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c222 HYDRAULIC SYSTEM4038567-1900SRM1476 - (10-2014) - UK-EN

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RS45-27CH, RS45-31CH, RS46-36CH, RS46-41L

CH, RS46-41S CH, RS46-41LS CH, RS45-24IH,
RS45-28IH, RS46-33IH, RS46-38L IH, RS46-38S
IH, RS46-38LS IH (RS45-27, RS45-31, RS46-36,
RS46-41L, RS46-41S, RS46-41LS) [C222];
RS45-27CH, RS45-31CH, RS46-36CH, RS46-41L
CH, RS46-41S CH, RS46-41LS CH, RS46-33IH,
RS46-38L IH, RS46-38S IH, RS46-38LS IH
(RS45-27CH, RS45-31CH, RS46-36CH,
RS46-41L CH, RS46-41S CH, RS46-41LS CH)

PART NO. 4038567 1900 SRM 1476

• The Service Manuals are updated on a regular basis, but may not reflect recent design changes to the
product. Updated technical service information may be available from your local authorized Hyster®
dealer. Service Manuals provide general guidelines for maintenance and service and are intended for
use by trained and experienced technicians. Failure to properly maintain equipment or to follow in-
structions contained in the Service Manual could result in damage to the products, personal injury,
property damage or death.
• When lifting parts or assemblies, make sure all slings, chains, or cables are correctly fastened, and
that the load being lifted is balanced. Make sure the crane, cables, and chains have the capacity to
support the weight of the load.
• Do not lift heavy parts by hand, use a lifting mechanism.
• Wear safety glasses.
• DISCONNECT THE BATTERY CONNECTOR before doing any maintenance or repair on electric lift
trucks. Disconnect the battery ground cable on internal combustion lift trucks.
• Always use correct blocks to prevent the unit from rolling or falling. See HOW TO PUT THE LIFT
TRUCK ON BLOCKS in the Operating Manual or the Periodic Maintenance section.
• Keep the unit clean and the working area clean and orderly.
• Use the correct tools for the job.
• Keep the tools clean and in good condition.
• Always use HYSTER APPROVED parts when making repairs. Replacement parts must meet or ex-
ceed the specifications of the original equipment manufacturer.
• Make sure all nuts, bolts, snap rings, and other fastening devices are removed before using force to
remove parts.
• Always fasten a DO NOT OPERATE tag to the controls of the unit when making repairs, or if the unit
needs repairs.
• Be sure to follow the WARNING and CAUTION notes in the instructions.
• Gasoline, Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG), Compressed Natural Gas (CNG), and Diesel fuel are flamma-
ble. Be sure to follow the necessary safety precautions when handling these fuels and when working
on these fuel systems.
• Batteries generate flammable gas when they are being charged. Keep fire and sparks away from the
area. Make sure the area is well ventilated.

NOTE: The following symbols and words indicate safety information in this

Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death
or serious injury.

Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in minor
or moderate injury and property damage.

On the lift truck, the WARNING symbol and word are on orange back-
ground. The CAUTION symbol and word are on yellow background.
Table of Contents


General .....................................................................................................................................................................1
Description and Operation ......................................................................................................................................1
Hydraulic Pumps ................................................................................................................................................ 1
LS System ............................................................................................................................................................2
Hydraulic Plate ................................................................................................................................................... 2
Manifold Section ................................................................................................................................................. 3
Service Brake .................................................................................................................................................. 9
Parking Brake .................................................................................................................................................9
Main Control Valve ...........................................................................................................................................10
Description .................................................................................................................................................... 10
Operation ...................................................................................................................................................... 10
Derrick Spool ............................................................................................................................................ 10
Spreader Spool ..........................................................................................................................................10
Telescope Spool .........................................................................................................................................10
LS Relief Valve ......................................................................................................................................... 10
Relief Valve ...............................................................................................................................................10
Brake Manifold ..................................................................................................................................................12
Cooling Circuit .............................................................................................................................................. 12
Flow Amplifier ...................................................................................................................................................13
Derricking Functions ........................................................................................................................................ 14
Load Holding Valve (Derricking) ................................................................................................................. 14
Load Holding Valve (Extension) .................................................................................................................. 15
Heat Exchanger System ................................................................................................................................... 16
Steering Control System ...................................................................................................................................16
Flow Amplifier .............................................................................................................................................. 16
Brake System .................................................................................................................................................... 16
Oil-Cooled Brakes (Service Brakes) ................................................................................................................. 16
Hydraulic Pump Repair ........................................................................................................................................ 17
General .............................................................................................................................................................. 17
Remove .............................................................................................................................................................. 17
Install .................................................................................................................................................................17
Load Sense and Pressure Controller Valve on Pump ..................................................................................... 18
Remove .......................................................................................................................................................... 18
Clean ..............................................................................................................................................................18
Inspect ........................................................................................................................................................... 18
Assemble ....................................................................................................................................................... 19
Install ............................................................................................................................................................ 19
Derricking Circuit ................................................................................................................................................. 19
Repair ................................................................................................................................................................ 19
Load Holding Valve ...................................................................................................................................... 19
Remove ......................................................................................................................................................19
Disassemble .............................................................................................................................................. 19
Clean and Inspect .....................................................................................................................................20
Assemble ................................................................................................................................................... 20
Install ........................................................................................................................................................20
Derricking Cylinders .................................................................................................................................... 21
Boom Extension Circuit ........................................................................................................................................ 21
Repair ................................................................................................................................................................ 21
Load Holding Valve ...................................................................................................................................... 21
Remove ......................................................................................................................................................21


Table of Contents


Disassemble .............................................................................................................................................. 21
Clean and Inspect .....................................................................................................................................22
Assemble ................................................................................................................................................... 22
Install ........................................................................................................................................................22
Boom Extension Cylinder .............................................................................................................................22
Attachment ............................................................................................................................................................ 23
Description and Operation ............................................................................................................................... 23
Other Hydraulic Components ...............................................................................................................................23
Description and Operation ............................................................................................................................... 23
Relief Valves in Steering System .................................................................................................................23
Dampening Cylinders ...................................................................................................................................23
Hydraulic Filters .......................................................................................................................................... 23
Hydraulic Filters ...............................................................................................................................................24
Suction Filters ...............................................................................................................................................24
High Pressure Filter .....................................................................................................................................25
Brake Filter ...................................................................................................................................................25
Return Line Filters .......................................................................................................................................26
Hydraulic Tank Breathers ................................................................................................................................27
Checks and Adjustments .................................................................................................................................. 27
Main Function Relief Valve Pressure, Check ............................................................................................. 27
Specifications .........................................................................................................................................................29
Hydraulic Pumps Output at 2100 rpm (Governed Speed) ..............................................................................29
Cummins 300Hp (224 kW)/335 Hp (250 kW)/350Hp (261 kW) Engine .....................................................29
Relief Valves (Approximate Operating Pressures) ......................................................................................... 29
Check Port Pressures ........................................................................................................................................29
Main Hydraulic Filters ..................................................................................................................................... 29
Tank Capacity ................................................................................................................................................... 29
Torque Specifications ............................................................................................................................................ 30
Attachment Control Valve ................................................................................................................................30
Carriage Solenoid Valve ................................................................................................................................... 30
Troubleshooting .....................................................................................................................................................30

