13 - Tools Used To Deflect A Wellbore
13 - Tools Used To Deflect A Wellbore
13 - Tools Used To Deflect A Wellbore
There are numerous types of whipstock each providing a different way of doing the same
job. That being to place a tapered obstruction (whipstock) in the bore hole that will deflect
an assembly away from the original hole. A whipstock may be permanent or retrievable,
oriented or used blind where no specific direction is required. They may be used to drill a
pilot hole that is required to be opened out to full gauge or mill windows in casing and
follow with a full gauge bit.
The whipstock is one of the original directional deflection tools. It was used widely for
many years. Because of economics and the time involved in setting this tool, it's use in
regular open hole directional work is very limited but from a historical perspective it is well
worth discussion.
The whipstock consists of a wedge-shaped steel casting having a tapered concave groove
down the side to guide the whipstock bit into the wall of the hole. The whipstock is
provided with a chisel point at the bottom to prevent turning, and with a heavy collar at the
top by means of which the tool is withdrawn from the hole. Removable whip stocks vary in
certain small features; some are designed for soft formations and others for hard
formations. Fig. 12.1., 12.2
Once it has been decided to set the whipstock/ the drilling fluid must be in first-class
condition and it must be kept that way as long as deviation work is to be done. The hole
must be clean of cuttings and have no bridges because the whipstock cannot be worked
through the bridges without danger of shearing the shear pin.
The whipstock assembly consists of removable whipstock, rat hole bit, stabilizer and shear
pin. sub, one joint of flexible drill pipe and a non magnetic pup joint or orienting sub. The
above assembly is made up and the whipstock is rigidly attached to the string (shear pin
and stabilizer sub) by means of a shear pin. The shear pins come in different strengths and
shear at different weights. The most widely used pins shears at about 40,000 to 50,000 Ibs.
Before the whipstock is run in hole, it is important that at least 20 ft be left on the kelly
after the whipstock is on bottom because it is impractical that a connection be made after
the Kelly has been drilled down.
After the pin is sheared, the bit is drilled down the face of the whipstock with a minimum of
weight and with about 40 tc 50 rotary and about 800 to 1000 psi. The bit cannot be forced
along the face of the whipstock. If too much weight is applied to the bit, it is very likely that
the bit will seek the path of least resistance and improper results would be obtained.
Usually, 1 2 ft is drilled below the toe of the whipstock with the whipstock bit. This hole
drilled with the smaller OD bits is called the rat hole.
After the 12 ft of rat hole is drilled, it is opened up to the regular OD hole with a pilot bit or
hole opener.
Fig 12.1
Fig 12.2
Jetting is the term used to describe the deviation of a well using directed bit hydraulics to erode the
formation in a specific direction.
A special jetting bit may be used or a conventional tri cone bit run with two undersize and one
oversize jet nozzles. Blanking off two of the nozzles produces good deflection response but reduces the
rate of penetration when the drill string is rotated. Fig. 12.3
Fig. 12.3
Usually, the bit is made up on to a typical build-up assembly comprising of:
Orienting Sub
Once the assembly is on bottom, the large nozzle representing the "tool face" is oriented
in the desired direction.
Maximum circulation is then established and the washing action begun. As the drill string
is set on bottom with a part of the string weight slackened on the bit, the weight indicator
will give an indication of "drilling-off" if the formation is soft enough to get washed out
right away.
However, in most cases, formation is not soft enough to wash out "untouched". The
procedure then consists of working the bit up and down for approximately five feet, and
spud ding it on bottom, applying the brakes so as to hit the bottom with the rebound of the
drilling string rather than with the weight itself.
in cases where the formation is reluctant to yield while reciprocating the string, it is
customary to kick the rotary table/more or less 15 deg. right then 15 deg. left, alternately/ in
order to change the position of the bit during the spudding procedure. Jetting is continued
until the blades of the stabilizer get embedded into the washed portion of the bottom of the
hole. The pump is then slowed down and rotation started. The bit follows the washed out
section which is the path of least resistance. Extra weight is applied and the kelly drilled
down. The amount of hole to be jetted to give the proper rate of change varies with the
formation. As a rule, 3 - 4 ft are sufficient to result in a 1 deg. dog leg. However, in very lose
sands, in which progress of jetting can be watched as the weight indicator drills off, it may
be necessary to jet 7 or 8 ft to achieve the rate of change required. Should the formation be
compact enough not to yield more than 1 - 1 1/2 ft, there is unlikely to be any change.
