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10 false flags operations that shaped our world

http://www.conspiracy-times.com/, March 7, 2007

From Nero to 9/11, via Pearl Harbour and the Gulf of Tonkin incident...
Joe Crubaugh provides an "all time greatest hits" of false flag
operations, whereby one scenario is repeated... as the world keeps
falling for the same lie.

The most commonly known false flag operations consist of a

government agency staging a terror attack, whereby an uninvolved
entity gets blamed for the carnage. As at least two millennia have
proven, false flag operations, with healthy doses of propaganda and
ignorance, provided a great recipe for endless war. _In "War is a
Racket", Two-time Medal of Honor recipient Major General Smedley
Butler wrote: "I spent 33 years and four months in active military
service and during that period I spent most of my time as a high class
muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers. In short,
I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism. I helped make Mexico and
especially Tampico safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped
make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to
collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central
American republics for the benefit of Wall Street. I helped purify
Nicaragua for the International Banking House of Brown Brothers in
1902-1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for the American
sugar interests in 1916. I helped make Honduras right for the American
fruit companies in 1903. In China in 1927 I helped see to it that
Standard Oil went on its way unmolested." _You may not have heard of
these operations, but perhaps you have heard of these?

1. Nero, Christians, and the Great Fire of Rome

Rome, the night of July 19, 64 AD. The Great Fire burst through the
rooftops of shops near the mass entertainment and chariot racing
venue called Circus Maximus. The flames, whipped by a strong wind,
rapidly engulfed densely populated areas of the city. After burning
uncontrolled for five days, four of the 14 Roman districts were burned
to the ground, and seven more were severely damaged._It was no
secret that Nero wanted to build a series of palaces which he planned
to name "Neropolis". But, the planned location was in the city and in
order to build Neropolis, a third of Rome would have to be torn down.
The Senate rejected the idea. Then, coincidentally, the fire cleared the
very real estate Neropolis required.

Despite the obvious benefit, there's still a good probability that Nero
did not start the fire. Up to a hundred small fires regularly broke out in
Rome each day. On top of that, the fire destroyed Nero's own palace
and it appears that Nero did everything he could to stop the fire.
Accounts of the day say that when Nero heard about the fire, he rushed
back from Antium to organize a relief effort, using his own money. He
opened his palaces to let in the homeless and had food supplies
delivered to the survivors._Nero also devised a new urban
development plan that would make Rome less vulnerable to fire. But,
although he put in place rules to insure a safer reconstruction, he also
gave himself a huge tract of city property with the intention of building
his new palace there. _People knew of Nero's plans for Neropolis, and
all his efforts to help the city could not counteract the rampant
rumours that he'd help start the fire. As his poll numbers dropped,
Nero's administration realised the need to employ False Flag 101:
When something - anything - bad happens to you, even if it's
accidental, point the finger at your enemy._Luckily, there was a new
cult of religious nuts at hand. The cult was unpopular because its
followers refused to worship the emperor, denounced possessions,
held secret meetings and they were always talking about the
destruction of Rome and the end of the world. Even more luckily for
Nero, two of the cult's biggest leaders, Peter and Paul, were currently
in town. Nero spread word that the Christians had started the Great
Fire. The citizens of Rome bought his lie hook, line and sinker. Peter
was crucified and Paul beheaded. Hundreds of others in the young cult
were fed to the lions or smeared with tar and set on fire to become
human street lamps.

