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Difference Between Direct and Compound Reaction

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Direct and compound nucleus reaction

Introduction to Nuclear Science

Simon Fraser University

Spring 2011

NUCS 342 — March 21, 2011

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1 Scenarios for nuclear reactions

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1 Scenarios for nuclear reactions

2 Direct reactions

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1 Scenarios for nuclear reactions

2 Direct reactions

3 The neutron stripping (d, p) reaction

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1 Scenarios for nuclear reactions

2 Direct reactions

3 The neutron stripping (d, p) reaction

4 Compound nucleus reactions

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1 Scenarios for nuclear reactions

2 Direct reactions

3 The neutron stripping (d, p) reaction

4 Compound nucleus reactions

5 Boltzmann’s distribution

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1 Scenarios for nuclear reactions

2 Direct reactions

3 The neutron stripping (d, p) reaction

4 Compound nucleus reactions

5 Boltzmann’s distribution

6 Resonant compound nuclear reactions

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Scenarios for nuclear reactions

The number of interactions

There are two extreme scenarios for nuclear reactions:
Projectile and target are within the range of nuclear forces for the very
short time allowing for an interaction of a single nucleon only. These
type of reactions are called the direct reactions.

Projectile and target are within the range of nuclear forces for the time
allowing for a large number of interactions between nucleons. These
type of reactions are called the compound nucleus reactions.

Interaction time is critical for defining the reaction mechanism.

Direct reactions are well described as a one-step transition from the

initial state in the entrance to the final state in the exit channel.

The opposite is true for the compound nucleus reactions. In fact the
number of steps involved in these types of reactions is so large that
can only be handled using statistical methods.
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Direct reactions

Types of direct reactions

Direct reactions include:

stripping, for example neutron stripping in the (d, p) reaction,
pickup, for example neutron pick up in the (p, d) reaction,
break-up: A + B → A + C + D (note that this is not a binary reaction),
knock-out, a reaction in which a single nucleon or a light cluster is
removed from the projectile by a collision with the target.

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Direct reactions

Significance of direct reactions

Direct reactions are widely used as a tool to study nuclear interactions

and nuclear reaction dynamics.

A proper quantum mechanical treatment has been developed for

single-step reactions.

Comparison between measured and calculated observables such as

total and differential cross sections as well as angular distributions of
the products is used to deduce information about the properties of
the reactions and interacting nuclei.

The nuclear structure of nuclei in the entrance and exit channel has a
direct impact on direct reaction dynamics.

Predictive power for direct reactions is of importance for

understanding nucleosynthesis and production of elements in stars.

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Direct reactions

When is a reaction direct?

Note that transfer leads to the same products as stripping or pick-up,

but this by itself does not implicate that the transfer is direct.

For the reaction to be direct, it is imperative to involve a single

nucleon interaction.

This implicates reactions at high energy to limit the time available for
multiple internuclear interactions.

Truly, there is always some non-direct component in reactions studied

experimentally, the goal is to limit these as much as possible.

Quantum mechanics can study (limited) number of multi-nucleon

interactions via so called “coupled channel method” but the predictive
power decreases quickly with the number of channels involved.

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Direct reactions

Characteristics of direct reactions

Direct reactions are fast (time scale to be estimated in the next slide).

Direct reactions require projectile energy larger than ∼ 5 MeV/Ap .

Direct reactions happen on the surface rather than in the volume of

interacting nuclei.

Direct reaction products have highly anisotropic, forward focused,

angular distributions in the centre of mass reference frame.

Angular distributions of direct reaction products are sensitive to the

momentum transfer and parity change during the reactions.

Based on the selection rules from angular momentum and parity

conservation the angular distribution measurements in direct reactions
yield spin and parities of states populated in the exit channel.

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Direct reactions

The time scale of direct reactions

The time scale of direct reaction is equal to the range of nuclear force
in the interaction divided by the relative speed of the projectile and
the target.

For the range of nuclear forces let us use the sum of the nuclear radii
plus ∆ = 2 fm:
1/3 1/3
R = Rp + RT + ∆R = 1.2 · (Ap + AT ) + 2 [fm] (1)

From the centre of mass transformation we know that the relative

speed is the same in the lab and in the centre of mass frame thus we
can use the initial lab speed
s s
2E 2E
v= = c (2)
mp Ap uc 2

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The neutron stripping (d, p) reaction

The time scale of the neutron stripping

Let us consider the 56 Fe(d, p)57 Fe neutron stripping reaction at the
beam energy of 15 MeV.
The relative speed is
s r
2E 2 ∗ 15
v= c= c = 0.127c (3)
Ap uc 2 2 ∗ 931.5
The range of nuclear forces is
R = Rp + RT + ∆R = 1.2 · (21/3 + 561/3 ) + 2 = 8.1 [fm] (4)
The speed of light is
c = 3 × 108 [m/s] = 3 × 108 [fm/fs] = 3 × 1023 [fm/s] (5)
The time for the reaction is
R 8.1
t= = = 2.1 × 10−22 [s] (6)
v 0.127 ∗ 3 × 1023
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The neutron stripping (d, p) reaction

The kinematic of the neutron stripping (d, p) reaction


pp pn

pn2 = pd2 + pp2 − 2pd pp cos θ (7)

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The neutron stripping (d, p) reaction

The kinematic of the neutron stripping (d, p) reaction

From the law of cosines and reaction kinematics

pn2 = pd2 + pp2 − 2pd pp cos θ (8)

From the conservation of angular momentum and fact that the

reaction occurs at the surface

L2 = l(l + 1)~2 = R 2 pn2 (9)

with R being the radius of the interaction.

