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Environmental Studies 19

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Com II Year Subject- Environmental Studies


Class – B.Com. II Year

Subject – Environmental Studies

UNIT – I Study of Environment and Ecology

(a) Definition and importance.
(b) Public participation and public awareness.
(c) Ecology — Introduction
(D) Ecosystem — Concepts. Components structure& function. Energy
flow. food. Chain. Food web. Ecological pyramids and types.

UNIT – II Environmental Pollution and Population

(a) Air, water, noise, heat and nuclear pollution definition. Causes. el tect
and prevention of pollution.
(b) Population growth. Disparities between countries.
(c) Population explosion, family welfare programme.
(d) Environment and human health.
(e) Cleanliness and disposal of domestic

UNIT – III Natural resources. Problems and Conservation

(a) Water resources
(b) Forest resources
(c) Land resources
(d) Food resources
(e) Energy resource:

UNIT – IV Bio-diversity and its Protection

(a) Introduction-Genetic. Species and ecosystem diversity .
(b) Value of bio-diversity- Consumable use: Productive use. Social Moral
and Aesthetic values.
(c) India as a nation of mega bio-diversity centre. bio,-diversity at
rational and local levels.
(d) Threats to bio-diversity Loss of habitat. Poaching of wildlife man and
wildlife conflicts.

UNIT – V Disaster Management and Environmental laws

(a) Disaster Management flood, earthquake, cyclones and
(b) Conservation of laws for air and water pollution.
(c) Wildlife conservation laws.
(d) Role of information technology in protecting environment and

45, Anurag Nagar, Behind Press Complex, Indore (M.P.) Ph.: 4262100, www.rccmindore.com
B.Com II Year Subject- Environmental Studies

Study OF ENVIRONMENT and ecology
Word 'environment" is most commonly used describing "natural" environment and means the
sum of all living and non-living things that surround an organism, or group of organisms.
Environment includes all elements, factors, and conditions that have some impact on growth
and development of certain organism. Environment includes both biotic and abiotic factors
that have influence on observed organism. Abiotic factors such as light, temperature, water,
atmospheric gases combine with biotic factors (all surrounding living species). Environment
often changes after some time and therefore many organisms have ability to adapt to these
changes. However tolerance range is not the same with all species and exposure to
environmental conditions at the limit of an certain organism's tolerance range represents
environmental stress.
Environmentalism is very important political and social movement with goal to protect nature
environment by emphasizing importance of nature role in protection of the environment in
combination with various actions and policies oriented to nature preservation.
Environmentalism is movement connected with environmental scientists and many of their
goals. Some of these goals include:
1. to reduce world consumption of fossil fuels-
2. to reduce and clean up all sorts of pollution (air, sea, river...) with future goal of zero
3. emphasis on clean, alternative energy sources that have low carbon emissions
4. sustainable use of water, land, and other scarce resources
5. preservation of existing endangered species
6. protection of biodiversity

1. the aggregate of surrounding things, conditions, or influences; surroundings; milieu.

2. Ecology . the air, water, minerals, organisms, and all other external factors surrounding and
affecting a given organism at any time.

An environment is what surrounds a thing or an item. The environment is the surrounding. It

could be a physical element - physical environment, that includes the built environment,
natural environment - air conditions, water, land, atmosphere etc or it could be human
environment - people surrounding the item or thing. This is also known as the social
environment and includes elements like the spiritual environment, emotional environment,
home, family etc. The environment is a fluid dynamic thing,

The environment is defined as the whole physical and biological systems in which man and
other organisms live. Environmental studies involves every issue that affects living organisms.
Various interacting components of environment are biology, geology, chemistry, physics,
engineering, sociology, health and economics. Positive and realistic planning is needed to
balance them. Therefore, environmental science is essentially a multidisciplinary approach.

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B.Com II Year Subject- Environmental Studies

Composition of Environment

Importance of ENVIRONMENT
Our life-support system's health is maintained by all the species that make-up the bio-sphere-from the
smallest to the largest (our biodiversity). The survival of all these species are interconnected and
dependent on each other. Bacteria and insects break down organic material to produce soil and
nutrients so plants can grow. Plants provide oxygen and food for animals and many other benefits.
Bees, other insects, and animals pollinate the plants so they can reproduce and keep the cycle going.
They also maintain the health of plants and spread their seeds. The actual processes that take place
between r:,pecies and the environment are extremely complex and vulnerable. if humanity causes the
extinction of one species--it's really the extinction of many species and the decline of our life-support
system, for ourselves and future generations. God's gift must not be taken for granted—it must be cared
for. If not; humanity will face the grim consequences of its actions.

Humanity has neglected to factor into the economic equation the tremendous benefits nature provides.
Because the environment is our life-support system, it's impossible to truly estimate its value (it's
priceless). However, economists and environmental. Scientists have estimated in dollars what it would
cost us to accomplish the services nature provides. Using multiple datalaases,..they estimate, that
nature provides $33 trillion dollars worth of services every year—that's nearly twice the annual Gross
National Product or GNP of all the countries in the world combined) For example, forests prevent soil
erosion, landslides, an flooding; maintain the purity of the air and water; affect local and global rainfall;
temper climatic fluctuations; and promote watersheds and biodiversity. By retaining the proper
moisture content within their foliage and soil, healthy forests prevent local fires from becoming
widespread. Unfortunately, this moisture content is declining from over harvesting and fragmentation.
Consequently, large-scale fires are becoming increasingly prevalent throughout the world. Other
ecosystems like mangroves, wetlands, grasslands, shrubs, deserts, oceans, coral reefs, tundra-arctic
regions, and so on provide similar and unique benefits.

45, Anurag Nagar, Behind Press Complex, Indore (M.P.) Ph.: 4262100, www.rccmindore.com
B.Com II Year Subject- Environmental Studies

Biodiversity provides problem-solving raw materials for shelter and useful products, creates
medicines, and allows us to pollinate and maintain healthy crops from being infested with harmful
insects and diseases (without the need or hazards of chemicals or genetic engineering, which kill
beneficial insects, additional wildlife, and plants). Although tropical forests contain some of the highest
concentration of biodiversity on the planet, we destructively log more than 10 million acres of these
forests each year (that's approximately the size of a football field every 4 seconds) and efforts to
promote sustainable forestry are largely failing.2 Scientists agree that the best way to protect
biodiversity is to protect and maintain habitat large enough to accommodate a healthy ecosystem—
tolerating small fragmented habitats will not preserve ecosystems or their biodiversity.

Approximately 40% of all prescriptions in the U.S. are either based on or synthesized from natural
compounds found in microorganisms, plants, and animals.3 The economic value provided by just plant-
based anticancer drugs in the U.S. is over $250 billion annually.' In addition to nature providing us with
penicillin, aspirin, morphine, and steroids; the medicine Taxol, which fights breast and ovarian cancer,
comes from the bark of the pacific yew tree; the foxglove plant provides the drug digitalis which boosts
the pumping action of weak hearts; and the rosy periwinkle plant is used to fight Hodgkin's disease and
childhood leukemia. Other candidates providing promising medicines include deep-sea sponges,
tropical cone snails, dogfish sharks, the bark of the Holarrhena tree (found in Asia and Africa), and the
plant Chonemerpha macrophylla (located in the foothills of the Himalayas). A microbe found in the hot
springs of Yellowstone National Park provided an enzyme for mass-producing DNA. Physician and
biochemist Michael Zasloff, "There's so much we don't know about the natural worid...And we're
destroying large parts of it before we even appreciate our ignorance."
Public participation
Public participation in environmental decision-making has become an indelible feature of many
environmental regulatory systems world-wide over the past few decades. Individuals and
organizations affected by development approvals, pollution licenses, land use plans and other types of
regulatory processes have increasingly demanded greater consultation, and more transparent and
accountable decisions. Parliamentary democracy ratified through periodic electoral contests is widely
viewed as insufficient to provide meaningful public input into day-to-day environmental decision-
making. Governing elites' hostility to independent protest and community self-expression has
encouraged the creation of 'surrogate political processes', wherein citizens' views are channeled into
and considered in alternate administrative and judicial structures. In these structures, public
participation assumes a variety of forms. It can occur through education, information dissemination,
advisory or review boards, public advocacy, public hearings and submissions, and even litigator. By
these means, public participation may assist decision-makers to understand and identify public interest
concerns while formulating environmental policies. Greater citizen input may promote environmental
justice and help integrate ecological and social considerations in governmental decisions. Further,
participation may enhance the accountability, and thus acceptability, of environmental decisions. This
may lead to less litigation, fewer delays and generally better implementation, of decisions. Thus, as
Lawrence Tribe once warned, the way policy decisions are made has important implementations for
the-outcomes-of those decisions Public participation is particularly significant in the context of
sustainable development. Sustainability depends largely on the way economic, social and
environmental considerations have been integrated in decision-making. The principles of inter and
intra generational equity in sustainable development discourse reflect the centrality of public
involvement and social justice.

Implementation of the precautionary principle, another part of sustainability discourse, also depends
on public, input into the assessment of acceptable risks. Environmental threats, such as climate change
or genetically modified organisms, are often characterized by scientific and technical uncertainties and
risks for which people often hold very different and competing preferences. Public participation can
help assess these uncertainties and risks, and weigh them against perceived benefits. Several
interrelated factors have fuelled the growth of participatory processes iri decision-making. The first is

45, Anurag Nagar, Behind Press Complex, Indore (M.P.) Ph.: 4262100, www.rccmindore.com
B.Com II Year Subject- Environmental Studies

increased public awareness and concern about the relationships between ecological health and human
well-being. Secondly, the growth of human rights in legal and political systems has heightened people's
expectations of participation in policy-making.

Thirdly, the prevailing concerns of the international community for 'good governance' and the
strengthening of civil societies have contributed to increasing interest in the use of participatory
mechanisms. Also. weaknesses in the legitimacy of the state and lack of trust in governments have
fuelled popular demands for more grass-roots, direct involvement in decisions.
Different models have been proffered to analyze the range of forms of public participation. One model,
known as Arnstein's 'ladder', shows the spectrum of participation opportunities, beginning with mere
notification, and extending to consultation and even joint decision-making power. The lowest levels of
participation may effectively amount to non-participation. The Highest level of participation, says
Arnstein, is where the public has the power to negotiate with decision-makers and to veto. Proposed
decisions. Another model of participation distinguishes between 'top-down' and 'bottom-up'
approaches. The former is where the government initiates participation, the latter where communities
do so. Thirdly, some commentators distinguish between substantive and procedural dimensions of
participation. Participatory rights may derive from substantive human rights, such as a right to live in a
healthy, unpolluted environment, and may be enshrined in a constitution or statutory bill of rights. By
contrast, procedural rights concern the methods of decision-making, and typically encompass public
consultation, information provision and access to the courts. Substantive and procedural rights are
often intertwined: for instance, a substantive right to a healthy environment usually requires
procedural rights to be heard in decisions that might affect those substantive rights.

Law plays a crucial role in all these approaches. Open-ended discursive experiences based on custom or
current controversy may be too fragile and insufficient to sustain the desired policy and political
transformation. Law can provide two remedial functions in this respect. First, through decision rules
and procedures it can enable democratic will to emerge. Secondly through its ability to codify norms
and structure institutions, it can effectively channel this political power throughout society, as a force
for social coordination. In other words, law creates a structure for participation that helps crystallize
and protect society's environmental goals.

Public Awareness
After the scientific and industrial revolution in the recent past, there has been immense impact of man
on his environment. Man has failed to realize that any new factor upsets the balance of the ecosystem
as a whole/the environment.

Huge industrial installations every year. introduction of the faster mode of transport, sprouting up
large crowded cities (urbanization), changing the food habits, deforestation and decreasing the
agricultural land, the main outcomes of the modern civilization: wide spread use of insecticides,
pesticides, improper use of fertilizers and chemicals in environment are some others contributing
factors which challenged the life of man. animals specially birds and other organisms.

Industries are causing much danger to man's life (causing air pollution), Similarly water pollution, soil
pollution, marine pollution, noise pollution, global warming, effects of nuclear hazards etc are some
major factors for which public awareness is necessary.

The Active co-operation of every one, at every level of social organizations, scientist-educationists,
social workers, politicians, administrators and public is needed for issues concerning environment.
Individuals collectively make a society or a state.

Movements, which begin at gram root levels, effects the ideologies and policies of a country or the
nation as a whole more effectively than the policies introduced from top to downwards.

45, Anurag Nagar, Behind Press Complex, Indore (M.P.) Ph.: 4262100, www.rccmindore.com
B.Com II Year Subject- Environmental Studies

When the opinion of the public will change. ii will affect the govt. policies, which transform in to actions.
Therefore little efforts on the part of each individual shall add up to introduce significant improvements
of the environment.
Over exploitation of natural resources is a basic concern for everybody. Food shortage we increase in
frequency and severity if population growth, soil erosion and nutrient depletions we continue at the
existing rate. Therefore, it is our duty and we can accept the family planning schemes this will not only
reduce the population but also solve the problems of food and rehabilitation.

Burning fossil fuels (oil, coal and natural gas), we release carbon-dioxide and other heat absorbing;
gases, that cause global warming and may bring about sea level rise and catastrophic climatic changes.

Acid rain is the result of it. Chlorinated compounds such as chlorofluorocarbons used in refrigerator
and air conditioner also contribute to global warming as well as damaging the stratospheric ozone that
protect us from cancer causing ultraviolet radiations in sunlight. Now a day's everybody talks about
environment but how many of us are serious about it. How many of us (from all walks of life) have clear
concepts of environment. There must be planning about the effects and control measures of
environmental pollution. Govt. should initiate and help by awareness campaigns to save environment.

There should not be the political propaganda but should be the integral part of our educational
programmes. By writing on walls the word "save water", "save oil" is not enough for Govt. or people.

We should opt some programmes relating to it. We should discourage to use fuel vehicles, until it is not
necessary. For short routes, we should use bicycle; on foot. We should accompany the four seated or so
with others over use of water, for cleaning and other purposes should be decreased."
Rain water harvesting is another example for using the rain water instead flowing out. Any government
at its own level cannot achieve the goals of sustainable development until the public has a participatory
role in it.—

It is only possible only when public aware about the ecological and environmental issues. For example
ban the littering of polythene cannot be successful until the public understands the environmental
implications of the same.

Public should understand about the fact that if we degrading our environment, we are harming
ourselves. This is the duty of we educated people to educate the others about the adverse effect of

For the first time, the attention of general public was attracted at global level when "Earth Summit" in
1992 was held in Rio de Jailed° on environment and development. Later on another world summit on
"Sustainable Developmental Johannesburg in 2002 was also held to discuss the environment and aware
the public to save the environment.

In these directions, United Nations has organized several conferences in different parts of the world
(Stockholm 1972, Vienna 1985, Montreal 1987, Brazil 1992 etc) to work out the action plan from time
to time for, fighting with menace of environmental pollution. We should keep the earth green and alive
as it provides shelter, food and protective cover. The soil degradation, soil erosion, deforestation, losing
wetlands, land conversion etc. are the measure issues which force ourselves to think and aware the
public in this regard. Because human himself is responsible for these environmental deterioration.
Therefore, it is necessary to check all these destructive processes. Govt. also doing some efforts on
national level but still much more has to be done.

45, Anurag Nagar, Behind Press Complex, Indore (M.P.) Ph.: 4262100, www.rccmindore.com
B.Com II Year Subject- Environmental Studies

The marine ecosystem includes the oceans, seas, sea shores, bays and summaries of the world. The
physical factors like wares, tides, currents, salinities, temperature, pressures and sunlight dominate life
in the ocean and determine the makeup of biological communities.

