Safety through international standards for protecting people and the environment
Protection of Workers
Against Exposure
Due to Radon
Jointly sponsored by
The IAEA provides for the application of the standards and, under the terms of
Articles III and VIII.C of its Statute, makes available and fosters the exchange of information
relating to peaceful nuclear activities and serves as an intermediary among its Member States
for this purpose.
Reports on safety in nuclear activities are issued as Safety Reports, which provide
practical examples and detailed methods that can be used in support of the safety standards.
Other safety related IAEA publications are issued as Emergency Preparedness and
Response publications, Radiological Assessment Reports, the International Nuclear Safety
Group’s INSAG Reports, Technical Reports and TECDOCs. The IAEA also issues reports
on radiological accidents, training manuals and practical manuals, and other special safety
related publications.
Security related publications are issued in the IAEA Nuclear Security Series.
The IAEA Nuclear Energy Series comprises informational publications to encourage
and assist research on, and the development and practical application of, nuclear energy for
peaceful purposes. It includes reports and guides on the status of and advances in technology,
and on experience, good practices and practical examples in the areas of nuclear power, the
nuclear fuel cycle, radioactive waste management and decommissioning.
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The status of the IAEA safety standards derives from the IAEA’s Statute,
which authorizes the IAEA to establish or adopt, in consultation and, where
appropriate, in collaboration with the competent organs of the United Nations
and with the specialized agencies concerned, standards of safety for protection
of health and minimization of danger to life and property, and to provide for
their application.
With a view to ensuring the protection of people and the environment
from harmful effects of ionizing radiation, the IAEA safety standards establish
fundamental safety principles, requirements and measures to control the radiation
exposure of people and the release of radioactive material to the environment, to
restrict the likelihood of events that might lead to a loss of control over a nuclear
reactor core, nuclear chain reaction, radioactive source or any other source of
radiation, and to mitigate the consequences of such events if they were to occur.
The standards apply to facilities and activities that give rise to radiation risks,
including nuclear installations, the use of radiation and radioactive sources, the
transport of radioactive material and the management of radioactive waste.
Safety measures and security measures1 have in common the aim of
protecting human life and health and the environment. Safety measures and
security measures must be designed and implemented in an integrated manner
so that security measures do not compromise safety and safety measures do not
compromise security.
The IAEA safety standards reflect an international consensus on what
constitutes a high level of safety for protecting people and the environment
from harmful effects of ionizing radiation. They are issued in the IAEA Safety
Standards Series, which has three categories (see Fig. 1).
Safety Fundamentals
Safety Fundamentals present the fundamental safety objective and principles
of protection and safety, and provide the basis for the safety requirements.
Safety Requirements
An integrated and consistent set of Safety Requirements establishes
the requirements that must be met to ensure the protection of people and the
environment, both now and in the future. The requirements are governed by the
objective and principles of the Safety Fundamentals. If the requirements are not
met, measures must be taken to reach or restore the required level of safety. The
format and style of the requirements facilitate their use for the establishment, in a
harmonized manner, of a national regulatory framework. Requirements, including
numbered ‘overarching’ requirements, are expressed as ‘shall’ statements. Many
requirements are not addressed to a specific party, the implication being that the
appropriate parties are responsible for fulfilling them.
Safety Guides
Safety Guides provide recommendations and guidance on how to comply
with the safety requirements, indicating an international consensus that it
See also publications issued in the IAEA Nuclear Security Series.
Safety Fundamentals
Fundamental Safety Principles
Part 2. Leadership and Management for Safety 2/1. Safety of Nuclear Power Plants: Design
FIG. 1. The long term structure of the IAEA Safety Standards Series.
The preparation and review of the safety standards involves the IAEA
Secretariat and five Safety Standards Committees, for emergency preparedness
and response (EPReSC) (as of 2016), nuclear safety (NUSSC), radiation safety
(RASSC), the safety of radioactive waste (WASSC) and the safe transport of
radioactive material (TRANSSC), and a Commission on Safety Standards (CSS)
which oversees the IAEA safety standards programme (see Fig. 2).
All IAEA Member States may nominate experts for the Safety Standards
Committees and may provide comments on draft standards. The membership of
the Commission on Safety Standards is appointed by the Director General and
includes senior governmental officials having responsibility for establishing
national standards.
A management system has been established for the processes of planning,
developing, reviewing, revising and establishing the IAEA safety standards.
Outline and work plan
prepared by the Secretariat;
review by the Safety Standards
Committees and the CSS
Secretariat and
drafting of new or revision
of existing safety standard
Review by Draft
Safety Standards Member States
Final draft
by the CSS
FIG. 2. The process for developing a new safety standard or revising an existing standard.
It articulates the mandate of the IAEA, the vision for the future application of
the safety standards, policies and strategies, and corresponding functions and
1. INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Background (1.1–1.4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Objective (1.5, 1.6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Scope (1.7, 1.8) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Structure (1.9) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.1. IAEA Safety Standards Series No. SF-1, Fundamental Safety Principles [1],
presents the fundamental safety objective and ten safety principles. Requirements
designed to meet the fundamental safety objective and to apply the safety principles
specified in SF-1 [1] are established in IAEA Safety Standards Series No.
GSR Part 3, Radiation Protection and Safety of Radiation Sources: International
Basic Safety Standards [2], which was jointly sponsored by the IAEA and seven
other international organizations. GSR Part 3 [2] includes requirements for the
protection of workers exposed to sources of radiation.
1.2. The World Health Organization has stated that radon is the second leading
cause of lung cancer in the general population after smoking [3]. Early studies
on underground miners demonstrated an increased incidence of lung cancer in
uranium miners exposed to very high concentrations of radon and its progeny.
