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Planeshifter: Dual Halls of Learning Student of The Planes

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Clad in dark brown robes, a human unsheathes her

sword and draws her hand back, whispering a quiet
chant as undead creatures surround her. With a flick
of her wrist, a bead of fire leaves her fingertips and
streaks forward, erupting into a ball of fire once it
reaches their ranks. As the flames disperse, she rushes
into the fray with her blade, knocking aside the undead
with deft strikes and precise blasts of water.
Her long hair whipped by conjured wind, a gnome leaps
into the air. Momentarily floating above the battlefield, she
soon crashes down into a mass of kobolds. As she lands, her
skin becomes stonelike and an earthen shield surrounds her.
Crouching on a high tree branch, a high elf draws back his
bow. Focusing his gaze on the sleeping hill giant below, he
releases an arrow. The fiery streak whistles as it flies
towards its target, finding its mark in the back of the
giant’s head.
Planeshifters are masters of both arcane magic and
the sword. Whatever their background, they are united
by their study and mastery of the planes of existence.
Drawing on the weaves of magic that permeate
these planes, planeshifters cast spells of blazing
fire, rushing wind, and even more powerful effects. Their
traditions also stress the importance of physical strength and As the creatures of the multiverse are often dangerous,
dexterity, as these traits are invaluable when traversing the becoming a powerful planeshifter can be a deadly task. In
highly varied and dangerous planar locations. Against some their pursuit of knowledge, planeshifters often come across
otherworldly creatures, an over-reliance on magic can spell a powerful elementals, genies, and an assortment of other
planeshifter’s destruction. extra-dimensional beings.

Student of the Planes Dual Halls of Learning

Alien and enigmatic, the otherworldly planes of existence A few ancient halls dot the landscapes of the worlds of
draw the attention of many scholars and adventurers that D&D, acting as great schools of learning for prospective
seek to gain knowledge of their mysteries. The planes of students. Much like the schools of wizardry, the halls of the
existence teach of many things—while planes such as planeshifters act like universities, teaching students of the
Elysium and Arcadia focus on magic, planes like Ysgard and powers of the multiverse and allowing them to research, and
Acheron seek out only mighty warriors. The halls teach that sometimes travel to the different planes of existence. These
a planeshifter must learn from and study all the various halls are usually quite large, though very few of their
planes, even if they specialize in only a few of them. Most students are ever able to gain even apprentice level mastery
planeshifters initially study and attune themselves to the of the planes.
elemental planes—the planes of fire, water, earth, and air, Planeshifter halls, like the planes themselves, have a
which allow them to learn elemental spells—but later they dualistic nature. Any one hall often teaches only two of the
attune themselves to some of the many outer planes. major traditions, and they emphasize the importance of
In order to harness planar magic, planeshifters must study balance in all things—a planeshifter must learn of both the
the creatures of the planes they wish to attune to, and they positive and negative planes, and they must balance their
also seek out and examine ancient relics and manuscripts learning of both the martial and the arcane. A planeshifter
that write of the planes of existence. that over-specializes is sure to find themselves unequipped
to deal with the varied conditions of the planes.

The Planeshifter
Proficiency Attunements —Spell Slots per Spell Level—
Level Bonus Features Known 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
1st +2 Extraplanar Sensitivity, Planar Traditions — — — — — —
2nd +2 Fighting Style, Spellcasting, Ethereal Shift (1/rest) — 2 — — — —
3rd +2 Planar Attunements, Planar Tradition features 1 3 — — — —
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 1 3 — — — —
5th +3 Extra Attack, Brand 1 4 2 — — —
6th +3 Planar Tradition features 1 4 2 — — —
7th +3 Ethereal Sight 2 4 3 — — —
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 2 4 3 — — —
9th +4 — 2 4 3 2 — —
10th +4 Planar Tradition features 2 4 3 2 — —
11th +4 Brand Improvement 3 4 3 3 — —
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 3 4 3 3 — —
13th +5 — 3 4 3 3 1 —
14th +5 Planar Tradition features 3 4 3 3 1 —
15th +5 Ethereal Shift (2/rest) 4 4 3 3 2 —
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 4 4 3 3 2 —
17th +6 — 4 4 3 3 3 1
18th +6 Planar Tradition features 4 4 3 3 3 1
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 4 4 3 3 3 2
20th +6 Ethereal Shift (unlimited) 4 4 3 3 3 2