2. Remember the Maine, to Hell with Spain

The Spanish Empire was the first truly global empire, reaching its
territorial height in the late 1700s. By 1898, Spain was losing
territories regularly. Cuba too was becoming increasingly hard to
control and a minor revolution had broken out. This wasn't welcome
news to people in the United States who owned Cuban sugar, tobacco
and iron industry properties valued at over $50 million (worth ca. $1.2
billion today)._The main stream media, then dominated by newspaper
magnates Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst, exaggerated -
and outright fabricated - stories of horrible conditions under Spanish
rule. Following the age-old maxim, "If it bleeds, it leads", the
newspapers published stories about Spanish death camps, Spanish
cannibalism and inhumane torture. The newspapers sent reporters to
Cuba. However, when they got there, they found a different story.
Artist and correspondent Frederick Remington wrote back to Hearst:
"There is no war. Request to be recalled." Hearst's famous reply:
"Please remain. You furnish the pictures, I'll furnish the war." And he
did. His newspaper, continually screaming how Spanish Cuba was
going to hell in a hand basket, convinced big business interests in the
US to put pressure on anti-war President William McKinley to protect
their Cuban investments. McKinley, in response, sent the USS Maine
battleship to Havana Harbour as a calming show of force.

Three weeks after arriving, on the night of February 15, 1898, the USS
Maine exploded, killing 266 men. There are two theories for the
explosion: some believe the explosion was caused by an external mine
that detonated the ship's ammunition magazines. Others say it was
caused by a spontaneous coal bunker fire that reached the ammunition
magazines. Currently, the evidence seems to favour the external mine
theory._Without waiting on an investigation, America's mainstream
media blamed the tragedy on Spain and beat the drums for war. By
April, McKinley yielded to public pressure and signed a congressional
resolution declaring war on Spain. To help pay for the Spanish-
American War, congress enacted a "temporary" tax of 3 percent on
long-distance telephone bills. This was essentially a tax on the rich, as
only about 1,300 Americans owned phones in 1898. Although the
Spanish-American War ended in 1898, the temporary tax was only
abolished in... 2005. Over its lifetime, the 107-year-old tax generated
almost $94 billion - more than 230 times the cost of the Spanish-
American War.

The Spanish-American War put a large nail in the coffin of Spain's

global empire. And by the end of 1898, the United States, which was
founded in opposition to imperialism, found itself in control not only of
Cuba, but of the Philippines, Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Hawaiian
Islands as well.

3. The Manchurian Incident

The economic slump following 1929's thorough and convincing near-
obliteration of Wall Street hit Japan especially hard: exports fell,
unemployment rose. Japan, not being rich in natural resources, needed
oil and coal to make power to run machines to produce goods to sell to
other countries to make money to buy food to have enough energy.
Manchuria, a province of China, had its fair share of oil and coal._After
Japan decided it needed to invade Manchuria, they needed a pretext to
justify the invasion. They chose to create a false flag attack on a
railway close to Liutiao Lake... a big flat area that had no military value
to either the Japanese or the Chinese. The main reason the spot was
chosen was for its proximity (about 800 meters distant) to Chinese
troops stationed at Beidaying. The Japanese press labelled the no-
name site of the blast Liutiaogou, which was Japanese for "Liutiao
Bridge." There was no bridge there, but the name helped convince
some that the sabotage was a strategic Chinese attack._Colonel
Itagaki Seishiro and Lieutenant Colonel Kanji Ishiwara ordered officers
of the Shimamoto Regiment to place a bomb beneath the tracks. The
original bomb failed to detonate and a replacement had to be found.
Then, at 10.20pm, September 18, 1931, the tracks were blown.
Surprisingly, the explosion was minor. Only one side of the rail was
damaged, and the damage was so light that a train headed for
Shenyang passed by only a few minutes later. But it was a good
enough excuse to invade...

The Japanese immediately charged the Chinese soldiers with the

destruction, then invaded Manchuria. A puppet government known as
Manchukuo was installed. The League of Nations investigated and in a
1932 report denied that the invasion was an act of defence, as Japan
had advertised. But rather than vacate Manchuria, Japan decided to
vacate the League of Nations, the precursor to the United Nations.