Epidemiological studies summarized in reports of the United Nations Scientific
Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR) [4, 5] and in
publications of the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP)
[6, 7] have shown a significant association between workers’ exposure due to
radon and lung cancer. These studies reflect the importance of protecting workers
from exposure due to radon.
1.3. GSR Part 3 [2] establishes requirements for the protection of workers against
exposure due to radon. Recommendations on occupational radiation protection,
including protection of workers against exposure due to radon, are provided in
IAEA Safety Standards Series No. GSG-7, Occupational Radiation Protection [8].
1.4. Recent ICRP publications [6, 7, 9] have also been considered in preparing
this Safety Guide. The prerequisites for protection of workers from all sources
of radiation are set out by the International Labour Organization (ILO) [10]. The
ILO’s code of practice on the radiation protection of workers [11] has also been
taken into account in this Safety Guide.
In this Safety Guide (and in the IAEA safety standards in general), the general phrase
“exposure due to radon” is used, and this includes exposure to both 222Rn and its progeny.
Specific information on protection from radon in workplaces, including those
involving different industrial processes involving NORM, is provided in Refs [12-15].
1.8. The recommendations on specific remedial actions3 and protective actions4
provided in SSG-32 [16] are also applicable in workplaces. Further information
is provided in Ref. [17].
1.9. Section 2 of this Safety Guide describes the framework for the protection
of workers against exposure due to radon. Section 3 provides recommendations
on the protection of workers against exposure due to radon in existing exposure
situations. Section 4 provides recommendations on the protection of workers
against exposure due to radon in planned exposure situations. The Appendices
provide recommendations on the protection of workers against exposure due to
thoron. The Annex provides information on radon measurement protocols and
measurement equipment.
A remedial action is defined as “The removal of a source or the reduction of its
magnitude (in terms of activity or amount) for the purposes of preventing or reducing exposures
that might otherwise occur in an emergency or in an existing exposure situation” [2].
Protective actions are defined as “An action for the purposes of avoiding or reducing
doses that might otherwise be received in an emergency exposure situation or an existing
exposure situation” [2].
GSR Part 3 [2]). Existing exposure situations include exposure due to natural
sources as well as exposure due to residual radioactive material from past practices
that were not subject to regulatory control or that remains after an emergency
exposure situation.
(i) 222Rn and its progeny and 220Rn and its progeny, in workplaces other
than those workplaces for which exposure due to other radionuclides
in the uranium decay chain or the thorium decay chain is controlled as
a planned exposure situation, in dwellings and in other buildings with
high occupancy factors for members of the public”.
(c) Exposure due to 222Rn and to 222Rn progeny and due to 220Rn and to
Rn progeny in workplaces in which occupational exposure due to
other radionuclides in the uranium decay chain or the thorium decay
chain is controlled as a planned exposure situation;
(d) Exposure due to 222Rn and to 222Rn progeny where the annual average
activity concentration of 222Rn in air in workplaces remains above
the reference level established in accordance with para. 5.27 after the
fulfilment of the requirement in para. 5.28 [of GSR Part 3].”
Figure 1 illustrates the approach for the protection of workers against exposure
due to radon in accordance with para. 3.4(d) of GSR Part 3 [2].
2.5. Exposure due to radon is determined in terms of the time integral of the
activity concentration of radon over a defined period of time. To determine which
of the requirements for exposure situations apply, the average annual activity
concentration is the quantity of interest.
Requirements for
No Is the 222Rn activity Yes Make reasonable efforts to
occupational exposure in
concentration above reduce 222Rn activity
existing exposure
the reference level?? concentration
situations apply
FIG. 1. Approach for the protection of workers against exposure due to radon in accordance
with para. 3.4(d) of GSR Part 3 [2].
2.6. The main principles of radiation protection are expressed in Safety Principles
4–6 and 10 of SF‑1 [1]. Requirement 1 of GSR Part 3 [2] states that “Parties with
responsibilities for protection and safety shall ensure that the principles of
radiation protection are applied for all exposure situations.” The fundamental
principles of radiation protection apply during the protection of workers from
exposure due to radon and its progeny.
2.7. For planned exposure situations, Requirement 10 of GSR Part 3 [2] states
that “The government or the regulatory body shall ensure that only justified
practices are authorized.”
2.8. For planned exposure situations, para. 3.16 of GSR Part 3 [2] states
(footnotes omitted):
2.9. For existing exposure situations, para. 2.9 of GSR Part 3 [2] states:
2.10. For existing exposure situations, Requirement 48 of GSR Part 3 [2] states
that “The government and the regulatory body or other relevant authority
shall ensure that remedial actions and protective actions are justified and that
protection and safety is optimized.” Moreover, para. 5.7 of GSR Part 3 [2] states:
“The government and the regulatory body or other relevant authority shall
ensure that the protection strategy for the management of existing exposure
situations…is commensurate with the radiation risks associated with the
existing exposure situation; and that corrective actions or protective actions
are expected to yield sufficient benefits to outweigh the detriments associated
with taking them, including detriments in the form of radiation risks.”
2.11. Paragraph 1.15 of GSR Part 3 [2] states that optimization “is a process
for ensuring that the likelihood and magnitude of exposures and the number of
individuals exposed are as low as reasonably achievable, with economic, societal
and environmental factors taken into account.”
2.12. Paragraph 1.24 of GSR Part 3 [2] states that “Reference levels are used
for optimization of protection and safety in…existing exposure situations. They
are established or approved by the government, the regulatory body or another
relevant authority.” For existing exposure situations, para. 5.8 of GSR Part 3 [2]
states that “The regulatory body or other relevant authority and other parties
responsible for remedial actions or protective actions shall ensure that the form,
scale and duration of such actions are optimized.”
