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Feedback 38-004

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Edition 1
I 38S-1


Industrial Process Control Trainers

with Discovery software
l Level & Flow Control
l Temperature Control
l Pressure Control

Temperature Basic Process Pressure
Rig Rig Rig
38-600 38-100 38-714

Temperature Temperature Level Flow Pressure

Auxiliary Sensor Pack Sensor Pack Sensor Pack Sensor Pack
Control Pack 38-440
38-480 38-400 38-420 38-460

Process Interface Digital Display

38-200 Module

Process Controller Programmable Data Acquisition

Logic Controller Unit
38-350 38-370
RS232 link

Computer + Discovery software packs

The Product Range

l Rigs for Level & Flow, Temperature and Pressure control.
l Uses industry standard Process Controller.
l Uses industry standard 4-20mA signals.
l Uses industry standard RS485 Serial Communications Bus.
l High degree of modularity - easily reconfigurable.
l Discovery software.
l Fully protected by Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker.

The PROCON range of Industrial Proc- tions from simple 2-state control to full 3-
ess Control Trainers is based on a series of term PID control. It also features an
interchangeable units which allows a autotune facility which can analyse the
building block approach to be adopted. requirements of a process and configure
Each Trainer comprises a Process Rig, a control for optimum performance.
Process Interface, a Process Controller
All Controller functions can also be
and various Sensors.
driven from a PC via a standard RS232/
Bench-mounted Process Rigs for Level 485 serial link and the unique Discovery
and Flow, Temperature and Pressure are Computer Aided Learning software envi-
offered and each has sensors to measure ronment provides real-time on-screen
process variables. process monitoring with animated mimic
Each sensor is available as part of a Sen- screens and a virtual chart-recorder, to-
sor Pack which includes a small transmit- gether with theory, background informa-
ter module. This arrangement illustrates tion and questions.
common industrial practice, where the Optional additions to the systems include
transmitter is mounted close to its sen- a Programmable Logic Controller and a
sor and provides a standard 4-20mA Data Acquisition Unit. These allow the
output signal. extension of the work possible on the
The Process Interface is common to each Process Rigs to include ladder logic and
system. It provides all the necessary programming, the development of ad-
power outlets for a Process Rig and all vanced control algorithms and the use of
interconnections between the sensors and advanced process control techniques such
a controller. It forms the central module of as Fuzzy Logic and Neural Networks to
any system. control the Rigs.

The Process Controller houses an ABB The Rigs may be operated separately,
Kent-Taylor Commander 300 Industrial either with or without Discovery software,
Process Controller which is micro-proces- or the Level & Flow Rig (the Basic Proc-
sor based and easily configured by the ess Rig) may be connected to the Tem-
user to provide a range of control func- perature Rig to form a Dual Loop system.

PROCON Level/Flow Process Control System 38-001

l Self-contained benchtop system.
l Water used as the process fluid.
l Contains a selection of level and flow sensors and indicators.
l Discovery software provides on-screen instruction and instrumentation.
l Flow controlled by unique linearly profiled motorised gate valve.
l Robust centrifugal pump delivers 5 litre/min.
l On/Off and proportional control.
l P, PI and full PID control with autotune facility.
l May be coupled to the Temperature Rig for dual loop control.

Description The system consists of a completely self-

The PROCON Level/Flow Process Control contained, low pressure flowing water circuit
System is based around the PROCON Basic supported on a bench-mounted panel, making
Process Rig. This is a single loop system, using it suitable for individual student work or for
water as the process fluid, which allows study group demonstration.
of the principles of process control using liquid The circuit includes:
level and flow rates as the process variables to l Sump Tank.
be controlled. l Dual-compartment Process Tank.
This Control System includes: l Circulating Pump.
Basic Process Rig. l Visual indication Flow Meter.
Process Interface. l Motorised linear flow Gate Valve.
Process Controller. l 3 Solenoid operated valves.
Level Sensor Pack. l 4 Manual valves.
Flow Sensor Pack. l Pulse flow sensor.
Digital Display Module. l Potentiometer Float level sensor.
Discovery Software. l On/Off Float level switch.

