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This versatile valve comes in a Variety of styles to suit-an even wider range of applications. In addition, a variety of quality accessories are available to further enhance its suitability to the application. © Series NE: Sives 2 to 12 rpose valve wi to provi comer tn eck: length desi full learance of the valve tmp hs insulation ons ANSE 150:pipe Manges; avaiable i bent water an gates. Sores ve: ‘Sizoe 2 0 12° range of applications in many industri include food anal Beverage utes ans process fhow tines This short neck design is offre in a wide wariesy of oly ar rials. The valves are designed for in ioe between ANSI 125/150 flanges @ Series NED ate Sizes 2° 1 12 a short neck valve wih boxy motebes to fit pop light- weight Mange patlerns, making it eal foe tool snaria handling ad se rats tion industry: Valves will also center in ANSE 125/150 flanges. Series NEC 1-48") Sizes 14" to 36° are available in both wafer " for ANSI 150 fl Wwe styles The wafer body has Jugs ap and bot ges AY und 45" ses fre avilable with Mange! bosies. Qn al sires, bronie hearings are installed ot Series NEM Sanitary Sives 2-12 NEA valve, ba i similar to our Sees tenet ce te rigorous requlveneals of sa tary services th fxd nul heverage industry The body is available in brome suiaess stl, alumina oF elites hickel-cusned ductile bon, FDA. appre enaterials are used for all wetted pats: Handle parte are byonze ub stain- Feceseel peritin Other benef: * DEMCO eae wr) system gives absolute assurance of sani tary boiterfly * Drilled pasiagewarys. a design ong pte by DEMCO, vent dhe entire interior of the dise to atmansphere. No-loved chamber is provided forthe culture Undesirable organisms + Dis moat upd non-pomas. Stem, bosses are ni re produced From fed for increased hr 1 The projecting inner surface of the Fsitienh eat contacts and is compressed by the mating Mhinge to for a enc rd intconp lor ly. Ts pate seal between the innerenet cemvure aseptic cunts after w piping flush Sanitary Features = Sevier NET Teflon Because ofthe inert, aseptic owtick character of Teflan, DEMCO's NEI-T Teflo ined bu fly valve is Meal for food ankl bovenige plants, sists of viggin Teflon tuner cushion (either Buns-Ni or EPT are available) whieh provides resilience for aking. The Teflon liner extends over the sel faces, completely coverin ing the resilient material fom const with Eine Hd, DEMCO Marine butter Se inthe NE-C Lug, NEA Lag Wafer and NE-D Wafer ayes and ent Foem to Title of the Code of Federal Regulations, Pan 56 ofthe U.S. Coast Guns Marine E sineering Regulations Bureau of f tsging per per MSS-SP-67 tm well asthe Americ Shipping Standard incl MSS-SP-25 and testin ACCESSORIES 6 8 Series NBC 30° aa DEMICO NE-C wafer with Series OR actuator. Les AND ACCESSORIES Stern extension. with handle fan Series NE boutterty valve Saves 8 claphragm acuator © Actuators EMCO Series DR pre EAL) are available in doubles foil-safe, spring renin models, Series DR satuutoes ane compact, high-oryue. piesa actuators. Series R diaphragm setuators 1A2) incorporate a heavy-duty, enelosed Diapirag pressure, poe service, Elser actuators (3) are rock-aa- pinion Linki act foes are ila fo teed when compresses is st avail be for prewimae operations, © Henates ent stm extensions Tiree basic handle designs fnerchange son any 2° to 12 valves: te position locking, tw positon Iocking aa rer ry op. Memery-stap handles provide thrsting which és infinitely adjustable tnd can be set by a Tock mut with mem yop setting (adjustable open stop) Handles are available in Basie trim, corra- Soo -resistan trim and sanitary trim, Stee ns re Fabcated From carton secel parts an contained ina tubutar using, Gaskets andl O-rings seal the ster extension at topeand borin, These extensions ae fai lengths ated 1m specifies © Gear operators DEMCO weatherproof gear operators are offered with a choice of handel chuin- whee, quare nat, The worm pearing has sel boc ‘cunt! open and closed positioning ‘a opional adjustable memory slap fe “alae velar” te a preset open position after cls Gear operator Series NE-C Parts ct Detail 2 * tes : pi [oie = = a [Lower Stem 3 ‘Spring Pin ‘Buna-f Bune Bronze Bearing Sampicte mate How to Order {example 6" NE-C, 200PSi, Wafer, Standard trim with handle 22124-12153 11) e829 and 3 ey co] Ce Disc Seat Cree nt eae resin Pen eo etc ed Handle Water Duct rn tus) | 1 Bune-N [31] [10 Postion tks Tos Cant ron twat [2 [63s [2] [act ope [32] | Trcting | Cre ETSI (22 | [eee] [pai aa] | menses TAB rtoner [3 | aluminum viten= [4] [Square nu [_worer_| Duce ten 4 a Li (1, water onty) | * f mons lPeranice Cured €°7|35| [2 position ug [w t Ductile ran Falcricara Bronzel 8 ~ | [Letwratbber [26] |F0 postion Carbon Steet | , | Mickel Plated] 5 | vtise Meoprene [37| | Sanitary | & ‘Net pvr Coated || | erananzn [or] |_(NEFT onto buctile ir" Mae 3 ‘Aluminum | |: Fuuorosteam [02 one ' (6: water ony) PEST | 28 2 || rece cined |g] (10 Postion Lk ia EHC Costes sresser | 2] [essere] 8] | Food Grade err |°?