2.13. The value for the radon reference level for the protection of workers
against exposure due to radon depends on the prevailing circumstances under
consideration. Priority should be given to those workplaces in which the reference
level is exceeded, to ensure that radon activity concentrations in these workplaces
are reduced below the reference level and then optimized to ensure that they are
as low as reasonably achievable, with economic, societal and environmental
factors taken into account. Cost effective actions should be considered in the
optimization process.
Dose limit
2.14. Dose limits apply only for planned exposure situations. Paragraph 3.26 of
GSR Part 3 [2] states that “The government or the regulatory body shall establish
and the regulatory body shall enforce compliance with the dose limits…for
occupational exposures and public exposures in planned exposure situations.”
Dose limits for workers are detailed in Schedule III of GSR Part 3 [2].
of exposures, the number of workers exposed and the authorities that are involved,
a comprehensive radon protection strategy may be needed. The strategy should
include measures to prevent the accumulation of radon in workplaces and to
protect workers in areas with high radon levels. The roles of relevant authorities,
such as those for occupational health and safety and public health authorities,
should be described in order to establish and maintain an effective and cooperative
regulatory regime.
3.1. Paragraph 5.3 of GSR Part 3 [2] states that “The government shall include
in the legal and regulatory framework for protection and safety…provisions for
the management of existing exposure situations.” This includes exposure due to
radon in workplaces in existing exposure situations. This legal and regulatory
framework should be included in the domains of radiation protection, occupational
health and safety or public health, depending on which is identified as the most
appropriate authority to be assigned responsibility for the control of radon in
these workplaces.
exposures and public exposures are of concern from the point of view
of radiation protection.”
“In the case of exposure due to radon, the types of situation that are included
in the scope of existing exposure situations will include exposure in
workplaces for which the exposure due to radon is not required by or directly
related to the work, and for which annual average activity concentrations
due to 222Rn might be expected not to exceed the reference level”.
There are two categories of workplace that should be considered: above ground
workplaces and below ground workplaces.
expected, since it is likely that the radon prone areas in above ground workplaces
coincide with the radon prone areas identified in dwellings. This information, if
available, can help States in identifying those areas that contain workplaces with
elevated radon concentrations. Surveys of above ground workplaces should be
designed so that information is representative of the radon activity concentration
levels in the area. The survey data collected should be evaluated to identify
workplaces of concern. If no workplaces of concern are identified, no further
action is necessary. If workplaces with exposures of concern are identified, the
government should ensure that measures to address exposures in workplaces are
included in the action plan (see paras 3.15 and 3.16). The results of these surveys
and their evaluation should be documented and made available to the public.
Information on the design of a radon survey can be found in Ref. [19].
3.7. To meet Requirement 48 of GSR Part 3 [2] (see para. 2.10 of this Safety
Guide), the government should ensure that the benefits of remedial actions and
protective actions against exposure due to radon outweigh the detriments. For
workplaces in existing buildings or facilities, where the annual average activity
concentration of radon is below the reference level, exposure should be optimized
(see para. 1.24 of GSR Part 3 [2]). As such, actions that are expected to yield
the greatest benefits and outweigh the detriments should be implemented. These
actions should be adapted to national circumstances. Detriments include any
radiation risks introduced by taking the action, the cost of taking the action, and
any harm or damage caused by the action.
3.9. Remedial actions are intended to act on the source of exposure; protective
actions are intended to avoid or reduce exposures, for example by acting
on the exposure pathways. Exposures can occur due to inhalation of radon
from the earth’s crust or from building materials. As stated in para. 2.10, the
government is required to justify the measures for the control of radon, such as
controls on building materials. Further recommendations are provided in paras
5.45–5.72 of GSG-7 [8].
“The government, through the legal system, shall establish and maintain
a regulatory body, and shall confer on it the legal authority and provide
it with the competence and the resources necessary to fulfil its statutory
obligation for the regulatory control of facilities and activities.”
3.12. Paragraph 5.2 of GSR Part 3 [2] states that “The government shall ensure
that, when an existing exposure situation is identified, responsibilities for
protection and safety are assigned and appropriate reference levels are
established.” The government should develop a plan for achieving long term
objectives such as conducting radon surveys, evaluating exposures in radon prone
areas, establishing radon requirements in building codes, taking remedial actions
and protective actions, and communicating with the public. Sufficient financial
support should be provided to support the implementation of the plan for the
protection of workers from exposure due to radon.
3.13. In accordance with para. 5.3(d) of GSR Part 3 [2], the government is
required to provide for the involvement of interested parties in decisions regarding
the development and implementation of protection strategies, as appropriate.
As the protection of workers against exposure due to radon involves different
competencies, the interested parties should include authorities with responsibility
for radiation safety, occupational safety, public health and building construction,
as appropriate.
3.14. As part of the protection strategy for existing exposure situations, the
regulatory body or other relevant authority is required to ensure that information
is available to workers on the potential health risks of exposure due to radon (see
para. 5.5(b) of GSR Part 3 [2]). This should include information on the risk of
lung cancer due to radon exposure and the increased risk of lung cancer due to
the combination of smoking and radon. This information should also cover the
importance of assessing the radon levels in workplaces, the temporal variability of
radon levels, the use and interpretation of short term measurements and long term
measurements, the remedial actions and protective actions in existing buildings
and new buildings, and their effectiveness.
3.15. Paragraph 5.2 of GSR Part 3 [2] states that “The regulatory body shall
establish and enforce requirements for the protection of workers in existing
exposure situations.” The action plan established for controlling public exposure
to radon indoors should also cover the implementation of a protection strategy
for exposure due to radon in workplaces. It should include identification of
workplaces of concern, risk communication, actions for reducing radon levels in
buildings and optimization of remedial actions and protective actions. The action
plan should be updated and approved periodically.
