Wird Al Latif
Wird Al Latif
Wird Al Latif
al-Wird al-Latif
ُ اَلْ ِو ْر ُد اللَّ ِط
In the Name of the One Who created all relationships
and Who remains the closest in relationship to all
One of the greatest gifts we can give ourselves and all of humanity is to understand the
sacred texts - the Word of God and the Word of His Apostle, ﷺ. This book comprises an
attempt to nurture such an understanding of the sacred Word of prayer as well as its role
in our lives. We must first understand, and then be able to share, the prayers entrusted to
us by the Apostle of God ﷺ, because they are the legacy he has left for all - not just you
and me - but all of humanity.
The translations in this book are not an interpretation of sacred text, but rather an
inspiration that has flowed from an exploration of their Arabic meanings. We have taken
great care and attention to invoke the meanings of the roots of the words, their nuances,
and the sense the words are given by their context. All of this effort is out of homage to
the profundity of the Arabic language, as well as the fluidity and eloquence that we know
are qualities of God’s Word as well as the Word of the Noble Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.
It was our humble intention with this edition to release some of the meanings that are
often locked away in standard translations, but which must be brought to light if we are
to fully share this legacy with all those to whom it belongs. It has been too long that the
extraordinary beauty and depth of the Prophet’s Prayers have been kept from people by
the coldness of technical word-for-word renditions that strip them of their actual flow and
original grandeur. It remains our hope in God that the spirit of the words in these prayers
- the spirit with which they were spoken the first time, is preserved and manifested in the
translation you hold between your hands.
If you find this booklet a valuable contribution in reconnecting people the the Heritage
of the Prophets, may God continue to nourish their souls and our connection to them all,
please consider making a donation to Sanad Collective so that this kind of service may
continue and expand by the Grace of God.
May all your seeking of God be met with finding Him and being found by Him, in the best
of states, by His Grace.
al-Wird al-Latif
A prescription for heart health by Imam al Haddad
“Wird” - the word comes from a verb which means “to seek a source
(of water);” and also “to receive something as a divine inspiration.”
A wird is what we as seekers go to, a source of healing and good drink for
our hearts, and at its origin it is a divinely-inspired collection of prayers,
all drawn from the actual invocations the Prophet ﷺwould make in
speaking to the Creator. All of the prayers contained in any wird come to
us from the Prophet ;ﷺprayers that, out of his great love for us, he left to
us as a gift of connection.
There are many awraad (plural of wird). Together, these devotional litanies
comprise a great treasure: the spiritual pharmacy that is the gift of the
Prophet ﷺto all of humankind. Imagine being able to enter this priceless
pharmacy, full of reviving and powerful cures from the hands of the Beloved
Healer ﷺhimself, who knows our sicknesses so well, and who God tells us
suffers and feels hurt that we should ever suffer.
Now imagine that instead of being bewildered by all the many curative
compounds, you can instead locate exactly the formula you need according
to the state you are in, and pull that neatly-labelled prescription off the
shelf, in order to access this Prophetic medicine. This is the enormous
blessing you have access to, at all times, and in all circumstances.
Daily Health:
Prayers that one recites regularly, in the morning and the evening, are like
a set of protective hands around the hours of our day, cupping them gently,
and lifting them up to God. The Prophet ﷺtells us that God promises us:
Whoever gives Me a moment of their time in the morning, and a moment of
their time in the evening, I will take care of the time that lies between.
Take this light health-enhancer once after the Dawn Prayer, and once after the
Sunset Prayer. If this is not possible, take it at some point before midday, and
at some point after midday. Keep your heart well, morning and night.
The Wird al-Latif may be recited with the intention of seeking God’s
protection from various inward and outward ills, seeking His cure of
certain illnesses, and seeking His provision of well-being and goodness.
May this wird join you in harmony with the way the Prophet, may God
continue to nourish his essence and our connection to him, would speak to
the Creator. May you experience the deep joy of connection to him ﷺ, in
reciting the same words he would recite as morning came upon him and as
evening arrived to his days. May you feel the great energy that these words,
uttered by him, still hold - because they were uttered by him ﷺ.
