 15 m/sec passes a gasoline station. Two seconds later, another
automobile leaves the gasoline station and accelerates at a constant rate of 2 m/ sec 2. How soon will the second
automobile overtake the first?
A. 15.3 sec B. 16.8 sec C. 13.5 sec D. 18.6 sec
Ans. B
4. Which are the oxidizing and reducing agents in the following reaction?
2CC I 4 + K 2 Cro4 - 2C I 2CO + CrO 2 CI 2+ 2KCI
A. There are no oxidizing or reducing agents in this reaction
B. Oxidizing agent: chromium; reducing agent: chlorine
C. Oxidizing agent: chlorine; reducing agent: carbon
D. Oxidizing agent: oxygen; reducing agent: chlorine
Ans. A
5. An aggregation of individuals formed for the purpose of conducting a business and recognized by law as a fictitious
person is called
A. Partnership B. investors C. corporation D. stockholders
Ans. C
6. The ratio of oxygen available to the oxygen required for stabilization of sewage is called:
A. relative stability B. oxygen-ion concentration
C. concentration factor D. bio-chemical oxygen
Ans. A.
7. How much oil at 200 deg. C must be added to 50 grams of the same oil at 20 deg. C to heat it to 70 deg. C.
A. 12.39 grams B. 29.12 grams C. 19.23 grams D. 23.91 grams
Ans. C
8. The ores from which zinc is obtained is
A. Sphalerite B. Magnetite C. pyrite D. dolomite
Ans. A
9. Which of the following statement is false?
A. Wavelengths of visible light is greater than wavelengths of microwaves.
B. Frequency of ultraviolet is greater than frequency of infrared.
C. Frequency of radio waves is less than frequency of infrared waves.
D. Wavelength of x-rays is greater than wavelength of gamma rays.
Ans. B
10. When Fe++ changes to Fe++ in a reaction
A. It gains a proton B. It loses a proton C. it gains an electron D. it loses an electron
Ans. D
11. It refers to choice of electrical system, including planning and detailing of requirements for protection, control,
monitoring, coordination and interlocking of electrical systems among others.
A. System utilization design
B. Practice of electrical engineering
C. Power plant design
D. Electrical system design
Ans. D
12. The ability of the material to absorb energy in its elastic range.
A. Elasticity B. ductility C. resilience D. strain
Ans. C
13. A steel wire is 4.0 long and 2 mm in diameter. How much is it elongated by a suspended body of mass 20 kg?
Young’s modulus for steel is 196000 MPa.
A. 1.123 mm B. 1.385 mm C. 1.374 mm D. 1.273 mm
Ans. D
14. Determine the volume occupied by 4 grams of oxygen at STP. Molecular weight of oxygen is 32. Standard molar
volume of any gas 22.4 liters/mol.
A. 4.8 liters B. 3.6 liters C. 2.8 liters D. 1.4 liters
Ans. C
15. For service drop conductors not exceeding 600 volts its minimum clearance over commercial area parking lots subject
ESAS (Prepared by: Engr. Ronnie S. Alcorcon)
to truck traffic is
A. 3700 mm B. 4600 mm C. 5500 mm D. 3100 mm
Ans. B
16. It has the highest melting point of all metals.
A. Tungsten B. Copper C. Silver D. Aluminum
Ans. A
17. Determine the minimum appliance and laundry load required for a dwelling unit.
A. 4000 VA B. 1500 VA C. 3000 VA D. 2000 VA
Ans. B
18. What percent of the examination fees, for all applications for oral examinations for professional electrical engineer and
written examinations, for registered electrical engineer and registered master electrician, shall be treated as a special
fund for the programs, projects and the activities of the commission?
A. 90% B. 50% C. 70% D. 10%
Ans. A
19. Which of the following is not a reserved word in PASCAL?
Ans. D
20. In compression, a prism of brittle material will break
A. By forming a bulge B. By shearing along oblique plane
C. Into large number of pieces D. In a direction along the direction of the load
Ans. B
21. Hazardous location because of the presence of combustible dust
A. Class IV B. Class I C. Class III D. Class II
Ans. D
22. Determine the outside diameter of a hollow steel tube that will carry a tensile load of 500 kN at a stress of 140 MPa.
Assume the wall thickness to be one-tenth of the outside diameter.
A. 111.3 mm B. 109.7 mm C. 113.7 mm D. 112.4 mm
Ans. D
23. When a fluid flows full through a pipe of a cross-sectional area A and a velocity v, the flow or discharge is
A. av 2 B. Av C. A2v D. A2 / v 2
Ans. B
24. Find the limiting peripheral velocity of a rotating steel ring if the allowable stress is 140 MN/ m 2 and the mass density of
steel is 7850 kg/m 3.
A. 130.62 m/s B. 129.58 m/s C. 142.37 m/s D. 133.55m/s
Ans. D
25. A ball is dropped from s height of 60 meters above ground. How long does it take to hit the ground?
A. 2.1 s B. 3.5 s C. 5.5 s D. 2.3
Ans. B
26. Which of the following statement is wrong?
A. Ceramics are inorganic, nonmetallic solids that are processed or used at high temperatures.
B. Most metal are strong, ductile and malleable. In general, they are heavier than most other substances.
C. Metals are chemical elements that form substances that are opaque, lustrous, and good conductors of heat
and electricity.
D. Oxides, carbon, and nitrides are considered to be within the class of materials known as glasses.
Ans. D
27. The temperature of three different liquids is maintained at 15 deg, 20 deg, and 25 deg, respectively. When equal
masses of the first two liquids are mixed, the final temperature is 18 deg. C and when equal masses of the last two
liquids are mixed, the final temperature is 24 deg. C. What temperature will be achieved by mixing equal masses of
the first and last liquid?
A. 15.83 deg.C B. 10.30 deg.C C. 8.65 deg.c D. 23.57 deg.C
Ans. D.
28. A helical spring is made by wrapping steel wire 20 mm in diameter around a forming cylinder 150 mm in diameter.
Compute the number of turns required to permit an elongation of 100 mm without exceeding a shearing stress of 140
MPa. Use G= 82 GPa.
A. 14.61 B. 12.14 C. 13.83 D. 11.58
Ans. 17.9 turns
29. A mercury barometer at the base of Mt. Makiling reads 654 mm and at the same time another barometer at the top of
the mountain reads 480 mm. assuming sp. weight of air to be constant at 12 N ¿ m 3 . what is the approximate height of
Mt. Makiling?
A. 1,934.5 m B. 3,508.4 m C. 4,168.2 m D. 2,647.7 m
Ans. A
30. What is Fick’s first law of one-dimensional, steady state diffusion? C is the volume concentration of atoms, x is the
distance along which diffusion occurs, D is the diffusion coefficient, and J is the flux of current density.
ac ac ac aD
A. J = 2D B. J = -D C. J = D D. J = C
ax ax ax ax
Ans. B
31. Which plan is the least expensive way to purchase plant maintenance equipment? The discount rate is 11%.
Plan A: P 50,000 down, equal payments of P 25,115.12 for 20 years.
Plan B: nothing down, equal payments of P 31,393.91 for 20 years.
Plan C: P 100,000 down, equal payments of P 21,976.74 for 20 years.
A. Plan A or B B. Plan A or B or C C. plan C D. Plan B
ESAS (Prepared by: Engr. Ronnie S. Alcorcon)
Ans. A
32. A wooden pole (s.g. = 0.65), 9 cm and 9 cm long by 5 m long, hangs vertically from a string in such a way that 3 m are
submerged in water and 2 m are above the surface. What is the tension in the string?
A. 18.9 N B. 20.8 N C. 19.6 N D. 19.8 N
Ans. D
33. A 10 g blocks slides with a velocity of 20 cm/sec on a smooth level surface and makes a head on collision with a 30
gram block moving in the opposite direction with a velocity of 10 cm/sec. If the collision is perfectly elastic what is the
velocity of the 30 gram block after the collision?
A. 15 cm/sec B. 10 cm/sec C. 25 cm/sec D. 5 cm/sec
Ans. D
34. Ocean water is used to condense spent steam at 260 deg. F from a nuclear power plant into water at 140 deg.F. If the
ocean temperature is 60 deg.F and the cooling water leaves the condenser at 100 deg.F, how many pounds of ocean
water needed to condense each pound of spent steam? Take the specific heat of ocean water to be 1 BTU/1b-F deg
and specific heat of steam to be 0.5 BTU/1b-F deg. Heat of vaporization of water in BTU/1b= 970
A. 26.7 1b B. 28.2 1b C. 25.8 1b D. 27.4 1b
Ans. A
35. What would be the value printed as a result of the following instruction?
10 DEF FNA (X) = X’’2 + 1/X
20 PRINT FNA (2)
30 END
A. 7.2 B. 4.5 C. 6.5 D. 3.2
Ans. B
36. Determine the formula weight of potassium hexachloroiridate (IV), K 2 IrCI 6 . Atomic weights: K = 39.098; Ir = 1922.22;
CI = 35.453
A. 86.089 B. 285.799 C. 387.344 D. 483.14
Ans. D
37. What rate of interest compounded annually must be received if an investment of P 5,400 made now will result in a
receipt of P 7,200 five years hence?
A. 2.85% B. 5.92% C. 4.75% D. 3.65%
Ans. B
38. In a diesel engine, the cylinder compresses air from approximately standard pressure and temperature to about one-
sixteenth the original volume and a pressure of about 50 atm. What is the temperature of the compressed air?
A. 853 K B. 863 K C. 893 K D. 878 K
Ans. A
39. What is the stress in a thin-walled spherical shell of diameter D and wall thickness t when subjected to internal
pressure P
A. S=D/pt B. S=4D/pt C. S=pD/4t D. S=pD/t
Ans. C
40. Which of the following terms is related to a monitor?
A. Video display B. Screen C. monochrome monitor D. RGB monitor
Ans. A
41. In the program below, what is the value assigned to N?
10 n=0
15 GO TO 50
20 FOR X = -1 TO 7
25 N=6
30 FOR Y = 3 TO 6
55 END
A. 98 B. – 356 C. -3678 D. 0
Ans. D
42. The formula for Dinitrogen Pentoxide is
A. N 2 O 5 B. ( NO)5 C. NO 5 D. none of these
Ans. A
43. Castro is accused of a crime in court. He retains the services of Atty. Gallardo as his defense counsel for P6,000. The
6,000 to be given by Castro to Atty Gallardo is for professional services of Atty Gallardo. What kind of contract is this?
A. Onerous contract B. Gratuitous contract C. remuneratory contract D. executor contract
Ans. D
44. If a particle’s position is given by the expression X(t)= 3.4t 3 -5.4 t meters, what is the acceleration of the particle after
t = 5 seconds?
A. 1.02 m/ s2 B. 102 m/ s2 C. 3.40 m/ s2 D. 18.1 m/ s2
Ans. B
45. Decimal number 5436 when converted to 1’s complement will become
A. 4555 B. 4356 C. 4563 D. 4653
Ans. C
46. A sealed tank contains oxygen at 27 deg. C at a pressure of 2 atm. If the temperature increase to 100 deg.C. what will
be the pressure inside the tank?
A. 4.92 atm B. 4.29 atm C. 2.49 atm D. 9.24 atm
Ans. C

ESAS (Prepared by: Engr. Ronnie S. Alcorcon)
47. A man whose weight is 667 N and whose density is 980 kg/cu. m can just float in water with his head above the
surface with the help of a life jacket which is wholly immersed. Assuming that the volume of his head is (1/15) of his
whole volume and that the specific gravity of the life jacket is 0.25, find the volume of the life jacket.
A. 0.006 cu. m B. 0.001 cu.m C. 0.040 cu. m D. 0.004 cu. m
Ans. D
48. A solid cube material is 0.75 cm on each cube. It floats in oil of density 800 kg/cu. m with one-third of the block out of
the oil. What is the density of the material of the cube?
A. 533 kg/cu. m B. 523 kg/cu. m C. 513 kg/cu. m D. 543 kg/cu. m
Ans. A
49. A 100 gal steel tank weighs 50lb when empty. Will it float in sweater when it is filled with gasoline? The weight density
of gasoline is 42 lb/ ft 3 that of sweater is 64 lb/ ft 3, and 1 gal = 0.134 ft 3. What is the total weight of the tank when
filled with gasoline?
A. Not float & 584 lb B. Sink & 876 lb C. float &858 lb D. float &613 lb
Ans. D
50. Refers to school buildings, hospital, museums, display centers, government buildings and the like.
A. Institute building B. Business building C. industrial plant D. Commercial establishment
Ans. A

ESAS (Prepared by: Engr. Ronnie S. Alcorcon)

April 8, 1997
Instruction: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Mark only one answer for each item by shading
the box corresponding to the letter of your choice on the answer sheet provided. STRICTLY NO ERASURE ALLOWED.
Use pencil No. 1 only.

1. Which of the following best defines a micro-operation?

A. An elementary operation performed on information store in one or more registers during one clock pulse.
B. The complex operations that are performed by the CPU during one-micro-second
C. An elementary operation performed on information stored in one or more registers during one cycle.
D. An operation that takes the smallest amount of time to operate
Ans. C
2. Where receptacles are connected to a 20—ampere branch circuit. What should be the maximum allowable rating of a
cord-and-plug connected load?
A. 15 amperes B. 20 amperes C. 30 amperes D. 24 amperes
Ans. A
3. What is the item usually connected across relay contacts to minimize arcing?
A. Reactor B. resistor C. capacitor D. spring
Ans. C
4. A man keeps a 1 kg toy airplane flying horizontally in a circle by holding onto a 1.5 m long string attached to its wing tip.
The string is always in the plane of the circular flight path. If the plane flies at 10 m/sec, find the tension in the string.
A.28N B. 15 N C. 67 N D. 18 N
Ans. C
5. In a contract, when the contractor fails to live up to the contract agreement he is usually sued for damages. What, in the
following may not be ground for the damages?
A. Delay B. fraud C. Negligence D. amicable settlement
Ans. D
6. For a heat engine operating between two temperatures (T 2>T 1), what is the maximum efficiency attainable?
T1 T1 T2
A. 1- B. C. 1- D. 1- ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿
T2 T2 T1
Ans. A
7. A machine has initial cost of P 50,000 and salvage value of P 10,000 after 10 years. Find the book value after 5 years
using straight-line depreciation.
A. P 12,500 B. P 30,000 C. P 16,400 D. P 22,300
Ans. B
8. If the shear in a fluid varies linearly with the velocity gradient, which of the following describes the fluid?
A. it has a constant viscosity B. it is a perfect gas
C. it is at a constant temperature D. It is a Newtonian fluid
Ans. D
9. The maintenance cost for a sewing machine this year expected to be P 500. The cost will increase P 50 each year for
the subsequent 9 years. The interest is 8% compounded annually. What is the approximate present worth of
maintenance for the machine over the full 10 years?
A. P 4,700 B. P 5,300 C. P 4,300 D. P 5,500
Ans. A
10. Equipment for hazardous locations shall be approved for the following properties, except:
A. Durability B. Combustibility C. Ignitability D. Explosibility
Ans. A
11. Which of the following statement is FALSE?
A. In general, as reaction products are formed, they react with each other and reform reactants.
B. At equilibrium, the net reaction rate is zero
C. The differential rate low is the mathematical expression that shows how the rate of a reaction depends on
D. The net at which a reaction proceeds from the left to right is equal to the forward rate minus the reverse rate.
Ans. C
12. A 36 inch penstock is anchored by a thrust block at a point where the flow makes a 20 degree change in direction.
The water flow rate is 185 ft/sec. The water pressure is 2,880 lb/ ft 2 everywhere in the penstock. What is the resultant
force on the thrust block?
A. 8,900lb B. 29,800 lb C. 2,800 lb D. 120,300 lb
Ans. A
13. What is the value of the work done for a closed reversible isometric system?
A. Zero B. Positive C. negative D. positive or negative
Ans. A
14. The exceptional circumstances when litigation expenses other than judicial costs can be recovered even without prior
agreements are, EXCEPT:
A. in actions for legal support
ESAS (Prepared by: Engr. Ronnie S. Alcorcon)
B. when the court does not award judicial costs
C. when exemplary damages are awarded
D. in action for recovery of wages of household helpers, laborers and skilled workers
Ans. C
15. Mr. Cruz plans to deposits for the education of his 5 years old son, P 500 at the end of each month for 10 years at
12% annual interest compounded monthly. The money that will be available in two years is
A. P 13,000 B. P 14,500 C. P 13,500 D. P 14,000
Ans. C
16. Given A = true, B = true, and C = false, what is the value of the following logical expression? ((A. AND.B).AND.
A. either true or false B. false C. Neither true or false D. true
Ans. B
17. What would be the value printed as a result of the following instruction?
10 DEF FNA (X) = X**2 + 1/X
20 PRINT FNA (2)
30 END
A. 3.2 B. 7.2 C. 6.5 D. 4.5
Ans. D
18. The termination of an unloaded telephone line is made equal to the characteristics impedance of the line in order to
A. Increase the velocity of propagation of signals
B. Equalize the velocity of propagation of signals of all frequencies
C. Reduce frequency discrimination in the transmission
D. Reduce the standing waves in the line
Ans. D
19. Which of the following is the strongest type of bond?
A. Van der waals B. metallic C. Covalent D. ionic
Ans. C
20. The crystalline structure of metals can be modified by several processes. Plastic deformation of the crystalline
structure resulting in a misalignment of atoms, dislocations and large stresses, and strains in small regions are
characteristics of which process?
A. Cold forming B. Twinning C. Tempering D. Isostatic pressing
Ans. B
21. Polymers that favor crystallization are least to have which of the following?
A. an atactic configuration of side groups B. small side groups
C. only one repeating unit D. small chain lengths
Ans. A
22. What is the efficiency of an Otto cycle with a compression ratio of 6:1? The gas used is air.
A. 0.512 B. 0.488 C. 0.800 D. 0.167
Ans. A
23. A cylinder and piston arrangement contains saturated water vapor at 110 degree C. The vapor is compressed in a
reversible adiabatic process until the pressure is 1.6 MPa. Find the work done by the system per kilogram of water.
A. – 432 kJ/kg B. -637 kJ/kg C. -300 kJ/kg D. -509 kJ/kg
Ans. A
24. The term that refers to the physical equipment or components of an electronic data processing system is
A. software B. central processing unit C. firmware D. hardware
Ans. D
25. In preparing a metallographic iron specimen the grain boundaries are made most visible by which of the following
A. grinding the sample with silicon carbide abrasive
B. polishing the sample with powdered diamond dust in oil
C. etching the sample in a 2% solution of nitric acid in alcohol
D. mounting the sample in an epoxy mold
Ans. C
26. Which of the following elements and compounds is unstable in its pure form?
A. Helium (He) B. Carbon dioxide (CO 2) C. Neon (Ne) D. Sodium (Na)
Ans. D
27. Coke may be prepared commercially by the distructive distillation of
A. anthracite coal B. bituminous C. peat D. lignite
Ans. A
28. A P 100 face-value bond pays dividend of P 110 at the end of each year. If the bond matures on 20 years, what is the
approximate bond value at an invest of 12% per year compounded annually?
A. P 1000 B. P 930 C. P 800 D. P 1820
Ans. B (P 832)
29. A steel ball weighing 200 lbs sides on a flat, horizontal floor surface and strikes a stationary wooden ball weighing 200
lbs. If the steel ball has a velocity of 16.7 ft/sec at impact, what is its velocity immediately after impact? Assumes a
frictionless floor and the collision is perfectly elastic.
A. 8.35 ft/sec B. -16.7 ft/sec C. zero D. -8.35 ft/sec
Ans. C
30. A small machine has a initial cost of P 20,000 a salvage value of P 2,000 and a life of 10 years. If your cost of
operation per year is P 3,500 and your revenues per year is P 9,000, what is the approximately rate return (ROR) on
the investment?
A. 25.0% B. 22.5% C. 23.9% D. 24.8% Ans. 18.5%
ESAS (Prepared by: Engr. Ronnie S. Alcorcon)
31. In refrigerator, the quantity 288,000 BTU/day is called,
A. Ton B. Vapor heat C. throughput D. Freon number Ans. A
32. For an ideal gas, what is the specific molar entropy change during an isothermal process in which the pressure
change from 200 kPa to 150 kPa called?
A. 2.39 J/mole-K B. 2.79 J/mole-K C. 2.00 J/mole-K D. 3.12 J/mole-K Ans. A
33. Under very slow deformation and at high temperatures, it is possible to have some plastic flow in a crystal at a shear
stress lower than the critical shear stress. What is this phenomenon called?
A. Bending B. Slip C. twining D. Creep Ans. D
τ 7
34. Given a shear of xy = 5000 psi and a shear modulus of G = 1.15 x 10 psi, find the shear strain xy. E
A. 2.5 x 10−5 B. 8.25 x 10−4 C. 4.5 x 10−4 D. 4.35 x 10−4 Ans. D
35. A rectangular plate is measuring 4 ft by 6 ft is submerged in water such that the top of the shorter side is 4 ft below the
surface. What is the depth of the center of pressure on the vertical plate?
A. 6.00 ft B. 6.66 ft C. 6.57 ft D. 7.43 ft Ans. D
36. Which of the following establishes ethical behavior among professional?
A. Legal contracts B. Hippocratic oath C. Taxation regulations D. Rules of play sports
Ans. A
37. The PEC code allows a maximum voltage to be used in dwelling places. What voltage is this?
A. 150 volts B. 230 volts C. 250 volts D. 277 volts Ans. B
38. Reactions generally proceed faster at high temperatures because of which of the following?
A. The molecules are less energetic
B. The molecules collide more frequently
C. The activation energetic is less
D. The molecules collide more frequently and the activation energy is less
Ans. D
39. Where is the centroid of the surface of a right circular cone with respect to its base. The altitude is h.
A. 2/3 h B. 4/3 h C. 3/4 h D. 1/3 h Ans. D
40. Electrical equipment should NOT be mounted on a concrete wall by which of the following
A. lead plug B. wooden plug C. plastic plug D. expansion bolt
Ans. D
41. To obtain an accurate mounting of panel meters, which one of the following is the procedure?
A. Drill from the back of the panel B. Use a template
C. Use the meter or mark the whole center D. Drill oversized
Ans. C
42. Which one of the following statements regarding organic substances is FALSE?
A. Organic substances generally dissolve in high concentration acids
B. All organic matter contains carbon
C. Organic matter is generally stable at very high temperatures
D. Organic substances generally do not dissolve in water
Ans. C
43. Four turns of rope around a horizontal post will hold a 1000 lb weight with a pull of 10 lb, find the coefficient of friction
between the rope and post?
A. 0.18 B. 0.22 C. 0.16 D. 0.30
Ans. A
44. Which f the following operations is probably not an instruction in a low-level programming language (e.g. assembly
Ans. C
45. A reversible thermodynamic system is made of follow the Carnot cycle between the temperature limits of 650 degree
F. and 150 degree F. 300 BTU of heat are supplied per cycle to the system. What is the change in entropy during the
heat addition?
A. 0.27 BTU/degree R B. 0.46 BTU/degree R C. 1.30 BTU/degree R D. 0.75 BTU/degree R
Ans. A
46. The board of Electrical Engineering may suspend a professional from the practice of his profession for unprofessional
or dishonorable conduct. Among these are, except:
A. Signing and sealing electrical plants brought to him for approval
B. Represented himself as having taken charge of or supervised any electrical construction without actually done
C. For perpetration of fraud or deceit in obtaining a certificate of registration.
D. Signing technical reports, estimates or specification not prepared by him.
Ans. A
47. Which of the following statement is NOT correct?
A. steady flows do not change with time at any point
B. Bernoulli’s equation only holds on the same streamline
C. the Reynolds number is the ration of the viscous force to the inertial force.
D. for a fluid at rest, the pressure is equal in all lateral direction.
Ans. C
48. If the principal stress on a body are alpha 1 = 400 psi, alpha 2 = 700 psi and alpha 3 = 600 psi. What is the maximum
stress shear?
A. 650 psi B. 200 psi C. 100 psi D. 550 psi
Ans. A
49. What is the index of refraction of a material if the speed of light through the material is 2.73 x 10 m/s?
A. 1.34 B. 1.19 C. 1.27 D. 1.52
ESAS (Prepared by: Engr. Ronnie S. Alcorcon)
Ans. C
50. A homogeneous ladder 18 ft long and weighing 120 lbs against a smooth wall. The angle between it and the floor is
70 degrees. The coefficient of friction between the floor and the ladder is 0.25. How far up the ladder can a 180 lb man
walk before the ladder slips?
A. 16.6 ft B. 14.6 ft C. 10 ft D. 12.2 ft Ans. B

October 4, 1997
Instruction: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Mark only one answer for each item by shading
the box corresponding to the letter of your choice on the answer sheet provided. STRICTLY NO ERASURE ALLOWED.
Use pencil No. 1 only.
1. What value is assigned to A in the following expression? A= 3.4(18*(4**2 + 17.2*8/6))-2/4
A. 900.1 B. 703.7 C. 178.1 D. 92.5
Ans. B
2. An investment of P 350,000 is made, to be followed by payments of P 200,000 each year for 3 years. What is the
annual rate of return on investment for the project?
A. 41.7% B. 32.7% C. 57.1% D. 15%
Ans. B
3. A deuteron is
A. a neutron plus two protons B. a nucleus containing a neutron and a proton
C. an electron with a positive charge D. an helium nucleus
Ans. B
4. The electrical energy required to raise the temperature of water in a pool is 1000 kwh. If the heat losses are 25%, the
heating energy required will be.
A. 1111 kwh B. 1266 kwh C. 1750 kwh D. 1333 kwh
Ans. D
5. During an adiabatic, internally reversible process, what is TRUE about the change in entropy?
A. it is temperature dependent B. it is always less than zero
C. it is always zero D. it is always greater than zero
Ans. C
6. What is work-in-process classified as?
A. an asset B. a revenue C. owner’s equity D. an expense
Ans. A
7. What is the ratio of stress to strain below the proportional limit called?
A. Poisson ratio B. young’s modulus C. Hooke’s constant D. modulus of rigidity
Ans. B
8. If you try to start a DC compound motor the shunt field of which is open. What would happen?
A. it will over speed B. the direction of rotation will reverse
C. the fuse will blow D. it will not start
Ans. A
9. What is the base 10 equivalent of the binary number 0101110?
A. 18 B. 47 C. 46 D. 30
Ans. C
10. A 250 lb block is initially at rest on a flat surface that is included at 30 degrees. If the coefficient of kinetic friction is
0.30 and the coefficient of static friction is 0.40, find the force required to start the block moving up the plane.
A. 190 lb B. 212 lb C. 125 lb D. 75 lb
Ans. B
11. The frequency of the output voltage of an AC generator depends on which of the following factors?
A. speed B. load C. power factor D. excitation current
Ans. A
12. What is the definition of instantaneous velocity?
A. v = xt B. v = dx/dt C. v = sxdt D. v= dxdt
Ans. B
13. One method of removing moisture from air is to cool the air so that the moisture condenses of freeze out. To what
temperature must air at 100 atm be cooled at constant pressure in order to obtain in a humidity ratio of 0.0001?
A. 58 degree F B. 47 degree F C. 35 degree F D. 22 degree F
Ans. A
14. One leg of mercury U-tube manometer is connected to a pipe containing water under a gage pressure of 14.2 lb/ ¿2 .
The mercury in this leg stands 30 in. below the water. What is the height of mercury in the other leg, which is open to
the air? Specify gravity of mercury is 13.6?
A. 3.6 ft B. 1.5 ft C. 3.2 ft D. 2.6 ft
Ans. D
15. A 3-phase motor draws 50 amperes at full load. What shall be the maximum inverse time circuit breaker that may be
used for short circuit protection?
A. 50 amp B. 100 amp C. 125 amp D. 75 amp
Ans. B
16. Which of the following statement is NOT true?
A. Membership in the integrated organization like the IIEE shall not be a bar to membership in other associations
of the electrical engineering profession.
B. A professional who has been suspended by the Board of Electrical Engineering may appeal his case within 30
days with the Regional Trial Court.

ESAS (Prepared by: Engr. Ronnie S. Alcorcon)
C. In the event of refusal to issue a certificate of registration, the Board shall give the applicant a written statement
of the reason for refusal.
D. A firm or corporation may charges after taking cognizance of acts constituting cause for suspension of a
Ans. B
17. The annual maintenance cost of a machine shop is P 70,000. If the cost of making a forging is P 56 and its selling
price is P 125 per forged unit, find the number of units to be forged to break even.
A. 1015 units B. 985 units C. 1100 units D. 1000 units
Ans. A
18. Ethics may defined as the following, EXCEPT
A. A philosophical concept dealing with moral conduct.
B. A set of rules promulgated by law to control criminality.
C. A set of standards establishing right and wrong.
D. Rules that describe one’s duty to society and to fellow professionals.
Ans. B
19. What is the one’s complement of (10101)?
A. 10001 B. 01010 C. 00010 D. 10010
Ans. B
20. A magnifying glass has a lens with an index of refraction of n = 5.4 and radii of curvature of 2.95 feet and 4.27 feet for
the two faces. What is the magnification of the lens when it is held 2.36’’ from an object being viewed?
A. 1.60 B. 2.78 C. 2.16 D. 1.98
Ans. D
21. Find the mass flow rate of a liquid (p=0.690 g/cm 3) flowing through a 5 cm (inside diameter) at 8.3 m/sec?
A. 69 kg/sec B. 140 kg/sec C. 340 kg/sec D. 11 kg/sec
Ans. D
22. What is a barrower of a particular loan almost always required to do during repayments?
A. Pay exactly the same amount of principal each payment.
B. Pay a different rate of interest after each payment.
C. Pay exactly the same amount of interest each payment.
D. Repay the loan over an agreed upon length of time.
Ans. D
23. Five moles of water vapor at 100 degree C and 1 atmosphere are compressed isobarically to from liquid at 100
degree C. The process is reversible and the ideal gas laws apply. Compute th work, in joules, done on the system.
A. 10.5 MJ B. 15 MJ C. 6 MJ D. 6 KJ
Ans. D
24. A young engineer borrowed P 10,000 at 12% interest and paid P 2,000 per annum for the first 4 years, What does he
have to pay at the end of the fifth year in order to pay off his loan?
A. P 6,919.28 B. P 5,674.00 C. P 6,074.00 D. P 3,926.00
Ans. A
25. A load from a faucet come out in separate drops. Which of the following is the main cause of this phenomenon?
A. Gravity B. Viscosity of the fluid C. Surface tension D. Air resistance
Ans. C
26. Which of the following statement is false?
A. Ceramics are inorganic, non-metallic solids that are processed or used at high temperatures.
B. Most metals are strong, ductile and malleable. In general, they are heavier than most other substances.
C. Oxides, carbides and nitrides are considered to be within the class of materials known as glasses.
D. Metals are chemical elements that from substances that are opaque, lustrous and good conductors of heat and
the electricity.
Ans. C
27. A 70% efficient pump pumps 60 degrees C water from ground level to a height of 5 meters. How much power is used
if the flow rate is 103 m 3/sec?
A. 80 kW B. 220 kW C. 700 kW D. 950 kW
Ans. C
28. A blue color obtained as a result of the borax bead test indicates the presence of
A. cobalt B. magnesium C. aluminum D. nickel
Ans. D
29. Which of the following is the corresponding FORMAT statement for this output? (Denotes a blank space.)
A. 10 FORMAT (5X,’SUM = ‘,1X,F5) B. 10 FORMAT (5X,’SUM = ‘,F6.1)
C. 10 FORMAT (5X,’SUM = ‘,1X,F5.0) D. 10 FORMAT (5X,’SUM = ,s2230)
Ans. C
30. There are many kind of damages, which one is not?
A. nominal B. exemplary or corrective C. actual or compensatory D. immoral
Ans. D
31. In computer work, an antivirus is
A. A software full of virus in order to minimize a software against a specific defect.
B. A specific virus that protects a program from other unprecedented attacks by other viruses.
C. A software that scans a computer system to detec’ viruses or other harmful software.
D. A vaccine injected by the operator into the hard disk of a computer to remove interference.
Ans. C
32. An element may be defined as a substance, all the atoms of which have the same
A. number of neutrons B. radioactivity C. atomic weight D. atomic number
Ans. C
ESAS (Prepared by: Engr. Ronnie S. Alcorcon)
33. The most satisfactory way to separate and identify sugars is to use
A. Biuret reagent B. Fractional crystallization C. Chromatography D. Benedict’s solution
Ans. D
34. Generally, a contractor may be used in court for damages when the fails to comply with a contract. In certain cases,
the law does not require a demand for damages. Which one of the following is this?
A. When the contract is explicit about damages for non-compliance.
B. When the contractor failed to perform due to his own fault.
C. When the obligation or the law expressly declares.
D. When the time for delivery of service is not controlling motive in the contract.
Ans. C
35. Of the different kinds of starting a large squirrel cage motor, which method is the most effective?
A. Transformer reduced voltage method B. Star-delta switching
C. Dropping resistors D. Partial winding method
Ans. A
36. Mandarin bank advertises 9.5% accounts that yield 9.84% annually. Find how often the interest is compounded.
A. daily B. monthly C. bi-monthly D. quarterly
Ans. D
37. In a crystal structure, what is an interstitial atom?
A. A different element at a lattice joint B. An extra atom setting at a non-lattice joint
C. An atom missing at a lattice joint D. A line defect
Ans. B
38. Which one of the following is most likely to prove that a substance is inorganic?
A. The substance evaporates in room temperature and pressure.
B. The substance is heated together with copper oxide and the resulting gases are found to have no effect on
C. Analysis shows that the substance contains hydrogen.
D. The substance floats in water.
Ans. B
39. What is the first coordination number of a BODY-CENTERED cubic structure?
A. 10 B. 4 C. 6 D. 8 Ans. D
40. Which of the following statement is TRUE for an ideal gas, but not for a real gas?
A. pV = nRT
B. An increase in temperature causes an increase in the kinetic energy of the gas.
C. The total volume of molecules in a gas in nearly the same as the volume of the gas as a whole.
D. No attractive forces exist between the molecules of a gas. Ans. C
41. A 550 kg mass initially at rest is acted upon by a force of 50e’ N. What is the velocity of the mass at t= 4 sec?
A. 4.96 m/sec B. 27.10 m/sec C. 13.55 m/sec D. 4.87 m/sec Ans. D
42. Gas is enclosed in a cylinder with a weighted piston as the top boundary. The gas is heated and expands from s
volume of 0.40 m 3 at a constant pressure of 200 KPa. Find the work done on the system.
A. 16 KJ B. 10 KJ C. 14 KJ D. 12 KJ Ans. D
43. All data processing system involve the following operations regardless of the kind of date processed or the kind of
device or equipment used. Which one of the following are these?
A. Analyzing, logic determination and coding B. Input, processing, and output
C. Input, storage, and processing D. Processing, storage, and distribution
Ans. B
44. The following wiring raceways may be installed underground. ECXEPT:
A. electrical metallic tubing B. rigid metal conduit
C. flexible metal conduit D. rigid non-metallic conduit Ans. C
45. Select the statement that is NOT CORRECT?
A. Obligation for whose fulfillment a day certain in has been fixed shall be demandable only when that day comes.
B. If the obligation does not fix a period, but from its nature it can be inferred that a period was intended, the
courts may fix the duration thereof.
C. Whenever in an obligation a period is designated, it is presumed to have been established for the benefit of
both the creditor and the debtor.
D. Anything paid before the arrival of the agreed upon period the obligor being unaware of the period, or believing
that the obligation has been become demandable, may not be recovered with interest
Ans. D
46. The following are the kinds of obligations under the civil code, EXCEPT.
A. Obligation with a period B. Obligation with a penal clause
C. Joint and solidary obligation D. Unconditional obligation in performance
Ans. D
47. Which of the following is true regarding the ductile to brittle transition temperature?
I – It is import for structures used in cold environments
II – It is the point at which the size of the shear lip or tearing run goes to zero.
III – It is the temperature at which 20 joules of energy cause failure in a charpy V-notch specimen of standard
A. I only B. I and III C. II and III D. I and II Ans. B
48. Two mass collide on a frictionless horizontal floor and in perfectly inelastic collision. Mass 1 is 4 times Mass 2 velocity
of Mass 1 = 10 m/s to the right while the velocity of Mass 2 = 20m/s to the left. What is the velocity and direction of the
resulting combine mass?
A. 10 m/s to the right B. 4 m/s to the right C. 10 m/s to the left D. 15 m/s to the left Ans. B
49. A 40 lb. missile moves horizontally with a velocity of 150 ft/sec. It is intercepted by a laser beam which causes it to
explode into two fragments A and B which weighs 25 lbs and 15 lbs, respectively. If a travels at an angle 45 degrees
ESAS (Prepared by: Engr. Ronnie S. Alcorcon)
from the horizontal while B travels at 30 degrees from the horizontal immediately after the explosion, find the
magnitude of velocity of fragment A.
A. 73.21 ft/sec B. 101.25 ft/sec C. 31.06 ft/sec D. 43.92 ft/sec Ans. 124.07 fps
50. A specimen is subjected to a load when the load is removed, the strain disappears. From this information, which of the
following can be deducted about this material?
A. It has a high modulus of elasticity B. It is elastic
C. It is ductile D. It is plastic Ans. B
March 29, 1998
Instruction: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Mark only one answer for each item by shading
the box corresponding to the letter of your choice on the answer sheet provided. STRICTLY NO ERASURE ALLOWED.
Use pencil No. 1 only

