Proclamation No. 622-2009 - Customs Proclamation
Proclamation No. 622-2009 - Customs Proclamation
Proclamation No. 622-2009 - Customs Proclamation
¯KU ›kõ ¾”ÓÉ ”penc? ŸÅ[cuƒ ¾° WHEREAS, it has become necessary to have an
Éу Å[Í Ò` ¾T>××U ህጋዊ ንግድንና ኢንቨ expedient and modern customs legal framework which is
ስትመንትን የሚያበረታታ፣ ቀልጣፋና ዘመናዊ ¾Ñ<U\¡ compatible with the increasingly growing international
QÓ T°kõ uTeðKÑ<& trade and encourages trade and investment;
WHEREAS, international, continental and regional
GÑ]~ ¾ð[S‰†¨< ›KU ›kó©' ›IÑ<^ trade agreements to which the country is a party require
©“ ›"vu=Á© ¾”ÓÉ eUU’„‹ ¨p© QÓ“ contemporary customs laws and procedures;
¾›c^` e`¯ƒ ”Ç=•` ¾T>ÁeÑÉÆ uSJ“
¢”ƒav”É“ ሌሎች ¾”ÓÉ Tßu`u` ወንጀ WHEREAS, strong system of law enforcement is
ሎች uQÒ© ¾”ÓÉ °”penc?' uI´w ÅI”’ƒ' required to prevent the increasing incidence, from time to time,
uS”ÓYƒ Ñu=“ uK?KA‹U TIu^©“ ›=¢•T> of contraband and other commercial fraud crimes which are
Á© ÉÑ„‹ Là ¾T>ÁeŸƒK<ƒ” ŸÑ>²? ¨ÅÑ>²? resulting negative impact to legitimate trade, public security,
government revenue and other social and economic
¾ÚS[ ¾Sר<” ›K<© }î°• KSŸLŸM
¾}Ö“Ÿ[ ¾IÓ TeŸu]Á e`¯ƒ S²`Òƒ
uTeðKÑ<& NOW, THEREFORE, in accordance with Article
u›=ƒÄåÁ ôÈ^L© Ç=V¡^c=Á© ]øwK=¡ 55(1) of the Constitution of the Federal Democratic
QÑ S”ÓYƒ ›”kî $5(1) SW[ƒ ¾T>Ÿ}K¨< Republic of Ethiopia, it is hereby proclaimed as follows:
2. Definitions
2. ƒ`ÕT@
¾nK< ›Ñvw K?L ƒ`Ñ<U "LcÖ¨< ue}k` In this Proclamation, unless the context requires
u²=I ®ªÏ ¨<eØ& otherwise:
1/ #
n$ TKƒ T“†¨<U }”kdni ”w[ƒ 1/ “goods” means any kind of corporeal chattels
c=J” Ó²<õ’ƒ ¾K?L†¨< uQÓ ”Å}”k and other incorporeal chattels deemed to be
dni ”w[ƒ ¾T>¨lƒ” ”w[„‹“ ›=¢• corporeal chattels by law including natural
T>Á© ÖkT@ ÁL†¨<” u›ÑMÓKAƒ Là forces and resources of an economic value which
¾ªK< ¾}ðØa GÃM ¨<Ö?„‹”“ ¾Ÿ`c are employed to use, and includes money;
UÉ` Gwƒ” ¾T>Á"ƒƒ c=J” Ñ”²w”U
2/ ß’ƒ$ TKƒ uT“†¨<U ¾TÕÕ¹ 2/ “cargo” means any goods imported or exported by any
›Ã’ƒ ¨Å›Ñ` ¾T>Ñv ¨ÃU Ÿ›Ñ` means of transport other than goods required for
¾T>¨× °n c=J”' uÑ<µ ¨pƒ ØpU consumption during the voyage onboard of the means
Là ¾T>¨<K<ƒ”“ ¾S”ÑÅ™‹” ¾ÓM of transport and bona-fide personal baggage of
SÑMÑÁ °n−‹ ›ÃÚU`U& passengers;
3/ k[Ø$ TKƒ uƒ¡¡M Kn¨< u}Å[Ñ 3/ “duty” means tariff levied and collected on the basis
ÖpLL ¨Ü Là }SY`„“ ¾›KU of the actual total costs of any imported or exported
›kõ ¾}ªHÅ ¾gkÙ‹ ›cÁ¾U“ ›S goods in accordance with the Customs Tariff
ÇÅw Y`¯ƒ” }ŸƒKA u¨×¨< ¾Ñ<U Regulations issued pursuant to the International
\¡ ¾]õ Å”w SW[ƒ uÑu=“ ¨Ü Convention on the Harmonized Commodity
n−‹ LÃ ¾T>×M“ ¾T>cucw ]õ Description and Coding System;
4/ ¡e$ TKƒ ì”}¨< ue^ LÃ vK< 4/ “tax” means payment collected in accordance
¾Ów` QÑA‹ SW[ƒ uÑu=“ u¨Ü with the existing tax laws on imported and
n−‹ LÃ ¾}×K ¾T>cucw ¡õÁ exported goods;
5/ “importation” means bringing or cause to be
5/ ¨Å ›Ñ` TeÑvƒ$ TKƒ T“†¨<”U Ñu=
brought goods into the customs territory;
°n ¨Å Ñ<U\¡ ¡MM TU׃ ¨ÃU ”
Ç=Ñv TÉ[Ó ’¨<&
6/ #
¨Å ¨<ß ›Ñ` SL¡$ TKƒ T“† 6/ “exportation” means taking or cause to be taken
¨<”U °n ŸÑ<U\¡ ¡MM Te¨×ƒ out goods from the customs territory;
¨ÃU ”Ç=¨× TÉ[Ó ’¨<&
7/ ¾Ñ<U\¡ ¡MM$ TKƒ ¾›=ƒÄåÁ 7/ “customs territory” means the territory of
¾Ó³ƒ ¡MM ’¨<& Ethiopia;
8/ ¾Ñ<U\¡ ×u=Á$ TKƒ uSÓu=Á“ 8/ “customs station” means any place designated as
uS¨<Ý ¨Åw ¨ÃU uS}LKòÁ customs office at the port of entry or exit of
S”ÑÉ ¨ÃU uÑ<U\¡ ¡MM ¾T>ј goods, transit routes or customs area for the
uÑu=“ u¨Ü °n−‹ Là ¾Ñ<U\¡ control of import and export goods,
lØØ`“ Y’ Y`¯ƒ ¾T>ðìUuƒ“ accomplishment of customs formalities and/or
¨ÃU k[Ø“ ¡e ¾T>ŸðMuƒ collection of duties and taxes;
Yõ^ ’¨<&
9/ “customs warehouse” means any warehouse
9/ ¾Ñ<U\¡ SÒ²”$ TKƒ Ñu=“ ¨Ü established by the Authority or a person
°n−‹ ¨ÃU }LLò °n−‹ ¾Ñ<U\¡ authorized by the Authority for the deposit of
Y’-Y`¯ƒ eŸT>Ö“kp É[e ¾T>q import, export or transit goods until the
¿uƒ uvKeM×’< ¨ÃU ŸvKeM×’<
accomplishment of customs formalities;
ðnÉ u}cÖ¨< c¨< ¾}ssS T“†
¨<U ¾°n TŸT‰ x ’¨<&
0/ ¾SÒ²” Lò$ TKƒ ¾Ñ<U\¡ Y’- 10/ “warehouse operator” means a person who
Y`¯ƒ eŸT>ðìUuƒ Ñ>²? É[e °n administers a customs ware house;
−‹ ¾T>q¿uƒ SÒ²”” ¾T>Áe}ÇÉ`
c¨< ’¨<&
gA 4¹þ6)3’’ ØÁ‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R !7 02 qqN 21 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 27 19th February, 2009 …. page 4603
01/ #TÕÕ¹$ TKƒ u¾we' u›¾` ¨ÃU 11/ “means of transport” means any means of
u¨<H Là c¨<” ¨ÃU n” ¾T>ÁÕÑ<´ conveyance including animals used for carriage
T”—¨<U ¾SÕÕ¹ ²È c=J” of goods and passengers on land, air or water;
”edƒ” ÃÚU^M&
02/ #¾TÕÕ¹ Lò$ TKƒ T“†¨<”U
TÕÕ¹ uÑ<µ Là ”ÇK ¾T²´' 12/ “master of means of transport” means a person
¾Sq×Ö` ¨ÃU Y^¨<” ¾SU^ƒ or an agent to command, supervise or manage
YM×” ¾}cÖ¨< c¨< ¨ÃU ¨Ÿ=K< any means of transport during the voyage;
03/ #}LLò °n$ TKƒ TÕÕ¹ uSk¾` 13/ “transit goods” means the movement of goods
¨ÃU uS×uƒ TÕÕ¹ u}ðkÅ
from one country to another by crossing the
¾S}LKòÁ SYS` ¾Ñ<U\¡ ¡MM”
›s`Ù ¾T>H@É ¨ÃU Ÿ›”É ¾Ñ<U\¡ customs territory or from one customs station to
×u=Á ¨Å K?L ¾Ñ<U\¡ ×u=Á another through designated transit route either
¾T>”kdke °n ’¨<& by the same or changing the means of transport;
04/ #¾S}LKòÁ SYS`$ TKƒ uÑ<U\¡ 14/ “transit route” mean any route designated by
lØØ` e` ÁK< Ñu=“ ¨Ü °n−‹ the Authority for the movement of imported or
”Ç=ÕÕ²<uƒ uvKeM×’< ¾}¨c’ exported goods under customs control;
T“†¨<U S”ÑÉ ’¨<&
05/ #¾Ñ<U\¡ Y’-e`¯ƒ ›eðíT>$ TKƒ
15/ “customs clearing agent” means an exporter or
¾Ñ<U\¡ Y’-Y`¯ƒ” ¾TeðìU
}Óv` KTŸ“¨” ¾T>Áe‹M ¾wnƒ“ importer or an agent with a certificate of
¾S<Á T[ÒÑÝ ¾}cÖ¨< ¾›eSÜ competence and professional qualification
¨ÃU ¾LŸ= ¨Ÿ=M ’¨<& authorized to effect customs formalities;
06/ ''¾Ñ<U\¡ Ç=¡L^c=Ä”$ TKƒ ¨Å›Ñ` 16/ “customs declaration” means a form or
¾T>Ñu<' ¨Å ¨<ß›Ñ` ¾T>LŸ< ¨ÃU document prepared by the Authority in which
¾}LLò °n−‹ ´`´` ¾T>ÑKêuƒ“ the details of import, export or transit goods are
¾Ñ<U\¡ Y’-Y`¯ƒ ¾T>ðçUuƒ uv described for the accomplishment of customs
KeM×’< ¾T>²ÒÏ pê ¨ÃU c’É formalities;
07/ #¾Ñ<U\¡ Y’-Y`¯ƒ$ TKƒ ¨Å›Ñ`
¾T>Ñv' ¨Å¨<ß ›Ñ` ¾T>L¡ ¨ÃU 17/ “customs formalities” means any customs
}LLò °n ¾Ñ<U\¡ ¨Åw ŸÅ[cuƒ operations carried out in connection with
Ñ>²? ËUa ŸÑ<U\¡ lØØ` Y` importation, exportation and transit of goods
eŸT>¨× É[e ¾T>Ÿ“¨” T“†¨<U from the time of arrival at the customs port
¾Ñ<U\¡ ›ðíìU H>Ń ’¨<& until released from the customs control;
08/ #c’É$ TKƒ KÑ<U\¡ Y’-Y`¯ƒ 18/ “document” means an invoice, form or written
›ðíìU u›"M ¨ÃU u›?K?¡ƒa’>¡ evidence presented physically or by electronic
S”ÑÉ ¾T>k`w T“†¨<U Å[c˜' means to customs to accomplish customs
pê ¨ÃU ¾êOõ Te[Í c=J”' formalities and includes books of records;
S´Ñw” ÃÚU^M&
19/ “invoice” means a price document prepared and
09/ #¾ªÒ c’É$ TKƒ u›U^‹ ¨ÃU signed by a manufacturer or supplier which
u›p^u= ¾}²ÒË“ ¾}ð[S eKn shows the commercial value of goods;
ªÒ ¾T>ÑMî c’É ’¨<&
20/ “identical goods” means goods which are the
!/ ›”É ›Ã’ƒ °n−‹$ TKƒ u›"L© same in all respects including physical
vI]Á†¨<' uØ^†¨<“ u}ðLÑ>’ characteristics, quality, reputations and country
†¨< ›”É ¾J’<“ u›”É ›Ñ` ¾}
of origin;
S[~ °n−‹ “†¨<&
gA 4¹þ6)4 ØÁ‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R !7 02 qqN 21 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 27 19th February, 2009 …. page 4604
!1/ }Sddà °n−‹$ TKƒ uG<K<U ›” 21/ “similar goods” means goods which, although
í` vÃSdcK<U }Sddà vI] ÁL not alike in all respects, have like
†¨<' Ÿ}Sddà T‚]ÁM ¾}S[~' characteristics, and component materials,
}Sddà }Óv` TŸ“¨” ¾T>‹K<“ perform the same functions and to be
}Sddà ¾ÑuÁ }ðLÑ>’ƒ ÁL†¨< °n commercially interchangeable; and the quality,
−‹ c=J’<' Ø^†¨<' u›”É ›Ñ` origin, reputation and the trade mark of which
¾}S[~ SJ“†¨<' }ðLÑ>’†¨<“ are among the factors to be considered in
¾”ÓÉ UM¡†¨< eK}SddÃ’†¨<
determining their similarity;
ŸÓUƒ ¨<eØ ÃÑvM&
# 22/ “person” means any natural or juridical person;
!2/ c¨<$ TKƒ ¾}ðØa c¨< ¨ÃU uQÓ
¾c¨<’ƒ Swƒ ¾}cÖ¨< ›"M ’¨<&
!3/ vKu?ƒ$ TKƒ T“†¨<”U °n ¾S
ÖkU' ¾SÁ´' ¨ÅK?L ¾Te}LKõ' 23/ “owner” means any person or an agent who has
¨Å¨<ß ›Ñ` ¾SL¡ ¨ÃU ¨Å›Ñ` the right to use, possess, transfer, import or
¾TeÑvƒ Swƒ ÁK¨< c¨< ¨ÃU export goods into or from the country and
¨Ÿ=K< c=J”' ”ÅvKu?ƒ J• °n includes the master or the agent of the means of
KTÕÕ´ ¾T>[Ÿu¨<” Lò ¨ÃU transport who, as an owner, receives the goods
¨Ÿ=K<” ÃÚU^M& for conveyance;
!4/ °n Te¨ÑÉ$ TKƒ T“†¨<”U °n 24/ “disposal of goods” means the act of destroying
uTnÖM ¨ÃU uK?L S”ÑÉ TØóƒ goods by way of burning or otherwise or
¨ÃU uiÁß ¨ÃU uK?L S”ÑÉ transfer of goods through sale or otherwise;
Te}LKõ ’¨<&
!5/ ¾}ŸKŸK n$ TKƒ uQÓ ¨ÃU
›=ƒÄåÁ vìÅk‰†¨< ›KU ›kõ 25/ “prohibited goods” means goods of which the
eUU’„‹ Sc[ƒ ¨Å ›Ñ` ”Ç importation, exportation or transit is prohibited
ÃÑv' Ÿ›Ñ` ”ÇÃ¨× ¨ÃU ”Ç by laws or international agreement ratified by
Ã}LKõ ¾}ŸKŸK T”—¨<U n Ethiopia;
!6/ ÑÅw ¾}Å[Ñuƒ °n$ TKƒ uQÓ
u}Å’ÑÑ Y’ Y`¯ƒ YM×” vK¨< 26/ “restricted goods” means goods which the
›"M u}cÖ ðnÉ "MJ’ ue}k` importation, exportation or transit is restricted
¨Å ›Ñ` ”ÇÃÑv ¨ÃU Ÿ›Ñ` unless it is permitted by the competent
”ÇÃ¨× ¨ÃU ”ÇÃ}LKõ ÑÅw authority in accordance with legal procedures;
¾}Å[Ñuƒ n ’¨<&
!7/ ¾Ñ<U\¡ x”É$ TKƒ T”—¨<U c¨< 27/ “customs bond” means an undertaking in legal
u¨<M ¨<cØ u}²[²\ G<’@−‹ form by which a person enters into a binding
Sc[ƒ ÓȨ<” KTTELƒ“ KT¡ arrangement with the Authority to comply with
u` ŸvKeM×’< Ò` uQÒ© S”ÑÉ the prescribed conditions;
¾T>Ñv¨< ›eÑÇÏ ¾ªeƒ“ ¨<M ’¨<&
!8/ የጉምሩክ ቦንድድ መጋዘን$ TKƒ °n−‹ 28/ “ customs bonded warehouse” means any
k[Ø eŸ=ŸðMv†¨< É[e ¾T>ŸT premises licensed by the Authority for the
‡uƒ“ uvKYM×’< ðnÉ ¾}cÖ¨< deposit of dutiable goods on which duty has not
T“†¨<U eõ^ c=J” u}ÚT] Ÿk been paid and it includes a duty free shop or
[Ø ’í ¾J’< c<q‹” ¨ÃU x”É ¾} bonded factories;
Å[Ñ< ów]"−‹” ÁÖnMLM&
# 29/ “temporary storage of goods” means an
!9/ Ñ>²?Á© ¾°n TŸT‰$ TKƒ Ñu=“ enclosed or open premises approved by the
¨Ü ¨ÃU }LLò °n−‹ ¾Ñ<U
Authority where import, export or transit goods
\¡ Y’-Y`¯ƒ ›Ö“k¨< eŸT>K
kl É[e uÑ<U\¡ lØØ` e` J’¨< are stored temporarily under customs control
¾T>q¿uƒ uvKYM×’< ¾}ðkÅ ´Ó pending the completion of customs formalities;
¨ÃU ¡õƒ ¾°n TŸT‰ x ’¨<&
gA 4¹þ6)5 ØÁ‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R !7 02 qqN 21 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 27 19th February, 2009 …. page 4605
"/ ¾ß’ƒ SÓKÝ$ TKƒ ¾°n LŸ=' 30/ “cargo manifest” means a document which
}kvÃ' UM¡ƒ' °iÓ lØ`' indicate the consignor, consignee, mark,
¯Ã’ƒ' w³ƒ' ¡wŃ' ´`´`' package number, quality, quantity, weight,
¾ß’ƒ È¡L^c=Ä” lØ`”“ descriptions, cargo declaration number and