May you find healing, blessing, and peace in the Wird al-Latif.
May its words bring you a sense of belonging to, and being loved by,
your Lord and His Apostle ﷺ.
ُ اَلْ ِو ْر ُد اللَّ ِط
al-Wird al-Latif
ب ِْس ِم ال َّل ِه ال َّر ْح َمنِ ال َّر ِح ِيم
، َو ِم ْن شَ ـ ِّر َغ ِاس ٍق إِ َذا َو َق َب،ش ماَ َخل ََق ِّ َ ِم ْن،ُق ْل أَ ُعو ُذ ِب َر ِّب الْ َفل َِق
)3( اس ٍد إِ َذا َح َس َد ِ ش َح ِّ َ َو ِم ْن،ات ِف الْ ُع َق ِد ِ ََو ِم ْن شَ ـ ِّر ال َّنـفَّاث
In the Name of God, Unconditionally Loving to all,
Closer to you than your closest kin
Say: "I seek refuge in the Lord of the dawn, From the evil of that which He created
And from the evil of darkness when it falls suddenly
And when it deepens
And from the evil of those who blow upon knots seeking that ill should come to others1
And from the evil of an envier when he lets loose his envy." (recite 3 times)
Say: "I seek refuge in the One Who takes care of all of humankind -
Who is Sovereign in His power over all humankind -
And Supreme in His Presence and Essence, over all of humankind -
from the evil of the whisperer of evil,
That whisperer, be he of jinn or humakind,
who whispers evil suggestions into the hearts of humankind." (recite 3 times)
َوأَ ُعو ُذ ب َِك َر ِّب،ـاط ِني
ِ ات الشَّ َي َ َر ِّب أَ ُعو ُذ ب
ِ ِـك ِم ْن َه َمـ َز
)3( ِأَنْ َي ْحضُ ـ ُرون
O my Lord I seek refuge in You from the seduction and suggestions of devils
And I seek refuge in You from their demonic presence. (recite 3 times)
وله الحمد يف السموات،فسبحان الله حني متسون وحني تصبحون
يخرج الحي من امليت ويخرج،واألرض وعشياً وحني تظهرون
امليت من الحي ويحيي األرض بعد موتها وكذلك تخرجون
Glory be to God, when the day turns to evening, and when the night turns to day;
to Him belongs all Praise -
in the Heavens and upon Earth,
and by night and at the brightest hour!
He brings the dead to life! And He brings the living to their death!
He revives the earth after its death. In this same way,
you will be brought from the current stage you are in, to the next.
I seek refuge in God, Who hears all things, and knows all things,
from the influence of Satan the one who chose to remain distant from God’s Grace.
(recite 3 times)
لو أنزلنا هذا القرآن عىل جبل لرأيته خاشعاً متصدعاً من خشية
وتلك األمثال نرضبها للناس لعلهم يتفكرون،الله
Were We to reveal this Quran to a mountain, you would see that mountain bend
and bow in utter humility and awe, splitting asunder and disintegrating into dust
out of intense veneration and longing for the Divine.
We draw such images across the human mindscape,
so that human beings might take the gift they are being offered to reflect deeply.
هو الله الذي الإله إال هو عامل الغيب والشهادة هو الرحمن
القدوس السالم املؤمن
ُّ هو الله الذي الإله إال هو امللك،الرحيم
هو، سبحان الله عام يرشكون،املهيمن العزيز الجبار املتكرب
يسبح له ما يف،الله الخالق البارئ املص ِّور له األسامء الحسنى
الساموات واألرض وهو العزيز الحكيم
He is God - the One God, that One Who, deep inside us, we know.
There is no one worthy of being loved and sought but Him,
He Who knows what we show and what we hide, what we see and what we don’t see.
He is the the One Who gives love to all, unconditionally,
the One closer to us than our very own relatives.
He is God - the One God, that One Who, deep inside us, we know.
