TRIGA Reactor
TRIGA Reactor
TRIGA Reactor
History, Development
and Future of TRIGA
Research Reactors
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TRIGA is a registered trademark of General Atomics (USA).
60 years, on specific topics such application and utilization aspects, ageing
management, core conversion and other fuel issues, and presents challenges and
future perspectives of TRIGA research reactors worldwide.
This publication will be a useful source of information for a much broader
stakeholder community than just representatives of TRIGA reactors themselves.
In addition, a number of individual Member State contributions have been
collected and included on the attached CD-ROM to illustrate the historical
developments of TRIGA reactors through individual facility examples and
In the preparation of this publication, the IAEA acknowledges the valuable
contributions of the individual authors and of the experts who provided input
and reviewed this publication, in particular H. Boeck (Austria), J. Razvi
(United States of America) and M. Villa (Austria). The IAEA officer responsible
for this publication was D. Ridikas of the Division of Physical and Chemical
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1. INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1. Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2. Objective and scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.3. Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2. SHORT HISTORY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
BIBLIOGRAPHY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
ABBREVIATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
CONTRIBUTORS TO DRAFTING AND REVIEWING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
The TRIGA concept has its origins in August 1955, when a large international
conference, sponsored by the United Nations on Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy,
was held in Geneva, Switzerland. Subsequent events are recollected personally
in the book by F. Dyson [2]. One of the two US organizers of that meeting was
F. de Hoffmann, a nuclear physicist employed by General Dynamics Corporation
in San Diego, California. After the conference, de Hoffmann persuaded General
Dynamics Corporation that the time was ripe for commercial development of
nuclear reactors and nuclear energy, which responded by creating the General
Atomic Division in 1956 (now known as General Atomics), with de Hoffmann as
its first president.
In June 1956, in the absence of any other site facilities, the General Atomic
Division rented a former schoolhouse from the San Diego public schools and
convened a group of scientists, mostly veterans from the US Manhattan Project,
to consider the commercialization of nuclear reactors (see Figs 1 and 2).
Three groups were formed, one of which was assigned the challenge of designing
a ‘safe reactor’. Notably, British mathematician F. Dyson, Iranian metallurgist
M. Simnad and US weapons specialist E. Teller joined this group. Dyson
recollects in his book that Teller was in charge of this group and insistent that a
safe reactor must be one that “could be given to a bunch of high school children
to play with, without any fear that they would get hurt” [2]. Furthermore, that
“engineered safety was not good enough” and the reactor fuel itself should have
inherent safety characteristics for reactivity insertion events [2]. In other words,
with the possibility that its control rods could be totally and rapidly removed, the
guiding principle adopted was that the reactor would end in a stable condition
with no fuel damage or melting.
In his book, Dyson discusses the evolution of the “warm neutron principle”,
which is described in detail elsewhere in this publication, and which forms the
basis of the inherent safety characteristic for reactivity insertion events of TRIGA
reactors [2]. (The Dyson Effect, which describes a key component of the kinetic
behaviour of TRIGA reactors, was first identified by him.) It took only two years
for some experiments with neutron moderation [3], and intense metallurgical
work by Simnad [4] to complete a reactor design, manufacture fuel [5], carry
out subcritical measurements and create a working reactor. The prototype, named
TRIGA Mark I, was first taken critical on 3 May 1958 at the General Atomic
Division’s new facilities in La Jolla, near San Diego, California (see Figs 3
and 4) and following successful operation, was announced via a press release on
2 June 1958 (see Fig. 5).
FIG. 4. TRIGA Mark I reactor tank being installed (courtesy of General Atomics).
The initial power level was only 10 kW and was cooled by freon cooling
coils, but this was soon raised to operate regularly at 250 kW. It routinely
operated at this power level, and still used some fuel from the original 1958 core
until it was permanently shut down in 1995. Several years later, full patents on
the TRIGA reactor were granted to its early designers (see Figs 6 and 7) [5, 6].
In 1985, this reactor was designated as a Nuclear Historic Landmark by the
American Nuclear Society (see Fig. 8).
The idea that control rods could be rapidly removed safely was tested early
on. Dyson describes how, in June 1959, as part of formal dedication of the new
General Atomic Laboratories, the distinguished invited speaker, N. Bohr, pulled
a switch that ‘pulsed’ the TRIGA reactor to about 1500 MW, returning safely
to a modest 500 kW power level immediately thereafter without any human
intervention. Interestingly, the highly esteemed group apparently only went to
view the reactor after the pulse and did not observe the blue flash of Cerenkov
radiation that is now so familiar to all pulsing TRIGA reactor operators.
A remarkable demonstration of the safety and simplicity of the TRIGA
reactor was the creation of an exhibition model displayed in the US exhibit at
FIG. 5. TRIGA Mark I criticality press release (courtesy of General Atomics).
the Second United Nations Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy,
in Geneva, in 1958 [7], and the World Agricultural Conference in New Delhi, in
1959–1960 [8]. In the second of these conferences, the reactor was first pulsed
by President D. Eisenhower as he formally opened the US Pavilion (see Fig. 9).
Well over 2 million people are thought to have visited that reactor [9].
Immediately thereafter, TRIGA reactors sold briskly. At the same time, the
design was rapidly evolving to allow these reactors to operate at higher power
levels. In addition to the construction of new reactors, General Atomics also
found several reactors that had been operating with different types of fuel were
interested in obtaining TRIGA replacement fuel. By the end of 1960, a second,
1500 kW (or 1.5 MW) reactor was in operation at General Atomics’ own facilities
in La Jolla, California, along with six others. By June 1967, 32 total installations
had been accomplished in 13 different countries. In that year, barely 10 years
since the first germ of the idea, a symposium held at General Atomics’ facilities
FIG. 6. Engineering drawings of the reactor core (courtesy of General Atomics).
FIG. 7. Engineering drawings of the geometry of the fuel element (courtesy of General
FIG. 8. Mark I historical landmark (courtesy of General Atomics).
FIG. 9. Eisenhower in 1959 at New Delhi Agricultural Fair (courtesy of General Atomics).
in San Diego on research using reactors attracted 18 presentations and described
research from 7 TRIGA facilities.
“It was therefore felt that if General Atomic, as its initial contribution to
reactor technology, could design and develop a novel reactor that was
completely and inherently safe, such a design might not only be a technical
achievement, but also facilitate the training of scientists and engineers
and increase popular confidence in the safety of nuclear reactors to such a
degree that progress in the field would be greatly accelerated. If this design
had the added features of simplicity and economy, so much the better.”
facility and adjacent to where the prototype TRIGA reactor was constructed and
achieved criticality in 1958. By the time a satisfactory fuel fabrication process
had been developed, the experiments had shown that the construction of this
prototype reactor was a reasonable next step. This first TRIGA reactor was the
result (see Figs 3 and 4). The properties of the fuel moderator material continued
to be studied in this first reactor, and by early 1959, two additional TRIGA
reactors had been built and operated.
Early work on the development of UZrH fuel elements is described in a
paper presented at the First International Symposium on Nuclear Fuel Elements,
at Columbia University [11]. A brief synopsis from Technical Foundations
of TRIGA [10], which was “devoted to a description of the research and
development carried out to make the TRIGA a reality” is presented herein.
The criteria for a ‘completely’ and ‘inherently’ safe reactor for reactivity
insertion events placed emphasis on a need for the design to have a large, prompt
and negative temperature coefficient. Liquid homogeneous reactors have large
values for this, but General Atomics decided to investigate a solid fuel design as
being preferable for other obvious reasons, particularly chemical stability to high
temperatures. In order to provide for such a large, ‘prompt’ coefficient, it was
decided to develop a solid fuel design with a moderating material homogeneously
and intimately interspersed with the fuel itself. Several moderators were
considered for inclusion, including beryllium, beryllium oxide, graphite, lithium
hydride (LiH), sodium hydride (NaH) and zirconium (I, II) hydride (ZrH1.2): LiH
and NaH were excluded as being too reactive; the others were compared using
two group diffusion calculations, assuming a 20% enriched fuel (the presence
of significant amounts of 238U was considered necessary to achieve a significant
Doppler effect on the temperature coefficient), and a reflector. Cost and toxicity
caused developers to drop beryllium and its compounds from consideration.
Using zirconium as a homogeneously mixed sponge with the enriched uranium,
ZrH seemed promising, as it ensured a required significantly lower critical mass
and had excellent thermal conductivity as well as low cost, so further research
attention was devoted to ZrH, about whose metallurgy (or neutron moderation
properties) little was known in 1956.
carefully, but gave special attention to the case of hydrogen atoms bound in a
zirconium lattice, where traditional models were inadequate. Thus, the Einstein
model using lattice vibrational energies was developed. In addition, a model
originally developed by E. Fermi was exploited to calculate temperature
dependencies of moderation in such a lattice. Experimental studies were initiated
on: (i) the neutronics of a ZrH moderator; and (ii) the chemistry and metallurgical
properties of ZrH and its potential alloys with uranium.
General Atomics’ personnel utilized well characterized neutron beams
at Brookhaven National Laboratory to measure neutron scattering and
thermalization in ZrHn [3]. They found that true thermalization was much
reduced compared to water, but scattering effects gave rise to energy ‘peaks’ at
intervals of 0.13 eV in energy in emergent neutron spectra as a result of scattering
from the bound hydrogen atoms. This agreed well with the model calculations
and gave confidence in the choice of ZrHn as a moderator for a safe reactor.
The experiments demonstrated that the integral fuel moderator system of UZrH
fuel possesses a basic neutron spectrum hardening mechanism to produce the
desired characteristics of an inherently safe reactor for reactivity insertion events.
This fuel also had a good heat capacity, excellent fission product retention, low
chemical reactivity in water and reasonably low hydrogen equilibrium pressures
at elevated temperatures.
The key experimental conclusions were:
(a) For neutrons of energy above 0.13 eV, the moderating ability of ZrHn is at
least as good as that of free hydrogen. Below this energy, it rapidly becomes
(b) Cold neutrons can speed up when passing through ZrHn by picking up
amounts of energy which are integral multiples of 0.13 eV. The higher the
hydride temperature, the more readily this process will take place.
(c) These conclusions seem to be independent of the H:Zr atomic ratio in the
2.2.3. First TRIGA critical tests
2.2.4. TRIGA fuel elements
la Réalisation de Combustibles Atomiques, CERCA), a current subsidiary of
AREVA, at CERCA’s plant in Romans-sur-Isère, France, where other types of
research reactor and power reactor fuel are also manufactured.
It was decided to limit the power level produced for the first TRIGA reactor
to 10–100 kW. This was considered suitable enough for training physicists
and chemists, making short lived radioisotopes, performing neutron activation
analysis and creating neutron beams for neutron physics studies. Furthermore,
at such a power level safety concerns would be minimal as would any required
instrumentation and control (I&C) systems, and only a low excess reactivity
would be required to overcome the poison buildup and the prompt negative
temperature coefficient of reactivity which contributes to the inherent safety for
reactivity insertion events of a UZrHn fuelled reactor. In addition to the safety
response in the event of a power excursion, the advantages of the new fuel type
were considered to include the compactness of the core, giving higher fluxes
for the given power level compared to other reactors available at that time. It
was also decided to include several experimental facilities with this first reactor
— a rotating specimen rack, a pneumatic transfer system for rapid transfer of
samples for studying short half-lives, and a central thimble for irradiations and
the production of neutron beams. The core also included a graphite reflector
surrounding the cylindrically arranged core of elements. The first reactor was
installed in a tank at the grounds of the newly built General Atomics campus
on the Torrey Pines Mesa, near San Diego, California, which had been named
the John Jay Hopkins Laboratory for Pure and Applied Science. Other than the
installation of freon cooling coils within the water tank, the original Mark I
design was almost the same as that used in subsequent early, as well as more
recently built TRIGA facilities. History seems obscure as to when the first actual
TRIGA ‘pulse’ requiring a prompt reactivity insertion of greater than 1.00$ was
actually fired, but as stated earlier, one of the early pulses recorded was during
the inauguration of the new General Atomics campus, where Bohr, in formally
dedicating the permanent campus in 1959, pushed a button remotely to pulse
the reactor several hundred yards away. Before this first TRIGA was shut down
permanently in 1995, it had recorded almost 13 000 pulses.