¾SdcK<ƒ” ¾T>ÁSK¡ƒ c’É ’¨<& other particulars of goods;
"1/ ¾e]ƒ ›Ñ` ¾Ue¡` ¨[kƒ$ TKƒ 31/ “certificate of origin” means a document issued
›”É n eK}S[}uƒ ›Ñ` ƒ¡¡K— by a competent authority certifying the
’ƒ u}S[}uƒ ›Ñ` YM×” vK¨< authenticity of the origin of goods;
›"M ¾T>cØ T[ÒÑÝ c’É ’¨<&
"2/ ¾Y]ƒ ›Ñ` Å”w$ TKƒ u¯KU 32/ “rules of origin” means a procedure and criteria
›kõ' u›"vu=Á© ¨ÃU uG<KƒÄi
put in place to determine the origin of goods in
¾”ÓÉ YUU’„‹ SW[ƒ °n−‹
¾}W\uƒ” ›Ñ` KS¨c” ¾}²[Ò accordance with international, regional or
¾›c^` Y`¯ƒ“ SS²— ’¨<& bilateral trade agreements;
"3/ #
¢”‚Ã’`$ TKƒ S<K< uS<K< ¨ÃU 33/ “container” means a receptacle which is fully or
uŸòM ¾}²Ò“ °n” KSÁ´ ¾}c^ partially enclosed with a compartment for
¡õM ÁK¨<' K}ÅÒÒT> ›ÑMÓKAƒ containing goods, suitable for repeated use and
¾T>¨<M“ u›”É ¨ÃU Ÿ›”É uLà specially designed to facilitate the carriage of
uJ’ ¾SÕÕ¹ ¯Ã’ƒ °n” ukLK< goods by one or more mode of transport;
KTÕÕ´ ”Ç=‰M }Å`ÑA uM¿
G<’@ ¾}²ÒË ¾°n SÁ¹ ’¨<&
34/ “customs approved treatment or use of goods”
"4/ uÑ<U\¡ ›c^` }kvÃ’ƒ Áј ¾°n means the placing of goods under customs
›ÁÁ´ ¨ÃU ›ÖnkU$ TKƒ °n ¨Å procedure for their re-exportation from the
Ñ<U\¡ ¡MM ”Ç=Ñv' ŸÑ<U\¡ ¡MM customs territory, disposal, forfeiture or return
uÉÒT> ¨Å¨<ß ›Ñ` ”Ç=L¡' ”Ç=
¨ÑÉ' ”Ç=¨[e ¨ÃU KvKu?~ ”Ç= to the owner;
SKe uÑ<U\¡ ¾›W^` Y`¯ƒ ¨<eØ
”Ç=ÁMõ TÉ[Ó ’¨<&
35/ “customs control” means the conducting, by the
"5/ ¾Ñ<U\¡ lØØ`$ TKƒ QÑA‹“ Authority, of examination of goods, verification
SS]Á−‹ SŸu^†¨<” KT[ÒÑØ of the existence and authenticity of documents,
uvKYM×’< ¾T>ðìU °n” ¾Sð examination of the accounts of undertakings
}i' ¾c’É” S•`“ ƒ¡¡K—’ƒ” and other records to ensure that laws and
¾T[ÒÑØ' nM ¾}ÑvKƒ” ¾H>dw directives are observed;
SÓKÝ“ S³Ówƒ” ¾SS`S`
}Óv` ’¨<&
"6/ ¾Ñ<U\¡ ¨Åw$ TKƒ KÑ<U\¡ QÓ 36/ “customs port’’ means any place that is
›ðíìU c=vM ¾Ñu=' ¾¨Ü“ }LLò designated by the Authority for unloading,
°n−‹ ¾T>^Ññuƒ' ¾T>q¿uƒ“ storage and loading of import, export and
¾T>Ý’<uƒ uvKYM×’< ¾T>¨c” transit goods for the purpose of enforcing
T“†¨<U eõ^ c=J” Å[p ¨Å customs laws and includes dry port;
w”U ÃÚU^M&
"7/ ¾k[Ø }SLi$ TKƒ uk[Ø }S 37/ “draw back” means a refund of all or part of
Li ¾›W^` Y`¯ƒ SW[ƒ K¨Ü any import duties and taxes on inputs used to
°n TU[‰ ØpU LÃ KªK Ø_ produce export goods in accordance with the
°n ¾}ŸðK” k[Ø“ ¡e uS<K< draw back procedure;
¨ÃU uŸòM ”Ç=SKe TÉ[Ó
"8/ ¾k[Ø }SLi ¾›W^` Y`¯ƒ$ 38/ “draw back procedure” means the customs
TKƒ ¾¨Ü °n” KTU[ƒ ØpU procedure which provides a refund to be made
Là KªK Ów¯ƒ ¾}ŸðK k[Ø }S on the export of goods in respect of the duties
Li ¾T>Å[Óuƒ ¾Ñ<U\¡ ¾›W^` and taxes charged on inputs used in their
Y`¯ƒ ’¨<& productions;
gA 4¹þ6)6 ØÁ‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R !7 02 qqN 21 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 27 19th February, 2009 …. page 4606
"9/ ¾°n õ}h$ TKƒ ¾°n¨<” ¾e]ƒ 39/ “examination of goods” means the physical
HÑ`' ¾S×uƒ” HÑ`' vI]' G<’@' examination of goods by customs to satisfy that
›Ã’ƒ' w³ƒ' ªÒ' ¾]õ ›SÇ the origin, country of export, nature, condition,
Åw' u°n Td¨mÁ È¡L^c=Ä” pî quality, quantity, tariff classification and value
¨<eØ uk[u¨< ´`´` Sc[ƒ ¾} of the goods are in accordance with particulars
TEL SJ’<” KT[ÒÑØ uÑ<U\¡ ¾T> furnished in the goods declaration and includes
ðìU ›"L© U`S^ c=J”' u}Õ examination of goods on the basis of baggage
¼‹ ¾h”× Te¨mÁ È¡L^c=Ä”
declarations by travelers;
SW[ƒ ¾T>Å[Ó ¾°n U`S^”
#/ ¾k[Ø ’í °n SgÝ SÅw`$ 40/ “duty free shop” means a shop established in
TKƒ ŸT”—¨<U k[Ø“ ¡e ¡õÁ international airports or, where necessary, in
’í ¾J’ °n K¯KU ›kõ S”ÑÅ™ other places in which duty and tax free goods
‹“ KK?KA‹ ¾k[Ø ’í vKSw„‹ are sold to international passengers and other
¾T>gØuƒ u¯KU ›kõ ›¾` T[ò duty free privileged persons;
Á−‹ ¨ÃU ›eðLÑ> J• c=ј uK?
KA‹ x−‹ ¾T>ssU SÅw` ’¨<&
#1/ ¾Ñ<U\¡ Ts[Ý$ TKƒ c¨<”“ 41/ “customs crossing” means a designated point of
SÕÕ¹” ”Ç=G<U ¾Ñu=' ¾¨Ü“ crossing of the customs boundary line for
}LLò °n−‹” KTeÑvƒ' KTe persons and means of transport as well as for
¨×ƒ“ KTgÒÑ` ¾}ðkÅ ¾É”u` import, export and transit goods, and includes
SeS` c=J” ¯KU›kó© ¾É”u` international border traffic routes;
ƒ^ò¡ ”penc? ¾T>ðçUv†¨<”
Yõ^−‹ ÃÚU^M&
#2/ ¾Ñ<U\¡ ¾Ö[õ SeS`$ TKƒ 42/ “customs frontier strip” means a 15-kilometer
Ÿ›=ƒÄåÁ ¾Ñ<U\¡ É”u` SeS` wide part of the customs territory from the
¨Å ¨<eØ eŸ 05 Ÿ=KA T@ƒ` Ñv customs boundary line of Ethiopia;
wKA ¾T>ј Yõ^ ’¨<&
#3/ ¾ÉI[ °n ›¨×Ø *Ç=ƒ$ TKƒ uv
KYM×’< K}Kkk °n k`xMƒ ¾’u 43/ “post clearance audit” means a process which
[¨< ¾Ñ<U\¡ Ç=¡L^c=Ä” ƒ¡¡M enables the Authority, after the release of
SJ’<” KT[ÒÑØ n¨<” uTeS goods, to verify the accuracy of customs
׃ ¨ÃU ¨Å¨<ß uSL¡ ukØ declarations through the examination of the
¨ÃU u}²ªª] u}d}ð c¨< Ï books, records, business systems and other
¾T>Ñ–< S³Ówƒ”' ]¢`Ê‹”' ¾” relevant customs commercial data held by
ÓÉ ›W^a‹” “ K?KA‹ ›Óvw’ƒ persons directly or indirectly involved in the
ÁK†¨<” Ñ<U\¡ ’¡ ¾”ÓÉ S[Í import or export of goods;
−‹” ¾SS`S` Y[¯ƒ ’¨<&
#4/ É”Ñ}— õ}h$ TKƒ °n ŸÑ<U\¡
Ÿ}Kkk u%EL ueÒƒ Y^ ›S^` 44/ “surprise check” means the re-examination of
Y`¯ƒ SW[ƒ ¨ÃU u}Úvß goods after their customs release based on risk
S[Í LÃ uSSe[ƒ uÉÒT> ¾T>Ÿ management or receipt of concrete evidence;
“¨” õ}h ’¨<&
#5/ &¾YÒƒ Y^ ›S^`$ TKƒ uÑ<U 45/ “risk management” means a system of
\¡ ¡MM uT>Ñu<“ uT>¨Ö< °n−‹ management by which different risk bands are
Là ›ÑMÓKAƒ ›c×Ö<”“ ¾lØØ` categorized on the basis of their risk levels in
Y`¯~” T>³“© vÅ[Ñ G<’@ uT> light of fair customs service provision and
kSÖ< Seð`„‹ SW[ƒ ¾}KÁ¾ control with respect to goods brought to or
¾YÒƒ Å[Í uT¨<׃ ¾T>Ÿ“¨” taken out of customs territory;
›c^` ’¨<&
#6/ °n” SMkp$ TKƒ uÑ<U\¡ lØ 46/ “release of goods” means a procedure whereby
Ø` Y` ÁK °n K}ÑKçKƒ ¯LT goods under customs control are released for
”Ç=¨<M ¾T>Kkpuƒ Y`¯ƒ ’¨<& the purposes declared;
gA 4¹þ6)7 ØÁ‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R !7 02 qqN 21 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 27 19th February, 2009 …. page 4607
#7/ #¾Ñ<U\¡ g<U$ TKƒ ¾Ñ<U\¡ Y^” 47/ “customs officer” means an official or
uLò’ƒ ”Ç=ÁŸ“¨<” ¾}SÅu employee assigned to discharge customs
Lò ¨ÃU c^}— c=J” ¾U`S^ operations and includes an investigation officer;
g<U” ÃÚU^M&
48/ “security” means cash deposit, bank guarantee,
#8/ ªeƒ“$ TKƒ KÑ<U\¡ ¾}Ñv ÓÈ insurance bond or an undertaking provided for
SðìS<” KT[ÒÑØ ¾T>Áe‹M ensuring the fulfillment of an obligation to the
¾Ø_ Ñ”²w }kTß' ¾v”¡ Ò^ customs;
”+' ¾›=”g<^”e x”É ¨ÃU uê
Oõ ¾}Å[Ñ ¾ÓÈ eUU’ƒ ’¨<&
# 49/ “seizure” means taking possession of goods or
#9/ SÁ´$ TKƒ QÓ” ŸSðçU ¨ÃU documents in relation with law execution and
ŸTeŸu` Ò` u}ÁÁ² n” ¨ÃU
c’É” ulØØ` e` TÉ[Ó ’¨<&
# 50/ “under the cover of legally declared goods”
$/ uQÒ© n ŸKL’ƒ$ TKƒ ¾Ñ<U\¡
Ç=¡L^c=Ä” Ÿk[uuƒ n Ò` u¯ means the act of intermingling of goods that are
Ã’ƒ' uSÖ”' uw³ƒ' uªÒ ¨ÃU different in type, size, quantity, value or
uY]ƒ ›Ñ` M¿’ƒ ÁK¨<” n country of origin with the declared goods;
¾SkLkM É`Ñ>ƒ ’¨<& 51/ “Authority’’ means the Ethiopian Revenue and
# $ Customs Authority;
$1/ vKYM×” TKƒ ¾›=ƒÄåÁ Ñu=−
‹“ Ñ<U\¡ vKYM×” ’¨<& 52/ “Director General” means the Director General
# $
$2/ ª“ ÇÃ_¡}` TKƒ ¾vKYM×’< of the Authority;
ª“ ÇÃ_¡}` ’¨<& 53/ any expression in the masculine gender
$3/ T”—¨<U u¨”É ï ¾}ÑKç¨< includes the femine.
›’ÒÑ` c?ƒ”U ÃÚU^M::
3. ¾}ðíT>’ƒ ¨c”
3. Scope of Application
1/ ÃI ›ªÏ u›=ƒÄåÁ ¾Ó³ƒ ¨c”
¨Ø’ƒ vK¨< SMŸ< }ðíT> 1/ This Proclamation shall be applied in the entire
ÃJ“M:: territory of Ethiopia uniformly.
4. ¾Ñ<U\
¾Ñ<U\¡ ›c^` S`J−‹ 4. Principles of Customs Procedures
5. uÑ<U\
uÑ<U\¡ Ts[Ý“ ¾Ö[õ SeS` 5. Movement of Goods across Customs Crossings and
eKT>”kdke °n within Customs Frontier Strip
1/ ¾Ñ<U\¡ Ö[õ SeS`“ ¾Ñ<U\¡ 1/ Customs frontier strip and customs crossing
Ts[Ý ”penc? uQÓ ¨ÃU u›KU shall be used for border crossing or transport of
›kõ eUU’ƒ Sc[ƒ É”u` goods only by persons entitled to such activities
KTs[Ø ¨ÃU °n” KTÕÕ´ Swƒ on the basis of laws or international
K}c׆¨< c−‹ w‰ ÁÑKÓLM:: agreements.
2/ uÑ<U\¡ ¾Ö[õ SeS` ¨<eØ 2/ Persons having real property within customs
¾TÔkdke ”w[ƒ ÁL†¨< c−‹ frontier strip shall be entitled to transport goods
uÑ<U\¡ Ts[Ý−‹ uŸ<M K’<b†¨< necessary for their living and work on their
›eðLÑ> ¾J’< °n−‹” ¨ÃU u›KU property as well as other things stipulated by
›kõ eUU’ƒ É”ÒÑ@−‹ Sc[ƒ international agreements.
¾}ðkÆ °n−‹” ¾TÕÕ´ Swƒ
3/ uÑ<U\¡ ¾Ö[õ SeS` ›"vu= ¾T> 3/ Doctors, veterinarians, other medical staff and
•\ NŸ=V‹' ¾”edƒ NŸ=V‹' rescue workers residing within customs frontier
K?KA‹ ¾Q¡U“ W^}™‹ “ ¾Q´w” strip may carry instruments and medications
Q胓 ”w[ƒ uTÇ” Y^ Là needed for their activities through frontier
¾}cT\ c−‹ KY^†¨< ¾T>ÁeðM crossings when approved by pertinent
Õ†¨<” SÉH’>„‹“ Sd]Á−‹ ›Óvw authority.
ÁK¨< ¾S”ÓYƒ ›"M uT>c׆¨<
ðnÉ Sc[ƒ uÑ<U\¡ Ts[Ý−‹
uŸ<M TÕÕ´ ËLK<::
6. Customs Ports and Transit Routes
6. ¾Ñ<U\
¾Ñ<U\¡ ¨Åx‹“ ¾S}LKòÁ S”ÑÉ
1/ Import, export and transit goods shall enter
1/ Ñu=' ¨Ü “ }LLò °n−‹ u}¨c’ through prescribed customs ports or customs
¾Ñ<U\¡ ¨Åw ¨ÃU Ts[Ý uŸ<M crossings and be transported through prescribed
uSÓvƒ u}ðkÆ ¾S}LKòÁ routes.
S”ÑÊ‹ SÕÕ´ ›Kv†¨<::
2/ Customs ports, custom crossings and transit
2/ ¾Ñ<U\¡ ¨Åx‹' Ts[Ý−‹“ ¾S} routes shall be determined by the Authority and
LKòÁ S”ÑÊ‹ uvKYM×’< èc be publicized by public notice issued by the
“K<& ÃIU vKYM×’< uT>Á¨×¨< Authority.
¾Q´w Te¨mÁ ÃÑKéM::
gA 4¹þ6)9 ØÁ‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R !7 02 qqN 21 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 27 19th February, 2009 …. page 4609
7. uÑ<U\
uÑ<U\¡ ›c^` }kvÃ’ƒ Áј ¾°n
¾°n ›ÁÁ´ 7. Customs Approved Treatment or Use of Goods
¨ÃU ›ÖnkU
1/ u²=I ›ªÏ uK?L G<’@ "M}Å’ÑÑ ue}
k` u°n¨< vI]' w³ƒ' Y]ƒ GÑ`' 1/ Unless otherwise provided in this Proclamation,
SÉ[h Yõ^¨< ¨ÃU u›LL¡ G<’@ customs approved treatment or use of goods
¨< LÃ M¿’ƒ dÃÅ[Ó u}kSÖ< shall be applied in accordance with standards
Seð`„‹ SW[ƒ uÑ<U\¡ ›c^` prescribed without any discrimination as to the
}kvÃ’ƒ ÁÑ– ¾°n ›ÁÁ´ ¨ÃU nature, quantity, origin, destination or shipment
¾›ÖnkU Y`¯ƒ }Óv^© ÃÅ[ÒM:: conditions of the goods.
2/ u²=I ›”kê ”®<e ›”kê (1) ¾}SKŸ 2/ Sub-article (1) of this Article may not be
}¨< ¾°n ›ÁÁ´ ¨ÃU ›ÖnkU applicable if such application is contrary to any
ŸQ´w V^M ›Övup' Ÿc−‹' Ÿ” measure taken for the protection of public
cdƒ ¨ÃU Ÿ°îªƒ Ö?”’ƒ“ Qèƒ morality, the protection of health and life of
›Övup' Ÿ]"©“ vIL© p`f‹ ¨ÃU humans, animals or plants, the protection of
Ÿ›Ub© ”w[ƒ ›Övup ¨ÃU uK?L historical and cultural heritages or intellectual
QÓ Ÿ}ðkÅ ¾°n−‹ ›ÁÁ´ ¨ÃU property rights, or other specific treatment or
›ÖnkU Ò` ¾T>n[” ŸJ’ uY^ LÃ
use of goods provided by law.
