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Personal Data Use in Financial Services and The Role of Financial Education

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Personal Data Use in Financial Services

and the Role of Financial Education

A consumer-centric analysis
Please cite this publication as:
OECD (2020), Personal Data Use in Financial Services and the Role of Financial Education: A
Consumer- Centric Analysis www.oecd.org/daf/fin/financial-education/Personal-Data-Use-in-Financial-
Services-and- the-Role-of-Financial-Education.pdf.

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Technological innovations have greatly increased tahpeaccity of frvinicaenscial se

providers to capture, store, combine and analyse a wide variety of customer data, such as
their financial situation, preferences, habits and physical location.
These trends can bring boenefits t consumers, but come with new risks specific to
financial services sector that may require a comprehensive policy response. Positive
outcomes include potentially cheaper and more relevant financial products and access to
credit fhoorset without arandyittional credit record. In parallel, consumers may not be
aware of tehnet ext to data isngbe used. For example, consumers miskay r
marginalisation as a result of opaque and potentially unfair data-mining practices, or find
themselves exposed to fraud and cybercrime.
This report reviews the risks and benefits of these technological developments and
suggests policy options to protect consumers, combining robust financial and personal
data protection and greater consumer awareness and financial education. It was
developed as part of the programme of work of the OECD International Network on
Financial Education’s (INFE) Working Group on Digital Financial Literacy (see
Annex A for a list of members).
The report was prepared by Andrea Grifoni, Policy Analyst, OECD Directorate for
Financial and Enterprise Affairs.

Table of contents

The components of a policy framework for the use of personal data in the financial services
1. Personal data and financial services................................................................................................9
1.1. What are personal data.................................................................................................................9
1.2. What contributes to “big data” in the financial services sector and how it is collected................9
1.3. Increased personal data generation and processing capacity......................................................10
1.4. How various sources of data are used by financial service providers.........................................13
1.5. What are the implications for consumers?..................................................................................14
1.6. Consumers’ attitudes towards privacy and data as a commodity................................................19
2. Financial education and awareness...............................................................................................22
The G20/OECD INFE Policy Guidance action checklist: Focus on personal data............................24
3. Conclusions.....................................................................................................................................27
Annex A. List of members of the OECD/INFE Working Group on Digital Financial Literacy . 31


Table 1. New elements pertaining to personal data in selected building blocks of the G20/OECD
INFE Policy Guidance Note.........................................................................................................25


Box 1. Big data.....................................................................................................................................11

Box 2. The development of blockchain technologies...........................................................................12
Box 3. Account aggregation tools.........................................................................................................14
Box 4. Responsible stewardship of trustworthy Artificial Intelligence.................................................17
Box 5. Digital security incidents in financial services..........................................................................18
Box 6. The European Union General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)..........................................21
Box 7. Digital financial literacy initiatives among OECD/INFE members...........................................22



Personal data have come to play an increasingly important role in our economies and
societies. While new technologies and responsible data uses are yielding great societal
and economic benefits, the abundance, granularity and persistence of personal data brings
new risks to the privacy of individuals. Personal data are increasingly used in ways that
were not anticipated at the time of creation and collection, with citizens not fully aware of
how their personal data are captured, stored and used.
These trends have an impact on the financial services sector and on financial services
consumers. Technological innovations have greatly improved the capacity of financial
services providers to capture, store, combine and analyse a much greater variety of
customer data, ranging from their current or previous location to customer behaviours and
preferences. This can bring benefits to consumers, but also new risks that are specific to
the financial services sector and that might require a dedicated policy response.
Addressing the implications of the use of personal data in the financial services sector
goes beyond financial education. It involves a sound financial consumer protection
framework that is fit to protect consumers in digital environments, the existence of
national data protection agencies or national data protection strategies with effective
resources and enforcement powers, and the need to take into account the levels of digital
and financial literacy.
This report contributes, from a financial education perspective, to the identification of
approaches to foster behaviours that can protect consumers and entrepreneurs from any
negative consequences of such developments in the financial sector.
The report first highlights the different components of a policy response; it then defines
personal data and presents the technological, economic and societal developments that
have led to an exponential increase in personal data generation and in data processing
The analysis then focuses more specifically on the financial services sector, explaining
how financial services providers collect and use consumers’ personal data, before moving
to analyse the implications this has for consumers. The report describes in particular the
risks that can be incurred by consumers, discriminatory decisions based on the use of big
data and threats stemming from cybercrime, before presenting the consumer response to
these developments, based on evidence collected through global and national surveys that
captured their attitudes with respect to use of their personal data.
In light of these developments and the issues they raise, this report describes specific
elements related to personal data that can complement the policy checklist in the
G20/OECD INFE Policy Guidance Note on Digitalisation and Financial Literacy (OECD,

The components of a policy framework for the use of personal data in the financial
services sector

Privacy and personal data protection

The OECD has pioneered international work in the field of privacy and personal data
protection.1 In 1980, this led to the Recommendation Concerning Guidelines Governing
the Protection of Privacy and Transborder Flows of Personal Data, revised in 2013
(OECD, 2013). The societal and technological environment for which these Guidelines
were devised has, however, gone through structural changes. As highlighted in the 2013
work conducted for the review of the Guidelines and its privacy principles, today’s
economies present substantial differences in:
 the volume of personal data being collected, used and stored;
 the range of analytics involving personal data, providing insights into individual
and group trends, movements, interests, and activities;
 the value of the societal and economic benefits enabled by new technologies and
responsible uses of personal data;
 the extent of threats to privacy;
 the number and variety of actors capable of either putting privacy at risk or
protecting privacy;
 the frequency and complexity of interactions involving personal data that
individuals are expected to understand and negotiate;
 the global availability of personal data, supported by communications networks
and platforms that permit continuous, multipoint data flows.
Amongst other things, the Principles call for:
 the provision of reasonable means for individuals to exercise their rights;
 the adoption of complementary measures, including education and awareness
raising, skills development, and the promotion of technical measures which help
to protect privacy.