1. By weight, atmosphere pressure is approximately 23.15% oxygen and 76.85% nitrogen. What is the partial pressure of
oxygen in the air at standard temperature and pressure?
A. 3.8 psia B. 4.4 psia C. 3.4 psia D. 3.1 psia
Ans. C
2. In general, what are the effects of cold working a metal?
A. Decreased strength and ductility B. Increased strength, decrease ductility
C. Increased strength and ductility D. Decreased strength and increased ductility
Ans. B
3. Twenty grams of oxygen gas (O 2) are compressed at a constant temperature of 30 degree C to 5% of their original
volume. Find the work done on the system
A. 944 cal B. 1124 cal C. 924 cal D. 1114 cal
Ans. B
4. The president of an engineering firm wishes to give each of his 50 employees a holiday bonus of P 1,000. How much
should he invest monthly for a year at 12% nominal interest rate to be able to give that bonus?
A. P 4,170 B. P 3,840 C. P 2,070 D. P 3,940
Ans. D
5. To which of the following can the large discrepancy between the actual and theoretical strengths of metals mainly be
A. stress direction B. dislocations C. low density D. heat
Ans. B
6. Water boils when
A. its saturated vapor pressure equals the atmospheric pressure
B. its vapor pressure equals 76 cm of mercury
C. its temperature reaches 212 centigrade
D. its vapor pressure is 1 gram per sq. cm.
Ans. A
7. Which of the following rules does not apply to interests?
A. When damages are awarded for breach of contract, interest may be allowed at the discretion of the court.
B. Compounding of interest is allowed by law although there is no express agreement on this point.
C. In crimes and negligence cases, interest as part of damages are NEVER adjudicated by the courts.
D. The indemnity for damages shall be the payment of interest agreed upon.
Ans. C
8. What can possibly happen in a battery room where there are hot spots due to loose connections or sparking?
A. an explosion might occur B. the electrolyte might over heat
C. a short circuit may occur D. an electrician may get a shock
Ans. A
9. The allowable tensile stress for a ¼ - 20 bolt of a thread length 7/32 in. is 30,000 psi. The allowable shear stress of the
material is 15,000 psi. Where and how will such a bolt be most likely to fail if placed in tension?
A. At the root diameter due to tension B. At the root diameter due to shear
C. At the thread due to tension D. At the thread due to shear
Ans. D
10. A 3500 kg car accelerates from rest. The constant forward tractive force of the car is 1000 N, and the constant drag
force is 150 N. What distance will the car travel in 3 sec?
A. 0.19 mm B. 1.3 m C. 1.1 m D. 15m
Ans. C
11. The transfer of heat energy from molecule to molecule is known as.
A. resonance B. momentum C. conduction D. radiation
Ans. C
12. A device produces 37.5 joules per cycle. There is one power stroke per cycle. Calculate the power output if the device
is run at 45 rpm.
A. 4.69 W B. 28.125 W C. 27.56 W D. 14.063 W
Ans. B
13. Which type of valve allows flow in only one direction?
A. check valve B. butterfly valve C. slide valve D. gate valve
Ans. A
14. Which of the following statement is FALSE?
A. both lead and cadmium have a hexagonal close-packed crystal structure.
B. both magnesium and zinc have a hexagonal close-packed crystal structure.
C. both copper and aluminum have a face-centered cubic crystal structure.
ESAS (Prepared by: Engr. Ronnie S. Alcorcon)
D. all of the alkali metals have a body-centered cubic crystal structure.
Ans. A
15. What is the exceptions in the advantages when comparing solid wires with stranded wires of the same cross-sectional
A. It is larger in over-all diameter B. It is better for high voltages
C. It is easier to skin off the insulation D. It has a higher current rating
Ans. B
16. How many independent properties are required to completely fix the equilibrium state of a pure gaseous compound?
A. 4 B. 3 C. 2 D. 1
Ans. C
17. Which is the correct Dimension statement for a 9x9 matrix, A, and a vector, B with 9 elements?
A. DIMENTION A (9.9), B(9) B. DIMENSION. A (9,9), B (9)
C. DIMENSION, A (9,9), B(9) D. DIMENSION A (9,9), B(9)
Ans. D
18. What is the period of an oscillating body whose mass is 0.025 kg if the spring constant K = 0.44 N/m?
A. 1.0 sec B. 2.5 sec. C. 2.0 sec. D. 1.5 sec.
Ans. D
19. The initial cost of a machine is P 50,000 and its salvage value after 10 years of operation is P 10,000. What will be its
book value after 5 years using straight-line depreciation?
A. P 22,300 B. P 16,400 C. P 28,500 D. P 30,000
Ans. D
20. What is the maximum allowable distance interval between supports securing bus ways?
A. 1,000 mm B. 2,000 mm C. 1,800 mm D. 1,500 mm
Ans. D
21. A megabyte is a computer term which means
A. a thousand kilobytes B. a million kilobytes
C. a group of characters that can fill a computer storage D. a hundred thousand bytes
Ans. A
22. The power and functions of the CPE council are the following EXCEPT:
A. Accept, evaluate and approve applications for accreditation of CPE providers.
B. Approve recommendations of CPE providers for the number of CPE credit units of their programs.
C. Asses periodically and upgrade criteria for accreditation of CPE providers and CPE programs, activities or
D. Accept, evaluate and approve applications for exemptions from CPE requirements.
Ans. C
23. Communication cables and wires shall have a voltage rating not less than __________.
A. 400 volts B. 300 volts C. 600 volts D. 250 volts
Ans. B
24. A train changes its speed uniformly from 60 mi/hr to 30 mi/hr in a distance of 1500 ft. What is its acceleration?
A. -1.94 ft/ sec 2 B. 2.04 ft/ sec 2 C. -2.04 ft/ sec 2 D. 1.94 ft/ sec 2
Ans. A
25. Given a linear programming maximization problem, as the simplex algorithm progresses from one solution to the next,
what will happen to the value of the objective function?
A. It will increase and then decrease B. It will decrease or stay the same
C. It will increase or stay the same D. It will decrease and then increase
Ans. C
26. 100 grams of water are mixed with 150 g alcohol ( p = 790 kg/m 3). What is the specific volume of the resulting
mixture, assuming that the two fluids mix completely?
A. 0.63 cm3/g B. 1.20 cm3/g C. 0.82 cm 3/g D. 0.88cm3/g
Ans. B
27. What height of mercury column is equivalent to a pressure of 100 psig? Density of mercury is 848 lb/ ft 3.
A. 14 ft B. 17 ft C. 12 ft D. 11 ft
Ans. B
28. In an ideal gas mixture of constituents i and j, what is the mole fraction x i, equal to?
pi piVi Ti Zi
A. B. C. D.
pi + pj RT Ti+Tj Zi +Zj
Ans. A
29. A piston and cylinder arrangement contains saturated water vapor at 110 deg C. The vapor is compressed in a
reversible, adiabatic process until the pressure is 1.6 MPa. What is the work done by the system per kilogram of
A. -330 KJ/kg B. -637 KJ/kg C. -509 KJ/kg D. -432 KJ/kg Ans. D
30. Which one of the following raceways is not suitable for installation in wet locations?
A. rigid non-metallic conduit B. rigid metal conduit
C. flexible metal conduit D. intermediate metal conduit Ans. C
31. A car starts from rest and has a constant acceleration of 3 ft/ sec . Find the average velocity during the first 10
of motion.
A. 13 ft/sec B. 15 ft/sec C. 14 ft/sec D. 12 ft/sec Ans. B
32. In the trosphosphere , ozone is produced during the daylight and consumed during the darkness. Find the half-life of
ozone if it is depleted to 10% of its initial value after 10 hours of darkness.
ESAS (Prepared by: Engr. Ronnie S. Alcorcon)
A. 4.0 hr B. 3.0 hr C. 4.5 hr D. 3.5 hr Ans. B
33. A lathe machine costs P 20,000 today and has an estimated scrap value of P 2,000 after 8 years, the inflation per year
is 8%. Effective annual interest rate earned on money invested is also 8%. How much money needs to be set aside
each year to buy an identical replacement machine 8 years from now?
A. P 3,000 B. P 3,290 C. P 2,970 D. P 3,510 Ans. B
34. When 0.5 g of a liquid is completely evaporated and collected in a 1 liter manometer, the pressure is 0.25 atm and the
temperature is 27 deg C. Assume ideal gas behavior, find the molecular weight, the gas constant is R = 0.0821 1-
atm/mole K
A. 49.2 g/mole B. 12.3 g/mole C. 2.2 g/mole D64.0 g/mole Ans. A
35. How is the sensitivity of a feedback system defined?
A. The ratio of the percentage change in the loop transfer function to the percentage change in the forward
transfer function.
B. The ratio of the change in forward transfer to the ratio of the loop transfer change.
C. The ratio of the input signal to the output signal
D. The ratio of the output signal to the input signal Ans. A
36. Reinforcing steel is usually shaped on the job.
A. on a bar-bending table B. by heating in a forge
C. by hand bending D. By cutting and welding Ans. A
37. A pump costs P 10,000. If installed it will save the company P 2,000 per year and will have a salvage value of 3,000 at
the end of 10 years of useful life. The company plans to replace the pump with identical ones every 10 years for 30
years. Estimate the present worth of the entire 30 years of service at 10% interest rate.
A. P 5,287.00 B. P 3,445.76 C. P 3,000.00 D. P 7,750.00 Ans. A
38. Viscosity for a fluid, is defined as the constant of proportionality between shear stress and what other variable?
A. The spatial derivative of velocity B. the time derivative of pressure
C. The time derivative of density D. The spatial derivative of density Ans. A
39. A ball’s dropped from a height of 60 meters above the ground. How long does it take to hit the ground? (Acceleration
due to gravity is 9.81 m/ sec 2)
A. 2.1 sec B. 5.5 sec C. 1.3 sec D. 3.5 sec Ans. D
40. Which of the following properties of a metal is insensitive to the microstructure?
A. modulus of elasticity B. ductility
C. tensile strengths D. hardness Ans. C
41. How does a CPU know whether it is executing instructions from a commercial database management program or from
a program executing from an on-line programmer?
A. The micro-operations used are different for the two programs.
B. One of the programs uses compiled code while the other uses interpreted code.
C. The CPU doesn’t know where instructions originate.
D. One of the programs uses memory references while the other uses register references Ans. C
42. Which are the oxidizing and reducing agents in the following reaction?
2CC I 4 + K 2 CrO 4 → 2 CI 2CO + CrO 2 CI 2 + 2 KCI
A. Oxidizing agent: oxygen; reducing agent: chloride
B. Oxidizing agent: chromium; reducing agent: chloride
C. Oxidizing agent: oxygen; reducing agent: chlorine
D. There are no oxidizing or reducing agents in the reaction Ans. D
43. Which of the following reaction relates to the softening procedure in water purification?
A. 2 H 2 O + O 2 → 2 H 2 O 2 B. Ca(HCO 3 )2 + Ca(OH ¿ ¿2 →2CaCO 3 + 2 H 2O
C. CO 2 + Ca(OH ¿ ¿2 →CaCO 3 + H 2O D. NaOH + HCI → NaCI + H 2O Ans. B
44. An opening is made at the bottom of a dam 144 ft high. Find the approximate velocity of the water that will flow
through the opening if friction is neglected.
A. 45 ft/sec B. 900 ft/sec C. 96 ft/sec D. 750 ft/sec Ans. C
45. A spring with a constant of 50 lbf/ft is hung vertically and a mass is attached to its end. The spring end displaces 3 in
from its equilibrium position. The same mass is removed from the first spring and is attached to the end of a second,
different spring. If the displacement of the second spring is 2.5 in, find its constant.
A. 63 lbf/ft B. 60 lbf/ft C. 46 lbf/ft D. 56 lbf/ft Ans. B
46. Which of the following statement is FALSE?
A. Low-alloy steels are a minor group and are rarely used.
B. Low-alloy steels are used in the heat-treated condition.
C. In the AISI and the SAE steel specifications, the last two digits define the carbon content of the steel in weight
D. low-alloy steels contain small amounts of nickel and chromium. Ans. A
47. Actual or compensatory damages may be recovered for the following, except:
A. For injury to ones business standing or commercial credit.
B. Defective construction of an approved design
C. Loss or impairment of earning capacity in cases of injury
D. for death caused by crime Ans. B
48. Which of the following statement is FALSE?
A. Subject to the laws, all rights acquired in virtue of an obligation are transmissible if there has been no
stipulation to the contrary.
B. Usurious transactions shall be governed by special laws.
C. If a person obliged to do something fails to do it according to his contract, the same may not be executed at his
D. Those who in the performance of their obligations are guilty of fraud, negligence or delay and those who in any

ESAS (Prepared by: Engr. Ronnie S. Alcorcon)
manner contravene the tenor thereof, are liable for damages. Ans. B
49. Which one of the following is standard temperature and pressure (STP)?
A. 0 degree Celsius and one atmosphere pressure
B. 32 degrees Fahrenheit and zero pressure
C. 0 degree Kelvin and one atmosphere pressure
D. 0 degree Fahrenheit and zero pressure Ans. A
50. A pump requires 100 hp to move water with a specific gravity of 1.0 at a certain flow rate to a given elevation. What
horsepower does the pump require if the flow rate and clevation conditions are the same but the fluid pumped has a
specific gravity of 0.8?
A. 80 hp B. 100 hp C. 60hp D. 120 hp Ans. A

September 08, 2000

INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the question. Mark only one answer for each item by shading the
box corresponding to the letter of your choice on the answer sheet provided. STRICTLY NO ERASURES ALLOWED. Use
pencil No. 2 only.


1. Sec. 5 © Qualifications of Members of Art II Board of Electrical Engineering is __________.

A. Be at least thirty five (35) years of age, of proven integrity with high moral values in his personal as well as his
professional conduct.
B. Be a natural born Filipino citizen and a resident of the Philippines for at least five (5) consecutive years.
C. Be a person with no final conviction by the court of an offence involving moral turpitude
D. Have practice electrical engineering for a period of not less than ten (10) years prior to his appointment, with a
sworn statement such.
Ans. B
2. Sec. 18 (1) of Art III Examination and Registration, Qualifications of Applicants for registered Master Electricians, states
that an applicant has completed at least ______ years of a five year Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering
(BSEE) or a three (3) years course in electrical technology with one (1) year practice in electrical wiring installation,
operation, and maintenance.
A. 1 B.2 C.3 D.5
Ans. C
3. Sec. 17 © of Art III Examination and Registration, Qualifications of Applicants for Registered Electrical Engineer states
that ___________.
A. He is at least twenty-one (21) years of age.
B. He is of good reputation with high moral values
C. He is a holder of the degree of BSEE from a university, school, college, etc. recognized and accredited by the
Philippine government.
D. He is a citizen of the Philippines.
Ans. B
4. The purpose of carbon in steel alloying is to increase
A. deoxidation B. hardness C. corrosion resistance D. hardness and strength
Ans. D
5. What is the most common alloying ingredient in copper?
A. Iron B. Zinc C. Lithium D. Magnesium
Ans. B
6. An establishment or a system for the production of electric energy is an ____________.
A. Electric supply B. Electric system C. Substance D. Electric plant
Ans. D
7. The Board of Electrical Engineering may issue special permits to individual foreign electrical engineers and electricians
for __________ projects and for an allotted time of stay.
A. Specific B. Different C. All around D. One time
Ans. A
8. Sec. 4 of Art. II states the powers and duties of the Board. What does it mean by quasi-legislative powers?
A. Control B. Evaluation C. Rule-making D. Supervisory
Ans. C
9. The term office of every Board member including the Chairman is _____ years.
A. 6 B. 4 C. 3 D. 5
Ans. C
10. The most common type of cast iron is known as.
A. Black cast iron B. Red cast iron C. Gray cast iron D. Green cast iron
Ans. C
11. For PC to PC communications, a Data Terminal Equipment is directly connected to
A. DDE Equipment B. DCE Equipment C. Telephone line D. ATE Equipment
Ans. B
12. How does an adiabatic process compare to an isentropic process?
A. adiabatic: heat transfer = 0; isentropic: heat transfer ≠≠ 0
B. adiabatic: heat transfer ≠ 0; isentropic: heat transfer = 0
C. adiabatic: reversible; isentropic: not reversible
D. both: heat transfer = 0; isentropic: reversible
Ans. D
ESAS (Prepared by: Engr. Ronnie S. Alcorcon)
13. The element that is practically insoluble in solid copper is known as
A. Lead B. Brass C. Neon D. Boron
Ans. A
14. What group of steels are molybdenum high-speed steels?
A. Group A B. Group D C. Group H D. Group M
Ans. D
15. Steels that are used for drills, cutting tools, and knives are known as
A. Low-carbon steels B. Medium-carbon steels
C. High-carbon steels D. Very-high carbon steels
Ans. C
16. A network of networks where the people can retrieve information, communication, entertain, do remote purchasing
from the comfort of a personal computer is called
A. Internet B. e-mail C. fax D. home TV shopping
Ans. A
17. Determine the outside diameter of a hollow steel tube that will carry a tensile load of 500 kN at a stress of 140MN/ m2.
Assume the wall thickness to be one tenth of the outside diameter.
A. 714 mm B. 214 mm C. 112 mm D. 412 mm
Ans. C
18. A box is pushed along the floor by a force of 40 lb making an angle of 30˚ with the horizontal. Find the horizontal and
vertical components of the force.
A. F x = 32.6 lbs, F y = 34.6 lbs C. F x = 34.6 lbs, F y = 20.0 lbs
B. F x = 36.0 lbs, F y = 36.0 lbs D. F x = 34.6 lbs, F y = 37.6 lbs
Ans. C
19. Determine the elongation in a helical steel spring composed of 20 turns of 20 mm diameter wire on a mean radius of
80 mm when the spring is supporting a load of 2kN. Use G = 83 GPa.
A. 100cm B. 85cm C. 98.7mm D. 746 in
Ans. C
20. In a constant temperature, closed system process, 100 BTU of heat is transferred to the working fluid at 100˚F. What
is the change in entropy of the working fluid?
A. 0.18kJ/K B. 0.25kJ/K C. 0.34kJ/K D. 0.57kJ/K
Ans. C
21. Determine the decimal value of Octal (23.4 8 ) select the nearest answer.
A. 14.0 B. 19.5 C. 27.5 D. 17.5
Ans. B
22. A flanged bolt coupling consist of six-10 mm diameter steel bolt on a bolt circle 300 mm in diameter and four-10 mm
diameter steel bolt concentrated bolt circle 200 mm in diameter. What torque can be applied without exceeding
shearing stress of 60MPa in the bolts?
A. 2 N-cm B. 67 MN-mm C.0.42 GN-in D. 5.5 kN-m
Ans. D
23. A scuba driver at a depth of 200 feet notice the bubbles he exhales have diameters of ½ inch. Assume the tension
and water temperature remains relatively constant. What diameter bubble should he expect at a depth of 50 feet?
A. 0.794 inch B. 0.784 inch C. 0.774 inch D. 0.764 inch
Ans. A
24. An elevator weighing 3200 lb rises with an acceleration of 40ft. sec 2. What is the tension in the supporting cable?
A. 3500lb B. 3600lb C. 3200lb D. 3900lb
Ans. B
25. An ideal gas at 0.60 atmosphere and 87˚C occupies 0.450 liter. How many tensions in the supporting cable?
(R*= 0.0821 li-atm/mole-K)
A. 0.0002mole B. 0.0091mole C. 0.0198mole D. 0.0378 mole
Ans. B
26. An adiabatic with no work done is:
A. Isometric B. polytropic C. Throttling D. isobaric
Ans. C
27. A constant horizontal force of 10 lb acts on a body of a smooth horizontal plane. The body starts from rest and is
observed to move 250ft in 5 sec. What is the mass of the body?
A. 0.6 slug B. 0.8 slug C. 0.7 slug D.0.5slug
Ans. D
28. What is the efficiency of an Otto cycle with a compression ratio of 6:1? The gas used is air.
A. 0.488 B. 0.800 C. 0.167 D. 0.512
Ans. D
29. If the sum of P15,000 is deposited in account earning interest at the rate of 12% compounded quarterly, what will be
the principle at the end of 10years?
A. P 48, 930 B. P 52,340 C. P 37,630 D. P 55, 520
Ans. A
30. What is the flow rate through pipe 4” in diameter carrying water at a velocity of 11ft/sec?
A. 590 cm 3 /s B. 726 cm 3 /s C. 19, 200 cm 3 /s D. 27,200 cm 3 /s
Ans. D
31. A household cleaning solution has a hydronium ion concentration of 10−11 M. What is the pH of the solution?
A. 9 B. 10 C. 11 D. 12
Ans. C

ESAS (Prepared by: Engr. Ronnie S. Alcorcon)
32. If atmospheric air is 14.7 psia and 60˚F at sea level, what is the pressure at 12,000 feet altitude if the air is
A. 8.34psia B. 6.34 psia C. 4.34 psia D. 2.34 psia
Ans. A
33. A certain refrigerator is available on an easy installment plan. The down payment is P3, 000 and the installment
payments are P 500 each payable at the end of every three months for three years. If the interest is 6% compounded
quarterly, what is the equivalent cash price of the refrigerator?
A. P 8,453.75 B. 8,543.75 C.8,354.75 D. 8,375.48
Ans. A
34. What average horsepower is developed by a 180lb man when climbing in 10sec. a flight of stairs which rises 20ft
vertically? Express this power in horsepower?
A. 0.648 B.0.655 C. 0.744 D. 0.568
Ans. B
35. Is the worth of the property which is equal to the original cost less the amount which has been charged to
A. Scrap Value B. Book Value C. Fair Value D. Use Value
Ans. B
36. A pump operating at 1770 rpm delivers 500gal/min. against a total head of 200 feet. Changes in the piping system
have increased the total head to 375 feet. At what rpm should this pump operated to achive this new head at the same
A. 2424 rpm B. 3434 rpm C. 5454 rpm D. 6464rpm
Ans. A
37. Aluminum is produced from
A. mauxite ore B. bauxite ore C. rauxite ore D. fauxite ore
Ans. B
38. If the temperature of a medium is 0˚C, what will the temperature be if it is doubled?
A. 0˚C B. 524˚R C. 273˚C D. 460˚R
Ans. C
39. In rigid metal wiring conduit, the minimum electrical trade size is?
A. 25mm B. 20mm C. 15mm D. 32mm
Ans. C
40. An instrument for measuring high temperature gases:
A. atmometer B. pyrometer C. altimeter D. odometer
Ans. B
41. Find the required diameter of a steel member, if the tensile design load is 7000 pounds. Assume a safety factor of 5
based on an ultimate strength of 60,000 lbf/¿2 .
A. 3.2367 m B. 0.8618 in C. 4.695 mm D. 5.406 cm
Ans. B
42. The unit lighting for a dwelling unit expressed in watts per square meter shall be:.
A. 8 watts B. 16 watts C. 24 watts D. 40 watts
Ans. C
43. What is the book value of equipment purchase three years ago for P 15,000 if it is depreciated using the sum of years
digit (SOYD) method? The expected life is five years.
A. P 6,000 B. P9,000 C. P3,000 D. P 4,000
Ans. C
44. What is the resulting pressure when one pound of air at 15psia and 200˚F is heated at constant volume to 800˚F?
A. 28.6 psia B. 38.5 psia C. 48.6 psia D. 58.5 psia
Ans. A
45. Hydrogen peroxide solution for hair bleaching is usually prepare by mixing 5.0g of hydrogen peroxide ) H 2 O molecular
weight = 34g/mole) per 100ml of solution. What is the molarity of this solution?
A. 1.0 M B. 1.5 M C. 2.0 M D. 2.5 M
Ans. B
46. How many BTU’s are needed to isothermally compress 4lbm of 240˚F air to twice the original pressure?
A. -244.94 B. -132.93 C. 200.93 D. 321.93
Ans. B
47. What is the present worth of a P100 annuity over ten year period, if the interest rate is 8%?
A. P 532 B. P 671 C. P 450 D. P 850
Ans. B
48. Twenty grams of oxygen gas (O 2 ¿ are compressed at a constant temperature of 30˚C to 5% of their original volume.
What work is done on the system?
A. 1124 cal B. 1144 cal C. 123 cal D. 321 cal
Ans. A
49. Steam at 1000 lbf/ ft 2 pressure and 300˚R has a specific volume of 6.5 ft 3/lbm and a specific enthalpy of 9800
lbf-ft/lbm. Find the internal energy per pound mass of steam.
A. 2500 lbf-ft/lbm B. 3300 lbf-ft/lbm C. 5400 lbf-ft/lbm D. 6900lbf-ft/lbm
Ans. B
50. The surface tension force, o, of water in air is approximately 0.00518 lbf/ft. If the atmospheric pressure is 14.7 psia,
what is the pressure inside a droplet 0.01” in diameter?
A. 14.53 psia B. 14.70 psia C. 14.78 psia D. 14.87 psia
Ans. D

ESAS (Prepared by: Engr. Ronnie S. Alcorcon)

MARCH 30, 2001

INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the question. Mark only one answer for each item by shading the
box corresponding to the letter of your choice on the answer sheet provided. STRICTLY NO ERASURES ALLOWED. Use
pencil No. 2 only.


1. The New Electrical Engineering Law 7920 originated from the House Bill No. ___________ and Senate Bill No.
A. 11063 & 1870 B. 11075 & 1875 C. 11063 & 1766 D. 11070 & 1871
Ans. C
2. Sec. 32. Art. IV. Sundry Provisions Relative to practice of Electrical Engineering states that _______.
A. Prohibitions in the practice of Electrical Engineering
B. Practice not allowed for firms and corporations
C. Preparation of plans, supervision of installation, application of PEC code
D. Personal required
Ans. A
3. Sec. 17 (a) of Article III: Examination and Registration, Qualifications of Applicants for Registered Electrical Engineer,
states that an applicant is a _______ of the Country.
A. citizen B. known person C. resident D. expatriate
Ans. A
4. Sec. 18 (b) of Article. III: Examination and Registration, Qualifications of Applicants for Registered Master Electricians,
states that an applicant is at least be _________ years of age.
A. 18 B.21 C. 22 D. 23
Ans. A
5. Sec. 5 (b) Qualifications of Member of Art. III Board of Electrical Engineering is _________.
A. Be a person with no final conviction by the court of an offence involving moral turpitude.
B. Be at least thirty five (35) years of age, of proven integrity with high moral values in his personal as well as his
professional conduct.
C. Be a natural born Filipino citizen and a resident of the Philippines for at least (5) consecutive years.
D. Have practiced electrical engineering for a period of not less than ten (10) years prior to his appointment, with
a sworn statement as such.
Ans. B
6. Sec. 4 of Art. II states that the powers and duties of the Board. What does it mean by quasi-judicial powers?
A. Control B. Investigate C. Supervision D. Evaluation
Ans. B
7. The term of office of every Board member including the Chairman is_______ years.
A. 6 B.4 C.3 D.5
Ans. C
8. An adiabatic process with no work done is:
A. isometric B. throttling C. isobaric D. polytropic
Ans. B
9. Hazardous location because of the presence of combustible dust
A. Class IV B. Class I C. Class III D. Class III
Ans. D
10. Which is the most frequently used materials in engineering process?
A. Plastics B. Rubbers C. Metals D. Glass
Ans. C
11. How does an adiabatic process compare to an isentropic process?
A. adiabatic: heat transfer = 0; isentropic: heat transfer ≠ 0
B. adiabatic: heat transfer ≠ 0; isentropic: heat transfer = 0
C. adiabatic: reversible; isentropic: not reversible
D. both: heat transfer = 0; isentropic: reversible
Ans. D
12. The term _____ is very commonly used to designate any alloy primarily copper and zinc.
A. Bronze B. Manganese C. brass D. aluminum
Ans. C

ESAS (Prepared by: Engr. Ronnie S. Alcorcon)
13. Bonds which have no security behind them other than the assets of a corporation issuing them are known as.
A. Mortgage bonds B. Amortization bonds C. Trust bonds D. Debenture bonds
Ans. D
14. Form of summary of assets, liabilities and net worth:
A. Balance method B. Break even point C. Balance sheet D. Economics
Ans. C
15. Is the worth of property as shown in the accounting record.
A. Fair Value B. Scrap Value C. Use Value D. Book Value
Ans. D
16. A substance which changes the speed of a chemical action without itself being changed is called
A. Catalyst B. Reactant C. Additive D. Product
Ans. A
17. Which group does the element hydrogen belong?
A. Noble gas B. Light metals C. non-metals D. transition metals
Ans. B
18. What is a substance that sannot be decomposed into simpler substances during ordinary chemical reactions?
A. Atom B. Element C. Molecule D. Compound
Ans. B
19. Which of the following is not a unit of power?
A. joule-second B. watt C. newton-meter per second D. horsepower
Ans. A
20. Why is it that the electrical system of aircraft is not under the jurisdiction of Electrical Engineers?
A. Electrical Engineers are prone to accident
B. Frequency is too high for them to handle
C. Machines in the aircraft are intended for Aeronautical Engineers
D. Frequency is under the scope of Avonics
Ans. D
21. 1kw-hr is equivalent to:
A. 2545 BTU B. 2545 cal C. 3412 BTU D. 3412 cal
Ans. C
22. The barometer reads 29.0 inches. What is the absolute pressure of a vacuum gage reads 9.5 psi?
A. 474 lbf/¿2 (psi) B. 4.74 lbf/¿2 (psi) C. 474 lbf/¿2 (psi) D. 474.4 lbf/¿2 (psi)
Ans. B
23. An iceberg has a density of 57.1 lbf/¿3 . If it floats infresh water, what percent of Iceberg’s volume will be visible?
A.5.5% B. 7.6% C. 8.5% D. 10.5%
Ans. C
24. Oil (density of 55 lbm/ ft 3) flows a 1ft/sec through a 1 inch-diameter pipe. A 0.2-inch diameter orifice ( C 1=0.6 ¿ is
installed. What is the indicated pressure drop?
A. 1482.7 lbf/ ft 2 B. 1652.7 lbf/ ft 2 C. 1882.7 lbf/ ft 2 D. 2082.7 lbf/ ft 2
Ans. A
25. A pump is needed to pump 10 ft 3/sec. of jet fuel (SG = 0.82) over a total head od 150 feet. What size of motor would
be needed if the pump efficiency if 80%?
A. A 50-hp motor should be chosen B. A 100-hp motor should be chosen
C. A 150-hp motor should be chosen D. A 200-hp motor should be chosen
Ans. D
26. A scuba diver at a depth of 200 ft notices the bubbles he exhales have diameters of ½ inch. Assume the tension and
water temperature remains relatively. What is the pressure on the bubble at a depth of 400 feet?
A. 155.0 lbf/¿2 (psia) B. 188.0 lbf/¿2 (psia) C. 177.0 lbf/¿2 (psia) D. 166.0 lbf/¿2 (psia)
Ans. B
27. A balloon, rising vertically with a velocity of 16 ft/sec. releases a sandbag at an instant when the balloon is 64ft. above
the ground. Compute the position of the sandbag ¼ after its release.
A. 5ft B. 3ft C. 1ft D. 2ft
Ans. B
28. If 25ml of 0.11 M sucrose is added to 10 ml of 0.52 M sucrose, what would be the resulting molarity?
A. 0.31M B. 0.23M C. 0.13M D. 0.32M
Ans. B
29. Convert 347 Base 8 to (16) BCD
A. 100100000110 B. 001000110001 C. 010010010011 D. 101010101101
Ans. B
30. Which of the following is NOT an octal number?
A. 19 B. 11 C. 10 D. 15
Ans. A
31. A refrigerator gives off 3 J of heat for every joule of mechanical energy input. Its coefficient of performance is:
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4
Ans. B
32. One angstrom is equal to:
A. 10−6 m B. 10−8 m C. 10−10 m D. 10−2 m
Ans. C
33. A spring of force constant 1.0 N/m is joined end-to-end to a spring of force constant of 2.0N/m. The force constant of
combination is;
A. 0.67 N/m B. 1.0 N/m C. 1.5 N/m D. 3.0 N/m
ESAS (Prepared by: Engr. Ronnie S. Alcorcon)
Ans. A
34. Determine the outside diameter of the hollow-steel tibe that will carry tensile load of 500kN at a stress of 140 MN/ m 2.
Assume the wall thickness to be one-tenth of the outside diameter?
A. 714 mm B. 214mm C. 112 mm D. 412 mm
Ans. C
35. In refrigerator, the quantity 288,000 BTU/day is called/
A. Ton B. Vapor heat C. Throughput D. Freon number
Ans. A
36. What is the allowable stress in MN/m 2 if the limiting peripheral velocity of a rotating steel ring is 150 m/s and the mass
density is 7850 kg/m 3?
A. 170 B. 176.625 C. 500 D. 150.254
Ans. B
37. If P 5,000.00 shall accumulate for 10 years at 8% compound quarterly. Find the compound interest at the end of 10
A. P 6, 005.30 B. P 6,000.00 C. 6,040.20 D. P 6,010.20
Ans. C
38. A pump adds 550 feet of pressure head to 100lbm/sec of water. What is the Hydraulic power in horsepower?
A. 100 hp B. 108 hp C. 120 hp D. 180 hp
Ans. A
39. A certain corporation makes it a policy that for every year new equipment purchased, the annual depreciation cost
should not exceed 20% of the first cost at any time without salvage value. Determine the length of service life if the
depreciation used it the SOYD method.
A. 9yrs B. 10yrs C. 12yrs D. 19yrs
Ans. A
40. What horsepower is requires to isothermally compress 800 ft 3 of air per minute from 14.8 psia to 120 psia?
A. 100 hp B. 180 hp C. 120 hp D. 180 hp
Ans. B
41. A Scuba diver at a depth of 200 feet notices the bubble he exhales have diameter of ½ inch. Assume the tension and
water temperature remains relatively constant. What is the pressure on the bubble?
A. 404.4 lbf/in2 (psia) B. 101.4 lbf/in2 (psia) C. 303.4 lbf/in2 (psia) D. 202.4 lbf/in2 (psia)
Ans. B
42. The atomic weight of iron is 55.847 amu. If one has 6.02 g of iron, how many atoms are present?
A. 6.49x1022 atoms B. 6.49x1023 atoms C. 6.49x1024 atoms D. 6.49x1025 atoms
Ans. A
43. If the outside diameter of a locomotive driving wheel minus its steel tire is 62.378 in. and the inside diameter of the
steel tire at 650F is 62.263 in., the temperature (Fahrenheit) to which the tire must be heated to just fit the wheel is:
A. 362 B. 349 C. 323 D. 335
Ans. B
44. The room temperature is 270C which is equal to:
A. 495.60F B. 540.60R C. 30.60F D. 2120F
Ans. B
45. What is the molecular weight of glucose, C6H12O6?
A. 120 B. 180 C. 140 D. 190
Ans. B
46. Find the present value, in pesos, of perpetuity of P 15,000 payable semi-annually if money is worth 8% compounded
A. 372,537 B. 374,977 C. 373,767 D. 371,287
Ans. D
47. A hollow shaft an inner diameter of 0.035 m and outer diameter of 0.06m. Determine the polar moment of inertia of the
hollow shaft.
A. 1.512x10-6 m4 B. 1.215x10-6 m4 C. 1.125x10-6 m4 D. 1.152x10-6 m4
Ans. C
48. An object is thrown vertically upward. It has a speed of 32 ft/sec when it has reached one-half its maximum height.
How high does it rise?
A. 28 ft B. 30 ft C. 32 ft D. 32 ft
Ans. C
49. A student determined to test the law of gravity fro himself walks off a skyscraper, stopwatch in hand, and starts his
free fall (zero initial velocity). Five seconds later, Superman arrives at the scene and dives off the roof to save the
student. What must be the height of the skyscraper so that even Superman can’t save him? (Assume that Superman’s
acceleration is that of any freely falling body)
A. 200 ft B. 300 ft C. 400 ft D. 500 ft
Ans. C
50. Two liquids enter a mixing chamber and are discharged at 80 0F at the rate of 50 gal/min. Liquid A enters at 140 0F with
a specific heat of 10 BTU/gal-0F. Liquid B enters at 650F with a specific heat of 8.33 BTU/gal-0F. What is the specific
heat of mixture?
A. 8.62 BTU/gal-0F B. 6.02 BTU/gal-0F C. 5.32 BTU/gal-0F D. 4.12 BTU/gal-0F
Ans. A

ESAS (Prepared by: Engr. Ronnie S. Alcorcon)

August 28, 2001

Instruction: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Mark only one answer for each item by shading
the box corresponding to the letter of your choice on the answer sheet provided. STRICTLY NO ERASURE ALLOWED.
Use pencil No. 2 only.

