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Positron Emission Tomography - Clinical Practice - PE Valk 2006 PDF

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Positron Emission Tomography

Peter E. Valk, Dominique Delbeke, Dale L. Bailey,

David W. Townsend, and Michael N. Maisey (Eds)

Positron Emission
Clinical Practice

With 256 Figures

including 131 in Color
Peter E. Valk, MB, BS, FRACP David W. Townsend, PhD
Northern California PET Imaging Center Director
Sacramento, CA, USA Cancer Imaging and Tracer Development
Dominique Delbeke, MD, PhD The University of Tennessee Medical
Professor and Director of Nuclear Center
Medicine Knoxville, TN, USA
Positron Emission Tomography
Department of Radiology and Michael N. Maisey, BSc, MD, FRCR, FRCP
Radiological Sciences Professor of Emeritus
Vanderbilt University Medical Center Department of Radiological Sciences
Nashville, TN, USA Guy’s and St Thomas’ Clinical PET
Dale L. Bailey, PhD Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital Trust
Associate Professor of Medicine London, UK
Department of Nuclear Medicine
Royal North Shore Hospital
Sydney, Australia

Artwork and tables marked with symbol throughout the book are original to the
1st edition (Valk PE, Bailey DL, Townsend DW, Maisey MN. Positron Emission
Tomography: Basic Science and Clinical Practice. Springer-Verlag London Ltd. 2003)
and are being republished in this edition.

British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data

Positron emission tomography : clinical practice
1. Tomography, Emission
I. Valk, Peter E., 1940–
ISBN-10: 1852339713

Library of Congress Control Number: 2005932896

ISBN-10: 1-85233-971-3 e-ISBN 1-84628-187-3

ISBN-13: 978-1-85233-971-5

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The use of positron emission tomography (PET) in clinical practice is key to the suc-
cessful management of many patients with a wide variety of diseases. Whereas in the
1980s and 1990s nuclear medicine physicians struggled to convince other doctors about
the potential clinical value of PET, it is now a challenge to keep up with the requests of
our clinical colleagues for the various applications of PET. In fact, in most cases the
barriers are now related to reimbursement for a given PET procedure. At the time this
foreword was written, many FDG/PET procedures are reimbursable, and the U.S.
National PET Registry, which is about to be implemented, will allow FDG/PET imaging
data to accumulate on rare tumors, while allowing for Center for Medicare and
Medicaid Services (CMS) reimbursement. The challenges are now shifting toward
solving some of the limitations of FDG/PET through the use of next generation instru-
mentation and newer tracers that hold the promise of improving on what is already a
remarkable achievement with FDG/PET.
It is my hope that there will in fact be an enormous growth of nuclear medicine
driven by new imaging tracers that will fuel a growing number of clinical applications.
Many failures will occur in order to give rise to the next generation of PET imaging
tracers, but these failures are be necessary on the road to a better tomorrow. Perhaps a
“Super FDG” will be born out of these efforts, along with very specific imaging tracers
useful for very select groups of patients. Technology will continue to drive our ability to
identify new cellular targets, new molecular imaging agents against those targets, and
the routine high-throughput synthesis and use of those new imaging tracers. Just as
PET/CT has markedly influenced the growth of FDG/PET, newer technologies will
likely come into play. The debut of MR-PET, molecular imaging technologies such as
molecular optical imaging, and many other technologies will likely change the land-
scape of nuclear medicine forever. To keep the correct perspective we must remember
that it is not about the technologies per se, but really about optimal patient care. We
must not slip into the future, but plan for the future so we maximize our ability to help
patients through the power of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging. However
technologies and new tracers evolve, the concepts of interrogation at the cellular and
molecular level will continue to define the evolution of nuclear medicine and the inter-
ception of disease processes through functional imaging.
The use of PET and PET/CT in patient care is best learned from clinicians at the
leading edge of imaging who also routinely interpret the images. This excellent book
put together by leading clinicians, who have helped the field of PET to get to the current
stage, is an enormous educational resource. It is very thorough with clear examples
and covers all major aspects of PET/CT application in patient management. Someday,
technologies will surely evolve so that authors will be seen and speak to us virtually
and interactively through “digital books.” For now we must be content to learn from
the best teachers through their words and image examples on paper. This book is the
next best thing to having all the contributing authors virtually teaching the student
about all aspects of PET/CT. Till the day that digital interactive books arrive, I plan on
keeping this book nearby.

Sanjiv Sam Gambhir MD, PhD

Stanford University


Peter E. Valk passed away on December 16, 2003 in Berkeley, California. David
Townsend wrote in the “In Memoriam” that was published in the February 2004 issue
of the Journal of Nuclear Medicine: “He will be deeply missed by his many friends and
colleagues throughout the Nuclear Medicine and PET community world-wide for his
insight, knowledge, integrity and humour.”
Peter was a dear friend and we certainly miss him. In 2003, Peter coedited Positron
Emission Tomography: Basic Science and Clinical Practice, a comprehensive contempo-
rary reference textbook on positron emission tomography (PET). A few months before
he died, Peter informed me that Springer intended to divide this nearly 900 pages text-
book into two separate volumes for clinical and basic sciences. Peter was acutely aware
of his prognosis and asked me if I would be willing to take over and edit the clinical
volume. I willingly accepted. This book Positron Emission Tomography: Clinical
Practice is a selected and updated version of the clinical chapters from the original
Positron Emission Tomography is an exceptional functional imaging tool. There has
been a tremendous increase in interest in PET in the past decade, not only as a research
tool but particularly in the clinical arena. The editors of the original book (Peter Valk,
Dale Bailey, David Townsend and Michael Maisey) noted how they had collectively
been involved in many aspects of PET development, including instrumentation, algo-
rithms and protocol developments and applications, as well as the training of basic sci-
entists and medical specialists, and efforts to convince health bureaucrats of the value
of functional imaging in patient management. Through their extensive involvement in
all aspects of PET, they progressively became aware of the lack of a comprehensive and
contemporary reference work covering the science and clinical applications of PET.
The original edition of their book arose from a desire to redress this situation.
The field of PET is progressing rapidly with the developments of multimodality
imaging using integrated PET/CT systems. For this separate edition of clinical applica-
tions, the intent remains true to the aims of the first edition, namely, to provide a con-
temporary reference work covering the science and clinical applications of PET with
extensive updating to include PET/CT technology. The book is designed to be used by
residents and fellows training in medical imaging specialties as well as imaging experts
in private or academic medicine who need to become familiar with this technology,
and by those whose specialties carry over to PET and PET/CT such as oncologists,
cardiologists, neurologists and surgeons.
Chapters 1 to 4 address the basic aspects of PET and PET/CT including physics and
instrumentation, an overview of the clinical advantages of the PET/CT technology over
PET or CT alone; the viewpoint of the technologist, radiation dosimetry and protection.
Chapters 5 to 25 address oncologic applications and have been significantly updated
with new data related to the PET/CT technology; many PET/CT illustrations are in-
cluded. As in the first edition, a chapter is devoted to infectious diseases and another to
PET imaging in pediatric disorders. Chapter 26 is an overview of the cardiac applica-
tions of PET, and Chapter 27 discusses cardiac PET/CT that some experts envision as
the future one-stop-shop cardiac examination. Chapter 28 is an overview of PET
imaging in clinical neurology and is probably the least influenced by recent develop-
ment of PET/CT technology.

