CC Compre Exam (Pre Internship)
CC Compre Exam (Pre Internship)
CC Compre Exam (Pre Internship)
1) Sample hemolysis may probably result to 4) Schales and Schales Method will
false elevation of the analytes below, determine what analyte?
EXCEPT: a. Lipase
a. Bicarbonate b. Calcium
b. Potassium c. Chloride/
c. Magnesium d. Potassium
d. Gamma-glutamyl transferase/ e. Bicarbonate
e. Aspartate aminotransferase
5) Cherry-Crandall method determines what
1) What electrolyte is a sensitive indicator of a. Lipase/
low oxygen supply to body tissues? b. Calcium
a. pCO2 c. Sodium
b. Phosphate d. Potassium
c. Lactate/ e. Selenium
d. Bicarbonate
e. Chloride 6) The fourth most abundant cation in the
body is generally reabsorbed at what
2) The most abundant monovalent cation anatomic portion of the kidney?
housed within the cells of our body is a. Glomerulus
selectively bound to what membrane in ISE b. Proximal convoluted tubule
analyzers? c. Distal convoluted tuble
a. Ion exchange resin d. Ascending loop of Henle/
b. Glass e. Descending loop of Henle
c. Electrical impedance
d. Valinomycin/ 7) The most abundant anion that is housed
within the cells of our body is:
3) Which is TRUE about kinetic assay for a. Bicarbonate
enzyme measurement? b. Potassium
a. Reaction rate proceeds in a defined c. Magnesium
time d. Chloride
b. Reaction is stopped usually e. Phosphate/
inactivated by weak acids/
c. Multiple measurements are done in 8) Plasma osmolality is evaluated using this
various time intervals test:
d. Less preferred than fixed-time a. Ion-Selective Electrode
assay b. Water deprivation/
c. Lockhead & Purcell
d. Schales & Schales
e. Atomic absorption
Prepared by: Raymundo Rosales II
11) Which among the following statements is 14) Which electrolytes are generally stored in
FALSE about specimen handling for ionized the bones? 2PTS
calcium determination? 1- Lactate
a. No liquid heparin should be used 2- Phosphate
b. Samples must be collected 3- Calcium
anaerobically 4- Magnesium
c. Use of EDTA and oxalate a. 1, 2
anticoagulant may cause b. 2, 3/
interferences c. 3, 4
d. Serum may be used if clotting and d. 1, 4
centrifugation is done beyond 30
minutes/ 15) False elevation of potassium is caused by
the following, EXCEPT:
12) The following electrolytes are important in a. Thrombocytopenia/
maintaining normal cardiac rhythm and b. Thrombocytosis
contraction, EXCEPT: c. In-vitro hemolysis
a. Sodium/ d. Excessive fist clenching
b. Magnesium
c. Calcium 16) The following are macroenzymes,
d. Potassium EXCEPT:
a. ACP
b. ALP
c. AMS
d. CK
e. LDH/
Prepared by: Raymundo Rosales II
17) All of the following statements describes 22) Following an acute MI, activity of LD
enzymatic reactions, EXCEPT: usually peaks:
a. The enzyme is not consumed in the a. Within 1 day post-infarction and
reaction returns to normal after 3 days
b. The equilibrium of the reaction b. 24 to 36 hours post-infarction and
shifts to the right/ returns to normal after 3 days
c. The rate of the reaction is increased c. 48-hours post-infarction and returns
d. The activation of energy is lower to normal after 4 days
d. 3 days post-infarction and returns
18) Which enzyme requires a specific divalent to normal after one week/
cation for activation?
a. Creatine kinase 24. The most abundant form of LDH isoenzyme in
b. Amylase the serum concentration is:
c. Alkaline phosphatise a. LDH-1
d. None of the above b. LDH-2/
e. All of the above/ c. LDH-3
d. LDH-4
19) Which of the following enzymes is a e. LDH-5
a. LDH 23) In acute pancreatitis, which amylase
b. CK/ isoenzyme is typically increased?
c. ALP a. P1
d. ALD b. P2
e. AMS c. P3/
d. S1
20) Which of the following enzymes is a e. S2
a. LDH 24) 26. Which among the following analytes
b. ACP/ stays longer in the serum after the onset of
c. GGT acute pancreatitis?
d. AST a. Salivary Amylase
e. PK b. Pancreatic Amylase
c. Lipase/
21) A 50-year-old male was diagnosed to have d. LDH
obstructive jaundice, which among the e. CK
following is the LEAST useful analyte to aide
in the differentiation of obstructive jaundice?
a. LDH/
b. GGT
c. ALT
d. 5-Nucleotidase
e. Alcohol dehydrogenase
Prepared by: Raymundo Rosales II
27. In hepatitis, the rise in the serum conjugated 32. Lead which is absorbed in our body is excreted in
bilirubin levels can be caused by: greater amount in what specimen?
