Adbi wp872
Adbi wp872
Adbi wp872
Working Paper
The use of financial technology in the agriculture sector
Suggested Citation: McIntosh, Craig; Mansini, Caio Scuarcialupi (2018) : The use of financial
technology in the agriculture sector, ADBI Working Paper, No. 872, Asian Development Bank
Institute (ADBI), Tokyo
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ADBI Working Paper Series
No. 872
September 2018
The Working Paper series is a continuation of the formerly named Discussion Paper series;
the numbering of the papers continued without interruption or change. ADBI’s working papers
reflect initial ideas on a topic and are posted online for discussion. Some working papers may
develop into other forms of publication.
The Asian Development Bank recognizes “China” as the People’s Republic of China.
Suggested citation:
McIntosh, C. and C. S. Mansini, 2018. The Use of Financial Technology in the Agriculture
Sector. ADBI Working Paper 872. Tokyo: Asian Development Bank Institute. Available:
Tel: +81-3-3593-5500
Fax: +81-3-3593-5571
The finance sector has a key role to play in allowing agriculture to contribute to economic
growth and poverty reduction. A rapidly evolving technological landscape is opening up new
possibilities to target and price credit, to share risk, and to harness information technology to
expand agricultural productivity. At the same time, many obstacles are not technological, so it
is important to look for strategic places where policy and investment can help to improve
outcomes for agricultural households. Our analysis first situates agricultural finance in the
Asian context, and then discusses the role of financial technology (FinTech) in driving new
products in credit and risk markets. We examine linkages to mobile money, financial literacy,
national identification systems, and blockchain technology. The paper concludes with a
discussion of policy takeaways for FinTech in agriculture to promote growth, enhance financial
inclusion, and improve regional economic integration.
1. INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................... 1
REFERENCES ..................................................................................................................... 29
ADBI Working Paper 872 McIntosh and Mansini
Credit and risk are pivotal dimensions of agriculture everywhere in the world. Two core
features of agricultural production are the long time lag between input investment
and profit realization, and the large covariate risks imposed on agricultural production by
weather shocks. These two dimensions create a set of interlocking problems both on the
supply side (financial institutions face large and systemic risks in providing
credit to agriculture) and on the demand side (farmers face many risks beyond their
control in trying to finance the investments necessary to increase productivity).
Fortunately, the technological landscape for the provision of financial services is shifting
quickly, and the developing world appears poised to leapfrog legacy systems in a number
of exciting ways. This paper summarizes recent advances in the technology that can be
used to underwrite credit and risk in agriculture, places in context the gaps in coverage
in Asia, and concludes with a set of policy recommendations as to the types of
interventions that appear most promising across the highly varying national contexts of
The potential for digital financial services to increase growth in Asia, particularly among
excluded segments of the population, is substantial. Financial technology (FinTech) is
generating new ways to target and collateralize credit, to price and spread risk, and
to organize agricultural value chains. A 2017 ADB report finds that digital payment
systems could close 40% of the unmet need for payment services and 20% of the need
for credit. The same report finds that widespread implementation of digital financial
services could increase GDP growth in Indonesia and the Philippines by 2%–3% per
year, and in Cambodia by as much as 6% (ADB and Oliver Wyman 2017). Indeed,
worldwide we see that innovative financial technologies often take off precisely in
economies that have certain enabling features but do not have well-developed legacy
systems. Thus, microfinance has taken off in Indonesia and mobile banking in the
Philippines, both of which have relatively poorly developed formal financial systems, and
digital currencies dominate in the People’s Republic of China (PRC) where low credit
card penetration does not permit credit card use in online commerce. Therefore, FinTech
represents a space where innovation can be made to serve the marginalized in ways
that generate both welfare and economic growth.
Information and communication technology is changing agriculture in many dimensions
beyond financial services. Clearly, global access to mobile phones is fundamentally
changing the way that farmers access price information, search for buyers, and build
brands as they attempt to move up the value chain. That said, a large number of rigorous
studies conducted on the use of specific technology platforms to transmit price
information or to conduct agricultural extension have arrived at surprisingly mixed results.
Recent innovations in risk sharing, such as the use of index insurance, have largely fallen
flat due to lack of demand. Some of the excitement around novel FinTech solutions for
agriculture, such as the use of the blockchain, is still largely unproven. Hence, in this
paper we also provide a summary of the recent rigorous empirical evidence from field
studies as to the success of FinTech innovations, and try to point the way forward for the
most promising financial technologies.
The centrality of credit and risk may be clearest when we consider agriculture as a part
of the overall economy, and consider the central role played by farming in the broader
Agricultural Transformation and the subsequent Structural Transformation. Most
developing economies begin with a very large share of the population engaged in
smallholder agriculture, farming small plots with low capital intensity and trading little
of their output. To become a direct contributor to economic growth, agriculture must
ADBI Working Paper 872 McIntosh and Mansini
become more capital intensive so as to allow it to bolster exports and contribute to overall
productivity. This process requires heavy investments to be made in the farming sector
which will in general amplify the financial risks faced by farming households. To permit
these investments to be made, then, we must consider both the access to finance
enjoyed by agricultural households and the tools at their disposal to control the risks they
face in making production more capital intensive. Agricultural land itself is the most
important store of value that can be used to collateralize this investment, which creates
an integral tie between land ownership rights and the apportionment of default risk in
agriculture. FinTech is being used both to enhance the ability of farmers to use collateral
and to permit new forms of more flexible, uncollateralized credit.
