LRW Outline
LRW Outline
LRW Outline
A. Sources of the law [BLR Ch. 1] - the primary sources, “THE LAW” itself, federal
government and states have three branches of government that create legal rules -
legislative, judicial and executive. The goal of legal research is to find, interpret and
apply the laws created by these branches.
a. U.S. Constitution is the “supreme Law of the Land” (Art. VI, Cl. 2,
“Supremacy Clause”) and thus state law must comply with its minimum
requirements. If states and feds clash, feds usually “preempt” state law.
b. The U.S. Constitution defines and establishes the three branches of the
federal government: Congress (Article I); Executive (Article II); Courts
(Article III).
c. U.S. and state supreme courts are the final arbiters of what laws or
governmental actions are “constitutional” under doctrine of judicial
a. Statutes are extremely important - always check for any state or federal
statutory authority that may apply to your legal issue.
databases, but watch out for local court rules governing the citation of
unreported cases - some courts do not accept them as mandatory authority.
c. Law school places excessive emphasis on case law. In real life, statutes
and regulations are probably a bit more important. But, you will still
research and read a tremendous amount of case law as practitioners, and
use rules taken from cases to support legal arguments.
a. Although mostly part of the executive branch because they execute the
mandates established by statute, nevertheless, many “independent”
administrative agencies (e.g., U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
“EPA” and Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) exist with the
autonomous power to legislate, adjudicate and enforce their own rules.
Such independent agencies are sometimes referred to as the “headless
fourth branch” of government for you “jack-booted thug” conspiracy
2. Persuasive authority is only just that, e.g., a court is not required to follow a
rule taken from Williston, A Treatise on the Law of Contracts, but a court would
likely find a citation from such a learned treatise to be extremely persuasive. The
following chart is all you need to know :
1. The process of legal research is not linear. Sometimes you will have a
specific case or statutory citation and then can jump right into the primary
sources. Even after reading the primary sources, though, you may be completely
confused and need to turn to a secondary source (e.g., ALR annotation, law
review article, legal encyclopedia) for a clearer explanation. Sometimes you will
jump back and forth between different sources. Remember that there are many
tools available for the resourceful legal researcher. Much of the work has
already been done for you through indexing, headnotes, and other editorial
2. Start with secondary sources. (See below at 5.) The approach of this course
assumes that you will start a research project completely clueless. Thus, you will
need to read commentary on the cases, statutes and regulations before you
actually begin reading these primary sources.
3. Golden rules of research - the following guidelines will always apply to every
legal research project, abbreviated “JUST”:
a. Jurisdiction: always begin with this. Did you client dump hazardous
waste in Georgia or Tennessee? is it a federal matter? Was the contract
that your client breached formed in Florida or Georgia? Figure out which
jurisdiction’s law applies before starting to research.
b. Update: Although we are taught that under Stare Decisis the law
generally remains the same, in fact, the law is constantly changing.
Statutes are amended or repealed, cases are overruled or clarified. So, you
must update you research:
c. Scope: make sure that you have narrowed down the precise legal issue
to research. Identify the key factual and legal elements. Break your issue
down into a sentence before researching. E.g., Under Georgia law, may a
storeowner be liable for the criminal acts of a third party that occur in the
store’s parking lot; under Florida law, may a party to a contract rescind the
contract because of a mutual mistake about the subject matter, etc.
d. Search Terms : the law is filled with jargon (“terms of art”) and most
of the indexing and classification systems are designed around this
terminology. Thus, you will need to fit your factual situation into a pre-
existing universe of legal nomenclature. Having good search terms is also
very important for computer- based legal research.
4. Use human beings - you will soon discover that people working in the legal
system, government and academia are excellent resources. Seek out and ask law
librarians, other lawyers, judicial law clerks, and government employees for
guidance on legal issues. Don’t be too proud to claim ignorance and ask for help!