There is no one worthy of focusing upon or worshiping but Him,
no one worth being loved and sought but Him,
the One Who rules all and to Whom belongs everything
the One Who is Pure in His Essence and makes pure everything He touches,
The One Who is the Source of Holiness,
the One Who is the Essence of peace, and gives peace to everyone who seeks it of Him,
The One Who is the Source of security, and Who bestows security upon His creatures;
the One Who protects and guards all lives,
Whose Height is beyond anyone’s ability to fathom;
the One Who heals and mends all the broken bones and bonds,
The One Whose might is so great that no evil can stand before it,
but rather perishes at its very presence!
The One Whose grandeur is so great
that no one can harm the one who is protected by Him
Glory be to God above all that people equate to Him!
He is God, the One God.
The Creator
the One Who started everything from nothing,
the One Who gave everything its form
To Him belong the Most Stunningly Beautiful Names and Qualities,
To Him belong the Most Exalted Titles.
All that is in the heavens and earth celebrates His glory
and sends forth His Praises constantly!
Yet no one could ever actually describe or comprehend Him as He truly is,
He remains too high above their perception,
beyond their imagination.
The God of Absolute Perfection.
إن َُّه من عبادنا، إنَّـا كذلك نجزي املحسنني،سالم عىل نوحٍ يف العاملني
Peace be upon Noah, a peace that resonates throughout the universe and all of its worlds!
In this way do We reward those who strive for Us in goodness.
Noah was truly one of Our devotees who strove to place his trust in Us!
بسم الله الذي ال يرض مع اسمه يشء يف األرض وال يف السامء وهو
)3( السميع العليم
فــأمتم،اللهم إين أصبحت (أمسيت) منك يف نعم ٍة وعافي ٍة وسرت
)3( يل وعافيتك وسرتك يف الدنيا واآلخرة
َّ نعمتك ع
In the morning:
Dear Lord of mine,
morning finds me -
by Your Grace -
awash in Your gifts to me,
enjoying the well-being You have granted me,
and sheltered by the gentle protection You have covered me with.
I ask You to continue, to enhance, and to perfect
the blessing of all Your gifts to me,
the well-being You have granted me,
and Your protection of me
in this world and the Next.
(recite 3 times)
In the evening:
Dear Lord of mine,
as night falls, it finds me -
by Your Grace -
awash in Your gifts to me,
enjoying the well-being You have granted me,
and sheltered by the gentle protection You have covered me with.
I ask You to continue, to enhance, and to perfect
the blessing of all Your gifts to me,
the well-being You have granted me,
and Your protection of me
in this world and the Next.
(recite 3 times)
، وأشهد حملة عرشك،اللهم إين أصبحت (أمسيت) أشهدك
ومالئكت َـك وجميع خلقك أن ََّك أنت الله ال إله إال أنت وحدك
وأنَّ سيدنا محمداً صىل الله عليه وآله وسلم،الرشيك لك
)4( عبدك ورسولك
In the morning:
Dear Lord,
I have arisen this morning taking You as a Witness for me.
And I take as witnesses, too, the Maintainers of the Arsh (the cosmos),
as well as Your Angels, and the entirety of Your creation,
as I declare that there is none worthy of being sought but You!
No one shares in Your Divinity.
And I declare that our Master Muhammad
truly is Your slave and Apostle. (recite 4 times)
In the evening:
Dear Lord,
I have retired into this night taking You as a Witness for me.
And I take as witnesses, too, the Maintainers of the Arsh (the cosmos),
as well as Your Angels, and the entirety of Your creation,
as I declare that there is none worthy of being sought but You!
No one shares in Your Divinity.
And I declare that our Master Muhammad
truly is Your slave and Apostle. (recite 4 times)
)3( نعمه ويكافئ مزيده
ُ الحمد لله رب العاملني حمداً يوايف
Praise be to God, Lord of the universe, of all worlds, and of all dimensions,
such a Praise that is sufficient to carry in it gratitude for all His bounties
as well as recognition of each additional bounty that He chooses to bestow,
knowing He is Ever-Bestowing of His Gifts! (recite 3 times)
)7( رب العرش العظيم
ُّ حسبي الله ال إله إال هو عليه توكلت وهو
God is Enough for me! He is looking after me completely.