What is the particular role played by agriculture that makes it a sector of unique interest
in terms of economic development? Two particularly important and quite distinct
motivations are apparent. The first is its “macro” role in the AT/ST: in order to liberate the
labor that drives urbanization and industrialization, agriculture must engage in a set of
labor-saving investments that boost overall productivity. For poorer countries, the
development of agricultural processing and export businesses typically represents a
critical step on the path toward a modern economy. The second is its “micro” role as the
sector in which the large majority of the low-income population works, meaning that
aggregate poverty and inequality are likely to be driven strongly by changes to the nature
of agricultural production, particularly at low levels of overall development.
Both the “macro” and “micro” roles of agricultural development are served when a
country undergoes a successful structural transformation over the long term, but when
we seek to adjust agricultural policy at a moment in time, the levers for these two
purposes may be quite distinct. To promote agriculture’s role as a sector in the overall
economy, policy should be focused on improving value added, export markets, labor
productivity, diversification, and the transmission of labor toward more productive
sectors. For these purposes, FinTech needs to drive mechanization and processing
capacity, as well as manage a complex set of risks that accompany engaging with
the world market (quality certification, handling exposure to global commodity price
fluctuation, external demand shocks). If instead we focus on the critical micro-level
welfare implications of agriculture as a sector employing most of the population below
the poverty line, quite a different set of objectives may emerge, particularly in the short
term. Here, we may see smallholder farming more as a necessary reality to be
confronted, and hence interventions that generate marginal improvements in risk-
adjusted profits for households can have substantial welfare consequences, even in the
absence of any macro-level transformation. Indeed, GDP growth emanating from
agriculture has three times the effect on increasing the income of the bottom 40% of the
distribution as growth emanating from other sectors (de Janvry and Sadoulet 2009). In
focusing on agriculture’s pro-poor dimension, the policy focus will tend toward
micro-credit and micro-insurance, as well as interventions that can target and expand
access to financial services for previously marginalized groups. To use the language of
Dorward et al. (2009), the macro policies involve “stepping up” and “moving out” of
agriculture while the micro-level policies help farmers to “hang on” as smallholders.
In certain dimensions, these two objectives face common obstacles, so we can achieve
win-wins: both agendas can be promoted by improving agricultural productivity, shifting
weather and global price risks off of farmers, and enhancing household-level income
diversification. In other dimensions, they may be at odds: transfers in the form of
subsidies to prices, interest rates, or the cost of agricultural risk may enhance welfare in
the short term yet retard the movement toward the consolidation of land and movement
of labor that is typically associated with economic development at the national level.
FinTech appears to be a particularly attractive approach to agriculture when seen in this
ADBI Working Paper 872 McIntosh and Mansini
light because it embeds a strong logic for the win-win propositions of better targeting of
credit, better pricing of risk, and a shift of aggregate risk to better diversified parties. All
these changes should be beneficial to both macroeconomic efficiency and the welfare of
smallholder farmers.
FinTech plays a number of critical roles in driving the ability to provide mass-scale
agricultural finance, particularly in developing countries where access may be far from
universal. The array of digital technologies has dramatically decreased the cost of
providing services on the margin, allowing them to be offered in smaller packages to
poorer customers. This holds out the promise that less developed countries and remote
regions could leapfrog legacy systems and use mobile/digital technology to drive
agricultural productivity in novel ways. Big data tools allow institutions to target credit
more precisely, thereby reaching better borrower pools and expanding access to
uncollateralized credit. Better measurement of climate shocks using various types of
remote sensing permit a shifting of covariate risk within the agricultural system (although
progress has been slower here than with credit).
This paper provides an overview of the use of FinTech for agriculture. We begin our
analysis by providing context for levels of financial penetration, agricultural productivity,
and stages in the agricultural transformation globally and within Asia. We then move to
a detailed discussion of credit products, and the way in which novel technologies can
target and extend uncollateralized credit in new ways, can allow new types of assets to
serve as collateral, and allow for an expansion of agricultural productivity. We then move
to the use of FinTech to tackle risk in agriculture, focusing on the weather index insurance
products that have been extensively piloted over the past decade. Following that, we
discuss three specific forms of FinTech that are critical enablers of changes
to the operation of agricultural supply chains—mobile money, biometric identification,
and the blockchain—as well as the role financial literacy plays in generating financial
inclusion. We conclude with a set of policies and products that seem to have particularly
strong theoretical or empirical justification, and the ways in which the context and policy
objectives alter the critical areas of focus.
Seen from a macroeconomic context, agriculture is playing a declining role in production
and employment in ADB members. From 2000 to 2016, employment in agriculture
among the ADB members fell from 46% to 30%, and the contribution of agriculture to
total value added declined from 21% to 12.7% (Table 1). In 1990, the population of ADB
members was 70% rural and only 30% urban, while by 2017 the share living in rural and
urban areas had equalized (Figure 1). In keeping with an agricultural transformation that
is well underway, these changes were accompanied by a large increase in agricultural
productivity, with cereal yields per hectare increasing on average from 2,848 kg in 2000
to 3,637 kg in 2016, an improvement of 28% in only 16 years. Figure 2 shows the
evolution of cereal yields over this interval by country, demonstrating particularly
impressive improvements in the PRC and Indonesia.