3.16. The regulatory body or other relevant authority should be directed to include
the following actions in relation to radon in workplaces in the action plan:
3.19. Paragraph 5.4 of GSR Part 3 [2] states:
3.20. Paragraph 5.27 of GSR Part 3 [2] states that “The reference level for 222Rn
shall be set at a value that does not exceed an annual average activity concentration
of 222Rn of 1000 Bq/m3, with account taken of the prevailing social and economic
circumstances.” 5
3.21. In accordance with para. 5.20 (a) of GSR Part 3 [2], the reference level
for dwellings and other buildings with high occupancy factors for members of
the public is required to not exceed an annual average activity concentration
of 222Rn of 300 Bq/m3, taking into account the prevailing social and economic
circumstances. To avoid setting different reference levels for workers and the
public who occupy such buildings, the regulatory body or other relevant authority
should consider a reference level that does not exceed an annual average activity
concentration of 222Rn of 300 Bq/m3. These buildings include schools, childcare
centres and hospitals.
3.23. The regulatory body or other relevant authority should establish provisions
so that employers and workers are informed of the results of radon measurements
for both initial measurements and any subsequent follow-up measurements,
including those made after all reasonable efforts to reduce radon levels have been
The value of activity concentration of 1000 Bq/m3 corresponds to an annual effective
dose of the order of 10 mSv, on the assumption of an equilibrium factor for 222Rn of 0.4 and an
annual occupancy of 2000 h.
undertaken by employers. The regulatory requirements for employers should
specify the following:
3.24. The national or regional authority with responsibilities for building and
construction safety should establish and implement building code requirements
to prevent the accumulation of radon indoors. These authorities should have
competence in structures and ventilation systems and means for implementing and
enforcing building code requirements for construction companies and building
owners. The relevant authority for construction safety should specify methods for
monitoring and documenting remedial actions made to buildings to ensure their
continued effectiveness. Practical guidance on actions to prevent the ingress of
radon is provided in Ref. [17].
3.26. The measurement protocols (see para. 3.25) should include guidance on
the type of detector, number and placement of detectors, measurement duration,
application of seasonal correction factors, acceptable uncertainties, and frequency
of duplicate measurements for quality control. They should also include guidance
on interpreting the results to ensure that they are representative of the annual
average concentration of radon in the workplace. Guidance on the measurement
of 222Rn and its progeny is provided in Refs [21–32].
3.27. The regulatory body or other relevant authority should specify the conditions
for conducting long term follow-up measurements after the implementation of
measures to reduce radon levels in the workplace. These conditions should be
specified by parameters such as change of ventilation system, renovation of
foundations and floors, change of doors and windows, and physical changes to
the building that might affect the activity concentration of radon in the workplace.
The Annex provides information on radon measurement protocols and equipment.
3.28. Paragraph 5.28 of GSR Part 3 [2] states that “Employers shall ensure that
activity concentrations of 222Rn in workplaces are as low as reasonably achievable
below the reference level…and shall ensure that protection is optimized.” The
responsibility for providing adequate protection of workers against radiation rests
with the employer, even if the employer is a subcontractor [10].
3.29. Employers are expected to comply with any requirements specified by the
regulatory body or other relevant authority on the control of exposure due to
radon in workplaces. Employers should implement the reference level set by the
regulatory body or other relevant authority, the measurement protocols for radon
in the workplace, and any remedial actions and protective actions necessary to
comply with the reference level and to optimize protection. Employers who do
not have the capability to take radon measurements themselves should seek a
qualified service provider.
(a) The nature of potential health risks associated with exposure due to radon;
(b) The radon activity concentration levels to which workers are exposed, and
(for comparison) the reference level;
(c) The requirements for protecting workers;
(d) The methods of controlling radon levels and for optimization of protection
against exposure due to radon.
3.32. If the annual average activity concentration of radon in the workplace is
below the reference level, the employer should assess whether exposures are
optimized. The optimization of protection and safety should be done in consideration
of other hazards and risks in the workplace, such as noise, dust and heat.
(a) Control of the ingress of radon gas into the workplace, such as by sealing
(b) Active ventilation of workplaces, including through powered extraction
systems, air dilution systems and soil depressurization;
(c) Passive ventilation of workplaces, such as through roof, foundation or
basement ventilators, and isolation.
For control of radon in below ground workplaces (e.g. mines, caves, basements,
tunnels), ventilation is of crucial importance in ensuring occupational safety and
also in reducing elevated levels of radon. For workplaces with large areas, such
as factories, a combination of actions should be considered. Recommendations
on ventilation in the workplace are provided in paras 9.10–9.19 of GSG-7 [8].
the cost effectiveness of radon control measures are provided in SSG-32 [16], and
more detailed information is provided in Ref. [3].
3.37. For the construction of new buildings in radon prone areas, measures
include membrane technology and air pressure control. Sometimes it is not easy
to evaluate the effectiveness of preventive measures for workplaces before they
are constructed, and the advice of experts on this subject should be obtained.
4.1. Paragraph 3.4(c) of GSR Part 3 [2] states that the relevant requirements
for planned exposure situations apply to exposure due to radon “in workplaces
in which occupational exposure due to other radionuclides in the uranium decay
chain or the thorium decay chain is controlled as a planned exposure situation.”