The Process Interface is connected to the Basic together they provide a simple and convenient
Process Rig and provides all of the necessary means of electrically configuring the system.
power outlets for the Rig, its sensors and the In combination with the hardware, the Discov-
Process Controller. It also has 4-20mA inputs, ery Software provided with the system forms
a 4-20mA current source, current-to-voltage an innovative and motivating delivery method,
converters and a voltage comparator with which enables a wide range of assignments to
variable hysteresis. Protection is provided by a be carried out. Background theory, equipment
residual current circuit breaker. connection and electrical patching, practical
The Process Controller houses an industry control, instructions and questions, together
standard ABB Kent-Taylor Commander 300 with PC-based instrumentation, integrated into
controller and provides all the input and output the Discovery delivery system, supply all the
facilities required for controlling the Rig. It is instruction and measurement requirements of
fully compatible with the Process Interface and the assignments.

The Discovery Software assignments provided with the PR
PROO C O N Level/Flow Process Control
System are:
l Introduction to PR
PROOCON l Pulse Flow Transmitter
The Pulse Flow Transmitter (PFT).
l Flow/Level Rig Familiarisation Calibrating the PFT.
The Centrifugal Pump. A Flow Control Demonstration.
The Manual Valves and the Flow Gauge.
The Servo Valve. l On/Off Control
The Solenoid Valves. On/Off Pump Control.
On/Off Solenoid Control.
l Flow/Level Rig Calibration The Float Switch.
A Level-Volume Correspondence. Controller On/Off Control.
Flow Meter Calibration.
l Proportional Control: Level
Servo Valve Calibration. Simulation.
Solenoid Valve Calibration. Proportional Control of Level.
Proportional Control and Offset.
l Interface Familiarisation
Proportional Band.
Circuit Breaker & Circuit Loop Connections.
The Servo Valve. l Proportional Control: Flow
The Current-Voltage Converters. Servo Proportional Control.
Proportional Control Offset.
l Interface Calibration
Current Source Calibration. l PI & PID: Level Control
PI Control of Level.
l Controller Familiarisation Limitations of PI Control.
Serial Communication. PID Control of Level.
Navigating the Controller.
l PI &PID: Flow Control
Using the Controller.
PI Control of Flow.
l Controller Calibration PID Control of Flow.
Controller Calibration. l Tuning PID Controllers
Controller Relays. Zeigler-Nichols Tuning.
Reading the Controller. Self-Tuning.
l Float Level Transmitter l Process Controller: Advanced
The Float Level Transmitter (FLT). Remote Set-Point.
Calibrating the FLT. Profile Programming.
A Level Control Demonstration. Time Proportioned Output.

PROCON Temperature Process Control System38-002

l Dual-circuit benchtop system.
l Water used as the process fluid.
l Can be operated from mains water supply or connected to the PROCON Level/
Flow Process Control System.
l Temperature monitored by five sensors in primary and secondary circuits.
l Flow also monitored.
l Discovery software provides on-screen instruction and instrumentation.
l Primary circuit flow controlled by motorised gate valve.
l Primary circuit heater and pump.
l Secondary circuit fan-assisted cooling radiator.
l P, PI and full PID control with autotune facility.
l May be coupled to the Level/Flow Rig for dual loop control.

The PROCON Temperature Process Control Process Controller.
System is based around the PROCON Temperature Sensor Pack.
Temperature Process Rig. This is a two loop Auxiliary Temperature Control Pack.
system, using water as the process fluid, which
allows study of the principles of process con- Digital Display Module.
trol using primary and secondary circuit tem- Discovery Software.
peratures as the process variables to be con- The Temperature Process Rig consists of a
trolled. dual loop, low pressure, flowing water circuit
This Control System includes: supported on a bench-mounted panel, making
Temperature Process Rig. it suitable for individual student work or for
Process Interface. group demonstration.

