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Lab Report No. 6

Soils are permeable to water because the voids between soil particles are interconnected. The
degree of permeability is characterized by the permeability coefficient k, in the laboratory, k
is measured by using either the constant head test for soils of high permeability (e.g. gravel &
sand) or the falling head test for soils of intermediate and low permeable (e.g. silts and clays).
Both methods uses Darcy's law which is expressed as
q = kiA
q = quantity of fluid flow in a given time (volume/time)
k = coefficient of permeability (length /time)
i = hydraulic gradient
A = cross sectional area of the soil mass
Soil k (cm/s) Degree of permeability

1- Gravel Over 10-1 High

2- Sandy gravel, clean sand, fine sand 10-1 to 10-3 Medium

3- Sand, dirty sand, silty sand 10-3 to 10-5 Low

4- Silt, silty clay 10-5 to 10-7 Very low

5- Clay Less than 10-7 Practically impermeable

Permeability depends on:
1. Viscosity η
η α 1/T kαT
2. Void ratio e
k = f(e) k2 = k1 (e2/e1)2
3. Size and shape of soil grains.
Angular and platy particles tend to reduce k more than the soil predominates in
rounded and more spherical soil particles the pore size is related to particle size.
4. The degree of saturation
The flow through the medium can only be measured by considering the quantity
going into and coming out of the soil mass.

 Permeability enters all problems involving flow of water through soils such as;
seepage under dams, the squeezing out of water from a soil by the application of a
load, and drainage of sub grades, dams, and back fills
 The effective strength of a soil is often indirectly controlled by its permeability.

Apparatus: the equipment for determining permeability includes

1. Permeameter cell (device) [two screens, two rubber stoppers]
2. Piezometer (glass tubing 2 to 4 mm diameter) or stand pipe with its
3. Flexible hoses and screw clamps
4. Deaired water
5. Timer & thermometer
6. Graduated cylinder (100 ml)
7. Vacuum grease
8. Balance (0.1g)
9. Oven
10. Ruler

Procedure : D
A-Constant Head Permeability Test
1. Measure the D and L Flexi glass Piezometer L
tube taps

Porous stone
2. Clean the cell base, apply vacuum grease on the lower gasket and place a porous
stone on the base.
3. Mix the dry soil, measure its height (H), and weight of soil left in the pan (W2).
4. Apply vacuum grease to the top rubber gasket and then firmly seat the cover and
lower the permeameter piston so that it slightly touches the specimen.
5. Connect the permeameter inlet valve to the supply tank with a flexible hose and
attach transparent hose to each permeameter tap. When there are no more air bubbles
in the hoses connect them to the piezometer tubes. After saturation, measure the
sample height through the transparent cylinder.
6. Close the outlet valve (the water level in all the piezometric tubes should be
identical). When the outlet is opened, when the piezometer levels stop moving,
measure the vertical distance between their meniscus bottoms ∆h (this distance is
equal to the total head drop).
7. Adjust the outlet valve to obtain the desired head drop. While the water flows at a
steady rate and the piezometer levels are constant collect water in a container at
convenient intervals. Measure the water temperature T and determine its volume.
8. Repeat step 7 for various head drops compute the coefficient of permeability for
each measurement.

B-Falling Head Permeability Test

1. Dry specimen are prepared as for the constant head test
2. Measure the specimen height, diameter, and dry weight. Determine the standpipe
internal diameter by measuring the volume of water contained in a standpipe
section of given height.
3. Saturated the specimen by immersing in water for several days (15 min). It is
important that the specimen be fully saturated, otherwise, the falling head test will
give erroneous results
4. Fill the standpipe with deaired water well above the discharge level of the
permeameter cell.
5. Begin the test by opening the inlet valve A simultaneously and starting the timer.
As the water flows through the specimen, measure the water elevation above the
datum and water temperature T at various time t .

Ring stand

k = (2.3 aL/At)Log( ho/h1)

Rubber tube and tube

clamp to connect
burette to sample
(valve A)

Collected water to

Schematic of falling head permeability setup see if qout= qin

Calculation :
A- Constant Head permeability:
γd = w/[(л/4)D2H]
H = the sample height
D= the sample diameter
W= the dry sample weight
e = [(Gs γw)/ γd] -1
ν =Q/A i = Δh/L and kT = ν/i
L = the distance between Piezometer taps
Δh = the distance between free surfaces in the Piezometer tubes
A = (л/4)D2 is the cross sectional area of the specimen
Q = the volume of water collected during time t
k20 oC = (ηT/η20 oC) kT
η = the viscosity of water at T and 20oC
B- Falling Head permeability:
γd and e as before
kT = (2.3aL/At)Log(ho/hf) ….. cm/sec
a = (л/4)d2 is the inside area of the stand
A= (л/4)D2 is the inside area of the specimen
L = Length of the sample cm
t = elapsed time of test sec
ho = the elevation of water in the stand pipe above discharge level at time t = 0
hf = the elevation of water in the stand pipe above discharge level at time t.
in addition of the general questions (from Report Writing) answer the following questions
1. What is the smallest value of permeability coefficient that can be measured in
the constant head permeability test? What other test do you apply to the soils of smaller
2. Does the permeability coefficient increases or decreases with water
temperature? Why?
3. Why do you use deaired water instead of tap water for the permeability test?
4. Does the measurement of permeability increases or decreases with the air
content of the test water?
Dr. Rizgar Ali Hummadi Yousif Ismail Mauloud
3/1/2004 3/1/2004

Falling Head Permeability

Analyst name:
Section: ……… Group No.: …………
Test date: /1/2004
Sample description:……………………..

Specimen dry mass M =

Specimen height H = 12.6 cm
Specimen diameter D = 10.4 cm
Diameter of standpipe ds = 1.45 cm
Initial height in standpipe h0 = cm

Test No. ho (cm) hf (cm) t (sec) Qin (cm3) Qout (cm3) T oC

Signature: ………………………………

Dr. Rizgar Ali Hummadi Yousif Ismail Mauloud

3/1/2004 3/1/2004

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