Art: Battlemage by Grzegorz Rutkowski

Planeshifters spend a lot of their time outside of the hall, Multiclassing

however. The lure of knowledge or the rumors of an The prerequisites for multiclassing into a planeshifter are:
extraplanar object might call even prudent planeshifters to a Dexterity 13 and Intelligence 13. When you multiclass into
life of adventure. If rumors of a particularly powerful or rare Planeshifter, you gain proficiency in light armor, simple
relic emerge, many planeshifters leave their halls on great weapons, and martial weapons. When determining your total
adventures in their attempts to find it before others do. spell slots, you add half of your planeshifter levels (rounded
down) to the total.
Creating a Planeshifter
When you create a planeshifter, think about the history you Class Features
have with your hall. Were you born there to parents that also
As a planeshifter, you gain the following class features.
learned or taught there? Did you enter the hall in order live a
more secluded life, where you wouldn’t be judged for your
past deeds? Or perhaps you just chose this life on a whim? Hit Points
You must also consider why you left the hall to adventure. Hit Dice: 1d10 per planeshifter level
Did you hear a particularly exciting rumor? Were you placed Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + your Constitution modifier
on a mission to recover a lost artifact or to seek out a an Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + your
extraplanar being? Did you want to leave, or did you feel Constitution modifier per planeshifter level after 1st
like you were pressured or even forced to go? Is there a
secondary, personal quest that you wish to accomplish? Do Proficiencies
you want to make this adventure quick so you can return to Armor: Light armor, medium armor, shields
your studies, or do you want to go out and see the world? Weapons: Simple weapons, martial weapons
Quick Build Tools: None
You can make a planeshifter quickly by following these Saving Throws: Dexterity, Intelligence
suggestions. First, make Strength or Dexterity your highest Skills: Choose two from Acrobatics, Arcana, Athletics,
ability score, depending on what weapons you want to use. History, Perception, and Religion.
Your next highest ability score should be Intelligence, your
spellcasting ability. Second, choose the sage background.

Equipment other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the that weapon.
equipment granted by your background
• (a) scale mail or (b) leather armor
Great Weapon Fighting
• (a) a longbow or (b) two simple weapons When you roll a 1 or 2 on a damage die for an attack you
• (a) an explorer’s pack or (b) a scholar’s pack make with a melee weapon that you are wielding with two
• A longsword and two daggers hands, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll, even
if the new roll is a 1 or a 2. The weapon must have the
Extraplanar Sensitivity two-handed or versatile property for you to gain this benefit.

Your attunement to the outer planes allows you to notice Two-Weapon Fighting
extraplanar beings when others would not. As an action, you When you engage in two-weapon fighting, you can add your
can tune your senses to detect such beings. Until the end of ability modifier to the damage of the second attack.
your next turn, you know the location of any creature within
60 feet of you that is native to a plane other than the material Spellcasting
plane. You know the native plane of any being whose
By the time you reach 2nd level, you have learned to use
presence you sense, but not its identity or type. You also
your attunement to the planes to cast spells. See chapter 10
know the distance and direction to any planar portals within
of the Player’s Handbook for the general rules of
1000 feet of you.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to 1 +
your Intelligence modifier. When you finish a long rest, you Spell Slots
regain all expended uses. The Planeshifter table shows how many spell slots you have

