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Directions: -This examination paper has 10 pages including the answer sheet. In this
examination, there are a total of 80 multiple choice questions. Each of the questions is followed
by four possible alternatives. Choose the best answer and write the letter of your choice on the
separate answer sheet provided. You will be allowed to work for 2:30 hours. Any form of
cheating or an attempt to cheat in the examination hall will result in an automatic dismissal from
the examination hall and cancellation of your score(s).
You may refer to the information given below when you work on some of the questions.
Speed of light, C = 3x108m/s
Planck’s constant, h = 6.626x10-34J/s
Faradays constant, F = 96500 C/mol
Boiling point elevation constant, kb = 0.5 oC/m
Boiling point of water at 1 atm = 100oC
Freezing point of water at 1 atm = 0oC
Mass of an electron = 9.11x10-31 Kg
Rydberg’s constant, RH = 2.18 x 10-18J

Element H B C N O F Na Mg Al Si P S Cl K Br I Cu

Z 1 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 35 53 29
A 1 11 12 14 16 19 23 24 27 28 31 32 35.5 39 80 127 63.5

1. A laboratory instructor has given a sample of ethanol to four students A, B, C and D.
Each student was asked to measure the volume of a sample and recorded his/ her results.
The true value is 8.72 ml. Their results for three trials are:
Trials A B C D
1 8.72ml 8.50ml 8.50ml 8.41ml
2 8.74ml 8.77ml 8.48ml 8.72ml
3 8.70ml 8.83ml 8.51ml 8.55ml
Which set of data is the most accurate?
A. A B. B C. C D. D
2. How many significant figures does the difference between 18.5626 and 8.06 have?

A. Three B. Four C. five D. Six

3. What is the temperature on the Kelvin scale corresponding to 104 oF?

A.169 B.377 C.313 D.210

4. Which of the following is NOT a chemistry laboratory safety rule?
A. Add water on concentrated acid C. never work alone in the laboratory
B. Do not suck solution in the pipette by mouth D. Tie back your long hair
5. Which one of the following is an extensive property?
A. melting point C. Color B. density D. Mass
6. Which of the following historical attributions is INCORRECT?
A. Thomsen - measured charge/ to mass ratio of electron C. De Broglie – measured
B. Millikan - measured electron charge D. Einstein – explained photoelectric effect
7. Which of the following is the correct order of electromagnetic radiation with increasing
A. Radio Waves, Visible Light, IR Radiation, UV Radiation, X-Rays, γ –Rays
B. γ –Rays, Visible Light, IR Radiation, UV Radiation, X-Rays, Radio Waves
C. Radio Waves, UV Radiation, Visible Light, IR Radiation, X-Rays, γ –Rays
D. Radio Waves, Visible Light, X-Rays, IR Radiation, UV Radiation, γ –Rays
E. Radio Waves, IR Radiation, Visible Light, UV Radiation, X-Rays, γ –Rays
8. The wave number of an electromagnetic radiation is 1 x 105cm-1. The frequency of the radiation
would be
A.3 x 108s-1 B. 3 x 106s-1 C. 3 x 1010s-1 D. 3 x 1015s-1
9. The work function of potassium is 3.313x 10-19J.What is the maximum wave length in
nm for which electron is ejected? A.200 B. 300 C. 500 D. 600
10. Which statement below is true with regard to Bohr's model of the atom?
A. The model accounted for the absorption spectra of atoms but not for the emission spectra.
B. The model could account for the emission spectrum of hydrogen and for the Rydberg

C. The model was based on the wave properties of the electron.
D. The model was generally successful for all atoms to which it was applied.
11. An electron in a Bohr hydrogen atom has energy of . The value of n for
this electron is
A. 5 B. 4 C. 3 D.2
12. “Equal energy of orbitals (degenerate orbitals) are each occupied by a single electron
before the second electron of opposite spin enters the orbital”. This principle is
A. Avogadro´s principle C. Pauli’s´ exclusion principle

B. Aufbau principle D. Hund´s principle

13. The n=5 to n=3 transition in the Bohr hydrogen atom corresponds to the……………of a
photon with a wave length of……………………….nm.