1. Article l is for title and definition of terms. What is Sec. 2(3a) of this article?
A. Teaching of electrical engineering professional subjects
B. Taking charge of the sale and distribution of electrical equipment and systems requiring engineering
calculations or applications of engineering data.
C. Consultation, investigation, valuation and management of services requiring electrical engineering knowledge.
D. Supervision of erection, installation, testing and commissioning of power plants, substation, transmission lines,
industrial plants and others.
Ans. D
2. Sec. 4(r) Powers and Duties of the Board of Art. II Board of Electrical Engineering is _________.
A. Submit an annual report
B. Administer oath in connection with the administration, implementation, or enforcement of this act.
C. Coordinate with the Commission and the Department of Education Culture and Sports (DECS) in prescribing,
amending or revising the courses.
D. Issue subpoena or subpoena duces tecum.
Ans. C
3. Sec. 18(3) of Art III: Examination and Registration, Qualifications of Applicants for Registered Master Electricians states
A. Has completed at least three (3) years of five-year Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering (BSEE)
program of engineering school recognized by the Philippine government and, in addition, has a subsequent
specific record of one (1) year practice in electrical writing installation, operation and maintenance of
utilization of devices and equipment.
B. Has a graduated from a two-year electricians course of instruction from a vocational or trade school
recognized from the Philippine government and, in addition, has at least two (2) years of apprenticeship after
completion of the course of instruction on electrical installation, operation and maintenance of utilization
devices and equipment.
C. Has completed a one-year electrician’s course of instruction from a vocational school recognized by the
Philippine government and, in addition, has at least three (3) years of apprenticeship after completion of the
course of instruction on electrical installation, operation and maintenance of utilization, devices, and
D. Has completed a four-year-high school education of its equivalent and, in addition, has a subsequent specific
record of at least five (5) years of apprenticeship in electrical wiring installation, operation and maintenance o
utilization devices and equipment.
Ans. C
4. Sec. 4 of Art II states the powers and duties of the Board. What does it mean by quasi-legislative power?
A. Supervision B. Evaluation C. Investigate D. Rule making
Ans. D
5. What group of steels are molybdenum high-speed steels?
A. Group A B. Group D C. Group H D. Group M
Ans. D
6. The total income equals the total operating cost.
A. Break-even-no-gain-no-loss C. Interest rate
B. In-piece-value D. Scrap value
Ans. A
7. Is the worth of the property as shown in the accounting records.
A. Scrap Value B. Book Value C. Fair Value D. Use Value
Ans. B
8. Is the worth of the property which is equal to the original cost less the amount which has been charged to depreciation.
A. Scrap Value B. Book Value C. Fair Value D. Use Value
Ans. B
9. Time value of money
ESAS (Prepared by: Engr. Ronnie S. Alcorcon)
A. Capital B. Interest C. Rate of interest D. Investment
Ans. B
10. What is the most frequently used materials in engineering industry?
A. Plastics B. Rubbers C. Metals D. Glass
Ans. C
11. The greatest stress which material is capable of withstanding without a deviation from acceptable stress to strain is
A. elastic limit B. yield point C. elongation D. proportional limit
Ans. D
12. Sec. 18 (b). Art III: Examination and Registration, Qualifications of Applicants for Registered Master Electrician, states
that an applicant is at least be _________ years of age.
A. 18 B. 22 C. 21 D. 23
Ans. A
13. For the base 8 number of 17, the equivalent binary is
A. 1011 B. 1111 C. 1101 D. 1110
Ans. B
14. For the base 10 number of 30, the equivalent binary is
A. 11011 B. 11001 C. 11010 D. 11110
Ans. D
15. What is binary is A base 16?
A. 1110 B. 1000 C. 1010 D. 1011
Ans. C
16. Find the horizontal and vertical components of a 40-lb force the direction of which is 50 ° above the horizontal to the
A. F x = 30.6 lbs, F y = 24.6 lbs C. F x = 30.6 lbs, F y =25.7 lbs
B. F x = 25.7 lbs, F y = 30.6 lbs D. F x =24.6 lbs. F y =30.6 lbs
Ans. B
17. A back-pay certificate is offered for sale on which the yearly payments are P 996.00, partly principal and party interest.
There are 8 annual payments still due, the first of these is due one year from now. How much should one pay for this
note in order to get 5 percent interest, compounded annually, on the investment.
A. P 8,500.55 B. P7, 585.20 C. P 5,980.15 D. P 6,437.36
Ans. D
18. An electric motor has a cash price of P 8,000. It can also be bought on installment basis with a down payment of P
2,000 and with periodic equal payments at the end of every 6 months for 5 years. If interest is fixed at 8%
compounded semi-annually, on the investment.
A. P 793.75 B. P 739.75 C. P 973.75 D. P 379.75
Ans. B
19. A certain machine is offered on installment basis with a down payment of P 5,000 and with payments of P 2,000
payable at the end of every 3 months for two years. If the money is worth 8% compounded quarterly, what is the
equivalent cash price of the machine?
A. P 17,050.42 B. P 18,040.22 C. P 19,650.96 D. P 21, 080.40
Ans. C
20. The VCP trading Co. set aside P 200,000 each year for expansion. If the fund earns 8% compounded annually, how
long will it take before a new building costing P 2,500,000 can be built?
A. 10 years B. 8 years C. 9 years D. 12 years
Ans. C
21. A water-tight, cubical box, 12 inches outside dimensions, is made from inch plate. If SG = 7.7 for the iron, will the
box float?
A. the box will sink B. the iron will float C. the box will float D. the box will not float
Ans. C
22. A pump, driven by 440 V, three-phase induction motor lifts 1100 cubic feet of water per minute against a total head of
100 feet of water. The efficiency of the pump and that of its motor are 0.75 and 0.92, respectively. The power factor of
the motor is 0.90. What is the line current drawn by the motor?
A. 458 A B. 632 A C. 328 A D. 583 A
Ans. C
23. Water flows through a horizontal pipe of cross-sectional area of 10 cm 2 at one section, the cross-sectional area is
5 cm 2 the pressure difference between the sections is 300 N/m 2. How many cubic meters of water will flow out of the
pipe in 1 minute?
A. 0.0808 m 3 B. 0.0268 m 3 C. 0.5268 m 3 D. 0.1268 m 3
Ans. B
24. What is the rms velocity of 275 K argon (MW = 39.9) molecules?
A. 313.7 m/sec B. 414.7 m/sec C. 515.7 m/sec D. 616.7 m/sec
Ans. B
25. What horse power is required to isothermally compress 800 ft 3 to air per minute from 14.7 psia to 120 psia?
A. 100 hp B. 108 hp C. 115 hp D. 150 hp
Ans. B
26. Helium (R = 0.4968 BTU/lbm-° R) is compressed isothermally from 14.7 psia and 68° F. The compression ratio is 4.
Calculate the work done by the gas.
A. -364 BTU/lbm B. -357 BTU/lbm C. -564 BTU/lbm D. -567 BTU/lbm
ESAS (Prepared by: Engr. Ronnie S. Alcorcon)
Ans. A
27. Determine the maximum shearing stress in helical steel spring composed of 20 turns of 20 mm diameter wire on a
mean radius of 80 mm when is spring is supporting a load of 2 kN.
A. 529 GPa B. 121 MPa C. 25 kPa D. 370 Pa
Ans. B
28. The mass of the moon is one eighty-first, and it radius one-fourth that of the earth. What is the acceleration of gravity
of the surface of the moon?
A. 192 cm/sec2 B. 190 cm/sec2 C. 194 cm/sec2 D. 205 cm/sec2
Ans. C
29. The year-end operating and maintenance cost of a certain machine are estimated to be P 12,000 the first year and to
increase by P 2,500 each year during its 4-year life. If the capital is worth 12%, determine the equivalent uniform year-
end costs.
A. P 12,584.15 B. P 15,397.13 C. P 14,358.16 D. P 16,452.18
Ans. B
30. What is the stress of an 8 inch round by 16 inch high concrete cylinder (E = 2.5 x 10 6 lbf/in2) when the unit deformation
is 0.0012?
A. 1,500 lbf/in2 (psi) B. 2,000 lbf/in2 (psi) C. 2,500 lbf/in2 (psi) D. 3,000 lbf/in2 (psi)
Ans. D
31. A quantity of gas occupies 1.2 cubic feet at STP. The gas is allowed to expand to 1.5 cubic feet and 15 psia. What is
the new temperature?
A. 450° R B. 590° R C. 628° R D. 784° R
Ans. C
32. A certain machinery costs P 50,000 last 12 years with a salvage value of P 5,000. Money is worth 5%. If the owner
decides to sell it after using it for 5 years, what should his price be so that he will not lose or gain financially in the
A. P 34,578.75 B. P 34,378.25 C. P 44,578.67 D. P 44,378.01
Ans. B
33. A 19-foot long beam supports 1,500 pounds/foot on two supports 14 feet apart. The right end of the beam extends 2
feet past the support. If the beam is 10” wide and 20” high, what is the shearing stress midway between supports?
A. 1 lbf/in2 (psi) B. 67 lbf/in2 (psi) C. 2.01 lbf/in2 (psi) D. 10 lbf/in2 (psi)
Ans. C
34. A motorist equips his automobile tires with a relief-type valve so that the pressure inside the tire never will exceed 240
kPa (gage). He starts a trip with a pressure of 200 kPa (gage) and a temperature of 23 ° C in the tires. During the long
drive, the temperature of the air in the tires reaches 83 ℃ . Each tires contains 0.11 kg of air. Determine the mass of
escaping each tire.
A. 6.39 x 10-3 kgB. 6.39 x 10-4kg C. 2.59 x 10-3 kg D. 2.59 x 10-5 kg
Ans. A
35. Oil (density of 55 lbm/ft3) flows at 1 ft/sec through a 1 inch-diameter pipe. A 0.2 inch-diameter orifice (C f = 0.6) is
installed. What is the indicated pressure drop?
A. 1,482.7 lbf/ft2 B. 1,652.7 lbf/ft2 C. 1,882.7 lbf/ft2 D. 2,082.7 lbf/ft2
Ans. A
36. A scuba diver at a depth of 200 feet notices the bubbles he exhales have diameters of ½ inch. Assume the tension
and water temperature remains relatively constant. What is the pressure on the bubble at a depth of 400 feet?
A. 155.0 lbf/in2(psia) B. 188.0 lbf/in2(psia) C. 177.0 lbf/in2(psia) D. 166.0 lbf/in2(psia)

Ans. B
37. A scuba diver at a depth of 200 feet notices the bubbles he exhales have diameters of ½ inch. Assume the tension
and water temperature remains relatively constant. What is the pressure on the bubble?
A. 404.40 lbf/in2 (psia) B. 101.40 lbf/in2 (psia) C. 303.40 lbf/in2 (psia) D. 202.40 lbf/in2 (psia)
Ans. B
38. 1 kw-hr is equivalent to:
A. 2545 BTU B. 2545 cal C. 3412 BTU D. 3412 cal
Ans. C
39. Convert 347 Base 8 to (16) BCD
A. 100100100010 B.001000110001 C. 010010010011 D. 110100110110
Ans. B
40. The atomic weight of iron is 55.847 amu. If one has 6.02 g of iron, how many atoms are present?
A. 6.49 x 1022 atoms B. 6.49 x 1023 atoms C. 6.49 x 1024 atoms D. 6.49 x 1025atoms
Ans. A
41. What is accomplished by heating raw rubber with small amounts of sulfur?
A. polymerization B. vulcanization C. sulfurization D. raw rubberation
Ans. B
42. A pump adds 550 feet of pressure head to 100 lbm/sec of water. What is the hydraulic power in horsepower?
A. 100 hp B. 150 hp C. 200 hp D. 300 hp
Ans. A
43. An elevator weighs 1000 pounds and is supported by a 5/16 inch diameter cable 1500 feet long. When the elevator
carries a 1500 pound load, the cable elongates 6 inches more. What is the modulus of elasticity of the cable?
A. 609 x 107 lbf/in2 (psi) B. 5.87 x 107 lbf/in2 (psi) C. 231 x 107 lbf/in2 (psi) D. 460 x 107 lbf/in2 (psi)
Ans. B
44. Steels that are used for drills, cutting tools, and knives are known as.
A. Very high-carbon steels C. Medium-carbon steels
ESAS (Prepared by: Engr. Ronnie S. Alcorcon)
B. High-carbon steels D. Low-carbon steels Ans. B
45. A pump operating at 1770 rpm delivers 500 gal/min against a total head of 200 feet. Changes in the piping system
have increased the total head to 375 feet. At what rpm should this pump be operated to achieve this now head at the
same efficiency?
A. 5454 rpm B. 2424 rpm C. 6464 rpm D. 3434 rpm Ans. B
46. The particle inside the nucleus is called
A. nucleons B. nuclei C. nucleic D. nuclide Ans. A
47. Find the required diameter of a steel member if the tensile design load is 7000 pounds. Assume safety factor of 5
based on an ultimate strength of 60,000 lbf/in 2.
A. 3.2367 m B. 0.8618 in C. 4.695 mm D. 5.406 cm Ans. B
48. To what height will a barometer column rise if the atmospheric conditions are 13.9 psia and 68 ℉ and the barometer
fluid is ethyl alcohol?
A. 157.9 inches B. 357.9 inches C. 457.9 inches D. 257.9 inches Ans. C
49. An object is thrown vertically upward. It has a speed of 32 ft/sec when it has reached one-half its maximum height.
How high does it rise?
A. 28 ft B. 30 ft C. 32 ft D. 31 ft
Ans. C
50. For the beam shown below is constructed of steel with an allowable stress of 24,000 psi. What is the required section
A. 3.63 m3 B. 65.12 cm3 C. 7.52 in3 D. 44.80 mm3 Ans. C
April 01, 2002
Instruction: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Mark only one answer for each item by shading
the box corresponding to the letter of your choice on the answer sheet provided. STRICTLY NO ERASURE ALLOWED.
Use pencil No. 2 only.

1. Article l is for title and definition of terms. What is Sec. 2(1a) of this article?
A. Consultation, investigation, valuation and management of services requiring electrical engineering knowledge.
B. Supervision of operation and maintenance of electrical equipment in power plants, industrial plants,
watercrafts, electric locomotives and others.
C. Teaching of electrical engineering professional subjects.
D. Taking charge of the sale and distribution of electrical equipment and systems requiring engineering
calculations or applications of engineering data.
Ans. A
2. Sec. 4 of Art. ll states the powers and duties of the Board. What does it mean by quasi-legislative powers?
A. Control B. Evaluation C. Rule-making D. Supervisory
Ans. C
3. Which of the following is NOT an octal number?
A. 19 B. 105 C. 77 D. 15
Ans. A
4. Convert 345 Base 8 to (16) BCD.
A. 100100101001 B. 001010010100 C. 001000101001 D. 110100110100
Ans. C
5. Sec. 18(3) of Art. lll: Examination and Registration, Qualifications of Applicants for Registered Master Electricians
states that: ?
A. He has completed a four-year high school education or its equivalent and, in addition, has a subsequent record
of least five (5) years of electrical practice.
B. He has graduated from a two-year electrician’s course of instruction from a vocation or trade school recognized
by the Philippine government, and in addition, has at least two (2) years of electrical practice.
C. He has completed a one (1) year electrician’s course of instruction from a vocational school recognized by the
Philippine government and, in addition has at least three (3) years of electrical practice.
D. He has completed at least three (3) years of a five-year BSEE program or three-year course in electrical
engineering technology from an engineering school and has one (1) year of practice in electrical wiring and
installation, operation and maintenance of utilization devices and equipment.
Ans. C
6. Gas is enclosed in a cylinder with a weighted piston as the top boundary. The gas is heated and expands from a
volume of 0.04 m3 to 0.10 m3. The pressure varies such that pV = constant, and the initial pressure is 200 kPa.
Calculate the work done by the system.
A. 5110 J B. 8440 J C. 6220 J D. 7330 J
Ans. D
7. Helium (R=0.4968 BTU/lbm-° R ) is compressed isothermally from 14.7 psia and 68℉ . The compression ratio is 4.
Calculate the work done by the gas in BTU/lbm.
A. -564 B. -357 C. -567 D. -364
Ans. D
8. If atmospheric air is 14.7 psia and 60℉ at sea-level, what is the pressure at 12,000 feet altitude if the air is
A. 29.26 psia B. 9.26 psia C. 9.36 psia D. 39.36 psia
Ans. B
9. An oil with kinematic viscosity of 0.005 ft2/sec flows at 10 ft/sec through a 3 inch (actual diameter) pipe. Is the flow
laminar or turbulent?
A. the flow is normal B. the flow is abnormal C. the flow is laminar D. the flow is turbulent
ESAS (Prepared by: Engr. Ronnie S. Alcorcon)
Ans. C
10. If 20 ml of 0.5 N salt solution is diluted to 1 liter, what is the new concentration?
A. 0.02 N B. 0.04 N C. 0.03 N D. 0.01 N
Ans. D
11. What is the actual whole diameter made by a steel (0.75 inch dia.) that is subjected to a 40,000 pounds Hydraulic
A. 5.32 m B. 0.96 m C. 0.75068 in D. 3.809 cm
Ans. C
12. Estimated value at the end of the useful life.
A. Compounded annually C. Economic life
B. Balance sheet D. Salvage value
Ans. D
13. A steel bar 50 mm in diameter and 2 m long is surrounded by a shell of cast iron 5 mm thick. Compute the load that
will compress the combined bar of 1mm in the length of 2 m. for steel, E=200 GPa and for cast iron, E=100 GPa.
A. 550 N B. 240 kN C. 745 MN D. 130 GN
Ans. B
14. A certain machine is offered on installment basis with a down payment of P 5,000 and with payments of P 2,000
payable at the end of every 3 months for two years. If money is worth 8% compounded quarterly. What is the
equivalent cash price of the machine?
A. P 19,650.96 B. P 18,040.22 C. P 17,050.42 D. P 21,080.40
Ans. A
15. A 4” wide, 8” deep wood beam is simply supported and loaded as shown. What is the maximum shearing stress?
A. 254.2 psi B. 284.4 psi C. 449.1 psi D. 778.7 psi
Ans. B
16. What group of steels are molybdenum high-speed steels?
A. Group A B. Group D C. Group M D. Group H
Ans. C
17. Aluminum is produced from?
A. mauxite ore B. fauxite ore C. bauxite ore D. rauxite ore
Ans. C
18. A gas has a density of 0.094 lbm/ft3 at 100℉ and 2 atm. What pressure is needed to change the density to 0.270
lbm/ft3 at 250℉ ?
A. 5.28 atm B. 6.28 atm C. 7.28 atm D. 8.28 atm
Ans. C
19. A steel wire 2 meters long has a mass of 20 grams and is stretched with a tension of 1000 Newtons. What is the
velocity of propagation of a transverse wave in the wire?
A. 422 m/sec B. 329 m/sec C. 316 m/sec D. 300 m/sec
Ans. C
20. A student determined to test the law of gravity for himself walks off a skyscraper 900 ft high, stopwatch in hand, and
starts his free fall (zero initial velocity). Five seconds later, Superman arrives at the scene and dives off the roof to
save the student. What must Superman’s initial velocity be in order that he catch the student just before the ground is
reached? (Assume that Superman’s acceleration is that of any freely falling body).
A. 230 fps B. 400 fps C. 320 fps D. 240 fps
Ans. C
21. The Springfield rifle bullet weighs 150 grains (7,000 grains=1 lb). Its muzzle velocity is 2,700 ft/sec, and the length of
the rifle barrel is 30 in. Compute the resultant force accelerating the bullet, assuming it to be constant.
A. 977 lb B. 877 lb C. 748 lb D. 1077 lb
Ans. A
22. A scuba diver at a depth of 200 feet notices the bubbles he exhales has diameters of ½ inch. Assume the tension and
water temperature remains relatively constant. What is the depth if the diameter is ¼ inch?
A. 1500 ft B. 1600 ft C. 2500 ft D. 2600 ft
Ans. B
23. Water flows from a source to a reaction turbine exiting 625 feet lower. The head loss is 58 feet due to friction, the flow
rate is 1,000 ft3/sec, and the turbine efficiency is 89%. What is the output power in kilowatts?
A. 4.27 x 103 kW B. 4.27 x 104 kW C. 4.27 x 108 kW D. 4.27 x 108 kW
Ans. B
24. Which type of hardening will work to some extent in all metals?
A. work hardening B. annealing C. martempering D. austenitizing
Ans. A
25. The sum of the strains in the three coordinate directions is known as
A. Dilution B. Dilation C. Solution D. Pilation
Ans. B
26. A quantity of air at 180℉ originally occupies 20ft3 at 30 psig. The gas is compressed reversibly and adiabatically to
180 psig. What is the heat flow?
A. 200 BTU B. 120 cal C. 100 BTU D. 0
Ans. D
27. Determine the maximum shearing stress in a helical steel spring composed of 20 turns of 20 mm diameter wire on a
mean radius 80 mm when the spring is supporting a load of 2 kN?
A. 370 Pa B. 25 kPa C. 121 MPa D. 529 GPa
Ans. C
28. A cylindrical tank 20 feet in diameter and 40 feet high has a 4-inch hole in the bottom with C d = 0.98. How long will it
take for the water level to drop from 40 feet to 20 feet?
ESAS (Prepared by: Engr. Ronnie S. Alcorcon)
A. t = 20.26 min B. t = 28.26 min C. t = 30.26 min D. t = 36.26 min
Ans. B
29. An artificial satellite, constructed of aluminum, encircles the earth at a speed of 9,000 m/sec. Find the ratio of kinetic
energy to the energy required to raise its temperature by 600 ℃ . The melting point of aluminum is 660℃ . Assume
constant specific heat capacity of 0.2 cal/g-℃ .
A. 147.5 B. 257.5 C. 337.5 D. 538.5
Ans. C
30. A band with a par value of P 1,000 will mature in 7 years with a bond rate of 8% payable annually. It is to be
redeemed at par at the end of this period. If it sold at P 1,050, determine the yield at this price.
A. 5.05% B. 6.06% C. 7.07% D. 4.04%
Ans. C
31. An asphalt and aggregated mixing plant having a capacity of 50 cu.m. Every hour costs P 2,500,000. It is estimated to
process 800,000 cu.m. during its life. During a certain year it processed 60,000 cu.m. If its scrap value is P 100,000,
determine the total depreciation during the year and the depreciation cost chargeable to each batch of 50 cu.m. using
production units method.
A. P 190,000 and P 160 C. P 160,000 and P 180
B. P 180,000 and P 120 D. P 180,000 and P 150
Ans. D
32. A tank contains 3 cubic feet of 120 psig air at 80℉ . How many tires of volume 1.2 ft3 can be inflated to 28 psig at
80℉ ?
A. 8 B. 4 C. 5 D. 3
Ans. C
33. A cylindrical tin can 4 inches in diameter and 4 inches long has 2/3 of its air removed. What is the force on each end?
A. 184.6 lbf B. 150.7 lbf C. 118.4 lbf D. 123.1 lbf
Ans. D
34. What is accomplished by heating raw rubber with small amount of sulfur?
A. polymerization B. raw rubberation C. vulcanization D. sulfurization
Ans. C
35. Sec. 5 (e) Qualifications of Members of Art. ll Board of Electrical Engineering is
A. Be a person with no final conviction by the court of an offense involving moral turpitude.
B. Be a professional electrical engineer with a valid certificate of registration and a valid professional license duty
qualified to practice electrical engineering in the Philippines.
C. Be a natural-born Filipino citizen and a resident of the Philippines for at least five (5) consecutive years.
D. Be at least thirty-five (35) years of age, of proven integrity with high moral values in his personal as well as his
professional conduct.
Ans. B
36. A pump, driven by 440 V, 3-phase induction motor lifts 1100 cubic feet of water per minute against a total head of 100
feet of water. The efficiency of the pump and that of its motor are 0.75 and 0.92, respectively. The power factor of the
motor is 0.90, what is the line current drawn by the motor?
A. 456 A B. 632 A C. 328 A D. 563 A
Ans. C
37. What area airfoil (CL = 0.5) is required to obtain a 5,000 lbf at 90 mph? The density of air is 0.075 lbm/ft 3
A. 492.8 ft2 B. 382.8 ft2 C. 294.8ft2 D. 254.8 ft2
Ans. A
38. A solid steel shaft 5 m long is stressed to 60 MPa when twisted through 4° Using G = 83 GPa, compute the shaft
A. 9.432 in B. 0.104 m C. 5.214 mm D. 1.174 cm
Ans. B
39. Is the worth of property as shown in the accounting records.
A. Scrap value B. Book Value C. Fair value D. Use value
Ans. B
40. A flanged bolt coupling consists of six – 10 mm diameter steel bolts evenly spaced around a bolt circle 300 mm in
diameter and four -20 mm diameter aluminum bolts on a concentric bolt circle 200 mm diameter. What torque can be
applied without exceeding a shearing stress of 60 MN/m 2 in the aluminum? Use Gs = 83 GPa and Ga = 28 GPa.
A. 2.8 MN-mm B. 4.5 GN-in C. 5.94 kN-m D. 9.75 N-cm
Ans. C
41. The molecular diameter of CO is 3.19 x 10-8 mm at 300° K and the given pressure of 100 mmHg. What is the mean
free path of the gas in cm?
A. 6.86 x 10-3 B. 6.86 x 10-4 C. 6.86 x 10-5 D. 6.86 x 10-6
Ans. A
42. A 3-inch diameter pipe 2,000 feet long, with friction factor of 0.020 carries water from a reservoir and discharge freely
at a point 100 feet below the reservoir’s surface level. Find the pump horsepower to double gravity flow.
A. 21.20 hp B. 27.20 hp C. 31.20 hp D. 37.20 hp
Ans. A
43. Find the radius of gyration k of a solid sphere, diameter 6 ft rotating about a diameter as an axis.
A. 1.8 ft B. 1.9 ft C. 2.0 ft D. 2.5 ft
Ans. B
44. Two liquids enter a mixing chamber and are discharge at 80℉ at the rate of 50 gal/min. Liquid A enters at 140℉ with
specific heat of 10 BTU/gal-℉ . Liquid B enters at 65℉ with a specific heat of 8.33 BTU/gal-℉ . What is the specific

ESAS (Prepared by: Engr. Ronnie S. Alcorcon)
of the mixture?
A. 4.12 BTU/gal-℉ B. 5.32 BTU/gal-℉ C. 8.62 BTU/gal-℉ D. 6.02 BTU/gal-℉
Ans. C
45. The atomic weight of iron is 55.847 amu. If one has 6.02 g of iron, how many atoms are present?
A. 6.49 x 1023 atoms B. 6.49 x 1022 atoms C. 6.49 x 1024 atoms D. 6.49 x 1025 Atoms
Ans. B
46. A box is being push with a force of 40 lbs having an angle of 30° with the horizontal. Using a scale 1 in = 10 lbs. find
the horizontal and vertical components of the force.
A. Fx =32.6 lbs, Fy=34.6 lbs C. Fx =34.6 lbs, Fy=20.0 lbs
B. Fx =36.0 lbs, Fy=36.0 lbs D. Fx =34.6 lbs, Fy=37.6 lbs
Ans. C
47. What is the rms velocity of oxygen at 70℉ ?
A. 465 m/sec B. 414 m/sec C. 479 m/sec D. 487 m/sec Ans. C
48. A young man has decided to go into business at age 40. He wishes to accumulate P 200,000 at the age. On his
twenty-fifth birthday he deposits a certain amount and will increase the deposit by 10% each year until the fortieth
year. If the funds can be invested at 9.6% compounded annually, how much should his initial investment be?
A. P 3, 704.82 B. P 3,074.82 C. P 3,407.82 D. P 3,740.82 Ans. B
49. The distance between two points is exactly 100 feet. This measurement is read correctly on a steel surveyor’s tape at
70℉ and with a 10 pound tension. If the tape measures another distance as 100 feet at 100 ℉ and with a 20 pound
tension, what is the actual distance? The tape is 3/8 “wide and 1/32” thick.
A. 100.0875 ft B. 100.0223 ft C. 99.978 ft D. 99.498 ft Ans. B
50. Oil (density of 55 lbm/ft3) flows a 1 ft/sec through a 1-inch diameter pipe. A 0.2 inch diameter orifice (C f = 0.6) is
installed. What is the indicated pressure drop?
A. 1,682.7 lbf/ft2 B. 1,482.7 lbf/ft2 C. 2,082.7 lbf/ft2 D. 1,882.7 lbf/ft2 Ans. B
August 31, 2002
Instruction: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Mark only one answer for each item by shading
the box corresponding to the letter of your choice on the answer sheet provided. STRICTLY NO ERASURE ALLOWED.
Use pencil No. 2 only.

1. The simple mathematical statement of the relationship between elastic stress and strain: stress is proportional to strain.
What is this law?
A. Boyle’s law B. Hooke’s law C. Charle’s law D. Gas law
Ans. B
2. The number of bonds in the mer that can be broken open for attachment to the other mer is known as the
A. property of the mer C. functionality of the mer
B. proportionality of the mer D. crystallinity of the mer
Ans. C
3. Find the speed of the sound in 32℉ water if the compressibility is 3.4 x 10-6 psi1.
A. 4764 ft/sec B. 4584 ft/sec C. 4674 ft/sec D. 4664 ft/sec
Ans. C
4. A gasoline is available on installment basis with a down payment of P 8,000 and P 1, 000 at the end of each month for
one year. What is the cash price of the engine if interest is set at 6% compounded monthly?
A. P 29,758.53 B. P 19,618.93 C. P 19,658.35 D. P 29,718.78
Ans. B
5. A steel rod with a cross-sectional area of 150 mm2 is stretched between two fixed points. The tensile load at 20℃ is
5000 N. What will be the stress at-20℃ ? Assume E=200 GPa.
A. 343.67 Pa B. 126.93 MPa C. 325 kPa D. 20 GPa
Ans. B
6. What is the overload condition that occurs near large concentration loads?
A. Local buckling B. Lateral buckling C. Rotation D. Superposition
Ans. A
7. Gas is enclosed in a cylinder with a weighted piston as the top boundary. The gas is heated and expands from a
volume of 0.04 m3 to 0.1 m3 at a constant pressure of 150 kPa. Calculate the work done by the system.
A. 14 kJ B. 12 kJ C. 9 kJ D. 15 kJ
Ans. C
8. The barometer reads 29.0 inches of mercury. What is the absolute pressure if a vacuum gage reads 9.5 psi?
A. 4.74 lbf/in2 (psi) B. 47.4 lbf/in2 (psi) C. 474 lbf/in2(psi) D. 474.4 lbf/in2(psi)
Ans. A
9. Is the process of determining the value or worth of physical property for specifics reasons.
A. Depletion B. Valuation C. Economy D. Investment
Ans. B
10. A steel rod having a cross-sectional area of 300 mm 2and a length of 150 m is suspended vertically from one end. It
supports a tensile load of 20 kN at the lower end. If the unit mass of steel is 7850 kg/m 3 and E=200 x 103 MN/m2, find
the total elongation of the rod.
A. 95.47 m B. 60 mm C. 54.33 mm D. 56 mm
Ans. C
11. A beam of length L has a deflection formula of 48 El y = w (2x4 – 5 Lx3 + 3L2 x2) where does the maximum deflection
A. 0.213L B. 0.578L C. 0.654L D. 0.890L
Ans. B
ESAS (Prepared by: Engr. Ronnie S. Alcorcon)
12. Which are the electrostatic forces that exist between ions?
A. lonic bond B. Covalent bond C. Chemical bond D. Atomic bond
Ans. A
13. The binary representation 10101 corresponds to which base 10 number.
A. 8 B. 16 C.21 D. 10,101
Ans. C
14. The purpose of phosphorus in steel alloying is to
A. increase dynamic and high-temperature strength and hardness
B. increase hardness and corrosion resistance
C. increase strength
D. reduce brittleness, combine with sulfur
Ans. B
15. Article l is for title and definition of terms. What is Sec. 2 (3a) of this article?
A. Consultation, investigation, valuation and management of services requiring electrical engineering knowledge.
B. Supervision of erection, installation, testing and commissioning of power plants, substations, transmission
lines, industrial plants and others.
C. Teaching of electrical engineering professional subjects.
D. Taking charge of the sale and distribution of electrical equipment and systems requiring engineering
calculations or applications of engineering data.
Ans. B
16. 10 BTU are transferred in a process where a piston compresses a spring and in so doing does 1500 ft-lbf of work.
Find the change in internal energy of the system.
A. 5.23 BTU B. 5.23 cal C. 8.07 BTU D. 8.07 Cal
Ans. C
17. One end of a horizontal string is attached to a prong of an electrically driven tuning fork whose frequency of vibration
is 240 vib/sec. The other end passes over a pulley and supports a weight of 6 lb. The linear weight density of the
string is 0.0133 lb/ft. What is the speed of a transverse wave in the string?
`A. 132 ft/sec B. 120 ft/sec C. 130 ft/sec D. 115 ft/sec
Ans. B
18. RA 7920 is an act providing for a more responsive and comprehensive ____________. For the practice, licensing, and
registration of electrical engineers and electricians.
A. control B. evaluation C. regulation D. enactment
Ans. C
19. What is the subject which covers the refinement of pure metals from there ores?
A. Oreic Metallurgy C. Extractive Metallurgy
B. Refinement Metallurgy D. Pure Metallurgy
Ans. C
20. Transmission protocol serial asynchronous, 8 bits ASCll, 1 start, 1 stop, 1 parity bit, 9600 bps. How long will it take for
a 1 kilobyte file to be transmitted through the link?
A. 1.17 sec B. 1,07 sec C. 0.96 sec D. 0.85 sec
Ans. A
21. A car travelling with a rated speed 60 kph around a curve whose radius is 100 m. What is the maximum speed?
A. 95 kph B.99 kph C. 90 kph D. 86 kph
Ans. B
22. What stainless steels grouped with AlSl 400 series contain no nickel and differ from ferritic stainless steels primarily in
higher carbon contents?
A. Ferritic stainless steels C. Martensitic (heat-treatable)
B. Austenitic stainless steels D. Muriatic stainless steels
Ans. C
23. The profit earned by a corporation are periodically distributed to the stockholders in the form of
A. Stocks B. Shares C. Dividends D. Bonds
Ans. C
24. When a train has a speed of 10 mph eastward, raindrops which are falling vertically with respect to the earth make
traces on the windows of the train which are inclined 30° to the vertical. What is the velocity of the raindrop with
respect to the earth?
A. 22 mph B. 17.6 mph C. 10 mph D. 20 mph
Ans. B
25. A 16 lb block is lifted vertically at a constant velocity of 20 ft/sec through a height of 20 ft. How great a force is
A. 15 lb B. 15.5 lb C. 16 lb D. 17.8 lb
Ans. C
26. Assuming atmospheric conditions at sea level are 14.7 psia and 59℉ . What is the expected pressure at 35,000 feet
altitude? Assume the temperature decreases 3.5℉ per 1,000 feet altitude.
A. 6.789 psia B. 4.567 psia C. 3.456 psia D. 5.678 psia
Ans. C
27. Two liquid enter a mixing chamber and are discharged at 80℉ at the rate of 50 gal/min. Liquid A enters at 140℉
with a
specific heat of 10 BTU/gal-℉ . Liquid B enters at 65℉ with a specific heat of 8.33 BTU/gal-℉ . What is the specific
of the mixture?
A. 4.12 BTU/gal-℉ B. 5.32 BTU/gal-℉ C. 8.62 BTU/gal-℉ D. 6.02 BTU/gal-℉

ESAS (Prepared by: Engr. Ronnie S. Alcorcon)
Ans. C
28 Are hydrocarbons containing one or more carbon-carbon triple bonds?
A. Acid B. Alkali C. Alkenes D. Alkynes
Ans. D
29. Vacancies of the board seat shall be filled by the from list of recommendees selected by the Commissioner
who was chosen from the list of nominees submitted by the integrated and accredited association for the unexpired
term only.
A. llEE B. President C. Chairman of the board D. Commissioner
Ans. B
30. Shows only timing but also relationships among the task of a project.
A. Work flow B. Bar chart C. Data chart D. Pert chart
Ans. D
31. At 90℉ , the stress in a steel rod is 2000 psi (C). What is the stress at 0℉ ?
A. 15,550 psi (T) B. 53,210 psi (C) C. 68,000 psi (T) D. 27,000 psi (C)
Ans. A
32. For normal stress, what is the constant of proportionality?
A. Modulus of plasticity B. Modulus of cavity C. Modulus of elasticity D. Modulus of varsity
Ans. C
33. What uniform load will cause a simple beam 10 feet long to deflect 0.3 inch if it is supported (in addition to the end
supports) by a spring at the beams midpoint? The spring has a spring constant of 30,000 pounds per inch. Assume
the beam is steel, 10 inch deep, rectangular, and with a centroidal moment of inertia of 100 inches 4.
A. 5440 lbf/ft B. 7000 lbf/ft C. 6000 lbf/ft D. 4550 lbf/ft
Ans. A
34. A 5 gram bullet is propelled by a powder charge producing 500 calories of usable energy. What is the bullet muzzle
A. 920 m/sec B. 910 m/sec C. 930 m/sec D. 915 m/sec
Ans. D
35. Sec 18 (1) of Art lll: Examination and Registration, Qualifications of Applicants for Registered Master Electricians,
states that an applicant has completed at least three (3) years of a five-year Bachelor of Science in Electrical
Engineering (BSEE) program or a three-year course in Electrical Technology with _______ year of practice in
electrical wiring installation, operation and maintenance.
A. 1 B. 2 C.3 D.5
Ans. A
36. A Carnot machine operates between the hot reservoir at 200 ℃ and a cold reservoir at 20℃ . When operated as an
engine it receives 1000 kJ/kg. Find the coefficient of performance (COP) when used as refrigerator?
A. 1.77 B. 1.63 C. 1.99 D. 2.63
Ans. B
37. A spherical helium balloon at STP has a diameter of 60 feet. What is its lifting power?
A. 8679 lbf B. 7680 lbf C. 7870 lbf D. 9876 lbf
Ans. C
38. To what height will a barometer column rise if the atmospheric conditions are 13.9 psia and 68 ℉ and the barometer
fluid is water?
A. 676.7 inches B. 576.7 inches C. 476.7 inches D. 376.7 inches
39. What is the rms velocity of 275° K argon (MW=39.9) molecules?
A. 313.7 m/sec B. 515.7 m/sec C. 616.7 m/sec D. 414.7 m/sec
Ans. D
40. A ball rolls of the edge of a horizontal tabletop 4 ft. high and strikes the floor at a distance of 5 ft. horizontally from the
edge of the table. What was the velocity of the ball at the instant of leaving the table?
A. 15 fps B. 25 fps C. 5 fps D. 10 fps
Ans. D
41. Convert the octal (3458) to the equivalent binary coded decimal (BCD16) select the nearest answer.
A. 001000101001 B. 001101000101 C. 11100101 D. 1011011001
Ans. A
42. A 19 foot long beam 10 inches wide and 20 inches high supports 1500 pounds/foot on two supports 14 feet apart. The
right end of the beam extends 2 feet past the support. What is the bending stress midway between the supports?
A. 1 lbf/in2 (psi) B. 2.01 lbf/in2 (psi) C. 10 lbf/in2 (psi) D. 67 lbf/in2 (psi)
Ans. B
43. A thin uniform rod is 5 meters long and has a mass of 2.34 kg. Find its moment of inertia about a transverse axis
through its center.
A. 9.75 kg-m2 B. 19.5 kg-m2 C. 29.25 kg-m2 D. 4.875 kg-m2
Ans. D
44. What is the basic material used in ceramic magnets?
A. copper B. aluminum C. flat bars D. iron oxide
Ans. D
45. To develop an oil well containing 2,000,000 barrels of oil requires an initial investment of P 30,000,000. In a certain
year, 400,000 barrels of oil were produced from this well. Determine the depletion charge during the year.
A. P 6,000,000 B. P 4,000,000 C. P 3,000,000 D. P 5,000,000
Ans. A
46. A pump operating at 1770 rpm delivers 500 gal/min against a total head of 200 feet. Changes in the piping system
have increased the total head to 375 feet. At what rpm should this pump be operated to achieve this new head at the
same efficiency?
ESAS (Prepared by: Engr. Ronnie S. Alcorcon)
A. 6464 rpm B. 5454 rpm C. 3434 rpm D. 2424 rpm
Ans. D
47. Oil (density of 55 lbm/ft3) flows a 1 ft/sec through a 1-inch diameter pipe. A 0.2-inch diameter orifice (C f = 0.6) is
installed. What is the indicated pressure drop?
A. 1682.7 lbf/ft2 B. 1482.7 lbf/ft2 C. 2082.7 lbf/ft2 D. 1882.7 lbf/ft2
Ans. B
48. One kg of air 1.2 kg/sq.cm. at 30℃ is compressed according to the law of PVk where k = 1.36 until its volume is
0.5 cu. m. if it is compressed isothermally, what will be the % of saving work?
A. 7.1 % B. 6.6% C. 6.9% D. 7.0%
Ans. C
49. A 90% efficient reaction turbine with a generator efficiency of 90% operates on a total head of 40 feet. If it operates in
25% salt water (SG =1.19) and a flow rate of 100 gal/min and if the turbine turns at 750 rpm, what is the specific
A. 4.50 B. 6.00 C. 7.75 D. 5.75
Ans. C
50. What is the maximum stress in the offset link shown below? Neglect stress concentration factors.
A. 15,676.6 lbf/in2 (psi) B. 20,534.9 lbf/in2 (psi) C. 12,666.7 lbf/in2 (psi) D. 50,984.2 lbf/in2 (psi)
Ans. C

