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Concepts of Islam

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Concept of Islam

The word Islam means submission and peace: submission to the moral imperatives of the one
and only God, and peace with the creator and his creatures. In Islam the relationship between
God to man means submission and the relationship between man to man means peace. The
very verse of the Quran “In the name of Allah the most merciful the most compassionate is the
emblem of love, mercy and compassion. It shows the level of significance of the Islamic concept
of God and religiosity vis-a-vis values such as mercy and compassion. The Prophet Muhammad
peace be upon him is mentioned in Quran as mercy for all creation. Paradise too is the eternal
abode of peace, in short Almighty God and his teachings are geared to bringing harmony and
Muslim believe in the absolute unity of God and also in the associated believe in the Messengers
the Angels, the revealed books, the last day and Predestination of good and evil as the starting
point of their faith. Islamic devotional system which is comprised of daily prayers, alms giving,
fasting the month of Ramzan and pilgrimage to Mecca not only shows devotion to God but is
also meant to cultivate self, discipline, self-sacrifice, kindness, benevolence and self-
accountability. Syed Amir Ali in his Epic Book “The spirit of Islam” define Islam as “Salaam” in
its primary sense means to be tranquil at rest, to have done once’s duty, to have paid up, to be
at perfect peace in its secondary sense to surrender oneself to him with whom peace is made.

The fundamental concept of Islam is based on the notion that the whole universe is created by
Allah almighty the sustainer of all things, he created man for a fixed period of life to be lived on
the earth as a trust and test. Allah has prescribed a divine code of life for men and granted
freedom to follow this or not.

As in Surah Kahaf Allah says,

“Whosoever wants, he should believe; and whosoever wants, he should disbelieve”.

For the proper development of human life man needs to elements;

1. The resources to maintain life and to fulfill the material needs of the individual and
2. Knowledge of the principles of individual and social behavior to enable man to fulfill
himself and to maintain justice and tranquility in human life.
The Lord of the universe has provided for both of these in full measure. To cater to the material
needs of man he has put all of nature's resources at his disposal, to provide for his spiritual,
and cultural needs he has raised his Prophets from among men and also revealed to them the
code of life that guides man to the right path.

In Surah Bakra God Says;

Say: We believe in Allah and (in) that which had been revealed to us, and (in) that which was
revealed to Ibrahim and Ismail and Ishaq and Yoqoub and the tribes and (in) that which was
given to Musa and Isa and (in) that which was given to the Prophets from their Lord, we do
not make any distinction between any of them, and to him do we submit.

The True Concept of Islam

The principal basis on which Islamic system is found are;
1. A belief in the unity, immateriality, power, mercy and supreme love of the creator.
2. Charity and brotherhood among mankind.
3. Subjugation of the passions.
4. The outpouring of a great heart to the giver of all good and,
5. Accountability for actions in another existence.

A man can join the fold of Islam by testifying the unity of God and the Prophethood of Hazrat
Muhammad (PBUH). Both of these beliefs are epitomized in the Kalima, the article of faith.

“There is no God except Allah, and Mohammad (PBUH) is his prophet”.

Ahmad A. Galwash in his book “The Religion of Islam” summarizes the concept of Isam as

Islam which literally signifies resignation to the God’s Will, and is a comprehensive name
commonly applied to the religion of the followers of The Prophet Mohammed (PBUH). It
embodies the various sections of the law of Mohammed (PBUH) which God has established for
the guidance of his people, both for the worship of their Lord, and for the duties of Life.

These sections are five in number namely;

● Beliefs (Aqaid)
● Practical Devotions (Ibadat)
● Transactions (Mamlaat)
● Morality (Ikhlaqiat)
● Punishments (Aqoobat)
Beliefs: Five particles of Faith are;
● Belief in the Oneness of God
● Belief in the Prophets and in the guidance that they bequeathed
● Belief in the angles
● Belief in the divine books
● Belief in the day of judgement

Devotions/Worships are subdivided into five articles of practice;

● Recital of the creed (Kalima)
● Prayer to God (Salat)
● Paying legal alms (Zakat)
● Fasting in the month of Ramadan (Saum)
● Pilgrimage to the temple of Mecca once in a life (Hajj)
● Embrace legal warfare for the defence of the religion of Islam (Jihad)

Transactions include such duties as are required between man and man, almost all the various
sections of civil jurisprudence relating to barter, sale, agency, larceny, marriage, divorse, power,
partnership, claims etc are embraced under this head.

Morality embrace the consideration of all those moral excellence which are enjoyed in the
Quran and in the teaching of Prophet (PBUH) such as sincerity, humility, resignation, keeping
worldly ambitions within bounds, giving good counsel and advice, contentment, liberty, love to
God and man, patience, ethical instructions, and rules of conduct.

