MR Simulator
MR Simulator
MR Simulator
MR Systems
MR-only simulation
for radiotherapy planning
White paper: Philips MRCAT for prostate dose
calculations using only MRI data
M. Köhler, T. Vaara, M. Van Grootel, R. Hoogeveen, R. Kemppainen, S. Renisch
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MR simulation for radiotherapy
treatment planning
Imaging forms a cornerstone of modern Radiation Therapy Although diagnostic images are routinely considered for
(RT) by providing essential information on 3D tumor position treatment planning, a dedicated MR simulation approach
and identification of organs at risk (OAR). Where Computed is necessary to meet the specific requirements of RT [2].
Tomography (CT) has since long been the primary imaging Imaging the patient in the RT treatment position is important
modality, the recent emergence of Magnetic Resonance for co-registration and total accuracy [3]. Vendors have
(MR) imaging within the RT environment is driven by the introduced RT-dedicated MR simulation systems with 70 cm
need for more accurate target definition. Besides its superior bore size and MRI compatible immobilization equipment,
soft-tissue contrast as compared to CT, other acknowledged including flat table overlays and coil support solutions.
benefits of MRI include functional imaging for target The latest Philips Ingenia MR-RT solution provides an
delineation and dynamic imaging techniques for motion integrated, flat RT couchtop – not an overlay – which
assessment, all without adding radiation dose (see Figure 2) . completely replaces the diagnostic couchtop for patient
The availability of an MRI system in the RT department positioning close to the posterior coil for improved SNR and
will increase the ability to leverage these benefits not only more bore space for patient positioning (see Figure 1).
for target delineation, but also for treatment response
assessment and adaptive therapies [1].
Figure 1. The Ingenia MR-RT as a dedicated platform for Radiation Figure 2. MRI offers excellent soft-tissue contrast and a wide range of
Oncology with MR-RT CouchTop, Coil Support and optional external image contrasts for tumor visualization. Upper image: CT and MR image
laser positioning system (ELPS). of a prostate patient acquired in the treatment position. Courtesy: William
Beaumont Health System, Michigan, USA. Ingenia MR-RT 3.0T. Lower
image: Different MR image contrasts (T2W, DWI and DCE) of the prostate.
Courtesy: Clinique Jules Verne, Nantes, France. Ingenia 1.5T.
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Several years ago, adoption of MR was hampered by the uncertainties [3]. Errors in the alignment of MRI and CT images
existence of geometric distortions caused by nonlinearity of series in the treatment preparation stage propagate as a
the gradients and magnet field inhomogeneity. Although still systematic error, usually accounted for by increased margins.
a point of attention, the MR-RT systems today have greatly The latter follows the patient throughout the entire treatment
improved gradient linearity and routinely apply gradient period. An MRI-only simulation workflow can virtually
distortion correction, thus minimizing any effect of potential eliminate all technical and economic issues related to an MR-
system-specific distortions. CT multi-modality imaging workflow for specific anatomical
sites (see Figure 3). Such a workflow requires MRI to provide
As MRI does not intrinsically provide electron density not only information on tumor volume and location, but also
information as input for dose calculations, most clinical the electron density information required for dosimetry (see
treatment planning workflows include registration of an MRI Figure 4). In addition, the generated density maps should also
dataset to a primary CT dataset. MRI-based information on provide the means to replace the CT from the positioning
tissue characterization and tumor delineation is registered process during treatment setup.
to a primary CT dataset, which provides the electron density
information for dose calculations. This approach nicely This article describes the Philips MRCAT (Magnetic Resonance
combines the complementary benefits of both CT and MRI, for Calculating ATtenuation) solution for an MR-only based dose
yet puts pressure on workflows, patients, and costs. Next to planning approach for external beam radiation therapy (EBRT).
being laborious, CT-MRI image registration also introduces
Soft-tissue contrast
Figure 4. Schematic representation of the MR-only sim workflow with a dose plan based on T2W imaging data and MRCAT-based density information.
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MR-only simulation for prostate
radiotherapy treatment
Prostate cancer has one of the highest incidence rates of
all cancer types in Europe [4], and for a large number of
prostate cancer patients, radiation therapy is included in
the treatment strategy. Prostate has seen growing interest
in using MRI to improve anatomical accuracy of the prostate
and surrounding organs, with the aim to improve accuracy
of planning delineations. Furthermore, intraprostatic lesions
can be identified on MRI, suggesting that focal therapy or
boosting could benefit from using MR images for planning
[5]. These were the motivating factors behind the choice for
prostate as the first application for the commercial MR-only
simulation product release.
