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B.tech 6th Sem ChE Final 1

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Course Structure and Syllabus

(From Academic Session 2018-19 onwards)

Course Structure
(From Academic Session 2018-19 onwards)

B.Tech 6 Semester: Chemical Engineering
Semester VI/ B. TECH/ChE
Hours per Marks
Sl. Credit
Sub-Code Subject Week
1 CHE181601 Chemical Reaction Engineering-II 3 1 2 5 30 70
2 CHE181602 Mass Transfer Operations - II 3 1 2 5 30 70
CHE181603 Process Control and
3 3 0 2 4 30 70
Petroleum Refining and
4 CHE181604 3 0 2 4 30 70
5 CHE1816OE2* Open Elective-2 3 0 0 3 30 70
6 HS181606 Accountancy 2 0 0 2 30 70
TOTAL 17 2 8 23 180 420
Total Contact Hours per week : 27
Total Credits: 23


Sl. No Subject Code Subject
1 CHE1816OE21 Alternative Energy Resources
2 CHE1816OE22 Fluidization Engineering
Any other subject offered from time to time with the approval of
3 CHE1816OE2* the University

N.B. 4-6 weeks Mandatory Industry Internship need to be done in the 6th semester break and the report is
to be submitted and evaluated in 7th semester

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Detailed Syllabus

Course Code Course Title Hours per week Credit

CHE181601 Chemical Reaction Engineering-II 3-1-2 5

MODULE 1: Design for Multiple Reactions:

Series and parallel reactions, Series-parallel reactions.

MODULE 2: Temperature and Pressure Effects:

Single reactions, multiple reactions.

MODULE 3: Selection of Reactors

MODULE 4: Residence Time Distribution (RTD) for Chemical Reactors:

Measurement of RTD, Characteristics of RTD, RTD for ideal reactors, Predicting Conversion and Exit
Concentration; Reactor Modelling by RTD- Zero Parameter Models.

MODULE 5: Models for Non Ideal Reactors

Zero Parameter Models. One Parameter Models- Tanks in Series Model, Dispersion Model; Two
Parameter Models- Modelling Real Reactors with Combinations of Ideal Reactors.

MODULE 6: Gas-solid Catalytic Reactions

Catalysts, Steps of Catalytic Reaction, Synthesizing Rate Law, Mechanism and Rate Limiting Step;
Heterogeneous Data Analysis for Reactor Design.

MODULE 7: Catalyst Deactivation Practical:

1. Experiments on CSTR
2. Experiments on PFR
3. Experiments on Cascade CSTR
4. Experiments on Combined Flow Reactor
5. Experiments on Packed Bed Reactor
6. Experiments on Adiabatic Batch Reactor
7. RTD Studies in CSTR
8. RTD Studies of Packed Bed Reactor using pulse tracer input

Textbooks/ Reference Books:

1. Chemical Reaction Engineering by Levenspiel, WileyEastern.
2. Elements of Chemical Reaction engineering, Fogler, Prenticehall
3. Chemical Engineering Kinetics by D.M. Smith, McGraw Hill Publication.
4. Reaction Kinetics for Chemical Engineers by Wales, McGraw Hill Publication.

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Course Code Course Title Hours per week Credit
CHE181602 Mass Transfer Operations-II 3-1-2 5

MODULE 1: Solid-Liquid Extraction

Classification, Rate of solid – liquid extraction, contacting strategy, contacting equipment, Equilibrium,
extraction calculation, super critical extraction.

MODULE 2: Liquid-Liquid Extraction

Ternary liquid equilibria, solvent selection, single and multi-stage and cross current extraction, design
calculation for stage wise extraction.

MODULE 3: Distillation
Introduction - Vapour liquid equilibrium, T-x-y diagram, bubble and dew point calculation, concept of
volatility, deviation from ideality, minimum and maximum boiling azeotrope mixture, enthalpy –
concentration diagram.
Flash vaporization, steam distillation, batch distillation, continuous multistage fractionation of binary
mixture, multi stage batch distillation with reflux, minimum and total reflux. Tray efficiency, Reboiler
McCabe Thiele method, Ponchon Savarit method, Distillation in packed column.