4. Secrets of the Reichstag Fire

In 1933, just a week before general elections that might place enough
Nazis in office to make Hitler defacto dictator, the Reichstag, which
housed the parliament of the German Empire, was set on fire. Adolf
Hitler assured everyone that communist terrorists started the fire.
Hitler's party member Hermann Göring stated that he had secret
evidence that would soon be made public; evidence that proved
communists did it. These proclamations came on top of weeks of Nazi-
organized street violence designed to whip the public into a
pathological fear of communists._The next day, the Nazis convinced a
senile President von Hindenburg to sign the Reichstag Decree. The
decree, using defence against terrorism as an excuse, suspended just
about every major civil liberty set forth in the Weimar Constitution:
habeus corpus (the right to know why you're being put in jail)? Gone.
Freedom of opinion? Gone. Freedom of the press? Not any more.
Freedom to organise and assemble? Deported. The Reichstag decree
even allowed the government to spy on its own citizens' personal mail
and telephone conversations without a warrant... something most
Americans today could hardly begin to fathom... a precursor to
President George W. Bush secret order in 2002 ordering the National
Security Agency to do just exactly the same thing._So what about the
fire? The only thing historians seem to agree on is that Marinus van der
Lubbe, a former Dutch Communist and mentally disturbed arsonist
hungry for fame, was found inside the building. Despite the Nazi
attempt to blame the fire on a group of communists, the communists
were later acquitted by the Nazi government itself. After years of
extensive investigation, most historians believe the Hitlerites
themselves set fire to the Reichstag using van der Lubbe as their patsy:
they knew a nut was going to try to burn down the building and not
only did they let him do it, but they may have befriended him,
encouraged him and even helped the blaze spread by scattering
gasoline and incendiaries._Most Germans, feeling safe from terrorism
again, didn't mind that their freedom and liberty had been stolen, or
that so much of their life and work had become so strictly controlled.
On the contrary, they felt very enthusiastic and patriotic about the new
government because they ignorantly believed the new government
cared about them. And as long as the average citizen worked hard,
kept his mouth shut and let his kids take part in the Hitler Youth
organization, he stayed out of the detention camps.

5. The Fake Invasion at Gleiwitz

In the late evening of Thursday, August 31, 1939, German covert

operatives pretending to be Polish terrorists seized the Gleiwitz radio
station in the German/Poland border region of Silesia. The station's
music program came to an abrupt halt, followed by frantic German
voices announcing that Polish formations were marching toward town.
Germany was being invaded by Poland! Then, like a bad imitation of
the previous year's infamous War of the Worlds broadcast, the
transmission went dead for a moment of dramatic silence. Soon, the
airwaves popped and crackled to life again, and this time Polish voices
called for all Poles in the broadcast area to take up arms and attack
Germany. _In no time, radio stations across greater Europe picked up
the story. The BBC broadcast this statement: "There have been reports
of an attack on a radio station in Gleiwitz, which is just across the
Polish border in Silesia. The German News Agency reports that the
attack came at about 8.00pm this evening when the Poles forced their
way into the studio and began broadcasting a statement in Polish.
Within quarter of an hour, says reports, the Poles were overpowered by
German police, who opened fire on them. Several of the Poles were
reported killed, but the numbers are not yet known." And thus, Hitler
invented an excuse to invade Poland, which he did the next day:
September 1, 1939. World War II began.