8. Import, Export and Transit Goods
8. eKÑu=' ¨Ü“
¨Ü“ }LLò °n−‹
1/ For the purpose of carrying out customs
1/ KÑ<U\¡ Y^ ›ðíìU ¾T>Ÿ}K<ƒ activities, the following goods shall be under
°n−‹ uÑ<U\¡ lØØ`“ Øun Y` customs supervision and control:
a) imported goods, from the time of their arrival at
G( ¨Å ›Ñ` ¨<eØ ¾T>Ñu< °n−‹ Ñ<U customs port until the completion of customs
\¡ ¨Åw ŸÑu<uƒ Ñ>²? ËUa ¾Ñ<U formalities and they are received by the
\¡” Y’-Y`¯ƒ ›TEM}¨< ›eS importer or his agent;
ܨ< ¨ÃU ¨Ÿ=K< eŸT>[Ÿw&
b) goods deposited to customs warehouse,
K( ¨ÅÑ<U\¡ SÒ²” ¾Ñu< °n−‹ from the time they are deposited until they
ŸÑu<uƒ Ñ>²? ËUa eŸT>¨Ö<& are removed from the warehouse;
c) export goods, from the time they entered
N( ¨Å¨<ß ›Ñ` ¾T>LŸ< °n−‹ customs port until the completion of
¨ÅÑ<U\¡ ¨Åw ŸÑu<uƒ Ñ>²? ËUa customs formalities and be exported;
¾Ñ<U\¡ Y’-Y`¯ƒ }ðêV
d) goods in transit, from the time their
S( }LLò °n−‹ ”Ç=”kdkc< Ÿ}ðk
Åuƒ Ñ>²? ËUa KS}LKõ ¾}c movement is allowed until the completion
Ö¨< ¾Ñ>²? ÑÅw eŸT>Áun& of transit procedure;
W( vKu?ƒ ¾K?L†¨<' ¾}}¨<' ¾}¨ e) goods found with out owner, abandoned,
[c<' ¨ÃU u¢”ƒav”É ¾}Á²< forfeited or contraband goods or goods
A forteited for violating the provisions of this
$# %&' Proclamation or other laws enforced by the
Authority until their disposal.
() '* °n−‹ eŸT>¨ÑÆ
É[e:: 2/ Without prior authorization of the Authority,
no person may be allowed to enter customs
2/ T”—¨<U c¨< ŸvKYM×’< ðnÉ dÁ
warehouse in which goods, put under the
ј u²=I ›”kê ”®<e ›”kê *1(
supervision and control of customs in
u}ÑKì¨< SW[ƒ uÑ<U\¡ lØØ`“
Øun Y` ÁK< °n−‹ ¨Å }ŸT‡uƒ accordance with sub Article(1) of this Article,
Yõ^ SÓvƒ' °n−‹” S¡ðƒ ¨ÃU are deposited, or open or do any acts on such
T“†¨<”U ’Ñ` u°n−‹ Là SðìU goods.
gA 4¹þ6)0 ØÁ‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R !7 02 qqN 21 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 27 19th February, 2009 …. page 4610
¡õM Zeƒ
¾Ñ<U\¡ Y’-
Y’-Y`¯ƒ ›ðíìU PART THREE
U°^õ ›”É
eKÑ<U\¡ Ç=¡L^c=Ä”
Ç=¡L^c=Ä”““ eK }LLò °n−‹ CHAPTER ONE
e’ e`¯ƒ ›ðéçU
02. ¾Ñ<U\
¾Ñ<U\¡ Ç=¡L^c=Ä”
12. Customs Declaration
1/ ¾Ñ<U\¡ Ç=¡L^c=Ä” uîG<õ' unM'
u›"M ”penc? ¨ÃU u›?K?¡ƒa’>¡e
S”ÑÉ K=k`w ËLM:: 1/ Customs declaration may be made in written
2/ uêG<õ ¾T>k`w Ç=¡L^c=Ä” K²=G< form, orally, by bodily action or electronically.
}wKA u}²ÒË pê LÃ SVLƒ' Sð[ 2/ Customs declaration to be presented in written
U“ KÑ<U\¡ Y’-Y`¯ƒ ›ðíìU ›eð form shall be filled in the prescribed form, signed
LÑ> ¾J’< ´`´a‹” uS<K< SÁ´
and contain all the particulars necessary for
completing customs formalities.
3/ unM' u›"M ”penc? ¨ÃU u›?K?¡ƒ
a’>¡e ¾Ñ<U\¡ Ç=¡L^c=Ä” ¾T>k`wuƒ
G<’@ vKYM×’< uT>Á¨×¨< SS]Á 3/ The Authority shall issue directives on conditions
èc“M:: of making customs declaration orally, by bodily
action or electronically.
4/ ¾Ñ<U\¡ Ç=¡L^c=Ä” KÑ<U\¡ Y’-
Y`¯ƒ ›ðíìU ›eðLÑ> ŸJ’< c’Ê‹
Ò` u›eSܨ< ¨ÃU uLŸ=¨< ¨ÃU 4/ Customs declaration, together with all documents
u¨Ÿ=K< Sp[w ›Kuƒ:: required to be produced for the completion of
customs formalities, shall be presented by an
importer or exporter or by his agent.
03. ŸÑ<U
\¡ Ç=¡L^c=Ä” Ò` u›v]’ƒ eKT> 13. Supporting Documents of Customs Declaration
k`u< c’Ê‹
1/ ¾Ñ<U\¡ Ç=¡L^c=Ä” uT>k`wuƒ Ñ>²?
1/ On the presentation of customs declaration, the
¾T>Ÿ}K<ƒ c’Ê‹ ª“ pÍ= uvKYM×’<
uT>¨c’¨< w³ƒ }²ÒÏ}¨< u›v]’ƒ following original supporting documents shall be
Sp[w ›Kv†¨<& supplied to customs in a number of copies
determined by the Authority:
G( ¾TÕÕ¹ c’É&
a) transportation document;
K( ¾ªÒ c’É&
b) invoice;
N( ¾v”¡ ðnÉ&
c) bank permit;
S( ¾°n ´`´` SÓKÝ c’É&
d) packing list;
gA 4¹þ6)03 ØÁ‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R !7 02 qqN 21 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 27 19th February, 2009 …. page 4613
05. ¾Ñ<U
\¡ Ç=¡L^c=Ä” eKT>k`wv†¨<
°n−‹ 15. Goods Subject to Customs Declaration
1/ T“†¨<U ¨Å GÑ` ¾T>Ñv' ¨Å ¨<ß
GÑ` ¾T>L¡ ¨ÃU }LLò °n ¾Ñ<U\¡ 1/ Any import, export or transit goods shall be
Ç=¡L^c=Ä” Ãk`wuM:: subject to customs declaration.
2/ u²=I ›”kê ”®<e ›”kê (1) ¾}Å’ÑѨ<
u=•`U ¾Ñ<U\¡ Ç=¡L^c=Ä” uîOõ
2/ Notwithstanding sub-article (1) of this Article,
¾TÃk`wv†¨<” °n−‹ vKYM×’<
uSS]Á K=¨e” ËLM:: goods exempted from written customs declaration
may be determined by directives issued by the
3/ ¾Ñ<U\¡ Ç=¡L^c=Ä” ¾k[uKƒ
T“†¨<U °n' 3/ Any goods in respect of which customs
declaration is presented shall, in the declaration,
G( KGÑ` ¨<eØ õÐ ¾S× ’¨< }wKA be identified as:
¾}S²Ñu ŸJ’ k[Ø ¾T>ŸðMuƒ'
Ÿk[Ø ’í ¾}Å[Ñ ¨ÃU ¾k[Ø a) dutiable, duty free or under duty-draw-back
}SLi ¾T>Ö¾puƒ SJ’< }KÄ import regime, if entered for home
SSMŸƒ ›Kuƒ& consumption;
K( ¨Å ¨<ß GÑ` ¾T>L¡ ’¨< }wKA
¾}S²Ñu ŸJ’ uH@Åuƒ GÑ` ¾T>k`
¨ÃU uÑ>²?Á©’ƒ ŸGÑ` ¨Ø„ b) an outright export or temporary export, if
}SMf ¨Å GÑ` ¾T>Ñv SJ’< entered for export.
}KÄ SSMŸƒ ›Kuƒ::
4/ vKYM×’< uvI]Á†¨< ¨ÃU uT>cÖ<ƒ
›ÑMÓKAƒ U¡”Áƒ °n−‹ pÉT>Á }c
Ø…†¨< ¾Ñ<U\¡ e’-e`¯ƒ ”Ç=ðìU 4/ The Authority may allow goods to be cleared
v†¨< K=ðpÉ Ã‹LM:: ´`´\ vKYM urgently due to their nature or the service they are
×’< uT>Á¨×¨< SS]Á èc“M:: required for. The details shall be prescribed by
directives to be issued by the Authority.
06. ¾Ñ<U\
¾Ñ<U\¡ Ç=¡L^c=Ä” eKThhM
1/ ¾Ñ<U\¡ Ç=¡L^c=Ä” Ÿk[u u%EL ›e
SÜ ¨ÃU LŸ=¨< ¨ÃU ¨Ÿ=K< uT>Ák 16. Amendment of Declaration
`u¨< ØÁo SW[ƒ uÇ=¡L^c=Ä’< ¨<eØ
Ÿ}²[²\ƒ SÓKÝ−‹ S"ŸM ›”Æ”
¨ÃU Ÿ²=Á uLà ¾J’<ƒ” ”Ç=ÁhiM 1/ The Authority may permit the importer or
vKYM×’< K=ðpÉKƒ ËLM:: J•U exporter or his agent, at his request, to amend one
¾T>Å[Ѩ< ThhÁ ›ekÉV SÓKÝ K} or more of the particulars of a customs declaration
WÖv†¨< °n−‹ "MJ’ ue}k` uK? already presented; provided, however, that such
KA‹ n−‹ LÃ Ç=¡L^c=Ä’< }ðéT>’ƒ amendment may not have the effect of rendering
”Ç=•[¨< ¾T>ÁÅ`Ó ›ÃJ”U:: the declaration applicable to goods other than
those originally declared.
2/ ¾²=I ›”kî ”®<e ›”kî (1) É”ÒÑ@
u=•`U vKYM×’< n−‡” ”ÅT>
ðƒi K›eSߨ< "e¨k¨< ¨ÃU 2/ Notwithstanding the provisions of sub-article (1)
uk[u¨< ¾Ñ<U\¡ Ç=¡L^c=Ä” ¨<eØ of this Article, any amendment may not be
¾Wð\ƒ ´`´a‹ ƒ¡¡K— ›KSJ“†
permitted after the Authority has informed the
¨<” "[ÒÑÖ u%EL ¨ÃU n¨< K›eS
ܨ< Ÿ}Kkk u%EL ThhÁ TÉ[Ó importer that it intends to examine the goods or it
›ÃðkÉU:: has established that the particulars are incorrect
or the goods have been released to the importer.
gA 4¹6)05 ØÁ‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R !7 02 qqN 21 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 27 19th February, 2009 …. page 4615
3/ vKYM×’< eK}LLò °n−‹ ›ðíìU 3/ The Authority may issue directives regarding
SS]Á K=Á¨× ËLM:: goods in transit.
!. eK}LLò
eK}LLò °n−‹ ”penc?
1/ T“†¨<U }LLò °n ”penc?¨<” ŸT 20. Movement of Goods in Transit
>ËU`uƒ ¾Ñ<U\¡ ¨Åw ŸS’d~ uòƒ 1/ Transit customs formalities shall be completed
¾}LLò’ƒ ¾Ñ<U\¡ Y’-Y`¯ƒ Ãðì with respect to any goods in transit at the
customs port of departure before the
commencement of transit operation.
gA 46)07 ØÁ‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R !7 02 qqN 21 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 27 19th February, 2009 …. page 4617
!3. ¾Ñ<U\
!3. ¾Ñ<U\¡ SÒ²” ðnÉ TSMŸ‰ 23. Application for Warehouse License
¾Ñ<U\¡ SÒ²” KTssU ŸvKYM×’< Any person applying for a license to establish a customs
ðnÉ ¾T>ÖÃp c¨<' warehouse shall submit his application to the Authority
together with:
6/ ›Ç=e ¾T>c^ SÒ²” ŸJ’ ¾SÒ²’<” 6/ in case of a new warehouse to be established, site
¾Ó”v õnÉ' ýL” ' ›É^h' and building plan, construction permit and
declaration of commitment to enter in to an
¾SÉ” ªeƒ“ ¾T>Ñv KSJ’< ¾}cÖ
insurance contract,
7/ documents showing that the warehouse is
7/ SÒ²’< K°n−‹ ›kTSØ“ ÅI”’ƒ
›eðLÑ> ¾J’< SX]Á−‹” TTEL~” equipped with apparatus necessary for proper
¾T>Ádà Te[Í' “ storage and safety; and
8/ ›Óvw "K¨< ¾Ów` vKYM×” 8/ the tax identification number provided by the
¾}cÖ¨<” ¾Ów` ŸóÃ SKÁ lØ`' appropriate tax Authority.
2/ T“†¨<U u›¾` }ÕÑ<µ ¨Å ›Ñ` ¾Ñv 2/ Any goods imported by using air transport
°n ¨Å Ñ<U\¡ SÒ²” ŸÑvuƒ k” and stored in a customs warehouse shall
ËUa u" k“ƒ ¨<eØ ›eðLÑ>¨<” undergo customs formalities and be removed
¾Ñ<U\¡ Y’ Y`¯ƒ }ðîVuƒ within 30 days from the date of storage.
ŸSÒ²” S¨<׃ ›Kuƒ::
3/ ¨Å Ñ<U\¡ x”É SÒ²” ¾Ñv
T“†¨<U ¾”ÓÉ °n ¨Å SÒ²” 3/ Any commercial goods stored in custom
ŸÑvuƒ k” ËUa u4 ¨` Ñ>²? ¨<eØ bonded warehouse shall undergo customs
›eðLÑ>¨< ¾Ñ<U\¡ Y’ Y`¯ƒ formalities and be removed within four
}ðîVuƒ ŸSÒ²” S¨<׃ ›Kuƒ:: months from the date of storage.
4/ ¨Å Ñ<U\¡ x”É SÒ²” ¾Ñv T“† 4/ Any production machinery or inputs to be
¨<U ¾TU[‰ SX]Á ¨ÃU ¾¨Ü used for export products and stored in
U`„‹ Ów¯ƒ ¨ÅSÒ²” ŸÑvuƒ k” custom bonded warehouse shall undergo
ËUa u›”É ¯Sƒ ¨<eØ ›eðLÑ>¨< customs formalities and be removed within
¾Ñ<U\¡ Y’-Y`¯ƒ }ðîVuƒ ŸS one year from the date of storage.
Ò²” S¨<׃ ›Kuƒ::
5/ Any goods stored in a customs warehouse
5/ ¨Å Ñ<U\¡ SÒ²” ¾Ñv °n ¾Ñ<U\¡ may not be kept for more than 7 days after
Y’-Y`¯ƒ Ÿ}ðìSuƒ u%EL Ÿ7 k” the completion of customs formalities.
uLà uSÒ²” K=qà ›Ã‹MU::
6/ ¨Å Ñ<U\¡ SÒ²” ¾Ñv °n u²=I 6/ Any goods stored in a customs warehouse
›”kê ”®<e ›”kê (5) u}SKŸ}¨< and not removed within the time specified in
Ñ>²? ¨<eØ "M¨× ¨Å vKYM×’< sub-article (5) of this Article shall be
¾}}¨< °n−‹ TŸT‰ SÒ²” disposed after being transferred to the
”Ç=³¨` }Å`ÑA ¨Ç=Á¨<’< ”Ç=¨ÑÉ
Authority’s abandoned goods warehouse.
7/ Where the license for a bonded customs
7/ ¨Å x”ÉÉ Ñ<U\¡ SÒ²” ¾Ñv °n warehouse is cancelled before the expiry of the
¾SqÁ Ñ>²? ŸSÉ[c< uòƒ ¾SÒ²” time limit prescribed for storage of goods, the
ðnÆ Ÿ}c[² k]¨<” Ñ>²? KTÖ“kp goods shall be transferred to another customs
¨Å K?L ¾Ñ<U\¡ SÒ²” ”Ç=³¨` warehouse for the remaining time of storage.
8/ Any expenses for transferring goods from a
8/ u²=I ›”kê ”®<e ›”kê (7) SW[ƒ bonded customs warehouse to another warehouse
Ÿx”ÉÉ ¾Ñ<U\¡ SÒ²” °n−‹” in accordance with sub-article (7) of this Article
¨Å K?L ¾Ñ<U\¡ SÒ²” T²ª¨` shall be covered by the owner of the warehouse
¾T>ÁeŸƒK¨<” T“†¨<U ¨Ü ðnÆ whose license has been cancelled.
¾}c[²uƒ ¾SÒ²” vKu?ƒ ßõLM::
N( ¾°n¨< “S<“ Kõ`É u?ƒ ¨ÃU c) satisfy a court or police order requiring
KþK=e U`S^ ”Ç=k`w the presentation of sample for
c=²´& inspection;
S( uªÒ c’Æ LÃ ¾}cÖ¨< ªÒ K} d) ascertain the price indicated on the invoice is
Ökc¨< °n SJ’<” KT[ÒÑØ& actually related to the specified item;
K( ŸÑ<U\¡ x”ÉÉ SÒ²” ¾}³¨\ b) for goods transferred from bonded customs
°n−‹ Ÿ}³¨\uƒ Ñ>²? ËUa warehouse from the date of transfer until
¾Ñ<U \¡ ö`TK=+ }ðîVv†¨< released upon completion of customs
eŸ= ¨Ö< Kq¿uƒ Ñ>²?& formalities;
c) for goods seized due to contravention of laws
N( vKYM×’< ¾T>ÁeðêT†¨<”
that are enforced by the Authority, from the
QÑA‹ uS}LKõ ¾}Á²< °n−‹ date of sales until the buyer takes delivery of
Ÿ}gÖ<uƒ Ñ>²? ËUa Ѹ¨< them.
eŸT>[Ÿw Kq¿ uƒ Ñ>²?::
2/ ¾Ñ<U\¡ SÒ²” Ÿ=^à TeŸðÁ }S” 2/ The rate of warehouse fees shall prescribed
vKYM×’< uT>Á¨×¨< ¾Q´w Te
by a public notice to be issued by the
¨mÁ èc“M::
3/ u²=I ›”kê ”®<e ›”kê 1(N)
SW[ƒ ¾}gÖ< °n−‹ uÑ<U\¡ 3/ Goods sold pursuant to sub-article 1(c) of this
SÒ²” ¨<eØ Ÿ05 k“ƒ uLà K=q¿ Article may not be kept in the warehouse for
more than 15 days. If they are not removed
›Ã‹K<U:: Ÿ05 k” uLà Ÿq¿
vKYM×’< ÁKU”U M¿ Y’-Y`¯ƒ within 15 days the Authority can sale or
°n−‡ ”Ç=gÖ< ¨ÃU uK?L G<’@ dispose them in any way it thinks fit.