This section is for the following models:

RS45-27CH, RS45-31CH, RS46-36CH, RS46-41L CH, RS46-41S CH, RS46-41LS

CH, RS45-24IH, RS45-28IH, RS46-33IH, RS46-38L IH, RS46-38S IH, RS46-38LS
IH (RS45-27, RS45-31, RS46-36, RS46-41L, RS46-41S, RS46-41LS) [C222];
RS45-27CH, RS45-31CH, RS46-36CH, RS46-41L CH, RS46-41S CH, RS46-41LS
CH, RS46-33IH, RS46-38L IH, RS46-38S IH, RS46-38LS IH (RS45-27CH,
RS45-31CH, RS46-36CH, RS46-41L CH, RS46-41S CH, RS46-41LS CH) [D222]

1900 SRM 1476 General

This section has the description and operation of • Stabilizer 2120SRM1361
the hydraulic system. The section also has repair • Extendable Container Attachment
procedures and troubleshooting for most of the (Elme) 5000SRM0776
components of the derricking, telescoping, and
attachment systems. The complete hydraulic • Intermodal Container Attachment
system includes the circuits for the steering system, 5000SRM0777
brake system, stabilizer (if equipped), and
attachment. See the following sections for Also, see the following sections for other hydraulic
description, operation, and repair information of components:
hydraulic components in these systems: • Brake Accumulator 1800SRM1036
• Steering System 1600SRM1109 • Boom 4500SRM1260
• Parking Brake 1800SRM1117 • Hydraulic Schematics in Diagrams
• Service Brake 1800SRM1038 8000SRM1491

Description and Operation

The hydraulic system is based on a variable load There are three Variable Displacement Pumps on
sensed system electrically operated. the truck. See hydraulic schematics in Diagrams
8000SRM1491. The function of these three pumps
The main components are as follows: are as follows:
• Three Variable Displacements Pumps (VDP) • VDP 1 - supplies oil directly to the main con-
• The Main Control Valve trol valve for derricking up/down, extend/
retract, and ELME attachment.
• Main Manifold
• VDP 2- supplies oil to the flow amplifier to
• Load Holding Valves supply flow to the steering system when nee-
• Orbitrol and Flow Amplifier for the steering ded. All excess flow is supplied to the main
system control valve and main manifold.
• Fan Motor • VDP 3, on the back of pump 2, supplies oil
• Hydraulic Oil Cooler for the high pressure filter, fan drive, and
brake cooling system.
• Brake Manifold
The variable displacement pumps are based on the
HYDRAULIC PUMPS load sense principle, when means that they only
will supply flow when requested.
Three VDPs supply the flow of oil for the compo-
nents of the hydraulic system. See Figure 1. These
pumps are driven by a power take-off arrangement
on both sides of the transmission housing.

Description and Operation 1900 SRM 1476

The LS (Load Sense) system works on the following

When pressure is required for the steering, main

valve functions or accumulator charge these compo-
nents create a load sense pressure signal to the ap-
propriate pumps. With this pressure signal the
VDP pumps will supply the amount of flow re-
quired to build up the demanded pressure. When
two or more functions are operated at the same
time, the highest pressure signal will be leading.
When there is no pressure signal the pumps will al-
ways supply 0.29 MPa (4.2 psi) known as standby

Most of the valves in the hydraulic system are in-
stalled on the hydraulic plate. See Figure 2. The
module is installed on isolators in a compartment
in the middle of the frame. Covers give access to
the module, which can be removed on the top side
of the frame. The components of the hydraulic plate
are as follows:
• Manifold with most of the hydraulic system
valves and test ports
• Main control valve
• Brake manifold
1. PRESSURE CONTROLLER • Flow amplifier
Figure 1. Hydraulic Plate Sections

1900 SRM 1476 Description and Operation



Figure 2. Hydraulic Plate Sections

MANIFOLD SECTION Orfice ORF1 - reduces the amount of flow into the
See Figure 3 and Figure 4 for further information.
Screens SC1 and SC2 - protect the components
The manifold consists of the following hydraulic inside the manifold and components receiving oil
functions: Brake accumulator charge, park brake from the manifold from large particles and debris.
actuation, supply pressure and flow for the Power
Slifing cab. Actuate the Main Valve functions, disa- Orfice ORF3 - reduces the oil flow from the der-
ble accumulator charge, disable VDP1, supply pres- rick system into the manifold used to generate pilot
sure and flow for Power Dampening. pressure for the main valve to be able to lower
while the engine is not running.
The manifold consists of the following components:
Check Valves CV1, CV2, and CV4 - regulate the
Inlet Pressure Reducer Valve PR1 - reduces the flow into the manifold and prevent the flows to
manifold inlet pressure 21.5 MPa (3118 psi) to pro- main valve, derrick system, and power dampening
tect other components in the manifold. to mix up.

Description and Operation 1900 SRM 1476

Accumulator Charge Valve UP1 - This valve is Dampening Reducer Valve PR5 - reduces the
normally open. It connects the LS signal for the Power Dampening system pressure to
charge pump to tank. It compares the accumulator 0.35 MPa (51 psi).
pressure with its setting. If the accumulator pres-
sure is low, it will close the and the LS signal will Park Brake Valve SV1 - releases/applies the park
activate the pump to charge the accumulator. When brake.
the accumulator pressure reaches the preset value,
the charge valve will open and de-activate the Pressure Reducer Valve PR2 - reduces the park
charge pump. pressure to 14 MPa (2031 psi).

NOTE: The pressure/volume stored inside the accu- Power Cab Sliding Reducer PR3 - reduces
mulator is used to supply the pressure for the Power Sliding Cab Pressure 2.5 MPa (363 psi).
brakes and when installed, for the sliding cab.
When the system is working properly, the charge Orfice ORF4 - reduces the flow to the sliding cab
cycle will be longer than 12 minutes when no func- circuit.
tions are applied.
Coil CL2 and CL4 - Energized by the hydraulic
The accumulator can be charged 3 ways: controller to activate solenoid valves.
1. By the accumulator charger.
Orfice ORF2 - Reduces the amount of flow to the
2. When a hydraulic function is actuated and charge system.
the system pressure is high.
3. By the pressure inside the derrick cylinders Pilot Pressure Reducer Valve PR4 - reduces the
when emergency lowering is applied. pilot pressure to 3.5 MPa (508 psi).

