PET/CT: Current Status in India: Ommentary
PET/CT: Current Status in India: Ommentary
PET/CT: Current Status in India: Ommentary
Correspondence: Dr Venkatesh Rangarajan, Bioimaging Unit, Tata Memorial Center, Parel, Mumbai-400 012, India.
PET/CT is a new modality with integration of PET and CT systems. In India, since December 2004 there has been a steady increase
in the number of imaging systems. From stand-alone PET/CT systems with on-site cyclotrons, mostly in the government sector, the
modality has matured to such an extent that, today, the majority of the PET/CT scanners and cyclotrons are in the private setup;
also, scanners situated in different locations (and even different cities) share the isotope produced from one cyclotron. This shows
how much this field has developed and reflects the confidence of the end users. The current status of PET/CT in India is indeed
healthy and heartening and the future certainly looks promising.
The fused anatomic and functional image of a PET/CT study For PET/CT examination the radioisotope that constitutes
can to a great extent overcome the diagnostic dilemmas due the radiopharmaceutical is a positron emitter. These
to the physiological false positives that are often seen with radioisotopes have short half-lives. The most widely used
stand-alone PET scanners. This feature of CT/PET has had isotope, 18 Fluorine, has a half-life of 110 min. Owing to its
a signiÞcant impact in oncology. Presently, no stand-alone short half-life, large quantities of the isotope are required
PET scanners are being manufactured.[2,3] to be ordered from the vendor to compensate for the
radioactive decay.
Historical Perspective
Currently, in India, eight PET/CT facilities are supplied
The dawn of the PET era in India dates to 30th September isotopes by their respective on-site cyclotrons. The
2002, with the inauguration of the 16-mega-electron-volt remaining 18 are supplied by FDG suppliers from off-site
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cyclotrons. Two suppliers provide intercity supply of FDG. and used for myocardial perfusion PET studies. 18F FDG and
A Mumbai-based FDG supplier provides daily doses of 18F ßuoride are the 18F-labeled PET radiopharmaceuticals
FDG to users in Pune and also ßies it to Hyderabad and available for regular clinical use; they are supplied by both
Chennai. the commercial and noncommercial cyclotron operators.
For experimental purposes, 18F thymidine, DOPA, and
FDG supply mizonidazole have also been produced. Currently they are
not available for commercial use. 68Ga is a non-cyclotron-
There are two types of FDG supply protocols. According produced PET isotope eluted from a germanium generator.
to the Þrst one, FDG is supplied at the user’s door step; the The 68Ga obtained thus is labeled with peptides and used
supply is based on the number of unit doses, calibrated for oncological indications. This compound is available only
in such a way that there are 10 millicuries or 370 Mega from the hospital PET radiopharmacy of one center and is
Becquerel of FDG (1 unit dose) at a given time for the not available for commercial distribution.
first dose and each dose is subsequently calibrated so
that 10 millicuries are available for injection every 30 min. Regulation for cyclotron and isotope supply
According to the second supply protocol, the user collects a
certain quantity of FDG from the production site and pays The installation and operation of a cyclotron is controlled
for the dose at the time of collection. by the Atomic Energy Regulatory Board (AERB). [5]
Preinstallation site approval is mandatory. The design
Ownership of the cyclotron and the facility itself, have also to be preapproved by
the board before installation can commence. Following
Currently, six out of 14 cyclotrons belong to government inspections, final clearance is given for beginning
institutions; of the six, only one is involved in the operations. A designated Radiation Safety Officer has
commercial distribution of FDG. The remaining eight overall responsibility for the safety of the personnel and the
cyclotrons (including those being installed) are owned by facility. With these conditions fulÞlled, the facility is then
private agencies. Three of these are currently functional and licensed for regular operation.
are supplying FDG to users.
The supply of isotope to the end user is also subject to
Issues of the cyclotron regulatory control. The processes followed for dispatch
and transport of the isotope have to meet regulatory
Cyclotrons are rated on the basis of the peak power they can requirements. The supplier is responsible till the isotope
develop. Table 1 shows the cyclotrons grouped according is handed over to the end user. In those cases where the
to the city of location. The energy of the cyclotron (given in consumer collects the isotope at the supplier’s premises,
parenthesis) also determines the type of the isotopes that the consumer is responsible for the safe transport of the
could be produced by the cyclotron.[4] According to the isotope to the scanner site.
shielding around the cyclotron, they can be classiÞed as
self-shielded or non-self-shielded ones. The self-shielded Cyclotron supply issue
cyclotrons are more compact than the non-self-shielded
ones. The self-shielded ones form 85% of the installed The time of arrival of the isotope at most on-site cyclotron
cyclotrons. centers is 9.30–11 AM. The private commercial suppliers
have been able to supply FDG at the consumer site as early
Currently, 18F and 13N are the two isotopes produced for as 8.30 AM. Even the centers receiving isotope from private
routine clinical use. 13N, as ammonia (NH3), is produced suppliers through air carrier receive their lot of isotope
by 11 AM. Most centers receive isotope either as a single
Table 1: Medical cyclotrons in India consignment or in two consignments. At centers with an
on-site cyclotron, doses are dispatched from the cyclotron
Location No. Energy of the cyclotron
to the PET injection rooms in lots, with each lot containing
Mumbai 2 Both 16 MeV
enough isotope for 3–4 patients. The supply is done through
Delhi 4 Two 11 MeV; one 16 MeV; one 18 MeV
a lift or chute.