These communities have significant effect on biomass, leakage from oil tankers, oil drilling, catchment
area (coastline) and rivers polluted the sea water, which effects sensitive flora and fauna, various
species of invertebrate, mammals, coral reps, fishes and other organisms. A Diesel vehicle emits
particles in their exhaust which have a diameter less than 10 microns (PH-10). It is easily inhaled. Any
amount of these particles in the air is dangerous for health (particularly effects lungs). In India about 20
million people are asthmatics. Mine waste and effluents from mining and metallurgical industries give a
number of physical and chemical problems to human beings. Certain other industries like paper and
pulp industries, fertilizer industries, explosive industries, soap and detergent industries, chemical
industries, food processing industries, textile, tannery, leather, and petroleum industries
release/discharge undesirable and harmful constituents which are responsible for air and water
pollution, causes great public concern. Sewage begins to cause nuisance as it starts to become stale. It is
therefore necessary to dispose it off as soon as possible. Proper methods of disposal and its treatment
should be applied otherwise causes the chronic diseases. When sewage is applied continuously on a
part of land, the pores or voids of the soil are clogged and free circulation of air is prevented. As a result
anaerobic conditions are developed in place of aerobic conditions and the land is not capable of taking
further sewage load. At this stage, decomposition of sewage takes placing offensive gases are produced.
This is called the sewage sickness-of !and.— --People should aware The noise which is increasing
pollution is one of the important factors of environment due to population's explosion, rapid
industrializations and urbanizations. We should know the consequences of noise pollutions. Ear drum
ca' damage when exposed to very loud and sudden noise. Noise pollution affects human health, comfort
and efficiency. It causes contraction of blood vessels, high blood pressure, mental distress, high
cholesterol, heart attacks, neurological problems, birth defects, abortion etc. The department of
environment realized the importance of creating a sound research base for scientific studies relating to
environmental problems. Environmental protection act was introduced in 1976 as the 42nd
amendment act in the constitution. Only by celebrating "World Environmental Day" we cannot get rid
of this concern. Govt. along cannot do anything until unless every citizen is aware of the environmental
pollution & their effects. This is the time to make aware and motivate each and every individual for
environmental consciousness.

The National Geographic Society writes:

The fragile balance of plants and animals that share the Earth took millions of years 10 develop. Some
life-furriers have persisted in nearly their original state, surviving episodes of mass extinction. Some,
like ourselves, are relative newcomers. The ones that have perished will not return. Neither will the
thousands of species that are disappearing-each year due-in large p-ifirto such human influences as
habitat destruction, introduction of invasive species, and overharvesting. If we continue reducing
Earth's biodiversity at this rate, the consequences will be profound. The web of life connects the
smallest bacterium to the giant redwood and the whale when we put that web in peril, we become
agents of calamity.

Furthermore, religions around the world have long understood that the beauty, diversity, and wonder
of nature is humanity's physical link with God—encouraging us to develop a spiritual relationship with
our Creator. The destruction of this link and our life-support system should enrage all of humanity—
especially religious groups—stewards of God's creation.
People who believe exponential growth can go on forever in a finite world is either a madman or an
economist --Kenneth Boulding

Concept of ECOLOGY

45, Anurag Nagar, Behind Press Complex, Indore (M.P.) Ph.: 4262100, www.rccmindore.com
B.Com II Year Subject- Environmental Studies

 Ecology (oekologies) - proposed by German biologist - Ernst Haekel (1869). Greek work oikos-
house (place to live), logos-discourse or study.
 Ecology: Relationships between organisms or groups of organisms to their environment.

Ecology (from Greek: oikoc, "house; -Aoyid, "study of”) is the scientific study of the relations that living
organisms have with respect to each other and their natural environment. Topics of interest to
ecologists include the composition, distribution, amount (biomass), number, and changing states of
organisms within and among ecosystems.

Ecosystems are composed of dynamically interacting parts including organisms,

the communities they make up, and the non-living components of their environment. Ecosystem
processes, such as primary production, pedogenesis, nutrient cycling, and various niche construction
activities, regulate the flux of energy and matter through an environment. These processes are
sustained by the biodiversitywithin them. Biodiversity refers to the varieties of species in ecosystems,
the genetic variations they contain, and the processes that are functionally enriched by the diversity of
ecological interactions. Ecology is an interdisciplinary branch of biology. The word "ecology"
("Okologie") was coined in 1866 by the German scientist Ernst Haeckel (1834-191). Ancient Greek
philosophers such as Hippocrates and Aristotle laid the foundations of ecology in their studies on
natural history. Modern ecology transformed into a more rigorous science in the late 19th century.
Evolutionary concepts on adaptation and natural selection became cornerstones of modern ecological
theory. Ecology is not synonymous with
environment, environmentalism, natural history, or environmental science. It is closely related to
physiology, evolutionary biology, genetics, and ethnology. An understanding of how biodiversity affects
ecological function is an important focus area in ecological studies. Ecologists seek to explain:
• Life processes and adaptations
• Distribution and abundance of organisms.
• The movement of materials and energy through living communities
• The succession development of ecosystems, and
• The abundance and-distribution of biodiversity-in the content of environment.

Ecology is a human science as well There are many practical applications of ecology in conservation
biology, wetland management natural resource management (agriculture, forestry, fisheries), city
planning (urban ecology), community health, economics, basic and applied science, and human social
interaction (human ecology). Ecosystems maintain biophysical feedback mechanisms that modulate
metabolic rates and evolutionary dynamics' between living (biotic) and nonliving (abiotic) components
of the planet. Ecosystems sustain life-supporting functions and produce natural capital through the
regulation of continental climates, global biogeochemical cycles, water filtration, soils, food, fibers,
medicines, erosion control, and many other natural features of scientific, historical, economic, or
intrinsic value.

45, Anurag Nagar, Behind Press Complex, Indore (M.P.) Ph.: 4262100, www.rccmindore.com
B.Com II Year Subject- Environmental Studies

45, Anurag Nagar, Behind Press Complex, Indore (M.P.) Ph.: 4262100, www.rccmindore.com
B.Com II Year Subject- Environmental Studies

Unit II
Environmental Pollution and population

Pollution is the introduction of contaminants into the natural environment that cause adverse change.
Pollution can take the form of chemical substances or energy such as noise, heat or light. Pollutants the
components of Pollution, can be either foreign substances/energies or naturally occurring
contaminants. Pollution is often classed as point source or nonpoint source pollution.

Pollution has been found to be present widely in the environment. There are a number of effects of this:
 Biomagnifications describes situations where toxins (such as heavy metals) may pass through
trophic levels, becoming exponentially more concentrated in the process.
 Carbon dioxide emissions cause ocean acidification, the ongoing decrease in the pH of the
Earth's oceans as CO2 becomes dissolved.
 The emission of greenhouse gases leads to global warming which affects ecosystems in many
 Invasive species can out compete native species and reduce biodiversity. Invasive plants can
contribute debris and bimolecular (allelopathy) that can alter soil and chemical compositions of
an environment, often reducing native species competitiveness. •
 Nitrogen oxides are removed from the air by rain and fertilize land which can change the
species composition of ecosystems.
 Smog and haze can reduce the amount of sunlight received by plants to carry out
photosynthesis and leads to the production ofiropospheric ozone which damages plants.
 Soil can become infertile and unsuitable for plants. This will affect other organisms in the food
 Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides can cause acid rain which lowers the pH value of soil.

A. Introduction and definition of environmental pollution —

We know that, a living organism cannot live by itself. Organisms interact among themselves. Hence, all
organisms, such as plants, animals and human beings, as well as the physical surroundings with whom
we interact; form a part of our environment. All these constituents of the environment are dependent
upon each other. Thus, they maintain balance in nature; As we are the only organisms try to modify
environment to fulfill our needs; it is our responsibility to take necessary steps to control the
environmental imbalances.

The environmental imbalance gives rise to various environmental problems. Some of the
environmental problems are pollution, soil erosion leading to floods, salt deserts and sea recedes,
desertification, landslides, change of river directions, extinction of species, and vulnerable ecosystem in
place of more complex and stable ecosystems, depletion of natural resources, waste accumulation;
deforestation, thinning of ozone layer and global warming. The environmental problems are visualized
in terms of pollution, growth in population, development, industrialization, unplanned urbanization etc.
Rapid migration and increase. in population in the urban areas has also lead to traffic congestion, water
shortages, solid waste, and air, water and noise pollution are common noticeable problems in almost all
the urban areas since last few years.

Environmental pollution is defined as the undesirable change in physical, chemical and biological
characteristics of our air, land and water. As a result of over-population, rapid industrializations, and

45, Anurag Nagar, Behind Press Complex, Indore (M.P.) Ph.: 4262100, www.rccmindore.com
B.Com II Year Subject- Environmental Studies

other human activities like agriculture and deforestation etc., earth became loaded with diverse
pollutants that were released as by-products. Pollutants are generally grouped under two classes:
(a) Biodegradable pollutants - Biodegradable pollutants are broken down by the activity of micro-
organisms and enter into the biogeochemical cycles. Examples of such pollutants are domestic
waste products, urine and faucal matter, sewage, agricultural residue, paper, wood and cloth
(b) Non- Biodegradable pollutants - Non-biodegradable pollutants are stronger chemical bondage,
do not break down into simpler and harmless products. These include various insecticides and
other pesticides, mercury, lead, arsenic, aluminum, plastics, radioactive waste etc.


• Pollution is the introduction of harmful substances or products into the environment
• We will be examining following parts of pollution.
– Water Pollution
– Air Pollution
– Land Pollution
– Noise Pollution
– Thermal Pollution
– Nuclear Pollution

Types of Pollutant


Biodegradable Non-Degradable

Wood, Garbage Primary Secondary

Pollutant Pollutant

• Factors that contribute to water pollution can be categorized into two different groups
– Point sources
– Non-point sources
• Point sources are the easiest to identify and control
• Non point sources are ambiguously defined and harder to control
• Some point sources of water pollution include
– Waste products from factories
– Waste from sewage system
– Waste from power plants
– Waste from underground coalmines
– Waste from oil wells
• They are called point sources because they are direct sources of water pollution and can be
reduced and monitored

45, Anurag Nagar, Behind Press Complex, Indore (M.P.) Ph.: 4262100, www.rccmindore.com
B.Com II Year Subject- Environmental Studies

• The term non-point source encompasses a large range of sources such as:
– when rain or snow moves through the ground and picks up pollutants as it moves
towards a major body of water
– the runoff of fertilizers from farm animals and crop land
– air pollutants getting washed or deposited to earth
– storm water drainage from lawns, parking lots, and streets

• One of the main causes of air pollution is the release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, this
happens because of Deforestation and fossil fuel burning
• Sulfur dioxide is another air polluter and is released into the atmosphere by the burning of
sulfur containing compounds of fossil fuels. Sulfur oxides are very dangerous to humans at a
high concentration. Sulfur in the atmosphere is responsible for acid rain
• Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) also contribute to air pollution by reducing the amount of ozone
the stratosphere. CFCs come from a variety of places such as:
• the burning of plastic foam items
• leaking refrigerator equipment
• spray cans
• Natural air pollutants can include:
– Smoke from wild fires
– Methane released from live stock
– Volcanic eruptions

Causes –
 Means of Transportation,
 Industries
 Home Appliances
 Means of Recreation
 Social & religious activity
 Defense equipment
 Mining
Effect –
 At the level of audible sound
 At the level of physiology
 At the level of behavior

Causes –
 Electricity production plants
 Industrialization
 Traffic
 Nuclear explosion & testing
 Wars
 Deforestation
Effect –

45, Anurag Nagar, Behind Press Complex, Indore (M.P.) Ph.: 4262100, www.rccmindore.com
B.Com II Year Subject- Environmental Studies

 Effect on human being

 Effect on animals
 Effect on vegetation
 Effect on weather and climate

Causes –
 Natural radiation like sunlight & inhabited radioactive elements & their isotopes
 Nuclear explosion & testing
 Atomic furnaces and fuels
 Atomic power houses
 Nuclear weapons
 Medical technology
Effect –
 Effect on human being
 Effect on animals
 Effect on vegetation
 Effect on weather and climate

• CO2 is a good transmitter of sunlight, but it also partially restricts infrared radiation going back
from the earth into space, which produces the so-called greenhouse effect that prevents a
drastic cooling of the Earth during the night
• Increasing the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere reinforces this effect and is expected to result
in a warming of the Earth's surface
• CO2 in atmosphereGLOBAL WARMING
• Sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, ozone and peroxyacl nitrates (PANs), cause direct damage to
leaves of crop plants and trees when they enter leaf pores (stomates)
• Chronic exposure of leaves and needles to air pollutants can also break down the waxy coating
that helps prevent excessive water loss and damage from diseases, pests, drought and frost
• "In the midwestern United States crop losses of wheat, corn, soybeans, and peanuts from
damage by ozone and acid deposition amount to about $5 billion a year". (Miller 498)
• When emissions of sulfur dioxide and nitric oxide from stationary sources are transported long
distances by winds, they form secondary pollutants such as nitrogen dioxide, nitric acid vapor,
and droplets containing solutions of sulfuric acid, sulfate, and nitrate salts
• These chemicals descend to the earth's surface in wet form as rain or snow and in dry form as a
gases fog, dew, or solid particles, it is known as acid rain or acid deposition

• With the introduction of petroleum to replace coal economies in countries, photochemical smog
has become predominant in many cities, which are located in sunny, warm, and dry climates
with many motor vehicles
• Worst episodes of photochemical smog tends to occur in summer


 You can help to reduce global air pollution and climate change by:
 Driving a car that gets at least 35 mpg
 Walking, biking, and using public transportation
 Using CFL bulbs over incandescent bulbs

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B.Com II Year Subject- Environmental Studies

 Buying only energy efficient appliances

 Recycling newspaper, aluminum, and others
 Planting trees!
 Avoid purchasing products that contain CFCs
 Supporting much stricter clean air laws and enforcement of international treaties to reduce
ozone depletion and slow global warming

The word noise is derived from the Latin word nausea meaning seasickness. Like its root meaning,
noise has a negative effect to human health and well-being. Noise resulting from road traffic, jet
planes, jet skis, garbage trucks, construction equipment, manufacturing processes, lawn mowers, leaf
blowers, and boom boxes, to name a few, are among the audible litter that are routinely broadcast into
the air (Noise, Noise Pollution and Clearinghouse). They interfere with sleep, concentration,
communication, and recreation. The potential health effects of noise pollution are numerous, pervasive,
persistent, and medically and socially significant. Health problems related to noise include hearing loss,
stress, high blood pressure, sleep loss, distraction and lost productivity, and a general reduction in the
quality of life and opportunities for tranquility. Noise is among the most pervasive pollutants today, Its
more severe and widespread than ever before, and it will continue to increase in magnitude and
severity because of population growth, urbanization, and the associated growth in the use of
increasingly powerful, varied, and highly mobile sources of noise. However, strategies such as noise
mitigation and its three distinct methods: control, path control and receptor shielding (Noise
Mitigation) can reduce environmental noise.

We are bombarded with sound even when we live in rural areas. From crop dusters to large farm
equipment, we have plenty of sound in the country. In the urban areas, we not only have sound that is
produced at unnatural decibel levels, the sound is reflected from hard surfaces that form at every kind
of angle. We go to theaters and concerts where the ability to magnify sound has developed in incredible
ways. We listen on headphones, where sound is not only concentrated, but the waves pound the
eardrums with persistent and unnatural force.

Living next to airports, anywhere in the flight path of departing planes, and near maintenance facilities
where engine run ups can blast sound for miles, is another source of unnatural and massive sound.
Freeways, busy streets, moving trains, even the noise levels in hospital intensive care rooms, where a
patient should be able to expect some peace and quiet are insane.

Sound pollution has resulted in days where there is virtually no period of time when some sound is not
expected to intrude into our homes and lives.

