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central incisor of first quadrant and lateral incisor of second

quadrant are missing. The length and width of bone available is
8 mm and 6 mm respectively. patient wants to get implants.
what must be size of implant.

2. Defect crossing the midline with teeth present till canine in 1st
quadrant. what is aramanys classification.

3. You are an intern and asked to work under supervision. for

some reason the supervisor has gone out of the room. what
does an inter do

a. wait for supervisor to come and then do the treatment in his


b. do the treatment on your own

4. photo of final impression.

a. window technique of impression making

5. dentist does the "spore test" as a protocol for disinfection.

what type of test is it.

a. bactericidal
b. fungicidal

6. implant has to be placed in premolar region and pantograph

doesnt show mental foramen. what should be done

a. ask the patient to tilt head by 5 degrees above

b. ask the patient to tilt head by 5 degrees below

7. a patient is willing to get prosthesis done which is not

recommended by dentist. patient is adament at that line of
treatment. what shld the dentist do.

a. explain the patient about the treatment and take patients


b. refuse to do the treatment

c. provide the asked treatment

8. old denture wearer comes to the clinic. he is comfortable with

the denture but teeth have fracture. what is the line of

a. reline
b. new denture.

c. rebase

9. patient with old crows with chipped off porcelain on occlusal

surface. this is due to

a. bruxism


10. a patient with neoplastic lesion in palate has to undergo

surgery. what is the line of treatment by prosthodontist

a. make interim obturator

b. no treatment

11. a patient with defect in which there is incomplete closure of

nasopharynx. what prosthesis is recommended

12. a patient comes with broken clasp of a well fiting rpd. what
is the reason

a. fracture of clasp during insertion and removal

13. when broken clasp is repaired what happened to its tensile
and yield strength.

a. tensile strength increases and yield decrease

b. both increase

c. both decrease

d. tensile decrease and yield increase

14. torus mandibulars. rpd major connector recommend is

a. Kennedys bar

b. lingual plate

15. mandibular defect. hemi mandibulectomy done. what is the

prosthesis recommended

a. cheek plumber

16. mandibular molar is mesiolingually tilted what is the design

a. akers clasp

b. reverse circlet clasp

c. half n half clasp


17. defect in soft palate with bilateral clefts.what is the

classification according to vues

a. class 1

b. class 2

c. class 3

4. class 4

18. according to tmj defects classification by American ....... tmj

defect without clicking sound is classified under

a. type 1 b

19. the posterior displacement of articular disc of tmj is

prevented by

a. temporal ligament

b. medial pterygoid

c. lateral pterygoid

20. type of pontic design for anterior teeth missing

a. ovate pontic
b. hygienic pontic

21. pontic design of ridge lap pontic

a. concave mesio distally and covex bucco lingually

b. concex mesio distally and concave bucco lingually

c concave mesioditally and bucco lingually

d convex mesio distally and bucco lingually

22. You are doing a survey on the patients in ua clinic. the

documents of the patients data are kept in your clinic office.
you, clinic staff and the organizers assistant is allowed to see the
data. no one else is allowed to see the data and patients privacy
is broken if seen by whom

a. the organizer

b. clinic staff

c. the dentist

23. rpd and fpd has to be planned. which is done before

a. fpd and then rpd

b. both together

c. rpd and then fpd

24. a tooth picture with 2 walls missing. what is the type of post
and core

a. amalgum

b. cast


25. type of luting cement used for post and core

a. polycarboxylate

b. gic

c. composite

26. a patient wants to get crowns on teeth and on examination

old fillings are fractured. what is your treatment. no pain or
other symptoms.

a. crown fabrication

b. replace the fractured filling and crown placement

c. inform the patient abt fractured filling and place crowns

27. the tooth preparation on labial surface is very critical in

a. pfm

b. all ceramics

c. metal

28. major connector in palatal tori

29. in planning an obturator for patient with maxillary defect,

team work is required. what is the order

a. surgeon, prosthodontist, lab technician

b. lab technician, prosthodontist, surgeon

c. prosthodontist, lab technician n surgeon

30. patient has bruxism. what type of implant crown is needed

a. cement retained

b. screw retained

31. patient has decreased vd and long term denture wearer.

what is the classification of muscle tone

a. class 1
b. class 2

c. class 3

32. patient comes back to the clinic with lose implant crown.
what is the reason

a. impant crown n abutment defect

b. defect in screw and implant crown

c. crown defect

33. immidiate obturator has to be given to the patient post

surgery. what can be done for retention

a. ligating with zygomatic bone


34. implant has to replace part of gingiva and bone. what type of
implant treatment classification is this

a. fp 1

b. fp 2

c. rp4

b. rp 3
35. for esthetic point of view, which type of crown is adviced

a. lithium silicate

b. monolithic zerconis

c. alumina

36. type of core buildup after rct for grossly destructed tooth.

a. composite

b. amalgum


37. tooth has to be restored with post and core. what is the type
of cement used.

a. bonding

b. adhesive


38. tooth is missing in upper lateral incisor region. labio-palatal

bone is less. what is the graft used for implant placement

39. casts have to be articulated and molars of 1st and 3rd

quadrant are missing. then

a. canine can be used for articulation with wax bite


40. a patient with fractured porcelain on occlusal surface of

crowns and with generalised attrition. and no pain in tmj. what
is the line of treatment.

a. replace crowns

b. full mouth rehab

41. what type of restoration is this (picture of pin retained

amalgum restoration)

42. patient has pacemaker. what dental procedure shldnt b done

a. laser surgery

43. patient has controlled diabetes. subgingival finish line has to
be given. retraction method adviced is

a. cryosurgery

b. normal retraction procedure with cord

c. laser

43. what the material of choice for implant impression in full

mouth rehab

a. polyether

b. polysulphide

44. canine is missing and fpd has to be given. plan is to use

central and lateral and premolar as abutment. why lateral
incisor alone is not to be used as an abutment

a. area of Central incisor and canine is more than lateral

b. lateral incisor shldnt be used as abutment


45. Christenson phenomenon sequelae

46. rpd impression where border molding is done and alginate
over impression is taken is called

a. pick up impression

47. what happens when gold is quentched. which property


48. type of pontic if healing has not happened yet

a. sanitary

b. ovate


49. surgery is done for defect in maxilla. the definitive prosthesis

( obturator) is given after how many months/ weeks.

