CRIM105 - Module 1
CRIM105 - Module 1
CRIM105 - Module 1
CRIM 105
Instructor I
Title Page 1
Table of Contents 3
Instruction to the User 4
Learning Outcomes 5
Pre-Test 6
Segment 1 -Introduction 7
Segment 2- Historical Background of Juvenile Delinquency and Juvenile 8
Justice System
Segment 3 – Juvenile Delinquency 13
Segment 4 – Gang 15
Segment 5 – Theories of Crime and Delinquency 16
Segment 6 – Female Delinquency Theories 31
Exercises/ Activities 35
Posttest 38
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this module, the students can:
1.) Define juvenile, delinquent person, juvenile delinquency and juvenile crime.
2.) Differentiate between juvenile delinquency and criminality
3.) Understand the nature of delinquency
4.) Recall the historical background of juvenile delinquency
5.) Discuss and summarize the different theories on crimes and delinquency
6.) Identify types of behavioral disorders.
PRE-TEST: To test your prior knowledge please answer the pre-test comprehensively,
provide a space for your answer below. Strictly no screenshots of answer.
1. What is juvenile delinquency?10 pts.
2. Who is JUVENILE?5 pts
3. How does parenting becomes a factor for a child to become a juvenile delinquent?10 pts
Lesson 1. Introduction
I believe the best service to the child is the service closest to the child, and children who
are victims of neglect, abuse, or abandonment must not also be victims of bureaucracy. They
deserve our devoted attention, not our divided.
Attention. By: Kenny Guinn
This chapter presents the historical background of Juvenile Delinquency and Juvenile
Justice System, the theories explaining delinquency, and the applicable theories for female
delinquent. Furthermore, progress check is provided at the end of this chapter.
A lot of reasons were drawn as to why delinquency among the juveniles is augmenting,
likewise criticisms against the law enforcement agencies on why youthful offenses continue
to proliferate. A reminder from one of our heroes’ quotes: “The Youth is the Hope of the
Fatherland” (We were once a Youth), yet I think the excerpt is being conquered due to
hysterical involvement of young individuals to various undesirable activities making them
antisocial. What makes them such delinquent? If there are causes, then what are they and
what are the theories that may elucidate juvenile delinquency? These are just basic questions
which, if answered may enlighten our understanding on juvenile misbehavior issues.
Majority of studies and programs dealing with juvenile delinquency focused on youth
as offenders. However, adolescents are also victims of criminal or delinquent acts. The
continuous threat of victimization is having a serious impact on the socialization of young
men and on their internalization of the norms and values of the larger society. Results of self-
report studies indicate that an overwhelming majority of those who participate in violence
against young people are about the same age and gender as their victims, in most cases the
offenders are males acting in groups. Surveys have shown that men are more likely than
women to become victims.
Young people who are at risk of becoming delinquent often live in difficult
circumstances Children who for various reasons including parental alcoholism, poverty,
breakdown of the family, overcrowding, abusive conditions in the home, the growing HIV/
AIDS scourge, or the death of parents during armed conflicts are orphans or unaccompanied
and are without the means of subsistence, housing and other basic necessities are at greatest
risk of falling into juvenile delinquency.
The problem of juvenile delinquency is becoming more complicated and universal, and
crime prevention programs are either unequipped to deal with the present realities or do not
exist. Many developing countries have done little or nothing to deal with these problems, and
international programs are obviously insufficient. Developed countries are engaged in
activities aimed at juvenile crime prevention, but the overall effect of these programs is rather
weak because the mechanisms in place are often inadequate to address the existing situation.
On the whole, current efforts to fight juvenile delinquency are characterized by the lack of
The Historical and Philosophical Roots of the Juvenile Justice System are:
1. stressing the social contract,
2 the prevention of crime, and
3. the need to make any punishment fit the crime committed.
Four Ds of juvenile justice during the last half of the twentieth century are:
1. deinstitutionalization
2. diversion
3. due process
4. decriminalization
Although diversion was heralded by many, it also had some negative aspects.
Many youngsters who earlier would have been simply released were instead being referred to
the new system of diversionary programs that had sprung up. This process is referred to as
net widening. Many of the diversionary programs did achieve success.
Three factors that have been traced earlier as Youth Services Programs
Breed v. Jones
It recognized that a juvenile cannot be adjudicated in a juvenile court and then tried
for the same offense in an adult criminal court (double jeopardy).
Status Offenses
smoke, drink
skip school,
have bad
use profanity Status companions
Truancy is defined as having unexcused absence from school for a period exceeding 20 days.