A. absorption,657 B. absorption,1280 C. emission,657 D. emission,1282

14. Which one of the following represents an acceptable possible set of quantum numbers (in the order
n, l, ml, ms) for an electron in an atom?
A. 2,0. 2, +1/2 B. 2,1, -1, -1/2 C. 2,0,1. -1/2 D. 2,1,0,0
15. How many electrons can be described by the following quantum numbers?
n = 3, l = 2, ml = -1, ms = +1/2

A. 1 B. 2 C. 4 D. 6
16. Among the following quantum numbers, one describes the orientation of orbitals in three-
dimensional space about the nucleus.
A. Principal quantum number C. Magnetic quantum number
B. Azimuthal quantum number D. Spin quantum number
17. Which one of the following ions is arranged in the order of increasing ionic radius?
A. F-,Na+,N3- B. Na+, N3-, F- C. Na+, F-, N3- D. N3-, F-, Na+
18. Which of the following compounds contain ionic, covalent and coordinate covalent bond
all in one?
A. NaCl B. Na2CO3 C. CH3CO2H D. NH4Cl
19. Which of the following compounds would be expected to have the highest melting point?
A. MgF2 B.MgCl2 C. MgBr2 D. MgI2
20. The concept that electron pairs located in the valence shell of an atom bonded to other
atoms tend to stay as far apart as possible so as to minimize repulsions between them is
incorporated in the
A. Heisenberg uncertainty principle C. Molecular orbital theory
B. Valence shell electron pair repulsion theory D. Valence bond theory
21. All of these molecular shapes can be explained by sp3d hybridization of electrons on the
central atom EXCEPT
A. T-shape B. See-saw C. Trigonal planar D. Trigonal bipyramidal

22. From the following AFn molecules which one has the smallest bond angle?
A. BF3 B. CF4 C. NF3 D. OF2
23. The hybridization of carbon atoms in C2H2,C2H4 and C2H6. respectively are
A. Sp2, Sp and sp3 B. Sp3, sp2 and sp C. Sp, sp2 and sp3 D. Sp3 , Sp and sp2

24. The C-to-C bond in ethanal molecule ( ) is connected by the overlap

of____&____ hybrid orbitals.
A. SP3,SP2 B. SP, SP C. P,SP
3 3
25. Which one of the following molecules has a dipole moment (is polar)?
A. CCl4 B. PF5 C. NCl3 D. SO3
26. According to Molecular orbital theory (MOT) theory, which species has the shortest bond
length? A. O22- B. O2+ C. O2 D. O2-

27. A (pi) bond is the result of the

A. Sidewise overlap of two parallel p orbitals C. Overlap of two s orbitals.
B. Overlap of two p orbitals along their axes. D. Overlap of an s and a p orbital

28. Consider the following reaction:

N2 (g) + 3H2(g) 2NH3 (g) If the rate of formation of NH3 is 4.0 x 10-4 mol/s,
then the rate of consumption of H2 is
A.2.0 X 10-4 mol/s B. 4.0 X 10–4 mol/s C. 6.0 X 10–4 mol/s D. 1.2 X 10–3
29. The reaction A + 2B → products was found to follow the rate law, rate = k [A] 2[B].
Predict by what factor the rate of reaction will increase when the concentration of A is
doubled, the concentration of B is tripled, and the temperature remains constant.
A. 5 B. 6 C. 12 D.18
30. If the units in the rate in a given experiment are mol L−1 min−1 and the units of all
concentrations are mol L−1, then the units of the rate constant associated with the rate law:
Rate= k[A]2[B]
A. mol L−1 min−1 B. L2 mol −2 min −1 C. mol2 L−2 min −1 D.mol−2 L−2 min−1

31. The reaction 2 X + Y →3 Z was studied and the following data were obtained:
Experiment X Y Rate (mol/L.sec)
1 3.0 1.5 1.8
2 1.5 3.0 0.45
3 1.5 1.5 0.45
What is the proper rate expression?
A. rate = k[X][Y] C. rate = k[Y]2
B. rate = k[X]2[Y] D. rate = k[X]2
32. The proposed reaction mechanism between nitrogen monoxide and bromine is given