The decibel measurement system is a very complicated matter, so for acoustic measurement, the
amount of pressure on the eardrum is the important factor.

A decibel level of 225 is considered to be deafening. The most common source of that much sound is an
aircraft taking off.

At a level of 130, pain begins. level 130 is also considered to be deafening. Close proximity to pneumatic
concrete drills is the most common experience.

At level 110-120, fireworks displays, close proximity to trains, leaf blowers, music concerts, and
thunder are recognizable sounds. 110 is the lowest level that is considered to be deafening.
Between 90 and 110, we have far more common items: some sirens, passing trucks, trucks without
mufflers, car horns, and lawn mowers. The category is "Very Loud".

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B.Com II Year Subject- Environmental Studies

Between 70 and 90, noise is "loud", and includes noisy restaurants and offices, vacuum cleaners, flush

Noise has a big impact on people all day every day. But with people not noticing it, makes it hard for
anyone to do anything about it. It is causing many different problems to people mentally, socially, and
physically. There are many ways to help or prevent it, but these changes are not immediately visible, so
they are left unattended to.

Exposure to very loud sounds that are enjoyable, and not technically noise to the listener, can lead to
hearing impairment. A survey of hearing was tested among youngsters between the ages of 6 and 19.
They found that 1 out of 8 of them suffered a noise-related hearing problem. Teens attend dances,
equip vehicles with systems, and even work in loud fast food restaraunts. Noises are especially
bothersome at night when one is trying to sleep, which is vital to good health. Noise from snowmobiles,
jet skis, and supersonic jets has also intruded on the environment, affecting animals’ abilities to
communicate, protect their young, and mate.

Noise pollution is not believed to be a cause of mental illness, but it is assumed to accelerate and
intesify the development of latent mental disorders. Some of theses cases would be : anxiety, stress,
nervousness, nausea, headache, emotionally instability, argumentatives, sexual impotence, changes in
mood, and increase in social conflicts. The news media reguraly report violent behavior arising out of
disputes over noise which in many cases these disputes ended in injury or death.

Noise is a prominent feature of the environment including noise from transport, industry, and
neighbors. Exposure to transport noise disturbs sleep I nthe laboratory, but not generally in field
studies where adaptation occurs. Noise interferes in complex task performances, modifies social
behavior and causes annoyance.

Follow the below given steps for controlling and preventing noise pollution.
 Control of Noise pollution at Source
 Noise producing industries, railway stations, aerodrome, etc. should be located far away from
the residential areas.
 We should play various music systems such as stereos, television, etc. at low volume.
 We should not use loud speakers during night. Even during time they should be used at low
 Various machines should be well maintained so that they produce less sound.
 It is observed that certain persons blow horns of their vehicles unnecessarily, or remove
silencers of the exhaust pipes of vehicles. Such practices produce lot of noise and should be
 Laws should be framed so that the persons producing unnecessary noise are punished.

Control of Noise Pollution by obstructing the path of Noise

 By constructing soundproof buildings, the menace of sound pollution can be minimized.
 Plants also help in controlling noise pollution because they absorb high frequency sound waves.
Thus, planting trees along the roads help in controlling noise pollution.


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B.Com II Year Subject- Environmental Studies

The environmental impact of nuclear power results from the nuclear fuel cycle, operation, and the
effects of nuclear accidents.
The routine health risks and greenhouse gas emissions from nuclear fission power are small relative to
those associated with coal, but there are "catastrophic risks"[1] such as the possibility of over-heated
fuel releasing massive quantities of fission products to the environment. The public is sensitive to these
risks and there has been considerable public opposition to nuclear power. The 1979 Three Mile Island
accident and 1986 Chernobyl disaster, along with high construction costs, ended the rapid growth of
global nuclear power capacity.

A major EU funded research study known as ExternE, or Externalities of Energy, undertaken over the
period of 1995 to 2005 found that the environmental and health costs of nuclear power, per unit of
energy delivered, was €0.0019/kWh. This is lower than that of many renewable sources including the
environmental impact caused by biomass use and the manufacture of photovoltaic solar panels, and
was over thirty times lower than coals impact of €0.06/kWh, or 6 cents/kWh. However the energy
source of the lowest external costs associated with it was found to be wind power at €0.0009/kWh,
which is an environmental and health impact just under half the price of Nuclear power.

In March 2011 an earthquake and tsunami caused damage that led to explosions and partial meltdowns
at the Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant in Japan. Concerns about the possibility of a large scale
radiation leak resulted in 20 km exclusion zone being set up around the power plant and people within
the 20–30 km zone being advised to stay indoors. John Price, a former member of the Safety Policy Unit
at the UK's National Nuclear Corporation, has said that it "might be 100 years before melting fuel rods
can be safely removed from Japan's Fukushima nuclear plant"

Waste streams
Nuclear power has at least four waste streams that may harm the environment:
1. they create spent nuclear fuel at the reactor site (including plutonium waste)
2. they produce tailings at uranium mines and mills
3. during operation they routinely release small amounts of radioactive isotopes
4. during accidents they can release large quantities of dangerous radioactive materials
The nuclear fuel cycle involves some of the most dangerous elements and isotopes known to
humankind, including more than 100 dangerous radionuclides and carcinogens such as strontium-90,
iodine 131 and cesium -137, which are the same toxins found in the fall out of nuclear weapons".


Meaning –

Population explosion means rapid increment in population in a short time. The famous economist
Malthus was first to give attention towards population explosion.

Population explosion or over population denotes a situation in which the number of people living in a
country rapidly exceeds its carrying or sustaining capabilities. It is not just the quantity of people but
the ratio of it in connection with the natural or artificial resources at hand. Population explosion can
occur due to a number of reasons such as a step-up of birth rates, down slope of mortality rates with

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B.Com II Year Subject- Environmental Studies

the advent of modern medical sciences, a simultaneous increase in immigration and decrease in
emigration and so on.

Population Explosion in India –

Population explosion is a huge problem in India. In fact, in all over the world. It is increasing, especially
in the developing countries.

Although India occupies only 2.4% of the world’s total land area, Indian demography comprises of
nearly 1.12 billion people, which is roughly one-sixth of the world’s population and second largest in
the world next to China. India is facing intense problem of population outburst. People are experiencing
the crisis such as climate change, shortage of food and also severe energy crisis that are all related to
the ever-increasing population. Our civilization is being squeezed between rising population densities.
It can be said that if such trends continue, there will be a severe shortage of food supply.

The main causes of population growth in India

1) Birth-rate and death-rate: During 1911 to 1921 birth-rate and death rate were 48.1 and 47.2
respectively, meaning that both were quite high. From 1921 to 1951 though birth rate decreased
slowly but, death rate decreased rapidly. Between 1991 and 2001 difference between the two
increased to 17.4 resulting in continuous growth of population. The cause of decline in death-rate
was increase in health facilities and adequacy of facilities of livelihood.

2) Increases in Life Expectancy: The difference between birth rate and death-rate is called natural
growth rate. The average age of life is known as life expectancy. In our country, life expectancy
(average age) was 50 years in 1921 which increased to 62 years in 1991. Hence due to longevity
population kept on increasing.

3) Lack of Education: In education gives birth to superstitions. Most of the uneducated people believe
that children are gifting God. Believing this they keep on be getting children and hence population
also increases. Desire for son is also responsible for many children in one family. The lower class
hesitates from adopting family welfare programme.

4) Other causes: Poverty, lack of means of entertainment, low standard of living, child marriage and
migration etc. are among the other causes of population growth.

5) Due to population growth many problems, are coming up in our country, such as poverty,
unemployment, decline of standard of living, hunger increasing crimes, housing problem, transport
problems, lack of medical facilities and increasing pollution etc.

Effects –

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B.Com II Year Subject- Environmental Studies

The effects of population explosions in India are as follows –

1) Over-population: Population explosion may lead to overpopulation, i.e., a condition where

population surges to a level that the earth cannot accommodate comfortably, and poses a threat to
the environment.

2) Unemployment: In developing countries like India, with a backward economy and little scope for
fruitful employment, millions of people find no work to do. The unemployed, having nothing to do
and without an ensured living, are left frustrated and demoralize, losing their faith in life itself. As it
happens in India and several underdeveloped countries in Asia and Africa, the unemployed
threatens the very process of development and plunge the country in gloom. It is only natural.
Those who are born with two hands consider it a curse when they are denied the simple right to
work and earn a living. While their numbers go on multiplying and the growth rate becomes
menacing, the fruits of development are found to be too inadequate to bridge the yawning gulf.

3) Poverty: High birth rate, both historically and statistically, is associated with poverty and low
standard of living. It may be noted that poverty is both the cause and effect of population explosion.
Due to poverty, there has been massive growth of population. On the other hand, the large masses
of people live in poverty due to overpopulation.

4) It may sound queer, but the law is that the poorer a country the greater is the growth rate of its
population. India, caught in the morass of her age-old poverty, finds herself in the midst of a
population explosion. The population that was less than 400 million in the forties was found to be
about 1.21 billion in 2011 census. As a result of this even the six plans completed by now have so
far failed to cope with the enormous problem of unemployment.

5) Whatever our plans might have achieved in some sixty-five years is found to be too little to
eradicate poverty. More than seventy percent of Indians live in villages and most of them languish
in their dark, dreary nooks; the fruits of our plans have not quite reached them. Many of them have
no occupation. Due to lack of awareness, poor people fail to check population growth. In the towns
too the poorer sections always have bigger families, while the rich and well-off sections live
comfortably with small families. The poor in India are ignorant and superstitious, and so they do
not see the advantages of planned family. Many of them never think of going against the law of
nature and the will of their God; so they never refrain from breeding children, though they know
that they cannot even feed them and keep them away from the curse of poverty and ignorance.
Perhaps the sickening monotony of living in their world of despair leads them to torment their
women with a vengeance and seek as much pleasure as they can. These poor people do not have the
education necessary for planning their present with a view to ensuring a better future. This is why
while their hope wears off they leap in the dark and break their neck, making things grimmer for

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B.Com II Year Subject- Environmental Studies

their world. The millions of famished, under-nourished and naked children everywhere in India
show the chaos this country is in.

6) Illiteracy: The resources available are fixed. In theory and in practice, the total available resources
are shared by the people using them. Population explosion is the key reason for illiteracy in India.
People prefer engage their children in economic activities, rather than providing them education.

7) Poor Health: If people do not get adequate food and nutrition, then they may suffer from poor

8) Economy: People need food, clothes, shelter, and occupation to make their living. The demand for
consumption should never exceed the production or resource limit. The economy of any country is
negatively impacted, if there is massive population explosion beyond the tolerance limit.

9) Pollution and Global warming: Too much population causes too much pressure on earth. There
arises excessive demand for finished products leading to over-industrialization and over-utilization
of resources. The industrial discharges, and fumes are the chief causes for water and air pollution.
Further, the poisonous gases released because of burning of fossil fuels in factories is widely
responsible for Global warming.

Control Measures / Initiatives

The government cannot ignore or shelve the problem of population explosion, for it is a rot and entire
development of the country depends on how effectively it is stemmed. This awareness made our
governments, both at the centre and in the states, to think about the adopt official programme to
educate public opinion and reduce the birth rate so that the population can fit in well with the evolving
pattern of developing economy.

The Family Planning as an official programme was launched with much fanfare in 1952. The
government is still trying to educate the people. All government agencies and institutions mobilized all
their resources to attain the goal of planned families. The propaganda machinery was geared up with
the help of public media. The people were reminded of the advantages of small families, of healthy and
happy children and of the need for eradicating the age-old poverty. The parents were persuaded to go
in for sterilization after the births of two children, for the contraceptive were not always found to be
safe and full-proof. Many parents, especially the educated, came forward to see things in the new light
and were amenable to persuasion. However, many others resisted, at places quite violently, and refused
to see reason. The government was very serious about making the programme a success. The state
governments also came forward to help the center in its bid to achieve success. Cheap contraceptives

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B.Com II Year Subject- Environmental Studies

were distributed in even the remotest villages, sex education was popularized, vasectomy operations
were conducted and abortion was legalized.

However, even then family planning has a lot more to achieve, for the population in India has already
become about 121 billion and at this rate of growth it may very soon become 150 billion and then 200
billion and so on.

The problem of population can be solved only by creating awareness and educating the people to
control birthrates. The advantages of adopting to various birth control methods should be properly
explained to common people.


Population explosion has caused more pressure on earth. We should save energy so that the entire
population can enjoy its benefit. We can control the global warming issues by curbing the usage of fossil
fuels. Food security is another area that need attention. The agricultural output should increase with
growing population to make sure steady supply of food to all. We should use potable water carefully.
With larger population, there is a need for harmony and peace among nations.


India launched the National Family Welfare Programme in 1951 with the objective of reducing the birth
rate to take extent necessary to stabilize the population at a level consistent with the requirement of
the National economy.

The Family Welfare Programme in India is recognized as a priority area, and is being implemented as a
100% centrally sponsored programme. As per Constitution of India, Family Planning is in the
Concurrent list. The approach under the programme during the First and Second Five Year Plans was
mainly “Clinical” under which facilities for provision of services were created. However, on the basis of
data brought out by the 1961 census, clinical approach adopted in the first two plans was replaced by
“Extension and Education Approach” which envisaged expansion of services facilities along with spread
of message of small family norm. It is denoted by following symbol:

Main components of the programme:

The following are the main components of Family Welfare Programme:

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B.Com II Year Subject- Environmental Studies

1) Maternal Health

2) Child Health

3) Population control/Stabilisation

Maternal Health:

Family Welfare Department is taking up all possible care for the safety of Mothers during pregnancy
and childbirth. The objective is to reduce the prevailing Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) which is
roughly one maternal death for every 5 minutes somewhere in the country (100,000 maternal deaths
per year) due to cases related to pregnancy and child birth.

Antenatal Care (ANC): ANC services are available in all the Primary Health Sub-centres, Primary
Health Centres, Community Health Centres, Rural FW Centres, and District Hospitals etc. To ensure
good health and safety of mothers during pregnancy the under mentioned services are being provided
and pregnant mothers must take full advantage of it:

 Early registration – before 12 weeks of pregnancy

 Minimum 3 check – ups during the pregnancy
 Administration of 2 doses of Tetanus Toxoid (TT)
 100 tablets of Iron & Folic Acid (IFA)
 Counselling for nutritional diet during pregnancy
 Treatment of anaemic cases

A Sector Investment Programme (SIP) for improvement of the health of mother and child under the
assistance of European Commission through Government of India is being taken up in the
comparatively backward districts of Chandel and Imphal East.

National Safe Motherhood Day: 11th April every year will be observed as National Safe Motherhood
Day throughout the country. The day coincides with the birthday of late Smt. Kasturba Gandhi. This
Directorate will observe this day at the State Headquarter with antenatal check-up, distribution of Iron
& Folic acid and pamphlets and display of street banners and seminars.

Population Stabilization: (issue) The family Welfare is now placed (back) on top of the nation’s
political agenda. A National population Commission with Prime Minister as Chairman has been
considered. This Commission will supervise and monitor the implementation of national population
policy, which was formulated in 2000. Manipur is a small state with about 22 thousand sq.km. and a
population of around 24 lakhs. The crude birth rate of the state is 18.3 (SRS-1999). Our total fertility
rate at 3.04 (NFHS – 2) may be brought down to 2.1 by the year 2020 for stabilization of population by

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B.Com II Year Subject- Environmental Studies

taking measures to enhance the acceptability and accessibility to the eligible couple for different Family
Planning methods special attention should be paid to meet the unmet needs for Family Planning.

The following points may be specially mentioned here:

a) Laparoscopic tubal ligation is the most popular Family Planning method among the women at
present in Manipur.

b) No scalpels Vasectomy (NSV) is also becoming very popular recently and measures are being
taken up to popularize the method by giving training to service providers and Training of
Trainers etc.


