Salient Features of Constitution
Salient Features of Constitution
Salient Features of Constitution
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1. Preamble
2. Lengthiest written constitution
3. Drawn from various sources
4. Blend of Rigidity and flexibility
5. Federal system with unitary bias
6. A Secular state
7. Parliamentary form of government
8. Fundamental rights
9. Directive Principles of state policy
10. Fundamental duties
11. Synthesis of Parliamentary Sovereignty and Judicial Supremacy
12. Integrated and Independent Judiciary
13. Universal Adult Franchise
14. Single Citizenship
15. Independent Bodies
16. Emergency provisions
17. Three-Tier Government]
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Salient Features of Constitution
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Salient Features of Constitution
Parts Subject Matter Articles Covered
I The Union and its territory 1 to 4
II Citizenship 5 to 11
III Fundamental Rights 12 to 35
IV Directive Principles of State Policy 36 to 51
IV-A Fundamental Duties 51-A
V The Union Government 52 to 151
Chapter I - The Executive 52 to 78
Chapter II - Parliament 79 to 122
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Salient Features of Constitution
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Salient Features of Constitution
NOTES: Part VII (dealing with Part – B states) was deleted by the 7th Amendment
Act (1956). On the other hand, both Part IV-A and Part XIV-A were added by the
42nd Amendment Act (1976), while Part IX-A was added by the 74th Amendment Act
(1992), and part IX-B was added by the 97th Amendment Act (2011).
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