Curriculum and Instruction Final Document (2x)
Curriculum and Instruction Final Document (2x)
Curriculum and Instruction Final Document (2x)
Full name: Student ID:
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Instructions 7
Key questions 7
Rubric 8
This document contains all the assessment components for this module. Read the instructions
carefully before you begin. Refer to the rubric at the end of each assessment component to
understand the assessment criteria.
You are required to complete all assignments in this document and sign the declaration below
before you submit it.
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I hereby declare that this submission is my own work and that, to the best of my knowledge
and belief, it contains no materials previously published or written by another person nor
materials which has been accepted for the award of any other degree or diploma of the
university or other institute of higher learning, except where due acknowledgment has been
made in the text. I affirm that I have not given or received any unauthorized help on this
assignment and that this work is my own. I understand and accept the consequence of
academic misconduct.
Student ID:
Refer to the learning outcomes (LO) for your modules on the module site. The assessment for
each LO is:
In this assignment, you will be examining the foundations of the curriculum at both the
programme level and the subject level.
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● Part B: The curriculum at the subject level
You will be evaluated based on your ability to demonstrate comprehensive and in-depth
knowledge of the foundations of the curriculum at both the programme and subject levels and
your ability to apply knowledge of the foundations of the curriculum to your current practice.
In this part, you will need to evaluate a programme by examining its purpose and its
philosophical, psychological and social underpinnings from the perspective of curriculum
design. Type your response below each question. Include citations and references to support
your answers. List your references below each response.
Early childhood education is the program that I currently teach, and the level is primary
education. The program is designed for preschool and kindergarten students. The major aim of
the program is to implement and plan appropriate learning experiences so as to promote
cognitive development, health, and physical development, emotional and social development,
as well as general learning competency for the child. Thus, the program aims to facilitate the
optimum growth and development of every child's potential and form a basis for lifelong
learning. The following are the program's objectives;
i. To ensure that all the children are respected, valued, and feel secure and safe to develop
a positive self-image.
ii. To facilitate a sound foundation for motor and physical development.
iii. To incorporate good health habits, nutrition habits, self-help skills, and hygiene
iv. Promote integration and development of senses
v. Facilitate effective communication, as well as expressive and receptive language,
vi. provide learners with opportunities to experiment, explore and investigate
vii. Facilitate the development of social competence, emotional well-being, and the
learner's prosocial skills.
viii. Promote overall personality development
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Explain the domains of learning involved in this programme.
What are the domains involved? Use appropriate taxonomies to identify the levels of learning
for each objective of the programme to justify if the programme provides comprehensive
educational goals.
The first domain in the early childhood education program is the physical domain which
involves the senses (hearing, smell, sight, touch, and taste) as well the awareness of
orientation in space. Early childhood education program aims to help children develop their
physical ability as well as the ability to instinctively react or respond to stimuli in the physical
environment (Curie, 2014). The second domain is the cognitive domain which involves the
mental ability to process information by thinking or reasoning to understand the surrounding
environment. Cognitive development is thus divided into four distinctive taxonomies. The first
taxonomy of cognitive development is the sensorimotor stage at the age of 0-2 years, and
children in this level have limited ability to perceive the world on a sensory level. The second
taxonomy of cognitive development is the preoperational stage, at the age of 2-6 years,
whereby children begin to incorporate or use language to analyze surroundings and people
(Curie, 2014). Children in this stage may, however, not have a logical functioning. The third
level of cognitive development is the concrete operational stage at the age of 7-12 years,
whereby children can accurately process information and events in a logical manner (Curie,
The communicative domain involves the ability to manipulate, utilize and comprehend
language (Curie, 2014). The major aspects in this domain are phonology, syntax, pragmatics,
and semantics. The socioemotional domain emphasizes the importance of children to have
peaceful existence within themselves and other people. Early childhood education aims to help
the child develop in the socioemotional dimension and learn to regulate internal emotions.
Besides, the domain helps children to reciprocate and react to facial expressions and helps
them express their feelings. Also, children should cooperate with other people, follow simple
rules, and control emotions without aggression. The last domain applied in early childhood
education is the adaptive domain which is the component of growing and independently taking
care of the normal things like bathing, drinking, and eating (Curie, 2014). Besides, this domain
highlights the importance of self-awareness of the environment and potential hazards.