NO + Br2 NOBr2 Fast
NOBr2 + NO 2NOBr slow
Which of the following rate equations is consistent with the proposed mechanism?
A. Rate = kNO2 C. Rate = kNO2 Br2

B. Rate = kNO Br2 D. Rate = kNO Br22

33. For which one of the following reactions is KP equal to Kc?

A. 4NH3(g) + 5O2(g) 4NO(g) + 6H2O(g)

B. C(s) + CO2(g) 2CO(g)
C. 6CO2(g) + 6 H2O(l) C6H12O6(s) + 6O2(g)
D. CaCO3(s) CaO(s) + CO2(g)
34. A study of the system 4NH3(g) + 4O2 (g) 2N2O(g) + 6H2O(g),was
carried out. A system was prepared with [NH3]=[O2]=3.60M as the only compounds
initially. At equilibrium[N2O] is 0.60M. Calculate the equilibrium concentration of O2

A.3.00M B.2.40M C.1.50M D.2.10M

35. Given the two reactions shown with their equilibrium constants

PCl3(g) + Cl2(g) PCl5(g) K1

2NO(g) + Cl2(g) 2NOCl(g) K2

What is the equilibrium constant for the reaction

PCl5(g) + 2NO(g) PCl3(g) + 2NOCl(g)

A.K1/K2 B.K2/K1 C.K1K2 D.K2-K1

36. What are the number of components, phases and degree of freedom in a mixture of NaCl
and water respectively?
A. 1,2,3 B. 3,1,2 C. 2,1,3 D. 3,2,1

37. Given the following phase diagram of pure water,

The solid, liquid and gas forms of water coexist at point _____.
A. c B. g C. a D. e

38. SO2(g) + O2(g) 2SO3(g) ∆H= -197 KJ/mol

According to the above information, what temperature and pressure conditions produce the
greatest amount of SO3?
A. Low Temperature and low Pressure C. High Temperature and high Pressure
B. Low Temperature and high Pressure D. High Temperature and low Pressure
39. Which of the following would react to form methyl ethanoate?
A. ethanol and methanoic acid C. Ethanol and ethanoic acid
B. methanol and Ethanoic acid D. Ethnol and propanoic oic acid
40. Commercially, liquid vegetable oils are converted to solid fats such as margarine by
A. Saponification B. Hydration C. Hydrogenation D. oxidation
41. The solubility of K2Cr2O7 in water is 125 g/L at 20 C. A solution is prepared at 20 0C that

contains 6.0 grams of K2Cr2O7in 50 mL of water. This solution is

A. Diluted. B. Unsaturated. C. Supersaturated. D. Saturated
42. The concept of "like dissolves like " is illustrated by which of the following?
A. NaCl (s) is more soluble in CCl4 than in water
B. CuSO4(s) is more soluble in CCl4 than in water
C. I2(s) is more soluble in CCl4 than in water
D. CCl4 is soluble in water
43. When the molecular equation CaCl2 (aq) + Na2CO3 (aq) CaCO3 (s) + 2NaCl (aq) is
written in terms of ionic equation , which one of the following pairs will be the spectator ions ?
A. Na+ and Cl- B. Ca2+ and Cl- C. CO3-2 and Cl- D. Ca2+ and CO3-2
44. You have 100ml of a 0.5M HCl solution and you want to dilute it to exactly 0.1M.how
much water should you add? A.400 B. 500 C.100 D.50
45. A concentration of 1000ppm is reported in a news article. This is the same concentration
as---- A. 0.001% B. 0.01% C. 0.1% D. 1
46. 23g ethanol,(CH3CH2OH Mwt=46g/mol) is added to 500g of water. What is the molality
of the resulting solution? A. 0.01m B. 0.1m C. 1.0m D. 10.0m

47. Which of the following liquid pairs shows a negative deviation from Raoult’s law?

A. heptane and hexane C. carbontetra chloride and methanol

B. acetone and water D. hexane and ethanol

48. Commercial concentrated sulfuric acid(density=1.831g/cm3) is 94.0% H2SO4,by

mass.What is the normality of H2SO4 solution?Molar mass of H2SO4 solution=98g/mol)