5. Know when to stop researching!!! - this is tough to do, especially when you
have a psychic feeling that there is a case on point out there somewhere. As a
practicing lawyer, this is a matter of economics. Clients freak out if you bill them
for too much research time. Generally, when the same cases, statutes, or
regulations begin to appear over and over again in your research, you can
probably stop.
1. When you are researching an area of the law with which you are unfamiliar.
2. When you are looking for primary persuasive authority (law from another
jurisdiction) but conducting a nationwide survey of the law is inefficient.
Secondary sources will cite to primary law from other jurisdictions that may be
relevant to your research issue.
3. When you are researching an undeveloped area of the law.
1. Use the index or table of contents to find references to material on the topic you
are researching;
C. Legal dictionaries - West’s Words and Phrases and Black’s Law Dictionary. I really
don’t like Black’s - it usually doesn’t provide clear definitions and has too much
historical minutiae. But, it’s one of those sources that can be cited almost as if it’s
mandatory authority. Only cite to Black’s , though, if you can’t find a definition in a case
or statute. Word’s and Phrases & Black’s sometimes do, however, contain definitions
actually contained in reported cases.
1. Idea: you need to use a dictionary if you don’t understand the issue you’re
researching; or if you understand the issue, but are confused by the meaning of a
term of art or word that is associated with the issue.
3. Word’s and Phrases , and sometimes Black’s , both cite to cases. Go retrieve
these cases from the reporters and read the headnotes. Get the topics and key
numbers, write them down, and use them to research your issue in your
4. Citation: Black’s Law Dictionary 402 (Bryan A. Garnder ed., 7th ed., West
1999). [ALWD R. 25.1]
1. Idea: encyclopedias help you understand your issue better by providing a broad
overview. Kind of like World Book or Encyclopedia Britannica, but limited to
legal subjects and terms of art (and darn, no pictures or human anatomy
2. How to use: Encyclopedias have an index. Use your search terms to find an
appropriate section. Once into the encyclopedia, cases citations are provided.
a. If you are researching state law only, use a state specific encyclopedia
such as Ga. Jur. Obviously, the more specific a book series you can find,
the better. So, if you’re researching Georgia law only, turn first to Ga. Jur.
rather than Am. Jur. 2d or C.J.S., which are much broader.
b. C.J.S. will get you into the West topic and key number system. Write
these down when you find the ones that apply to your issue. C.J.S also
provides citations to case law. If no cases from your jurisdiction are cited
in C.J.S. footnotes, write down the case cites from other jurisdictions that
seem to be relevant to your issue, look these cases up, read the headnotes,
get the topic and key numbers and use them to search in the digest for
your jurisdiction.
3. Drawback: even though legal encyclopedias are updated with pocket parts and
replacement volumes, they often seem to be behind the times. It never fails; you
will find a section on point with your issue, only to find that the one primary
source citation is to a Vermont case from 1820.
E. Restatements [BLR 39-45; sample pages 43-4, 65-9] Compiled by leading legal
scholars at the American Law Institute (A.L.I.) covering substantive topics like torts,
contracts, agency, property, conflict of laws, etc. Dean Floyd, Professors Brennan and
Milani are members of ALI.
1. Idea: Intended to “restate” the common law rules extracted from court
decisions in the majority of U.S. jurisdictions. Scholarly commentary and
examples are also provided.
2. How to use: scan the subject index or table of contents in the main Restatement
subject volumes to find the applicable rules. Rules are organized by section (“ §” )
a. Once a rule is found, read the formal statement of the law (will sort of
read like a statute) and the following comments and illustrations. Citations
to case law will also be listed
c. Because Restatements are compiled by the “grand old men and women”
of the law, they carry great weight as authority. Although they are
secondary sources, they can be cited as the “Restatement view” on a
particular issue, which may have been adopted in your jurisdiction as “the
F. American Law Reports [BLR 38-9, sample pages 40-1, 56-63] ( “A.L.R.”) now in
“A.L.R. 5th,” contain “Annotations” chockfull of commentary and citations on a narrow
legal issue.