Planar Tradition
to cast your spells of 1st level and higher. To cast one of
these spells, you must expend a slot of the spell’s level or
Choose two different planar traditions related to the planes higher. You regain all expended spell slots when you finish
that you study, as detailed at the end of the class description. a long rest.
Each choice grants you features at 1st level, planar spells Spells Known of 1st Level and Higher
starting at 2nd level, and additional features at 3rd, 6th, 14th,
You know the spells listed in the planar spell list of the
and 18th levels. You can “shift” between these two planes,
plane you’re shifted to. Each of these spell lists give you
as detailed in the Planar Shift section below.
spells at 2nd, 5th, 9th, 13th, and 17th levels.
Planar Spells Spellcasting Ability
Each tradition has a list of spells that you gain at the
Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for your planeshifter
planeshifter levels noted in the tradition description. While
spells, since your magic draws on your studies into the
you are shifted to a plane, you have access to the spells
different planes of existence. You use your Intelligence
associated with that plane.
whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In
Planar Shift addition, you use your Intelligence modifier when setting
As a planeshifter, you are attuned to two planes of existence the saving throw DC for a planeshifter spell you cast and
as determined by your planar tradition. As an action, you when making an attack roll with one.
may “shift” between these two planes, granting you different
features and abilities dependent on the plane you are Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus +
currently shifted to. your Intelligence modifier
Each plane has its own features and spells, and you may Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus +
only access and use these features when you are shifted to your Intelligence modifier
that plane. When you are shifted to a plane, you do not gain
any of the features of your other plane, and you may not cast Spellcasting Focus
or concentrate on the spells associated with the other plane, You can use an arcane focus as a spellcasting focus for your
unless you have learned them through another means outside planeshifter spells.
of the planeshifter class.
Ethereal Shift
Fighting Style Beginning at 2nd level, you gain the ability to momentarily
At 2nd level, you have adopted a style of fighting as your shunt yourself to the ethereal plane and use your proximity
specialty. Choose one of the following options. You can’t to the inner planes to more easily shift between them. As a
take a fighting style more than once, even if you later get to bonus action on your turn, you can transport yourself to the
choose again. ethereal plane and then immediately reappear at a location
within 10 feet of where you left. When you do so, you can
Archery choose to shift to your other plane as you reappear.
You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls you make with ranged Once you use your Ethereal Shift, you must finish a short
weapons. or long rest before you can use it again.
Defense Beginning at 15th level, you can use your Ethereal Shift
twice between rests, regaining all expended uses when you
While you are wearing armor, you gain a +1 bonus to AC. finish a short or long rest.
Dueling At 20th level, you can use your Ethereal Shift an
When you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no unlimited number of times.

Once you reach 11th level, your attacks against branded
Planar Attunements creatures deal an additional 2d4 force damage. If the
creature is native to the plane whose symbol you branded it
In your studies of the planes of existence, you have learned
with, the damage adds together for a total of 3d4.
how to attune to some of the outer planes of existence.
At 3rd level, you gain access to an extraplanar attunement
of your choice. You can choose any one of the sixteen outer
Ethereal Sight
planes of existence, which each give unique features outlined At 7th level, you can see into the Ethereal plane within 30
at the end of the class description. When you gain certain feet of you.
planeshifter levels, you gain the ability to attune to more
planes of your choice, as shown in the Attunements Known
column of the Planeshifter table.
Planar Traditions
In the course of their studies, planeshifters specialize in two
Attunement Spells of the many ancient traditions, called halls. Each of these
Each attunement has a list of spells that you gain at the halls are dedicated to the study of a specific plane.
planeshifter levels noted in the attunement description. Once The most common planar traditions are those that revolve
you reach the required level, you can cast these spells using around the elemental planes: the Hall of the Maelstrom, the
your spell slots. Hall of the Inferno, the Hall of Earth, and the Hall of Sky.

Ability Score Increase

While these aren’t the only halls, the vast majority of
institutions only cater to these fields of study.
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and
19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice Hall of the Maelstrom
by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice As a member of the Hall of the Maelstrom, you specialize in
by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 elemental magics that produce torrents of water and great
using this feature. floods. While attuned to the plane of water, you gain access

Extra Attack
to abilities that help you control the battlefield.
Affiliates of this hall might find themselves as tacticians
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, and low ranking military commanders, using their abilities
whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. to assist their allies and force their enemies into an inferior
Brand Planar Spells
Starting at 5th level, you can use a bonus action on your turn You gain the planar spells in the table below at the
to brand a creature that you can see within 60 feet of you. planeshifter levels listed.
The brand appears as the symbol of one of the planes that
you have chosen with your Planar Tradition or Planar
Attunement features, and it lasts for 1 minute. For the
duration, your weapon attacks against that creature are
treated as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance
and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage.
Additionally, if the creature is native to the plane whose
symbol you branded it with, that creature takes an additional
1d4 force damage from your weapon attacks.
Water Spells
Hall of the Inferno
Level Spells As a member of the Hall of the Inferno, you specialize in
2nd fog cloud, create water . elemental magics that produce blasts of fire and scorching
5th grasping pool, water whips heat. While attuned to the plane of fire, you gain abilities
9th wall of water, water breathing . that help you destroy your opposition.
13th control water, watery sphere Followers of this tradition often find themselves in
17th maelstrom, geyser . military positions, acting as powerful mid-ranged blasters
and front-line fighters. Others might make their due as
simple adventurers, detering monsters with great infernos
One with the Maelstrom and destructive blasts.
When you choose this tradition at 1st level, you gain the
ability to shift to the elemental plane of water to augment Planar Spells
your attacks with watery blasts. Once per turn when you hit a You gain the planar spells in the table below at the
creature with a weapon attack, you can choose to push the planeshifter levels listed.
target up to 5 feet away from you.
At 3rd level, you can push the target up to 10 feet away Flame Spells
from you. At 10th level, this increases to 15 feet, and at 14th
level this increases to 20 feet.
Level Spells
Icy Rebuke 2nd burning hands, hellish rebuke .
Beginning at 6th level, you can rebuke your attackers with a 5th flaming sphere, scorching ray
blast of ice and frigid air. When you take damage, you can 9th fireball, melf’s minute meteors .
use your reaction to freeze your opponent. The creature that 13th fire shield, wall of fire
attacked you must make a Dexterity saving throw against 17th flame strike, immolation .
your spell save DC. On a failed save, they are restrained until
the end of their next turn and knocked prone. On a successful
save, they are only knocked prone.
Once you use either of your 6th level planar tradition
features, you can’t use either feature again until you finish a
short or long rest.
Tidal Champion
Beginning at 18th level, you can assume the form of a mighty
ocean spirit. Using your action, you undergo a
transformation. For 1 minute, you gain the
following benefits:
• You have resistance to cold damage
• The ground in a 15-foot radius centered on you is
difficult terrain for enemies.
• Whenever you hit an enemy with a weapon attack, they
must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw against your
Planeshifter spell save DC or be knocked prone.
Once you use either of your 18th level planar tradition
features, you can’t use either feature again until you finish a
long rest.