- Refers to a person of tender year.
- A minor, a youth or those who are not emancipated by law.
- Those below the age of majority (below eighteen years old)
- Refers to a person below 18 years of age or those but are unable to fully take of
themselves from abuse, neglect, cruelty, exploitation or discrimination because of
physical or mental disability or conditions.
Who is a Delinquent?
A Juvenile delinquent is one who repeatedly commits crime; however, these
juvenile delinquents could most likely have mental disorders behavioral issues such as
schizophrenia, post- traumatic stress disorder or bipolar disorder (Cortes & Gatti, 1972).
What is a Deviant Behavior?
Deviant behavior refers to a behavior that does not conform to norms. These are
behaviors that in some ways do not meet with the expectations of a group or of a society as a
whole. Although this may sound to be a simple description of what deviant behavior is,
understanding what could constitute specific types of deviant behavior faces many problems
and ambiguities. It is therefore important to consider that deviant behavior is relative to many
factors and conditions which are complex and may be complicated to understand. The
following may help us understand our consideration of what deviant behavior is:
1. In terms of Time
The meaning of deviance changes through the years. For example, it was socially
unacceptable to see girls drinking beer or teenagers and women smoking. All these are not
heavily considered now as deviant behaviors.
2. Family Environment
“One reason there are so many juvenile delinquents today is that their parents didn’t burn
their britches behind them.”
Children brought up by lone parents are more likely to start offending than those who
live with two natural parents. Conflict between a child’s parents is also much more closely
linked to offending than being raised by a lone parent. If a child has low parental supervision,
they are much more likely to offend.
Family factor: Its influence in offending a child includes the following:
a. the level of parental supervision,
b. parental conflict or separation,
c. parental abuse or neglect,
d. the way parents discipline a child,
e. criminal parents or siblings, and
f. the quality of the relationship.
The term gang is frequently associated with groups in socially disorganized and
deteriorated inner-city neighborhoods. It is applied to youths who are engaged in a variety of
delinquencies ranging from truancy, street brawls, and beer running to race riots, robberies,
and other serious crimes. Frederic Thrasher, in his 1927 study of more than 1,300 delinquent
gangs ‘in Chicago, noted that while no two gangs are exactly alike, delinquent gangs do
possess a number of qualities that set them apart from other social groups.
Gang Suppression
Suppression could be attained through the use of laws that will allow authorities to
charge gang youths with basic criminal offenses against persons, property, and public order
In some states of United States, one of the most common strategies is the
neighborhood “sweep” in which officers’ sweep through a neighborhood, arresting and
detaining known or Suspected gang members.
Another strategy involves “hot spot targeting” of known gang members and their
hideouts (Curry, Maxson, &Howell, 2001).
b. Jeremy Bentham
He is the second leading pioneer in criminal justice reform in the 18" century. He based
his ideas about crime on the belief that people sought out pleasure and avoided pain. The
correct punishment was one that produced more pain than the pleasure the offender received
from committing crime. The punishment must “fit the crime”. Therefore, no single
punishment was always best; rather a variety of punishments should be used.
Bentham’s ideas radically transformed the 19" century English penal code, known then
as “The Bloody Code”, since people were executed for crimes, such as stealing turnips,
associating with gypsies, and damaging fish ponds. He was a utilitarian who argued that the
purpose of criminal law was to provide for “greatest happiness for the greatest number” of
people had evolved from lower forms of life over millions of years. Then, in Descent of Man,
Darwin suggested that God had not made people in his own image and that there were few
differences between people and criminals (Regoli & Hewitt, 1991).
1. Scientific Study of Crime
Scientific study of crime (Positive School of Criminology) believed that crime was
caused by factors that are in place before the crime occurs. It is presumed that the behavior
was determined by something, and it was their job to discover what it was. Free will had
nothing to do with what people did.
2. Biological Theories
These theories locate the causes of crime inside the person. One early explanation
examined the role of physical appearance.
Body Type and Crime. William Sheldon (1945) Suggested that there
was a relationship between body built and temperament which was known
as the Somatotype Theory. Sheldon believed that human body consisted
of three components such as:
iv. Endomorphy (ic) (Soft Temperament). Endomorphy is
focused on digestive system, particularly the stomach (endoderm);
ii. Historical Studies. In the earlier study, Henry Goddard (Kalikkak Family)
administered intelligence test to prison and jail inmates and discovered that
70% were “feeble- minded”. This extremely high percentage of low intelligence
inmates led the public, social reformers and state legislators to conclude that
low intelligence predisposed people to commit crime. Today, criminologists
rather consistently report link between IQ and delinquency, leading Murray
andHerrnstein to conclude low-IQ people re more prone to criminal behavior.