Only God is worthy of being sought.
I let go of all pretenses to control
and place my full reliance on Him!
He is the Caretaker of the this entire cosmos,
the One Who keeps it all in perfect balance,
the Maintainer of its intricacy and Sustainer of its immensity,
and Controller of all action and every movement therein. (recite 7 times)
وأنا عىل،أنت خلقتني وأنا عبدك
َ اللهم أنت ريب الإله إال
أبوء لك،رش ما صنعت
ِّ أعوذ بك من،عهدك ووعدك ما استطعت
بنعمتك عيل وأبوء بذنبي فاغفر يل فـإن َّـه ال يغفر الذنوب إال أنت
O my Beloved Lord, You are my Caretaker,
the One Who looks after me fully and completely!
There is no one worthy of being sought but You.
You have created me, and I am Yours.
I commit to my promise and covenant to You, to the maximum of my ability!
I seek refuge in You from the evil of that which I have brought about through my actions!
I come to You, fully acknowledging Your great favors upon me!
And I come to You acknowledging my sins - forgive me! For no one can forgive but You!
ما شاء الله كان وما مل يشأ مل يكن وال حول وال قوة إال بالله
العيل العظيم
Whatever God wills will come to pass, and whatever He does not will,
will never come to pass. There is no power to do good nor capacity to resist evil
but through God, the Supreme Being, the Almighty.
، ومن عذابك أستجري، برحمتك أستغيث،حـــــي يا قي ُّـوم ُّ يـــا
وال ت ِكلني إىل نفيس وال إىل أح ٍد من خلقك،أصلِح يل شأين كُل َُّه
طرفة عني
O You, the One Who is the Truly-Living, Who never dies, Giver of life,
O You Who sustains all and needs no sustenance!
I call upon Your Closeness and Your Compassion, I seek Your Aid!
I seek protection from ever being distanced from You.
Set aright for me all the aspects of my existence
Be with me always, and do not leave me to myself or to anyone else in Your creation,
even for the blink of an eye!
اللهم إين أسألك العفو والعافية واملعافاة الدامئة
يف ديني ودنياي وأهيل ومايل
O Lord of mine!
I beg You for pardon,
and a state of security that is abiding in every moment, and enduring forever,
I ask You for these blessings to manifest in my faith, my life, my family,
and all that You have given me.
وأنت، وأنت تُطعمني،وأنت تَهديني
َ ،أنت خَلقتني
َ اللهم
وأنت عىل كل يش ٍء قدير
َ ،وأنت تُحييني
َ ، وأنت تُ يتني،تُسقيني
، وعىل كلمة اإلخالص،أصبحنا(أمسينا) عىل فطر ِة اإلسالم
وعىل ملَّة أبينا،دين نبينا محم ٍد صىل الله عليه وآله وسلم
ِ وعىل
إبراهيم عليه السالم حنيفاً مسلامً وما كان من املرشكني
In the morning:
We begin this day
in the state of innate purity God gave us from the beginning,
aware that our Creator is the Source and the Destination,
accepting Him as our Direction;
committing to the Promise of Sincerity to Him;
dwelling within the blessed embrace of the way of life of our Messenger Muhammad -
may the peace and blessing of God continue to nourish his and his Family’s souls
and our connection to him and them.
And we align ourselves in harmony with the guidance of our Father Abraham,
who was ever and by his very nature, connected to the One True God,
never of those who gave a share of their hearts to false idols alongside His Divine Majesty!
In the evening:
We begin this night
in the state of innate purity God gave us from the beginning,
aware that our Creator is the Source and the Destination,
accepting Him as our Direction;
committing to the Promise of Sincerity to Him;
dwelling within the blessed embrace of the way of life of our Messenger Muhammad -
may the peace and blessing of God continue to nourish his and his Family’s souls
and our connection to him and them.