A.16.8M B. 28.2 C. 35N D. 40.4M

49. Which solution below has the highest concentration of hydroxide ion (OH-) ?
A. pH = 7 B. pH = 12 C. pH = 10 D. pH = 4
- -
50. Consider the following equilibrium: HC2O4 + HSO4 H2C2O4 + SO42-
The order of Bronsted-Lowery acid base in the reaction respectively are

A. base, acid, acid, base C.base,acid base, acid

B . acid, base, acid, base D. acid, base, base, acid

51. Which of the following is the conjugate acid of the hydrogen phosphate ion, HPO42–?
A. H3PO4 B. PO43– C. H2PO4– D. HPO42–
52. Three acids found in foods are lactic acid (in milk products), oxalic acid (in rhubarb), and
malic acid (in apples). The pKa values are LA = 3.88, OA = 1.23, and MA = 3.40. Which
list has these acids in order of decreasing acid strength?
A. LA > OA > MA C. OA > LA > MA
B. LA > MA > OA D. OA > MA > LA
53. A solution is prepared to be 0.10 M acetic acid, HC2H3O2, and 0.20 M sodium
acetate,NaC2H3O2. What is the pH of this solution at 250C? Ka for acetic acid at 250C is
1.8 x 10-5.(log2=0.3,log1.8=0.26)

A 5.04 B.4.07 C.6.5 D.8.07

54. What is the pH of a 0.01M base, B solution? Kb=1.6 x 10-9 ,log4=0.6)

hint B +H2O↔BH+ + OH-

A. 8.6 B. 5.6 C. 4 D. 6

55. Which of the following titrations will have the highest pH at the equivalence point?

A. HCl with NH3 B. CH3COOH with KOH C. HCl with Na2CO3 D. HCl with NaOH
56. Which of the following salts are acidic?
I) Al (NO3)3 II) K2CO3 III) NaBr IV) CH3COONa V) NH4Cl
A. II, V B. I, V C. I, III,V D. I ,III,V
57. The pH when 25.0 mL of 0.5M NaOH solution have been added to 20.0 mL of 0.5 M
acetic acid is(log5.5 = 0.74)
A. 2.57 B. 4.26 C. 4.47 D. 12.74
58. An indicator has an ionization constant that is equal to 1x10 .If the molecular form of the
indicators is yellow and its conjugate base is red. What is the color of the solution at

A. Green B. Yellow C. Red D. Orange

59. Which one of the mixtures of the following pairs will not give a buffer solution?

A. CH3COOH and CH3COONa C. NH3 and NH4Cl

B. H3PO4 and KH2PO4 D. HNO3 and NaNO3

60. Which one of the following reactions is a redox reaction?

A. Pb2+(aq) + 2Cl-(aq) PbCl2(s)
B. NaOH(aq) + HCl(aq) NaCl(aq) + H2O(l)
C. AgNO3(aq) + HCl(aq) AgCl(s) + HNO3(aq)
D. 2Al(s) + 3Cl2(g) 2AlCl3(s)
61. Balance the following equation, using the lowest possible whole number coefficients;
Cu + HNO3 Cu (NO3)2 + NO2 + H2O
The sum of the coefficients is: A. 21 B .12 C. 10 D .18
62. Chlorine has an oxidation number of +5 in:
A. NaClO B. NaClO2 C. NaClO3 D. NaClO4
63. When the net ionic equations: Fe + Cr2O7 → Cr + Fe 3+ is balanced by ion electro
2+ 2- 3+

method in acidic medium , the coefficient of : Fe 2+ , Cr2O72- , Cr3+ , Fe 3+ become

