Module 2 RE
Module 2 RE
Module 2 RE
Activity 1: Perception
Direction: Write your perception of the Catholic Church base on your experiences
My perception of the Catholic Church base on my own experience is being Catholic entails
having entire faith in God and putting his divine favor into action. Having God's divine grace
implies obeying it and keeping it holy as it was created by God and given to his people. This is
the basis of the faith, and the people take it extremely seriously. Catholics believe that all persons
have a decent nature, but that when one sins, it harms not just that person, but also the people and
the Church. As part of the religion, one must attend mass every Sunday and holy day. The
Catholic Church regards human life and the human person as infinitely important. The Bible
reveals that God knows and loves every one of us individually. God bestows free will on every
human being. This implies that we have the freedom to accept or reject God's call to share God's
life and walk in the ways that Jesus has shown us. The God we experience in freedom is the one
who calls us to join the work of creation and salvation alongside the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Based on the creation tales of Genesis, a core concept in our Catholic Tradition is that each and
every individual is formed in God's image. Each of us is a unique human being, endowed with
diverse abilities by God. God knows each and every one of us by name. God loves every one of
us deeply and infinitely. God's love is continuous and ever-present, always encouraging us to
love back. Because each human being is 'of God' and infinitely loved by God, we are always
obligated to treat ourselves and others with decency and respect. By how we treat others, we are
supposed to express God's love to them. We demonstrate God's love to others by loving others.
Life Integration
Life Response
Direction: Make a simple TIMELINE on how you can preserve these identities of the
Catholic Church.
In the midst of the covid-19 pandemic, Catholics may welcome all families to learn about the Epiphany
blessing of the house and a prayer, as well as guidance via online webinar such as on-going recitation
of the Holy Rosary, Novena, and Liturgical year (every). These are truly one of the most significant
religious activities for the Church's long-term condition.
From last year to these coming years, some have been members of school communities, churches, and
civic organizations in addition to the Christian community. At the same time, collaboration or excellent
service of schools, churches, and service organizations are concrete evidence of a "social commitment"
of the entire Christian community.
For this year, there is a solid foundation of Catholic education and conviction that must be maintained.
Catholics must begin to recognize the faith's values. Religious people believe that, since it is a
Heavenly Father feature of human life, the dignity of each individual, as well as his or her claim on
human care, beyond human reasoning. This idea underlies the ethical and moral evaluations as well as
interactions with one another. Belief systems must be linked to actions.
To keep our mission alive, we need enthusiastic, daring, giving, and intelligent leaders. The Church of
the twenty-first century will be distinguished by increased engagement in ministry as clergy, laity, and
religious apply their various charisma and particular abilities to the work. If they are to shepherd our
ministry into the future, everybody, especially leaders, will need to commit to continual growth of their
religious convictions and value systems.
Being Catholic is very unique, and many in ministry are continually seeking to share what each and every one have
with people they serve. The mission is to communicate successfully with the people around, in ways that are
understandable to them.
Let Us Reflect: A new lesson has been discussed… a fresh knowledge has been learned…
and a vibrant call for passionate service is once again achieved. Now, it’s time for you to
share what you have learned… write what you have realized and inscribe what you have
resolved in and about yourself.
God of the universe, my Everlasting Father, I worship You with all my heart. I am eternally glad
that You created me in Your spirit and in truth, and that You always accept me in Your tender
care. Guide my heart, soul, and mind to love You with all my heart, soul, and mind. Please help
me to cherish all Your living things as much as I loved myself. My soul yearns to be connected
to You and to dwell in You always, Oh my Lord. Allow the Holy Spirit to touch my spirit thus
that I could love You as He and Your Loving Son, Jesus love You.