April , 2003

1. Sec. 4 (a) Powers and Duties of the Board of Art. II Board of Electrical Engineering is _____.
A. Issue special permits to individual foreign electrical engineers and electricians.
B. Supervise and regulate the practice of electrical engineering in the Philippines.
C. Determine and evaluate the qualifications of the applicants for registration with or without licensure
examinations for special permits.
D. Promulgate rules and regulations including a code of ethics, administrative policies, orders and issuances to
carry out the provisions of this Act.
Ans. B
2. Sec. 17 (b) of Art. III: Examinations and Registrations, Qualifications of Applicants for Registered Electrical Engineer
state that an applicant is at least be ______ years of age.
A. 21 B. 23 C. 24 D. 25
Ans. A
3. Sec. 17 (e) of Art. III: Examinations and Registration, Qualifications of Applicants for Registered Electrical Engineer
states that: ______.
A. He is at least twenty-one (21) years of age.
B. He is of good reputation with high moral values.
C. He is a holder of the degree of BSEE from university, school, college, etc. recognize and accredited by the
Philippine government.
D. He is a citizen of the Philippines.
Ans. C
4. Sec. 18 (2) of Art. III. Examination and Registration, Qualifications of Applicants for Registered Master Electricians
states that: ______.
A. He has completed at least three (3) years of a five-year BSEE program of three-year course in electrical
engineering technology from an engineering school and has one (1) year of practice of electrical wiring and
installation, operation and maintenance of utilization devices and equipment.
B. He has graduated from a two-year electrician’s course of instruction from a vocational school recognized by the
Philippine government, and in addition has at least two (2) years of electrical practice.
C. He has completed a one (1) year electrician’s curse of instruction from a vocational school recognized by the
Philippine government and, in addition has at least three (3) years of electrical practice.
D. He has completed a four year high school education or its equivalent and in addition, has a subsequent record
of at least five (5) years of electrical practice.
Ans. B
5. Sec. 29 of Art. III: Revocation of Certificates of Registration and Suspension from the practice of the Profession. The
board shall have the power, upon notice of hearing, revoke any certificate of registration of any registrant, to suspend
him from the practice of his profession, for fraud, deceit, gross negligence or incompetence. Which will satisfy the
above policy?
A. Rules and regulation, policies, and code of professional ethics of this Act.
B. Order of court
C. PRC ruling
D. Act of government
Ans. A
ESAS (Prepared by: Engr. Ronnie S. Alcorcon)
6. Steels that are used for drills, cutting tools, and knives are known as
A. Low-carbon steels B. Medium-carbon steels C. High-carbon steels D. Very high-carbon steels
Ans. C
7. What group of steels are hot-work tool steels, capable of being used in the 1100 0F – 20000F (6000C – 11000C) range?
A. Group A B. Group D C. Group H D. Group M
Ans. C
8. The effect of silicon in cast iron is to
A. softens iron and increases ductility below 3.25%, hardens iron above 3.25%, and increases acid and corrosion
resistance above 13%
B. increases fluidity and lowers melting temperature.
C. Reduce hardness by combining the sulfur below 0.5% and increase hardness above 0.5%.
D. Deoxidize molten cast iron.
Ans. A
9. What element is largely hardened by precipitation hardening?
A. Nickel B. Niobium C. Nobelium D. Osmium
Ans. A
10. Are hydrocarbons containing one or more carbon-carbon triple bonds?
A. Acid B. Alkali C. Alkenes D. Alkynes
Ans. D
11. A body of mass 50 grams is at rest at the origin, x = 0, on a horizontal frictionless surface. At time t = 0, a force of 10
dynes is applied to the body parallel to the x-axis, and 5 sec. later the force is removed. What are the position of the
body at t = 5 sec?
A. 3.0 cm B. 2.0 cm C. 2.5 cm D. 1.5 cm
Ans. C
12. A river flows due North with a velocity of 3 mph. A man rows a boat across the river, his velocity relative to the water
being 4 mph, due East. What is his velocity relative to the earth?
A. 3 mph B. 4 mph C. 5 mph D. 8 mph
Ans. C
13. What average horsepower is developed by a 180 lb man when climbing in 10 sec. A flight of stairs which rises 20 ft.
vertically? Express this power in kilowatts.
A. 0.974 B. 0.378 C. 1.466 D. 0.488
Ans. D
14. At a certain point in a horizontal pipeline gauge pressure is 0.5 x 10 5 N/m2 at another point gauge pressure is 0.3 x 105
N/m2. If the areas of the pipe at these two points are 20 cm 2 and 10 cm2, respectively. Compute the numbers of cubic
meters of water which flow across any cross section of the pipe per minute.
A. 0.75 B. 0.438 C. 0.575 D. 0.83
Ans. B
15. A hockey puck leaves a player’s stick with a velocity of 30 ft/sec and slides 120 ft before coming to rest. Find the
coefficient of friction between the puck and the ice.
A. 0.217 B. 0.127 C. 0.117 D. 0.317
Ans. C
16. A safe weighing 600 lb is to be lowered at constant speed down skids 8 ft long from a truck 4 ft high. If the coefficient
of sliding friction between safe and skid is 0.30. How great a force parallel to the plane is needed?
A. 140 lbs B. 142 lbs C. 146 lbs D. 144 lbs
Ans. D
17. Find the speed of sound in 320F water if the compressibility is 3.4 x 10-6 psi-1
A. 4764 ft/sec B. 4584 ft/sec C. 4674 ft/sec D. 4664 ft/sec
Ans. C
18. What is the sea level (g = 32.2 ft/sec2) specific weight (lbf/ft3) of liquid with density of 58.3 lbm/ft3?
A. 58.3 lbf/ft3 B. 43.3 lbf/ft3 C. 64.3 lbf/ft3 D. 25.3 lbf/ft3
Ans. A
19. Determine the specific gravity of carbon dioxide (150 0F, 20 psi) using STP air as a reference.
A. 1.7 B. 1.8 C. 1.85 D. 1.87
Ans. B
20. A Scuba diver at a depth of 200 feet notices the bubbles he exhales have diameters of ½ inch. Assume the tension
and water temperature remains relatively constant. What is the depth if the diameter is ¼ inch?
A. 1500 ft B. 1600 ft C. 2500 ft D. 2800 ft
Ans. B
21. Find the required diameter of a steel member if the tensile design load of 7000 pounds. Assume a safety factor of 5
based on an ultimate strength of 60,000 lbf/in 2.
A. 5.406 cm B. 0.8618 in C. 4.695 mm D. 3.2367 m
Ans. B
22. What is the maximum height that a vacuum pump can lift 600F water if the atmospheric pressure is 14.6 psia and local
gravity is 28 ft/sec2?
A. 28.07 ft B. 47.07 ft C. 56.07 ft D. 38.07 ft
Ans. D
23. An iceberg has a density of 57.1 lbm/ft3. If it floats in fresh water, what percent of the iceberg’s volume will be visible?
A. 10.5 % B. 5.5 % C. 7.5 % D. 8.5 %
Ans. D
24. Cost of things that are NEITHER labor NOR material.
A. Investment B. Labor cost C. Expenses D. Construction cost
Ans. C

ESAS (Prepared by: Engr. Ronnie S. Alcorcon)
25. An aggregation of individual formed for the purpose of conducting a business and recognized by law as a fictitious
person is called
A. Corporations B. Investors C. Partnerships D. Stockholders
Ans. A
26. A debt of P 100,000 is to be discharged by ten semi-annual payments, the first to be made 6 months after the loan is
given. The debt will be discharged by 5 equal payments each P 10,000 and by 5 other equal payments of such
amount that the final payment will liquidate the debt. If interest is 12% compounded semi-annually, what is the amount
of the last 5 payments?
A. P 16, 386.74 B. P 18, 386.74 C. P 22, 956.44 D. P 18,584.36
Ans. B
27. A back-pay certificate is offered for sale on which the yearly payments are P 996.00, partly principal and partly
interest. There are annual payments still due, the first of these is due one year from now. How much should one pay
for this note in order to get 5 percent interest, compounded annually, on the investment?
A. P 8,500.55 B. P 7,585.20 C. P 5,980.15 D. P 6,437.36
Ans. D
28. Which of the following is the Ideal Gas Law?
A. V/T = k B. P1/T1 = P2/T2 C. PV = Nrt D. V = k x 1/P
Ans. C
29. How many moles are there in one atom?
A. 1.66 x 10-23 moles B. 1.66 x 10-24 moles C. 1.66 x 1023 moles D. 1.66 x 1024 moles
Ans. B
30. Heat is supplied to 20 lbm of ice (Cp = 0.5 BTU/lbm – 0F) at 00F at the rate of 160 BTU/sec. How long will it take to
convert the ice to steam (Cp = 0.5 BTU/lbm – 0F) at 2130F?
A. 163.78 sec B. 173.78 sec C. 153.78 sec D. 183.78 sec
Ans. A
31. A piston-cylinder system contains a gas which expands under a constant pressure of 1200 lbf/ft 2. If the piston is
displaced 12” during the process, and the piston diameter is 24”, what is the work done by the gas on the piston?
A. 3768 ft-lbf B. 1234 ft-lbf C. 6587 ft-lbf D. 7894 ft-lbf
Ans. A
32. A solid steel shaft 5m long is stressed to 60 MPa when twisted through 4 0. Using G = 83 GPa, compute the shaft
A. 0.104 m B. 1.174 cm C. 5.214 mm D. 9.432 in
Ans. A
33. A high strength steel band saw, 20 mm wide and 0.8 mm thick runs over a pulley 600 mm in diameter. What minimum
diameter pulleys can be used without exceeding flexural stress of 400 MPa? Use E = 200 GPa
A. 400 mm B. 250 cm C. 325 m D. 150 in
Ans. A
34. A flanged bolt coupling consists of six – 10 mm diameter steel bolts evenly spaced around a bolt circle 300 mm in
diameter and four – 20 mm diameter aluminum bolts on a concentric bolt circle 200 mm diameter. What torque can be
applied without exceeding a shearing stress of 60 MN/m 2 in the steel or 40 MN/m2 in the aluminum?
A. 9.75 N-cm B. 2.8 MN-mm C. 5.94 kN-m D. 4.5 GN-in
Ans. C
35. The sum of the strains in the three coordinate directions is known as
A. Dilation B. Dilution C. Solution D. Pilation
Ans. A
36. __________ is a device converting a computer digital signals to analog signals for transmission over copper
telephones wires and black to the digital signals.
A. Modern B. Fax machine C. Telegram D. Telephone
Ans. A
37. A ____________ is a tiny electrically operated switch that can alternate between on and off many million of time per
A. Transistors B. Resistors C. Capacitors D. Microchip
Ans. A
38. What is the binary equivalent with sign bit of – 5 in 2’s complement?
A. 1.0011 B. 1.1011 C. 1.0000 D. 1.0001
Ans. B
39. 1 kw-hr is equivalent to:
A. 2545 BTU B. 2545 cal C. 3412 BTU D. 3412 cal
Ans. C
40. A sphere of radius 5 x 10 to the negative two cm and density of 1.1 gm/cc falls at a constant velocity through a liquid
density 1.00 gm/cc and viscosity of 1.00 poise. What is the velocity of the falling sphere in cm/sec?
A. – 4.00 x 10-2 B. -5.44 x 10-2 C. -7.44 x 10-2 D. 1.533 x 10-2
Ans. B
41. How many BTU are needed to isothermally compress 4 lbm of 240 0F air to twice the original pressure?
A. – 150 BTU B. + 140 BTU C. + 160 BTU D. – 132 BTU
Ans. D
42. What is the heat flow when 3 lbm of nitrogen undergo a closed system isothermal process at 300 0F from an initial
volume of 40 cubic feet to final volume of 22.5 cubic feet?
A. 70 BTU B. – 72 BTU C. 80 BTU D. – 93 BTU
Ans. D
43. A railroad train is travelling at 100 ft/sec in still air. The frequency of the note emitted by the locomotive whistle is 500
Hz. What is the wavelength of the sound waves in front of the locomotive?

ESAS (Prepared by: Engr. Ronnie S. Alcorcon)
A. 3.0 ft B. 2.0 ft C. 2.5 ft D. 3.4 ft
Ans. B
44. A ball is dropped from the cornice of a building takes 0.25 sec to pass a window 9 ft high. How far is the top of the
window below the cornice?
A. 15 ft B. 16 ft C. 17 ft D. 18 ft
Ans. B
45. What is specific enthalpy of 4 lbs of water, which is initially 800F and to which 240 BTU are added?
A. 115 BTU/lb B. 120 BTU/lb C. 108 BTU/lb D. 150 BTU/lb
Ans. C
46. If atmospheric air is 14.7 psia and 600 at sea level, what is the pressure at 12,000 feet altitude if the air is compressed
A. 11.64 psia B. 9.53 psia C. 15.54 psia D. 18.63 psia
Ans. B
47. The distance between two points is exactly 100 ft. this measurement is read correctly on a steel surveyor’s tape at
700F and with a 10-pound tension. If the tape measures another distance as 100 feet at 100 0F and with a 20 pound
tension, what is the actual distance? The tape is 3/8 wide and 1/32 inch thick.
A. 100.0875 ft B. 100.0223 ft C. 99.978 ft D. 99.498 ft
Ans. B
48. A pump operating at 1770 rpm delivers 500 gal/min against a total head of 200 feet. Changes in the piping system
have increased the total head to 375 feet. At what rpm should this pump be operated to achieve this new head at the
same efficiency?
A. 5454 rpm B. 2424 rpm C. 6464 rpm D. 3434 rpm Ans. B
49. A 19-foot long beam 10 inches wide and 20 inches high supports 1500 pounds/foot on two supports 14 feet apart. The
right end of the beam extends 2 feet past the support. What is the bending stress midway between the supports?
A. 730.21 lbf/in2 (psi) B. 573.8 lbf/in2 (psi) C. 248.5 lbf/in2 (psi) D. 683.0 lbf/in2 (psi) Ans. B
50. The entrance enthalpy, velocity, and height of a 5 lbm/sec system are 1000 BTU/lbm, 100 ft/sec, and 100 feet
respectively. 50 BTU/sec are lost to the surrounding. The exit enthalpy, velocity, and height are 1020 BTU/lbm, 50
ft/sec, and 0 feet respectively. What is the input horsepower?
A. 200 B. 250 C. 210.8 D. 300 Ans. C
Aug. 28, 2003
Instruction: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Mark only one answer for each item by shading
the box corresponding to the letter of your choice on the answer sheet provided. STRICTLY NO ERASURE ALLOWED.
Use pencil No. 2 only.

1. Sec. 23 of Art. III: Issuance of Certificates of Registration. The professional is required to renew license every ______
years upon payment of registration fees.
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 6
Ans. C
2. Sec. 33 of Art. IV: Sundry Provisions Relative to Practice of Electrical Engineering, states that _____.
A. Personnel required
B. Preparation of plans, supervision of installation, application of PEC code
C. Practice not allowed for firms and corporations
D. Prohibitions in the Practice of Electric Engineering
Ans. A
3. ______ is any building room or separate place which houses or encloses electric supply equipment connected to
transmission or distribution lines and the interior of which is accessible as a rule, only to properly qualified persons.
A. Power Plant B. Electrical Room C. Substation D. Power House
Ans. C
4. Sec. 4 (o) Power and Duties of the Board of Art. II Board of Electrical Engineering is _______.
A. Promulgate the rules and regulations including a code of ethics, administrative policies, orders and issuances
to carry out the provisions of this Act.
B. Coordinate with the Commission and the Department of Education, Culture and Sports (DECS) in prescribing
amending or revising the courses.
C. Administer oaths in connection with the administration, implementation, or enforcement of this Act.
D. Submit an annual report on the proceedings and accomplishments during the year and on recommendations
on the Board to the Commission after the close of each fiscal year.
Ans. D
5. Sec. 18 (b) of Art. III: Examination and Registration, Qualifications of Applicants for Registered Master Electricians
states that _________.
A. He is a citizen of the Philippines
B. He is at least eighteen (18) years of age.
C. He is of good reputation with high moral values.
D. He is at least twenty-one (21) years of age.
Ans. B
6. Sec. 16 (d) of Art. III: Examination and Registration, Qualifications of Applicants for Registered as Professional
Electrical Engineer states that _____.
A. He is of good reputation with high moral values.
B. He is a citizen of the Philippines.
C. He has not been finally convinced by the court of an offensive involving moral turpitude.
D. He is a holder of the degree of BSEE from a university, school, college, etc. recognized and accredited by
Philippine government.
ESAS (Prepared by: Engr. Ronnie S. Alcorcon)
Ans. D
7. Sec 18 (4) of Art. III: Examination and Registration, Qualifications of Applicants for Registered Master Electricians
states that: ______.
A. He has completed at least three (3) years of a five-year BSEE program or three year course in electrical
engineering technology from an engineering school and has one (1) year of practice of electrical wiring and
installation, operation and maintenance of utilization devices and equipment.
B. He has graduated from a two-year electrician’s course of instruction from a vocational school recognized by
the Philippine government, and in addition has at least two (2) years of electrical practice.
C. He has completed a one (1) year electrician’s course of instruction from a vocational school recognized by the
Philippine government and, in addition hast at least three (3) years of electrical practice.
D. He has completed a four year high school education or its equivalent and, in addition, has a subsequent
record of at least five (5) years of electrical practice.
Ans. D
8. Steels that are used for axles, gears and similar parts requiring medium to high hardness and high strength are known
A. Low-carbon steels B. Medium-carbon steels
C. High-carbon steels D. Very high-carbon steels
Ans. B
9. The effect of aluminum in cast iron is to
A. deoxidize molten cast iron
B. affect the machinability, ductility and shrinkage depending on form
C. reduce hardness by combining with sulfur below 0.5%
D. increase hardness above 0.5%
Ans. A
10. The effect of silicon in cast iron is to
A. softens iron and increases ductility below 3.25%, hardens iron above 3.25%, and increases acid and corrosion
resistance above 13%
B. increase fluidity and lowers melting temperature
C. reduce hardness by combining with sulfur below 0.5% and increase hardness above 0.5%
D. deoxidize molten cast iron
Ans. A
11. It is required to pump water at 100 gal/min from a large reservoir to the surface of another reservoir 400 feet
higher. What is the horsepower of the motor to drive the pump, if the efficiency of the pump is 70%?
A. 14.44 hp B. 13.44 hp C. 12.44 hp D. 10.44 hp
Ans. A
12. The original cost of a certain piece of equipment is P 150,000 and it is depreciated by a 10% sinking fund method.
Determine the annual depreciation charge if the book value of the equipment after 10 years is the same as if it has
been depreciated at P 14,000 each year by straight-line formula.
A. P 7,843.35 B. P 8,784.36 C. P 8,748.36 D. P 7,858.35
Ans. B
13. Two thirds of the atoms in a molecule of water (H2O) are hydrogen. What percentage of the weight of a water
molecule is the weight of the two hydrogen atoms? The atomic weight of hydrogen is 1.008 g/mole and of oxygen
are 16.00 g/mole.
A. 19.11 B. 12.19 C. 19.12 D. 11.19
Ans. D
14. An elevator weighs 1000 pounds and is supported by a 5/16 inch diameter cable, 1500 feet long. When the elevator
carries a 1500 pound load, the cable elongates 6 inches more. What is the modulus of elasticity of the cable?
A. 460 x 107 lbf/in2 (psi) B. 5.87 x 107 lbf/in2 (psi)
C. 231 x 10 lbf/in (psi)
7 2
D. 609 x 107 lbf/in2 (psi)
Ans. B
15. A piston-cylinder system contains a gas, which expands under a constant pressure of 1200 lbf/ft 2. If the piston is
displaced 12” during the process, and the piston diameter is 24”, what is the work done by the gas on the piston?
A. 7894 ft-lbf B. 3768 ft-lbf C. 1234 ft-lbf D. 6587 ft-lbf
Ans. B
16. Determine the maximum shearing stress in a helical steel spring composed of 20 turns of 20 mm diameter wire on
mean radius of 80 mm when the spring is supporting a load of 2 kN.
A. 370 Pa B. 121 MPa C. 25 kPa D. 529 GPa
Ans. B
17. 2 lbm of 2000F iron (cp = 0.1 BTU/lbm-0F) are dropped into a gallon of 400F water. What is the final temperature of the
A. 33.770F B. 34.470F C. 43.740F D. 53.770F
Ans. C
18. A uniform area jet travels at 600 ft/sec and 100 ft 3/sec. what horizontal force acts on the water if it undergoes a 180
A. – 2.32 x 105lbf B. – 4.32 x 105 lbf C. – 6.32 x 105 lbf D. – 8.32 x 105 lbf
Ans. A
19. A particle of charge + 3 x 10-9 C is situated in a uniform electric field directed to the left. In moving to the right
distance of 5 cm, the work of an applied force is 6 x 10 -5J and the charge in kinetic energy of the particle is + 4.5 x
10-5 J. what is the work of the electrical force?
A. kinetic energy only B. kinetic energy + electric potential
C. electric potential only D. kinetic energy – electrical potential
Ans. B

ESAS (Prepared by: Engr. Ronnie S. Alcorcon)
20. For the base 10 number of 30, the equivalent binary number is _______.
A. 0111 B. 11110 C. 1110 D. 1111
Ans. B
21. At STP, the density of chlorine is 3.22 kg/m3. What weight of gas is contained in a flask of 100 cm 3 at 240C and 10
A. 0.321 grams B. 0.420 grams C. 0.563 grams D. 0.563 grams
Ans. D
22. A pipe necks down from 24 inches at point A to 12 inches at point B. The discharge is 8 ft 3/sec in the direction of A to
B. The pressure head at A is 20 feet. Assume no friction. Find the resultant force and its direction on the fluid if water
is flowing.
A. 3881.6 lbf from B to A B. 3881.6 lbf from A to B
C. 2896.6 lbf from B to A D. 2896.6 lbf from A to B
Ans. C
23. In a laboratory experiment, 50 grams of copper is heated by a steam at 100 0C, is dropped into a 50 grams aluminum
calorimeter containing 100 grams of water at 270C. If the final temperature of the mixture is 30 0C, find the specific heat
of copper. (Caluminum = 0.22 cal/g – C0)
A. 0.077 cal/g-C0 B. 0.095 cal/g-C0 C. 0.99 cal/g-C0 D. 0.66 cal/g-C0
Ans. B
24. A body of mass 50 grams is at rest at the origin, x = 0, on a horizontal frictionless surface. At time t = 0, a force of 10
dynes is applied to the body parallel to the x-axis, and sec later the force is removed. What is the position of the body
at t = 5 sec?
A. 2.5 cm B. 2.8 cm C. 3.5 cm D. 1.5 cm
Ans. A
25. 0.064 kg of octane vapor (MW = 114) is mixed with 0.91 kg of air (MW = 29.0) in the manifold of an engine. The total
pressure in the manifold is 86.1 kPa, and the temperature is 290 0K. Assume octane behaves ideally. What is the
partial pressure of the air in the mixture?
A. 64.8 kPa B. 84.6 kPa C. 48.6 kPa D. 46.8 kPa
Ans. B
26. Hydrogen peroxide solution for hair bleaching is usually prepared by mixing 5.0 g of hydrogen peroxide (H 2O2
molecular weight = 34 g/mole) per 100 ml of solution. What is the molarity of this solution?
A. 1.0 M B. 1.5 M C. 2.0 M D. 2.5 M
Ans. B
27. A pump adds 550 feet of pressure head to 100 lbm/sec of water. What is the hydraulic power in horsepower?
A. 200 hp B. 150 hp C. 100 hp D. 300 hp
Ans. C
28. A hemispherical shell with base horizontal and uppermost is filled with water. If the radius is 8 ft. Determine the time
required to empty through a sharp edge orifice of 6 inches in diameter with C = 0.6 and located at the lowest point?
A. 10.2 min B. 11.1 min C. 9.35 min D. 8.90 min
Ans. C
29. A plane wall 2 x 3 m and 20 cm thick. Its thermal conductivity is 0.5 W/m-K. If the temperature difference between
opposite faces is 60C0, find the heat flux.
watts watts watts watts
A. 155 sq. m B. 150 sq . m C. 145 sq. m D. 160 sq. m
Ans. B
30. A plane wall 2 x 3 m and 20 cm thick. Its thermal conductivity 0.5 W/m-K. If the temperature difference between
opposite faces is 60C0, find the heat flow.
A. 930 watts B. 920 watts C. 800 watts D. 900 watts
Ans. D
31. The electron emitted from a hot filament are accelerated in an electric field until their velocity is 5 x 10 to the positive
9th power cm/sec. Find the wavelength of the electrons?
A. 0.660 B. 0.009 C. 0.153 D. 0.146
Ans. D
32. Sec. 1 of Art. II- Relations with Client and Employer, states that: An Electrical Engineer shall be fair, impartial and
reasonable in rendering professional service to his clients, employers and contractors regarding contracts or other
A. True B. Partly true C. False D. Partly false
Ans. A
33. Sec. 2 of Art. II- Relations with Client and Employer, states that: An Electrical Engineer shall, before undertaking any
engagement or entering into any contract which calls for his professional service that will require or need the use
of apparatus, other equipment or things in which he has financial interest, have such situation clarified in the
contract or agreement to avoid ______.
A. government of interests B. conflict of interests
C. owners interests D. city interests
Ans. B
34. What is the equivalent of the 4 digit octal code 2 to gray code?
A. 1000 B. 1100 C. 0011 D. 1001
Ans. C
35. The beam shown is 5 inches wide and 10 inches deep. What is the maximum bending stress?
2000 pounds
300 pounds/foot

5 ft 7 ft 7 ft
ESAS (Prepared by: Engr. Ronnie S. Alcorcon)

R1 R2

A. 3420.9 lbf/in2 (psi) B. 2888.6 lbf/in2 (psi) C. 7721.0 lbf/in2 (psi) D. 5500.3 lbf/in2 (psi)
Ans. B
36. The miller indices of a crystal is (2, 1, 0) what does (2, 1, 0) mean?
A. (2, 1, 0) 1/5 : 1/7 : 1/40 B. (2, 1, 0) 1/ ½ : 1/1 : 1 /∞
C. (2, 1, 0) 1/9 : 1/6 : 1/10 D. (2, 1, 0) 1/2 : 1/6 : 1/∞
Ans. B
37. What radioactive decay is described by the capture of electron from the inner shells?
A. Beta decay B. Gamma decay C. electron capture D. electromagnetic radiation
Ans. A
38. A pump is required to lift 200 gallons of water per minute from a well 20 ft deep and eject it with a speed of 30 ft/sec.
What horsepower engine is needed?
A. 2.50 hp B. 5.6 hp C. 1.72 hp D. 1.54 hp
Ans. C
39. Two piers A and B are located on a river, one mile apart. Two men must make round trips from pier A to pier B and
return. One man is to row a boat at a velocity of 4 mi/hr relative to the water, and the other man is to walk on the
shore at a velocity of 4 mi/hr. The velocity of the river is 2 mi/hr in the direction from A to B. How long does it take
each man to make the roundtrip?
A. 0.67 hr, 0.6 hr B. 0.5 hr, 0.46 hr C. 0.5 hr, 0.3 hr D. 0.67 hr, 0.5 hr
Ans. D
40. The draft of a ship with 2700 ft2 of water line cross-section is 12 feet. What cargo load is required to increase the draft
3 inches? Assume that sea water has a density of 64.0 lbm/ft 3.
A. 85,400 lbm B. 3,684,800 lbm C. 3,609,600 lbm D. 75,200 lbm
Ans. D
41. A centrifugal pump operating at 1800 rpm develops a total head of 200 feet (60 m) at a flow rate of 320 ft 3 (9 m3) per
minute. What is the specific speed?
A. 1480 B. 1671 C. 1620 D. 1870
Ans. B
42. In digital codes, how do you identify codes running from 0 to 1 or run from 0 – 7?
A. Base 10 B. Octal C. Binary D. Gray
Ans. D
43. Determine the decimal value of 23.4 base 8.
A. 27.5 B. 17.0 C. 17.5 D. 19.5
Ans. D
44. One-half of a molecular weight of a perfect gas exists at a pressure of 100 psia. A heat transfer of 200 BTU at
constant volume causes the temperature to change by 100 0F. Find the specific heat for constant pressure processes
on a molar basis.
A. 8 BTU/pmole-0R B. 6 BTU/pmole-0R C. 4 BTU/pmole-0R D. 12 BTU/pmole-0R
Ans. B
45. Supposed a man receives an initial annual salary of P 60,000 increasing at the rate of P 5,000 a year. If money is
worth 10%, determine his equivalent uniform salary for a period of 8 years.
A. P 320,095.57 B. P 72,359.48 C. P 80,143.36 D. P 75,022.39
Ans. D
46. A promissory note with a maturity value of P 32,000 is due 3 years from now. What is the discount value of the
note of this noted based on an interest rate of 8%?
A. P 24,305 B. P 25,403 C. P 20,543 D. P 23,045
Ans. B
47. To what height will pure 600F water rises in a 0.1-inch diameter glass tube open to the atmosphere to the other
A. 0.36 inch B. 0.26 inch C. 0.46 inch D. 0.16 inch
Ans. C

ESAS (Prepared by: Engr. Ronnie S. Alcorcon)

March 30, 2004

Instruction: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Mark only one answer for each item by shading
the box corresponding to the letter of your choice on the answer sheet provided. STRICTLY NO ERASURE ALLOWED.
Use pencil No. 2 only

1. For which type of process does the equation dQ = TdS hold?

A. isothermal B. isometric C. reversible D. irreversible
Ans. C
2. What do you add to compensate for the remaining high iron oxide content of the steel?
A. Deodorizers B. Deorizers C. Detoxifiers D. Deoxidizers
Ans. D
3. Article lll, Rule 7:
A. Enforcement and Execution B. Promulgation of Decisions, Rules, etc.
C. official Business with the Commission D. Assignment of Duties
Ans. D
4. Article lV, Rule ______________ Requirements for examination as a RME.
A. 14 B. 15 C. 16 D. 17
Ans. D
5. Article lV, Rule _____________. Requirements for registration as PEE.
A. 12 B. 13 C. 14 D. 15
Ans. C
6. Which process does not belong to Carnot cycle process?
A. Isentropic compression B. Irreversible adiabatic compression
C. Reversible adiabatic expansion D. Constant temperature adding heat
Ans. B
7. A parity bit is also called ________________ which is used to check accuracy.
A. check bit B. RAM capacity C. silicon type D. driver
Ans. A
8. A two-way parallel paths which connects the processor and memory containing addresses.
A. cache memory B. control bus C. address bus D. buffer
Ans. C
9. A non- impact printer that forms images with little dots and produce high quality images.
A. ink-jet printer B. dot-matrix printer C. card printer D. computer printer
Ans. A
10. A software that allows users to have fast and flexible access to large information and documents.
A. internet B. e-mail C. hypertext D. hyperlink
Ans. C
11. The binary (100101)2 in octal is:
A. 45 B. 24 C. 54 D. 26
Ans. A
12. 128, the equivalent decimal number is ______________.

ESAS (Prepared by: Engr. Ronnie S. Alcorcon)
A. 20 B. 12 C. 10 D. 100
Ans. C
13. Article l, Section 3 states that:
A. An Electrical Engineer shall endeavor to extend knowledge of electrical engineering to the public and shall
discourage spreading the untrue, unfair, and exaggerated statements regarding electrical engineering.
B. An Electrical Engineering shall discharge his duties with absolute fidelity to his clients and employers, and
shall, at all the times, act with optimum margin of safety and with fairness and impartiality to all, having due
regard to public interest and welfare.
C. An Electrical Engineer shall only advertise his work or merit in a simple manner and avoid any practice that
will discredit or do injury to the dignity and honor of his profession.
D. An Electrical Engineer shall strive to upgrade his skill and knowledge in electrical engineering in order to give
the best possible service to the public which could be attained by exchanging information and experiences
with other engineers, and by unselfishly contributing to the mission of engineering societies, institutes,
schools and engineering and scientific media, and other public institutions.
Ans. D
14. Article l, Section 6 states that:
A. An electrical engineer shall discharge his duties with absolute fidelity to his clients and employers, and shall, at
all times, act with optimum margin of safety and with fairness and impartiality to all, having due regard to public
interest and welfare.
B. An Electrical Engineer shall have due regard at all times for the safety of the life and health of his employees,
other workers, as well as of the general public and to the protection of life and property that may be affected
by the under his responsibility.
C. An Electrical Engineer shall uphold the honor and dignity of his profession and, therefore, shall avoid
association or business dealings with any person or enterprises of questionable character.
D. An Electrical Engineer shall not issue statements. Criticism, opinions, arguments or other views on sensitive
matters involving the profession except when public interest is affected.
Ans. B
15. Article ll, Section 2 states that:
A. An Electrical Engineer shall honestly advice his clients or employer if specialized work is called for to engage
the services of competent experts and specialist, and once engaged he shall cooperate with them in the
interests of his client or employer.
B. An Electrical Engineer shall present clearly the known possible consequences or limitations of the work for
which he will be responsible.
C. An Electrical Engineer shall, before undertaking any engagement or entering into any contract which calls for
his professional service that will require or need the use of apparatus, other equipment or things in which he
has financial interest, have such situation clarified in the contract or agreement to avoid conflict of interests.
D. An Electrical Engineer shall be vigilant in guarding against conditions that may be dangerous or threatening to
life, health, or property on work for which he is responsible, or to bring to the attention of those responsible for
such conditions.
Ans. C
16. The effect of the manganese in cast iron is to:
A. deoxidize molten cast iron
B. affect the machinability, ductility and shrinkage depending on form
C. increase fluidity and lowers melting temperature
D. reduce hardness by combining with sulfur below 0.5% and increase hardness above 0.5%
Ans. D
17. Section 4 (p) powers and duties of the board of article ll board of electrical engineering is _________
A. adopt an official seal
B. issue subpoena or subpoena duces tecum to secure the attendance of respondents or witnesses relative to the
investigation conducted by the board.
C. prosecute or institute criminal action against any violator of the act and or the rules and regulations of the
D. Supervise and regulate the practice of electrical engineering in the Philippines
Ans. C
18. Section 4(r) Powers and Duties of the board of article ll board of electrical engineering is ________.
A. Promulgate rules and regulations including a code of ethics, administrative policies, orders and issuances to
carry out the provisions of this act.
B. Coordinate with the commission and the department of education, culture and sports (DECS) in prescribing
amending and/or revising the courses.
C. Supervise and regulate the practice of electrical engineering in the Philippines.
D. Determine and evaluate the qualifications of the applicants for registration with or without licensure
examinations for special permits.
Ans. B
19. What group of steels are water-hardened tool steels?
A. Group O B. Group S C. Group T D. Group W
Ans. D
20. ___________ is a device converting computer digital signals to analog signals for transmission over copper
telephone wires and back to digital signals.
A. Modem B. Fax machine C. Telegram D. Telephone
Ans. A
21. It refers to the installed capacity of an alternating current (A.C.) electric plant or supply equipment, or the connected
load of industrial plants, commercial establishments, institutional buildings expressed in kilovolt-amperes.