Check Valve CV3 - prevents oil from the accumu- Electronic Hydraulic Pressure Reducer
lator to leak back into the system. EHPR1 - sends a pressure signal to the main valve
spools (derrick down), proportional with the electric
Charge Disable Valve SF1 - is normally closed. input signal.
When it receives a signal from the hydraulic con-
troller, it opens and the LS flow signal for the Electronic Hydraulic Pressure Reducer
charge pump will be disabled. EHPR2 - sends a pressure signal to the main valve
spools (derrick up), proportional with the electric
Second Pump Disable Valve SV2 - disables input signal.
Pump1 when main functions are applied and the
requested torque from the pumps exceeds the avail- Electronic Hydraulic Pressure Reducer
able torque of the engine. This valve receives input EHPR3 - sends a pressure signal to the main valve
from the hydraulic controller. spools (AUX), proportional with the electric input
signal to supply the desired flow to the attachment
Orfice ORF6 - reduces the amount of flow to functions.
Pump1 to have it start up slow when activated.
Electronic Hydraulic Pressure Reducer
Check Valves CV5, CV6, and CV7 - prioritize the EHPR4 - sends a pressure signal to the main valve
LS signals for charge, steer, and main valve. They spools (boom extend), proportional with the electric
also protect the system from high pressures in the input signal.
main valve circuit.
Electronic Hydraulic Pressure Reducer
Constant Flow Valve FR1 - relieves the LS pres- EHPR5 - sends a pressure signal to the main valve
sure from pump 2 when this pump is not activated. spools (boom retract), proportional with the electric
input signal.

1900 SRM 1476 Description and Operation

NOTE: The following table indicates hydraulic connections to/from the manifold. Lettering in parenthesis
indicates location and is stamped on manifold. See hydraulic schematics in Diagrams 8000SRM1491.

Hydraulic Line Connection

Location Connection Connection Connection
From Main Control
P1 A4 Main Valve A4 Telescope Out
From Main Control
P2 Valve (Derrick, B4 Main Valve B4 Telescope In
XA1, XA2)
From Main Control
PD T1 Drain Line To Hydraulic Tank
Valve (Aux "XA3")
ACC T2 From Cab Manifold (T)
Service Brake
S Pressure Supply T3 From Derrick Load Holding Valve (Drain "D")
To Cab
Park Brake
P Pressure Supply STR LS Line From/To Flow Amplifier
To Brake Manifold
Power Cab Sliding
PSLC LS2 LS Line To Pump 2
Main Valve A1/A2
A1 LSMV LS Line From/To Main Control Valve
Derrick Up
Main Valve B1/B2
B1 LS1 LS Line To Pump 1
Derrick Down
Main Valve A3
A3 To Attachments

Description and Operation 1900 SRM 1476

NOTE: Items are valves, measurement ports, and pressure switches. Numbers in parenthesis indicate loca-
tion and are stamped on manifold.

Item/Stamping on Manifold Description Torque

UP1 Charge Valve 34-37 N•m (301-327 lbf in)
SV1 Solenoid Valve Park Brake 25.8-28.6 N•m (228-253 lbf in)
SV2 Solenoid Valve Pump2 Active 25.8-28.6 N•m (228-253 lbf in)
SF1 Solenoid Valve Charge Disable 25.8-28.6 N•m (228-253 lbf in)
SC1, SC2 Screen Filter 32.6-35.4 N•m (288-313 lbf in)
PR2 Pressure Reducer Park Brake 32.6-35.4 N•m (288-313 lbf in)
PR4 Pressure Reducer Pilot System 32.6-35.4 N•m (288-313 lbf in)
PR5 Pressure Reducer Pilot System 32.6-35.4 N•m (288-313 lbf in)
Pressure Reducer Dampening
PR3 32.6-35.4 N•m (288-313 lbf in)
PR1 Pressure Reducer Manifold Inlet 32.6-35.4 N•m (288-313 lbf in)
PLG2, 4, and 6 Plug 26 N•m (230 lbf in)
CL1 Coil 9.5-13.6 N•m (84-120 lbf in)
CL2 Coil 5.4-6.8 N•m (48-60 lbf in)
Electro Hydraulic Pressure
EHPR1, 2, 3, 4, and 5
CH1 Capscrews 1.2-1.5 N•m (11-13 lbf in)
CV1, 2 Check Valve 32.6-35.4 N•m (288-313 lbf in)
CV3, 4 Check Valve 25.8-28.6 N•m (228-253 lbf in)
CV5, 6, and 7 Check Valve 5.4-6.8 N•m (48-60 lbf in)
ORF1, 2, and 6 Orfice Plug 5.4-6.8 N•m (48-60 lbf in)
Orfice Plug, Located behind Screen
ORF3 5.4-6.8 N•m (48-60 lbf in)
Orfice Plug, Located behind
ORF4 5.4-6.8 N•m (48-60 lbf in)
Pressure Reducer

1900 SRM 1476 Description and Operation

Figure 3. Manifold Schematic

Description and Operation 1900 SRM 1476

Figure 4. Manifold

1900 SRM 1476 Description and Operation

Legend for Figure 4


Service Brake Parking Brake

Oil pressure from accumulator is supplied to brake Oil pressure from accumulator is also supplied to
treadle. The right-hand pedal only activates the the pressure switch that operates the warning light
service brakes. The left-hand pedal first disengages in event of low brake pressure and to the solenoid
the transmission, then the service brakes will be valve for the parking brake. The solenoid valve for
activated. Both pedals will engage the brake pres- the parking brake is located in the main manifold
sure switch to operate the stop lights. For brake and can be operated by a switch located on the in-
treadle pressures, see Measurements and Adjust- strument panel. The solenoid valve is normally
ments. Brake pressure to the brake valve can be energized during operation for oil pressure to com-
measured at check port MACC, Brake pressure to press the spring to release parking brake. For fur-
service brake can be measured at check port MSB4. ther information on the brake circuit, see the sec-
tion Service Brake 1800SRM1038.

Description and Operation 1900 SRM 1476

MAIN CONTROL VALVE This prevents air and debris from entering into the
Both spools are selected simultaneously.
The main control valve contains 5 sections. See Fig-
ure 5 and Figure 6. Spreader Spool

The main control valve controls the operation of the The spreader AUX function is a fixed P and T line
derricking (2 sections), boom extension (2 sections), system.
and auxiliary (AUX) to control the attachment
function. See Figure 5 and Figure 6. The main con- For all functions only one side of the spool is oper-
trol valve is fastened to a plate in the frame. ated. The electro-proportional system selects the
appropriate pilot signal to the spool, which provides
All spools have metering notches to improve the the desired flow. The maximum oil flow is
control of oil flow. When the joystick or a hydraulic 110 liter/min (29 gal/min).
switch is operated, a pilot pressure is generated
and activates the end of a spool. Each spool has Telescope Spool
springs that return the spool to the NEUTRAL po-
sition as soon as the control is released. The Telescope spools supply pressure to the piston
side of the telescope cylinder and opens a tank line
Operation to the rod side to extend the telescope cylinder.

The main control valve controls the derricking, To retract the cylinder, the telescope spool supplies
boom, and auxiliary functions. These functions can pressure to the rod side of the cylinder an opens a
be activated simultaneously. tank line to the piston side of the cylinder.

