Uba and Egurefa Publication 2
Uba and Egurefa Publication 2
Uba and Egurefa Publication 2
The present study aimed to evaluate the toxic effects of two Nigerian refineries’ effluents using
natural bio-monitors. Standard physicochemical analysis, toxi-chromo test using mutant E.
coli and sub-chronic animal toxicity testing with emphasis on tissue heavy metal
accumulation, biochemical parameters and histopathology, were adopted during the study.
The physicochemical results revealed that the two effluent samples are highly polluted
although PH sample was more polluted than the Warri sample. Toxi-chromo testing revealed
that the positive control sample (HgCl2) exhibited the most harmful effect on 50% population
of mutant E. coli with EC50 value of 1.535 mg/L. The mice model revealed that iron (1.616
mg/kg) and lead (0.169 mg/kg) had the highest accumulation in the Warri exposed liver
tissues of the mice. PH sample had the highest values of the biomarkers but statistical analysis
showed a significant difference (p<0.05) between the samples and control with R2 value of
0.304. There were non-cancerous changes in the architectural structure and integrity of the
observed liver and kidney tissues in comparison to their controls with normal architecture.
Hence, adequate and strict measures should be established by government and environmental
policymakers to ensure proper treatment and monitoring of these liquid wastes before they are
discharged into our terrestrial and aquatic environments.
RRJoT (2020) 22-31 © STM Journals 2020. All Rights Reserved Page 22
Toxicological Evaluation of Two Nigerian Refinery Effluents Egurefa et al.
galactosidase activity in the test bacterium Egurefa et al. [10]. The samples were mixed
after exposed period of time [4]. together to obtain a total of two representative
samples and were immediately transported to
Liver is the major organ site for transformation the laboratory in ice packed coolers, analyzed
and cleansing of xenobiotics, and so for physicochemical parameters and stored at
particularly vulnerable to these agents [6]. 4°C for further analysis.
Also, kidney, as the main organ for the
removal of xenobiotics and the metabolites, is Preparation of Industrial Effluent
primarily susceptible to their damaging effects The refinery industrial effluents samples were
[7]. Damage to these organs frequently results prepared by centrifuging and filtering of the
in elevated levels of clinical liver and kidney produced water suspensions prior to the
serum enzyme biomarkers such as aspartate physicochemical and toxicological assays [5,
transaminase (AST), alanine transaminase 10–13].
(ALT), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), total
protein, urea and creatinine, as indicators of Chemical Analysis
the impairment of hepatic and renal functions The chemical parameters such as oil and
[8]. A study by Andjelkovic et al. [9] showed grease content, total petroleum hydrocarbon
that the accumulation of metals in tissues (TPH), total hydrocarbon content (THC) and
accompanied the disturbances of both total phenol were determined by adopting the
hematological and biochemical parameters. methods of Kiepper [14], Akpveta et al. [15],
Odinga et al. [3] reported that the renal Nwineewii and Azuonwo [16] and Leouifoudi
function test showed a significant increase in et al. [17]. The standard method of APHA [18]
the level of the renal biomarkers when was adopted for heavy metals analysis using
exposed to Port Harcourt refinery effluent. atomic absorption spectrometry.
Odinga et al. [9] reported that the hormonal
and hepatic function test showed significant Toxicity Bioassay
increase (P<0.05) in ALT, AST and ALP Bacterial Toxicity Test (Toxi-Chromo Test)
levels, indicating impaired liver function and The toxi-chromo test was carried out
hepatotoxicity when exposed to Port Harcourt according to method described by EBPI [4]
refinery effluent. and as previously by Uba et al. [5]. The
samples were diluted and incubated with the
There are a lot of literatures on the toxic test genetically modified E. coli and reagents
effects of refinery or produced water on the for 1 hour 50 minutes in a microplate. The
aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems using microplate was read quantitatively at
bioassays. These literatures limited their scope absorbance at 600±20 nm and result were
on single effluent. Among the natural monitors recorded and after which toxicity factor (TF),
applied, there is paucity of information coefficient of variation (CV) and median
regarding the application of mutant of E. coli effective concentration was determined for the
on the refinery effluent and hence necessitate individual samples. The median effective
this study. The present study aimed to evaluate concentration (EC50) was calculated and
the toxic effects of two Nigerian refineries determined by the non-linear equation: Y =
effluents using natural bio-monitors. Bottom + (Top-Bottom)/(1+10^ ((LogEC50-X)
Description of the Studied Area and Sample Mice Toxicity Test
Collection Test Animal
Samples of untreated produced water (refinery All animal experiments were also conducted in
effluents) were aseptically collected at accordance with standard guidelines on
different discharge points through funnels into chemical safety and animal welfare of
sterile and clean 2 L plastic containers from Organization for Economic Cooperation and
both, Port-Harcourt and Warri Refineries Development (OECD) [19]. The experimental
Facilities in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria mice were obtained from Green Stone Farm
in September 2019 as previously described by Okohio, Otolo Nnewi, Anambra State.