Such workplaces include mines and processing facilities for uranium and may
include other industrial activities involving other types of NORM [8]. Workers
in such workplaces are considered occupationally exposed, and their exposure
should therefore be managed using the relevant requirements established for
occupational exposure in planned exposure situations. Recommendations on
the protection of workers in such facilities are provided in paras 3.159–3.181 of
GSG-7 [8], and supporting practical guidance is provided in Refs [12–15]. The
protection of workers against exposure due to radon in such workplaces is not
considered further in this Safety Guide.
4.2. Paragraph 3.4(d) of GSR Part 3 [2] states that the relevant requirements for
planned exposure situations apply to “Exposure due to 222Rn and to 222Rn progeny
where the annual average activity concentration of 222Rn in air in workplaces
remains above the reference level”. The recommendations in this section apply to
such workplaces.
4.3. Paragraph 2.17 of GSR Part 3 [2] states that “The government shall ensure
that the regulatory body has the legal authority, competence and resources to fulfil
its functions and responsibilities.” The government should assign responsibilities
to relevant authorities regarding exposure of workers due to radon in planned
exposure situations. The government should assign sufficient human and financial
resources to any such other relevant authorities.
(a) The activities of the regulatory body are coordinated with those of
other governmental authorities…and with national and international
organizations that have related responsibilities;
(b) Interested parties are involved as appropriate in regulatory decision
making processes or regulatory decision aiding processes.”
4.5. Requirement 3 of GSR Part 3 [2] states that “The regulatory body shall
establish or adopt regulations and guides for protection and safety and shall
establish a system to ensure their implementation.”
4.8. Requirement 20 of GSR Part 3 [2] states that “The regulatory body shall
establish and enforce requirements for the monitoring and recording of
occupational exposures in planned exposure situations.” The regulatory body
or other relevant authority should determine which of these requirements apply to
workers who receive exposure due to radon.
4.9. The regulatory body or other relevant authority should establish requirements
for notification and authorization for workplaces in which the radon activity
concentration remains above the reference level (i.e. as specified in para. 3.4(d)
of GSR Part 3 [2]). These requirements should specify the regulatory body or
other relevant authority that is to be notified, the responsibility of employers to
undertake the notification, the information to be included in the notification and
the time frame. With regard to applications for authorization, the information to be
supplied (e.g. the results of prior radiological evaluations or safety assessments)
should be specified by the regulatory body or other relevant authority.
4.10. The regulatory body or other relevant authority should provide guidance
on the methodology for the assessment of exposure due to radon. The guidance
should include information on how to address parameters such as the equilibrium
factor, dose conversion factor, occupancy factor, breathing rate, distribution of the
aerosol and the unattached fraction, as appropriate. The values for these parameters
should be realistic and specific to the type of workplace. Recommendations
relating to the service providers are provided in Appendix II.
4.11. A dose conversion factor for calculating the effective dose from
occupational exposure due to radon is necessary where the exposure is subject to
the requirements for planned exposure situations.
4.13. The ICRP recommends a dose conversion factor of 3 mSv per mJ h m-3
(approximately 10 mSv per working level month) to apply to most circumstances
of exposure to radon and its progeny in workplaces and homes, equivalent to
6.7 nSv per Bq h m-3 using an equilibrium factor of 0.4 (16.8 nSv per Bq h m-3
equilibrium equivalent concentration) [9]. The ICRP considers this dose conversion
factor to be applicable to the majority of circumstances with no adjustment for
aerosol characteristics. If specific occupational exposures warrant more detailed
consideration and reliable alternative data are available, site specific doses can be
assessed using the methodology provided by the ICRP in Ref. [9].
4.15. If a national dose registry is established (see para. 7.265 of GSG-7 [8]),
the results of individual monitoring of workers for exposure due to radon should
be incorporated. The data provided to the national dose registry should include
the method used in the dose assessment, the results of dose assessment and
characteristics of the workplaces.
system that includes regular review and assessment of the effectiveness of
radon controls, radon measurements, dose assessment and information sharing.
Employers should also take steps to progressively develop an understanding of
how radon builds up in the workplace and the specific actions that are necessary
for protection of workers.
Workplace monitoring
4.19. For workplaces where annual average radon activity concentrations are
above the reference level on the basis of measurements with passive systems,
active monitoring should be considered in order to identify whether high radon
levels occur during working hours. Employers should consider estimating
exposure due to radon on the basis of monitoring during working hours in areas
where workers are present, taking into account the breathing zones of workers.
4.20. The calibration of passive radon detectors and continuous active monitors
should be traceable to primary or secondary radon standards. National or
international intercomparisons should be performed.
4.21. The employer should notify the regulatory body or other relevant
authority either when the annual average radon activity concentration is above
the reference level or when it remains above the reference level despite all
reasonable efforts by the employer, depending upon national regulations. The
information and documentation to be provided as part of the notification should
include the following:
(a) The methods used to measure the activity concentrations of 222Rn and,
where appropriate, its progeny, and the results of these measurements;
(b) Identification and description of the workplaces, including a description of
the arrangements for the ventilation of these workplaces;
(c) Estimate of maximum annual working hours for workers in the areas with
elevated radon levels, and the associated estimated individual doses;
(d) A description of the remedial actions and protective actions taken to reduce
radon activity concentrations, and their effectiveness.
(a) Shall provide all workers with adequate information on health risks due to
their occupational exposure in normal operation, anticipated operational
occurrences and accident conditions, adequate instruction and training
and periodic training in protection and safety, and adequate information
on the significance of their actions for protection and safety”.
4.23. The employers should provide workers with information about the health
risks of radon and strategies for managing exposure. Special attention should
be paid to newly recruited workers; this information should be included in their
introductory training before they take up their assignments. The following should
be included in the instruction and training:
When developing the radiation protection programme, employers should ensure
that assessment and control of occupational exposure due to radon are based on
radon measurements (including, as appropriate, progeny), the characteristics of
the workplace and exposure pathways.