The main control valve is equipped with a pressure Both spools are selected simultaneously.
compensator system to level out the pressure differ-
ences between the different functions, such that the LS Relief Valve
flow is divided to all required functions. This allows
for good controllability of the functions when acti- The LS relief valve is set at 26 MPa (3771 psi). It
vated simultaneously. determines the max load sense signal to the pumps.

Derrick Spool Relief Valve

The derrick spools supply pressure to one side of The pressure relief valve is set at
the cylinder and open a tank line to the other side. 30 MPa (4351 psi). This is to relief pump pressure
(Alternating P and T system). in case the LS pressure is too high.

With lowering the spools create an opening to the

tank and an additional opening to have oil from the
bottom of the cylinder flow to the rod side of the cyl-

1900 SRM 1476 Description and Operation

Figure 5. Main Control Valve Schematic

Figure 6. Main Control Valve

Description and Operation 1900 SRM 1476

The brake manifold regulates and directs the flow
of oil for the brake cooling circuit, service brake,
and parking brake.

Cooling Circuit

Cooling oil for the oil-cooled brakes comes from the

60cc/rev piston pump (VDP3). From the pump, the
oil flows through the fan motor and high pressure
filter with thermostatic bypass valve to the service
brakes at each drive wheel. If the oil is above
65°C (149°F), the themostatic bypass valve will di-
rect the oil through the air-to-oil heat exchanger
before it goes to the brakes. A relief valve keeps the
pressure in the brake assemblies below
140 kPa (20 psi). Oil from the brakes returns
through a filter (20 micron), with a 35 kPa (5 psi)
bypass, to the hydraulic tank. See Figure 7 and
Figure 8.
Figure 8. Brake Manifold

Figure 7. Brake Manifold Schematic

1900 SRM 1476 Description and Operation

The flow amplifier regulates and directs flow of oil
to the steering cylinder. See Diagrams
8000SRM1491. The flow amplifier increases oil flow
five times more than pilot input flow from steering
control unit. The rate of oil flow to steering cylinder
is directly proportional to rate of pilot flow from
steering control unit. The flow amplifier receives oil
from the VDP2. When there is no steering demand,
the priority valve in the flow amplifier allows oil to
flow from pump to main control valve. The pressure
of hydraulic oil supplied to amplifier can be checked
at check port MLS2. For further information, see
Steering System 1600SRM1109. See Figure 9 and
Figure 10.

Figure 10. Flow Amplifier

Figure 9. Flow Amplifier Schematic

Description and Operation 1900 SRM 1476


Load Holding Valve (Derricking) 1. BLOCKING VALVE

These blocks mounted on the base of each derrick 4. IMPACT RELIEF VALVE
cylinder have the following functions: 5. BALANCE SELECTOR VALVE
• Blocks the piston side of the cylinder for un-
wanted leakage threw the main valve. The
blocking valve will be closed when no LH2
signal is applied.
• Lowering control valve, limits the max. flow
from the piston side of the derricking cylin-
der during lowering.
• Regeneration valve, connects the rod side
with the piston side when two speed lifting
signal LH1 is applied. The RV is activated by
the regeneration activation valve.
• Impact relief valve releases the pressure on
the piston side when the boom is hit during
backing up.
• The balance selector valve is connected with
hydraulic hoses to the left and right derrick-
ing cylinder. During lowering of the derrick-
ing cylinders the balance selector valve will
be open and regulates the pressure so that
the pressure is equal in the left and right
derricking cylinder. During lifting of the der-
Figure 12. Load Holding Valve (Derricking)
ricking cylinders the balance selector valve is
closed. See Figure 11 and Figure 12.

Figure 11. Load Holding Valve (Derricking)


1900 SRM 1476 Description and Operation

Load Holding Valve (Extension)

This block mounted on the base of the telescope cyl-

inder has the following functions:
• Blocks the piston side of the cylinder for un-
wanted leakage threw the main valve. When
telescope retract function is applied the rod
side must be pressurized to open the blocks.
• Regeneration valve connects the rod side
with the piston side when two speed tele-
scope extend is applied. The RV is activated
by the regeneration activation valve. See Fig-
ure 13 and Figure 14.

Figure 14. Load Holding Valve (Extension)


Figure 13. Load Holding Valve (Extension)

Hydraulic Pump Repair 1900 SRM 1476

HEAT EXCHANGER SYSTEM lator maintains the brake pressure and oil flow to
brakes at each drive wheel. The system also sup-
The heat exchanger system is used to cool the hy- plies oil flow and pressure to operate the parking
draulic system oil. The VDP3 circulates oil from the brake on the drive line near the differential. See
hydraulic tank through the thermostatic bypass the section Service Brake 1800SRM1038.
valve to the brakes. If the oil is above 65°C (149°F),
the valve starts sending the oil through the air-to- Oil pressure from the accumulator is supplied to
oil heat exchanger for cooling. See Cooling Sys- the brake treadle. The right-hand pedal only acti-
tem 0700SRM1530 and Diagrams 8000SRM1491. vates the service brakes. The left-hand pedal first
activates an electrical signal, and via the APC 200
STEERING CONTROL SYSTEM controller, will fully disengage the transmission.
The service brakes will then be activated. Both ped-
The steering control system has a steering unit and als will engage the brake pressure switch to oper-
a flow amplifier. See Hydraulic Schematic. The ate the stop lights. For service brake and service
steering unit is actuated by the steering wheel. Hy- brake treadle pressures, see Table 1. Brake pres-
draulic pilot lines connect the steering unit in the sure can be measured at check port MACC on main
cab to the flow amplifier on the hydraulic plate in manifold and MSB4 located under treadle valve.
the frame. Two large hydraulic lines connect the
flow amplifier and the steering cylinder. See the Table 1. Brake Treadle Settings
section Steering System 1600SRM1109
Service Brake
Service Brake (MACC)
Oil not used for steering flows to the inlet of the Treadle (MSB4)
main control valve. Oil returning from the steering 16.5 to 21.5 MPa (2393 Maximum
cylinder flows to the flow amplifier, return mani- to 3118 psi) 16 MPa (2320 psi)
fold, and back to the tank.
Flow Amplifier BRAKES)
The steering unit is a manual metering pump. The Oil for activating the service brakes comes from the
action of steering sends hydraulic signals from the accumulator. The service brake pedal (treadle
control unit to the flow amplifier. The flow ampli- valve) controls the pressure of the oil to the service
fier then sends a regulated flow of oil to the steer- brake piston at each drive wheel. See the section
ing cylinder. The output from the flow amplifier to Service Brake 1800SRM1038.
the steering cylinder is five times larger than the
input from the steering unit. The pressure of the hydraulic oil supplied to the
brake manifold can be checked at check port MACC
BRAKE SYSTEM on the main manifold.