The prototype TRIGA that was installed on the permanent campus achieved
initial criticality on 3 May 1958 and closely reproduced its theoretical design
parameters. This design and an above ground design — dubbed the Mark II
— with beam port installations were subsequently offered to customers. The
second TRIGA was operated in the US government exhibit at the Second Geneva
Conference for the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, 1–13 September 1958, and
the third TRIGA started up at the University of Arizona on 7 December 1958 —
all within the same first year. Two more TRIGA sales were announced directly
at the Geneva Conference [7]. In a public ceremony at the Palais des Nations,
the Italian National Committee for Nuclear Research (Comitato Nazionale per
l’Energia Nucleare, CNRN) formally signed a contract for the installation of an
above ground TRIGA at CNRN’s new research centre in Rome, which started
operations in 1960 (see Fig. 10).
Three days later, Viet Nam announced its selection of a TRIGA Mark II
for the country’s first reactor, which achieved criticality in 1963. And finally,
the University of Lovanium, in the now Democratic Republic of the Congo,
made arrangements to acquire the actual TRIGA that operated in Geneva, which
subsequently was shipped from Geneva to Léopoldville (now Kinshasa) (see
Fig. 11) and became the first nuclear reactor to be installed and operated on the
African continent. The first above ground TRIGA research reactors to go critical
were at the ENEA Centre in Rome and the University of Illinois in 1960. Within
three years, this popular design was also installed at facilities in Austria, Finland,
Japan, the Republic of Korea and Cornell University, United States of America.
Following the initial Mark I prototype, and over the next several years,
General Atomics installed two more prototype reactors (known as TRIGA Mark F
and TRIGA Mark III) at their facility in San Diego to support their testing and
development programmes. The Mark F operated from 1960 to 1993 at a steady
state power level of 1.5 MW, and its licence allowed maximum transients of up
to 5.50$ reactivity insertions, allowing the performance of UZrHn fuel for later
higher power TRIGA research reactors to be tested under extreme operating
conditions. The 2 MW steady state TRIGA Mark III was initially built at General
Atomics to test thermionic fuel for space power applications and was the first
TRIGA to operate with the high enriched Fuel Life Improvement Programme
(FLIP) fuel design with a burnable poison. It was shut down in 1972. Both of
these reactors provided the prototypes for a moveable core design. Several of
these designs were immediately commissioned at other facilities, notably one at
the US Armed Forces Radiobiological Research Institute, in Bethesda, Maryland,
with its unique exposure facilities for radiological testing benefiting from the
moveable core design. Descriptions of these and many of the subsequent facilities
installed worldwide are provided in Ref. [8].
FIG. 11. Arrival of research reactor components from Geneva to Léopoldville (Kinshasa)
(courtesy of General Atomics).
In addition to complete reactors, General Atomics also designed and
contracted to supply UZrHx fuel assemblies to a number of existing reactors that
had previously been using other fuel types. Most of these non-TRIGA reactors
used fuel in the form of thin plates (which was known as the MTR), and so the
design of the new TRIGA type fuel assemblies had to be adjusted to fit into the
existing reactor core structure as a one for one replacement. The first of these
conversions was the existing MTR type research reactor at Pennsylvania State
University, United States of America. To accommodate the conversions, General
Atomics designed UZrHx fuel elements with slightly different dimensions than
the standard TRIGA core, which were typically held together in four rod clusters,
whose dimensions were designed to fit in the older core configurations. One of
the key issues was ensuring adequate spacing of the individual fuel rods to ensure
sufficient water surrounding each element to provide the necessary cooling and
the moderation to make the ‘warm neutron’ concept as effective as in the original
TRIGA reactors.
In addition to the supply of fuel assemblies, related reactor core structures,
systems and components, a key subsystem which General Atomics successfully
developed, manufactured and supplied, both to TRIGA installations as well as to
some non-TRIGA installations, was components as well as complete systems for
reactor I&C. These included control rod drives for both, steady state and pulsing
operations, as well as nuclear instrumentation specifically designed to record
the short duration (ms) pulses from transient operations. Early versions were
of course based on vacuum tube technology, and in the 1980s General Atomics
was one of the first suppliers to introduce digital I&C systems based on personal
computer technology. The evolution of I&C systems for TRIGA reactors is
further described in Section 6.
Considerable information regarding the history and development of the
various types of TRIGA reactor and fuel is now available: the IAEA maintains a
web site devoted to TRIGA reactors as part of its on-line training programme1; the
World TRIGA Network, known as the Global TRIGA Research Reactor Network
(GTRRN) hosted by the Institut für Kernchemie of the Johannes Guttenberg
University, Mainz, Germany, also has information and links concerning TRIGA
reactors2; the current situation status for TRIGA is also given by General Atomics
on their web site3; and typically each individual facility provides specific
information on their installations on their respective institutions’ web sites.
General Atomics has developed six research and test reactor designs; all
of which based on the principle of inherent safety for reactivity insertion events
utilizing UZrHx fuels, and all are under the registered trademark TRIGA. Over
the years, following the successful, initial demonstration and validation of the
concept with the prototype, General Atomics has developed and provided
larger and more complex reactor designs to accommodate increasingly complex
irradiation experiments and requirements. However, these changes were still
rooted on the original General Atomics concept from 1958 [4] of a walk away
safe reactor. While the reactor features can (and often do) vary significantly, the
common feature linking all the TRIGA type reactors is the inherently safe for
reactivity insertion events thanks to the UZrHx fuel moderator matrix material.
The basic TRIGA reactor design is an open pool, light water moderated
reactor, using a homogeneously mixed fuel moderator fuel element design. All
six basic designs will be presented in roughly chronological order that General
Atomics made them available to potential customers. Alterations and special
additions were common and may be mentioned where they pertain to parameters
for existing reactors, but this discussion is not exhaustive.
FIG. 12. Cutaway view of the Mark I core and reflector assembly (courtesy of General
elements in a vertical position and allowed cooling water flow to flow by natural
convection around the fuel elements to remove the heat generated from fission.
In addition to the 90 element positions, there was a central chamber (38.4 mm
diameter) located at the centre of the core and 16 foil insertion holes (8 mm
diameter) inside the reactor core configuration. The central chamber was used for
irradiating larger sample specimens, using an irradiation thimble, or it housed the
transient control rod for pulsed operation (discussed in Sections 3.1.5 and 4.2.3).
Mark I cores rest on an aluminium reflector platform which is bolted to the
bottom of a 6.3 mm thick aluminium tank with outside dimensions measuring
6.35 m × 1.98 m in diameter. The aluminium tank rests below ground and is
filled with demineralized water, which provides approximately 4.87 m of water
as vertical shielding [14]. The core lattice is an open configuration allowing the
natural circulation of the surrounding demineralized water to provide natural
convective cooling to the core during operation.
An annular graphite reflector surrounds the core. This reflector has an
inside diameter of 45.7 cm, an outside diameter of 76.2 cm and is 55.9 cm tall.
The graphite is sealed in a watertight aluminium can. Graphite is also used as a
reflector on the top and bottom of the core. However, the graphite is contained
in the fuel elements as 10.2 cm tall graphite plugs located in the top and bottom
of each element. This provides an effective 10.2 cm thick axial reflector and a
30.5 cm thick radial graphite reflector.
Typical core components include a mixture of fuel moderator elements,
graphite dummy elements, source elements, and three or four different types of
control rod (regulating, shim, safety and pulsing rods, if applicable) that were all
originally clad in aluminium. This outer cladding was soon changed to stainless
steel to offer a higher temperature and strength cladding material.
The various control rod types (for fuel follower control rods, see
Section 3.2.3) allow the TRIGA reactor to be operated in different modes: steady
state, square and pulsed operations. Boron carbide (B4C), either as powder (in
the earlier designs) or as solid pellets (in later designs), is encapsulated in an
aluminium or stainless steel cylinder as the neutron absorbing material in the
control rods providing a thermally and chemically stable material matrix. Each
control rod type is approximately 51 cm long with different radial diameters.
The regulating rod has a diameter of 2.22 cm, while the shim and safety rods
are 3.18 cm in diameter. The safety rod is completely withdrawn from the core
during normal operations and is dropped into the core during a scram event to
shut down the reactor under steady state operation. Both the safety and shim
rods have a reactivity worth of approximately 2.6% δk/k each. The regulating rod
typically has a lower worth of approximately 0.7% δk/k.
Typically, four control rods are required for reactivity control in TRIGA
reactors with thermal power levels of less than 1 MW [15]. Two or more motor
driven rods are used during steady state operation. To produce pulsed operation in
the reactor, a special high speed pneumatic rod drive mechanism is used instead
of the standard mechanical safety rod drive. Using this pneumatic equipment, the
high speed rod is removed from its position in about 0.1 seconds. For high power
pulses, this rod can be located in the central grid position in the core (A-1) or may
be located at another grid location. The transient rod is made from a solid matrix
of borated graphite rather than the standard powdered B4C material.
The neutron flux (power level) is monitored using up to four instrumentation
channels for which neutron sensitive radiation detectors are located just outside
the core. The bulk pool water temperature is typically measured with a probe
submerged below the pool, and pool water conductivity is measured at the inlet
and outlet of the demineralizer equipment.
<100 60
<600 65
<1500 80
1500 90
2000 100
3.1.3. TRIGA Mark II reactor designs
The Mark II reactor is basically an above ground version of the Mark I reactor
with the addition of four horizontal irradiation ports for extended experimental
capabilities [15]. A concrete shell houses the core tank and irradiation beam
tubes providing both structural support and radial irradiation shielding. Except
for the horizontal beam ports, the core design is identical to the Mark I, with a
fixed core, graphite reflector (but having penetrations to accommodate neutron
beams originating directly from the core), open pool configuration and natural
convective cooling (up to thermal power levels of 2000 kW) with demineralized
The ability to perform irradiation experiments had become the primary
function and feature of TRIGA reactors, and General Atomics wanted to enhance
this capability in all its Mark II reactor designs. Therefore, the irradiation beam
ports as well as graphite thermal column were added to the original TRIGA
Mark I reactor core design. Some of the Mark II designs also featured a bulk
irradiation tank diametrically opposite to the thermal column. Figure 13 shows
a schematic of Mark II reactor layout showing thermalizing column and neutron
FIG. 13. Schematic of Mark II reactor layout showing thermalizing column and neutron beam
beam ports. These irradiation ports necessitated that the reactor core be above
ground to allow access to the beam ports for experimental studies.
Figures 14 and 15 show typical Mark II installation with and without the
bulk irradiation tanks. The following components can be easily identified:
(a) Thermal column: The thermal neutron column was a graphite filled space
approximately 1 m × 1 m × 1.7 m long. The column extended through the
concrete shield to the graphite reflector surrounding the core. This column
provided a maximum thermal neutron flux of the order of 4.0 × 108 cm−2·s−1
(at 2 MW steady state power level).
