Online 1 Islam and Its Fundamentals
Online 1 Islam and Its Fundamentals
Online 1 Islam and Its Fundamentals
· Meaning of Religion
· Definition of al-Deen
· Meaning of Islam
· Vital Duties of Islam
· Special Characteristics of Islam
· Definition of Ibadah
· Categories of Ibadah
· Applying Moderation in Our Daily Life
· Review Questions
Chapter Overview
In this chapter, we will be exposed to the most important topic which must be understood
deeply in the heart of every Muslim. Through this topic, every Muslim will recognize and
understand clearly about the significance of the responsibilities which revealed by Allah
to us that we have to perform them in our daily life. Therefore, everyone is obliges to
preserve his faith according to Islamic fundamental teaching in order to ensure that he is
on the right path as practiced by our prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
our basic necessity in life to fulfill the many question about life and it's link to the
external world.
Religions can be classified in it's source where that is why the students of religious study
would have to understand that religion is divided the revealed and non-revealed.
Revealed religion requires the followers to believe in God, His Prophets and the book and
the message that all these prophets brought. The non-revealed religion are those whose
teachings do not regard man's submission to a well defined code of Divine guidance as
essential. Revealed religion comprise Judaism, Christianity and Islam, the rest of
religions are non-revealed.
The term al-Deen has a more wider meaning which is seen in various perspective :
1) al-Deen is a complete system that has everything in it to fulfill the need of mankind in
running their life in a proper manner.
2) Al-Deen is a system that comprises the worldly need and the Hereafter. By following
al-Deen, our life is secured and taken care of in the world and the Hereafter.
3) Al-Deen serve the three basic and important aspect of mankind, i.e. Spiritual aspect,
Mental aspect and Physical aspect. Al the systems in al-Deen will take into consideration
the three aspect.
The three description of al-Deen implies to us the need to submit ourselves to the whole
system that will govern our life in this world and in the Hereafter.
Islam is a religion of wide understanding that touch the whole aspects of life. The faith
that Islam posses is the faith of a global and comprehensive view. As far as the beginning
of Islam is concern, the faith dated way back to the time when Allah created Adam a.s.
and sent him to the earth to proclaim the Deen of Allah and inhabit the world with the
Supreme guidance of Allah. From that moment onward Islam has been strongly rooted in
the heart of mankind providing them the necessities of life such as true faith and
guidance to the world an d hereafter. Islam stands firm all the way and history of
mankind to answer the eternal question of life, death, reward and punishment. More
important Islam guides mankind to manage their life in this world and lay down upon
mankind laws and orders that will secure them a bright and happy life in this world and
"Islam is based on five pillars : declaring that there is no God but Allah and that
Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, the establishment of Solat, the [payment of Zakat,
performing pilgrimage and fasting in the month of Ramadhan".
5) Haji ( pilgrimage to Makkah )
Syahadat is the main believe which makes us as a Muslim. It is the fundamental of Islam.
The word syahadat is derived from Arabic word { sya-hi-da } which in its literal meaning
believe in oneself based on his witness. And technically it means specific saying by
oneself to tell about the situation in himself regarding his belief to the Unity of Allah and
the Prophet (admit this belief).
In other words, the acceptance of the righteous deeds is stipulated with the following two
basic condition must be fulfilled :
1) The intentions while doing such deeds must be totally for the sake of Allah without
any show off or gaining price or fame.
2) Such a deed must be performed in accordance with Sunnah ( legal ways, orders, acts of
worship, statement etc ) of Allah Messenger Muhammad s.a.w.
2) Does not admit that all bounties either material things or internal satisfaction are come
from Allah - Everything that we do in our life has its value and Allah always find that
most o f its creation will ask for many kind of gift and pleasure in order to lead their life.
Some of them are truly grateful and some are not. They get too proud and forget about
the actual giver of their pleasant life. At first, they will cry and crave for help to Allah.
They will even make a vow something that is very impossible for them to fulfill later on.
Well, when Allah did approved and granted what they want, they tend to forget the
Greatest Granter, Allah.
4) Give a total right to other than Allah in creating Syariah Law - Allah has created a
perfect law for mankind. The laws are consists of Qisas, Hudud and Ta'zir are very
unique because it can be used anywhere, anytime and in any period with different people.
