ECG Lead LL Interpretation Answers
ECG Lead LL Interpretation Answers
ECG Lead LL Interpretation Answers
Interpretation Answers
#1. 2nd Degree Block Type 1
Step Finding
Rate 90 • The underlying rhythm is junctional, based on
its regular R-R interval, narrow QRS
Rhythm Irregular configuration (< .120 s) and no ‘P’ waves.
• There are also extra, wide complex beats;
P-R Interval n/a called PVCs.
• When every third beat is a PVC it is sometimes
QRS Duration 0.080s/0.120s referred to as ‘trigeminy’.
P-QRS Ratio n/a
#3. Torsades des Pointes
Step Finding
Rate n/a • This rhythm has a distinct
increasing then decreasing
Rhythm Irregular amplitude in a repeating pattern
typical of Torsades des Pointes.
P-R Interval n/a • If the patient is pulseless it should
be treated like any other pulseless
QRS Duration n/a V-tach or V-fib.
P-QRS Ratio n/a
#4. Accelerated Junctional
Step Finding
• “Wide and slow and the Ps don’t
Rate ~55 show, is idio..” is a saying that
might help you to remember this
Rhythm Irregular rhythm.
• There are not six seconds
P-R Interval n/a
available to determine the rate,
QRS Duration 0.200s but it looks relatively regular so
we can use the 300-150-100...
P-QRS Ratio n/a method.
#8. Junctional into a
Supraventricular Tachycardia
Step Finding • This rhythm looks normal other than that the
prolonged P-R interval.
Rate 60 • If the P-R interval is longer than 0.200 s it is
considered a 1 st degree A-V block.
Rhythm Regular • The prolonged interval means that the
conduction between the atria and the
P-R Interval 0.240s ventricles is slowed down more than usual.
• Vagal activation, beta blockers and
QRS Duration 0.080s
anti-alzheimers meds such as Aricept are
P-QRS Ratio 1 to 1 common culprits.
#11. Sinus Arrhythmia
Step Finding
Rate 60
Rhythm Irregular
P-R Interval 0.160s
QRS Duration 0.080s
P-QRS Ratio 1 to 1
#12. Sinus Tachycardia
Step Finding
• This rhythm looks ‘bad’ at a first
Rate 155 glance, but systematic analysis of
its components reveals that it is
Rhythm Regular normal other than being fast.
• Try to determine the cause of sinus
P-R Interval 0.120s tachycardia as it is often a
compensatory response to
QRS Duration 0.080s something; fever, pain, blood loss,
infection etc.
P-QRS Ratio 1 to 1
#13. Atrial Flutter 3:1
Step Finding
Rate 75 (atrial only)
• This rhythm is sometimes seen in a
Rhythm Regular person who is VSA.
• Basically there are P waves only.
P-R Interval n/a • The ventricles are not depolarizing
at all.
QRS Duration n/a
P-QRS Ratio n/a
#16. Atrial Fibrillation
Step Finding
• This is another ‘narrow complex, irregularly
Rate 80
irregular rhythm with no ‘P’ waves’.
Rhythm Irregular • Even though these rhythms come in a wide
variety of ‘looks’ they are all atrial fibrillation.
P-R Interval n/a • 15% of people older than 65 years of age have
atrial fibrillation.
QRS Duration 0.060s • Many don’t even know that they have it.
P-QRS Ratio n/a
#17. Sinus Tachycardia or Junctional
Step Finding
• This strip has two different regular rhythms
Rate 30 on it.
• ‘P’ waves are regular at around 65
Rhythm Regular
beats per minute.
P-R Interval n/a • QRS complexes are regular at 30
beats per minute.
QRS Duration 0.160s • However, there is no relation between the
P-QRS Ratio No relation two rhythms, they are essentially divorced,
‘doing their own thing’.
• There is a complete disconnect between the
atria and the ventricles.
#19. Sinus Tachycardia
Step Finding
Rate 200 • The wide complex and fast rate
Rhythm Regular makes this rhythm quite easy to
P-R Interval n/a • Keep in mind v-tach might or
might not have a pulse.
QRS Duration 0.160s
P-QRS Ratio n/a
#23. Ventricular Tachycardia
Step Finding
Rate 80
Rhythm Regular
P-R Interval 0.160s
QRS Duration 0.080s
P-QRS Ratio 1 to 1
#26. Ventricular Fibrillation
Step Finding
Rate n/a
Rhythm Irregular
P-R Interval n/a
QRS Duration n/a
P-QRS Ratio n/a
Sinus Bradycardia