1. Idea: contains essays on very specific legal issues tracing the development and
judicial treatment of that legal issue in all American jurisdictions.
d. Remember to make sure that you have the most recent annotation on
your topic. To do this use the “Annotation History Table” found at the end
of each volume of the six-volume ALR Index. The table will tell you if an
annotation has been superseded (or replaced) by a more recent one.
e. Like all legal research books, you need to use pocket parts at all times.
Both the ALR Index and the individual annotations have pocket parts,
check them both. Remember also that because the annotations contained
in A.L.R.2d are so dated, they are not updated with pocket parts, but with
a series of books called A.L.R.2d Later Case Service. These books are
found on the library shelves next to the A.L.R.2ds.
4. Citation: Anne M. Payne, Sexual Partner’s Tort Liability to Other Partner for
Fraudulent Misrepresentation Regarding Sterility or Use of Birth Control
Resulting in Pregnancy , 2 A.L.R. 5th 301 (1992). [ALWD R. 24] (Don’t put JD
after the author’s name!!)
G. Treatises [BLR 32] - books that describe a particular area of the law that are written
by a leading scholar. Examples include: Corbin on Contracts and Wright & Miller,
Federal Practice and Procedure .
2. There are numerous examples of treatises. Search the online public access
catalog at any law library (LawCat at Mercer) to find one for your area of
research. Most treatises contain extensive footnotes with citations to cases and
thus are an excellent way to find primary authority. Don’t forget to check pocket
parts with treatises, too.
H. Law reviews and legal periodicals [BLR 32-38, sample pages 36-8] legal magazines
that are useful for finding background information on your issue and to raise your
awareness of current trends in the law. Articles appearing in these magazines may also
advocate legal reform in a particular area, or present a specific legal argument. Articles in
legal magazines usually have numerous footnotes with cites to primary authority.
1. Legal magazines published by law schools are called law reviews. E.g., Mercer
Law Review (Mercer L. Rev.). They are edited by law students and contain
scholarly or theoretical articles that often explore the policies underlying the law.
Generally, law professors, judges or lawyers write “articles”, and law students
write “case notes,” “comments” and “reviews.” If you enjoy the nuances and
subtleties of legal citation, try “grading on” or “writing on” to law review. (It
looks good on a resume, too.)
2. Legal magazines other than law reviews include bar association publications
(E.g., American Bar Association Journal, Georgia Bar Journal (“GBJ”)),
commercial journals (Trial , For the Defense ), and legal newspapers (E.g.,
National Law Journal ). There are tons of these – you’ll see when you start
3. How to use: As always, break your issue down into search terms, then use
these terms to search the printed indexes: Index to Legal Periodicals and Books
(ILPB) and Current Law Index (CLP). I prefer to use the electronic legal index
LegalTrac to locate articles. Also, Westlaw and Lexis have most legal magazine
articles available in full-text, but note that some of the older articles are not
4. Citation:
a. Dean M. Richardson, Racism: A Tort of Outrage, 61 Or. L. Rev. 267
b. Barbara Ward, Progress for a Small Planet, Harv. Bus. Rev., Sept.-Oct.
1979, at 89, 90.
4. Anatomy of a court opinion published in a West reporter [BLR 76-9, sample
pages Popkin v. N.Y. State] West’s editorial enhancements are not “THE LAW”
(Never cite to a headnote in a motion or brief!) and are only provided by West’s
attorney-editors as an aid for time-pressured practitioners. These enhancements
5. Digests [BLR 80-94, note sample pages 105-20; Class Five PowerPoint
presentation on the Section One ILR Course Webpage.] You can use West Topics
and Key numbers to find other cases discussing similar points of law in printed
finding tools published by West called “Digests.” These books collect the
paragraph summaries (headnotes) found at the beginning of cases printed in West
reporters and organizes them by Topic and Key Number.
c. Find the digest volume for your topic by scanning the spines of
the applicable digest series. Turn to your Topic, note that at the beginning
there is a general and detailed outline of the Topic, subdividing the topic
by point of law and providing relevant Key Numbers.
e. Update [see BLR 89-92] – check the pocket part (or separate
supplement) for the applicable digest. Also check the closing table in the
front of a digest volume or pocket part. That table will tell you the last
volume and page number of a reporter covered by the digest volume or
pocket part. Then go to the volumes of that reporter which have been
published since the ones listed in the closing table, and check the “mini-
digests” in the back of the reporter volume to see if any new cases are
listed under your Topic and Key Number.
