ESAS-Lindeburg Terms (Dreamforce)
ESAS-Lindeburg Terms (Dreamforce)
ESAS-Lindeburg Terms (Dreamforce)
5. Which of the following is true regarding 10. What is a borrower of a particular loan almost
minimum attractive rate of return used in always required to do during repayment?
judging proposed investments? a. pay exactly the same amount of interest
a. It is the same for every organization. each payment
b. It is larger than the interest rate used to b. repay the loan over an agreed-upon
discount expected cash flow from amount of time
investments c. pay exactly the same amount of the
c. It is frequently a policy decision principal each payment
made by an organization’s d. both options ‘a’ and ‘c’
d. It is not relevant in engineering 11. What is “work in process” classified as?
economy studies a. an asset
b. a liability
6. Which of the following situations has a c. an expense
conventional cash flow so that an internal rate d. a revenue
of return can be safely calculated and used?
a. You purchase a house and pay the bank 12. What is the indirect product cost (IPC) spending
in monthly installments. variance?
14. Which of the following does NOT affect owner’s 21. What is the definition of pressure?
equity? a. 𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑐𝑒
a. dividends paid 𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑐𝑒
b. lim
b. license to start operation 𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑐𝑒→ ∞ 𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑎
c. invested capital c. 𝐥𝐢𝐦
𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒄𝒆→ 𝟎 𝒂𝒓𝒆𝒂
d. expense to get license to start operation 𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑎
d. lim
𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑐𝑒→ 0 𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑐𝑒
15. What is the acid test ration?
a. the ratio of owner’s equity to total 22. For a fluid, viscosity is defined as the constant of
current liabilities proportionality between shear stress and what
b. the ratio of all assets to total liabilities another variable?
c. the ratio of current assets a. time derivative of pressure
(exclusive of inventory) to total b. time derivative of density
current liabilities c. spatial derivative of velocity
d. the ratio of gross margin to operating, d. spatial derivative of density
sales, and administrative expenses
23. Surface tension has which of the following
UNITS properties?
16. Which of the following is NOT a unit of i. It has a unit of force per unit
pressure? length
a. kPa ii. It exists whenever there is
b. N/cm2 density discontinuity.
c. bars iii. It is strongly affected by
d. kg/m2 pressure.
a. i only
17. Which of the following is the definition of a b. ii only
joule? c. iii only
a. a unit of power d. i and iii
b. a N·m
c. a kg·m/s2 24. A leak from a faucet comes out in separate
d. a rate of change of energy drops. Which of the following is the main cause
of the phenomenon?
b. air resistance
18. Which statement is true for fluid?
c. viscosity of fluid
a. It cannot sustain shear force.
d. surface tension
b. It cannot sustain shear force at
25. Which of the following describes shear stress in
c. It is a liquid only.
Newtonian fluid?
d. It has a very regular molecular
28. Which of the following statements about a 35. Under which of the following conditions is
streamline is most accurate? Bernoulli’s equation valid?
a. It is a path of fluid particle. a. all points evaluated must be on the
b. It is a line normal to the velocity vector same streamline
everywhere. b. the fluid must be compressible
c. It is fixed in space in steady flow. c. the fluid must be inviscid
d. It is defined for non-uniform flow. d. all of the above
29. Which of the following describes a streamline? 36. Under certain flow conditions, the expression of
i. It is a mathematical concept. the first law of thermodynamics for a control
ii. It cannot be crossed by the flow volume reduces to Bernoulli’s equation. Which
iii. It is a line of constant entropy. combination of the following conditions is
a. i only necessary and sufficient to reduce the first law
b. ii only of thermodynamics for a control volume to
c. i and ii Bernoulli’s equation?
d. i and iii i. steady flow
ii. incompressible flow
30. Under what conditions is mass conserved in a iii. no frictional loss of energy
fluid flow? iv. no heat transfer or change in
a. The fluid is barotropic. internal energy
b. The flow is isentropic. a. i only
c. The flow is adiabatic. b. i and ii
d. It is always conserved. c. i and iv
d. i, ii, iii, and iv
31. What is the absolute velocity of a real fluid at a
surface? 37. What are the units of Reynolds number for pipe
a. the same as the bulk fluid velocity flow?
b. the velocity of the surface a. m/s
c. zero b. m/s2
d. proportional to the smoothness of the c. kg/m·s2
surface d. none of the above
32. Which of the following statements is true 38. Which of the following ratios of forces
concerning the following continuity equation, represents a physical interpretation of the
= 0 where ρ is density, Reynold’s number?
𝜕𝑡 𝜕𝑥 𝜕𝑦 𝜕𝑧
a. buoyant / inertial
u is velocity in the x direction, v is velocity in the
v. hot-wire meter b.
𝑍𝑖 +𝑍𝑗
a. i only c.