The System includes: outlet streams of the heat exchanger. The
l Closed primary hot water circuit. primary flow rate is also monitored.
l Electrical heater. The PROCON Temperature Process Control
l Heat exchanger. System may be used on its own, supplied by a
l 2 Motorised flow valves. cold mains water supply through the Auxiliary
l Pulse flow sensor. Temperature Control Pack. This comprises a
l 5 Thermistor temperature sensors. motorised valve, a flow meter and a signal
l Fan-assisted cooling radiator. conditioning unit. Alternatively, the
l Signal conditioning units. PROCON Temperature Process Control
The primary circuit loop includes a heat ex- System may be connected to the Basic Process
changer through which hot water from an Rig, which then supplies the cold water circuit.
electrically heated reservoir is continuously With this combination of rigs more complex
circulated. The secondary circuit also passes control systems may be investigated.
through the heat exchanger and contains a The Process Interface and Process Controller
fan-assisted cooling radiator. Thermocouple are identical to those used in the PR
temperature sensors are located in the inlet and Level/Flow Process Control System.

Discovery Software, similar to that with the PROCON Level/Flow Process Control System, is
provided and the assignments that can be performed are:
l Introduction to PROCON l Proportional Control: Flow
Servo Proportional Control.
l Flow/Level Rig Familiarisation Proportional Control Offset.
The Centrifugal Pump.
The Manual Valves and the Flow Gauge. l PI &PID: Flow Control
The Servo Valve. PI Control of Flow.
The Solenoid Valves. PID Control of Flow.
l Temperature Rig Initialisation
l Flow/Level Rig Calibration Calibration of the Thermistor Temperature
A Level-Volume Correspondence. Transmitter.
Flow Meter Calibration. Thermistors.
Servo Valve Calibration. Bleeding the Secondary Flow.
Solenoid Valve Calibration.
l Temperature Rig Familiarisation
l Interface Familiarisation On/Off Heater Control.
Circuit Breaker & Circuit Loop Connections. Operation of the Heat Exchanger.
The Servo Valve. Operation of the Cooler.
The Current-Voltage Converters.
l Manual Flow control
l Interface Calibration Simulation.
Current Source Calibration. Primary Flow Control.
Secondary Flow Control.
l Controller Familiarisation
l Temperature Process Control
Serial Communication.
Single Loop Control.
Navigating the Controller.
Industrial Process Control.
Using the Controller.
Automatic On/Off Control.
l Controller Calibration l P, PI, PID Temperature Control
Controller Calibration. Proportional Control of Temperature.
Controller Relays. PI Control of Temperature.
Reading the Controller. PID Control of Temperature.
l Pulse Flow Transmitter l Complex Control Loops
The Pulse Flow Transmitter (PFT). Flow Ratio Control.
Calibrating the PFT. Dual Loop Temperature and Flow Control.
A Flow Control Demonstration. Dual Loop Temperature and Level Control.

PROCON Level/Flow and Temperature Process
Control System 38-003

Features the work may be extended with investigations in

The combined PROCON Level/Flow and Remote Set Point Control, Set Point Ratio Control
Temperature Process Control System has all of (Dual Loop), Cascade Control and Feed-forward
the features of the individual Level/Flow and Control.
Temperature systems PLUS: Remote Set-Point Control
Remote Set Point Control. Remote Set-Point Control can be achieved with
Set Point Ratio Control (Dual Loop). the PROCON Level/Flow and Temperature
Cascade Control. Process Control System by using the two Process
Feed-forward Control. Controllers supplied.
This Control System includes: The 4-20mA analogue Remote Set-Point input
Basic Process Rig. allows various forms of cascade control to be
Temperature Process Rig. implemented between linked or interactive control
2 Process Interfaces. loops.
2 Process Controllers.
The process set-point can be Local and Remote or
Dual, selected from the front panel, or in response
Level Sensor Pack.
to a logic input. When Dual Set-Point is selected
2 Flow Sensor Packs.
the function can be ratio or bias action.
Temperature Sensor Pack. The Remote Set-Point facility provides the means
2 Digital Display Modules. to study the following subject areas:
Discovery Software. l Setting up a primary and secondary
Assignments controller.
The full set of assignments associated with both l Set-point ratio control (Dual Loop).
the Level/Flow and the Temperature Process l Cascade Control (Temperature and Flow).
Control Systems can be performed. In addition l Feed-forward Control (Flow and Flow).

