Syed Ameer Ali Shah in his epic book “The Spirit of Islam” defines Islam as; Salam in its
primary sense, means, to be tranquil, to have paid up, to be at perfect peace; and in its secondary
sense means to surrender oneself to Him with whom peace is made.
Terminological meaning:
Islam is an Arabic word that denotes submission, surrender and obedience. As a religion, it
stands for submission to Allah.
It also signifies that one can achieve real peace of body and mind only through obedience to
“Indeed it is in the remembrance of God alone that the heart of man finds rest.
Resignation of God’s will, is a comprehensive name applied to the religion of the followers of
Prophet Muhammad PBUH,includes various sections which God has established for the
guidance of His people
1) Beliefs:
There are 5 articles of faith
1) God 2) His Angels 3) His books 4) His Prophets 5) The day of Judgment
2) Practical Devotions:
1) Recital of Creed (Kalimah) 2) Salat 3) Zakat 4) Saum 5) Hajj
3) Transactions:
Duties which are required between man and man.
4) Moralities
5) Punishments
Importance of Deen in Human Life:
Islam plays a vital role in human life and society. Its message is real and practical for it
comprehends all human actions.
It is complete code of life, which provides guidance in all human situations. A divine religion
such as Islam addresses all people, of all ages irrespective of race and color through Quran.
We have put forth for men, in this Quran every parable, in order that they may receive
admonition. (Quran)
What is religion?
Set of dogmas, some rituals for worship and a number of social customs and deals with
individual life. According to E.B Taylor:
“Religions are introduced by Allah in order to lead man to eternal blessings. Their objective is to
worship Allah as well as management of worldly affairs. Religions provide guidelines to
establish composite state and government on the fundamentals enjoined by Allah”
Rosemary Goring;
No single definition will suffice to encompass the varied set of traditions, practices and ideas
which constitute different religions.Christianity, Judaism and Islam are theistic religions while
Buddhism does not require belief in Gods.
There are theories of religion which construe it as wholly a human phenomenon without any
supernatural origin while some argue that it is essence of matter.
Necessity of Religion:
Mental satisfaction by giving meaning to life
Brotherhood of mankind
Purification of soul
Concepts such as tolerance, coexistence and mutual cooperation essential for world peace
Concept of DEEN
Material as well as spiritual dimensions of human existence .Spiritual matters and and secular
affairs of this world. One meaning is government, one is subordination and other one is to give
judgment. Allah says:
This day I have perfected your Deen for you, completed my favor upon you, and have chosen for
you Islam as your Deen.
Dr.Michael Hart is compelled to confess: My choice of Muhammad to lead the list of world’s
most influential persons may surprise some readers, but he was the only man in history who was
supremely successful on both religious and secular level.
The craving for peace is inherent in human nature; hence every being craves naturally for Islam.
Human beings are both having material and the spirit. However to cater the spiritual need divine
religion is necessary.
Allah makes his signs clear to men that they learn self- restraint.
The confession of faith in in the pronouncement of Kalimah, which is first Article of faith;
Tauhid is the basic tenet to which holy prophet S.A.W asked humanity. It is an important
metaphysical concept which presents unified view of the world. It is a dynamic belief which
states that Humanity is one single family under God. It defines true position of man in this
The stars, the vast panorama nature, sun rise and sunset, harmony of seasons all points towards
the creator of universe:
Kinds of Tawhid:
(i) Tawheed ar-Ruboobeeyah (maintaining the unity of Lordship)
Neither plurality of God nor plurality of God in persons. Allah is lord of universe, Supreme
planner, the Law Giver, Giver of security.
And your Allah is one; there is no god but Him, the most gracious and the Most Merciful.
His oneness in attributes implies that no other being possess one or more divine attributes in
perfection. None can be names and qualified with the names and qualifications of Allah
No one has the right to worship or ask for help except Allah
I have created jinn and men so that they may serve Me.
Associating partners with Allah is called Shirk. Thus the belief that Allah is not sovereign and
Sole Dispenser of Affairs of the world and other deities can intercede with Him. The Quran
considers Shirk to be unpardonable sin. It says
"Allah forgives not that partners should be set up with Him, but He forgives anything else, to
whom He pleases, to set up partners with Allah is to devise a sin most heinous indeed"
The Quran also does not recognize the attribute of Jesus as the Son of God or God himself; it
respects Jesus as a prophet and messenger of God sent to children of Israel.
Man has been created as lord of creation and everything in nature has been placed under his
control. By worshipping other beings besides Allah man debases himself.