a. 12 weeks

b. 3 weeks

50. more than 10 year old denture. patient is comfortable with

denture but teeth have worn off and its dirty. what is to be done

a. polish and provide same denture

b. reline

c. rebase

d. make new

51. tmj defect with no articular disc displacement is under which


52. beading in rpd helps in

a. retention

b. avoid food trapment

c. both


53. a patient with over retained mandibular molar tooth has a

fractured filling with no pain

a. extract tooth and replace with immidiate implant

b. replace the filling

54. the minimum thickeness of metal for pfm crown

a. 0.2


c. 1 mm

55. retention is compromised in

a. high vault palate

b. flat vault

c. shallow

56. there are two layers in all ceramic crown for esthetics. these
two layers are fused by

a. cement


57. picture of occlusal facets. what is the wear defect

a. abrasions

b. wear facet

58. treatment of epulis fisuratum

a. relieve the area

b. new denture

c. discontinue and wear the same

59. temporary cement of choice for vital tooth crown


a. zoe

b. polycarboxtlate

60. the teeth arrangement of mandibular anteriors

a. at the level of border of lower lip


61. width of ala of nose gives

a. width of teeth from canine to canine

b. width of teeth from central to canine

62. in case of increased over bite in cd , the free way space is

a. less

63. kennedys classification ( about 3 questions)

64. bennet angle

a. 30 degree

65. semi anatomic teeth has cusp angles

a. 0 to 30 degree

b. 33 degree

66. occlusal rest on distal side of abutment in distal extension

case will cause

a. tipping

67. if path of insertion is not favourable

a. change the tilt of cast

b. orthodontic treatment


68. most favorable treatment for tilted molar tooth if rpd is

a. orthodontic treatment

b. rct and crown


69. most retentive part/ flexible part of the clasp is

a. rentive arm tip

b. reciprocal arm


70. when should the clasp function or be active

a. when inserted and removed only

b. when it is in patients mouth

71. occlusal rest in rpd

a. helps in retention

b. direct the forces perpendicular to abutment

72. cingulum rest is not provided on

a. mandibular canines
73. questions on mutually protected, canine guided occlusion

74. internal porosity in cpd is caused by

a. small sprue


75. cleft palate / cleft lip is caused by

a. when premaxilla do not fuse

b. when palatal shelves do not fuse.

( reason for formation of cleft in palate and lip)

76. fluid wax technique of recording ppsa

77. palatal sensitivity classification

77. resin bonded fpd is contraindicated in

a. deep bite

78. function of guiding plane

79. a patient has to get his teeth extracted. how is the
immediate prosthesis planned

a. extraction of both the upper and lower teeth at the same time
and immidiate cd given

b. anterior replacement then posterior

c. posterior and then anterior


80. extention of cd in hamular notch

81. fovea palatine is present

a. 2 mm beyond of vibrating line

b. 2mm ahead of vibrating line

82. patient has sensitivity post cementation of crown. the

vitality is checked by

a. at the exposed part of tooth at cej


83. Ocular prosthesis replaces what part of eye/ orbital

prosthesis replaces what parts of eye
1. Core material for Lithium disilicate crown…Lithium disilicate
2. IPS empress fabrication technique
a.cold pressing technique
b.lost wax technique

3. What principle served by an Advance Directive?

a. Justice b. Veracity c. Autonomy d. Beneficence

same question but answers are different…legal document like written format..i have

4. Minimum age for implant placement a. 15-20 years

5. Most important in healthcare

a. Fairness b. Safety c. Justice

6. Consideration for diameter of post

a. Prepare as minimum as possible b. Diameter of post is equal to post space c. Diameter is

double than the post space d. Apical diameter is 1/3rd less than the diameter at the CEJ

7. Patient has been given short implants in posterior maxillary region to avoid sinus lift surgery.
What occlusion should be avoided in these implants?

a. Canine guidance b. Extensive curve of Wilson c. Flat curve of spee d. Cusp to fossa

8. 45 year old female patient with mild crowding did not want to get orthodontic treatment. She
wanted a quick and long lasting solution to her problem. What should be done?

a. Composite veneers b. Complete crowns c. Porcelain veneers

9. What type of prosthesis precludes changes in the fitting surface?

a. Gold b. Titanium c. Zirconium d. Chrome cobalt

10. Disadvantage of single palatal bar major connector

a. Flexibilit

b.lack of rigidity

11.what is the biggest challenge in anterior implant placement

I have chosen..flat papilla near the adjacent tooth..

12. 55 yr old male patient presented with repeated midline fracture of maxillary denture.
Patient denied adding metal mesh to the denture. On clinical examination, dentist found
reduced freeway space. Patient wanted new dentures. What material should be used for teeth
selection in the new dentures?

a. Porcelain b. High impact acrylic c. Nanofilled resin

13. Female patient presented with upper anterior unaesthetic bridge. On clinical and
radiographic examination, there was no visible bone loss and there was soft tissue inflammation
around abutments with exposed bone in pontic region. Patient has been explained about
implants and patient is willing. What is going to be the main problem in the case outcome?

a. Proper soft tissue contour b. Bone augmentation

14. . The traditional Prosthodontic treatment for endo treated molar tooth with reduced tooth

a. Cast metal crown b. Post and core with full crown c. Post and core with all ceramic crown d.
Refer to endodontist for post and core.

