History NCERT
History NCERT
History NCERT
Our Past- 2
Arab geographer al-Idrisi
Rajputs >> who claimed Kshatriya caste status
patrons — new rulers searching for prestige.
Merchants and migrants >> holy Quran to India 7th century
Dantidurga- Rashtrakuta chief
Cholas- vetti- taken not in cash but in the form of forced labour, and
kadamai- land revenue.
“tripartite struggle”- Gurjara-Pratihara, Rashtrakuta and Pala >> control over
Rajaraja I- most powerful Chola ruler
Thanjavur and Gangaikonda-cholapuram Temple >> by Rajaraja and Rajendra
Chola bronze >> finest in the world
Ur- settlements of peasants, Rich Peasants >> Vellala caste
Gurjara Pratiharas- Gujarat and Rajasthan
Rashtrakutas- Western Deccan
Palas- Bengal
Cholas- Tamil Nadu
Our Past- 3
big market in Europe >>Pepper, cloves, cardamom, cinnamon
Dharmashastras – Sanskrit texts >> social rules and codes of behaviour
Sawar – Men on horses
Musket – A heavy gun used by infantry soldiers
Matchlock – An early type of gun in which the powder was ignited by a match
Haats- Weekly Markets
One bigha of indigo cultivation required two ploughs.
systems of indigo cultivation – nij and ryoti >>> agreement (satta)
Indigo could be cultivated only on fertile lands
gomasthas – agents of planters >> collect rent
1859- indigo ryots- support of the local zamindars and village headmen
Birsa was born in a family of Mundas(Chottanagpur) >> followers- Santhals
and Oraons
Bewar – Madhya Pradesh for shifting cultivation
Ishwarchandra Vidyasagar, used the ancient texts to suggest that widows could
Women write about women
Begums of Bhopal- promoting education among women
Begum Rokeya Sakhawat Hossain- schools 4 Muslim girls >Patna & Calcutta
Tarabai Shinde (Poona) >> Stripurushtulna
Pandita Ramabai- widows’ home at Poona
1873, Phule >> Gulamgiri >> all those Americans who had fought to free slaves