In aggregate, then, Asia is clearly seeing the mass-scale movement of population out of
rural areas and the mechanization of agriculture that is critical to a structural
transformation in the process of overall economic development. However, workhorse
theoretical models such as the Lewis model have suggested for decades that increases
in the welfare of urban workers will ultimately be limited by the level of immiseration in
the rural areas, and therefore finding the policy and financial tools to allow for an increase
in wages and productivity in agriculture are key to allowing economic development to
ADBI Working Paper 872 McIntosh and Mansini
benefit workers. Improving the flow of agricultural financing and technology is critical in
allowing countries to escape a low value-added poverty trap (Manova and Yu 2013),
even as the region as a whole moves away from agriculture.
ADBI Working Paper 872 McIntosh and Mansini
Table 1 continued
Export Share
in Agricultured Fertilizer Usee Cereal Yieldsf
ADB Members 2000 2016 2000 2016 2000 2016
Afghanistan 16.36 3.86 1,318.83 1,981.70
Armenia 3.27 0.59 27.97 1,809.08 3,076.10
Australia 6.04 2.86 47.39 1,909.33 2,074.30
Azerbaijan 4.43 0.28 10.85 2,162.83 3,004.70
Bangladesh 1.65 179.33 3,149.29 4,628.90
Cambodia 2.15 2.08 5.79 1,990.36 3,459.90
PRC 1.03 0.42 402.14 4,906.07 6,029.20
Georgia 2.86 1.25 33.04 1,994.86 2,517.20
Hong Kong, China 0.37 2.95 461.20 2,000.00 2,000.00
India 1.45 1.27 112.10 2,286.27 2,992.80
Indonesia 4.72 5.07 132.57 4,053.31 5,405.50
Japan 0.52 0.75 342.59 6,002.18 4,975.50
Kazakhstan 1.74 0.30 1.23 937.18 1,347.70
Korea, Rep. of 1.00 0.89 512.42 6,226.77 6,795.20
Kyrgyz Republic 13.06 3.30 19.52 2,515.39 3,104.40
Lao PDR 3.24 2,966.76 4,626.70
Mongolia 21.81 6.93 6.30 682.78 1,279.40
Myanmar 2.60 10.26 3,041.03 3,607.40
Nepal 0.73 3.55 8.33 2,096.52 2,605.40
New Zealand 13.91 12.25 2,148.70 6,360.53 8,383.80
Pakistan 2.44 0.91 108.18 2,256.48 3,064.20
Papua New Guinea 4.90 175.22 3,792.42 4,737.80
Philippines 0.71 0.76 157.78 2,591.38 3,529.00
Sri Lanka 1.87 2.65 276.51 3,298.01 3,897.40
Tajikistan 12.59 35.88 1,523.00 3,348.70
Thailand 4.10 3.87 126.03 2,747.82 3,031.80
Timor-Leste 0.13 1,541.90 2,454.40
Turkmenistan 16.79 2,192.81 1,075.60
Uzbekistan 2,946.42 4,613.10
Viet Nam 2.21 1.41 335.86 4,135.12 5,448.00
Unweighted Average: 4.86 3.19 218.50 2,847.82 3,636.53
ADB members with population over 1 million.
Source: World Development Indicators Database 2018.
ADBI Working Paper 872 McIntosh and Mansini
Figure 2: Cereal Yields (kg per hectare for wheat, rice, maize, barley, oats, rye, millet,
sorghum, buckwheat, and mixed grains) by Country and Year
Further, this picture of a strong aggregate decline in the importance of agriculture masks
an enormous degree of cross-country differentiation. Indeed, in this respect, Asia is the
most heterogeneous area of the world. This can be seen in the difference between the
development level of countries like Japan and the Republic of Korea, which together
account for almost 6% of the world gross domestic product (GDP), and that of Myanmar
and Nepal, which combined do not represent 0.40% of the world’s GDP (World
Development Indicators Database 2018). Even in the most recent data, countries such
as Afghanistan, the Lao People's Democratic Republic (Lao PDR), and Nepal still have
more than 60% of their population engaged in agriculture, while this fraction is below 5%
for Australia; Hong Kong, China; and Japan. Given the importance of export markets as
ADBI Working Paper 872 McIntosh and Mansini
a vehicle for value added in agriculture, this diversity in development levels within Asia
should be seen as an opportunity for less developed countries in the region to exploit the
purchasing power of their wealthier neighbors to their own benefit. Also, agriculture can
continue to play an important role in the economies of even very developed economies,
as witnessed by the fact that the farming sector represented 12.25% of New Zealand’s
exports in 2016, second only to Afghanistan within Asia.