“People learn criminal behavior through the groups with which they associate. If a person
associates with more groups that define criminal behavior as unacceptable, the person will
probably engage in criminal behavior”.
The main goals in society are the acquisition of wealth and status. The socially approved
ways to achieve them are by getting a good education, job training, and career advancement.
However, for many children, access to legitimate means is blocked. Job opportunities are
not open to them, which creates a problem since they desire wealth and status. This Situation
produces pressure to deviate, and children will resolve this conflict desire in different ways.
Strain theory holds that crime is caused by the difficulty to those in the poverty strata with
regard to achieving socially valued goals by legitimate means. As those with, for instance, poor
educational attainment they have difficulty achieving wealth and status by securing well paid
employment, they are more likely to use criminal means to obtain these goals. Merton's suggests
five adaptations to this dilemma:
a. Innovation: individuals who accept socially approved goals, but not necessarily the
socially approved means.
b. Retreatism: those who reject socially approved goals and the means for acquiring them.
c. Ritualism: those who buy into a system of socially approved means, but lose sight of the
goals. Merton believed that drug users are in this category.
d. Conformity: those who conform to the system’s means and goals.
e. Rebellion: people who negate socially approved goals and means by creating a new
system of acceptable goals and means.
c. Exposure to negative stimuli. An example of a social interaction that may produce this
type of strain is being picked on by classmates or receiving a speeding ticket.
3. Social Control Theories
These theories assume that children are amoral. Without controls on their behavior, they
are inclined to break the law. Delinquency is thus expected behavior. What needs to be explained
is why most children obey society’s rules most of the time.
b. Commitment is a rational component of the bond. it refers to the extent that children
are invested in conventional activities. Commitment controls juveniles because they
know getting into trouble will hurt their chances of becoming successful.
d. Belief in the moral validity of conventional norms is the fourth component of the social
bond. Some children believe more strongly in the legitimacy of society’s rules. Those who
do are less likely to commit delinquencies.
In 1990 Michael Gottfredson and Travis Hirschi published a theory of crime that departed
significantly from Hirschi’s earlier work. in their book, A General Theory of Crime, the
idea of individual self-control took center stage. Self-control and Delinquency by
Gottfredson and Hirschi is based on a simple explanation: Children commit delinquency
when the opportunity is available because crime is gratifying.
Gottfredson and Hirschi think delinquents cannot resist the easy, immediate
gratification that accompanies delinquency because they have low self-control. They are
impulsive, insensitive, physical (as opposed to mental), risk taker, short-sighted, and non-
verbal (Regoli & Hewitt, 1991).
1. Labeling Theory
If labels have such formidable power, why don’t parents label their children as “gifted”,
“intelligent”, or “athletic?” In turn, why don’t youth affix a positive label to themselves and then
allow the self-fulfilling prophecy to occur?
While cultural deviance, strain, and social control theories assume that deviance
leads to social control, labeling theory assumes that social control leads to deviance. Labeling
theorist believed that human nature is malleable, and that personality and behavior are
products of social interaction. Labeling theorists, therefore, emphasize the power of social
response, especially in the form of social control, to produce delinquent behavior. Their concern
is that publicly or officially “labeling someone as a delinquent can result in the person becoming
the very thing he is described as being”.
Tannenbaum rejected the dualistic fallacy-the idea that delinquents and non-
delinquents are two fundamentally different types of people. According to Tannenbaum,
Criminologists previously attributed undesirable qualities, such as atavistic physical features
and intellectual inferiority, to delinquents, which lead to anti-social behavior.
In the concept of Edwin Lemert, he said that not all youths labeled “delinquent” accept
these roles; how receptive they are to such labels depends on their social class. if youth comes
from a family where parents are powerless and poor, he or she is more likely to accept the
assigned delinquent role. Lower-class parents may be frustrated by their situation and disturbed
by inner conflicts. They may be quick to label their children bad or worthless, overreacting to
qualities in their children that remind them of traits they despise in themselves. This leads them
to reject their children and, when trouble occurs, to turn them over the community agencies such
as the juvenile court. Once the child arrives in juvenile court, the individual’s character and
deviant behavior are redefined by the court and related agencies.
Lemert believes that having a juvenile court record formally establishes the youth’s
status as a deviant and segregates him or her from the community. Jail experience and contacts
advance this process, further ensuring that the juvenile will think of him or herself as truly
delinquent. Lemert takes it for granted that institutions fail to rehabilitate. He believes, rather,
that they promote the opposite: recidivism (Lemert, 1951).