(b) Beam ports: Four horizontal beam ports (15.24 cm diameter) were
positioned around the reactor core. These ports permitted the extraction of
core radiation or allowed irradiation samples to be inserted next to the core
for maximum exposure. Two of the beam ports extended into the reflector
edge, one port penetrates the reflector to the actual core and the fourth port
is tangential to the core, as shown in Fig. 13. A maximum thermal neutron
flux of 3 × 109 cm−2·s−1 is achieved inside these ports (at 2 MW steady state
power level).
FIG. 14. A typical TRIGA Mark II installation (courtesy of Johannes Gutenberg University,
Mainz, Germany).
FIG. 15. TRIGA Mark II design with a bulk irradiation tank (courtesy of Kansas State
University, United States of America).
In all other respects, except the irradiation beam ports and columns, the
Mark II reactor is similar to the Mark I design, as described in Table 2.
Core type Below ground, fixed core Below ground, fixed core
Neutron flux (steady state) Thermal ≤ 1.6 × 1012 cm−2·s−1 Thermal ≤ 8.0 × 1013 cm−2·s−1
3.1.4. TRIGA Mark III reactor designs
The Mark III reactor is essentially a combination of the TRIGA Mark II and
Mark F reactors; the Mark III and Mark F both utilize a moveable core design
where the core structure is suspended from the reactor bridge mounted on top of
the reactor pool, an exposure room on one side of the reactor pool and beam ports
on the opposite side of the pool. Some of these design concepts originated with the
Advanced TRIGA Prototype Reactor (ATPR) programme [16]. Figures 16 and 17
are schematic illustrations of the Mark III reactor showing: (i) the top reactor pool
layout and (ii) the cross-section through the pool layout. This particular reactor
concept takes elements from previous TRIGA reactor designs to maximize high
energy neutron and gamma ray irradiation experimental capabilities [17].
The designs utilize a moveable reactor core which can be moved and
operated in two principle operating positions inside the reactor tank, similar to
the TRIGA Mark F design. However, on one end of the reactor tank multiple
fast and thermal neutron beam columns are located to allow multiple irradiation
experiments to be conducted simultaneously. A high radiation dry exposure room
is located at the other principle operating position. Similar to the Mark I and II
cores, an isotope production facility (rotating specimen rack) surrounds the core.
The port configuration contains four transient beam ports (20.3 cm
diameter), four radial beam ports (15.2 cm diameter), a vertical thermal
neutron column and a large horizontal thermal column adjacent to one of the
FIG. 16. Mark III reactor showing top reactor pool layout (courtesy of General Atomics).
FIG. 17. Mark III reactor showing the cross-section through the pool layout (courtesy of
General Atomics).
principle operating positions, as shown in Fig. 16. The walk in exposure room is
3 m × 3.7 m × 2.7 m to accommodate very large experiments [17].
The aluminium reactor pool is contained and shielded in an above
ground concrete shield structure approximately 10 m × 17 m × 8 m. The core
is suspended, thanks to a moveable bridge platform, near the bottom of the
7.6 m × 3.0 m × 7.6 m large reactor pool, as shown in Fig. 17. Approximately
6.1 m of demineralized water above the reactor provides vertical shielding, while
the concrete structure provides radial shielding.
The Mark III design’s basic safety characteristics are derived from the
same types of UZrHx fuel moderator elements as the core designs of all other
TRIGA reactor types, and it has an open pool configuration, is cooled by natural
convection for thermal power levels up to 2 MW and is completely water
reflected. However, the actual pool configuration is larger than the standard
Mark I or Mark II designs to facilitate the moveable core design [17]. The original
design of the Mark III core uses a standard Mark I/II core lattice arrangement,
with an additional ring of elements added on the outside to increase the excess
reactivity of the core, and that are loaded with UZrHx fuel elements, graphite or a
combination of the two. Such a larger core design is now standard on all TRIGA
reactor types.
The TRIGA Mark F and Mark III reactors were designed for steady state
power levels in the range of 1–2 MW, and pulsed power levels up to 6400 MW(th)
have been achieved when testing fuel at General Atomics’ prototype TRIGA
Mark F. Typical steady state flux levels are approximately 6.5 × 1013 cm−2·s−1
(thermal and fast neutrons) in the central thimble. A further design enhancement
which allowed more stable operation at power levels up to 2 MW in natural
convection was to reconfigure the layout of the individual fuel moderator
elements from a circular array of concentric rings to a hexagonally laid out array
for improved thermal-hydraulic characteristics in the fuel region of the core.
Figures 18 and 19 show typical installations of the moveable core designs.
FIG. 18. Moveable core installation at Northup Grumman Corporation, United States of
America (courtesy of General Atomics).
FIG. 19. TRIGA Mark III shield structure and exposure facility at University of California,
Berkeley, United States of America (courtesy of General Atomics).
Technical specification Measurement units
Pulse operation
Max. thermal flux 1.0 × 1017 cm−2·s−1 (1.0 × 1015 n·cm−2 fluence per pulse)
Control rods
Number 6
FIG. 20. The TRIGA ACPR core at Tokai Mura, Japan, showing the dry central irradiation
cavity (courtesy of General Atomics).
FIG. 21. MPR-16 steady state core configuration at TRIGA reactor in Piteşti, Romania
(courtesy of Institute of Nuclear Research, Piteşti, Romania).
Technical specification Measurement units
Nominal power 14 MW (steady state)
Tested and licensed for 16.5 MW operation
Fuel (all values are nominal)
Type LEU 45 wt% UZrH1.6–Er
Fuel enrichment 19.97% 235U (originally commissioned with HEU — 93%
Clad material Incoloy-800
Clad diameter 13.72 mm
Fuel length 564 m
Number of bundles 29
Bundle fuel pin number 25
Bundle dimensions 8.9 cm square cross-section
Control rods
Material Hot pressed compacts of B4C aluminium clad, natural
boron; square cross-section identical with fuel bundle
Number 8
Control rod drive Electrical motor with rack and pinion
Electromagnetic connection with the control rod
Material Beryllium; square cross-section identical with fuel bundle
Number 20 with 3.3 cm central hole
24 without hole
Flux levels
Max. thermal flux 2.6 × 1014 cm−2·s−1
Max. fast flux 2.0 × 1014 cm−2·s−1
Pool dimensions 10 m depth, 5 m width, 9 m length, aluminium tank, light
Source: References [19, 20].
FIG. 22. Both the MPR-16 steady state reactor and ACPR in Piteşti, Romania, are operated in
the same open pool (courtesy of Institute of Nuclear Research, Piteşti, Romania).
The TRIGA fuel element design evolved simultaneously and with some
independence from the TRIGA reactor design. All TRIGA type fuels are
inherently safe for reactivity insertion events by virtue of the UZrHx matrix;
however, there are several TRIGA fuel types that differ in cladding, enrichment,
weight percent uranium, size and burnable poisons.
Early fuels used type 1100F aluminium cladding, which was later
discontinued as the thermal power of the reactors increased, in favour of type 304
stainless steel and Incoloy-800 clad designs. A FLIP fuel type developed and
tested with variations in uranium enrichments (from 70–93 wt% 235U) and weight
percent uranium loadings and an erbium additive to extend core lifetime lead to the
development, qualification and utilization of high density (20–45 wt% uranium)
fuels using low enriched uranium (LEU) and allowed the elimination of high
enriched uranium (HEU). More than 20 fuel element variations were also
developed to perform specific functions in the core. Starting with a basic single
rod fuel moderator element, the first variation added thermocouples within the
metal fuel matrix to support the monitoring of fuel temperature during reactor
operation. Fuel follower control rods (FFCRs) are also available. Other fuel
variations, such as fuel for ACPRs, TRIGA fuel rod cluster designs for converting
reactors with plate type fuel clusters without changing the core grid and smaller
diameter 1.37 cm fuel rod clusters for higher power (>5 MW) TRIGA reactors
were designed and marketed for specific reactor designs dictated by user needs.
Each fuel element has its own, unique and discreet serial number assigned
by the manufacturer, engraved permanently on the top end fitting that are
traceable to its origins during the fuel fabrication process. Single rods for cluster
assembly have their serial number engraved on the bottom fitting. Graphite
dummy rods that are used for reactivity shimming in TRIGA reactor cores also
carry unique serial numbers assigned by the manufacturer.
The UZrHx fuel rod is a cylinder, with the fuelled section approximately
axially centred in the cladding tube, with a graphite moderator slug at each
end. The fuel elements contain uranium with various loadings as a fine metallic
dispersion in a ZrH matrix. The H:Zr ratio is nominally 1.6, although the very
early fuels previous to 1960 used a H:Zr ratio of 1.0. The equilibrium hydrogen
dissociation pressure is governed by the fuel composition and temperature.
For ZrH1.6, the equilibrium hydrogen pressure is 1 atmosphere at about 760°C.
The single phase, high hydride composition eliminates the problems of density
changes associated with phase changes and with thermal diffusion of the
hydrogen. Several 10 000 pulses (transients) have been performed with various
UZrHx fuels manufactured by General Atomics. The ultimate safety limit for
TRIGA fuel is 1150°C due to potential stress failure of the stainless steel cladding
and to dissociated hydrogen pressure. In 1969, during a 5.50$ reactivity insertion
event, the General Atomics Mark F reactor reached a power level of 6400 MW,
and the maximum fuel temperature was approximately 660°C. The ultimate
safety limit for TRIGA fuelled reactors is the fuel temperature. This limit stems
from the outgassing of hydrogen from UZrHx fuel and the subsequent stress
produced in the fuel element cladding material. The strength of the cladding as
a function of temperature therefore sets the upper limit on the fuel temperature.
This safety limit is about 1150°C when the cladding temperature is below 500°C
for UZrH1.65 and precludes the loss of cladding integrity. When the cladding
temperature equals the fuel temperature, the fuel temperature limit is about
950°C. There is also a long term operational fuel temperature design criterion
of 750°C based on consideration of irradiation and fission product induced fuel
growth and deformation. This time a temperature dependent fuel growth occurs
over the burnup life of the fuel. A maximum temperature of 750°C has therefore
been used as the design basis operating temperature because lower average fuel
temperatures result only in insignificant calculated fuel growth from temperature
dependent irradiation effects.
The early fuels had samarium burnable poison discs placed between the
fuel rod and the graphite to minimize reactivity changes from 149Sm, fission
product build up and 235U burnup (see Fig. 23). As reactor power was increased,
later fuels abandoned the use of such a burnable poison disc in favour of the use
of erbium to minimize reactivity changes from 235U burnup in the high density
fuels. This also enhances the prompt negative temperature coefficient due to the
Er resonance peak and is mixed homogeneously in the fuel moderator UZrH
material. All fuels also now include a molybdenum disc, which is now placed
between the lower graphite reflector piece and the fuel meat to prevent bonding
at higher temperatures between the fuel meat and the lower graphite reflector.
There is no bonding material between the cladding and the fuel rod. While the
original core and the early (aluminium clad) fuel elements had a single 35.56 cm
UZrHx fuelled meat, this design evolved to a 38.1 cm fuelled section in three
equal lengths. Furthermore, the UZrHx fuel meats now also have a central
0.64 cm cavity (for improved hydriding), with a solid zirconium rod inserted in
this cavity upon element assembly.
Fixtures are heliarc welded to the top and bottom ends of the cladding tube,
encapsulating all of the internal pieces. The bottom end fixtures serve to guide
the fuel elements into the bottom support plate of the reactor core. The top end
fixtures provide an end surface that the coupling end of a handling tool can grip.
Both fixtures are designed to facilitate the flow of cooling water around the fuel
element. Typical end fittings are illustrated in Fig. 23. Modern streamlined end
fittings were introduced in the 1970s to eliminate problems with ‘chugging’ (the
movement of elements associated with water turbulence phenomena in the core)
in natural convection cooled reactors at power levels approaching 2 MW(th)
owing to hot cooling water flow around the element in the reactor creating voids
at the fuel element surface.