”Ç=¨ÑÆ K=ÁÅ`Ó Ã‹LM::
4/ u²=I ›ªÏ ›”kê %1 ”®<e ›”kê (2) 4/ Goods that could not be released upon
SW[ƒ uªeƒ“ K=Kkl ¾TËK< deposit of guarantee under sub-article (2) of
°n−‹ vKu?~ ”Ç=¨edž¨< uõ`É Article 61 of this Proclamation shall be
u?ƒ ¨ÃU u›e}ÇÅ` ¾SÚ[h ¨<d’@
exempted from warehouse charge from the
Ÿ}cÖ E,-. '*% /0 12 date of seizure until released by a final court
¨<d’@¨< eŸ}cÖuƒ k” É[e
or administrative decision.
uSÒ²” Kq¿uƒ Ñ>²? ¾SÒ²” Ÿ=^Ã
gA 4¹6)@3 ØÁ‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R !7 02 qqN 21 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 27 19th February, 2009 …. page 4623
8/ u²=I ›ªÏ SW[ƒ °n−‹ eKT>g 8/ The Authority may issue directives to
Ö<uƒ“ eKT>¨ÑÆuƒ Y’-Y`¯ƒ prescribe the procedures applicable to the
vKYM×’< SS]Á K=Á¨× ËLM:: sale and disposal of goods pursuant to this
"3. ¾Ówà ªÒ
"3. 33. Transaction Value
1/ ¨Å›Ñ` ¨<eØ KT>Ñv n ¾Ñ<U\¡ 1/ The customs value of imported goods shall
k[Ø TeŸðÁ ªÒ }Å`ÑA ¾T>¨cŨ< be the price actually paid or payable for the
K°n¨< uƒ¡¡M ¾}ŸðK¨< ¨ÃU goods and adjusted, where necessary, as set
¾T>ŸðK¨< ¾Ówà ªÒ c=J” u²=I forth in Article 39 of this Proclamation;
›ªÏ ›”kê "9 ¾}SKŸ~ƒ }ÚT] provided, however, that:
¡õÁ−‹ ¾ŸK<uƒ K=J” ËLM::
a) there are no restrictions as to the disposal
G( uQÓ ¨ÃU QÓ” SW[ƒ vÅ[Ñ
M¿ ¨<d’@ Ÿ}×K< ÑÅx‹' °n−‡ or use of the goods by the buyer, other
”ÅÑ“ K=gÖ< ¾T>‹K<uƒ” SM¡›- than restrictions imposed by law or by
UÉ^© ›"vu= ŸT>¨e’< ÑÅx‹ particular decisions issued based on such
¨ÃU u°n−‡ ªÒ Là ¾ÑAL }î°• law, a limit in the geographical area in
ŸTÁdÉ\ ÑÅx‹ ue}k`' Ñ»¨< which the goods may be resold or limits
¾Ñ³†¨<” °n−‹ KK?L ¾T>Áe}LM
õuƒ” G<’@ ¨ÃU ›ÖnkS<” that may not substantially affect the
›eS M¡„ K?KA‹ }ÚT] ÑÅx‹ value of the goods;
K=Å[Ñ< ›Ã‹K<U&
gA 4¹þ6)@5 ØÁ‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R !7 02 qqN 21 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 27 19th February, 2009 …. page 4625
K( ¾°n¨< iÁß ¨ÃU ªÒ¨< K=} b) the sale or price of the goods is not subject to some
S’< ¾TËK< G<’@−‹ ¨ÃU conditions or restrictions for which a value cannot
be determined;
ÑÅx‹ ¾}×Kuƒ K=J” ›Ã‹
N( uÑ»¨< ŸT>ðçU ¾SMf c) no part of the proceeds of any
iÁß' Te}LKõ ¨ÃU ›Ön subsequent resale, disposal or use of the
kU Ò` u}ÁÁ² ŸT>ј Ñu= Là goods by the buyer may accrue directly
ukØU J’ u}²ªª] KhÛ or indirectly to the seller,
¾T>ŸðM Ñ”²w K=•` ›Ã‹MU&
S( Ñ»¨<“ hÛ Ó”–<’ƒ ÁL†¨<
ŸJ’ ¾Ówà ªÒ¨< ¾¡e“ d) where the buyer and seller are related,
k[Ø S}S— ªÒ J• ¾T>¨ the transaction value shall be considered
cŨ< uvKYM×’< }kvÃ’ƒ as the basis for valuation if it is accepted
c=Áј ’¨<:: by the Authority.
2/ Ñ»“ hß Ó”–<’ƒ ›L†¨< K=vM 2/ A buyer and a seller shall be deemed to be
¾T>‹K¨<' related only if:
G( ›”Æ ¾K?L¨< ¾”ÓÉ É`σ vK a) one of them is an officer or director of
YM×” ¨ÃU ÇÃ_¡}` ŸJ’' the other’s business;
K( uQÒ© S”ÑÉ °¨<p“ ÁÑ– ¾” b) they are legally recognized partners in
ÓÉ g]¢‹ ŸJ’<' business;
N( ¾›W]“ W^}— Ó”–<’ƒ c) they have employer-employee
"L†¨<' relationship;
S( ›”Æ ¾K?L¨<” ¾”ÓÉ É`σ d) one of them owns at least 10 % of the
›¡c=Ä•‹ Ÿ0%&4 ÁL’c uvKu? shares of the other's business;
ƒ’ƒ ŸÁ²'
W( ›”Æ K?L¨<” ukØU J’ e) one of them directly or indirectly
u}²ªª] ¾T>q×Ö` ŸJ’' controls the other;
[( ukØU J’ u}²ªª] ufe}— f) both of them are directly or indirectly
¨Ñ” lØØ` ¾T>Å[Óv†¨< controlled by a third party;
c( ukØU J’ u}²ªª] ufe}—
g) both of them directly or indirectly
¨Ñ” Là lØØ` ¾T>ÁÅ`Ñ<
ŸJ’' ¨ÃU control a third party;
5/ Ó”–<’ƒ vL†¨< c−‹ S"ŸM u}ð 5/ The transaction value of goods in case of a
çS iÁß ¾°n−‡ ªÒ' sale between related persons shall be
acceptable where the importer can prove that
such value closely approximates to:
G( u}Sddà ¨pƒ Ó”–<’ƒ uK?L
†¨< Ñ»“ hß S"ŸM u}Ÿ“¨’ a) the transaction value in sales, between
iÁß ¨Å ›=ƒÄåÁ u}LŸ< ›”É buyers and sellers who are not related, of
¯Ã’ƒ ¨ÃU }SddÃ’ƒ "L identical or similar goods for export to
†¨< °n−‹ ¾Ówà ªÒ Ò`' Ethiopia during the same period;
K( u²=I ›ªÏ ›”kê "7 u}¨c’¨<
SW[ƒ Ÿ›”É ¯Ã’ƒ ¨ÃU b) the customs value of identical or similar
Ÿ}Sddà °n−‹ ¾Ñ<U\¡ goods as determined under Article 37 of
k[Ø TeŸðÁ ªÒ Ò`' ¨ÃU this Proclamation; or
N( u²=I ›ªÏ ›”kê "8 u}¨c’¨<
SW[ƒ Ÿ›”É ¯Ã’ƒ ¨ÃU c) the customs value of identical or similar
Ÿ}Sddà °n−‹ ¾Ñ<U\¡ goods as determined under Article 38 of
k[Ø TeŸðÁ ªÒ Ò`' this Proclamation.
¾T>k^[w SJ’<” ›eSܨ< KT[
ÒÑØ Ÿ‰K ¾°n−‡ ¾Ówà ªÒ
}kvÃ’ƒ Õ[ªM::
6/ In applying the tests under sub-article (5) of
6/ u²=I ›”kê ”®<e ›”kê (5) ¾}Ö
this Article, due account shall be taken of
kc<ƒ” T’íì]Á−‹ }Óv^© KT
É[Ó ¾”ÓÉ Å[Í M¿’ƒ' ¾w³ƒ demonstrated differences in commercial
M¿’ƒ' u²=I ›ªÏ ›”kê "9 SW levels, quantity levels, the appropriate
[ƒ uªÒ¨< LÃ ¾T>Å[Ñ< Te}" amounts determined pursuant to Article 39 of
ŸÁ−‹' hÛ ŸÑ»¨< Ò` vM}³ this Proclamation and costs incurred by the
SÅuƒ G<’@ Á¨×†¨< ¨Ü−‹ seller in sales in which he and the buyer are
“ hÛ ŸÑ»¨< Ò` u}³SÅuƒ not related and where such costs are not
G<’@ ÅÓV ’²=I ¨Ü−‹ uhÛ incurred by the seller in sales in which he and
ÁM}ŸðK< SJ“†¨< ŸÓUƒ ¨<eØ the buyer are related.
SÓvƒ Õ`uM::
7/ u²=I ›”kê ”®<e ›”kê (5) ¾}Ö
kc<ƒ” T’íì]Á−‹ u›eSߨ< ›’ 7/ The tests set forth under sub-article (5) of this
di’ƒ w‰ uØpU LÃ ¾T>¨<K< Article shall only be used at the initiative of
ÃJ“M:: the importer.
3/ ¾Ówà ªÒ¨< u²=I ›ªÏ ›”kê 3/ Where the transaction value includes costs referred
"9*1( ¾}Ökc<ƒ” ¨Ü−‹ ¾T>Á" to in Article 39(1) of this Proclamation, the
ƒƒ ŸJ’ Ÿ`kƒ“ ŸTÕÕ¹ ¯Ã’ƒ adjustment shall take into account the differences in
M¿’ƒ Ò` u}ÁÁ² ¨Å ›Ñ` ¨<eØ transport, loading, unloading, handling and insurance
¾Ñu<ƒ”“ ›”É ¯Ã’ƒ ¾J’<ƒ” costs associated with the transport of the imported
°n−‹ cŸ ›=ƒÄåÁ ¾SËS]Á goods and that of the identical goods to the port of
SÓu=Á u` É[e KTÉ[e ¾}Ÿc~ entry of Ethiopia which may arise from differences
¾TÕÕ¹' ¾SÝ”' ¾T¨<[É' in distance and means of transport.
¾›ÁÁ´“ ¾›=”g<^”e ¨Ü M¿’„‹”
ŸÓ”³u? ÁeÑv SJ” ›Kuƒ::
35. Valuation of Similar Goods
"5. ¾}Sddà °n−‹ ªÒ ›¨dc”
1/ ¨Å›Ñ` ¨<eØ ¾Ñu< °n−‹ ¾Ñ<U\¡
k[Ø TeŸðÁ ªÒ u²=I ›ªÏ 1/ Where the customs value of imported goods cannot
be determined on the basis of Articles 33 and 34 of
›”kê "3 “ "4 SW[ƒ K=¨c” this Proclamation, it shall be determined by taking
"M‰K' u}SXXÃ ¾”ÓÉ Å[Í“ the transaction value of similar goods sold for export
u}k^^u= w³ƒ u}gÖ<“ u}Sddà to Ethiopia at the same commercial level and in
¨ÃU }k^^u= ¨pƒ ¨Å ›=ƒÄåÁ substantially the same quantity at or about the same
u}LŸ< }Sddà °n−‹ ¾Ówà time as the goods being valued.
ªÒ SW[ƒ èc“M::
2/ u²=I ›”kê ”®<e ›”kê (1) SW[ƒ
¾Ñ<U\¡ k[Ø TeŸðÁ ªÒ” 2/ Where it is impossible to determine the customs
S¨c” "M}‰K' ¾”ÓÉ Å[ͨ< value in accordance with sub-article (1) of this
¨ÃU ¾w³~ M¿’ƒ KT>ÁeŸƒK¨< Article, the transaction value of similar goods
¾ªÒ M¿’ƒ Te}"ŸÁ uTÉ[Ó sold at a different commercial level or in
u}K¾ ¾”ÓÉ Å[Í ¨ÃU w³ƒ ¨Å different quantities by making adjustments to
›Ñ` ¨<eØ ¾Ñu< }Sddà °n−‹” take account of differences attributable to the
¾Ówà ªÒ SÖkU ÉLM:: commercial level or to the quantity.
3/ ¾Ówà ªÒ¨< u²=I ›ªÏ ›”kê 3/ Where the transaction value includes costs referred
"9*1( ¾}Ökc<ƒ” ¨Ü−‹ ¾T>Á to in Article 39(1) of this Proclamation, the
"ƒƒ ŸJ’ Ÿ`kƒ“ ŸTÕÕ¹ ¯Ã’ƒ adjustment shall take into account the differences in
M¿’ƒ Ò` u}ÁÁ² ¨Å ›Ñ` ¨<eØ transport, loading, unloading, handling and insurance
¾Ñu<ƒ”“ }Sddà ¾J’<ƒ” °n−‹ costs associated with the transport of the imported
eŸ ›=ƒÄåÁ ¾SËS]Á SÓu=Á goods and that of the identical goods to the port of
u` É[e KTÉ[e ¾}Ÿc~ ¾TÕ entry into the customs territory of Ethiopia which
Õ¹' ¾SÝ”' ¾T¨<[É' ¾›ÁÁ´“ may arise from differences in distance and means of
¾›=”g<^”e ¨Ü M¿’„‹” ŸÓ”³u? transport.
ÁeÑv SJ” ›Kuƒ::
K( ¨Å ›Ñ` ¨<eØ KT>Ñu< ›”É b) the usual charges for the transport,
¯Ã’ƒ ¨ÃU }Sddà °n−‹ insurance and other related costs to be
u›=ƒÄåÁ ¨<eØ ›w³—¨<” Ñ>²? incurred within Ethiopia for identical or
¾T>ŸðK<ƒ” ¾TÕÕ¹' ¾›=”g<^ similar imported goods;
”e“ K?KA‹ }³TÏ ¨Ü−‹&
c) import duties, taxes and other charges
N( ¨Å ›Ñ` ¨<eØ KT>Ñu< ›”É payable with respect to identical or similar
¯Ã’ƒ ¨ÃU }Sddà °n−‹
imported goods.
¾T>ŸðK< ¾Ñ<U\¡ k[Ø' ¡e“
K?KA‹ ¡õÁ−‹::
2/ ¨Å ›Ñ` ¨<eØ ¾Ñu< ›”É ¯Ã’ƒ 2/ In case where there are no identical or similar
¨ÃU }Sddà °n−‹ u}k^[u imported goods which are sold at or about the
Ñ>²? u›Ñ` ¨<eØ "M}gÖ< u²=I same time, the customs value to be determined
›”kê ”®<e ›”kê (1) SW[ƒ under sub-article (1) of this Article shall be
¾T>¨c’¨< ¾Ñ<U\¡ k[Ø TeŸðÁ based on the unit price of identical or similar
ªÒ Ÿ²Ö“ k” vMuKÖ ¾Ñ>²? M¿’ƒ imported goods which are sold in Ethiopia
¨<eØ ¨Å ›Ñ` ¨<eØ Ñw}¨< u}
within a period having a time difference not
gÖ< ›”É ¯Ã’ƒ ¨ÃU }SddÃ
°n−‹ ’ÖL ªÒ LÃ ÃSW[M:: longer than 90 days.
3/ ¨Å ›Ñ` ¨<eØ ¾Ñu<ƒ ›”É ¯Ã’ƒ 3/ In case where the identical or similar imported
¨ÃU }Sddà °n−‹ uÑu<uƒ goods are not sold in their original state, the
G<’@ "M}gÖ<' u²=I ›”kê ”®<e customs value to be determined under sub-
›”kê (1) SW[ƒ ¾T>¨c’¨< article (1) of this Article shall be calculated by
¾Ñ<U\¡ k[Ø TeŸðÁ ªÒ °n−‡ deducting the additional value resulting from
¾}Ÿ“¨’v†¨< k×à ¾U`ƒ H>Ń the subsequent processing of the goods.
ÁeŸ}K¨< }ÚT] c?ƒ }k”f
"7. u¨Ü eK?ƒ Là ¾}SW[} ªÒ
"7. 37. Computed Value Method
1/ ¨Å ›Ñ` ¨<eØ ¾Ñu< °n−‹ ¾Ñ< 1/ Where the customs value of imported goods
U\¡ k[Ø TeŸðÁ ªÒ u²=I ›ªÏ cannot be determined as set forth in Articles 33
Ÿ›”kê "3 eŸ "6 u}Å’ÑѨ< to 36 of this Proclamation, it shall be based on a
SW[ƒ K=¨c” uTÉMuƒ Ñ>²?' computed value, consisting of the sum of:
a) the cost of manufacturing or processing of
G( ¾°n−‡” ¾TU[‰ ¨ÃU ¾T the goods;
²ÒÍ ¨Ü−‹'
K( °n−‡ ¨Å ›=ƒÄåÁ u}LŸ<uƒ
›Ñ` ›”É ¯Ã’ƒ ¨ÃU }Sd b) an amount representing the selling
dà °n−‹ u›U^Œ‹ c=gÖ< expenses and profit equal to that usually
›w³—¨<” Ñ>²? ¾T>ÁeŸƒK<” ¾S reflected in the sale of identical or similar
gÝ ¨Ü“ ¾T>ÁeÑ–<ƒ” ¾ƒ goods by producers in the country of
`õ SÖ”' “ export; and
N( °n−‡” eŸ ›=ƒÄåÁ ¾Ñ<U c) the transport, loading, unloading, handling
\¡ ¡MM ¾SËS]Á SÓu=Á u` and insurance costs associated with the
KTÉ[e ¾T>Áe¨×¨<” ¾TÕ transport of the goods to the port of entry
Õ¹' ¾SÝ—' ¾T^ÑòÁ' ¾S into the customs territory of Ethiopia.