Hyderabad 2 One 11 MeV; one 16 MeV
Bangalore 1 One 16 MeV Isotope within the end user site
Ahmedabad* 2 One 16 MeV; one 20 MeV
Kolkata 1 One 30 MeV All PET scanner units have dedicated injection rooms and
Chandigarh 1 One 16 MeV post-injection waiting rooms for patients; these rooms are
Chennai 1 One 16 MeV specially constructed with adequate shielding as per the
Total 14 regulatory requirements. All centers now have the facility
*Includes cyclotrons to be installed by December 2008. to handle more than one injected patient at any given time.
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This is needed keeping in mind the typical scan speed Currently four such camera units are in service performing
of scanners, which is 15–20 min per patient. Patients are PET studies.
imaged after a minimum waiting period of 45 min and
an average waiting period of 70 min. As per regulatory Imaging protocol
requirements, the isotope is handled, stored, and disposed
off in designated areas. Following a scout, a CT scan is performed and this is then
followed by the PET acquisition. The CT protocol and the
Hardware issues number of centers practicing it is summarized in Table 3.
Table 2 enumerates the PET scanner profile in the PET scan is acquired in 2D or 3D mode, depending on
country. the hardware. The 2D mode is reserved for large patients
weighing more than 75 kg; 3D is the commoner protocol
Except for one scanner, which is a stand-alone PET scanner, and accounts for 60% of all scans done.[6–8]
all dedicated full-ring scanners are hybrid PET/CT scanners.
The hybrid device essentially has a regular CT and a The non-contrast-enhanced low-dose CT (80–110 mAs)
regular PET scanner in a single gantry. While the earlier followed by PET is the most common protocol and accounts
versions have both these strapped next to other, the later for nearly 70% of all PET/CT scans done in the country. The
versions have true hardware integration between the CT remaining 30% scans are performed in the whole-body
and PET. Effectively the later versions are more compact, CECT mode followed by PET acquisition. The typical
with a smaller tunnel. Seventeen of the scanners are of the scanning time in a PET/CT scanner for a whole-body scan
latter type. The number of slices in the CT is the next major from the skull base to the upper third of the femur is 20
variable in the conÞguration. In India, currently, the number min; a stand-alone PET scan takes an additional 20 min,
of slices can vary from single slice to 64 slices; this is shown which makes the study time a total of 40 min. The gamma
in Table 2A. The CT component of the PET/CT study is used camera–based PET systems take about 75 min for the
to generate an attenuation map for attenuation correction same study. Cardiac PET and brain PET are performed in
for the PET image data. Besides the above-mentioned PET/ noncontrast CT modes.
CT scanners and the stand-alone PET scanner, dual-head
1-inch sodium iodide (NaI) gamma cameras are also used PET/CT work cycle
as PET/CT scanners. These are regular gamma cameras
with the usual 3/8-inch crystal replaced by a thicker 1-inch A patient after a minimum fasting period of 6 h, is injected
crystal that can also be used for PET imaging. The dedicated with 5 megaBecquerel per kilogram body weight of FDG.
full-ring PET scanner as a stand-alone PET or as PET/CT has After the uptake period, the patient empties the bladder
a higher sensitivity and better resolution and performance and is taken up for the study. Oral contrast is given in
characteristics than the hybrid gamma camera. Although 50% of the centers; the other centers ask the patient to
they are inferior in performance compared to the dedicated drink water. Children are given triclofos sodium BP (an
scanners, they can be used for performing routine nuclear oral hypnosedative) 30 min post injection. Diazepam and
medicine investigations and, moreover, the cost is much less. furosemide are other medications that are also given,
though infrequently. In three centers, general anesthesia or
Table 2: PET/CT scanner profile (n = 27). intravenous ketamine is used routinely in children.[9]
Scanner feature: PET detector crystal Number of scanners
Bismuth germanate (BGO) 17
Work load
Lutetium oxyorthosilicate (LSO) 8
The studies in government institutes outnumber those done
Gadalonium oxyorthosilicate (GSO) 1
Lutetium yttrium orthosilicate (LYSO) 1 Table 3: Imaging protocols in PET/CT–current practice
Table 2A
Protocol No. of centers
No. of CT slices in the CT part of PET/CT Number of scanners
Non-contrast-enhanced CT (non-CECT) with 7
1 1 nondiagnostic low-mA scan (80–110 mAs)
2 2 Non-CECT with low-mA scan (2.5 mAs) 4
6 2 Non-CECT with nondiagnostic low-mA scan 3
8 4 (110 mAs) followed by regional diagnostic CECT
16 11 CECT (venous phase) whole-body 10
40 2 CECT with early-phase liver, breath-hold CT 1
64 5 at end of study
Others: BGO full-ring PET scanner (stand-alone PET): 1 Non-CECT (110 mAs) with breath-hold CT of thorax 1
Sodium iodide crystal–based SPECT/CT hybrid gamma camera: 5 CECT (regional) for RT planning 5
Total number of FDG scanning instruments: 33
in private centers. In a government institutional setup about incorporating both PET and CT Þndings. In many centers
15–25 whole-body studies are done in a day over 8–10 h. In the CECT is reported by a part-time radiologist and this
the private sector the number is 5–15, with eight per day supplements the report made by the nuclear physician.