ADBI Working Paper 872 McIntosh and Mansini
The deep structural changes to Asian economies have been accompanied by a very
dramatic reduction in poverty. Table 2 shows that average GDP per capita among larger
ADB members has risen from just over $8,000 to almost $14,000 in purchasing power
parity terms during the 18 years from 2000 to 2017, and over the same interval the
average food deficit fell from 180 to 92 kilocalories per person per day. This halving of
nutritional shortfalls over such a short period is impressive, and given the large
decreases in the share of the population in rural areas over the same period might be
thought to have resulted from urbanization. However, Figure 3, which plots the declines
in poverty rates at the national level over the same period, tells quite a different story. It
shows that subsequent to 2002 almost all of the reduction of aggregate poverty that has
taken place in Asia has done so in rural areas, emphasizing the critical role that the
agriculture sector plays in employing the poor. In this sense, while agriculture may play
a declining role in overall macroeconomic importance over time, it is the sector in which
growth has the strongest role in reducing poverty (de Janvry and Sadoulet 2009).
Clearly, access to financial services will play a critical role in enhancing agricultural
productivity and thereby generating the benefit from its poverty-reducing abilities. In this
regard as well, we see both tremendous growth in Asia over recent decades and a great
deal of heterogeneity remaining at the present moment. From 2000 to 2017, overall credit
to the private sector rose from 42.5% to 62.8%, the number of bank branches per
100,000 people rose from 13 to 16.5, and the number of depositors per 1,000 adults rose
from 1,350 to 1,550. Perhaps most impressive, there was a reduction of more than one-
third in the average interest reported in the WDI, from an APR of 15.4% to just over 10%.
In general, there has been a very meaningful improvement
in overall financial depth over this period. Again, however, this masks enormous
heterogeneity. Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, the Lao PDR, Myanmar, and Viet Nam each
have fewer than five bank branches per 100,000 people, while Georgia, Japan,
Mongolia, and Uzbekistan each have more than 30.
ADBI Working Paper 872 McIntosh and Mansini
What, then, are the levers that can be used to enhance financial access? FinTech
services can play a crucial role here. Table 4 shows summary statistics for three
important underlying institutions that enable financial deepening, namely credit bureaus,
asset registries, and access to mobile services. In the period 1995–2005, only four ADB
members had meaningful credit bureau coverage (Australia; Hong Kong, China; the
Republic of Korea; and New Zealand), and none of them had credit registry coverage for
more than 5% of the population. By 2016–2017, this picture had changed substantially;
the number of countries in which more than half the population was covered by credit
bureaus had more than doubled, and credit registries had become more widespread.
Australia; Hong Kong, China; Japan; the Republic of Korea; and New Zealand all report
universal coverage by credit bureaus in the most recent data. As indicated in Figure 4,
ADBI Working Paper 872 McIntosh and Mansini
credit bureau coverage is highly correlated with the overall level of economic
development of a country. Interestingly, credit registries have taken off in a set of less
developed economies (members with more than 40% coverage are the PRC, Indonesia,
Mongolia, and Viet Nam), suggesting that the development of credit registries has been
driven more by policy than emerging as a natural feature of overall economic
development. As might be expected, mobile phone coverage has skyrocketed during this
period, with the number of mobile subscriptions rising more than tenfold, from 12 per 100
people to 114.7. More than half of the countries in the region have more than one mobile
phone subscription per adult, and the lowest rate of penetration, in Papua New Guinea,
still indicates that nearly half of all adults have mobile phones.
ADBI Working Paper 872 McIntosh and Mansini
Source: WDI.
How important are financial services in promoting the growth of agriculture in Asia? To
get a picture of this, we must move to more specialized data. Information from the World
Bank’s Global Financial Inclusion Database (FinDex) database allows us to disaggregate
the use of financial services only in rural areas. Figure 5 shows that Asia and the Pacific
overall has similar credit depth in rural areas as Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC)
(about 20% of the rural population have loans from a financial institution), that over 70%
of the rural population is banked in having access to a debit card, and roughly half of the
rural population uses digital payments, but that only just over 10% of the rural population
has taken a loan to start a business. In general, Asia and the Pacific shows rates of rural
financial penetration that are between those of the developed world (North America and
Europe) and the developing world (Latin America and the Caribbean, Middle East and
North Africa, and Sub-Saharan Africa).
ADBI Working Paper 872 McIntosh and Mansini
0 20 40 60 80 100
Source: FinDex/WDI.
We conclude the overview of context by suggesting that huge possibilities exist for
financial development to push agricultural development in Asia. Data from FinDex show
that the largest concentrations of unbanked individuals are in Asia, not just in
the PRC and India but in Indonesia, Viet Nam, and the Philippines. Similarly, a total of
235 million individuals worldwide are unbanked and receiving agricultural payments in
cash, and again Asian countries feature prominently in this number. The intersection of
these two facts suggests that mobile payments have the potential to revolutionize the
way that agricultural transactions take place. Figure 6 shows that even for farmers who
have access to financial accounts, 80% of individuals in the PRC, India, and Thailand
received at least some of their payments in cash, and in these countries between 5%
and 20% of banked farmers received all of their payments in cash. We now move on to
a more detailed discussion of the role of FinTech in extending credit and protecting
against risk in agriculture.
ADBI Working Paper 872 McIntosh and Mansini
ADBI Working Paper 872 McIntosh and Mansini
has proved challenging. For private-sector institutions as well the undiversifiable nature
of large-scale agricultural shocks difficult to manage, and is therefore likely to restrict the
flow of credit to the sector (Carter, Cheng, and Sarris 2016). Hence farmers in many
countries face real barriers to access to credit arising from the intersection of returns and
risk. We will argue that state actors have a critical role to play in creating the enabling
environment for healthy credit markets, but that ultimately the goal should be to crowd
private commercial capital into agricultural investments.