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MR imaging strategies for MR-only
MR-only simulation demands a dedicated imaging The mDIXON scan used by the MRCAT algorithm is designed
approach. Time for imaging must be as short as possible to have high geometric accuracy by the choice of short echo
to help keep workflows efficient, patients comfortable, and times and high bandwidth. The spatial resolution is chosen
organ movement to a minimum. The minimum set of scan to be sufficiently high to allow reliable segmentation of the
protocols needed for the Philips MR-only approach are a bones needed for accurate dose planning.
source for MRCAT generation, a scan for visualization of
internal markers and the scan protocol for target and OAR Implantable markers are often used in external beam RT
contouring, see Table 1. for target positioning to enable inter-fraction organ motion
control. The markers are often visible in the mDIXON water
Scan protocols specific to treatment planning must also and in-phase images acquired for MRCAT. However, a
be optimized. Speed and robustness are essential. Other verification scan may be needed to confirm the exact location
requirements include high spatial resolution in three of the markers. To this end, imaging protocols sensitive to the
dimensions (preferably with isotropic voxels), a large Field of local magnetic field disturbances can be used in which the
View, and contrast tailored to the tumor and OAR. markers appear as signal voids inside the prostate [8]. Our
Consistency is another important consideration. The choice for marker detection is a bFFE/FFE 3D scan protocol
consistent use of scan protocols helps maintain control over which provides high SNR and completes in less than two
the accuracy of skin and other air-tissue interfaces. Since minutes. Fast scan time helps avoid inter-scan organ motion.
the most sensitive protocols, such as MRCAT, allow for fewer
modifications, they are designed to deliver reproducible T2-weighted TSE images allow manual delineation of the
results independent of user experience. prostate including the prostatic apex and seminal vesicles.
The OARs (bladder, rectum, and femur heads) can be
Fast, robust imaging protocols delineated with the T2 image, and the T1-weighted in-phase
Dedicated imaging protocols are needed to obtain an image contrast derived from the mDIXON may provide
accurate CT equivalent radiation attenuation map with valuable additional anatomical information. An overview of
MRI. The different tissues types must be automatically the acquired images is given in Figure 5 and Figure 6.
distinguished and assigned with appropriate Hounsfield
units. Most approaches previously described in the
scientific literature require either manual segmentation or MR-only scanning protocol includes
multiple scans that must be registered in order to derive • dedicated 3D MRCAT source sequence as input
this information [7]. With the Philips MRCAT solution, a for generation of density information for dose
single mDIXON MRI sequence is used to generate electron calculations
density information, thereby removing the risk of inter- • anatomical information for delineation of target and
sequence registration uncertainty. In the mDIXON approach, critical structures
two echoes are acquired, allowing water, fat, and in-phase • prostate marker visualization for position
images to be derived from the same acquisition by using the verification
frequency shift of the fat and water protons.
Table 1. The details of the MR-only simulation scan protocols for prostate application (Ingenia 3.0T)
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in-phase water
fat T2W
Figure 5. The mDIXON FFE3D MRCAT source images give in-phase, water, and fat images, while the TSE3D gives the T2 contrast.
Figure 6. Left: The b-FFE3D gives the high resolution needed for detecting possible gold seeds.
Right: CT image showing prostate marker.
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Accurate MR imaging for MR-only simulation Measurements were performed in-house with a specially
Historically, geometric accuracy has been a limitation developed 3D phantom in Ingenia 1.5T and Ingenia 3T
for the applicability of MRI in RT. In recent years, major systems using MRCAT source sequences. Calibration of
improvements in geometric fidelity have been obtained, the geometric accuracy of the phantom itself is crucial
and contemporary Ingenia scanners are able to produce the for reliable measurement and susceptibility effects due
accuracy needed for most RT applications. to phantom materials shall also be minimized. The total
geometric accuracy (which includes B0 non-uniformity and
Geometric distortions can originate from two main sources: residual gradient distortion errors as well as residual phantom
system and patient (see Figure 7). Distortions caused by susceptibility errors) was measured to be in this case:
gradient field nonlinearity and static magnetic field (B0)
inhomogeneity can be characterized, measured, and, finally, 1.5T:
corrected accurately, such as with 3D gradient distortion • MRCAT provides < 0.54 +/- 0.12 mm total geometric
correction. However, less predictable distortions can be accuracy of image data in <20 cm Diameter Spherical
caused, such as by tissue susceptibility differences and Volume (DSV)
MRI-incompatible accessories accidentally used in the • MRCAT provides < 0.9 mm +/- 0.32 mm total geometric
MRI. The patient-related distortions can be measured, but accuracy of image data in <40 cm Diameter Spherical
they depend on the individual patient and imaging setup. Volume (DSV)1
Fortunately, MR imaging protocols can be optimized to
minimize the effect of susceptibility-related distortions –by 3.0T
wisely choosing water-fat shift parameters, for example. • MRCAT provides < 0.8 +/- 0.12 mm total geometric accuracy
The MR-only simulation scanning protocol has been of image data in <20 cm Diameter Spherical Volume (DSV)
designed with the strict accuracy requirements of RT in mind. • MRCAT provides < 1.4 +/- 0.32 mm mm total geometric
accuracy of image data in <40 cm Diameter Spherical
Since geometric inaccuracies can introduce systematic errors, Volume (DSV)1
periodic and frequent quality assurance (QA) of geometric
fidelity is needed. For the assessment of geometric accuracy,
Philips provides a dedicated QA phantom and software in
addition to the standard image quality QA tools that come 1
imited to 32 cm in z-direction in more than 95% of the points
with the Ingenia MR-RT (see Figure 8). within the volume.