FIG. 23. Contents of a typical stainless steel clad fuel element (courtesy of General Atomics).
additional tubing is removed prior to shipment or storage of the spent fuel. A stub
end of the lead out tube could affect the end of life element length, depending on
the manner of the tube’s removal.
The cylindrical control rods with neutron poison material that are used in
TRIGA type reactors are inserted in various core positions in lieu of a cylindrical
fuel element for achieving reactivity control. When withdrawn from the core,
control rods with follower sections that extend below the bottom of the core
when the control rod is inserted can have solid or hollow aluminium air follower
sections or sections with UZrHx fuel meats to increase the reactivity worth of the
core by inserting a fuelled section into the core active region when the poison
section of the core is withdrawn. TRIGA reactors that operate at thermal powers
of 1 MW or higher are typically equipped with four to six FFCR elements,
depending upon the reactor size and features. Reactors lower than a 1 MW
power level could also use FFCRs, anywhere from zero to four FFCR elements,
depending on the design. The same FFCR design can be used with all control
rods (i.e. safety, shim and regulating rods).
FFCR elements have four internal sections: two air voids (one at the top
and one at the bottom), a B4C neutron absorber (top middle) and a UZrHx fuelled
section (bottom middle), which has a standard 38.1 cm long UZrHx fuelled
section, identical to that in the ‘standard’ fuel elements. FFCR elements have
been fabricated for both ‘standard’ and ACPR TRIGA reactors — note that
the FFCR elements for ACPR reactors are substantially longer than the others.
The ‘standard’ FFCR elements have been fabricated with any of the uranium
loadings typical of the stainless steel clad TRIGA elements (8.5 wt% uranium,
19.7% enriched in 235U; and FLIP-HEU, or any of the high density 20% uranium
— 45% uranium loadings). The ACPR FFCR elements have a slightly shorter
fuelled section (12 wt% uranium, 19.7% enriched in 235U) but a much longer
bottom air void.
Conversion reactors are reactors that originally used thin plate fuels with
a particle dispersion fuel meat matrix (known as MTR fuel), but were later
converted to use the inherently safe design for reactivity insertion events of the
TRIGA UZrHx fuel moderator material. In most cases, the converted reactors
have retained their existing core grid structure and in some cases their existing
reactor control systems. Plate type reactors usually have a rectangular core
configuration and long, thin, rectangular plates that were stacked together inside
a larger fuel bundle. Gaps between the plate faces supplied a maximum surface
area for the cooling of the plates within the element bundles.
To accommodate the physical geometry required to convert a plate type
fuel bundle, General Atomics created fuel cluster assemblies with the same
outside dimensions as required for the reactor’s core grid, but replaced the plate
fuel with four UZrHx rods within the new assembly. These four rod bundles were
then added a few assemblies at a time to the existing plate type core until the core
was entirely comprised of UZrHx TRIGA fuel moderator assemblies.
The resulting TRIGA conversion reactors are capable of steady state
power levels of 1–3 MW as well as pulsed power operation. (Conversion
reactors may be capable of pulsed power operation, but their licences have not
generally been revised to accommodate this function.) Thirteen former plate
type reactors have been converted to UZrHx TRIGA fuel moderator rods (seven
US domestic reactors and six foreign reactors). Also, due to the advantage in
core life expectancy, many conversion reactors generally used the high enriched
TRIGA FLIP rods in their assemblies for initial criticality rather than rods with
the original 8.5 wt% or 12 wt% fuel loading. All conversion reactors originally
converted with HEU fuel have now been converted from high to low enriched
fuel using the high density fuels UZrHx–Er (uranium > 20 wt%). More detailed
information about TRIGA conversion is provided in Section 5.
Conversion cluster assemblies were used to replace MTR plate type fuel
assemblies with clusters of (three or) four TRIGA rods. The rods in the TRIGA
conversion cluster assemblies are slightly smaller in diameter than the basic
TRIGA fuel moderator elements and assembly end fittings are compatible with
the MTR type reactors, as shown in Fig. 24. The bottom end fitting of the cluster
assembly can have either a round or square cross-section. Most conversion
clusters hold four rods, but a three rod variation offers a sample irradiation tube
in place of a fourth rod.
TRIGA reactor designs have now been extended from the early low to
medium power levels, typically less than or equal to 1 MW(th), to operate at
power levels in the tens of megawatts. This required the development and
qualification of a new generation of TRIGA fuel assemblies for such higher
power (≥ 5 MW(th)) TRIGA type research reactors. These fuel assemblies use
fuel rods with the same UZrHx fuel meat characteristics providing the same
FIG. 24. MTR to TRIGA conversion fuel assembly (courtesy of General Atomics).
inherent safety characteristics for reactivity insertion events, but are of a much
smaller diameter of 1.27 cm and use Incoloy-800 for cladding instead of 304
stainless steel. They are assembled in square clusters of 16 (≤ 10 MW(th)) or
25 (10–20 MW(th)) fuel rods, with separator grids provided in the assembly
shroud to ensure proper separation and coolant flow. There are four fuel meats in
these smaller diameter rods for a total fuelled length of 55.88 cm, and they do not
have the zirconium rod in the middle. These Incoloy clad rods also have springs
instead of the graphite moderator pieces above and below the fuel within the
cladding to allow for radiation induced axial expansion of the fuel meats.
Table 5 summarizes some of the general specifications for the UZrHx–Er
fuels that comprise most of the fuel that has been used, or is currently being used,
in TRIGA type reactors.
Specification Comment
the self-limiting property of the prompt negative temperature coefficient quickly
(i.e. 40 ms) brings down the power surge. Pulse operation of a research reactor
allows a number of special experiments such as activation of short lived nuclides
(i.e. 28Al, 20F, 8Li, 16N and 19O) with half-lives in the second and minute range
and radiation pulses on organic, medical and biological materials can be studied.
In summary, it can be stated that in nearly 60 years of operations with
TRIGA research reactors, no serious incidents have occurred in any of the TRIGA
research reactors that have been installed worldwide.
(a) Low capital cost: The exact cost information for operating reactors is not
relevant today, since most of them were installed a long time ago. Best
estimates for the less than 30 kW reactors range from around US $400 000
for the simplest reactor to about US $1–1.5 million at the time they were
installed. This compares to a price of about US $5 million for a different
reactor type of several hundred kilowatts of power. The lower end of
the price range depends on the amount of local design and construction
performed. Selection of additional options such as experimental facilities
and instrumentation, among others, could significantly influence the cost.
(b) Low operating costs: The annual operating cost of TRIGA reactors is
represented in the range of hundreds of thousands of US dollars. However,
because of differences in economic conditions, it may be more reasonable
to express this in terms of personnel requirements. This usually includes,
as a minimum, one operator and one supervisor and other services such as
a maintenance group, which can usually be shared with other laboratories,
and repair, maintenance and radiological protection services, already
available at the institute in which the reactor is located. Experience shows
that these reactors are very reliable and relatively free of problems. The
failure rate of various reactor components (pumps, filters and motors) is
typically less than one per year and can be kept very low with a proper
maintenance programme. The annual cost for consumable supplies, such
as filters, irradiation capsules and protective clothing, is estimated at
US $10 000–15 000.
(c) Low burnup: Because of the low operating power and large core lifetimes
of the UZrHx fuel type, the fuel burnup is extremely small and most reactors
in this class have close to ‘lifetime’ cores. For example, a 250 kW TRIGA
reactor with about 30 hours per week operation would run about 10 years
without refuelling, and can be extended further with core management
practices such as fuel shuffling. Many low power reactors have lifetime
cores. The low burnup and limited radioisotope production capability result
in minimal radioactive waste issues.
(d) Simple to operate: This class of reactors of simple design is easy to operate
and requires a relatively short period of operator training. Higher power
research reactors, designed for operator training, are more complex and
require correspondingly more detailed training.
(e) Safety: TRIGA type reactors are inherently safe for reactivity insertion
events due to the large, prompt negative temperature coefficient of the
UZrHx fuel. Low power (<1.5 MW) TRIGA reactors are also able to
withstand a loss of coolant accident owing to the low power density and
the high fuel melting point. To mitigate the effects of a loss of coolant in
the higher power reactors, they are equipped with a simple emergency core
cooling design. Occupational radiation doses are relatively low. As with all
reactors, however, any fuel manipulations needs to be carefully supervised.
(f) Less restrictive containment and siting requirements: Because of the low
fission product inventory, the demonstrated fission product retention
characteristics of the UZrHx fuel matrix, inherent safety in reactivity
transient events and in loss of coolant accidents, the siting and containment
requirements for this class of reactors is less restrictive. Most of the reactor
facilities discussed above were housed in normal buildings (with controlled
access) and in populated areas. Even the higher power reactors are housed
in confinement buildings, not containment structures. However, the matter
of siting and confinement or containment needs to be left to the national
authorities where the reactors will be located.
(g) Versatility: These reactors are very well suited for training activities
because of the flexibility of operation (startup time around 3 min). Such a
flexibility to start up, shutdown or change operating power is usually not
found in larger reactors.
and training, and where the production of large quantities of radioisotopes
is limited to those with short half-lives, for use in calibration or radiotracer
applications, teaching or academic research, and in any case for local uses
only. However, the production quantities can be increased by the use of
in-core irradiation locations where the neutron flux is higher. While routine
production of commercial quantities of radioisotopes such as 99Mo requires
higher power TRIGA reactors, typically 5 MW or above, limited quantities
also can be produced in medium power (1–2 MW) reactors.
(b) Limited use of neutron beams: Performance of neutron beam research
such as neutron scattering experiments can be limited because of the lower
leakage flux available to the beam tubes from the very low power reactors
(<100–250 kW). This is also true for fast neutron studies. However, TRIGA
reactors have been efficiently used to perform beam tube experiments which
could then be transferred and installed at high power research reactors.
Examples of successful use of neutron beams at low power TRIGA reactors
are at the Atominstitut, in Vienna, Austria (250 kW), and the Johannes
Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany (100 kW). A typical example was
the development of a neutron interferometer at the TRIGA reactor in Vienna
in 1974, which was then transferred to the Grenoble high flux reactor for
full scale demonstration and academic exploitation. Similarly, other lower
power TRIGA reactors, such as the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz,
have effectively utilized their neutron beams for performance of a variety
of beam tube experiments thanks to the installation of an ultra cold neutron
source (more details can be found in the paper by Eberhardt and Geppert on
the CD-ROM accompanying this publication).
(c) Limited use for materials and fuels testing applications: It is clear that the
majority of TRIGA reactors, due to their low power, are not well suited
for many of the material irradiation and fuel testing experiments where
neutron fluxes greater than 1014 cm−2·s−1 are typically required. Even so,
facilities have designed unique ways to conduct limited testing of fuels by
utilizing the ability to perform such irradiations in-core. An example is the
TRIGA High Temperature In-Core Furnace at the 250 kW TRIGA operated
by General Atomics, where testing could be performed on reactor fuel
samples to characterize fission product release behaviour at temperatures
as high as 1800°C. Low power TRIGA reactors have also been extensively
used to test various nuclear instruments or to examine the hardness neutron
irradiation of various electronic components.