And we align ourselves in harmony with the guidance of our Father Abraham,
who was ever and by his very nature, connected to the One True God,
never of those who gave a share of their hearts to false idols alongside His Divine Majesty!
وعليك، وبك نحيا وبك منوت،اللهم بك أصبحنا وبك أمسينا
)نتوكل وإليك النشور(املصري
In the morning:
O my Lord,
by You we have awoken to this day,
and by You we will retire into its night.
By You we live, and by You we die.
We place our complete reliance upon You.
And to You we will be resurrected.
In the evening:
O my Lord,
by You we retire into this night,
and by You we awaken to this day.
By You we live, and by You we die.
We place our complete reliance upon You.
And our destiny is to return to You.
أصبحنا (أمسينا) وأصبح (وأمىس) امللك لله
رب العاملني
ِّ والحمد لله
In the morning:
Morning has come upon us
As it has come upon all of creation,
ever under the Control of the One God.
We proclaim that all praise belongs to our Caring Lord,
Who maintains and gives harmony to the magnificent universe and all its worlds,
pouring His blessing into all of its vast, immeasurable dimensions.6
In the evening:
Night has come upon us
As it has come upon all of creation,
ever under the Control of the One God.
We proclaim that all praise belongs to our Caring Lord,
Who maintains and gives harmony to the magnificent universe and all its worlds,
pouring His blessing into all of its vast, immeasurable dimensions.
In the evening:
O my Lord Who is my Closest Friend,
I ask You for the goodness of this night,
its openings, its help, its light, its blessings,
and the guidance You have enfolded in it.
وخري، وخري ما قبله، وخري ما فيه،اللهم إين أسألك خري هذا اليوم
، ورش ما قبله،رش ما فيه
ِّ و،رش هذا اليومِّ وأعوذ بك من،ما بعده
و خري ما، و خري ما قبلها، وخري ما فيها،ورش ما بعده (هذه الليلة
، ورش ما قبلها،رش ما فيها
ِّ و،رش هذه الليلةِّ وأعوذ بك من،بعدها
)ورش ما بعدها
In the morning:
O my Lord,
I ask You for the goodness of this day, and the best of what it holds,
the goodness of what came before it, and the goodness of what will follow it,
and I seek refuge in You from the evil of this day and the evil of what it holds,
and the evil that came before it and the evil that follows it.8
In the evening:
O my Lord,
I ask You for the goodness of this night, and the best of what it holds,
the goodness of what came before it, and the goodness of what will follow it,
and I seek refuge in You from the evil of this night and the evil of what it holds,
and the evil that came before it and the evil that follows it.
اللهم ما أصبح (ما أمىس) يب من نعم ٍة أو بأح ٍد من خلقك فمنك
وحدك الرشيك لك فلك الحمد ولك الشكر عىل ذلك
In the morning:
O my Lord,
whatever goodness and grace You have bestowed upon me
or upon anyone in Your creation on this day,
it is indeed from You Alone and no other,
and there is none who shares in Your Power to give!
You alone are the Giver. And I praise You and thank You!
In the evening:
O my Lord,
whatever goodness and grace You have bestowed upon me
or upon anyone in Your creation on this night,
it is indeed from You Alone and no other,
and there is none who shares in Your Power to give!
You alone are the Giver. And I praise You and thank You!
، وزنة عرشه، ورىض نفسه،سبحان اللّه وبحمده عدد خلقه
)3( ومداد كلامته
“Glory be to God the One Who has absolute Power, and Praise be unto Him”
As many times as is equal to the quantity of all that He has created
And to the measure of His Pleasure
And to the weight of the entire cosmos
And to the ink of His Words! (recite 3 times)
سبحان اللّه عدد ما خلق يف،سبحان الله عدد ما خلق يف السامء
سبحان اللّه عدد ما ه َو خالق، سبحان اللّه عدد ما بني ذلك،األرض
Glory be to God!