viii Preface

To conclude, I restate part of the preface from the first edition:

We are indebted to the many friends and colleagues who have contributed to this book,
and who have willingly shared their knowledge and experience.
The functional nature of PET is based on its ability to target specific biochemical path-
ways through sophisticated radioactive probes and to record the time course of tracer
uptake with highly sensitive instrumentation. PET is indeed a rich area in which to work,
in part because of the multidisciplinary nature of the field. Developments in instrumenta-
tion, for example, are as much driven by radiochemistry and medical challenges as they
are by progress in basic physics and instrumentation. Manufacturers of PET instrumenta-
tion have also played a major role in the development of the field by sharing many of their
designs for critical appraisal at an early stage, and by being willing to listen to, support,
and often fund novel prototype concepts. The development of the combined PET/CT
scanner is a prime example of this collaboration.
PET is currently moving forward rapidly on a number of fronts: instrumentation is de-
veloping at a fast pace; synthetic radiochemistry is becoming more sophisticated and reli-
able; new reconstruction algorithms and processing methods are becoming more generally
usable because of rapid advances in computer hardware and software; clinical applications
are burgeoning as PET becomes affordable for more practitioners; and developments in
molecular biology and functional genomics provide opportunities for monitoring gene
expression and targets for gene therapy.
In this context, it is a challenge to produce a reference work which remains current even
during the period from production of the original text to eventual publication, let alone for
a significant number of years afterwards. We leave it up to the reader, and to future
readers, to assess how successful we have been in this endeavour.

Dominique Delbeke, MD, PhD

December 2005

Contributors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi

1 Basic Science of PET and PET/CT

David W. Townsend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

2 Incremental Value of Imaging Structure and Function

Dominique Delbeke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

3 The Technologist’s Perspective

Bernadette F. Cronin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

4 Radiation Protection and Dosimetry in PET and PET/CT

Jocelyn E.C. Towson and Stefan Eberl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

5 Artifacts and Normal Variants in Whole-Body PET and PET/CT Imaging

Gary J.R. Cook. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

6 PET Imaging in Brain Tumors

Terence Z. Wong and R. Edward Coleman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79

7 PET and PET/CT Imaging in Lung Cancer

Pierre Rigo, Roland Hustinx, and Thierry Bury . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89

8 PET and PET/CT Imaging in Head and Neck Cancer

Val J. Lowe, Brendan C. Stack, Jr., and Trond V. Bogsrud . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107

9 PET and PET/CT Imaging in Lymphoma

Guy H.M. Jerusalem, Roland Hustinx, and Pierre Rigo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125

10 PET and PET/CT Imaging in Colorectal Cancer

Christiaan Schiepers and Peter E. Valk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147

11 PET and PET/CT Imaging in Esophageal and Gastric Cancers

Farrokh Dehdashti and Barry A. Siegel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165

12 PET and PET/CT Imaging in Tumors of the Pancreas and Liver

Dominique Delbeke and William H. Martin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181

13 PET and PET/CT Imaging in Breast Cancer

Richard L. Wahl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197

14 PET and PET/CT Imaging in Testicular and Gynecologic Cancers

Sharon F. Hain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217

15 PET and PET/CT Imaging in Melanoma

George M. Segall and Susan M. Swetter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233

x Contents

16 PET and PET/CT Imaging in Urologic Tumors

Paul D. Shreve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243

17 PET and PET/CT Imaging in Sarcoma

Michael J. O’Doherty and Michael A. Smith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253

18 PET and PET/CT Imaging in Thyroid and Adrenal Diseases

I. Ross McDougall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269

19 PET and PET/CT Imaging in Multiple Myeloma, Solitary

Plasmacytoma, MGUS, and Other Plasma Cell Dyscrasias
Ronald C. Walker, Laurie B. Jones-Jackson, Erik Rasmussen,
Marisa Miceli, Edgardo J.C. Angtuaco, Frits Van Rhee,
Guido J. Tricot, Joshua Epstein, Elias J. Anaissie, and Bart Barlogie . . . . . . . 283

20 Evolving Role of FDG-PET Imaging in the Management of Patients

with Suspected Infection and Inflammatory Disorders
Hongming Zhuang and Abass Alavi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303

21 PET Imaging of the Skeleton

Gary J.R. Cook, Ignac Fogelman, and Ora Israel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 317

22. PET Imaging in Pediatric Disorders

Hossein Jadvar, Leonard P. Connolly, Frederic H. Fahey, and
Barry L. Shulkin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 337

23 PET Imaging for Tumor Hypoxia: Characterizing the Tumor and

Guiding Treatment
Joseph G. Rajendran and Kenneth A. Krohn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 359

24 Labeled Pyrimidines in PET Imaging

Anthony F. Shields. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 375

25 Assessment of Treatment Response by FDG-PET

Lale Kostakoglu and Peter E. Valk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 387

26 PET in Clinical Cardiology

Frank M. Bengel and Markus Schwaiger. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 413

27 Assessment of Coronary Artery Disease with Cardiac PET/CT

Marcelo F. Di Carli . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 433

28 PET in Clinical Neurology

Yen F. Tai and Paola Piccini . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 453

Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 463

Abass Alavi, MD Thierry Bury, MD, PhD

Department of Radiology Division of Pulmonary Medicine
Division of Nuclear Medicine Department of Medicine
Hospital of the University of University Hospital of Liège, Sart-Tilman
Pennsylvania Liège, Belgium
Philadelphia, PA, USA
R. Edward Coleman, MD
Elias J. Anaissie, MD Department of Radiology
Myeloma Institute for Research and Division of Nuclear Medicine
Therapy Duke University Medical Center
University of Arkansas for Medical Durham, NC, USA
Little Rock, AR, USA Leonard P. Connolly, MD
Department of Radiology
Division of Nuclear Medicine
Edgardo J.C. Angtuaco, MD Children’s Hospital
Section of Neuroradiology Boston, MA, USA
Department of Radiology
University of Arkansas for Medical Gary J.R. Cook, MBBS, MSc, MD, FRCP,
Sciences FRCR
Little Rock, AR, USA Department of Nuclear Medicine and PET
Royal Marsden Hospital
Dale L. Bailey, PhD Sutton, UK
Associate Professor of Medicine
Department of Nuclear Medicine Bernadette F. Cronin, DCR (R), DRI,
Royal North Shore Hospital FETC
Sydney, Australia Department of Nuclear Medicine and PET
The Royal Marsden Hospital
Bart Barlogie, MD, PhD Sutton, UK
Myeloma Institute for Research and
Therapy Farrokh Dehdashti, MD
University of Arkansas for Medical Division of Nuclear Medicine
Sciences Edward Mallinckrodt Institute of
Little Rock, AR, USA Radiology
Washington University School of
Frank M. Bengel, MD St. Louis, MO, USA
Nuklearmedizinische Klinik
Technische Universität München Dominique Delbeke, MD, PhD
München, Germany Professor and Director of Nuclear
Trond V. Bogsrud, MD Positron Emission Tomography
Department of Medical Imaging Department of Radiology and
Division of Nuclear Medicine Radiological Sciences
University Clinic Vanderbilt University Medical Center
The Norwegian Radium Hospital Nashville, TN, USA
Oslo, Norway xi
xii Contributors

Marcelo F. Di Carli, MD Guy H.M. Jerusalem, MD, PhD

Department of Radiology Division of Medical Oncology
Division of Nuclear Medicine/PET Department of Medicine
Brigham and Women’s Hospital University Hospital of Liège,
Harvard Medical School Sart-Tilman
Boston, MA, USA Liège, Belgium

Stefan Eberl, BE, MSc, PhD Laurie B. Jones-Jackson, MD

Department of PET & Nuclear Medicine Department of Radiology
Royal Prince Alfred Hospital University of Arkansas for Medical
Sydney, Australia Sciences
Little Rock, AR, USA
Joshua Epstein, DSc
Myeloma Institute for Research and
Lale Kostakoglu, MD
Department of Radiology
University of Arkansas for Medical
Division of Nuclear Medicine
The New York Presbyterian Hospital
Little Rock, AR, USA
Weill Medical College of Cornell
Frederic H. Fahey, DSc
Weill Cornell Medical Center
Department of Radiology
New York, NY, USA
Division of Nuclear Medicine
Children’s Hospital
Boston, MA, USA Kenneth A. Krohn, PhD
Departments of Radiology and
Ignac Fogelman, MD, FRCP Radiation Oncology
Department of Nuclear Medicine University of Washington
Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital Seattle, WA, USA
Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital Trust
London, UK Val J. Lowe, MD
Department of Radiology
Sharon F. Hain, BSc, MBBS, FRACP Division of Nuclear Medicine
Institute of Nuclear Medicine Mayo Clinic
Middlesex Hospital Rochester, MN, USA
UCH NHS Trust and Hammersmith
Hospitals NHS Trust Michael N. Maisey, BSc, MD, FRCR,
London, UK FRCP
Professor of Emeritus
Roland Hustinx, MD Department of Radiological Sciences
Division of Nuclear Medicine Guy’s and St Thomas’ Clinical PET
Department of Medicine Centre
University Hospital of Liège, Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital Trust
Sart-Tilman London, UK
Liège, Belgium

Ora Israel, MD William H. Martin, MD

Department of Nuclear Medicine Department of Radiology and
Rambam Medical Center Radiological Sciences
Haifa, Israel Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Nashville, TN, USA
Hossein Jadvar, MD, PhD, FACNM
Department of Radiology I. Ross McDougall, MBChB, MD, PhD,
Division of Nuclear Medicine FRCP
Keck School of Medicine Division of Nuclear Medicine
University of Southern California Stanford University Medical Center
Los Angeles, CA, USA Stanford, CA, USA
Contributors xiii

Marisa Miceli, MD Anthony F. Shields, MD, PhD

Myeloma Institute for Research and Department of Internal Medicine
Therapy Karmanos Cancer Institute
University of Arkansas for Medical Wayne State University
Sciences Detroit, MI, USA
Little Rock, AR, USA
Paul D. Shreve, MD
Michael J. O’Doherty, MA, MSc, MD, Advanced Radiology Services PC
FRCP Grand Rapids, MI, USA
Department of Nuclear Medicine
Clinical PET Centre Barry L. Shulkin, MD, MBA
Guy’s, King’s and St Thomas’ School of Division of Diagnostic Imaging
Medicine St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital
Guys and St Thomas’ NHS Trust Memphis, TN, and
St Thomas’ Hospital Division of Nuclear Medicine
London, UK Department of Radiology
University of Michigan Medical Center
Paola Piccini, MD, PhD Ann Arbor, MI, USA
Division of Neurosciences and Mental
Health Barry A. Siegel, MD
Imperial College School of Medicine Division of Nuclear Medicine
Hammersmith Hospital Edward Mallinckrodt Institute of
London, UK Radiology
Washington University School of
Joseph G. Rajendran, MD Medicine
Division of Nuclear Medicine St. Louis, MO, USA
University of Washington Medical
Michael A. Smith, MA, MB BChir, FRCS
Seattle, WA, USA
Department of Orthopaedics
The St Thomas’ Soft Tissue Tumor Unit
Erik Rasmussen, MS
Guys and St Thomas’ NHS Trust
Cancer Research and Biostatistics
Guy’s Hospital
Seattle, WA, USA
London, UK
Pierre Rigo, MD, PhD
Department of Nuclear Medicine Brendan C. Stack, Jr., MD, FACS
Centre Hospitalier Princesse Grace Division of Otolaryngology, Head and
Monaco Neck Surgery
Pennsylvania State University College of
Christiaan Schiepers, MD, PhD Medicine and Milton S. Hershey
Molecular and Medical Pharmacology Medical Center
David Geffen School of Medicine Hershey, PA, USA
Los Angeles, CA, USA Susan M. Swetter, MD
Dermatology Services
Markus Schwaiger, MD Veterans Affairs Palo Alto Health Care
Nuklearmedizinische Klinik System, Palo Alto CA, and
Technische Universität München Department of Dermatology
München, Germany Stanford University School of Medicine
Stanford, CA, USA
George M. Segall, MD
Nuclear Medicine Services Yen F. Tai, MB BS, MRCP
Veterans Affairs Palo Alto Health Care Division of Neurosciences and Mental
System, Palo Alto CA, and Health
Department of Radiology Imperial College School of Medicine
Stanford University School of Medicine Hammersmith Hospital
Stanford, CA, USA London, UK
xiv Contributors