4.26. Job rotation should not be used as a substitute for reducing the radon activity
concentration in the workplace. However, in some cases, job rotation may need
to be considered as part of the radiation protection programme to restrict the
exposure of individual workers in work areas with high radon levels. Job rotation
should be carefully planned before being implemented.
4.28. Requirement 28 of GSR Part 3 [2] states that “Employers, registrants and
licensees shall make special arrangements for female workers, as necessary,
for protection of the embryo or fetus and breastfed infants.” As the exposure
due to radon is mainly to the lungs, the embryo or fetus is not significantly exposed
[34, 35]. Therefore, additional controls in relation to exposure to radon should not
be necessary for pregnant workers.
4.29. The requirements of GSR Part 3 [2] apply to all workers, so the same level
of protection against exposure due to radon is required to be provided to itinerant
workers as to full-time workers. Employers should consider itinerant workers
when addressing exposure due to radon.
4.30. Itinerant workers should be provided with the same information on the
risks associated with exposure due to radon as that provided to full-time workers.
The relevant procedures, records and arrangements for monitoring and health
surveillance should be made available to itinerant workers by their employers.
More information is provided in Ref. [36].
4.31. The measurement programme for radon in workplaces and relevant records
should not discriminate between itinerant workers (whether self-employed or
employed by a contractor) and workers employed by the management of the workplace.
The programme should be made available to itinerant workers and their employers.
The arrangements for protection of itinerant workers should be reviewed periodically
to ensure effective optimization of protection and safety. Further recommendations
on the protection of itinerant workers are provided in paras 6.21–6.100 of GSG-7 [8].
4.32. Requirement 22 of GSR Part 3 [2] states that “Workers shall fulfil their
obligations and carry out their duties for protection and safety.” Further
requirements for compliance by workers are established in paras 3.83–3.84 of
GSR Part 3 [2]. In addition, Section 2.3.1(1) of the ILO code of practice on the
radiation protection of workers [11] states:
This guidance applies to work in areas with elevated radon levels. Workers are
encouraged to discuss with employers the optimization of protection and safety
and the process of continuous improvement of working safely in accordance
with Ref. [11].
Appendix I
I.1. Thoron (220Rn) has a half-life of 55.6 seconds and can migrate only a short
distance before decay. For this reason, indoor activity concentrations depend
primarily on the emanation of thoron from the surface of walls and floors.
Concentrations vary markedly across distances as short as one metre. Earth walls
and floors have been found to be significant sources of thoron in some cases.
Special attention should be paid to the production of construction materials that
are a source of thoron.
I.4. The dose conversion factors for thoron and its progeny are higher than
for radon and its progeny. Of the various thoron progeny, 212Pb and 212Bi
contribute 91% and 9%, respectively, to the total potential alpha energy. Because
Pb contributes almost all of the total potential alpha energy, its activity
concentration can be used as a surrogate for potential alpha energy concentration.
The assessment of risks needs to take the presence of thoron and its progeny
into account [42].
I.5. If there are workplaces where significant occupational exposure due to thoron
could occur, the government or regulatory body should establish requirements
relating to the protection of workers against such exposure. Recommendations
and guidance on the management of public exposure due to thoron are provided
in SSG-32 [16], and information on occupational exposure due to thoron is
provided in Refs [12, 43].
I.8. In most countries, exposure due to thoron does not need to be subject to
regulatory control because of the low activity concentrations of thorium found
in building materials. In countries where high activity concentrations of thoron
are found in some workplaces, the regulatory body or other relevant authority
should consider establishing a reference level for thoron. The recommendations
provided in SSG-32 [16] on setting a radon reference level are also applicable
to setting a reference level for thoron. Exposure due to thoron should be either
assessed through individual monitoring or estimated from workplace monitoring
results. Ref. [5] provides further information.
body or other relevant authority should establish a basis for identifying such
buildings and ensure that appropriate measures are taken in their design and
construction. The effectiveness of the measures should be checked. Appropriate
building codes and guidance on construction practices should be developed
by the relevant authority. Particular consideration should be given to building
materials that have elevated concentrations of 232Th.
I.11. The regulatory body or other relevant authority should consider whether
restrictions are required on the use of building materials that have been found to
emit significant quantities of thoron (see para. 5.22 of GSR Part 3 [2]). Further
recommendations are provided in paras 3.65–3.67 of SSG-32 [16].
Appendix II
II.1. Paragraph 3.73(c) of GSR Part 3 [2] states that “The regulatory body
shall be responsible, as appropriate, for…[a]uthorization or approval of service
providers for individual monitoring or calibration services”.
II.2. Service providers have to comply with requirements set by the regulatory
body or other relevant authority. The services provided might include radon
measurement, calibration of radon detectors, guidance on remedial actions for
existing buildings, design of measures to reduce radon levels in new buildings
and the provision of advice as qualified experts on radon exposure. The service
providers for radon measurements, calibration, consultancy or techniques to
reduce radon levels in buildings should be qualified in accordance with procedures
approved by the regulatory body. Recommendations on the management system
for providers of technical services are provided in section 8 of GSG-7 [8].
II.3. Service providers should provide only services for which they can
demonstrate competence. Providers of general radiation protection services might
not have adequate competence with respect to protection against exposure due to
radon (e.g. a provider of calibration services might not have the competency to
provide services related to the selection and implementation of remedial actions
and protective actions against exposure due to radon). Operating organizations
should therefore ensure that the selected service providers are competent in the
specific area. Service providers should be able to demonstrate impartiality and
independence in relation to the services they provide.
