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Past Board Questions

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1. The width of the working space in front of the electric

equipment shall be the width of the equipment or 13. Hallway ___________ mm or more must have at least one
______whichever is greater. In all cases, the work space shall outlet.
permit at least a 90-degree opening of equipment doors or a. 1000 b. 2000 c. 3000 d. 4000
hinged panels.
a. 1000 mm b. 760 mm c. 500 mm d. 76 mm 14. Derating factors do not apply to conductors in nipples
having a length not exceeding
2. Equipment that is associated with the electrical installation a. 300 mm
and is located above or below the electrical equipment shall be b. 400 mm
permitted to extend not more than ____mm (6 in.) beyond the c. 500 mm
front of the electrical equipment. d. 600 mm
a. 100 mm b. 760 mm c. 500 mm d. 150 mm
15. Gutters shall be supported throughout their entire length
3. The minimum headroom of working spaces about service at suitable intervals preferably not exceeding
equipment, switchboards, panel boards, or motor control a. 500 mm
centers shall be b. 1000 mm
a. 2000 mm b. 1500 mm c. 5000 mm d. 150 mm c. 1500 mm
d. 2000 mm
4. Except as elsewhere required or permitted by this Code, live
parts of electrical equipment operating at _____volts or more 16. In open wiring on insulators, support shall be installed on
shall be guarded against accidental contact by approved conductors within _________ mm from a tap or splices.
enclosures a. 200 mm
a. 50 b. 600 c. 100 d. 220 b. 150 mm
c. 220 mm
5. Sufficient space shall be provided and maintained about d. 180 mm
electric equipment to permit ready and safe operation and
maintenance of such equipment. Where energized parts are 17. Conductors must have a clearance from windows, porches,
exposed, the minimum clear work space shall not be less than fire escapes of not less than;
a. 2000 mm b. 1500 mm c. 5000 mm d. 150 mm a. 700 mm
b. 800 mm
6. The following shall be used only for the grounded circuit c. 900 mm
conductor except for d. 1,000 mm
a. conductor with continuous white or gray covering
b. conductor with three continuous white stripes on other than 18. Service conductors passing over roof must have a
green insulation clearance over the roof which they pass of not less than
c. marking of white or gray color at the termination a. 1,000 mm
d. yellow color b. 2,500 mm
c. 1,500 mm
7. What is the MINIMUM feeder load to be used for each 2- d. 3,000 mm
wire, small-appliance branch circuit?
a. 180 VA per outlet 19. The minimum clearance for service drops over buildings.
b. 180 VA per receptacle a. 1,000 mm
c. 1,500 VA b. 2,500 mm
d. 1.800VA c. 1,500 mm
d. 3,000 mm
8. What color must be used to identify an insulated 14 sq mm
or smaller grounded conductor? 20. The minimum clearance for service drops over sidewalks.
a. Black b. Brown c. Gray d. Green a. 2,500 mm
b. 3,100 mm
9. According to the Philippine Electrical Code. c. 5,500 mm
a. Any fault on a branch circuit should open the branch circuit d. 3,700 mm
breaker rather than the feeder overcurrent protection.
b. All faults on a feeder should open the feeder disconnect 21. The minimum clearance of service drops
rather than the service overcurrent protection. over driveway, alleys, and public roads.
c. the electrical system is considered to be coordinated if the a. 3,100 mm
design of the relaying scheme is redundant b. 5,500 mm
d. A local fault shall be detected only by local protective device c. 4,600 mm
d. 3,700 mm
10. Cable trays shall ______.
I. have side rails or equivalent structural members 22. Code requires that the minimum area exposed surface
II. not present sharp edges or burrs offered by a plate electrode shall be;
III. have suitable strength and rigidity a. 1/8 sq. meter
a. I only b. ¼ sq. meter
b. I and II only c. 3/8 sq. meter
c. III only d. ½ sq. meter
d. I, II, and III
23. A single grounding electrode is permitted when the
11. Wireways and Busways shall have a support of not less resistance to ground does not exceed;
than _________ mm or _________ mm in case of vertical runs. a. 5 Ω
a. 1500, 4500 b. 10 Ω
b. 3000, 1500 c. 15 Ω
c. 4500, 1500 d. 25 Ω
d. 1300, 1900
24. In order to protect a personal and prevent shock, the
12. What is the minimum distance of a laundry outlet from the equipment should be connected good earth ground through
appliances the?
a. 1800 mm a. conduit pipe
b. 2000 mm b. hot water pipe
c. 2500 mm c. cold water pipe
d. 1000 mm d. rigid conduit pipe