Nature teaches us that the world of living things. Plants and animals remain embedded in their
environment as a very well knit system functioning under the dictates of the laws of nature. This
integrated system is called as “Ecosystem”

In the present context the environment has to be visualized as a life-support system. Manson and
Lagenheim (1957) discussing the interrelationships between the environment and organism from the
ecological stand point advocated that environment has to be organism directed. Organism spaced,
organism timed and organism ordered.

The environment which we are presently concerned is the “human environment".

Man is losing the benevolence and blessings of nature, which he has so far enjoyed for his very
existence. The dawn of "industrial civilization" is characterized by exploitative relationship of man with
nature, resulting into 3P's syndrome i.e. population, poverty and pollution. The three are interrelated.
Man's basic resources-soil, water, energy, space and air interacting with the natural biota such as
plants, animals, microbes, etc. generate an environment which acts as the life-supporting system of
'Man'. In addition to these natural resources man made resources are also generated by means of
service based on exploitative technology inflicting deep wounds on natural environment “Pollutant" is a
resource lodged at a wrong place, at wrong time and wrong concentration.

Every human beings born on this earth is now subjected to the contract of dangerous chemicals from
the moment of conception to death. Explosion of scientific knowledge and its use with a view to bring
comforts to human life has threatened his very survival. Introduction of new "synthetic products"
incompatible to the human ecosystem is a great environmental of risk for man today. The- World
Commission on Environment and Development (1987) reported that human race has today arrived at a
cross-road where it has to bring a 'conceptual change from -one earth to one world". The report points
out that within a span of 900 days which clasped between the first meeting and the publication of the
report the world witnessed several major environmental disasters. These are:

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B.Com II Year Subject- Environmental Studies

1. The drought-triggered, environmental crises in Africa peaked, putting 35 million people at risk,
killing perhaps a million.
2. A leak from a pesticide factory in Bhopal. India killed more than 2000 people and blinded and
injured over 2,00,000 more
3. Liquid gas tanks exploded in Mexico city, killing 1000 and leaving thousands more homeless.
4. The Chernobyl nuclear reactor explosion sent radioactive nuclear debriss fall out across
Europe and Scandivian countries increasing the risk of cancers to future human generations in
wide areas.
5. Agricultural chemicals solvents and mercury flowed into the Rhine River during a warehouse
fire in Switzerland, killing Millions of fish and other aquatic life and Poisoning drinking water in
the Federal Republic of Germany and the Netherlands.

Thus forgetting the fact that Our environment not only is providing us habitat, but also noursing us; we
in greed have degraded our environment to a great extent by over exploiting natural resources;
resulting in great health problems in terms of air, water, land, noise, thermal and radioactive pollutions.
Whether we talk of global warming, ozone hole, acid-rain, smog or 'Alnino effect; all these in
combination with soil erosion, drought, desertification and water-scarcity or flood have affected human
health; giving different types of diseases and hazards.

Population Explosion:

Human populations have grown at an unprecedented rate over the past three centuries. By 1999, the
world population passed six billion people. If the current growth rate of 1.3 percent per year persists,
the population will double in 54 years. Almost all of that growth will occur in the less-developed
countries of Asia. Africa and Latin America, A serious concern is that the number of humans in the
world and impact on the environment will overload the earth's life-support system.

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B.Com II Year Subject- Environmental Studies


Natural resources, problems and conservation

ENERGY resource
Energy is a key input for meeting basic needs and for achieving socio-economic development goals that
include, inter-alia, fuel for cooking, heating and lighting in households, power for industry, and
petroleum products for transportation. The supply of and the demand for virtually every type of energy
generates varying degrees of environmental externalities that affect human health, ecological stability,
and economic development. These effects can occur at the local, regional, national or transnational
level. Cities, with their high population densities, tend to concentrate environmental problems that
elsewhere, are otherwise geographically dispersed. A classic example of this is air pollution in cities
where both point (e.g. industrial emissions from smokestacks) and nonpoint (e.g., vehicle exhaust)
sources are concentrated in a limited, densely populated geographic area. The degree of the problem
varies with prevailing winds and thermal stratification patterns, urban geography, levels of
industrialization and motorization, and the incidence of indoor as well as outdoor human exposure. It is
important to note that the cause of many of these problems may be urban but the impact can be felt
both inside and outside the city. In addition, ambient air pollution may affect the health of urban
residents and damage the crops n of farmers in rural areas. Urban areas in developing countries
typically generate up to fifty per cent, and often more, of the national gross domestic product. This
involves the consumption and transformation of energy resources that are not found within the
physical limits of the city.

Energy is the capacity to work. We use energy at various levels in different forms. It is used in the
kitchen for cooking food to run machines at the factories. The motor vehicles, the train, the turbines
and the aeroplanes are driven by the energy. The exploration of Antarctica or the arrival of man on the
moon is only by harnessing energy rich fuels.

Energy provides the power to progress. Its uses at present life are manifold. We cannot grow without it.
More d man is advancing towards modernity, more he is becoming dependent on energy, from the
prehistoric period, when man first came to know about the use of fire, till date, it plays a key role in the
economic and social developments of mankind.

A nation is considered rich not by amount of minerals or industrial resource it possesses, but by its
technical ability is has acquired and scientific progress it is making, which depends ultimately on the
supply and consumption of energy. The per capital daily consumption of energy of the developed
countries is much higher in comparison to the developing countries like India.

Energy Resources –
Along with all other natural like air, water, land, forestry and fisheries, energy also occupies an
important place. Our progress and prosperity depend solely upon it. Natural resources, energy and
environment are intimate related. Distributed or anyone would definitely cause disturbances in other

Energy is required for beneficial use of natural resources and the resources, on the other hand, provide
energy. The interaction of these two in the environment in safe and tolerable limit is called ‘limit of
tolerance.’ When this is disturbed, great disaster occur.

Depending on the source and availability, energy resources are mainly of two types:
1. Non – Conventional or renewal energy
2. Conventional or non – renewal energy

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B.Com II Year Subject- Environmental Studies

Non – Conventional or renewable energy –

It is a type of non – replenish able or non – exhaustable form obtained from the continuous or repetitive
currents of energy occurring in the natural environment. As the source of energy in unlimited, it is also
called infinite or renewable energy. E.g. Biomass and Biogas, Solar, Wind, Tidal, Minihydel and

Conventional Energy –
All the non – renewable types of energy come under this category. In this case, the raw materials that
provide energy cannot be replaced. Once it is used, its stock is depleted forever. The common types are
coal, Oil natural gas and recently the Nuclear energy.

The main factors contributing to increases in commercial energy consumption in LDCs are increased
levels of motor vehicle use and urbanization. This increased fuel consumption is bound to exacerbate
urban-based pollution. One consequence of this growth in demand for commercial fuels is that related
environmental impacts will also increase if no mitigating measures are introduced. These effects will be
increasingly felt all the way from the neighbourhood to the global level. At all levels (production,
transformation, and consumption), urban energy use is a commercial activity, whether it is power
generation for use by urban-based industries, refining of petroleum products, or neighbourhood sales
of kerosene for household lighting. In cities, even these traditional types of fuel such as wood or
charcoal, are bought and sold3. The implication for environmental management is that it is much easier
to use economic policy instruments to influence energy consumption where there is a market, i.e., in
the city.

Most of the commercial and noncommercial energy produced today is used in and for human
settlements, and a substantial percentage of it is used by the household sector. Developing countries
are at present faced with the need to increase their energy production to accelerate development and
raise the living standards of their populations, while at the same time reducing energy production costs
and energy-related pollution. Increasing the efficiency of energy use to reduce its polluting effects and
to promote the use of renewable energies must be a priority in any action taken to protect the urban

The structure of Urban Energy Use and its

Environmental Implications
An energy balance i.e., share of different types of energy sources by sector, in total energy use,usually
prepared for an entire country, presents data on the types of fuels being used by different sectors of the
economy. Overall, electricity is the most important energy source; it is used extensively by households,
industries, and commercial enterprises. Apart from focusing on the key fuels and sectors, an energy
balance points out special features of each sector. For example, while charcoal accounts for only 8% of
total gross energy consumption, it supplies 40% of the fuel used by industries in Delhi.

An important consequence of the dynamics of the energy ladder is the shift in fuels used in developing
cities (and their related environmental problems) in recent years. The consumption of energy for
lighting, cooking, and appliances by households and the service industry has changed significantly:
growth in household incomes and urbanization has been accompanied by a change in the fuel mix to
energies that can be used more efficiently. As incomes and urbanization continue, the share of
traditional fuels used in cities will diminish while modem fuel consumption will increase.

Environmental impact of urban energy supply

The impact depends upon the types of energy supply. In the case of wood and charcoal, deforestation is
the impact at the regional level while health and safety are affected during the conversion process of
biomass into charcoal. The supply processes of petroleum products and natural gas cause land

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B.Com II Year Subject- Environmental Studies

degradation and sulphur emissions at the local level and land/sea spills at the regional level. The
conversion processes can lead to global warming through CO2 emissions.

The extraction and conversion processes of coal lead to water pollution, respiratory ailments and land
degradation at the local level. Electricity generation from hydro affect river ecosystems at the regional
level and displacement of populations, etc. at the local level. Nuclear energy generation leads to mine
wastes at the local level and fuel cycle radiation at the regional level. Nuclear waste storage poses
environmental threats that have local, regional and global connotations.

The impact of power plants located in urban areas, can be serious at the local level as a result of the
emission of pollutants leading to deterioration of air quality and health hazards affecting concentrated

Despite the seemingly gloomy picture of deforestation, with economic growth, urban consumers
usually make the transition from biofuels to commercial fuels, thus reducing fuel-related pressure on
peri-urban forest resources. The change-over could be even more environmentally beneficial if power
generation, industry and the transport sectors were to use natural gas.

“Life Started From Water Nature Flourishes with Water Seasons Caused By Water Development
Progresses with Water Energy Formed Of Water Health Depends On Water Religion Imbibes Water
History Made Of Water Trade Rides On Water Bio-Diversity Needs Water Water Sustains Life It Brings
Prosperity and Happiness “

A step to conserve water is the step to secure the future. The most essential among all the natural
resources on earth is water. A drop of water is worth more than a sack of gold for the thirsty man. If
each one of us make efforts to save water today , it will save us later. Water conservation is the most
effective and environmentally sound method to fight global warming. Water conservation is what that
can reduce the scarcity of water. It aims to improve the efficiency of use of water, and reduce losses and

 Over the years rising populations, growing industrialization, and expanding agriculture have
pushed up the demand for water.
 Efforts have been made to collect water by building dams, reservoirs and digging wells; some
countries have also tried to recycle and desalinate sea water.
 Water conservation has become the need of the day.
 The method of recharging ground water by harvesting rainwater is gaining importance in many
 In the forests, water seeps gently into the ground due to vegetation cover. This groundwater in
turn feeds wells, lakes, and rivers. Protecting forests means protecting water 'catchments'. In
ancient India, people worshipped Nature and one of them was Water.

Goals of Water Conservation

The goals of water conservation efforts include as follows:

Sustainability – To ensure availability for future generations, the withdrawal of fresh water from an
ecosystem should not exceed its natural replacement rate.

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B.Com II Year Subject- Environmental Studies

Energy conservation – Water pumping, delivery, and wastewater treatment facilities consume
significant amount of energy. In some regions of the world over 15% of total electricity consumption is
devoted to water management.

Habitat conservation – Minimizing human water use helps top reserve fresh water habitats for local
wildlife and migrating water flow, as well as reducing the need to build new dams and other water
diversion infrastructure.

Water wastage
 People waste water in their homes without even realizing it. We have become so accustomed to
have a 24 hour supply of water to meet all of our needs from cooking, to cleaning, to drinking,
that we sometimes forget that we do not have an infinite supply of water. Besides using
renewable energy in the home to cut back on the use of electricity, we must also learn how to
save our water supply. Here are a few tips on how to do so.
 The first thing you should do is check for leaks in taps, pipes, and dishwasher hoses which can
cause over 2,000 liters of water per month to be wasted. Repairing any leaks will save you a ton
of money and you will also be saving the environment.
 In the same way that you can buy renewable energy, you can also buy water efficient taps that
will make the most of your water and will ensure that you are not wasting any while the tap is
 To save both water and energy, if you're not already using green energy, then you should wait
until your dishwasher is completely full before running it. On average, dishwashers use
approximately 40 litres of water per load, but thanks to features that some dishwasher have,
you can specify that it is a light load, or rinse only, or air dry. All of these features allow you to
save both water and energy.

Water Saving Tips

Tips for Conserving Water Indoors
Verify your home is leak free. Repair dripping taps by replacing washers. Avoid flushing the toilet
Use water efficient flushes, plumbing fixtures having sensors, low flow faucet aerators which require
minimum water.
 Turn off water while brushing teeth.
 For shaving, use mug rather than using running water.
 Close faucets while soaping and rinsing clothes.
 Keep overflow valve in the over head tanks so as not to waste water.
 Use waste water of cloth cleaning to clean the floor.
 Use waste water in flush.
 Don’t use running water for releasing ice from tray
 Don’t use extra detergent in washing clothes.
 Don’t use running water while hand-washing clothes.
 Operate automatic washing machine when it is fully loaded.
 Don’t use shower/big bath tubs in bathrooms.
 While going outdoor, turn off the main valve for water.
 Develop habit of monitoring water meters.

Tips for Conserving Water Outdoors

Minimize grass lawns in your yard because less grass means water demand.
Don’t over-water your lawns.
A good rain eliminates the need watering for more than a week.

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B.Com II Year Subject- Environmental Studies

Water the lawns during early morning hours when temperature and wind speeds are the lowest. This
reduces losses from evaporation.
Try to use waste of dish washing/cloth cleaning for gardening and cleaning the floor.
Check leaks in hose, pipes etc. Use sprinkler/drip irrigation systems.
Don’t allow water to flow into gutter.
Don’t wash floors with a hose. Use a broom.
Avoid over fertilizing your lawn. The application of excess fertilizer increases the need of water.

Benefits to Conserve water -

 If you save water it can save your money bills.
 Reduction in interior water use cuts waste water flows, especially overflowing of gutters which
contaminates the environment.
 Environment benefits include eco system and habitat protection.
 Water conservation helps in improving the quality of your drinking water
 Technical methods to conserve water :

Rainwater Harvesting:
Rainwater harvesting is the gathering and collection of water from the rooftop. The traditional method
of rain water harvesting is the most effective and simple way to conserve the water. It means utilization
of rain water for the domestic as well as agricultural purposes. There are three technical methods of
rain water harvesting such as Catchment, Conveyance and storage.

Historical Water Bodies:

There are many traditional water bodies which have been in disuse for the longer time. These bodies
can be reused as the recharging points.

Steps should be taken to avoid dumping of sewage into the village ponds. Efforts need to be made to
deepen these ponds with the dragline machines. Garbage and other waste should not be dumped into
the ponds.
 Implementation of water economy measures, reuse and recycle of wastes, and creation of
surface water bodies like reservoirs Lakes, ponds etc.
 Development of efficient water transport and distribution systems.
 Control on waste discharge in water bodies and also on the land to avoid pollution and
efficient treatment of wastewater for recycling of treated effluents.
 Recharge of ground water.


1. Rainwater is absolutely pure. So it is safe to drink preserved rainwater even without boiling.
But, if gas is available, it is best to first boil the water and then drink it.
2. During the first 15 minutes of rain, dust and sand particles, gas molecules and also germs are
amassed by the rainwater and washed away. Therefore water should be collected after at least
15 minutes.
3. In heavily industrialized and densely populated areas, rainwater should be gathered after 30
4. A clean pitcher or a jug can be used to collect rainwater. The pot should be placed in an open
space so that water dripping from trees or rooftops does not spoil the pure water.
5. Rainwater can also be used to wash clothes or dishes. In fact, soaps and detergents work better
in soft rainwater than in hard water containing metal ions.
6. Short and long-term measures should be taken from now on. Constructing rainwater-harvesting
mechanism in all new buildings can be made obligatory by the government. Preserving
rainwater on a mass scale can definitely lessen the present water crisis..