In very soft formations it may be necessary to jet every joint, to build angle. In many
places, jetting can only be performed over a short interval, in sand or sandy shale
formations. Very soon the degree of compaction makes jetting ineffective and a time
consuming operation. That is why down hole motor deviation has become the most
commonly adopted method of deflection in deviated wells.
Whatever the jet size selected, the purpose is to achieve maximum jet nozzle velocity,
taking into account the hydraulic power available and the size of hole to be circulated
clean while drilling. The pressure drop through a nozzle is given by the equation:
12031 xA2xC2
in which A is the nozzle cross section area,
The hydraulic force used for eroding the formation and washing out a pocket into the side
of the hole, is related to nozzle velocity expressed by the equation:
V(feet/second) = 0.32X (GPM)
in which A is the nozzle cross sectional area. For jetting to be efficient, the nozzle
velocity should be 500 ft/secs or more.
Both formulae can be converted so as to use the flow rate given in litres/minute and the
weight of mud in KG/litre.
12031 xA2xC2
V(ft/sec) = 0.084 x (L/m)
1. A two-cone jet bit, in a 121/4" hole would be dressed with a 7/8" or 13/16" main nozzle.
2. A two-cone jet bit, in a 9 7/8" hole would be dressed with one 3/4" nozzle.
3. In an 81/2” hole, the ]et selected for a two-cone bit would likely be a 5/8" nozzle.
The bent sub/slick motor assembly has been the foremost used configuration world-wide
for directional drilling. It continues to be widely used in the surface hole/nudge situation in
combination with gyro orientation. The predictability of dog leg and good response in
orientated mode have enabled many close quarter multi-well situations to be safely drilled.
The development of the orient/rotate technique allows complete steer ability in the usually
low angle high density well area associated with surface holes on multi-well platforms.
The motors can be steered with single shots, wireline steering tools or downhole telemetry
tools (survey tool selection would be largely dependent on external magnetic interference).
Motor reactive torque is governed by weight-on-bit and the interaction between bit and
formation. The angular reactive strength of the drill string will also affect torque reaction.
When drilling at constant WOB, formation changes leading to increases in bit torque will
cause the tool face to turn to the left, and those leading to a decrease in torque cause the
tool face to return to the right. If the rotary table is locked, the tool face angle may be kept
constant by varying WOB,
The motor should be surface tested and made up as normal. Care must be taken while
running-in-hole to prevent hang-ups. After bottom has been tagged, the motor should be
raised off bottom and initially oriented according to the expected reactive torque. The bit
should then be run to bottom, broken in, and the desired drilling weight applied. After a
short period, the assembly can be orientated in accordance with the resulting tool face
Initially, the amount of reactive torque may be extremely sensitive to WOB. However, once
the bent sub is into new hole this sensitivity usually decreases considerably. It should be
noted that the amount of torque produced by the motor is only as much as is demanded of
it and may be controlled under normal situations by altering WOB.
Single shot orientation is recommended only for surface or shallow holes, or in cases
where directional control is not critical. When using single shots, the estimate of reactive
torque must be more carefully planned because at least 40 ft of hole must be drilled at the
estimated orientation, before the directional results of that orientation can be obtained. In
this instance, previous records will be of assistance.
When surface testing a PDM the by-pass valve ports should be lowered below the rotary
table before starting the pumps. The flow rate and stand pipe pressure at the instant of by-
pass valve closing should be noted. The valve should then be lifted above the bushing and
the ports checked for leakage.
The motor should be tested for at least three flow rates within the operating range and the
stand pipe pressure recorded on each. High vibration may occur at certain flow rates and
is common to all motors.
The by-pass valve ports should be lowered below the rotary table before the pumps are
shut down. It is possible that the valve may not open after shutting down the pumps due to
a pressure lock in this short hydraulic circuit. The pressure should be relieved to allow the
valve to open.