Financial Consumer Protection

Privacy and data protection in relation to financial services can be seen as part of a
broader framework of financial consumer protection. The G20 High-level Principles on
Financial Consumer Protection (G20, 2011) address this through Principle 8 “Protection
of Consumer Data and Privacy”. This Principle states:
“Consumers’ financial and personal information should be protected through
appropriate control and protection mechanisms. These mechanisms should define the
purposes for which the data may be collected, processed, held, used and disclosed
(especially to third parties). The mechanisms should also acknowledge the rights of
consumers to be informed
Other relevant OECD instruments in this field are the OECD Consumer Policy Guidance on Mobile and
Online Payments (OECD, 2014), the OECD Recommendation on Digital Security Risk Management for
Economic and Social Prosperity (OECD, 2015c), the OECD Recommendation on Consumer Protection in E-
Commerce (OECD, 2016b). These principles, together with relevant practice, have informed the OECD G20
Toolkit for Protecting Digital Consumers (OECD, 2018e).

about data-sharing, to access data and to obtain the prompt correction and/or deletion of
inaccurate, or unlawfully collected or processed data”.
The implementation of this principle often involves the presence of authorities with a
legal mandate for the protection of personal data. Increasingly, across jurisdictions, this is
done through a privacy and data protection authority (OECD, 2019c). These independent
public authorities supervise, through investigative and corrective powers, the application
of the data protection law, provide expert advice on data protection issues, and handle
As part of its ongoing work on financial consumer protection in the digital environment,
the G20 OECD Task Force on Financial Consumer Protection is in the process of
developing policy guidance on the protection of consumer data and privacy for financial
consumers in the form of updated Effective Approaches to support the implementation of
Principle 8.

Financial education and awareness

The need to strengthen financial literacy and awareness on issues around personal data
has been addressed in the work undertaken by the OECD/INFE and its Working Group on
Digital Financial Literacy.
The G20/OECD INFE Policy Guidance on Digitalisation and Financial Literacy (OECD,
2018a), transmitted to G20 Leaders in July 2018, calls for the development of specific
core competencies on financial literacy that would support consumers in their use of
digital financial services. 2 Two areas in particular are relevant in the context of personal
data use by financial services providers:
 empowering consumers, including the most vulnerable, to counter new types of
exclusion due to the misuse of various data sources, including big data and digital
profiling; and
 protecting consumers and small businesses from increased vulnerability to digital
crimes such as phishing scams, account hacking and data theft.

See also the G20/OECD INFE Core competencies framework on financial literacy for adults (OECD, 2016a)
and for Youth (OECD, 2015a).

1. Personal data and financial services

1.1. What are personal data

Personal data are defined by the OECD Guidelines Governing the Protection of Privacy
and Transborder Flows of Personal Data (OECD, 2013) as “any information relating to an
identified or identifiable individual (data subject)”. Any data that are not related to an
identified or identifiable individual are therefore “non-personal” data. However, data
analytics has made it easier to relate seemingly non-personal data to an identified or
identifiable individual, thus blurring the boundaries between non-personal and personal
data (OECD, 2015b).
Indeed, the European Union General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (European
Union, 2016) (see Box 6), defines personal data as “any information that relates to an
identified or identifiable living individual” and stresses that “different pieces of
information, which collected together can lead to the identification of a particular person,
also constitute personal data”. The EU framework also stresses that personal data that has
been de-identified or encrypted but can be used to re-identify a person remains personal
data and falls within the scope of the law.

1.2. What contributes to “big data” in the financial services sector and how it is

The financial services industry is among the most data intense of today’s economies
(OECD, 2015b).
From a consumer-centric perspective, the flow of personal data from the consumer to
financial services providers can be categorised broadly based on the consumer’s
awareness (see Table 1).

Table 1. Data collection channel by consumer awareness

Consumer awareness Data collection channels

Consumer is aware Data provided by the customer as part of the KYC process
Data given by the customer in order to support a specific product purchase
Data given by the consumer in order to use a specific service such as data aggregation tools
Data collected when consumers are using specific financial products such as payment services
Consumer is not aware Data collected by the provider during customer interactions
Data collected by the provider on publicly available information (social media)
Data shared with the provider by a third party such as credit reference bureau

As described in the next section, the amount of information that consumers provide
without awareness (or consent) is constantly increasing, because of technological
developments that are pervasive to every aspect of our societies and that determine the
creation and the capacity to analyse growing amounts of personal data.
10 │

However, it is important to note that even the information that is provided with consumer
awareness contributes to the pool of data that is created about consumers: the
digitalisation of consumer interactions with financial services providers allows them to
capture and indefinitely store information about exchanges between customer and
provider, their nature, duration and content. Even a phone call to a customer’s bank
manager contributes to the pool of customer data.

1.3. Increased personal data generation and processing capacity

1.3.1. The generation of new personal data

Almost universal access to mobile broadband and smartphones, but with regional
and socio-economic differences
The last decade witnessed a steady and significant increase in the number of internet
users. The developments in mobile technology have also increased the possibilities of
accessing the network “on the go” as well as at home. Internet is used more and more by
citizens to conduct their daily lives, make economic transactions of any kind, and interact
with public authorities. This creates new personal data, which can – to varying extents –
be collected and analysed by third parties.
In 2005, around 56% of the adult population in OECD economies accessed the Internet,
and 30% used it daily. In 2016, these percentages rose to 83% and 73%, respectively
(OECD, 2017a). Across mature and emerging economies alike, mobile subscribers
followed the same upward trends and by 2025 the number of unique mobile subscribers
isexpected to reach 5.9 billion, which is equivalent to 71% of the world’s population
(GSMA, 2018).
These general trends do however include differences among countries and sectors of the
population. Among OECD countries, in 2016, over 97% of the adult population accessed
the Internet in Denmark, Iceland, Japan, Luxembourg and Norway, but 60% or less did so
in Mexico and Turkey. There are also differences in usage: in Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg
and Norway, the share of daily users is very similar to that of total users, whereas in
Mexico and Turkey, many users access the Internet on an infrequent basis (OECD,
Differences among user groups are mostly based on age and education, often intertwined
with income levels. Uptake by the younger generations is nearly universal, but the picture
changes for older customers: over 95% of 16-24 year-olds in OECD countries used the
Internet in 2016, compared to less than 63% of 65-74 year-olds. Among older people,
education is the major factor affecting internet usage: Internet usage rates for 55-74 year-
olds with a tertiary education are generally above or in line with those of the overall
population, and in some countries approach the usage rates among 16-24 year-olds.

