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State How Worried Are You About The Following

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Dear student, during these tough times, we need to make sure that your

learning never stops. Please take this five-minute survey and provide your
honest feedback so we can continuously take steps to improve and enhance
your learning experience.

This is not a test! Please answer every question truthfully and elaborate
wherever necessary.
State how worried are you about the following:
Extremely worried Worried Neutral

The impact of the coronavirus on your educational

The impact of the coronavirus on your desire to learn at
the university
 How easy or difficult is it you to study these days effectively?
Extremely easy
Very easy
It feels the same
Very difficult
Extremely difficult
 What distractions do you face at home? (choose all that apply)
My pet
Video games
The people at home
Surfing the internet
Rate your happiness with the following:
Very happy Happy Neutral

Clarity of your learning schedule.

Clarity of the tasks set for you.
The number of tasks assigned to you.
The feedback that you got on your work this week.
Learning progressed this week.
In general, how did you find learning from home this week? Share your comments and suggestions:
 What are the top three most significant challenges you face while learning from home?
Maintaining a regular schedule
Communicating with the faculty and the management
Internet connectivity at the university
Collaborating with fellow students
I don’t have access to all the prescribed tools needed to study
Too many distractions at home
Getting enough food
Social Isolation
Anxiety about the impact of the coronavirus on my career
 Thinking about the current social distancing situation, how long is this something you could
comfortably maintain?
It’s not sustainable now
One week
A few weeks
A month
Two months
More than two months
 How confident are you about the following:
Extremely confident Very confident Somewhat confid

The institution’s management team will make the right

decisions to push through this crisis.
The university support network’s help through this
What did you like about this week’s sessions?

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