We can say that people nowadays prefer to follow the rules that are created by them
selves and reject Allah's laws to control their life.
5) To follow other than Allah except with His permission - Allah allows loyalty that are
allowed and orders by Allah like leader, parents, teacher and husband as long as they are
not crossing His commandments and follow the Quran and Hadith. If they cross the laws,
other people must not follow o r obey them. We also obey only in the name of Allah and
not for any other reason.
6) Hatred feelings towards Islam either all or parts of it (deny or blame) - The meaning is
consists of feeling of hatred and disagreement towards one or all Islamic teaching or law
that merge submission, education, economic system, politics and things mentioned in the
holy Koran and Hadith. They also make fun of the pious who tries to upright the Islamic
teaching and law.
7) To permit what is prohibited and prohibit what is permissible (alter Allah's Laws) -
Allowing the prohibited and vice-versa are infidelity. Meanwhile being hasty in both
matters lead us to infidelity if we categorize it without any knowledge and reference.
8) Does not believe with Quranic verses and Prophet's tradition - Whomever doesn't
believe with whatever consists in the Quran can abrogate his faith and creed. The
teaching in the Quran and Hadith are the method of life and guidance in solving
problems. Everything written in it indicates the prefectures of Islam.
9) To believe and rectify the leadership of non-Muslim and Munafiq - Allah has
forbidden the Islamic ummah from appointing the infidel and the hypocritical person
from holding the top leadership. This is because some of the Muslims think that the
infidels' leadership is more efficient from the Muslims.
10) To practice rites and rituals (worshipping activities) other than Islam that he should
not do.
– By witnessing the Syahadat, one cannot do any obeisance or submission to other than
Allah. It ids completely shows that Allah is One and the only God whom you have to
worship yourself. Doing a bowing and prostration to other than Allah is a manner of
11) To accuse a Muslim as non-Muslim and not assume non-Muslim as they are - It has
been concluded from the authoritative quotation from the Quran and Hadith that if
infidelize the Muslims, not infidelize the infidel and suspicious towards the infidelity of
the infidel will make the person as an infidel himself. Therefore it is not proper for a
Muslim to accuse his brother as an infidel moreover if the accusation is not true.
The most important thing that we have to bear in our mind is the abrogation of Syahadat
does not need intention. It can be occurred through words, actions or determination.
Solat is an act of worship which is done five times a day. This is the most important
means for a Muslim to communicate with the Supreme Being. The only distinction
between a Muslim and non-Muslim is the performance of the solat.
The solat comprises of words and actions that begin with the 'takbeer- Allahuakbar' and
end with the 'salam-assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh'. And this is the
technical meaning of solat in Islam.
The orders of solat is nothing new in a life of a Muslim, in the religion of the past
Prophet. Solat was their main obligation ordered by Allah s.w.t and the word solat itself
is to be found in the message of all Prophets before Muhammad s.a.w. In the prayer made
by Abraham, Allah has recorded the prayer in al-Quran :
"O my Lord, make me among those who observe the solat and the generation next to me ,
O my Lord please accept my prayer".
By performing solat, it can develops immaculate heart, builds courage to set-up a true
things and determination within the individual and advances the soul. It also will
inculcate and strengthen our faith to Allah. If all these things already completed in
ourselves, so it will shape our dignified personality. Allah affirms in the Holy Quran ;
"Recite what has been revealed to you of the Book (Quran) and perform prayer, surely
prayer words off abomination and evil. Certainly the remembrance of Allah is greater and
Allah knows whatever you do".
When we perform solat, we recite a 'surah' from Quran. To make our solat as perfect as it
can be, we must search for the meaning. It can make us think about this universal world.
We will know more about Islam, thinking about the secrets and advantages that indicate
the dignity or majesty of Allah. Abandoning solat for any reason except syari'e reasons is
the biggest sin that can demolish oneself.
Abdullah bin Umar bin Abi Bakr had stated in his book 'Fataawa' that those who abandon
solat whether they never pray at all or sometimes are fasiq that is according to Ijma'.
Where although a person skip only a prayer their reciprocation will be the same as not
paying the tithe (zakat) where they should be sentenced to death.