The Internet of Things

An additional source of consumer data can be traced back to the connected objects and
devices that consumers purchase and use. The Internet of Things (IoT) includes all
devices and objects whose state can be altered via the Internet, with or without the active
involvement of individuals. While connected objects may require the involvement of
devices considered part of the “traditional Internet”, this definition excludes laptops,
tablets and smartphones already accounted for in current OECD broadband metrics
(OECD, 2018c).

This network of Internet-connected objects is able to collect and exchange data using
embedded sensors and contribute to the collection of customers’ locations and
behaviours: telematics insurance systems that capture car drivers’ behaviours, smart
wearables that can capture health-related information such as distance walked each day or
physical activity, and smart homes systems. Globally, the number of connected devices is
expected to grow to 50 billion by 2020, up from 9 billion in 2013 (OECD, 2017a).
Consumers might not be able to select what they share through an IoT device; the device
will constantly capture and transfer information, in an unobtrusive way and in the
background (OECD, 2018d). This creates new risks for consumers. As more and more
devices become “smart” (i.e. connected), individuals might lose the capacity to
understand the amount of data shared and its privacy implications, let alone monitor its
flow and exert some level of control over it. Moreover, consumers are unlikely to have
full awareness of what is done with the data collected (Rosner and Kenneally, 2018). In
addition, IoT data might be more easily hacked.

An additional source of personal data is biometric data. Biometric data mostly comes
from identity authentication through uniquely physical or behavioural characteristics (e.g.
facial recognition, fingerprints, voice recognition). This data had never been generated
before, or if it had such (as fingerprints), it had not been digitised. This means it can
therefore exist without a clear policy framework.
Biometrics carry yet another risk. Unlike passwords that can be changed after hacking,
biometric authentication is not so easy to alter.

Box 1. Big data

Economic and social activities have already migrated or are increasingly migrating to the
Internet. This takes place while the cost of data collection, storage and processing
continues to decline dramatically. In addition, new sources of data are emerging and
ever-larger volumes of it will be generated from the Internet of Things, smart devices,
and autonomous machine-to-machine communications.
The generation of these huge amounts of data, at levels that are unprecedented in human
history, is often referred to as “big data”. The OECD defines big data as follows:
Big data relates to the huge amount of data generated from activities that are
carried out electronically and from machine-to-machine communications (e.g.
data produced from social media activities, from production processes, etc.).
Big data have characteristics summarised as “3V” (volume, variety and velocity):
 volume, referring to vast amounts of data generated over time;
 variety, referring to the different formats of complex data, either structured or
unstructured (e.g. text, video, images, voice, documents, sensor data, activity
logs, click streams, co-ordinates, etc.);
 and velocity, referring to the high speed at which data are generated, become
available and change over time (OECD, 2015b).
This is in contrast to data processing focusing on low-variety, (relatively) small scale and
static datasets, such as customer satisfaction surveys.
12 │

1.3.2. Advances in data analytics

These large volumes of data would bear no economic or social value – and no
consequences for financial services consumers – if they were not matched by increasing
analytical capacities.
Predictive analytics refers broadly to the technologies and procedures followed to process
great volumes of data to reveal patterns or correlations, to unlock income-generating
insights, and importantly, to predict future events in a more accurate and timely manner.
Advances are most notable, and have the most important consequences in the financial
services industry, in the following areas (OECD, 2015a):
 Data mining: the set of techniques used to extract information patterns from data
 Profiling: the use of data analytics for the construction of profiles and the
classification of individual consumers in specific profiles. Credit scoring, price
discrimination and targeted advertisements are typical examples of activities
involving profiling.
 Machine or statistical learning is a subfield in computer science, and more
specifically in artificial intelligence. It is concerned with the design, development
and use of algorithms3 that allow computers to “learn” – that is, to perform certain
tasks while improving performance with every empirical data set they analyse.
Machine learning involves activities such as pattern classification, cluster
analysis, and regression.
These advances allow financial services providers to infer sensitive information from data
that is unrelated to the financial services profile of an individual, such as past individual
purchasing behaviour, electricity consumption, or the activities of circles of contacts on
social media.

Box 2. The development of blockchain technologies*

A further development that should be taken into account by financial education policy makers
looking into issues relating to the use of personal data is blockchain, despite this not being strictly-
speaking a development generating personal data per se, but rather storing it.
Blockchain is a technology with huge potential across a wide range of applications. It utilises
distributed ledger technology (DLT) to store information verified by cryptography, which is
agreed through a pre-defined network protocol, often without the control of a central authority.
The technology can be used to secure the transfer and traceability of value as well as the transfer
of data. Its distributed nature of nodes makes it attractive for cyber-security and privacy.
The key point to note with respect to this technology is that the personal information that is stored
on the blockchain, because of its decentralised character with immutable blocks, cannot be deleted
as these are designed to last forever.
* For more information on technological and policy developments linked to blockchain, please see:

An algorithm can be described as "any well-defined computational procedure that takes some value, or set of
values, as input and produces some value, or set of values, as an output. An algorithm is thus a sequence of
computational steps that transforms the input into the output” (Cormen et al, 2009).

1.4. How various sources of data are used by financial service providers

The increasing wealth of consumers’ personal data, and the possibility to analyse it
through more and more sophisticated tools and artificial intelligence, can be used by
financial services providers - depending on the regulatory framework - in the following
functions and services in particular:
 Customer profiling: data stemming from on-line behaviour, geolocation tools,
electronic payments and wearables can provide financial service providers with
valuable insights on the financial lives of their customers and deliver more
detailed customer segmentation.
 Risk assessment: data contributes to an assessment of risks based on multiple
o Credit: in jurisdictions with positive credit scoring systems (i.e. in which not
only negative credit marks are reported by a central authority), big data and
augmented analytics determined the emergence of credit scoring tools that
integrate thousands of data points about individuals.
o Insurance: providers could use data aggregation for risk assessment in many
different fields, to achieve more precise risk segmentation and risk-based
pricing. For example, data generated by activity sensors or physical activity
tracker on a mobile phone can be used to determine a policyholder’s potential
life expectancy. Data analytics can also be applied to telematics data that
monitor the behaviour of policyholders and used to mitigate risk in advance
based, for example, on location. This can be applied to a range of insurance
products, such as health insurance (where consumer’s behaviour is tracked
and rewarded through wearable devices and/or home connected sensors), car
insurance (“Pay as you drive” and telematics), or home insurance (OECD,
Face recognition technology and longevity data can be used for underwriting
the provision of life insurance. Face recognition technology is used to predict
factors such as chronological age, gender, smoking habits and body mass
index (BMI) (OECD, 2017b).
 Robo-advice applied to develop a personal financial plan with a view to saving,
saving for retirement, or investing. Consumer data is processed by robo-advice
platforms to understand clients’ needs and assess risk tolerance, as well as
monitoring and adjusting the financial plan (OECD, 2017c).
 Fraud detection, thanks to the near-time (i.e. almost instantaneous) monitoring
allowed by artificial intelligence (AI) and, in particular machine learning, which
permits a continuous analysis of spending and account management patterns.
 Account aggregation, i.e. the compilation of information from different accounts
(checking, investments, savings accounts) in one single place to facilitate personal
financial management (see Box 3).
14 │