Art: Secret Pass by

Grzegorz Rutkowski
gain a number of temporary hit points equal to 1d8 + your
One with the Inferno Planeshifter level. These temporary hit points last until the
When you choose this tradition at 1st level, you gain the end of your next turn.
ability to shift to the elemental plane of fire to wreath your Once you use either of your 6th level planar tradition
weapons in flame. Once per turn when you hit a creature features, you can’t use either feature again until you finish a
with a weapon attack, the creature takes an extra 1d4 fire short or long rest.
At 3rd level, the extra fire damage is increased to 1d6. At Unyielding Mountain
10th level, this increases to 1d8, and at 14th level this Beginning at 18th level, as an action, you can transform
increases to 1d10. yourself into a stone guardian. For 1 minute, you have
resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.
Fiery Blast For the duration, you and allies within 5 feet of you gain a
Beginning at 6th level, you can unleash devastating infernos. +1 bonus to their AC and cannot be moved unwillingly.
When you roll fire damage, you can use this feature to deal Once you use either of your 18th level planar tradition
maximum damage, instead of rolling. features, you can’t use either feature again until you finish a
Once you use either of your 6th level planar long rest.
tradition features, you can’t use either feature
again until you finish a short or long rest. Hall of the Sky
Lord of Embers As a member of the Hall of the Sky, you have learned to
At 18th level, as an action, you can wreath your entire body shape the wind at your command and harness it to grant you
in flame. For 1 minute, you have resistance to fire damage bursts of speed and flight. While attuned to the plane of air,
and at the end of each of your turns each enemy within 10 you are granted greatly increased mobility and flight.
feet of you takes 2d10 fire damage. When you take damage, Practitioners of this hall are often travelers and
you can use your reaction to activate this effect again. adventurers, using their unique powers to swiftly navigate
Once you use either of your 18th level planar tradition the worlds of D&D. Still others might use their abilities to
features, you can’t use either feature again until you finish a work as thieves or assassins, using powers of flight and
long rest. swiftness to make their entrances and getaways.

Hall of the Earth Planar Spells

You gain the planar spells in the table below at the
As a member of the Hall of the Earth, you have learned to planeshifter levels listed.
transmute the earth to your will and shape it to your
command. While attuned to the plane of earth, you have Air Spells
access to powerful defensive capabilities.
Those that practice this tradition often act as guardians Planeshifter
and bodyguards, utilizing their increased physical durability Level Spells
to stay standing when others would fall. 2nd featherfall, longstrider .
5th gust of wind, levitate
Planar Spells 9th fly, wind wall .
You gain the planar spells in the table below 13th freedom of movement, cloud form
at the planeshifter levels listed. 17th control winds, rushing wind .