What really happened? Alfred Helmut Naujocks received the orders

from Heinrich Müller, chief of the Gestapo, to put the staged terrorist
attack together at the Gleiwitz station. At Naujock's disposal were
what the Germans had codenamed "canned goods," which were
dissenters and criminals kept alive in detention camps until the
Gestapo needed a warm dead body. To add cogency to the Gleiwitz
attack, Naujocks brought along one such canned good: Franciszek
Honiok. Honiok, a German from the Silesian region, was a known Polish
sympathizer. Before arriving at the station, the Gestapo gave him a
lethal injection. Then, they dressed him up like a Polish terrorist and
brought him to the front of the radio station. Naujocks later testified
that the man was unconscious, but not dead yet, when he was shot full
of pistol rounds. When the police and press found Honiok's body, they
assumed he'd been one of the fictional Polish terrorists that attacked
the station._In all, there were 21 fake terror actions along the border
that same night, many of them using "canned goods" from German
prisons so there would be plenty of bodies in the morning: evidence of
Polish attackers that had been shot in self defence. The next day, after
a long night filled with fake terror, Hitler gave a speech to the German
Army, complete with synthetic anger: "The Polish State has refused the
peaceful settlement of relations which I desired, and has appealed to
arms. Germans in Poland are persecuted with bloody terror and driven
from their houses. A series of violations of the frontier, intolerable to a
great Power, prove that Poland is no longer willing to respect the
frontier of the Reich. In order to put an end to this lunacy, I have no
other choice than to meet force with force from now on. The German
Army will fight the battle for the honour and the vital rights of reborn
Germany with hard determination. I expect that every soldier, mindful
of the great traditions of eternal German soldiery, will ever remain
conscious that he is a representative of the National-Socialist Greater
Germany. Long live our people and our Reich!"_Had it not been for the
Nuremberg trials in 1945, the real story behind the Gleiwitz attack
might never have been uncovered. It was there that the operation's
leader, Alfred Naujocks, spilled the beans in a written affidavit.

6. The Myth of Pearl Harbour

On Sunday morning, December 7, 1941, the Japanese launched a sneak

attack at Pearl Harbor that decimated the US Pacific Fleet and forced
the United States to enter WWII. That's what most of us were taught
as school children... But, except for the date, everything you just read
is a myth. In reality, there was no sneak attack. The Pacific Fleet was
far from destroyed. And, furthermore, the United States took great
pains to bring about the assault._On January 27, 1941, Joseph C. Grew,
the U.S. ambassador to Japan, wired Washington that he'd learned of
the surprise attack Japan was preparing for Pearl Harbour. On
September 24, a dispatch from Japanese naval intelligence to Japan's
consul general in Honolulu was deciphered. The transmission was a
request for a grid of exact locations of ships in Pearl Harbour.
Surprisingly, Washington chose not to share this information with the
officers at Pearl Harbour. Then, on November 26, the main body of the
Japanese strike force (consisting of six aircraft carriers, two
battleships, three cruisers, nine destroyers, eight tankers, 23 fleet
submarines, and five midget submarines) departed Japan for
Hawaii._Despite the myth that the strike force maintained strict radio
silence, US Naval intelligence intercepted and translated many
dispatches. And, there was no shortage of dispatches: Tokyo sent over
1000 transmissions to the attack fleet before it reached Hawaii. Some
of these dispatches, in particular this message from Admiral
Yamamoto, left no doubt that Pearl Harbour was the target of a
Japanese attack: "The task force, keeping its movement strictly secret
and maintaining close guard against submarines and aircraft, shall
advance into Hawaiian waters, and upon the very opening of hostilities
shall attack the main force of the United States fleet and deal it a
mortal blow. The first air raid is planned for the dawn of x-day. Exact
date to be given by later order."_Even on the night before the attack,
US intelligence decoded a message pointing to Sunday morning as a
deadline for some kind of Japanese action. The message was delivered
to the Washington high command more than four hours before the
attack on Pearl Harbour. But, as many messages before, it was
withheld from the Pearl Harbour commanders.Although many ships
were damaged at Pearl Harbour, they were all old and slow. The main
targets of the Japanese attack fleet were the Pacific Fleet's aircraft
carriers, but Roosevelt made sure these were safe from the attack: in
November, at about the same time as the Japanese attack fleet left
Japan, Roosevelt sent the Lexington and Enterprise out to sea.
Meanwhile, the Saratoga was in San Diego._Why did Pearl Harbour
happen? Roosevelt wanted a piece of the war pie. Having failed to bait
Hitler by giving $50.1 billion in war supplies to Britain, the Soviet
Union, France and China as part of the Lend Lease program, Roosevelt
switched focus to Japan. Because Japan had signed a mutual defence
pact with Germany and Italy, Roosevelt knew war with Japan was a
legitimate back door to joining the war in Europe. On October 7, 1940,
one of Roosevelt's military advisors, Lieutenant Commander Arthur
McCollum, wrote a memo detailing an 8-step plan that would provoke
Japan into attacking the United States. Over the next year, Roosevelt
implemented all eight of the recommended actions. In the summer of
1941, the US joined England in an oil embargo against Japan. Japan
needed oil for its war with China, and had no remaining option but to
invade the East Indies and Southeast Asia to get new resources. And
that required getting rid of the US Pacific Fleet first._Although
Roosevelt may have got more than he bargained for, he clearly let the
attack on Pearl Harbour happen, and even helped Japan by making
sure their attack was a surprise. He did this by withholding information
from Pearl Harbour's commanders and even by ensuring the attack
force wasn't accidentally discovered by commercial shipping traffic. As
Rear Admiral Richmond K. Turner stated in 1941: "We were prepared
to divert traffic when we believed war was imminent. We sent the
traffic down via the Torres Strait, so that the track of the Japanese task
force would be clear of any traffic."