First, children's development is through milestones that follow a certain sequence; for instance,
a child starts by learning to sit up, then crawl, stand and walk. Similarly, a child develops
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control and strength in arms, then hands, and finally the fingers. Secondly, every child has a
unique development (Curie, 2014). The Early childhood education program thus understands
that every child has unique development and learning. For instance, a child can show good
physical skills and then better language skills after a few weeks, while the other can show good
language skills and afterward a better physical development.
The third philosophical foundation acknowledges that the environment in which children grow
matters. Early childhood education highlights that natural, calming, and beautiful
environments can positively contribute to the well-being of a child (Curie, 2014). Teachers and
educators, therefore, need to control the classroom environment surrounding learners. The
other philosophical foundation in early childhood is that children can solve their problems.
Thus, children need to be allowed to solve problems on their own. The early education
program, therefore, aims to provide learners with opportunities to experiment, explore and
investigate things in the classroom environment.
The social foundations of the early childhood education program include learning approaches,
executive functioning as well as social-emotional skills like persistence, cooperation with
others, empathy, and problem-solving (Curie, 2014). During early childhood, children need to
develop and practice these behaviors and skills. By so doing, the program will prepare learners
to adapt to the world, participate in society and develop personal growth.
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Part B: The curriculum at the subject level
In this part, you will need to evaluate a subject for a particular grade level by examining its
purpose and its philosophical, psychological and social underpinnings from the perspective of
curriculum design. Type your response below each question. Include citations and references to
support your answers. List your references below each response.
In early childhood education, I teach social studies as a subject. This subject involves learning
about human society, where children begin to understand the world they live in and their
surroundings in their early lives. Social studies in early childhood education aim to instill a
sense of belonging in each child and help them make reasoned and informed decisions as
members of society for the public good. The subject also has a number of objectives that
should be met at the end of the programme. A child should be able to; understand the different
perspectives, concepts, and principles that form social studies, think critically concerning
essential matters in the society and communicate the findings, apply the learning in context
and complex situations, and engage in problem-solving processes. Social study's main
concepts and ideas revolve around philosophy, ecology, history, economics, geography, and
political science.
The social domains associated with social studies and social sciences like sociology,
linguistics, and anthropology include the government, family, school, religion, and workplace
for the children. The study of social studies entails various classifications that effectively meet
the subject's objectives. These taxonomies include understanding, remembering, analyzing,
applying, creating, and evaluating. In the case of understanding, a child is able to show
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comprehension through different forms of concepts. The remembering classification involves
recalling and recognizing significant information for long-term memorization of concepts in
the social science field. Analysis helps a child to break information into constituent fragments
and determine the relationship between them. In Applying, children use the skills and
information acquired in new circumstances. Creating ability helps children develop new
products by putting elements together. Evaluation helps children make judgments on the basis
of standards and criteria in different social domains.
The psychological foundation of social studies started with scientists formally and
systematically measuring the feelings, behavior, and thoughts of human beings. According to
educational psychologists, learning contexts and learners in different fields of study are
influenced by various factors like social environments, physical environment, gender, culture,
and age (Whyte, 2011). The psychologists leveraged cognitive psychology theory, which
defines the acquisition of knowledge as symbolic and schematic. The theory describes learning
as understanding knowledge schematically or a process of change in the mental model of a
learner. The psychological learning theory helps the children in early childhood education to
understand the cognitive, social, and emotional perceptions and aspects of the human process
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of learning.
Learning social studies in early childhood helps the learners to have a better understanding of
the world around them and adapt to the rapid changes that come with it. The students are able
to come up with informed decisions about problematic issues that affect them in the near and
even when they become of age. Through studying social studies, learners gain historical
literacy and thinking, which is significant in traversing the world in the future (Whyte, 2011).
The young people are able to associate themselves with different cultural values and become
culturally diverse hence achieving good citizens in a democratic society and a world that is
interdependent. Besides, students get to learn how the general public works and how people
interact and live harmoniously in society to make good citizens through learning social
science. In personal growth, students are able to apply the knowledge gained in complex
contexts and circumstances. Also, students can assimilate different principles, concepts, and
facts that shape their future learning. Consequently, students in social studies can think
critically and communicate about significant issues in the wake of the changing society.