As many times as is equal to
all that He has created,
all that He creates
and all that He will create
in the Heavens;
Glory be to God!
As many times as is equal to
all that He has created,
all that He creates
and all that He will create
upon Earth;
Glory be to God!
As many times as is equal to
all that He has created,
all that He creates
and all that He will create
between them;
Glory be to God!
multiplied by all the instances in which God manifests as Creator!
الحمد لله عدد ما خلق يف،الحمد لله عدد ما خلق يف السامء
الحمد لله عدد ما ه َو خالق، الحمد لله عدد ما بني ذلك،األرض
Praise be to God!
As many times as is equal to
all that He has created,
all that He creates
and all that He will create
in the Heavens;
Praise be to God!
As many times as is equal to
all that He has created,
all that He creates
and all that He will create
upon Earth;
Praise be to God!
As many times as is equal to
all that He has created,
all that He creates
and all that He will create
between them;
Praise be to God!
multiplied by all the instances in which God manifests as Creator!
ال إله إالّ اللّه عدد،ال إله إالّ الله عدد ما خلق يف السامء
، ال إله إالّ اللّه عدد ما بني ذلك،ما خلق يف األرض
ال إله إالّ اللّه عدد ما ه َو خالق
، اللّه أكرب عدد ما خلق يف األرض،الله أكرب عدد ما خلق يف السامء
اللّه أكرب عدد ما ه َو خالق،اللّه أكرب عدد ما بني ذلك
God is Great!
As many times as is equal to
all that He has created,
all that He creates
and all that He will create
in the Heavens;
God is Great!
As many times as is equal to
all that He has created,
all that He creates
and all that He will create
upon Earth;
God is Great!
As many times as is equal to
all that He has created,
all that He creates
and all that He will create
between them;
God is Great!
multiplied by all the instances in which God manifests as Creator!
،يل العظيم عدد ما خلق يف السامء َ ال
ِّ حول وال ق ّوة إالّ بالله الع
،يل العظيم عدد ما خلق يف األرض َ ال
ِّ حول وال ق ّوة إالّ بالله الع
،يل العظيم عدد ما بني ذلك
ِّ حول وال ق ّوة إالّ بالله الع َ ال
يل العظيم عدد ما ه َو خالقِّ حول وال ق ّوة إالّ بالله الع َ ال
امللك وله الحمد يحيي ومييتُ له،الرشيك له
َ ال إله إالّ اللّه وحد ُه
ّ كل يش ٍء قدير عدد
)3( كل ذ ّرة ألف م ّرة ّ و ُه َو عىل
There is no one to be sought but God, the One God, Who has no partner.
He is the Only One Who has power over all things,
and every single aspect of creation lies in His Hands,
belonging utterly to Him and no one else.
To God all praise is given,
the One Who gives life, and the One Who brings death.
He has the Power to do anything,
Nothing is beyond His Ability!
May this affirmation of mine be multiplied by the number of every atom in existence,
a thousand times over! (recite 3 times)
،صل وسلِّم عىل سيدنا محم ٍد مفتاح باب رحمة اللّه ِّ اللهم
ِ صال ًة وسالماً دامئَ ِني، عدد ما يف علم اللّه
،بدوام ملك اللّه
)3( كل ذ ّرة ألف م ّرة
ّ عدد..وعىل آله وصحبه
My Beloved Lord, exalt the essence of our Master Muhammad,
the Apostle, the Key to the Door of Your Unconditional Love and Grace,
magnify his light in our lives, nourish his soul with Your peace and blessings.
Intensify our connection to him
by a power equal to the sum of all things in Your Knowledge!