d. Voltage
25. Communication, radio, and television coaxial cables shall
be permitted at a height of not less than ______ above 36. Sign and outline lighting outlets shall be computed at a
swimming and wading pools, diving structures, and minimum of ______ volt-amperes for each required branch
observation stands, towers, or platforms. circuit
a. 8000 mm a. 1200
b. 3000 mm b. 1440
c. 1000 mm c. 1500
d. 500 mm d. 1800

26. A Cable containing 45 conductors has a correction factor of 37. The maximum number of outlets permitted on 15- and 20-
a. 80 % ampere branch circuits is ______ and ______ outlets, respectively
b. 35 % a. 10, 13
c. 40 % b. 10, 8
d. 70 % c. 13, 10
d. 8, 10

27. Raceways on the outside of buildings shall be ______. 38. Where a conduit enters a box, fitting, or other enclosure, a
a. watertight and arranged to drain ______shall be provided to protect the wire from abrasion
b. weatherproof and covered unless the design of the box, fitting, or enclosure is such as to
c. raintight and arranged to drain afford equivalent protection.
d. rainproof and guarded a. Bushing
b. condulet
28. Which of the following is the maximum allowable rating of c. ramset
a permanently connected appliance where the branch d. plump bob
overcurrent device is used as the appliance disconnecting
means? 39. A transformer rated over 600 volts with a secondary rated
a. 1/8 hp over 600 volts, with secondary protection consisting of six
b. ¼ hp circuit breakers. The sum of the ratings of the circuit breakers
c. ½ hp is not permitted to exceed ________ percent of the rated
d. 1 hp secondary current.
a. 600
29. The maximum number of quarter bends in one run of RMC b. 300
and IMT is ________. c. 250
a. two d. 175
b. four
c. five 40. A WYE-DELTA starter for a single voltage three phase SC
d. none of these induction motor would require the connection of a certain
number of wires from the motor. How many wires would be
30. There are situations where derivations from the code needed?
requirements are necessary. Before such deviations are made, a. 3 wires
there must be a written permission from one of the following b. 9 wires
entities. Which one is this? c. 6 wires
a. Board of Electrical engineering d. 12 wires
b. IIEE Code Committee
c. Code Enforcing Authority 41. According to the PEC Code, the minimum insulation level
d. Philippine Regulation Board for neutral conductors of residential installations which have
solidly grounded systems shall NOT be less than this voltage?
31. Power levels range from _____are used for induction Which is this?
melting a. 1,000 volts
a. 5 kW to 16,500 kW b. 300 volts
b. 5 kW to 42,000 kW c. 600 volts
c. 10-100 kW d. 750 volts
d. 1-50 W
42. Receptacle outlets in floors shall not be counted as part of
32. This type of fitting is specifically designed to serve as a the required number of receptacle outlets unless located
water drain and air vent while providing positive explosion within _____ of the wall.
proof protection. a. 450 mm
a. vent b. 900 mm
b. plenum c. 1800 mm
c. breather d. 150 mm
d. bushing
43. For a one-family dwelling and each unit of a two-family
33. For a 3-phase, 4-wire delta system with the center of one dwelling that is at grade level, at least one receptacle outlet
leg grounded, there are two voltages to ground. For example, accessible at grade level and not more than _____ above grade
on a 240-volt system, two legs would each have 0 lts to un shall be installed at the front and back of the dwelling
thirdr “highleg,would have ______ volts to ground. a. 200 mm
a. 120 b. 240 c. 208 d. 360 b. 150 mm
c. 1800 mm
34. Frequencies used for induction melting range from about d. 2000 mm
a. 50 Hz to 10 kHz
b. b. 5-10 Hz 44. Power levels range from ______are used for induction
c. c. 500-5 kHz heating
d. d. 50-5000 kHz a. 5 – 10 W
b. 5 kW to 42,000 kW
35. Signs which contain incandescent lamp holders shall be c. 10-100 W
marked to indicate the maximum allowable ____ of lamps. d. 10-5 W
a. Type
b. Wattage 45. No automatic cutout or switch shall be placed in the
c. Number equipment _________conductor of a premises wiring system


