Concept & Distinctive Features of Islam
Concept & Distinctive Features of Islam
Concept & Distinctive Features of Islam
Features of Islam
Hazrat Umar (RA) narrated that Prophet (SAW) said, “Islam is based on 5
Tauheed – Unity of Allah & Muhammad (SAW) as the Seal of Prophets
Nimaz – Offering of prayers and worshipping Allah
Zakat – Spending in the way of Allah
Saum – Fasting during prescribed month
Hajj – Performance obligatory to those of resources and able heath
Terminological meaning
Stands for complete submission and obedience to will of Allah.
Peace can be achieved only through this.
Allah created everything. Sovereignty to Allah alone. Sustainer. Creator of man. Fixed duration in the world.
Gave code of life but also freedom of will to choose.
Distinctive Features of Islam
No monopoly of truth
Prophets and Books sent to other territories, Israelites but assignments were regional.
“Blessed be the Lord, God of Israel.” (Gospel of Luke 1:68)
Universal Religion
“Say, O mankind! Truly I am a Messenger to you all. All (of us) believe in Allah, and in His
angels, and in His Books, and in His messengers.”
Differences in faiths answered by Islam
Different times had different people with different needs. Almighty sent guidance as required.
With time, teachings not preserved. Changes made by man. Islam – no changes.
Eternal Religion
“This day have I perfected your religion for you, completed my favour upon you and have
chosen for you Islam as your religion.” (Al-Maidah 5:3)
Equality of Mankind
"All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-
Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a White has no
superiority over a Black nor a Black has any superiority over a White except
by piety and good action.”
Provision of Complete Code of Life
Hazrat Ayesha (RA) said, “His morals are the Quran.”
Revealed book in a Living Language (Arabic)
No idle claims. Invites to investigate the truth and claims in Quran through
Science and logic.
Deen Religion
Complete System Latin word – to bind together.
Per Islam, it is accepting absolute Bond between religious devotee and a
Sovereignty of Allah. Supreme Diety.
Absolute Submission All about rituals and practices.
Deen is divine and dynamic. Encompasses faiths and beliefs
“Truly, the Deen with Allah is Islam.” “A unified system of beliefs and practices
(Al-Imran) relative to sacred things.” – Emile
Religion provides social order while Deen dictates social norms and behavior
Religion helps to hold society together through worships, norms, practices. Supports
morality. Deen talks about HOW society can be bonded together through collective
efforts, worships etc.
Religion combats extreme despair, hopelessness, doubt and superstition. Deen
helps one to move forward
Religious person will never be in utter desperation. Belief that Allah will fix
everything. Deen provides next steps through trusting in Allah’s process. Firm belief
that man can choose wrong but Allah will ALWAYS choose right for man at the right
Guidance to mankind
Nothing is left to guess. Clear directives in an eternal Book.
“This is the Book; in it is Guidance for sure, for those who fear Allah.” (2:2)
Provides clear path
No ambiguity or confusion
Quran is written law while Prophet (SAW)’s life is the implementation of that law in
real life.
Brings man out of darkness and into light
According to Pickthall’s translation – “So believe in Allah and in His messenger and
the light which We have revealed.” (64:8)
Hardships are a test of faith and the ones DEAREST to Allah are tested the most
Prophet Muhammad SAW) said: “When Allah (SWT) desires good for someone, He tries him with
hardships.” – Sahih al-Bukhari
Sa’d ibn Abi Waqqas (RA) said: ‘I said: “O Messenger of Allah, which of the people are most sorely tested?”
He said: “The Prophets, then the next best and the next best. A man will be tested in accordance with his level
of religious commitment. If his religious commitment is strong, he will be tested more severely, and if his
religious commitment is weak, he will be tested in accordance with his religious commitment. Calamity will
keep befalling a person until he walks on the earth with no sin on him.”’ – Sahih at-Tirmidhi
Allah LISTENS and KNOWS what we truly deserve. He answers our prayers in
ways we do not understand. And blesses us in ways we do not expect.
Firm belief that Allah at times takes from us what we really want in order to give us what we truly DESERVE
and NEED.
“You may dislike something although it is good for you, or like something, although it is bad for you and
surely Allah knows and you do not know.” – Qur’an (2:216)
Thank you