Figure 7. Sources of geometric distortion in MR
Figure 8. The geometric distortion phantom travels through the magnet’s bore and a scan protocol maps it in 3D in seven parallel volumes.
Automated analysis provides accuracy contours. In addition, the phantom can be used to assess the distortion in sagittal and coronal planes.
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Generation of density maps
Philips MRCAT approach of this body outline are classified as air. Second, all bone
The general problem in the generation of density maps structures are segmented inside the body using the multiple
based on MR images is that due to imaging physics, tissues contrasts provided by the mDIXON scan. Both the bone and
with very different densities ( air and cortical bone tissue, for outline segmentation employ a model-based segmentation
instance) may give similar MR signal intensities. To resolve approach trained on patient and volunteer mDIXON image
this ambiguity, the Philips MRCAT approach for electron datasets. The model is adapted to an actual patient image
density assignment to MR images uses an accurate and using features (such as gray value edges) found within the
robust segmentation of bone structures and soft tissue. image, while at the same time, a constraint for the shape of
Within the individual compartments (bone and soft tissue), the segmented structure prevents the segmentation from
the correlation between the MR signal intensities and the being attracted to the wrong position [12] [5].
electron density is much better. As a result, voxels can be
assigned density values based on their intensity with an The voxels inside the body outline, but outside of the bone
accuracy sufficient for treatment simulation. segmentation, are considered soft tissue. This is further
subdivided according to the intensities in the water and fat
Thus, in the MRCAT application, CT-like density maps are 3D images; voxels with a higher fat than water content are
generated from mDIXON images in a two-step approach. In classified as fat, whereas voxels with higher water content
the first step, the contents of the MR image are categorized are classified as water-rich tissue.
into five classes (air, fat, water-rich tissue, spongy bone,
and compact bone). Voxels inside the bone segmentation are assumed to contain
either compact or spongy bone; the distinction is made
In the next step, each voxel is assigned a density value based on the voxel intensity of the in-phase image.
(pseudo-HU value) based on a combination of average On a mixture of patient and volunteer images, the bone
population values and literature values [9] [10] [11], segmentation showed an accuracy of less than 1 mm RMS
see Figure 10. error when compared to manual bone delineations. This is a
remarkably good result given the reconstructed voxel size of
Tissue classification 1.5×1.5×2.5 mm3 for the analyzed datasets.
The membership of a certain voxel to a class is determined
by the following procedure: First, the body outline (skin The algorithm pipeline is summarized in Figure 9.
surface) of the patient is determined. The voxels outside
Assign soft compact Assign bone
Calculate Segment Assemble
tissue HU bone clas- tissue HU
body mask bone mask MRCAT
values sification values
Figure 9. Algorithm pipeline showing the calculation flow from mDIXON images with the calculated MRCAT images as the end result.
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Figure 10. Visual representation of HU versus density values for human tissues. Data adapted from literature [9], [10], [11].
MRCAT post-processing starts automatically after the This approach also implements a method for automatic failure
collection of mDIXON images is complete. Other scan detection which may be useful in detecting errors, such as
protocols, such as the T2 acquisition, can run during the selection of a too small FOV or intra-scan movements which
post-processing, which takes place in the background cause segmentation to fail. This adds to, but does not replace,
parallel to image acquisition and therefore does not add a recommended visual inspection by the end user for the
time to the overall session. quality and completeness of the MRCAT images.
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MRI-based treatment planning –
clinical implementation
Export to treatment planning systems scanner, and MR images from a Philips Achieva TX 3T system.