unless the opening of the cutout or switch disconnects all 55. This kind of fuse is so designed to cause the rapid escape of
sources of energy. gas when its element blows as a result of high current.
a. grounding a. Cartridge
b. ungrounded b. cassette
c. grounded c. expulsion
d. hot d. fast acting

46. The conductor with the highest insulation temperature 56. This is used as a vertical guide and support for groups of
rating is cable from their points of origin to the horizontal plane for
a. THWN easy tracing.
b. RH a. cable duct
c. RHH b. cable tray
d. THW c. cable gutter
d. cable ladder
47. Which of the following receptacle outlet listed below should
calculate at 180 volt-ampere? 57. Which of the following contact point metals has the highest
I. one (1) receptacle outlet (1 pair of hot slot) in yoke melting point?
II. Two (2) receptacle outlet (2 pair of hot slot) in yoke a. silver
III. Three (3) receptacle outlet (2 pair of hot slot) in yoke b. tungsten
a. 1 only c. gold
b. I and II only d. Copper
c. II only
d. I, II and III 58. Overcurrent in transformers affect all of the following
48. The lubricant used for sleeve bearings on motors is usually a. breather effectiveness
a. vaseline b. oil c. graphite d. grease b. life insulation
c. mechanical stresses
49. The correct method of measuring the power taken by an d. rise in temperature
AC electric motor is to use a
a. wattmeter 59. Fuse in motor circuits provides
b. voltmeter and an ammeter a. none of these
c. power factor meter b. open-circuit protection
d. tachometer c. overcurrent protection
d. short circuit protection

60. If a motor overheats, it must be due to

50. An applicant for Registered Master Electrician Examination a. misaligned
must be at least completed _____ for five-year Bachelor of b. low voltage
Science in Electrical Engineering c. loose
program and has Specific record of _______ practice in d. open-circuited field
electrical wiring and installation.
a. 3 years, 1 year 61. Voltage drop in a uniformly loaded distributor fed at one
b. 2 years, 2 years end is calculated by
c. 2 years, 1 year assuming the whole of the load concentrated at
d. 3 years, 2 years a. middle point
b. feeding point
51. A high school graduate can take the Registered Master c. the far end of the feeding point
Electricians Examination if he/she has subsequent specific d. distance from the feeding point
record of at least _______ years of apprenticeship in electrical
wiring, installations of electrical equipment. 62. If a 480-volt motor has a full-load current of 34 amperes,
a. 6 then the standard disconnecting means must be which of the
b. 3 following:
c. 4 a. 66 amps
d. 5 b. 50 amps
52. The most valid objection for not fusing the middle wire of a c. 39.1 amps
3- wire system either a grounded neutral is that d. 40 amps
a. It will increase the replacement cost of the fuses
b. Shutdown will be increased due to the blowing of the neutral 63. What shall be the minimum size of conductor for signage?
fuse a. 2.0 sq. mm
c. Blowing of the neutral fuse may unbalance the voltages on b. 3.5 sq. mm
the two sides of c. 5.5 sq. mm
the system with possible burnouts of some of the lamps d. 8.0 sq. mm
d. The size of the neutral wire must be made twice as large as
the ungrounded 64. At least _____wall switch-controlled lighting outlet shall be
line wires installed in every
habitable room and bathroom.
53. The favorite newspaper lines which reads “was but due to a. one
faulty wiring” means: b. two
a. defective wiring c. three
b. wrong wiring d. none
c. shorted wiring
d. protective device failure during fault 65. The allowable fill of electrical conduits.
a. 40%
54. The highest AC transmission line voltage in the Philippines b. 50%
as of June 2004. c. 60%
a. 230 kV d. 30%
b. 440 kV
c. 350 kV 66. The normal operating temperatures of cartridge type fuse
d. 500 kV at its rating;
a. 100 deg. C