Box 3. Account aggregation tools

Account aggregation tools, which allow consumers to access their accounts (banking,
savings, investments, etc.) in one single place, through a website or a mobile app, can
function through two mechanisms:
 Screen scraping, through which the customers provides to a third party their login
details, passwords and additional security information such as personal questions,
which the third party can use to log in as the customer.
 Open banking, as in the European Union (European Union, 2015). This does not
require customers to provide passwords to third parties to access accounts on their
behalf, and passwords are not shared. Third parties, who are authorised by the
financial services authority, connect directly with the customers’ banks, through
standardised applied programming interfaces (APIs).
Open banking can deliver enhanced capabilities to the marketplace and allow consumers
to access all their accounts (banking, savings, investments, etc.) in one single place,
through a website or a mobile app. This can contribute to the emergence of improved and
innovative products and services, enhanced control for consumers over their financial
lives, and increased competition in the provision of financial services, with new entrants
in the market and with incumbents innovating as a response.
The key aspect to consider from a financial education perspective is consumer
consent*and authorisation, and issues around consumer control. Any provider wishing to
access the financial information of a consumer’s account must ask for an authorisation,
which can focus just on the retrieval of information, or can go further and authorise
payment services for example.
Consumers should not feel coerced into granting access to sensitive personal information,
such as past bank statements, unless they are aware of this and understand the
implications. They should also be aware that, with different modalities according to the
applicable regulations, they have the right to revoke authorisation to access, use, or store
* See for example the regulatory framework introduced by the Reserve Bank of India for Account
Aggregators in September 2016 (RBI, 2016) that, inter alia, includes provisions for customers’ explicit
consent, and the guarantee of the protection of customers’ rights, data security and customer grievance
redressal mechanism.

1.5. What are the implications for consumers?

The implications of the increased use of personal data in financial services can be positive
for consumers, if they take place within a sound financial consumer protection framework
and are matched by sufficient financial literacy and awareness. The increased use of
personal data does however also create new risks, which call for an integrated policy
response spanning financial education and awareness and financial consumer protection. 4

For a discussion of privacy and security risks incurred by consumers in the digital environment, see also the
Consumer Policy Guidance on Mobile and Online Payments (OECD, 2014).

1.5.1. Cheaper, tailored products with extended reach

The advantages brought to consumers by the digitalisation of finance and by the
increasing use that can be made of personal data were presented in the G20 OECD/INFE
Policy Guidance Note on Digitalisation and Financial Literacy. Among these, those that
are more influenced by the increased availability of personal data and enhanced data
analytics tools are:
 Providing access to consumers that are currently excluded from some financial
services, for example thanks to the use of big data that can build on non-financial
data points to define an alternative credit rating system for those without a credit
 Offering more convenient, faster, secure and timely transactions.
 Broadening the range of providers, with new FinTech firms entering the market.
This has already brought benefits for consumers:
 Lower costs, through increased competition and the emergence of FinTech
companies in particular in the payments and lending segments.
 Aggregator services that use financial and payment data from bank accounts of
consumers for dashboard and accounting products.
 Robo-advice, which has made financial advice available to consumers that could
not afford to receive financial advice through human interaction (OECD, 2017c).
 The possibility of creating personalised, built-in nudges in the personal financial
management tools used by consumers.
However, the increased availability of personal data and augmented processing capacity
also gives financial service providers (whether traditional ones or FinTech) the ability to
send targeted offers, which can make it more difficult for consumers, especially those
with low levels of financial literacy and awareness, to compare products.

1.5.2. Use of big data and machine learning to inform credit or insurance
Depending on the applicable regulatory framework in each jurisdiction, big data and
machine learning can be used to inform or determine the risk profile of consumers,
notably in the field of credit and insurance.
While it is not new to analyse personal data to determine clients’ risk profiles, this can
now be done through a range of data points collected about the individual consumer of
which the consumer might not be fully aware. Depending on the algorithm, this can also
take place by inferring information on the consumer based on consumers in similar data
Analysis methods increasingly link different datasets and pieces of information from
different sources in a way that was not possible before. This blurs the distinction between
personal and other data, and makes non-personal data increasingly traceable to
individuals, expanding the analytical possibilities of financial services providers (OECD,
In the insurance sector, the segmentation of risks and the increased effectiveness of risk-
selections can allow insurers to pre-determine which policyholders are likely to bring
losses. On this basis, some customers might be offered excellent rates, while others can
be excluded from the provision of insurance services.
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In the credit sector, the use of alternative data can have important consequences on credit
scoring ratings. Traditional credit information, obtained from credit card usage and
payments history, can be combined with data points obtained from consumers’ online and
offline activities. Most of this data does not necessarily have a direct link to individuals’
creditworthiness: where consumers shop, what they buy, their social media networks and
the activities of their social contacts and/or of people in similar digital networks. Credit
providers in the United States have reported a rise of 15% in the accuracy of predictions
on consumers.5
Research conducted on the creditworthiness of online customers of a German e-
commerce company (Berg et al., 2018) shows the superior discriminatory power of a
model using both the credit bureau score and the digital footprint variables. 6 This suggests
that a lender that uses information from both sources can make more profitable but also
more exclusionary lending decisions.
However, recent research also identifies possible additional discriminatory effects
deriving from the use of big data, such as exclusion by association in which consumers’
social, familial or religious associations have an effect on their credit score (Hurley and
Adebayo, 2017). Moreover, the ways in which non-traditional data are used and analysed,
which might not be regulated in some jurisdictions, might not be transparent to consumers
(and to regulators) as this is based on proprietary analytical tools. This might be done
without the accuracy, use limitation, access and dispute protections applicable for
example to credit bureaux. In these cases, consumers do not have the ability to challenge
what might be an unfair decision, and cannot understand which steps to take to build a
better credit score.