Punishments include;
● Penalties exacted for manslaughter or serious bodily injuries
● Punishment for theft by the loss of hand
● Punishment for fornication and adultery,
● Punishment for salender
● Punishment for inebriation
Critical Analysis:
Professor H.A.R Gibbs once said of Islam as a Deen
Within the western world Islam still maintains the balance between exaggerated opposites
(body and spirit).

George Bernard Shaw in “The Geneuine Islam” reported to have said;

I have always held the religion of Muhammad (PBUH) in high estimation because of its
wonderful vitality. I believe that if a man like him were to assume the dictatorship of the
modern world, he would succeed in solving its problems in a way that would bring much
needed peace and happiness. I have prophesied about the faith of the Muhammad (PBUH) that
it would be acceptable to the Europe of tomorrow as it is begining to be acceptable to the
Europe of Today.

Islam as a Code of Life

It is Islam that has given a balanced, complete code of life for man’s individual as well as
collective life. This code is not only in accordance with his nature but has the potential to rise
up to the challenges posed by the modern world.
The gist of the message of Islam is that the whole world is governed as per the divine laws and
from inner self of a man to every facet of lifeis led in such as way that only Allah’s orders are to
carreid out.

Difference between Islamic and western codes of life

It is a tragedy with the western world that it is devoid of an ideology of life. Consequently, the
man in the West had to rely on the human conscience as he remained devoid of the divine
guidance and it led to its failure in creating a comprehensive balanced system.

Difference between Islamic code of life and communism

In modern European history, retaliation against anarchy gave rise to Communism which
emerged as the movement and the prospective ideology of life. European thought that there is
a difference between matter and spiritual life and that human society is based on this
segregation. Until communism remained an ideology, it did attract masses but towards itself
but when the world started to reap its benefits in a tangible form its attraction ebbed away.
Characteristics of Islamic Code of Life

A Divine Code
Islam is not a fruition of human efforts, rather consists of divine guidance. This religion has been
revealed by Allah Almighty who is aware of the past and the present and knows what the future
holds. All of the principles are unchangeable and it is because of this fact it is present even
today in its original form.
Allah revealed this code of life through his beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The Holy
Quran uses the term religion in a broader perspective and in Quranic dictation it is such a way
of life in which one acknowledges the sovereignty of living life as per his commandments.

In Surah Maida Allah says;

“This day I have perfected for you your religion and completed my favour upon you and have
approved for you Islam as religion”.

A Complete Code of Life

Surah Ale Imran

“Indeed, the religion in the sight of Allah is Islam”.

Islam is a complete code of life Wwich on one and presents rational and scientific solutions to
the problems that all perturbations are removed and all problems of thoguhts and beliefs are
solved while on the other presents a comprehensive policy for social and societal amelioration
which solves all problem and paves the way for its future evolution along the healthy lines.

A Universal code
Prior to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) all Prophets were sent towords specific people or
territories but he has been sent as a messenger fo all humankind.

In Surah Ambiya Allah says;

“And we have not sent you but as mercy for all the worlds”

The Most Perfect Code

The ideologies that emanates from Islam is perfect because Islam itself is points quintessentially

Allah says in Holy Quran

“This day I have perfected for you your religion and completed my favour upon you and have
approved for you Islam as religion”.

A Comprehensive Code for Inner and Outer Perfection

By alienating the man’s heart and mind from love of all the things Islam makes them pure and
clean so that they may be filled with love of Allah. It is due to this reason that man makes all its
efforts to please his master i.e. Allah. If materialism is at its peak then the distorted version of
spiritualism prevails. Islam presents the only code of life that is complete and comprehensively
presents a program of internal as well as external reforms.

A Code that Unifies religion and Worldly Life

Islam rejects the man-made dichotomy between the world and the religion as was free
prevalent in some religions, for instance, Islam criticizes Christians for their own imposed
restrictions on themselves.

Surah Al-Bakara
“Our Lord! Give unto us in the world that which is good and in the hereafter that which is
and guard us from the doom of fire”.

A Comprehensive Code for both Individual and Collective Needs

By making man responsible individually as well as collectively (as a society), Islam holds man
accountable before Allah. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said;

“Everyone of you is a shepherd and is responsible for his flock”.

A Balanced and Rational Code

Islam professes simple, moderate and balanced life and the whole life of Holy Prohpet (PBUH)
presents a sublime example of it.

In Surah Hajj Allah says;

“ And did not impose any hardships on you in the religion”.

A Code that Contains All Do’s and Don'ts

The Holy Prophet (PBUH) himself presented and assigned the duty of commanding to do good
and prohibiting the bad ones like a movement in the society. In all other religions we do not
find any such comprehensive movement.

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