b. 75 deg. C dwelling, the minimum number of 20 ampere circuits required

c. 50 deg. C to serve the bathrooms is which of the following:
d. 25 deg. C a. Two b. Three c. Four d. Five
67. Fuses must be clearly marked with which of the following:
a. Voltage rating 78. Terminals connected to a grounded conductor shall be
b. Ampere rating identified in which of the following ways:
c. Interruption rating, if other than 10,000 amperes a. Identification shall be substantially white in color
d. All of the above b. Connection must use a terminal screw that is not readily
removable and is green in color
68. The ampacity of a conductor must be derated where the c. Identification must include an engraved metal tag
ambient temperature exceeds which of the following: d. None of the above
a. 30 degrees C
b. 32 degrees C 79. The receptacle example listed below which may be
c. 26 degrees C connected to a small appliance branch circuit is which of the
d. 20 degrees C following:
a. Garage ceiling receptacle for an automatic garage door
69. If a transformer vault is not protected by an automatic opener
sprinkler system, then it must have a minimum fire resistance b. Any receptacle which is within 3600 mm of the kitchen
and structural strength of which c. An electric clock plugged in at the dining room
of the following periods of time: d. An electric hair dryer
a. 2 hours
b. 3 hours 80. The service disconnection means in a building shall not
c. 4 hours have more than how many switches or circuit breakers:
d. 6 hours a. 6 b. 8 c. 10 d. 20

70. The neutral conductor in an electrical installation has 81. The total number of underground conductors for an outside
which of the following qualities: lighting circuit on a single common neutral conductor is which
a. It carries the unbalanced current. of the following:
b. It is the white conductor. a. 6
c. It does not apply ampacity correction. b. 8
d. All of the above c. There is no limit specified
d. Underground conductors specified in this example are
71. Open conductors that are not service entrance cables shall prohibited
not be installed less than which of the following:
a. 3,100 mm from grade level 82. When protected solely by enamel, which of the following
b. 2,900 mm below grade level shall not be installed in outdoor or wet locations:
c. 2,500 mm below grade level a. Ferrous raceways b. Fittings c. Boxes d. All of the above
d. 1,300 mm from grade level
83. Which of the following is NOT an acceptable method of
72. Lightning protection system ground terminals must be mounting electrical equipment to a masonry wall?
bonded to which of the following: A. With bolts through the wall supported by metal plates on the
a. The building or structure back side
b. The building or structure grounding electrode systems B. With lag bolts screwed into lead masonry anchors
c. To a common grounding electrode conductor C. With molly bolts through holes drilled entirely through the
d. A surge arrestor wall
D. With screws driven into wooden plugs in the wall
73. Concealed knob-and-tube wiring is not permitted in which
of the following 84. The branch circuit breaker device shall protect all ________.
applications: A. appliances C. branch circuit loads
a. Commercial garages B. conductors and devices D. fittings
b. Motion picture studios
c. Hazardous classified locations
85. Plug fuses and fuse-holders shall NOT be used between
d. All of the above
conductors and the grounded neutral in circuits exceeding how
many volts?
A. 100 B. 125 C. 150 D. 200
74. If there are 7 current-carrying conductors in a raceway,
86. An all-electric home has a laundry area located in a kitchen
then the individual ampacity of each conductor must be
closet. What is the MINIMUM number of branch circuits
reduced by which of the following:
serving this kitchen?
a. 70% because of the number of conductors
A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5
b. 30% because all conductors are current-carrying
c. 80% of the continuous load
87. Electrical continuity at service equipment shall be assured
d. 20% of the continuous load
by all of the following EXCEPT ________.
A. threaded metal couplings made up wrench tight
75. The following wiring method is approved to be installed
B. threadless metal couplings for rigid metal conduit using
inside a duct used for vapor removal and ventilation of
standard locknuts and bushings
commercial type equipment:
C. threadless metal couplings for electrical metallic tubing
a. EMT
using bonding locknuts and bushings
b. Nonmetallic sheathed cable
D. bonding of the service equipment to the grounded service
c. Rigid steel conduit
d. None of the above
88. Coatings on which of the following shall be removed at
76. The work space for equipment must allow _______ opening
threads, contact points, and contact surfaces or be connected
of any equipment doors or hinged panels.
by means of fittings so designed as to make such removal
a. 90-degree b. 60-degree c. 180-degree d. 45-degree
unnecessary in bonding other enclosures for grounding?
A. Copper B. Zinc C. Aluminum D. Enamel
77. A single-family dwelling has three bathrooms each with the
following: a lighting fixture, a fan, and one receptacle outlet. In
89. A personnel protection device that de-energizes a circuit
one of the bathrooms, the lighting fixture, fan, and receptacle
when the current to ground exceeds a predetermined value
outlet are installed on a dedicated 20 ampere circuit. For this