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B.Com II Year Subject- Environmental Studies


Natural resources occur naturally within environments that exist relatively undisturbed by mankind,
in a natural form. A natural resource is often characterized by amounts
of biodiversity and geodiversity existent in various ecosystems.

Natural resources are derived from the environment. Some of them are essential for our survival while
most are used for satisfying our wants. Natural resources may be further classified in different ways.

Natural resources are materials and components (something that can be used) that can be found within
the environment. Every man-made product is composed of natural resources (at its fundamental level).
A natural resource may exist as a separate entity such as fresh water, and air, as well as a living
organism such as a fish, or it may exist in an alternate form which must be processed to obtain the
resource such as metal ores, oil, and most forms of energy.

There is much debate worldwide over natural resource allocations, this is partly due to increasing
scarcity (depletion of resources) but also because the exportation of natural resources is the basis for
many economies (particularly for developed nations such as Australia).

Some Natural resources can be found everywhere such as sunlight and air, when it is so the resource is
known as an ubiquitous (existing or being everywhere) resource. However most resources are not
ubiquitous. They only occur in small sporadic areas; these resources are referred to as localized
resources. There are very few resources that are considered inexhaustible (will not run out in
foreseeable future) – these are solar radiation, geothermal energy, and air (though access to clean air
may not be). The vast majority of resources are however exhaustible, which means they have a finite
quantity, and can be depleted if managed improperly. The natural resources are materials, which living
organisms can take from nature for sustaining their life or any components of the natural environment
that can be utilized by man to promote his welfare is considered as natural resources

means all commodities and products, simple, mixed, or compound, or complements to such
commodities or products, that are capable of being ingested by either human beings or animals,
irrespective of other uses to which such commodities or products may be put, at all stages of processing
from the ...

Food sources
All food has its origin in plants. Some food is obtained directly from plants; but even animals that are
used as food sources are raised by feeding them food derived from plants. Cereal grain is a staple
food that provides more food energy worldwide than any other type of crop. Maize, wheat, and rice - in
all of their varieties - account for 87% of all grain production worldwide.[2] Most of the grain that is
produced worldwide is fed to livestock.

Other foods not from animal or plant sources include various edible fungi, especially mushrooms. Fungi
and ambient bacteria are used in the preparation of fermented and pickled foods
like leavened bread, alcoholic drinks, cheese, pickles, kombucha, and yogurt. Another example is blue-
green algae such as Spirulina. Inorganic substances such as baking soda and cream of tartarare also
used to chemically alter an ingredient.

There is a need to introduce production efficiency of crops and livestock because

 rapid increase in population
 No major scope of increasing area of land under cultivation.
 Success in efforts to meet food demand increase in food grain production

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B.Com II Year Subject- Environmental Studies

 Increase in Food Grain production - Green Revolution

 Increase in milk production – White Revolution

Effects of these ‘revolutions’ on Environment

Excessive use of natural resources thereby disturbing the ecological balance
Solution: Increase in food production without degrading our environment and disturbing the
ecological balance i.e. sustainable practices

Soil is an important resource of the lithosphere. All the nutrient elements essential for the web of life in
the biosphere are derived from the soil which is component of land resources. Both primary as well as
secondary consumers receive their nutrients from plant life. Soil is not only a resource but it is also an
environmental medium. Land is a finite resource and therefore it is under heavy stress due to growing
population. It has been observed that soil forms due to weathering of layer of Earth’s crust, presence of
living organisms and, their products of decay. Thus soil has been defined as uncemented aggregate of
mineral grains and decayed organic matter with liquid and gas, occupying void spaces between the soil
particles. It is a complex physic-biological system.

The total volume of soil contains about 45% solid mineral particles while, organic matter acquires
about 5% of the volume. At optimum moisture levels essential for plant growth, the pore space has
been considered to be divided roughly in two halves. 25% of the volume is considered to be occupied
by water and 25% by air. The proportion of air and water however are subject to rapid fluctuations.
Erosion of soil leads to environmental degradation. This has shown an increasing trend to deforestation
and hence need urgent attention. Soil acts as filter for groundwater. Uncontrolled runoffs lead to
formation of sediments in water bodies due to erosion of soil.

Elements of Land Management

In order to conserve the fertile soils and, to restrict the erosion of soil, land management efforts reserve
most important place in the field of environmental management. Such management strategies consider
the following basic objectives.
1. Protection of land surface from the impact of raindrops.
2. Increase in the infiltration of rainwater using hydro geological techniques.
3. Decrease in the volume and velocity of overland flow.
4. Reduction in the erodibility of soils.
These objectives can be achieved by soil conservation measures related to (i) crop management and (ii)
mechanical protection (iii) conservation devices and practices.

Land use
Since the population is increasing, per capita land availability is decreasing. Therefore, more and more
land is being exploited which will adversely affect the natural resources on the Earth. The common
man-made uses of land are human habitat, agriculture, industry, artificial water bodies and facilities
like communication systems, roads sports grounds, mining etc. owing to such uses of land which
permanently cover the land surface, such land may get converted into wasteland.

Best example of the non-eco friendly activity for land use is mining. Falling of trees and making
quarries, collection of non-fertile overburden dumps, subside areas, etc., are the most important
damaging effect of the mining activity. These activities directly damage the previous use of the land
area and result in long-term adverse impacts on land. Due to changes in land quality, it losses the water
absorption capacity and result in loss of water. This culminates in loss of green cover on land resulting
in more evaporation further continues, water from the water tables starts reaching the soil surface.
This reduces the available water table. Such a process affects the plant life and also leads to erodibility
of the soil. The combines effect of loss of soil moisture and erosion results in causing loss of soil

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B.Com II Year Subject- Environmental Studies

particles and soil nutrients. Flow of this soil to water bodies in the runoff causes siltation and
eutrophication of surface water bodies.

The impacts on land use pattern due to various activities such as agriculture, urbanization,
development of communication systems, construction of dams and hydropower plants, industry and
mining are the major factors to be considered in land resources management.

Soil Erosion
Erosion is the process by which soil particles are removed from the ecosystem, usually by wind or
flowing water. Soil erosion leads to a decrease in the soil productivity due to a physical loss of the
fertile topsoil, reduction in the rooting depth, and removal of plant nutrients and loss of water.
Raindrops are reaching the Earth’s surface with certain speed. These drops hit the soil surface and
create an impact on the soil. The soil surface gets loosened due to this impact. During heavy rains an
impact of raindrops loosens particles from the soil cover and moves them from their position in runoff.
These loosened partials from the soil are transported to longer distance, away from its original
positions, by turbulent water. These particles get deposited in the riverbeds or in the oceans as silt.
Thus the soil eroded and siltation occurs.

Soil erosion is one form of soil degradation along with soil compaction, low organic matter, loss of soil
structure, poor internal drainage, salinisation, and soil acidity problems. These other forms of soil
degradation, serious in themselves, usually contribute to accelerated soil erosion. Soil erosion is a
naturally occurring process on all land. The agents of soil erosion are water and wind, each contributing
a significant amount of soil loss each year in Ontario. Soil erosion may be a slow process that continues
relatively unnoticed, or it may occur at an alarming rate causing serious loss of topsoil. The loss of soil
from farmland may be reflected in reduced crop production potential, lower surface water quality and
damaged drainage networks.

Erosivity is defined as the potential ability of process to cause erosion of soils in a certain set of
environment conditions. It depends upon the drop size, velocity, distribution angle and direction,
intensity, frequency and duration of rain and runoff (supply rate, flow depth, velocity, frequency,
magnitude, duration and sediment content). Soil erosion is one form of soil degradation along with soil
compaction, low organic matter, loss of soil structure, poor internal drainage, salinisation, and soil
acidity problems. These other forms of soil degradation, serious in themselves, usually contribute to
accelerated soil erosion.

Importance of Soil to the Biosphere

Soil plays a vital role in determining the quality and composition of the biosphere which develops over
it. Soil is an important section of the biosphere as it performs following functions related to
maintenance of environmental balance:
i. Soil provides mechanical support to the plant.
ii. Owing to the porosity and water-holding capacity of soil, it serves as a reservoir of water and
supplier water to the plants through roots even when the land surface is dry.
iii. The ion-exchange capacity of the soil ensures availability and supply of macro and
macronutrients for the growth of plants, animals and microbes. It also helps in preventing
excessive leaching of nutrient ions, while maintaining proper pH.
iv. The clay micelles and humus particles of soil (less than 0.002mm tightly adsorbs a number of
nutrient loss and supply them evenly to the plants.
v. The biotic component of soil contains organotropic bacteria, nitrifying bacteria, Nitrogen-
fixing bacteria, fungi, protozoans, and other microbes which help in decomposition and
mineralization of organic matter and regeneration of nutrients.

Erosion by Water

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The rate and magnitude of soil erosion by water is controlled by the following factors:

Rainfall Intensity and Runoff

Both rainfall and runoff factors must be considered in assessing a water erosion problem. The impact of
raindrops on the soil surface can break down soil aggregates and disperse the aggregate material.
Lighter aggregate materials such as very fine sand, silt, clay and organic matter can be easily removed
by the raindrop splash and runoff water; greater raindrop energy or runoff amounts might be required
to move the larger sand and gravel particles.

Soil Erodibility
Soil erodibility is an estimate of the ability of soils to resist erosion, based on the physical
characteristics of each soil. Generally, soils with faster infiltration rates, higher levels of organic matter
and improved soil structure have a greater resistance to erosion. Sand, sandy loam and loam textured
soils tend to be less erodible than silt, very fine sand, and certain clay textured soils.Past erosion has an
effect on a soils' erodibility for a number of reasons. Many exposed subsurface soils on eroded sites
tend to be more erodible than the original soils were, because of their poorer structure and lower
organic matter. The lower nutrient levels often associated with subsoils contribute to lower crop yields
and generally poorer crop cover, which in turn provides less crop protection for the soil.

Slope Gradient and Length

Naturally, the steeper the slope of a field, the greater the amount of soil loss from erosion by water. Soil
erosion by water also increases as the slope length increases due to the greater accumulation of runoff.
Consolidation of small fields into larger ones often results in longer slope lengths with increased
erosion potential, due to increased velocity of water which permits a greater degree of scouring
(carrying capacity for sediment).

Soil erosion potential is increased if the soil has no or very little vegetative cover of plants and/or crop
residues. Plant and residue cover protects the soil from raindrop impact and splash, tends to slow
down the movement of surface runoff and allows excess surface water to infiltrate.

The erosion-reducing effectiveness of plant and/or residue covers depends on the type, extent and
quantity of cover. Vegetation and residue combinations that completely cover the soil, and which
intercept all falling raindrops at and close to the surface and the most efficient in controlling soil (e.g.
forests, permanent grasses ). Partially incorporated residues and residual roots are also important as
these provide channels that allow surface water to move into the soil. Soil erosion potential is affected
by tillage operations, depending on the depth, direction and timing of plowing, the type of tillage
equipment and the number of passes. Generally, the less the disturbance of vegetation or residue cover
at or near the surface, the more effective the tillage practice in reducing erosion.

Conservation Measures
Certain conservation measures can reduce soil erosion by both water and wind. Tillage and cropping
practices, as well a land management practices, directly affect the overall soil erosion problem and
solutions on a farm. When crop rotations or changing tillage practices are not enough to control erosion
on a field, a combination of approaches or more extreme measures might be necessary. For example,
contour plowing, strip cropping, or terracing may be considered.

1. Sheet and Rill Erosion
Sheet erosion is soil movement from raindrop splash resulting in the breakdown of soil surface
structure and surface runoff; it occurs rather uniformly over the slope and may go unnoticed until most
of the productive topsoil has been lost. Rill erosion results when surface runoff concentrates forming

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B.Com II Year Subject- Environmental Studies

small yet well-defined channels . These channels are called rills when they are small enough to not
interfere with field machinery operations. The same eroded channels are known as gullies when they
become a nuisance factor in normal tillage.

2. Gully Erosion
There are farms in Ontario that are losing large quantities of topsoil and subsoil each year due to fully
erosion . Surface runoff, causing gull formation or the enlarging of existing gullies, is usually the result
of improper outlet design for local surface and subsurface drainage systems. The soil instability of fully
banks, usually associated with seepage of ground water, leads to sloughing and slumping (caving-in) of
bank slopes. Such failures usually occur during spring months when the soil water conditions are most
conducive to the problem.

3. Stream and Ditch Bank Erosion

Poor construction, or inadequate maintenance, of surface drainage systems, uncontrolled livestock
access, and cropping too close to both stream banks has led to bank erosion problems. The direct
damages from bank erosion include:
1. The loss of productive farmland.
2. The undermining of structures such as bridges.
3. The washing out of lanes, roads and fence rows.

Poorly constructed tile outlets may also contribute to stream and ditch bank erosion. Some do not
function properly because they have no rigid outlet pipe, or have outlet pipes that have been damaged
by erosion, machinery, inadequate or no splash pads, and bank cave-ins.

On-Site Effects: The implications of soil erosion extend beyond the removal of valuable topsoil. Crop
emergence, growth and yield are directly affected through the loss of natural nutrients and applied
fertilizers with the soil. Seeds and plants can be disturbed or completely removed from the eroded site.
Organic matter from the soil, residues and any applied manure, is relatively light-weight and can be
readily transported off the field, particularly during spring thaw conditions. Pesticides may also be
carried off the site with the eroded soil.

Off-Site Effects: Off-site impacts of soil erosion are not always as apparent as the on-site effects. Eroded
soil, deposited down slope can inhibit or delay the emergence of seeds, bury small seedling and
necessitate replanting in the affected areas. Sediment can be deposited on down slope properties and
can contribute to road damage.

Soil conservation: is fundamentally a matter of determining a correct form of land use and
management. A correct form of land use and management is one that provides a higher level, or a
different form of productivity from that available in the natural state. This new form of productivity
must, however, be one that must be capable of being sustained indefinitely.

Soil conservation can be defined as the combination of the appropriate land use and management
practices that promotes the productive and sustainable use of soils and, in the process, minimizes soil
erosion and other forms of land degradation. Confronted with the problem of land degradation, over
the centuries farmers have developed ingenious strategies and systems of land use and management to
protect and rehabilitate their lands. Many of these have been very effective and the remains of some of
them can still be seen in old terracing systems in several countries.

Methods of Soil Conservation

Soil conservation measures should aim at preventing or at least minimising the soils loss. In order to do
this proper land utilisation coupled with agricul tural practices should be adopted.