Oil from the VDP1 and VDP2 goes to an accumula- The hydraulic line to the brake manifold is also
tor charge valve to ensure the brake system has functioning as a return line when the brake/inching
enough pressure to operate the brakes. See Hy- treadle is not operated. Oil flows back through the
draulic Schematic. A pressure switch connected to brake/inching treadle and return manifold to the
the brake circuit operates a warning light for the hydraulic tank
operator when brake pressure is low. The accumu-

1900 SRM 1476 Hydraulic Pump Repair

Hydraulic Pump Repair

GENERAL 8. Disconnect the pump case bleeder lines at the
NOTE: Worn or damaged seals are the most com-
mon cause of hydraulic pump repair. The seals can 9. Disconnect the pump load sense lines from the
be replaced in the hydraulic pump. The pump pressure controller.
thrust plates, bearings, gears, and shafts also wear.
Replace a worn or damaged hydraulic pump. For 10. Remove and discard O-rings.
making repairs to components within the hydraulic
system, see the following sections: WARNING
• Service Brake 1800SRM1038 Each pump assembly weighs approximately
• Steering System 1600SRM1109 45 kg (100 lb) and can cause injury or damage if it
falls. Verify that the pump assembly is properly
• Parking Brake 1800SRM1117
supported before removing capscrews.
REMOVE 11. Remove capscrews and pump assembly from
the torque converter housing. See Figure 15.
Lower boom completely before working on con-
trol valve or hydraulic system. The boom can 1. Clean flange on the VDP assembly and mount-
lower suddenly and cause injury if the boom is ing surface on the torque converting housing.
not lowered. This procedure will make sure that
the boom cannot lower suddenly and cause injury
or death. WARNING
Each pump assembly weighs approximately
NOTE: The truck has 3 variable displacement 45 kg (100 lb) and can cause injury or damage if it
pumps. This procedure is the same for all VDPs. falls.
1. Place the truck on a solid and level surface. 2. Install pump assembly on the torque converting
housing. Use a sealant on the flange of the
2. Lower boom.
pump assembly. Tighten capscrews to
3. Extend the boom to lower the oil level in the 90 N•m (66 lbf ft).
3. Install all new O-rings and ensure they are
4. Shut down the engine. seated properly.

5. Remove covers on the topside of the frame. 4. Connect the hydraulic hoses to the pump as-
sembly. Tighten capscrews for flange of high-
NOTE: The pump assembly has two suction hoses pressure hoses to 190 N•m (140 lbf ft). If neces-
and two high-pressure lines. sary, tighten capscrews for flange of suction
hose to 88 N•m (65 lbf ft).
NOTE: When disconnecting the suction hose at the
variable displacement pump, raise hose quickly and
install a plug to avoid leakage from the hose. WARNING
Never start the engine when pumps are not filled
6. Disconnect suction hose at the variable dis- with oil. Verify that the pumps are filled with oil by
placement pump. removing the drain line and fill the pump chamber
by using the drain opening. Otherwise this can
7. Disconnect high-pressure line at the outlet port
cause serious damage and loss of durability to
on the pump side of the variable displacement
the pump(s).
pump. Raise the end of the line above hydraulic
tank platform until a plug is installed in the 5. Start engine and operate hydraulic system.
line. Check that functions work correctly.

Hydraulic Pump Repair 1900 SRM 1476


NOTE: These steps apply to removal and installa-
tion of the pressure controller on both primary and
secondary variable displacement pumps.

1. Remove capscrews that retain the pressure con-

troller to the VDP. See Figure 16.

2. Remove capscrews and remove pressure con-


1. Clean the mating surfaces of the VDP and the
pressure controller. Remove and discard all O-

1. Inspect all mating surfaces for scratches or
gouges that may hinder a proper seal and oper-
ation of the pressure controller or VDP.

2. VDP3
3. VDP2
4. VDP1

Figure 15. Variable Displacement Pump

Do not try to locate hydraulic leaks by putting
hands on pressurized hydraulic components. Hy-
draulic oil can be injected into the body by pres-
2. VDP
6. Check for leaks. 3. PRESSURE CONTROLLER
7. Install covers on the topside of the frame. Figure 16. Load and Pressure Controller

1900 SRM 1476 Derricking Circuit

Assemble 2. Install capscrews that retain the pressure con-

troller to the VDP and hand tighten.
1. Install all new O-rings and ensure they are
seated properly. 3. Torque capscrews. Refer to the section Torque
Specifications for the correct torque procedure.
1. Place the pressure controller into its original
position on the VDP.

Derricking Circuit
REPAIR 6. Remove capscrews that fasten the load holding
valve assembly to the derricking cylinder.
Load Holding Valve
7. Remove the load holding valve.
WARNING NOTE: Only use plugs that have been cleaned in
Lower boom completely before working on con- solvent.
trol valve or hydraulic system. The boom can
NOTE: In the event that seals are missing, check
lower suddenly and cause injury if the boom is
manifold for missing seals and remove.
not lowered. This procedure will make sure that
the boom cannot lower suddenly and cause injury NOTE: Cartridge valves are not field serviceable
or death. with exception of external seals and electrical sole-
noids. In event of a defective component, completely
NOTE: All valves and other associated items in-
replace valve.
stalled on the load holding valve can be replaced.
Before removal of any part, check that the area is NOTE: Check load holding valve housing for
clean and protected against dirt and fluid contami- cracks. If there are cracks in load holding valve, the
nation. load holding valve must be replaced.
NOTE: The load holding valve does not need to be
The valve seals are serviceable parts of the load
removed when replacing associated valves.
holding valve. Use the following procedures for re-
1. Place the truck on a solid and level surface. pair:

2. Lower boom. 1. Unscrew the cartridge valve from the load hold-
ing valve. See Figure 17.
3. Shut down the engine.
2. Check that all seals are attached to cartridge
4. Put tags for identification on electrical wires. valve.
Disconnect the electrical wires from the load
holding valve. 3. Install a temporary plug in place of cartridge
5. Put tags for identification on hydraulic lines.
Disconnect the hydraulic lines from the load
holding valve. Put caps on the open lines, ports,
or other connectors.

Derricking Circuit 1900 SRM 1476

Clean and Inspect

Cleaning solvents can be flammable and toxic and
can cause skin irritation. When using cleaning
solvents, always follow the solvent manufac-
turer’s recommended safety precautions. Com-
pressed air can move particles and cause injury
to the user or to other personnel. Verify com-
pressed air path is away from all personnel. Wear
eye protection.

1. Clean cartridge valve in solvent and carefully

dry the parts with compressed air.

2. Inspect the bores for damage. If there are

scratches or other damage, the load holding
valve must be replaced.

3. Inspect the fittings, O-rings, and check valves

for damage. Replace damaged parts if neces-

1. Install new seals.

2. Lubricate component/valve with clean hy-

draulic oil before installation.

3. Remove temporary plug.

4. Install and torque component/valve to value lis-

ted in the section Torque Specifications.