15. What is the name of the part of FPD that joins the prepared tooth to the suspended part of
the FPD? a. Pontic b. Abutment c. Retainer d. Connector

16. Male patient wanted anterior crowns. On examination, flecks of calculus were found in the
cervical region. Patient wanted an emergency solution as he had to attend a function the same
night. What should be done?

a. Periodontal care, impression for provisionals, tooth preparation, final impressions,

temporization by indirect technique

b. Periodontal care, impression for provisionals, tooth preparation, final impressions,

temporization by direct technique c. Other 2 options were equally long, one did not have perio
care at all and the other had perio care 2nd in the order

17. What is the disadvantage of using elastomeric impression materials?

a. Displaces the gingiva b. Reduced flow around the tooth

18. While relining an RPD, how to ensure the correct position of the framework?

a. Confirm markings by articulating paper b. Ask the patient to bite c. Place finger pressure on
the framework

19. Patient presented with attrition and reduced VD. Space was created by anterior and
posterior composite build ups using reinforced composites. What will be a permanent solution?

a. Crown lengthening with PFM crowns

20. Patient presented with chipped off incisal edge from a PFM crown and wanted quick solution

. a. Repair porcelain intraorally

21. same situation asked abut material…answer is composite resin

22.most common complication of partial denture


b.resorption..i have choosen this option

23. 15 year old girl soft tissue management required for restoration. Periodontist will manage.
What I nstructions about the restoration margin will you give to the periodontist?

a. Supragingival b. Subgingival c. Equigingival d. Margin 2.5-3mm above sulcus

24. Diabetic patient requires maxillary CPD. What major connector should be used?

a. Complete palate with added resin b. Horseshoe shaped c. Anteroposterior bar

25. . How will you prevent the lifting of denture base of a distal extension RPD

a. Reduce overextending borders

26. Which is the best arch shape for denture retention by adhesion?

a. U-shape b. Flat shape c. V-shape

27. The lab technician quenched the heated gold investment immediately after the redness of
the button disappeared. Why was this done?

a. To make the alloy hard b. To make the alloy more ductile

28.how will you decrease setting time of alginate

a.increase water powder ratio

b.mix with cold water

c.mix with hot water

29. if you taken cold water for alginate mixing what will happen

a.shorten gelation time

b. increase gelation time

30.shade selection ..HCV…VCH Option is not there

31. . Implant has zero degree mobility. What is the reason behind this? a. Fibrous interface
between bone and implant b. Ankylosis phenomenon

32. . 15 y/o male patient presented with open root apex and grossly carious 1st molar. The
endodontist denied endo treatment because of poor prognosis and advised extraction. What
should be given to the patient?

a. Fixed partial denture b. Endosteal implant c. Space maintainer d.rpd

33. Resin bonded bridges are recently being used increasingly due to the advances in dentistry.
Both dentist and patient factors are important in panning and decision making. Out of these
which are a patient factor?

a. Wing thickness should be 0.5mm b. Wings should be made up of noble metal alloys c.
Sandblasting just prior to cementation d. All of the lingual surface should be covered by

34. Effect of applying alcohol and air drying on the prepared tooth

a. Increased chances of pulp damage

35. A complete denture patient reported with excessive freeway space, lowered Occlusal plane,
long maxillary teeth with the complain of less retention. What is the cause?

a. Leverage forces b. Lowered Occlusal plane

36. Blue colored putty was used for impression making. What contrasting color should be used
for the light body wash impression? a. Salmon

37. A 10 y/o boy came with an incisal edge fracture of tooth crown which was attached with 4-
META. What is the success rate after 7 years? a. 10 b. 25 c. 30 d. 45

38. A pre restorative matrix is made by the dentist. What purpose will it serve?

a. Shade of the tooth b. To check the amount of tooth prep being done

39. A patient with RC treated tooth reported and the dentist noticed that there had been a
horizontal fracture at the gingival level. Post and core was already done by the endodontist.
What is most important to restore this tooth? Same question in different way they asked

a. 360 degree ferrule b. Subgingival margin c. Margin on the core

40. An error in the impression which resembled rounded cusps. a. Pull type error

41. Which is the best material used for the treatment of root perforation? a . MTA b.
42. Patient with distal extension RPD presented with inflamed saddle area. What should be done

a. Denture adjustment & tissue recovery

43. What is the reason of yellowish discoloration of a provisional made by mixing powder and

a. Unreacted benzyol peroxide b.UDMA..urethae dimethyl acrylate

44. Female patient with a high smile line wants an anterior bridge. Which material and pontic
combination should be used?

a. PFM with hygienic pontic b. Cast metal with modified ridge lap pontic c. All ceramic with
modified ridge lap

45. Which movement does not occur in mid-sagittal plane?

a. Protrusive b. Opening of mandible c. Extreme lateral excursion

46. Implants are placed and implant supported bridge given to a patient in Kennedy class I case.
What is the benefit? a. Major connector b. Class 1 lever c. Minor connector d. Retainer

47. Patient has weakened muscles after he suffered from a stroke. After he has his meals he is
not able to clean his vestibules where food particles remain. What instructions will you give to
his caretaker to manage this problem?

a. Use a gloved hand to clean the vestibule b. Help him rinse his mouth c. Use a toothbrush
with modified handle d. Use a wooden spatula

48. What is the incisal guidance in a semi adjustable articulator? a. Mechanical equivalent of
the horizontal and vertical overlap

49. . Spore test- biological

50. Common Tmj disorder –mpds

51. using an explorer in a zigzag motion to examine an amalgam on #18 and there is a deficient
amount of amalgam in several areas. the explorer catches when moving from restoration to the
tooth. this marginal discrepancy is called

a. submarginal area b. open margin c. flash d. overextension

52. Magnets in denture: rare earth material…same optionslike old paper

53.selective grinding question..which cusp will grind in non working side

Linual slopes of buccal cusp of mandibular molar

54. Addition silicone benefit- 1-2 microns

55. Selective pressure impression technique: knife edge… long scenario

56. Labial surface of lower teeth fracture: porcelain in u/l

57. acp pdi-moderately resorbed ridge in maxilla and severely resorbed mandible…pdi class 3

a.i selected option is..maxillary conventional complete denture, mandibular implant supported
over denture

58.twostage impression ,,using poly ethelene sheet use....avoid cutting of putty while making
light body impression