1. Crystallization:
To prepare crystals of CuSO4.5H2O and compare the amount obtained to that theoretically obtained.

2. Steam Distillation:
To find the vapour efficiency of carrier steam and to find the amount of carrier steam required.

3. Solvent Extraction:
To study solid-liquid extraction process and to plot NE vs Y and NR vs X

4. Ternary Liquid Equilibria:

To determine the ternary equilibrium data for the system Benzene – Water – Acetic acid system and to
plot the data on a triangular graph paper.

5. Differential Distillation:
To verify Rayleigh equation by carrying out a differential distillation of a mixture of Toluene and
Carbon Tetrachloride.

6. Drying:
To obtain dry in grate vs moisture per unit dry solid and moisture content vs. time curve for a given

7. Absorption with chemical reaction in a packed bed (CO2 absorption NaOH solution):
To study absorption of CO2 in aqueous NaOH solution in a Packed bed column. To determine the gas
phase mass transfer co efficient, KGa.
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8. Binary distillation in a bubble cap column:
(i) To operate the column under total reflux condition and estimate the minimum number of
theoretical plates required. (ii) To obtain T-x data under total reflux at steady state and compare it with
theoretical value. (iii)To estimate total moles of product and time for distillation at particular reflux
ratio for a known number of theoretical plates.

Textbooks/ Reference Books:

1. Treybal, R.E.,” Mass Transfer operation”, McGraw Hill International Edition, 3rdEd,1981.
2. McCabe, W.L., Smith, J, and Harriot, P.,” Unit operation of Chemical Engineering”, McGraw

Hill International Edition, 6thEd,2001.

3. Geankoplis, C.J., “Transport Process and Unit Operations”, Prentice Hall 3rdEd, India,1993
4. Dutta, B.K., “Principles of Mass Transfer and Separation Processes”, Prentice Hall, India,2007.

5. Seader, J.D., Henley, J. E., Separation Process Principles” 2ndEd, Wiley India edition,2010

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Course Code Course Title Hours per week Credit
CHE181603 Process Control and Instrumentation 3-0-2 4

Incentive for chemical process control, Process variables, Design elements of a control system, Liquid
surge tank, Blending process.

Development of a Mathematical model, Example of modelling of a stirred tank heater, Input -Output
models, Degrees of freedom, Linearization of a non-linear model, Elements of Instrumentation, Steady
state and dynamic behavior of instrumentation.

Solving algebraic equations and integration of ODEs, Laplace Transform, Laplace Transform of
derivatives, Response of First order process, Significance of First order process, second order process,
features of process response, Interacting and non-interacting processes, Poles and zeroes, Higher order

Introduction of feedback control, Elements of control loop, Concept of servo and regulatory problems,
Types of controller P, PI, PID, on-off, Stability of a closed loop process, Stability analysis, Ziegler
Nichols tuning, Bode stability criterion.

Large dead time, Dead time compensation, Cascade control, Split range control, Feed forward control,
Ratio control, Adaptive control, Digital computer control.
Self-operated, Pneumatic, Hydraulic, Electric Power employed, Actuators, Sensors.

Measuring Devices for flow, temperature, pressure and level, PH meter, Spectroscopic methods,

Instrumentation symbols, Introduction to Process Flow Diagram and Piping & Instrumentation Diagram

Introduction to Advance control system(ACS) and Distributed control system (DCS)

1. Determination of time constant of a first order system
2. Determine the response of first and second order instruments
3. Determination of unknown concentration using spectrophotometer
4. Study of conductivity meter & pH meter
5. Study of dynamic response of single and multi-capacity processes when connected in interacting
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and non-interacting mode
6. Study of steady state and transient response to P, PI, PD, PID control systems
7. Study of characteristics of control valve
8. Study of flow control trainer