| | conosion |x james, Sea ure i eee resistant and shut a Guanies Steel | 8 BE | Bere (8) [2 Ption tg presi 36s Taiturcwed [gg] | Corrosion | t See page 8. puFCested | 0 | [Food Grade t tesitant cere | | AMM |Sroeinr | aes Wuna-hifefon® [as] | Mem. stop ale Conexion Ductile tron Posten erence resistor Water-Shortneck | 1 nes ug-Lengrec ronkiec® [5 ‘rayon |p aon 20) > Hand Wheel [A flongnetk water) oitona Ex Aluminum Bronze] 3 Hanoy “C* a-r2" oni | 8 Carbon Steel _| a Nett oni | [ chain Alumioum —| ness Ty Square w (water only) inpotished are Shak _[ E Saintes steel _[ 8 cetyeap Ss fores-1" upper mam on z 1-200 pen ‘andl wl te beange wth parts ae 3: Poin greuns 0 8 iy fh Tumble urate NF-C, 14*-24 aan 1 Body t Sex i ite t Taper Siem t Lower Stor z Spring Pin f Retainer (Spacerle : stam O-Ring z Upper Bearing “Bronze i Lower Bearing. Bronze Tor eatril choicest. Complete material oes a Ce Pied re) cy enema Pee) Dostia Fon aah mess [1] [31855 [2 BunsN [31] [None [9 tg [5 | | cars tron twafon 31658 Monel | 3 | Black Neoprene |32] | Steel (og) Hone [3] [auminom | g| | _Mypalon= [33] | manawmest [A Seine wel (oad | |_Bronze_| viene [34] | chain wheel | ¢ Sosa on Nickel ates tet [a| | seuare nue [oO pressure, ie tacead Baretta |e See page 9. Ductile won| & Stareardl cating I groan enamel; cthercaatings aua43b @ on request (03150 ps oni tradamark note on page 32 ay ERFLY WALWES DEMCO Base Part Numbers/Weights Serios NE-C, 2°12" Description zawz_| 22123 72236 tee | mame [maa | aan | aaa | za 0 pst [amass [zan35| zoo | 20007 | 2008 | 2030 mpi Treating zaxia | veaad | 004s aaa] anna] | aa 1 Weight | War] 58 [70 | 77 | tia] va7_| v8 70] Oes-bare stem | hug BO 29 io7 0 245 BS, 385 ‘Series NE-I, 2°-12"* mus | aziz zaaz | 23a | aise | 213s | 22198 vasa) aaa 222565 zzzse_| 27259 | 72260 mur | 27262 7265, maat_| raves | 22768 Taa70_|_2ea71 zm maave_|_paa7r Weign [ron Sieeiss[ a9 | 64 1a? ma a8 loeseecen| reas [a7 | 62 aaa 70 [ aaa a Aluminum 26 34 ay 18.2 30.4 | Weight Bronze 68 rr 24 ao | 64a bar sem | : ig" steel ss 7.0 [as Bs m5] ea Series NE-l, Sanitary, 2-12" 200 pa zanso | asst aatsz_ | 2ansa_ | 2anse | asiss | 231s | 2357 Weights See chert above NE 27-1" Series NE-D, 2°-12"* 00 at maith Poses [aren [ase [anes [ane [asi | aziet 215 6 aaa Descokatenaayet | Puna | ae |ranse | eee] a2 | Opi Gams] 22262 fseskaood_—21307_|tazah|—2an09 | 2067 | zam00 | aa069 Trating 2azst [azz fsesianon2ua8a | aazad | 2enes | eae | za6 | ae ste mr | a2 | sa | 2 | 02 | ua | roa | ome | ue | oon Series NET, 2°=10"* 150 st 1 24581 ‘wear [on Steel 3s] as ea ua fts-bare stem)| Bronze a7 sz | 6 39 160 mo | 443 vee 28 a4 at 53 wa | 182 | ma enV, [_Broree 6B ar | _3s 157 | 30 | a0 | aa una new steel ss] 70 a oF 160) ms | as oo ‘Gent Operator recommended forfe72" ane See NEC chart shove for nights of Lana Weck Wat Series NF-C, 14"~2 Series NF-C, 30°48" 25420 | 33827 | 2542 | 23803 Throtling eign [as [ai Cece aa sis Marine Valves: Consult factory for data sheets B-255, B:256 and 8-258. Ce ae Series NE-C, NE-l, NE-D 1/fesy MC War |nrarora| sais nrasoraaraoon|2aiavana [zaenore]azesony szaeorr| asian - ET a eye Options mak Dee eee he Water jG] 2268-00] 22601 Gax | 29681- Osx | 2268-6 | 22a GPx] 2a Ora [RRO OT Options SETH ARR Bees Fon SALEM EAL Ra seiR AENSTC WoT OE ASTM 8179 Aluminum -@4S, DVENC O16, ASTM A351 $6 Nes tug [RAGES Oe] SRGOH Ose] 268 woe] 20690 Osn | 276Be USK [22700 05 | 2aT7OL-OBK] 2ave Oma [ATO Oe Options ‘ASTM a5 A Bronte -O53,_ASTNE AZT WOH Stee] -OB4 ASTM AIS1 55-058 NE-D Water [EUTETSET] 2682-011 | s0sGe-u71] 20185027 | 22 190-071 | aa191 Gat | FoeeT ONT] zaT8-a [FARHAN Sstions ASTI ASB5 Ducille iran -Oat 2] SEAT Treen | Tie [Tita] Tao | APR aaK | WOOP aa | T7BRee | T6Tiem | 18am Options |"sO31 Buna, 032 Black Neoprane, O33 Hypalon, “O34 Viion, 135 FFT), 036 Nat, Rubber 3° NED Seat ice nell | __ 07 White Neoprene, «231 Peroxide Cured Suna-N -284 Fuovosteam, -391 ETW30230 3/8 ‘0 pt | Rc] Fa0a6-Grx | 22047 -Oxal 278G-Oex | 22099-0nx | 22050- | 770-Ona] 22057-Ous | 12055-00 ‘85 si [2 voc] 22797-Gnx | 2218 ca] 22199-0ex | 2700-0nx | 22701-Oea | 72207-Gna| 7203-004 | T2208-0e ‘0 pal | 22205:0rx| 29206 Ger | 21707 Oca] 22208-Gnx | 2770 Gee | 20210-0ex | 2371 (va 228 -Oax | 22015-0Ha ‘Threttling [BAD x, 77307 Oux [27708 tox | 29719. | 237 Onw| 7721 Os | 77277 O (Options | #003 416 $5, 003 Mone), «005 Hi. Fl Duct Won, -007 Alloy 26%, -O@8 Hastwii6gC, O14 Alum. Bronze? ‘PVE Coated 200 pxt [22714001] 297%5-001 | 237 16-001] 2797-001 [2371-008 | 22719-001 | 22720-00] 7271-00" | 2722-001 S]URrER STEM ——-Ne<[sz0ee008] —22087-000 | 22088000 —22060.00% | 22070-00s) 22071-0me| 2072-008 es [22073006] 72074-004 _[22075-004 | _22076.00 2078-00 | 22079-005 ve-n [22073-00 [22076 005 [22193-005 |22198-005 2070-00 vuoreR STEM NEC [22930005] 22¥35-00" —__|27996-00 22320-00%2 vets Too, es [3z34t 006) 29342001 | 22145008 23a Lower sre Za0nO-HG«] 22067-0011 72082-005 22085- Stem Material Options O01 416 35, G3 315 S58 “GOR Monel, -6BM Phos, Coated Stel 7] SPRING Pan C502 55 Sean T8790 ‘SHB 187E4 Sue 0 Fd] RETAINER Stanies Steel a7 fe 13705 13908 2) TOP O-RING —_Buna-tt S516 18 3596.115 S617 26118 23) STEM GING! —Buna-N | 5526113 SSIETIS [5526118 3526-212 ss2ba14 | 3526200 ft) REARING (2) Bronze [27526-0017] __z71¥6-007 ___|13812-001 1115-001 ianieoot [131 1001 "SPT Sent Options standaag 135 Perosde Cured Fone Grade 035 98-12, 285 pl Alum Brande, wae G24 Peroalde Cured, 235 Sufix Cured, 48° 2127 Upper Stor 17.4 5 dn sue 12, Loven Stare 31655 2 Altay 20.nat susaable for 285 pal 54 raquied Yor tatty (© pul usb see 63° AED Sem Pv 15095-er Chee teen rr _-DEMCO How to Order (XXXX-00X) os [Doe] Pete a sg 4. | + 2 Postion/1@ Poston Locking Handles nfinne Trotting with Memory Stop Handle Standard [* 550 | ie | 15 Coneson | 2 ws [vor [i Sanita | 3 2a | 2s Poston Sed CR | 3057 | 2033 | 1@ Position, Sanitary | 22319 | 22320 2 Penton, Sanacy | 2508 | 20505 Tiron, fehl | S| 24230 | 24231 2035 | 24236 zee [2903 2oiar | 22328 as [24255 | 24256 “Thenting Sanitary | 2a | 20 zz [27009 Square Nut Std | 23386 | 23257 2388 | 22360 2 Porition/10 Position Lacking Handle Infinite Throttiing wth Memory Stop Handle: Plates and ath op 0 tary Tom Ronde ony om Eo a S| Screw | _ Steel "Stainless Steel | Stainless Stool = | Mandie | Bactie iran Ductile won | __ronze 10] tsteh | Zine Plated stgel_[ —Stainiass steel | — stainless stoot 1] Spring Spring Steel Stainless Steel 12 | Spring in| Spring steel Stainfess Stet 15 | Thworve Paes | Zine Plated Steal Stainless set 16 |_Loekwather Steel Stainless Steel | aoe 3 Steel Stainless Stee! | stainiess steel | Lies 20 | See Ser Steel Staines Steel | stainias steet | [square nutHup | Ducite won| 35+ | Throtting Tab | Zine Plated Stsel_| — Stiniess Steel Throttle Pate 36% | Carriage Bo ec | Staines steel | 2] Wing nie Steel Stainless Stel [steel | 7] Sow Steel Staniess Steel : | serew Steet ae] ret Steel Stainless Steel | — Stainiss Steel Tock Wesher | Spring Siew ‘For Threting Memory Stop Nanae only STAND Seats ‘See pages 6, 7 and 8 for sex! mlerial deseripeion an part rum ber scheme For available options for diferent valve sries, una N isa general purpose elastomer compound for max ‘mum hydrocarbon oe peiroleum eexisance orm se Same at Werle, Hscar!, NBR ZENERAL SERVICE EPT ic recommended for water serv ice: Resistance w9sanvred steum wo 275°F is exceliem. EPT is suitable i alkaline selon. EFT is not suitable for ol or hydtoocarbons. Peanuide cared 40°F ao « 275° F FOOD GRADE EPT is formalated in compliance with FDA, iuieleines published in the Coe of Federal Regulations Tile 21, paragrapin 177-2600, Tic material is suitable for food sere ice, except milk Pepavite cured 420° 0 Suffer cured —J07F 10 42 el elle cits ser Same us EPDIUE, No SF fete BLACK NEOPRENE complies with FDA guidelines and is Peincipally recommended for food and beverage service, His le oils, brine and oxygen. Sane ax Paisellanapyne, CPE soenparable sv cartan black %0 provide white coloration, Physical properties are not as good as ‘lack neoprene, and white neoprene shuld he used only when black conn be tolexated, Storage should be under ow light conditions tw preven discoloration Wem s1Nrr HYPALON! ices excellent in acids and hp Fo + IMP pounded fow chemical resistance andl is Sane us CPE eas te er a FON! is xe co elevate Lemsperstures al st in harsh cermicl envieements. Viton isnot stable ar hoe ware sm, Fp +300rF Same as Fluaroetastomer NATURAL RUBBER 6 ge Ny superior to other elastomers in abrasion resiwance and is recommended fordry material handling. Use in oils and solvents is not recommended. SPF 90 4 150° F FLUOROSTEAM coats olfer heat and chemical resistance to hhydracurbosts andl hot water or sakurated steum, Maximum tera perature eapubility i dependent on fluid resistance, poessie tna Now rates, UF eo #2 EFM 20230 6 composes media peopertics of Bunu-N, EPT of Neoprene for service in solvents, animal oils and vegetable ails (30°F t0 20°F), Abrasion \e-combine many of the hetter hydracarbom, ease wit a wide temperat to Buna-N. Resistance to hydrogen sulfide ‘are superior 4 Buna Ny snd earbon diosa AF ta 423 NEL-T TEFLON! SEAT is Buna.', oc EPT clasomer bores toa vingin TFE covering proving an inert aseptic na srface wich ic excellent for sanitary food service applications OF to 250°F OTHER SEAT ELASTOMERS ure available for special applications. Const factory DEMCO series DM GATE VALVES DEMCO Series DM Gate Valves, the premier designed Gate Valve in the oil and gas drilling market, specifically engineered for the rigorous requirements of oilfield applications. Designed for dependable, heavy duty performance in abrasive service conditions, DEMCO DM gate valves are commonly selected for a number of ailfield applications, ineluding: + Drilling stondpipe manifold + Pump manifold block valves + High pressure mud mixing lines + High pressure drilling system block values + Wellheads * Well treating and frac service ‘+ Production manifolds » Production gathering systems * Production flow lines ‘The DEMCO Series DM Gate Valves are available in ASME/ANSI Classes 400, 600, 900 and 1500. Also available in AP! working pressures 2000, 3000 and 5000 psig. {Not API Monogrammed). FEATURES AND BENEFITS IN LINE FIELD REPAIRABILITY ‘The bonnet is eally removed for internal parts ingpection andior replacement without removing the value from the ine. ‘This design simplicity permits fast and easy service without the