”ŸvŸu=Á“ ¾›=”g<^”e ¨Ü”'
uT>Á"ƒƒ eK?ƒ Là }SY`„
gA 4¹þ6)@9 ØÁ‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R !7 02 qqN 21 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 27 19th February, 2009 …. page 4629
2/ u²=I ›”kê É”ÒÑ@−‹ SW[ƒ ¾Ñ< 2/ In verifying, with the consent of the manufacturer,
U\¡ k[Ø TeŸðÁ ªÒ” KS¨c” data necessary for determining customs value
u›U^‡ ðnÉ ¾T>Ñ–¨<” S[Í pursuant to the provisions of this Article, the
KT[ÒÑØ' ¾›U^‡ ›Ñ` S”ÓYƒ government of the manufacturer's country shall be
Ñ<Ç¿” upÉT>Á ”Ç=Á¨<k¨< uT informed in advance and shall be ascertained that it
É[Ó ¾TÃn¨S¨< SJ’< S[ÒÑØ does not object such verification.
"8. T>³“© ²È” uSÖkU ªÒ S¨c”
"8. 38. Fallback Method
1/ u²=I ›ªÏ Ÿ›”kê "3 eŸ "7 1/ Where the customs value of imported goods cannot
u}Å’ÑѨ< SW[ƒ ¨Å ›Ñ` ¨<eØ be determined under the provisions of Articles 33 to
¾Ñu< °n−‹” ¾Ñ<U\¡ k[Ø TeŸðÁ 37 of this Proclamation, it shall be determined based
ªÒ KS¨c” "M}‰K' u›Ñ` ¨<eØ on the data available in Ethiopia and using equitable
ÁK¨<” ¨p© S[Í uSÖkU“ Ÿ²=I methods consistent with the general principles
›ªÏ É”ÒÑ@−‹ ›ÖnLà S`I Ò` embodied in the provisions of this Proclamation.
¾}××S T>³“© ²È” uSÖkU
2/ The importer shall, when it so requests, be
2/ u›eSߨ< ØÁo u²=I ›”kê ”®<e
informed, in writing, of the customs value
›”kê (1) SW[ƒ ¾}}S’¨< ªÒ“
¾›}TS” ²È¨< uêOõ K=ÑKêKƒ determined under the provisions of sub-article
ËLM:: (1) of this Article and the method used thereto.
1/ u²=I ›ªÏ ›”kê "3 SW[ƒ ¨Å 1/ In determining the customs value of imported
›Ñ` ¨<eØ ¾Ñu< °n−‹ ¾Ñ<U\¡ goods in accordance with Article 33 of this
k[Ø TeŸðÁ ªÒ c=¨c”' K°n−‡ Proclamation, the following costs shall be
u}ŸðK¨< ¨ÃU uT>ŸðK¨< ªÒ Là added to the price actually paid or payable for
¾T>Ÿ}K<ƒ SÅS` ›Kv†¨<& the imported goods:
G( uÑ»¨< ¾T>gð’< ¨Ü−‹ J’¨< a) expenses incurred by the buyer, and not
K°n−‡ u}ŸðK¨< ¨ÃU included in the price actually paid or
uT>ŸðK¨< ªÒ ¨<eØ ÁM}"}~' payable for the goods, in respect of:
(1) ŸÓ» ¢T>i” ue}k` T“ (1) commission and brokerage charges
†¨<U ¯Ã’ƒ ¾¢T>i”“ ¾É except buying commission;
KL ¡õÁ&
(2) Ÿ°n−‡ }’ØK¨< K=¿ ¾T (2) the cost of containers which are
ËK< ¾°n SÁ¹−‹ treated as integral part, for customs
¨Ü& purposes, of the goods;
(3) °n−‡” KTgÓ ¾¨× ¾Ñ<M (3) the cost of packing, whether for
uƒU J’ ¾T‚]ÁM ¨Ü& labor or materials;
(4) °n−‡” eŸ ›=ƒÄåÁ ¾Ñ< (4) the transport, loading, unloading,
U\¡ ¡MM ¾SËS]Á SÓ handling and insurance costs
u=Á É[e KTÉ[e ¾}ŸðK
¾ƒ^”eþ`ƒ'¾SÝ—' ¾T associated with the transport of the
^ÑòÁ' ¾S”ŸvŸu=Á“ ¾›=” goods to the port of entry into the
g<^”e ¨Ü& customs territory of Ethiopia;
3/ ¾Ñ<U\¡ k[Ø TeŸðÁ ªÒ KS¨c” 3/ No additions shall be made to the price actually
u°n¨< ¾}ŸðK ¨ÃU ¾T>ŸðM ªÒ paid or payable in determining the customs
LÃ ¾T>ÅS` ¡õÁ u²=I ›”kê value, except as provided in this Article. Such
u}Å’ÑѨ< SW[ƒ w‰ ÃJ“M:: payments may be made directly or indirectly by
¡õÁ¨<U uK?}` *õ ¡_Ç=ƒ ¨ÃU a letter of credit or any other legally acceptable
uQÓ u}ðkÅ K?L ¾¡õÁ Y`¯ƒ means of payment.
›T"Ã’ƒ ukØU J’ u}²ªª]
K=ðêU ËLM::
#. uÑ<U\
uÑ<U\¡ k[Ø TeŸðÁ ªÒ ¨<eØ ¾TÃ
"}~ ¡õÁ−‹ 40. Charges not to be included in Customs Value
45. Principles
#5. S`I
1/ ¨Å Ñ<U\¡ ¡MM uT>Ñu< T“† 1/ Duties on goods imported into the customs
¨<U °n−‹ LÃ ¾T>ŸðM k[Ø territory of Ethiopia shall be paid at the rates
uÑ<U\¡ ¾]õ Å”w u}¨c’¨< specified by the Customs Tariff Regulations.
U×’@ Sc[ƒ ÃJ“M::
2/ Where classification of goods and drawing up
2/ ß’~ u}KÁ¾ ¾]õ ›SÇÅw LÃ
¾T>SÅu< °n−‹” ¾Á² uSJ’< U¡ of customs declaration becomes difficult due to
”Áƒ °n−‹” ¾SSÅw ¨ÃU Ç=¡L a consignment containing goods falling under
^c=Ä” T²Ò˃ Y^¨< ›É"T> J• different tariff classifications, the Authorities
c=ј“ ¾Ñ<U\¡ ¾]õ U×’@ M¡ may, at the request of the person presenting the
¾}KÁ¾ uT>J”uƒ Ñ>²? uÇ=¡L^c=Ä” declaration, allow that the customs duty for the
›p^u=¨< ØÁo SW[ƒ vKYM×’<
›ÖnLÃ ß’~” Ÿõ}— ]õ uT>S entire consignment be charged on the basis of
Åwuƒ ¾]õ SÅw LÃ uSSÅw the tariff classification of the goods which are
¾]õ U×’@ MŸ< ”Ç=¨c” K=ðpÉ subject to the highest rate of customs duty.
3/ Integrated tariff rate shall be applicable to
3/ ›Óvw’ƒ vK¨< QÓ Sc[ƒ ¾Ñ<U goods brought in or received from abroad by a
\¡ k[Ø ŸTßðMv†¨< ue}k` traveler individual natural persons, intended to
KÓM“ Ku?}Ww ›vLƒ ÖkT@ be used in their households, unless such goods
”Ç=¨<K< uT“†¨<U }¹» ÓK are relieved from customs duty under relevant
cw Ÿ¨<ß ›Ñ` ¾T>SÖ< °n−‹ laws. The details shall be determend by the
u}K¾ G<’@ ¾}ªHÅ ¾]õ U×’@ directive issued by the authority.
SW[ƒ k[Ø ÃŸðMv†ªM:: ´`
´\ vKeM×’< uT>Á¨×¨< SS
]Á èc“M::
4/ Documents prepared by the World Customs
4/ eK°n−‹ ¾]õ ›SÇÅw ¨d˜ Organization in relation to classification of
Te[Í J• ¾T>qÖ[¨< ¾¯KU ¾Ñ< goods shall be taken as conclusive evidence.
U\¡ É`σ eKgkÙ‹ ›SÇÅw
¾T>Á¨×¨< c’É ’¨<::
gA 4¹þ6)#3 ØÁ‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R !7 02 qqN 21 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 27 19th February, 2009 …. page 4633
2/ K²=I ›”kê ”®<e ›”kê (1) ›ðíìU 2/ For the purposes of sub-article (1) of this
c=vM ¾°n¨<” ¾Y]ƒ ›Ñ` KS¨c” Article, the criteria for determining origin, shall
¾T>ÁeðMÑ<ƒ Seð`„‹' be the following:
G( ¾]õ ›SÇÅw K¨<Ø' a) change of tariff classification;
K( ¾}ÚT] c?ƒ S„— SS²—' b) the ad valorem percentage criterion; and
N( ¾TU[‰ ¨ÃU ¾´Óσ Y^ c) the criterion of manufacturing or
H>Ń SS²—' processing operation.
3/ uU`ƒ Ów›„‹ LÃ ¾]õ ›SÇÅw 3/ Working or processing methods because of which
K¨<Ø ¾T>ÁSÖ< Y^−‹“ ¾U`ƒ the products obtained receive tariff classification
H>Å„‹ u²=I ›”kê ”®<e ›”kê (1) other than that covering the various non-originating
¨<eØ ”Å}Ökc¨< ¾}TEL Y^ materials used shall be regarded as complete process
H>Ń J’¨< ÃqÖ^K<:: referred to sub-article (1) of this Article.
4/ T“†¨<U ¾Y^ ¨ÃU ¾U`ƒ ¡”¨<” 4/ Any processing or working the sole object of
¾²=I” ›ªÏ ¾e]ƒ GÑ` ›¨dc” which is to circumvent the rules of origin of
É”ÒÑ@−‹ }ðíT> ”ÇÃJ’< ¯LT this Proclamation shall not be deemed
uTÉ[Ó ¾}Ÿ“¨’ SJ’< Ÿ}[ÒÑÖ authentic.
¾U`ƒ ¡”¨<’< ŸY]ƒ ›Ñ` Å”w
›”í` ƒ¡¡K— J• ›ÃqÖ`U::
5/ ¾°n−‹ e]ƒ ›Ñ` ›¨dc”” u}SK 5/ The Authority may issue detail directives on the
Ÿ} vKYM×’< ´`´` ¾›ðíìU SS applications of rules of origin.
]Á K=Á¨× ËLM::
uÑu= °n−‹ LÃ ¾T>ŸðK¨< k[Ø“ ¡e The applicable dates for determining customs duties
¾T>¨c”uƒ Ñ>²? ”ÅT>Ÿ}K¨< ÃJ“M& and taxes shall be as follows:
G( ¨Å ›Ñ` KT>Ñu< °n−‹ ¾Ñ<U\¡ a) for goods imported, the date when the customs
Ç=¡L^c=Ä” }kvÃ’ƒ uT>Áјuƒ declaration is accepted;
b) for goods carried by passengers, the date of
K( }Õ¼‹ òª†¨< KT>SÖ< °n−‹ customs clearance;
¾Ñ<U\¡ Y’-Y`¯ƒ uT>ðìUuƒ
N( u›Å^ °n ¡U‹ƒ KT>kSÖ< °n c) for goods placed in consignment stock, the date
−‹ Ѹ¨< uT>[Ÿwuƒ k”& of delivery to the buyer;
gA 4¹þ6)#6 ØÁ‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R !7 02 qqN 21 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 27 19th February, 2009 …. page 4636
S( Ÿ›Å^ °n ¾TŸT‰ eõ^ ¨ÅÑ<U\¡ d) for goods transferred from consignment stock
SÒ²” KT>gÒÑ\ °n−‹ Ÿ›Å^ to customs warehouse, the date when the goods
°n TŸT‰¨< u¨Ö<uƒ k”& are taken out from the consignment stock;
W( uÑ>²?Á©’ƒ ¨Å ›Ñ` ¨<eØ KÑv e) for goods temporarily imported, the date when
°n' °n¨< u›Ñ` ¨<eØ ”Ç=k` the customs declaration presented for the
KG<K}— Ñ>²? ¾k[u¨< Ç=¡L^c=Ä” second time is accepted if they are declared for
}kvÃ’ƒ vÑ–uƒ k”& home consumption;
[( ¨Å ›Ñ` ¨<eØ KTeÑvƒ ¯LT f) for goods transited within customs territory for
uÑ<U\¡ ¡MM ¨<eØ ƒ^”²=ƒ the purpose of import, the date when
K}Å[Ñ< °n−‹ ¾°n−‡ declaration for such goods is lodged, or where
Ç=¡L^c=Ä” uk[uuƒ k”&
there is no declaration, the date when decision
Ç=¡L^c=Ä” ÁMk[u ŸJ’ ÅÓV ¾Ñu=
°n k[Ø ¡õÁ−‹ ¨<X’@ u}cÖuƒ on payment of import duties is made.
k”:: 53. Service Charges
$3. ¾›ÑMÓKAƒ ¡õÁ
$3. The service charges to be collected by the Authority
vKYM×’< ŸÑu=“ ¨Ü °n−‹ ¾Ñ<U\¡ in connection with the application of customs
e’-e`¯ƒ ›ðíìU Ò` u}ÁÁ² KT>cÖ¨< formalities to import and export goods shall be
›ÑMÓKAƒ ¾T>ÁeŸõK¨< ¾›ÑMÓKAƒ ¡õÁ determined by regulations.
uÅ”w èc“M::
U°^õ cvƒ
°n−‹” uÑ>²?Á©’ƒ eKTeÑvƒ' AND
}SMc¨< eKT>¨Ö< ¾Ñu= °n−‹
5/ ŸÓ”v Y^−‹ ¨ÃU ŸU¡` ›ÑMÓKAƒ 5/ The Authority may permit the transfer of
Ò` u}ÁÁ² uÑ>²?Á©’ƒ ¾Ñu< °n−‹ ›Ñ` temporarily imported goods for construction
¨<eØ ”Ç=q¿ u}ðkÅL†¨< ¾Ñ>²? ÑÅw works or consultancy services, within the
¨<eØ K}Sddà ›ÑMÓKAƒ ¾T>¨<K<
°n−‹” KTeÑvƒ Swƒ LL†¨< c−‹
authorized period, to other duty free right
”Ç=}LKñ vKeM×’< K=ðpÉ Ã‹LM:: holders with respect to similar goods.
6/ uÑ>²?Á©’ƒ Ñw}¨< }SMc¨< uT>¨Ö< 6/ Customs duties and taxes shall be paid on the
ÁÑKÑK< °n−‹ `Ï“ ªÒ LÃ °n−‹ depreciated values of temporarily imported
c=¨Ö< vK¨< ]õ Sc[ƒ ¾Ñ<U\¡ goods up on their re-exportation based on the
k[Ø“ ¡e ßðMv†ªM:: tariff currently applicable.
7/ uÑ>²?Á©’ƒ ÁeÑv¨<” °n u²=I ›”kê 7/ Any person who transfers temporarily imported
”®<e ›”kê (5) SW[ƒ KK?L goods to another person in accordance with sub-
¾T>Áe}LMõ c¨< °n¨< ¨Å ›Ñ` article (5) of this Article shall have the obligation to
¨<eØ ŸÑvuƒ Ñ>²? ËUa eŸ}LKðuƒ pay duties and taxes on the depreciated value of the
Ñ>²? É[e uT>cu¨< ¾`Ï“ p“i LÃ goods calculated for the period from the date of
k[Ø“ ¡e ¾SŸðM ÓÈ ›Kuƒ:: importation until the date of transfer.
8/ Ÿ–aË¡ƒ e^−‹ Ò` u}ÁÁ² uÑ>²?Á©’ƒ 8/ The project owner where temporarily imported
Ÿk[Ø“ ¡e ¡õÁ ’í J’¨< ¾Ñu< °n−‹ goods, without payment of duties and taxes, are
›ÑMÓKAƒ Là ¾ªK<uƒ –aË¡ƒ c=Ö“kp deployed shall inform the Authority, in writing,
¾SÚ[h ¡õÁ ŸSðçS< uòƒ ¨ÃU ¾– the completion of the project, prior to
aË¡~ Ñ>²? c=^²U ¾–aË¡~ vKu?ƒ settlement of final payments, or any period of
KvKYM×’< uêOõ Te¨p ›Kuƒ::
extension of the project.
9/ uÑ>²?Á©’ƒ ¨Å GÑ` ¨<eØ ¾Ñu<
9/ The conditions under which temporarily
n−‹ u›Ñ` ¨<eØ ¾T>k\uƒ
G<’@“ ¾k[Ø“ ¡e ¡õÁ¨< ›ðíìU imported goods may remain within the country
¾”²w“ ›=¢•T> MTƒ T>’>e}` and the manner of payment of duties and taxes
uT>Á¨×¨< SS]Á èc“M:: shall be determined by the directives to be
issued by the Ministry of Finance and economic
$5. ¾Ñ>²? ÑÅw
$5. 55. Time Limit
1/ Ÿ~]´U“ ŸvIM M¨<¨<Ø ¨ÃU 1/ Imported goods for tourism, cultural exchange
Ÿ‚¡•KAÍ= iÓÓ` Ò` ¾}ÁÁ²< n−‹ or technology transfer shall be re-exported
¨Å ›Ñ` ŸÑu<uƒ Ñ>²? ËUa ueÉeƒ within six months.
¨^ƒ Ñ>²? ¨<eØ }SMc¨< S¨<׃
2/ Imported goods for trade promotion shall be re-
2/ ”ÓÉ KTe}ª¨p ¾Ñu< °n−‹ exported within two months.
¾Te}ª¨l }Óv` u}Ö“kk uG<Kƒ
¨` ¾Ñ>²? ÑÅw ¨<eØ S¨<׃
3/ Imported goods for construction works and
3/ ŸÓ”v Y^“ ŸU¡` ›ÑMÓKAƒ consultancy services or as per a project
¨ÃU uýaË¡ƒ eUU’ƒ SW[ƒ agreement shall be re-exported within the time
¨Å ›Ñ` ¾Ñu< n−‹ u–aË¡ƒ limit prescribed in the agreement.
eUU’ƒ u}ÑKì¨< ¾Ñ>²? ÑÅw ¨<eØ
}SMc¨< S¨<׃ ›Kv†¨<::
4/ uÑ>²?Á©’ƒ ¨Å ›Ñ` ¨<eØ ¾Ñv n 4/ The Authority may extend the time limit where
u²=I ›ªÏ u}Å’ÑѨ< ¾Ñ>²? ÑÅw the importer proves on acceptable ground that
}SMf Ÿ›Ñ` K=¨× ¾TËM the goods imported temporarily can not be re-
SJ’<” ›eSܨ< ŸÖ¾k“ um exported within the time specified time.