Three schematic diagrams showing how PROCON can be used in experimental set-ups.

1. Set-point ratio control (Dual Loop)

2. Cascade Control (Temperature Control)

3. Feed-forward Control (Flow and Flow)

PROCON Pressure Process Control System 38-004

l Benchtop system.
l Air used as the process fluid.
l Fully gauged for pressure and flow rate.
l Differential and gauge Pressure Sensors.
l Pneumatically operated control valve.
l Standard industrial components.

The PROCON Pressure Process Control l 6 Gauges.

System is a single loop pneumatic control sys- l Sight flow meter.
tem which allows study of the principles of l Orifice Block with changeable Orifice Plates.
process control pressure as the process variable l Differential Pressure Sensor.
to be controlled. l Process Pressure Sensor.
This Control System includes: l 27 litre Air Receiver Tank.
Pressure Process Rig. l 20psi Safety Relief Valve.
Process Interface. l Diffusers.
Process Controller. The Pressure Process Rig is supplied with
Pressure Sensor Pack. compressed air at a recommended input pres-
Digital Display Module. sure of 40psi. An input filter/drier is used to
Discovery Software. clean the supplied air. Separate regulated
The Pressure Process Rig consists of a low branches provide air for the process and for
pressure air circuit supported on a bench- valve control.
mounted panel, making it suitable for individual The process branch comprises a regulator, a
student work or for group demonstration. pneumatically operated control valve, an orifice
The circuit includes: block with changeable orifice diameters and
l Input supply filter/drier. differential and process pressure sensors. The
l Input converter. process air flow can be discharged to atmos-
l Pneumatically operated control valve. phere via diffusers, or to the air receiver tank.
l 2 Regulators. The valve control branch comprises a regulator
l 4 Manual valves. and an electrically operated current to pressure

input converter which feeds the control input The system is fully equipped with pressure
of the control valve. The input converter gauges to indicate the pressures around the
operates with 4-20mA current. system.
Signal conditioning for the sensors is provided The Process Interface and Process Controller
by pressure transmitters. The Differential are identical to those used in the PR
Pressure Transmitter includes a square root Level/Flow Process and Temperature Process
extractor circuit to linearise the differential Control Systems.
pressure sensor output.

Discovery Software, similar to that for the other PR
PROO C O N Process Control Systems, is provided
and the assignments that can be performed are:
l Introduction to PR
PROOCON l Differential Pressure Transmitter
The Differential Pressure Transmitter (DPT).
l Pressure Rig Familiarisation Calibrating the DPT.
The Input Converter. The Square Root Extractor.
The Pneumatic Control Valve. A Flow Control Demonstration.
The Pressure Sensors and Gauges.
The Air Receiver. l Manual Control
Operation of Pneumatic Control Valve.
l Pressure Rig Calibration System Response without Air Receiver.
Pressure Sensor Calibration. System Response with Air Receiver.
Differential Pressure Sensor Calibration.
l Proportional Control: Pressure
Input Converter Calibration.
Proportional Control of Pressure.
Pneumatic Control Valve Calibration.
Proportional Control and Offset.
Proportional Band.
l Interface Familiarisation
Circuit Breaker & Circuit Loop Connections. l Proportional Control: Flow
The Input Converter. Proportional Control of Flow.
The Current-Voltage Converters. Proportional Control and Offset.
Proportional Band.
l Interface Calibration
Current Source Calibration. l PI & PID: Pressure Control
PI Control of Pressure.
l Controller Familiarisation Limitations of PI Control.
Serial Communication. PID Control of Level.
Navigating the Controller.
Using the Controller.
l PI & PID: Flow Control
PI Control of Flow.
PID Control of Flow.
l Controller Calibration
Controller Calibration. l Tuning PID Controllers
Controller Relays. Zeigler-Nichols Tuning.
Reading the Controller. Self-Tuning.

l Pressure Transmitter l Process Controller: Advanced

The Pressure Transmitter (PT). Remote Set-Point.
Calibrating the PT. Profile Programming.
A Pressure Control Demonstration. Time Proportional Output.