need for snecia tools FLEXIBLE TRIM OFFERINGS ‘Optianel materials for stems, gates seat inserts and seat elastomers make it asics to tim valves Yor a wide range of service conditions ‘Three internal plastic coatings for the body and bonnet are offered to improve resistanze ta wear and corrosion. DOUBLE ACTING THREAD DESIGN FOR FAST OPERATION A The ASPIANS! series lube acting tread design uses a tHireaded stem inta the gate working with threads in the boanet ‘and handle assembly Stems.are polished and include a dependable O-ring and anit Fibfin del al a ete extrusion seal. This unique design is economical and effective Note: inch {100 men) RSMEANS! Class 1800 value a double acting, rising stem design, similar to the & inch (100 men) 3000 pst valve 'B The OM 2000, 3000 and 5000 psig working pressure valves have double acting threads working together in a specially designed stem scree, screwy housing and stem arrangesent (except inch (109 men} and larger S000 psi @ single thread, heawy duty rising ster design with bearings), ©The wihing stem design protects the stern threads fram the lading, Larger 3000 and 5000 psi OM Gate Valves include a sight fens to view the ster for determining gate position, EXCLUSIVE SEAT DESIGN FOR DROP TIGHT SEALING The DEMCO Series OM gate valve seat uses a unique design to provide a deap tight shut off ia abrasive and ercsive service. The seal consists af the identical metal wear rings encapsulated in elastomer to form a cylindrical shape with a gate slot and tyra round ports The clased gate bears on the dewnstrearm wear ring while the Slastomer provides a drop tight pressure responsive seal around the port. The ylinetrical seat assembly fits into the machined! tay cavity andl it expanded outward tawards the valve ports by the bonnet and spread fing in the bottam of the seat. The expensian aceurs whes the bonnet fs figittened on to the body while engaging the seat gin extensions from both wear rings. The spread ring ensures the seat elastomer press2t Uniformly against the badly bore This design erwures a tight seat seal against the body and around each velve port and has proven to he effective even H the gate and seat ring Lecame seared ar abraded during service. When it comes time for maintenance, the seat’ single piece design rakes it eaty to pull out af the body for replacement. (OM Lin, (100 mend 3000 WP C4 Bot sin show) DEMCO series DM 7500 GATE VALVES FEATURES AND BENEFITS IN LINE FIELD REPAIRABILITY The bonnet is easily removed for internal parts inspection andfor replacement without removing the valve from the line This design simplicity permits tast and easy service withaut the need for special tools HEAVY DUTY ROLLER BEARINGS Heavy duty stem roller bearings reduces torque an a inch (100 mm) and larger valves FLOATING SLAB GATE DESIGN A slab gate with “T~ slat stem connection allows the gate to float to the seat providing a tighter pressure responsive seal A Unique, abrasion resistant, one piece seat design. The seat ansembly comssts of two stainless ste! inserthupport sings to which a resilient elastomer is permanently bonded. The elastomer provides tight shut off after ong ue in abrasive service, The staintess steel ringt are corrosion and erosion resistant. The ane piece design makes field replacement easier. 1B Locking seat aignment ‘The seat asvembly i enginaered with a metal “lock shell that aligns the seat in the Bottom af the valve. This design enures accurate seat alignment with minimurs resistance to tlovr © Body woar rings Surface hardened alloy body weer rings back up both sides of the seat These rings extend the service life of the valve by absarbing erosive wear that can damage the body around the seat hore ares 1D Rising stom design The BEMCO- DM 500 usoe a rising stem devign which isolates and protects the threads from the line medium. The rising stem alsa indicates ‘gate position, E Visual position indicator lens (On 3 inch (80 mum) ane large? valves a clear position indicator lens allaws the operator to easily determine whether the valve & apen ar closed, The indicator lens also helps to protect the stem thieeds trom the elements. F Replaceable stem packing The stem packing can be replaced without removing the bonnet from the valve (3 inich 80 rar: & inch 150 rm) saving tima when this maintenance may be required (note line ard valve pressure must be relieved befor performing this maintenance) G Flow cleansed dostgn “The body cavity area is designed to allow continuous “flushing” by the fiuld flow. This action provents the valve from “sanding up”, even in standpipe installations DM SERIES PRESSURE CLASSES AND SIZES SE in, (mm) 400 600 900 1500 1000 2000 3000 $000 7500" Pn 2 212 x6 00150) . * ther Wel Connections are Avaiable. Consul factory for information, DEMCO series DN, DT & DB GATE VALVES GENERAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION Valve Size Designations and Weld End Dimensional Information 1. All references to pipe size in this catalog is the nominal size. The actual OD and ID for various nominal sizes and schedules is tabulated below. Weld End bodies are machined at each end to match the