With peace and blessings that are everlasting like the everlastingness of Your Dominion,
encircle his Family and Companions with the same Grace -
and multiply this by the number of every single atom in existence,
a thousand times over! (recite 3 times)
1) This is figurative speech, using the image of magicians of old who would target a
person whom they were asked to harm, by tying string into knots, and blowing in or on
these knots, with the intention of exacerbating and inflating the person’s weak points,
shortcomings, and complexes. Even if that form of magic is not to be found today, this
Verse remains a protection against all forms of magic, as well as all forms of blowing up
and amplifying the complexes of the human being. Media, advertising, victimization,
dramatization, and exaggeration are all instruments by which the complexes of the
human being are blown out of proportion, until they take over our consciousness
completely, stealing our focus from God. By reciting this Verse, we invoke God’s
Protection against the words and thoughts that fan the flames of our issues. Whether
these words or thoughts suggest how great one is, or what a loser one is, they remain
nothing but promptings that serve to inflate the wrong facets of one's being and distract
one from the true purpose.
2) The prayer ‘sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam’ that we are called upon to recite whenever
the Prophet is mentioned is equivalent to asking God to intensify our connection to him.
It is he ﷺwho receives from God all the realities of the vision of divine Truth (tawhid),
such as patience (sabr), gratitude (shukr), reliance on God (tawakkul), praise of God
(hamd), etc. The Prophet ﷺis like an electrical power plant from which all energies
emanate, or the lake from which all rivers flow. The Prophet ﷺsays, “The one closest to
me on the Day of Judgment will be the one who asks God for more connection to me.”
3) Anxiety is a feeling of dis-ease about the future, while sadness is a feeling of dis-
ease about the past. The Prophet ﷺis teaching us here that what matters is the
present, and that in concentrating on the present, one can resolve and set aright
both the past and future.
The Arabic word ‘ajz,’ which we have translated as ‘incapacity,’ denotes two kinds of
powerlessness. The first type is the feeling of powerlessness that comes after a good
action, as one recognizes that it is God Alone Who has enabled us to do good, and that
without His Will being manifested for us to do good, and without His Enabling Grace,
we absolutely would not have been able to do that good. This is a sentiment of being
overwhelmed by God’s Grace, and it is a praiseworthy state of ‘powerlessness’ or ‘ajz.’
It is the state of a true muwahhid, one who sees only the Existence of the One Power:
God. For this type of person, there is no taste sweeter than that which is found in this cup
of tawhid: the realization that there is only God! Only God exists, in reality, He is the Only
true Actor bringing about any action, ‘Musabib-al-asbab’ (the One behind every apparent
cause)! Neither the means nor the results belong to us. All belongs to God, and all returns
to Him as ultimate destination where its inner reality and meaning is revealed.
5) When reciting this prayer and the following one, it is good to consider the metaphor of
a fortress. Worries and fears are like enemies outside the walls of the fortress as well as
within (traitors). The weak points of the fortress must be covered or the enemy can easily
enter. In the prayer that immediately follows, we ask of God to protect us from all sides.
It is important to contemplate and bring to your mind's eye the images and metaphors
that are naturally, masterfully, meaningfully woven into the language of the Prophet ﷺ,
so as to better understand and more fully engage in the prayers he ﷺhas given us as his
blessed legacy to all who seek God.
6) The Arabic word used here, ‘mulk,’ is often translated as ‘sovereignty,’ but literally
means ‘possession.’ In this prayer, there is this subtle sense indicated by the literal
meaning: We have awoken to this day, and this possession of God which is me: my soul,
my body, my being, which all belong to Him, has awoken to this day. In this manner,
the word ‘mulk’ means ‘abdullah’ - the devotee and slave who belongs to God and is in
search of reuniting with Him. The Prophet ﷺis teaching us through this prayer that we
do not belong to ourselves. We, like all of everything the sun rises upon,
are the property of God.
7) Here, the Prophet ﷺmatches all the good of the day to the occurrences of the five
daily prayers. He ﷺasks for five things from God, and each of them corresponds to the
blessings sought from each of the five prayers, in order to help us experience the day in
all of its true potential that God has intended in it for us, from waking until sleeping.
The Fajr prayer, the first prayer of the day, is equivalent to the blessing of opening.
We open our day and ask that our hearts and minds be opened to goodness, and that
God’s doors of opportunity to seek Him be opened up for us, and that breakthroughs are
made inside us - opening up the way before us that before today was blocked by our own
inner obstacles.