ESAS (Prepared by: Engr. Ronnie S. Alcorcon)
A. Substation B. Kva C. kW D. kVAR
Ans. B
22. Is a measure of the effectiveness of an investment of a capital.
A. Rate of return B. Effective interest rate
C. Annual rate method D. Principal of present worth method
Ans. A
23. A rotating steel ring has a mass density of 7850 kg/m3. At what angular velocity will the stress reach 200 MN/m 2 if the
mean radius is 250 mm?
A. 230.47 rad/min B. 638.47 rad/sec C. 850.5 rad/hr D. 790 rad/day
Ans. B
24. Water flows through a perfect nozzle in the side of a water tank. The water level is constant at 20 feet. What height
should the nozzle be located to make the stream flow a maximum horizontal distance before the water strikes the
A. y = 5 ft B. y = 10 ft C. y = 15 ft D. y = 20 ft
Ans. B
25. If a force of 86 lb parallel to the surface of a 20° inclined plane will push a 120-lb block up the plane at constant
what force parallel to the plane will push it down at constant speed?
A. 4.06 lbs B. 45.1 lbs C. 86.5 lbs D. 40.04 lbs
Ans. A
26. During the stress strain test, the unit deformation at a stress of 35 MN/m 2 was observed to be 167 x 10-6 m/m and at a
stress of 140 MN/m2 it was 667 x 10-6 m/m. If the proportional limit was 200 MN/m2, what is the modulus of elasticity?
A. 10.0 x 108 N/cm2 B. 35.0 x 106 N/mm2 C. 5.8 x 106 N/in2 D. 2.1 x 1011 N/m2
Ans. D
27. A block is dragged up an inclined plane of slope angle 20° by a force F making an angle of 30° with the plane. How
large will the component Fy then be in order that if the component Fx parallel to the plane shall be 16 lb?
A. 9.2 B. 11 C. 12 D. 14 Ans. A
28. What is the mass in grams of 1 liter of carbon monoxide (CO) at standard temperature and pressure? The MW of CO
is 28 g/mole. At STP, 1 mole of any gas occupies a volume of 22.4 liters.
A. 1.20 g B. 1.25 g C. 1.35 g D. 1.45 g Ans. B
29. Determine the outside diameter of a hollow steel tube that will carry a tensile load of 500 kN at a stress of 140 MN/m 2.
Assume the wall thickness to be one tenth of the outside diameter.
A. 112 mm B. 714 mm C. 412 cm D. 214 cm Ans. A
30. A horizontal pipe of cross-section 8 cm2 has a constriction of 2 cm2. Gasoline flows in the larger pipe with a speed of
10 cm/sec. What is the speed in constriction in cm/sec?
A. 70 cm/sec B. 60 cm/sec C. 40 cm/sec D. 80 cm/sec Ans. C
31. A 5-kg block is supported by a cord and pulled upward with an acceleration of 2 m/s 2. What is the tension in the cord
in Newton?
A. 10 N B. 49 N C. 59 N D. 50 N Ans. C
32. A cylinder contains oxygen (O2) at a pressure of 10 atm and a temperature of 300° K . The volume of the cylinder is 10
liters. What is the mass of oxygen? MW of O2 is 32 g/mole.
A. 120.08 g B. 125.08 g C. 130.08 g D. 135.08 g Ans. C
33. A hollow bronze shaft of 75 mm outer diameter and 50 mm inner diameter is slipped over a solid steel shaft 50 mm in
diameter and of the same length as the hollow shaft. The two shafts are then fastened rigidly together at their ends.
Find the maximum shearing stress developed in the bronze by end torque of 3 kN-m. For bronze G = 35 GPa and for
steel G = 83 GPa.
A. τ 8 = 28.5 MPa B. τ 8 = 84 Pa C. τ 8 = 10 kPa D. τ 8 = 65.2 GPa Ans. A
34. A water-tight, cubical box 12 inches outside dimension is made from ¼ inch plate. If SG = 7.7 for the iron, will the box
A. the box will sink B. the iron will float C. the box will float D. the box will not float Ans. C
35. What uniform load will cause a simple beam 10 feet long to deflect 0.3 inch if it is supported (in addition to the end
supports) by a spring at the beam’s midpoint? The spring has a spring constant of 30,000 pounds per inch. Assume
the beam is steel, 10-inch deep, rectangular, and with a centroidal moment of inertia of 100 inches 4.
A. 5440 lbf/ft B. 7000 lbf/ft C. 6445 lbf/ft D. 4550 lbf/ft Ans. A
36. A scuba diver at a depth of 200 feet notices the bubbles he exhales have diameter of ½ inch. Assume the tension and
water temperature remains relatively constant. What is the depth if the diameter is ¼ inch?
A. 1500 ft B. 1600 ft C. 2500 ft D. 2800 ft Ans. B
37. The runner in a turbine is 70 cm in diameter. The wheel develops 410 kW when turning at 600 rpm under a head of 43
m. What is the specific speed of the turbine?
A. 39.6 B. 28.9 C. 17.2 D. 42.6 Ans. B
38. A cylindrical tank 20 feet in diameter and 40 feet high has a 4-inch hole in the bottom with C d = 0.98. How long will it
take for the water level to drop from 40 feet to 20 feet?
A. t = 20.26 min B. t = 28.26 min C. t = 30.26 min D. t = 36.26 min Ans. B
39. Every 6 hr a small satellite orbits the earth; the apogee is triple the perigee. Assume plane motion has no effect to
other heavenly bodies. The radius of the earth is approximately 20.91 x 10 6 ft; Let g = 32.17 fps2and remain constant.
For the satellite, find its minimum altitude.
A. 1360 mi B. 1250 mi C. 1585 mi D. 1455 mi Ans. B
40. What is the kinetic energy of 275° K argon (MW = 39.9) molecules?
A. 7.69 x 10-24kJ/molecule B. 6.59 x 10-24 kJ/molecule
C. 5.69 x 10 kJ/molecule D. 4.69 x 10-24 kJ/molecule Ans. C
41. How much heat is required to increase the temperature of 10 pounds of air from 90 ℉ to 360℉ in a constant volume

ESAS (Prepared by: Engr. Ronnie S. Alcorcon)
process if the average value of Cp over this range is 0.245 BTU/lbm - ° R?
A. 526.7 BTU B. 661.5 BTU C. 476.6 BTU D. 427.8 BTU Ans. C
42. A promissory note with a maturity value of P 32,000 is due 3 years from now. What is the discount value of this noted
based on an interest rate of 8%?
A. P 24,305 B. P 25,403 C. P 20,543 D. P 23,045 Ans. B
43. An employee obtained a loan of P 10,000 at the rate of 6% compounded annually in order to build a house. How much
must he pay monthly to amortize the loan within a period of 10 years?
A. P 120.25 B. P 105.25 C. P 108.22 D. P 110.22 Ans. D
44. A factory operator bought a diesel generator set for P 10,000 and agreed to pay the dealer uniform sum at the end of
each year for 5 years at 8% interest compounded annually so that the final payment will cancel the debt for principal
and interest. What is the annual payment?
A. p 5,042.58 B. P 3,504.58 C. P 2,504.57 D. P 4,205.57 Ans. C
45. A horse is towing a canal boat, the towrope making an angle of 10 ° with the towpath. If the tension in the rope is 100
lb, how many foot pound of work are done while moving 100 ft along the towpath?
A. 9848 B. 9829 C. 9284 D. 9748 Ans. A
46. A body moving with constant acceleration covers the distance between two points 180 ft apart in 6 sec its velocity as it
passes the second point is 45 ft/sec. What is its acceleration?
A. 15 ft/sec2 B. 5 ft/sec2 C. 10 ft/sec2 D. 20 ft/sec2 Ans. B
47. A 0.71 m tank contains 4.5 kg of an ideal gas. The gas has a molecular weight of 44 and is at 21 ℃ . What is the

pressure of the gas?

A. 252.2 kPa B. 1234.57 kPa C. 152.2 kPa D. 352.2 kPa Ans. D
48. What is the decrease in height of an 8 inch round by 16 inch high concrete cylinder (E=2.5 x 10 6 lb/in2) when the unit
deformation is 0.0012?
A. 592 m B. 0.0192 in C. 355 cm D. 891 mm Ans. B
49. Gas is enclosed in a cylinder with a weighted piston at the top boundary. The gas is heated and expands from a
volume of 0.04 m3 to 0.10 m3. The pressure varies such that pV = constant, and the initial pressure is 200 kPa.
Calculate the work done by the system.
A. 5110 J B. 8440 J C. 6220 J D. 7330 J Ans. D
50. A cylindrical 1-foot diameter, 4-foot high tank contains 3 feet of water. What rotational speed is required to spin water
out of the top?
A. 42.5 rad/sec B. 12.6 rad/sec C. 22.7 rad/sec D. 32.8 rad/sec Ans. C

August 26, 2004

Instruction: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Mark only one answer for each item by shading
the box corresponding to the letter of your choice on the answer sheet provided. STRICTLY NO ERASURE ALLOWED.
Use pencil No. 2 only

1. The mass of a certain object is 10 gm. What would its mass be if taken to the planet mars?
A. 6 gm B. 0 C. 10 gm D. 20 gm
Ans. C
2. Two men pull horizontally on ropes attached to a post, the angle between the ropes being 45 ° . If man A exerts a force
of 150 lb and man B a force of 100 lb, find the magnitude of the resultant force and the angle it makes with A’s pull.
A. 198 lb, 30° B. 185 lb, 42° C. 258 lb, 36.5° D. 232 lb, 17.5°
Ans. D
3. Article l, Section 4 states that:
A. An Electrical Engineer shall discharge his duties with absolute fidelity to his clients and employers, and shall at
all times, act with optimum margin of safety and with fairness and impartiality to all, having due regard to public
interest and welfare.
B. An Electrical Engineer shall only advertise his work or merit in a simple manner and avoid any practice that will
discredit or do injury to the dignity and honor of his profession.
C. An Electrical Engineer shall uphold the honor and dignity of his profession and, therefore, shall avoid
association or business dealings with any person or enterprises of questionable character.
E. An Electrical Engineer shall strive to upgrade his skill and knowledge in electrical engineering in order to give
the best possible service to the public which could be attained by exchanging information and experiences
with other engineers, and by unselfishly contributing to the mission of engineering societies, institutes,
schools and engineering and scientific media, and other public institutions.
Ans. B
4. Article l, Section 5 states that:
A. An Electrical Engineer shall discharge his duties with absolute fidelity to his clients and employers, and shall at
all times, act with optimum margin of safety and with fairness and impartiality to all, having due regard to public
interest and welfare.
B. An Electrical Engineer shall uphold the honor and dignity of his profession and, therefore, shall avoid
association or business dealings with any person or enterprises of questionable character.
C. An Electrical Engineer shall only advertise his work or merit in a simple manner and avoid any practice that will
discredit or do injury to the dignity and honor of his profession.
E. An Electrical Engineer endeavor to extent knowledge of electrical engineering to the public and shall
discourage spreading the untrue , unfair, and exaggerated statements regarding electrical engineering.
Ans. D
5. What in binary is A base 16?
A. 1011 B. 1000 C. 1010 D. 1110

ESAS (Prepared by: Engr. Ronnie S. Alcorcon)
Ans. C
6. A iceberg has a density of 57.1 lbm/ft3. If it floats in fresh water, what percent of the iceberg’s volume will be visible?
A. 5.5% B. 7.5% C. 8.5% D. 10.5%
Ans. C
7. Water flows through a horizontal pipe of cross-sectional area 10 cm 2. At one section the cross-sectional area is 5 cm2.
The pressure difference between the sections is 300 N/m2. How many cubic meters of water will flow out of the pipe in
1 minute?
A. 0.0868 m3 B. 0.0268 m3 C. 0.5268 m3 D. 0.1268 m3
Ans. B
8. What group of steels are air-hardened, medium-alloy cold work tool steels?
A. Group M B. Group A C. Group H D. Group D
Ans. B
9. The amount of heat required to raised the temperature of 2 kg of iron (sp. heat = 0.115 kcal/kg - ℃ ) from 27℃ to 100

A. 16.8 kcal B. 12.8 kcal C. 15.8 kcal D. 14.8 kcal
Ans. A
10. Determine the maximum shearing stress in a helical steel spring composed of 20 turns of 20 mm diameter wire on a
mean radius of 80 mm when the spring is supporting a load of 2 kN.
A. 140 MPa B. 115 MPa C. 121 Mpa D. 160 Mpa
Ans. C
11. Two hollow rods of A to B and B to C are coupled having the same length of 200 mm, and fixed at the wall. A 3 kN
force is applied at B and a 1 kN force is applied at C. The area of rod AB is 1000 mm 2 and the area of rod BC is 500
mm2. Find the elongation at point B? E = 210 GPa.
A. 0.0006425 mm B. 0.001905 mm C. 0.0002546 mm D. 0.0004350 mm
Ans. B
12. A balloon rising vertically with a velocity of 16 ft/sec, releases a sandbag at an instant when the balloon is 64 ft. above
the ground. Compute the position of the sandbag ¼ sec. after its release.
A. 5 ft B. 1 ft C. 3 ft D. 0.4 ft
Ans. C
13. A steel rod having a cross-sectional area of 300 mm 2 and a length of 150 m is suspended vertically from one end. It
supports a tensile load of 20 kN at the lower end. If the unit mass of steel is 7850 kg/m 3 and E = 200 x 103 MN/m2 find
the total elongation of the rod.
A. 52.48 mm B. 60 mm C. 54.33 mm D. 56 mm
Ans. C
14. A mixture of 35% ethyl alcohol, 15% sulfuric acid, and 50% water, the molecular weight of the ethyl alcohol is 46.
What is the MOL concentration of ethyl alcohol if the total mixture concentration is 3.724?
A. 0.314 B. 0.288 C. 0.625 D. 0.204
Ans. D
15. All isotopes of the same element have:
A. Equal no. of protons and neutrons B. Equal no. of protons
C. the same atomic mass D. Equal no. of neutrons
Ans. B
16. A scientist plan to make a pulse laser with rate of 200 J in 35 secs. What is the power?
A. 7 GW B. 5 GW C. 7.72 GW D. 5.72 GW
Ans. D
17. Is the worth of the property as shown in the accounting records.
A. Scrap value B. Book value C. Fair value D. Use value
Ans. B
18. A flanged bolt coupling consists of six-10 mm diameter steel bolt on a bolt circle 300 mm in diameter and four-10 mm
diameter steel bolt concentrated bolt circle 200 mm in diameter. What torque can be applied without exceeding
shearing stress of 60 MPa in the bolts? Use τ = 60 MPa.
A. 8.5 kN – m B. 7.5 kN – m C. 6.5 kN – m D. 5.5 kN - m
Ans. D
19. The molecular diameter of CO is 3.19 x 10-8 mm at 300 K and pressure of 100 mmHg. What is the mean free path of
the gas in the cm?
A. 2.86 x 10-3 B. 6.86 x 10-3 C. 6.86 x 10-6 D. 6.86 x 10-9
Ans. B
20.Who is the chairman of the Board of Electrical Engineering when RA 7920 was approved?
A. Engr. Roy F. Gil B. Engr. Paul Woo C. Engr. Rafael F. Florentino D. Engr. Gerardo V. Gaor
Ans. C
21. What is the maximum height that a vacuum pump can lift 60℉ water if the atmospheric pressure is 14.6 psia and
gravity is 28 ft/sec2?
A. 28.07 ft B. 47.07 ft C. 56.07 ft D. 38.07 ft
Ans. D
22. If atmospheric air is 14.7 psia and 60℉ at sea level, what is the pressure at 12,000 feet altitude if the air is
compressed isothermally?
A. 11.64 psia B. 9.53 psia C. 19.54 psia D. 19.63 psia
Ans. B
23. All papers, communications, certificates, decisions or other documents shall be solely and exclusively acted upon by
the Board within the premises of the
ESAS (Prepared by: Engr. Ronnie S. Alcorcon)
A. President B. DECS C. Commission D. CHED
Ans. C
24. A manufacturer desires to set aside a certain sum of money to provide funds to cover the yearly operating expenses
and the cost of replacing every year the dies of stamping machine is used in making radio chassis as model changes
for a period of 10 years.
Operating cost per year = P 500
Cost of die = P 1,200
Salvage value = P 600
The money will be deposited in a savings account earning 6% interest. Determine the sum of money that must be
deposited, including the cost of initial die.
A. P 9,796.10 B. P 9,296.10 C. P 8,096.10 D. P 8,296.10
Ans. B
25. The Board of Electrical Engineering is empowered to look into the conditions affecting the practice of the electrical
engineering profession, adopt measures for the enhancement of the profession and maintenance of the high
professional, technical and ____________ standards.
A. theoretical B. acceptable C. U.S. D. ethical
Ans. D
26. Oil (density of 55 lbm/ft3) flows a 1 ft/sec through a 1-inch diameter pipe. A 0.2-inch diameter orifice (C 1 = 0.6) is
installed. What is the indicated pressure drop?
A. 1682.7 lbf/ft2 B. 1482.7 lbf/ft2 C. 2028.7 lbf/ft2 D. 1882.7 lbf/ft2
Ans. B
27. In rule 2(c) defining?
A. Syllabi
B. Commission
C. Commissioner-the chairman of the professional regulation commission
D. Board – board of electrical engineering
Ans. C
28. Two piers A and B are located in a river, one mile apart. Two men must make round trips from pier A to pier B and
return. One man is to row a boat at a velocity of 4 mi/hr relative to the water, and the other man is to walk on the shore
at a velocity of 4 mi/hr. The velocity of the river is 2 mi/hr in the direction from A to B. How long will each man make a
round trip?
A. 0.67 hr, 0.6 hr B. 0.5 hr, 0.46 hr C. 0.5 hr, 0.3 hr D. 0.67 hr, 0.5 hr
Ans. D
29. What is the tip deflection of the cantilever beam that carries a distributed load of 8000 pounds/foot over the first 4 feet
(from the support) of its 10-foot length? Neglect the weight of the steel beam, which is a T-beam with a 5-inch width,
12-inch total height, and 2-inch web thickness.
A. -3.85 m B. +6.96 cm C. +5.14 mm D. -0.108 in
Ans. D
30. ____________ is a microscopic piece of silicon that contains thousands of micro-miniature electronic circuit
components, mainly transistor.
A. Microchip B. Resistor C. Capacitor D. IC
Ans. A
31. A ___________ is one in which all microcomputers and other communication devices are connected to a central hub,
such a file server or host computer.
A. Bus network B. Star network C. Ring network D. Hybrid network
Ans. B
32. An elevator weights 1000 pounds and is supported by a 5/16 inch diameter cable, 1500 feet long. When the elevator
carries a 1500 pound load, the cable elongates 6 inches more. What is the modulus of elasticity of the cable?
A. 460 x 107 lbf/in2 (psi) B. 5.87x107 lbf/in2 (psi) C. 231 x 107 lbf/in2 (psi) D. 609 x 107 lbf/in2 (psi)
Ans. B
33. A billiard ball whose diameter is 80 mm. What is the height above the billiard table will the cue ball strike the billiard
ball so that it will roll frictionless?
A. 55 mm B. 56 mm C. 60 mm D. 40 mm
Ans. B
34. The total income equals the operating cost
A. Break-even-no-gain-no-loss B. In-piece-value
C. Interest rate D. Scrap value
Ans. A
35. ______________ is a piece of silicon that contains thousands of micro-miniature electronic circuit components:
A. Chip B. PCB C. Resistor D. Capacitor
Ans. A
36. In the periodic table of elements, which of the following is NOT a transition metals?
A. Copper B. Sodium C. Silver D. Nickel Ans. B
37. Sec 5 (b) Qualifications of Members of Art. II Board of Electrical Engineering is __________. .
A. Be a natural born Filipino citizen and a resident of the Philippines for at least five (5) consecutive years.
B. Be at least thirty five (35) years of age, of proven integrity with high moral values in his personal as well as his
professional conduct.
C. Be a person with no final conviction by the court of an offensive involving moral turpitude.
D. Have practiced electrical engineering for a period of not less than ten (10) years prior to his appointment, with
a sworn statement as such. Ans. B
38. Sec 17 (b) of Art. III: Examination and Registration, Qualifications of Applicants for Registered Electrical Engineer,
states that an applicant is at least be __________ years of age.

ESAS (Prepared by: Engr. Ronnie S. Alcorcon)
A. 21 B. 23 C. 24 D. 25
Ans. A
39. Heating of an ore to bring its reaction with furnace atmosphere.
A. Smelting B. Calcination C. Leaching D. Roasting Ans. D
40. What group of steels are molybdenum high-speed steels?
A. Group A B. Group D C. Group H D. Group M Ans. D
41. 0.064 kg of octane vapor (MW = 114) is mixed with 0.91 kg of air (MW = 29.0) in the manifold of an engine. The total
pressure in the manifold is 86.1 kPa, and the temperature is 290 ° K . Assume octane behaves ideally. What is the
volume of this mixture?
A. 0.652 m3 B. 0.722 m3 C. 0.895 m3 D. 0.563 m3 Ans. C
42.An object weights 1,500 grams in air, 1,250 grams in water. Determine the specific gravity of the object.
A. 5 B. 6 C. 7 D. 8 Ans. B
43. No heat can be produced without any losses of heat. This is one of the useful statement of the second law of
A. True B. Partly True C. Partly False D. False Ans. A
44. What is H1 in aluminum treatment conditions?
A. strain hardened by cold working, followed by partial annealing
B. strain hardened by working to desired dimensions
C. annealed ( casting only)
D. strain hardened and stabilized Ans. B
45. What is the mid-span deflection for the steel beam shown below if the cross-sectional moment of inertia is 200 in 4?
A. -4.5498 in B. +6.3584 in C. -0.20262 in D. +14.4228 in Ans. C
46. A uniform area jet travels at 600 ft/sec and 100 ft 3/sec. What horizontal force acts on the water if it undergoes a 90
A. -3.91 x 105 lbf B. -3.26 x 105 lbf C. -1.16 x 105 lbf D. -1.91 x 105 lbf Ans. C
47. In the periodic table of elements, which one of the following elements DOES NOT belong to group IIA?
A. Calcium B. Sodium C. Radium D. Magnesium Ans. B
48. What does the prefix tera-refer to?
A. 10-12 B. 1012 C. 10-15 D. 1015 Ans. B
49. Transmission protocol serial asynchronous 8 bits ASCII, 1 parity bit, 9600 bps. How long will it take for a kilobyte file to
be transmitted through the link?
A. 0.96 sec B. 0.85 sec C. 1.07 sec D. 1.17 sec Ans. A
50. A 15” diameter tank discharges 150℉ water through a sharp edge 1” diameter orifice (C d = 0.62) If the original depth
is 12’ and the tank is continually pressurized to 50 psig, find the time to empty the tank.
A. 117.25 min B. 127.35 min C. 227.85 min D. 112.25 min Ans. A
March 28, 2005
INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Mark only one answer for each item by
shading the box corresponding to the letter of your choice on the answer sheet provided. STRICTLY NO ERASURES
ALLOWED. Use pencil No. 2 only.

1. Rule 2(P), Article I defines:

Ans. D
2. RA 7920, Rule 3:
A. PRC Seal B. DECS Seal C. PEE Official Seal D. CHED Seal
Ans. C
3. What sections are included in Article V, Transitory Provisions?
A. 40 to 41 B. 41 to 42 C. 41 to 44 D. 41 to 43
Ans. B
4. Vacancies of the Board seat shall be filled by the ______ from the list of recommendees selected by the Commissioner
who was chosen from the list of nominees submitted by the Integrated and accredited association for the unexpired
term only.
A. IIEE B. Commissioner C. President of the Philippines D. BEE
Ans. C
5. Article III, Section 6 states that:
A. An Electrical Engineer shall live up to the standards of professional practice of electrical engineering.
B. An Electrical Engineer shall give credit to the engineering work of the person to whom the credit is legally due.
C. An Electrical Engineer shall not alter, modify or improve the whole electrical plan or any portion thereof
prepared and/or signed and sealed by another Professional Electrical Engineer without the latter’s written
consent or permission.
D. An Electrical Engineer shall not directly or indirectly injure the professional reputation prospects, or practice of
his colleagues in the profession. Whenever he finds an Electrical Engineer violating the rules of ethical or
professional practices, he shall bring the manner to the attention of the proper forum for disciplinary or for
other appropriate action.
Ans. C
6. Sec. 5 (b) Qualifications of Members of Art. II Board of Electrical Engineering is _________.
A. Be a holder of the degree of Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering (BSEE) from a university, school,
college, academy or institute of a duly constituted, recognized and accredited by the Philippine government.
B. Be at least thirty-five(35) years of age, of proven integrity with high moral values in his personal as well as his
professional conduct.
ESAS (Prepared by: Engr. Ronnie S. Alcorcon)
C. Be a person with no final conviction by the court of an offense involving moral turpitude.
D. Be a professional electrical engineer with a valid certificate of registration and a valid professional license duly
qualified to practice electrical engineering in the Philippines.
Ans. B
7. Sec. 18(2) of Art. III: Examination and Registration, Qualifications of Applicants for Registered Master Electricians
states that: __________________.
A. Has completed a four year high school education or its equivalent and, in addition has a subsequent record at
least five (5) years of electrical practice.
B. Has completed at least three (3) years of a five-year BSEE program or three-year course in electrical
engineering technology from an engineering school and has one (1) year of practice of electrical wiring and
installation, operation and maintenance of utilization devices and equipment.
C. Has graduated from a two-year electrician’s course of instruction from a vocational or trade school recognized
by the Philippine government and, in addition has at least two (2) years of apprenticeship after completion of
the course of instruction, on electrical installation, operation and maintenance of utilization devices and
Ans. C
8. A _________ is a tiny electrically operated switch that can alternate between on and off many million of times per
A. Transistor B. Resistor C. Capacitor D. Microchip
Ans. A
9. On personal computers the data storage device with the largest capacity is most likely to be
A. Hard disk B. 3 ½” DD Diskette C. Random Access Memory D. 3 ½” HD Diskette
Ans. A
10. What is the subject that encompasses the procurement and production of metals?
A. Mining B. Metallurgy C. Geology D. Mechanical
Ans. B
11. The refined molten steel batch is known as
A. hate of steel B. hot steel C. heat of steel D. heater steel
Ans. C
12. What group of steels are tungsten high-speed tools steels that maintain a sharp hard cutting edge at temperatures in
excess of 10000F (5500C)?
A. Group O B. Group S C. Group T D. Group W
Ans. C
13. Which one of the following elements is NOT radioactive?
A. Californium B. Cobalt C. Plutonium D. Uranium
Ans. B
14. What do the prefix pico-refer to?
A. 1012 B. 1015 C. 10-12 D. 10-15
Ans. C
15. Resides in the main memory while the computer is on and directs other application.
A. Files B. Storage C. Supervisor D. Options
Ans. A
16. Communication channel that can communicate in 2 directions but 1 direction at a time.
A. transmission speed B. nibbles C. narrow band D. duplex communication
Ans. D
17. How does an adiabatic process compare to an isentropic process?
A. adiabatic: heat transfer = 0; isentropic: heat transfer ≠ 0
B. adiabatic: heat transfer ≠ 0; isentropic: heat transfer = 0
C. adiabatic: reversible; isentropic: not reversible
D. both: heat transfer = 0; isentropic: reversible
Ans. D
18. Find the limiting peripheral velocity of a rotating steel ring if the allowable tress is 140 MN/m 2 and the mass density of
steel id 7850 kg/m3
A. 955.33 m/min B. 133.55 m/s C. 633 m/hr D. 255 m/day
Ans. B
19. It is required to pump water at 100 gal/min from a large reservoir to the surface of another reservoir 400 feet higher.
What is the horsepower of the motor to drive the pump, if the efficiency of the pump is 70%?
A. 12.44 hp B. 14.44 hp C. 13.44 hp D. 10.44 hp
Ans. B
20. What horsepower is required isothermally compress 800 ft 3 of air per minute from 14.7 psia to 120 psia?
A. 100 hp B. 108 hp C. 115 hp D. 150 hp
Ans. B
21. A steel support must connect two 30,000 pound tensile load separated by 200 inches. The maximum allowable stress
is 10,000 lbf/in2 and the maximum allowable elongation is 0.02 inch. What is the required area?
A. 47.1 m2 B. 10 in2 C. 65 cm2 D. 30.6 mm2
Ans. B
22. To maintain a machine with a 15 year life. The following outlays are needed: P 3,00 at the end of the 5 th year, P 4,500
at the end of the 9th year, and P 4,000 at the end of the 12th year. If the money is worth 7% compounded annually,
determine the equivalent uniform annual maintenance cost of the structure for the 15 year period.
A. P 698.60 B. P 705.80 C. P 215.40 D. P 850.25
Ans. A
23. What is the pressure 8000 feet below the surface of the ocean? Neglect compressibility.
ESAS (Prepared by: Engr. Ronnie S. Alcorcon)
A. 312,000 lbf/ft2 (psfg) B. 512,000 lbf/ft2 (psfg)
C. 912,000 lbf/ft2 (psfg) D. 712,000 lbf/ft2 (psfg)
Ans. B
24. What is the force required to punch a 0.75 inch circular hole through a piece of 5/8 inch thick steel plate ultimate shear
strength of 42 ksi)?
A. 43 kip B. 61.85 kip C. 154 kip D. 732 kip
Ans. B
25. What is the minimum diameter of a solid steel shaft that will not twist through more than 3” in a 6 m length when
subjected to a torque of 15kN-m? Use G=83 GN/m2.
A. 3.211 cm B. 2.18 mm C. 0.118 m D. 7.91 in
Ans. C
26. A scuba diver at a depth of 200 feet notices the bubbles he exhales have diameters of ½ inch. Assume the tension
and the water temperature remains relatively constant. What is the pressure on the bubble?
A. 404.4 lbf/in2 (psia) B. 303.4 lbf/in2 (psia) C. 202.4 lbf/in2 (psia) D. 101.4 lbf/in2 (psia)
Ans. D
27. Three planets of identical size and mass are oriented in space such that radiant energy transfer can occur. The
average temperatures of planets A, B, and C are 294 K, 289 K, and 283 K, respectively. All three planets are massive
enough that small energy losses or gains can be considered to be isothermal processes. What are the entropy
productions for the planets B and C if an energy transfer of 2330 kJ/kg occurs by radiation?
A. (-8.052, 8.233) KJ/kg-K B. (-8.062, 8.233) KJ/kg-K
C. (-8.072, 8.233) KJ/kg-K D. (-8.082, 8.233) KJ/kg-K
Ans. B
28. What is the velocity of sound in 1500F (660C) air at standard atmospheric pressure?
A. 1411 ft/sec B. 1211 ft/sec C. 1311 ft/sec D. 1511 ft/sec
Ans. B
29. Two liquids enter a mixing chamber and are discharged at 80 0F at the rate of 50 gal/min. Liquid A enters at 140 0F with
a specific heat of 10 BTU/ gal-0F. Liquid B enters at 650F with a specific heat of 8.33 BTU/gal-0F. What is the volume
flow for liquid B?
A. 63.38 gal/min B. 32.38 gal/min C. 41.38 gal/min D. 74.38 gal/min
Ans. C
30. What is the sea level (g = 32.2 ft/sec2) specific weight (lbf/ft3) of liquid with density of 58.3 lbm/ft3?
A. 58.3 lbf/ft3 B. 43.3 lbf/ft3 C. 64.3 lbf/ft3 D. 25.3 lbf/ft3 Ans. A
31. Supposed a man receives an initial annual salary of P 60,000 increasing at the rate of P 5,000 year. If money is worth
10%, determine his equivalent salary for a period of 8 years.
A. P 320,095.57 B. P 72,359.48 C. P 80,143.36 D. P 75,022.39 Ans. D
32. An oil with kinematic viscosity of 0.005 ft2/sec flows at 10 ft/sec through a 3-inch (actual diameter) pipe. Is the flow
laminar or turbulent?
A. the flow is normal B. the flow is abnormal C. the flow is laminar D. the flow is turbulent Ans. C
33. A 14-foot long simple beam is uniformly load with 200 pounds per foot over its entire length. If the beam is 3.625
inches wide and 7,625 inches deep. What is the maximum bending stress?
A. 6332 lbf/in2 (psi) B. 1674 lbf/in2 (psi) C. 7974 lbf/in2 (psi) D. 8205 lbf/in2 (psi) Ans. B
34. A 50 horsepower motor (75% efficient) drives a 900-rpm pump (90% efficient) that moves 50 ft 3/sec of gasoline (SG =
0.728). What is the specific speed?
A. 1381 B. 1466 C. 1679 D. 1569 Ans. D
35. A bond with a par value of P 1,000 and with a bond rate of 9% payable annually is to be redeemed at P 1,050 at the
end of 6 years from now. If it is sold now, what should be the selling price to yield 8%?
A. P 1,007.74 B. P 7,101.54 C. P 107.74 D. P 395.86 Ans. A
36. Block A in the figure weighs 100 lb. the coefficient of static friction between the block and the surface on which it rests
0.30. The weight W is 20 lb and the system is in equilibrium. Find the friction force exerted on block A.

A - 450

A. 23 lb B. 20 lb C. 27 lb D. 19 lb Ans. B
37. Two forces B1 and B2 act at a point. The magnitude of B1 is 8 lb and its direction is 600 above the x-axis in the first
quadrant. The magnitude of B2 is 5 lb and the direction is 530 below the x-axis in the fourth quadrant. What are the
horizontal and vertical components of the resultant force?
A. Bx = 7 lbs, By = 2.9 lbs B. Bx = 7 lbs, By = 3 lbs
C. Bx = 6.95 lbs, By = 2.9 lbs D. Bx = 6.95 lbs, By = 3 lbs Ans. A
38. The rigid bar AB is pinned at O and connected to two rods. The distance from O to A is 3 m, and from B to O is 4 m. if
the bar AB is horizontal at a given temperature, determine the ratio of the areas of the two rods so that bar AB will be
horizontal at any temperature. Neglect the mass of bar AB. (The rod at A is aluminum, α =23 μm/(m0C), E = 70 GPa,
L = 8 m, and the rod at B is steel, α =11.7 μ m/(m0C), E = 200 GPa, and L = 8 m).
A. 0.662 B. 0.516 C. 0.455 D. 0.423 Ans. B
39. The mass of the moon is one eighty-first and its radius one-fourth that of the earth. What is the acceleration of gravity
on the surface of the moon.? R8 = 6.38x1027 grams.
A. 205 B. 192 C. 194 D. 190 Ans. C
40. A 0.25 N bullet traveling at 500 m/s hits a 44.75 N block suspended vertically by a 3 m long string. Find the maximum
ESAS (Prepared by: Engr. Ronnie S. Alcorcon)
angle in which the string makes with the vertical if the bullet imbeds itself in the block.
A. 330 B. 400 C. 28.90 D. 300 Ans. D
41. A Carnot machine operates between the hot reservoir at 200 C and a cold reservoir at 200C. when operated as an

engine it receives 1000 KJ/kg. find the coefficient of performance (COP) when used as heat pump.
A. 4.1 B. 2.95 C. 2.63 D. 2.88 Ans. C
42. The molecular diameter of CO is 3.19x10-8 mm at 300 K and pressure of 100 mmHg. What is the number of
bimolecular collisions?
A. 1.02x1024 B. 2.12x1026 C. 2.12x1020 D. 1.12x1027 Ans. D
43. Determine the elongation in a helical steel composed of 20 turns of 20 mm diameter wire on a mean radius of 80 mm
when the spring is supporting a load of 2 kN. Use G= 83 GPa.
A. 100 cm B. 85 m C. 746 in D. 98.7 mm Ans. D
44. The hammer of a pile driver weighs 1000 lb and must be lifted a vertical distance og 6 ft in 3 sec. what horsepower
engine is required?
A. 5.34 hp B. 3.64 hp C. 4.63 hp D. 6.43 hp Ans. B
45. One end of a rope 50 ft long is attached to an automobile. The other is fastened to a tree. A man exerts a force of 100
lb at the midpoint of the rope, pulling it 2 ft to the side. What is the force exerted on the automobile?
A. 625 lbs B. 620 lbs C. 846 lbs D. 528 lbs Ans. A
46. A batted baseball leaves the bat at an angle of 30 0 above the horizontal and is caught by an outfielder 400 ft from the
plate. What was the initial velocity of the ball?
A. 116 ft/sec B. 128 ft/sec C. 122 ft/sec D. 126 ft/sec Ans. C
47. A pump operating with a 1-ft diameter impeller works against a total head of 200 feet. What impeller diameter shold be
used if the total head increases to 330 feet and the new pump must rotate at the same speed with the same
A. 1.75 ft B. 1.65 ft C. 1.28 ft D. 1.16 ft Ans. C
48. A billiard ball whose diameter is 80 mm. what is the height above the billiard table will the cue ball strike the billiard
ball so that it will roll frictionless?
A. 55 mm B. 56 mm C. 60 mm D. 40 mm Ans. B
49. To what height will a barometer column rise if the atmospheric conditions are 13.9 psia and 68 0F and the barometer
fluid is ethyl alcohol?
A. 157.9 inches B. 357.9 inches C. 257.9 inches D. 457.9 inches Ans. D
50. A reinforced concrete column 250 mm in diameter is designed to carry an axial compressive load of 400 kN. Using
allowable stresses for concreter of 6 MPa and for steel of 120 MPa, find the required area of stresses of reinforcing
steel. Assume Ec = 14 GPa and Es = 200 GPa
A. 1322.7 mm2 B. 5233.9 cm2 C. 242.56 m2 D. 8752.8 in2 Ans. A

Saturday, August 27, 2005

INSTRUCTIONL: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Mark only one answer for each item by
shading the box corresponding to the letter of your choice on the answer sheet provided. STRICTLY NO ERASURES
ALLOWED. Use pencil no. 1 only.


