E-Commerce Factors Influencing Consumers Online Shopping Decision
E-Commerce Factors Influencing Consumers Online Shopping Decision
E-Commerce Factors Influencing Consumers Online Shopping Decision
Živilė Baubonienė
MRU, Lithuania, zivileretail@yahoo.com
Gintarė Gulevičiūtė
MRU, Lithuania, gintare.guleviciute@gmail.com
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to look at the factors driving online shopping
and to develop an understanding of the factors influencing the online shopping by the
consumers. This is done by exploring the factors that encourage consumers to shop on-
line through analysis of such advantages as security, fast delivery, comparable price,
convenience, cheaper prices and a wider choice. At the same time, the research project
reveals the factors that are discouraging for consumers and the benefits received by buy-
ers making purchases online. Specifically, the research explores how online shopping can
be affected by such factors as age, gender or occupation.
Design/methodology/approach – The factors that affect the consumer online
shopping have been disclosed through quantitative research by analysing data collected
via a web‐based questionnaire survey. The sample consisted of 183 Lithuanian consu-
mers who were purchasing online.
Findings –The empirical findings of this study indicate that the main factors influ-
encing consumers to shop online are convenience, simplicity and better price. Analysis of
socio-demographical characteristics such as gender has shown that men shop more often
online because of the lower price. Respondents of the 25–35 year age group more often
choose shopping online for such reasons as lack of time and a wide range of products.
The most beneficial factor of shopping online was identified as a possibility to compare
prices and buy at a lower price.
Socialinės technologijos/Social Technologies ISSN 2029-7564 (online)
Mykolo Romerio universitetas, 2015 https://www.mruni.eu/lt/mokslo_darbai/st/apie_leidini/
Mykolas Romeris University, 2015 https://www.mruni.eu/en/mokslo_darbai/st/apie_leidini/index.php
Social technologies. 2015, 5(1): 74–81. 75
The research problem is the lack of research in the field of e-commerce and
consumer decision to purchase online. Without knowing the factors encouraging
online shopping it is difficult to develop e-commerce, as well as to identify what is
needed to achieve and what criteria the e-commerce should be consistent with.
The main goal of the study is to explore the factors that encourage online shopping,
analyzing such e-commercial advantages as security, fast delivery, comparable prices,
convenience, cheaper prices, wide choice, etc. A special attention for distinguishing
factors contributing to shopping online is given to such factors as age, gender or
The subject of investigation - factors encouraging online shopping.
1. To analyze the scientific literature that focuses on the scientific approach to
online shopping and factors that encourage such shopping.
2. To perform the survey with people who shop online to distinguish the factors
that encourage online shopping.
3. To make proposals and recommendations on using the main factors
contributing to shopping online.
shopping as individual’s actions which are determined by the intention to shop online.
Panda, Swar (2014) focus on aspects that influence the individual’s buying behaviour.
Malik, Guptha (2013) investigate the relationship between thedecision/intention to
shop online and the factors affecting such decision. They have pointed out that online
shopping behaviour refers to the process of purchasing products or services through
internet and this process consists of five steps: identification of a problem, information
search, evaluation of product options, purchase decision, and post-purchase support.
Pavlou, Fygenson (2006) equate online shopping to e-commerce and suggest the
definition that e-commerce is the activity where consumers get information and
purchase products using Internet technology. It can be stated that the scientific
approach to shopping online is associated with a particular customer behavior and
their decision/intention of buying online.
While analysing the most important factors of shopping online Verma, Jain (2015)
conducted a research on defined population and sought to identify certain features of
people making purchases online.. The specific term - “need for cognition” (NFC) - has
been analysed, which reflects the tendency of individuals to be engaged in thinking
and enjoy it. The NFC has been described as a need to structure the current situation
as a meaningful one and to understand the experiential world. After a research there
were distinguished six factors operating in NFC positive segment: preference for being
an advanced user, a confident user of latest in information technology, using it as tool
for knowledge exploration, the ability to assess behaviour of a programme, an efficient
end user and knowledge of hardware.
Another important research of shopping online factors was conducted using a
meta-analysis in order to integrate the findings of previous researches and to provide
a more detailed framework of online shopping behaviour, based on the patternsof
personality traits, perceived risk, and technology acceptance. The research showed
that important factors of online shopping were an attitude to online shopping and
a change of customers’ attitudes toward making online purchases (Wu, Ching Ke,
Exploratory factor analysis identified four factors, namely anxiety, ease of use,
usefulness and price, as the determinants of shopper buying behaviour online. Anxiety
is the most important factor in online shopping. The next important factor is ease of use.
Price, though an important factor, does not influence shoppers as the other variables
(Panda, Swar 2014). The theory of planned behaviour identified that the combination
of education and income may have some effect on the purchase intention. Gender,
occupation, sector of employment are not very important factors of online shopping
(Malik, Guptha, 2013).
Yeoh et al. (2015) investigate the impact of consumers’ embedded cultural
models on post-recovery satisfaction, loyalty and word-of-mouth. The results revealed
significant relationships between relational and utilitarian cultural types and post
recovery loyalty and word-of-mouth, so these could also be called as important factors
of online shopping.
