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Preparation and Evaluation of Herbal Cold Cream With Incorporated Curcuma Longa

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Volume 7, Issue 3, March – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Preparation and Evaluation of Herbal Cold Cream

with Incorporated Curcuma longa
Imrana siddiqua Umaima khatoon , Syed nathiq Ali Dr.Anupama Koneru
Dept of Pharmaceutics B.Pharmacy III year Principal Sultan-ul –Uloom College
Sultan-ul –Uloom College of Dept of Pharmaceutics of pharmacy Department Of
pharmacy Banjara hills-03 Sultan-ul –Uloom College of Pharmacology Sultan-ul –Uloom
Hyderabad, pharmacy Banjara hills-03 College of pharmacy Banjara hills-
India. Hyderabad,India. 03, Hyderabad, India

Abstract:- To formulate and evaluate herbal cream cold longa (turmeric), Oliumrosae (roseoil), Oleaeuropeae
cream using Turmeric to give glowing & cooling effect. (oliveoil). The main active ingredients .The extract of
Methods: The cream was prepared by using the cream Curcuma longa has been clinically proven to show anti-
base that is bee’s wax, liquid paraffin, borax, distilled cancer properties upon topical application better than oral
water, rose oil.The cream was prepared by using the slab administration ,in addition to many other properties[3].
technique/extemporaneous method for geometric and Curcumin shows many other properties such as wound
homogenous mixing of all the excipients and the herbal healing, sun damage protection, aging treatment, skin
extracts. Cream Was prepared & was evaluated for cancer prevention (by selectively killing tumor cells and
different parameters like appearance, PH, viscosity, leaving the normal cells intact), and also treats chronic
stability dest, patch test, test for homogeneity, spread skin diseases[2]. These herbs have been selected according
ability, smear test, evaluation of Emolliency & Test for to traditional systems and are based upon their modern
microbial growth. Results: the cream showed good researched uses.
appearance, PH, adequate viscosity and no phase
separation was observed. Also, the formulation showed II. PREPARATION OF COLD CREAM
no redness, erythema and irritation during patch study
and they were easily washable was stable at room A. MATERIALS [1] :
temperature. Conclusion: Herbal ingredient showed The rhizomes of Curcuma longa (turmeric) was
significant results, we can suggest that the cream was collected, cleaned and dried for 2 days in sunlight. Then
stable and can be safely used on the skin. crushed into fine powder using a mortar and passed from a
suitable sieve plate such as sieve#60 to get rid of coarse
Keywords:- Turmeric, cold cream, homogeneity. particles.
The collected powder was subject to maceration with 70%
I. INTRODUCTION ethanol in iodine flask to extract the solute or curcumin
present in the turmeric powder for a period of 7 days. The
The use of herbal products as cosmetics is as prevalent extract was filtered by a filter paper and decolorized using
in modern era as it was in ancient times. Herbal cosmetics charcoal to get a clear liquid. The prepared extract was
are mostly preferred because of their less or nil side effects evaporated to get the semisolid mass. This whole process is
when compared to synthetic products and show enhanced performed at room temperature.
effects upon application[5]. These herbal cosmetics used as
beauty products help in enhancing and conditioning B. COMPOSITION OF HERBAL COLD CREAM
properties of skin. The herbal extracts used in these
formulations are all derived from natural plant sources Sr.no Ingredients Weight(gms)
without the use of any harmful synthetic drugs. Chemical or 1. Beeswax 20 gm
synthetic drug/ API is avoided in the preparations because of 2. Liquid paraffin 60gm
various skin problems. The concept of herbal cosmetics was 3. Borax 1gm
established long back in different systems of medicine such 4. Turmeric powder 1gm
as Rigveda, Yajurveda, Ayurveda, Unani and Homeopathy 5. Rose oil 0.2ml
systems[5]. The herbs extracted by these systems show a 6. Distilled water 19 ml
number of properties like anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, 7. Olive oil 1ml
anti-septic, emollient and sometimes also show anti-cancer
properties[5-7]. Thus, there is extensive use of herbal C. METHOD
cosmetics in skin care systems and an ever increasing Melt beeswax in a china dish on hot plate. To this, liquid
demand in the market. Various kinds of creams such as paraffin is added and heated on a hot plate at 70˚C. Then in
vanishing cream, coldcream, multipurpose cream, etc .are a 100ml beaker, borax was dissolved and heated along with
most commonly used herbal cosmetic products for topical olive oil on a 4hot plate at 70˚C. Both the oily and aqueous
application. Cold Creams prepared are usually w/o type of phases are heated at the same temperatureI.e. 70˚C and
emulsion instead of o/w type of emulsion as seen in turmeric was added in the beaker. Now borax solution is
vanishing creams and gives a cooling effect upon added gradually to the melted beeswax solution, drop by
application. This preparation of cold creams consist of drop with constant stirring. To this, few drops of rose oil is
herbal extracts of crude drugs such as rhizomes of Curcuma