No. Country Facility name Steady state Pulsing
type criticality
(kW) (MW)
1 Austria TRIGA II Vienna Mark II 250 250 1962-03-07
2 Bangladesh TRIGA Mark II Mark II 3 000 3 900 1986-09-14
3 Brazil IPR-RI Mark I 100 n.a.a 1960-11-06
b a
4 China Thor Conversion 2 000 n.a. 1961-04-13
5 Colombia IAN-R1 Conversion 30 n.a. 1997-08-29
6 Finland FIR-1 Mark II 250 250 1962-03-27
7 Germany FRMZ Mark II 100 250 1965-08-03
8 Indonesia TRIGA Mark II, Mark II 2 000 n.a. 1964-10-19
9 Indonesia Kartini-PTAPB Mark II 100 n.a.a 1979-01-25
10 Italy Lena, TRIGA II Mark II 250 250 1965-11-15
11 Italy TRIGA RC-1 Mark II 1 000 n.a.a 1960-06-11
12 Japan NSRR ACPR 300 22 000 1975-06-30
13 Morocco MA-R1 Mark II 2 000 n.a. 2007-05-02
14 Mexico TRIGA Mark III Mark III 1 000 2 000 1968-11-08
15 Malaysia TRIGA Puspati Mark II 1 000 1 200 1982-06-28
16 Romania TRIGA II Piteşti MPR 14 000 n.a.a 1980-02-02
– SS Core
17 Romania TRIGA II Piteşti ACPR 500 22 000 1980-02-02
– Pulsed
18 Slovenia TRIGA Mark II Mark II 250 n.a.a 1966-05-31
19 Thailand TRR-1/M1 Conversion 2 000 1 200 1977-11-07
20 Turkey ITU-TRR, Tech. Mark II 250 250 1979-03-11
21 USA MUTR Univ. Conversion 250 n.a.a 1974-12-01
No. Country Facility name Steady state Pulsing
type criticality
(kW) (MW)
22 USA OSTR, Oregon Mark II 1 100 3 200 1967-03-08
State Univ.
23 USA UC Davis/ Mark II 2 000 1 200 1990-01-20
McClellan N.
Research Center
24 USA TRIGA II Univ. Mark II 1 100 1 600 1992-03-12
25 USA TRIGA Univ. Utah Mark I 100 n.a.a 1975-10-25
26 USA NRAD Conversion 250 n.a. 1977-10-12
27 USA Kansas State Mark II 250 250 1962-10-16
28 USA GSTR USGS Mark I 1 000 1 200 1969-02-26
Geological Survey
29 USA Univ. California, Mark I 250 250 1969-11-25
30 USA AFRRI TRIGA Mark F 1 000 3 300 1962-01-01
31 USA Dow TRIGA Mark I 300 n.a.a 1967-07-06
32 USA RRF Reed College Mark I 250 n.a. 1968-07-02
33 USA UWNR Univ. Conversion 1 000 2 000 1967-03-26
34 USA WSUR Washington Conversion 1 000 2 000 1967-03-13
St. Univ.
35 USA PSBR Penn St. Conversion 1 000 2 000 1965-08-15
36 USA Ann. Core Res. ACPR 4 000 22 000 1967-06-01
Reactor (ACRR)
37 USA Aerotest Operations Conversion 250 n.a.a 1965-07-09
38 USA NSCR Texas A&M Conversion 1 000 2 000 1968-01-01
n.a.: not applicable.
In Taiwan, China.
These reactors all operate with UZrH homogeneous solid fuel and following
the HEU to LEU conversion programme, all now operate with an enrichment of
less than 20%. All are light water cooled and use graphite or water as a reflector.
Many TRIGA reactors are capable of operating also in a pulse mode (see
Section 3) and most have a rotary specimen rack (called a Lazy Susan) containing
40 rotating irradiation positions between the core and the reflector. Most of them
have neutron beam channels, so experiments can be designed outside the reactor
shielding (see Fig. 26).
Compared to higher power research reactors, TRIGA reactors with a power
level below 2 MW usually have neutron flux densities around 1013 cm−2·s−1 in
the central irradiation position. They offer a number of distinct advantages to
a variety of users and for these reasons would be generally described as user
FIG. 26. Example of diverse experimental setups at the TRIGA Mark II reactor (horizontal
cross-section) in Vienna, Austria (courtesy of Atominstitut, Vienna).
friendly (see also Section 3.4.1). Among these attractive features of TRIGA
reactors, the following warrant a mention:
(a) High degree of passive safety: The reactor will shut down on its own owing
to a large, prompt negative temperature coefficient, and this is of paramount
importance for training related applications.
(b) Ease of operation: A minimum number of restrictions are imposed on the
students and instructors (e.g. the control console can be operated safely by
inexperienced students after a short instruction time under the supervision
of a licensed operator).
(c) Ease of maintenance: Equipment is arranged to provide easy access
for maintenance, and components are selected for life and minimum
(d) Ease of experiments for students and instructor: A wide variety of training
and research experiments for students can be performed [24].
Owing to the fact that flux levels at the sample irradiation locations are low
and if the irradiation times are shorter, the typical irradiated samples are not highly
radioactive, which reduces handling restrictions and associated administrative
procedures. Therefore, the actual insertion of samples for irradiation in a reactor
core positions can either be done by reactor staff or even by the experimenters
themselves. The experience with irradiations in TRIGA reactor shows that there
also a great variety of sample types and containments which can be employed:
simple, inexpensive, plastic irradiation capsules can be used and re-used many
times; organic matter can be safely irradiated, including liquids, even highly
volatile, combustible or explosive organic or petroleum nature, wet tissues,
excreta from humans or animals (without the need for drying or tedious sample
preparation). Finally, quite large material quantities can be irradiated in the
reactor without producing an excessive amount of radioactivity. Generally, this
will be the case when fluxes of the order of 1012 cm−2·s−1 and irradiation times of
less than one hour are applied.
Education and training is one of the most important uses of low power
research reactors and TRIGA reactors are no exception. Generally, a reactor is
rarely chosen (e.g. power, type of design and fuel) for a single application (e.g.
physics, radioisotope production and training), but it appears that practically all
low power research reactors in operation are used, at least partially, for training
purposes. This interest in training activities concerns not only the States with an
active national nuclear programme. Many other States run education and training
programmes with an important contribution from their research reactor facilities.
Several types of training are possible, depending on the type of trainees
(students, physicists, operating personnel and radioprotection personnel), on
the degree of information to be transmitted (theory and practice), on the length
of the training courses (from a few days to several months) and, of course, on
the characteristics and potential of the available research reactor (e.g. its power,
installation characteristics, safety regulations and accessibility).
—— Chemical applications;
—— Earth sciences;
—— Environmental sciences;
—— Medical applications;
—— Metallurgy;
—— Industrial applications;
—— Forensic applications;
—— Radiation detector.
(c) Training of reactor operating personnel. For this type of trainees, the
emphasis is placed on procedures and operations involved in reactor
operation and safety, in particular:
—— Fuel loading and unloading;
—— Approach to criticality;
—— Effects of prompt and delayed neutrons;
—— Poisoning effects (samarium and xenon);
—— Temperature effects;
—— Reactivity effects;
—— Load variations;
—— Instrumentation and calibration;
—— Flux and power measurements;
—— Reactor kinetics and dynamics;
—— Radiation protection;
—— Radiochemistry. Simulators
TRIGA simulators have been developed, except the one available on the IAEA
web site5.
Many university owned TRIGA reactors are used not only for specific
training but also for teaching and research purposes.
4.2.1. Teaching
—— Reactor theory;
—— Reactor dynamics;
—— Reactor physics;
—— Reactor I&C;
—— Radiation measurements;
—— Radioisotope techniques.
See and
transport calculations, homogeneous and heterogeneous reactor calculations
and perturbation theory. This includes thermal, epithermal and resonances
flux measurements, cross-sections, void coefficient, diffusion length, Albedo,
Fermi-age and crystal spectrometers.
Such a course covers the design and requirements for a reactor’s I&C
system, including nuclear channels, fuel temperature channels, interlocks, alarm
and scram systems, and neutron detectors. This would require a fully operational
I&C system, operational reactor, operational neutron detectors, circuit graphs and
block diagrams.
53 Radiation measurement courses
There are mainly three research reactor based techniques in basic and
applied research with growing significance:
—— NAA;
—— Non-destructive testing by neutrons;
—— Production of short lived radioisotopes.
treatment, which can sometimes lead to sample contamination. When the samples
are analysed as they are and without special preparations, the technique is called
instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA). In some cases, some samples
might require radiochemical separations after irradiations (radiochemical neutron
activation analysis, RNAA). Typically, samples are investigated by irradiating
them for short periods in a reactor, from tens of seconds to tens of minutes
(sometimes repeatedly) and then by measuring the induced activity [28]. In this
way, some of the material is transformed into radioactive isotopes. The samples
are investigated by gamma spectrometry after being removed from the reactor,
in view of gamma energy, intensity and, in certain circumstances, also decay
constants. Out of these results, a computerized analysing system can determine
quantitatively the composition of the sample.
The reactor serves as a source of neutrons for irradiating the samples. In
addition, the technique requires a sample preparation laboratory, a high quality
multichannel analyser with semiconductor detectors and a computer with specific
their fast decay. However, their use in demonstration experiments, teaching
and research remains extremely important. The use of short lived radionuclides
produced by TRIGA research reactors is particularly suitable for teaching
purposes because of their fast decay. The preparation of short lived radioactive
sources for a variety of applications in radiation analysis, instrumentation
development, calibration and use as radiotracers is possible thanks to their local
production [31].
Neutron scattering allows the studies of the structural and the dynamics
of atomic arrangements in materials. Neutrons are scattered by atomic nuclei,
are sensitive to the atomic magnetic moment, and have scattering and absorption
cross-sections independent of atomic number and mass. The neutron techniques
have a complementary role to X rays, scattered by the electrons in atoms. The
main applications are related to studies of transformations and fundamental
properties of materials. Neutron scattering studies are applied to earth, energy
and environmental sciences.
The sensitivity of light elements to the absorption of neutrons compared
with X ray imaging provides neutron imaging an advantage in both 2-D and
3-D visualizations. During the last two decades, digital neutron imaging and
data processing systems have been introduced. As a result of these innovations,
neutron imaging applications have been extended to the determination of
hydrogen in electrochemistry analyses of fuel cells, non-destructive studies of
cultural heritage objects and biological samples, applications in geology and soil
physics, applications with nuclear fuel and its cladding, and investigations of
various aspects of materials research.
Large sample NAA is capable of direct analysis of samples with masses of
hundreds of grams to several kilograms. Though the principles and physics of
large sample activation analysis are thoroughly understood, the method is still not
as versatile or applicable as, for example, normal small sample NAA. Examples
of such applications can be found in studies on electronic waste, complete
archaeological and cultural artefacts, high purity materials, and materials of
irregular shape or homogeneity.
PGNAA is a very widely applicable technique for determining the presence
and amount of many elements simultaneously in samples ranging in size from
micrograms to many grams. PGNAA uses the prompt gamma rays emitted during
the process of neutron capture. It is a non-destructive method, and the chemical
form and shape of the sample are relatively unimportant. It is used to determine
the elements of low Z (i.e. low numbers of protons in the nucleus) or with high
neutron absorption such as boron, cadmium, carbon, chlorine, gadolinium,
hydrogen, nitrogen, phosphorus and samarium.
When 10B absorbs a neutron, it emits an alpha particle, which is highly
ionizing and has a range in tissue about equal to the diameter of a cell. The
applicable method in BNCT is thus to inject a tumour with a borated compound
that irradiates it with thermal neutrons. The majority of neutron capture therapy
research has focused on malignant melanomas and brain tumours, particularly
glioblastoma multiform. For many years, the TRIGA reactor in Finland was used
exclusively for the treatment of patients using the BNCT technique (see Fig. 27).