David W. Townsend, PhD Richard L. Wahl, MD

Director The Johns Hopkins PET Center
Cancer Imaging and Tracer Russell H. Morgan Department of
Development Program Radiology and Radiological Science
The University of Tennessee Medical Johns Hopkins University (JHU)
Center School of Medicine
Knoxville, TN, USA Baltimore, MD, USA

Jocelyn E.C. Towson, MA, MSc Ronald C. Walker, MD

Department of PET & Nuclear Medicine Department of Radiology
Royal Prince Alfred Hospital University of Arkansas for Medical
Sydney, Australia Sciences
Little Rock, AR, USA
Guido J. Tricot, MD, PhD
University of Arkansas for Medical Terence Z. Wong, MD, PhD
Sciences Department of Radiology
Myeloma Institute for Research and Division of Nuclear Medicine
Therapy Duke University Medical Center
Little Rock, AR, USA Durham, NC, USA

Peter E. Valk, MB, BS, FRACP Hongming Zhuang, MD, PHD
Northern California PET Imaging Department of Radiology
Center Division of Nuclear Medicine
Sacramento, CA, USA Hospital of the University of
Frits Van Rhee, MD, PhD Philadelphia, PA, USA
Myeloma Institute for Research and
University of Arkansas for Medical
Little Rock, AR, USA

Basic Science of PET and PET/CT
David W.Townsend

Introduction market CT scanners today. With the introduction of mag-

netic resonance imaging (MRI) in the early 1980s, CT was,
Historical Background at that time, predicted to last another 5 years at most
before being replaced by MRI for anatomic imaging.
The past few years have seen the transition of positron Obviously this did not happen, and today, with multislice
emission tomography (PET) from the research domain detectors, spiral acquisition, and subsecond rotation
into mainstream clinical applications for oncology (1). times, CT continues to develop and play a major role in
The emergence of PET as the functional imaging modality clinical imaging, especially for anatomic regions outside
of choice for diagnosis, staging, therapy monitoring, and the brain.
assessment of recurrence in cancer has led to increasing Functional imaging, as a complement to anatomic
demand for this advanced imaging technology. The recog- imaging, has been the domain of nuclear medicine ever
nition that functional imaging modalities such as PET since the early 1950s. Initially, planar imaging with the
may provide an earlier diagnosis and more accurate scintillation (gamma) camera invented by Anger in 1958
staging than conventional anatomic imaging has pro- was the mainstay of nuclear medicine. Even today, the
moted the technology, particularly as PET is now a reim- widely used scintillation camera still follows Anger’s orig-
bursed imaging procedure in the United States for many inal design, comprising a large sodium iodide crystal and
types of cancer. Although PET offers an extensive array of collimator, with photomultiplier tubes as the photodetec-
different radiopharmaceuticals, or molecular probes, to tors. In modern nuclear medicine, planar scintigraphy has
image different aspects of physiology and tumor biology, been extended to tomography by the development of
currently the most widely used PET tracer is the fluori- Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT),
nated analogue of glucose, 18F-2-deoxy-D-glucose (FDG). which can be helpful for certain clinical applications.
The increased uptake of glucose in malignant cells has Although early SPECT systems actually predated CT, the
been well known for many years (2), and although FDG is real growth in SPECT did not occur until after the appear-
not a specific probe for cancer, nonspecificity can be a ance of CT when similar reconstruction algorithms to
useful property when identifying and staging disease by a those used in CT were applied to the reconstruction of
survey of the whole body. The widespread use of FDG is parallel projections from SPECT data acquired by a rotat-
facilitated by the half-life of 18F (110 min), which is conve- ing gamma camera.
nient for transportation from a remote cyclotron and Functional imaging with positron-emitting isotopes
compatible with typical whole-body PET imaging times of was first proposed in the early 1950s as an imaging tech-
20 min or more following a 60- to 90-min uptake period. nique that could offer greater sensitivity than conven-
The recent development of combined PET/CT instru- tional nuclear medicine techniques with single
mentation is an important evolution in imaging technol- photon-emitting isotopes. The SPECT collimator is elimi-
ogy. Since the introduction of the first prototype nated and replaced by electronic collimation—the coinci-
computed tomography (CT) scanner in the early 1970s, dent detection of two photons from positron
tomographic imaging has made significant contributions annihilation—greatly increasing the sensitivity of the
to the diagnosis and staging of disease. Rapid commercial imaging system. However, other than some early proto-
development followed the introduction of the first CT types in the 1960s, instrumentation to image positron
scanner in 1972, and within 3 years of its appearance more emitters did not emerge seriously until the 1970s, and the
than 12 companies were marketing, or intending to first commercial PET scanners date from around 1980,
market, CT scanners; about half that number actually about the time MRI also became commercially available.
2 Positron Emission Tomography