With the motor hanging, the distance between the bottom of the motor and the top of the
bit box should be measured. The motor should then be rested on the bit box and the same
gap re-measured. Any movement should conform to relevant handbook technical data.
After running into the hole and shearing of the drilling fluid, flow pressure tests, similar to
that performed at surface should be carried out with the bit turning freely off-bottom.
The pressure reading at three or four flow rates around the operating flow rate should be
recorded and used for comparison in similar tests following any drilling problems.
When tagging bottom, weight should at first be applied slowly and pump pressure changes
noted. The pumps should always be started before the rotary table. When shutting down^
the rotary table should always be stopped before the pumps.
Initially, drilling should proceed carefully until a "feel" for the formation is acquired. It is
necessary to feather the bit until a pattern has been cut. It normally is considered good
drilling practice to break the bit in for 10 - 15 minutes. Directional control is usually of
paramount importance, therefore, breaking in of the bit may not be considered practical.
Once the bit is run below the casing shoe, reaming may be required. This may occur at any
stage, but is most likely in the last 60 to 90 ft of the hole. Drilling records and bit and
stabilizer gauges from previous runs will enable areas of under-gauge hole to be
anticipated. If weight builds up with no corresponding increase in pressure, it is probable
that the stabilizers are hanging up in the hole. In this instance, it will probably be
necessary to turn the rotary table in order to free the string. Rotary speed should be kept
below 50 rpm.
High torque problems are associated with this operation particularly in large diameter,
undergauge holes, PDC and diamond bits have more gauge area and no bearings, thus
very high torques result due to the forces applied to the periphery of a large diameter bit
running into hole. In these situations there is a high risk of suddenly stalling the motor.
The effective way of dealing with this problem is to slowly rotate the string with the rotary
table torque limit switch set to the minimum practical valve. This allows the stall to be
recognized and appropriate action to be taken. If the string becomes stuck it should be
rotated at low speed with extreme care.
Increases in standpipe pressure are proportional to increases in drilling torque within the
normal running range of the motors. Any change in torque will be due to a change in WOB
or formation hardness. This will be reflected by a corresponding change in standpipe
For continuous operation, the pressure differential for the specific motor will be quoted in
the relevant handbook. Although all motors are capable of delivering higher output torques
than the continuous torque rating, loading of the stator above the continuous rating
decreases its downhole life.
When the optimum drilling rate has been found, maintaining constant standpipe pressure
will give steady torque at the bit and prevent erratic tool faces.
A rise in the standpipe pressure will occur when tagging bottom with a diamond bit without
delivering torque due to a reduction in the cross-sectional area of the flow path around the
face of the bit.
Once the optimum drilling rate has been found, standpipe pressure should be kept
constant giving steady torque at the bit. In order to achieve the best drilling rate, use of the
rotary table often is desirable. Turning at 30 to 60 rpm will help keep an even weight
applied at the bit and prevent the string from hanging up.
Motor stall occurs when the torque requirement at the bit exceeds the output torque of the
motor. This can occur when weight is added to the bit or when a change of formation leads
to a higher torque at the bit.
Stall is identified by a sudden pressure rise. When drilling with mud, and this occurs, the
rotary table should immediately be shut down, the b<t lifted off bottom and finally, the
pumps shut off, if necessary. It is vita! that the driller is aware of this and does not wait for
the motor to drill-off. The stator may be permanently damaged if a motor stall situation is
not rectified immediately.
Each bit design cuts its own pattern and therefore, it is important to bed the bit in very
gently at low WOB over the first 2 or 3 ft. After 10 ft have been drilled, it is wise to lift the
bit off bottom and circulate for a few minutes to ensure that no Junk is following the bit
PDC bits, by design, require more torque under normal drilling conditions as compared
with roller cone bits.
When the tool comes to surface, the thrust bearing and stabilizer wear should be checked.
Performance over the last run, total circulating hours on the tool and bearing condition
must be taken into account before the motor is re-run. Before the tool is laid down, mud
should be flushed out of the power section by turning the output shaft to the right with the
rotary table while holding the motor body with the break-out tongs. The by-pass valve
should be flushed through the outlet ports with a wash-down gun or hose.