Above equations imply a relationship between the angular momentum

l transferred in the reaction and the angle of emission θ of the
l(l + 1)~2
= pd2 + pp2 − 2pd pp cos θ (10)
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The neutron stripping (d, p) reaction

Angular distribution in the neutron stripping (d, p) reaction

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Compound nucleus reactions

Characteristics of compound nucleus reaction

The direct reactions involve a single-nucleon interaction and are fast.

In contrast, compound nucleus reaction involve many nucleon-nucleon

interactions, in fact very many so these collisions lead to a complete
thermal equilibrium (equal energy partition between nucleons) inside
the compound nucleus.

Since energy equilibration require time, the compound nucleus

reaction are significantly slower than direct reactions.

The compound system releases energy by emission of neutrons,

protons, α particles and γ-rays, but has a lifetime on the order of
10−19 s.

The 10−19 s may seem short but it is ∼1000 times longer than the
characteristic time for direct reactions.

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Compound nucleus reactions

Independence hypothesis

The idea of compound nucleus formation comes from Niels Bohr, who
postulated equilibration of energy.

A direct consequence of the equilibration is in the fact that the decay

of compound nucleus should not depend on the way the compound
nucleus is formed.

A way to think about it is to realize that with the large number of

collisions between the nucleons in the compound the information on
the entrance channel is completely lost from the system.

This idea is sometimes expressed by a statement that the compound

nucleus loses memory on the way of its formation.

Consequently, the decay of the compound depends only on the mass

and atomic numbers, excitation energy and angular momentum.

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Compound nucleus reactions

Compound nucleus formation

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Compound nucleus reactions

Compound nucleus excitation functions

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Compound nucleus reactions

Thermal equilibrium in compound nucleus reactions

Equilibration of energy is one of the key hypothesis for the compound

nucleus reactions.

Thermal equilibration implies that particles emitted from the

compound nucleus have Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution, very much
like vapour molecules escaping from a liquid.

This hypothesis can be tested experimentally.

Moreover, if confirmed, the fit to measured Maxwell-Boltzmann

distribution of particles provides information on the temperature and
density of state in the compound system.

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Compound nucleus reactions

Maxwell distribution

The Maxwell distribution describes a probability of an particle in ideal gas

to move with a speed v . The properly normalized distribution is

 m 3 mv 2
Φ(v )dv = exp − 4πv 2 dv .
2πkT 2kT

with Z ∞
Φ(v )dv = 1.

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Compound nucleus reactions

Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution

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Compound nucleus reactions

Maxwell distribution

For particles in ideal gas kinetic energy dominates over all other types of
mv 2
E =K =
The Maxwell distribution as a function of energy is:
Φ(E )dE = 2 exp − dE ,
π(kT )3 kT

with Z ∞
Φ(E )dE = 1

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Boltzmann’s distribution

Boltzmann distribution

Boltzmann generalized Maxwell’s distribution by proposing that for any

system the probability of existing in a state of energy E is given by
Φ(E )dE = Ng (E ) exp − dE ,

with g (E ) being a factor defining number or density of states at energy E

and N being the normalization constant defined by the condition
Z ∞
Φ(E )dE = 1

Boltzmann distribution is valid for a large number of systems, especially at

large temperatures. It is invalid if quantum properties of the system start
to dominate, which usually happens at low temperatures.

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Boltzmann’s distribution

Thermal equilibrium in compound nucleus reactions

Another indication of thermal equilibrium comes from angular

distribution of the products.

If the system is equilibrated, the information about the beam, or the

projectile direction is lost.

Consequently, the only direction which can be defined is the direction

of the angular momentum of the compound system.

Angular distributions of compound reaction products are symmetric

with respect to the direction of the spin of the compound.

This should be contrasted with the direct reactions which show highly
anisotropic angular distributions.

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Boltzmann’s distribution

Cross section for compound nucleus reactions

Based on the independence hypothesis the cross section for a

compound nucleus reaction

A+a→C →B +b (11)

can be factorized into

σ(A, a, B, b, Ea ) = σC (A, a, EC , IC )PC (B, b, Ec , Ic ) (12)

with σC (A, a, EC , IC ) being the cross section for formation of the

compound nucleus C with the excitation energy EC and angular
momentum IC by the entrance channel A + a and PB,b (Ec , Ic ) being
the probability for the decay of the compound C at the excitation
energy EC and angular momentum Ic into the exit channel B + b.

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Resonant compound nuclear reactions

Resonant formation of a compound system

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