Unit 5 Tests: Answer Key and Audio Script
Unit 5 Tests: Answer Key and Audio Script
Unit 5 Tests: Answer Key and Audio Script
1 plastic bottle
Answer key and audio script
2 cardboard box
1 (two points each) 3 chewing gum
Suggested answers: 4 plastic bag
1 They had to change the room because it was too 5 bottle top
small. 6 sweet wrappers
2 Miss Dean teaches Science. 7 drinks cans
3 He took a photo of the church in winter.
8 (one point each)
4 They used Jack’s photograph for a poster.
1 Yes, I’ve been to Spain and France.
5 Jack Parker and Miss Dean will give some
2 How did you travel?
advice later on in the evening.
3 We went by plane to Spain and we took the train
6 There will be organized trips at the weekend.
to France.
7 There’ll be a competition in June.
4 Did you go on the Eurostar from London?
2 (two points each) 5 Yes, we did. It was great.
Suggested answers: 6 I’ve never flown in a plane.
1 They had to grow their food and build their 7 It’s fun, and airports are exciting places.
2 Ben has presented wildlife and animal AUDIOSCRIPT
programmes. Welcome to this first meeting of the photography club –
3 He has made documentaries about Captain Scott well, that is the first meeting this year. We’ve had a
and Prince William. photography club at this school for five years now! It’s
4 Ben rowed across the Atlantic with James good to see so many of you. I’m glad you got the
Cracknell. information about the room change. Room 6 isn’t big
5 It took him 18 days to ski to the South Pole. enough for us all! I know five or six people from last year
6 He became ill while he was working in Peru. but I think everyone else is new. I hope I’ll meet all of
7 Ben has written five books. you before the end of tonight’s meeting.
3 (one point each) First, I want to say that it’s good to have some experience
1 eaten 2 ridden 3 written 4 done but it isn’t necessary. I’m sure some people here have
5 climbed 6 gone 7 swum never taken a photo before. It doesn’t matter. There are
people here to help you.
4 (one point each)
We have Miss Dean – some of you have lessons with her
1 Michael has never won a competition.
– she’s our favourite science teacher! She’s very good
2 We’ve just finished our homework.
with a camera and has won lots of competitions. We’ve
3 Jake has never played tennis for the school.
also got Jack Parker with us. You know him from sports
4 Has Lizzie ever climbed a mountain?
lessons! Jack is a real expert. He took the lovely photo
5 Linda and Bridget have just cooked dinner for
that we’ve got on our poster for the club – the one of the
their parents.
church in winter. He and Miss Dean are here to give
6 Have they ever been in hospital?
advice on the best cameras, the best positions, and so on.
7 George has never slept in a caravan.
They’ll talk to you later this evening.
5 (one point each) Now, remember we meet every week at this time – and
1 has caught 2 saw 3 ’ve just had this will be our room for the term. Room 14. We organize
4 hasn’t done 5 invited 6 didn’t fly trips to different photo exhibitions during the year –
7 has won they’re at the weekend and we have our end of year
6 (one point each) competition in June. So, that’s enough from me. Now
1 balloon 2 horse 3 racing car Miss Dean will tell you... (fade)
4 mountain 5 tent 6 dolphins 7 ghost