“Equifax and SAS leverage AI and deep learning to improve consumer access to credit”, Forbes, 20
February, https://www.forbes.com/sites/gilpress/2017/02/20/equifaxand-sas-leverage-ai-and-deep-learning-
to-improve- consumer-access-tocredit/2/#2ea15ddd7f69.
The variables taken into account by the study focus only on the interactions with that company, and are: the
device type (tablet or mobile); the operating system (iOS or Android); the channel through which a customer
comes to the website (such as search engine or price comparison website); a do not track dummy equal to one
if a customer uses settings that do not allow tracking device, operating system and channel information; the
time of day of the purchase (for example, morning, afternoon, evening, or night); the email service provider
(for example, gmail or yahoo); two pieces of information about the email address chosen by the user (includes
first and/or last name and includes a number); a lower case dummy if a user consistently uses lower case
when writing; and a dummy for a typing error when entering the email address.

Box 4. Responsible stewardship of trustworthy Artificial Intelligence

In September 2018 the OECD set up a 50+ member expert group on AI to develop a set of
principles, with representatives of 20 governments and leaders from the business, labour, civil
society, academic and scientific communities.
The rationale behind the creation of this group and of subsequent work is the recognition that
AI has pervasive, far-reaching and global implications that are transforming societies and
sectors of the economy. These implications have the potential to improve welfare and well-
being, but may also have disparate effects in our societies and economies, notably regarding
economic shifts, competition, transitions in the labour market, inequalities, and implications
for democracy and human rights, privacy and data protection, and digital security.
The efforts of OECD governments in this domain resulted in the approval in June 2019 of the
OECD Council Recommendation on Artificial Intelligence (OECD, 2019a), which includes
the OECD Principles on AI. OECD members plus Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica,
Peru and Romania are adherent to the AI Principles.
Two of the Principles are particularly relevant in the field of personal data and financial
Human-centred values and fairness
 AI actors should respect the rule of law, human rights and democratic values,
throughout the AI system lifecycle. These include freedom, dignity and autonomy,
privacy and data protection, non-discrimination and equality, diversity, fairness,
social justice, and internationally recognised labour rights.
 To this end, AI actors should implement mechanisms and safeguards, such as
capacity for human determination, that are appropriate to the context and consistent
with the state of art.
Transparency and explainability
AI Actors should commit to transparency and responsible disclosure regarding AI
systems. To this end, they should provide meaningful information, appropriate to the
context, and consistent with the state of art:
 to foster a general understanding of AI systems,
 to make stakeholders aware of their interactions with AI systems, including in the
 to enable those affected by an AI system to understand the outcome, and
 to enable those adversely affected by an AI system to challenge its outcome based on
plain and easy-to-understand information on the factors, and the logic that served as
the basis for the prediction, recommendation or decision.
The Recommendation also calls on governments to “work closely with stakeholders to
prepare for the transformation of the world of work and of society. They should empower
people to effectively use and interact with AI systems across the breadth of applications,
including by equipping them with the necessary skills”.
Source: OECD (2019a), Recommendation of the Council on Artificial Intelligence,
18 │

1.5.3. Rising digital security risks

The digitalisation of our economies and of finance is enriching the wealth of data stored
by financial institutions, and offering new ways of accessing them. Financial institutions,
because of the potential value of the information stored in their IT systems, are a
profitable target for cyber criminals (see Box 5). Data intensity (measured as the average
volume of data stored per organisation) is highest in the financial services sector
(including securities and investment services and banking) (OECD, 2015b).
In the United Kingdom alone, data breaches reported by financial services firms to the
Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) increased by 480% in 2018, to 145 up from just 25 in

Box 5. Digital security incidents in financial services

Digital security incidents affecting the integrity, availability and confidentiality of data
stored by financial services providers have become more and more common, and are on
the rise globally. Below is a non-exhaustive list of some of the major digital security
incidents affecting financial services firm in recent years:
 In 2014, the data of 20 million individuals – 40% of the Korean population –
were stolen from three Korean credit card companies 1 (KB Kookmin Bank, Lotte
Card and Nonghyup Bank). Personal data included identification numbers,
addresses and credit card numbers.
 In 2014 JP Morgan Chase, the largest retail bank in the United States, was the
victim of a hack that compromised the data of more than half of all US
– 76 million – plus 7 million small businesses. 2 The data included contact
information – names, addresses, phone numbers and email addresses – as well as
internal information about the users.
 In 2016 Tesco Bank was victim of a cyber-attack affecting 8.261 out of 131.000
Tesco Bank personal current accounts. 3 Although Tesco Bank’s controls stopped
almost 80% of the unauthorised transactions, personal current account holders
received text messages that were likely to cause customers distress in the early
hours of the morning. Some customers suffered embarrassment and
inconvenience when they were unable to make payments using their debit cards.
 In 2017, hackers stole the personal data of nearly 150 million people from the
databases of Equifax, a consumer credit reporting agency.4
1. www.economist.com/finance-and-economics/2014/01/25/card-sharps
2. https://dealbook.nytimes.com/2014/10/02/jpmorgan-discovers-further-cyber-security-issues/
3. www.fca.org.uk/publication/final-notices/tesco-personal-finance-plc-2018.pdf
4. www.gao.gov/assets/700/694158.pdf


1.6. Consumers’ attitudes towards privacy and data as a commodity

The response of consumers to these developments and to the opportunities and risks
offered by big data is mixed: if on the one hand, a majority of consumers are aware of
threats to their privacy, on the other hand they are also willing to share additional
personal information in exchange for better and cheaper services. However, recent
research suggests that when consumers consent to share their data to providers they lack
an understanding of terms and conditions, including the privacy statement.