In this assignment, you will be evaluating a lesson plan for the subject that you teach. You are
required to submit a lesson plan and then justify the instructional methods used in the lesson.
You will be evaluated based on your ability to identify teaching strategies that are supported by
rationales such as needs, logic, and other factors that influence learning and your ability to
assess the implications of learning when these strategies are used.
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Case study of a lesson
Lesson plan
Submit a lesson plan using this template. Paste the link below.
Make sure that your document is accessible. Change the sharing settings to Anyone with the
link can view).
The first factor that I consider in my lesson plan is the clear objective or goal of the lesson. The
lesson plan outlines clear objectives and goals for the lesson so as to make sure that I always
cover the relevant information and stay on topic. With clear objectives and goals, I can always
ensure that I plan my lesson well before presenting it to the learners. For instance, students
should be able to describe their community after the social studies lesson.
Secondly, I anticipate challenges when formulating my lesson plan. After creating my lesson
plan, I imagine the potential challenges that might occur while presenting the lesson and
brainstorm various solutions or ways of avoiding them. The important things that I consider
are; learners needing an extra exercise or challenge and the adaptations for learners who need
extra help. As a teacher, I recognize that all learners do not have similar levels of intelligence
and hence cannot acquire information the same way. Therefore, the lesson plan outlines the
best ways for the lesson to be inclusive and involve all learners.
The third factor that I consider in my lesson plan is lesson assessment. As a teacher, I always
have to determine whether the learners attained the objective of the lesson. For instance, at the
end of the lesson, I must give learners quizzes and tests to determine whether they understood
the lesson. Besides, I make sure that the lesson remains relevant. For instance, the lesson
should include a real-world application instead of complicated topics for my learners to grasp.
Also, the lesson plan outlines ways for the lesson to connect with previous lessons for a better
understanding. Besides, before attending the lesson, I always practice my presentation and
create a script. Although I don't have to read the script word for word, it is a valuable material
that helps me stay on the lesson's topic. By so doing, I can recognize any mistakes or flaws in
my plan and can fix them in time.
Instructional approach
Justify the primary instructional approach in this lesson.
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Is the primary approach teacher-centered or student-centered? Why?
The primary institutional approach of the lesson is a student-centered approach, and we both
share an equal focus with my students. Most importantly, a high level of teacher-student
interaction is evident in a student-centered approach. Instead of being excessive listeners,
students collaborate with one another (Curie, 2014). Besides, the approach encourages
communication with my learners. In order to achieve a learner-centered approach in social
studies, the lesson focuses on inquiry, making room for learners' choices and voice, prioritizing
emotional and social learning, implementing culturally sustaining and relevant practices, and
preparing students to grow into active leaders and citizens.
Learning methods
Explain the learning methods in this lesson.
What are the activities that enable students to achieve the learning outcomes of this lesson?
Why are these methods used?
The learning approaches utilized in the lesson are the inquiry method, demonstrations method,
project method as well as question and answer method. Students will be provided with visuals
of objects and things in their neighborhood to allow them to understand and form a connection
with prior knowledge. They will also be given introductory information relating to their
neighborhoods in their home language and English. In groups, students will be given visual
images of a neighborhood and will be asked to discuss what they know. Afterward, the teacher
will read the book, This Is My Neighborhood by Lisa Bullard and, afterward, ask students to
relate their neighborhoods with what they hear from the book. Students will then be asked to
discuss the thing that they find similar and different from the book about their neighborhoods.
Learners will then come back from their groups and give their comparisons. Students will also
undergo a guided practice and afterward draw pictures of places, things, and people in their
neighborhood for assessment.
Learning theories
Justify the learning theory that underpins this lesson.
What is the most dominant learning theory that underpins the instructional methods in this
lesson? Support your answer by relating specific details in your lesson plan to the
characteristics of the learning theory you have identified.
The most dominant learning theory that underpins the instructional methods in this lesson is
Jean Piaget's theory of cognitive development. The theory suggests that children undergo four
stages of mental growth and development. The theory explains the importance of
understanding the ways in which children receive knowledge and the nature of their
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intelligence (Curie, 2014). Cognitive development theory highlights that children can actively
engage in the learning process by taking some little roles performed by scientists through
observation, experimentation, and learning things about the world. Thus the lesson aims to
help students continually gain new knowledge and build up the existing knowledge through a
learner-centered approach.