less than required to operate the supply circuit overcurrent neutral conductor shall be considered as ______ of the load on
protective device is called a ________ the ungrounded conductors.
A. circuit breaker B. fuse C. ground-fault interrupter D. a. 40%
limit switch b. 50%
c. 70%
90. Which of the following colors indicates an equipment d. 80%
grounding conductor in a flexible cord?
A. Gray B. White C. Green with a red stripe D. Green
with a yellow stripe

91. The effective grounding path to ground from circuits,

equipment and metal equipment enclosures shall NOT ________
A. be permanent and continuous
B. have the capacity to conduct safely any fault currents to
C. have sufficiently low impedance to limit the voltage to
D. use the earth as the sole equipment-grounding conductor

92. What is the MINIMUM voltage rating for the grounded

conductor in a solidly grounded neutral system of 1 kV or
A. 440 volts
B. 600 volts
C. 1,000 volts
D. Equal to the kV rating of the ungrounded conductors

93. Copper Clad Aluminum wire is

different from Aluminum wire in that it
a. Has more insulation around the wire
b. The copper wire is coated with aluminum
c. Can only be used in livestock operations
d. Is rated the same as pure copper wire

94. This kind of fuse is so designed to cause the rapid escape of

gas when its element blows as a result of high current.
a. Cartridge b. cassette c. expulsion d. fast acting

95. This is used as a vertical guide and support for groups of

cable from their points of origin to the horizontal plane for
easy tracing.
a. cable duct b. cable tray c. cable gutter d. cable ladder

96. In switchgear the fr means that

a. the front and rear panels are hinged
b. an access door is at the end of the structure
c. no equipment is mounted on the front panel
d. energized parts are not exposed on the front panel

97. A circuit breaker that can be closed against a fault and

operate at once, although the solenoid mechanism may
continue through its closing operation, is said to be
a. selective b. trip-free c. fully-rated d. DC operated

98. In ordering standard cartridge fuses it is necessary to

specify only
a. the current capacity
b. the voltage of the circuit
c. the current capacity and the voltage of the circuit
d. the power to be dissipated

99. The largest size regular plug fuse used is rated at

a. 15 amperes b. 20 amperes c. 30 amperes d. 40

100. One of the two plug-fuses in a 120-volt circuit blows

because of a short circuit. If a 120-volt lamp is screwed into
the fuse socket while the circuit is
still shorted, the lamp will
a. burn dimly b. remain dark c. burn out d. burn

101. All wiring shall be so installed that, when completed, the

system will be free of ______.
a. open circuits b. resistance c. short circuits d.

102. For a feeder supplying household cooking equipment and

electric clothes dryers the maximum unbalanced load on the


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