59. . Screw retained option in less interdental space

60.clinical situation less clinical space for lateral incisor ..a.cement retained crown

b.screw retained crown

61. Length of post acc to shillinburg : 5 mm apical seal

62. Explorer cant find : 100 microns

63. Non resilient mid palatal raphe

64.chronic denture user pt having which condition

a.papillary hyperplasi a

b. epulisfissuratum

65. Patient with severe bruxism and loss of vertical dimension, freeway space is 5 mm to be
restored with the hi strength polymer . what is thickness or what is amount of reduction?

a)0.3 mm b) 0.5 mm c)1 mm d)2 mm

66. What is the most important criteria in immediate loading protocol for an anterior implant?

a. Atraumatic extraction of tooth b. Slight palatal implant placement to engage the palatal
bone c. Synthetic bone grafting in space between buccal wall and implant d. Slight occlusal
contact between the provisional crown and opposing tooth

67. The role of dental hygienist in reading the radiographs

a. Identifying the anatomical landmarks from any caries, bone loss or pathological
b. Prescribe radiograph and suggest oral hygiene treatment
c. Diagnose the condition
68.ideal thickness of metal in metal ceramic crown

a.0.3 b.0.5

69.. clinical situation for metal mesh thickness..0.4 mm

70.tilted tooth what kind of restoration…cast metal

71.72…regarding lateral incisor two questions..one question…diagnostic waxup

Another question ..same options like old question paper..placing vertical lines on contralateral

73.optimumcrown root ratio..2:3

74.old patient with repeated dentures…Hysterical patient

75. Alginate impression-anatomic

76. Papillameter- arrange anterior teeth to support upper lip…same options likeold papers

77. Kinematic face bow- true hinge axis

78. Facebow- orient cast to axis

79. Bur used to remove implant- 6/8

80.nodules in casting…Air entrapment

81. Metal ceramic crowns repeatedly dislodging: sandblasting , finish tooth, making grooves
and cementation with Resin

82. Anterior teeth arrangement: slightly labial to the ridge

83.altered cast diagram

84.distal exten border moulding picture ….a.impressio cake material b.impressionstick


85.another diagram cast..master cast option

86. Selective grinding started with- centric

87. Muscular imbalance in patient has occlusal defect- remounting in articulator and select

88. Lab asked for protrusive index: adjust condylar inclination in articulator

89. Type 4 bone- outer thin cortical wide fine treabcular inside
90. Complete denture patient most important in esthetic and socially- denture Appearance

91. The most frequent cause of failure of a cast crown restoration is:

A.Failure to extend the crown preparation adequately into the gingival sulcus

B. Lack of attention in carving occlusal anatomy of the tooth

C.Lack of attention to tooth shape, position, and contact

D.Lack of prominent cusps, deep sulcus, and marginal ridges

92. Impression for fpd: additions polymerised, condensation silicon, heat polymerization

93. Child 9 year with have damaged maxillary incisor with little mobility and no pain in x ray
there is apical third fracture of the tooth, the same scenario There was mobility in the tooth and
the child was 12 years old-:Render palliative ttt/ Immediate RCT/Splinting without RCT/
Extraction( Do nothing wasn’t there in option).

94. Patient with complicated upper and lower crowns treatment with history of brusixmwhat
should you do after the treatment: provide night guard or occlusal splint call him for regular
follow ups.

95. Patient had anterior teeth protrusion, and asks for crown,(May be for esthetic reson ) but
dentist refused to do and referred to ortho. If dentist would have accepted, what problems he
would face?: Sensitivity and pain during preparation /Pulp exposure

96. Carpenter come for dental clinic for 1st time :He is… a .flicker cant remember other
options I have choosen ..flicker