being a good average. Rarely, a separate CECT report and a separate PET report
are also given. Ninety percent of the centers give a DICOM
PET/CT–guided biopsy or intervention and PET/CT–based CD of the study along with the hard copy.
radiotherapy (RT) planning are the other dimensions of the
PET/CT work ßow. The PET/CT data may be exported as Manpower requirement
DICOM data to the CT or the RT planning system.[10] Eight
centers are currently using PET/CT for biopsy guidance For PET/CT departments, the regulations demand the
and for RT planning. presence of a full-time nuclear physician (MCI recognized)
and an AERB-approved trained nuclear technologist. For
Cost of the PET scan optimum utilization of the scanner, a trained radiologist is
also required. While most of the training centers for nuclear
While it is entirely free in one center, the cost in government medicine have a PET facility or are in the process of acquiring
institutions varies between Rs. 2000 and Rs. 10000, the one, most trained nuclear physicians and technologists are
average being Rs. 6000. In the private sector, the cost for a expected to have hands-on experience in PET technology.
whole body PET/CT scan is Rs. 15000–27000, depending on There is also a need for sensitizing radiologists to this
the type of protocol. modality during their training. New sandwich courses
are needed to make radiologists competent in this hybrid
License of PET/CT facility modality. An apprenticeship training programme for
nuclear technologists and radiographers is in operation at
A qualiÞed nuclear physician who has been approved the Bioimaging Unit, Tata Memorial Hospital.
by the AERB becomes the primary licensee of the
facility. A radiation safety officer who is a technologist In the short span of 4 years after the Þrst PET/CT was
approved by the AERB is delegated the responsibility of installed at the Tata Hospital there has been a rapid
radioisotope inventory, dispensing, and disposal. The growth of the modality. With firm participation from
licensee periodically submits a report to the AERB. Similar the private sector the modality will grow further, and as
to the cyclotron, the facility is set up after the plan and site cheaper editions of PET/CT scanners and cheaper ‘no frills’
have been approved by the regulator. cyclotrons become available, the cost of the modality is
bound to come down.
Indications for PET/CT study in India
The fusion of the hardware has surely made the nuclear
In descending order of frequency, are as follows: medicine fraternity and the radiologists come closer to each
1. Staging, assessing treatment response, restaging and other for a symbiotic relationship.
follow-up of lymphoma
2. Restaging and follow-up in colorectal carcinoma References
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of melanoma 2002;44:70-5.
7. Restaging and assessing treatment response of head and 4. McQuade P, Rowland DJ, Lewis JS, Welch MJ. Positron-emitting
neck tumors, including thyroid tumors isotopes produced on biomedical cyclotrons. Curr Med Chem
8. Epilepsy – presurgery 2005;12:807-18.
9. Dementia, Alzheimer’s 5. Availabel from:
10. Cardiac viability 6. Gollub MJ, Hong R, Sarasohn DM, Akhurst T. Limitations of CT
During PET/CT. J Nucl Med 2007;48:1583-91.
Reporting the study 7. Wong TZ, Paulson EK, Nelson RC, Patz EF Jr, Coleman RE.
Practical approach to diagnostic CT combined with PET. AJR Am
J Roentgenol 2007;188:622-9.
In most institutions the study is reported by a nuclear 8. Elstrom RL, Leonard JP, Coleman M, Brown RK. Combined PET
physician. Some institutes have, in addition, a full-time and low-dose, noncontrast CT scanning obviates the need for
radiologist and a combined PET/CT report is given, additional diagnostic contrast-enhanced CT scans in patients
undergoing staging or restaging for lymphoma. Ann Oncol 2008; of positron emission tomography/computed tomography fusion
[Epub ahead of print]. planning. Semin Nucl Med 2008;38:129-36.
9. Jadvar H, Connolly LP, Fahey FH, Shulkin BL. PET and PET/CT in
pediatric oncology. Semin Nucl Med 2007;37:316-31.
Source of Support: Nil, Conflict of Interest: None declared.
10. Brunetti J, Caggiano A, Rosenbluth B, Vialotti C. Technical aspects