At the MRI scanner, all MR-RT image data is labeled as “MRI” In addition to the clinical MR protocol, the patients received
in the DICOM modality tag. Upon export to a DICOM node, an mDixon scan according to the protocol in Table 1. Using this
such as a PACS or a treatment planning system (TPS), the mDixon scan, the MRCAT images were generated, registered
modality of the MRCAT image is changed to CT. During the onto the planning CT images, and the plan was recalculated.
export process, CT-specific DICOM attributes are added Since the differences in body contour due to variations in
to the DICOM header and the resulting MRCAT image set patient positioning would confound the results, the following
appears as a CT image set (see Figure 11). Import of such data
into the TPS is thereby analogous to importing CT data, with
no manual post-processing required. The import has been
tested to work with Pinnacle3 (version 9.10), Monaco (version
5), and Eclipse (version 11) planning systems.
DRR generation
For beam planning purposes, digitally reconstructed
radiographs (DRRs) can be created from any direction in a Figure 12. Comparison of DRRs based on MRCAT-based pseudo
way similar to CT, and the result is hard to distinguish visually CT (left) and planning-CT (right)
from true CT DRRs (see Figure 12).
Dose planning
The workflow in dose planning for EBRT with MRCAT images
does not differ from the use of plain CT images. The dosimetric
accuracy for an MR-only simulation approach has been
reported in multiple articles for several anatomies [7].
All studies report differences of less than 2% compared to
CT-based calculation.
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procedure to match the body contour between the CT and MR The dose calculation differences were evaluated using a
images was applied: First, the body contour was segmented gamma analysis [16] with both a 3%/3 mm and a 1%/1mm
in the CT images using a combination of threshold-based criterion. Figure 13 shows a sample case. Considering the
segmentation using -200HU as threshold and morphological volume receiving 75% of the maximum dose or more, on
operations. Then, the segmentation was taken over to the average 99.99% of the voxels had a gamma value smaller
MRCAT images. Regions in the MRCAT image outside of the than 1, i.e. would pass the gamma criterion. The median
body contour were set to air values. Regions in the MRCAT 3%/3mm gamma value over this volume ranged in this patient
image within the body contour which had air values assigned population from 0.05 to 0.15 with an average of 0.08; the 99%
were re-assigned water values, i.e. “empty” ares in the MRCAT quantile of the gamma values within this volume ranged from
within the CT outline were “filled with water”. All patients were 0.16 to 0.33 with an average of 0.22. For the 1%/1mm analysis
planned for VMAT treatments using two arcs of 280° each. the values were 99.83% of voxels with gamma smaller than
CT/dose distribution
Figure 13B. Example of the visualization of dose differences. Left, center, and right column show sagittal, axial and coronal views respectively.
The first row shows the dose distribution as overlay over the original CT image, the second and third row show the 3%/3 mm and 1%/1 mm gamma
distributions overlaid over the CT image (where red and blue in the overlay represent +1 and -1 respectively), the fourth row shows the MRCAT image
and the fifth row shows a difference image between the MRCAT and the CT image in order to appreciate the registration accuracy. The color scale is
for the gamma overlays; note that the opacity drops from 50% at +/-1 to 0% at 0.
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1 (range 99.01% to 100%), median gamma 0.20 (range 0.11 to and maximum decreased from 8117.6 cGy to 8089.3 cGy,
0.43), 99% quantile of gamma 0.65 (range 0.46 to 0.99). This with CT and MRCAT, respectively. For the target DVH curve
indicates that dosimetry using MRCAT images yields results points D99% and D1% the difference was negligible. Minor
well within clinical tolerance limits. In addition, dose-volume differences can be seen between OAR DVHs. (see Figure 15).
histograms (DVH) were evaluated. For the organs at risk, the
mean dose was computed on the MRCAT images on average MR images used as a source for MRCAT calculation were
0.42% lower compared to the original CT (standard deviation taken during a separate imaging session. Thus, patient
0.50%); for the target structures the difference was on position and body outline are not completely identical in
average 0.25% lower (standard deviation 0.17%). This is also the two image sets that are here compared as will also
well within clinical tolerance limits. occur between treatment fractions. These differences are
likely to explain, together with interscan organ motion, the
Clinical example differences seen in the dose distribution (see Figure 15).