2. SOLENOID VALVE SPEED ACTIVE 1. Position the load holding valve assembly on the
3. IMPACT RELIEF VALVE derricking cylinder.
5. PLUG 2. Install capscrews that fasten the load holding
7. PLUG valve assembly onto the derricking cylinder.
9. CONNECTOR 3. Remove caps and connect the hydraulic lines to
10. PLUG the load holding valve assembly according to
11. PLUG the identification tags made during removal.
13. PLUG 4. Connect the electrical wires to the load holding
14. BLOCKING VALVE valve assembly according to the identification
Figure 17. Load Holding Valve Assembly tags made during removal.

1900 SRM 1476 Boom Extension Circuit

Derricking Cylinders
Do not try to locate hydraulic leaks by putting See the section Boom 4500SRM1260 for descrip-
hands on pressurized hydraulic components. Hy- tion, operation, and repair information of the der-
draulic oil can be injected into the body by pres- ricking cylinders.

5. Start the engine and operate the hydraulic sys-

tem. Check that functions of the load holding
valve work correctly. Check for any leaks.

Boom Extension Circuit

REPAIR 6. Remove capscrews that fasten the load holding
valve assembly to the rear side of the extension
Load Holding Valve cylinder.

Remove 7. Remove the load holding valve assembly.

Lower boom completely before working on con- NOTE: Only use plugs that have been cleaned in
trol valve or hydraulic system. The boom can solvent.
lower suddenly and cause injury if the boom is
NOTE: In the event that seals are missing, check
not lowered. This procedure will make sure that
manifold for missing seals and remove.
the boom cannot lower suddenly and cause injury
or death. NOTE: Cartridge valves are not field serviceable
with exception of external seals and electrical sole-
NOTE: All valves, and other associated items in-
noids. In event of a defective component, completely
stalled on the load holding valve, can be replaced.
replace valve.
Before removal of any part, check that the area is
clean and protected against dirt and fluid contami- NOTE: Check load holding valve assembly for
nation. cracks. If there are cracks in load holding valve, the
load holding valve must be replaced.
NOTE: The load holding valve does not need to be
removed when replacing associated valves.
The valve seals are serviceable parts of the load
1. Place the truck on a solid and level surface. holding valve. Use the following procedures for re-
2. Lower boom.
1. Unscrew the cartridge valve from the load hold-
3. Shut down the engine. ing valve. See Figure 18.
4. Put tags for identification on electrical wires. 2. Check that all seals are attached to cartridge
Disconnect the electrical wires from the load valve.
holding valve.
3. Install a temporary plug in place of cartridge
5. Put tags for identification on hydraulic lines. valve.
Disconnect the hydraulic lines from the load
holding valve. Put caps on the open lines, ports,
or other connectors.

Attachment 1900 SRM 1476

3. Inspect the fittings, O-rings, and check valves

for damage. Replace damaged parts and replace
if necessary.

1. Install new seals.

2. Lubricate component/valve with clean hy-

draulic oil before installation.

3. Remove temporary plug.

4. Install and torque component/valve to value lis-

ted in the section Torque Specifications.

1. Position the load holding valve assembly on the
extension cylinder.
1. REGENERATION VALVE 2. Install capscrews that fasten the load holding
2. CHECK VALVE valve assembly onto the rear side of the exten-
6. LOAD HOLDING VALVE 3. Remove caps and connect the hydraulic lines to
7. LOAD HOLDING VALVE the load holding valve assembly according to
the identification tags made during removal.
Figure 18. Load Holding Valve Assembly
4. Connect the electrical wires to the load holding
valve assembly according to the identification
Clean and Inspect tags made during removal.

Cleaning solvents can be flammable and toxic and Do not try to locate hydraulic leaks by putting
can cause skin irritation. When using cleaning hands on pressurized hydraulic components. Hy-
solvents, always follow the solvent manufac- draulic oil can be injected into the body by pres-
turer’s recommended safety precautions. Com- sure.
pressed air can move particles and cause injury
5. Start the engine and operate the hydraulic sys-
to the user or to other personnel. Verify com-
tem. Check that functions of the load holding
pressed air path is away from all personnel. Wear
valve work correctly. Check for any leaks.
eye protection.

1. Clean cartridge valve in solvent and carefully Boom Extension Cylinder

dry the parts with compressed air.
See the section Boom 4500SRM1260 for descrip-
2. Inspect the bores for damage. If there are tion, operation, and repair information of the boom
scratches or other damage, the load holding extension cylinder.
valve must be replaced.

1900 SRM 1476 Other Hydraulic Components

DESCRIPTION AND OPERATION • Extendable Container Attachment
(Elme) 5000SRM0776
VDP1 and VDP2 supplies oil (max. • Intermodal Container Attachment
110 liter/min (29 gal/min)) to operate the hydraulic 5000SRM0777
functions of the attachment circuit.

See the following sections for description, opera-

tion, and repair information of hydraulic compo-
nents on the attachments:

Other Hydraulic Components

DESCRIPTION AND OPERATION The following hydraulic filters are used in the hy-
draulic system:
Relief Valves in Steering System • Two suction filters (150 micron).

See the section Steering System 1600SRM1109 NOTE: Drain the hydraulic tank before removing
for more information on the steering relief valve. the inspection cover.

The suction filters are located in the hy-

Dampening Cylinders
draulic tank and are accessible through the
See the section Boom 4500SRM1260 for descrip- inspection cover. All flow of oil to the hy-
tion, operation, and repair information of the draulic pumps is filtered through the suction
dampening cylinder. filters.
• High pressure filter (5 micron).
Hydraulic Filters The high pressure filter is located in the fan
drive/brake cooling circuit. In this system
NOTE: Hydraulic filter cartridge needs to be re- there always is a minimum amount of oil
placed when indicator on dash panel is illuminated. flow. The high pressure filter is equipped
with an indicator.
From the hydraulic tank, the flow of oil goes
• High-pressure screen filter (200 micron).
through three 150 micron filters to the hydraulic
The high pressure screen filter is located in
pumps. The VDP1 provides oil flow to the main
the main manifold on the hydraulic plate.
valve accumulator and pilot system. The oil for
The high pressure filter is the last catch fil-
these systems will pass through screen filter (200
ter to filter oil flow to the pilot and brake
micron) in the main manifold. The VDP3 provides
oil flow to the fan drive and cooling circuit. The oil
will pass through a high-pressure hydraulic filter (5 • Two return line filters (5 micron).
micron). Finally, the flow of oil returned by the re- The two return line filters are located in the
turn manifold, is filtered through two return line hydraulic tank and accessible on the topside
filters (5 micron) and then flows into the hydraulic of the hydraulic tank. The return line filters
tank. are filtering the flow of oil returned by the
return manifold to the hydraulic tank.

Other Hydraulic Components 1900 SRM 1476

HYDRAULIC FILTERS 8. Remove suction filters by turning each filter

Suction Filters
9. Install new suction filters by turning each filter
1. Lower boom completely. clockwise.