pipe OD and ID. NOMINAL SIZE in. (mm) oD 142 (40) 1.800 1610 1500 + - 2 (50) 2375 2087 1938 1.687 1.503 242 (65) 2875 2.489 2333 2.135 wa 3 (a0) #500 2.068 2.900 2.624 2,300 4 (100) 4500 4026 3.826 2438 a1sz 5 (125) 5563 - 4513 4313 4.063 6 (150) 6625 6.065, 5.761 5.187 48o7 2. Reduced port valve size descriptions are designated by two numbers. ‘The first number is the nominal size of the end connection. ‘The second number is the ID af the valve seat (dimension "C" in the tables) PRESSURE RATINGS DEMO Gate Valves are designed for the maximum working pressures and test pressures tabulated below. PRESSURE RATINGS CLASS «CLASS. CLASS. = CCLASS=—(1000 2000 3000 5000 7500 400 600 ‘900 1500 we we ‘WP we we 390 WP 1480 WP 2220 WP «S705 WP 1000 WP 2000 WP 3000 WF S000 WP 7500 WP 3350 Test 5575 Test 2000 Test 4000 Test 6000 Test 7500 Test 11,250 Test Gate valve rating must be selected te match the piping system in which the valve will be installed, Tabulated below are working pressures at 100°F for ASTM A106 Grade B AS! 4130 60K minimum yield pipe in sizes corresponding to DEMCO Gate Valves, PRESSURE RATINGS : ASTM A106 GRADE B 4130 60K MIN. YIELD SiZE_in, (mm) _—_Sch, 40 Sch. 80 Sch. 160 2xH XH TH (40y 1340 230 z E 2 (50) va10 2220 4300 5970 10234 21a (65) 1620 2590 3950 6590 : 3 eo) 1460 za70 3930 5880 10080 4 00) 1300 2130 3830 5150 8826 5 (25) 5 1970 3730 4650 7391 6 50) 10 1970 3650 4724 098 8 200) 1030 1790 a c DEMCO series DM, DT & DB GATE VALVES GENERAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION ‘SPECIAL ORDER ACCESSORIES + Square Operating Nuts Offered to replace handles, for wrench operation. Nuts are sized for 2 inch (50.8 mm) square sockets Locking devices for tamper proof valve settings of standard handles are also available, © Special Stem Extensions Available on all gate valves, for buried service, Extended stems are housed from the valve bonnet to the handle; operation of the valve is identical to-nermal assembly, + Actuators ‘Automated or remote controlled applications may be furnished on special erder Prices for pneumatic or hydraulic actuators can be provided on request, TESTING + DEMCO Gate Valves are hydrastatically tested at assembly, ‘Stem seal, body and seat are inspected for zero leakage under pressure, before acceptance, SEAT SEAL OPTIONS © Buna-N (nitrite) 's excellent for petroleum oil and gases, fuel oils and alcohols from -10°F to +200F. (2x te +930). + Hypalon Compaunded for maximum chemical resistance. Particularly sulted for oxidizing acids, it resists hystrocarbon alls and fuels from -10°F to +250°F. (23°C to +121) + viten Highly resistant to mineral acids and hydracarbons and resists moderate concentrations of hydrogen sulfide, Serviceable from -10°F to +400°F. (-23°C to +204°C), (Not suitable for steam) + HINER Formulated for use with synthetic and oil base drilling mud service from -20°F to +250°F (-29°C to +121°C). PLASTIC COATINGS - DM GATE VALVES ONLY Internally plastic coated body and bonnet are offered with three coatings. All coatings are applied 5 to 6 mil thickness. = DENCO 10 A catalyst cured epoxy with excellent adhesion and resistance to wear, chipping and abrasion. Unaffected by mast acids, alkalis, brines and petroleum products up to +150"F. (+68°C). + DEMCO1 A baked on phenolic serviceable to +200°F. (+93°C) and resistant to organic and mineral acids, hydrocarbons and corradents encountered in oil and gas production. {Not recomended for caustics). © DEMco12 A baked on phenolic epoxy, tougher and more abrasion resistant. Excellent for service in caustics and salt water up to +200°F. (493°C). ORDERING INFORMATION + Give size, pressure class and end connection: + Specify pressure class of flanged ends, raised tace (RF) or ring type joint (RTI) + For threaded ends, provide type of pipe: BG (nan upyet tubing) UFTBG (external upset tubing) LESG {long casing thread), 6SG (Shart casing theead). * For weld ends, give schedule of mating pipe. ‘+ For applications in high pressure gas above 2000 psi or invelving concentrations of H,S or CO; consult factory for recommendations, DEMCO seRIES DM GATE VALVES 7500 psi WP 2 in. (50 mm) FULL PORT FOR GENERAL SERVICE CONDITIONS 14.00 956) 018 | =n #@&« F BL wen | & EE rrerrouo nn WS sae 1308330) {OPEN CS winern seat ane eS wea 2.63 (67) a DIMENSIONAL DATA & WEIGHTS VALVE SIZE 2 in, (50 mm) FP DIMENSION 700 We. Weld End 2.00 223) Flanged En, Shore Length 18.38 (463) Flanged End. API Length pase 1821) \vaLve SEAT IO eo (st FOR FLANGED ENDS [APY Ring thamber px.152 ‘range 1 208 152) Flange 29 7.88 G00) Fange Solts (QTY. SIZE In} aya [NUMBER OF HANDLE TURNS FROM OPEN TO CLOSED eo {WEIGHT 1 hg) ‘Weld End 75138) Flanged Ena 124 (56) DEMCO series DM GATE VALVES 2.50 (65 mm} 0 x 1.54 (8 mm) 10 (2 in. (50 rman XH ASSEMBLY PART NUMBER Flanged | 10,000 ars Weld | 2 ‘End Connection 4 3,00 (80 mm} OO x 2.00 ($0 mm) 1D Body Configuration 5. Weld 7 Flanged ‘tom Matorial Temoss BITMAP SS Assert GataWWear Ring Material | 2-StenvSteel 7-410 SS/410SS 17-4 PH S91 4108 eae Pant Seat Ring Material rato ss number SeavSeal Elastomer | 2-VitowViton 4- HNBRHNBA Wore KKXKXXO Group 1 Basic valve, Designed in accordance with the methods i API GA, 17Us Edition, par 4.3.3. Myrtaic el test 11,250 pa Yor 3 minutes ‘poi seat test 7500 pl fo Triton each sie. Material iaceatty on bey ard bart Group 2 Same as Group 1 encopt: Mpdrartatic shel txt 11,150 pl for 3 minutes, drop to 9 pl, ‘Syaresatc seat tee. #500 ft for 2 minute, ‘Matera! raceabily en bed, bone, em, gate and baling. Imaact teas ate below St (ie (30. 