(a) The service provider’s management system, including its organizational
structure, and arrangements for training personnel, and for acquiring,
calibrating, operating and maintaining equipment;
(b) Methods and procedures for radon measurement that follow appropriate
codes and standards;
(c) Accreditation in accordance with national requirements or relevant
(d) Reporting to the national radon database, as appropriate.
[12] INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY, Radiation Protection Against
Radon in Workplaces Other than Mines, Safety Reports Series No. 33,
IAEA, Vienna (2003).
Residue Management in the Zircon and Zirconia Industries, Safety Reports Series No.
51, IAEA, Vienna (2007).
Residue Management in the Production of Rare Earths from Thorium Containing
Minerals, Safety Reports Series No. 68, IAEA, Vienna (2011).
Management of NORM Residues in the Phosphate Industry, Safety Reports Series No.
78, IAEA, Vienna (2013).
ORGANIZATION, Protection of the Public Against Exposure Indoors due to Radon and
Other Natural Sources of Radiation, IAEA Safety Standards Series No. SSG-32,
IAEA, Vienna (2015).
[17] INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY, Protection Against Exposure Due
to Radon Indoors and Gamma Radiation from Construction Materials — Methods of
Prevention and Mitigation, IAEA-TECDOC-1951, IAEA, Vienna (2021).
Recommendations of the International Commission on Radiological Protection,
Publication 103, ICRP 37(2–4), Elsevier, Oxford (2007),
[19] INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY, Design and Conduct of Indoor
Radon Surveys, Safety Reports Series No. 98, IAEA, Vienna (2019).
Regulatory Framework for Safety, IAEA Safety Standards Series No. GSR Part 1
(Rev. 1), IAEA, Vienna (2016).
Radioactivity in the Environment — Air: Radon-222 — Part 1: Origins of Radon and Its
Short-Lived Decay Products and Associated Measurement Methods, ISO 11665-1:2019,
ISO, Geneva (2019).
Radioactivity in the Environment — Air: Radon-222 — Part 2: Integrated Measurement
Method for Determining Average Potential Alpha Energy Concentration of Its Short-
Lived Decay Products, ISO 11665-2:2019, ISO, Geneva (2019).
Radioactivity in the Environment — Air: Radon-222 — Part 3: Spot Measurement
Method of The Potential Alpha Energy Concentration of Its Short-Lived Decay
Products, ISO 11665-3:2020, ISO, Geneva (2020).
Radioactivity in the Environment — Air: Radon-222 — Part 4: Integrated Measurement
Method for Determining Average Activity Concentration Using Passive Sampling and
Delayed Analysis, ISO 11665-4:2021, ISO, Geneva (2021).
Radioactivity in the Environment — Air: Radon-222 — Part 5: Continuous Measurement
Methods of the Activity Concentration, ISO 11665-5:2020, ISO, Geneva (2020).
Radioactivity in the Environment — Air: Radon-222 — Part 6: Spot Measurement
Methods of the Activity Concentration, ISO 11665-6:2020, ISO, Geneva (2020).
Radioactivity in the Environment — Air: Radon-222 — Part 7: Accumulation Method
for Estimating Surface Exhalation Rate, ISO 11665-7:2012, ISO, Geneva (2012).
Radioactivity in the Environment — Air: Radon-222 — Part 8: Methodologies for
Initial and Additional Investigations in Buildings, ISO 11665-8:2019,
ISO, Geneva (2019).
Radioactivity in the Environment — Air: Radon-222 — Part 9: Test Methods for
Exhalation Rate of Building Materials, ISO 11665-9:2019, ISO, Geneva (2019).
Radioactivity in the Environment — Air: Radon-222 — Part 11: Test Method for Soil
Gas with Sampling at Depth, ISO 11665-11:2016, ISO, Geneva (2016).
Radioactivity in the Environment — Air: Radon-222 — Part 12: Determination of the
Diffusion Coefficient in Waterproof Materials: Membrane One-Side Activity
Concentration Measurement Method, ISO/TS 11665-12:2018, ISO, Geneva (2018).
Radioactivity in the Environment — Air: Radon-222 — Part 13: Determination of the
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[34] ZWACK, L.M., BRUECK, S.E., ANDERSON, J.L., HAMMOND, D.R., Evaluation of
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[35] KEITH, S., et al, Toxicological Profile for Radon, Agency for Toxic Substances and
Disease Registry, Atlanta, GA (2012).
[36] INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY, Radiation Protection of Itinerant
Workers, Safety Reports Series No. 84, IAEA, Vienna (2015).
[37] UNITED NATIONS, Sources, Effects and Risks of Ionizing Radiation (Report to the
General Assembly, with Scientific Annexes), Scientific Committee on the Effects of
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[38] OMORI, Y., et al, A pilot study for dose evaluation in high-level natural radiation areas
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[40] KLEINSCHMIDT, R., WATSON, D., JANIK, M., GILLMORE, G., The presence and
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[41] SAÏDOU, et al., Radon-thoron discriminative measurements in the high natural
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[42] TOKONAMI, S., Characteristics of Thoron (220Rn) and Its Progeny in the Indoor
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[43] INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY, Occupational Radiation Protection
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IAEA, Vienna (2020).
Requirements for the Competence of Testing and Calibration Laboratories, ISO/IEC
17025:2017, ISO, Geneva (2017).
A–2. The results of radon measurement are used to inform both employers
and workers on the level of exposure of workers (and hence the associated
health risks) and the need to optimize protection to keep exposures as low as
reasonably achievable.
A–4. The detectors for radon are usually not sensitive to thoron. Passive detectors
such as solid state nuclear track detectors are commonly used for long term radon
measurements in workplaces. The measurements provide results over a specific
period. Continuous radon monitoring can also be used for the measurement of
radon activity concentration in workplaces. This type of monitor provides a
time series of the radon activity concentration over the measurement period.