PET was initially perceived as a complex and expensive functional images routinely available and accurately
technology requiring both a cyclotron to produce the aligned for every patient.
short-lived PET radioisotopes and a PET scanner to image Although it may seem that, in many cases, it would be
the tracer distribution in the patient. Consequently, equally effective to view separately acquired CT and PET
during the 1970s, PET did not experience the explosive images for a given patient on adjacent computer displays,
growth of CT, nor, during the 1980s, the comparable with (9) or without software registration, experience in
growth of MRI. In fact, it was not until the 1990s that PET the past 4 years with commercial PET/CT scanners has
became recognized as an important technique for imaging highlighted numerous unique advantages of the new tech-
cancer by mapping glucose utilization throughout the nology. A number of these advantages were anticipated in
body with FDG. The elevated utilization of glucose by ma- the original PET/CT proposal, but others were unexpected
lignant cells (2) allows cancerous tissue to be identified and have only emerged since the technology became more
anywhere in the body, even though it may have no widely available for clinical imaging.
anatomic correlate that would allow identification on a CT The purpose of this chapter is to present the physical
scan. The effectiveness of FDG-PET imaging for diagnos- basis of PET and review aspects of the instrumentation
ing and staging malignant disease was officially recog- that have been developed to image positron-emitting dis-
nized when the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid tributions. The design objectives of emerging PET/CT
Services (CMS) approved reimbursement for a number of technology are described, and the status of current instru-
cancers in 1998. Following that decision, the application mentation and CT-based attenuation correction method-
of FDG-PET for imaging cancer expanded rapidly, al- ology are reviewed. Operation of PET/CT technology
though still not at a rate that has ever fully rivaled the within the clinical setting opens up new possibilities for
growth of the dominant anatomic imaging modalities CT disease diagnosis, staging, and monitoring response to
and MRI during the 1970s and 1980s, respectively. therapy. Although specific clinical applications are dis-
cussed in depth elsewhere in this volume, some general
protocol definitions and refinements are presented here.
Combining Anatomy and Function
The corporate environments that developed these differ-
ent imaging technologies, the medical specialties of radi- Physical Principles of PET Imaging
ology and nuclear medicine that were responsible for
acquiring and operating them, and the differing chronol- The principles of imaging tissue function in vivo with PET
ogy of clinical acceptance described here each contributed are summarized in Figure 1.1. Multiple steps are involved
to ensuring CT and PET followed separate and distinct de- in the PET process, beginning with the selection and pro-
velopmental paths. Both modalities have their strengths. duction of a suitable molecular probe, a pharmaceutical
CT scanners image anatomy with high spatial resolution, labeled with a positron-emitting radionuclide, the admin-
although malignant disease can generally only be istration of the probe to the patient, and finally the
identified from the presence of abnormal masses or from imaging of the distribution of the probe in the patient.
size changes in lymph nodes. PET, on the other hand can Positron emitters are neutron-deficient isotopes that
identify a functional abnormality in, for example, a achieve stability through the nuclear transmutation of a
normal-sized lymph node, although accurate localization proton into a neutron. As shown in Figure 1.1a, this
of the node may be difficult, or even impossible, from the process involves the emission of a positive electron, or
PET scan alone. To initiate the evolution in imaging tech- positron (␤+) and an electron neutrino (␯e). The energy
nology that was required to physically integrate CT and spectrum of the emitted positron depends on the specific
PET (3) in a single device, initial skepticism from both the isotope, with typical endpoint energies varying from 0.6
corporate environment and the medical profession had to MeV for 18F up to 3.4 MeV for 82Rb. After emission, the
be overcome. The key was to design and develop a re- positron loses energy by interactions in the surrounding
search prototype PET/CT scanner within the context of tissue until it annihilates with an electron, as shown
National Institutes of Health (NIH) grant-funded collabo- schematically in Figure 1.1b. The range that the positron
ration between academia and industry. The first com- travels in tissue obviously depends on the energy with
bined PET/CT prototype scanner was completed in 1998 which it is emitted, and the (electron) density of the
(4), and clinical evaluation began in June of that year. The surrounding tissue. The two annihilation photons are
initial studies with the prototype (5–8) demonstrated a emitted in approximately opposite directions and are de-
number of significant advantages of PET/CT: that func- tected in coincidence; in this example, a coincidence is
tional abnormalities could now be accurately localized, defined by two photons that are registered within a time
that normal benign uptake of a nonspecific tracer such as interval of 2␶ ns, where ␶ is the electronic coincidence
FDG could be distinguished from uptake resulting from time window.
disease, and that confidence in reading both the PET and Positron emitters such as 18F are used to label sub-
the CT increases significantly by having the anatomic and strates such as deoxyglucose (DG) (Figure 1.1c) to create
Basic Science of PET and PET/CT 3

Figure 1.1. The principles of PET

imaging shown schematically: (a) the
decay of a neutron-deficient, positron-
emitting isotope; (b) the detection in co-
incidence of the annihilation photons
within a time window of 2τ ns; (c) the
glucose analogue deoxyglucose labeled
with the positron emitter 18F to form
the radiopharmaceutical FDG; (d) the in-
jection of the labeled pharmaceutical
and the detection of a pair of anni-
hilation photons in coincidence by a
multiring PET camera; (e) the collection
of the positron annihilation events into
sinograms wherein each element of the
sinogram contains the number of annihi-
lations in a specific projection direction;
and (f) a coronal section of the final, re-
constructed whole-body image mapping
the utilization of glucose throughout the

the radiopharmaceutical FDG. The radioactive tag is then range of 0.6 mm. It is, therefore, a nuclide with favorable
transported by the circulation and incorporated into the properties for high-resolution PET imaging.
organ of interest through metabolism of the pharmaceuti-
cal. For FDG, the relevant metabolic process is glucose
utilization. The radiopharmaceutical is first injected into Spatial Resolution
the patient, and the patient is then positioned in the PET
scanner, a circular configuration of detectors (Figure The physics of positron emission imposes certain limita-
1.1d). The gamma ray pairs from positron annihilation tions on the spatial, temporal, and contrast resolution that
are captured in coincidence by opposing detectors. The can be attained in a particular imaging situation. Positron
pairs of coincident photons (events) that are detected are range (see Figure 1.1a) is obviously one limitation on the
stored in matrices (sinograms) where each row in the spatial resolution, because the goal is to map the distribu-
matrix represents a parallel projection, p(s, φ), of the ac- tion of positron-emitting nuclei and not the distribution
tivity distribution in the patient at a specific angle (φ) and of annihilation points. The energy carried by the positron
axial position (z) (Figure 1.1e); s is the radial coordinate may not be entirely dissipated during its journey in tissue,
within a given parallel projection. An image reconstruc- and the annihilating electron-positron system may have
tion algorithm is applied to the sinogram data to recover residual momentum. To conserve momentum, the annihi-
the underlying radioactivity distribution, thus indirectly lation photons are emitted slightly less than 180º apart,
mapping the functional process that created the distribu- further contributing to a loss of spatial resolution because
tion of the positron emitter. For the radiopharmaceutical the two photons are assumed to be collinear and to form a
FDG, the images shown in Figure 1.1f are maps of FDG ac- straight line containing the point of emission of the
cumulation throughout the body reflecting glucose uti- positron. Neither of these assumptions is exact, and both
lization by the different tissues. positron range and acolinearity of the photons degrade
The basis of PET is, therefore, that the pharmaceutical spatial resolution. The contribution from acolinearity in-
or substrate interacts with the body through a metabolic creases with increased separation of the coincident detec-
process; the radionuclide allows that interaction to be fol- tors, and the resolution degradation is a maximum at the
lowed, mapped, and measured. For medical applications center of the transverse field of view. For typical whole-
of PET, the most important radionuclides, with half-lives body PET scanner designs, the contribution from photon
in parentheses, are 15O (2.03 min), 13N (9.96 min), 11C (20.4 acolinearity will be about 1.5 mm full-width at half-
min), and 18F (109.8 min). For clinical applications, 18F is maximum (FWHM) for 18F. Although these physical
currently of greatest importance in oncology due to the effects place a lower limit on the spatial resolution that
widespread use of FDG. The maximum energy of the can be achieved with PET, contributions from the size and
positron from decay of 18F is 0.633 MeV, with a mean design of the PET detectors further degrade the spatial
4 Positron Emission Tomography