97.low fma angle …canine guided occlusion,increase bite force

98.un even ridge ..both options are there one is recent extraction

b.posterior extractions done earlier and later anteriors

99.removal of gp..Heated plugger

100. common medical error..look alike sound alike

101.torus paltinus extended to pps…surgical removal

1. Incisal reduction for PFM crown- 2mm
2. Nodules on cast- entrapment of air during investment
3. Severe undercut labially, dentist wants to make impression with elastic recovery-PVS
4. Which material precludes changes in fitting surface-Zirconia
5. You make anterior composite restorations for erosion pt, open bite posteriorly it closes on its
own-Compensatory tooth eruption
6. Pt given denture she not happy wants implant supported, after how much time does it take to
adapt to CD- 2months
7. Pt hesitant about first time CD how many weeks will it take to adapt-6-8 weeks
8. Limited space for implant crown- screw retained
9. Pt with proclined teeth and wants fixed restoration, Dentist referred to ortho, what is danger
in crowns-Pulp exposure during prep
10. Pt has badly broken tooth, dentist advises extraction and implant but pt is scared- Dentist
does post core crown with consent form signed explaining the prognosis
11. Maxillary class 1 distal extension wearing RPD cervical abrasion and gingival recession pt
okay with denture but concerned about esthetqics-removable gingival mask
12. Most difficult to replace- tooth with clasped abutment
13. Ovate pontic surface, tell lab a)smooth b) convex* c)extending into the socket
14. Vickers hardness no of Zirconia
15. There is amalgam restoration with deficiency but only one catch - a)open margin*
b)submarginal area
16. Discolouration of temporary- a) Unreacted benzoyl peroxide* b) monomer has UdMa
17. Technician repair broken denture he applies monomer on edges- to Dissolve a little material
before adding new material
18. Post diameter-diameter of apical part of post is less than 1/3rd of CEJ
19. Shillingburg what’s most imp about post a) 5mm apical seal * b) 2/3rd length of root
20. Implant fracture per 100- 5
21. Latent Tb infection chance-5%
22. Minimum Zr thickness for a bridge- 0.9mm
23. LiDisilicate core- composite
24. Minimum age of implants-15-20
25. 15 yer old lost first molar second molar roots not developed, what will u do? A) implant
b)RPD* c)space maintainer
26. Photo of Altered Cast technique
27. Altered cast technique- records tooth and tissue in anatomic and functional form
28. Gap between implant supported overdenture and ridge, definitive impression wrong- Make
new impression and new denture
29. Most common in denture- candidiasis* /sore spot
30. What determines inferior border of major connector- Patient comfort, width of attached
gingiva, thickness of metal
31. Cross section of major connector- half pear* half round
32. Disadvantage of palatal bar- a) less rigidity b) less flexibility
33. Most successful traditional post- cast metal
34. Pinpoint haemorrhages below denture- Ascorbic acid deficiency
35. Gp removal- chloroform
36. Ferrule-360 degree of metal
37. One more question on ferrule-long story about horizontal fracture of premolar and good
endodontic root canal done what should dentist do ensure ferrule
38. Dental hygienist role
39. Intra oral repair of 10 unit
40. One more question only incised edge chip off pt wants quick solution- Repair intramurally
with porcelain repair kit
41. Most important for FPD- Adequate periodontal support
42. Reson for failure of FPD- recurrent caries
43. Case with repeated sores even after cofrection- deflective occlusal contacts
44. Diagnostic Impression- stock tray with alginate
45. Hot water alginate-reduces gelation time
46. Selective grinding starts with- Centric
47. Magnet in denture question- same 4 option- rare earth elements
48. Long case about costed syndrome- excessive freeway space
49. Condylar. Angle more than 25 degree question
50. When luting cement is extruded- periimplantitis
51. Female pt carious molar- post heat pressed crown
52. Denture mesh-0,4mm
53. Mid palatine raphe- non resilient
54. Best way of shade matching-digital
55. One question on CAD CAM- milled abutment and crown what technology do we use
56. One photo of post in crown- I marked screw, serrated option also there
57. Error of impression- tall rounded- pull
58. Complete denture patient xerostomia- Hybrid denture
59. Gap in margin explorer cannot detect- 100 nm
60. Ideal material for CPD- Co cr
61. Low FMA- Increase biting force
62. Acc to PDI most important- Residual ridge resorption/ mental status of patient
63. Material which adapts by itself- light cure
64. Pt identifiers- 2 one of them being pt name middle name and surname
65. Repeated debonding of canine resin bonded with a decay on lateral- Fill the decay on lateral
recumbent and change to group function occlusion
66. Pt develops pain even after repeated adjustment on CD0 deflective occlusal contacts
67. Pt has irregular bony prominence, has pain on palpation and wants an immediate denture.
Options were oral surgeon not available wait for oral surgeon to do alveloplasty then wait for
healing then make denture or make denture with relief in the affected area.
68. Constantly changing nurses need to test them for HCS when- They come from maternity
leave/ they come from a clinic where previously HCV pts were treated*
69. A dentist working in MOH is now working in private and calling all his patients there- he is
allowed to work 4 hours in private/ he has to abide by rules of private clinic/ he has to abide
by rules of MOH*
70. Pt has broken tooth with minimum ferrule doctor advises pt for implant, pt refuses- Refuses
to do treatment/ does the treatment and tells tooth will be fine/ takes consent from pt for this
treatment that it is against his wishes*/ does implant without consulting pt

