Expt.5 BEEE101P 3phase
Expt.5 BEEE101P 3phase
Expt.5 BEEE101P 3phase
Experiment no. 5
Syed Khalid 21BEE1288 Date: 9/11/21
● To measure the power and energy consumed by a given three phase AC load
LTspice simulation
● open a new file
● Select voltage source from components list and convert into AC voltage source by
selecting’advanced’ option while feeding the parameter to the source in Figure 1.
Figure 1
● Choose sine
● Feed amplitude, frequency and delay time
● In small signal analysis (right side), feed amplitude and phase angle value.
● In a 3-phase circuit, the delay time for R-phase is zero as in Figure 2
● For Y-phase, the delay angle is 6.66 ms as in Figure 3 for a frequency of 50 Hz
which is corresponding to 120 degree phase shift with respect to R-phase.
● For B-phase, the delay angle is 13.33 ms as in Figure 4 for a frequency of 50 Hz
which is corresponding to 240 degree phase shift with respect to R-phase.
Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 4
● connect the sources at one end and further connect it to ground as in Figure 5.
● Connect 3-phase resistive load to the circuit as shown in Figure 6.
● Save the file
● edit simulate cmd
● choose transient
● specify the stop time (0.1 s)
● run the file
● measure all voltages and phase currents as shown in Figure 7
● To measure the instantaneous power dissipated or supplied by a component, hold the
“alt” key and click on the component to be measured.
● After selecting the instantaneous power of a component, hold the “ctrl” button and
click on the name of the measurement in the measurement window. A new window
will open displaying the average power.
● Measure the power and energy for different load values and tabulate it
Figure 5
Figure 6
Figure 7
Figure 8
● The power consumed by a 3-phase AC load is calculated theoretically
● The power and energy consumed by a 3-phase AC load is verified by LTspice