Besides that Umar Abdul Aziz had written to his Governor with his statement: "I look at
solat as the most important duty that oneself had to accomplish. Thus, who ever did them
without fail it is that they accomplish their work successfully".
Muslim in the form of a month-long period of abstinence accompanied by intensive
devotional activity which constitutes the third of the obligatory acts of worship.
Fasting on other great days of the year mentioned here is supererogatory and upgrades
man in Paradise.
"The smell of breath in one of you who fasts is sweeter than the smell of a perfume found
in Paradise".
He also says :
Fasting is certainly a protection, if one of you is fasting let him avoid loose talk,
transgression of divine commandments and folly, if anyone attacks him or rebukes him,
let him say, "I'm fasting".
Fasting is not only abstaining from permissible and lawful things like food, drink and
legitimate sex but it also consists of willingness to abstain from everything that is illegal
and prohibited, disciplining body, heart, mind and other parts. Our heart got to be
immaculate and sincere. Fast of heart, it can't feel and harbour anything improper. Fast
requires a charitable and immaculate heart which willingly to give generously to Allah's
way. For example, taking care of the needy, the widow, the poor, the orphan and those
who has the rights to accept. Fasting also requires a heart that exults in remembering
Allah in prayers. Allah affirms in Quran (24 : 24-25) :
"On the day when their tongues, hands and feet testify against them as to what they used
to do, on that day Allay will pay their just and they will know that Allah, He is the
Manifest Truth".
Zakat means to make something increase or grow. Zakat is compulsory and obligatory on
every Muslim. Zakat is a reminder to owners of wealth and wage earners that this is a
religious obligation and a social responsibility. Allah commanded our Holy Prophet in
the holy Quran (9 : 103) :
"Takes alms of their wealth whereby thou mightest purify them and sanctify them".
The word zakat itself indicates that wealth which is not spend judiciously and wisely on
one's self or others, generates evil (by encouraging unproductive and luxurious industries
and creating rivalry and class struggle) in society. It is only when wealth is spent on good
things that it grows and purifies society of its evil (by encouraging the development of
healthy, careful and productive industries).
Thus zakat has to be collected by the 'Amil (collector) or the Government - the Islamic
State as a compulsory levy. The rate and exemption limits of zakat are fixed.
There are two types of zakat :
1) Zakat Fitrah - it is compulsory to all Muslims to donate their daily meals (e.g. rice) at
specified rate to complete conditions in fasting during the month of Ramadhan.
2) Zakat Harta - properties that are obligatory to zakat in Islam. Not all properties owned
by a Muslim is obligatory to zakat in Islam.
First of all, Allah tests your wisdom and understanding. You should possess the proper
understanding. You should be able to conclude from all the evidence around you that
none but Allah alone is your creator and Lord. No one but He can sustain you, hear your
prayers and help you. You should able to recognize the revelation and message which has
come from Him. You should al so be able to distinguish between a true prophet and false
claimant to prophethood and between their morals, dealing, teachings and achievements.
You should also be able to discern true guidance from the false.
Then comes to second examination. Here your moral strength are tested. To show that
you have the necessary moral strength you must demonstrate that after having recognized
and accepted truth and righteousness, you have the will to live by them and renounce the
ways of falsehood and evil. You must further prove that you are no more slaves to your
own physical desires nor do you blindly follow the practices and customs of your
ancestors and families, the values and norms of your cultures and societies.
Neither should you knowingly accept anything contrary to Allah's guidance nor reject
anything it tells you.
Once you passed this examination, you appear in third examination. This time your
obedience and sense of duty are put to the test. Here, you are told :
"Whenever We call you, you must come. Give up the warmth and comfort of your sleep
but come and present yourself before Us. Interrupt your work but you must come to Our
work. On Our command remain hungry and thirsty from morning till evening and
abstain from gratifying your physical desires. Give up your pleasure, forget your profits,
sacrifices your interest but discharge every obstacle".
Even now, you can't be reckoned entirely worthy of employment in the service of Allah.
One more test remains : that you are not narrow-hearted and niggardly. That you are not
like those who make big claims of love and friendship but when required to part with
their wealth for the sake of the so-called friend, they fall back and begin to make excuses.
That you are not like those Hindus who worship a cow but when it tries to eat some of
their food, they hit it and push it away.