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B.Com II Year Subject- Environmental Studies

Broadly categorizing there are two methods of soil conservation. These are biological and mechanical.
The biological measures are again divided into Agronomic, Agrostilogical and Dry farming
1. Agronomic practices: Normally, the land will possess a vegetational cover so as to prevent
2. Contour farming: Crops are cultivated along the contour of the land. The plough marks will be
on level and can hold the rain. Even in heavy rain, the runoff is checked by the plants growing
along the contour. Tillage: contour tilling will prevent the excess run of water.
3. Mulching: Interculturing operations will kill weeds and soil mulches help the plants to be
rooted firmly in the soil.
4. Crop rotations: Alternatively growing a cereal and a legume in the same field will not only
increase the yield, but also increase the fertility of the soil. They also help in checking soil
5. Strip cropping: This is an agricultural practice of growing plants in suitable strips in the field.
This is of the following types.
6. Contour strip cropping: This is cultivation of soil protecting crops in strips alternating with
erosion permitting crops. The strips should be across the slope.
7. Field strip cropping: Plants are cultivated in parallel strips across the slopes. Wind strip
cropping: Crops are planted across the slopes to prevent soil loss. These may be legumes or
8. Dry farming method: This may be practised where rainfall is low, indefinite and variable. In
dry farming methods only crops are grown that can sustain even a very low rain fall. The most
important aspects of dry farming are conservation of soil mois ture and fertility.
9. Mechanical -Measures: The main aims of mechanical measures are to al low for the absorption
of runoff, dividing the slope into short ones and protection against run off. A few of the
mechanical measures are discussed below:
10. Basin listing: Small basins are formed along the contour with an implement called basin lister.
These will hold water for some time.
11. Sub soiling: Soil is broken with a sub soiler into fine grains to increase their absorptive
12. Contour terracing: Along the contour, series of ridges or bunds of mud are formed to check the
run off. This is of four types. In channel terrace a shallow channel is dug and the mud is
deposited along the lower edge of the canal. In broad base ridge terrace a canal is formed on the
contour by exavating the mud. The canal is wide. If it is narrow it is called narrow based ridge
terrace. In bench terracing a series of platforms are formed along the contour across the general
slope of the plant.
13. Contour trenching: Several 2 feet by one foot trenches are formed across the slopes at suitable
intervals. Tree seedlings are to be planted above the trench.
14. Terrace outlet: Outlets are to be constructed for the safe disposal of runoff water.
15. Gully control: Suitable water conservation measures are to be taken so as to prevent the
formation of gullies.
16. Ponds: Construction of small ponds at suitable places to store water is a good practice.
17. Stream bank protection: Banks of channels or rivers usually cave in during floods. To prevent
this, construction of stone or concrete protective walls should be undertaken. In addition to
this, planting some useful tree species will also prevent stream bank erosion.

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B.Com II Year Subject- Environmental Studies

Unit IV

Biological diversity (Biodiversity) is part of our daily lives and livelihood and constitutes
resources upon which humanity depends, Biodiversity is fundamental to fulfillment of human needs.
An environment which is rich is biological diversity, offer the broadest array of options for sustaining
human welfare and for adoping change. Loss of biodiversity has serious economic and social costs for
any country. The experience of the past few decades have shown that as industrialization and
economic development take place. the patterns of consumption. production and needs change. strain
alert and even destroy ecosystems.

Genetic, Species and Ecosystem Diversity

Biodiversity involves three levels: diversity between the species (Species diversity), diversity
within species (ie. Genetic diversity) and the diversity of the ecosystem (Ecosystem – diversity).
However, apart from these specific hierarchial components of diversity e.g. genetic, species (or
taxonomic) and ecological diversities. one must also consider the interaction amongst these.

Species and their population is a big library kept alive by natural ecosystem. Thus

I. Genetic diversity: At finer levels of organisation, biodiversity includes the genetic variation
within species, both geographically separated population and among individuals within single
II. Species diversity: Biodiversity at its most basic level includes the full range of species on earth
from microorganisms such as viruses, bacteria and protests through the multicellular kindom
of plants, animals and fungi.
III. Community/Ecosystem diversity: On a wider scale, biodiversity includes variations in the
biological communities in which species live, the ecosystem in which communities exist, and the
interactions among these levels.
4.2 Biogeography Classification of India

India is known for its genetic and species richness with a wide variety of ecological zones.
Because of its unique biogeographical realms, viz. Indo-Malayan. Eurasian and Afro-tropical. It is one of
the mega-diversity centers with several bio-diversity ‘hot and (eg. Eastern Himalays and Western
Ghats) and is well known for species- richness and endemism (Fig. 4.1)

The diversity of the country’s biological resources is yet to be fully known- Approximately, 65% of the
total geographical area has been surveyed so far. Based on this over 4600 species of plants and 81000
species of animals have been described by Botanical Survey of India (Estd. 1890) and Zoological Survey
of India (Estd. 1916) According to an estimate about 30% plant species are endemic to India. Area rich
in endemism are also reported from Eastern Ghats. About 3000-4000 plant species are reported under
different degrees of threat.

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India has sufficient number of biomes. Which represent a sum total of the biological community
interacting within single life zone where climate is similar. Twelve such biographics regions, ie.
“Ecological protectorate’ have been identified in the country.

1. Himalayan Highlands
2. The desert
3. Malabar Rain Forest
4. Deccan Thorn Forest
5. Coromondal Mahanandian
6. Burman Manson Forest
7. Bengalian Rain Forest
8. Laccadive Islands
9. Maldive and Chagoas Island
10. Indus-Ganges Mansson Forest
11. Andaman Islands and
12. Nicobar Islands
India has large numbers of wetlands. Mangroves and coral reefs to its credit.

4.3 Value of Bio diversity

Though conservation of biodiversity is advocated by all globally, this is very often assessed in terms of
money, How much will it cost? And how much is it worth? Standard economics provides one method of
assigning a value to anything, even biodiversity. One has to decide what is the economic value of a
species to be conserved, and how much money may be needed in its conservation? A new developing
discipline that integrates economics, environmental science and public policy, and includes valuations
of biodiversity in economic analyses is known as environmental economics or ecological economics.

The economic values are divided as follows:

1. Direct values: These are assigned to the products harvested by people and
2. Indirect values: These are assigned to benefits provided by biodiversity that do not involve
harvesting or destroying the resources.
Direct values (also known as use values and commodity values) can often be readily calculated by
observing the activities of representative groups of people, by monitoring collection points for normal
products and by examining import/export statistics. Direct values can be further divided as follows:

(a) Consumptive use value: This can be assigned to goods such as fuelwood and game that are
consumed locally and and do not figure in national and international market.
(b) Productive use value: This is assigned to products that are harvested from the wild and sold in
commercial markets. Both at national and international levels.
Indirect values are assigned to biodiversity that provide economic benefits to people without
consumption of the resource. Such benefits include water quality, soil protection. recreation, education,
scientific research, regulation of climate and producing future option for human society. Indirect
values could be further divided as follows:

(a) No consumptive use value: This includes ecosystem productivity, protection of water
resources, soil protection, climate regulation, waste disposal, species environmental
monitoring etc.

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(b) Option value: This value of a species is its potential to provide an economic benefit to human
society at some point in the future. The growing biotechnology industry is finding rare species
to tackle pollution, and fight problems of cancer, AIDS etc.
(c) Existence value: This is assigned to protect wildlife. People value charismatic animals such as
lion, panda, birds etc, in a direct way to contribute money to conservation organisation.
Governments also spend money on conservation.

Biodiversity at Global, National and local levels

Most of the world’s biodiversity concentrations are near the equator, especially tropical rainforests and
coral reefs. Of all the world’s species, only 10 to 15 percent live in North America and Europe. Many of
the organisms in megadiversity countires havae never been studies by scientists. The Malasian
Peninsula for instance, has at least 8,000 species of flowering plants, while Britain with an area twice as
large, has only 1400 species. There may be more botanists in Britain than there are species of higher
plants. South America, on the other hand. Has fewer than 100 botanists to study perhaps 200.000
species of plants.

Area isolated by water, deserts, or mountains can also have high concentrations of unique species and
biodiversity. Madagascar, New Zealand, South Africa and California. are all multitude area isolated by
barriers that prevent mixing with biological communities from other regions and produce rich, unusual
collections of species.

Precipitation and temperature are among the most important determinants of biodiversity. Many
biomes occupy characteristic ranges of latitude, tundra occurs only in cold regions near poles while
tropical forests occur only within the tropic – near the equator.

There are 8 large realms of biodiversity. On the earth which include 193 biogeographical provinces.
Each biogeographical province is a definite ecosystem. in which communities of living species live in
part of the ecosystem. As a matter of fact, biodiversity, in developing countries of tropical and
subtropical part of the world, is much richer compared to that in the industrial countries temperate
part. In addition vavilovian centres of diversity of crops and domestic animals are also localised in
these countries.

India possesses a rich diversity of biological resources and indigenous knowledge related to this is well

In India, formal policies and programmes for conservation and sustainable utilisation of biodiversity
resource date back to several decades. The concepts of environmental protection are enshrined in the
Indian constitution in Articles 48a and 51a(g). Major central Acts relevant to biodiversity are-Forest Act
1972, Wildlife (Protection) Act 1972. Forest (Conservation) Act 1980 and Environment (Protection) Act
1986. The various central Acts are supported by a number of state laws and statues concerning forests

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and other natural resources. Policies and stages directly relevant to biodiversity include National
Forest Policy amended in 1988, National Conservation strategy and policy statement for Environment
and sustainable Development ; National Land Use policy, and Action Strategy on Biodiversity, National
Wildlife Action Plan and Environmental Action plan.

India as a Mega-Diversity Nation: India possesses a rich diversity of plants, animals and microbes.
This is also true for the diversity of ecosystems, species and the genetic pool within the species. Rated
as one amongst the world’s twelve, mega diversity, countries, India has Eastern Himalays and Western
Ghats as the important hot spots of biodiversity.

India stands in between the developed and developing countries. Its biosphere, agriculture, animal
husbandry, fisheries, forestry and pharmaceutical industry all are well placed. In addition, its cultural
diversity which is well exemplified in its different religions, languages, traditions festivals etc, also
helps in maintaining biodiversity.

Conservation and sustainable use of biological resources based on local knowledge systems and
practices in ingrained in Indian ethos. Application and practices for use of biodiversity in the country
have developed over the years in traditional scientific process. The country has a strong system of
alternative medicine, namely, Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha and Homcopathic systems, which are
predominantly based on plants raw materials in most of their preparations and formulations. Herbal
preparations for various purposes, including pharmaceutical and cosmetic purposes, form part of the
traditional biodiversity uses in India.

India’s biodiversity is due to its changing and/or different environmental conditions. i.e. factors such as
latitude, altitude, geology, climate, longitude etc. It has 629 million ha geographical area. which
includes 7000 km area of coasts. It has all types of climate from hotest (Deserts) to coldest (Himalays).
Rainfall varies from 100mm in Thar desert to 5000 mm in Cherapunji. Although India covers only 2%
of the world’s total area. But it habitats 5% species of world’s animals and plants. Biodiversity is an
important strength of India. Out of world’s one lac species of inspects, 60 thausands are found in India.
Similar is the case with plants and trees (~60% species are found in India). Out of 4100 species of
fishes in the world. 1693 are found in India. In addition 1200 species of birds (out of 9000 in the
world) and 10% of mammals (out of 4000 in the world) are founded in India. In India 45000 species of
plants and 68371 species of animals have been identified while the total sum of the species (of bacteria,
fungi, and plants) identified comes to 1,08,276 (table 4.1). If we look at the number of species in table
4.1 we come to the conclusion that only insects make 50% biodiversity of India. These species are
located in land, fresh water and marine habitats as symbionts or parasites.

Threats to Biodiversity

Extinction, the elimination o a species, is a normal process of the natural world. Species die out and are
replaced by others. Often their own descendants. As part of evolutionary change. In undisturbed

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ecosystems the rate of extinction appears to be about one species lost every decade. In this country
however human impacts on populations and ecosystems have accelerated that rate, possibly causing
thousands of species, subspecies and varieties to become extinct every year. Ecologist E. O. Wilson
estimates that we are losing 10,000 organisms a year-that makes more than 27 per day If present
trends continue, we may destroy millions of kinds of plants animals, and microbes in the next few
decades Studies of the fossil record suggest that more than 99 percent of all species that ever existed
are now extinct. Most of those species were gone long before humans came on the scene. Periodically,
mass extinctions have wiped out vast numbers of species and even whole families. The best studied of
these events occurred at the end of the Cretaceous Period when dinosaurs disappeared, along with at
least 50 percent of existing species. An even greater disaster occurred at the end of the Permian Period
about 250 million years ago when ninety percent of species and half of all families and out over a
period of about 10,000 year-a mere moment in geologic time.

However, in the present century, human activity is the major threat to biodiversity and following are
the chief causes of extinction of species caused by man to fulfill its needs.

[I] Habitat destruction : The primary cause of the loss of biodiversity is not direct human exploitation
but the habitat destruction that inevitably results from the expansion of human populations and human
activities The greatest destruction of biological communities has occurred during the last 150 years
during which the human population went from 1 billion in 1850 to 6.5 In many cases, the factors
causing habitat destruction arc the large industrial and commercial activities, associated with a global
economy, such as mining, cattle ranching, commercial fishing, forestry, plantation, agriculture,
manufacturing, and dam construction, initialed with the goal of making profit Huge amount of habitat
arc lost each year as the world's forests are cut down Ram forests, tropical dry forests, wetlands,
mangroves and grasslands are threatened habitats and leading to desertification.

[II] Habitat Fragmentation : Habitat that formerly occupied wide areas are now often divided up into
pieces by roads, towns, canals, powerliness etc. Habitat fragmentation is the process where a large,
continuous area of habitat is both, reduced in area and divided into two or more fragments When
habitat is destroyed there is often a patchwork of habitat fragments left behind Habitat fragmentation
limits the potential of species for dispersal and colonisation

[III] Habitat degradation and pollution : Some activities may not affect the dominant species in the
community, but other species arc greatly affected by such habitat degradation For example, physical
degradation of forest habitat by uncontrolled ground fires, might not kill the trees, but the rich
perennial wild plant community and insect fauna on the forest floor would be greatly affected Boating
and diving in coral reef areas degrade the fragile species. The most subtle form of habitat degradation is
environmental pollution, the most common causes of winch arc pesticides, industrial chemicals and
wastes, emissions from factories and automobiles, and sediment deposits from eroded hill sides Effects
of pesticide pollution, water pollution and air pollution on environment arc well known Problem of acid
rams and global climate change are also well known and of global concern

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[IV] Hunting and Fishing : Over harvesting is responsible for depletion or extinction of many species e
g the American passenger pigeon Once upon a time this was the world's most abundant bird with a
population of 2-5 billion In spite of this vast abundance, market hunting and habitat destruction caused
the entire population to crash in only about 20 years (1870-1890) Similar threat is seen for whales.
American bison etc Fish stocks have been seriously depleted by over harvesting in many parts of
the world 13 of 17 principal fishing zones are now reported to be commercially exhausted or in sleep

Introduction of Exotic Species : The great majority of the exotic species do not become established in
the introduced new places However some of the species are able to establish in new area Such
successful exotic species may kill or eat native species to the point of extinction or may so alter the
habitat that many natives are no longer able to persist. The effect of exotic species is maximum on
islands. Disease causing microorganisms, if introduced to new virgin areas may cause epidemics and
native species are climinated completely. Among these species Eucalyptus, Crytomeria Acacia
Morlinoformis are important.

[VI] Disease: Human activities may increase the incidence of disease in wild species. The extent of the
disease increases when animals are confined to a nature reserve rather than being able to disperse over
a large area. Also animals are more prone to infection when they are under stress. Animals held in
captivity are also more prone to higher level of disease.

[VII] Shifting or Jhoom Cultivation: Some rural people destroy biological communities and hunt
endangered species because they are poor and have no land of their own. The local farmers often have
no choice except to move to remote undeveloped areas and attempt for their livelihood though shifting
cultivation. This commonly practiced agricultural system. Known also as Swidden agriculture, slash-
and-burn agriculture, and Jhoom cultivation greatly affects forest structure and species composition
by creating a mosaic of forest patches of different ages. In shifting cultivation, plots of natural tree
vegetation are burnt away and the cleared patches are formed for two or three seasons after which
their fertility goes down to a point where adequate crop production is no longer possible.