1.Excess cement extruded into the sulcus around an implant crown causing:
Periimplant disease
2. Most important mechanical property of cast metal clasp during its adjustment:
Tensile strength
3.Most important factor to consider a tooth for an abutment for fixed partial denture is:
Should be vital
Should not have active caries
Adequate periodontal support
Should be endodontically treated
4. Anterior labial undercut, over missing central incisors. clinician wants to have an esthetic
favourable removable partial denture with a dual path of placement, what should be done
during surveying:
A.Tilt the cast anteriorly
B.Tilt the cast posteriorly
C.Prepare guide planes on adjacent teeth and tilt anteriorly
D.Prepare guideplanes on adjacent teeth and tilt posteriorly
5. A dentist has received multiple needlestick injuries. He has now tested positive for HBsAg.
What is the most appropriate next step:
A.Hep B immunoglobulin
B. Report to the hospital administration(authorities)
C. Hep B vaccine and booster
6. Long case A 55 year old man reported with eroded lingual surfaces of his posterior teeth.
What is the underlying system condition.
A.Gastroesophageal reflux disease
7. Material most suited for patients having erosion of their palatal surfaces: Zirconium dioxide
8. A 15 year old girl excessive cola drinker, has eroded her palatal surfaces. The dentist builds
those surfaces with composite and results in a posterior open bite. 4 months later that bite is
closed. What has happened?
Compensatory tooth eruption
9. 10 year old boy, anterior open bite of 4mm, what's the best treatment:
A.Orthodontic treatment
B.Dahls appliance for 4 momths
C. Endodontically treat and crown posteriors
10. Gingival bleeding and laceration on multiple teeth during subgingival finish line
smoothing. What type of chemical to be used?
A. Ferric Sulphate
B. Potash alum chloride
C. Aluminum Tri chloride
D. Epinephrine
11. A dentist is asked to conduct a research for a pharmaceutical company, for which he will
be monetarily rewarded. When will it be ethical?
A. When a declaration is made about the conflict of interest.
B. If the company employs the dentist from the very beginning of the research
12. A supervisor notices degrading quality of work and attitude of his resident doctor and
suspects drug abuse. What should he do:
A. Talk to the resident and advise him
B. Report to the ethical committee
C. Tell his colleagues
D. Tell the patients
13. Similar question as above, about a female colleague with psychiatric illness. Similar
options as above.
14. Most effective way of eliminating errors due to illegible handwriting of the doctor:
A. Computerised order entry
B. Electronic Medical Administration Records
15. What is most important to increase fracture resistance of an endodontically treated tooth?
A. 1mm ferrule
B. O.5 mm ferrule
C. Don't remember
D. Thickness of the dentinal wall around post.
16. Ferrule provides fracture resistance by a hugging effect by enclosing and holding the
destructed tooth together. What is most important:
360 degree coverage
17. Anterior undercut present above abutments prepared for a 3 unit bridge. A rigid custom
tray was sent from the lab. The dentist wants an impression material that will be easy to
remove from the undercut. At the same time he wants a material that will not deform and will
recover quckly from deformation. What's the best choice:
A. Polysulphide
18. Surfactants are added to modify contemporary elastomeric impression materials. What
does it lead to:
A. Increased working time
B. Increased setting time
19 and 20. 2 questions, limited vertical space:
Screw retained prosthesis
21. Risk factors for implants are dental, gingival, aesthetic and osseous. Which is the osseous
risk factor:
A. Proximal bony peaks
B. Resorbed ridge
C. Implants <3mm apart
22. A 22 year old female has a fractured filling leading to a large carious lesion in 1st maxillary
molar. It was endodontically treated, what's best:
Metal crown
Porcelain jacket crown
Post with heat pressed ceramic crown
23. A religious elderly man, visits dentist. He is praying. Dentist tells him not to worry. He
replies he is not worried and only "Allah can grant health" What does his prayer show?
A. Trust
B. Dedication
C. Devotion
D. Contention
24. Lithium disilicate core: Composite
25. McGill consensus statement, what is the standard of care for edentulous cases:
A. Conventional complete dentures
B. Implant retained dentures
26. Long case, blah blah procera Alumina. Minimum thick of alumina to be used as a retainer
over a prepared tooth:
A. 0.3mm
B. 0.6mm
C. 0.9mm
D. 1.3mm
27. Imlant fixture fracture, how many cases per 1000?
A. 2
B. 5
C. 7
D. 9
28. Protrusive record demanded by the laboratory for what? Condylar inclination
29. Which factor is not dentist determined:
A. Incisal guidance
B. Cusp height
C. Compensatory curves
D. Condylar inclination
30. Trial denture with teeth set with condylar guidance of 25degreeson articulator. In the
mouth anterior interference: Why?
A. CG in patient more than 25degrees
B. Compensating curve not inclined enough anteriorly
31. Long case blah blah, The dentist chooses a system which is acclaimed to work best in distal
extension edentulous cases by dentists. A mesial rest, distal minor connector, what is the
clasp design?
A. L bar
B. I bar
C. Circumferential clasp
32. Implant surface micro roughness:
A. 1-5 nanometres
B. 5-10 nanometres
C. 1-5 micrometres
D. 5-10 micrometres
33. Ovate pontic surface, instructions to lab:
34. Communication with lab regarding cast partial denture design:
A. No need to tell anything, lab will decide for themselves
B. Verbally inform
C. Draw the design, label, sign and send to lab
35. Effect of age on success rate of implant supported overdenture:
A. Less in older age
B. More in older age
C. Same for young and old.
36. Which material to remove from the clinic?
A.Potassium chloride
B.Sodium chloride
C.Magnesium sulphate
37. Long case, severe wear, no interocclusal space, dentist builds temporarily with composite
to raise the bite. What is the definitive treatment:
Crown lengthening and crowns.
38. Complete denture case with excessive intermaxillary space, longer teeth, freeway space
5mm, low mandibular occlusal plane, what causes loss of denture retention and stability:
A. Increased leverage forces
B. Low mandibular plane
39. Male patient has pain on biting and bleeding in the area of the pontic. What's the reason:
A. Excessive pontic pressure
B. Inadequate gingival embrasures
40. PFM Crown repeated porcelain fracture, reason:
A. Less thickness of porcelain
B. Inappropriate coping design
Other options like occusal prematurity, contamination, contact on porcelain metal interface
etc were not there.
41. Porcelain Laminate bonded to tooth with adesice resin cement, what is the most critical
thing for its longevity:
A. Adequate labial and incisal reduction
B. Quality of bond
42. Zirconia in a bruxism case. Aesthetic veneering should be restricted to only:
A. Occlusal surface
B. Fossae
C. Labial incisal only
43. Which material precludes internal surface adjustment:
44. Cord packing, what is correct?
A.Instrument parallel to long axis of tooth
B.Start facially
C.Overlap proximally
D.Overlap facially
45. New dental assistant for sterilization of instruments. Instructions before sterilization, to
put endo and surgical instruments in :
A. Sealed plastic bag
B. Stainless steel tray wrapped in plastic
46. Post space diameter:
A. 1/3 of diameter of the tooth at canal orifice
B. 1/2
47. Post Diameter at apical end:
1/3rd less than that at CEJ
48. Long case Repeated denture fracture, high arch palate: Use mesh:
49. Limited interarch space, patient wants acrylic dentures only. Material of choice:
A.Hi impact resin
B.Nanofilled resin
50. Which material adapts by itself on the cast:
A. Heat cure
B.Self cure
C. Light cure
51.Most accurate impression material:
A. Heat polymerizing
B. Addition polymerizing
C. Condensation polymerizing
D. Free radical polymerizing
52. Practitioner, sponsored by a company, researches a patient with a disease and keeps his
records in his clinic, access to which is to the practitioner, investigators and sponsor
representative. Where is the breach in patient confidentiality:
Sponsor has access to the data.
53, 54 and 55. Insitu porcelain repair with composite resin, do not remove the bridge, use a
porcelain repair kit having composite resin intraorally.
56. Porcelain chipped off, repair intraorally with:
B. Composite resin
C. Acrylic resin
57. Patient takes a drug for the first time and develops severe itching and inflamation:
A. Food-Drug interaction
B. Drug-Drug interaction
C. Idiosyncratic reaction
D. Hypersensitivity reaction.
58. A new dentire wearer has severe sore spots despite repeated corrections. Ridges are well
rounded and good. What should be done?
59. Implant overdenture ball attachment type, food
60.Pain increases as the day progresses.
61. Food accumulation in vestibule above bridge and bulky in vestibule: Inadequate tooth
62. Discoloration at margin, female patient, open margin of bridge: plan and remake new fpd

occlusion allow anterior posterior slight moment?

B-normal centric occlusion
C- long centric
D-group function
*Definition of veracity - Autonomy

* Dentist refer pt. to specialist without discuss anything with him (or something like that),
what’s the dentist ignoring ethically??

* Down's syndrome pt. came to do FPD, he couldn't fully understand the dentist, so dentist
- start treatment
- take pt. finger print in consent & start ttt
- take the relatives permission.