1.6.1. Data privacy concerns and awareness of digital security risks8

Evidence suggests that consumers value their privacy and are aware of how this can be
compromised in today’s technological environment. They have concerns about how their
personal data can be unlawfully accessed and used, and are aware of the risks posed by
cybercrime (access to their accounts, misuse of their personal information).
Consumers are aware of the increasing risks to the integrity of their personal data and
their privacy. A 2018 CIGI-Ipsos Global Survey on Internet Security and Trust9 shows
that over half of internet users surveyed globally were more concerned about their online
privacy than they were the previous year. In a special 2014 Eurobarometer survey on
digital security, online consumers in the European Union reported their top two concerns
to be the misuse of personal data and the security of online payments (EC, 2015).
National surveys confirm these trends: in the United Kingdom, for example, 42% of those
surveyed think it is likely that they will be a victim of cybercrime in the next two years
(Ipsos MORI, 2019).
Indeed concerns over data security (data leaks, hacking, etc.) are the second most
important reason that would push a consumer to leave their current provider, according to
a recent global study conducted by the private sector on the behaviour and preferences of
financial services consumers (Accenture, 2019).
Despite these concerns, not all consumers apply the necessary steps to safeguard their
personal data online. In the United Kingdom, for example, almost half do not always use
a strong, separate password for their main email account. In addition, only 15% say they
know a great deal about how to protect themselves from harmful activity, with around
33% stating they rely to some extent on friends and family for help on cyber security
(Ipsos MORI, 2019).

Differences in risk perception and in response by target audience

For financial education policy makers, it is important to note that there are differences in
perception of online security risks. A recent survey conducted in the United Kingdom
(Ipsos MORI, 2019) indicates that 37% of surveyed consumers agree with the statement
“losing money or personal details over the internet is unavoidable these days”. Those who
strongly agree with the statement are more likely to be above 65 years old or have no
formal qualifications.
Differences by target audiences are also worth noting with respect to the strategies
adopted by consumers to minimise the likelihood of being victim of cybercrime. Indeed,
if consumers are concerned about their privacy, not all of them take actions to protect
For additional information on digital security and privacy, please see www.oecd.org/going-
20 │

Surveys conducted in the Unites States (Pingitore et al., 2017) and the United Kingdom
(Ipsos MORI, 2019) indicate that younger consumers take more proactive actions to
safeguard their online privacy, such as adjusting privacy settings on their mobile phones
or social media.

1.6.2. Trading personal data for additional benefits

Evidence suggests that consumers are also willing to share additional personal data with
financial providers if this results in perceived benefits. Two global surveys conducted by
the private sector shed some light on this trend.
The first one addresses data sharing in general and is not focused just on financial
services (GfK, 2017). It finds that more than a quarter (27%) of internet users across 17
countries strongly agree that they are willing to share their personal data in exchange for
benefits or rewards, such as lower costs or personalised services. The percentage of users
who are firmly unwilling to share their data is around 19%. The survey also indicates that
Internet users aged 30-40 are most likely to share data for rewards.
A second survey focuses in particular on the financial services sector (Accenture, 2019).
This indicates that around 60% of the consumers surveyed globally indicate that they
would share more data with banks, insurers, or investment advisory firms if this translated
into priority services, pricing benefits, more personalised products or non-regulated
financial advice. This percentage increases among categories of consumers that are
younger and more digitally keen. These consumers are open to begin making financial
transactions through GAFAs (Google LLC, Apple, Inc., Facebook, Inc. and
Amazon.com). For these consumers, and for the generations born after the 1990s in
particular, GAFAs are also attractive alternatives to traditional financial providers, with
40% of them that would consider banking with Facebook, Google or Amazon. This is
even higher in markets such as the United States, where 50% would be willing to make
this switch (Accenture, 2019).

1.6.3. Consent is not informed

These shifts are taking place despite consumers not fully understanding the value of their
personal data. Research conducted in the United Kingdom (Financial Services Consumer
Panel, 2018) to assess how willing consumers are to share their data with third parties in
the framework of open banking confirms that consumer consent is not well informed.
More than three quarters of consumers (even among those with higher socio-economic
and educational background) state that they do not feel informed when they read terms
and conditions. In addition, most consumers who give consent to the treatment of their
personal data by third-party providers do not understand some of the terms and conditions
they have agreed to and hence indicate that their consent it not informed.
Finally, the degree to which they can exercise control over the use of their data is not
clear to them – no more than their rights over their data. This point in particular is
relevant for financial education and awareness policy makers, as recent landmark
advances in the regulation of privacy and personal data use aim to give more control and
more rights to consumers (see Box 6).

Box 6. The European Union General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

The GDPR became effective in May 2018 and aims to give more control to EU citizens
over their personal data, and how that data are accessed, processed and used. The GDPR
sets out seven key principles covering personal data: lawfulness, fairness and
transparency; purpose limitation; data minimisation; accuracy; storage limitation;
integrity and confidentiality (security); accountability.
The GDPR also gives “data subjects”, i.e. all natural persons whose personal data are
processed by a controller or processor, specific (new) rights. The Regulation codifies the
following fundamental data subject rights:
 The right of access.
 The right to rectification.
 The right to erasure or right to be forgotten.
 The right to restriction of processing.
 The right to data portability.
 The right to object.
 The right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing,
including profiling, when this bears legal effects or significantly affects him or
22 │

2. Financial education and awareness

Public policies dealing with the personal data of financial services consumers have so far
focused mostly on data protection and financial consumer protection regulation. National
strategies for financial education, apart some notable exceptions (see Box 7), have yet to
systematically include this element within the content of their programmes.
The development of new core competencies relating to personal data is made even more
relevant as recent changes to privacy regulations in some jurisdictions seek to empower
consumers and give them specific rights over their data (see Box 6). Consumers should
possess the necessary knowledge and skills to understand the use that is made of their
personal data and to fully exercise their consumer rights in this domain.