resolution in clinical PET scanners. Physical effects con- Scattered photons can, in principle, be identified from
tribute 2 mm or less, whereas the spatial resolution of a the energy lost in the scattering process and rejected by
PET scanner in a clinical imaging situation is, at best, applying a simple energy threshold. However, as seen
about 6 mm. later, the energy resolution of current PET detectors is
unable to accurately distinguish scattered from nonscat-
tered photons above a certain energy threshold that may
Scatter and Randoms be as low as 350 keV for BGO detectors. Thus, in addition
to a lower energy threshold, sophisticated scatter correc-
As with any imaging technique, not all acquired events tion models have been developed to remove the residual
contribute to the signal. Contributions to background scatter bias (10–12). The scatter background cannot be
noise include photons that scatter before detection and measured directly and must, instead, be estimated from
photons from two unrelated annihilations that are erro- the data. In a typical clinical imaging situation, even after
neously assigned to a single positron emission, as shown applying an energy threshold, the fraction of the total
schematically in Figure 1.2. For scattered events (Figure events in the image that are scattered (SF) is 8%–10% in
1.2a), one or both photons interact in the tissue before two dimensions (2D) and up to 45% or greater in three di-
reaching the detectors and as a consequence the event is mensions (3D).
assigned incorrectly to the line joining the two detectors. As mentioned, the random coincidence rate (R) is pro-
The level of scatter, which at this energy is primarily portional to the square of the radiation (singles rate) inci-
caused by Compton scattering, is characterized by the dent on the detectors. This radiation arises not only from
scatter fraction (SF), the ratio of scattered to total events. the radioactivity in the field of view of the scanner, but
Random coincidences (Figure 1.2b) are photon pairs from also from radioactivity outside the field of view when one
uncorrelated positron annihilations that arrive within the of the two photons from a given positron annihilation
electronic time window (2␶) that defines a coincidence. enters the scanner field-of-view and reaches the detectors.
The random coincidence rate increases linearly with the For whole-body clinical imaging with FDG, the radiophar-
width of the time window and quadratically (except at maceutical distributes throughout the body and radioac-
very low rates) with the rate of single photons interacting tivity that localizes in regions not within the field-of-view
in the detectors. Both these background processes intro- of the scanner increases the overall randoms rate to a level
duce a bias into the reconstructed images, a bias that can that may exceed 50% of the total acquisition rate. The
be reduced or eliminated by measuring or modeling each randoms rate can be estimated from the singles rate and
process, although usually at the expense of increasing the coincidence time window (Figure 1.2b), or from a
image noise. direct measurement of delayed events acquired in an out-

Figure 1.2. Contributions to PET data,
acquired in addition to the true coinci-
dences, where (a) one (or both) photons
scatter and lose energy before they reach
the PET detectors and (b) two annihila-
tion photons from different positron
decays, P1 and P2, are detected within
the coincidence time window (2␶) ap-
pearing to form a true coincidence; such
events are termed random coincidences.
Basic Science of PET and PET/CT 5

of-time window. The advantage of a direct measurement analogous to a CT scan acquired at 511 keV, rather than at
of randoms is that it can account for any spatial variations 70 keV as in clinical CT. Up to three 68Ge rod sources (R)
in the distribution, whereas the disadvantage is that, as a covering the full axial extent of the scanner circulate
measurement, it increases image noise when the randoms around the patient to acquire the corresponding transmis-
are subtracted. sion data at 511 keV. The total transmission counts, I(k),
acquired for a given LOR k is compared to the nonattenu-
ated counts, I0(k), acquired in the absence of a patient
Attenuation and Attenuation Correction (blank scan), and the ratio I0(k)/I(k) yields the ACF for
LOR k. By measuring this ratio for all LORs, and applying
Annihilation photons that scatter are not only assigned to the factors to the PET emission data, the effect of attenua-
the incorrect line-of-response (LOR) (see Figure 1.2a), but tion can be corrected.
they are also removed from the correct LOR. The removal For PET, the attenuation correction procedure is, in prin-
of annihilation events from an LOR, either by Compton ciple, exact. However, because the correction is based on a
scattering or photoelectric absorption, is termed attenua- measurement involving photon counting statistics, addi-
tion, as shown schematically in Figure 1.3a. Attenuation tional noise is introduced into the PET data. The radioactiv-
of 511-keV photons follows the usual exponential absorp- ity in the rod sources is limited to avoid excessive dead time
tion law determined by the linear attenuation coefficient in adjacent PET detectors, and transmission scan times may
µ(x, E), where x is the pathlength in tissue and E is the represent 40% or more of the total scan duration.
photon energy; for PET, E = 511 keV, the rest mass of the For whole-body imaging of large patients, the ACFs are
positron or electron. A well-known advantage of PET is significant, exceeding a factor of 300 for LORs through the
that, because both annihilation photons must traverse the shoulders and abdomen, thereby amplifying the intrinsic
tissue without interaction, attenuation is depth indepen- noise in the PET emission data. Despite this noise
dent and is a function of the total thickness of tissue, amplification, the importance of correcting for attenua-
greatly simplifying the attenuation correction procedure tion in whole-body FDG scans is evident, as shown in
compared to SPECT. The attenuation correction factor Figure 1.4, comparing the uncorrected image (Figure 1.4a)
(ACF) for a given LOR is obtained by integrating the and the corrected image (Figure 1.4b). Artifactually in-
linear attenuation coefficients along the path of the LOR creased uptake in the skin and lungs, as well as nonuni-
(Figure 1.3a). The limits of integration, x1 and x2, are coor- form recovery of uptake in the liver and spleen, are
dinates, measured along the LOR (k), at the entrance and well-known features of uncorrected FDG-PET images. The
exit of the patient. For PET, the correction is (1) indepen- uncorrected images are not quantitative and, for interpre-
dent of source depth, and (2) exact, since the ACFs can be tation purposes, estimates of standardized uptake values
measured directly (Figure 1.3b). The measurement is (SUVs) will be inaccurate.