Earth Spells One with the Sky

Planeshifter When you choose this tradition at 1st level, you gain the
Level Spells ability to shift to the elemental plane of air to enhance your
2nd absorb elements, earth tremor . speed. Your walking speed increases by 5 feet, and your
5th maximilian's earthen grasp, earth dome jump distance is doubled.
9th erupting earth, meld into stone . At 3rd level, the speed bonus increases to 10 feet. At 10th
13th stone shape, stoneskin level, this increases to 15 feet, and at 14th level it increases
17th transmute rock, wall of stone . to 20 feet.
Burst of Flight
One with the Earth Beginning at 6th level, you can quickly take to the skies. As
When you choose this tradition at 1st level, you gain the a bonus action, you can fly a distance up to your walking
ability to shift to the elemental plane of earth to gain a speed without provoking opportunity attacks.
coating of rocky armor. Bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing Once you use either of your 6th level planar tradition
damage you would take is reduced by 2. features, you can’t use either feature again until you finish a
At 3rd level, the damage you would take is instead short or long rest.
reduced by 3. At 10th level, the damage is reduced by 4, and
at 14th level it is reduced by 5. Windborn Vindicator
Beginning at 18th level, you can grant yourself the powers
Earthen Skin of a sovereign wind spirit. Using your action, you undergo a
Beginning at 6th level, you can cover your skin with a stony transformation. For 1 minute, you gain the following
covering in response to attack. When you’re hit by an attack benefits:
but before you’re dealt damage, you can use your reaction to

• You have a flying speed of 60 feet. Once you use either of your 18th level planar tradition
features, you can’t use either feature again until you finish a
• You can take the dash action as a bonus action on your
long rest.
• Ranged weapon attacks have disadvantage against you.
Hall of the Feywild
Once you use either of your 18th level planar tradition
features, you can’t use either feature again until you finish a As a member of the Hall of the Feywild, you specialize in
long rest. the deceptive malice that characterizes fey magic. While
attuned to this plane, you can misdirect and deceive your
Hall of the Shadowfell foes with fae charms, invisibility, and illusions.
Some practitioners of this hall act as benevolent tricksters,
As a member of the Hall of the Shadowfell, you study the not unlike the fey creatures they emulate. Others might use
malevolent and dark energies that persist throughout the their abilities for evil purposes, tricking those they come
Shadowfell, learning to manipulate those forces to your will. across and acting as thieves or robbers.
While attuned to the shadowfell, you gain powers that allow
you to disable your foes, leaving them confused, frightened, Planar Spells
and unnerved. You gain the planar spells in the table below
Most that follow this tradition are seen as threatening, or at the planeshifter levels listed.
sometimes even evil.While many of them do fall into this
stereotype, some use the foul abilities of the Shadowfell for Feywild Spells
good and to neutralize evil. Planeshifter
Planar Spells Level Spells
You gain the planar spells in the table below 2nd charm person, faerie fire .
at the planeshifter levels listed. 5th invisibility, misty step
9th counterspell, major image .
13th hallucinatory terrain, greater invisibility
Shadowfell Spells 17th dominate person, dream .
Level Spells
2nd bane, ray of sickness . One with the Feywild
5th blindness/deafness, ray of enfeeblement When you choose this tradition at 1st level, you gain the
9th enemies abound, fear . ability to become briefly invisible. Whenever you reduce a
13th phantasmal killer, sickening radiance creature to 0 hit points on your turn, you become invisible
17th contagion, insect plague . until the end of your turn, or until you attack or cast a spell.
At 3rd level, the duration of your invisibility is extended
to the start of your next turn. At 10th level, it is extended
One with the Shadowfell until the end of your next turn, and at 14th level you can
When you choose this tradition at 1st level, a well aimed attack or cast a spell without breaking your invisibility.
attack can pierce into your enemy’s mind, disorienting them.
When you score a critical hit on a creature, that creature has Misdirection
disadvantage on attacks until the end of its next turn, and has At 6th level, you can blink to a new location, leaving behind
its speed reduced by half for the same duration. an illusory double. As an action on your turn, you create an
At 3rd level, your weapon attacks score a critical hit on a illusory double of yourself where your standing, and then
roll of 19 or 20. At 10th level, your critical hits restrain their teleport up to 30 feet to an unoccupied location that you can
target until the end of their next turn, and at 14th level your see. The illusory double lasts for up to one minute, and
weapon attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 18-20. remains perfectly still for the duration. If another creature
interacts with the illusion, it immediately disappears in a
Induce Fear burst of smoke.
Beginning at 6th level, you use your action to attempt to As long as the illusory double lasts, you can use your
frighten a creature within 60 feet of you. That creature must bonus action to teleport back to its location as long as you
make a Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC. are within 30 feet of it. Once you do so, the illusion
On a failed save, they take 2d6 psychic damage, and become disappears.
frightened of you until the end of their next turn. On that Once you use either of your 6th level planar tradition
turn, they must take the Dash action and move away from features, you can’t use either feature again until you finish a
you by the safest available route. On a successful save, they short or long rest.
take half as much damage and suffer no secondary effect.
Once you use either of your 6th level planar tradition Elusive Trickster
features, you can’t use either feature again until you finish a Beginning at 18th level, as an action, you can imbue your
short or long rest. form with fey magic. For the next minute, you gain a
climbing and swimming speed equal to your walking speed,
Lord of the Shadows and when you hit a creature with a weapon attack you deal
Beginning at 18th level, as an action, you can surround 1d8 bonus psychic damage and become invisible to that
yourself with an aura of swirling shadows. For 1 minute, the creature until the start of your next turn. The bonus damage
area within 10 feet of you is considered difficult terrain for and invisibility only activates once per turn for the duration.
enemies, and at the end of each of your turns each creature Once you use either of your 18th level planar tradition
of your choice within 10 feet of you becomes poisoned until features, you can’t use either feature again until you finish a
the start of your next turn. long rest.