7. Israeli Terrorist Cell Uncovered in Egypt

In July, 1954, an Israeli terrorist cell was activated inside Egypt. The
ensuing attacks, cleverly designed to look like the work of Arabs,
blasted and torched American and British targets. First, the Israeli
terrorists firebombed the Alexandria Post Office. Then, they
firebombed the US Information Agency libraries: one in Alexandria, and
one in Cairo. Then, they firebombed a British-owned Metro-Goldwyn
Mayer theatre, a railway terminal, the central post office, and a couple
more theatres..._To smuggle their bombs inside the buildings, the
terrorists used devices shaped like books, hiding them inside book
covers. Once inside, bags filled with acid were placed on top of the
nitroglycerin bombs. After several hours, the acid ate through the bags
and ignited the nitroglycerin, causing explosions and blazing infernos.
In the early 1950s, the United States was making fast friends with
Egypt, taking advantage of the new pan-Arab Egyptian government of
Gamal Abdel Nasser. The warming relationship between the US and
Egypt caused a very insecure Israel to feel threatened. Nassar also had
plans to nationalize the Suez Canal, which had been controlled by the
British for decades. Egypt had been known to blockade Israeli shipping
through the canal and Israel feared Nassar would make a blockade
permanent._After US President Eisenhower began encouraging the
British to leave the Suez Canal Zone, Israel started looking for a way to
make the British stay, and a way to remain best buddies with America.
And what better way to treat your best friend than to stab them in the
back and tell them one of your other friends did it?

David Ben Gurion, Israel's founding prime minister, thought that

Egyptian terrorist attacks against Americans would be a perfect way to
cool the growing US/Egypt relationship. Since there were no Egyptians
planning attacks against Americans, Ben Gurion's protégés did the next
best thing: they recruited Israeli agents to pretend to be Egyptian
terrorists._The top-secret Israeli terrorist cell, Unit 131, had existed
since 1948. In 1950, Israel's Directorate of Military Intelligence Aman
was created and Israel sent an undercover agent, Colonel Avraham Dar
(alias: John Darling, British citizen of the island of Gibraltar), to recruit
more members to Unit 131. He also trained them in how to build
bombs and terrify Americans and British civilians working and living in
Egypt._Before the terrorist cell was activated, another Israeli agent
named Avraham (Avraham Seidenberg) was sent to take control from
Avraham Dar. Seidenberg first went to Germany to establish an alias:
he assumed the identy of Paul Frank, a former SS officer, complete
with underground Nazi connections. By 1954, his new identity was in
place and he went to Egypt to take command of Unit 131. Everything
was going well for the Israeli terrorists it seemed. But, there was one
thing the members of Unit 131 didn't know: their terrorist sleeper cell
had itself been infiltrated by the Egyptian intelligence service. The new
Unit 131 leader, Seidenberg, had betrayed them to the Egyptians. So,
when Unit 131 member Philip Nathanson made his way to bomb the
British-owned Rio theatre in Alexandria, not only was he being
followed, the Egyptian intelligence service had a fire engine waiting to
put out the flames. As Nathanson stood in the ticket line, his bad luck
turned worse when one of the bombs in his pocket ignited and then
exploded. Nathanson was burned but not killed. As nearby pedestrians
shouted warnings and wondered if he was a suicide bomber, Egyptian
policemen stepped in, calmed the crowd, and identified Nathanson as
one of the terrorists who had been blowing up American and British
buildings._Nathanson was interrogated by Egypt's military intelligence
and confessed the whole plot, which led to more arrests. When the
Israeli spies were given a public trail, all the details of their terrorist
training in Israel came to light._Former Israeli Prime Minister Ben
Gurion and Israel's Aman chief, Binyamin Gibli, tried to frame their
own Defense Minister Pinhas Lavon. They even offered forged
documents as proof. The frame-up worked for a while, so much so that
the entire incident is still popularly known as the Lavon Affair. Lavon
resigned and Ben Gurion came out of political retirement to replace
him as Israel's Defense Minister. However, the truth did finally emerge.
In 1960, a review of the inquiry discovered the fake documents, as well
as perjury by Seidenberg. A committee of seven Cabinet members
cleared Lavon. Although Ben Gurion never admitted fault, he did resign
his post as Defense Minister.