Additional Option
Programmable Logic Controller 38-350

l Stand-alone PLC or fully compatible with PROCON equipment range.
l Uses Industrial Standard PLC unit.
l Housed in sturdy metal case.
l All connections brought out to 4mm sockets.
l Power supply included.
l Complete with input simulator bank, variable 4-20mA current source, current to voltage converters
and a voltage comparator.
l PLC unit can be programmed in Instruction List or Ladder Logic formats.
l Supplied with PC-based software for program development.
l Introductory tutorial guide to PLCs.
l Hand-held programmer available as an option.

Description Application
The Programmable Logic Controller is a fully When used in conjunction with a Process Controller,
functioning industrial PLC unit housed in a rugged it is possible to use the Programmable Logic Con-
metal case with all connections brought out to 4mm troller with any of the processes incorporating on/off
sockets. The unit is capable of operating with 24V or control elements.
5V logic signals and can also accept 4-20mA current
The user may create sequences using conventional
loop inputs via the current to voltage converters and ladder logic and demonstrate the programming on
the voltage comparator. A variable 4-20mA current the controller itself, without a process actually being
source with adjustable span and zero is also pro- connected.
vided. The voltage comparator has a variable hyster-
esis setting to allow the PLC to control analogue Together with a Process Rig, Process Interface and
events. Process Controller the following subject areas may
be studied:
The Controller is fully compatible with the PROCON
l Production of Ladder Logic Diagrams for
range of Process Control Rigs and controllers.
sequence control and evaluation using
Program Development Software manual switches and LED’s.
The unit is supplied with a PC-based program Sensing and Sequencing control of the following:
development environment which allows programs to l Basic Process Rig:
be created in either Instruction list or Ladder logic Control of the Water Pump.
formats. Once developed the programs are down- Control Solenoid Valves.
loaded to the PLC for execution. The soft-ware has
a monitoring facility which allows the status of the l Basic Process Rig with the Level Sensor Pack:
various PLC registers to be displayed on the PC as Sensing the level in the Process Tank.
the program is running. Programs are stored in an Control of the Water Pump.
EEPROM in the PLC unit so the program is retained Control of Solenoid Valves.
when the unit is switched off. l Temperature Process Rig:
The PLC unit also has an externally adjustable timer Sensing Temperature.
which, together with the variable hysteresis control, Control of the Heater.
is very useful for control applications. Control of the Circulating Pump.

PROCON Tender Specifications
PROCON Level/Flow A self-contained, benchtop mounted, Level and Flow Process Control
Process Control System trainer using water as the process fluid. The system to contain a Basic
Process Rig, a Process Interface, an industry standard Process Control-
38-001 ler and Level and Flow Sensors and Transmitters producing 4-20mA
signals. The system to operate with computer aided laboratory software
which provides on-screen instruction, control and instrumentation.
Sixteen computer-based assignments are to be provided with the

PROCON Temperature A self-contained, benchtop mounted, Temperature Process Control

Process Control System trainer using water as the process fluid. The system to contain a
Temperature Process Rig, a Process Interface, an industry standard
38-002 Process Controller and Temperature and Flow Sensors and Transmit-
ters producing 4-20mA signals. The system to operate with computer
aided laboratory software which provides on-screen instruction, control
and instrumentation. Sixteen computer-based assignments are to be
provided with the system.