Planar Attunements
Elysium Ysgard
The Blessed Fields of Elysium embody the concept of pure The Heroic Domains of Ysgard embody the idea of a
good, and they are the home of many celestials. When you glorious individual struggle, culminating in heroic rewards.
choose this attunement, you gain the following benefits: When you choose this attunement, you gain the following
• You can speak, read, and write a language of your choice. benefits:
• When you cast a spell of 1st level or higher and expend a • You can speak, read, and write Giant.
spell slot, you regain a number of hit points equal to your • When you reduce a creature to 0 hit points with a melee
Intelligence modifier + the spell’s level. weapon attack, you gain a number of temporary hit points
• You gain the following Attunement Spells at the levels equal to your Intelligence modifier + half your
listed below: planeshifter level. These temporary hit points last until
Elysium Spells the start of your next turn.
• You gain the following Attunement Spells at the levels
listed below:
Level Spells
5th zone of truth . Ysgard Spells
9th daylight Planeshifter
13th death ward . Level Spells
17th commune 5th magic weapon .
9th spirit guardians
The Beastlands 13th guardian of faith .
The Wilderness of the Beastlands is a land of verdant 17th raise dead
greenery and endless nature, and it is the home of beasts and
plants of all kinds. When you choose this attunement, you Limbo
gain the following benefits: The Everchanging Chaos of Limbo is a plane of pure chaos
• You can speak, read, and write Druidic. and randomness, where everything is in constant turmoil,
• You can cast beast bond and speak with animals at will, and it is the home of the Slaad and the Gith. When you
without expending a spell slot or material components. choose this attunement, you gain the following benefits:
• You gain the following Attunement Spells at the levels • You can speak, read, and write Slaad and Gith.
listed below: • You learn the mage hand cantrip
Beastlands Spells • You can communicate telepathically with creatures
within 30 feet of you, using a language that you know.
• You gain the following Attunement Spells at the levels
Level Spells
listed below:
5th animal messenger .
9th conjure animals Limbo Spells
13th dominate beast . Planeshifter
17th awaken Level Spells
5th detect thoughts .
Arborea 9th tongues
The Olympian Glades of Arborea is a peaceful plane 13th confusion .
dominated by vast tall forests, and both Olympian gods and 17th seeming
Elvish gods make their home there. When you choose this
attunement, you gain the following benefits: Pandemonium
• You can speak, read, and write Sylvan. The Windswept Depths of Pandemonium is a plane of
• As an action, you can use fey magic to charm a creature endless caverns and howling winds that driven its residents
of your choice. One creature of your choice within 10 mad. When you choose this attunement, you gain the
feet of you must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw following benefits:
against your Planeshifter spell save DC or be charmed by • You can speak, read, and write a language of your choice.
you until the end of your next turn. • You can cast silent image at will, without expending a
You can use this feature a number of times equal to spell slot or material components.
your Intelligence modifier (a minimum of once). You • You gain the following Attunement Spells at the levels
regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest. listed below:
• You gain the following Attunement Spells at the levels Pandemonium Spells
listed below:
Arborea Spells Level Spells
Planeshifter 5th crown of madness .
Level Spells 9th hypnotic pattern
5th pass without trace . 13th evard’s black tentacles .
9th speak with plants 17th modify memory
13th conjure woodland beings .
17th commune with nature