A. 6, 1, 2, 6 B.3, 1, 2, 3 C.5, 1, 2, 5 D. 6, 1, 2, 7

64. During the electrolysis of concentrated aqueous solution of NaCl, what substance is
formed at the cathode?
A. Chlorine B. Oxygen C. Hydrogen D. Sodium
65. How many grams of copper is produced when 20A of current is passed through
copper(II) sulphate solution for 4 hrs.
A. 95gm B.186gm C. 47gm D. 85gm
66. Which one of the following is a false statement about salt bridge?
A. Salt bridge maintains electrical neutrality
B. When salt bridge is removed then the potential of the cell drops to zero.
C. Salt bridge increases the emf of the cell.
D. Salt electrochemical bridge connects two half cells
67. Consider an cell where the following reaction takes place:
3 Sn2+(aq) + 2 Al(s) 3 Sn(s) + 2 Al3+(aq)
Which of the following is the correct cell notation for this cell?
A. Al | Al3+ || Sn2+ | Sn C. Al3+ | Al || Sn | Sn2+

B. Sn | Sn2+ || Al3+| Al D. Sn | Al3+ || Al | Sn2+

In the above electro chemical cell

A. The mass of the anode increases and the mass of the cathode increases
B. The mass of the anode decreases and the mass of the cathode decreases
C. The mass of the anode decreases and the mass of the cathode increases
D. The mass of the anode decreases and the mass of the cathode decreases
69. Electroplating is used to coat one metal with usually less reactive metal. If you want to
plate out iron spoon with silver metal, then which of the following is TRUE?
A. The electrolyte must be contained silver ion
B. The iron spoon must be set at the anode
C. The silver metal must be the cathode
D. The material to be plated must be the anode
70. What is the most important type of solute – solvent interaction in a solution of KCl in
A. Dipole – dipole B. London force C. Ion- dipole D. Hydrogen bonding
71. The four most abundant elements in the earth’s crust in decreasing order of abundance are ;
A. Oxygen, Silicon ,Aluminium and Iron C. Aluminium ,Iron , Calcium and Magnesium
B. Iron, Aluminium, Silicon and Oxygen D. Silicon, Aluminium, Magnesium and Sodium
72. Which of the following does not add CO2 to the atmosphere?
A. Burning of wood C. photosynthesis
B. Burning of kerosene D. use of motorcars
73. Which industrial chemicals mismatched with its manufacturing process
A. NH3 - Haber process C. H2SO4-contact process
B. HNO3 - Solvay process D. S- Frash process
74. Which of the following is a natural polymer?
A. PVC B. Polyethene C. Cellulose D.Teflon
75. Which one of the following is NOT a condensation polymer ?

A. Neoprene B. Polyamides C. Polyester D. Nylon
76. The monomer of neoprene is
A. Chloroprene B. Isoprene C. 2- methyl-1,3-butadiene D. Butadiene
77. Which of the following is the most abundant disaccharide carbohydrate?
A. Glucose B. Cellulose C. Maltose D. Sucrose
78. Given the following standard reduction potentials:

Ag+/Ag E0=0.80V Cu2+/Cu E0=0.34V Cu(s) + 2Ag+ Cu2+ + 2Ag(s)

The cell potential at standard condition is……………

A. -1.14V B. -0.46V C. 1.14V D. 0.46V

79. The dissociation constant of a weak acid is 1x10-4 in order to prepare a buffer solution
with a PH ═ 5,the (salt)/(acid) ratio should be
A. 1: 10 B. 4: 5 C. 10: 1 D. 5: 4
80. What would be the boiling point of 2.00m solution of sucrose (C12H22O11) in water at
A.101.50C B.100.50C C.101.00C D.102.00C


Student’s Name ____________________________Grade & Sec. _____Roll No.______

1. 21. 41. 61.

2. 22. 42. 62.
3. 23. 43. 63.
4. 24. 44. 64.
5. 25. 45. 65.
6. 26. 46. 66.
7. 27. 47. 67.
8. 28. 48. 68.
9. 29. 49. 69.
10. 30. 50. 70.
11. 31. 51. 71.
12. 32. 52. 72.
13. 33. 53. 73.
14. 34. 54. 74.
15. 35. 55. 75.
16. 36. 56. 76.
17. 37. 57. 77.
18. 38. 58. 78.
19. 39. 59. 79.
20. 40. 60. 80.


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