1. Rule 4, Article III:

The board in the enforcement and administration of Republic Act No. 7920, and in the execution and performance of its
powers, duties, functions and responsibilities and set forth therein shall rely or seek the review, approval, supervision,
assistance, support and/or advice of the _______ through the latter’s offices, divisions, sections, and units.
A. Commission B. TESDA C. CHED D. DECS
Ans. A
2. In Rule 1 of Article I defining:
A. Syllabi
B. The New Rules and Regulations of the REE
C. Commissioner – The Chairman of the Professional Regulation Commission
D. PEE List
Ans. B
3. Article II contains:
A. SEC 3 to 6 B. SEC 3 to 8 C. SEC 3 to 9 D. SEC 3 to 7
Ans. C
4. Article III contains:
A. SEC 3 to 6 B. SEC 10 to 30 C. SEC 10 to 27 D. SEC 10 to 28
Ans. B
5. Under the Penalty Clause:
The fine shall be:
A. not more than P60,000 B. not more than P50,000
C. not more than P20,000 D. not more than P10,000
Ans. B
6. Article II, Section 2 states that:
An Electrical Engineer shall, before undertaking any engagement or entering into any contract which calls for his
professional service that will require or need the use of apparatus, other equipment or things in which he has financial
interest, have such situation clarified in the contract or agreement to avoid ____________.
A. government of interest B. owners interest C. conflict of interest D. city interest
ESAS (Prepared by: Engr. Ronnie S. Alcorcon)
Ans. C
7. Article III, Section 4 states that:
A. An Electrical Engineer shall give credit to the engineering work of the person to whom the credit is legally due.
B. An Electrical Engineer shall live up to the standards of professional practice of electrical engineering.
C. An Electrical Engineer shall not directly or indirectly injure the professional reputation, prospects, or practice of
his colleagues in the profession. Wherever he finds an Electrical Engineer violating the rules of ethical or
professional practices, he shall bring the matter of the attention of the proper forum for disciplinary or for other
appropriate action.
D. An Electrical Engineer shall not malign, vilify, or destroy the good name and reputation of others.
Ans. C
8. Article I, Section 6 states that:
An Electrical Engineer shall have due regard at all ____ for the safety of the life and health of his employees, other
workers, as well as of the general public and to protection of life and property that may be affected by the work under
his responsibility.
A. buildings B. times C. office D. work area
Ans. B
9. A Carnot cycle operates at maximum thermal efficiency. This is one of the useful statement in the second law of
A. True B. False C. Partly false D. Do not follow
Ans. A
10. RISC means?
A. Reduce Instruction Set Computing B. Reduce Instruction Set Computer
C. Reduce Instruction Set Component D. Reduce Information Set Capacity
Ans. A
11. Salt, water, rubber, iron rust are called _____.
A. mix atom B. chemical compound C. element D. molecule
Ans. B
12. Is the worth of the property which is equal to the original cost less the amount which has been charged to
A. Scrap Value B. Book Value C. Fair Value D. Use Value
Ans. B
13. The particle inside the nucleus is called
A. nucleons B. nuclei C. nuclic D. nuclide
Ans. A
14. Is the process of determining the value of worth of physical property for specific reasons.
A. Depletion B. Valuation C. Economy D. Investment
Ans. B
15. Which of the following is the Ideal Gas Law?
A. V/T = k B. P1/T1 = P2/T2 C. PV = Nrt D. V = K X 1/P Ans. C
16. What is a substance that cannot be decomposed into simpler substance during ordinary chemical reactions?
A. Atom B. Element C. Molecule D. Compound Ans. B
17. __________ is a secondary storage medium, generally non-removable disk made out of metal and covered with a
magnetic recording surface. It holds data in the form of magnetized spots and are usually built into the computer
system cabinet.
A. Hard disk B. Floppy disk C. Compact disk D. CD ROM Ans. A
18. Sec. 18(1) of Art. III: Examination and Registration, Qualifications of Applicants for Registered Master Electricians
states that: __________.
A. He has completed at least three (3) years of a five-year BSEE program or three-year course in electrical
engineering technology from an engineering school and has one (1) year of practice of electrical wiring and
installation, operation and maintenance of utilization devices and equipment
B. He has graduated from a two-year electrician’s course of instruction from a vocational school recognized by
the Philippine government, and, in addition has at least two (2) years of electrical practice.
C. He has completed a one (1) year electrician’s course of instruction from a vocational school recognized by the
Philippine government and, in addition, has at least three (3) years of electrical practice.
D. He has completed a four year high school education or its equivalent and, in addition, has a subsequent
record of at least five (5) years of electrical practice. Ans. A
19. The purpose of nickel in steel alloying is to increase
A. Brittleness
B. toughness, hardness, corrosion resistance, and reduce thermal expansion
C. high-temperature strength
D. Strength Ans. B
20. The purpose of phospurus in steel alloying is to
A. increase dynamic and high-temperature strength and hardness
B. reduce brittleness, combine with sulfur
C. increase strength
D. increase hardness and corrosion resistance Ans. D
21. The purpose of vanadium in steel alloying is to
A. increase strength
B. fix carbon in inert particles and reduce martensitic hardness
C. increase brittleness
D. increase machinability Ans. A
22. An airplane pilot sets a compass course due west and maintains an air speed of 120 mph. after flying for one-half hour

ESAS (Prepared by: Engr. Ronnie S. Alcorcon)
he finds himself over a town which is 75 mi west and 20 mi south of his starting point. Find the magnitude of wind
A. 50 mph B. 60 mph C. 55 mph D. 65 mph Ans. A
23. A safe weighing 600 lb is to be lowered at a constant speed down skids 8 ft long from a truck 4 ft high. If the
coefficient is sliding friction between safe and skid 0.3, how great a force parallel to the plane is needed?
A. 140 lbs B. 142 lbs C. 155 lbs D. 144 lbs Ans. D
24. What is the sea level (g = 32.2 ft/sec2) specific weight (lbf/ft3) of liquid with density of 58.3 lbm/ft3?
A. 58.3 lbf/ft3 B. 43.3 lbf/ft3 C. 64.3 lbf/ft3 D. 25.3 lbf/ft3
Ans. A
25. A uniform area jet travels at 600 ft/sec and 100 ft 3/sec. what horizontal force acts on the water if it undergoes a 90 0
A. – 3.91 x 105 lbf B. – 3.26 x 105 lbf C. – 1.91 x 105 lbf D. – 1.16 x 105 lbf
26. The VCP Trading Co. set aside P200,00 each year for expansion. If the fund earns 8% compounded annually, how
long will it take before a new building costing P2,500,000 can be built?
A. 7 years B. 8 years C. 9 years D. 6 years
27. What is the rms velocity of 2750K argon (MW = 39.9) molecules?
A. 313.7 m/sec B. 414.7 m/sec C. 515.7 m/sec D. 616.7 m/sec
28. What is the rms velocity of oxygen at 700F?
A. 448 m/sec B. 568 m/sec C. 479 m/sec D. 864 m/sec
29. A cylindrical tank having a diameter of 1.5 m and a height of 4 m is open at one end and closed at the other end. It is
placed below the water surface with its open end down. How deep below the water surface should the tank be placed
if the depth of water inside the tank is 1.8 m?
A. 8.41 m B. 7.22 m C. 6.21 m D. 5.84 m
30. Determine the outside diameter of a hollow steel tube that will carry a tensile load of 500 kN at a stress of 140 MN/m 2.
Assume the wall thickness to be one tenth of the outside diameter.
A. 112 mm B. 714 mm C. 412 mm D. 214 mm
31. What is the decrease in height of an 8 inch round by 16 inch concrete cylinder (E = 2.5 x 10 6 lbf/in2) when the unit
deformation is 0.0012?
A. 392 m B. 0.0192 in C. 355 cm D. 891 mm
32. What is the actual hole diameter made by a steel punch (0.75 inch diameter) that is subjected to a 40,000 pound
hydraulic press?
A. 0.89 in B. 0.8 in C. 0.75 in D. 0.68 in



1. The executive officer of the Board of Electrical Engineering is _________.

A. PRC Commissioner B. Chairman of the Board of EE
C. Civil Service Commission D. IIEE President
2. Sec. 4 ( I ) Powers and Duties of the Board of Art. II Board of Electrical Engineering is ____________.
A. Promulgate rules and regulations including a code of ethics, administrative policies, orders and issuances to
carry out the provisions of this Act.
B. Prosecute or institute criminal action against any violator of the Act and or rules and regulations of the Board.
C. Issue subpoena or subpoena duces tecum to secure the attendance of respondents or witnesses relative to
the investigation conducted by the Board.
D. Render decision, order or resolution on preliminary investigation or inquiry, on undocketed cases on docketed
administrative cases against examinees or registrants which shall become final and executor unless appealed
with the Commission within 15 days from receipt of the copy thereof.
3. What is the Article II of Code of Ethics for Electrical Engineers?
A. Professional Life B. Penal Provisions
C. Relations with Client and Employer D. Relations with Fellow Engineers
4. Entropy is the measure of
A. the change in enthalpy of a system B. the internal energy of a gas
C. the heat capacity of a substance D. randomness or disorder
5. Fluids like oil, gasoline, water, alcohol are Newtonian fluids.
A. Charle’s Law B. True C. False D. Boyle’s Law
6. Article II, Section 3 states that:
A. An Electrical Engineer shall present clearly the known possible consequences or limitations of the work for
which he will be responsible.
B. An Electrical Engineer shall not divulge confidential matters or information which has come to his knowledge
concerning affairs of his clients or employers, without their consent.
C. An Electrical Engineer shall be vigilant in guarding against conditions that may be dangerous or threatening to
ESAS (Prepared by: Engr. Ronnie S. Alcorcon)
life, health, or property on work for which he is responsible, or to bring to the attention of those responsible for
such conditions.
D. An Electrical Engineer shall be fair, impartial and reasonable in rendering professional service to his clients,
employers and contractors regarding contracts or other agreements.
7. The Electrical Engineer shall observe such a system of moral principles and values as a set of dynamic standards to
guide his conduct and way of life. It is his duty to practice his ____ according to this Code of Ethics.
A. work B. profession C. knowledge D. responsibility
8. Structural steel elements subjected to torsion develop.
A. tensile stress B. compressive stress C. shearing stress D. bending stress
9. The New Electrical Engineer Law 7920 originated from the House Bill No. ____ and Senate Bill No. ____.
A. 11063 & 1766 B. 11063 & 1870 C. 11070 & 1871 D. 11075 & 1875
10. RA 7920, Rule 2 ( i ) defining?
A. ASST. EE B. RA 184 C. Commission D. Syllabi
11. A golf ball is driven horizontally from an elevated tee with a velocity of 80 ft/sec. It strikes the fairway 2.5 seconds
later. How far has it fallen vertically?
A. 105 ft B. 120 ft C. 100 ft D. 130 ft
12. Enthalpy of an ideal gas is a function of:
A. internal energy B. entropy C. temperature D. pressure
13. Find the magnitude of the resultant of two 10-lb forces applied at the same point when the angle between the forces is
A. 7.8 lbs B. 18.1 lbs C. 19.8 lbs D. 8.5 lbs
14. A Fahrenheit and a Celsius thermometer are both immersed in a fluid. If the two numerical readings are identical, what
is the temperature of the fluid expressed in Kelvin?
A. 233 B. 243 C. 313 D. 435
15. Compared to gases and liquids, solids are less _____.
A. color B. reactive C. weight D. heat
16. The linear porion of the stress-strain diagram of steel is known as the
A. modulus of elongation B. plastic range
C. elastic range D. range of yield points
17. The state of a thermodynamic system is always defined by its
A. process B. availability C. properties D. temperature and pressure
18. Article IV, Rule ____. Requirements for examination as a REE.
A. 14 B. 15 C. 16 D. 17
19. Which of the following is not a vector quantity?
A. velocity B. speed C. acceleration D. displacement
20. The sum of Php 12,000 is to be invested at a rate of 9% compounded quarterly. What is the total money at the end of
8 years?
A. Php 25,200.25 B. Php 25,400.10 C. Php 24,457.24 D. Php 23,600.65
21. What gage pressure at a depth of 100 m in seawater? Specific weight is 10.1 kN/m 3.
A. 1520 B. 2011 C. 1010 D. 1224
22. A mixture of 35% ethyl alcohol, 15% acetic acid, and 50% water, the molecular weight of acetic acid is 60. What is the
MOL fraction of acetic acid, if the total number of moles is 3.79?
A. 0.086 B. 0.190 C. 0.066 D. 0.099
23. For the base 10 number of 30, the equivalent binary number is _____.
A. 11110 B. 1111 C. 0111 D. 1110
24. A pump adds 550 feet of pressure head to 100 lbm/sec of water. What is the hydraulic power in kilowatts?
A. 64.6 Kw B. 74.6 kW C. 84.6 kW D. 54.6 kW
25. A household cleaning solution has a hydronium ion concentration of 10 -11 M. What is the pH of the solution?
A. 9 B. 10 C. 11 D. 12
26. Which of the following is a member of the halogen family?
A. sodium B. fluorine C. phosphorus D. hydrogen
27. A solid steel shaft 5 m long is stressed to 60 MPa when twisted through 4°. UsingG = 83 GPa, compute the shaft

ESAS (Prepared by: Engr. Ronnie S. Alcorcon)
A. 0.104 m B. 1.174 cm C. 5.214 mm D. 9.432 in
28. In fluid flow, if the fluid travels parallel to the adjacent layers and the paths of individual particles do not cross, the flow
is said to be:
A. laminar B. turbulent C. dynamic D. uniform
29. What is the average velocity of a nitrogen molecule at 20°C?
A. 498.6 m/sec B. 470.8 m/sec C. 521.9 m/sec D. 564.2 m/sec
30. A lead bullet of mass M passed a tree trunk and emerges on other side. The speed of the bullet is 300 m/sec as it
enters and 80 m/sec as it emerges, assuming that 60% of the loss of kinetic energy is stored as heating the bullet,
calculate the rise in temperature o the bullet. Specific heat of lead is 0.03 cal/g-deg C
A. 194 deg C B. 200 deg C C. 180 deg C D. 199.71 deg C
31. A promissory note with a maturity value of P 32,000 is due 3 years from now. What is the discount value of this note
based on an interest rate of 8%?
A. P 24,305 B. P 25,403 C. P 20,543 D. P 23,045
32. What is the kinetic energy of 275 K argon (MW = 39.9) molecules?
A. 7.69 x 10-24 KJ/molecule B. 6.59 x 10-24 KJ/molecule
C. 5.69 x 10-24 KJ/molecule D. 4.69 x 10-24 KJ/molecule
33. Two boys, B1 and B2 act at a point. The magnitude of B1 is 8 lbs and its direction is 60 degrees above the horizontal
axis in the first quadrant. The magnitude of B 2 is 5 lbs and its direction is 53 degrees below the horizontal axis in the
fourth quadrant. What is the magnitude of the resultant force?
A. 7.0 lbs B. 6.9 lbs C. 7.6 lbs D. 8.6 lbs
34. What is the reduced pressure of NH3 (ammonia) when it exerts pressure of 100 atm?
A. 0.9911 B. 0.8445 C. 0.8698 D. 0.3335
35. Two 10-lb weights are suspended at opposite ends of a rope which passes over a light frictionless pulley. The pulley is
attached to a chain which goes to the ceiling. What is the tension in the chain?
A. 8 lbs B. 10 lbs C. 12 lbs D. 20 lbs
36. To what height will a barometer column rise if the atmospheric conditions are 13.9 psia and 68°F and the barometer
fluid is ethyl alcohol?
A. 157.9 inches B. 357.9 inches C. 457.9 inches D. 257.9 inches
37. What allow to choose command from menu?
A. Files B. DIR C. Storage D. Menu Driven Interface
38. Computers in a network connected to a central hub is
A. Chain Network B. Star Network C. Bus Network D. Ring Network
39. What increase in temperature will buckle a slender steel rod of 1’ diameter and 8 foot length which is fixed at both
ends and which carries no initial load?
A. 41.2°F B. 48.7°F C. 36.8°F D. 28.9°F
40. Sec. 34 of Art. IV: Sundry Provisions Relative to Practice of Electrical Engineering stats that _______.
A. Personnel required
B. Preparation of plans, supervision of installation, application of PEC code
C. Practice not allowed for firms and corporations
D. Prohibitions in the Practice of Electrical Engineering
41. To maintain a structure with a life of 20 years it is necessary to provide the following for repairs:
P 20,000 at the end of 5th year
P 30,000 at the end of 10th year
P 40,000 at the end of 15th year
If money is worth 10% compounded annually, determine the equivalent uniform annual maintenance cost for the 20
year period?
A. P 3,542 B. P 3,608 C. P 3,142 D. P 3,942
42. A river due north with a velocity of 3 mph. A man rows a boat across the river, his velocity relative to the water being 4
mph due east. If the river is 1 mi wide, how long a time is required to cross the river?
A. 10 min B. 15 min C. 20 min D. 25 min
43. A 1000-kg homogenous bar AB 2 m long is suspended horizontally from two vertically cables AC and BD each 1.8 m
long and connected at both ends, with cross-sectional area 400 mm 2. Determine the magnitude of the largest
additional force acting downward which can be applied to the bar and its location from point A. The stresses in the
cables AC and BD are limited to 100 MPa and 50 MPa respectively.
A. 50.2 kN, 0.602 m B. 55 kN, 0.602 m C. 59 kN, 0.602 m D. 67 kN, 0.602 m

ESAS (Prepared by: Engr. Ronnie S. Alcorcon)
44. It is the most prevalent engineering metal due to the abundance of iron ore, simplicity of production, low cost, and
predictable performance.
A. Copper B. Aluminum C. Phosphorus D. Steel
45. A processing system is processor limiter when sorting of small tables in memory would speed up computations?
A. Adding Cache memory B. Adding more Main memory
C. Adding Virtual memory D. Adding Peripheral memory
46. What is the heat flow when 3 lbm of nitrogen undergo a closed system isothermal process at 300°F from an initial
volume of 40 cubic feet to final volume of 22.5 cubic feet?
A. – 72 B. 70 C. – 93 D. 60
47. An airtight closed box of weight P is suspended from a spring balance. A bird of weight W is placed on the floor of the
box, and the balance reads W + P. If the bird flies around in the box at a constant elevation without accelerating, what
is the balance reading?
A. P – W B. P + W/2 C. P + 2W D. P + W
48. What group of steels are high-carbon, high-chromium tool steels suitable for cold working applications?
A. Group A B. Group D C. Group H D. Group M
49. A sphere of radius 5 x 10 to the negative two cm and density of 1.1 gm/cc falls at a constant velocity through a liquid
density of 1.00 gm/cc and viscosity of 1.00 poise. What is the velocity of the falling sphere in cm/sec?
A. – 4.00 x 10-2 B. – 5.44 x 10-2 C. – 7.44 x 10-2 D. 1.533 x 10-2
50. 4 lbm/sec of steam enter a turbine with velocity of 65 ft/sec and enthalpy of 1350 BTU/lbm. The steam enters the
condenser after being expanded to 1075 BTU/lbm and 125 ft/sec. The total heat loss from the turbine casing is 50
BTU/sec. What power is generated by this turbine?
A. 1000 hp B. 1400 hp C. 1500 hp D. 1800 hp



1. The moment of inertia of any plane figure can be expressed in units of length to the
A. First power B. Second power C. Third power D. Fourth power
2. This refers to energy-consuming equipment including motors, heaters, furnaces, light sources and other device which
utilize electric energy, for any purpose.
A. Industrial plant B. Utilization equipment C. Processing plant D. Transformer
3. An object is placed 3 feet from the center of a horizontally rotating platform. The coefficient of friction is 0.30. The object
will begin to slide of when platform speed is nearest to:
A. 12 rpm B. 17 rpm C. 22 rpm D. 26 rpm
4. Two barges, one weighing 10 tons, the other weighing 20 tons are connected by a cable in quiet water. Initially the
barges are at rest 100 feet apart. The cable is reeled in until the barges are 500 feet apart. If the friction is negligible,
calculate the distance moved by the 10 ton barge.
A. 16.7 ft B. 33.3 ft C. 22.4 ft D. 42.5 ft
5. The maximum moment induced in a simply supported beam of 20 foot span, by a 2,000 pound load at midspan is:
A. 125,000 ft-lbs B. 15,000 ft-lbs C. 30,000 ft-lbs D. 10,000 ft-lbs
6. A floating cylinder 8 cm in diameter and weighing 950 grams is placed in a cylindrical container 20 cm in diameter
partially full of water. The increase in the depth of water in the container due to placing the float in it is:
A. 10 cm B. 5 cm C. 3 cm D. 2 cm
7. Which of the following metals is the best heat conductor?
A. aluminum B. copper C. gold D. silver
8. When exposed to the atmosphere, which of the following liquids is coldest?
A. oxygen B. argon C. nitrogen D. helium
9. Five gas molecules chosen at random are found to have speeds of 500, 600, 700, 800 and 900 ms -1. Find the rm
ESAS (Prepared by: Engr. Ronnie S. Alcorcon)
A. 629 m/s B. 714 m/s C. 651 m/s D. 700 m/s
10. A vertical tube 3 m long with one end closed is inserted vertically with the open end down, into a tank of water until the
open end is submerged to a depth of 1.0 m. Neglecting vapor pressure, how far will the water level in the tube be
below the level in the tank?
A. 0.658 m B. 0.787 m C. 0.896 m D. 0.988 m
11. The electron emitted from a hot filament are accelerated in an electric field until their velocity is 5 x 10 to the positive
9th power cm/sec. Find the wavelength of the electrons.
A. 0.660 B. 0.009 C. 0.153 D. 0.146
12. A barometer is made of a tube 90 cm long and of cross section 1.5 cm 2. Mercury stands in this tube to a height of 7
cm. The room temperature is 27°C. A small amount of nitrogen is introduced into the evacuated space above the
mercury and the column drops to a height of 70 cm. How many grams of nitrogen were introduced?
A. 0.00224 gram B. 0.224 gram C. 0.00326 gram D. 0.0326 gram
13. Article V of Code of Ethics states that:
This Code shall take effect upon approval by the _______ and after fifteen (15) days following its publication is the
Official Gazette.
A. Commission B. PRC C. IIEE D. CHED
14. Aluminum is hardened by
A. Precipitation hardening (age-hardening) process
B. Palpitation hardening process
C. Perspiration hardening process
D. Respiration hardening
15. A flexible chain of weight W hangs between two hooks at the same height. At each end, the chain makes an angle phi
with the horizontal. What is the magnitude of the force F exerted by the chain on the hook at the left?
A. 2 cos phi B. 2 sin phi C. 4 sin phi D. 4 cos phi
16. How much heat is required to change 30 kg of 20 deg C water into 100 deg C steam at one atmosphere?
A. 77757 kJ B. 42556 kJ C. 67255 kJ D. 94555 kJ
17. The maximum safe concentration of fluoride ion in drinking water is 2.0 ppm (parts per million). Express this
concentration in milligram percent.
A. 0.30 B. 0.40 C. 0.20 D. 0.50
18. The binary coding scheme most commonly used in microcomputers is ______.
A. Binary code B. EBCDIC C. Baudot code D. ASCII
19. A __________ is a device that merges several low speed transmission into high speed transmission.
A. server B. voltage regulator C. multiplexer D. mainframe
20. 53.8 gms of finely divided aluminum is heated to 98.3 deg C and dropped into 76.2 gms of water at 18.6 deg C
contained in a calorimeter. The final temperature of the mixture is 27.4 deg C. The mass of the calorimeter is 123
gms, and its specific heat maybe taken as 0.092 cal/gram-deg C. The combined thermal capacity of the thermometer
and metal stirrer is 6.5 cal/gram-deg C. Assuming no heat loss from the system, calculate the mean specific heat of
aluminum for the above temperature range.
A. 0.200 B. 0.215 C. 0.207 D. 0.217
21. _______ is a treatment in which the steel is heated over the critical temperature and allowed to cool in still air.
A. Air blasting B. Normalizing C. Cool storage D. Water cooling
22. It is required to pump water at 100 gpm from a large reservoir to the surface of another reservoir 400 feet higher. The
efficiency of the pump is 70%. If the motor used is 3 Φ and operates on a 220 V, 60 Hz, 3 Φ line at 75% efficiency
and 80% power factor, what would be the size of the circuit breaker for line protection?
A. 125AT/225AF, 3P, 240 V B. 100AT/225AF, 3P, 240 V
C. 75AT/225AF, 3P, 240 V D. 90AT/225AF, 3P, 240 V
23. Water at an average temperature of 20 deg C flows through a 5 cm diameter pipe, which is 2 m long. The pipe is
heated by steam and held 100 at deg C. The convective heat transfer coefficient I 2.2 x 10 to the 4 th power W/m sq.
deg K. Find the heat flow.
A. 6.22 x 10 to the 5th power W B. 4.66 x 10 to the 5th power W
C. 5.52 x 10 to the 5 power W D. 5.99 x 10 to the 5th power W
24. What do you call the heating of an ore to bring about its decomposition and the elimination of a volatile product?
A. Leaching B. Calcination C. Roasting D. Smelting
25. The Code of Ethics for Electrical Engineers was approved under Board Resolution No. _____ series of 1995.

ESAS (Prepared by: Engr. Ronnie S. Alcorcon)
A. 28 B. 25 C. 20 D. 22
26. Rule 2(e) of Article I defining?
A. RA 184 B. Syllabi C. Commission D. CPE continuing Education Program
27. Sec. 18 (4) o Article III: Examination and Registration, Qualifications of Applicants for Registered Master Electrician
states that he has completed a four year high school education or its equivalent and, in addition has a subsequent
record of at least ___ years of electrical practice.
A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5
28. The ratio of the moment of inertia of the cross section of a beam to the section modulus is
A. equal to the radius of gyration B. equal to the area of the cross section
C. a measure of distance D. multiplied by the bending moment to determine the stress
29. Calculate the root-mean-square, most probable velocity in cm/sec of H 2(Hydrogen) molecules at 0 deg C.
A. 1.773 x 1010 B. 1.996 x 106 C. 1.622 x 105 D. 1.505 x 105
30. RA 7920 Rule 2(k) is defining?
B. ME – Master Electrician- Those who were registered such as under RA 184
C. Commission
D. Syllabi
31. RA 7920 Rule 2(i) is defining?
A. REE B. ME C. PEE D. RME-Registered Master Electrician
32. If atmospheric air is 14.7 psia and 60 deg F at sea level, what is the pressure at 12,000 feet altitude if the air is
A. 4.34 psia B. 2.34 psia C. 6.34 psia D. 8.34 psia
33. Section 1of Article I is?
A. A Electrical Engineer shall uphold the honor and dignity of his profession and, therefore, shall avoid association
or business dealings with any person or enterprises of questionable character.
B. An Electrical Engineer shall not issue statements, criticism, opinions, arguments or other views on sensitive
matters involving the profession except when public interest is affected.
C. An Electrical Engineer shall discharge his duties with absolute fidelity to his clients and employers, and shall, at
all times, act with optimum margin of safety and with fairness and impartially to all, having due regard to public
interest and welfare.
D. An Electrical Engineer shall only advertise his work or merit in a simple manner and avoid any practice that will
discredit or do injury to the dignity and honor o his profession.
34. Water flows in a 5 cm diameter pipe at velocity of 5 m/sec and it expand at 10 cm diameter. Find the flow rate in
A. 595 B. 540 C. 589 D. 560
35. Rule 4 mandate the duties and responsibilities of the board _____ performance of its powers, duties, functions and
responsibilities set forth.
A. Assignment of duties B. Action on Communication
C. Enforcement and Execution D. Promulgation of Decisions
36. A thin walled pressurized vessel consists of a right circular with flat ends. Midway between ends the stress is greatest
in what direction?
A. Longitudinal B. Circumferential C. Radial
D. At an angle of 30° to the longitudinal and circumferential direction
37. Poisson’s Ratio is principally used in
A. The determination of capability of a material for being shaped
B. The determination of material for plastic deformation without fracture
C. Stress-strain relationships where stresses are applied in more than one direction
D. The determination of the modulus of toughness
38. A pump, driven by 440 V, 3 phase induction motor lifts 1100 cubic feet of water per minute against total head of 100
feet of water. The efficiencies of the pump and motor are 0.75 and 0.92, respectively. The power factor of the motor is
0.90. What would be the cost of operating this pump for 24-hr a day duty when power costs 0.30 peso per KWHR?
A. P 1,620.00 B. P 1,500.00 C. P 2,230.00 D. P 3,000.00
39. A 16 lb block is lifted vertically at a constant velocity of 20 ft/sec through a height of 20 ft. how much work is done?
A. 160 ft-lb B. 320 ft-lb C. 480 ft-lb D. 640 ft-lb
40. _____ is an operating system for multiple users, with built-in networking capability to run multiple task at one time, and
version that can run on all kinds of computers.
A. UNIX B. Windows C. MS DOS. D. BASIC

ESAS (Prepared by: Engr. Ronnie S. Alcorcon)
41. How much heat is required to increase the temperature of 10 pounds of air from 90° to 360°F in a constant volume
process if the average value of cp over this rang is 245 BTU/lbm-°R.
A. 427.8 BTU B. 476.6 BTU C. 526.7 BTU D. 661.5 BTU ANS. B
42. A pump is being used to deliver 130 L/min of hot water from a tank through 15 m of 2.5 cm diameter, smooth pipe,
exiting through a 1.0 cm nozzle, 3 m above the level of the tank. The head loss from the friction of the pipe is 8.33 m.
The specific weight of the hot water is 9.53 kN/cubic meter. Calculate the mechanical power delivered to the pump if
the efficiency of the pump is 60%.
A. 1.73 KW B. 2.10 KW C. 1.80 KW D. 1.99 KW ANS. A
43. A pump 550 feet of pressure head to 100 lbm/sec of water. What is the hydraulic power in horsepower?
A. 180 B. 250 C. 125 D. 100 ANS. D
44. A promissory note with a maturity value of P 32,000 is due 3 years from now. What is the discount value of this noted
based on interest rate of 8%?
A. P 24,305 B. P 20,543 C. P 25,403 D. P 23,045 ANS. C
45. To maintain a structure with a life of 20 years it is necessary to provide the following for repairs:
P 20,000 at the end of 5th year
P 30,000 at the end of 10th year
P 40,000 at the end of 15th year
If money is worth 10% compounded annually, determine the equivalent uniform annual maintenance cost for the 20
year period? Draw the cash flow.
A. P 3,542 B. P 3,608 C. P 3,142 D. P 3,942 ANS. D
46. A laboratory technician mixes 400 ml of 0.125 M HCI with 800 ml of 0.50 M HCI. What I the pH of the resulting
A. 1.12 B. 2.50 C. 10.5 D. 12.2 ANS. A
47. What is the tensile load if a ½’ x 4’ x 12’ steel tie rod experiences an 80°F temperature decrease from the no-stress
A. 31,200 lbf B. 52,130 lbf C. 92.34 lbf D. 47,120 lbf ANS. A
48. What is the total kinetic energy of translation in ergs of 2 moles of a perfect gas at 27 deg C? Assume T = 300 deg K.
R = 8.314 x 10 to the 7 power Erg deg K to the – 1 power mole to the – 1?
A. 6.99 x 10 to the 9th power B. 7.490 x 10 to the 10th power
C. 5.66 x 10 to the 9th power D. 8.11 x 10 to the 10th power ANS. B
49. A centrifugal pump operating at 1800 rpm develops a total head of 200 feet (60 m) at a flow rate of 320 ft 3 (9 m3) per
minute. What is the specific speed?
A. 1480 B. 1671 C. 1620 D. 1870 ANS. B
50. A reinforced concrete column 250 mm in diameter is deigned to carry an axial compressive load of 400 kN. Using
allowable stresses fro concreter of 6 MPa and for steel of 120 MPa, find the required area of stresses of reinforcing
steel. Assume Ec = 14 GPa and Es = 200 GPa.
A. 1322.7 mm2 B. 5233.9 cm2 C. 242.56 m2 D. 8752.8 in2 ANS. A

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Mark only one answer for each item by
shading the box corresponding to the letter of your choice on the answer sheet provided.
1. What do you call the treating of an ore with aquaeous reagent to dissolve component selectively?
A. Calcination B. Leaching C. Roasting D. Smelting
2. The __________ when heated decompose to yield water and anyhydrous salt.
A. Nitrates B. Carbonates C. Hydrates D. Chlorates
3. During chemical reactions, bonds between atoms are broken and new bonds are usually formed. What do you call the
starting substance?
A. Catalyst B. Product C. Ingredient D. Reactants
4. Silicate mineral having the characteristic properties of fibrous structure and fire resistance.
A. Graphite B. Silicon C. Asbestos D. Ceramic
5. Following the production of condensation of a region are formed in which the pressure are lower than the equilibrium
value. What will this be?
A. Reflection B. Rarefraction C. Refraction D. Convection
6. Metal that contains both cementite and graphite and is between the gray and white irons in composition and
A. Ductile iron B. White iron C. Malleable iron D. Mottled iron
7. Relation between volume and temperature at constant pressure.
A. Boyle’s Law B. Charles’s Law C. Henry’s Law D. Gay Lussac’s Law
8. A ______ is programmable multi-use machine that accepts data-raw facts and figures, and processes, or manipulates.
If into information we can use, such as summaries or totals.
A. Cash register B. Calculator C. Adding Machine D. Computer
9. ___________ is a technology consists of electromagnetic devices and system for communicating over long distances.
ESAS (Prepared by: Engr. Ronnie S. Alcorcon)
A. Radio B. Telephone C. Telecommunication D. Cellular Phone
10. A ___________ is one in which all microcomputers and other communication devices are connected in continuous
A. Star Network B. Ring Network C. Bus Network D. Hybrid Network
11. What is the term used to describe hydrocarbons containing single covalent bonds between carbon atoms.
A. Alkenes B. Alkynes C. Alkanes D. Allotrope
12. Deviation edge from edge straightness. It is usually the maximum deviation of an edge from a straight line of given
length. What will this be?
A. Lay B. Out of line C. Camber D. Surface ripple
13. Adding more solute to an already saturated solution will cause the excess solute to settle down to the bottom of the
container. What is this process called?
A. Saturation B. Hydration C. Precipitation D. Dehydration
14. The distance between two successive maxima or between any two successive point in the same phase is?
A. wave guide B. wave length C. amplitude D. speed propagation
15. The maximum potential gradient that the material can withstand without rapture.
A. Allowable voltage B. Dielectric strength C. Interrupting capacity D. Breaker capacity
16. Carbon or allow steel are capable of being hardened and tempered are use for?
A. Machining steel B. Galvanized steel C. Tool steel D. Stainless steel
17. Whenever a body capable of oscillating is acted on by a periodic series of impulses having frequency equal to 1 of the
natural frequency oscillation of the body, the body is set into vibration with a relatively large amplitude. This
phenomenon refers to
A. Doppler’s effect B. Interference C. Vibration D. Resonance
18. Waves that travel through some material medium as it displaced from an equilibrium state is?
A. Elastic wave B. Periodic wave C. Mechanical wave D. Longitudinal wave
19. ________ is a way of writing the operating coder so they may be easily translated into machine coded or direct
computer instruction.
A. Basic language B. Fortran C. Pascal D. Assemble language
20. Maximum amount by which pressure differ from atmospheric pressure is
A. Baffle resonance B. Maximum amplitude C. Pressure amplitude D. Ultrasonic frequency
21. Waterglass is a mixture of
A. Potassium and calcium silicate B. Potassium and lead silicate
C. Zinc and barium silicate D. Sodium silicate
22. Network particle allow two or more pc to communicate unto network with the same language the commercially
accepted standard.
23. What is the reason why styrofoam is a good insulation materials?
A. It has pure white compartment B. It contains many tiny pockets o air.
C. It is very unstable and heat can pass it. D. Its structure is very densely compacted
24. Which of the following statements about entropy is false?
A. An irreversible process increases entropy of the universe
B. Entropy of a crystal at 0 deg F is zero.
C. Net entropy change in any closed cycle is zero.
D. Entropy has the units of heat capacity.
25. _______ is formed when a pair of electrons are shared between two atoms.
A. Triple bond B. Molecular Orbital bond C. Covalent bond D. Ionic bond
26. Binary system uses power of ____ for positional value.
A. 8 B. 16 C. 2 D. 10
27. What does the prefix peta refer to?
A. 10-15 B. 1015 C. 1018 D. 10-18
28. What is the radix minus one complement of (BABE) base 16?
A. 5444 B. 4541 C. 4511 D. 4561
29. The temperature of a closed cylinder containing at air 25 deg Celsius and 101 kPa is raised to 100 deg Celsius. What

ESAS (Prepared by: Engr. Ronnie S. Alcorcon)
is the new pressure?
A. 787.2 mmHg B. 851.2 mmHg C. 654.2 mmHg D. 951.2 mmHg
30. A 2 lbm of 100 deg F iron (cp = 0.1 BTU/lbm-deg F) are dropped into a gallon of 40 deg F water. What is the final
temperature of the mixture in deg F?
A. 60.5 B. 43.74 C. 59.2 D. 55.1
31. What is the 7’s complement of (1234) base 8?
A. 6522 B. 6512 C. 6588 D. 6543
32. The density of helium is 0.178 kg/cu. m. at STP. What is the density at 25 deg Celsius and 98 kPa?
A. 0.211 B. 0.159 C. 0.167 D. 0.378
33. A scuba diver at a depth of 200 feet notices the bubbles he exhales have diameters of ½ inch. Assume the tension
and water temperature remains relatively constant. What is the depth if the diameter is ¼ inch?
A. 1400 ft B. 1850 ft C. 1600 ft D. 1700 ft
34. E base 16 time 4 base 8.
A. 111111 B. 111000 C. 101111 D. 100111
35. Find the speed of sound in 32 deg F of water if the compressibility is 3.4 x 10 negative 6 psi raised to the negative 1.
A. 4000 ft/sec B. 4800 ft/sc C. 4674 ft/sec D. 4200 ft/sec
36. What is the octal equivalent of the hexadecimal number EE?
A. 378 B. 375 C. 356 D. 376
37. The mass of flow rate of Freon 12 through a heat exchanger is 10 pounds/minute. Enthalpy of Freon entry is 102
BTU/lb and of Freon exit is 26 BTU/lb. Water coolant is allowed to rise 10 deg Fahrenheit. The water flow rate in
pounds/minute is:
A. 85 B. 73 C. 89 D. 76
38. A Carnot cycle heat engine operates 1540 deg F and rejects 250 BTU/lb to the low temperature reservoir or heat sink.
Maximum entropy change in BTU/lb – deg R of the working fluid for any process in the cycle is:
A. 0.78 B. 0.50 C. 0.89 D. 0.92
39. How many calories are required to raise 20 kg of copper ( c p = 0.208 BTU/lbm-deg F ) from 80 deg C to 600 deg C?
A. 0.163 x 10 positive 6 cal B. 1.163 x 10 positive 6 cal
C. 3.163 x 10 positive 6 cal D. 2.163 x 10 positive 6 cal
40. A certain gas occupy a volume of 6 liters under pressure of 720 mmHg at 25 deg Celsius. What volume in liter will this
gas occupy under STP condition of temperature and the pressure?
A. 4.5 B. 3.5 C. 4.0 D. 5.2
41. How many lumens passed through the area of 0.8 m squared on a sphere of radius 3 m if a 650 cd isotropic source is
at the center?
A. 57.78 lm B. 55.60 lm C. 52.11 lm D. 54.21 lm
42. A 2000-lbm satellite with an average density of 27 lbm/cu.ft.is in orbit where the local acceleration due to gravity I 30.6
ft/sec sq. If the density of the atmospheric is 0.011 lbm/cu.ft., what is the buoyant force on the satellite?
A. 0.444 lbf B. 0.644 lbf C. 0.544 lbf D. 0.744 lbf
43. A cylindrical 1-foot diameter, 4-foot high tank contains 3 feet of water. What rotational speed in rps is required to spin
water out of the top?
A. 32 rad/sec B. 30.2 rad/sec C. 26.8 rad/sec D. 22.7 rad/sec
44. Two boys B1 and B2 act at a point. The effort of B1 is 8 lb and its direction is 60 deg above the horizontal axis in the
fourth quadrant. What net value of two boys effort if B 1 is deducted from B2?
A. 3 lbs B. 13 lbs C. 9 lbs D. 11 lbs
45. Water at an average temperature of 20 deg. C flows through a 5 cm diameter pipe, which is 2 m long. The pipe is
heated by steam and held at 100 deg. C. The convective heat transfer coefficient is 2.2 x 10 to the 4 th power W/m.sq.
deg K. Find the heat flux.
A. 1.90 MW/m. sq. B. 1.76 MW/m. sq. C. 2.01 MW/m. sq. D. 2.52 MW/m. sq.
46. A fluid at 100 psia has a specific volume of 4 cu.ft/lb and enters an apparatus with a velocity of 00 ft/sec. Heat
radiation losses in the apparatus are equal to 10 BTU/lb of fluid supplied. The fluid leaves the apparatus at 20 psia
with a specific volume of 15 cu.ft/lb and a velocity of 1000 ft/sec. In the apparatus, the shaft work done by the fluid is
equal to 195,000 ft-lbf/lbm. Does the internal energy of the fluid increase or decrease, and how much is the change?
A. Decrease, – 255 BTU/lb B. Decrease, + 198.3 BTU/lb
C. Decrease, – 257.1 BTU/lb D. Decrease, + 257.1 BTU/lb
47. Work of a polytropic (n = 1.21) compression of air (cp/cv = 1.40) in a system with moving boundary from P1 = 15 psia,
V1 = 1 cu.ft. to P2 = 150 psia, V2 = 015 cu.ft.is:

