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Unit 4 Name: - Mark: - /70: The First Superheroes Were Characters in (American) Comic Books

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Unit 4 Name:____________________________ Mark: ___/70

people can’t. Secondly, they usually have a secret

1 Listen to an extract from a story.
identity. For example, Clark Kent is a newspaper
Choose the correct phrases to complete the
reporter, but when he is needed, he can change into
sentences. Superman in a second. Of course, nobody in everyday
The doctor asks Sandy to close her eyes. life knows that Clark is also Superman and they never
see him changing into a superhero with a red cape.
(help him close her eyes tell him her
Superheroes usually have a special costume and they
problem) often wear a mask as well. Thirdly, superheroes have
1 The doctor talks quite _________________. a lot of enemies that they must fight, but they also
(softly quickly kindly) have a weakness that their enemies can use to try to
destroy them. Superman’s weakness is Kryptonite, the
2 He _________________ the lights.
green material from his home planet of Krypton.
(turns on switches off puts off) Not all superheroes are men. There are also many
3 Sandy has to imagine that she is in female superheroes, such as Wonder Woman,
_________________. Catwoman and Batgirl, and some are nearly as old as
the men. Wonder Woman first appeared in a comic
(the countryside a garden her bed) book in 1941!
4 She imagines she can hear Now, we want to know about your favourite superhero
_________________ singing. or superheroine. Write a short article describing your
favourite and tell us why you like him or her so much.
(birds someone insects)
Send it to us before 10th December. The writer of the
5 She imagines she is walking towards best article will win two tickets for the premiere of the
_________________. latest Batman film and they will have a chance to meet
(a river a lake some trees) the star! So start writing!

6 The peaceful scene changes when Sandy The first superheroes were characters in
has to imagine she hears films.
_________________. The first superheroes were characters in
(someone shooting a gun the rain falling (American) comic books.
a plane flying over her) 1 Comic book superheroes first appeared in
7 She panics when she sees something the nineteenth century.
horrible coming out of the ___________________________________
_________________. 2 Superman first appeared in a comic book in
(trees garden lake) 1930.
_____ 14 ___________________________________
3 Batman can see better than normal people.
2 Read a text about superheroes. Correct the
mistakes in the sentences.
4 In his normal life, Superman is a teacher.
People have always had heroes they can respect and
admire. Sometimes these heroes are legendary
characters from the past, like Robin Hood. Others are 5 Superman’s enemies can use Krypton to
characters in books, like the great detective Sherlock hurt him.
Holmes. And then in 1930s, superheroes appeared in
American comic books. One of the most famous was
Superman, who appeared in the comic book series 6 Wonder Woman appeared in a film for the
Action Comics in 1938. Since then Superman has first time in 1941.
become a film superhero as well, along with other ___________________________________
much-loved superheroes like Batman and Spiderman.
7 The prize for the best article is a Batman
So what characteristics do superheroes have? Firstly,
they need to have extraordinary powers, which they comic book.
use to do good and save the world. Superman, for ___________________________________
example, can fly and he can see things that other
_____ 14
Project Fourth edition PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 2016
3 Choose the correct alternatives. 5 Write requests. Use the prompts and the
I don’t mind to get up / getting up early. words in brackets.

1 My brother hopes to play / playing in a rock give / me a lift into town (could)
band one day. Could you give me a lift into town?
2 We really want to see / seeing that film. 1 turn / down the TV (mind)
3 I can’t imagine to be / being a doctor. ___________________________________
4 I often forget to read / reading my emails. 2 have / a cup of coffee (could)
5 The knight promised to throw / throwing ___________________________________
away the sword. 3 take / the dog for a walk (mind)
6 They didn’t finish to eat / eating until ___________________________________
two o’clock. 4 do / the washing-up (could)
7 The band stopped to play / playing at ___________________________________
midnight and everyone went home. 5 help / me with my homework (mind)
_____ 7
6 wash / the car for me (could)
4 Complete the sentences using the -ing form. ___________________________________
Choose from these verbs. 7 ask / Josh to phone me tomorrow (could)
ring bark sing knock stand blow ___________________________________
climb lie _____ 7

There were a lot of birds singing in the 6 Look at the pictures and write the words.
1 I remember seeing my grandmother
____________________ next to my bed.
2 There is a phone ____________________
3 There are a lot of people
____________________ on the beach. knight 1 _______________
4 I can feel the wind ____________________
in my hair.
5 There is someone ____________________
on the door.
6 I can hear a dog ____________________ at
my cat!
7 I can see a burglar ____________________ 2 _______________ 3 _______________
over the gate.

_____ 7

4 _______________ 5 _______________

Project Fourth edition PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 2016

8 Complete the dialogue.
Waiter Are you ready to order, madam?
Customer Yes, please.
Waiter What (1) ____________________
Customer (2) ____________________ I
6 _______________ 7 _______________ have a chicken salad, please?
Waiter Do you want
_____ 7
(3) ____________________ with
7 Correct the mistakes in the sentences. your salad?
I’m worried. We’re going on holiday Customer I’ll (4) ____________________
next week! some chips.
I’m excited. We’re going on holiday ______ Waiter Would you like anything
next week! (5) ____________________?
1 I love lying in the sun. I find it boring. Customer (6) ____________________ a
___________________________________ glass of apple juice, please.
2 The teacher was amused because we Waiter So, that’s a chicken salad with
weren’t listening to him. chips and an apple juice.
___________________________________ Customer Yes. Thank you. And would
3 Everyone laughed when I dropped my ice (7) ____________________
cream, but I was embarrassing. bringing me a coffee, please?
___________________________________ Waiter Certainly.
4 The game was excited. The final score was _____ 7
5 This programme is interested. Can I change
6 I was relaxed when my friends organized a
party for me. I didn’t know anything about it!
7 There was an interested programme on TV
last night.

_____ 7

Project Fourth edition PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 2016

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