Figure 1.3. The physics of PET attenua-

tion and a procedure for correction of the
attenuation effect. (a) An annihilation Detector
photon scatters in the patient, and the X2
event is removed from that line-of-re-
sponse (k). The attenuated activity I(k) is
511 keV
given by the unattenuated activity I0(k)
multiplied by the integral along the LOR
k of the linear attenuation coefficient < 511 keV 511 keV
µ(x, EPET) at the PET energy (511 keV). LOR k Detector Rotating rod sources
The integration variable x is integrated
from x1 to x2, the limits of the intersec- Patient outline
tion of the LOR k with the outline of the X1
patient. (b) To correct for attenuation, B: Blank scan
the unattenuated activity I0(k) for LOR k T: Transmission
is estimated from a blank scan B(k) ac- x2
quired in the absence of a patient with I(k) = I0(k) ∫ exp {-µ(x, EPET)dx}
up to three rotating rod sources (R) of ACF = I0(k) / I(k)
Ge. The attenuated value I(k) is ob- = B(k) / T(k)
tained from the transmission scan T(k)
acquired with the patient positioned in
the scanner. The attenuation correction a b
factor ACF for each line of response (LOR)
k is given by the ratio B(k)/T(k).
6 Positron Emission Tomography

a b
Figure 1.4. A coronal section through a whole-body FDG-PET image of a patient: the
images have been reconstructed (a) without correction for attenuation and (b) with
correction for attenuation, obtained as described in Figure 1.3. Note in the uncorrected
image (a) the artifactual appearance of increased activity in the lungs, skin, and pe-
riphery of the liver as compared to the corrected image (b).

Imaging Technology for PET Figure 1.5. The concept of the PET block detector design. A block of scintillators is par-
titioned into 8 x 8 small elements with cuts of different depths. The scintillator is
The past decades has witnessed significant advances in the bonded to four photomultiplier tubes, A to D. An incident 511-keV annihilation photon
is converted to light and detected by the phototubes. The distribution of light among
imaging technology available for PET, the pace increasing the four phototubes localizes the position of the incident annihilation photon.
recently with the introduction of new fast scintillators and
the combination of anatomic and functional imaging
thallium-activated sodium iodide crystals [NaI(Tl)], a
within the same scanner. This section briefly reviews
scintillator that is widely used in standard nuclear medi-
some of these developments in PET imaging technology,
cine gamma cameras to detect the 140-keV photons from
including the basic block detector design, scintillator per-
the decay of technetium. To detect 511-keV annihilation
formance, two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional
photons, however, the low density of NaI(Tl) is a disad-
(3D) imaging, and reconstruction algorithms. Combined
vantage unless thicker crystals are used to compensate for
anatomic and functional imaging are discussed in the sub-
the reduced stopping power. In the late 1970s, bismuth
sequent section.
germanate (BGO), a denser scintillator with greater stop-
ping power than sodium iodide, was first considered as a
prospective detector for PET (14). Compared to NaI(Tl),
PET Detectors the higher density and increased photo fraction of BGO
offer improved sensitivity by detecting a greater fraction
The PET block detector was first developed by Casey and
of the incident photons. The light output of BGO is only
Nutt in the mid-1980s (13). Previous efforts to improve
about 15% of NaI(Tl) and the decay time is about 30%
PET spatial resolution through the use of smaller scintilla-
longer. Despite these suboptimal properties, BGO became
tion detectors, each coupled to a photomultiplier tube,
established as the most widely used scintillator for PET
became prohibitively expensive. In addition, the demand
for more than 25 years. Some of the physical properties of
to increase the axial coverage of PET scanners by incorpo-
NaI(Tl) and BGO are compared in Table 1.1. Nevertheless,
rating multiple detector rings into the design created
the use of NaI(Tl) for PET imaging continued and one
complex and inconvenient coupling schemes to extract
company, UGM Medical (Philadelphia, PA, USA), success-
the scintillation signals. Multiplexing first 32, and then 64,
fully developed PET scanners based on NaI(Tl) crystals
detectors to four phototubes, Casey and Nutt decreased
both complexity and cost in one design (13). A block of
scintillator is cut into 8 x 8 detectors and bonded to four Table 1.1. Physical properties of different scintillators for positron emission
photomultipliers (Figure 1.5). Light sharing between the tomography (PET)
four phototubes (A to D) is used to localize the detector Property Nal BGO LSO GSO
element in which the incident photon interacts. The block Density (g/mL) 3.67 7.13 7.4 6.7
design shown in Figure 1.5 has been the basic detector Effective Z 51 74 66 61
component in all multiring PET scanners for more than Attenuation length (cm) 2.88 1.05 1.16 1.43
17 years. Decay time (ns) 230 300 35–45 30–60
Photons/MeV 38,000 8,200 28,000 10,000
Light yield (%Nal) 100 15 75 25
Scintillators for PET Hygroscopic Yes No No No
NaI, sodium iodide; LSO, lutetium oxyorthosilicate; BGO, bismuth germanate; GSO,
The first PET scanners, developed in the 1960s and early
gadolinium oxyorthosilicate.
1970s, were based on various geometric configurations of
Basic Science of PET and PET/CT 7