U¡”Áƒ S•\ Ÿ}[ÒÑÖ vKeM×’<
¾Ñ>²? ÑÅu<” K=Á^´UMƒ ËLM::
gA 4¹þ6)#8 ØÁ‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R !7 02 qqN 21 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 27 19th February, 2009 …. page 4638
5/ u²=I ›”kê ”®<e ›”kê (4) SW[ƒ 5/ The security provided for temporarily imported
n¨< ›Ñ` ¨<eØ ¾T>qÃuƒ Ñ>²? goods shall be transferred to the government
"M}^²S ue}k` uQÓ ¾}¨c’¨< treasury if the goods are not re-exported within
¾SqÁ Ñ>²? ”Å}Ö“kk uG<Kƒ ¨` two months after the completion of the
Ñ>²? ¨<eØ n¨< }SMf "M¨× specified period, unless the period is extended
uªeƒ“ ÁeÁ²¨< Ñ”²w uS<K< in accordance with sub-article (4) of this
KS”ÓYƒ Ñu= ÃÅ[ÒM:: Article.
$6. uÑ>²?Á©’ƒ ¨Ø}¨< ¾T>SKc< °n−‹
$6. 56. Temporary Export
1/ uT>Ÿ}K<ƒ U¡”Á„‹ uÑ>²?Á©’ƒ 1/ Goods exported temporarily by completing
KS¨<׃ ¾Ñ<U\¡” Y’-Y`¯ƒ customs formalities for the following reasons
¾ðçS< °n−‹ k[Ø dßðMv†¨< may be allowed to re-enter the country without
}SMc¨< SÓvƒ ËLK<&
payment of duties and taxes:
G( u›Ñ` ¨<eØ KSÖÑ” ¨ÃU KS
Åe ¾TËK< uSJ“†¨< U¡” a) imported goods sent abroad for repair
Áƒ ¾}ŸðKv†¨< k[Ø }SLi and maintenance without repayment of
dÃÅ[Ó }ÖÓ’¨< ¨ÃU Éc¨< duties and taxes;
KSSKe ¨Å ¨<ß ¾T>LŸ<
K( uÑ>²?Á©’ƒ ›Ñ` ¨<eØ ¾Ñu<“ u› b) temporarily imported goods sent abroad
Ñ` ¨<eØ KSÖÑ” ¨ÃU KS for repair and maintenance without
Åe vKS‰L†¨< U¡”Áƒ uÑu<uƒ cancellation of the guarantee given at the
Ñ>²? ¾}cÖ¨< ªeƒ“ dè`É
u¨<ß ›Ñ` Éc¨< ¨ÃU }Ö time of their importation;
Ó’¨< ”Ç=SKc< ¾T>LŸ< °n−‹&
N( ¨Å¨<ß ›Ñ` KY^ ¾T>H@É c¨< c) personal effects, automobiles for
¾T>H@Éuƒ” Y^ KTŸ“¨” ¾T> personal use, machinery and equipment
ÖkUv†¨ <¾ÓM SÑMÑÁ °n taken out by a person for the purpose of
−‹' ¾ÓM }iŸ`"]' SX]Á− carrying out his work abroad;
‹“ Ti’]−‹&
S( K”ÓÉ“' KvIM' ¨ÃU KT“
†¨<U ¯Ã’ƒ ƒ`¯>„‹ ¨ÃU d) goods exported for trade fair, exhibition
›=Ó²=u=i•‹ ¨Å¨<ß ›Ñ` or cultural show.
¾T>LŸ< °n−‹::
2/ u²=I ›”kê ”®<e ›”kê 1(G) ¨ÃU 2/ Good returning pursuant to sub-article 1(a) or
(K) SW[ƒ }SMc¨< uT>SÖ< °n (b) of this Article shall be subject to duties and
−‹ Là KØÑ“ ¨ÃU KÅd u¨ taxes on the cost of maintenance and repair
ר< ¨Ü SÖ” k[Ø“ ¡e ßð
incurred abroad.
3/ uÑ”²w“ ›=¢•T> MTƒ T>’>e}`
u}ðkÅ eUU’ƒ uK?L ›"D%E” "M} 3/ Goods may be eligible for exemption from
¨c’ ue}k`' °n−‹ uÑ>²?Á©’ƒ duties only if returned from abroad within one
¨Å¨<ß ›Ñ` H@Ũ< k[Ø“ ¡e year, unless a longer period is specified in an
dßðMv†¨< SÓvƒ ¾T>‹K<ƒ u› agreement approved by the Ministry of Finance
”É ¯Sƒ Ñ>²? ¨<eØ }SMc¨< and economic development.
¾SÖ< ”ÅJ’ w‰ ’¨<::
$7. }SMc¨< eKT>¨Ö<“ }SMc¨< eKT>Ñu<
$7. 57. Re-Exportation and Re-Importation of Goods
1/ Goods imported and declared for home
1/ K›Ñ` ¨<eØ õÐ }wKA ¾}S²Ñu consumption that are not prohibited or the
°n ÁM}ŸKŸK ¨ÃU ›Ñvu< QÓ” entrance of which is not contrary to the law
¾TÃí[` ŸJ’ ¾Ñ<U\¡ Y’-Y`¯ƒ may be re-exported at the request of the
ŸSðìS< uòƒ ¨Å ¨<ß }SMf importer before completing customs formalities
”Ç=¨× ØÁo ¾k[u ”ÅJ’ ¾k[Ø“ upon payment of 5% of the duties and taxes to
¡c<” 5 %&4 } õKAuƒ ”Ç=¨× be paid on the goods.
K=ðkÉ Ã‹LM::
gA 4¹þ6)#9 ØÁ‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R !7 02 qqN 21 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 27 19th February, 2009 …. page 4639
3/ uvKÑ<Ç¿ ØÁo SW[ƒ u²=I ›”kê 3/ The period specified in sub-article (2) of this
”®<e ›”kê (2) Là ¾}kSÖ¨< ¾Ñ>²? Article may be extended at the request of the
ÑÅw u›dT˜ U¡”Áƒ K=^²U interested party on justifiable grounds.
4/ u²=I ›”kê ”®<e ›”kê (2) ¾}ÑKì¨< 4/ Without prejudice to the provision of sub-
”Å}Öuk J• °n−‹ }SMc¨< ¨Å article (2) of this Article, were re-imported
›Ñ` ¾T>Ñu<ƒ ¨Å ¨<ß ŸSL"†¨< goods prior to their exportation from the
uòƒ ¾SÚ[h ØpT†¨<” du= uT customs territory had been released for free
É[Ó k[Ø }k”fL†¨< ¨ÃU S<K< circulation at a reduced import duty or totally
KS<K< }’e„L†¨< ŸÑ<U\¡ ¡MM K’í relieved from import duty on account of their
´¨<¨<` ¾}Kkl“ K}Sddà }Óv` end use shall be granted only where they are re-
¾T>¨<K< ŸJ’ w‰ ’¨<:: imported for the sane purpose
5/ }SMc¨< ¾T>Ñu< °n−‹ K}SXXÃ 5/ Where the goods are not re-imported for the
¯LT ¾Tè<K< ŸJ’ ¾T>ŸðK¨< ¾Ñ<U same purpose, the amount of customs duty shall
\¡ k[Ø °n¨< KSËS]Á Ñ>²? K’í be reduced by the amount of the duty paid on
´¨<¨<` u}Kkkuƒ Ñ>²? u}ŸðK¨<
SÖ” Ãk”dM:: their first release for free circulation.
6/ Where the amount of the previously paid
6/ kÅU c=M ¾}ŸðK¨< ¾Ñ<U\¡ k[Ø
°n¨< }SMf c=Ñv ŸT>ŸðK¨< ¾Ñ<U customs duty in higher than the amount of duty
\¡ k[Ø ¾T>uMØ u=J” Ñ”²u< }S payable on re-importation, refund shall not be
Li ›ÃJ”U:: granted.
7/ u²=I ›”kê ”®<e ›”kê (2) LÃ 7/ The provisions of sub-article (2) of this Article
¾}Å’ÑѨ< u=•`U °n¨< ¨Å ¨<ß shall not apply in the case of goods exported
u}LŸuƒ G<’@ ¾T>ј "MJ’ ue}k` from the customs territory under the outward
u”®<e ›”kè Là ¾}Å’ÑѨ< ¾Ñ<U\¡ processing procedure unless those goods
Y’-Y`¯ƒ }ðíT> ›ÃJ”U:: remain in the same state in which they were
8/ The provisions of sub-article (2) to (7) of this
8/ u²=I ›”kê Ÿ”®<e ›”kê (2) eŸ (7)
¾}Å’ÑÑ<ƒ T""h }Å`ÑAv†¨< uT>S Article shall apply mutatis mutandis to the
Kc<' kÅU c=M ¾Ñ<U\¡ Y’-Y`¯ƒ return of compensating products previously
}ðîVv†¨< u}LŸ< ¨ÃU u¨Ö< “ exported or re-exported sub-segment to an in-
u›Ñ` ¨<eØ ¾U`ƒ e`¯ƒ Ÿ}ðìS ward processing procedure.
v†¨< u%EL uT>¨Ö< °n−‹ LÃ
}ðíT> ÃJ“K<::
1/ K›Ñ` ¨<eØ õÐ c=vM ¨Å GÑ` 1/ Goods imported for home consumption,
¨<eØ ¾Ñv °n ŸÑ<U\¡ lØØ` dà because of their incompatibility to their
¨× ueI}ƒ' uwMiƒ' KKSKƒ intended purpose, defect, error of consignment
¯LT SªM "KS‰M' ¨ÃU ¾}TEL or their incompleteness, may be allowed to be
"KSJ” ¾}’d uª^”+ c`}òŸ?ƒ LÃ re-exported and replaced without additional
u}SKŸ}¨< Ñ>²? ¨<eØ }SMf payment of duties and taxes upon the request of
”Ç=¨× u›eSܨ< ØÁo Ÿk[u the importer within the time specified under the
°n¨< Ÿ›Ñ` ”Ç=¨× }Å`ÑA
warranty certificate before their release for free
uUƒ¡’ƒ ¾T>Sר< }SXXà °n
}ÚT] k[Ø“ ¡e dßðMuƒ circulation.
”Ç=Ñv K=ðkÉKƒ ËLM::
2/ ¾²=I ›”kê ”®<e ›”kê (1) É”ÒÑ@ 2/ The detailed application of the provisions of
´`´` ›ðíìU vKYM×’< sub-article (1) of this Article shall be prescribed
uT>Á¨×¨< SS]Á èc“M:: by directives to be issued by the Authority.
1/ uQÓ uK?L G<’@ "M}Å’ÑÑ ue}k` 1/ Unless otherwise provided by law, any goods
T”—¨<U °n k[Ø“ ¡e may not be released before the payment of
dßðMuƒ K’í ´¨<¨<` ›ÃKkpU:: customs duties and taxes.
2/ ¾Ñ<U\¡ e’ Y`¯ƒ }ðêVuƒ K’í 2/ Any imported goods that have completed the
´¨<¨<` ¾}Kkk T“†¨<U n ›Ñ` necessary customs formalities and released for
¨<eØ ”Å}S[} n ÃqÖ^M::
free circulation shall be considered as domestic
3/ K’í ´¨<¨<` ¾}Kkk °n ”Å ›Ñ` 3/ Goods released for free circulation shall lose
¨<eØ °n ¾T>Ãuƒ” G<’@ the status of domestic goods where:
uT>Ÿ}K<ƒ U¡”Áƒ K=Á× Ã‹LM&
G( °n−‡ Ÿ}Kkl u%EL K’í ´¨<¨<` a) the customs declaration for their release for
¾}Kkkuƒ ¾Ñ<U\¡ Ç=¡L^c=Ä” free circulation is invalidated;
QÒ©’~” "×'
K( ¨Å ¨<Ü ¾T>L¡ U`ƒ KTU[ƒ b) they are imported for inward processing
uØ_ °n’ƒ ¾Ñv“ uk[Ø }SLi and treated under the drawback procedure;
e`¯ƒ ¾T>e}“ÑÉ c=J”&
c) they have to be re-exported in accordance
N( ¾}uLg ¨ÃU Ø^~” ÁMÖuk with the terms of the contract due to the
uSJ’< U¡”Áƒ u}Ñv¨< ¨<M fact that they are defective or fail to meet
Sc[ƒ }SMf Ÿ›Ñ` ”Ç=¨×
the required standards; or
¾T>Å[Ó c=J”& ¨ÃU
S( °n¨< }SMf c=¨× ¨ÃU d) they are re-exported or used only for the
uvKYM×’< K}ðkÅ ›ÑMÓKAƒ permitted purpose and subject to drawback
w‰ c=¨<M“ k[Ø“ ¡e }SLi system.
¾T>Å[Óuƒ c=J”:
gA 4¹þ6)$1 ØÁ‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R !7 02 qqN 21 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 27 19th February, 2009 …. page 4641
60. General
%. ÖpLL
1/ The Authority may requires security to be
1/ vKYM×’< ¾Ñ<U\¡ k[Ø“ ¡e ¡õÁ provided in order to ensure payment of customs
SŸðK<” KT[ÒÑØ ªeƒ“ K=ÖÃp
duties and taxes.
2/ The security specified under sub-article (1) of
2/ u²=I ›”kê ”®<e ›”kê (1) SW[ƒ
uvKYM×’< ¾T>Ö¾p ªeƒ“ ¾Ø_ this Article may be cash deposit, bank
Ñ”²w }kTß ¨ÃU ¾v”¡ ¾ªeƒ“ guarantee, insurance bond or a written
c’É ¨ÃU ¾›=”g<^”e x”É ¨ÃU commitment.
uîOõ ¾}Å[Ñ ¾ÓÈ eUU’ƒ K=J”
3/ The Authority shall require only one security to
3/ vKYM×’< K›”É ¾Ñ<U\¡ k[Ø“ be provided in respect of one payment of
¡e ”Ç=G<U K?KA‹ ¡õÁ−‹ T[Ò
customs duties and taxes and other charges;
ÑÝ ›”É ªeƒ“ w‰ ÃÖÃnM&
J•U KÑ<U\¡ ¾T>ŸðM k[Ø“ ¡e provided, however, that at the request of the
¡õÁ“ K?KA‹ ¡õÁ−‹ }ÖÁm uT>J debtor, the Authority may permit
’¨< c¨< ØÁo SW[ƒ uG<Kƒ ¨ÃU comprehensive security to be provided to cover
Ÿ²=Á uLà *ý_i•‹ U¡”Áƒ ¾T>Ÿ payments arising from two or more customs
cƒ ¡õÁ” ¾T>gõ” ªeƒ“ ”Ç=cØ operations.
uvKYM×’< K=ðpÉ Ã‹LM::
4/ vKYM×’< ªeƒ“¨< Ǩ< ŸT>SK 4/ The Authority may authorize the security to be
Ÿ}¨< c¨< ¨<ß uJ’ uK?L c¨< provided by a person other than the debtor.
”Ç=cØ K=ðpÉ Ã‹LM::
5/ Government institutions that are financed by
5/ uS”ÓYƒ u˃ ¾T>}ÇÅ\ SY]Á government allocated budget may provide letter
u?„‹ KÑ<U\¡ k[Ø“ ¡e ¡õÁ of guaranty with out being required to provide
›ðíìU uT>Ák`u<ƒ ¾ÅwÇu? ªeƒ“ security to cover customs duties and taxes in
K=e}“ÑÆ ¾T>‹K< c=J” ¾Ø_ Ñ”²w' the form of cash deposit, bank guarantee or
¾v”¡ ¨ÃU ¾›=”g<^”e ªeƒ“ insurance bond.
”Ç=cÖ< ›ÃÑÅÆU::
6/ Where the Authority establish that the security
6/ vKeM×’< ¾k[u¨< ªeƒ“ ¾°Ç ¡õÁ provided does not fully cover the liability, it
¨<” ¾TÃgõ” J• "Ñ–¨<' vK°Ç¨< shall require the debtor to provide additional
}ÚT] ªeƒ“ ”Ç=Ák`w ¨ÃU
security or to replace the original security with
¾SËS]Á¨<” ªeƒ“ uK?L ”Ç=k¾`
TÉ[Ó Ã‹LM:: a new one.
7/ ¾Ñ<U\¡ k[Ø“ ¡e °Ç¨< uŸòM 7/ Where the customs duty and tax liability has
Ÿ}Ö“kk vKÑ<Ç¿ uT>ÖÃk¨< been extinguished in part, the security shall be
SW[ƒ ªeƒ“¨< Ãk’dM:: reduced accordingly at the request of the
61. Conditions of Security
%1. ªeƒ“ ¾T>ÖÃpv†¨< G<’@−‹
1/ The Authority may release goods upon
1/ ¾T>Ÿ}K<ƒ G<’@−‹ c=ÁÒØS< vKY receiving security for the following reasons:
M×’< ªeƒ“ uSkuM °n−‹” K=Kp
G( ¾Ñ<U\¡” Y’-Y`¯ƒ KTeð a) when additional time is required to produce
ìU ¾T>ÁeðMÑ< c’Ê‹ uum U¡ complete documents necessary for the
”Áƒ ÁM}TEK< c=J”“ ’²=I” completion of customs formalities;
c’Ê‹ KTTELƒ }ÚT] Ñ>²?
gA 4¹þ6)$2 ØÁ‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R !7 02 qqN 21 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 27 19th February, 2009 …. page 4642
5/ u²=I ›”kê Sc[ƒ uvKYM×’< 5/ The Authority's inspection under this Article
¾T>Å[Ѩ< U`S^ K="H@É ¾T>‹K¨< may be carried out only within ten years from
¾Ñ<U\¡ È¡L^c=Ä” }kvÃ’ƒ "Ñ–uƒ the date a customs declaration has been
k” ËUa eŸ ›e` ¯Sƒ vK¨< Ñ>²? accepted.