The Abyss Gehenna
The Infinite Layers of the Abyss is a plane of unending The Bleak Eternity of Gehenna is a plane filled with fire and
malevolence and violence, and the birthplace of the vile race evil, and it is the home of the yugoloths. When you choose
of demons. When you choose this attunement, you gain the this attunement, you gain the following benefits:
following benefits: • You can speak, read, and write a language of your choice.
• You can speak, read, and write Abyssal. • You can cast disguise self at will, without expending a
• You can cast detect magic and detect poison and disease spell slot.
at will, without expending a spell slot or material • You gain the following Attunement Spells at the levels
components. listed below:
• You gain the following Attunement Spells at the levels Gehenna Spells
listed below:
Abyss Spells Level Spells
Planeshifter 5th alter self .
Level Spells 9th dispel magic
5th protection from poison . 13th dimension door .
9th stinking cloud 17th dispel evil and good
13th dimension door .
17th cloud kill The Nine Hells
The Nine Hells of Baator is a plane of sinister evil and
Carceri institutional cruelty, organized into a strict caste system by
The Tarterian Depths of Carceri is a plane that imprisons the the Devils. When you choose this attunement, you gain the
treacherous and hateful souls of malevolent creatures. When following benefits:
you choose this attunement, you gain the following benefits: • You can speak, read, and write Infernal.
• You can speak, read, and write a language of your choice. • You can see normally in darkness, both magical and
• As an action, you can use fiendish magic to restrain a nonmagical, to a distance of 120 feet.
creature. One creature of your choice within 10 feet of • You gain the following Attunement Spells at the levels
you must succeed on a Strength saving throw against your listed below:
Planeshifter spell save DC or be restrained until the start Nine Hells Spells
of your next turn.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to
Level Spells
your Intelligence modifier (a minimum of once). You
5th darkness .
regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
9th bestow curse
• You gain the following Attunement Spells at the levels
13th banishment .
listed below:
17th banishing smite
Carceri Spells
Planeshifter Acheron
Level Spells The Infernal Battlefield of Acheron is a plane of eternal
5th hold person . battle and unending conflict, where huge armies of all
9th magic circle numbers of creatures do battle for eternity. When you
13th otiluke’s resilient sphere . choose this attunement, you gain the following benefits:
17th planar binding • You can speak, read, and write a language of your choice.
Hades • As a bonus action, you can command an ally to attack.
One friendly creature of your choice within 30 feet of
The Grey Wastes of Hades embody the concept of pure evil, you can use its reaction to make a weapon attack.
and it is the home of fiendish and evil creatures. When you You can use this feature a number of times equal to
choose this attunement, you gain the following benefits: your Intelligence modifier (a minimum of once). You
• You can speak, read, and write a language of your choice. regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
• Your spells are infused with necrotic energy. When you • You gain the following Attunement Spells at the levels
cast a spell of 1st level or higher that imposes a saving listed below:
throw, any creature that fails their save against that spell Acheron Spells
becomes poisoned until the start of your next turn.
• You gain the following Attunement Spells at the levels
Level Spells
listed below:
5th enhance ability .
Hades Spells 9th elemental weapon
Planeshifter 13th elemental bane .
Level Spells 17th geas
5th phantasmal force .
9th animate dead Mechanus
13th blight . The Clockwork Nirvana of Mechanus is a plane of machines
17th antilife shell inhabited by an array of clockwork beings, including the
Modron. When you choose this attunement, you gain the
following benefits:

• You can speak, read, and write Modron. • You can speak, read, and write Celestial.
• You cannot be charmed, and you have advantage on • When a creature within 5 feet of you makes an attack
against effects that would frighten you. against an ally that is also within 5 feet of you, you can
• You gain the following Attunement Spells at the levels use your reaction to make a weapon attack against them.
listed below: You can use this feature a number of times equal to
Mechanus Spells your Intelligence modifier (a minimum of once). You
regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
• You gain the following Attunement Spells at the levels
Level Spells
listed below:
5th heat metal .
9th slow Mount Celestia Spells
13th compulsion . Planeshifter
17th animate objects Level Spells
5th find steed .
Arcadia 9th crusader’s mantle
The Peaceable Kingdoms of Arcadia embody the concept of 13th aura of purity .
the greater good, where man and nature live in perfect 17th circle of power
harmony. When you choose this attunement, you gain the
following benefits: Bytopia
• You can speak, read, and write two languages of your The Twin Paradises of Bytopia is a plane consisting of dual
layers, each facing each other. One of the layers is the home
to souls of honest craftsmen and workers, while the opposite
• You learn the friends cantrip
houses hidden beasts, monsters, and Gnomish cities. When
• You gain proficiency in the Insight and Persuasion skills.
you choose this attunement, you gain the following benefits:
• You gain the following Attunement Spells at the levels
listed below: • You can speak, read, and write a language of your choice.
Arcadia Spells • You learn the mending cantrip
• You can cast unseen servant and tenser’s floating disk at
will, without expending a spell slot.
Level Spells
• You gain the following Attunement Spells at the levels
5th calm emotions .
listed below:
9th sending
13th mordenkainen’s private sanctum . Bytopia Spells
17th hallow Planeshifter
Level Spells
Mount Celestia 5th mirror image .
The Seven Mounting Heavens of Celestia embody the ideals 9th clairvoyance
of law and goodness. It is the home of many celestials, as 13th arcane eye .
well as the souls of lawful good creatures. When you choose 17th mislead
this attunement, you gain the following benefits:

Spell Descriptions The water then disappears back into the ground, but the
area remains difficult terrain until it is cleared away. Each
These spells are all unique to the Planeshifter, and are 5-foot square portion of the area requires at least 1 minute to
included on some of the spell lists. clear by hand.
Cloud Form Grasping Pool
4th-level transmutation 2nd-level conjuration
Casting Time: 1 minute Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S Components: V, S
Duration: 1 hour Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
You assume a gaseous form for the duration, appearing as a You conjure a thin sheet of animated water over a point of
wisp of cloud. While in this cloud form, you have a flying your choice within range. The water covers a 15-foot
speed of 150 feet and have resistance to damage from radius area centered on that point for the duration.
nonmagical weapons. The only actions you can take in this The water is difficult terrain.
form are the Dash action or to revert to your normal form. Each creature that ends its turn in the area must make a
Reverting takes 1 minute, during which time a creature is Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, a creature is
incapacitated and can’t move. Until the spell ends, a creature restrained until the start of its next turn, and it is pulled up to
can revert to cloud form, which also requires the 1-minute 10 feet towards the center of the pool.
If a creature is in cloud form and flying when the effect Rushing Wind
ends, the creature descends 60 feet per round for 1 minute 5th-level transmutation
until it lands, which it does safely. If it can’t land after 1 Casting Time: 1 action
minute, the creature falls the remaining distance. Range: Self
Earth Dome Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
2nd-level conjuration
Aided by a strong wind, you rush forward, knocking small
Casting Time: 1 action
obstacles aside as you travel. You move a distance equal to
Range: Self triple your speed in a straight line. Each creature that you
Components: V, S come within 10 feet of during your movement must make a
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes
A 5-foot radius immobile dome of earth is conjured around 4d8 bludgeoning damage, is pushed 20 feet away from you
and above you and remains stationary for the duration. perpendicular to the direction you’re traveling, and is
The dome can only fit you inside it, and any other knocked prone. On a successful save, a creature takes half
creatures that would be in the area are pushed out of it as the damage, and is only pushed 10 feet and not knocked prone.
spell forms. The dome gives you total cover, and spells or Small objects are also pushed aside as you travel at the
magical effects cannot extend through the dome or be cast DM’s discretion.
through it. The dome can be attacked, and it has 10 AC and
20 hit points. The spell ends if the dome is reduced to 0 hit Water Whips
points. 2nd-level conjuration
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell Casting Time: 1 action
slot of 3rd level or higher, the hit points of the dome are Range: 20 feet
increased by 10 points for each slot level above 2nd. Components: V, S
Geyser Duration: Instantaneous
5th-level evocation You conjure three long whips of water in an unoccupied
space of your choice within range. Each whip can be
Casting Time: 1 action
directed to lash out at a different creature within
Range: 60 feet 20 feet of it that you can see. Each creature
Components: V, S must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw
Duration: Instantaneous or be pulled 15 feet directly toward
Choose a point you can see on the ground within range. The the whips.
ground begins to crack and crumble, creating difficult terrain At Higher Levels. When you cast
in a 20 foot radius centered on that point. At the start of your this spell using a spell slot of 3rd
next turn, a huge blast of water erupts from the area. Each level or higher, you conjure
creature that is within the area of difficult terrain when it one more whip for each slot
erupts must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, level above 2nd.
a creature takes 6d6 bludgeoning damage, and is thrown 40
feet straight up. If the creature collides with something
before reaching its maximum height, such as a ceiling, it
takes an additional 2d6 bludgeoning damage. On a
successful save, a creature takes half damage from both
instances, and is only thrown 20 feet up.

PART 1 | CLASSES Art: Water Whip by ssandulak


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