A 76-year-old prostate cancer patient (Gleason score 7
(3+4), PSA 17,2 µg/l) receiving EBRT at the Docrates Cancer MR-only based planning
Center in Helsinki, Finland was scanned for evaluation MR-only based plans were then made by an experienced
of the MR-only workflow with Philips MRCAT. The study radiation oncologist to illustrate the impact of MR-based
protocol was approved by the Helsinki University Hospital delineation to the plan quality (see Figure 16). It has been
Coordinating Ethics Committee. For comparison to the reported in several studies (see e.g. [17]) that if the PTV would
clinical RT plan, the plan was recalculated on MRCAT be drawn using the same rules as for CT the size of the PTV
images with identical monitor units (MU). Identical planning would shrink, because the PTV conforms more closely to the
target volume and OAR delineations were used for both actual prostate outline. However, the actual clinical value
plans (see Figure 14) on Pinnacle3 and Eclipse TPS systems. of reduced target volume should be shown by long-term
Dose calculation accuracy was assessed based on dose clinical follow-up. In this particular example the original
volume histograms (DVHs). Agreement was good in both TP PTV was also affected by a choline PET/CT study that was
systems. In Pinnacle3, for the Planned Target Volume (PTV), obtained for improved target characterization.
3D mean dose was increased from 7809.9 cGy to 7810.7 cGy
Figure 15. Dose volume histogram for PTV (green), bladder (yellow),
and rectum (red). Dashed lines indicate the CT-based plan and solid
the MRCAT-based plan.
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Workflow considerations
Overall, MR-only simulation uses a workflow similar to CT The Anterior Coil Support can be easily adjusted and tilted.
simulation. This chapter describes some specific aspects to The spacious design of the coil support makes optimal use
consider when commissioning MR-only simulation. of the bore space and enables imaging of also large patients
(see Figure 17).
Imaging in the treatment position
MR-only simulation is contingent on the patient imaged in Patient marking
the RT treatment position. For this, the flat, indexed Ingenia MR-only simulation supports relative marking with the
MR-RT CouchTop accommodates many common positioning external laser positioning system (ELPS). Marks can be made
device solutions. With knee positioning devices, the position to the approximate reference location before the patient
of femurs and pelvic bones can be set the same way as in is transferred to isocenter (see Figure 18). The open design
the treatment machine. Indexing bars allow other equipment of the coil support and the option to slide it freely allows
to be attached to the indexed locations on the MR CouchTop. laser projections from virtually any direction onto the target
area. With the one-click travel-to-scan feature, additional
For high SNR, the Anterior and Posterior Coil should be alignment with the MR façade laser is unnecessary
positioned as close to the anatomy as possible, but without
deforming body contours. The MR-RT CouchTop is 2.5 cm Use of MR-visible location markers on top of the relative
thinner than the previous overlay solution, thereby bringing skin marks during scanning is advised. The temporary marks
the patient as close as possible to the underlying posterior can later be replaced with permanent tattoos, for example
coil. Another advantage of the CouchTop versus the before the first fraction. Tattooing near the MRI scanner bore
overlay solution is that this one-piece approach eliminates is not advisable.
mechanical play of up to few millimeters between the
overlay and the table system. Position verification
The patient can be aligned at the treatment maching using
the skin marks, but the position should be fine-tuned and
verified with one of three image-based options: cone beam
computed tomography (CBCT), plain radiographs against the
bone information indicated in the DRRs, or the graphically or
numerically recorded location of internal prostate markers.
Figure 17. Top: Prostate patient positioned on MR-RT CouchTop. Bottom: Figure 18. Patient marking at the MR scanner using the ELPS
Coil Support can be easily adjusted and tilted.
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Conclusions and future outlook Acknowledgements
MR simulation for RT treatment planning has gained Uulke van der Heide, PhD and Marloes Frantzen, from the
interest in the quest for more accurate target definition, Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
based on its excellent soft-tissue contrast and accurate for their validation work of the MRCAT algorithms and
3D imaging capabilities. In addition, as explained provision of the data.
in this paper, MR-only simulation for the prostate is Timo Kiljunen, PhD, from the Docrates Cancer Center,
introduced as an aid to the treatment planning process Helsinki, Finland for setting up, and executing the clinical
without the explicit need for CT simulation. By just trial on MRCAT generation.
adding a few minutes to the MR simulation exam,
the density information that was needed from CT for
dose planning can be obtained through MRI. MR-only
simulation fits well in radiation oncology department’s
workflow and is the cornerstone for next applications
which aim to benefit from the advantages of MRI. We
believe MR-only simulation is an important step toward
the adoption of MRI in radiation treatment planning. In
anticipation of therapy treatments based on MRI, such
as MR-Linac2 and adaptive treatments, we even believe
that MR-only simulation is indispensable for accurate
matching of MRI to MRI data.
CT Computed Tomography
HU Hounsfield Unit
MR-only simulation The use of MR images to support radiation therapy planning as a primary image set
MU Motor Units
MR-Linac is a collaboration between Elekta and Philips [18] and is currently works-in-progress.
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