2. Shut down the engine and apply the parking NOTE: Only use seal rings specified by your local
brake. Hyster dealer. Using seal rings other than specified
can lead to hydraulic oil leakage.
3. Apply brakes minimum 10 times to relieve hy-
draulic pressure from the accumulator. 10. Install inspection cover using seal rings and
4. Drain hydraulic oil from hydraulic tank.
11. Torque bolts to 51 N•m (38 lbf ft).
5. Remove bolts retaining the inspection cover.
See Figure 19. 12. Fill hydraulic tank with hydraulic oil, as speci-
fied in the section Periodic Maintenance
6. Remove seal rings. 8000SRM1263.
7. Remove inspection cover. 13. Start engine and check system operation.



Figure 19. Suction Filters

1900 SRM 1476 Other Hydraulic Components

High Pressure Filter Brake Filter

1. Lower boom completely. 1. Lower boom completely and close shutoff valves
on the bottom of the hydraulic tank.
2. Shut down the engine and apply the parking
brake. 2. Shut down the engine and apply the parking
3. Loosen the bowl by using a wrench to turn the
bowl counterclockwise. See Figure 20. 3. Loosen the brake filter by using a wrench to
turn the bowl counterclockwise. See Figure 20.
4. Remove filter cartridge.
4. Remove filter cartridge.
5. Insert new filter cartridge.
5. Insert new filter cartridge.
6. Install the bowl by turning the bowl clockwise.
6. Install the bowl by turning the bowl clockwise.
7. Torque the bowl to 20 N•m (14.7 lbf ft).
7. Torque the bowl to 20 N•m (14.7 lbf ft).
8. Start engine and check system operation.
8. Start engine and check system operation.




Figure 20. High Pressure/Brake Filter

Other Hydraulic Components 1900 SRM 1476

Return Line Filters

1. Lower the boom completely.

2. Shut down the engine and apply the parking


3. Remove the capscrews retaining the cover of

the filters. See Figure 21.

4. Remove the cover and O-ring.

5. Remove the spring.

NOTE: The filter cartridge has a tray on the bot-

tom outside edge of the filter which catches rough
dirt and particles. Be careful not to spill the rough
dirt or particles from the tray when removing the

6. Carefully remove the filter cartridge.

7. Install new filter cartridge.

NOTE: Verify the O-ring is in good condition. Re-

place if necessary.

NOTE: Only use an O-ring specified by your local

Hyster dealer. Using an O-ring other than specified
can lead to hydraulic oil leakage.

8. Lightly grease the O-ring with lubrication

grease and position the O-ring correctly in the

9. Install spring.

10. Place the cover in position and retain with cap-


11. Torque capscrews to 26 N•m (19 lbf ft).

12. Start engine and check system operation.


Figure 21. Return Line Filters

1900 SRM 1476 Other Hydraulic Components


To remove and replace the filter cartridge, proceed Main Function Relief Valve Pressure, Check
as follows:
NOTE: The relief valves in the main manifold,
1. Shut down the engine and apply the parking main control valve, and flow amplifier are adjusta-
brake. ble. If a relief pressure is not within specifications,
adjust the relief valve.
2. Loosen the cap by turning cap counterclock-
wise. See Figure 22. 1. Connect a gauge to the check port to check re-
lief valve pressure. See Table 2 for the correct
3. Remove filter cartridge. gauge used on the check ports.

4. Clean the inside of the housing with solvent. 2. Start engine. Run engine until temperature of
hydraulic oil is 55 to 65°C (130 to 150°F).
5. Insert the new filter cartridge.
3. Check pressure gauge according to the specifi-
6. Install the cap by turning cap clockwise. cations shown in Table 3.
7. Start the engine and check operation of indica- 4. To adjust a relief valve setting, remove cap.
tor. Loosen lock nut and use an Allen wrench to
turn adjuster screw. Turn adjuster screw clock-
wise to increase pressure. To lower pressure,
first lower pressure below required value by
turning adjuster screw counterclockwise and
then increase pressure to required level. When
relief pressure is correct, tighten lock nut and
install cap. Check the setting after tightening
the lock nut. During tightening the lock nut,
the setting can be influenced. Adjust again, if

4. CAP
Figure 22. Hydraulic Tank Breathers

Specifications 1900 SRM 1476

Table 2. Gauge Ranges

Check Port Valve Pressure Gauge Range

MACC Accumulator and Service Brake Pressure 0 to 28 MPa (0 to 4000 psi)
MSB4 Service Brake Treadle Pressure 0 to 28 MPa (0 to 4000 psi)
MP1 Pump Pressure 0 to 28 MPa (0 to 4000 psi)
MLS1 Load Sense Pressure to Pump 1 0 to 28 MPa (0 to 4000 psi)
MLS2 Load Sense Pressure to Pump 2 0 to 28 MPa (0 to 4000 psi)

Table 3. Pressure Settings

Check Correct Pressure Procedure Relief/Valve

MLS2 21 to 22.5 MPa (3046 to Engine running at full throt- On Steering amplifier
3263 psi) tle. Turn steering wheel until
steering wheel spindle is
against stop on axle. Remain
MACC upper limit: 20 to Engine running at idle (850 UP1 on Main Manifold
21 MPa (2901 to 3046 psi) rpm). Measure complete
lower limit: 16 to charge cycle.
17.5 MPa (2321 to 2538 psi)
upper limit: 22 to Engine running at idle (850 PR1 on Main Manifold
23 MPa (3191 to 3336 psi) rpm). Extend derricking cylin-
ders. Remain operating
MSB4 maximum: 16 MPa (2320 psi) Engine running at idle (850 Brake valve, no adjustments
rpm). Brake pedal fully pres- possible
MLS1 25.5 to 27.0 MPa (3699 to Engine running at idle (850 On main valve
3916 psi) main relief pressure. rpm). Extend derricking cylin-
ders. Remain operating.
MLS2 16.8 to 21.0 MPa (2437 to Engine running at idle (850 UP1 on main manifold
3046 psi) during charging. rpm). Measure complete
charge cycle.
25.5 to 27.0 MPa (3699 to Engine running at idle (850 On main valve
3916 psi) main relief pressure. rpm). Extend derricking cylin-
ders. Remain operating.
MP1 0.25 to 0.35 MPa (36 to Engine running at idle (850 Pilot valve on pump
51 psi) rpm).
Pressure pump 1 when not 2.9 MPa (421 psi) higher then
fully stroked. MLS1
Pressure pump 2 when not 2.1 MPa (305 psi) higher then
fully stroked. MLS2