Continuous radon monitors identify the variation of radon activity concentration
(e.g. daily, seasonal, activities, occupancy periods) so as to provide information
to better assess the exposure of workers.
A–6. Passive devices are calibrated in batches under different conditions, such
as a controlled radon concentration and at a specified temperature and humidity.
In certain cases, calibration at different activity concentrations can be performed.
Recommendations on service providers are provided in Appendix II.
A–9. Reference [A–1] provides methodologies for radon measurements,
including long term measurements with a minimum duration of two months.
According to Ref. [A–1], at least half of the measurement period needs to be in
the annual cold season when heating is used. In addition, the measurements need
to be taken during a period when the number of consecutive days during which
the premises are unoccupied does not exceed 20%.
A–10. If the sampling duration does not cover an entire year, the best time to
perform sampling needs to be determined; this can be different from that derived
from the normal seasonal behaviour in buildings (e.g. due to specific variations in
natural or mechanical ventilation in underground workplaces, times with higher
work capacity and workplaces with different occupancy factors during specific
seasons, such as tourist sites and schools).
A–11. The evaluation of the annual average activity concentration of radon may
involve measurements in different zones within the workplace. Passive detectors
are relatively inexpensive. Therefore, it can be cost effective to take measurements
in several locations within the workplace to establish a more targeted protection
strategy. Where a workplace consists of different types of working area, each
area could be considered separately for the purpose of radon measurements.
A–12. Basement or ground floor rooms are likely to have the highest radon
concentrations. It is not necessary to carry out measurements in areas that
are unoccupied or are occupied infrequently. An infrequently occupied area
is generally not expected to be used by individuals for more than 50 hours
per year [A–2].
A–13. The radon activity concentration can vary significantly between adjacent
buildings. Consequently, it is usually necessary to take measurements in each
separate building. For multi‑storey buildings, measurements taken on the
ground floor and in basements (all levels) are the most important for assessing
compliance with the reference level for workplaces. Nevertheless, it may also be
useful to perform some measurements on upper floors (see also Table A–1).
(based on Ref. [A–2]).
One detector in all rooms or areas. For larger rooms or areas, specialist
Basement and
measurement advice needs to be sought on the number of detectors
ground floor
Higher floors At least two detectors per floor and at least one detector per 250 m2.
Radon detectors are not to be moved during the measurement period. Several
ways to ensure secure positioning of detectors may be used, for example,
tamper-proof tape.
A–15. As part of the radon measurement protocol, the details of the measurement
location and the dates on which measurement started and ended are recorded.
Locations in workplaces to be considered for measurement of radon include:
(a) Rooms or areas that are occupied on a regular basis for more than four hours
a day;
(b) All underground rooms and areas that could be used by individuals for more
than 50 hours per year (about one hour per week);
(c) Any other rooms or areas where there are reasons to believe that radon
levels might be of concern.
This includes determining the annual average radon activity concentration to
compare directly with the reference level. The protocol may also define whether
the evaluation is conducted for the entire workplace, whole buildings or defined
areas, whether a reliable estimate of the annual average activity concentration
can be obtained with short duration measurements, and how to ensure that any
uncertainties are acceptable.
A–21. There are several different types of radon monitoring equipment, which
are selected on the basis of the intended use of the measurement results. Such
equipment may also be capable of discriminating between radon and thoron, and
some equipment is designed to measure radon progeny. It is important that the
selected measurement instruments be suitable for the environmental conditions
(e.g. humidity, temperature, dust) in which they will be used. The main types of
radon measurement equipment are as follows [A–5]:
A–22. Passive detectors are simple to use, inexpensive and suitable for large
scale surveys (e.g. involving hundreds or even thousands of measurements).
However, the analysis of the results may be more complicated.
A–23. Passive radon dosimeters rely on the natural diffusion of radon gas
through a filter (to remove radon progeny) into the sensitive volume of the
detector. Passive alpha track dosimeters use solid state nuclear track detectors
that are exposed for a specified period and then assessed using a chemical or
electrochemical etching process. The number of tracks formed on the foil can be
counted to assess the radon exposure.
A–24. Electret ion chambers are passive devices that measure average radon
activity concentration during the monitoring period. The electret contains
a positively charged plate inside an ionization chamber. Radon gas enters the
ionization chamber by diffusion through a filter. Radon and the decay products
formed in the chamber ionize the air in the chamber. The negative ions are
collected on the positive electrode. The discharge of the electret over the given
period is related to radon concentration.
A–25. Another passive method for measuring radon uses activated charcoal,
which absorbs radon from the air within the pore space of the charcoal granules
for a defined period. Once the sampling has concluded, the charcoal is sealed
and the gamma rays from the radon decay products are analysed using gamma
spectrometry. The results are then converted to radon activity concentration using
a calibration factor. These measurements are sensitive to humidity and biased by
the equilibrium between adsorption and desorption and are generally suited only
to short term measurements.
A–26. Electronic integrating devices are active devices that use solid state
nuclear track detectors within a diffusion chamber to count alpha particles emitted
by radon decay products. This provides a cumulative value that represents the
average concentration over the monitoring period.
A–27. Continuous radon monitors are active devices that collect air for analysis
via a pump or allow air containing radon and its decay products to diffuse
into a sensor chamber. The air sample containing radon and its progeny is
analysed inside the chamber. Continuous radon monitors also include electrical
current or pulse ionization chambers, scintillation cells and solid state nuclear
track detectors.
Steves, K. Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors,
United States of America
@ No. 27
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Safety through international standards for protecting people and the environment
Protection of Workers
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