Box 7. Digital financial literacy initiatives among OECD/INFE members

Members of the OECD/INFE have begun to include financial education and awareness on
the importance of personal data within their national strategies and initiatives.
In Germany the Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection (BMJV), as the
competent authority for consumer policy relating to amongst other things the Information
society and financial services, published a comprehensive article on the consumers’ rights
to their data. The article includes a section on the protection of personality by data
protection, a section on how an individual consumer can get information on the data
collected already about him or her as well as guidance on how to avoid providing
unnecessary data and on how to safely use the internet. There is a free download available
with information tailored to elderly consumers. 1
The German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) provides consumers with
practical guidance on the use of their personal data when using financial services. In
2019, BaFin gave an online seminar for elderly people on the Second Payment Services
Directive (PSD2)2 explaining the impact of the directive on electronic payment and online
Banking and on alternative payment solutions. There was a special focus on data
protection issues.
Digital financial literacy is among the key goals of the Central Bank of Portugal’s
Strategic Plan for 2017-2020. This strategic goal addresses in particular the safe use of
digital channels. The adoption of safety procedures by customers is encouraged through
awareness campaigns on the Bank Customer website
(https://clientebancario.bportugal.pt). The website also features a dedicated page, with
contents on digital security such as risks associated with digital channels, and the
explanation of what Big Data is, as well as its benefits and risks. This information is
accessible to consumers through plain language and an intuitive interface, supported by
audio-visual tools.
In 2018, the Central Bank of Portugal launched a digital financial education campaign
addressed at young people (#toptip) to raise awareness amongst digital natives on the
necessary precautions to be adopted when using digital financial services. The first tip
“When using the internet, do you have any idea of the risks?” gives hints on how users
should protect their equipment and internet connection from risks such as phishing,

pharming, spyware and SIM card swap. The second tip “Do you use your smartphone to
access social networks or email? Or home banking? Do you also make payments with
your mobile phone?” focuses on the importance of protecting the large amount of
confidential and private information that users have on their mobile phones. The third tip
“Is social media your second home?” warns about the risk of sharing personal data in
social media. The fourth tip “Do you safely buy online?” clarifies the steps that users
should follow before, during and after an online purchase. The fifth tip “What if you are a
victim of online fraud?” helps users who have been (or suspect they were) victims of
online fraud. The campaign was also delivered through the Instagram account of the
Central Bank (@bancodeportugalofficial). The Central Bank sent a brochure with these
tips was to all secondary schools and regularly conducts financial education sessions in
secondary schools which are in high demand.
Digital financial literacy is among the key goals of the National Financial Education Plan
implemented by the Central Bank of Spain and CNMV for 2018-2021. Digitalisation of
financial products and services and the consequent need to strengthen digital financial
literacy are seen as key areas of action. The Financial Education Plan is in particular
aware of the opportunities and challenges presented by the digital delivery of financial
education and an effort will be made in the identification and promotion of financial
education initiatives in this area. Digital tools, applications and software will be used to
improve access to financial education, strengthen the key competences of financial
services users and increase skills in the field of management and control of their finances.
With respect to personal data, the Spanish National Strategy website, Finanzas para
Todos (www.finanzasparatodos.es), includes an entire section related to protecting
personal information, with answers to questions such as: “What personal information
should I protect?”, “What should I do if I receive an email asking me to confirm my
personal information?”, “What is spyware?” and “What precautions should I take with
online banking?”. Similarly, a section on safeguarding personal information is included in
the Financial Education Programme for Schools, for students 14–18, and addresses the
same questions mentioned above. This programme also includes practical classroom
activities with the following learning objectives:
1. Understand the importance of safeguarding our personal information to avoid
falling victim to financial fraud;
2. Identify the necessary precautions to take with online banking and other Internet
3. Know the importance of reporting the theft or loss of documents and keeping a
written record of the report; and
4. Know the precautions to take for online banking and other Internet activities.
1. www.bmjv.de/DE/Verbraucherportal/DigitalesTelekommunikation/Datenschutz/Datenschutz_node.html
2. www.bafin.de/SharedDocs/Downloads/DE/Veranstaltung/dl_191017_digitaler_stammtisch_digitalisierung.html
24 │

The G20/OECD INFE Policy Guidance action checklist: Focus on personal data

In light of the need to address the use of personal data within financial education
programmes, and to encourage positive behaviours on personal data awareness and
management, this report suggests specific elements pertaining to personal data in support
of the implementation of the G20/OECD INFE Policy Guidance Note on Digital
Financial Literacy.
These new elements should be considered as an additional implementation tool for policy
makers and programme designers addressing financial education and personal data, and
should be read taking into account the regulatory framework and the financial and digital
literacy levels in each jurisdiction.
│ 25
Table 1. New elements pertaining to personal data in selected building blocks of the G20/OECD INFE Policy Guidance

Selected building blocks of the G20/OECD INFE Policy Guidance Note Specific elements pertaining to personal data
1. Develop a national diagnosis Supply side
Scan the current landscape to understand:
 How financial services providers use consumers’ personal data, in the framework of the applicable
 The presence of specific actionable rights over personal data in financial services, as per financial
consumer protection or data protection legislation.
Demand side
Draw on existing data and analysis, or commission research to understand:
 Attitudes towards privacy and personal data use
 Consumers’ understanding of digital footprint
 Online security awareness and behaviours
 Appetite for data sharing
 Awareness of actionable rights over personal data in financial services, as per financial consumer
protection or data protection legislation
2. Ensure coordination Among public authorities:
 Coordinate with, or at a minimum consult, the national data protection authority, if existing, or the public
authorities with a legal mandate and effective means in the field of privacy and data regulation10.
With the private and not-for-profit sector:
 Public authorities should seek to harness the knowledge of the private sector, and in particular of FinTech
actors, to understand new developments in the field of personal data sharing.
3. Support the development of a national core competency framework
on digital financial literacy
3.a Empowering consumers, including the most vulnerable, to
counter new types of exclusion due to the misuse of various data
sources, including big data, and digital profiling
 Appropriately manage their digital footprint to the extent possible:  Consumers should be aware of the analytical possibilities offered by big data, and that any online activity
can be used by financial services providers to customise offers and define cost and range of product offer.
 In countries with positive credit scoring systems in particular, consumers should understand that credit
scoring decisions can be influenced by personal information that is not related to their personal credit
For a global list of national data protection authorities, see: https://www.dlapiperdataprotection.com/index.html?t=authority&c=AR&c2=
26 │
Selected building blocks of the G20/OECD INFE Policy Guidance Note Specific elements pertaining to personal data
 Avoid engaging in risky behaviours involving their personal data, and  Target groups that display the lowest familiarity with online transactions and lowest levels of digital literacy
understand the consequences of sharing or disclosing personal should be prompted regularly to take effective measures to safeguard their personal data and privacy.
identification numbers, account information, or other identifying
information such as address, birth date or government-issued
numbers whether digitally or through other channels:
 Assess the kind of information that is requested by (financial) service  Target groups that are willing to share more personal information with financial services providers in
providers to decide whether it is relevant and understand how it may exchange for benefits, notably younger generations and the more technologically savvy, should be aware
be stored and used. of the consequences to their privacy and should share non-essential additional information based on
informed consent.
 Increase awareness of consumer rights with respect to personal data,  In jurisdictions where changes to personal data regulations have assigned new rights to consumers, they
and on the applicable regulatory framework, especially if this gives should be informed through awareness campaigns.
consumers new rights and discretionary control over their personal  Inform consumers of the mechanisms behind the decisions made on their financial lives, in particular when
data. these have been taken without human intervention.
 When consumers have the legal right to challenge a decision taken by an algorithm, they should be
informed and know how to seek recourse.
3.b Protecting consumers and small businesses from increased
vulnerability to digital crimes such as phishing scams, account
hacking and data theft
 Increase awareness of the existence of online fraud and of cyber  Consumers - and the most vulnerable target groups in particular - should be alerted to the need of using
security risks when choosing and using digital financial strong passwords to protect their personal data and financial transactions online and informed about what
services,making financial transactions online, and using account to do in case of a security breach.
aggregation tools (“screen scraping”).
 Increase awareness of the possibilities offered by account  Consumers understand data sharing revocation terms and when to revoke authorizations to access, use,
aggregation tools, and how to use and stop using such tools safely or store data.
given that they are providing access to their account information to  Consumers understand that through screen-scraping, the passwords and login information remains with
third parties. the third-party provider also when they stop using the service, increasing the likelihood of the password
being stolen or misused.

