Coffee Vs Tea
Coffee Vs Tea
Coffee Vs Tea
Coffee and tea are consumed by people all around the world. They are believed to be quite addictive. Though drinking
coffee and tea in large quantities can sometimes be dangerous for our health, we sure can't stop consuming them in our
day-to-day life. Both of them contain a mutual element named "Caffeine". It's a stimulant that increases the activity in our
brain and nervous system. This similarity aside, coffee and tea both provide similar health benefits while having some
differences as well. It is believed that coffee was first accidentally discovered in Yemen and Ethiopia in the 15th century
while tea was discovered hundreds of years back from that in China.
People consume coffee and tea in many styles and ways. They are prepared in different ways also. We can see that hot coffee
drinks are prepared in different ways such as black coffee, decaf, espresso, latte, cappuccino, americano, etc. Black coffee is made
from grounded coffee beans in hot water without adding milk or sugar. Tea is also prepared in different ways. There are black tea,
green tea, herbal tea, white tea, oolong tea, rooibos tea. To make black tea, you have to boil water and put the fermented leaves of
the tea plant in the boiling water. Don't add any sugar or milk here just like black coffee
Coffee has one real claim in its bag of attributes and that is its caffeine content. Caffeine most certainly helps our lungs and relaxes
our airways. It helps us to get rid of Asthma but that’s about it for its practical health purposes. On the other hand, it is known that tea
can fight severe fatalities such as cancer and heart diseases. Other than caffeine, tea contains a certain element called polyphenols
which are essentially a class of flavonoids and they work as powerful antioxidants. They protect us from free radical stress. They can
also interrupt the oxidation of LDL(low-density lipoprotein, also known as ‘bad cholesterol). Tea is also known for its great array of
health benefits such as preventing cancer, controlling blood pressure and many more. If we go back to coffee, there is no strong
suggestion that coffee may enhance our health as much as tea does other than boosting our energy. In terms of health advantages,
tea wins this round over coffee.
Elements found in tea and coffee:
Coffee Tea
Caffeine Caffeine
trigonelline Tanin
mercaptans Catechin
esters Polysaccharides
organic acids
amino acid
phenolic acid
There is no scientific research that provides solid proof that one is significant than the other. It has been a debate for so long
between people whether coffee is worse than tea or not. Even though they both are consumed widely all around the world, there
seems to be a cold war going on between coffee lovers and tea lovers. This depends on an individual's taste buds. You may like
coffee better than tea and think it's better than tea and vice-versa. In terms of health benefits, tea is better than coffee as tea helps
you in a much more gentle way with fewer side effects. Coffee may have its side effects because of the higher percentage of caffeine
content, the lethargy-cleansing that it provides is no match for tea. So it's still a dispute about which one is better or worse.
According to statistics, one cup of black coffee, instant coffee, and decaf coffee contains 95 mg, 63 mg, and 2 mg of caffeine,
respectively. Meanwhile, 1 US cup of brewed black, oolong or green tea contains 47 mg, 38 mg, and 28 mg of caffeine, respectively.
It is a clear indication of which one is the winner of the caffeine contain competition. Tea has less amount of caffeine in a cup than
coffee so you have to choose which one is better for you under the circumstances. Then again, taking more than 500mg of caffeine
is frequently associated with negative side effects such as higher levels of anxiety, headaches, lack of sleep, migraine and many
more. So you should be careful of how much coffee or tea you're consuming in a day.
Tea is great for weight loss. People who are on a strict diet have to be careful of what they're drinking and eating. Research says that
Green tea helps you lose weight. The calorie count on green tea is almost nothing which makes it the best natural drink available
while on a diet. Green tea also helps your metabolism go up and burn fat a lot faster. Many dietitians recommend drinking green tea
during a weight loss program. Black tea also helps you lose weight as well as black coffee. But people usually intend to add milk and
sugar in them according to their taste buds which is a red flag for you if you're trying to lose some weight. When you add sugar and
milk to your tea or coffee, it is more likely that you start gaining some weight rather than losing it. Milk and sugar add up to your fat
and prevent you from losing weight. So try to avoid milk and sugar while you are trying to lose weight.
Pregnancy is a very crucial and sensitive time. Your food intake must be carefully looked upon during this time. Coffee or tea should
not be on the top of your food list. Even though Caffeinated tea contains less caffeine than coffee and is generally considered safe to
drink during pregnancy, its intake must be limited. Too much coffee or tea means your body is taking too much Caffeine. Caffeine
causes anxiety. Drinking beverages that contain caffeine during pregnancy are more likely to make the babies nervous and restless.
Doctors suggest that you take a maximum of 3 cups of tea or 1 cup of coffee a day. More than that can cause serious problems for
both the mother and the child. During pregnancy, the mother and the baby are connected through the placenta. So whatever the
mother eats or drinks, it passes to your baby. So if you're taking large amounts of coffee the caffeine is passing through the placenta
to your baby. Your blood pressure and heart rate may increase when you drink coffee. During pregnancy that can be a problem. It
also can make you feel more nauseous than usual because it takes more time to clear out of your body than if you weren't pregnant.
Avoiding coffee and tea is the best way to go about the situation.
Coffee or tea is almost universally consumed to begin the day with. But the question arises what you should drink first thing in the
morning. It all depends on the individual. Both coffee and tea are excellent ways to begin the day with. A cup of freshly made coffee
can give you a boost of energy in the morning. A cup of tea helps you steer away from your tiredness in the morning. If you want to
go for the home run and start your day with a lot of energy, you should choose coffee. It will also keep away your stagnation. The
same goes for tea. Tea will do the same work but gently. The rest is up to the consumer and how they would like to start their day.
People usually drink coffee or tea to get more work done and to get rid of fatigue. Staying awake can sometimes be a difficult task
especially when you already had a long day. Well, coffee and tea can help you with that. The caffeine in them helps energise your
nervous system and can sometimes result in a lack of sleep(and it is exactly what you're looking for). Coffee being the winner of the
most caffeine-containing drink easily wins over tea in this round. So to stay awake, coffee is a better choice than tea. But you have to
be cautious about how many cups of caffeinated drink you should consume.
Coffee and tea are part and parcel of our life. Everyone enjoys a good cup of coffee or tea and they are both great for your health.
Deciding which one is the best is entirely up to you(and your taste buds of course). If you look for health benefits, both of them are
going against each other toe to toe. So we should enjoy these two blessings in our life instead of fighting over which one is superior
to the other. But then again, it depends on the person whether they should choose coffee or tea as their daily saviour from the never-
ending pressure of life.