Performing Hajj
The final pillar of Islam is also the most dramatic and developed of all Muslim ritual
practices. The pilgrimage to Mecca during the Holy pilgrimage month of Zulhijjah is held
annually. Pilgrimage literally means going to a particular place and return continuously
or towards something that is being worshipped.
Because of the Muslims often visit the Baitullah al-Haram annually, the Ibadah is called
with the name of Hajj or Pilgrimage or Nusuk. In other words, Baitullah is a place where
it is treated greatly, consequently the action of visiting it is called the pilgrimage. Allah
has formed Baitullah as a place which attracts man each year.
Usually man who has visited Baitullah once, will feel to be there again for the second
time. According to syara', pilgrimage means visiting Baitullah with a certain behavior at a
particular time, place and followed by certain actions. The Hajj is the ordinance of Allah
on every Muslim whether female or male if one is capable to perform it.
Afford here means that a Muslim who is of responsible age in fairly in good health and is
financially capable and secure. Capability refers to substance and conveyance. The latter
implies the cost of the journey (going to Mecca and returning). The other expenses
according to one's condition and status, must be over or above one's debt. One should
arrange for the needs and sustenance of one's dependents before departure. Hajj is not
accepted at the cost of a family member's suffering. The pilgrimage is compulsory
once in the lifetime of every adult Muslim, man or woman who is in a position to
undertake the journey in accordance with the divine proclamation :
"To go on pilgrimage (Hajj) to the House is the duty towards Allah for whomsoever is
able to accomplish it".
The pilgrimage is in the way the biggest form of worship. For unless a man really loves
Allah, he would never undertake such a long journey leaving all his near and dear ones
behind. Then this pilgrimage is unlike any other journey. Here his thoughts are
concentrated on Allah, his inner, core vibrates with the spirit of intense devotion. When
he reached the holy place, he finds the atmosphere laden with purity and godliness, he is
visiting the places which bear witness to the glory of Islam.
All these leave a deep impression on his mind which he carries to his last breath.
It is a whole some demonstration of the universality of Islam and the brotherhood and the
equality of the Muslims. From all walks of life, from all traders and classes and from
every corners of the globe the Muslims assemble at Mecca in response to the call of
Allah. They dress in the same simply way observe the same regulations, utter the same
supplications at the same time in the same way for the same end. There is no royalty but
loyalty of all to Allah. There is no aristocracy but humility and devotion.
During the pilgrimage, the Muslim can discuss the economics problems of their mutual
benefits. The Muslims also exchange of goods and machinery between them. The rich
countries can think of the ways to give financial aid or loans to the poor and
underdeveloped Muslim countries. The poor countries can discuss their economics
problems with their brother pilgrimage from the each countries.
Prof. Dr. Yusuf Qardawi said that al-Rabbaniyyah is divided into two categories :
a) al-Rabbaniyyah - objective and concentration.
- this category will bring some effects in human's life such as :
1) know the objective of life in this world
2) to recognize the stage of purity
3) to free oneself from internal conflicts and anxiety about servant and his God
4) to free oneself from individualism
Features of al-Syumul
1) The universality of Islamic Revelation - convenient to all time, mankind regardless
their skin color, places and society levels.
2) The universality of Islamic Teaching which consists of :
a) aqidah - recognition of God
b) submission - through all senses
c) morality - relationship with society
Islam rejects to lean towards total seclusion of the worldly life and live a life of a hermit,
nor did Islam call it's followers to sink in the flood of the worldly attainment. Islam calls
the Muslims to have a perfect balance of the two needs which resulted the Middle Path
approach in their life. The perfect balance of Islam in its practical aspect coincide with
the vast creations of God which was created in a perfect and a total balance nature.
Advantages of moderation
a) Justice - moderation between two contradictions elements.
b) Straight path - far from deviation
c) Evidences of all goodness - good relation with mankind
d) Peace - far from dangers
e) Evidences of strength - Muslim youth are the best source in propagating Islam
It is derived from Arabic word ( tha ba ta ) which means fixed, stable and state. And for
al-Murunah also is derived from Arabic word ( ma ra na ) which means flexible and
The meaning of al-Thabat - Islam is fixed and cannot be changed in aspects which must
be fixed although environment, situation of life as well as humans beings are changeable
due to rotation of time. The aspects which have been fixed are :
a) Basic principles of Islam
b) Objectives and purposes
c) Religion values and morality
The meaning of al-Murunah - Gentleness and flexibility in Islam can be seen in several
parts which should be changed according to alternation of human life and duration of
time. The aspects which are changeable:
a) Matters which are related to branches of religion.
b) Methods and techniques.
c) Worldly and knowledge affairs
5)Al-Waqieyyah - Reality
It is derived from Arabic word - ( wa qa 'a) which means obvious, clear and reality.