Schur thinks the best we can do for children is to leave them alone. He emphasized
three elements of labeling process:
a. stereotyping,
c. negotiation.
Only very serious violations should be brought to the attention of the courts. If a youth is
adjudicated delinquent, he or she should not be committed to a correctional institution but
rather diverted to a less coercive and stigmatizing program. Schur’s call for his policy or radical
nonintervention is a very simple: “Leave kids alone whenever possible”.
Braithwaite explores the nature and impact of shaming, which is one form of labeling.
Shaming takes two forms: disintegrative and re-integrative. Disintegrative shaming is a form
of negative labeling by the juvenile justice system consistent with traditional notions is
counterproductive and tends to likelihood that an offender will develop a deviant identity and
that such identity significantly affects the likelihood of recidivism (Adams, 1996).
2. Conflict Theory
Conflict theory views conflict within society as normal and rejects the idea that society
is organized around a consensus of values and norms. Conflict theorists believe that in its
normal state, society is held together by force, coercion, and intimidation.
The values and norms of different groups are often the basis of conflicting
interest between those groups: Law, therefore, represents the interest held by groups that have
obtained sufficient power or influence to determine legislation. Conflict theory of the Marxist
(Karl Marx) mode suggests that capitalism is the essential root of crime and that repressive
efforts by ruling class to control the ruled class produce delinquency (Regoli & H
7. Strain Theory - Crime is caused by society telling children what to seek without
providing them with the means to do so.
8. Social Control Theory - Juveniles who are not bonded to society are free to
violate its rules.
10. Conflict Theory - Crime is caused by imbalances in power and status (Regoli &
Hewitt, 1991).
Although the earliest explanations of delinquency located its causes in demons and, later,
in free will, they did not make causal distinctions on the basis of the sex of the delinquent. It
was not until the rise of positivistic criminology (Cesare Lombroso), with its early emphasis
on biological and psychological causes of behavior, the female law violators were seen as
uniquely “different” from male criminals.
In The Female Offender, published in 1895, Cesare Lombroso and William Ferrero
applied to females the principles of Lombroso’s earlier work on the male criminal. in as much as
criminals were viewed as “throwbacks”, of atavistic by their nature, the female criminal was also
seen as biologically inferior and distinct to noncriminal women. They believed that women were
lower on the evolutionary scale than men and therefore closer to “primitive” origins.
According to them, women are naturally more childlike, less intelligent, lacking in passion,
more maternal, and weak characteristics that make them less inclined to commit crimes. For
Lombroso and Ferrero, women’s criminality is a product of their biology, but this biology also
keeps most women for crime. They also believed that most female delinquents were only
“occasional criminals”, as were most male delinquents.
Sigmund Freud saw female delinquency arising primarily out of the anatomical inferiority
of women and their inability to deal adequately with Electra complex, which emerges during the
Oedipal stage of development (between age 3 and 6). Freud believed that when girls realize they
have no penis, they sense that they are being punished because boys have something important,
they have been denied. Consequently, they develop penis envy, which results in an inferiority
Envy, and desire for revenge, leads the girl to “act out” as she attempts to compensate for
her inferiority. Freud believed that promiscuous sexual behavior by girls, and eventually
prostitution, grow out of the Oedipal stage of development and repression of early sexual love
for parent of opposite sex.
In The Unadjusted Girl, published in 1923, W.I. Thomas postulated that males and
females are biologically different. Although both males and females are motivated by natural
biological instincts leading to “wish fulfillment”, how they approach the fulfillment of wishes
differs. Thomas identified four (4) distinct categories of wishes:
Thomas believed that women by nature have stronger desires for response and love than
men and that they are capable of more varied types of love as demonstrated by maternal love, a
characteristic atypical of males. This intense need to give and receive love often leads girls into
delinquency, especially sexual delinquency, as they use sex as a means to fulfill other wishes.
However, Thomas did not believe girls were inherently delinquent. Rather, their behaviors are the
result of choices circumscribed by social rules and moral codes designed to guide people’s actions
as they attempt to fulfill their wishes.
In The Criminality of Women, published in 1950, Otto Pollak argued that women are
actually as criminal as men, but their criminality is hidden or “masked”. The masking of their
crimes and delinquencies is a result of “natural” physiological differences in the sexes, as well as
the tendency of males to overlook or excuse offenses by women.
He believed that the physiological nature of women makes them more deceitful than men.