Every person is responsible for his own deeds and everyone has a ‘book’, a register of acts in
which all deeds –small or great – are written down. God Almighty will bring all people to life
after death and bring them from their graves so that each one of them will meet the result of his
deeds, with reward or punishment
It is responsibility of every Muslim to carry out their duties as described in the Holy Qur’an.
2. Width of Vision:
He looks on everything in the universe as belonging to the same Lord he himself belongs to. His
vision is enlarged, his intellectual horizon widens, and his outlook becomes as liberal.
The Qur'an says: "The seven heavens and the earth and all being therein declare His glory: There
is not thing but celebrates His praise and you do not understand how do they declare His glory."
3. Self Respect:
This conviction makes him indifferent to, and independent and fearless of, all powers other than those
of God. He never bows his head in homage to any of God’s creatures.
He has the conviction that there is no other means of success and salvation for him except purity
of soul and righteousness of behavior. As to atheists, they do not believe that there is any Being
having power over them, to whom they should be responsible for their good or bad actions;
therefore they consider themselves independent to act in whatever way they like. Their own
fancies become their gods and they live like slaves of their wishes and desires.
The Prophet (PBUH) said, “Piety is good manners, and sin is that which creates doubt
There is nothing like him and He is the one that hears and sees all things.
Satisfaction of heart
Prof. Joad writes about the West: “For the first time in history there is coming to maturity a
generation of men and women who have no religion and feel no need for one. They are content
to ignore it. Also they are very unhappy, and the suicide rate is abnormally high.”
7. Bravery:
There are two things which make a man cowardly: (i) fear of death and love of safety, and (ii)
the idea that there is someone else besides God who can take away life and that man, by adopting
certain devices, can ward off death. Mushriks and kafirs hold life the dearest thing in the world.
A simple example of this was when 313 Muslims with the ultimate faith defeated the
disbelievers at the Battle of Badr. They had no fear of their opponents, and they entirely relied on
Allah. They have no fear of death and welcomed martyrdom.
Words of another non Muslim historian are as “In this uncompromising monotheism, with its
simple, enthusiastic faith in the supreme rule of a transcendent being, lies the chief strength of
Islam. Its adherents enjoy a consciousness of contentment and resignation unknown among
follower of most creeds”.
One who has belief in it is sure that God knows everything hidden or open and is nearer to him than his
own jugular vein.
Impact on Society:
Equality and Dignity:
He is nearer to God who is more pious (the one who fears Allah)
Oh people your lord is one, certainly your father is one. There is no preference to an Arab over
non-Arab and non-Arab over Arab, white over black and black over white but only due to
The Holy Prophet says that all believers are like a body: When one part of body is ill, all other
parts of body share this illness. Thus the belief of Tawhid creates unity among all believers.
After considering all these questions, no reasonable person can escape the conclusion that belief
in life after death is highly acceptable to reason and commonsense, and that there is nothing in it
which can be said to be unreasonable or impossible. Moreover, a true Prophet like Muhammad
(blessings of Allah and peace be upon him) has stated this to be a fact.
According to Askary and Clarke in the Holy Qur’an, as explained by Lewis (2006, p.2), “Allah
repeats the word Hisab or ‘account’ as the root of accountability, more than eight times in
different verses.” It is responsibility of every Muslim to carry out their duties as described in the
Holy Qur’an.
Impacts of Zakat:
Spiritual Impacts:
1) Zakat removes greed
2) Zakat removes love of materialism
3) Zakat brings man closer to God
4) Self purification
Moral impacts:
1) Generosity:
“And whoso is saved from his own avarice such are they who are successful”
The holy Prophet (SAW) has said: “Avoid from avarice as people before you were annihilated due to
2) Purifies heart and property
Because in the words of Holy Quran, it is the characteristic of the hypocrites that “they come not to
worship save reluctantly”.
Narrates Abu Zar (RA) that the Holy Prophet (SAW) said: “They are the losers on the day of
Resurrection, by the lord of The Ka’bah” I asked “Who are they? May my Parents ransomed to you!” He
said, “They are the wealthy except those who spend here and there.
Social impacts
The Holy Quran Says: “This (Wealth) may not circulate solely among the rich from among you.
4) Defense of religion:
Spend your wealth in the cause of Allah.
5) Distribution of wealth:
6) Social security
Those who have enough money today pay for what they have.
If they need money tomorrow, they will get what is necessary to help them live decently”
7) Help of poor
And in whose there is a right acknowledge for the beggar and the destitute.
Thus Zakat helps a lot in decreasing poverty. If proper Zakat system is established, the poverty
will vanish away from the earth.
“That, which you give in Zakat, seeking Allah’s countenance, has increase manifold”
9) Human brotherhood
The Quran says:- “But if they repent and establish worship and pay the poor-due (Zakat), then
they are your brethren in religion”