Text Books / Reference Books:

1. D. P. Eckman ‘Automatic Process Control’.
2. George Stephanopoulos, ‘Chemical Process Control’.
3. Coughanuer & Koppel, ‘Process System Analysis & Control’ -McGraw Hill Publication.
4. A. Suryanarayana, Instrumentation & Process Control, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi
5. W. Bolton, ‘Industrial Control and Instrumentation’
6. Peter Harriat, ‘Process Control’-McGraw Hill Chemical Engineering Series
7. D. Patranabis, Principles of Industrial Instrumentation

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Course Code Course Title Hours per week Credit
CHE181604 Petroleum Refining and Petrochemicals 3-0-2 4

MODULE 1: Primary Processing of Crude Oil

Composition, Classification and evaluation of crude oil, Petroleum products and testing. Dehydration
and desalting. Atmospheric distillation. Vacuum distillation of residue-products and distillation
practices, Pipe still heater design procedures.

MODULE 2: Secondary Processing of Crude Oil

Thermal cracking, Visbreaking, Coking, Catalytic Reforming process, Alkylation and Isomerisation.
FCCU and Hydro cracking process, Residue processing (upgradation).

MODULE 3: Treatment-Techniques
Upgradation techniques for heavy and waxy oils, Treatment techniques for removal of objectionable
gases. Odours to improve performance. Catalytic Desulphurization. Extraction of aromatics, Olefins and
recovery operations from petroleum products, Solvent Deasphalting (SDA).

MODULE 4: Petrochemicals
Chemicals from Natural and synthesis gas, Chemicals from olefins; Ethylene derivatives, Propylene
derivatives and Butylene derivatives, Aromatics, intermediates for synthetic fibers and Plastics.

MODULE 5: Environmental and Safety Aspects in Refinery and Petrochemicals

Waste water and effluent gases treatment from Refinery and petrochemical units. Safely aspects in
Refinery and petrochemical units.

Recent advances in Refinery and Petrochemical sectors- (To be taught by Oil & Gas Specialist); Sludge

1. Determination of Smoke Point of kerosene fraction
2. Determination of Aniline Point & diesel index of Fuel.
3. Penetration Index & softening point of bitumen.
4. ASTM Distillation.
5. Water content by Dean & Stark method.
Text Books / Reference Books:
1. W.L. Nelson, "Petroleum Refinery Engineering"' Edn. McGraw Hill, New York1985
2. B. K. Bhaskara Rao, "Modem Petroleum Refining Processes", 2nd' Edn., Oxford and IBH
Publishing Company, New Delhi,1990.
3. G.D.Hobsonand W.Pohl.,"ModemPetroleumTechnology",GulfPublishers2nd.Edn.,1990.
4. R. A. Meyers, "Hand book of Petroleum Refining Processes", McGraw Hill, 1st Edn.,1980.
5. F. Hatch md Sumi Malar, "From Hydrocarbons to Petrochemicals", Gulf Publishing Company, 1st

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Course Code Course Title Hours per week Credit
CHE1816OE21 Alternative Energy Resources 3-0-0 3

MODULE 1: Energy Crisis

Present position in India and World. Remedial measures.

MODULE 2: Energy Resources

Survey, classification and scope of utilization, Alternative uses of conventional sources of energy,
Synthetic liquid fuels.

MODULE 3: Hydroelectricity
Small hydropower- [its production and future prospects in India.

MODULE 4: Nuclear Energy

Nuclear reaction, materials and reactors, reprocessing of spent nuclear fuels.

MODULE 5: Solar Energy

Solar Energy and its effective utilization for room and water heating and other industrial processes,
Solar Heat Pump, Silicon cells, storage of solar energy.
MODULE 6: Energy from Biomass
Animal and vegetable wastes, Utilization of Municipal Solid Waste as a renewable source of energy.