3.1 Microfinance
Ironically, some of the fastest growth in credit to rural areas has come via a modality that
was in many ways designed to prevent borrowers from using it for standard agricultural
investment. The microfinance revolution, which has brought $102 billion of investment
into developing countries and extended credit to 123 million borrowers worldwide (BNP
Paribas, 2017), has generally employed a payment model that is explicitly unsuited for
agriculture. Borrowers take loans in cycles (most typically four months) with frequent
repayment beginning almost immediately after disbursement of the loan. This is an ideal
repayment schedule for the cash flow of retail businesses and can with some
diversification be made to work for fast turnover agriculture (such as vegetable gardens),
but in general cannot be used to finance long-cycle agricultural investment. The picture
with regard to microfinance in Asia, however, is quite distinct. Borrowers of the Thailand’s
Village Fund are not only poor but are disproportionately agricultural (Boonperm,
Haughton, and Khandker 2013). Several major Asian microfinance institutions have
explicitly created products for agriculture, such as Thailand’s BAAC, for which loans to
non-agricultural households are capped at 20% (Terada and Vandenberg 2014). In this
sense, then, Asia appears to have been uniquely successful at pushing microfinance
institutions to serve the agriculture sector.
Several institutional innovations gave rise to the microfinance revolution. First, the
concept of joint liability (Besley and Coate 1995; Ghatak and Guinnane 1999) allowed
borrowers to be mutually responsible for each other’s debts, and consequently to
substitute social collateral for physical collateral. This serves to combat both adverse
selection (because members will only agree to be jointly liable for those they trust)
and moral hazard (because members are incentivized to exert suasion to ensure
repayment by their group members), thereby helping to resolve one of the core
asymmetric information issues that bedevils credit markets (Stiglitz and Weiss 1981).
Second, microfinance lenders typically use high-powered dynamic incentives, whereby
borrowers are started with very small loan sizes, and their ability to work their way up to
larger loans is predicated on successful repayment of each subsequent loan. Finally,
microfinance represents an early form of FinTech in that all MFIs look for ways to
decrease costs on the margin by using contracts and technology to be able to offer small
loans with minimal fixed costs. Examples include the use of group lending contracts,
disbursements and/or payments via mobile money, as well as the use of rapid
diagnostics implemented via tablet surveys to target credit toward good or deserving
ADBI Working Paper 872 McIntosh and Mansini
maintain dynamic incentives), and so may try to borrow from multiple lenders (McIntosh
and Wydick 2005). Recent empirical work shows that FinTech innovations can improve
targeting of credit even for populations with very little credit history; Bjorkegren and
Grissen (2017) illustrate that mobile phone call data records are strongly predictive of
default behavior in Rwandan microfinance. Despite the obvious theoretical justification
behind the formation of credit bureaus, the actual sharing of credit information presents
substantial strategic risks to banks and MFIs (Padilla and Pagano 1997). The institutions
that are most important to include are the largest lenders, but these organizations also
potentially have the most to lose by sharing (because they reveal more information than
they learn), so in practice the path toward the establishment of credit bureau coverage
has been a slow and uneven one in the developing world
(de Janvry et al. 2010). This combination of potentially large welfare gains with serious
incentive problems in the formation of bureaus appears to make this a central area of
focus for regulatory policy, since efficient sharing systems may not emerge without
governmental requirements.
Institutional details in the design of credit bureaus are critical. Vercammen (1995)
presents a theoretical model that shows that while retention of credit information is
important, imposing a statute of limitations on the time window of data recorded in the
bureau is also important. Without this, individuals may develop reputations that are either
so good or so bad that they become relatively immune to recent changes in behavior,
thereby dulling incentives for continuous good repayment. Bureaus can also exist at
several levels of informational granularity; the most basic of these is a simple list of
defaulting individuals; such bureaus are relatively easy to establish and impose some
check on asymmetric information problems with respect to default, but do not allow
lenders to price risk in any sophisticated way. More complete bureaus contain real-time
information on current indebtedness levels of borrowers, meaning that at the time of
applying for a loan the new lender can accurately price the risk of default by incorporating
the pre-existing debt load. The data and technological requirements for establishing real-
time data sharing are formidable for many smaller MFIs who still operate most accounts
using spreadsheet programs, but as advanced management information systems and
high-speed internet connectivity become more ubiquitous, these obstacles are falling
This leaves the regulatory hurdles as a core enabler or obstacle to the formation of
information sharing bureaus in microfinance markets. Key regulatory issues in the
creation of bureaus include (i) which types of institutions are required to share
information, (ii) the exact nature of the information to be shared, (iii) the circumstances
under which financial institutions are permitted to query the credit of a potential borrower,
(iv) exactly what information financial institutions can observe about queried borrowers,
and (v) what the recourse is for borrowers who find that the bureau contains incorrect
information on them.