*Pt with sever intrinsic discoloration asking for full crown, dentist decided veneer and try to
tell the pt. that’s full crown is not ri8 in his situation but the pt. insists, so the dentist should:
- Do what the pt. want
- refer him to another Dr. to do it
- politely reject and dismiss him
*Type of Kennedy classification in:
A- missing tooth # 12 & # 22
B- missing all 6 interiors + badly broken #5 will be extracted (in the same jaw).
*Two Qs about self-cure resin and heat cure properties, (there was residual monomer).

*Pic of pt. with traumatic lost #11 (4 days ago) and there is also a gingival defect, dentist will
make him RPD, this type will be:
- immediate
- conventional
- transitional

*Pic of 2 implant in the lower jaw (supporting a full denture), pt. complains that it is loose
now and the pt. admit that the first 2 weeks he found difficulties in wearing the denture (then
it becomes loose), the cause is:
- Tearing off the plastic ring.
- Implants were not in the same path of insertion.

* Qs about combination syndrome

*Pt with sets of complete dentures for 10 yrs. now, her only complain is the teeth become
blunt & she can’t eat well + she looks older than her age, tty:
- make new dentures
- make duplication.

* Denture wearer complain of the sound of (f) is (v), problem is:

-anterior teeth set up high.
-ant. teeth set inferiorly ...

*Type of major connector when there are max. tori

*Sequence in RPD abutment preparation:

- occlusal rest, axial prep, proximal prep

* Posterior palatal seal, the dentist couldn't find it then he decides to use:
- T burnisher

* Angular cheilitis cause:

- Decrease vertical dimension.

*Tiny bony projections located bilaterally in the inner part of symphysis:

- Genial tubercles.

* Wrinkles or folds & irregular connective tissue located on both side of median palatine
- palatal rugae
* Lower jaw with Kennedy Cl 1, withe separate anterior teeth, what’s the type of major
connector, (lingual):
- plate
-interrupted plate**
- bar.

*Fold of mucous membrane extending from the floor of the mouth to the midline of the
underside of the tongue:
- lingual frenum.

*Device that duplicate human jaw and max & man casts fix to it (or something like that):
- Articulator

* Most material used & causes allergy to pt.:

- nickel chromium
* Story about pt. complain of swelling (cyst) under the tongue due to salivary gland
- Ranula
- Dermoid

* Type of articulator that duplicate the human jaw:

- Arcon
- Fully adjustable

*Patient has problem in his denture (tissue ward by indirect retainer after occlusion, denture
contain: lower lingual bar, direct and indirect retainer, how to solve this problem??
-Use lingual plate.
-Change the type of clasps

*Pt came to dentist with large defect amalgam restoration during the examination the dentist
used explorer with zazzige motion. he catching in one side. Due to
open margin
thickness of amalgam
bulky layer of metal

*How can reduce the contamination in skin

use of (chemical I don’t remember
Wearing personal preventive equipment (ppe)
wash 2-3sec...
*The comment factor causes medical errors
nurse carelessness
problems of commention
look like sound -like drugs
manual system

*Which of the following last gagging

nasal dys
carrah !?
Parkinson’s disease

*Like roughness of implant

1oo nm or by micro
5- 10 micrometer
*The remining cement around the implant it may cause
Pri -implantitis*
Periodontal dises

*last step to check during denture try-in?

flange extension**

*long case about RPD for patient good on day of delivery next day he can't put the denture
because cause?
Excessive relief of denture
No PPS / Poor post dam
Deflective occlusal contacts
Inelasticity of tissue / Lack of cheek elasticity*

*An old patient with complete denture complains from tightness of denture in morning then
becomes good this due to .... OR .... denture initially tight then as day passes becomes loose
Excessive relief of denture **
No PPS / Poor post dam
Deflective occlusal contacts
Inelasticity of tissue / Lack of cheek elasticity

*Patient you did upper and lower pfm anterior bridges and the patient has history for night
clinching during sleep what you expect
wearing of the palatal surface of ceramics
fracture or chipping for labial porcelain of lower**

*class ii kinndy classification for molars only for implants need. And 1st premolar required for
a crown
1_ do crown first then implant *
2_implant first then crown

*Patient suffer from pain after rpd the clasp was tight on the abutment the dentist requires to
adjust it so the clasp
tensile strength
elongation **
flexure strength
*Ttt of patients the same (something like that) means
justice **

*2 central required for laminate and the other for crown

do laminate first then crown
crown then laminate
both at same time

*Patient with pad oral hygiene type of prosth

cement retained fixed
screw retained fixed
implant over denture**

*Sterilization pores ....


*Mobility more than 1 mm According to classification

grade one
grate 2 **
grade 3

*Quenching of cast gold after casting

increase hardness **
to easy remove investment
flexure strength
*Accurate for occlusion record
arbitrary face bow
kinematic face bow**

*The important of impression boxing is

save money for materials of casting
for the impression borders. **

*Adding a violet stain to color with yellow, chroma

increase value, increase chroma
decrease value, decrease chroma *
decrease value, increase chroma
increase value, decrease chroma

*A patient came complaining of frequently fractured acrylic base for upper partial denture,
the prosthodontist decided to use cast metal mesh to reinforce the acrylic. The minimum
thickness of the metal mesh in mm is:
0.4 *

*Repeated crown documentation due to over reduction what to do

recement with resin
add groove re cement with glass ionomer
sandblasting. Add groove cement with resin *
sandblasting fine the restoration. add groove. cement with resin

*Nodules in casting cause

air bubbles *
quick firing

*Loose denture requires relining denture was heat cured

chair side with hard relining to be for a longer time
soft relining chair side
send to lab for heat cured relining *
send to lab for self-cure relining

*New denture patient feel pain

selective grinding
clinical and lab remount and remove spots

*4 unit bridge its 2 molar abutments upon x ray Required for endo
remove bridge do endo reput bridge
do endo without removing bridge
remove bridge .do endo. remake bridge

*Surfactant for impression b4 pouring it will affect

tear strength
time of setting of cast
*Missing 4 incisors upper and canine is outside ...
tradition fixed fixed
add first premolars
consider periodontal ratio

*10-unit bridge for 5 years for female pt. but porcelain fracture in multiple crown also
everything other was ok
repair in situ *
remove and lab repair