𝒑𝒊 +𝒑𝒋
b. ii only 𝑚𝑖
c. i and iv d.
d. ii and v
50. The compressibility factor, Z, is used for
43. For pipe flow in the laminar flow region, how is predicting the behavior of non-ideal gases. How
the friction factor related to the Reynolds is compressibility factor defined relative to an
number? ideal gas? (subscript c refers to critical value)
𝟏 𝑝
a. 𝒇 ∝ 𝑹𝒆 a. 𝑍 = 𝑝
12 𝒑𝑽
b. 𝑓 ∝ 𝑅𝑒 b. 𝒁 = 𝑹𝑻
c. 𝑓 ∝ 𝑅𝑒 c. 𝑍=𝑇
d. 𝑓 ∝ 𝑅𝑒 2 𝑐
𝑇 𝑝
d. 𝑍 = ( ) ( 𝑐 )
𝑇𝑐 𝑝
51. On what plane is the Mollier diagram plotted?
44. Which of the following are intensive properties? a. p-V
i. temperature b. p-T
ii. pressure c. h-s
iii. composition d. s-u
55. The general equation for an open system 60. What is true about the polytropic exponent, n,
involves the following five terms. for a perfect gas undergoing an isobaric
i. accumulation of energy process?
ii. net energy transfer by work a. n > 0
(standard sign convention) b. n < 0
iii. net energy transfer by heat c. n ∞
(standard sign convention) d. n = 0
iv. transfer of energy in by mass
flow 61. During an adiabatic, internally reversible
v. transfer of energy out by mass process, what is true about the change in
flow entropy?
Using the standard sign conventions, what is the a. It is always zero.
proper arrangement of these terms for the b. It is always less than zero.
general energy equation satisfying the first law c. It is always greater than zero.
of thermodynamics? d. It is infinite.
a. i= -ii + iii + iv – v
b. i =ii + iii + iv + v 62. For an irreversible process, what is true about
c. i = ii + iii + iv – v the total change in entropy of the system and
d. i = ii – iii – iv + v surroundings?
a. dS = ∞
56. What is the value of the work done for closed, b. dS = 0
reversible, isometric system? c. dS> 0
a. zero d. dS< 0
b. positive
c. negative 63. For which type of process is the equation dQ =
d. positive or negative TdS valid?
a. irreversible
57. The expansion of a gas through a plug at high b. isothermal
pressure results in temperature rise, while at c. reversible
lower pressures a temperature drop occurs. The d. isobaric
Joule-Thompson coefficient, µJT, is defined as
the ratio of the changes in temperature to the 64. Which of the following is true for any process?
change in pressure. The temperature at which a. ΔS (surroundings) + ΔS (system) ≥
µJT changes from positive to negative is called 0
125. Which of the following does NOT 130. Which of the following 8tatements is
produce vacancies, purity defects in a material? FALSE?
a. plastic deformation a. There is a considerable increase in the
b. slow equilibrium cooling hardness and the strength of a cold-
c. quenching worked metal.
d. increasing the temperature (which b. Cold working a metal significantly
increases atomic energy) reduces its ductility.
c. Cold working causes a slight decrease in
126. Which of the following are true the density and electrical conductivity of
statements about the modulus of elasticity, E? a metal.
a. It is the same as the rupture modulus. d. Cold work decreases the yield point
b. It is the slope of the stress-strain of metal.
diagram in the linearly elastic
region. 131. Which of the following statements is
c. It is the ratio of stress to volumetric FALSE?
strain. a. Hot working can be regarded as the
d. Its value depends only on the simultaneoug combination of cold
temperature of the material. working and annealing.
b. Hot working increases the density of the
127. In general, what are the effects of cold metal.
working a metal? c. One of the primary goals of hot working
a. increased strength and ductility is to produce a fine-grained product.
b. increased strength, decreased d. Hot working causes much strain
ductility hardening of the metal.
c. decreased strength and ductility
d. decreased strength, increased ductility 132. Which of the following is FALSE?
a. Grain size is of minor importance in
128. Which of the following does cold considering the properties of poly-
working a metal cause? crystalline materials.
a. elongation of grains in the flow b. Fine-grained materials usually exhibit
direction, an increase in dislocation greater yield stræses than coarse-
density, and an overall increase in grained materials at low temperatures.
energy of the metal c. At high temperatures, grain boundaries
b. elongation of grains in the flow become weak, and gliding occurs.
direction, a decrease in dislocation d. Grain boundary sliding is the relative
density, and an overall decrease in movement of two grains by a shear
energy of the metal movement parallel to the grain
c. elongation of grains in the flow boundary between them.
direction, a decrease in dislocation
density, and an overall increase in 133. Which of the following correctly
energy of the metal describes atoms located at grain boundaries?
d. shortening of grains in the flow a. They are subjected to the same type of
direction, a decrease in dislocation interatomic forces that are present in
density, and an overall decrease in the the interior atoms of the crystal,
energy of the metal b. They are located primarily in highly
strained and distorted positions.
129. Which of the following statements is c. They have a higher free enerw than
FALSE? atoms in the undisturbed part of the
a. The amount or percentage of cold crystal lattice.
work cannot be obtained from d. All of the above are correct.
information about change in the
area or thickness of a metal.
150. Under which type of loading does 157. Which of the following statements is
fatigue occur? FALSE?
a. static load
b. plane load
c. high load
Additional ESAS Objectives Questions with Answers Page 13
a. Kinematics is the study of the effects of
motion, while kinetics is the study of the
causes of motion.
b. The radius of gyration for a mass of
uniform thickness is identical to
theradius of gyration for a planar area
of the same shape.
c. Angular momentum for rigid bodies may
be regarded as the product of angular
velocity and inertia.
d. The acceleration of any point
within a homogenous body rotating
with a constant angular velocity is
proportional to the distance of that
point to the center of mass.