3 nt eh, packing retalhar (4, (}OOm) In (127 My) and batting. Surface NDE on body, bonnet ard tem Group 3 Same ss Group 2 plus woluretric WDE on bady and bonnet. 50 pal for 15 minutes. Tet chase. ‘oD pl 7500 far 15 muntes drap to oe 300 pal for minute each side Test charted. 'CA0°E an aod, bon, st, hows ey VaLvEsze in.) ng cnouPMUNDER GROUP ‘oaaur croup a ‘Astambly Gata Namiber Wald End and Flanged End, Shore Lent 02498 ETT a7 Fanged nd AP Length 5130 msi ‘abe ting Steel ost owing Sal unt noose 2 Sserew Housing ASTM AB Grade LF Cae 1 sansa? sa seen Soa von esa1210 Hg "rams? 08 111 Picking Retainer wisicazis—ieorsan {Mit Brone Suh - ASTIN B505 oy 2200) nen autos BF Sateen si 30255 vaesoas0 Fad cy wv ing” Fara! ate, Ail 4140WIQED trae Easting iassa260 For $5 Gute, AS #10 Stare Stel 28687 2 “35 Wie Ring Seal Yon ess 228 01 cae Steel Als 4140 GPO Mire Casting avant ‘a0 Bea oY acy Nanri iid nds ASTON Aa Gade ls ans Faciony Far Flea tna Fabicsted from We gc By 8 AS 4990 Fang Say rare tertore say seat iss. 01 1 scum age: SL s10 Eater HBR 210 55eon ings MSI AYO 85 Elastomer: ion 1 Cate Fn See! ssa. BE Housing Sud son e218 “ staal ASTUATIMGrode 2H ASIA RBA Grade 7 25 & oe Stud woes yentag —_——— Motral ASTM AIST Grade 87 —— ASTRA 4199 Grade 7 BE Body Sud Mat 2708000101 053252 038 ‘Recarenened Spare Parts For One Years ervice ‘Sorat Fartary For Part Murer: Mat Shawn DEMCO series DM GATE VALVES 7500 psi WP 4 in. (100 mm) FULL PORT FOR GENERAL SERVICE CONDITIONS + —— 20.00 (808) oi ES or 0 ouome | 3S oe eos ee ==, CS ee 27.54 (700) 240 (112 1 DIMENSIONAL DATA & WEIGHTS VALVE SIZE ‘in. (100 ene) FP DIMENSION 7500 WP 1% Weld End 15.00 (aap Fanged End 26.38 (670) VALVE SEAT ID 400.1902) FOR FLANGED ENDS "AB ing Number 155 Range 1 4.06 1105) Range 00 wan 316) ange dots (QTV. SIZE in.) a1 [NUMBER OF HANDLE TURNS FROM OPEN TO: CLOSED 236 \WEIGIT I ‘Wald Ena sa (ian, Flanged End 75 (215 DEMCO series DM GATE VALVES ASSEMBLY PART NUMBER 4 5 6 5 Avembly eae ort Soxt Ring Material 1-410 $5 Number TOG = KXKXKXO 2+ 10,000 a4 $3.81 (148 me} OD x 4.06 (10% mm) ID (5 in, (127 men) XXH) 5.75 (1497 men) Ob x 3.93 (100 mm) 1 6.00 (152 mm} OD 4.00 (102 mm) 1D 7. Banged Be 1na PH SS 17-4 PH sar ai0 ss Seav/seal flazomer Jj 2- Vitoniton «= HNBRTHNBR Group 1 ask valve, Designed in accordance ith the methods APIA, 1th Eton, par... yratatis el test: 11280 pl fer 3 mutes. Hysol teat eet 7500 pa ord unica each te. Mate ‘lotr race o i esceaby on body ard bone Group 2 Same a Group 9 encapt:Hydrocta ol test: 11,250 pl for 3 manotes, drop (0 ps, 93,250 pl for ‘prostatic set tet: 7500 fl far 3 antes vag 1 Op, TOM tor 95 martes deo to dy bonnet, stm atte ard baling lmgact test ate bt SOP £46 minutes. Tet thane i300 pl foes martes each side Test charted ‘on td, bonnet, tem boing (@in (Sam) a 3 in (aM men), acing tetaler C4. (100 mum) 8 In (127 rman baling, Suflace NDE or Boxy, Dorel are a, Group 2 Same as Group 2 plus volumetric HOE on body and cone. PARTS LIST ‘ vaweare Tee oy. ovscumnon conti cxcurs GBP" cxcurs at te ae i aE ee ae So oes oe a a —— 1.) eee ate =a aco a Reteanasm oe aeeice ae ne i aint = sana et ss aes ~~ jaa ram te cone en ee 88 trie eer ee — iia a Se oo * Tere St a iT pai a aie ssataeee one eee aeons Se a] Ser bin nA cee 7a nr sin wna dg nee ate ai a mses 2 Sate wig —y neg or ta tani eS ales sh worn ve “ein “1 tm one we we a mien SSR Tilo 2 ann oe sis art es rene a caine Bt ie torn a = Raconimaraded spare Fars Far Ono Yaar Seven ‘Coe Factory Fat Part Bebe Nat Show, DEMCO series DM GATE VALVES 7500 psi WP 5 3/16 in. (132 mm) FULL PORT FOR GENERAL SERVICE CONDITIONS J 2800 (610) pia FS ans srms =e a= —e— : S | a ware o eS oo. oOo 31.81 (808) —o | ~ rr — 5.00 (127), DIMENSIONAL DATA & WEIGHTS ‘VALVE SIZE 5 3/46 in (182 mem) FP DIMENSION ‘A Wield Era rn) Flangeet Ene 2.00037) \ALVE SEAT ID 5.19 (132) FOR FLANGED ENDS. AAP fing Nuriber wer69 Range 5.12 (120 Fange-o0 aoe 357) Fange Bolts (QTY, -SIZE in) 11 NUMBER OF HANDLE TURNS FROM OPEN TO CLOSED 267 WEIGHT ib tea) ‘Wald Ene S06 (230) Flanged End yar (45) DEMCO sERIES DM GATE VALVES ASSEMBLY PART NUMBER End Connection 5 Weld 7-410 58, Asgmbly 2 ae 1.1058 WO KKKKXXO 0,000 RT 16162 (168 rem) GD x 4.90 (124 me) 1D (6 in. (152 mM] OCH 7.25 (384 men) OD x 5.12 (130 me) 1D 7 Flanges 817-4 PH SS SteeWSteel 8 17-4 PH SU aTO-SS SeuvSeal Hastomer J 2-Vitorviton 4 HNBRINER Group Hasicvalve Desgned in accondance with the methods in API GA 17th Editon, par 43.3. Hydrostatic sll ew: 1,250 for 9 minutes Hydrosoti seat tee 7500 pal for 3 minutes each se. Mavens Waceabiity on oy and bot eeu2 Saene as fms tence Hytontotic sel et 1.280 1 3 metes drop to 0 pl, 1.250 pa for 15 minutes Test i charted, Hydrostatic sea test #508 ps for Xmitutes crop tod pst, F500 for 15 