*Upper central chipped incisal edge for metal ceramic

remove and lab repair
in situ and repair with porcelain repair kit *

*Unilateral fixed fixed bridge but not in contact with opposing but margin is good the other
side natural teeth and have contact what to do
adjust the natural side *
keep in situ and repair occlusion by composite

*Dentist manager punished one of the team due to fault. this will
improve work
the team will be afraid to take about mistakes

*Patient admire female dentist and want to keep in touch with her. what to do
yes, and do business with him
refuse any type of communication *

*Female came come with pain and need a female dentist but was absent what to do
refer her to anthor hospital that female dentist there immediately
advise her that your case emergency pain and female dentist not present today *
*Handicap patient food stagnation between check and denture how dentist remove
gloves with modified techniques *
wooden spatula

*Long case. then putty impression with blue color Q what contrast color for the light

B4 you start ttt

remove occlusal interference
take shade guide *
*1.5 mm reduction for pfm restoration
for mesial

*Lab asked for protrusive movement why

incisal guidance
condylar guidance
compensating curve

*What simulate abutment for lab

abutment analogue *
copy transfer

*Ovate pontic what tell lab

to touch the socket

*Fixture removal by bur size


*Beast color selection to lab

conventional shade guide
map shade
digital device

*The last picture was for an impression for an altered cast

green stick compound was on the impression border
The answers were compound cake
compound stick *

*Bevel for gold cavity?

to remove unsupported enamel
for marginal adaptation *

Type of impression...I chose pick up impression

*Which force in RPD affects the abutments the most?

Horizontal and vertical

*if you have to choose a retainer with a real smooth and good fitting intaglio surface which
will you choose?
Metal ceramic

*you see a patient who has irregular ridges, why-

Recent extraction

*blue putty salmon light body

*If interarch distance less, which implant?

*You see a patient with loose abutment because the screw is loose, what will u do?
Tighten the screw
Make new impression
Remove and place healing screw

*How much minimum Dentin after core prep-

*Patient with pain a comes to u. After x-ray u see that the cast post is placed and it's not
enough prep. What to do-
Remove the post , clean the canal and re cement the post with resin
Send to endodontist to redo the post and new crown

*What will be best crowns opposing each other-

Gold vs gold
Gold vs resin teeth
Gold vs pfm

*Pt has a limited interarch distance, which teeth will u choose for less force-
Nano resin
Hi impact resin

*Patient has broken two dentures previously, now wants new dentures, she doesn't want
implants or metal dentures. What to do-
make dentures with metal mesh

*What should be the thickness of metal mesh in dentires-


*What is the occlusal rim and the denture base called together?
Trial denture
Wax block

*A doctor records the impression and sends it to lab to mount. What is the importance of
incisal guidance-
Horizontal guidance
Condylar guidance
Overbite and overjet

*Acc to shillinburg what is the post length

3/4 of root length
4mm apical gp

*Droplet infection protocol

Mask and hand disinfectant
*Implant has 4 factors- osseous, esthetics, implant placement and one more thing,. What are
the osseous and implant factors
Vertical bone loss
distance between 2 Implants less than 2mm

*Pt Canine missing. Normal vertical height. what will you do -maryland

*Lateral tooth missing on one side. But compared to the contra lateral side, the vertical height
is more. How will u calculate?
Bolton's analysis
Golden proportion

*Another question same. Lateral tooth missing, vertical space is more when compared to
contra lateral implabt, how will u deal with it?
Ortho treatment.
Remove the contralateral and place implants
remove the contra lateral and do fpd *

*Patient has implants. Low interarch space. What occlusion

Cusp angle flat

*If the inter arch space is less for implants which occlusion is bad?
Cusp to fossa
Canine guided
Flat occlusal plane

*Fmn angle what you don't see-


*Fmn low angle what do u see-

Decrease force
Increase force with canine guided occlusion
Decrease force with group function

*Got this picture...What is this- implant retained overdentire

*Before giving any medication is necessary to ask the patient
Any other drugs

*Pt with facial palsy how to educate to remove the food debris
Wooden spatula
Modified brush
U remove

*Quenching of gold immediately after the red spot is less is done because-
Hardness is improves
Surface smoothness

*What is hysteris mean in agar

Featured snippet from the web
Agar is a gel at room temperature, remaining firm at temperature as high as 65°C. Agar melts at
approximately 85°C, a different temperature from that at which it solidifies, 32-40°C.

*Why nodules in the inner surface of metal after casting

voids during mixing investment material

*Why nodules in the inner surface of metal after casting

voids during mixing investment material

*If screw is broken, which bur- 6/8

*Lower 46,47 missing. U gave bridge. But the other side teeth not contacted. What would
Supra eruption of the other side

*Patient has a deep bite. The bite was raised anteriorly with composites. Posteriorly which
crowns will you give?

*Patient with deep carious lesion. Endo treatment done. You have decided to give heat
pressable ceramic. what core will you give?
Amalgam pins

*Deep cariuous tooth posterior. Rct done. What crown will you do?
Full metal
Heat pressed

*You see that patient has erosion on the posterior teeth and the lingual side of anterior teeth.
Which crown

*Porcelain tip fractired-

Repair with composite kit

*A 15 year old pt comes. 36 is deep lesion. Endodontist has told to extract. What will u do for
the space-
Fixed fixed bridge

*Correct age to place implants-


*Usually for rct teeth what do we do ?

Answwr- post and core and crown

*A patient comes to you. He has anterior teeth missing. Plaque is there which is mild. He has a
function in the evening. What treatment?
Perio therapy, tooth prep, impression, direct provisional restoration
Perio therapy, diagnostic impression, tooth prep, final impression, indirect provisional

If horizontal bone loss more than 1mm, which Miller's classification- class 2

*what's the latest treatment protocol According to Dahl appliance

soft splints in anteriors *
Hard splints

*What is dolder attachment?


*Mask and gloves

*If u have to get a smooth finish line how shud u do it?

1. Light feather touch continuously
2. Stop do stop do
3. Aerotor at speed of 20000

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