Short directional slick turbines are used in the same way as the PDM's previously
discussed in this section. They will have their own operating parameters specific to any
given tool, which would be fully detailed in the relevant handbook. It is true to say that
because of the generally higher speed and lower torque characteristics of a turbine it is
not suited to as many applications as the PDM-type motor.
The bent-housing steerable system employs a machined bend in the motor housing which
tilts the axis of the bit relative to the axis of the hole. (Fig.12.4) This system currently uses
PDM-type motors only.
OFFSET Stabilization
The offset stabilization steerable system consists of a straight downhole motor fitted with
eccentric stabilization which laterally loads the bit to affect the desired axis change. (Fig.
12.5) The system uses both PDM and Turbine types of motors.
Stabilization is also very important in the optimization of steerable motor systems and
provides three important benefits.
The stabilizers, in combination with the bit, serve as the tangency points of the assembly.
They define the constant radius arc of the planned wellbore, while drilling in the
oriented/sliding mode. Three points of contact are required for this calculation: the bit and
two stabilizers, one above and one close to the bottom of the downhole motor. Although
other string stabilizers may be used, their primary function is. centralization and not
directional control.
The bottom stabilizer reinforces the tilt angle of the bit in the bent-housing system and
provides the side force required in the offset system. In both cases, the bottom stabilizer
helps to minimize vibration and bit deflection.
The stabilizers add stiffness to the bottomhole assembly, to lock in inclination and
direction during tangential sections in the rotary drilling modes.
Fig. 12.4
Fig 12.5
The steerable systems, both bent-housing and offset stabilizer types, operate in two
distinct modes.
The oriented/sliding mode is when the downhole motor is oriented and penetration occurs
exclusively from bit rotation provided by the motor. The oriented/sliding mode produces
inclination and/or azimuth changes, by altering the attitude of the bit in relationship to the
existing wellbore. This change in attitude is accomplished through the bend in the bent-
housing or the side force exerted from the offset stabilizers.
The rotary drilling mode is when penetration occurs from bit rotation produced by the
motor plus rotation from the rig rotary table. In the rotary drilling mode, the entire drill
string along with the downhole motor is rotated. This rotation negates the change in bit
attitude produced by either configuration and allows the assembly to drill straight ahead.
The rotary drilling mode is used to drill both vertical and tangential sections of a well, and
is also combined with the oriented/sliding mode to smooth the dog leg expectancy of build
and correction runs.
Prior to tripping into the hole, the scribe line of the steerable motor is oriented to the
scribe line of the directional survey package which will be used to orient the motor.
Penetration rates are generally faster in the rotary drilling mode. The BHA is, therefore,
designed to allow a maximum percentage of rotary drilling time to optimize penetration
rate yet provide on-demand directional control.
Typical operating practice with a steerable system is to rotate the drill string at 60 rpm.
Higher table speed is possible but not recommended. Operating pressure is a function of
bit weight, and is monitored at the surface. Surveys by MWD systems are taken as
required, but no more than 100 ft apart. As course corrections are required, the steerable
motor is oriented and drilling is accomplished without turning the rotary table.
When course corrections are completed, the rotary table is engaged and straight hole
drilling resumes.
Analyze bit records from offset wells to determine type, condition, and life of bits
previously used.
Analyze lithology to determine drill ability and formation sequence, to aid in the selection
of bits that will drill the entire interval if possible.
Plan and plot well direction. Calculate build rates, terminal inclination angle and length of
Design drillstring and BHA considering the dynamics of stabilization gauge and placement.
Analyze and calculate well hydraulics to optimize bit and motor hydraulics, taking into
account the given drillstring, formation, casing and rig hydraulics limitations.
Avoid excessive use of string stabilization. The stabilizers that control the directional
response of a steerable system are the lower bearing housing stabilizer and the stabilizer
above the motor (either directly above the motor, or above a pony collar). If extra
stabilization is required for centralization of the MWD tool, the gauge of this stabilization
should be no greater than the gauge of the stabilizer on top of the motor.
The bearing housing stabilizer is usually 1/8" undergauge for bit diameters less than 14
3/4". For hole sizes larger than 14 3/4" bearing housing stabilizers may be substantially
An undergauge stabilizer on top of the motor will improve the kick-off initiation and rotary
mode build/hold behavior, minimizing the necessity to slide during the sections. Similarly,
increasing the spacing between the bearing housing stabilizer and the motor top stabilizer
will enhance the rotary build/hold characteristics. However, the use of significantly
undergauge stabilization at the top of the motor can lead to an inconsistent build tendency
in the rotary mode requiring periodic correctional slides.
