Manual de Partes - Compresor Kaeser CE345
Manual de Partes - Compresor Kaeser CE345
Manual de Partes - Compresor Kaeser CE345
A 01
B 01
C 01
D 02
This manual is provided for the operator’s use and reference when ordering parts. An illu-
strated parts breakdown is included for identification. All compressor parts meet the manu-
facturer’s highest quality used in the manufacture of the original equipment.
The parts breakdown lists every part, assembly and sub ---assembly of the compressor
unit. Each part is idendified with a number. The location of and relationship between parts
are clearly illustrated. Questions pertaining to the number, description and needed for each
assembly are dealt with in the following pages.
When ordering parts, furnish the following information to prevent any error:
--- Model designation and serial number of the unit as shown on compressor nameplate
--- Reference number, part number, description and quantity required as listed.
Never use parts other than the ones approved by the manufacturer and listed in this parts
manual. The use of parts not approved by the manufacturer may result in hazardous
conditions, over which the manufacturer has no control, bodily injury, and demage to the
compressor unit. Such action would invalidate the manufacturer’s warranty of the com-
pressor unit.
Fig. 23.01.2002 Material English Français Español 100265.0
100265.0 CSD 75 8,5bar 460/3/60 USA
A01 0013624X Enclosure Capotage Capotage
A 001 1 ST 206761.0 Base frame cpl. Chassis de base cpl. Bastidor de base
A 002 1 ST 7.7277.0 Control cabinet (bare) Arm. électrique (brut) Armario electr. (grueso)
A 003 1 ST 207250.0 Cover, front left Panneau avant gauche Caperuza delante izq.
A 005 1 ST 207578.0 Cover, front right Capot avant droit
A 006 1 ST 207257.0 Cover, right Panneau droite
A 007 1 ST 207255.0 Cover, rear right Panneau arrière droit
A 008 1 ST 207256.0 Cover, rear left Panneau arrière gauche
A 009 1 ST 207258.0 Side part,left Panneau gauche Side part,left
A 010 1 ST 207253.0 Cover, top Capot supérieures
A 011 1 ST 207261.0 Upright, lft.of Pilier gauche arm. élec.
A 012 1 ST 207262.0 Upright, rt. of Pilier droit arm. élec.
A 013 1 ST 207576.0 Bracket f. control cabine Bracket f. control cabine Bracket f. control cabine
A 014 1 ST 207265.0 Upright, right Pilier droit
A 015 1 ST 207271.0 Cross strut, upper right Renforcement sup droite
A 016 1 ST 207263.0 Upright,rear,right Pilier arrière droite
A 017 1 ST 208007.0 Control cabinet support Porte-câbles arm. élec.
A 018 1 ST 207586.0 Fixing f. pressure transd Support p. capteur de pre
A 019 4 ST 207577.0 Hook Crochet
A 020 1 ST 207579.0 Hook Crochet
A 021 8 ST 6.4113.0 Headless screw galv Vis sans tête zing. Torn. de vástago galv.
A 022 1 ST 9.2211.0 Hinge Charnière Hinge
A 026 3,100 M 9.1554.1 Gasket Joint caoutchouc Junta
A 030 3 ST 9.4791.0 Access door fastener SERRURE Access door fastener
A 031 5 ST 9.0944.00010 Doorfastner 3 mm A=55 L Serrure CERRADURA
A 032 1 ST 207268.0 Upright, rear, center Pilier du milieu arrière
A 033 4 ST 6.3683.0 Pad,rubber,type D 70Sh Tampon amort.type D 70Sh DONA DE HULE (PIE)
A 037 1 ST 207575.0 Inlet duct
A 038 1 SA 5.6484.0 Pre-cut foam cpl. Kit d’insonorisation cpl.
A 039 1 ST 207264.0 Inlet duct air filter
A 041 1 ST 207584.0 Hook Crochet Hook
A 057 1 ST 207726.0 Cover plate Tôle de protcection
A 058 2 ST 6.1683.0 Self-drilling screw galv Vis perceuse zing. Torn. perforador galv.
A 060 1 ST 207668.0 Grill
A004 1 ST 207251.0 Control cabinet door Porte armoire électrique Puerta armario electr.
A023 1 ST 5.3221.0 Trim f.control panel Panneau de protection CONVEX COVER
A024 1 ST 5.3223.0 Panel Aufsatzteil
Fig. 23.01.2002 Material English Français Español 100265.0
100265.0 CSD 75 8,5bar 460/3/60 USA
A024A 4 ST 6.1683.0 Self-drilling screw galv Vis perceuse zing. Torn. perforador galv.
A025 1 ST 5.4886.0 Label Etiquette Pegatina
A027 1 ST 7.7000.0 Compr. Controller Sigma C Sigma Control Type 1 Sigma Control Tipo 1
A028 1 ST 5.3039.0 Flat gasket Joint plat Flat gasket
A029 1 ST 5.3041.0 Frame f. Sigma-Control Support - Sigma-Control Frame f. Sigma-Control
A034 1 ST 7.3629.0 Emergency Stop Button Bouton d’arrêt d’urgence Botón parada de emergenci
A035 1 ST 7.2751.00150 Control cabinet ventilato Control cabinet ventilato
A036 1 ST 7.2752.00060 Austrittsfilter Austrittsfilter Austrittsfilter
Fig. 23.01.2002 Material English Français Español 100265.0
100265.0 CSD 75 8,5bar 460/3/60 USA
B01 0013643X Drive system Systeme d’entrainement Systeme d’entrainement