minutes, drop oO pa 300 psl for martes each Hide Tes Curiae Matra waceailty on tay, bone, = sad teting. Impact texte at or blow 30°F (6°) an bac, bana, sem, hovel (2180 mm & 33h. (80 mr), pectng retainer oy, (100 om) sin (129 mm) ane! Bestng Surface NDE on beady, Lonny he sen Group 3 Samo as Group 2 pur vouumetec NDE on body an Bore PARTS LIST i vase Ree Ton, ocsonrmow cnootttheh —encurs Bar wows es im a = Does a = ae sree eet noes ——_ ae ae ame a So me oe ESS wmyanes ie os mine — Tea: — a — ey —— 1a tri Sotee oe rE reuters at ee me =e = mae 7 a ames aaa ieee ease Sarees “a oe ee sees eee ee aces _ ed eae mi te aS arr ey =e wae ae se aga oe nee oe we ae oe sete rain aaa =n ows = ee 1 ie aha ae on ming EES tin tiene <= ae ee = —_ =a aie me es St ity = ae See = a * fcommanded Spare Pars Fer One Year Serica, Coruult Factory For Part Numbers Mot Shown DEMCO SERIES DM GATE VALVES 2000, 3000 & 5000 psi WP 2 in. (50 mm) FULL PORT 2 1/2 in. (65 mm) REDUCED PORT FOR GENERAL SERVICE CONDITIONS 14.00:355) DIA + 13.00 (330) oeN — ED ror oon ae som i oe fay sortom soar | 2200 DIMENSIONAL DATA & WEIGHTS VALVE SIZE -——— 2 in. (50 mm) FP & 2-172 In. 2 In, (65 mm x 50 mom) APY —y DIMENSION 2000 Wie 4000 TEST 3000 WF. 6000 TEST ‘3000 WP . 7500 TEST 'R Threaded, wold and Groaued 3.00 (229) 9.00 229) 00129 900229) 2001229) 900 (28) Flanged “RT 12 (285) meas 122 B08) : Flange 00 550.165) = ssaqie) : asoaie, Flange Bolts (QTY. 512 in) 5-38 2-78 : aa Bing Wurber (RTH) a3 = naa : Raa WEIGHT 0g) ‘Threaded, Weld, Grooved 55125) 3625) 300 © 58.00) soa) ee Flanges 70132) 792) 100 (25) 100 145) noe 11060) 7 FW nad m1 mm 50 mm) RP Only avaliable i Fhweaded, icid.and Grooved End DEMCO series DM GATE VALVES ASSEMBLY PART NUMBER Flanged |0-200041H 1 3000 8TY 2 so00 ars Threaded | O-LF 2° UPTEG Grooved | 0. Sch 80 ‘weld | 0 Sch 0 T-Schao 2-KH 5 Sch 160 End Connection Pipe Standard Weld End Suffixes size Zoo ps | 300 ps {S000 pH 2inGomm) | eat Tas | Uzes 2 in 6smmy| ORY Tas | w2es ‘4 Theeaded —S-Weld 6 Grooved 2000 only} 7 Flanged 2-303 55 8.31655 2- Steet 5-316 55 1 Ductile roa 31655. 1 Buna-nubuna Nd SeavSeal Elastomer 2-VitonWiton 4 Hypalontiuna a Stem Material Insert Matorial® O- Uncoated 1. DEMCO 10 4-DEMCOT] — S-DEMCO 12 WELD END BODIES ARE NOT COATED Kx XE XK *Conault Factory For Additional Trim Options PARTS LIST "ey "ave aE Te em ET a Bm Tey. vescneron ad a ‘Astoonbly Rage Part Number 2 in. (50 mm) Full Part Thresded 007028 onrazs = ses =e ate jones Bc] ee es isaac me =e i oy a = ee Rs dente — heres! —toereet 3 ones ca ase ones eae 5 teeta oa a — aa —— eon 7a eee cou Bata eee — men ena oa ae ae a mae mea oe Terie 1 Sead = ees — memes — meee wae a So a ee 1 ses ey aaa te a ee oe = eo a a wees eae oT a Sc — one — see at wee aaa a LE eenar a MT =e = at ee ara 9 =m a a Se Sena sue es Sarat soiree tiga er 1 orm Se connate Have neon Mates 30 rons SHS oe Soares Fe reertetirpepior eae Sereiomeue ee eee Fa waa apne — eee SE ma Lee herrea cine oeane oceed aims ii eae eaten haere Major Rr Kit J025081-9022-One Esch For One Years Serie Minor Rep ik 25091-0221, DEMCO serIES DM GATE VALVES. 2000, 3000 & 5000 psi WP 2 1/2 in. (65 mm) & 3 in. {80 mm) FULL PORT 4 in. (100 mm) REDUCED PORT FOR GENERAL SERVICE CONDITIONS 8 | DIMENSIONAL DATA & WEIGHTS ——r — * VALVE SIZE in, (enim) 21/2 (65) 3480) 2265+ 380) 4% 3 (100 x BOD 390) = 4x 3 (100 x 80) naseion eee SLA iite State Lenco ow na ow neem naam mam —Ticam ie REGS Ga ARG uae kee Tew i a aaa no aes ee © Gen sre a a a a . v0 WH) v2.00 ay .00 (v2.00 GH 190048 —YHODE)—_Yo.OD AED Teided Weld A Grooed 11209 150m) 330 3B 36900 SRO 394 08 Te mo Be Me ee My Farge 00 vegan usw ageaw ec ford ee men) ee ee OR oie acim th ie SaaS ws wo 0) Fe isoceet MO) muy MM aon nen om Maen Flanges Maney sn a0 a8 (rH 2a (109) DEMCO sERIEs DM GATE VALVES ASSEMBLY PART NUMBERS Flanged | 0-2000RT! —t- 3000.AT) 2- S000 RTL Threaded fo- Le 1-TBG (3 in, (80 ran) Full Port Ory 2. UPTEG (V2 In. (65 mm Full Port Onty) Grooved | 0- Sch 80 (2000 Orly) ‘wel [0s a0 Te Sch) 2H Se eh HH End Connection Pipe Standard Wold End Suffixes size 2000 psi [3000 ps _[ 5000 per Diam es wm] O81 | tks = 3in.@omm) [oat | Tes | 285 in. (100 mnj | OT res | nz as Body Configuration 4 Threaded -"Weld 6 Grooved (2000 onty) Gate Material” 2-303 55 8-316 55 2 steel 5-318 55, 7 Hanged Insert Materia 1 Ductile ron ov Stee! 8 21655 1 = Buna-twBuna-N Assembly Seavseal Elstomer | 2- Viton¥viton Bae 3 HypaloniBunalt Part Number Costin 0- Uncoated 41- DEMCO 18 4-DEMICO TN] —-5-DEMCO 12 WELD END BODIES ARE NOT COATED SOBOOOK HOEK Conault Factory For Aciditional Trim Options. PARTS LIST Ker YAIVESHEE 21/25 165 mend FP —, ‘3 im, RO ea) FP Aan. (800 mn Mo. ayy. DESCRIPTION ood wr 3000P Sood we 2000 WP SOO WP SOO WR ‘assent TRG 8 Shuler ended 061907 . 7 oeoies as ‘wed erent ‘roves sores dames, int Reo ren one ‘aorest any warane 1+ Lube ieng Steel OW eves oats oes soins uss 2+ He Atay ASTM AS oun Men 2DHTON ITO ANB INWEA MMOL NDT 11 Se Stem Sal Baro SGSD605 —_OGSRGIE —_eSGOE IG meavzze —_ssaezIe —_USSREZIE 11 See tnaiog Gaivessted —monsy ewe sos veonmsa ram mies? 1 sien [HOS 002 E55 £02 MOIS MONSIIIOR HOHE orsTOM —JenyEMIOR —_aNIMI0— 1 candy Sel Suro SOC8D6212 —OERE2I2sesSaezt2 meatal? mosaE212 scons? 