Reality means life as well as its nature is truth and real. i.e. all creations of Allah can be
Living in Islam is a world of Idealism and realities. Idealism is trying to aim to the level
of perfection if not full perfection and realities is trying to practice that perfection in the
real world. All forms of religion are ideal because faith represents the ideal understanding
of something beyond the captivity of the mind but sometimes idealism that religion
posses, failed to be put in the real world. Islam being more than just a
religion has manage to level down the idealism of its faith to the realities of its followers.
Being ideal and real requires the faith to practicalize the idealism base on the realities of
the surrounding, circumstances and accommodating special rules and condition base on
the specific environment.
Islam has rule out the means and ways to communicate with Allah. The main purpose of
doing the worshipping activities is to proof our submission to the Supreme Being who
created all His creation for the purpose of mankind.
Man cannot create the means to submit to the Creator, man must accept the way Allah
has chosen to him because He knows the best form how to submit to Him. Islam has
given us the formal and specific way to do it and Islam also has given us the informal and
the general way to do it. In each of the ways, the activities indicates to us the wide range
that Islam covers in making the life of a Muslim fill with total submission to Allah.
Islam not only manage the spiritual life but Islam also manage the worldly life of man.
The interaction between man in their family, society and the running o f a state is define
in a very comprehensive manner. The punishment for criminal and behavioral crime is
clearly laid down in order to preserve the five rights of protection.
Definition of Ibadah
The word Ibadah is found in the imperative mode in al-Quran, it is verb that make
mankind submit to the Supremacy of God. Once man accepted of the deity of One God,
he will then seek the means and ways to ask forgiveness and will be guided to the path of
Ibadah is an Arabic word derived from the root word ( 'a ba da ) which strictly means to
submit oneself to the pleasant of someone else willingly. It can also means being a state
of total humiliation due to the superiority of something else. Sometimes the root word is
used to indicate giving ways to lead to a clear path. The exact meaning of Ibadah in the
Islamic term as : total submission or obedient physically and mentally based on a belief
that the one whom is worshipped almighty honour and will-power that will induce the
feeling of degradation and affection.
Concept of Ibadah
1) Covered all human activities physically and spiritually.
2) Covered all worldly and Hereafter affairs - no such thing in other religions.
3) Main condition - sincere oneself in performing all his activities in this
world as a vicegerent of Allah.
Specific Ibadah
It is called specific because it is done specifically in time, place, conditionally,
directionally and with specific actions ad attire.
This is the very formal way to put ourselves at the submission of Allah and looking at the
outlook of the specific Ibadah we can see the manifestation of total obedience and
submission to Allah which is done so beautifully in an act of total harmony and
discipline. . This kind of ibadat lead to excellent personality in individual :
a) Prayer - pillar of Islam
b) Fasting - build up spiritual aspect
c) Pay the tithe - social relationship
d) Perform the pilgrimage - unity of the ummah
The specific Ibadah offers a wide range of self purification but at the same time it did not
leave a vital aspect of collective. The Solat for example is highly recommended at the
collective level where there is a sense of togetherness, the Fast; the Prophets praises those
who feed the poor and the needy during Iftar, Zakat without doubt is very collective in a
sense that it serve to help the poor through the Monetary institution. Finally the Hajj
results a lot of collective impact to the Islamic nation.
General Ibadah
A life of a Muslim can be designed to be a life of continuos link to the Creator. A Muslim
can live a normal live and enjoy the best of his life and yet he can still make contact with
Allah and are bless with the Guidance of Allah everywhere he goes. The system of
Ibadah plays a very important role in serving this purpose in the life of a Muslim.