1900 SRM 1476 Torque Specifications

HYDRAULIC PUMPS OUTPUT AT 2100 MACC - Accumulator Charge Valve (upper
RPM (GOVERNED SPEED) limit) (stop charging)
20 to 21.5 MPa (2901 to 3118 psi)
Cummins 300Hp (224 kW)/335 Hp (250 kW)/
350Hp (261 kW) Engine MLS1 - Load Sense Pressure to Pump 1 (accu-
mulator charging)
Main Valve Pump [130 cm3 (7.93 in.3) per revo- 16.5 to 20.5 MPa (2393 to 2973 psi)
266.5 liter/min (70.4 gal/min) MLS1 - Load Sense Pressure to Pump 1 (main
relief pressure)
Steering Pump [130 cm3 (7.93 in.3) per revolu- 25.5 to 27.0 MPa (3699 to 3916 psi)
266.5 liter/min (70.4 gal/min) MLS2 - Load Sense Pressure to Pump 2 (steer-
ing relief pressure)
Brake Pump [60 cm3 (2.75 in.3) per revolu- 21.0 to 22.5 MPa (3046 to 3263 psi)
MLS2 - Load Sense Pressure to Pump 2 (main
82 liter/min (22 gal/min)
relief pressure)
RELIEF VALVES (APPROXIMATE 25.5 to 27.0 MPa (3699 to 3916 psi)
OPERATING PRESSURES) MP1 - Pressure Pump 1 (not fully stroked)
Main Control Valve (higher than LS1)
26.0 MPa (3771 psi) 2.5 MPa (363 psi)

Parking Brake Circuit MP1 - Pressure Pump 2 (not fully stroked)

17.0 to 17.5 MPa (2466 to 2538 psi) (higher than LS2)
1.5 MPa (218 psi)
Steering Circuit
21.5 MPa (3118 psi) MSB4 - Service Brake Treadle Pressure (at
2100 rpm)
Container Attachment Maximum 16 MPa (2321 psi)
14.0 MPa (2030 psi)
M STEER - Steering Circuit (at 2100 rpm)
Power Pile Slope Circuit 21.0 to 22.5 MPa (3046 to 3263 psi)
21.0 MPa (3046 psi)
Dampening Circuit
2.5 to 3.0 MPa (363 to 435 psi) Main Return Line Filter (bypass pressure)
250 to 350 kPa (36 to 51 psi)
Twist Lock Circuit
8.3 MPa (1204 psi) Brake Filter (bypass pressure)
35 kPa (5.0 psi)
Sideshift Circuit
12.4 MPa (1799 psi) High Pressure Filter (bypass pressure)
.34 MPa (49 psi)
Extend/Retract Circuit
8.6 MPa (1247 psi) TANK CAPACITY
630 liter (166 gal)
MACC - Accumulator Charge Valve (lower
limit) (start charging)
16 to 17.5 MPa (2321 to 2538 psi)

Troubleshooting 1900 SRM 1476

Torque Specifications
ATTACHMENT CONTROL VALVE Pilot Valve Mount Capscrews
9 N•m (80 lbf in)
Cover Capscrews
Mount Capscrews Solenoid Capscrews
14 N•m (124 lbf in) 6.3 N•m (56 lbf in)

Solenoid Capscrews Mount Capscrews

2.3 N•m (20 lbf in) 14 N•m (124 lbf in)



All hydraulic problems. Electrical signals. Check hydraulic fault codes and
electrical system and repair.

No hydraulic function. No pilot pressure. Check stand by pressure MP1.

Spool is not moving. Inspect or replace defective spool.

Hydraulic function will not stop. Spool return spring is damaged. Inspect or replace spring.

Spool is not moving. Inspect or replace defective spool.

Cylinders move slowly or do not Pressure relief valve has a defect. Check pressure, repair or adjust
move. relief valve.

Hydraulic pump has a defect. Check pressure, repair or replace

hydraulic pump.

Cylinder seal has defects. Repair or replace cylinder.

Hydraulic pressure is high. Pressure relief valve has a defect. Repair or replace relief valve.

Pressure relief valve is not adjus- Adjust relief valve.

ted correctly.

Restriction in return line. Replace hydraulic return filters.

Delay occurs between command Low pilot pressure. Check stand by pressure MP1.
and movement.

Air in system. Bleed the system.

1900 SRM 1476 Troubleshooting


Boom extension cylinder retracts Cylinder seal has defects. Repair cylinder.
when joystick is in NEUTRAL po-

Pump does not switch back at re- Main relief is lower than LS re- Check and adjust if necessary.
lief pressure. lief in main valve.

Derricking UP: No movement. Cartridge CM10 not activated. 1. Check if spool is on hand
2. Push manual override but-
ton CM10 (under plastic
cap). When operating is
possible during button
pushed, electrical signal is
not applied or solenoid is
defect. When 24 volts are
available, then solenoid

LMI signal overload is active. 1. Check display (overload

2. Electrical wire damage
(LMI line).

Relief valve incorrect values. Check correct value and adjust if


Impact relief in left-hand valve Adjust LS relief.

too low.

Derricking UP: Not possible lift LH1 still active (2-speed signal). 1. Check electrical signal of
load or maximum load. both LH valves (right-
hand and left-hand). Elec-
trical signal must be 0
2. Check if spool 1 and/or 2
are sticking. Check pres-
sure MP1 (relief pressure
must be
26 MPa (3,771 psi)). Be
sure to first use the emer-
gency lowering to lower
the load, then check
spools. Clean if necessary.

Troubleshooting 1900 SRM 1476


Derricking DOWN: No movement. LH2 no signal when function is 1. CM1 activated but no sig-
applied. nal when function is ap-
plied. 24 volts must be
2. Check if spool 1 and/or 2
are sticking. Be sure to
first use the emergency
lowering to lower the load,
then check spools. Clean if
3. Electrical wire damage.

LMI input signals are not correct. Check for correct value and ad-
just if necessary.

Telescope OUT: No movement. CM11 no signal. 1. Check if spool is on hand

2. Push manual override but-
ton CM11 (under plastic
cap). When operating is
possible during button
pushed, electrical signal is
not applied or solenoid is
defect. When 24 volts are
available, then solenoid

LMI signal overload is active. 1. Check display (overload

2. Electrical wire damage
(LMI line).

Telescope OUT: Slow movement. No 2-speed function. LH3 no sig- Check electrical signal. Must be
nal. 24 volts.

1900 SRM 1476 Troubleshooting


Telescope IN: No movement. CM12 no signal. 1. Check if spool is on hand

2. Push manual override but-
ton CM12 (under plastic
cap). When operating is
possible during button
pushed, electrical signal is
not applied or solenoid is
defect. When 24 volts are
available, then solenoid
3. Check if spool 4 is sticking.
Be sure to first use the
emergency lowering to
lower the load, then check
spool. Clean if necessary.

Telescope IN: Slow movement. No 2-speed function. CM13 no 1. Check if spool is on hand
signal. temperature.
2. Push manual override but-
ton CM13 (under plastic
cap). When operating is
possible during button
pushed, electrical signal is
not applied or solenoid is
defect. When 24 volts are
available, then solenoid
3. Check if spool 4 is sticking.
Clean if necessary.

Telescope function slow with/with- No signal. Check if spool 4 and/or 5 are

out load. sticking. Be sure to first use the
emergency lowering to lower the
load, then check spools. Clean if

Unintended slow movement der- Electrical signal LH2 and/or LH4 1. Check switch on dash-
rick down or telescope in. available. board is in operating posi-
2. Check if spool 1 and/or 2
and/or 4 are not sticking.
Be sure to first use the
emergency lowering to
lower the load, then check
spools. Clean if necessary.



1900 SRM 1476 10/14 (7/11)

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