FIG. 27. Entrance to the patients’ radiation room at TRIGA facility in Finland (courtesy of
VTT Espoo).
of America, was designed with four special neutron radiography rooms and
successfully used to detect early corrosion of jet fighter wings [40].
This section primarily deals with the HEU to LEU conversion of TRIGA
type reactors under the US Government’s Global Threat Reduction Initiative
(GTRI). Early in the TRIGA programme, however, General Atomics developed
UZrHx fuel assemblies to permit the conversion of existing plate type (MTR)
HEU reactors to TRIGA type cores as described in Section 3. Some of these
were HEU to HEU conversions — with later conversions to LEU fuel — or
were originally done as HEU to LEU conversions (see Table 6, Section 4). Such
conversions, when performed outside the United States of America, also involved
the technical support of IAEA experts. One such conversion is briefly described
The INL TRIGA reactor falls under the regulatory oversight of the United
States Department of Energy (DOE), and as such is not representative of the
course of activities at NRC regulated research reactors. This publication focuses
on the conversions that were carried out at the university research reactors in the
United States of America. The conversion timeline and processes of conversion
were similar at the five universities mentioned above. This narrative will use the
sequence of events at WSU as a representative example.
A case history of the HEU to LEU conversion of the Washington State
University research reactor (WSUR) is described as an example. The licence
to convert was issued by the NRC on 4 September 2008 and was to become
effective 20 days after the date of publication in the US Federal Register. The
HEU fuelled core (Core 34A) was shut down on 19 September 2008 and core
disassembly commenced. The first LEU fuel assembly was placed in the reactor
at 3:53 p.m. on 29 September 2008, thus accomplishing the conversion before the
milestone date of 30 September 2008.
FIG. 28. Washington State TRIGA Conversion Reactor: Bridge and pool with its operational
core (courtesy of Washington State University, United States of America).
of 70%. The reactor was operated until 2008 with various core configurations,
rearranging the FLIP and LEU fuels, graphite reflectors and irradiation positions
according to the research needs. The final HEU/LEU core configuration before
conversion, referred to as Core 34A, consisted of 51 FLIP fuel rods in the central
region of the core and 68 standard LEU (8.5/20) TRIGA fuel rods.
In addition to WSU, the conversion was carried out with the cooperation
of INL, Argonne National Laboratory, General Atomics, Brookhaven National
Laboratory and the NRC. Fresh 30/20 fuel receipt and spent nuclear fuel shipping
was done with the cooperation of INL, Secure Transportation Services and NAC
International. The role of each organization is discussed separately.
An SAR was submitted to the NRC in June 2002 as part of a request for
facility licence renewal. The 2002 SAR described the reactor as it existed at
that time, with a core containing both HEU and LEU fuels. The 2002 SAR was
still under review in 2007 when the preparation began for the conversion of the
reactor from the HEU/LEU mixed core to all LEU fuel. A supplemental SAR,
primarily written by General Atomics, was prepared and submitted to the NRC
in August 2007. The 2007 SAR presented analysis of the mixed HEU/LEU core
(Core 34A) along with predicted behaviour for the proposed all LEU fuelled
reactor (Core 35A).
The core configuration, in a geometrical sense, was the same for Core 34A
and the proposed Core 35A due to the planned substitution of the FLIP fuel with
30/20 fuel on a rod by rod basis. Consequently, the geometric component of the
MCNP (Monte Carlo N-Particle) input deck was the same for both cores, and
differed only in the compositions of the ZrHx/U fuel matrix, with the uranium
burnup, plutonium buildup, burnable poison (erbium) depletion and fission
product buildup accounted for in the FLIP fuel model.
A MCNP model for the HEU/LEU core had not been developed before
commencement of the conversion activities. Core analysis was done by General
Atomics, using MCNP to model power distribution and the BLOOST code to
model pulsing behaviour. Values of the prompt negative temperature coefficient,
heat capacity, shutdown margin and core excess reactivity were also modelled
by General Atomics. The model provided power distribution on a fuel assembly
by fuel assembly basis. At full power, the reactor operates with the central
control rod (referred to as the pulse rod or transient rod) fully withdrawn from
the reactor core. The resulting core vacancy (i.e. a single rod water hole) leads
to an increase in neutron thermalization in the vacancy and causes local power
peaking in adjacent fuel rods. The thermal flux peaking together with the central
core location of the rods combines to act as a limiting factor for placement of the
temperature sensing instrumented fuel elements (IFEs).
Argonne National Laboratory was engaged to determine thermal-hydraulic
characteristics and used RELAP to model expected fuel temperatures. The
limiting safety system setting (LSSS) that is specified in the WSUR technical
specifications stipulates that the fuel temperature scram set point be no higher
than 500°C. The intent of the LSSS value is to protect the safety limit (i.e. the
fuel temperature limit of 1150°C for 30/20 LEU fuel and 1050°C for 8.5/20 LEU
fuel). The criteria that were established for determining allowable core positions
for the IFE were that the IFE would reach the fuel temperature scram point of
500°C before onset of departure from nuclear boiling (DNB), yet would not reach
the 500°C scram set point before the reactor reached full power. For example,
placing an IFE in the rod position exhibiting the highest temperature due to the
amount of power peaking in that position would result in the IFE centreline fuel
temperature reaching 500°C at approximately 900 kW of reactor power (i.e.
before reaching full licensed power of 1000 kW). Placing the IFE in the highest
power core location or another nearby location with similar power factors would
not compromise reactor safety. However, it would prevent operating the reactor
at full power, and thus act as an unnecessary operationally limiting situation. On
the other hand, there are core locations within the 30/20 region in the central part
of the reactor core which would be inappropriate for an IFE. Placement of an
IFE in a core position with relatively low power, compared to the power level
in the highest power fuel rod, would permit reactor power to increase beyond
the licensed power level before reaching the 500°C scram set point. In addition,
power peaking in the highest power fuel rod could conceivably approach an
unacceptable temperature margin between operational coolant temperature and
the temperature at which DNB commences.
Reactor pulsing for experimental purposes is carried out from time to time,
making pulsing behaviour of considerable interest. All WSUR pulses going back
to 1967 have been recorded in logbooks. The records include measurements
of peak pulse power, energy release and peak fuel temperature in the IFE. The
WSUR pulse behaviour was modelled by General Atomics using the BLOOST
code, and was compared with historical pulsing data for Core 34A. It was found
that BLOOST consistently over predicted peak power but was in reasonable
agreement with observed pulse energy release. This may be due to a shortcoming
in the space-independent model for the mixed HEU/LEU core or due to peak
power being limited because of the relative amount of time required for transient
rod movement versus pulse power rise time.
The shutdown margin for Core 35A was calculated with ‘all rods in’ (i.e.
all control rods completely inserted into the core). It was possible to correlate the
calculated values with experimentally measured shutdown margin values. The
core excess was calculated under an ‘all rods out’ condition. Integral reactivity
curves were determined for each control rod by the timed power increase method.
The MCNP model and experimental data were in reasonable agreement in each
The NRC subcontracted a review of the 2007 SAR to subject matter experts
at Brookhaven National Laboratory. A series of RAI regarding the 2007 SAR
were generated; the RAI were forwarded to WSU by the NRC. Responses to the
RAI were prepared by Argonne National Laboratory, General Atomics and WSU.
An SER was generated by Brookhaven National Laboratory after resolution of
the RAI. The SER provided an examination of the technical bases contained in
the SAR and in the RAI. The NRC issued the conversion order after satisfying
closure of all RAI.
A goal of the HEU to LEU conversion was to exchange the FLIP fuel
with 30/20 LEU TRIGA fuel on a rod by rod basis without causing significant
adverse impact on reactor performance. The 30/20 fuel was qualified by the NRC
as acceptable for use in TRIGA fuelled reactors, was commercially available
through CERCA (a subsidiary of AREVA), and was suitable in the sense that its
performance characteristics are very similar to FLIP in fuel lifetime and reactivity.
New graphite reflectors had been obtained to replace the original reflectors,
and conversion was an appropriate time to replace the reflectors. Subsequent
loading of the fuel in the reactor was carried out while measuring the approach
to criticality; criticality was reached on 7 October 2008. Power calibration and
control rod calibration were carried out to determine core excess (limited to
5.6% ∆k/k), and shutdown margins; the core became steady state operational on
17 October 2008. Steady state operation resumed, and continued during which
time samarium and other fission products accumulated in the reactor to a steady
state level at approximately 370 MW·h of operation of the entire LEU core. Pulse
testing was carried out in January and February 2009, and was completed on
6 March 2009. Examination of pulse testing data was conducted and Core 35A
was declared fully operational on 15 April 2009.
The LEU core behaves similarly to the mixed HEU/LEU core. For example,
power peaking is similar, as evidenced by comparable values for indicated fuel
centreline temperature in the IFE. An epithermal beam port exhibited a reduction
of intensity by about 5%, apparently due to inelastic scattering of the higher
uranium loading of the 30/20 fuel. Reactor pulsing behaviour with LEU fuel
shows similar peak energies for given amounts of transient reactivity insertion,
although a reduction in energy release. The reactor is occasionally used in pulse
mode for experimental purposes; the reduction of energy release has not posed
problems for experimental irradiations.
The HEU fuel that was removed from the reactor in September 2007 was
transferred to a spent fuel storage area in the reactor pool, where it remained
while making arrangements for shipping. The used HEU fuel was shipped in
August 2009 from WSU to a fuel storage facility at INL.
(a) The TRIGA MPR-16 reactor at the Institute of Nuclear Research, Piteşti,
(b) The TRIGA Mark III reactor at the National Institute for Nuclear Research,
Mexico City, Mexico;
(c) The TRIGA Mark II reactor at the Atominstitut, Vienna, Austria.
The first has been described in detail in Section 3 and will not be discussed
further. The experience of, and lessons learned from, the second reactor
conversion is very similar to the case study for WSU above, with the exception
that NRC involvement was replaced with that of the National Commission for
Nuclear Safety and Safeguards (Comisión Nacional de Seguridad Nuclear y
Salvaguardias, CNSNS) as the cognizant regulator and substantial assistance
was provided by the IAEA. Briefly described below is the MTR HEU – TRIGA
LEU conversion of the research reactor at the Institute of Nuclear Science and
Alternative Energies (Instituto de Ciencias Nucleares y Energias Alternativas,
INEA) in Bogota, Colombia, and a mixed HEU/LEU core to a full LEU core
conversion of the TRIGA Mark II reactor at the Atominstitut, Vienna, Austria.
Since 1965, the Institute of Nuclear Affairs (IAN) — and subsequently the
Colombian Institute of Geology and Mining (INGEOMINAS) — has operated
a small 10 kW(th) research reactor, known as the IAN-R1 reactor, which was
subsequently upgraded to 30 kW(th) in 1980. This reactor was provided to
Colombia under the US programme Atoms for Peace, and had been fuelled
TRIGA fuel
state Original TRIGA
Facility Country power after conversion
conversion startup
wt% U–235U
Reference to “nominal 20%” for the 235U enrichment means 235
U enriched to just under
20%, or approximately 19.7 wt% 235U.
In Taiwan, China.
with MTR HEU fuel, enriched nominally to 93% 235U. With the cooperation of
the IAEA, a gradual reactor upgrade programme was undertaken, beginning in
1987. The IAN changed its structure and also its name into Institute of Nuclear
Sciences and Alternative Energy (INEA) in 1992. In 1994, the IAEA and INEA
entered into a tripartite contract with General Atomics to perform an HEU to
LEU conversion of the R-1 reactor, including: preparing the SAR; manufacturing
TRIGA type LEU (19.7% enriched) fuel assemblies to replace the original
MTR HEU fuel plate assemblies; operator training; upgrading the reactor power
to 100 kW(th); carrying out additional upgrades to the I&C system, auxiliary
reactor systems; and commissioning the converted, upgraded reactor as a TRIGA
conversion reactor that was successfully completed in 1997.