B. Cases as finding tools - because of our common law system based on legal precedent,
decisions of courts are based on rules extracted from other cases. So, by finding "one
good case" on point with your issue, that case will contain citations to other cases that
might apply. Of course, finding "one good case" will usually be the most time consuming
(and possibly frustrating) part of a legal research project.
1. Use the West Topics and Key Numbers assigned to the “one good case” to
access a digest and find other cases covering the same or similar issues.
2. “Shepardizing” (see below at 26) the “one good case” will often lead the way
to other applicable authority. If you check a Shepard's citator for your case, the
other cases that cite to your case listed in Shepard's will often include a notation
showing the headnote number from your case that is also discussed in a citing
case. Then you will know which court opinions might be useful to you because
they also discuss the point of law that is the subject of your research issue.
C. The structure of state courts. [BLR 75, fig 4.3] A good listing of all state courts and
applicable official and regional reporters can be found in ALWD, Appendix 1, “Primary
Sources by Jurisdiction” (beginning on p. 333)(2d ed.) and the Blue Book "blue pages" at
Table 1 ("T.1 ") beginning at p.183)(17th ed.) The proper jurisdiction of a state court is
usually set forth in that state's constitution and statutes.
D. Georgia Courts [Class 4 handout; ALWD 342; BlueBook 198] - typical three-part
hierarchy (including several specialized courts with limited jurisdiction), judges in
Georgia are elected. (See 1983 Constitution of Georgia, Article VI, Section VII).
b. abbreviation: (Ga.) (see ALWD, Appendix 1 at 342)
E. Structure of federal courts [BLR 74, Class 12 PowerPoint presentation available on
course webpages] - a similar three-part hierarchy, established under Article III of the U.
S. Constitution.
a. Where published:
b. Citation: Pike v. Bruce Church. Inc., 397 U.S. 137, 90 S. Ct. 844, 25 L.
Ed. 2d 174 (1970). You only need to cite to U.S. Reports, but most
lawyers provide parallel cites to S.Ct. and L. Ed. (See ALWD R. 12.4(b))
b. Citation: Smelser v. Norfolk S. Ry., 105 F.3d 299 (11th Cir. 1997).
[ALWD R. 12.6]
c. Applicable digest: Federal Practice Digest, State Digests where court is
b. District judges are appointed for life terms by the President and subject
to approval by 2/3 of the Senate. Exceptions to this requirement are U. S.
Bankruptcy Court judges and U. S. Magistrates who are appointed by
federal judges for fourteen-year and six-year terms, respectively.
c. Note that the larger states are divided into sub-districts, E.g. Georgia has
a Northern, Middle and Southern U.S. District Court; Kentucky has an
Eastern and Western U.S. District Court. The U.S. District Court for the
Middle District of Georgia sits in Macon:
b. Statistics from Administrative office of U.S. Courts
(http:/ - In 2002 there were
27,758 cases terminated on the merits (after oral hearings or submission
on briefs). There were 5,336 written opinions published - just 19%.
21,151 written opinions - 76% -were unpublished, most of which were
also unsigned. When you include the "written, unsigned, without
comment" cases, 80% of U.S. Court of Appeals’ opinions were
IV. STATUTES [BLR Ch. 6] - Like cases, there are both state and federal statutes. Congress
passes federal statutes; state statutes are passed by state legislatures. Whether a bill is state or
federal, it must be signed into law by the relevant chief executive (i.e., the governor or the
President). Although law school emphasizes the learning of black letter rules derived from case
law, as a practicing lawyer (depending on your specialty) you will frequently deal with both state
and federal statutes.