The empirical literature suggests that the introduction of credit bureaus can have a
substantial impact on microfinance markets. De Janvry et al. (2010) find that the
introduction of a credit bureau into Guatemalan microfinance markets led to a sharp
increase in client turnover in the six months after the bureau was introduced. In the month
that the bureau was introduced to a branch of the MFI, more than 60% of the pre-existing
clients applying for new loans were checked, and 11% of pre-existing borrowers were
refused new loans as a result. Those refused were more likely to have defaulted on
exterior loans (37% of the refused had defaulted while only 21% of those given loans
again had defaulted) and were disproportionately the types of individuals with low
repayment (males and more educated clients) and those with more variable repayment
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ADBI Working Paper 872 McIntosh and Mansini
ADBI Working Paper 872 McIntosh and Mansini
4.2 Micro-insurance
The most important advance in the provision of micro-insurance in recent years has been
index insurance. While the insured party typically desires complete insurance
as provided by indemnity policies, assessing losses is an expensive process, and
indemnity insurance can introduce issues of adverse selection and moral hazard for
insurers. Instead, index insurance seeks to find a cheaply collectible proxy for the
covariate shock inherent in agriculture and to insure only the component of variation
correlated with this index. The most typical examples in practice have been rainfall
and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) products, but in monopsony
environments where a single buyer has accurate yield information on producers
(such as cotton) it has also been possible to build indexes based on area yields or
aggregate livestock mortality. The promise of index insurance is that it becomes possible
to offer very small insurance contracts profitably because there is no need to loss-adjust
each contract separately, and that insurance can be provided with no adverse selection
or moral hazard because the object against which insurance is written is beyond the
ADBI Working Paper 872 McIntosh and Mansini
control of the insured party. Given that much theoretical literature in economics suggests
that it is precisely the correlated weather shock that informal risk pooling should be least
effective in dealing with (Townsend 1994), there is a strong argument from first principles
that index insurance addresses a risk that is not otherwise easy for rural communities to
Unfortunately, the experience of a large number of index insurance pilots that have
attempted to introduce these projects into agricultural markets over recent years has
been quite negative (Cole et al. 2013). Not a single study has found robust private
demand for index insurance at market prices, and of the many pilots conducted, not a
one has moved to scale as a sustainable private market product (Jameel Poverty Action
Lab 2016). Several studies have found that interlinking an insurance product with credit,
far from untying the Gordian knot at the intersection of credit and risk, actually leads to
a decrease in the demand for credit (relative to a standalone credit product; Giné and
Yang 2009; Banerjee, Duflo, and Hornbeck 2014). A meta-demand curve estimated
across multiple randomized controlled trials in South Asia and Africa suggests that at
market prices (120% of actuarially fair price), market demand is below 10% of the
potential market, and that in order to push demand over 50% of the market, it would be
necessary to subsidize index insurance to cost only about 40% of the actuarially fair price
(Figure 7). Hence, there seems to be little prospect that micro-insurance will become a
large-scale, private-sector means of protecting the agricultural system from weather risk.
Reprinted from Jameel Poverty Action Lab, Make It Rain, 2016, Policy Bulletin, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
The core problem is a lack of demand. Why do farmers not want to pay for this product
that theory suggests should be so attractive? One obvious reason is that index insurance
is only partial insurance; the imperfect correlation between the index and the actual yields
experienced on the farm exposes farmers to “basis risk” (Barnett, Barrett, and Skees
2008). In the context of weather index insurance, basis risk is defined as the difference
between the variation in actual yields at the farm level (the quantity the farmer wishes to
insure) and the variation defined by the index (the quantity actually insured), and may
arise either because yields are imperfectly described by the quantity defined by the index
(such as rainfall), or because the index measurement is taken
in a place other than the farm (hence geographic variation in weather contributes to basis
risk). A large stream of literature suggests that the demand response to partial insurance
is substantially more complex than perfect insurance (Eekhoudt, Gollier, and Schlesinger
1996), and that the presence of basis risk can introduce non-monotonicity into the way
ADBI Working Paper 872 McIntosh and Mansini
that insurance demand changes with risk aversion (Clarke 2016). More recent research
has focused on behavioral reasons for stagnating demand; the most influential of these
has been the idea of “ambiguity aversion,” whereby individuals may dislike paying for
products when they do not perfectly understand the distribution of shocks and payouts
(Gilboa and Schmeidler 1989; Bryan 2010). Additional behavioral explanations are the
probabilistic nature of basis risk driving an overweighting of the probability of contract
failure (McIntosh, Povell, and Sadoulet, forthcoming) as well as the failure to correctly
reduce the compound lotteries inherent in the failure of index insurance products (Elabed
and Carter 2015).
In terms of micro-insurance, many of the open avenues for private market product
development lie squarely within the FinTech space. First, there is the use of advanced
technology to improve the indexes themselves: by pushing down their spatial and
temporal level of granularity, it may be possible to squeeze basis risk out of the index.
Next, since the credibility and timeliness of the insurance payout seem to be major
obstacles, there are opportunities to use scanning technology and the immediacy of
mobile money to structure novel insurance products (Prashad et al. 2014). For example,
the Kilimo Salama product fielded by the Syngenta Foundation in Kenya links the
purchase of a bag of fertilizer to a mobile phone number through a scratch card, and
makes an automated payment to the farmer via mobile money if the index pays out, with
the cost of the premium embedded in the price of fertilizer.