8. Operation Northwoods

In 1962, the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff unanimously proposed state-

sponsored acts of terrorism on American soil, against American
citizens. The head of every branch of the US armed forces gave written
approval to sink US ships, shoot down hijacked American planes, and
gun down and bomb civilians on the streets of Washington, D.C., and
Miami. The idea was to blame the self-inflicted terrorism on Cuba's
leader, Fidel Castro, so the American public would beg and scream for
the Marines to storm Havana. _The public learned about Operation
Northwoods 35 years later, when the Top Secret document was
declassified by the John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Review
Board. Among other things, Operation Northwoods proposed:_- Faking
the crash of an American passenger plane. The disaster was to be
accomplished by faking a commercial flight from the US to Jamaica,
and having the plane boarded at a public airport by CIA agents
disguised as college students going on vacation. An empty remote-
controlled plane would follow the commercial flight as it left Florida.
The commercial flight's pilots would radio for help, mention that they
had been attacked by a Cuban fighter, then land in secret at Eglin AFB.
The empty remote-controlled plane would then be blown out of the sky
and the public would be told all the poor college students aboard were
killed._- Using a possible NASA disaster (astronaut John Glenn's death)
as a pretext to launch the war. The plan called for "manufacturing
various pieces of evidence which would prove electronic interference
on the part of the Cubans" if something went wrong with NASA's third
manned space launch. _- Blowing up buildings in Washington and
Miami. Cuban agents (undercover CIA agents) would be arrested, and
they would confess to the bombings. In addition, false documents
proving Castro's involvement in the attacks would be "found" and
given to the press. _- Attacking an American military base in
Guantanamo with CIA recruits posing as Cuban mercenaries. This
involved blowing up the ammunition depot and would obviously result
in material damages and many dead American troops. As a last resort,
the plan even mentioned bribing one of Castro's commanders to
initiate the Guantanamo attack. That deserves repeating: the Pentagon
considered using our tax dollars to bribe another country's military to
attack our own troops in order to instigate a full-scale war.

Operation Northwoods was only one of several plans under the

umbrella of Operation Mongoose. Shortly after the Joint Chiefs signed
and presented the plan in March, 1962, President Kennedy, still
smarting from the Bay of Pigs fiasco, declared that he would never
authorize a military invasion of Cuba. In September, Kennedy denied
the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, General Lyman Lemnitzer, a second
term as the nation's highest ranking military officer. And by the winter
of 1963, Kennedy was dead... killed, apparently, by a Cuban
sympathiser in the streets of an American city.