4 elo Ben OM ROUM—oreey ores att ‘ovo “11 Sten Senay Bano 1, ton £05 MOLYSLGGE ROLY AGE —sEONPSE;ODK —eNMIN-OHH —FOMeNECEK—_aMaTROR aang una 8, Canted OHMIC 16-81, HMED 11-204, OHMCD 12-298, neh 40) Nice ited, Cnt 5 AST! AY re CFI ODE BOY acy atl aetge Ene el nd eshte dy Prt ‘mes vs eee bec Te 214 eat Amey OTTO LORINTOAK ARITA OIRO ROH oTaTESE "GHEE 8 ASTINAIS Gre FIM Arena Bt Patani See 0850-072 USAR. TEE OITA Jc St aly ASINAWD Gade®) — sumour wore ——scmzove orn nme BA tad ad AST ANSE Gale 4 itowonema} —_ToKOD.NGF _DUROIW-8|_aemONeBaY_ TNE Major Repair Kit 1025099-19129 - Ove Lach Fer One ears Service | eer Rep kit 1025001-00321 DEMCO sERIES DM GATE VALVES 5000 psi WP - 4 BOLT BONNET DESIGN 4 in. (100 mm) FULL PORT 5 in. (125 mm) & 6 in. (150 mm) REDUCED PORT FOR GENERAL SERVICE CONDITIONS 24.56 (624) Saute Aan 4.56 (016) DIMENSIONAL DATA & WEIGHTS VALVE SIZE _ 4 in. (400 rom) FP Sin, 44 in, (125 mem x 100 men) Bin. eA in, (159 mem x 100 men) AP DIMENSION ‘5000 WP 7500 TEST 000 We 7500 TEST (A Threaded & Wel 73.00 290) ron G20) TURNS TO OPEN 2 a wet I Oso) 210 95) 210 (35) DEMCO sERIES DM GATE VALVES ASSEMBLY PART NUMBER Thisaded 3- Lesa ToScheo | 20M) -Seh 160 Body Configuration 4-Threaded 5-Weld — 7-Flanged 2-m3SS 8-316 SS 2-Stecl 8 31855 Insert Matorial* teSteel a 31855 1 + Buna-tduna ft Assembly ‘Seat/Seal Hastomer 2° vitorvwiton aie 43 HypalonBuna-te Pat 9-90 Durometer Guna-t/90 Durometer Buns-N twumber Coating D-Uncosted 1-DEMCO 10 4-DEMCO IT 5-DEMCO 12 I WELD END BODIES ARE NOT COATED. SOON «KKK EK "Consult Factory For Additional Trim Options. PARTS LIST Tay TERE $a Wea FT wT RT 12. oy. oesenenon Tiawe-reotat ere aman aes ar Bar nay = is i i tos sonssss ps en isa ase oe cman ‘oe ‘oes 1 mee san ton ‘aoa ‘oa sw sd sas ne sis st sums cis ‘oa ae 1 down cs ‘ua ‘ua ot ae nea ‘cai ‘ei 2+ sea Ay wes cata sean visa Silo ‘ilo ay Terra ee one 1 Sowag os ‘our soar 2ST cv Sco en a ea st “sa saa a setae soot Sule Perry SIUMEreaa soma cat 20008 contac Sau ame aes saeco oem ra ara vi ea ‘latomers 2X1 Buna, 2 Viton 0X8 Hypalon, 4 56 Dura 322 Sonnetsud ‘ASTI A183 Grade BT 3002072 0207? 242 Bansarsued mut [ASTIN ATE Grads 24 2mgana-09 03 ‘27oan0o-09 0 35 & Body Sud {ASTI A183 Grade B7 02077 02077 25 € Body Sud nut ASTIN Area Grade sot —soms0 * Major pir Kicamzs081-11421 - One Each For One Years Sense 5 taeoe Rapa Kit 02508101421 DEMCO serIES DM GATE VALVES 5000 psi WP - 12 BOLT BONNET DESIGN 4 in. (100 mm) FULL PORT 5 in. (125 mm) & 6 in. (150 mm) REDUCED PORT FOR GENERAL SERVICE CONDITIONS js 23a sea) ov 24,62 1625) eat nenrnees Staci Sour 4:68 (119), ® DIMENSIONAL DATA & WEIGHTS VALVE SI2E in, (100mm) FP Sin. x in (725 mem x 100 mm) in. x In, (150 men 100 ram) RP DIMENSION 000 WP - 7500 TEST 5000 WP - 7500 TEST A Thvesded A Weld 1300 (330) 13.00.30) Flanged RU 09 (57) Fang ao, azs @74) Flange Bolts (OTY. SUE in) soe ing umber (RT) a8 TURNS TO OPEN 3 4B WEIGHT I. kg) Thesded & Weld 210 195 210 (95) Flanged 330 (150) 330.150) DEMCO series DM GATE VALVES ASSEMBLY PART NUMBER Flanged | 2- sooo Avs Threaded | O- LP 3 Weld | 1-Sevag © 2-2qH 5 Seh- 160 End Connection Body Configuration 4-Threaded 5-Weld 7. Flanged 2.30358 8.31655, Steel 8316 58, Insert Material® 1. Steel 8-316 88 1. Buna.tubuna. i Assembly 2-VitoaViten ate 3: Hypalondiuns.At Part 9-90 Burometer Buna WiE0 Durometer Buna-N, Number Coating @- Uncoated 1-DEMCO TO 4—DEMCO TT 5--pEMEO 12 (WELD END BODIES ARE NOT COATED "Consult Factory For Additional Trim Options, whe SHOR - KXXEXKH PARTS LIST Key WALVE SIZE Fin. (100 mam) FPS in. (125 ram & 6 in. (150 cn) RP No. QIy._ DESCRIPTION ‘5000 WP - 7800 TEST ‘Assembly Base Naber Bin Ful Port irae Tar ‘im Reguced Poet Weld irae sorzae Sin Reed Poet: Weld i728 or726s 4 Steet soosiss 1005195 24 ASTI ASH Duet re 239081 07 213948101 a4 Gear Acrylic 07689 sores ag [ASTIN ASI6 Duct ot voorer soosar1 sot ‘Steet Joosaes- 10016 90520-10018 4 orn morse sores 4 Bonen 1o0ss26:228 905526.226 ot ory ors ‘007418 4 S08 5-002, 31658 oom 007433. 900% Doore39,004 not una. 4005526214 | 5526-214 4 cana wor ‘naraya a4 una. 001888008 dont951-001 ‘ven 1001981006 20ts51-005 ‘a Durometer Buna A ‘ex2osac0t s2053.003, 2 tearng ELON Pence 0071836 are 141 dawratopting: soa ss 007417 soaren? 181 Bonnet ‘ASTIA AMDT Grade 4 Cane © avr2es00% voy7a88 2 ‘Coetinge Uncoated 020, Coated DEMCO 10-031, DEMCD 11-034, DEWEO 12-035 4 Bonnet Seal buna 1005520-367 "e0352061 ‘vin 100553361 nossat-368 191 Gate eaTSreONK 001 526-00% ASTM ASS! Grade CFEM Annealed 66 201 Body Matera: ASTI NAB Grade § ins ‘Sana Factory For Cortnyp aes ea nd Sache oy Par Nabors Sec Btlaco towed % S21 Seat Assertly 1007207 Ox 100207 XK GX 216 So ASTRA AZSI Gre CFEM Annealed Llastomer: 40th una 022 Weton, 043 Mynalon, XS $0.Duromater Buna 242 Bonnet San ‘ASTM AT Grade 8? 002072 002072 242 Bonnet Sue Hat [ASTIAAS4 Grade 24 79000-0901 reee000.01 2512 Body Stud ATA ATS Grade 8? wise? osseaz 212 Body stu Wat ‘Asta 1S Grade 2 2709000-1001 reH000-9095 Wor Rapa Kit HDDO-11ADN- One Each For Ona Wears Sertn + ince Repaie Xt 25091-0421

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