As an important factor of shopping online can be defined price and
recommendations of other consumers. Kang Lo et al. (2013) analyse the phenomenon
Social technologies. 2015, 5(1): 74–81. 77
in which the consumer expects the prices of products and services on the Internet
to be lower than in traditional shops. Empirical results have shown that consumers
expect the similar prices in all online shops but do not compare prices in online
and traditional stores. It can be assumed that another important factor of shopping
online is similar prices in online shops. Price as an important phenomenon of
online shopping also has been analysed by Lo et al. (2014), whose findings show that
consumers perceive online retailers’ overhead costs as lower than store-based retailers’
overhead costs. Sam, Sharma (2015) explores the factors affecting consumers’ decision
to shop online, and how the decision can be affected by product type. The results
showed that an important factor influencing the consumer’s decision to buy online is
an availability of product information on websites. Ease of use is another encouraging
factor to buy online. It was also found that products such as movies, music and video
games are more acceptable items for online shopping. Benlian et al. (2012) analyse
the differential effects of provider recommendations and consumer reviews in the
process of shopping online. Results of an experimental study show that provider
recommendations express significantly higher usefulness and perceived ease of use
than reviews of other consumers in the perspective of users. But users of consumer
reviews express higher trusting beliefs and perceived affective quality than users of
provider recommendations.
Mohammed (2014) intended to explore the factors that affected the online
shopping intention among young consumers. The tested results confirmed that the
effect for perceived usefulness, perceived risk and trust influences an online shopping
intention. Surprisingly, the results could not reveal any statistically significant effect
for perceived ease of use and online experience, and it can be assumed that those
factors are not very important in shopping online. The findings of another research
reveal that young women prefer social e-shopping sites. However, although many
research participants found the social e-shopping site more difficult to use, this was
outweighed by their enjoyment of the site and its usefulness (Dennis et al., 2015). Wan
et al. (2012) also explore how age and consumers’ web shopping experience influence
the search, experience, and trust ratings in online shopping. The ANOVA results show
that age and the web consumers’ shopping experience are significant factors.
The most important factors in shopping online can be seen in Table 1.
Wu, Ching Ke (2015), Consumer related factors: attitude to shopping online formation
Yeoh et al. (2015), and a change of customers’ attitudes; cultural types, post recovery
Panda, Swar (2014), loyalty and word-of-mouth; consumer anxiety, ease of use;
Malik, Guptha (2013), consumer education and income; usefulness, perceived risk,
Mohammed (2014), trust; provider recommendations and consumer reviews; social
Benlian et al. (2012), e-shopping; age and consumers’ shopping experience.
Dennis et al. (2015),
Wan et al. (2012)
Kang Lo et al. (2013), Lo Factors of pricing in online shopping.
et al. (2014)
Sam, Sharma (2015) Factors of product/service: availability of product information on
websites, product type.
Table 2. Important factors in shopping online according to age, gender and occupation
Chi-Square Test
Value df p-level Exact Sig. Exact Sig.
(2-sided) (1-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square .053a 1 .635
Continuity Correction b
.000 1 1.000
Likelihood Ratio .053 1 .635
Fisher’s Exact Test 1.000 .550
Linear-by-Linear Association .051 1 .699
From the Table 3 we can see that the observational significance level (p-level) =
0.635. 0.635> 0.05. Therefore we accept the hypothesis H0 - selected assumption that
shopping online customers are more affected by the price does not depend on whether
the consumer is a man or a woman.
From the Pearson Chi-Square Test results we can interpret that the statement
“women are more affected by the price, while men are affected by faster and more
convenient shopping factors”, which was seen from the questionnaire results, does not
have any statistical proves.
The survey has revealed that usually people choose online shopping for its
convenience and simplicity. The analysis of the socio-demographic characteristics
shows that women more frequently choose online shopping for lower prices of
products while the men more value the faster and more convenient shopping.
1. The scientific approach to online shopping is related to the characteristics of
consumers, their decision to buy and affecting factors for shopping online. Based
on the analysis of scientific literature, the affecting factors for online shopping are
divided into the following 4 groups:
• Technological factors: good knowledge of information technologies and their
use for obtaining the knowledge, capabilities for the use of applications and
• Consumer-related factors: an attitude to online shopping, cultural types,
loyalty, ease of use, consumer education and income, usability, risk and trust,
provider recommendations and customer reviews, age and previous online
shopping experience.
• Price factor while shopping online.
• Product/service factors: the availability of product information on the website,
product type.
2. The study of consumers who shop online was focused on the most important
factors of shopping online, which in the theoretical part of the paper were identified
as the lower price, ability to find a different product, lack of time, wider choice, as
well as easier and more convenient shopping. The study has showed that in most
Social technologies. 2015, 5(1): 74–81. 81
cases shopping in e-stores is preferred for its convenience and simplicity. The
analysis of the socio-demographic characteristics of the respondents has showed
that women prefer to shop online because of lower prices of products offered,
and men more value faster and more convenient shopping. The most important
factors of online shopping were analyzed based on age groups and it was found
that 25–34 year old people more often chose online shops because of lower prices
and greater variety of products.
3. Recommendations on how to use the important factors in online shopping could
be aimed at developers of websites and owners of e-stores. They should change
their marketing strategies giving priority to customer orientation and they should
be particularly focused on the ease of use of online shopping services. E-stores
should devote resources to better understand consumer behavior, technologies of
the future and their development.
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