The lack of demand for index insurance may appear less surprising if we examine
the way that agricultural risk markets work in developed countries. While future and
ADBI Working Paper 872 McIntosh and Mansini
forward contracts are commonly used to handle price risk, few completely private
agricultural insurance systems exist to serve farmers in OECD countries. Typically, even
in countries such as the US that are typically committed to market mechanisms, the
government plays a significant role in protecting farmers from weather risk, and these
programs are usually heavily subsidized. Other crop insurance systems such as India’s
National Agricultural Insurance Scheme have reached large scale via a government
mandate: in India, any farmer receiving a private-sector agricultural loan is required to
insure it through NAIS.
Ultimately, in many contexts it is inevitable that the state will bear many of the costs
of agricultural risk protection, whether through the presence of ex-ante commitments
(through safety net programs) or through disaster relief. Some evidence suggests that
these public safety nets prove an obstacle to the development of private insurance
markets (Duru 2016). If this is to be the case, and if demand at the private level is weak
anyway, then a natural alternative arrangement would be to use index insurance to
protect governments and banks that bear most of the current exposure to this risk. In this
sense, given that these entities are likely to be highly liquid, index insurance can
be thought of as a loan loss reserve fund (banking) or “rainy day” fund (government)
through which budgets can be smoothed and systematic tail risks managed. Examples
of this approach include Mexico’s CADENA program (de Janvry, Ritchie, and Sadoulet
2016), which uses international re-insurance to underwrite a variety of area-based yield
and index insurance programs that state and local governments can decide to purchase
for their citizens. In principle, this is an attractive way to handle the systemic risks
inherent to agricultural credit systems without the patronage and agency problems that
emerge if the government handles tail risks by making budget constraints soft.
A closely related development is the issuance of “catastrophe bonds” that make
payments in the event a pre-specified disaster occurs. These instruments, widely used
in the US, are now being offered in Singapore, and the actively developing market for
insurance-linked securities may help to lower the price of transferring risks, as well as
developing the bond market in an Asian region that still relies heavily on bank finance
(Ralph 2017).
5.1 Mobile Money
Mobile phones and mobile money can provide the infrastructural backbone to
provide FinTech services to otherwise marginalized populations. Mobile phones give
individuals access to information about prices and business opportunities, thus improving
spatial arbitrage (Jensen 2007). Mobile technology also provides a novel impetus to
interact with the written word and so can provide a platform to promote literacy (Aker,
Ksoll, and Lybbert 2012). The advent of mobile money further extends the possibilities
of a mobile phone, providing potential for savings (Mbiti and Weil 2011), and eases the
sending of remittances and risk pooling within social networks (Jack and Suri 2014).
ADBI Working Paper 872 McIntosh and Mansini
The PRC is a standout example of the ways in which mobile payment systems can serve
as the backbone for a rapid expansion of a variety of FinTech services. Due to the
explosion in e-commerce without a well-developed pre-existing credit card payment
infrastructure, the PRC has become the premiere example of how e-commerce and
mobile payments systems can reinforce each other. Trading platforms such as Alibaba
and Tencent have given rise to a number of different mobile payment systems (Alipay
and TenPay together have over 90% of the market share of Chinese mobile payments,
although numerous smaller competitors exist). Mobile payments account for almost
three-quarters of all online purchases in the country, and are expected to continue to
grow by more than 60% in the upcoming year (Chen 2017).
ADBI Working Paper 872 McIntosh and Mansini
strict requirements on the types of identification that can be used to create accounts that
permit resources to move from mobile wallets into the banking system, and hence
identification systems are key to the ability to fully integrate FinTech solutions into the
broader economy (ADB 2017).
This issue can also drive substantial leakage from public transfer systems (which may
become rife with ghost beneficiaries), and is prohibitive to the construction of robust
national credit reporting architecture. This is an area that has seen substantial recent
policy work. Countries that lack any clear national ID system have been striving to
establish them, and some countries such as Indonesia have been striving to move
toward biometric identification (that country’s e-KTP identification system covers 86% of
the population and is now being used for digital payments in government transfer
programs). Countries with paper-based national ID cards may still see substantial
improvements in welfare by moving to the use of more sophisticated biometric
identification. Muralidharan, Niehaus, and Sukhtankar (2016) analyze the introduction of
smartcards into India’s massive National Rural Employment Guarantee system
(the largest public transfer system in the world), and find that these ID cards substantially
improve state capacity, making payments timelier, improving targeting, and combatting
corruption in the program. In a subsequent paper, the authors show that the impact of
the smartcards on improving the living standards of the poor was so strong as to increase
real private sector wages by 6%, driving up consumption in poor households by 13%
(Muralidharan, Niehaus, and Sukhtankar 2017).
Even in countries without national ID systems, biometric identification can improve credit
market outcomes. Giné, Goldberg, and Yang (2012) implement a fingerprinting system
in a single agricultural lending bank in Malawi and find that the use of the technology
decreases repayment problems among borrowers who had high ex ante risk of default.
