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Submitted To : Dr. Shilpi

Nursing Tutor
Submitted By : Rupali
M.sc. Nursing 1st year
Name of the Student Teacher : Rupali
Class : Msc. Nursing 1st Year
Subject : Nursing Education
Topic : Guidance
Group : MSc Nursing 1st year
Size of Group : 13
Venue : MSc Classroom
Duration of Teaching : 10 mins
Method of Teaching : Micro teaching
A.V. Aids : PPT, Chart, Flash cards, Green board
Date and Time : 4th March 2021; 2;30 pm
Previous Knowledge : The group of student have some knowledge about guidance from their undergraduate programme.

General Objective:
At the end of the class, the students will be able to understand and clear all doubts about “Guidance”

Guidance is as old as
civilization. In the primitive
society, elders in the family
offered guidance to the young
and to the person in distress.
Even today, in our society,
guidance, whether in
educational, vocational or
personal matters, is sought
from family elders.
Today we will discuss about
the “Guidance”
1min ABLE: Introduction Teacher introduce the What do you mean
“Guidance as a process through which an individual is able to solve meaning of guidance with the by guidance?
To introduce their problems and pursue a path suitable to their abilities and help of PPT
about the aspiration”- JM Brewer
meaning of “Guidance is an educational service designed to help students make
guidance more effective use of the schools training programme”- Educational
Point Of View.

2 min To enlist the Elements of guidance Teacher enlist the elements of What are the
elements of  It focuses our attention on the individual and not the problem. guidance with the help of various elements of
guidance  It leads to the discovery of abilities of an individual. Greenboard guidance?
 It is based upon the assets and limitations of an individual.
 It leads to self-development and self direction.
 It helps the individual to plan wisely for the present and the
 It assists the individual to become adjust to the environment.
 It assists to achieve success and happiness.
2 min To explain the Characteristics of guidance Teacher explain the various Enlist some
characteristics of  It is a help given by one person to another in solving problem. characteristics of guidance characteristics of
guidance with the help of PPT guidance.
 Guidance is usually given by qualified and trained person to
develop own point view of one self.
 It is a continuous and life long process for all sphere or walk
of life.
 It enables the individual to take decision to grow
independently and he is responsible for himself.
 It converts the reality into satisfaction to himself and benefit
to society.
2 min To describe Principles of guidance Teacher describe various What are the
various principles of guidance with principles of
 It involves of principles of individual differences, every
principles of the help of chart guidance.
individual has own abilities, potentialities and needs.
 It studies the individual as whole, means physical, emotional,
social and mental structure.
 It is goal oriented and goal-directed.
 It is a continuous process.
 It is based on democratic principles. Guidance is for all, for all
stages not for few individuals.
1½ To explain the Types for guidance Teacher explain the types of What are the types
min types of guidance with the help of of guidance?
guidance I. Educational guidance: Refers to the guidance to students in all flash cards
aspects of education. The emphasis is on providing assistance
to students to perform satisfactorily in their academic work,
choose the appropriate courses of study, overcome learning
difficulties foster creativity, improve levels of motivation,
utilise institutional resources optimally such as library,
laboratory, work-shop etc.

II. Vocational guidance: It is assistance provided for selection of

a vocation and preparation for the same. It is concerned with
enabling students to qacquire information about career
opportunities, career growth and training facilities.

III. Personal guidance: Refers to the guidance to students to

enable them to adjust themselves to their environment so that
they become efficient citizens. Adolescent behaviour, to a
great extent, depends upon the mood and attitudes of the
adolescents. Emotional instability is a characteristic of
adolescents and this is often the cause of many of their
personal problems.

IV. Social guidance: It is guidance to students to enable them to

make substantial contributions to the society, assume
leadership, conform to the social norms, work as team
members, develop healthy and positive attitudes, appreciate
the problems of society, respect the opinions and sentiments of
fellow beings, acquire traits of patience, perseverance
fraternity, friendship. Its main purpose is to enable the student
to become an efficient citizen.

V. Avocational guidance: It is assistance to be provided to

students to spend their available leisure time profitably.
Activities and programs outside the formal class-rooms
provide many opportunities for the blossoming of talents of
students. They may use their leisure time in many activities
such as games, photography, drama, fine arts, which have
recreational value also. Students must enjoy life around them
through which allround development is possible.

VI. Health guidance: It implies the assistance rendered to students

for maintaining sound health. Sound health is a prerequisite
for participating in curricular and cocurricular activities. This
type of guidance focuses on enabling students to appreciate
conditions for good health and take steps necessary for
ensuring good health, maintaining sound physical and mental
health. A sound mind is possible only in a sound body.
1½ To enlist the Need for guidance Teacher enlist the various Enlist the various
min various need for need for guidance with the need for guidance
guidance 1. Psychological Factors: It refer to the individual differences help of PPT
and intra- individual differences among his students. Rate of
growth and development—physical, social, emotional and
mental information’s are essential for a teacher. He should
know their aptitudes and interests in the school subjects and

2. Social Factors: Education is a social process of development.

There is increase of enrolment in school and colleges. The
large number of students are admitted in a class, so the
personal contact of teacher and taught is not possible.There are
diversifications of courses. It is the main problems in the
school, going students for selecting the subjects and courses
for the study. It may suit to them. It requires proper
educational guidance to the students.

3. Philosophical Factors: There is a rapid change in social

philosophy and values of the society. An elective approach is
used to formulate the objectives of education. There is a
cultural and social difference in the classroom it amounts to
adjustment problems in the class. It requires guidance for their

4. Scientific and Technological Factor: The present era is of

scientific and technological advancement in the developing
countries. It also causes the adjustment problems in the
society. The computer science has greatly influenced our daily
life activities. It requires the proper guidance for new type
So we had a discussion
regarding guidance, its
elements, characteristics,
principles, types and need for
Guidance is not a direction.at
the same time, it is not
thrusting somebody’s views
on others. Guidance is not
taking decisions for others.
Guidance is, in fact, an
integrated, organized and
creative process.
 KP Neeraja, Textbook of Nursing Education,Jaypee Brothers
Medical Publishers (P) Ltd. Fiest Edition, Pg. no. 447-462
 BT Basavanthappa, Nursing Education, Second Edition, Pg.
no. 865-870
 www.wikipedia.com

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