SOP - A.01.02. Petty Cash Expense Claims or Settlements
SOP - A.01.02. Petty Cash Expense Claims or Settlements
SOP - A.01.02. Petty Cash Expense Claims or Settlements
Petty Cash - Petty Cash Expense Claims or Settlements
Table of Contents
1. Introduction..........................................................................................................3
A. Purpose ........................................................................................................3
B. Scope ...........................................................................................................3
2. Petty Cash - Petty Cash Expense Claims or Settlements ...................................4
A. Objectives.....................................................................................................4
B. Related Department .....................................................................................4
C. Transaction Frequency.................................................................................4
D. Policy............................................................................................................4
E. Other Company Policy References ..............................................................6
F. Other Associated SOPs................................................................................6
G. Ownership and Responsibilities....................................................................7
H. Procedures ...................................................................................................7
Appendix A. Flowchart of Treasury: Petty Cash - Petty Cash Expense Claims or
Settlements .........................................................................................13
Appendix B. Glossary..............................................................................................16
Petty Cash - Petty Cash Expense Claims or Settlements
1. Introduction
A. Purpose
For the purposes of this manual only, EBE is referred to as “the Company”.
All employees are expected to comply with these policies and procedures,
which have been issued by the Management. Non-compliance with these
policies and procedures may lead to disciplinary and/or legal action being
taken, as appropriate.
B. Scope
These policies and procedures will pertain to petty cash expense claims or
settlements which is applicable to all employees of the Company.
Petty Cash - Petty Cash Expense Claims or Settlements
A. Objectives
B. Related Department
C. Transaction Frequency
Petty cash expense claims or settlements are made from time to time as
required in accordance with the Company’s operational needs.
D. Policy
1. General Policy
Petty Cash - Petty Cash Expense Claims or Settlements
1. General Policy
issuance of new policy) require confirmation from the Petty Cash
Custodian’s supervisory personnel and approval of the
Management (Director, General Manager (“GM”), and Finance
1.3. Petty cash transaction is defined as a transaction for purchases
of goods and/or services up to Rp.500,000 in value.
1.4. Petty cash funds allow cash to be made available to
departments and activities to facilitate cash payment for minor
expenses while maintaining proper control. The petty cash fund
sets up on an imprest fund basis with a limited value of Rp.3
1.5. All petty cash funds must be entrusted to an identified
Custodian, who must be made to officially acknowledge the
receipt of the fund and who will be held responsible and
accountable for all receipts and disbursements to and from the
fund until it is closed or transferred to another Custodian.
1.6. All petty cash documents must be filed and maintained properly.
1.7. The petty cash fund is not to be used for any type of loan to any
1.8. Petty cash expenses other than for the Company’s operational
needs are not reimbursable.
1.9. Individual accountability for cash must be maintained throughout
all cash handling operations.
1.10. Treasury or cashiering stations must be opened for business
during working hours and closed at the end of working hours.
1.11. Only authorized personnel may be allowed in the work areas of
the Treasury Officer, the Cashier and the Petty Cash Custodian.
1.12. Petty cash shall be physically protected from loss at all times.
To the maximum extent practical, a safety box must be locked
between deposits and transfers.
1.13. Excess cash must be removed from the safety box during the
business day and transferred to a secure cash safe or vault.
Such transfer must be documented accordingly.
Petty Cash - Petty Cash Expense Claims or Settlements
1. General Policy
1.14. The Treasury Officer and The Finance Manager should be
notified of any thefts or misappropriation of a fund.
- -
Petty Cash - Petty Cash Expense Claims or Settlements
The following units are responsible for the procedures outlined within this
Department Unit
H. Procedures
Petty Cash - Petty Cash Expense Claims or Settlements
Petty Cash - Petty Cash Expense Claims or Settlements
Petty Cash - Petty Cash Expense Claims or Settlements
Petty Cash - Petty Cash Expense Claims or Settlements
Petty Cash - Petty Cash Expense Claims or Settlements
As Is
Business Process Map To Be
Company Name : Elnusa Bangkanai Energy Ltd. Document No: A.01.02. Page : 1 of 2
1. An Employee completes
Supporting Documents
or revise and submits Petty
Cash Expense Claims or
Treasury: Petty
Settlements Form attached Petty Cash Expenses
Cash - Petty
with supporting documents
All Departments Cash Advances
to a function specified in
Claims or Settlements
The TAM.
A No
3. The TAM-specified
Supporting Documents
2. The TAM-specified function signs and forwards
function reviews the Petty the Petty Cash Expense
Management Cash Expense Claims/
result ok?
Yes Claims or Settlements Approved Petty Cash
Settlements Form and the Form and the supporting Expenses Claim/
supporting documents. documents to the Petty Settlement
Cash Custodian. Expense Report
Net Payment to Employee
Finance and
Accounting 4. The Petty Cash
Custodian validates the 5. The Petty Cash
details of the Petty Cash Review Custodian signs the Petty Net payment to or
Expenses Claims or result Ok? Cash Expenses Claims or by employee?
Settlements Form and the Settlements Form.
supporting documents.
A Net Payment by Employee
Company Name : Elnusa Bangkanai Energy Ltd. Document No: A.01.02. Page : 2 of 2
A copy of Stamped
Petty Cash Expense
B Claims or Settlements End
7. Pre-defined process
Petty Cash - Petty Cash Expense Claims or Settlements
Appendix B. Glossary
This glossary of terms is intended as a guide only and should not be regarded as
replacing any formal definitions/clarifications contained in other documents issued by
entities authorized to make such pronouncements (e.g., tax law/regulations, etc) in
respect of matters that potentially affect the Company’s business.
Term Definition
Cash A payment instrument that comprises of cash on hand and
demand deposits. (SFAS No. 02)
Cash equivalents Short-term, highly liquid investments that are readily
convertible to known amounts of cash without being subject to
a significant risk of changes in value. (SFAS No. 02)
Company Elnusa Bangkanai Energy Ltd.
Imprest fund A cash fund of a fixed amount is established without charge to
an appropriation, from finance function or disbursing officer to
a duly appointed petty cash custodian, for disbursement as
needed from time to time in making payment in cash for
relatively small purchases of goods and/or services
Petty cash A payment instrument that is made available to departments
and activities to facilitate cash payment for minor expenses
while maintaining proper control
PIC Person-In-Charge
SFAS Statement of Financial Accounting Standards developed by
the Indonesian Institute of Accountants
SOP Standard Operating Procedures
TAM Transaction Approval Matrix is the matrix of functions
empowered to approve specified transactions
Petty Cash - Petty Cash Expense Claims or Settlements
Document History