MODULE 7: Geothermal, Wind and Tidal Energy

Energy from geothermal, tidal and ocean thermal sources, Energy from high velocity winds and high
pressure gases.

MODULE 8: Developments in energy routes, Fuel cells. Energy carriers.

MODULE 9: Conservation of energy, Energy Audit.

Textbooks / Reference Books:

1. Renewable Energy Resources and their Environmental Impact, S A abbasi and Naseemaabbasi,
Prentice Hall India
2. Solar Energy: Principles of Thermal Collection and Storage, S. P. Sukhatme, McGraw-Hill.
3. Energy Resource, Demand and Conservation in India, C. Kashkari, TataMcGraw-Hill.
4. Energy Resources and Economic Development in India, Tyner, Allied Publishers.
5. Principles of Energy Conservation, Jr. Culp, McGraw-Hill.
6. Fuels and Combustion, S. Sarkar, Orient Longman.
7. Fuel Combustion Energy Technology, S N Saha, Dhanpat Rai Publishing Company
8. Non-Conventional Energy Resources, Third edition, B.H. khan, McGraw-Hill Education (India)
Private limited.

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Course Code Course Title Hours per week Credit
CHE1816OE22 Fluidization Engineering 3-0-0 3

MODULE 1: Introduction and Applications

Introduction to Fluidized bed systems. Fundamentals of fluidization. Industrial applications of fluidized
beds - Physical operations. Synthesis reaction, cracking and reforming of hydrocarbons. Gasification,
Carbonization, Gas - solid reactions, calcining and clinkering.

MODULE 2: Gross Behavior of Fluidized Bed

Gross behavior of fluidized bed. Minimum and terminal velocities in fluidized beds. Types of
fluidization. Mapping of fluidization regimes, Design of distributors. Voidagein fluidized beds. TDH,
variation in size distribution with height, Power consumption.

MODULE 3: Analysis of Bubble and Emulsion Phase

Davidson's model. Frequency measurements, bubbles in ordinary bubbling bed. Flow model in bubbling
bed. Emulsion phase: Experimental findings. Bubbling bed model for emulsion phase.

MODULE 4: Flow Pattern of Gas in Fluidized Beds

Flow pattern of gas through fluidized beds. Experimental findings. The bubbling bed model for gas inter

MODULE 5: Entrainment
Entrainment of or above TDH, model for Entrainment and application of the entrainment model to

Textbooks / Reference Books:

1. D. Kunii and O. Levenspiel, 'Fluidisation Engineering " 2nd. Edn., John Wiley& Sons, 1992.

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Course Code Course Title Hours per week Credit C
HS181606 Accountancy 2-0-0 2

Concept and classification of Accounts, Transaction, Double Entry system of Book Keeping, Golden
rules of Debit and Credit, Journal- Definition, advantages, Procedure of Journalising, Ledger,
advantages, rules regarding Posting, Balancing of Ledger accounts, Trial Balance- Definition,
objectives, procedure of preparation.

Name of Subsidiary Books, Cash Book-definition, advantages, objectives, types of Cash Book,
preparation of different types of cash books, Bank Reconciliation Statement, Regions of disagreement
between Cash Book with Pass Book balance, preparation of Bank Reconciliation Statement

Final Account: Preparation of Trading Account, Profil and Loss Account with adjustments.

Concept of Capital Expenditure and revenue Expenditure, Baddebts, Provision for Bad and Doubtful
debts, Provision for discount on Debtors, Outstanding expenses, Prepaid expenses, Accrued Income

Introduction to Depreciation Accounting- Meaning, causes, factors, methods of charging depreciation

Textbooks/Reference Books:

1. Theory and Practice of accountance- KR Das, KM Sinha, KS Pal Choudhury, Dr. A Rahman,
PK Pujary
2. Book- Keeping & Accountancy- C Mohan Juneja, J R C Chawla, KK Sakseena
3. Double Entry Book- Keeping & Accountancy- JR Batliboi


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