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Unit V
Disaster a management and environment laws

‘Disaster management can be defined as the organization and management of resources and
responsibilities for dealing with all humanitarian aspects of emergencies, in particular preparedness,
response and recovery in order to lessen the impact of disasters

Types of disasters
There is no country that is immune from disaster, though vulnerability to disaster varies. There are
four main types of disaster.
 Natural disasters. These disasters include floods, hurricanes, earthquakes and volcano
eruptions that can have immediate impacts on human health, as well as secondary impacts
causing further death and suffering from floods causing landslides, earthquakes resulting in
fires, tsunamis causing widespread flooding and typhoons sinking ferries
 Environmental emergencies. These emergencies include technological or industrial
accidents, usually involving hazardous material, and occur where these materials are produced,
used or transported. Large forest fires are generally included in this definition because they
tend to be caused by humans.
 Complex emergencies. These emergencies involve a break-down of authority, looting and
attacks on strategic installations. Complex emergencies include conflict situations and war.
 Pandemic emergencies. These emergencies involve a sudden onset of a contagious disease
that affects health but also disrupts services and businesses, bringing economic and social costs.
Any disaster can interrupt essential services, such as the provision of health care, electricity, water,
sewage/garbage removal, transportation and communications. The interruption can seriously affect
the health, social and economic networks of local communities and countries. Disasters have a major
and long-lasting impact on people long after the immediate effect has been mitigated. Poorly planned
relief activities can have a significant negative impact not only on the disaster victims but also on
donors and relief agencies. So it is important that physical therapists join established programmes
rather than attempting individual efforts.
Local, regional, national and (where necessary) international organisations are all involved in mounting
a humanitarian response to disasters. Each will have a prepared disaster management plan. These
plans cover prevention, preparedness, relief and recovery (see below).

Disaster prevention
These are activities designed to provide permanent protection from disasters. Not all disasters,
particularly natural disasters, can be prevented, but the risk of loss of life and injury can be mitigated
with good evacuation plans, environmental planning and design standards. In January 2005, 168
Governments adopted a 10-year global plan for natural disaster risk reduction called the Hyogo
Framework. It offers guiding principles, priorities for action, and practical means for achieving disaster
resilience for vulnerable communities.

Disaster preparedness
These activities are designed to minimize loss of life and damage – for example by removing people and
property from a threatened location and by facilitating timely and effective rescue, relief and
rehabilitation. Preparedness is the main way of reducing the impact of disasters. Community-based
preparedness and management should be a high priority in physical therapy practice management.

Disaster relief
This is a coordinated multi-agency response to reduce the impact of a disaster and its long-term results.
Relief activities include rescue, relocation, providing food and water, preventing disease and disability,

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repairing vital services such as telecommunications and transport, providing temporary shelter and
emergency health care.

Disaster recovery
Once emergency needs have been met and the initial crisis is over, the people affected and the
communities that support them are still vulnerable. Recovery activities include rebuilding
infrastructure, health care and rehabilitation. These should blend with development activities, such as
building human resources for health and developing policies and practices to avoid similar situations in
Disaster management is linked with sustainable development, particularly in relation to vulnerable
people such as those with disabilities, elderly people, children and other marginalised groups.
Myths and Realities of Disaster Assistance summarises some of the common misunderstandings about
disaster management.

A flood is an overflow of water that submerges land.[1] The European Union (EU) Floods Directive
defines a flood as a covering by water of land not normally covered by water.[2] In the sense of "flowing
water", the word may also be applied to the inflow of the tide. Flooding may result from the volume of
water within a body of water, such as a river or lake, which overflows or breaks levees, with the result
that some of the water escapes its usual boundaries,[3] or may be due to accumulation of rainwater on
saturated ground in an area flood.
While the size of a lake or other body of water will vary with seasonal changes in precipitation and
snow melt, it is not a significant flood unless such escapes of water endanger land areas used by man
like a village, city or other inhabited area.
Floods can also occur in rivers, when flow exceeds the capacity of the river channel, particularly at
bends or meanders. Floods often cause damage to homes and businesses if they are placed in natural
flood plains of rivers. While flood damage can be virtually eliminated by moving away from rivers and
other bodies of water, since time out of mind, people have lived and worked by the water to seek
sustenance and capitalize on the gains of cheap and easy travel and commerce by being near water.
That humans continue to inhabit areas threatened by flood damage is evidence that the perceived value
of living near the water exceeds the cost of repeated periodic flooding.
The word "flood" comes from the Old English flod, a word common to Germanic languages (compare
German Flut, Dutch vloed from the same root as is seen in flow, float; also compare with Latin fluctus,
flumen). Deluge myths are mythical stories of a great flood sent by a deity or deities to destroy
civilization as an act of divine retribution, and are featured in the mythology of many cultures.

Principal types and causes

 Floods often happen over flat or low-lying areas when the ground is saturated and water either
cannot run off, or cannot run off quickly enough to stop accumulating. This may be later
followed by a river flood as water moves away from the areal floodplain into local rivers and
 Floods can occur if water accumulates across an impermeable surface (e.g. from rainfall) and
cannot rapidly dissipate (i.e. gentle orientation or low evaporation).
 A series of storms moving over the same area can cause areal flash flooding.
 A muddy flood is produced by an accumulation of runoff generated on cropland. Sediments are
then detached by runoff and carried as suspended matter or bed load. Muddy runoff is more
likely detected when it reaches inhabited areas. Muddy floods are therefore a hill slope process,
and confusion with mudflows produced by mass movements should be avoided.
 Slow kinds: Runoff from sustained rainfall or rapid snow melt exceeding the capacity of a
river's channel. Causes include heavy rains from monsoons, hurricanes and tropical

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depressions, foreign winds and warm rain affecting snow pack. Unexpected drainage
obstructions such as landslides, ice, or debris can cause slow flooding upstream of the
 Fast kinds: include river flash floods resulting from convective precipitation (intense
thunderstorms) or sudden release from an upstream impoundment created behind a dam,
landslide, or glacier.
 Dam-building beavers can flood low-lying urban and rural areas, often causing significant

 Commonly caused by a combination of sea tidal surges caused by storm-force winds and high
river stages due to heavy rain.
 Caused by severe sea storms, or as a result of another hazard (e.g. tsunami or hurricane). A
storm surge, from either a tropical cyclone or an extratropical cyclone, falls within this category.
 Caused by a significant and unexpected event e.g. dam breakage, or as a result of another hazard
(e.g. earthquake or volcanic eruption). See outburst flood.
 Accidental damage by workmen to tunnels or pipes.

Primary effects
 Physical damage – damage to structures, including bridges, buildings, sewerage systems,
roadways, and canals.
Secondary effects
 Water supplies – Contamination of water. Clean drinking water will become scarce.
 Diseases – Unhygienic conditions. Spread of water-borne diseases.
 Crops and food supplies – Shortage of food crops can be caused due to loss of entire harvest. [4]
However, lowlands near rivers depend upon river silt deposited by floods in order to add
nutrients to the local soil.
 Trees – Non-tolerant species can die from suffocation.[5]
 Transport – Transport links destroyed, so hard to get emergency aid to those who need it.

Tertiary and long-term effects

 Economic – economic hardship due to temporary decline in tourism, rebuilding costs, food
shortage leading to price increase, etc.
 Psychological – flooding can be highly traumatic for individuals, in particular where deaths,
serious injuries and loss of property occurs.

An earthquake (also known as a quake, tremor or temblor) is the result of a sudden release of
energy in the Earth's crust that creates seismic waves. The seismicity, seismism or seismic activity of
an area refers to the frequency, type and size of earthquakes experienced over a period of time.
Earthquakes are measured using observations from seismometers. The moment magnitude is the most
common scale on which earthquakes larger than approximately 5 are reported for the entire globe. The
more numerous earthquakes smaller than magnitude 5 reported by national seismological
observatories are measured mostly on the local magnitude scale, also referred to as the Richter scale.
These two scales are numerically similar over their range of validity. Magnitude 3 or lower earthquakes
are mostly almost imperceptible and magnitude 7 and over potentially cause serious damage over large
areas, depending on their depth. The largest earthquakes in historic times have been of magnitude
slightly over 9, although there is no limit to the possible magnitude. The most recent large earthquake

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of magnitude 9.0 or larger was a 9.0 magnitude earthquake in Japan in 2011 (as of March 2011), and it
was the largest Japanese earthquake since records began. Intensity of shaking is measured on the
modified Mercalli scale. The shallower an earthquake, the more damage to structures it causes, all else
being equal.[1]
At the Earth's surface, earthquakes manifest themselves by shaking and sometimes displacement of the
ground. When the epicenter of a large earthquake is located offshore, the seabed may be displaced
sufficiently to cause a tsunami. Earthquakes can also trigger landslides, and occasionally volcanic
In its most general sense, the word earthquake is used to describe any seismic event — whether natural
or caused by humans — that generates seismic waves. Earthquakes are caused mostly by rupture of
geological faults, but also by other events such as volcanic activity, landslides, mine blasts, and nuclear
tests. An earthquake's point of initial rupture is called its focus or hypocenter. The epicenter is the point
at ground level directly above the hypocenter.

Measuring and locating earthquakes

Earthquakes can be recorded by seismometers up to great distances, because seismic waves travel
through the whole Earth's interior. The absolute magnitude of a quake is conventionally reported by
numbers on the Moment magnitude scale (formerly Richter scale, magnitude 7 causing serious damage
over large areas), whereas the felt magnitude is reported using the modified Mercalli intensity scale
(intensity II–XII).
Every tremor produces different types of seismic waves, which travel through rock with different
 Longitudinal P-waves (shock- or pressure waves)
 Transverse S-waves (both body waves)
 Surface waves — (Rayleigh and Love waves)
Propagation velocity of the seismic waves ranges from approx. 3 km/s up to 13 km/s, depending on the
density and elasticity of the medium. In the Earth's interior the shock- or P waves travel much faster
than the S waves (approx. relation 1.7 : 1). The differences in travel time from the epicentre to the
observatory are a measure of the distance and can be used to image both sources of quakes and
structures within the Earth. Also the depth of the hypocenter can be computed roughly.
In solid rock P-waves travel at about 6 to 7 km per second; the velocity increases within the deep
mantle to ~13 km/s. The velocity of S-waves ranges from 2–3 km/s in light sediments and 4–5 km/s in
the Earth's crust up to 7 km/s in the deep mantle. As a consequence, the first waves of a distant
earthquake arrive at an observatory via the Earth's mantle.

Rule of thumb: On the average, the kilometer distance to the earthquake is the number of seconds
between the P and S wave times 8.[44] Slight deviations are caused by inhomogeneities of subsurface
structure. By such analyses of seismograms the Earth's core was located in 1913 by Beno Gutenberg.
Earthquakes are not only categorized by their magnitude but also by the place where they occur. The
world is divided into 754 Flinn-Engdahl regions (F-E regions), which are based on political and
geographical boundaries as well as seismic activity. More active zones are divided into smaller F-E
regions whereas less active zones belong to larger F-E regions.

Effects of earthquakes
1755 copper engraving depicting Lisbon in ruins and in flames after the 1755 Lisbon earthquake, which
killed an estimated 60,000 people. A tsunami overwhelms the ships in the harbor.
The effects of earthquakes include, but are not limited to, the following:

Shaking and ground rupture

Damaged buildings in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, January 2010.
Shaking and ground rupture are the main effects created by earthquakes, principally resulting in more
or less severe damage to buildings and other rigid structures. The severity of the local effects depends

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on the complex combination of the earthquake magnitude, the distance from the epicenter, and the
local geological and geomorphological conditions, which may amplify or reduce wave propagation.[45]
The ground-shaking is measured by ground acceleration.
Specific local geological, geomorphological, and geostructural features can induce high levels of shaking
on the ground surface even from low-intensity earthquakes. This effect is called site or local
amplification. It is principally due to the transfer of the seismic motion from hard deep soils to soft
superficial soils and to effects of seismic energy focalization owing to typical geometrical setting of the
Ground rupture is a visible breaking and displacement of the Earth's surface along the trace of the fault,
which may be of the order of several metres in the case of major earthquakes. Ground rupture is a
major risk for large engineering structures such as dams, bridges and nuclear power stations and
requires careful mapping of existing faults to identify any which are likely to break the ground surface
within the life of the structure.[46]
Landslides and avalanches
Earthquakes, along with severe storms, volcanic activity, coastal wave attack, and wildfires, can
produce slope instability leading to landslides, a major geological hazard. Landslide danger may persist
while emergency personnel are attempting rescue.[47]

Fires of the 1906 San Francisco earthquake
Earthquakes can cause fires by damaging electrical power or gas lines. In the event of water mains
rupturing and a loss of pressure, it may also become difficult to stop the spread of a fire once it has
started. For example, more deaths in the 1906 San Francisco earthquake were caused by fire than by
the earthquake itself.[48]

Soil liquefaction
Main article: Soil liquefaction
Soil liquefaction occurs when, because of the shaking, water-saturated granular material (such as sand)
temporarily loses its strength and transforms from a solid to a liquid. Soil liquefaction may cause rigid
structures, like buildings and bridges, to tilt or sink into the liquefied deposits. This can be a
devastating effect of earthquakes. For example, in the 1964 Alaska earthquake, soil liquefaction caused
many buildings to sink into the ground, eventually collapsing upon themselves.[49]

The tsunami of the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake
A large ferry boat rests inland amidst destroyed houses after a 9.0 earthquake and subsequent tsunami
struck Japan in March 2011.
Main article: Tsunami
Tsunamis are long-wavelength, long-period sea waves produced by the sudden or abrupt movement of
large volumes of water. In the open ocean the distance between wave crests can surpass 100
kilometers (62 mi), and the wave periods can vary from five minutes to one hour. Such tsunamis travel
600-800 kilometers per hour (373–497 miles per hour), depending on water depth. Large waves
produced by an earthquake or a submarine landslide can overrun nearby coastal areas in a matter of
minutes. Tsunamis can also travel thousands of kilometers across open ocean and wreak destruction on
far shores hours after the earthquake that generated them.[50]
Ordinarily, subduction earthquakes under magnitude 7.5 on the Richter scale do not cause tsunamis,
although some instances of this have been recorded. Most destructive tsunamis are caused by
earthquakes of magnitude 7.5 or more.[50]

A flood is an overflow of any amount of water that reaches land.[51] Floods occur usually when the
volume of water within a body of water, such as a river or lake, exceeds the total capacity of the

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B.Com II Year Subject- Environmental Studies

formation, and as a result some of the water flows or sits outside of the normal perimeter of the body.
However, floods may be secondary effects of earthquakes, if dams are damaged. Earthquakes may
cause landslips to dam rivers, which collapse and cause floods.[52]
The terrain below the Sarez Lake in Tajikistan is in danger of catastrophic flood if the landslide dam
formed by the earthquake, known as the Usoi Dam, were to fail during a future earthquake. Impact
projections suggest the flood could affect roughly 5 million people.[53]

Human impacts
An earthquake may cause injury and loss of life, road and bridge damage, general property damage
(which may or may not be covered by earthquake insurance), and collapse or destabilization
(potentially leading to future collapse) of buildings. The aftermath may bring disease, lack of basic
necessities, and higher insurance premiums.