a. Secondary renal insufficiency a. Urine/
b. Failure of the enterohepatic b. Blood
circulation/ c. Feces
c. Enzyme conversion of urobilinogen to d. Hair
bilirubin e. Sweat
d. Extrahepatic conjugation
33. Mercury attacks which system of the human
28. Which reagent is used in the body?
Jendrassik-Grof method to solubilise a. Gastrointestinal
unconjugated bilirubin? b. Urinary
a. 50% methanol c. Cardiovascular
b. N-butanol d. Central Nervous/
c. Caffeine/ e. Respiratory
d. Acetic acid
34. This element is used in electrical switches, and
29. Which among the following instrumentation for incorporated in dental amalgams:
detecting trace elements is least likely used due to a. Lead
difficulty of operation? b. Mercury/
a. Flame AAS c. Copper
b. Flameless GFAAS/ d. Chromium
c. ICP-AES e. Arsenic
35. The following are toxic effects of Chromium
30. Increase total arsenic concentration in the urine is exposure, EXCEPT:
caused by what main arsenic species in seafood? a. Blindness/
a. Arsenocholine b. Severe dermatitis
b. Arsenobetaine/ c. Skin ulcers
c. Arsenovaline d. Airway obstruction
d. Arsenoadenine e. Lung cancer
31. What must be done to avoid contamination of 36. This element is responsible for making rubies red
samples for Cadmium quantification? and emeralds green.
a. Store in room temp a. Cadmium
b. Tightly seal the container b. Chromium/
c. Anaerobic environment must be c. Selenium
maintained d. Copper
d. Never use yellow-colored plastic e. Mercury
Prepared by: Raymundo Rosales II
37. The following are toxic effects of Chromium 41. It is considered as the fourth most abundant
exposure, EXCEPT: element in the earth’s crust.
a. Blindness/ a. Chromium
b. Severe dermatitis b. Copper
c. Skin ulcers c. Nickel
d. Airway obstruction d. Zinc
e. Lung cancer e. Iron/
38. The following metals are solid in room 42. Hypernatremia due to decreased water intake
temperature, EXCEPT: most likely occurs among what patients?
a. Gold a. Geriatric/
b. Silver b. Adult
c. Iron c. Teens
d. Mercury/ d. Pediatric
e. None of the above
43. Who among the following is prone to physiologic
39. A 5-month-old male was rushed in the emergency iron loss?
room due to seizures. He was born prematurely at 32 a. Adult male
weeks of life. He shows stunted growth; cannot b. Adult female/
respond to external stimuli like sound and is very c. Pediatric patients
malnourished to his age. He has peculiar hair growing d. Menopausal women
all over his body. He is most likely to have what
disease? 2pts 44. The following are enzyme tumor markers,
a. Z-E disease EXCEPT:
b. Keshan disease a. PSA
c. Rotor Syndrome b. LDH
d. Menkes disease/ c. ALP
e. Kayser-Fleischer disease d. ADH/
40. The above condition has depleted levels of what 45. The following electrolytes are important in the
trace element: normal neuromuscular excitability, EXCEPT:
a. Chromium a. Calcium
b. Copper/ b. Bicarbonate/
c. Nickel c. Magnesium
d. Zinc d. Potassium
e. Asbestos
Prepared by: Raymundo Rosales II
46. All of the following conditions will interfere with the 51. Which of the following best represents the
measurements of LDH, EXCEPT: reference range for arterial pH?
a. Use of serum that was stored at a. 7.35 – 7.45/
room temperature for 24 hours/ b. 7.42 – 7.52
b. Serum the was frozen at -20C for 30 c. 7.38 – 7.68
days d. 6.85 – 7.56
c. Slight hemolysis during sample
collection 52. What is the electrolyte that balances the
d. Use of plasma from blood collected in movement of bicarbonate outside the red blood
EDTA cell?
a. Zinc
47. Which electrolyte measurement is LEAST affected b. Chloride/
by hemolysis? c. Sodium
a. Potassium d. Potassium
b. Calcium/ e. Phosphorus
c. Inorganic phosphorus
d. Magnesium 53. Select the anticoagulant of choice for blood gas
48. Which electrolyte is least likely elevated in renal a. EDTA
failure? b. Sodium citrate
a. Potassium c. Lithium heparin/
b. Magnesium d. Ammonium oxalate
c. Inorganic phosphorus e. No anticoagulant is recommended
d. Sodium/
54. The most ideal collection device for arterial blood
49. Which isoenzyme of ALP is inhibited by L- sampling is:
phenylalanine? a. At least 5 mL disposable syringe
a. Intestinal and placental/ b. 1 to 3 mL disposable syringe/
b. Bone and intestinal c. Heparinized Capillary tube
c. Liver and placental d. Heparinized Evacuated tube system
d. Renal and liver
55. In-vitro and in-vivo hemolysis may ______ serum
50. One of the laboratory parameter to be considered potassium level.
in the diagnosis of Cushing’s syndrome is: a. Decrease
a. PTH and GH b. Elevate/
b. Cortisol/ c. No affect
c. Calcitonin d. None of the above
d. C- Peptide
Prepared by: Raymundo Rosales II