¨<eØ w‰ ’¨<::
%6. k[Ø“
%6. k[Ø“ ¡e }SLi eKTÉ[Ó 66. Reimbursement of Duties and Taxes
1/ u°n−‹ ›cÁ¾U' u]õ ›SÇÅw' 1/ Reimbursement claims shall be granted if
uªÒ ›}TS” ¨ÃU uK?L ¾H>dw duties taxes are overcharged as a result of
›W^` eI}ƒ U¡”Áƒ uwMÝ incorrect commodity classification, tariff
¾}ŸðK ¾k[Ø“ ¡e }SLi ØÁo setting, valuation or other calculation mistakes.
c=k`w uwMÝ ¾}ŸðK¨< k[Ø“
¡e KŸó¿ }SLi ÃÅ[ÒM:: 2/ Claims for reimbursement of duties and taxes
submitted pursuant to sub-article (1) of this
2/ u²=I ›”kê ”®<e ›”kê (1) SW[ƒ Article shall be considered only if it is
uwMÝ ¾}ŸðK ¾k[Ø“ ¡e submitted within six month after the goods are
}SLi ØÁo K=Ã ¾T>‹K¨< °n¨< imported or exported upon completion of
¾Ñ<U\¡ Y’ Y`¯ƒ ›Ö“q ¨Å ›Ñ` customs formalities.
ŸÑvuƒ ¨ÃU ¨Å ¨<ß ›Ñ`
Ÿ}LŸuƒ k” ËUa ueÉeƒ ¨^ƒ
¨<eØ Ÿk[u w‰ ’¨<::
U°^õ ›e`
eK k[Ø ’í Swƒ Y`¯ƒ
67. Granting Duty Free Privilege
%7. ¾k[Ø ’í Swƒ ›c×Ø
%7. Duty free privilege with respect to import and
export goods may be granted by the law,
¾Ñu=“ ¨Ü °n−‹” uT>SKŸƒ ¾k[Ø international agreement to which Ethiopia is a party
’í Swƒ uQÓ' ›=ƒÄåÁ uð[S‰†¨<
›KU ›kõ eUU’„‹ ¨ÃU ¾Ñ”²w“ or by the directives to be issued by the Ministry of
›=¢•T> MTƒ T>’>e}` uT>Á¨×¨< Finance and economic development.
gA 4¹þ6)$5 ØÁ‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R !7 02 qqN 21 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 27 19th February, 2009 …. page 4645
3/ vKYM×’< u^c< }’di’ƒ uum S[Í 3/ The Authority may upon its own initiative
Là uSSe[ƒ T”—¨<U ›Ã’ƒ suspend customs clearance and release of
¾›°Ub© ”w[ƒ vKu?ƒ’ƒ Swƒ imported or exported goods if it has sufficient
}ØdDM wKA c=ÁU” ¾Ñ<U\¡ Y’- evidence to believe that an intellectual property
Y`¯ƒ ›ðííU ”Ç=qU“ ¨Å GÑ` right has been infringed.
¾T>Ñu< ¨ÃU ¨Å ¨<Ü ¾T>LŸ<
°n−‹ ”ÇÃKkl K=ÁÓÉ Ã‹LM::
3/ vKeM×’< u²=I ›”kê ”®<e ›”kê (2) 3/ Where the Authority, upon the request of a
¾}Ökc¨<” ¾Ñ>²? ÑÅw u²=I ›”kê person referred to in sub-article (1) of this
”®<e ›”kê (1) Ÿ}Ökc<ƒ c−‹ Article, finds it necessary, it may extend the
u›”dž¨< uêOõ ØÁo c=k`wKƒ“ time limit referred to in sub-article (2) of this
›eðLÑ> J• c=ј }ÚT] 5 ¾Y^ Article for additional five working days.
k“ƒ K=Á^´U ËLM::
&1. n−‹” ¾SK¾ƒ Swƒ
&1. 71. Right of Identifying Intellectual Property
¾Sw~ vKu?ƒ' ¾n¨< ›eSÜ' LŸ= The right holder, importer, exporter or the owner of the
¨ÃU vKu?ƒ ¾}Á²<ƒ °n−‹ uÑ<U\¡ goods, shall have the right to identify withheld goods in
×u=Á ¨<eØ ÁK<“ uÑ<U\¡ lØØ` e` any appropriate manner, including the right to inspect the
J• uT”—¨<U }Ñu= S”ÑÉ ¾SK¾ƒ“ goods, provided that such inspection is done in the
¾SS`S` Swƒ Õ[ªM:: customs premises and under customs supervision.
u²=I ›ªÏ Ÿ›°Ua›© ”w[ƒ Sw„‹ Ò` Measures related to the protection of intellectual
u}ÁÁ² ¾}Å’ÑÑ<ƒ ›”kë‹ ¾”ÓÉ vMJ’<“ property rights provided in this Proclamation
S”ÑÅ™‹ òª†¨< uT>Ñu< ¾ÓM SÑMÑÁ shall not apply to non-commercial and personal
°n−‹ Là }ðíT> ›ÃJ”U:: effects brought by passengers.
gA 4¹þ6)$7 ØÁ‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R !7 02 qqN 21 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 27 19th February, 2009 …. page 4647
&3. ÖpLL
&3. 73. General
u²=I ›ªÏ ŸÑ<U\¡ Y^ Ò` u}ÁÁ² Without prejudice to the obligations related to
¾}×K<ƒ ÓÈ−‹ ”Å}Öul J’¨< customs operations provided for under this
u²=I U°^õ ¾}SKŸ~ƒ ÓÈ−‹
›Óvw’ƒ vL†¨< c−‹ Là }ðíT> Proclamation, the provisions of this Chapter shall
ÃJ“M:: apply to relevant persons.
7/ k[Ø dßðMv†¨< ¨Å ¨<Ü ›Ñ` 7/ The master of a means of transport shall present
uT>H>É TÕÕ¹ LÃ ¾}Ý’<“ a declaration, upon return to the initial loading
KTÕÕ¹¨< ›eðLÑ> ¾J’< ’ÇÏ' pvƒ' customs port, about the consumed, sold or
SKª¨Ý−‹“ °n−‹ ¨ÃU uÑ<µ disposed and remaining fuel, lubricants, spare
Là KS”ÑÅ™‹“ KW^}™‹ ¾T>¨<K< parts and other goods necessary for the
UÓw“ SÖÙ‹ ¨ÃU ¾eÙ“ operation of the means of transport or food
¾iÁß n−‹ uÑ<µ ¨pƒ ØpU LÃ staff, drinks and articles for gift or sale to
ŸªK< ¨ÃU Ÿ}gÖ< TÕÕ¹¨< °n−‡
passengers and employees onboard of the
¨Å}Ý’<uƒ ¾Ñ<U\¡ ×u=Á c=SKe
¾TÕÕ¹¨< HLò ØpU Là ¾ªK¨<”' means of transport and which were loaded
ueÙ ¾}LKð¨<”' ¾}gÖ¨<”“ without payment of duties and taxes.
¾}[ð¨<” ¾T>ÁXà SÓKÝ Tp[w
&6. ¾Ñ<U
&6. ¾Ñ<U\
\¡ SÒ²” ”Ç=ÁslU ¾}ðkÅKƒ 76. Obligations of warehouse Licensee
c¨< ÓÈ Any person licensed to establish a customs
¾Ñ<U\¡ SÒ²” ”Ç=ÁslU ¾}ðkÅKƒ warehouse shall:
c¨< ¾T>Ÿ}K<ƒ” ÓÈ−‹SðçU
G) KÑ<U\¡ Y^ ›eðLÑ> ¾J’< u=a
a) provide offices equipments and
−‹ ”“ ŸY^¨< Ò` }ÁÁ»’ƒ
ÁL†¨<” Sd]Á−‹“ ²S“© technological devices necessary for
‚¡•KAÍ=−‹” ¾TTELƒ& customs operations;
&7. ¾Ñ<U\
&7. ¾Ñ<U\¡ e’ Y`¯ƒ ›eðíT> ÓÈ 77. Obligations of Customs Clearing Agents
1/ T”—¨<U c¨< ¾°n ›eSܨ<” 1/ Any person who engages in clearing goods on
¨ÃU LŸ=¨<” ¨¡KA ¾Ñ<U\¡ Y’ behalf of an importer or exporter shall be
Y`¯ƒ KTeðìU ¾Ñ<U\¡ Y’- required to be licensed as a customs clearing
Y`¯ƒ ›eðíT>’ƒ ðnÉ K=•[¨< agent.
2/ Notwithstanding the provisions of sub-article
2/ ¾²=I ›”kê ”®<e ›”kê (1) É”ÒÑ@ (1) of this Article, the owner of goods shall,
u=•`U ¾°n¨< vKu?ƒ ¾S<Á without showing certificate of professional
T[ÒÑÝ c`+òŸ?ƒ Tp[w competence, be able to complete customs
dÁeðMѨ< ¾Ñ<U\¡ e’-e`¯ƒ formalities by himself.
SðìU ËLM::
3/ Where customs formalities are completed
3/ ¾Ñ<U\¡ Y’-Y`¯ƒ ¾T>ðìS¨<
through a customs clearing agent, the owner of
u¨Ÿ=M ›T"˜’ƒ ŸJ’ ¨Ÿ=K<“
¾n¨< vKu?ƒ eKk[Ø“ ¡e ¡õÁ the goods and the agent shall jointly and
u›”É’ƒ“ u’ÖL Lò ÃJ“K<:: severally be liable for the payment of customs
duties and taxes.
4/ ¾Ñ<U\¡ Y’-Y`¯ƒ ›eðíT>’ƒ
ðnÉ ¾T>cØuƒ G<’@“ vKðnÊ‹ 4/ Conditions of licensing clearing agents, and
¾T>•b†¨< Sw„‹“ ÓÈ−‹ their rights and obligations shall be prescribed
u²=I ›ªÏ SW[ƒ uT>¨× Å”w by regulations to be issued hereunder.
3/ u²=I ›”kê ”®<e ›”kê (1) 3/ Where the information supplied to the
u}ÑKç¨< SW[ƒ KvKYM×’< Authority or other law enforcement authority
¨ÃU KQÓ ›eŸv]¨< ›"M u}cÖ pursuant to sub-article (1) of this article leads to
Te[Í SW[ƒ ¾}Ñ–<ƒ °n−‹ seizer of the goods, all persons that have
ulØØ` e` ”Ç=¨<K< KTÉ[Ó provided information, cooperated and
K}vu\ƒ' ÉÒõ &78 KcÖ<ƒ supported the Authority shall be rewarded in
c−‹ vKYM×’< uT>Á¨×¨< accordance with directives issued by the
SS]Á SW[ƒ ¨a ßðLM:: Authority.
'3. iÑA‹” ¾T”dƒ“ lMö‹” ¾S¡ðƒ
83. Power to Remove Seals and Open Locks
1/ ¾Ñ<U\¡ g<U ¾Ñ<U\¡ QÓ” ¨ÃU
vKYM×’< ¾T>ÁeðêT†¨<” K?KA‹
QÔ‹ uS}LKõ uT“†¨<U TÕÕ¹
¨<eØ ¾}Ñ–< n−‹” iÓ ¾T” 1/ A customs officer shall have the power to
dƒ ¨ÃU ulMõ ¾}²Ñ< n−‹” remove the packages or open the container of
¾S¡ðƒ YM×” Õ[ªM:: goods found in any means of transport in
contravention of customs laws or other laws
2/ ¾Ñ<U\¡ g<U ¾Ñ<U\¡ QÓ” ¨ÃU enforced by the Authority.
vKYM×’< ¾T>ÁeðêT†¨<” K?KA‹
QÔ‹ uS}LKõ ¾}Åul n−‹ 2/ A customs officer may enter any place where
ÃÑ–<uM }wKA u}Ö[Ö[ x goods are believed to have been concealed in
uSÓvƒ n−‹” iÓ uT”dƒ contravention of customs laws or other laws
¨ÃU ulMõ ¾}²Ñ< n−‹” enforced by the Authority and examine the
uS¡ðƒ õ}h TÉ[Ó Ã‹LM:: goods by removing their packages or opening
their containers.
gA 4¹þ6)%4 ØÁ‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R !7 02 qqN 21 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 27 19th February, 2009 …. page 4654
'5. uþe n” ¾S¡ðƒ“
¾S¡ðƒ“ ¾SS`S`
85. Power to Open and Examine Postal Goods
1/ ¾Ñ<U\¡ g<U Kk[Ø“ ¡e ¡õÁ
›ðíìU c=vM ¾þe n−‹”
vKu?~ ¨ÃU ¨Ÿ=K< ¨ÃU ¾þe 1/ A customs officer shall, for the purpose
É`Ï~ }¨"à vKuƒ ¾S¡ðƒ“ payment of customs duties and taxes, have the
¾SS`S` YM×” Õ[ªM:: power to open and examine postal goods in the
2/ ¾Ñ<U\¡ g<S< u²=I ›”kê ”®<e ›” presence of the owner of the goods or his agent
kê (1) u}SKŸ}¨< U`S^ or a representative of the post officer.
¨<Ö?ƒ SW[ƒ ¾þe n” ulØ 2/ The customs officer may seize or restrict the
Ø` Y` ”Ç=¨<M TÉ[Ó ¨ÃU
movement of postal goods upon the result of
”penc?¨<” SÓƒ ËLM::
the examination conducted pursuant to the
3/ K²=I ›”kê ”®<e ›”kê (1) ›ðíìU provisions of sub-article (1) of this Article.
vKu?ƒ$ TKƒ KÑu= n }kv¿
¨ÃU K¨Ü n LŸ=¨< ’¨<:: 3/ For the purpose of sub-article (1) of this
Article, the term “owner” means the consignee
for import goods and sender for export goods.
'6. ¾ôÈ^M þK=e YM×”“ }Óv` 86. Powers and Duties of the Federal Police
¾ôÈ^M þK=e ÃI” ›ªÏ ¨ÃU vK The Federal police shall, with respect to the
YM×’< ¾T>ÁeðêT†¨<” K?KA‹ enforcement of this Proclamation and other laws
QÑA‹ uTeŸu` [ÑÉ' that are enforced by the Authority:
gA 4¹þ6)%5 ØÁ‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R !7 02 qqN 21 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 27 19th February, 2009 …. page 4655
4/ u}n¨<V k[Ø ¾ŸðK c¨< veS² 4/ Where a decision is given in favor of the person
Ñu¨< }n¨<V SW[ƒ ¨<d’@ ¾}c
who paid under protest, the excess amount of
ÖKƒ ”ÅJ’ uƒ`õ ¾}ŸðK¨<
money paid shall be refunded within 30 days
Ñ”²w ¨<d’@ u}cÖ u" k” ¨<eØ
after the date of the decision.
5/ The person who paid duties under protest and is
5/ u}n¨<V k[Ø ¾ŸðK c¨< uª“
ÇÃ_¡}\ u}cÖ¨< ¨<d’@ p` ¾}c– aggrieved by the decision of the Director
General may lodge an appeal to the Tax Appeal
”ÅJ’ ¨<d’@¨< uÅ[c¨< " k”
¨<eØ KÓw` ÃÓv˜ Ñ<v›? ÃÓv˜ Commission within 30 days after the date he
Tp[w ËLM:: received the decision of the committee.
6/ ª“ ÇÃ_¡}\ ¨<d’@ ¾cÖuƒ Ñ<Çà 6/ Where no appeal is lodged to the Tax Appeal
u²=I ›”kê ”®<e ›”kê (5) Commission in accordance with sub-articles (5)
SW[ƒ KÓw` ÃÓv˜ Ñ<v›? "Mk[u of this Article, the decision of the Director
¨<d’@¨< ¾SÚ[h ÃJ“M:: General shall be final and conclusive.
7/ The Tax Appeal Commission shall examine
and decide, in accordance with the law, on
7/ ¾Ów` ÃÓv˜ Ñ<v›? u²=I ›”kê cases submitted to it within the time specified
”®<e ›”kê (5) LÃ u}SKŸ}¨< in sub-article (5) of this Article.
Ñ>²? ¨<eØ ¾k[uKƒ” Ñ<Çà S`Ua
uQÓ SW[ƒ ¨<d’@ Ãc×M::
8/ The Tax Appeal Commission shall have the
8/ ¾Ów` ÃÓv˜ Ñ<v›? u²=I ›ªÏ power granted to it in the Income Tax
SW[ƒ ¾k[u<Kƒ” Ñ<ÇÄ‹ S`Ua Proclamation to decide cases submitted to it in
KS¨c” uÑu= Ów` ›ªÏ ¾}cÖ¨<
accordance with this Proclamation.
YM×” Õ[ªM::
9/ Any party dissatisfaction with the decision of
9/ ¾Ów` ÃÓv˜ Ñ<v›?¨< ucÖ¨< ¨<d’@
the Tax Appeal Commission may appeal to the
Là p` ¾}c– ¨Ñ” ¨<d’@ u}cÖ "
Federal High Court within 30 days from the
k“ƒ ¨<eØ KôO^M Ÿõ}— õ`É
date of receipt of the decision of the Appeal
u?ƒ ÃÓv–<” Tp[w ËLM::
10/ Other appeal procedures prescribed by the
0/ K?KA‹ eKÃÓv˜ ›k^[w Y`¯ƒ Income Tax Proclamation shall be applicable to
uÑu= Ów` ›ªÏ ¾}SKŸ~ É”Ò appeals presented pursuant to this
Ñ@−‹ u²=I ›ªÏ SW[ƒ KT>k`u< Proclamation..