In meteorology, a cyclone is an area of closed, circular fluid motion rotating in the same direction as
the Earth.[1][2] This is usually characterized by inward spiraling winds that rotate counterclockwise in
the Northern Hemisphere and clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere of the Earth. Most large-scale
cyclonic circulations are centered on areas of low atmospheric pressure.[3][4] The largest low-pressure
systems are cold-core polar cyclones and extratropical cyclones which lie on the synoptic scale.
According to NHC glossary, warm-core cyclones such as tropical cyclones and subtropical cyclones also
lies within synoptic scale.[5] Mesocyclones, tornadoes and dust devils lie within the smaller mesoscale.[6]
Upper level cyclones can exist without the presence of a surface low, and can pinch off from the base of
the Tropical Upper Tropospheric Trough during the summer months in the Northern Hemisphere.
Cyclones have also been seen on extraterrestrial planets, such as Mars and Neptune.[7][8] Cyclogenesis
describes the process of cyclone formation and intensification.[9] Extratropical cyclones form as waves
in large regions of enhanced mid-latitude temperature contrasts called baroclinic zones. These zones
contract to form weather fronts as the cyclonic circulation closes and intensifies. Later in their life cycle,
cyclones occlude as cold core systems. A cyclone's track is guided over the course of its 2 to 6 day life
cycle by the steering flow of the cancer or subtropical jet stream.
Weather fronts separate two masses of air of different densities and are associated with the most
prominent meteorological phenomena. Air masses separated by a front may differ in temperature or
humidity. Strong cold fronts typically feature narrow bands of thunderstorms and severe weather, and
may on occasion be preceded by squall lines or dry lines. They form west of the circulation center and
generally move from west to east. Warm fronts form east of the cyclone center and are usually
preceded by stratiform precipitation and fog. They move poleward ahead of the cyclone path. Occluded
fronts form late in the cyclone life cycle near the center of the cyclone and often wrap around the storm

There are a number of structural characteristics common to all cyclones.The cyclones have high
pressure outside and low pressure inside. A cyclone is a low pressure area.[13] A cyclone's center (often
known in a mature tropical cyclone as the eye), is the area of lowest atmospheric pressure in the
region.[13] Near the center, the pressure gradient force (from the pressure in the center of the cyclone
compared to the pressure outside the cyclone) and the force from the Coriolis effect must be in an
approximate balance, or the cyclone would collapse on itself as a result of the difference in pressure.[14]
Because of the Coriolis effect, the wind flow around a large cyclone is counterclockwise in the Northern
Hemisphere and clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere.[15] Cyclonic circulation is sometimes referred
to as contra solem. In the Northern Hemisphere, the fastest winds relative to the surface of the Earth
therefore occur on the eastern side of a northward-moving cyclone and on the northern side of a
westward-moving one; the opposite occurs in the Southern Hemisphere.[16] (The wind flow around an
anticyclone, on the other hand, is clockwise in the northern hemisphere, and counterclockwise in the
southern hemisphere.)

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B.Com II Year Subject- Environmental Studies


The initial extratropical low pressure area forms at the location of the red dot on the image. It is usually
perpendicular (at a right angle to) the leaf-like cloud formation seen on satellite during the early stage
of cyclogenesis. The location of the axis of the upper level jet stream is in light blue.
Tropical cyclones form when the energy released by the condensation of moisture in rising air causes a
positive feedback loop over warm ocean waters.[17]
Cyclogenesis is the development or strengthening of cyclonic circulation in the atmosphere (a low
pressure area).[9] Cyclogenesis is an umbrella term for several different processes, all of which result in
the development of some sort of cyclone. It can occur at various scales, from the microscale to the
synoptic scale.
Extratropical cyclones form as waves along weather fronts before occluding later in their life cycle as
cold core cyclones.
Tropical cyclones form due to latent heat driven by significant thunderstorm activity, and are warm
Mesocyclones form as warm core cyclones over land, and can lead to tornado formation.[11]
Waterspouts can also form from mesocyclones, but more often develop from environments of high
instability and low vertical wind shear.[12] Cyclogenesis is the opposite of cyclolysis, and has an anticyclonic (high
pressure system) equivalent which deals with the formation of high pressure areas—Anticyclogenesis.
The surface low has a variety of ways of forming. Topography can force a surface low when dense low-level high
pressure system ridges in east of a north-south mountain barrier. Mesoscale convective systems can spawn
surface lows which are initially warm core.[ The disturbance can grow into a wave-like formation along the front
and the low will be positioned at the crest. Around the low, flow will become cyclonic, by definition. This
rotational flow will push polar air equatorward west of the low via its trailing cold front, and warmer air with
push poleward low via the warm front. Usually the cold front will move at a quicker pace than the warm front and
“catch up” with it due to the slow erosion of higher density airmass located out ahead of the cyclone and the
higher density airmass sweeping in behind the cyclone, usually resulting in a narrowing warm sector. At this
point an occluded front forms where the warm air mass is pushed upwards into a trough of warm air aloft, which
is also known as a trowal.
Tropical cyclogenesis is the technical term describing the development and strengthening of a tropical cyclone in
the atmosphere. The mechanisms through which tropical cyclogenesis occurs are distinctly different from those
through which mid-latitude cyclogenesis occurs. Tropical cyclogenesis involves the development of a warm-core
cyclone, due to significant convection in a favorable atmospheric environment. There are six main requirements
for tropical cyclogenesis: sufficiently warm sea surface temperatures, atmospheric instability, high humidity in
the lower to middle levels of the troposphere, enough Coriolis force to develop a low pressure center, a
preexisting low level focus or disturbance, and low vertical wind shear. An average of 86 tropical cyclones of
tropical storm intensity form annually worldwide, with 47 reaching hurricane/typhoon strength, and 20
becoming intense tropical cyclones (at least Category 3 intensity on the Saffir–Simpson Hurricane Scale)

A landslide or landslip is a geological phenomenon which includes a wide range of ground movement, such as
rockfalls, deep failure of slopes and shallow debris flows, which can occur in offshore, coastal and onshore
environments. Although the action of gravity is the primary driving force for a landslide to occur, there are other

45, Anurag Nagar, Behind Press Complex, Indore (M.P.) Ph.: 4262100, www.rccmindore.com
B.Com II Year Subject- Environmental Studies

contributing factors affecting the original slope stability. Typically, pre-conditional factors build up specific sub-
surface conditions that make the area/slope prone to failure, whereas the actual landslide often requires a trigger
before being released.

The Mameyes Landslide, in the Mameyes neighborhood of barrio Portugués Urbano in Ponce, Puerto Rico, which
buried more than 100 homes, was caused by extensive accumulation of rains and, according to some sources,
Landslides occur when the stability of a slope changes from a stable to an unstable condition. A change in the
stability of a slope can be caused by a number of factors, acting together or alone. Natural causes of landslides
 groundwater (porewater) pressure acting to destabilize the slope
 Loss or absence of vertical vegetative structure, soil nutrients, and soil structure (e.g. after a wildfire)
 erosion of the toe of a slope by rivers or ocean waves
 weakening of a slope through saturation by snowmelt, glaciers melting, or heavy rains
 earthquakes adding loads to barely stable slope
 earthquake-caused liquefaction destabilizing slopes
 volcanic eruptions

Landslides are aggravated by human activities, Human causes include:

 deforestation, cultivation and construction, which destabilize the already fragile slopes
 vibrations from machinery or traffic
 blasting
 earthwork which alters the shape of a slope, or which imposes new loads on an existing slope
 in shallow soils, the removal of deep-rooted vegetation that binds colluvium to bedrock
 Construction, agricultural or forestry activities (logging) which change the amount of water which
infiltrates the soil


1. The Water (Prevention and control of pollution) Act 1974 –

It is deeply felt in 60s only, that the water resources are being polluted and it is an urgent need to
assure that domestic and industrial effluents must not be allowed to be discharged in the water
resources without adequate treatment. The water (Prevention & control of pollution) Act was
made in the same context. It received the consent of president of India on March 23, 1974. This act
is related with prevention and control of water pollution. It also provides guidelines for maintaining
and restoring water reservoirs. The establishment of Pollution Control Board at Central and state
level is consequence of this act only. The Board consists of a chairman, secretary and 15 other
nominated members. The Board advices central of state governments on issues related with
prevention and control of water pollution.

According to section 63 of this act following two rules are made –

1) Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Rules, 1975.
2) The Central Board for the prevention and control of water pollution (Procedures for
Transaction of Business) Rules 1975.

The act is twice amended is 1978 and 1988.

2. The Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act 1981 –

This act is made on the basis of United Nations Conference on Human Environment held at Stock
Holm from June 5-16, 1972. The main objectives of the act are –
- To prevent, control & abate air pollution.

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B.Com II Year Subject- Environmental Studies

- To establish central & state level boards to implement aforesaid purpose to empowerise the
- To provide for conferring on such Boards, the powers and assigning to such Boards function
related thereto and such other matters connected therewith.

The functioning and basic rules of this act are similar with the water (prevention & control) act
1974. The PCBs also suggest & advice the central and state governments regarding the air pollution
& its prevention & control.

The act came into force on 16th may 1981. The act was once amended in 1987. The rules of this act
are –
- The Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Rules 1982.
- The Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Union Territories Rule 1983.

3. The Environment Protection Act 1986 –

This act is a set of comprehensive legislation regulating activities which cause damage to the
environment. This act came into force on November 19, 1986.
- Under section 3(1) the act provides sweeping powers to central government to take necessary
actions against pollution
- The section 3(2) specifies the major concerns with respect of which the central government
may institute necessary actions.
- As per section 6(1) and 6(2) the central government is empowered to make rules.
The rules made under this act may provide for the following concerns in particulars:
- The standards of quality of air, water or soil for various areas and purposes.
- The maximum allowable limits of concentration of various environmental pollutants, including
noise, for different areas.
- The procedure and safeguards for the handling of hazardous substances in general and for
different areas.
- The prohibition and restriction on the location of industries and carrying on the processes and
operations in different areas.

4. Indian Forest Act (1927) –

This act was made in British India. It’s major provisions were related with extraction of forest
products for the benefit of British rulers.

5. The Wildlife Protection Act 1972 –

This act was signed by president on 9th September 1972 and was amended four times in 1982,
1986, 1991 & 1993.

It empowers central government to –

- Create machinery for wildlife conservation.
- Prohibit killing & hunting of specified animals.
- Protect specific flora & fauna.
- Constitute sanctuaries, national parks and zoo authorities.
- Restrict, regulate or prohibit trade & commerce of wild animals & their products.
- Prevent & detect offences against wild life.
- Frame rules & code of conduct.

Role of Information Technology in Protecting Environment & Health:

Environmental Issues for Human Health –
Environmental is the surrounding in which we all live but these days this environment is being
polluted day by day. This is causing grave health problems to the human being Industrialization,

45, Anurag Nagar, Behind Press Complex, Indore (M.P.) Ph.: 4262100, www.rccmindore.com
B.Com II Year Subject- Environmental Studies

use of modern technologies, westernized life style has spoiled the natural balance of the
environment. Hence we have to environmental health problems. Here are some major points which
deal with the environmental issues and are very necessary in present scenario –
- Saving powers – Wastage of electricity must be checked. The non-conventional energy
resources & solar energy could be used.
- Environmental education – Every citizen from his childhood must be aware of the
environmental issues.
- Check population – It is the need of the hour because increasing population demands for more
energy supply.
- Stop wars & violence – Due to wars & violence, the environmental pollution increases. The
danger of use of nuclear weapons also increase which the possibilities of war.
- Less use of vehicles – The urbanization caused a by-product i.e. increasing number of vehicles.
These vehicles pollute the environment very badly.
- Deforestation – The plants absorb the environmental pollutants and cause raining. But
excessive deforestation caused severe problems.
- Laws & legislations for industries – The industrialization is a consequence of development. But
this also causes pollution to every level. Tough rules must be made against the pollution caused
by the industry.
- Worldwide efforts – This is the need of the hour that the whole world must came along against
pollution and to protect the environment.

7. Stockholm Declaration of human environment, 1972 –

The Stockholm Declaration was adopted by the United Nations conference on Human Environment
held at Stockholm in 1972. It was the first declaration of the international protection of the
environment. The important principles under this declaration:
(i) 5th June was declared as world environment day.
(ii) Principle 22 states that all the nations will co-operate to develop international laws against
pollution & environmental damage
(iii) The natural resources will be protected.
(iv) Principle 8 says that social & economic development is necessary.
(v) The review & evaluation must be done through the earth watch
(vi) The right to live does not mean simply to live, and such right includes to live with healthy and
hygienic condition.
(vii) Principles 7 states that the states shall take all precautionary and possible steps to prevent
pollution of the seas by substances which are hazardous to human health, harm living
resources and marine life, damage amenities interfere with other legitimate uses of the sea.

Rio Declaration –
The International Conference on Environment was held in Rio de Janeiro, capital of Brazil on 3 rd
June 1992. About 20,000 delegate form 178 nations attended it.
Important points of this declaration are as follows –
- 27 principles were adopted in this declaration.
- It works on the principle of sustainable development without any damage to environment.
- Environmental legislation is necessary.
- Major concerns of the declaration were Global Warming, Deforestation, Ozone layer Depletion.
- It stressed the importance to plan to eradicate the poverty. It also gave the importance to
women, youth and indigenous peoples.
- The convention advised that the developed countries should take measures reducing their
emission of Carbon dioxide and other green house gases.

Role of health education in environmental issues –

45, Anurag Nagar, Behind Press Complex, Indore (M.P.) Ph.: 4262100, www.rccmindore.com
B.Com II Year Subject- Environmental Studies

Health education deals with importing knowledge amongst people about the various practices,
which will ensure a healthy community life and healthy and wealthy citizens. It creates awareness
for health and hygiene. It also gives idea about proper diet. It also make people aware common
diseases caused due to the pollutants and their treatment.
The contaminable diseases are caused and spread by the pollutants and changed life style. The
international organizations like WHO, UNICEF etc. provide financial help to check such diseases and
make people aware of them. Precaution is the only remedy for certain diseases even the
governments are also running plans and programmes to check the diseases. Vaccination provides
safety from various lethal diseases at the very childhood.

Science and technology activities in India

Science and Technology activities in India can be classified as follows:
(i) Central government
(ii) State Governments
(iii) Higher education sector
(iv) Public and private sector industry, and
(v) Non-Profit institution/association. Such institutions and their research laboratories are the
main contributors toy research and development being carried out in the country. There are
the council of scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR), Indian Council of Agricultural Research
(ICAR), Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), besides departmental laboratories of
various departments/ministries, viz. Dept. of Defense Research and development (DDRD),
Department Ocean Development, department of Electronics, Ministry, of Environment and
Forests, Ministry of Non-Conventional Energy Sources, and Ministry of Science and

Environmental Information System:

An Environmental information system (ENVIS) was set up by the Ministry of Environment and forests
in 1982 as a decentralized information network for collection, storage, retrieval and dissemination of
environmental information. Besides the Focal Point in the Ministry, ENVIS network presently consists
of 25 subjects-oriented centres known as ENVIS Centres, set up in various institutions/organizations of
the country in priority areas of environment such as environmentally sound and appropriate
technology, bio-degradation of wastes, desertification, eastuary, mangroves, coral and lagoons, media
and environment, environmental education solid wastes disposal, animal ecology, Himalayan ecology,
etc. the Focal point brings out a quarterly abstracting journal, Paryavaran Abstracts, containing
information about environmental research in the Indian Context.

International Cooperation:
The ministry of Environment and forests functions as a nodal agency for United Nations Environment
Programme (UNEP), South Asia Cooperation Environment Programme (SACEP), and international
Centre for Integrated Mountain and Development (ICIMOD), International Union of conservation of
Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) and various international agencies, regional bodies and
multilateral institutions.
India is signatory to the following important international treaties/agreements in the field of
(i) International Convention for the regulation of Whaling
(ii) International Plan Protection Convention
(iii) The Antarctic Treaty
(iv) Convention on Wetlands of International importance
(v) Convention on International trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna

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B.Com II Year Subject- Environmental Studies

(vi) Protocol of 1978 relating to the international convention for the prevention of pollution from
(vii) Vienna Convention for the protection of the Ozone Layer
(viii) Convention on Migratory Species;
(ix) Basal Convention of Trans-boundary movement of hazardous substances;
(x) Framework Convention on Climate Changes
(xi) Convention on Conservation of Bio-diversity
(xii) Montreal Protocol on the Substances on that deplete the ozone layer and
(xiii) International Convention for Combating Desertification

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