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Permeability :
 Permeability refers to the porosity of a material to allow a fluid to move
through its
pores. In soil mechanics, permeability generally refers to the porosity of a soil
to allow water to
move through its void spaces.
Two general laboratory methods are available for determining the coefficient
permeability of a soil. These are the constant head method, and the failing
head method. Both
methods use Darcy's Law which is expressed as
 (q=KIA)
q = Quantily of fluid flow in a given time (vol/time)
K= Coefficient of permeability (length! time)
I = Hydraulic gradient
A = Cross-sectional area of soil mass
Nether the constant head nor the falling head laboratory method provided a
value for the coefficient of permeability of a soil. Reasons or this are vaned.
but he major
ones are as follow:
 The soil in the permeability device is never in he same state as in the
field - IL is always
disturbed to some extent.
 Orientation of the Insitu stratum to the flow of water is probably not
 Boundary conditions are not the same In the laboratory The smooth
walls of the
permeability mould make for better flow paths than if they were rough. If the
soil is
stratifed vertically. the Now in the different strata will be different. and this
condition may be impossible to duplicate.
 The hydraulic head 'h' may be different (often much larger) in
laboratory, causing I
wash-out of fine material to the boundary with a possible reduction of K.
 The effect of entrapped air on the laboratory Sample will be large even
for small air
bubbles since the sample is small.

"To determine the co-efficient of permeability of a granular soil by constant

1- Constant head permeameter device or apparatus
2- Constant elevation reservoir with water supply
3- Thermometer (nearest to 1° C or 1°F)
4- 1000-l beaker
5-Balance, sensitive to nearest 0.01 g
6-Meter stick
7-Plastic tubing

 Measure the inside diameter of the permeameter and record as D.
 Measure he length 'L' of the permeameter, between the centers of the
two piezometric
 3 -calculate the volume of the specimen needed for length L
 For the given bulk-density and moisture content calculate the weight of
the soil needed for the volume in step 3.
 Place the specimen in the permeameter and allow water to flow
through the sample for
at least 10 min in order to saturate It. Longer periods are some limes required
lo ensure
complete saturation of the sample. Bubbles that appear (entrapped air) should
removed by lapping gently on the permeameter or using other means.
 When constant flow conditions have been achieved, measure the
hydraulic head 'h'
across the sample.
 Using a 500 or 1000 cu-cm container (preferably 1,000 cu-cm). record
the time "t"
required to collect 1.000 cu-cm of water. Repeat two or three additional times
until two
runs agree reasonably well.
 Measure and record he temperature of the test waler as T°C.
 Compute the K value at test temperature, also compute K20 co-efficient
of permeability
at 20°C)

 Observation and calculations :

Dia of mould = 4"=10.16cm

Length of mould = 5" = 12.7cm
Area = 81.07 cm^2
Volume= 1029.6cm^3
Head of upper jar =H1=
Lower jar head=
Dry density = 1.57g/cc
H = H1 -H2 = 44.4cm
T =24 C
t=2 min =120 sec
volume of water = 96 cc
Q=v/t =0.8cc/s
K24 C =Q.L/A.H
=2.823*10^-3 cm/s

Falling head Method

To determine the coefficient of permeability of a fine-grained soil by falling
head permeameter.

 Falling head permeameter device or apparatus
 Stand pipe
 Plastic Tubing
Thermometer (nearest to I°C or I'F)
 Meter Slick
 Slop watch.

 Measure the inside diameter of the permeameter and record as D.
 Measure the length of the soil specimen and record as 'L'
 Weigh the permeameter mould and record as W1
 Take undisturbed soil sample in the mould and record the weight of the
mould with soil
sample as W2
 Calculate the weight of the soil sample as W3= (W2 – W1).
 Attach the permeameter with the water supply and allow water to flow.
This pretest Now
period should be permitted to continue until the specimen is saturated.
 Once the soil is saturated cluse the stand-pipe valve. Measure the height
of the water in
the stand pipe with respect to some convenient datum and record as h1
Open the stand pipe valve and start the stop watch simultaneously.
 After a reasonable period, or after a reasonable quantity of water has
flowed out of the
stand pipe, close the stand pipe valve and record the time as 't'. Measure the
height to
the stand pipe water level from the same datum used in step 7 and record as
 Measure and record the water temperature as T°C.
 Compute the K value at lest temperature, also compute Kg, k20 co-
efficient of permeability
at 20°C).