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Research & Reviews: A Journal of Toxicology
Volume 10, Issue 2
ISSN: 2231-3834 (Online), ISSN: 2349-1264 (Print)
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Toxicological Evaluation of Two Nigerian Refinery Effluents Egurefa et al.
The results of toxicity factor and 1.5 h median toxicity factor (1702.04) while PH sample had
effective concentration of refinery discharge the lowest toxicity factor (1686.5). In the same
effluents and mercury chloride (HgCl2) after vein, positive control (HgCl2) and Warri
exposure to genetically modified E. coli are samples had the highest and lowest EC50
shown in Figures 1 and 2. From the results, the values of 1.535 mg/L and 0.852%,
positive control (HgCl2) had the highest respectively.
Positive control
Fig. 1: Toxicity Factor of Refinery Discharge Effluents and Mercury Chloride (HgCl2) After
Exposure to Genetically Modified E. coli.
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Research & Reviews: A Journal of Toxicology
Volume 10, Issue 2
ISSN: 2231-3834 (Online), ISSN: 2349-1264 (Print)
Warri 0.852
PH 1.231
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Fig. 3: Heavy Metal Accumulation (Mg/Kg) in the Liver Tissue of Mice Exposed to Refinery
Industrial Effluents.
Mice Toxicity Profile values of AST (24 µ/L), ALT (29 µ/L), ALP
Figures 3 and 4 showed heavy metal (89µ/L), urea (14.6 mmol/L) and creatinine
accumulation (mg/kg) in the liver and kidney (146 mmol/L) while the control sample had
tissues of mice exposed to refinery industrial the lowest values of AST (12 µ/L), ALT (10
effluents. From the results, Warri liver and µ/L), ALP (43 µ/L) urea (2.6 mmol/L) and
control liver had the highest and lowest iron creatinine (75 mmol/L).
concentration values of 1.616 mg/kg and
1.084 mg/kg, respectively. Warri liver and The results of the haematoxylin and eosin stain
control liver had the highest and the lowest sections of the liver and kidney tissues of the
copper concentration values of 0.167 mg/kg mice exposed to refinery industrial effluents
and 0.066 mg/kg, respectively. Warri liver are shown in Plates 1a–c and 2a-c. From the
and the control liver had the highest and plates, control liver revealed a normal tissue
lowest lead concentration values of 0.169 architecture; central vein (arrow) and radiating
mg/kg and 0.099 mg/kg, respectively. hepatic plates, PH liver showed a portal
inflammation (arrows), Warri liver showed a
Table 3 showed the biochemical indices of diffuse hyperemia (arrow), control kidney
mice exposed to refinery industrial effluents. revealed a normal tissue architecture;
From the result, PH sample had the highest glomeruli inside the Bowman’s capsule
RRJoT (2020) 22-31 © STM Journals 2020. All Rights Reserved Page 26
Toxicological Evaluation of Two Nigerian Refinery Effluents Egurefa et al.
(arrow) and tubules, PH kidney showed an Warri kidney showed a more constricted
evidence of focal inflammation (circle) and glomerulus (arrow) and a normal one.
Copper Iron Lead
Fig. 4: Heavy Metal Accumulation in the Kidney Tissue of Mice Exposed to Refinery Industrial
(a) (b)
Plate 1A–C. Haematoxylin and Eosin Stain Section of the Liver Tissue of the Mice Exposed to
Refinery Industrial Effluents. A. Control liver- Liver section revealing a normal Tissue Architecture;
Central vein (Arrow) and Radiating Hepatic Plates (x40) B. PH Liver - Liver Section showing a
Portal Inflammation (arrows) (x4) C. Warri liver - Liver Section showing a Diffuse Hyperemia
(arrow) (x4).