The second request of the Prophet ﷺ, corresponding with the prayer of Dhuhr, is
for help. Dhuhr means ‘manifestation’ - God’s Help manifesting at the right time,
appearing when we need it most. Certainly, as the day reaches its zenith - the sun
at its highest point, we are in need of God’s Help to manifest to us, to be present in
our actions and energy. It’s often at this point in a journey - after the starting point
has faded into the distance and the endpoint is still too far away to see - that the initial
boost has worn off, and we may feel the weight of what we are engaged in - this living,
this mission. At this point we need God’s Help to arrive and carry us through the thick
of things.
The Prayer of Asr comes as the light of day begins to dim and we are first aware of
the sun’s fading rays, thus the Prophet ﷺasks for light at this time. The Prayer
of Maghrib is the prayer of the beginning of evening; the Prophet ﷺasks God for
blessings to usher us into this new phase of our temporal cycle. At the beginning of
any new stage, project, or phase, we must ask for blessing. The literal meaning of the
name of the last prayer in the 24-hour cycle, Isha, is ‘blindness,’ thus the Prophet ﷺ
asks for ‘guidance’ as the penultimate gift from God in the day of the human being.
These beautiful gifts the Prophet ﷺrequests of the Creator of day and night can also
be compared to the different stages in the life of a flower: the opening of the bud,
its blossoming, its radiant full beauty, its fruit, and finally, the essence - or perfume -
extracted from it.
8) All the potential goodness to be had in a day is the provision (rizq) that God places
in that day for us. It is this provision the Prophet ﷺis inviting us to become aware of,
and to ask our Lord for. In this prayer we also ask for the provision of goodness held
in the day that came before today, and the day that will follow it. It might strike the
rational mind as odd to seek the goodness of something that has already come and
gone, but this is a profound Teaching of the Prophet ﷺto show us how to harvest
the good and recuperate the losses of the past. The secret of gaining the goodness of
a day that is already gone, and a day that has not yet dawned, is to expose oneself to
the good of the present: today. The key to receiving more good is to be fully aware of
and conscious of the good that you are in right now.
Likewise, the way to be safe from the evil of the past and the evil of the future, is
to seek God's Protection from the evil of the present moment. Even when one has
committed acts of evil in the past, the potential for finding safety from that evil is
contained nowhere else more readily than in this present moment. This moment is
the moment of connection to God, and if one truly realizes this, it has the power to
shed light well beyond its temporal boundaries. This present moment is your means
to all the good of both the past and future.
It is thus pointless to worry about the future, and also pointless to be mired in guilt
about the past. All it takes to compensate for the past and to secure the future is to
seize today’s opportunities, as we are encouraged by the Teaching of the Prophet ﷺ:
"It is enough to do a good deed, in order to erase a bad one."
The Bible says: “Then the Lord said to Moses, ‘Regard, I will send down bread from
heaven for you; and the people will go out every day and get enough for the day's
needs; so that I may put them to the test to see if they will keep My laws or not.’”
(Exodus 16:4). The Bible also says: “So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or
‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the pagans run after all these
things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first His
kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”
(Matthew 6:31-33). This notion has been translated succinctly by contemporary
Catholics into the prayer: “Give us today our daily bread.” The One Who gives us life
will not withhold from us that which sustains life, whether it be material or spiritual
goods. And the One Who wishes to see us far from evil, Who has sent down Guidance
upon Guidance for this very purpose, would not allow us to spend the goodness of our
days being haunted by evil of the past, and threatened by evil of the future.
With this understanding, we must leave our life in the Hands of God, let go and let
God govern all our actions, by His Grace. We must let Him take care of us, and trust
in Him, for it is He Who gives us all we have and all we could want, and protects us
from all that we fear. Use this moment to be clear about what you want, and what
you fear - so that you may reach out to Him fullly to receive His gifts, and receive His
forgiveness and protection for now and always.