PROCON Level/Flow and A self-contained, benchtop mounted, Level/Flow and Temperature

Temperature Process Process Control trainer using water as the process fluid. The system to
contain a Basic Process Rig, a Temperature Process Rig, two Process
Control System Interfaces, two industry standard Process Controllers and Level, Flow
38-003 and Temperature Sensors and Transmitters producing 4-20mA
signals. The system to operate with computer aided laboratory software
which provides on-screen instruction, control and instrumentation.
Twenty two computer-based assignments are to be provided with the

PROCON Pressure Process A self-contained, benchtop mounted, Pressure Process Control trainer
Control System using air as the process fluid. The system to contain a Pressure
Process Rig, a Process Interface, an industry standard Process Con-
38-004 troller and Pressure Sensors and Transmitters producing 4-20mA
signals. The system to operate with computer aided laboratory soft-
ware which provides on-screen instruction, control and instrumenta-
tion. Sixteen computer-based assignments are to be provided with the

Programmable Logic A stand-alone, robustly packaged unit which is fully compatible with
Controller the Level, Flow, Temperature and Pressure Process Control Systems.
The Controller to include power supply and use an industrial standard
38-350 PLC unit. To be programmed in Instruction List or Ladder Logic
formats and supplied with PC-based software for program develop-
ment. The Controller to operate with 5V and 24V logic signals and 4-
20mA current loops. A 4-20mA current source with adjustable span
and zero is also to be included.

Data Acquisition Unit A fully featured, microprocessor based, intelligent signal conditioning
38-370 Data Acquisition Unit which is stand-alone and fully compatible with
the Level, Flow, Temperature and Pressure Process Control Systems.
To include 3 analogue and 2 digital input channels with 2 analogue and
2 digital output channels. To be supplied with PC based software with
both standard spreadsheet and special control functions to enable
control algorithm implementation and advanced process control tech-

PROCON Process Control Trainer Product Numbers
Listed below are the product numbers of the constituent parts of the four Process Control Systems.
Each of the systems may be ordered complete, using the composite order numbers given in the
heading of the relevant section. However, if you already have a compatible controller, interface or
measuring equipment you may not need all of the equipment in the systems. In such cases you may
order just the equipment that you do require. Please contact either your local agent, or Feedback, if
you require more information.

Equipment in PROCON Basic Process Rig 38-100

Level/Flow Process Process Interface 38-200
Control System Process Controller 38-300
38-001 Composite Level Sensor Pack 38-400
Flow Sensor Pack 38-420
Digital Display Module 38-490
Discovery Software Pack 38-900

Equipment in PROCON Temperature Process Rig 38-600

Temperature Process Process Interface 38-200
Control System Process Controller 38-300
38-002 Composite Temperature Sensor Pack 38-440
Auxiliary Control Pack 38-480
Digital Display Module 38-490
Discovery Software Pack 38-900

Equipment in PROCON Basic Process Rig 38-100

Level/Flow and Temperature Process Rig 38-600
Temperature Process Process Interface (2 off) 38-200
Control System Process Controller (2 off) 38-300
38-003 Composite Level Sensor Pack 38-400
Flow Sensor Pack 38-420
Temperature Sensor Pack 38-440
Digital Display Module (2 off) 38-490
Discovery Software Pack 38-900

Equipment in PROCON Pressure Process Rig 38-714

Pressure Process Control Process Interface 38-200
System Process Controller 38-300
38-004 Composite Pressure Sensor Pack 38-460
Digital Display Module 38-490
Discovery Software Pack 38-930

Optional Equipment Programmable Logic Controller 38-350

Ordering Information To order any of the PROCON Process Control Systems simply
quote the title and number of the System, as given at the start of
each section.

For further information on these and other equipment in the Control & Instrumentation range contact . . . . . .

Park Road, Crowborough,

East Sussex, TN6 2QR, England.
Telephone: +44(0) 1892 653322.
Fax: +44 (0) 1892 663719.
E-mail: feedback@fdbk.demon.co.uk
Website: http://www.fbk.com
Feedback reserves the right to change these specifications without notice. Registered in England number 990620. A subsidiary of Feedback plc.
Control & Instrumentaton - I 38-1 Printed in England by FI Ltd, Crowborough 0396

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