This kind of Ibadah covered all aspects of human life which aim at submission to Allah in
terms of :
Islam in the system of Ibadah has formulated a mean where one can still enjoy the link
with Allah but still mingle around in the society with the limitation that is permitted by
As far as the ritual and formal worship in Islam is concern, the 'how' of the worshipping
activities is not created by any religious body or Priest, it is coming from the only source
that has the right to determine the regulations and means to perform worship to Him. The
formal worshipping in Islam is very detail in the 'how' to do it, where to do it, what are
the pre condition to do it and even the best way how to do it.
Other religions of the world fell in the trap of uncertainty in their worshipping rituals and
rites because the religious bodies or figure are the source are created the means, whereby
Islam did not leave its followers in the midst but define everything and in particular the
formal means and ways to make contacts with Allah, this is called Ibadah Rabbaniah. The
clear source that Islam has make the aspect of ibadah more easy to comprehend and easy
to practice.
Islam deals with human in a complete comprehensive and harmonious mode, it did not
deal with human by going against their nature. All the elements that forms human
beginning with the spiritual needs, mental an d physical are been taken care of by Islam.
The intellectual ability, the need of a strong an d healthy Muslim and even the questions
of emotions and inner reactions of man are in the list of great concern in Islam. Other
related issues of man and his different stages of life has been laid down by Allah in
details such as the pregnancy period, the birth period, the infancy period, the childhood
period, the adolescent period, adult period, man and finally the old age period. Beside
guiding man in every stage of his life, Islam also rule out the different institution of life
such as life as a husband/wife, a father/mother, son/daughter, neighbor, members of the
society, leaders and the citizen, army general and etc. The scope of human life is dealt
thoroughly in Islam.
"Thus have We made of you an Ummah justly balanced that you might be witness
over the nations". ( Surah al-Baqarah : 143 )
Like Allah made his messenger, Prophet Muhammad SAW as a good example for the
whole mankind, Ummah of Islam was made for it to be the good example for other
Ummah. Applying the concept of Wasatiah or moderation in our life makes this. Islam
put a great emphasis in this concept of moderation and balancing of physically needs and
spiritual needs. However, Muslims are not prohibited to get pleasure from material as
long as they get it in the right way and moderately. The basis of moderation is
obviously stated in a lot of sentence in Al-Quran that encourages Muslims to take both
physical and spiritual needs. In Surah Al-Qasas, Allah says; -
"But seek, with (wealth) which God has bestowed on thee, the Home of the hereafter, nor
forget thy portion in this world; but do though good, as God has been goods as God has
been good to thee" (Surah Al-Qasas : 77 )
Furthermore, Allah has ordered Muslims as the prayer or 'DOA' should include both "al-
dunia wa al-akhirah". This is proved by the surah Al-Baqarah, Allah Says: -
'And there en who say; "our Lord! Give us good in this world and good in the hereafter,
and defend us from the torment of the fire!" ( Surah A1-Baqarah: 201 )
Moderation in Ibadah
Islam thought us for not to exceed our ability in worshiping Allah, for consequently it 11
affect our health. Islam also forbids us for not to do anything contrast to the nature
(fitrah) of mankind in worshipping our Lord. For example, ignoring the Sunnah of
Rasulullah about marriage where for those that thinks that marriage and having a family
will disturb in worship the God. However, this could be seen in other religions where the
priest or monks could not married. That is why Rasulullah emphasis in his word:
Review Questions.
1. What is the meaning of Religion?
2. What are the categories of religion?
3. What are the differences between revealed religion and non-revealed religion?
4. What is the main concept of Ibadah in Islam?
5. What are the special characteristics of Islam?
6. Clarify the meaning of Islam academically.
7. How we can implement moderation in our life?
Suggested Readings.
1)Sidi Gazalba. 1974. Sistematika Filsafat. Kuala Lumpur. Utusan Melayu Berhad.
2)Hassan Langgulung. 1986. Pengenalan Tamaddun Islam dalam Pendidikan. Kuala
Lumpur. DBP.
3)Abu 'Ala al-Maududi. 1986. Towards Understanding Islam .
4)Prof. Abdul Karim Zaidan. 1975. Dasar-dasar Ilmu Dakwah. Beirut. Muassasah al-
5)Yusuf Qardawi. 1978. Ibadah Dalam Islam. Malaysia. Yayasan Dakwah Islamiyyah
….end of chapter…