With less physical strength than men, women must resort to indirect or deceitful means to carry
out crimes or to vent theif aggression; women also are more likely to be “instigators” and men
“perpetrators” of crime (Gilligan, 1983).
2. Marxist-Feminist Theories
Marxist-feminist theories combine the notions of patriarchal male dominance in the home
and interpersonal relationships with male control of the means of production. In such an
environment, the criminal justice system “defines crimes as those actions that threaten this
capitalist-patriarchal system”. For example, James Messerschmitt argues that in societies
characterized by patriarchal capitalism, male owners or managers of capital control workers and
men control women. Thus, under patriarchal capitalism, women experience double
marginality: Women are subordinate to both capitalists and men. Messerschmitt suggest that
girls are less likely to be involved in serious delinquencies for three (3) reasons:
a. Most crimes are “masculine” in nature; physical strength, aggressiveness, and external
proofs of achievement are facet of male personality,
b. Because women are subordinate and less powerful, they have fewer opportunities to
engage in serious crimes, and
c. Males control even illegitimate opportunities, and females are relegated to subordinate
roles even in criminal activities.
When women do engage in crime, their criminal activity tends to be a response to their
subordinate and powerless position in patriarchal capitalist society. Such activity may take the
form of privatized resistance (alcoholism, drug abuse, or suicide) or of accommodation
(generally less serious economic crimes including shoplifting, embezzlement, and prostitution).
Differential oppression theory also provides a framework for understanding why girls
become delinquent as well as why they are less inclined to delinquency than males. D.O.T. argues
that adults oppress children as they attempt to impose and maintain adult conceptions of social
Children are perceived as objects, devalued and defined as inferior to adults, and
consequently experience a sense of powerlessness and marginality. Adults impose their social
order on children frequently through oppressive means. Generally, the more oppressed the
child is, the more likely she or he will become delinquent.
Girls in patriarchal societies, however, are doubly oppressed: they are oppressed as
children and as females (recall that earlier Messerschmitt argued that females experience double
marginality) (Regoli & Hewitt, 1991).
Direction: Fill each blank with letter to produce a word related to Juvenile
Delinquency Write a brief definition for each on the line provided below.(10 pts)
1. D __ L __ __ Q __ E N __
2. J __ __ E__ I __E
3. __ A R __ N T __ N G
4. D _V I_NT B _ H_ V I _ R
1. He was a utilitarian figure who argued the purpose of criminal law. That is to provide for
“greatest happiness for the greatest number” of people.
2. Johann Kaspar Lavater suggested this causal theory of crime linking facial figures to
criminality. This theory is commonly known as?
3. This group believed that: “children were born good and became bad”. Juvenile children were
blamed on bad environments and best way to save children was to get them out of “bad” homes
and placed in “good” ones. This group refers to:
4. It refers to the right and responsibility of the government to take care of minors and others who
cannot legally take care of themselves?
5. This was the first house of correction in England. It confined both Children and adults and was
considered as idle and disorderly and became so deplorable that several individuals demanded
reform. This prison is known as:
7. Under the Agnew’s Types of Strain Theory which of the following do not belong to the group?
a. Failure to reach positive goals c. Exposure to negative stimuli
b. Denial of free will d. None of the above
8. The following are well known key reformers in the field of Criminology during the Age of
Enlightenment, except:
Column A
Column B
B. Children commit crimes because they anticipate more benefits from violating the law than
E. Criminal behavior is learned response that has been strengthened because of the
reinforcements it produces.
G. Crime is caused by society telling children what to seek without providing them with the means
to do so.
H. Juveniles who are not bonded to society are free to violate its rules.
I. Crime is caused by societal reactions to behavior, which include exposure to the juvenile justice
1. Discuss the Somatotype Theory of William Sheldon and its relationship to crime. (10pts.)
2. Discuss and distinguish the Strain Theories of Robert Merton, Albert Cohen, and Cloward
and Ohlin. In your own point of view, which one mostly influences juvenile delinquency? Why?
(20 points)
3.Do you agree that parenting could prevent juvenile delinquency? Why or why not?
ALVIOLA, ARMANDO (2012)” Juvenile Delinquency”. Wiseman’s Book Trading Inc.
ASALAN, JARANILLA GAY L. (2012). “Understanding Juvenile Delinquency and
Juvenile Justice”. Hunt Publishing Center.
CHAVEZ, CARMELITA B. (2020)” Juvenile Delinquency and Juvenile Justice
System”. Mind shaper Publishing House.
EDUARDO, JESTER P. (2016).” Juvenile Delinquency and Crime Prevention”.
Wiseman’s Book Trading Inc.
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