3. Conclusions

In today’s economies, the capacity of financial services providers to capture, store,

combine, and analyse a wide variety of customer data, such as their financial situation,
habits or physical location, has prompted an adaptation of data protection and financial
consumer protection frameworks. While this is necessary, public policies should also aim
to reinforce awareness among consumers of the implications of the use of their personal
data, and foster behaviours that can protect their personal data while helping them to take
a proactive stance to data sharing that is consistent with their own preferences. Such a
consumer-centric approach also responds to an evolving regulatory context in which
individuals are assigned new rights covering their personal data.
The analysis conducted in this report presents the implications of the use of personal data
in financial services from a consumer perspective. It covers both the possible advantages
and risks, drawing on existing data to describe consumer attitudes to personal data
Based on this analysis, financial education policy makers are encouraged to take into
account issues relating to personal data when gathering evidence to inform their policies
and programmes. This would ideally cover both the supply side, i.e. the use that is made
of personal data by financial services providers and the applicable regulatory framework,
and the demand side, i.e. consumer attitudes to data sharing and their understanding of the
value and implications of their personal data.
Authorities in charge of financial education in each jurisdiction are invited to coordinate
or consult with the authorities in charge of personal data protection and financial
consumer protection to ensure that financial education policies and initiatives benefit
from their expertise and are coherent with existing national frameworks on personal data
protection. Similar coordination or consultation should also take place with Fintech
providers in order to fully understand new developments in personal data sharing.
Finally, the report identifies specific financial literacy competencies that would benefit
individuals and entrepreneurs in this domain, providing new elements pertaining to
personal data in support of the implementation of the G20/OECD INFE Policy Guidance
Note on Digital Financial Literacy. These additions are for consideration by policy
makers, and should be read taking into account the financial consumer protection and
personal data protection frameworks in each jurisdiction.
The OECD, through its International Network on Financial Education, and through its
horizontal project on digitalisation, will continue to monitor policy solutions implemented
at the national level, and to engage in a fruitful discussion at the international level to
identify good practices. Thanks to its global nature, the OECD/INFE will also foster the
necessary cross-border approach to personal data policies.
28 │


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Annex A. List of members of the OECD/INFE

Working Group on Digital Financial Literacy

Austria Martin Taborsky, Central Bank of Austria (Co-leader)

Netherlands Olaf Simonse, Ministry of Finance (Co-leader)
Australia Laura Higgins, Australian Securities and Investments Commission
Austria Elisabeth Ulbrich, Central Bank of Austria
Brazil João Evangelista de Sousa Filho, Banco do Brasil
Brazil José Alexandre Cavalcanti Vasco, CVM
Brunei Darussalam Rina Hayane Sumardi, Autoriti Monetari Brunei Darussalam
Canada Chris Poole, Financial Consumer Agency of Canada
Chile Carolina del Río, Financial Markets Commission (formerly SBIF)
Czech Republic Alex Ivanco, Ministry of Finance
France Astrid Delacour, Banque de France
India Gautam Prasad Borah, Reserve Bank of India
India Girraj Prasad Garg, NISM
Indonesia Rela Ginting, OJK
Italy Roberta Nanula, Banca d'Italia
Italy Nadia Linciano, CONSOB
Korea Jin Yong Kim, Bank of Korea
Latvia Dace Jansone, Financial and Capital Market Commission
Luxembourg Danièle Berna-Ost, Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier
Malaysia Jeremy Lee Eng Huat, Bank Negara Malaysia
Mexico Pedro Garza López, Banco de México
Mongolia Myendu Nurgul, Central Bank of Mongolia
Morocco Imane Benzarouel, Fondation Marocaine pour l'Education Financière
New Zealand Celestyna Galicki, Commission for Financial Capability
Pakistan Syed Samir Hasnain, State Bank of Pakistan
Peru Juan-Carlos Chong, Superintendency of Banking, Insurance and Private Pension Funds
Portugal Lucía Leitão, Central Bank
Portugal Lucélia Fernandes, Portuguese Insurance and Pension Funds Supervisory Authority
Republic of North Macedonia Kristina Pavleska, Coordinating Body of the Regulatory Authorities for Financial Education in Macedonia
Romania Anton Comanescu, National Bank of Romania
Singapore Abigail Ng, Monetary Authority of Singapore
South Africa Lyndwill Clarke, Financial Sector Conduct Authority
Spain Emilio Ruiz, Banco d'España
Sweden Thèrese Wieselqvist Ekman, Financinspektionen
Turkey Nihal Değirmenci, Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey

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