Limit the use of steel drill collars for drilling weight by substituting as much heavy-weight
drill pipe (HWDP) as possible.
In cases where a rotor nozzle is required, care should be taken to fit the motor with the
correct size rotor nozzle to ensure that the motor is capable of delivering adequate power
across the anticipated flow range throughout the steerable run.
Nozzled rotor PDMs can be run with the by-pass valve removed. Nozzled rotor PDMs run
without by-pass valves still allow the fluid within the drill string to drain when tripping out
of the hole, thus avoiding the pulling of a 'wet' string.
Avoid excessive reaming with steerable systems, particularly when running PDC-type bits.
Generally, when the rotary table is turning in conjunction with the motor, table speeds of
30 - 60 rpm are recommended. Excessive table speed may result in motor damage,
depending on the actual drilling conditions.
Ensure that the rig hydraulic capabilities are compatible with the required flow rates and
surface operating pressures for optimum bit performance, particularly with PDC bit
applications. Motor and MWD pressure drops can easily approach 1000 psi.
Make sure that the downhole motor and the MWD are configured to accommodate the flow
rates required to optimize bit performance, particularly with bladed-style PDC bits in softer
The sand content of the mud should be kept as low as possible; 2% volume should be
regarded as an absolute maximum.
When using an oil-based drilling fluid system, the effects of bottomhole circulating
temperature and aniline point should be considered. Diesel muds should be avoided. Low-
aromatic, low-toxic, oil-base muds are recommended.
If a section has been cut in the casing, great care must be taken to ensure all of the casing
millings and cuttings are removed from the circulating system.
Run a float valve between the motor and the MWD, if necessary.
The drillstring should be free of excess rust and solids. If possible have the drillstring
"rabbited" prior to the motor run.
A method of orienting the assembly is required with which ever method of kick off has
been chosen.
Jetting. Offset stabilizer/bent housing assemblies simply require a line drawn from the tool
face up to the orienting sub (UBHO) or MWD collar. The orienting sleeve is then locked into
place in alignment with the "too! face". With MWD collars the angle between the tool face
and MWD scribe line is measured ), either directly by protractor or indirectly by measuring
the arc length from scribe line to tool face in proportion to collar diameter.
An orienting sub may be run on top of MWD collars to verify results or as 3n alternative
method of alignment in case of tool failure. In which case alignment over some
considerable distance may be required. A method which is accurate and quick is to make
up the particular assembly and find a mark on the elevators that is in alignment with the
tool face. Keeping an eye on this mark the assembly may be run into the hole and the tool
joint marked before setting the stand in the slips. The next tool may be made up and the
process repeated.
With the orientation made and checked the bottom hole assembly may be completed and
run into hole.
With down hole motors, i.e. conventional bearing section turbine or positive displacement
motors a bent sub is required. This is made up to the mud motor after it has been tested.
The procedure will depend upon whether the bent sub is also an orienting sub or whether
a separate UBHO sub is run. With a bent orienting sub, the alignment may be made prior to
picking up the sub and assembly may proceed, by testing the motor picking up NMDC's
and screwing the bent sub into the NMDC. The NMDC and bent sub may then be made up
to the mud motor by backing the mud motor into the bent sub ensuring the tongs do not
pull tight until the connection is fully made up. With bent subs of 2 ½ deg. or more,
difficulty is sometimes experienced in making the connection, in which case after stabbing
the bent sub into the mud motor, weight should be slacked off allowing the DC to lean over
in the direction of the bent sub tool face. It may be pulled with a cat line if required. The
rotary table may then be eased backwards making up the connection once again ensuring
that the connection is free to turn and not cross threaded.
When a bent sub and orienting sub are run, these two must be fully made up together
before alignment can be made. !n this case the mud motor cannot be backed into the
collars, the bent sub should be placed below the rotary table and the slips placed on the
orienting sub. This ensures the connection is positioned vertically to accept the DC which
may be chained in.