Observation and calculations :

dia of mould = 4"
length of mould = 5"
area = 81.07 cm^2
volume = 1029.63 cm^3
dia of pipe =d=6 mm
Area =A= 3.1414 / 4 * 0.6^2
time = 60 sec
h1 = 85 cm , h2 = 73 cm , dry density = 1.95 g/cc
KT = 2.3 ( a ) (L) /(A)(t) *lolg (h1/h2)

= 1.1224 *10^-4 cm/s

 Job no 8
When a structure is built on a saturated soil, the load is generally carried
initially by the incompressible water within the soil. Because of the additional
load on the soil, the water will tend to be extruded from voids in the soil,
causing a reduction in void volume and settlement of the structure. In soils of
high permeability (coarse-grained soils), this process requires a short interval
for completion. The result is that almost all of the settlement has occurred by
the time the construction is complete. However in soils of low permeability
(fine grained soils, particularly clay soil), the process requires a long time
interval for compaction. The result is that the strain occurs very slowly; thus
settlement will take place slowly and will continue over a long period of time.
The phenomenon of compression due to the very slow extrusion of water
from the voids in a fine grain soil as a result of increased loading (such as the
weight of a structure above) is known consolidation. Thus, it is important that
there be means whereby the amount of soil compression or consolidation can
be predicted or estimated.
Often it is equally important to know the rate of consolidation as well as the
total consolidation to be expected. Both of these values, as well as the
permeability of the soil, can be determined from the consolidation test. The
most important values to be determined from this test are the compression
index, Cc, and the co-efficient of consolidation Cv. The compression index is
used to estimate the total amount of consolidation or
settlement expected top occur in a soil stratum, and the co efficient of
consolidation is used to estimate the rat of consolidation.

There arc two types of consolidometers commonly used to perform the
consolidation test. One is termedthe floating ring consolidometer and the
other is known as the fed ring consolidometer . Both types measure one
dimensional (usually vertical) consolidation . The advantage of the floating ring
device is that because compression of the sample occurs from both the top
and bottom, the friction that occurs between the specimen and the wall of the
ring- is less than in the fixed ring device . The floating ring device, however,
cannot be used to measure permeability. The fixed ring consolidometer is
usually used more often.
AASHTO : T216-66
ASTM : D2435-70

3-Dial guage reading to 0.01 mm or (0.0001 in)
4-Loading device.
5-Stop watch.
6- Sample trimming equipment.

 Carefully tirm a sample to fit the consolidation ring and weigh it.
 Carefully measure the dimension of the consolidation ring and weigh it
 Place some of the trimmed soil for moisture content determination. Also
determine specific gravity Gs of the soil solids.
 Carefully place the soil sample in the consolidometer with a saturated
porous stone on each face .Be sure the porous stones will enter the ring
so that the test can proceed satisfactorily.
 -Place consolidometer into the loading device and attach the dial gauge.
Allow for possible sample
compression of 4 to 12 mm.
 -At a convenient starting time, apply the first load increment and
simultancously take deformation
reading at elapsed times of 0.25, 0.50, 1, 2, 4, 8, 15, 30, 60, 120 Min upto the 4,
8,16 and 24 hours etc.
 -After 24 hours or as directed or when the delta H between the two
reading is sufficiently small, change the load to the next loading
increment. The increment may be approximately doubled the previous
applied pressure. Usually the loading sequence will consist of 1/8, 1/4.
1/ ... tfs.
 Continue changing loads and taking elapsed time Vs deformation dial
readings through the load range of the consolidometer until the desired
pressure has been obtained.
 Place the sample in the oven at the end of the test to find the weight. of
the soil solids Ws and to enable to computation of the final moisture
 Plot curves of dial reading Vs log time or plot dial reading Vs time for any
two load increment.
 Compute the compression index of the soil sample.
Observation and calculations :

LOAD (16 KG)

Elapsed time 0 0.25 0.5 1 2 4 8 16
00 hrs 1000 1000 967 937 911 881 840 797.5
0.25 min 934 945 920 888 853 808 750
0.50 min 972.5 944.5 918.5 886 851 806.5 747
1 min 971.5 944 917 885 850 805 745
2 min 943 916.5 884.5 849 803.5 743
4 min 970 916 883.5 848 802 742
8 min 941.5 915 883 847
15 min 941 914.5 801 740
30 min 968 940 881.5 846 799
1 hrs 967 939 913.5 881 798 737
2 hrs 967 938.75 797.5 736
4 hrs
8 hrs
24 hrs 937 911 840 734
readings 790 779 762 745

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