IJISRT22MAR994 www.ijisrt.com 974

Volume 7, Issue 3, March – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
added to give fragrance. It was stirred continuously until it  Determination of emolliency [4]:The emolliency test was
cools down and a semi solid mass was obtained. performed to check the amount of residue left after the
application of specific quantity of cream.
III. EVALUATION TEST FOR CREAMS  G.. Determination of viscosity [4]: The viscosity of the
prepared emulsion was determined by using Brookfield
 Organoleptic Properties [4-5]: The organoleptic properties viscometer. Spindle number S-64 at 20 rpm was used at a
such as color, odor and appearance was observed. temperature of 25˚C and was determined by taking an
 Determination of pH [6]: The pH value of freshly average of three readings.
formulated emulsion was determined using a digital pH  Evaluation for type of emulsion [4-2]:
meter at room temperature.  Dilution test: In this test type of emulsion is
 Determination of homogeneity [4]: The homogeneity of determined by diluting the emulsion either with water
the herbal preparation was observed by visual appearance or oil. The emulsion is completely miscible with water
and by touch. if it is o/w type, as the dispersion medium is water and
 Determination of spread ability [4-5]: The term separates out if it is w/o type of emulsion. Similarly,
spreadability is expressed as the extent of the area to w/o type of emulsion is miscible, if the emulsion is
which the topical application spreads when applied to the dissolved in oil but o/w type of emulsion is immiscible
affected region of the skin. The therapeutic efficacy of the in oily liquid.
herbal formulation is also dependent on its spreading  Dye solubility test: In this test a water soluble dye
range. Thus, it is necessary to determine the spreading (amaranth) and an oil soluble dye (Sudan lll) are used
ability of the prepared formulation. For the determination to determine the type of emulsion. Firstly, the emulsion
about 3 gms of cream was applied between the two glass is mixed with amaranth and observed under the
slides and pressed to obtain a thin film of uniform microscope. If the continuous phase appears red, then
thickness. A weight of 1000 gm was placed over the top it is o/w type of emulsion and the dye dissolves to give
slide to apply the required pressure for 5 minutes. color. If there is appearance of red globules and
Followed by addition of about 10 gms of weight in a pan colorless continuous phase, then it is w/o type of
and the upper slide was subjected to pull with the help of a emulsion. Likewise, if Sudan III is mixed with an
string attached to a hook. The time taken by the two slides emulsion and if there is appearance of red continuous
to slip over each other by a distance of 10 cm under phase, then it is w/o type of emulsion.
certain load was noted. Following is the formula to  Test for microbial growth [2-5]: These test were carried
calculate the spreadability of the prepared formulation. out to determine the microbial contamination of the
prepared formulation in an agar medium. The prepared
S = m × L/T
creams were inoculated on the plates of agar plate medium
Where, S – Spreadability using streak plate method and a control was prepared
without the cream. These plates were placed into the
m – Weight tied to upper glass slide incubator and were incubated at 37˚C for 24 hours. After
the incubation period, the plates were taken out and
L –Length moved on a glass slide observed for microbial contamination in comparison with
the control.
T – Time taken  Thermal stability test [5]: These determinations were
The results were carried out in a triplicate manner and carried out using a humidity chamber which was
controlled at 60-70% RH and 37˚C. The observations were
the average of these readings were noted.
studied for a span of one month.
 Determination of type of smear [4]: This test was  Patch test [5]: About 1-3 gms of the formulated creams
conducted by the application of cream on the skin surface was evenly applied on sensitive region of the skin surface
of a human volunteer for its greasiness. After application, such as the skin under the lower jaw. The cream for testing
the type of smear was observed. was applied on an area of 1 sq.m of the skin surface and
the site was inspected after 24 hours of application.


Sr.no Properties Result

1. Color Yellow
2. Odor Characteristic
3. Appearance Semi-solid
Table 1: Organoleptic properties of herbal cold cream

IJISRT22MAR994 www.ijisrt.com 975

Volume 7, Issue 3, March – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Sr,no Physical parameters Observations
1. pH 5.8
2. Homogeneity
a) By visual Homogenous mass
b) By touch Even and consistent
3. Type of smear Less greasy
4. Emolliency No left over residue
5. Viscosity
6. Dilution test w/o type of emulsion
7. Dye solubility test w/o type of emulsion
Table 2: Other physical parameters

Days Temp and humidity Thermal stability of herbal cream

5 Stable, no separation of oil
10 Stable, no separation of oil
15 60-70% RH Stable, no separation of oil
20 And 37˚C Stable, no separation of oil
25 Stable, no separation of oil
30 Stable, no separation of oil
Table 3: Thermal stability studies (one month)

V. DISCUSSIONS [4.] Ashwini S. Dhase*, Somishwar S. Khadbadi and

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The organoleptic properties of formulated herbal cold Vanishing Herbal Cream of Crude Drugs, American
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contamination, no sign of microbial growth was visible after benefits/6-benefits-of-topical-turmeric-in-cancer.
the specified incubation period of 24hrs and further more a
patch test was done which shows , it is safe to use the
prepared herbal turmeric cold cream as it did not show any
signs if irritancy, redness.


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IJISRT22MAR994 www.ijisrt.com 976

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