The original HEU core was a flat plate design consisting of a 4 × 4 array of
fuel elements surrounded by 20 graphite reflector elements. The TRIGA LEU
core used the same core geometry, and replaced the HEU plate assemblies with
TRIGA 12 wt% uranium, LEU four rod fuel cluster assemblies, including standard
four rod and three rod control rods, and in core experimental fuel assemblies. The
final core configuration in 1997 is given in Fig. 29.
As mentioned earlier, this conversion was carried out under a tripartite
arrangement between the IAEA, the reactor owner (INEA) and the reactor vendor
(General Atomics). Under such an arrangement, not only were all contractual
arrangements supported by the IAEA, but significant technical support activities
FIG. 29. Core layout of INEA MTR HEU to TRIGA LEU conversion (courtesy of General
Atomics and INEA, Colombia).
were provided by cognizant experts at all stages of the conversion and upgrade
process, including overall project management support, review and acceptance
of the SAR, inspection and acceptance of as manufactured fuel assemblies,
installation of auxiliary equipment, and fuel loading and commissioning
operations by the reactor vendor.
The reactor shielding, which was designed for the original 10 kW
operations, was not upgraded during the conversion and power upgrade to
100 kW with TRIGA LEU fuel, relying on administrative controls to achieve the
desired radiation safety during operations at 100 kW. Currently, the Colombian
regulator has limited the operations to 30 kW for ensuring occupational radiation
The TRIGA reactor in Vienna operated for many years with a mixed core
using aluminium clad and stainless steel clad LEU fuel and a few stainless steel
HEU fuel elements. In view of the US spent fuel return programme, the average
age of these fuel elements and the Austrian position not to store any spent nuclear
fuel on its territory, negotiation started in April 2011 with the DOE and the IAEA.
The sensitive subject was to return the old TRIGA fuel and to find a solution for
a possible continuation of reactor operations for the following decades. As the
TRIGA reactor in Vienna is the closest nuclear facility to the IAEA headquarters,
there was great interest at the IAEA to have an operating research reactor nearby,
as historically close cooperation exists between the IAEA and the Atominstitut.
Negotiation involved Austrian ministries, the IAEA, the European Supply
Agency and the DOE, and concluded that Austria would return 91 spent fuel
elements to INL, while INL would provide 77 very low burnup stainless steel
clad LEU elements for further reactor operation of the TRIGA reactor in Vienna.
The title to these 77 new fuel elements will be transferred to European Atomic
Energy Community (Euratom) in accordance with Article 86 of the Euratom–US
Treaty. The fuel exchange with the old core returned to the INL, and the new core
transferred to Vienna was carried out in one shipment in late 2012 through the
ports of Koper, Slovenia, and Trieste, Italy.
The administrative, logistic and technical preparations of the fuel exchange
took more than one year, as this fuel exchange was unique worldwide and was
the first of its kind between Austria and the United States of America. The whole
exchange procedure, from the arrival of the ‘new’ fuel to the return of the spent
fuel, was performed successfully in two weeks in November 2012. Detailed
information on the fuel swap can be found in the individual contribution by Villa
et al. on the CD-ROM accompanying this publication.
Number of TRIGA RRs
1 6 11 16 21 26 31 36 41 46 51 56
Years of operation after the 1st criticality
Failure rate
FIG. 31. Classic ‘Bathtub’ Reliability Curve, which can also be applied to the research
reactor technology.
FIG. 32. Collected pieces in the coarse filter (courtesy of Atominstitut, Vienna).
The endoscope, together with the water jet and the tank cleaning pump, has
been successfully applied in the past in several research reactors through bilateral
cooperation and assistance among the TRIGA community (see Section 6.2). In
fact, in one case the visual inspection and maintenance saved the operator tedious
repair work of several months or a possible permanent shutdown [50].
tank and the core structure. For these ISI inspections, tools and methods have
been developed based on experience in non-nuclear applications and modified or
adapted to the nuclear environment. Other non-radioactive components may be
inspected with methods used in conventional industries. The following methods
and tools are typically used in a TRIGA Mark II reactor but may easily be adapted
for any other low or even high power TRIGA research reactor:
For the inspection of the inner surface of neutron beam tubes or internal
core structures, a modular endoscope is found to give excellent results (see
Fig. 33). A typical system consists of a set of 1 m long (18 mm diameter) ocular
and rigid optical extension pieces.
FIG. 33. Underwater endoscope (courtesy of Atominstitut, Vienna).
FIG. 34. Lower grid plate (courtesy of Atominstitut, Vienna).
FIG. 36. Replica material to determine the dimension of a corrosion spot (courtesy of
Atominstitut, Vienna).
pliable for about 3 minutes in ambient air and water. The rod is then lowered
into the reactor tank (water temperature around 30°C) and immediately pressed
on the corrosion crater for 4–5 minutes. Within this period, the silicon paste
hardens completely and the system can be removed from the reactor tank. The
hardened material gives an exact replica of the corrosion crater for further
investigation [44].
Dirt or debris in the reactor tank may cause cloudiness or potentially cause
thermal and hydraulic problems within the reactor fuel. The most effective
manner of keeping the reactor tank clean is to eliminate the source by covering
the top of the pool with acrylic glass and by being careful not to drop materials
into the water when working above the open pool. Most research reactors have
some system of purifying the primary coolant. These systems are generally not
designed to remove relatively large debris that sinks quickly to the pool bottom.
A conventional plastic pump used for cleaning swimming pools has been found
to be useful to clean the tank bottom from small debris. A typical system is
equipped with a coarse filter to collect larger objects (such as screws) and
12 units of candle type fine filters for collecting small particles. One advantage
is that these fine filters are reusable, and they may be washed and reinstalled into
the pump (see Fig. 37). Some reactor facilities repeat pool cleaning periodically.
FIG. 37. Tank cleaning pump with integrated filters (courtesy of Atominstitut, Vienna).
A tool that has been found to be very useful in cleaning remote areas in
reactor tanks from debris is a strong water jet (16 × 106 Pa) produced by a portable
compressor together with different types of jet nozzle. The material stirred up
from the tank bottom or any deposits removed from the tank wall will ultimately
be collected in the filters of the water purification system. It is important to
remove the material quickly with a local vacuuming system as described in
Section 6.2.3. Some of these jet nozzles are small enough to be inserted through
a hole in the top grid plate right into the core volume and can be used to clean
the core of debris or corrosion deposits. Operators need to be cautioned that
high pressure water jets can cause damage to sensitive reactor components and
therefore the jet should not be aimed directly at fuel elements.
inspection. Due to the geometry in the transition between the wall and bottom of
the tank, it is normally difficult to maintain a constant distance from the metal;
therefore, some areas are not accessible for this type of inspection [53].
From the mid 1950s, I&C systems for research reactors evolved parallel
to the development of I&C systems for nuclear power plants, but given that
research reactor I&C did not need to meet all the rigorous standards applied to
nuclear power plant systems, the designs could be simplified. And even though
the nuclear power plant market was much more demanding, it was more than
the research reactor market, so the number of suppliers for research reactors was
limited. When orders for nuclear power plants and research reactors decreased
in the late 1970s, it became increasingly difficult and costly for smaller research
reactors to acquire a new I&C system. Only a handful of companies worldwide
were able to supply acceptable design research reactors I&C systems and at an
acceptable price. In addition, requirements from regulatory authorities became
more demanding by applying, in some countries, requirements for I&C systems
following nuclear power plant standards such as redundancy, diversity and
seismic resistance, which also had a major impact on the I&C system costs.
Additional factors to be considered during the evolution of research reactor I&C
systems are the requirements for recalibration, maintenance, documentation and
the human–machine interface. The following sections describe the evolution of
TRIGA research reactor I&C systems from the early days to the present.
6.3.1. Generation 1
When TRIGA reactors were developed in the mid 1950s, the typical state
of the art I&C systems were based on vacuum tube based electronics, and used
to monitor basic reactor parameters such as thermal reactor power, reactor
period, fuel and water temperature, dose rates, radioactivity in air and water, and
several other classical parameters. If safety related parameters deviated from a
given range, safety driven counter actions, or even a reactor shutdown, had to be
initiated. All these criteria were already taken into account with such simple I&C
systems based on electronic tubes (see Fig. 38).
FIG. 38. Generation 1 TRIGA operating console (courtesy of General Atomics).
6.3.2. Generation 2
Towards the mid 1960s, solid state transistors replaced vacuum tube
electronic in I&C systems, and a new type of TRIGA instrumentation based
entirely on transistors was marketed. During the 1970s, therefore, many TRIGA
reactors converted to such a type of I&C systems; and some of these are still
in use (see Fig. 39). This type of reactor instrumentation was easy to maintain
and spare parts could easily be replaced for about 20 years, until they slowly
disappeared from the market.
6.3.3. Generation 3
With the advent of personal computer technology in the 1980s, a new type
of digital, then state of the art, software based I&C system was pioneered by
General Atomics and became available from General Atomics as well as other
vendors from the late 1980s onwards. As software based I&C systems were
usually not accepted by the regulatory authorities, especially for safety related
system performance, parallel hard wired shutdown systems for the licence
required safety related parameters to continue to be used, and therefore an
FIG. 39. Typical installation of a Generation 2 TRIGA I&C system based on solid state
components supplied by General Atomics (courtesy of General Atomics and Oregon State
University, United States of America).
analogue–digital hybrid remained the state of the art I&C systems in most of
TRIGA research reactors worldwide and continues today. An early Generation 3
design is shown in Fig. 40. And even though analogue based instrumentation
continued to be utilized, particularly for subsystems that were required to
perform a safety function, their designs evolved into compact, modular units
with modern, state of the art circuit designs and components. These systems also
allowed digital archiving of real time operations data which could be played back
at a later time either as a teaching tool or to analyse any anomalies in operation.
Many TRIGA facilities have performed a complete replacement of
their analogue I&C system with digitally based systems. While most TRIGA
reactors use General Atomics supplied systems, including the nuclear safety
instrumentation, some have chosen to use other suppliers to upgrade their older
systems. Recently, for example, the TRIGA facility in Malaysia has successfully
replaced the Generation 2 I&C system with technology provided by a company
from the Republic of Korea. Similarly, the IAN-R1 TRIGA conversion reactor
FIG. 40. With the evolution of desktop computers, PC based I&C systems were introduced
and various designs continue to be in use today (courtesy of General Atomics and CNESTEN,
6.3.4. Generation 4
After more than 20 years use of operating with software based but
hardwired digital I&C systems, various components of those systems have again
reached their end of life. The situation is also hindered by the non-availability of
spare parts for systems installed in the 1990s, software updates, or replacement
computer components and old generation computers themselves, such as the
situation encountered in Colombia and described above. New Generation 4 digital
I&C systems are now being introduced, which can monitor and control variables
and parameters of physical and other processes, component and system statuses,
as well as react on predefined process limits and safety conditions. These new
I&C systems are capable of performing all the functions in both standard and
abnormal conditions, including emergency situations. The technical equipment
monitors and records all main parameters that have an impact on facility
safety and also collects and stores all the information required for reliable and
safe reactor operation. These new I&C systems are equipped with appropriate
control and safety devices to keep critical variables within technical specification
limits. The individual digital components, which guarantee the communication
between the different sensors and the instrumentation and the control systems,
communicate with each other using serial bus via fibre metallic and optic cables.