A. How published – federal and Georgia statutes are basically published in three steps:
1. Published first as a separate document (“slip law”) after a bill becomes a law.
When a fed law is passed it gets a Public Law Number. No slip laws for Georgia.
3. Reorganized by subject matter into what is called a code. This is the final
version and codification of the law. Statutes are arranged numerically in codes,
usually by title, chapter and section.
a. Official codes - Although each jurisdiction has only one “code,” that is
one set of statutes in force, some jurisdictions have both an official
(arranged by the government to be published) and unofficial codes. The
official federal code is the United States Code (“U.S.C.”) published by the
Government Printing Office (“GPO”).
** Annotated codes are one of the best research tools available for
the practitioner, because not only do they provide the primary
statutory material, but also references to cases, regulations and
secondary sources - all in one package.
B. Statutory interpretation- courts interpret statutes by applying them to a set of
facts presented in a lawsuit. Under the well-accepted doctrine of judicial review,
courts also can determine whether a statute is constitutional. Under our system of
“checks and balances,” if a court finds a statute to be unconstitutional, then the
legislature can amend the statute, or strike it and enact a new one to pass
constitutional muster. There is a tremendous amount of case law dealing with a
court’s interpretation of a statute. Here are the basic rules:
4. “filling in the gap”- note also that the legislative body sometimes
intentionally leave “blanks” in a statute for courts to interpret over time.
Statutes may be vaguely written to allow courts to decide what conduct, or
which class of persons, should fall within the statute’s purview.
C. State statutes - most have annotated codes, and the process of publishing
statutes is the same as the feds. Check ALWD, Appendix 1, “Primary Sources by
Jurisdiction” (beginning on p. 333)(2d ed.) and the Blue Book "blue pages" at
Table 1 ("T.1 ") beginning at p.183)(17th ed.) for a complete list of all 50 states’
codes, as well as proper name and citation format of each state’s code.
2. The House of Representatives has 180 members and the Senate has 56.
Two-year terms of office apply to both houses, and the entire
membership of each body is elected at the same time.
3. Website:
(includes a searchable, unannotated version of the Official Georgia Code –
maintained by Lexis.)
4. How published:
c. Unofficial codes:
5. Organization - Titles usually cover a broad area of law and span part of
a volume, an entire volume or more than one volume. Chapters are
subdivisions or sub-topics within a title. Sections are the specific laws or
2. Session laws
IV. SHEPARD’S & KEYCITE CITATORS [BLR Ch.5; see “Shepard’s Citation
Service” PowerPoint at
and; “Using KeyCite on Westlaw” pdf guide at
a. To determine who else has cited your case, statute, law review
article, etc - as soon as you’ve found an on-point case or statute,
use Shepard’s to find other relevant authority.
4. Note that Shepard’s is not available through Westlaw, which has its
own citator service called KeyCite, which uses its own flag iconography
to show the status of a case.
c. Once you have the proper Shepard’s volumes, open to the page
that covers the volume number of the reporter in which your case
appears. Scan the tabular listings until you find the page number of
your case. If your case’s page number is not there, then your case
has not been cited. If it does appear, then read the listing of cited
cases. These cite are organized by jurisdiction.
d. Look for any case history and/or case treatment codes. If you
forget what these notations mean, go to the first few pages of the
Shepard’s volume and refer to the table that explains these codes.
f. If one of these codes appear after one of the cited cases, and it is
not favorable to your position, don’t freak out! Go get that case
and read it. Your case may still be good law, because the reviewing
court’s reversal may have been on a different issue. Cite such a
case using the explanatory phrase rev’d in part on other grounds
(see ALWD R. 12.8)
1. How to use - you can access KeyCite using one of the following