ÃÓv™‹U }ðíT> ÃJ“K<::
'9. ¾S<e“ É`Ñ>ƒ 89. Corrupt Practices
T”—¨<U ¾Ñ<U\¡ g<U SÅKÁ Any customs officer who, by receiving a bribe, by
uSkuM' u´UÉ“ ¨ÃU uK?L ¾ØpU reason of nepotism or in consideration of any other
Ó”–<’ƒ' unlawful benefit:
1/ ¾}ŸKŸK' ÑÅw ¾}Å[Ñuƒ ¨ÃU 1/ allows or attempt to allow the importation or
k[Ø ÁM}ŸðKuƒ °n ¨Å ›Ñ` exportation of prohibited or restricted goods or
”Ç=Ñv ¨ÃU Ÿ›Ñ` ”Ç=¨× ÁÅ[Ñ goods on which duties are not paid;
¨ÃU KTÉ[Ó ¾VŸ[ ”ÅJ’'
U°^õ G<Kƒ
91. Contraband
(1. ¾¢”ƒav”É ¨”ËM
(1. ¨”ËM
1/ T”—¨<U c¨< ÃI” ›ªÏ ¨ÃU 1/ Any person who, in contravention of this
vKYM×’< ¾T>ÁeðîT†¨<” K?KA‹ Proclamation or other laws enforced by the
QÑA‹ ¨ÃU u’²=G< SW[ƒ ¾¨Ö< Authority, including regulations and directives
Å”x‹” ¨ÃU SS]Á−‹” uS}LKõ
issued there under, imports or exports
¾}ŸKŸK<' ÑÅw ¾}Å[Ñv†¨< ¨ÃU
¾Ñ<U\¡ Y’-e`›ƒ ÁM}ðìSv†¨< prohibited or restricted goods or without
n−‹ ¨Å Ñ<U\¡ ¡MM "eÑv ¨ÃU customs clearance or illegally imports duly
ŸÑ<U\¡ ¡MM "e¨× ¨ÃU uIÒ© exported goods shall, without prejudice to the
S”ÑÉ ¾¨Ö< n−‹” uIÑ¨Ø S” forfeiture of the goods and equipments used in
ÑÉ SMf "eÑv ¨”ËK< ¾}ðìSv†¨< the commission of the offence and the proceeds
n−‹“ SX]Á−‹ “ ¾¨”ËK< õ_ thereof, be punishable with a fine equivalent to
S¨<[c< ”Å}Öuk J• u°n−‡ Là the amount of the customs duties and taxes
K=ŸðM ŸT>Ñv¨< k[Ø“ ¡e Ò` payable on the goods and with rigorous
uT>S×Ö” ¾Ñ”²w SkÝ“ Ÿcvƒ imprisonment from 7 to 15 years.
eŸ ›e^ ›Ueƒ ¯Sƒ uT>Å`e î’<
Y^ƒ Ãk×M::
2/ u²=I ›”kî ”®<e ›”ê (1) Là 2/ Any person who transports, stores, offers for
u}SKŸ}¨< QÑ¨Ø S”ÑÉ ¾}Ñ–< sale or buys goods referred to in sub-article (1)
n−‹ SJ“†¨<” Á¨k ¨ÃU of this Article while being or ought to have
T¨p c=Ñv¨< n−‡” ÁÕÕ²' been aware of the illegality of their acquisition
ÁŸT†' KiÁß Ák[u ¨ÃU ¾Ñ³ shall, without prejudice to the forfeiture of the
T”—¨<U c¨< up” Mx“ K¨”ËK< goods and equipments used in the commission
v°É ¾J’<ƒ c−‹ Swƒ dÃ’" of the offence and the proceeds thereof without
¨”ËK< ¾}ðìSuƒ °n“ Sd]Á “ affecting the rights of third parties who
¾¨”ËK< õ_ S¨[c< ”Å}Öuk J• transacted in good faith, be punishable with a
un−‡ LÃ K=ŸðM ŸT>Ñv¨< k[Ø“ fine equivalent to the amount of the customs
¡e Ò` uT>S×Ö” ¾Ñ’[²w
duties and taxes payable on the goods and with
SkÝ“ Ÿcvƒ eŸ ›e^ ›Ueƒ
¯Sƒ uT>Å`e î’< Y^ƒ Ãk×M:: rigorous imprisonment from 7 to 15 years.
3/ Where the offence referred to in sub-article (1)
3/ u²=I ›”kê ”®<e ›”kê (1)
¾}SKŸ}¨< ¨”ËM ¾}ðìS¨< ÃM of this Article is committed by the use of force
uSÖkU ¨ÃU uu<É” uSÅ^˃ or by an organized group with the offender the
ŸJ’ ¾°n¨< S¨[e“ ¾Ñ”²w punishment shall be, without prejudice to the
Skݨ< ”Å}Öuk J• Ÿ05 eŸ ! forfeiture of the goods seized and fine, from 15
¯Sƒ î’< e^ƒ Ãk×M:: to 20 years rigorous imprisonment.
(2. uQÒ© n ŸKL’ƒ ¾T>ðìU ¾Tßu`u`
(2. 92. Fraudulent Acts Committed under the Cover of
¨”ËM Legally Declared Goods
1/ T”—¨<U c¨< uQÒ© n ŸKL’ƒ' 1/ Any person who imports or exports or attempts
to import or export:
gA 4¹þ6)%9 ØÁ‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R !7 02 qqN 21 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 27 19th February, 2009 …. page 4659
1/ ¾Ñ<U\¡ g<U ¨ÃU ¾ôÈ^M þK=e 1/ Any person who bribes a customs officer or
uÑ<U\¡ QÑA‹' Å”x‹“ SS]Á−‹ police officer, or induces the offer or
¾²²¨<” ”ÇÃðêU ¨ÃU ¾}ŸK acceptance of such bribe, with intent to
ŸK¨<” ”Ç=ÁÅ`Ó SÅKÁ ¾cÖ ¨ÃU procure him to perform or omit an act in
SÅKÁ ”Ç=cØ ¨ÃU ”Ç=kuM violation of customs laws, regulations or
ÁÅ[Ñ T”—¨<U c¨< Ÿw` $ eŸ directives shall be punishable with a fine of
1) uT>Å[e SkÝ“ Ÿ7 eŸ 05 Birr 50,000 up to Birr 100,000 and with
¯Sƒ uT>Å`e ê’< e^ƒ Ãk×M:: rigorous imprisonment from 7 to 15 years.
2/ Any person who has committed an offence
2/ u²=I ›”kê ”®<e ›”kê (1) specified under sub-article (1) of this Article
¾}SKŸ}¨<” É`Ñ>ƒ ¾ðçS c¨< may not be prosecuted where he reports to the
°n¨< ŸÑ<U\¡ ŸS¨<×~ uòƒ concerned body the commission of the offence
Ÿ}Úvß Te[Í Ò` ›É^ÑA~” with tangible evidence before the goods are
KT>SKŸ}¨< ›"M "e¨k u¨”ËK< released from customs.
Lßce ËLM::
gA 4¹þ6)^2 ØÁ‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R !7 02 qqN 21 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 27 19th February, 2009 …. page 4662
(7. ¾Ñ<U\
(7. ¾Ñ<U\¡ Y^ ›ðíìU” eKTc“ŸM 97. Obstruction of Customs Formalities
1/ T”—¨<U c¨< ÁKum U¡”Áƒ' 1/ Any person who, without good cause, obstructs or
¾Ñ<U\¡ g<U c’Ê‹” ”ÇÃS[S` hinders the duties of a customs officer in the
¨ÃU TÕÕ¹−‹” ¨ÃU °n−‹” investigation of documents or the inspection of a
”ÇÃð}i ¨ÃU ¨Å SÒ²”' ¾”ÓÉ means of transport or goods, prohibits him from
SÅw` ¨ÃU S•]Á u?ƒ ”ÇÃÑv entering a warehouse, a business premise or a
ÁÅ[Ñ ¨ÃU G<Ÿƒ ¾ðÖ[ ¨ÃU dwelling house, refuses to reply to the inquiries of
KT>Ö¾k¨< ØÁo ƒ¡¡K— SMe the customs officer, resists to co-operate for
ÁMcÖ ¨ÃU KU`S^ ÁM}vu[ investigation or interferes by any means so as to
¨ÃU uT“†¨<U S”ÑÉ Y^¨<” obstruct the duties of the customs officer shall be
KTÅ“kõ ×Mn ¾Ñv ”ÅJ’ Ÿw` punishable with a fine of Birr 5,000 up to 10,000 and
with imprisonment from 3 to 5 years.
5 eŸ 0 uT>Å[e SkÝ“ ŸZeƒ
eŸ ›Ucƒ ¯Sƒ uT>Å`e e^ƒ
2/ Where the offence referred to in sub-article (1)
2/ u²=I ›”kê ”®<e ›”kê (1) ¾}SK of this Article is committed by the use of force
Ÿ}¨< ¨”ËM ¾}ðìS¨< ÃM uSÖ or by an organized group the imprisonment
kU ¨ÃU uu<É” uSÅ^˃ ŸJ’ shall extend from five to ten years rigorous
¾e^ƒ p×~ Ÿ›Ueƒ eŸ ›e` imprisonment.
¯Sƒ ê’< e^ƒ Ÿõ ÃÅ[ÒM::
(9. QÑ-
(9. QÑ-¨Ø °n−‹” õ eKSÑ–
eKSÑ–ƒ 99. Possession of Unlawful Goods
¾²=I ›ªÏ K?KA‹ É”ÒÑ@−‹ ”Å}Öul Without prejudice to other provisions of this
J’¨< T”—¨<U c¨< ¾}ŸKŸK' ÑÅw Proclamation, any person who, knowing or ought to have
¾}Å[Ñuƒ ¨ÃU ¾Ñ<U\¡ Y’-Y`¯ƒ known the fact, possesses prohibited or restricted goods
ÁM}ðìSuƒ °n SJ’<” Á¨k ¨ÃU or goods that have not undergone customs formalities
T¨p c=Ñv¨< õ Ÿ}Ñ– ¾°n¨< S¨[e shall, without prejudice to the forfeiture of the goods, be
”Å}Öuk J• u°n¨< Là K=ŸðM punishable with a fine equivalent to the amount of the
ŸT>Ñv¨< k[Ø“ ¡e Ò` uT>S×Ö” customs duties and taxes payable on the goods and with
¾Ñ”²w SkÝ“ ŸZeƒ eŸ ›Ueƒ ¯Sƒ rigorous imprisonment from three to five years.
uT>Å`e î’< e^ƒ Ãk×M::
). “S<“−‹” ›KSSKe 100. Failure to Return Samples
T”—¨<U c¨< }Ñu= ÁMJ’ wMîÓ“ Any person who, with intent to procure undue
KTÓ–ƒ ¨ÃU KK?L c¨< KTeÑ–ƒ ¨ÃU advantage for himself or for any other person or
uK?L c¨< Là Ñ<ǃ ”Ç=Å`e uTcw with intent to cause damages to others, fails to
K“S<“ ¾¨cŨ<” °n ÁMSKc ¨ÃU return samples of goods or who uses or damages
u°n¨< ¾}ÑKÑK ¨ÃU °n¨< ”Ç=Öó them, shall, without prejudice to the payment of
ÁÅ[Ñ ”ÅJ’ ¾°n¨<” ªÒ' k[Ö<”“ the value of the goods and duties and taxes
¡c<” S¡ðK< ”Å}Öuk J• Ÿw` 3 payable on the goods, be punishable with a fine
eŸ w` 5 uT>Å`e SkÝ“ ŸG<Kƒ from Birr 3000 up to Birr 5000 and with
eŸ ›Ueƒ ¯Sƒ uT>Å`e î’< e^ƒ rigorous imprisonment from two to five years.
2/ T”—¨<U ¾SÕÕ¹ Lò Ñ<U\¡ 2/ The master of any means of transport who
¨Åw uÅ[c SÕÕ¹ Là ¾Ñ<U\¡ load or unload or attempt to load or unload
g<U uK?Kuƒ °n ¾Ý’ ¨ÃU Á^Ñð goods in the absence of customs officer shall
¨ÃU KSÝ” ¨ÃU KT^Ñõ be punishable with a fine of Birr 7,000 up to
S<Ÿ^ ÁÅ[Ñ ”ÅJ’ Ÿw` 7 eŸ Birr 10,000 and with imprisonment from 5 to
w` 0 uT>Å`e SkÝ“ Ÿ›Ueƒ 7 years.
eŸ cvƒ ¯Sƒ uT>Å`e e^ƒ
gA 4¹þ6)^4 ØÁ‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R !7 02 qqN 21 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 27 19th February, 2009 …. page 4664
3/ T”—¨<U ¾SÕÕ¹ Lò Ÿ¨<ß 3/ The master of any means of transport who
›Ñ` ¾T>SÖ< ¨ÃU ¨Å ¨<ß ›Ñ` unloads or loads or attempts to unload or load
¾T>LŸ< °n−‹” ŸÑ<U\¡ ¨Åw import or export goods at a place other than a
¨<ß "^Ñð ¨ÃU ŸÝ’ ¨ÃU customs port shall, with out prejudice to the
KT^Ñõ ¨ÃU KSÝ” ŸVŸ[ forfeiture of the goods, be punishable with a
¾°n¨< S¨[e ”Å}Öuk J• Ÿw` fine from Birr 7,000 up to Birr 10,000 and
7 eŸ w` 0 SkÝ“ Ÿcvƒ with rigorous imprisonment from 7 to 15
eŸ ›e^ ›Ueƒ ¯Sƒ uT>Å`e years.
î’< Y^ƒ Ãk×M::
1)2 ¾Ñ<U\
¾Ñ<U\¡ SÒ²” ”Ç=ÁslU
”Ç=ÁslU ¾}ðkÅKƒ 102. Contravention by the Warehouse Licensee
c¨< ÓÈ”
ÓÈ” eKS×e
¾Ñ<U\¡ SÒ²” ”Ç=ÁslU ¾}ðkÅKƒ A licensee who has failed to discharge the
vKõnÉ u²=I ›ªÏ ›”kê &6 obligations stated under article 76 of this
¾}Å’ÑÑ<ƒ” ÓÈ−‹ dÃðêU ¾k[ proclamation may punish with a fine of Birr
”Å J’ Ÿw` $ eŸ w` 1) 50,000 to 100,000 and his license may be
¾T>Å`e ¾Ñ”²w Skà }kØ„ ðnÆ revoked.
K=W[´ ËLM::
1)3. °n ¾Te}LKõ Y^ ¾T>ÁeŸƒK¨<”
ÓÈ eKS×e 103. Contravention in Relation to Transit of Goods
Any person engaged in the transit of goods fails
to arrive and report within the specified time to
°n ¾Te}LKõ Y^ ¾T>Á"H>É c¨<
u}ðkÅKƒ ¾S}LKòÁ S”ÑÉ Là customs station in route or at the customs port of
KT>ј ¨ÃU S}LKõ KT>Áunuƒ destination about goods in transit shall be
¾Ñ<U\¡ ×u=Á u}¨c’¨< Ñ>²? SÉ[c<” punishable with a fine of Birr 5,000 to 20,000 and
ÁLe¨k ”ÅJ’ Ÿw` 5 eŸ w` his license shall be revoked.
! SkÝ }kØ„ ðnÆ Ãc[³M::
1)4. Øó}—
Øó}— ¨ÃU ’í ¾TÉ[Ó ¨<d’@ u¨<`e 104. Effects of Conviction or Acquittal on Forfeiture
LÃ ¾T>•[¨< ¨<Ö?ƒ
¡õM ›Ueƒ
1)9. ¾SÁ´“ ulØØ` Y` ¾TªM YM×” 109. Power of Seizure and Detention
1/ vKeM×’< u²=I ›ªÏ ¾}Å’ÑÑ<ƒ ¾¨ 1/ The Authority may seize and detain, until the
”ËM É`Ñ>„‹ ¾}ðçS<v†¨< °n appropriate final decision is given, goods and
−‹”“ TÕÕ¹−‹” ›Óvw ÁK¨< means of transport with respect of which
¾SÚ[h QÒ© ¨<X’@ eŸT>cØv offenses under this Proclamation are
†¨< É[e SÁ´“ ulØØ` Y` committed.
2/ ¾²=I ›”kê ”®<e ›”kê (1) É”ÒÑ@
2/ Notwithstanding the provisions of sub-article (1)
u=•`U ¾TÕÕ¹¨< vKu?ƒ ¾}ð of this Article, where the owner a means of
çS¨< ¨”ËM Ÿ^c< °¨<kƒ ¨ÃU transport proves that the offense is committed
ðnÉ ¨<Ü SJ’<” Te[ǃ Ÿ‰K without his knowledge or consent, the means of
¾}ðìS¨< ¨”ËM ¡wŃ ¾¾ transport shall returned to him upon being
Ÿw` 0 eŸ w` $ }kØ„ penalized with a fine from Birr 10,000 up to Birr
TÕÕ¹¨< ÃSKeKM:: ´`´` 50,000 depending on the magnitude of the
›ðíìS< vKYM×’< uT>Á¨×¨< offence. The detailed application of this provision
SS]Á èc“M:: shall be prescribed by directives of the Authority.
3/ K²=I ›”kê ”®<e ›”kê (2) ¯LT 3/ For the purpose of sub-article (2) or this
vKu?ƒ$ ¾T>K¨< nM }Ÿ^Ô Article the term “owner” shall not include a
›ÃÚU`U:: lessee.
1)0. ¾Ñ<U\
1)0. ¾Ñ<U\¡ pë‹ 110. Customs Forms
2/ vKeM×’< ÃI” ›ªÏ“ u²=I ›”kê 2/ The Authority may issue directives necessary
”®<e ›”kê (1) SW[ƒ ¾T>¨Ö< for the implementation of this Proclamation
Å”x‹” KTeðçU ¾T>ÁeðMÑ< and regulations issued pursuant to sub-article
SS]Á−‹” K=Á¨× ËLM:: (1) of this Article.
1)03. ¾}h\
1)03. ¾}h\“ }ðíT> ¾TÃJ’< QÑA‹ 113. Repealed and Inapplicable Laws
1/ ¾›=ƒÄåÁ Ñ<U\¡ vKYM×”” ”Å
Ñ“ KTssU“ ›W^\” KS¨c” 1/ The Re-Establishment and Modernization of
¾¨×¨< ›ªÏ lØ` %/09)'9 (”Å Customs Authority Proclamation No. 60/1997,
}hhK)S A TUD 1)!5/09)( E Proclamation No 125/1998 and Proclamation
A TUD 3)%8/09)(5 u²=I ›ªÏ No. 368/2003 are hereby repealed.
2/ ÃI” ›ªÏ ¾T>n[” T“†¨<U QÓ'
Å”w' SS]Á ¨ÃU ¾›W^` 2/ No law, regulations, directives or practices
MUÉ u²=I ›ªÏ ¾}SKŸ~ Ñ<ÇÄ‹” shall, in so far as it is inconsistent with this
uT>SKŸƒ }ðéT>’ƒ ›Ã•[¨<U:: Proclamation, have effect with respect to
matters provided for by this Proclamation.
1/ ÃI ›ªÏ ŸSê“~ uòƒ ¾}Sc[~ 1/ Criminal or civil cases instituted prior to the
¾¨”ËM “ ¾õƒN wH@` ¡f‹ coming effect of this Proclamation shall be
u’u[¨< QÓ SW[ƒ õéT@ ÁÑ—K<:: disposed in accordance with the previous laws.
gA 4¹þ6)^8 ØÁ‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R !7 02 qqN 21 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 27 19th February, 2009 …. page 4668
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