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Beat Dragon

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BEAT DRAGON In those rare years when they decide to stay in

Beat dragons are directly connected to the Beat of a location, usually for mating but sometimes for
the World. They spend their formative years pleasure, they often pick caves that have been
developing their taste in music and then pick out worn away by erosion. They look for smooth walls
that specific tune from the Beat of the World’s that can reflect their music back at them and
cacophony. Most beat dragons develop a taste in amplify it outward as much as possible. This
things like techno, rock, hip-hop, pop, or metal; a means they will usually find places near vast
few rarer breeds find they love country or blues. water, the chances of hollow caves being greater
The genre they attune to augments their there.
appearance, morphing their visage into that of a Hunting Siren. These dragons are omnivores,
punk-rock like dragon or a soulful bluegrass eating whatever is most easily available. When
dragon. Once they have spent several years with hunting live prey, they will mimic the sounds of
their genre, they tend to shun all others, making the hunted species, drawing them in close for the
relations with others of their species quite kill. They use this ability to play pranks on other
strained. creatures, confusing squirrels and humanoids
Free Spirits. Beat dragons have no sense of alike, to the dragon’s great delight.
home, or rather, the whole world is their home. World Music. Beat dragons slowly become
They travel where the winds and their whims take more and more connected to the Beat of the
them. Constantly seeking new and exciting World as they grow older. As they draw more
experiences and becoming bored of places power from this source, they grow exponentially
quickly. They may decide to settle in a place for a stronger, and they can bolster their strength even
decade or so, but this is never a permanent further by writing and performing epics in their
residence. When they begin to move on, they will chosen genre. This act of creation harmonizes
pack all of their belongings, or only the stuff their rhythm and can eventually make them
worth keeping, and leave without a second powerful enough to change some of the Beat of
thought. the World’s tunes.
Ancient beat dragons can write songs of such
epic strength that they can change the very fabric
of reality. By harmonizing, chorusing, and then
leading the Beat of the World with such a song,
they can force the rhythm to their own will,
changing the tempo and intensity. When this
happens, the realm shakes and cracks as it
attempts to become harmonious with the beat
dragon’s will. If they lose control, the Beat of the
World will shift back to its original state, causing
more widespread destruction.
Inner Tempo. Beat dragons have the ability to see
how your own inner beat thumps and how it
resonates with those around you and the world
itself. Those with strong, harmonious beats are
powerful creatures, while those with off-tempo
rhythms are often weak and sickly. Some
powerful beat dragons can change your inner
tempo, but it is painful and life altering process,
not to be done flippantly.
Choosey Friends. Beat dragons only find true
kindred spirits in those that share their taste in


KRIS MCLANE-LEAVITT (Order #34948239)

whose twisting and breaking of The Beat is
regularly seen as offensive to the dragon.
Bass Bobbles. The most precious gift you can give
a beat dragon is a well done, original composition.
The more skilled your creation, the more reverie
they will give your gift. Their treasure troves are
often full of works by master musicians, from
original sheets, to signed albums, or instruments
used by those artists they admire. In some rare
cases, they may abscond with a talented musician
and keep them in their dens as “honored guests.”

A Beat Dragon’s Lair

Beat dragons rarely settle for more than a
handful of years and so their lairs can seem
sparse compared to other dragons. The try to find
great, hollow caverns, with large smooth walls
throughout. They will often alter the cave, using
natural sunlight, flowing water, and rushing wind
to move instruments in monotonous ways. This
creates an eerie, droning music that is pervasive
throughout the entire lair. Stopping a single note,
be it dripping water or automatic organs, will send
the beat dragon into a rage as it hunts down the
source of the disturbance.

Lair Actions
On imitative count 20 (losing initiative ties) the
dragon takes a lair action to cause one of the
following effects. The dragon can’t use the same
effect two rounds in a row.
• A cacophony of raucous music fills the
lair. Each creature other than the dragon
music. Other beat dragons, with the wide variety
must make a Constitution saving throw
of disparate tastes, very rarely get along. They can
(DC 15), taking 14 (4d6) thunder damage
be particularly picky when choosing a mate, the
and 7 (2d6) psychic damage on a failed
two dragons grilling each other on music tastes
save, or half as much on a successful one.
until they either bond or end the meeting,
• Discordant tones interrupt all other
sometimes violently.
sounds. No creatures in the lair can be
They have a great fondness for bards, but only
heard, their voices simply being cancelled
those that play the beat dragon’s favorite genre.
out and spells that require a verbal
However, a particularly talented bard can
component failing. This effect lasts until
sometimes sway a beat dragon’s opinion and
initiative count 20 on the next round.
expose them to new and wonderful music. Only
• A nearly imperceptible thrum disrupts and
beat dragons who expand their horizons live to
permeates every creature in the lair
become powerful enough to sway the Beat of the
except the dragon. It weakens their
World. They are less amenable to synth weavers,
connection to the Beat of the World,
making it impossible to land a critical hit


KRIS MCLANE-LEAVITT (Order #34948239)


KRIS MCLANE-LEAVITT (Order #34948239)

(though a 20 on an attack roll is still an Mundane sickness and disease cannot find
automatic hit) and they have critical purchase in creatures within 3 miles of the
failures on a 1 or 2. lair. Sick creatures brought into the area
recover twice as fast.
Regional Effects • Artists of every sort are often struck with
The region containing a legendary beat dragon’s inspiration revolving around the beat
lair is warped by the dragon’s magic, which dragon’s favorite genre of music. They find
creates one or more of the following effects: it incredibly easy to create their best work
• The wind and rain become melodious, with almost no effort on their part.
creating a beautiful song, within 6 miles of If the dragon is killed, these effects fade over 2d6
the lair. months.


KRIS MCLANE-LEAVITT (Order #34948239)

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