9. Phantoms in the Gulf of Tonkin

On August 2, 1964, three North Vietnamese torpedo boats attacked a

US destroyer, the USS Maddox. The boats reportedly fired torpedoes at
the US ship in international waters in the Gulf of Tonkin, about thirty
miles off the Vietnam coast. On August 4, the US Navy reported
another unprovoked attack on the USS Maddox and the USS Turner
Joy._Within hours, President Lyndon B. Johnson ordered a retaliatory
strike. As the bases for North Vietnamese torpedo boats were bombed,
Johnson went on TV and told America: "Repeated acts of violence
against the armed forces of the United States must be met not only
with alert defense, but with a positive reply. That reply is being given
as I speak tonight." The next day, Secretary of Defense Robert
McNamara assured Capital Hill that the Maddox had only been
"carrying out a routine mission of the type we carry out all over the
world at all times." McNamara said the two boats were in no way
involved with recent South Vietnamese boat raids against North
Vietnamese targets._At Johnson's request, Congress passed the Gulf of
Tonkin Resolution. The resolution pre-approved any military actions
Johnson would take. It gave Johnson a free ticket to wage war in
Vietnam as large as the President wanted. And, true to his large Texas
roots, Johnson got a big war: by 1969, over half a million US troops
were fighting in Indochina. Despite McNamara's testimony to the
contrary, the USS Maddox had been providing intelligence support to
South Vietnamese boats carrying out raids against North Vietnam.
McNamara had also testified that there was "unequivocable proof" of
an "unprovoked" second attack against the USS Maddox. In fact, the
second attack never occurred at all._At the time of the second incident,
the two US destroyers misinterpreted radar and radio signals as
attacks by the North Vietnamese navy. It's now known that no North
Vietnamese boats were in the area. So, for two hours, the two US
destroyers blasted away at nonexistent radar targets and vigorously
manoeuvred to avoid phantom North Vietnamese ships. Even though
the second "attack" only involved two US ships defending themselves
against a nonexistent enemy, the President and Secretary of Defense
used it to coerce Congress and the American people to start a war they
neither wanted nor needed._After the Vietnam War turned into a
quagmire, Congress decided to put limits on the President's authority
to unilaterally wage war. Thus, on November 7, 1973, Congress
overturned President Nixon's veto and passed the War Powers
Resolution. The resolution requires the President to consult with
Congress before making any decisions that engage the US military in
hostilities. It is still in effect to this day.

10. The September 11, 2001 Attacks

Like many buildings built in the 1970s, the twin towers were
constructed with vast quantities of cancer-causing asbestos. The cost
of removing the Twin Tower asbestos? A year's worth of revenues at a
minimum; possibly as much as the value of the buildings themselves.
The cost to disassemble the Twin Towers floor by floor would have run
into the double-digit billions. In addition, the Port Authority was
prohibited from demolishing the towers because the resulting asbestos
dust would cover the entire city, which it did when they collapsed,
resulting in many cancers with a confirmed link to the WTC
dust._Despite its questionable status, in January of 2001, Larry
Silverstein made a $3.2 billion bid for the World Trade Center. On July
24, the Port Authority accepted the offer. Silverstein then took out an
insurance policy that, understandably, covered terrorist attacks, which
happened seven weeks later. To date, Silverstein has been awarded
almost $5 billion from nine different insurance companies. What was
an asbestos nightmare turned into a $1.8 billion profit within seven
Donald Rumsfeld said about the Pentagon on the morning of
September 10, 2001: "According to some estimates we cannot track
$2.3 trillion in transactions." That bombshell was pretty much
forgotten by the next morning. So, as a reward for losing $8,000 for
every man, woman, and child in America, taxpayers patriotically forked
over another $370 billion and counting to invade Iraq. True to form,
the Pentagon promptly lost $9 billion of that money, too.