Differentiating instruction
Explain how the lesson is differentiated to cater to the needs of your learners.
How will you identify your learners' needs? What are the strategies involved in differentiating
Lesson differentiation is essential in meeting the various needs of students. I will identify the
needs of my students in various ways, which include; highlighting their competencies, skills,
and knowledge that require development, defining and outlining their goals and expectations,
and establishing the demand and need for the lesson. My methodology of teaching aligns with
the needs of every individual student. The teaching methods play a crucial role in meeting the
needs of students and not the forced content on them. In addition, the following learning
differentiation strategies will be essential in meeting the students' needs; creation of learning
stations, implementation of goal-setting and reflection exercises, use of task cards, and
interviewing the students.
Explain the challenges that you can anticipate from this lesson.
What are the potential challenges, limitations, or issues in this lesson? How will you mitigate
these issues?
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In this assignment, you will be reflecting on your personal understanding, apprehension, and
experience in learning about the foundations of curriculum and instruction. You are required to
write a reflection on how this module changed your understanding of the foundations of the
curriculum at both the programme and subject levels, as well as the instructional methods used.
You are also encouraged to frame and incorporate your answers and discussions with
terminologies, theories, and models that have been taught in previous modules.
You will be evaluated based on your ability to be critically self-aware, self-reflective, and self-
manage in order to fully maximize your potential academically and professionally.
Besides generating your own questions, here are some key questions you can use as a guide to
writing your reflection (Important: Your responses to these questions must be grounded in
Key questions
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administrators with a structure and plan that is measurable to enable the delivery of quality
Additionally, understanding the curriculum concepts helps me in identifying the learning
standards, core competencies, and outcomes that my students should demonstrate for them to
advance to the next grade. Being a teacher, I must play the key roles required of me in
assessing, implementing, modifying, and developing the curriculum to deliver the best services
to my students. Consequently, a curriculum that is evidence-based plays a key role in guiding
and showing a teacher and students the path to follow to achieve academic success.
In this module, with a fresh look into the curriculum on the subject and program level, I have
acquired new knowledge on curriculum and instructional practices. The field of curriculum
and instructional practices is growing at a rapid rate and is focused on transforming the
educational setting through best teaching practices and an improved design of curriculum
(Whyte, 2011). As a teacher, my new understanding of curriculum is important in the school
sector in improving learning which leads to better-educated society members with goal
attainment, superior achievements, and career outcomes. Having a new understanding of
curriculum allows me to become a leader in the development of curriculum and can create
detailed and meaningful school instruction programs that can help my students to thrive in any
school or an academic setting.
In this module, I find curriculum vision eye-opening and interesting. The vision comprises the
intellectual development of a child, emotional and social development, responsibility and
citizenship, as well as success and happiness (Whyte, 2011). As a teacher, I should be able to
ensure the vision is lived in the way I advance the curriculum and how it is experienced by my
students. The curriculum should reflect our dedication, destiny, determination, and core values.
Consequently, I should instill an effective curriculum, which supports the core concepts and
content of a subject, develops expertise, wonder, and fascination, and produces beautiful work.
I encountered dramatic and rapid demographic changes, which were challenging when
implementing the curriculum and instructions. The demographic changes are a result of the
progressive population rates of growth, changing mortality and fertility rates, migration
patterns, urbanization, and different economic factors (Whyte, 2011). With the uncertainty in
the number of students and their attendance, the smooth implementation and development of
the curriculum are highly affected. The rapid demographic changes affect the educational
productivity growth and cause poor and unhealthy learning for the students.
With the knowledge acquired on curriculum and instructions, I will commit myself to ensuring
a purposeful, planned, systematic, and progressive educational system. I will create effective
and positive improvements in the learning process through curriculum development to achieve
the goal. The need to improve the education system is high hence the need for me to address
the issue and many other necessities in my society.
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Currie, J. (2014). Early childhood education programs. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 15(2),
Whyte, M. (2011). Cognitive Learning Styles and Their Impact on Curriculum Development and
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