ESAS (Prepared by: Engr. Ronnie S. Alcorcon)
A. 35.7 ft-lb B. 324 ft-lb C. 1080 ft-lb D. 5143 ft-lb
48. A roller whose diameter is 20 in weighs 72 lb. What horizontal force is necessary to pull the roller over a brick 2 in high
when the force if applied at the top?
A. 20 lbs B. 30 lbs C. 24 lbs D. 28 lbs
49. A golf ball is driven with a velocity of 200 ft/sec at an angle of 37 deg above the horizontal. It strikes a green at a
horizontal distance of 800 ft from the tee. What was the elevation of the green above the tee?
A. 200 ft B. 195 ft C. 235 ft D. 180 ft
50. A 50-horsepower motor (75% efficient) drives a 900-rpm (90% efficient) that moves 5.0 cu.ft/sec of gasoline
(SG = 0.728). Assuming no change in efficiency, what size of motor would be required to move 8 cu.ft/sec of gasoline?
A. 104.5 hp B. 105.6 hp C. 204.8 hp D. 206.8 hp



1. RA 7920 rule m is defining?

2. What is the tensile load if a ½” x 4” x 12 steel tie rod experiences an 80 degree F temperature decrease from the no
stress temperature?
A. 92346 lb B. 47120 lb C. 31200 lb D. 52130 lb
3. The bounded (cables) or unbounded (air) mechanism for connecting the transmitter to the receiver.
A. transmitter B. receiver C. medium D. Information deta
4. A 750 mm pulley, loaded with a belt 10 kN on top and 6 kN below. The shaft diameter is 50 mm with the slot for the key
is 75 mm long x 10 mm on one side, determine the width “b” if the allowable shearing stress is 70 MPa.
A. 13.6 mm B. 11.43 mm C. 15.0 mm D. 12.1 mm
5. The moment of inertia of any plane figure can be expressed in units of length to the
A. First power B. Second power C. Third power D. Fourth power
6. What is the static head corresponding to a flow velocity of 10 ft/sec?
A. 1.55 ft B. 1.75 ft C. 2.05 ft D. 2.25 ft
7. 35 base 8 + ( 1011 ) base 2 = _______ base 2
A. 101001 B. 101111 C. 101000 D. 101001
8. A 287.5 cubic cm of vapor at 100 deg C and 100 kPa has a mass of 0.725 g. What is the molecular weight of the
A. 77.94 g/mole B. 88.94 g/mole C. 55.94 g/mole D. 66.94 g/mole
9. The loss of zinc in the presence of certain corrosive media or at high the temperature is known as?
A. perzincification B. dezincification C. loszincification D. brazincification
ESAS (Prepared by: Engr. Ronnie S. Alcorcon)
10. Sec. 16 © of Art. III: Qualifications of Applicant for Registration as Professional Electrical Engineer states that _____.
A. He is of good reputation with high moral values
B. He is a citizen of the Philippines
C. He has not been finally convicted by the court of an offense involving moral turpitude.
D. He is a holder of the degree of BSEE from a university, school, college, etc.
11. What diameter shaft is required to transmit 200 horsepower at 1850 rpm if the maximum shear stress is 10,000 psi
and the maximum twist is 1 degree per foot of length? The shaft is round steel.
A. 1.415 in B. 1.514 in C. 1.451 in D. 1.541 in
12. A machine was purchased 5 years ago at a cost of P 120,000. It’s estimate salvage value at the end of 10 years is P
10,000. Is it is sold now for P 30,000. What is the sink cost of the depreciation method used in straight line method?
A. P 21, 000 B. P 30, 000 C. P 35, 000 D. P 25, 000
13. A species of atom characterized by the number of neutrons and protons in the nucleus.
A. Nucleic B. Nucleons C. Nuclide D. Nucleotide
14. What is the combined volume 1.0 g of Hydrogen gas (H 2) and 10.0 g helium gas (He) when confined at 20 deg C and
5 atmospheres?
A. 4.41 B. 12.41 C. 14.41 D. 16.41
15. Shaft work of – 15 BTU/lb and heat transfer of – 10 BTU/lb charge enthalpy of a system by
A. – 25 BTU/lb B. + 25 BTU/lb C. – 5 BTU/lb D. + 5 BTU/lb
16. A flywheel of a motor is rotating at a rate of 200 rpm. If it decelerates 2 rad/sec sq., how long will it take to stop?
A. 14.22 sec B. 15.22 sec C. 10.47 sec D. 16.90 sec
17. The basic repeating unit in a polymer is called?
A. monomer or mer B. interpolymer C. copolymer D. elastomer
18. The temperature when water vapor of the air begins to condense.
A. Boiling point B. Freezing point C. Critical point D. Dew point
19. What is the molarity of a solution of 600 g H2SO4 (which has a specific gravity of 1.83) dissolved in 3 L of water?
A. 1.84 M B. 2.04 M C. 3.09 M D. 4.00 M
20. What is the term used to describe the moving of software from another computer to your own computer?
A. Surfing B. Downloading C. Uploading D. Accessing
21. Find the resultant value of two 10-lb forces applied by the two ladies at the same point when the angle between the
force is 30 deg. Use any convenient scale.
A. R = 20 lbs B. R = 19.3 lbs C. R = 15 lbs ANS. B
22. Any equipment which produces, modifies, regulates, or controls the supply of electric energy is the ___________.
A. “Electric supply equipment” B. “Transformer”
C. “Substation” D. “Generator set”
23. In a manometer the pressure is measured by balancing it by:
A. spring weight B. dead weight C. column of liquid D. leverage pressure
24. Ice in an iceberg has specific gravity of 0.922. Determine the % exposed volume of the iceberg if it floats in seawater
with specific gravity of 1.03.
A. 11% B. 11.5% C. 12.2% D. 10.5%
25. A secondary book of accounts, the information of which is obtained from the journal.
A. Worksheet B. Balance sheet C. Trial balance D. Ledger
26. Article V of Code of Ethics states that:
This code shall take effect upon approval by the ________ and after fifteen 915) days following its publication in the
Official Gazette.
A. Commission B. PRC C. IIEE D. CHED
27. With a neutral atom?
A. the atomic number = the atomic mass
B. the atomic mass = the mass of neutrons + the mass of protons
C. the number of protons = the atomic number
D. the number of electrons = the number of neutrons
28. A reinforced concrete column 250 mm in diameter is designed to carry an axial compressive load of 400 kN. Using
allowable stresses for concrete of 6 MPa and for steel at 120 MPa, find the required area of stresses of reinforcing
steel. Assume E0 = 14 GPa and Es = 200 GPa.
A. 1720 sq. mm B. 1600 sq. mm C. 1320 sq. mm D. 1440 sq. mm
29. What is the Article II o Code of Ethics fro Electrical Engineers?

ESAS (Prepared by: Engr. Ronnie S. Alcorcon)
A. Professional Life B. Penal provisions
C. Relations with Client and Employer D. Relations with Fellow Engineers
30. The purpose of born in steel alloying is to increase
A. deoxidation B. hardness and strength
C. hardness D. corrosion resistance
31. Find the product of (F10) base 16 and (101) base 2. Express the answer in base 10.
A. 19990 B. 19280 C. 19850 D. 19200
32. An employee obtained a load of P 10,000 at rate of 6% compounded annually in order to build a house. How much
must he pay monthly to amortize the loan within a period of 10 years?
A. P 120.42 B. P 110.22 C. P 105.75 D. P 115,54
33. Sec. 16(a) of Art. III: Qualifications of Applicant for Registration as Professional Electrical Engineer states that
A. He is of good reputation with high moral values
B. He is a citizen of the Philippines
C. He has not been finally convicted by the court of an offense involving moral turpitude
D. He is a holder of the degree of BSEE from a university, school, college, etc.
34. Sec. 16(b) of Art. III: Qualification of Applicant for Registration as Professional Electrical Engineer states that
A. He is of good reputation with high moral values
B. He is a citizen of the Philippines
C. He has not been finally convicted by the court of an offense involving moral turpitude
D. He is a holder of the degree of BSEE from a university, school, college, etc.
35. The hot gas temperature in a heat exchanger is 350 deg C (h 0 = 220 W/sq.m.-K) What is surface temperature on the
wall if the heat transferred is 1500 W/sq.m.>
A. 350 deg C B. 343 deg C C. 338 deg C D. 358 deg C
36. A scuba diver at a depth of 200 feet notices the bubble he exhales have diameter of 1/2 inch. Assume the surface
tension and water temperature remains relatively constant. What is the pressure in lbf/sq.in. on the bubble at a depth
of 50 feet?
A. 44.21 B. 50.50 C. 40.22 D. 36.40
37. A roller whose diameter is 20 in weighs 72 lb. What horizontal force is necessary to pull the roller over a brick 2 in high
when the force is applied to the center?
A. 54 lbs B. 60 lbs C. 48 lbs D. 36 lbs
38. Which of the following is used in thermal power plant?
A. Brayton cycle B. Reversed Carnot cycle
C. Rankine cycle D. Otto cycle
39. Sec. 4(h) Powers and Duties of the Board of Art. II Board of Electrical Engineering is _________.
A. Supervise and regulate the practice of electrical engineering in the Philippines
B. Issue special permits to individual foreign electrical engineers and electricians
C. Promulgate rules and regulations including a code of ethics, administrative policies, orders and issuances to
carry out the provisions of this Act.
D. Determine and evaluate the qualifications of the applicants for registration with or without licensure
examinations for special permits
40. A container 9.3’ of water, 6.5’ of oil(SG = 7.1), and 5.0’ of air at 26 psig and 70 deg F. What is the absolute pressure at
the bottom of the container?
A. 47.637 psia B. 46.377 psia C. 43.767 psia D. 46.737 psia
41. A student determine to test the law of gravity for himself walks off a skyscraper 900 ft high, stopwatch in hand and
starts his free fall ( zero initial velocity). Five seconds later, Superman arrives at the scene and dives off the roof to
save the student. What must Superman’s initial velocity be in order that he catch the student just before the ground is
reached? (Assume that Superman’s acceleration is that of any freely falling body).
A. 230 fps B. 400 fps C. 320 fps D. 240 fps
42. A reaction turbine with a motor efficiency of 90% operates on a total head of 40 ft. If the turbine turns at 750 rpm, what
is the specific speed?
A. 7.75 B. 8.22 C. 9.77 D. 6.75
43. The ratio of the velocity of light in vacuum to its velocity of another material is
A. Specific Index B. Poisson’s Ratio C. Refractive Index D. Modulus ratio of Elasticity
44. Twenty grams of oxygen gas (O2) are compressed at a constant temperature of 30 deg C to 5% of their original
volume. What work is done on the system?

ESAS (Prepared by: Engr. Ronnie S. Alcorcon)
A. 1124 cal B. 1144 cal C. 123 cal D. 321 cal
45. For shear stress, what is the constant of proportionality?
A. Shark modulus B. Shape modulus C. Shear modulus D. Shout modulus
46. Is the worth of property as an operating unit.
A. Scrap Value B. Value C. Use Value D. Book Value
47. A trench mortar fires a projectile at an angle of 53 degrees above horizontal with a muzzle velocity of 200 ft/sec. A
tank is advancing directly forward the mortar on level ground at a speed of 10 ft/sec. What should be the distance from
mortar to tank at the instant the mortar is fired in order to score a hit?
A. 1,149 ft B. 1,194 ft C. 1,249 ft D. 1,293 ft
48. What do you call a framework composed of members joined at their ends to form a rigid structure?
A. Machine B. Truss C. Joist D. Purlin
49. In the periodic table of elements, which one of the following is a light metals?
A. Gold B. Mercury C. Potassium D. Silver
50. A 3-inch diameter pipe 2000 ft long with friction factor of 0.20 carries water from a reservoir and discharges freely at a
point 100 feet below the reservoirs surface level. Find the pump horsepower to double the gravity flow.
A. 21.20 hp B. 27.20 hp C. 31.20 hp D. 37.20 hp



1. A 2 lbm of 100 deg F iron (cp = 0.1 BTU/lbm-deg F) are dropped into a gallon of 40 deg F water. What is the final
temperature of the mixture?
A. 55.21 deg F B. 48.12 deg F C. 38.92 deg F D. 43.74 deg F
2. Find the change in internal energy of 10 lbm of oxygen gas when the temperature changes from 100 deg F to 115 deg
F cv = 0.157 BTU/lbm-degR.
A. 10.23 BTU B. 23.55 BTU C. 14.63 BTU D. 15.70 BTU
3. To what height will pure 60 degree F water rise in a 0.1-inch diameter glass tube open to the atmosphere to the other
A. 0.36 inch B. 0.16 inch C. 0.46 inch D. 0.26 inch
4. A Carnot machine operates between the hot reservoir at 200 deg C and a cold reservoir at 20 deg C. When operated
as an engine, it receives 1,000 kJ/kg, find the work output.
A. 400 kJ/kg B. 390 kJ/kg C. 440 kJ/kg D. 381 kJ/kg
5. A jet of water is discharged through a 1-inch diameter orifice under a constant head of 2.1 feet. The total discharged is
228 lbm in 90 sec. The jet is observed to pass through a point 2 feet downward and 4 feet away from vena contracta.
Compute the coefficient of velocity.
A. 0.889 B. 0.765 C. 0.976 D. 0.654
6. The mass of a neutron is approximately how many times greater than the mass of an electron?
A. 1890 B. 1811 C. 1855 D. 1839
7. A body of mass 50 grams is at rest at the origin, x = 0 on a horizontal frictionless surface. At time t = 0, a force of 10
dynes is applied to the body parallel to the x-axis, and 5 sec later the force is removed. What is the position of the body
at t = 5 sec?
A. 5.8 cm B. 2.5 cm C. 3.0 cm D. 5.2 cm
8. A stone is dropped from the top of a tall building and 1 sec later a second stone is thrown vertically down with a velocity
ESAS (Prepared by: Engr. Ronnie S. Alcorcon)
of 60 ft/sec. How far below the top of the building will the second stone overtake the first?
A. 34.5 ft B. 42.6 ft C. 39.4 ft D. 28.7 ft
9. A hockey rubber ball leaves player’s stick with a velocity of 30 ft/sec and slides 120 ft before coming to rest. Find the
coefficient of friction between the rubber ball and ice.
A. 0.217 B. 0.127 C. 0.317 D. 0.117
10. A Scuba diver at the depth of 200 ft notices the bubbles he exhales have diameter of ½ inch. Assume the tension and
water temperature remains relatively constant. What is the pressure on the bubble at a depth of 50 ft?
A. 37.50 lbf/sq.inch (psia) B. 38.60 lbf/sq.inch (psia)
C. 39.70 lbf/sq.inch (psia) D. 36.40 lbf/sq.inch (psia)
11. Which of the following is NOT a vector quantity?
A. displacement B. acceleration C. speed D. momentum
12. The mass of a certain object is 10 gm. Is the expression F = g a valid on mars?
A. Yes B. 100 times C. 1000 times D. No
13. A box is pushed along the floor by a force of 40 lb making an angle of 30 degrees with horizontal. Find the horizontal
and vertical components of the force.
A. Fx = 32.6 lbs, Fy = 34.6 lbs B. Fx = 36.0 lbs, Fy = 36.0 lbs
C. Fx = 34.6 lbs, Fy = 20.0 lbs D. Fx = 34.6 lbs, Fy = 3.6 lbs
14. A reaction turbine with a motor efficiency of 90% operates on the total head of 40 feet. If it operates in 25% salt water
(SG = 1.190), what is the expected electrical output for a flow rate of 100 gal/min?
A. 0.2344 kw B. 1.7132 kw C. 2.2123 kw D. 0.7248 kw
15. What combination of elements has high electrical resistance, high corrosion resistance and high strength at red heat
temperatures, making it useful in resistance heating?
A. alnico B. nichrome C. aluminum bronze D. hastelloy
16. RA 7920, Rule 2(d) defining?
A. Commission B. CHED C. DECS D. IIEE
17. RA 7920, Rule 5:
A. CHED B. Commission C. Board of EE D. TESDA
18. RA 7920, Rule 5:
A. Assignment of Duties B. Enforcement execution
C. Official Business with the Commission D. Promulgation of Decisions, Rules, etc.
19. Article II, Section 9 states that:
A. An Electrical Engineer shall not accept compensation from more than one interested party for the same
professional service pertaining to the same work, without consent of all affected parties.
B. An Electrical Engineer shall promptly disclose to his client or employer an interest which he may have in a
business that may conflict with or affect his decision regarding engineering work for which he is employed or
which he may called upon to perform.
C. An Electrical Engineer shall not divulge confidential matters or information which has come to his knowledge
concerning affairs of his clients or employers, without their consent.
D. An Electrical Engineer who has been engaged to prepare the specifications of machineries, equipments or
things needed in a project, shall not make the specifications to fit the machineries, equipment or things of
prospective bidder for which he has been or expects to be employed as an engineer, unless he has the
consent of his client or employer.
20. Article II, Section 7 states that:
A. An Electrical Engineer shall not accept compensation from more than one interested party for the same
professional service pertaining to the same work, without consent of all affected parties.
B. An Electrical Engineer shall promptly disclose to his client or employer an interest which he may have in a
business that may conflict with or affect his decision regarding engineering work for which he is employed or
which he may called upon to perform.
C. An Electrical Engineer shall not divulge confidential matters or information which has come to his knowledge
concerning affairs of his clients or employers, without their consent.
D. An Electrical Engineer who has been engaged to prepare the specifications of machineries, equipments or
things needed in a project, shall not make the specifications to fit the machineries, equipment or things of
prospective bidder for which he has been or expects to be employed as an engineer, unless he has the
consent of his client or employer.
21. Article I, Section 1 states that:
A. An Electrical Engineer shall endeavor to extend knowledge of electrical engineering to the public and shall
discourage spreading the untrue, unfair and exaggerated statements regarding electrical engineering.

ESAS (Prepared by: Engr. Ronnie S. Alcorcon)
B. An Electrical Engineer shall discharge his duties with absolute fidelity to his clients and employers, and shall, at
all times, act with optimum margin of safety and with fairness and impartially to all, having due regard to public
interest and welfare.
C. An Electrical Engineer shall uphold the honor and dignity of his profession and, therefore shall avoid
association or business dealings with any person or enterprises of questionable character.
D. An Electrical Engineer shall only advertise his work or merit in a simple manner and avoid practice that will
discredit or injury to the dignity and honor of his profession.
22. Refers to the loss of electrons by an atom, which is the case when the metallic elements reacts with oxygen.
A. movement of molecules B. oxidation
C. clearing of molecules D. reduction
23. Octal coding involves grouping the bits in _______?
A. 6’s B. 9’s C. 1’s D. 3’s
24. The term of office of every Board members including the Chairman is ___ years.
A. 6 B. 4 C. 3 D. 5
25. What is the standard method for coding data on 80-column, 12-row card?
A. ASCII B. EBCDIC code C. Hollerith code D. Baudot code
26. Hooke’s Law for an isotropic homogeneous medium expressing one-dimensional stress is?
A. Internal energy = E ( strain energy ) B. Stress = E ( strain )
C. Strain = E ( stress ) D. Strain energy = E ( internal energy )
27. A beam of length L has a deflection formula that is 48 Ely = ω ( 2x4 – 5Lx3 + 3L2x2 ) Where does the maximum
deflection occur?
A. 0.850 L B. 0.655 L C. 0.578 L D. 0.489 L
28. A pressure gage measure 50 kPa vacuum in a system. What is the absolute pressure, if the atmospheric pressure is
101 kPa?
A. 52,000 B. 55,000 C. 51,000 D. None of these
29. The purpose of iron sulfate in steel alloying is to increase.
A. atmospheric corrosion resistance B. hardness and strength
C. corrosion resistance D. brittleness
30 elements are known to occur in nature, and ____ more have been artificial.
A. 25 B. 27 C. 22 D. 30
31. A ______ is a group of bits, that may be manipulated or stored at one time by the CPU.
A. programs B. address C. word D. software
32. What large molecule is in the form of a long chain of repeating units?
A. Copolymers B. Polymers C. Interpolymers D. Monomer
33. Air is compressed in a diesel engine from an initial pressure of 13 psia and temperature of 120 0F to one twelfth its
initial volume. Assuming the compression to be adiabatic. What will the final temperature?
A. 1226°F B. 986° F C. 1107°F D. 896°F
34. Specifies a definite portion of ownership of the capital of the corporation, all each being alike in value.
A. Stock B. Fair Value C. Same Value D. Common Stock
35. Is the present worth of all future profits that are to be received through ownership of the property.
A. Value B. First Cost C. Fixed Cost D. Resale Value
36. A river flows due north with a velocity of 3 mph. A man rows a boat across the river, his velocity relative to the water
being 4 mph due east. If the river is 1 mi wide, how long a time is required to cross the river?
A. 10 min B. 15 min C. 20 min D. 25 min
37. A steel rod with a cross-sectional area of 150 sq.mm. is stretched between two fixed points. The tensile load at 20 deg
C is 5000 N. At what temperature will the stress be zero? Assume α = 11.7 μm/m-deg C and E = 200 GPa.
A. 55 deg C B. 34.245 deg C C. 40 deg C D. 15.65 deg C
38. If the sum of P 15,000 is deposited in account earning interest at the rate of 12% compounded quarterly, what will be
the principal at the end of 10 years?
A. P 37,630 B. P 48,930 C. P 52,340 D. P 55,520
39. If the atomic weight of carbon-12 is exactly 12 amu, find the mass of a single carbon-12 atom?
A. 3.0 x 12-23 g/atom B. 3.0 x 10-24 g/atom C. 2.0 x 10-23 g/atom D. 2.0 x 10-24 g/atom
40. A car is moving down a hill with a velocity of 30 m/s. the driver sees a red light at the bottom of the hill when he is at a
ESAS (Prepared by: Engr. Ronnie S. Alcorcon)
vertical height 30 m above the hill. If the weight of car and driver is 1350 kg, how much energy as heat must be
dissipated by the brakes ( wind and other frictional effects are negligible )
A. – 1205.882 kJ B. – 2028.668 kJ C. – 908.682 kJ D. – 1004.667 kJ
41. An 8 hp pump is installed near the reservoir container having a sp.gr. of 0.82. The rate of flow of the pipe is 0.014
m3/s. The pressure heads at 1 and 2 are –28 kPa and + 290 kPa respectively. Compute the head added by the pump.
A. 35.58 m B. 46.48 m C. 24.56 m D. 72.26 m
42. A phonograph turntable rotates at a constant rate of 78 rpm. It is found that a small object placed on a record will
remain at rest relative to the record if its distance from the center is less than 3 in, but will slip I the distance is any
greater. What is the coefficient of static friction between object and record?
A. 0.281 B. 0.721 C. 0.462 D. 0.518
43. A piece of lead is tied to 8 cubic inches of cork with a specific gravity of .25. The combination floats submerged in the
water. What is the weight of the lead?
A. 0.3725 lb B. 0.2375 lb C. 0.4375 lb D. 0.0126 lb
44. When exposed to the atmosphere, which of the following liquids is coldest?
A. oxygen B. argon C. Nitrogen D. Helium
45. In a certain process, 500 cal of heat are supplied to a system, and at the same time 100 joules of work are done. What
is the increase in the internal energy of the system?
A. 546.8 cal B. 476.1 cal C. 427.6 cal D. 523.9 cal
46. What is the most undesirable of all elements commonly found in steels?
A. Sulfur B. Phosphorus C. Silicon D. Manganese
47. What is the smallest unit of information handled by a computer?
A. Bit B. Byte C. Cell D. Character
48. A 48 squared foot wall has an average thermal conductivity of 1.2 BTU-ft/ft 2-deg F-hr. if the temperature difference is
18 deg F between the two sides and the thickness of .7 feet, what is the total heat loss in 5 hours?
A. 1480 BTU B. 7400 BTU C. 5180 BTU D. 38,500 BTU ANS. B
49. Article III of Code if Ethics for Electrical Engineers contains:
A. SEC. 1 to 8 B. SEC. 1 to 7 C. SEC. 1 to 6 D. SEC. 1 to 5 ANS. B
50. A 50-horsepower motor ( 75% efficient ) drives a 900-rpm pump ( 90% efficient ) that moves 5.0 ft 3/sec of gasoline
( SG = 0.728 ). Assuming no change in efficiency, what size of motor would be required to move 8 ft 3/sec at gasoline?
A. 104.5 hp B. 105.6 hp C. 204.8 hp D. 75.8 hp ANS. C

1. When an entrainment agent is introduced into a concrete mix

A. the strength will increase B. the strength will decrease
C. the strength will not be affected D. the water/cement ratio must be reduced from 10-15%
2. The mass moment of inertia of a cylinder about its central axis perpendicular to a circular cross section is
A. directly proportional to its radius B. independent of its radius
C. directly proportional to its length D. independent of its length
3. A nonflow (closed) system contains 1 lb of an ideal gas (c p = 0.24, cv = 0.17). The gas temperature is increased by 10
deg F while 5 BTU of work are done by the gas. What is the heat transfer BTU?
A. – 6.8 B. – 7.6 C. + 6.7 D. + 7.6
4. Find the volume flow rate of water in L/s, if the power developed under a head o 295 m is 9,300 kW and the hydraulic
efficiency is 75%.
A. 5,000 B. 4,285 C. 4,699 D. 5,200
5. Calculate the nitrogen pressure in a mixture of 0.500 mol of oxygen and 0.750 mol of nitrogen with a total pressure of
40.0 kPa.
A. 16 kPa B. 40 kPa C. 24 kPa D. 8 kPa
6. A piece of metal weighs 350 N in air and when it is submerged completely in water it weighs 240 N. Find the volume of
the metal.
A. 0.1124 cu. m. B. 0.0112 cu. m. C. 0.0242 cu. m. D. 0.2144 cu. m.
7. A liquid of specific gravity 1.75 flows in a 6 cm horizontal pipe. The total energy at a certain point in the flow is 80 J/N
(joules per newton). The elevation of the pipe above a fixed datum is 2.6 m. If the pressure at the specified point is 75
kPa. Determine the discharge.
A. 0.217 cu. m./s B. 0.017 cu. m./s C. 0.107 cu. m./s D. 0.021 cu. m./s
8. Calculate the molality of an alcohol in aqueous solution if the mole fraction of the alcohol I 0.150.
ESAS (Prepared by: Engr. Ronnie S. Alcorcon)
A. 9.6 m B. 9.4 m C. 9.2 m D. 9.8 m
9. If a disturbance is parallel o the direction of travel of a wave, the wave is classified as
A. longitudinal B. electromagnetic C. transverse D. torsional
10. A crystal of solute is added to a solution, and the crystal remains undissolved. The solution is best classified as
A. dilute B. unsaturated C. saturated D. supersaturated
11. Juan de la Cruz borrowed P2,400 at 1% per month payable in 24 equal end-of-the-month payments. How much of the
loan remains unpaid immediately after he has paid the 12th payment?
A. P1,172.80 B. P1,384.70 C. P1,468.90 D. P1,271.60
12. What rules are included in Article V of RA 7920?
A. RULE 11 to 20 B. RULE 28 to 34 C. RULE 21 to 27 D. RULE 1 to 10
13. Part of computer which is responsible for executing programs, doing arithmetic and exercising general control
A. I/O B. Memory C. CPU D. Processor
14. An equipment costs P10,000 with a salvage value of P500 at the end of 10 years. Calculate the annual depreciation
cost by sinking fund method at 4% interest.
A. P729.28 B. P791.26 C. P896.48 D. P854.62
15. The _________ states that in a given atom, no two electrons can have exactly the same set of quantum numbers
A. Dalton’s theory B. Pauli exclusion principle C. Boyle’s theory D. Bohr’s theory
16. The Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of RA 7920 was approved under Board Resolution No. ________
series of 1995.
A. 16 B. 18 C. 22 D. 24
17. Air at 27 deg C is heated to 927 deg C. Find the change in enthalpy, treating air as a perfect gas (c p and cv constant)
cp = 1.00 and cv = 0.718
A. 704.2 kJ/kg B. 904.2 kJ/kg C. 804.2 kJ/kg D. 604.2 kJ/kg
18. A body hangs from a spring balance supported from the roof of an elevator. If the elevator has an upward acceleration
of 4 ft/sec squared and the balance read 45lb, what is the true weight of the body?
A. 36 B. 45 C. 50 D. 40
19. Two block of wood 50 mm wide and 20 mm thick are glued together are shown in the figure. Using the free-body
concept, determine the shear load and from it the shearing glued joint if P = 6000 N.

P 50 P

A. 3 MPa B. 3.2 MPa C. 2.6 MPa D. 2.8 MPa

20. The ________ of a property is the amount in which a willing buyer will pay to a willing seller for the property neither
one is under compulsion to buy or sell.
A. estimate value B. recovered value C. market value D. assessed value
21. A stone of mass 1 kg is attached to one end of a string, 1 m long, of breaking strength 500 N and is whirled in a
horizontal circle on a frictionless table top. The other end of the string is kept fixed. Find the maximum velocity the
stone can attain without breaking the string.
A. 22.36 m/s B. 26.23 m/s C. 24.26 m/s D. 21.18 m/s
22. Also known as the loudness of sound. It is proportional to the square of the pressure amplitude.
A. amplitude B. frequency C. vibration D. intensity
23. A tank contains an acetylene at 14 MPa and 27 deg C. After some of the acetylene was used, the pressure was 1.4
bar and the temperature was 25 deg C, what percentage by mass of acetylene was used?
A. 28.1% B. 31.0% C. 29.1% D. 29.6%
24. During a complete or partial neutralization of acids, what is the ionic compound formed?
A. Vinegar B. Potassium C. Salt D. Sulfur
25. A steel tire, 10 mm thick, 80 mm wide, and 1500 mm inside diameter, is heated and shrunk onto a steel wheel 1500.5
mm in diameter. If the coefficient of static friction is 0.30, what torque is required to twist the tire relative to the wheel?
Use E = 200 GPa.
A. 75 kN-m B. 85 kN-m C. 70 kN-m D. 95 kN-m
26. An insulated constant volume system containing 1.36 kg of air receives 53 kJ of paddle work. If the initial temperature
is 27 deg C, what is the final temperature?
A. 380 B. 354 C. 360 D. 344

ESAS (Prepared by: Engr. Ronnie S. Alcorcon)
27. How much should a 70-W lamp be lowered to double the illumination on an object which is 70 cm directly under it?
A. 22.45 cm B. 21.55 cm C. 20.50 cm D. 26.11 cm
28. What refers to the negotiable claim issued by a bank in lieu of term deposit?
A. Time deposit B. Bond C. Capital gain certificate D. Certificate of deposit
29. Sec. 35 of Art IV: Sundry Provisions Relative to the Practice of Electrical Engineering states that the practice of
electrical engineering is a professional service admission to which is based on _______ and personal qualifications.
A. group B. individual C. partnership D. corporate
30. What refers to a document that shows proof of legal ownership of a financial security?
A. Bond B. Bank note C. Coupon D. Check
31. Hydraulic gradient of a pipeline represents is
A. pressure head B. velocity head C. datum head D. total head
32. A 2-kg block is dropped from a height of 40 cm onto a spring whose force constant k is 1960 N/m. Find the maximum
distance the spring will be compressed.
A. 11 cm B. 15 cm C. 18 cm D. 21 cm
33. A process where a physical mixture of carbide and powdered metal is headed in order to solidify the powder into a
single piece.
A. Vitrification B. Bonding C. Alloying D. Sintering
34. A language originally designed for telescope process control.
35. The flow rate of water through a cast iron pipe is 4900 gpm. The pipe is 1 foot and the coefficient of friction is 0.0713.
What is the pressure drop over the 120 feet length of the pipe?
A. 300 lb/ft.sq. B. 380 lb/ft.sq. C. 389 lb/ft.sq. D. 350 lb/ft.sq.
36. An object weighing 425 N is held by a rope that passes over a horizontal drum. The coefficient of friction between the
rope and the drum is 0.27. If the angle of contact is 160 deg, determine the force that will raise the object.
A. 871 N B. 851 N C. 881 N D. 861 N
37. The ratio of the density of the substance to the density of water is
A. density of water B. specific heat
C. weight of water and density D. specific gravity
38. A pipeline crossing a river is suspended from a steel cable stretched between two posts 128 m apart. The weight of
the pipe is 11 kg/m while the cable weighs 1 kg/m assumed to be uniformly distributed horizontally. If the allowed sag
is 4m, determine the tension of the cable at the post.
A. 6 B. 6191.81 kg C. 6918.92 kg D. 6119.98 kg
39. The Electrical Engineer shall observe such a system of moral principles and values as a set of dynamic standards to
guide his conduct and way of life. It is his __________ to practice his profession according to this Code of Ethics.
A. manner B. right C. way D. duty
40. Which of the following is used to capture real and moving objects and displays it into a computer?
A. Scanner B. Video player C. Electronic recorder D. Digital camera
41. What is the Article V of Code of Ethics for Electrical Engineers?
A. Professional Life B. Penal Provisions C. Effectivity D. Relations with Client and Employer
42. Rule 2 (d), Article I defines:
A. Commission B. Commissioner C. DECS D. Board
43. The three moment equation may be used to analyze
A. a continuous beam B. a beam loaded at the third points
C. a step tapered column D. a three element composite beam
44. Determine the elongation in a helical steel spring composed of 20 turns of 20 mm diameter wire on a mean radius of
80 mm when the spring is supporting a load of 2 kN. Use G = 83 GPa.
A. 96.8 mm B. 86.9 mm C. 89.7 mm D. 98.7 mm
45. Two 100 mm diameter shafts are connected by means of two flanges with 20 mm diameter bolts equally spaced on a
circle of 20 cm diameter. If the maximum shear in the shaft due torque is not to exceed 80 N/mm squared and
average shear stress in the bolts is not to be exceed 60 N/mm squared for the same torque, determine the number of
bolts required.
A. 7 B. 9 C. 11 D. 18
46. Which of the following is not a method of non-destructive testing of steel castings and forgings?