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Research & Reviews: A Journal of Toxicology
Volume 10, Issue 2
ISSN: 2231-3834 (Online), ISSN: 2349-1264 (Print)
(a) (b)
Plate 2A–C. Haematoxylin and Eosin Stain Section of the Kidney Tissue of the Mice Exposed to
Refinery Industrial Effluents. A. Control kidney- tissue section reveals a normal tissue architecture;
Glomeruli inside the Bowman’s Capsule (Arrow) and Tubules (x4) B. PH Kidney - renal section
showing an Evidence of focal Inflammation (Circle) (10). C. Warri Kidney - renal section showing a
more Constricted Glomerulus (Arrow) and a Normal One (x10).
RRJoT (2020) 22-31 © STM Journals 2020. All Rights Reserved Page 28
Toxicological Evaluation of Two Nigerian Refinery Effluents Egurefa et al.
sample had higher values of oil and grease, and AST in the plasma of the effluent
TPH, THC, copper, chromium, mercury and exposed mice. These biomarkers increased in
phenol while Warri sample had a higher iron, the blood of the animals when treated with
and lead metals, respectively. The results the effluents. These increases signify that the
revealed that the two effluent samples are liver and kidney tissues have been penetrated
highly polluted although PH sample was more leading to functional disruptions of the
polluted than the Warri sample. Most of the membranes of the effluent exposed mice liver
sample parameters exceeded most DPR [21] and kidney. These phenomenals could be
limits for produced wastewater which means attributed to leakage from the liver and
that the discharge of these liquid wastes into kidney due to the inflammation caused by the
aquatic or terrestrial environments would create 14 days mice exposure to the effluents. PH
structural and environmental disparity among sample had the highest values of the
living organisms. biomarkers but statistical analysis showed a
significant difference (p < 0.05) between the
The results in Table 2 and Figure 1 revealed samples and control with R 2 value of 0.304.
that the samples inhibited the biosynthesis of β- This shows that the samples had a significant
galactosidase which is an inducible enzyme in effect on the organs resulting to damage
the genetically modified E. coli as depicted by unlike the control set up. It is worthy to note
the high toxicity factor of the samples. The that the damages could also be attributed to
result in Figure 2 showed that the positive the presence of heavy metals, hydrocarbons
control sample (HgCl2) exhibited the most and other pollutants emitted during refining
harmful effect on 50% population of mutant E. processes and is in line with the published
coli with EC50 value of 1.535% in accordance works of Odinga et al. [3, 20] who reported
with the GESAMP [22] and CSP [23] toxicity that higher levels of these markers were
classification system as described before. The observed when rats were exposed to the Port
reason for this high toxic impact could be as a Harcourt refinery untreated effluents. Lead
result of the influences of the hydrocarbons, and iron had the highest accumulation in the
heavy metals, organic and inorganic liver and kidney tissues of the mice. The
contaminants that were present in those samples metals were carried via red blood cells to
as presented in Table 1. There were no different parts of the body after absorption.
statistically significant differences detected (P > When they reached the liver and kidney,
0.05) among the samples and control with R2 damage and physiological malfunctions
value of 0.022. The coefficient of variation occurred. These damages led to a significant
(CV) of all the samples were found to be less increase in the blood enzymes and a reduction
than 25% showing the validity standard of this in protein synthesis as shown in Figures 3 and
study and substantiate the recommendation 4. Andjielkovic et al. [9] reported that the
value (≤ 25%) of EBPI [4] that for Toxi- accumulation of lead and cadmium metals in
Chromo TestTM quantitative results to be liver and kidney tissues of rats resulted into
considered valid, the CV between the an imbalance in the biochemical parameters
absorbance values of negative controls and of the heavy metal exposed rats. In order to
sample replicates must be less than 25%. The reveal the extent of these damages by the
results of this study collaborate with the refinery industrial effluents, histopathological
research work of Uba et al. [5] who reported examinations were carried out on the
that wastewaters from the crude oil polluted dissected liver and kidney tissues and the
Niger Delta marine ecosystem had their CV results are illustrated in Plates 1a–c and 2a–c,
values less than 25%. Ajuzieogu et al. [12] respectively. From the results, there were
reported 15-minute EC50 values of the untreated evidences of structural abnormalities,
and treated produced water samples for Vibrio alteration of metabolites biosynthesis and
fischeri was 1.0% and 23.27%, respectively. excretory malfunctions in both, PH and Warri
effluents exposed mice in comparison to the
The result in Table 3 revealed the increase in control with normal structural architectures of
concentration of urea, creatinine, ALT, ALP the liver and kidney tissues. These alterations
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Volume 10, Issue 2
ISSN: 2231-3834 (Online), ISSN: 2349-1264 (Print)
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