With this kind of communication, self-diagnostic testing of the different signals
is possible. For all other communications, Ethernet is used. Some schematics and
flow chart of a Generation 4 I&C system is provided in Fig. 41.
Via touch screen monitors, modern digital I&C systems offer the possibility
to view historical trends of the system relevant parameters during the startup
phase and also during long term operation. Relevant parameters such as the
reactor period, the fuel temperature or the position of the control rods can be
studied directly on parallel screens in the reactor control room. The historical
trend of the control rod position can be used to determine poisoning effects and
is helpful for burnup calculations. All the data are stored on two parallel hard
disks and can be transferred to different storage media for backup and additional
visualization. Via Ethernet, the most important parameters of the reactor, such as
reactor power, fuel and water temperature, can be transferred to additional screens
in the reactor hall and shown to the users, trainees or visitors of the facility.
The system software is developed and tested by standards, methodology
and quality assurance procedures required by the regulatory body for similar
research reactors. The safety system software development includes a graded
approach for research reactors. In addition, new Generation 4 digital I&C systems
are designed, manufactured and tested on the basis of general qualification
procedures for seismic resistance.
RS 422
Other Analog
Visualisation Displays
FIG. 41. Flow chart of input parameters and signals as well as their connections and linkage within the modern I&C system.
The costs of new fuel elements have risen dramatically since 1996, and
there will likely be further increases as regulators impose post-Fukushima safety
upgrades on nuclear material handling facilities. Some TRIGA reactors need fuel
soon, others have reserves to serve them for a period of time, some others may be
shut down, or plan to shut down soon, possibly releasing their fresh fuel for use in
other facilities. To evaluate the present situation of operational TRIGA research
reactors and to estimate future needs of fuel in the next five years, the IAEA
has prepared and sent out a specific questionnaire to operational TRIGA research
reactors. Figure 42 shows an overview of global fuel in storage related to the fuel
needed in the next five years. According to these preliminary data of 2014, stored
and unused fuel can fully meet the demand for the coming five years.
Unfortunately, there are research reactors where the fuel is needed now, and
they are obliged to operate their facilities at reduced power/cycles (see Fig. 43).
In support of those countries, a future challenge might be to transfer fuel from
one country to another.
In a recent core conversion project at the TRIGA reactor in Vienna,
Austria, it was proven that slightly irradiated fuel released from a shutdown or
decommissioned facility, could be utilized in an operating reactor [59]. This
opportunity was made available from ‘used’ fuel in storage at INL, and facilitated
by the DOE through its GTRI and the IAEA to repatriate, to the United States of
America, the high enriched fuel formerly at the TRIGA reactor in Vienna.
fresh fuel in storage need
Number of fuel elements
SS Clad Al Clad IFE FFCR Incoloy
Fuel type
Note: A
l — aluminium; FFCR — fuel follower control rod; IFE — instrumented fuel element;
SS — stainless steel; Incoloy — cladded in Incoloy-800 alloys.
FIG. 42. Global situation of TRIGA fuel, representing 20 TRIGA facilities worldwide.
fresh fuel in storage need
Number of fuel elements
SS Clad Al Clad IFE FFCR Incoloy
Fuel type
Note: A
l — aluminium; FFCR — fuel follower control rod; IFE — instrumented fuel element;
SS — stainless steel; Incoloy — cladded in Incoloy-800 alloys.
A further complication is that not all reactors use the same type of fuel. For
many years, TRIGA fuel has been manufactured with several different weight
percentages of uranium (namely 8.5%, 12%, 20%, 30% and 45%) and also with
different external dimensions for standard versus conversion core configurations.
While reactors can have the flexibility to mix these various fuel loadings,
appropriate analyses and licence amendments have to be done in order to do so
and to achieve an acceptable core configuration. Hence, the availability of unused
fuel may not meet the needs of all facilities. Central ‘exchange’ opportunities
proposed in regional areas need to be aware of such cases, and an additional
survey needs to identify all the available versus required fuel elements, including
their type.
Finally, the concern about the lack of a fresh fuel supply can be alleviated
as soon as there is sufficiently quantified demand, with a clear commitment from
the TRIGA community, to make a clear business case for continued operation of
a fuel fabrication facility.
Originally, all the facilities and their fuel elements were provided by
General Atomics, located in the United States of America. Spent fuel has always
been returned to the United States of America for safe and secure storage. By
2013, all HEU elements that were fuelling TRIGA reactors were returned to
the United States of America and replaced by high density LEU fuel elements
manufactured by General Atomics and provided by the US Government as part of
the GTRI programme. All TRIGA research reactors worldwide are now operating
with less than 20% enriched fuel.
The DOE has announced that its spent nuclear fuel programme to
repatriate US origin fuel will cease in 2016/2019. All fuel to be returned must
cease irradiation in May 2016 and all return shipments must be completed by
May 2019. The non–US TRIGA community is thus facing the challenge to find
final storage for several thousand spent fuel elements (see Fig. 44). Non–US
TRIGA research reactors in the near future will need to find alternative spent
fuel disposition, or cease operations by 2016. Some initiatives were taken by the
TRIGA hosting countries to see whether the repatriation programme could be
extended. Several non–US TRIGA facilities will probably continue operating,
even if the DOE’s intention to cease the fuel return programme is affirmed,
and consequently fuel will be used beyond 2019, which requires an alternative
solution for their ultimate spent fuel disposition.
2054 spent fuel slightly irradiated fuel
Number of fuel elements
78 105 42 57
0 0 0
SS Clad Al Clad IFE FFCR Incoloy
Fuel type
Note: Al — aluminium; FFCR — fuel follower control rod; IFE — instrumented fuel element;
SS — stainless steel; Incoloy — cladded in Incoloy-800 alloys.
FIG. 44. Global situation of spent fuel as per data collected from 20 TRIGA research reactors
Other than fuel front end and back end issues, TRIGA research reactors
are facing an underutilization challenge (see Fig. 45). The efforts to address
the problem include developing and implementing strategic utilization plans,
installing additional experimental capabilities, attracting more users and
industrial partners, and establishing better relationships with universities and
research institutions. In addition, providing facilitated access to the reactors for
the countries without such facilities as well as creating regional research reactor
networks and coalitions are other means the IAEA uses to assist the research
reactor community worldwide.
Number of TRIGA research reactors
Low Medium High
Annual utilization rate of TRIGA research reactors
Note: Low — less than 4 effective weeks (EWs) in operation per year; Medium — between 4
to 20 EWs; High — more than 20 EWs.
Source: IAEA Research Reactor Data Base.
FIG. 45. Distribution of the annual utilization rate of TRIGA research reactors.
Like any other type of technical facility, research reactors require constant
maintenance, periodical refurbishment, and modernization in order to keep the
technical state of the art status and to meet the latest safety requirements. This,
of course, is also applicable to all TRIGA facilities still in operation worldwide.
TRIGA research reactors have been successfully operated for nearly 60 years,
with relatively little major maintenance or modernization. This has been possible
as a result of the high degree of safety provided by the robust UZrHx fuel as
well as the simplicity of control and safety systems. Modernization, however, can
be expensive as well as time consuming, sometimes resulting in long shutdown
periods, interfering with research and education schedules. However, ageing
facilities could be kept in operation even at moderate costs and time commitments
if sources of originally designed spare parts can be made available.
Some facilities have maintained sets of spare parts; some decommissioned
facilities have provided usable parts to help to keep other reactors in operation.
Regional inventories or even actual collections of such materials, donated by
existing facilities or scavenged during decommissioning should help continued
operation. The IAEA will be able to support regional centres for such a purpose.
In the United States of America, General Atomics and the TRTR network,
especially the TRIGA subnetwork, can provide such information, including the
provision of spare parts exchange services.
In recent years, the IAEA has been promoting networking, coalitions and
regional collaboration to improve the efficient and sustainable utilization of
research reactors. A number of research reactor coalitions and networks have
been developed with the IAEA’s support to encourage better utilization of
research reactors and to facilitate access for the Member States without such
facilities. The coalition/network concept involves putting in place cooperative
arrangements among research reactor operators, user entities, customers and
other stakeholders. Ideally, a strong partnership is formed, leading to increased
utilization of individual research reactors through collective efforts, including
improved self-sustainability and self-reliability. The IAEA acts as a catalyst and
facilitator towards self-reliance, assists in preparation of strategic and business
plans, and also provides initial support via its technical assistance programmes.
With the IAEA support, seven such networks, with shared research reactor
facilities and competencies, have collectively offered services to regional and
international users, secured entrepreneurial interest, supported upgrading existing
or developing new facilities and improved access for countries without research
delivery of irradiation products and services as well as education and training
among other revenue generating applications of research reactors.
FIG. 46. Participants of IAEA Technical Meeting on Research Reactor Coalitions: Global
Issues of TRIGA Research Reactors, 4–8 November 2013, Vienna, Austria.
The meeting defined and established the organizational structure and goals
of GTRRN in order:
—— MoU: Agreement to work together and to collect the signatures from the
remaining TRIGA research reactors;
—— Promote TRIGA utilization and applications, and seek strengthened support
from various stakeholders;
—— Enhance utilization of TRIGA research reactors;
—— Continue to work together on possible TRIGA fuel options (front end and
back end);
—— Improve the exchange of information and technical experience, including
the exchange of experts and available spare parts;
—— Create and maintain a dedicated web portal for GTRRN.
recommendations. Many ageing facilities should envisage dedicated efforts to
ensure the provision of necessary spare parts for uninterrupted reactor operation
and smooth maintenance. Furthermore, a number of strategic plans foresee major
reactor upgrading and new installation projects such as:
(a) Digital I&C system to fulfil modern safety requirements for I&C systems
of TRIGA type reactors.
(b) Modern experimental facilities installed in beam ports:
—— Digital neutron radiography/imaging facility;
—— Other specialized neutron beam tube experiments (e.g. neutron
diffraction or PGNAA).
(c) Automation of NAA laboratories to increase analysis capacity and
(d) Provision of specialized education and training remotely or via the Internet.
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Moroccan TRIGA Mark II research reactor utilization
B. Nacir (Morocco)
TRIGA 14 MW research reactor status and utilization
D. Barbos (Romania), M. Ciocanescu, C. Paunoiu
The past and the future of the TRIGA reactor Vienna
H. Böck (Austria), Y. Hasegawa, E. Jericha, G. Steinhauser, M. Villa
The research reactor TRIGA Mainz
K. Eberhardt (Germany), C. Geppert
ITU TRIGA Mark II training and research reactor
M. Mercimek (Turkey)
TRIGA RC-1 at ENEA C.R. Cassaccia
M. Palomba (Italy), M. Iorio, M. Carta
TRIGA utilization experiences at the University of Pavia
A. Salvini (Italy), D. Alloni, G. Magrotti, S. Manera, M. Oddone, M. Prata
The JSI TRIGA Mark II reactor, Slovenia
B. Smodiš (Slovenia), L. Snoj
SER safety evaluation report
TRIGA training, research, isotopes, General Atomics
TRTR National Organization of Test, Research, and Training
UZrH uranium–zirconium hydride
WSU Washington State University
WSUR Washington State University research reactor
ZrH zirconium hydride
Hampel, G. Consultant
@ No. 24
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This publication summarizes the past and present
of TRIGA research reactors, and addresses
potential challenges in the near future. As the
staff of TRIGA facilities retire, there is an urgent
need to gather their knowledge.
This publication covers the historical development
and basic characteristics, utilization, fuel
conversion and ageing management of TRIGA
research reactors. The CD-ROM accompanying
this publication includes 22 individual
papers, describing operational TRIGA facilities
worldwide, reporting on their status, key
research results, issues and challenges they
are facing as well as future plans.