ESAS (Prepared by: Engr. Ronnie S. Alcorcon)
A. radiography B. magnetic particle C. ultrasonic D. chemical analysis
47. An open chamber rests on the ocean floor is 160 feet of sea water (sp. Gr. = 1.03). What air pressure in psig must be
maintained inside to exclude water?
A. 45.2 B. 60.9 C. 71.4 D. 93.2
48. What term is used to describe retrieval of data from a memory?
A. Unloading B. Downloading C. Reading D. Accessing
49. The heat loss per hour through 1 sq. ft. of furnace wall 18” thick is 520 Btu’s. The inside wall temperature is 1900 deg
F, and its average thermal conductivity is 0.61 Btu/hr ft deg F. Determine the outside surface temperature of the wall.
A. 621 deg F B. 521 deg F C. 612 deg F D. 512 deg F
50. Find the moment of inertia of an aluminum sphere 200 mm in diameter with respect to a centroidal axis. Aluminum has
a density of 2560 kg/cu.m.
A. 0.043 kg-m squared B. 0.071 kg-m squared C. 0.054 kg-m squared D. 0.036 kg-m squared



1. The temperature at which vapor pressure of a liquids equal to the atmospheric pressure is?
A. distillation B. surface tension C. boiling point D. vaporization
2. Which of the following is the best heat conductor?
A. aluminum B. copper C. gold D. silver
3. How many members does the Board composed of?
A. Three members B. Two members
C. Two members & a Chairman D. One member & a Chairman
4. What is the temperature when water vapor are in equilibrium with the atmospheric pressure?
A. Ice point B. Steam point C. Critical point D. Freezing point
5. Which of the following metallic element has meaning “heavy stone”?
A. Titanium B. Iron C. Cobalt D. Tungsten
6. The Unicorn Construction Co. agreed to pay P100, 000 for a new bulldozer with an expected life of 20 years. After
delivery, it was found that the bulldozer had only 85% of the guaranteed horsepower. If a more efficient machine would
increase the earnings of the company by an estimated P12, 000 annually, what would the company be willing to pay for
the more efficient machine? Interest is 12% compounded annually.
A. P189,633.32 B. P134,893.34 C. P198,384.32 D. P168,365.34
7. A young man has decided to go into business at age of 40. He wishes to accumulate Php 200,000 at that age. On his
twenty-fifth birthday he deposits a certain amount and will increase the deposit by 10% each year until the fortieth year.
If the funds can be invested at 9.6% compounded annually, how much should his initial investment be?
A. Php 3,184.43 B. Php 3,074.82 C. Php 3,084.54 D. Php 3,174.67
8. Relationship between temperature and pressure at constant volume.
A. Henry’s law B. Charles’ law C. Gay Isaac’s law D. Boyle’s law
ESAS (Prepared by: Engr. Ronnie S. Alcorcon)
9. ________ are compound of carbon in hydrogen containing only carbon-carbon single bonds.
A. Alkynes B. Alkenes C. Alkanes D. Alkali
10. How are elements numbered 90 to 103 in the periodic table called?
A. Alkali B. Actinons C. Earth metals D. Transition elements
11. It refers to the fractional change in the volume of a fluid per unit change in pressure at constant temperature process.
A. Bulk modulus B. Proportional limit C. Capillarity D. Compressibility
12. Shaft work of – 15 BTU/lb and heat transfer of – 10 BTU/lb change enthalpy of a system by
A. + 5 BTU/lb B. – 5 BTU/lb C. + 4 BTU/lb D. – 4 BTU/lb
13. What refers to a physical blend of two or more substances?
A. Molecule B. Mixture C. Alloy D. Compound
14. A liquid compressed in a cylindrical has a volume of 1500 cu. cm. at 1 MN/sq. m. and a volume of 1495 cu. Cm. at
2 MN/sq. m. Determine the bulk modulus of elasticity.
A. 100 MPa B. 150 MPa C. 200 MPa D. 300 MPa
15. Modern airplane design calls or a lift of about 1000 N per sq. m. of wing area. Assume that air flow past the wing of an
aircraft with steam line low. If the velocity of flow past the lower wing surface is 100m/s, what is the required velocity
over the upper surface to give a lift of 1000 N per sq. m.? The density of air is 1.3 kg/cu. m
A. 123.1 m/s B. 107 m/s C. 123 m/s D. 115.5 m/s
16. An open cylindrical vessel 1 meter in diameter contains water at a depth of 3.56 m. If it is rotated at a speed of 80 rpm
about its vertical axis, determine the least depth of the vessel so that no water will be spilled out.
A. 4.8 m B. 4.56 m C. 4 m D. 5 m
17. A 40-mm diameter bar is used as a simply supported beam 2 m long. Determine the largest uniformly distributed load
which can be applied over the right half of the beam if the flexural stress is limited to 60 MPa.
A. 1560 N/m B. 1340 N/m C. 1280 N/m D. 1640 N/m
18. A piece of metal weighs 350 N in air and when it is submerged completely in water it weighs 240 N. Find the volume
of the metal.
A. 0.0211 cu. m. B. 0.0112 cu. m. C. 0.0416 cu. m. D. 0.0318 cu. m.
19. It is the claim of anyone to ownership.
A. proprietorship B. assets C. equity D. liability
20. Find the tension T in the cord with a weight W of 200 lbs, suspended thru a cord C which is divided by a cord A on the
left hanging 30 deg and cord B hanging 45 deg from a ceiling on the right.
A. 300 lbs B. 260 lbs C. 200 lbs D. 240 lbs
21. Calculate the energy required by an electron to reach 90% of the speed of light starting from rest.
A. 0.562 Mev B. 0.721 Mev C. 0.636 Mev D. 0.663 Mev
22. The heat transfer due to motion of matter caused by a change in density is called
A. radiation B. convection C. conduction D. absorption
23. Determine the maximum torque that can be applied to a hollow circular steel shaft of 100 mm outside diameter and 70
mm inside diameter without exceeding a shearing stress of 60 x 10 to the 6 th power N/m sq. or a twist of 0.5 deg/m.
Use G = 83 x 10 to the 9th power N/m sq.
A. 4.110 kN-m B. 5.404 kN-m C. 7.220 kN-m D. 6.200 kN-m
24. What is the decimal equivalent of binary number 101.1101?
A. 5.8031 B. 5.8513 C. 5.8021 D. 5.8125
25. EE403 base 16 = _________ base 10
A. 958775 B. 987557 C. 97587 D. 958577
26. What is the value of negative decimal number (– 5) to be written as signed bit, 2’s complement form?
A. 10000 B. 11011 C. 10001 D. 10011
27. Scientist have recently developed a power pulse laser for research in materials. Find its energy output in watts for the
following conditions, when at its peak pulse, it will produced 10 terawatts for period of 10 psec. Find the discharge in
A. 300 B. 200 C. 250 D. 100
28. Spark plug makes use of which of the following materials for insulation?
A. Porcelain B. Asbestos C. Slate D. Glass
29. A 10” diameter pulley is belt driven with a net torque of 250 ft-lbs. The ratio of tension in the tight to slack sides of the

ESAS (Prepared by: Engr. Ronnie S. Alcorcon)
belt is 4 to 1. What is the maximum tension in the belt?
A. 250 lbs B. 83 lbs C. 800 lbs D. 500 lbs
30. RA 7920, Rule 2(q):
A. CHED B. TESDA C. S. O. Number D. IIEE
31. Find the magnitude of the resultant of two 10-lb forces applied at the same point when the angle between the forces is
130 deg.
A. 7.8 lbs B. 18.1 lbs C. 19.8 lbs D. 8.5 lbs
32. A beam of light is incident on a liquid of 1.40 refractive index. The reflected rays are completely polarized. What is the
angle of refraction of the beam?
A. 40 deg B. 35 deg C. 31 deg D. 39 deg
33. Light strikes a glass plate at an angle of incidence of 60 deg., part of the beam being reflected and part refracted. It is
observed that the reflected and refracted portions make an angle of 90 deg with each other. What is the index of
refraction of the glass?
A. 1.665 B. 1.418 C. 1.557 D. 1.732
34. The dimensions of a lantern slide are 3 in x 4 in it is desired to project an image of the slide, enlarged to 6 ft x 8 ft, on
a screen 30 ft from the projections lens. What should be the focal length of the projection lens?
A. 20.1 in B. 14.4 in C. 24.5 in D. 19.2 in
35. A concave mirror is to form an image of the filament of a headlight lamp on a screen 4 m from the mirror. The filament
is 5 mm high, and the image is to be 40 cm high. What should be the radius o curvature of the mirror?
A. 7.76 cm B. 5.99 cm C. 10.03 cm D. 9.88 cm
36. What is a step by step drawing that will represent a specific procedure of algorithm?
A. Machine code B. Flowchart C. Assembler diagram D. Block diagram
37. Files of data and programs are located in many places of your hard disk and other secondary storage devices. What
keeps track of where they are?
A. references B. supervisor C. operating system D. cues
38. The most effective alloying ingredient in increasing hardness is known as
A. Boron B. Silicon C. Silver D. Sodium
39. Sec. 14 (a) (IV) of Art. III Examination and Registration, states ______________
A. That said foreign professional shall not engage in private practice on their own account.
B. That for every foreign professional contracted pursued to this section, one Filipino understudy who is registered
under the provisions of this Act shall be employed by the private firm.
C. No registration with the Board shall be required.
D. Engineering students, apprentices and other persons employed or acting as subordinates.
40. Article II, Section 5 – Code of Ethics states that:
An Electrical Engineer shall honestly advise his clients or employer if specialized work is called for to engage the
_____ of competent experts and specialists, and once engaged he shall cooperate with them in the interests of his
client or employer.
A. information B. cooperation C. experience D. services
41. Sec. 16 (c) of Art. III: Examination and Registration, Qualifications of Applicants for Registered as Professional
Electrical Engineer states that _____________________.
A. He is of good reputation
B. He is a citizen of the Philippines
C. He has not been finally convicted by the court of an offensive involving moral turpitude.
D. He is a holder of the degree of BSEE from a university, school, college etc.
Ans. C
42. An establishment or a system for the production and modification of electric energy is an
A. Substation B. Electrical system C. Electric Plant D. Electric supply
Ans. C
43. A 16 lb jack hammer is lifted vertically at a constant velocity of 20 ft/sec through a height of 20 ft. How much work is
done to lift it, when this becomes gravitational potential energy?
A. 320 ft-lb B. 300 ft-lb C. 330 ft-lb D. 310 ft-lb
Ans. A
44. A ball is dropped from the top a tower 80 m high at the same instant a second ball is thrown upward from the ground.
If the two balls meet each other at a point of 44 m above the ground, determine the initial velocity of the second ball.
A. 31.06 m/s B. 29.53 m/s C. 27.44 m/s D. 33.15 m/s
Ans. B
45. A wheel 0.6 m in diameter starts from rest and accelerates uniformly to an angular velocity of 100 rad/sec in 20 sec.
find the angular acceleration.
A. 9 rad/sec.sq B. 8 rad/sec.sq C. 10 rad/sec.sq D. 5 rad/sec.sq
Ans. D

ESAS (Prepared by: Engr. Ronnie S. Alcorcon)
46. The mass of proton is approximately how many times greater than the mass of an electron?
A. 1839 B. 1836 C. 1863 D. 1893
Ans. B
47. Which of the following materials is used for making coils of standard resistance?
A. Copper B. Platinum C. Nichrome D. Manganin
Ans. D
48. Which of the following has the characteristics of both metals and non- metals?
A. Conductors B. Insulators C. Metalloids D. Meteors
Ans. C
49. Which bands of light wavelengths are too short to be seen by human eye?
A. Visible B. Ultraviolet C. Infrared D. X-rays
Ans. B
50. Het by absorbed by the refrigerant in a refrigerator when it
A. Melts B. Vaporizes C. Condenses D. Is compressed
Ans. B

AUGUST 22, 2009

INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Mark only one answer for each item by
shading the box corresponding to the letter of your choice on the answer sheet provided. STIRCTLY NO ERASURE
ALLOWED. Use pencil No. 2 only.

1. Sec. 35 of art. IV: Sundry provisions Relative to practice of electrical engineering states that
A. Personnel required
B. Preparations of plans, supervision of installation, application of PEC code
C. Practice not allowed for firms and corporations
D. Prohibitions in the practice of Electrical engineering
Ans. C
2. Sec. 14 (a)(iii) of art. III: Examination and registration, states that prior to commencing of work, the foreign professional
shall secure permit from the
A. Commission B. IIEE C. POEA D. Bureau of immigration
Ans. A
3. Sec. 17 (c) of Art. III: Examination and registration, Qualifications of applicants for registered Electrical engineer states
A. He is at least twenty-one (21) years of age
B. He is good reputation with high moral values
C. He is a holder of the degree of BSEE from a university, school, college, etc. recognized and accredited by the
Philippine government
D. He is a citizen of the Philippines
Ans. B
4. What is the pressure of 4.87 grams of hydrogen that occupy 6.8 liters at 10 deg C?
A. 8.65 atm B. 9.64 atm C. 8.31 atm D. 9.84 atm
Ans. C
5. Heat is generated by electrical arcs from three electrodes (for three-phase current) extending through furnace wall
down into the change space on a furnace as
A. Electric stove furnace B. Electrode arc furnace
C. Electromagnetic arc furnace D. Electric arc furnace
Ans. D
6. The pitch of a note is dependent upon
A. Velocity of sound B. Amplitude C. Frequency D. Wavelength of sound

ESAS (Prepared by: Engr. Ronnie S. Alcorcon)
Ans. C
7. The techniques of finding the intensity and phase of light at any point, only when a portion of wave front is exposed.
A. Quantum theory B. Brewster’s law C. Huygen’s principle D. Polarization theory
Ans. C
8. During a polytropic process, 10 lb of an ideal gas, whose R = 40 ft – lb f/lbm-deg R and Cp = 0.25 BTU/lb-deg R,
changes state from 20 psia and 40 deg F to 120 psia and 340 deg F. Determine U.
A. 780 BTU B. 595.8 BTU C. 750 BTU D. 585.6 BTU
Ans. B
9. The maximum thermal efficiency that can be obtained in an ideal reversible heat engine operating between 1540 deg F
and 340 deg F is?
A. 62 B. 69 C. 60 D. 65
10. What is the present worth of cost associated with a n asset for an infinite period of time?
A. Incremental cost B. Operating cost C. Capitalized cost D. Annual cost
Ans. C
11. Part of a program that makes decisions about the data, whether it is valid or should be sent to the database.
A. Client and piers B. Application logic C. Presentation management D. Application layer
Ans. B
12. Two vessels A and B of different sizes are connected by a pipe with a valve. Vessels A contains 142 L of air at
2,767.92 kPa, 93.33 deg C. Vessel B, of unknown volume, contains air at 68.95 kPa, 4.44 deg C. The valve is opened
and, when the properties have been determined, It is found that p m = 1378.96 kPa. tm = 43.33 deg C. What is the
volume of the vessel B?
A. 120.6 L B. 108.9 L C. 110.4 L D. 124.8 L
Ans. C
13. What is the measure of the quantity of an element or a compound?
A. Mass B. Mole C. Volume D. Weight
Ans. B
14. In the manometer the pressure is measured by balancing it by:
A. Specific weight B. Dead weight C. Column of liquid D. Leverage pressure.
15. The division 11000 sub 2 + 100 sub 2, gives ______.
A. 120 B. 108 C. 110 D. 90
16. Article I; Section 4 states that:
A. An Electrical Engineer shall discharge his duties with absolute fidelity to his clients and employers, and shall at
all times, act with optimum margin of safety and with fairness and impartially to all, having due regard to public
interest and welfare.
B. An Electrical Engineer shall only advertise his work or merit in a simple manner and avoid any practice that will
discredit or do injury to the dignity and honor of his profession.
C. An Electrical Engineer shall uphold the honor and dignity of his profession and, therefore, shall avoid
association or business dealings with any person or enterprises of questionable character.
D. An Electrical Engineer shall strive to upgrade his skill and knowledge in electrical engineering in order to give
the best possible service to the public which could be attained by exchanging information and experiences with
other engineers, and unselfishly contributing to the mission of engineering societies, institutes, schools and
engineering and scientific media, and other public institutions.
17. Sec. 16(a) of Art III: Examination and Registration, Qualifications of Applicants for Registered as Professional
Electrical Engineer states that _________________.
A. He is of good reputation with high moral values
B. He is a citizen of the Philippines
C. He has not been finally convicted by the court of an offense involving moral turpitude
D. He is a holder of the degree of BSEE from a university, school, college, etc.
18. A level-fight bomber, flying at 300 ft/sec releases a bomb at an elevation of 6400 ft. How long before the bomb strikes
the earth?
A. 20 sec B. 16 sec C. 24 sec D. 12 sec
19. A measure of how it emits radiant energy in comparison with a black body at the same temperature.
A. absorptivity B. reflectivity C. emissitivity D. conductivity
20. If the coefficient of friction between tires and road is 0.5, what is the shortest distance in which an automobile, can be
stopped when travelling at 60 mph?
A. 232 ft B. 242 ft C. 252 ft D. 262 ft
21. A pump driven by 440 V, 3 phase induction motor lifts 1,100 cubic feet of water per minute against a total head of 100
feet of water. The efficiencies of the pump and motor are 0.75 and 0.92 respectively. The power factor of the motor is
0.90. What would be the cost of operating this pump for a 24-hr a day duty when power costs 0.30 peso per KWHR?
A. Php 2,230.00 B. Php 1,500.00 C. Php 1,620.00 D. Php 3,000.00
22.If (ABC) base 16 is added to (123) base 8, what is the sum expressed in base 18?
A. 5417 B. 5536 C. 5521 D. 5345
23. If the atomic weight of carbon-12 is exactly 12 amu, find the mass of a single carbon-12 atom?

ESAS (Prepared by: Engr. Ronnie S. Alcorcon)
A. 3.0 x 10 to the -23 g/atom B. 3.0 x 10 to the -24 g/atom
C. 2.0 x 10 to the -23 g/atom D. 2.0 x 10 to the -24 g/atom
24. A 200-mL flask contained oxygen at 200 torr and a 300 mL flask contained nitrogen at 100 torr. The two flasks were
then interconnected so that each gas filled its combined volumes. Assuming no change in temperature, what was the
total pressure?
A. 80 torr B. 60 torr C. 140 torr D. 240 torr
25. A surveyor carried a barometer from the office approximately at sea level to the peak of the mountain. At the office,
the barometer reads at 765 mmHg abs. On the mountain peak, the barometer reads 726 mmHg abs. The average
density of air is 1.19 kg/cu.m and the average gravitational acceleration is 9.8 m/sec sq. What is the height?
A. 510 m B. 524 m C. 446 m D. 488 m
26. Share of participation is called
A. Stock B. Partnership C. Corporation D. Franchise
27. What element improves the strength and fatigue properties of copper?
A. Berkelium B. Americium C. Barium D. Beryllium
28. In RA 7920, what rule is the date and place of exam?
A. 9 B. 12 C. 10 D. 11
29. If a disturbance is parallel to the direction of travel of a wave, the wave is classified as
A. longitudinal B. electromagnetic C. transverse D. torsional
30. A fund is to be donated by a wealthy man to provide annual scholarships to deserving students. The fund will grant
P 5,000 for each of the first 5 years, P 8,000 for each of the next 5 years, and P 10,000 each year thereafter. The
scholarships will start one year after the fund is established. If the fund earns 8% interest, what is the amount of
A. P 97,901.61 B. P 99,601.71 C. P 96,971.00 D. P 91,609.71
31. At 0 deg C and under a pressure of 100 atm the compressibility factor of oxygen is 0.927. Calculate the weight of
oxygen in kg necessary to fill a gas cycle of 100 L capacity under given condition?
A. 9.00 B. 15.42 C. 13.4 D. 12.00
32. An object that has momentum must also have
A. acceleration B. kinetic energy C. potential energy D. NONE OF THESE
33. A converging lens of focal length 25 cm is placed 40 cm in front of a screen. At what distance the object be placed, so
that its image appears on the screen?
A. 65.17 cm B. 59.20 cm C. 76.17 cm D. 63.44 cm
33. A diverging meniscus lens of 1.48 refractive index has spherical surface whose radii are 2.5 and 4 cm. What would be
the position of the image if an object were placed 15 cm in front of the lens?
A. – 7.25 cm B. + 7.25 cm C. – 6.25 cm D. + 6.25 cm
34. A sphere of radius 5 x 10 to the negative two cm and density of 1.1 gm/cc falls at a constant velocity through a liquid
density of 1.00 gm/cc and viscosity of 1.00 poise. What is the velocity of the falling sphere in cm/sec?
A. – 0.04 B. – 0.0544 C. – 0.0744 D. 0.01533
35. A roller whose diameter is 20 in, weighs 72 lbs. What horizontal force is necessary to pull the roller over a brick 2 in
high, when the force is applied to the center?
A. 32 lbs B. 30 lbs C. 26 lbs D. 24 lbs
36. For a single year, the motor vehicles in a large city produced a total of 9.1 x 10 to the 6 kg of poisonous gas carbon
monoxide (CO). How many moles of CO does this correspond to? Atomic weight of carbon = 12 g/mole, of oxygen =
16 g/mole.
A. 3.3 x 10 to the 8 moles B. 3.3 x 10 to the 9 moles
C. 4.3 x 10 to the 8 moles D. 4.3 x 10 to the 9 moles
37. A 14 ft long steel beam is uniformly loaded with 200 lbs per foot over its entire length. If the beam is 3.625 inches wide
and 7.625 inches deep, what is the required section modulus, if the allowable stress is 24,000 lbf/sq.in/?
A. 7.33 cu. in. B. 7.52 cu. in. C. 8.33 cu. in. D. 6.88 cu. in.
38. What particles are formed in the nucleus of an atom?
A. protons and electrons B. protons and neutrons
C. neutrons and electrons D. neutrons and positrons
39. In electrochemistry, oxidation is a loss of ________
A. ion B. electron C. proton D. anode
40. Work or energy can be a function of all the following except:

ESAS (Prepared by: Engr. Ronnie S. Alcorcon)
A. force and distance B. torque and angular rotation
C. power and time D. force and time
41. A new generator has just been installed. It is expected that there will be no maintenance charges until the end of the
sixth year, when P300 will be spent on the generator and P 300 will be spent at the end of each successive year until
the generator is scrapped at the end of the fourteenth year of service. What sum of money set aside at the time of
installation of the generator at 6% interest will take care of all maintenance expenses for the generator?
A. P1,765.93 B. P1,392.10 C. P1,487.92 D. P1,235.15
42. Which of the following metals is the beats heat conductor?
A. aluminum B. copper C. gold D. silver
43. Determine the largest weight W which can be supported at point A by the two wires AB and AC both attached at the
ceiling at points B and C where wires AB and AC inclined 30 deg and 45 deg with respect to the horizontal and the
stresses are not exceed 100 MPa and 150 MPa, respectively. The cross-sectional area of the two wires are 400 sq.
mm. for wire AB and 200 sq. mm. for wire AC
A. 35.3 Kn B. 33.5 Kn C. 53.5 Kn D. 55.3 Kn
44. What color has the shortest wavelength of light?
A. Yellow B. Green C. Blue D. Red
45. At what angle above the horizontal must the sun be in order that sunlight reflected from the surface of a calm body of
water shall be completely polarized?
A. 60 deg B. 30 deg C. 53 deg D. 37 deg
46. Pycnometer is used to determine
A. water content and voids ratio B. specific gravity and dry density
C. water content and specific gravity D. none of these
47. A train blowing its whistle at 750 Hz approaches a station at the rate of 35 mph. What frequency is heard by a man
standing at the station considering the velocity of sound air 1100 ft/s?
A. 739.7 Hz B. 857.4 Hz C. 716.4 Hz D. 786.7 Hz
48. Find the maximum shearing stress in a steel shaft of 2” in diameter which transmits 200 horsepower at 875 rpm.
A. 9619.8 psi B. 9819.8 psi C. 9169.8 psi D. 9268.8 psi ANS. C
49. Which gas law states that the total volume occupied by a mixture of gases is equal to the sum of their pure component
volume at constant temperature and pressure?
A. Amagat B. Dalton C. Graham D. Charles ANS. A
INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Mark only one answer for each item by
shading the box corresponding to the letter of your choice on the answer sheet provided. STIRCTLY NO ERASURE
ALLOWED. Use pencil No. 2 only.

1. The elements in the present Periodic Table are arranged according to their
A. atomic numbers B. atomic masses C. oxidation states D. mass numbers
2. A Carnot cycle heat engine operating between 1540 deg F and 440 deg F has an efficiency of approximately ______.
A. 0.51 B. 0.59 C. 0.52 D. 0.55
3. Charle’s law relates to:
A. constant volume B. constant pressure C. constant temperature D. constant entropy
4. Bernoulli’s law for fluid is based on which of the following principles?
A. Continuity equation B. Newton’s second law C. Conservation of energy D. Conservation of mass
5. If 35.2 grams of calcium hydroxide dissolved in enough water to make 188 grams of solution, calculate the percent
concentration of calcium hydroxide in the solution.
A. 18% B. 20% C. 22% D. 16%
6. A method of identifying the location of a given data record by its name.
A. Tracking B. Linker C. Signature D. Hashing
7. A pipeline 0.2 m in diameter, flowing full of water has a constriction of 0.1 m in diameter. If the velocity in the 0.2 m
portions is 2 m/s, find the velocity of the constriction.
A. 6.44 m/s B. 7.2 m/s C. 6.88 m/s D. 8.0 m/s
8. Falling drops of water become spherical due to:
A. surface tension B. compressibility C. viscosity D. capillarity
9. In toll steels, what does the prefix letter P stands for?
A. Concentrated B. Mold C. Special purpose D. High carbon
ESAS (Prepared by: Engr. Ronnie S. Alcorcon)
10. RA 7920, Rule 2(o) defining?
11. It is a general name to a wide range of alloys containing iron, carbon, and silicon, and to a lesser extent, manganese,
phosphorus, and sulfur.
A. Wrought iron B. Cast iron C. Osmosis D. Hydrolysis
12. The number 1000 base 2 is equivalent to decimal number _____.
A. 1000 B. 16 C. 8 D. 4
13. Which of the following refers to the diffusion of a solvent into a stronger solution in an attempt to equalize the two
A. Purifications B. Electrolysis C. Osmosis D. Hydrolysis
14. A ray of light is incident on a plane surface separating two transparent substances on indices 1.60 and 1.40. The
angle of incidence is 30 deg and the ray originates in the medium of higher index. Compute the angle of refraction.
A. 40 deg B. 25 deg C. 30 deg D. 35 deg
15. How far is the object from the image formed by a converging lens of focal length 50 cm, if the real image formed is 1.5
times larger than the object?
A. 298.43 B. 208.33 C. 198.45 D. 290.87
16. What head in feet of air, at ambient conditions of 14.7 psia and 68 deg F, is equivalent to 2 psia?
A. 146 B. 395 C. 1560 D. 3840
17. The term “brass” is very commonly used to designate any alloy primarily _____.
A. aluminum and iron B. zinc and nickel C. copper and aluminum D. copper and zinc
18. What is the true complement of (25) base 8?
A. 57 B. 55 C. 53 D. 51
19. Article IV, Rule _____. Requirements for examination as a REE.
A. 14 B. 15 C. 16 D. 17
20. Section 2, Article I states that:
A. An Electrical Engineer shall discharge his duties with absolute fidelity to his clients and employers, and shall, at
all times, act with optimum margin of safety and with fairness and impartially to all, having due regard to public
interest and welfare.
B. An Electrical Engineer shall uphold the honor and dignity of his profession and, therefore, shall avoid
association or business dealings with any person or enterprises of questionable character
C. An Electrical Engineer shall only advertise his work or merit in a simple manner and avoid any practice that will
discredit or do injury to the dignity and honor of his profession.
D. An Electrical Engineer shall endeavor to extend knowledge of electrical engineering to the public and shall
discourage spreading the untrue, unfair, and exaggerated statements regarding electrical engineering.
21. The mass flow rate of Freon 12 through a heat exchanger is 10 pounds/minute. Enthalpy of Freon entry is 102 BTU/lb
and of Freon exit is 26 BTU/lb. Water coolant is allowed to rise 10 deg F. The water flow rate in pounds/minute is
A. 70 B. 72 C. 76 D. 71
22. A factory operator bought a diesel generator set for P 10,000 and agreed to pay the dealer uniform sum at the end of
each year for 5 years at 8% interest compounded annually so that the final payment will cancel the debt for principal
and interest. What is the annual payment?
A. P 5,402.58 B. P 3,504.58 C. P 2,504.57 D. P 4,205.57
23. Section 29 of Article III: Revocation of Certificates of Registration and Suspension from the Practice of the Profession.
The board shall have the power, upon notice of hearing, revoke any certificate of registration of any registrant, to
suspend him from the practice of his profession, for fraud, deceit, gross negligence or incompetence. Which will
satisfy the above policy?
A. Rules and regulations, policies and code of professional ethics of this Act
B. Order of court
C. PRC ruling
D. Act of government
24. Which of the following is widely used as light metal?
A. Aluminum B. Silver C. Copper D. Steel
25. Calculate how many moles of ammonia can be produced from 12 mol of hydrogen reacting with nitrogen?
A. 5 mol B. 8 mol C. 7 mol D. 6 mol
26. Divide (15) base 16 by (011) base 2. Express the answer in base 10.

ESAS (Prepared by: Engr. Ronnie S. Alcorcon)
A. 9 B. 5 C. 7 D. 3
27. Newtonian fluid is that fluid which:
A. is incompressible B. obeys Newton’s law of viscosity
C. is highly viscous D. none of these
28. On a normal day, the speed limit of a hi-way curve is 36 mph. If the curve has a radius of 575 ft, at what speed will
skidding impend if the coefficient of friction between tires and roadway is 0.20?
A. 81.80 fps B. 61.05 fps C. 76.11 fps D. 82.45 fps
29. What is the speed of sound through a compressed water (100 kPa), if its volume decreased by 0.007% of its original
A. 1244.55 m/s B. 1414.23 m/s C. 1195.23 m/s D. 1395.11 m/s
30. An equipment costs P 10,000 with a salvage value of P 500 at the end of 10 years. Calculate the annual depreciation
cost by straight-line formula.
A. P 950 B. P 1050 C. P 1000 D. P 900
31. Which is a vector quantity?
A. time B. work C. displacement D. distance
32. What is the molecular mass of calcium nitrate Ca(NO sub 3)?
A. 146 amu B. 158 amu C. 164 amu D. 172 amu
33. A rope is stretched between two rigid poles 30 feet apart. A load of 80 lbs was placed at midpoint of the rope caused it
to sag 7 feet. What is the approximate tension in the rope in lbs?
A. 104.33 B. 59.45 C. 94.59 D. 84.95
34. When a close coiled helical spring is subjected to an axial load, it is d is to be under:
A. Bending B. Shear C. Torsion D. Tension
35. A flywheel is rotating at the rate of 150 rpm. Determine through how many radian does it turn in 5 minutes?
A. 1500 pi rad B. 1400 pi rad C. 1300 pi rad D. 1200 pi rad
36. A with a length of 10 units makes an angle 30 deg. with B length of units. Find the value difference A and B.
A. 4 units B. 5.66 units C. 4.34 units D. 6.25 units
37. A vacuum pump is used to drain a flooded mine shaft of 20 deg C water. The pump pressure of water at this
temperature is 2.34 kPa. The pump is incapable of lifting water higher than 10.16 m. What is the atmospheric
A. 109.3 kPa B. 121.7 kPa C. 101.9 kPa D. 102.2 kPa
38. RA 7920, Rule 2(n) defining?
A. DECS B. Syllabi C. Board D. CHED
39. At a height of 10,000 m (33,000 ft) above the sea level, atmospheric pressure is about 210 mm of Hg. What is the
resultant normal force on a 600 sq. cm. window of an airplane flying at this height when the hydrostatic conditions and
a pressure inside the plane of 760 mm of mercury and density of mercury is 13,600 kg/cu.m?
A. 4.403 Kn B. 5.721 Kn C. 3.407 Kn D. 2.741 kN
40. Is the present worth of all future profits that are to be received through ownership of the property?
A. Value B. First Cost C. Fixed Cost D. Resale Value
41. A jet of water issues from a 90 mm diameter nozzle with a velocity of 18 m/s. Find the Hp of the jet.
A. 24.97 B. 28.08 C. 20.55 D. 29.20
42. A 3HP refrigerator or heat pump operates between 0 deg F and 100 deg F. The maximum theorical heat that can be
transferred from the cold reservoir is nearest to:
A. 7,600 BTU/hr B. 23,000 BTU/hr C. 35,000 BTU/hr D. 43,000 BTU/hr
43. Section 7, Article II states that:
A. An Electrical Engineer shall not accept compensation from more than one interested party for the same
professional service pertaining to the same work, without the consent of all affected parties.
B. An Electrical Engineer shall not divulge confidential matters or information which has come to his knowledge
concerning affairs of his clients or employers, without their consent.
C. An Electrical Engineer who has been engaged to prepare the specification of machineries, equipment or things
needed in a project, shall not make the specifications to fit the machineries, equipments or things of a
prospective bidder for which he has been or expects to be employed as an engineer, unless he has the
consent of his client or employer.
D. An Electrical Engineer shall promptly disclose to his client or employer an interest which he may have in a
business that may conflict with or affect his decision regarding engineering work for which he is employed or
which he may be called upon to perform.

ESAS (Prepared by: Engr. Ronnie S. Alcorcon)
44. A ladder rest on a horizontal floor and leans against the vertical wall. The center of gravity of the 24 ft ladder is 16 ft
from the lower end. Determine the minimum angle of the ladder makes with the horizontal. Coefficient of the floor is
0.3 and the top of the ladder is 0.2.
A. 52.7 deg B. 65.2 deg C. 58.6 deg D. 71.2 deg
45. What is the temperature when water and vapor are in equilibrium with the atmospheric pressure?
A. Ice point B. Steam point C. Critical point D. Freezing point
46. When a source of sound or a listener or both are in motion relative to the air, the pitch of the sound heard by the
listener is not the same as when source and listener are at rest. This phenomenon refers to?
A. Carrier wave B. Reverberation Effect C. Delay Effect D. Doppler Effect
47. Ten liters of air at atmospheric pressure are compressed isothermally to a volume of 2 liters. Approximately how much
work is done by the gas during the compression?
A. – 16 L-ATM B. – 12 L-ATM C. – 18 L-ATM D. – 24 L-ATM
48. Bronze is an alloy of:
A. Cu and Ag B. Cu and Zn C. Cu and Sn D. Ag and Al
49. Which of the following is the emissitivity of white body?
A. zero B. 0.5 C. 1 D. 0 < e < 1
50. Which of the following is the busiest bus and the one that carries that carries that actual data?
A. Address bus B. Data bus C. Control bus D. Microprocessor


INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Mark only one answer for each item by
shading the box corresponding to the letter of your choice on the answer sheet provided. STIRCTLY NO ERASURE
ALLOWED. Use pencil No. 2 only.

1. The “lead” in a lead pencil is

A. bone black B. graphite and clay C. lead oxide D. lead peroxide
2. How many grams are represented in 2.50 mol of H 2O?
A. 45.0 B. 21.7 C. 43.9 D. 32.7
3. The temperature of a body is 50 deg F. Find its temperature in deg C.
A. 147.6 B. 45.6 C. 10.0 D. 32.4
4. A side (2 in) of a square bar is loaded in tension by a force of 12 kips. Determine the normal stress in ksi in the square
A. 5.5 B. 6 C. 2.6 D. 3
5. A 3200-lb car is slowed down uniformly from 60 mph to 15 mph along a level road by a force of 1100 lb. Ho far does it
travel while being slowed down?
A. 280 ft B. 362 ft C. 330 ft D. 286 ft
6. Calculate the strain for a change in length = 0.038 cm and a length of 1.90 m.
A. 0.000217 B. 0.00020 C. 0.020526 D. 0.000211
7. How many kilograms of O2 are contained in a tank whose volume is 2 cu. ft. when the gauge pressure is 2000 lb/sq. in.
and the temperature is 27 deg C?
A. 9.8 B. 12.2 C. 10.1 D. 16.4
8. What is the rotational inertia of a 50-lb cylindrical flywheel whose diameter is 16 in?
A. 1.42 slug-sq. ft. B. 0.24 slug-sq. ft. C. 0.18 slug-sq. ft. D. 0.35 slug-sq. ft.

ESAS (Prepared by: Engr. Ronnie S. Alcorcon)
9. Octal equivalent of 73.75 BASE 10.
A. 145.5 B. 123.7 C. 111.6 D. 102.5
10. A 100-kg man jumps into a swimming pool from a height of 5 m. It takes 0.4 sec for the water to reduce his velocity to
zero. What average force in newton did the water exert on the man?
A. – 2,500 B. – 3,250 C. – 4,000 D. – 3,840
11. What is the neutral load for a single phase system having 150 A of electric discharge lighting and 250 A of
incandescent lighting?
A. 400 A B. 280 A C. 385 A D. 325 A

March 23, 2011

INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Mark only one answer for each item by
shading the box corresponding to the letter of your choice on the answer sheet provided. STRICTLY NO ERASURES
ALLOWED. Use pencil No. 2 only.

1. An object of mass 100 g is a rest. A net force of 2000 dynes is applied for 10 sec. What is the final velocity?
A. 150 cm/sec B. 50 cm/sec C. 200 cm/sec D. 100 cm/sec
Ans. C
2. A baseball pitcher throws a ball weighing 1/3 pound with an acceleration of 480 feet per Second Square. How much
force does he apply to the ball?
A. 4 lbs B. 5 lbs C. 8 lbs D. 10 lbs
Ans. B
3. What is the critical angle, in degree, of incidence for a ray of light passing from glass into water? Assume index of
refraction for glass = 1.50 and index of refraction for water = 1.33
A. 60.07 B. 52.14 C. 65.41 D. 62.46
Ans. D
4. Which of the following is the fastest method to transfer data?
A. 802.11 B. Bluetooth C. gprs D. standard infrared
Ans. A
5. Calculate the rate of return of a lighting that will cost P 1,000 to implement and will save P 250 per year.
A. 25% B. 26% C. 23% D. 24%
Ans. A
6. A 1 cu.m tank is filled with a gas at room temperature 20 deg C and a pressure of 100 kPa. How much mass is there if
the gas is propane with R = 0.18855?
A. 1.809 B. 26.518 C. 1.942 D. 2.062
Ans. A
7. A 2 m long shaft rotates about one end at 20 rad/s. It begins to accelerate with ∝ = 10 rad/s^2. After how long, in
seconds, will the velocity of the free end reach 100 m/s?
A. 4 B. 3 C. 6 D.5
Ans. B

ESAS (Prepared by: Engr. Ronnie S. Alcorcon)
8. A boy on a bicycle pedals around a circle of 22 m radius at a speed of 10 m/s. The combined mass of the boy and the
bicycle is 80 kg. If the boy makes an angle “phi” from the vertical without skidding, what is the centripetal force in N,
exerted by the pavement on the bicycle?
A. 364 B. 421 C. 396 D. 463
Ans. A
9. How much work is necessary to compress air in an insulated cylinder from 0.2 cu.m to 0.01 cu.m? Use T 1 = 20 deg C
and P1 = 100 kPa.
A. 134.6 Kj B. 115.5 kJ C. 94.4 kJ D. 48.23 kJ
Ans. B
10. A pressure gage at elevation 6 m at the side of the tank with liquid reads 90 kPa. Another gage at elevation 4 m reads
110 kPa. Compute the specific weight of the liquid.
A. 8 kN/m^3 B. 6 kN/m^3 C. 12 kN/m^3 D. 10 kN/m^3
Ans. D
11. The amount of the lateral strain in a tension member can be calculated using
A. the bulk modulus B. Poisson’s ratio C. the yield stress D. Hooke’s law
Ans. B
12. A 10 thousand pesos loan is to be repaid at the rate of 200 pesos per month with an annual effective rate of 19.56%
charged against the unpaid balanced. What principal remains to be paid after the 3 rd payment?
A. P 9,500 B. P 9,800 C. P 8,900 D. P 9,200
Ans. B


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