Eight days after the attacks, the 342-page Patriot Act was given to
Congress. That same week, letters armed with anthrax from a US
military lab entered the mail. Subsequently, while Congressional
offices were evacuated, examined, cleaned and nasal cavities swabbed,
the Patriot Act remained largely unread. Then, with little debate, the
Patriot Act became law, giving the Bush administration unprecedented
power to access people's medical records, tax records, information
about the books they bought or borrowed and the power to conduct
secret residential searches without notifying owners that their homes
had been searched.

In early 2001, executives from Shell, BP, and Exxon met with Dick
Cheney's Energy Task Force while it was developing its new national
energy policy. Later, the companies freely admitted interest in profiting
from Iraq's oil fields, even before the US invaded Iraq. And now? A new
Iraq hydrocarbon law expected to pass in March 2007 will open the
door for international investors, led by BP, Exxon and Shell, to siphon
off 75 percent of Iraq oil wealth for the next thirty years.

According to statements by Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer, a Bronze Star

recipient with 22 years of experience in intelligence operations, a
classified intelligence program codenamed Able Danger had uncovered
two of the three 9/11 terrorist cells a year before the attacks and had
identified four of the hijackers. Shaffer alerted the FBI in September of
2000, but the meetings he tried to set up with bureau officials were
repeatedly blocked by military lawyers. Four credible witnesses have
come forward to verify Shaffer's claims. _In August 2001, a Pan Am
International Flight Academy instructor warned the FBI that a student
(Zacarias Moussaoui) might use a commercial plane loaded with fuel as
a weapon. The instructor asked "Do you realize that a 747 loaded with
fuel can be used as a bomb?" Moussaoui was then arrested on
immigration charges, but despite the repeated urging of the school and
local agents, FBI headquarters refused a deeper investigation. The US
also received dozens of detailed warnings (names, locations, dates)
from the intelligence agencies of Indonesia, Great Britain, Germany,
Italy, Egypt, Jordan, India, Argentina, Morocco, Russia, Israel, France
and even the Taliban. It would seem that the entire world was onto the
bungling Saudi hijackers and somewhat perplexed that the US wasn't
taking preventative actions. But in each case the US, as if by design,
chose not to investigate. Instead. Condoleezza Rice, on May 16, 2002,
stated: "I don't think anybody could have predicted that these people
would take an airplane and slam it into the World Trade Center, take
another one and slam it into the Pentagon."_We also know that on the
morning of 9/11, multiple Air Force war games and drills were in
progress. The hijackers would have never made it to their targets
without these war games: Operation Northern Vigilance ensured that
many jet fighters that would have normally been patrolling the east
coast were flying over Alaska and northern Canada in a drill that
simulated a Russian air attack, complete with false radar blips.
_Remarkably, operation Vigilant Guardian simulated hijacked planes in
the north eastern sector, while real hijackers were in the same
airspace. This drill had NORAD and the Air Force reacting to false blips
on FAA radar screens. Some of these blips corresponded to real military
aircraft in the air posing as hijacked aircraft. That's why when NORAD's
airborne control officer, Lt. Col. Dawne Deskins, heard Boston claim it
had a hijacked airliner, her first words were, "It must be part of the

Changing colours

If you follow the money, you can see that the people with the most to
gain occupied the key military and civilian positions to help 9/11
happen, as well as to cover up the crime. Such is the hallmark of false
flag operations throughout history. But the incredible scale of the 9/11
sham, and the sheer number of people who still refuse to see the
mountain of truth in front of their eyes...that's what makes the
September 11, 2001 attacks the greatest false flag operation of all
time._Hermann Göring stated: "Naturally the common people don't
want war; neither in Russia, nor in England, nor in America, nor in
Germany. That is understood. But after all, it is the leaders of the
country who determine policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag
the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship,
or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. ...Voice or no voice, the
people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is
easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and
denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country
to danger. It works the same in any country."_Adolf Hitler in Mein
Kampf, a book still forbidden in some countries (such as France),
wrote: "In the size of the lie there is always contained a certain factor
of credibility, since the great masses of the people...will more easily fall
victim to a great lie than to a small one."

Joe Crubaugh is a freelance writer, artist, and software consultant.

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