Beta Decay: Introduction To Nuclear Science
Beta Decay: Introduction To Nuclear Science
Beta Decay: Introduction To Nuclear Science
4 Branching ratios
4 Branching ratios
4 Branching ratios
Based on the Fermi’s golden rule the probability for the decay with
electron momentum between pe and pe + dpe taking into account
distorted waves and Coulomb interactions is
λ(pe )dpe = g 2 | Mif |2 F (Zd , pe )(Q − Te )2 pe2 dpe (1)
2π 3 ~7 c 3
The electron/positron spectra as a function of momentum for
undistorted waves are symmetric with respect to
p0 = 2me Q (2)
The electron spectra as a function of momentum for distorted waves
are shifted to lower momenta by Coulomb attraction.
The positron spectra as a function of momentum for distorted waves
are shifted to higher momenta by Coulomb repulsion.
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The transition rate per fixed electron momentum
The statistical phase space factor for the three body decay
The f -function
ln(2) me5 c 4 2
λ= = g | Mif |2 f (Zd , Q) (5)
t1/2 2π 3 ~7
The ft value
Let us look at the product of the f function and the β-decay half life.
For a decay, this product is refereed to as the ft-value
2π 3 ~7 1 1
ft = f (Zd , Q)t1/2 = 5 4
ln(2) 2 2
∝ 2 (6)
me c g | Mif | g | Mif |2
We are going to set aside the study of the weak interactions but we
will discuss the impact of the nuclear structure.
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The selection rules
with J~p and J~d being the spin of the parent and the daughter and
Fermi β decay
Fermi decay
n p e−
Gamow-Teller β decay
Gamow−Teller decay
n e− ν
For the maximum angular momentum for the emission from the
L Lc
L = rp =⇒ p = =⇒ E = pc = (10)
r r
For L = 1~ and r = 5 fm
~c 197 [MeV fm]
E= = ≈ 20 [MeV] (11)
r 5 [fm]
The above implies that leptons are emitted preferentially with no
orbital angular momentum.
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The selection rules
As a consequence, the larges β-decay rates are for the processes with
L = 0, the processes with L = 1, L = 2 and L = 3 are possible but
have rapidly fast decreasing probabilities or increasing lifetimes.
The parity
imposes the following condition on the parity of the initial and final
πp = πd (−1)L =⇒ ∆π = πp πd = (−1)L (13)
with L being the magnitude of the lepton angular momentum ~L.
Type L ∆π ∆~J
~S = ~0 ~S = ~1
Fermi Gam-Tel
super-allowed 0 + 0 0
allowed 0 + 0 0,1
first forbidden 1 - 0,1 0,1,2
second forbidden 2 + 1,2 1,2,3
third forbidden 3 - 2,3 2,3,4
First, let us consider the decay between the parent 0+ state and the
daughter 0+ state, for example
O →14 N(0+ , E = 2.313 MeV) + e − + ν̄ (14)
Allowed β-decay of O
super-allowed 2.9-3.7 0 + 0 0
allowed 4.4-6.0 0 + 0 0,1
first forbidden 6-10 1 - 0,1 0,1,2
second forbidden 10-13 2 + 1,2 1,2,3
third forbidden > 15 3 - 2,3 2,3,4
Branching ratios in the decay of As
The Q value for the decay increases far from stability, one way to see
that is to examine the mass parabolas.
For nuclei far from the line of stability the β decay may populate
states in the daughter which are above the particle separation energy.
This happens near the proton dripline for the protons or near the
neutron driplines for the neutrons.
For a great article describing the pathway for this experiment please
check this link
For now the weak interactions are the only fundamental interactions
showing non conservation of parity.
Wu experiment