This decrease is accompanied by smaller loan sizes and greater concentration of loan
resources on business expenditures within this group for the treatment than for the
control, consistent with both moral hazard and adverse selection being at play. That
biometric technology used by one lender on farmers of a single crop (paprika) can alter
credit market outcomes should be cause for optimism; this suggests that it may not be
necessary to set up universal, real-time biometric credit bureaus in order to have this
technology lead to real improvements in credit market outcomes. Because biometric
identification systems can be KYC-compliant even in countries without strong national
ID systems, biometrics provide a way to leapfrog legacy paper-based systems and
created integrated digital financial services across platforms.
The SIM cards used in mobile phones are becoming the de facto form of personal
identification in many less developed economies, as mobile money leapfrogs legacy
government identification systems. This is a form of identity that bears resemblance to a
number of online marketplaces in more developed countries. When reputation hinges on
a form of identity that can be shed and restarted (by buying a new phone number, or
creating a new login to a trading platform such as eBay or Alibaba), we cannot expect
users to ever tolerate a reputation worse than starting over. This has implications for the
way that tenure on the system will be scored: when “new” users in a financial platform
are in steady state largely made up of past deadbeats re-entering the system, then we
expect a long-established reputation (even if checkered) to be strongly preferred over
someone with no history. Because of the many services that can be connected to mobile
money or other account identifiers, it may be the case that private sector-led modalities
for individual identification can function as an effective substitute in states that lack the
capacity to identify individuals themselves.
At the other end of the spectrum are efforts to link reputation across many different
domains that are currently underway in the PRC. Certainly, applying standard models of
ADBI Working Paper 872 McIntosh and Mansini
the effects of asymmetric information in credit markets to a more general set of problems
(such as crime) indicates that this effort is likely to be effective at controlling specific
forms of social misbehavior. However, even setting aside the fundamental
civil liberty questions, the linking of reputation across domains has echoes to the
long-standing debate in agricultural economics over the role of interlinking in the
provision of financial services. In a model in which producers are competitive in all
markets but limited in their ability to offer products due to asymmetric information, the
interlinking of contracts enhances the ability to offer financial services and will result in
an improvement in consumer welfare. If, on the other hand, a single monopolistic
provider is able to interlink across multiple markets, that provider can then push the client
back to a less advantageous reservation utility and welfare will fall. Given
this ambiguity, the improvement of identification systems within one domain (such as
credit repayment) has a stronger welfare foundation than the linking of behavior
across domains.
ADBI Working Paper 872 McIntosh and Mansini
Given that digital currency is by far the best established use of the blockchain, it is natural
to ask whether this type of currency could serve as a medium of exchange for agricultural
trade. Within a country, it would appear that the only justification for using cryptocurrency
for exchange would be to evade law enforcement or paying taxes, so is hardly to be
recommended as a matter of national policy. For international exchange, it is not hard to
imagine digital currency providing an attractive medium in which to conduct business,
since with relatively low barriers on both sides of the transaction, it provides a secure
way to transact and would be amenable to a variety of “buyer verifies quality” types of
contractual arrangements that are important in agricultural trade. In this sense, the
marginal value of the blockchain perhaps appears smallest in countries that already have
well-functioning legacy systems serving farmers, and the greatest potential gain among
those whom current systems do not serve well. However, the enormous gyrations in the
value of existing cryptocurrencies such as BitCoin make them an extremely unattractive
medium of transaction for intermediaries who already hold substantial price risk in
agriculture and will not want to hold this form of currency risk as well. Hence, the
maturation and stabilization of cryptocurrency markets may be a precondition for their
more widespread use as a standard medium of exchange.
ADBI Working Paper 872 McIntosh and Mansini
trades on commodities whose quality is difficult to verify and in which trust between
buyers and sellers may be low. The attempt to bring greater depth to these markets with
ICT-driven trading platforms often runs into trouble over trust and verification
when trading changes from being personalized to conducted with strangers. Hence, seen
simply as a highly accessible and credible environment in which to conduct exchange
with multiple stages of transaction and verification, public distributed ledgers may be
Several large-scale pilots of this idea are underway. IBM and Walmart have created a
trial blockchain system for supply chain tracing to allow for better oversight of food safety,
and the Chinese giant Alibaba is engaged with PricewaterhouseCoopers in a blockchain
trial to monitor food imports from Australia and New Zealand. Indonesian seafood
exports are being tracked by Provenance with a blockchain system (Kim and Laskowski
2018). Nonetheless, serious obstacles exist to the full-scale implementation of
blockchain traceability: first, these systems require a degree of supply chain
sophistication and origin custody tracing that is unusual in developing country agriculture.
Proper origin labelling, RFID tags, secure packaging, and integrated intermediary
networks may be more important obstacles than the database technology used. Second,
profit margins at each stage in the agricultural supply chain may be quite small, diffusing
the incentives to invest in systemic solutions even if overall benefits would be large.
Finally, blockchain systems are not typically interoperable, meaning that these systems
may struggle to achieve in reality the scalability that their technology provides in theory.
Nonetheless, this appears to be the most attractive area for the use of the blockchain in
agriculture, with a number of advanced pilots already underway in Asia.
Asia is a region with tremendous internal heterogeneity in the macroeconomic
importance of agriculture as well as the level of financial development. It is therefore
important to tailor policy recommendations in a context-specific manner. To this end, we
propose three distinct ways of thinking about the role that FinTech can play in promoting
agricultural development in Asia.
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