that were thicker than those used in the conventional tion of the number of light photons. The increased light
gamma camera (15). output also improves the positioning accuracy of a block
Thus, from the late 1980s, the BGO block detector detector (see Figure 1.5), presenting the possibility to cut
became a standard for PET imaging. Blocks of scintillator the blocks even finer into smaller crystals, thus further
50 mm × 50 mm in size and 20 mm to 30 mm deep were improving spatial resolution. Unlike NaI(Tl), BGO, LSO,
cut into 8 × 8 crystals and bonded to four 1-inch photo- and GSO are not hygroscopic, facilitating the manufacture
multiplier tubes (Figure 1.5). Two contiguous rings of and packaging of the detectors. GSO is somewhat less
blocks covered an axial extent of 10 cm with 16 rings of rugged and more difficult to machine than either BGO or
crystals, each approximately 6 mm × 6 mm in size. A LSO. LSO has an intrinsic radioactivity of about 280
design with a third ring of blocks covering a total of 15 cm Bq/mL with single photon emissions in the range 88 keV
axially with 24 rings of detectors appeared in the early to 400 keV. Such a radioactive component is of little con-
1990s and became established as one of the most effective sequence for coincidence counting at 511 keV, except pos-
configurations for clinical PET scanning throughout the sibly at very low count rates.
decade (16). The energy resolution and count rate perfor-
mance of these multiring scanners were limited by the
physical characteristics of BGO and thus a search for PET Imaging in 3D
scintillators with improved characteristics was initiated,
one that would have greater light output and shorter PET is intrinsically a 3D imaging methodology, replacing
decay time than BGO. the physical collimation required for single photon
The introduction of new, faster scintillators such as imaging with the electronic collimation of coincidence de-
gadolinium oxyorthosilicate (GSO) (17) and lutetium oxy- tection. However, the first multiring PET scanners incor-
orthosilicate (LSO) (18), both doped with cerium, has re- porated septa, lead or tungsten annular shields mounted
cently improved the performance of PET scanners for between the detector rings (Figure 1.6a). The purpose of
clinical imaging. The physical properties of these newer the septa was to shield the detectors from photons that
scintillators are also compared in Table 1.1. Both GSO and scattered out of the transverse plane, thus restricting the
LSO have shorter decay times than BGO by a factor of 6 to use of electronic collimation to within the plane. This re-
7, reducing system deadtime and improving count rate striction also allows 2D reconstruction algorithms to be
performance, particularly at high activity levels in the field used on a plane-by-plane basis rather than requiring a full
of view. Of even more importance for clinical imaging is 3D reconstruction algorithm. However, by restricting an-
the potential of faster scintillators to decrease the coinci- nihilation events to a set of 2D planes, inefficient use is
dence timing window, thereby reducing the randoms co- made of the emitted radiation. When the septa are ex-
incidence rate. The increased light output of the new tended (Figure 1.6b), only LORs with small angles of inci-
scintillators improves the energy resolution because the dence are active; the remaining LORs intersect the septa
increased number of light photons reduces the statistical and the photons never reach the detectors. When the
uncertainty in the energy measurement. However, other septa are retracted (Figure 1.6c), many more LORs are
physical effects contribute to the emission process and the active and the overall scanner sensitivity increases by a
improvement in energy resolution is not a simple func- factor of 6 or greater, depending on the exact design (19).

Figure 1.6. PET acquisition in 2D and 3D

modes. (a) Schematic of a multiring PET
scanner with interring lead septa to
shield the detector rings from out-of-
plane scatter and randoms. (b) With the
septa extended into the field-of-view,
the number of active LORs is limited to
those in-plane and small incident angles,
whereas with the septa removed (c) the
number of active LORs is greatly in-
creased, thereby improving the sensitiv-
ity. (d) The noise equivalent count rate
(NECR) as a function of activity concen-
tration in the field-of-view shows signifi-
cantly improved performance in 3D
mode with the septa retracted, particu-
larly at lower activity concentrations.
8 Positron Emission Tomography

The first multiring PET scanners with retractable septa brain imaging, the quality for whole-body imaging is less
that included the capability to acquire data in either 2D or than optimal (Figure 1.7a). The development of Fourier
3D mode appeared in the early 1990s (20). rebinning (FORE) (23) enabled 3D data sets to be accu-
Because the scatter and randoms rates also increase rately rebinned into 2D data sets and reconstructed in 2D
when the septa are retracted, any estimation of the net with a statistically-based algorithm such as ordered-
benefit of 3D imaging compared to 2D imaging must take subset expectation-maximization (OSEM) (24). The result
into account these increases, and not just the increase in of applying OSEM to the same data set as in Figure 1.7a is
true coincidence events. The scatter fraction, for example, shown in Figure 1.7b. The improvement in image quality
increases by a factor of at least 3 compared to 2D imaging compared with Figure 1.7a is significant, although some
and randoms rates increase by a similar or greater factor nonuniformity remains in the liver and spleen. Further
(19). A measure of actual improvement in signal-to-noise progress has been made by incorporating attenuation in-
is the noise equivalent count rate (NECR) (21), defined by formation directly into the reconstruction model in the
the expression T2/(T + S + ␣R), where T, S, and R are the form of weighting factors (Figure 1.7c). The activity in the
true, scattered, and random coincidence rates, respec- liver and spleen shows improved uniformity, and the
tively. The improvement in signal caused by the increase overall image quality is superior with the use of FORE and
in true counts (from retracting the septa) is offset by the attenuation-weighted OSEM (AWOSEM) (25). The FORE
increase in statistical noise on T, the scattered events S, + AWOSEM approach is an example of a hybrid 3D algo-
and the randoms R, as expressed in the denominator of rithm, where the data are acquired in 3D, rebinned to 2D,
the NECR. The factor ␣ equals 2 for online randoms sub- and reconstructed with a 2D algorithm. Other similar
traction from the delayed coincidence window and 1 for combinations are possible, such as the “2.5-dimensional”
noiseless randoms subtraction. Smoothing the randoms row action maximum-likelihood algorithm (2.5D
before subtraction therefore corresponds to 1 < ␣ < 2. The RAMLA) developed by Daube-Witherspoon et al. (26) and
NECR is shown in Figure 1.6d as a function of activity used for clinical imaging. A second advance that has con-
concentration in a 20-cm-diameter uniform cylinder for tributed to the improved image quality in 3D whole-body
2D and 3D acquisition mode. The significant improve- imaging has been progress in scatter correction algo-
ment in the 3D NECR, and hence signal-to-noise, at lower rithms. In particular, the development of faster, image-
activity concentrations is evident from the graphs. based algorithms (27) has improved accuracy. The
While the curves in Figure 1.6d highlight the benefits of elevated levels of scatter encountered in 3D imaging can
3D imaging for the brain, 3D imaging for the rest of the be accurately estimated from the emission and transmis-
body has been more problematic, mainly because of sion data and subtracted from the reconstructed images.
the difficulty of shielding the detectors from activity in the Finally, one of the most significant factors contributing to
body outside the imaging field-of-view when the septa are the adoption of 3D acquisition for clinical whole-body
retracted. Recently, however, a number of factors have imaging has been the introduction of the new, faster scin-
significantly improved the image quality that can be tillators described earlier. For LSO, in particular, a shorter
achieved for whole-body 3D imaging. These factors coincidence time window, reduced dead time, and im-
include advances in reconstruction algorithms, more ac- proved energy resolution compared to the corresponding
curate scatter correction, and the introduction of the new, BGO scanner increases the maximum NECR and im-
faster scintillators described previously. proves signal-to-noise.
The progress in reconstruction has primarily been the
introduction of statistically-based algorithms into the
clinical setting. Previously, one of the earliest and most
widely used 3D reconstruction algorithms was the repro- Imaging Technology for PET/CT
jection approach based on a 3D extension of the original
2D, filtered backprojection algorithm (22). Although this The development of the combined PET/CT scanner (3, 4,
algorithm works well for the lower noise environment of 28) is an evolution in imaging technology whereby the

Figure 1.7. An FDG-PET whole-body

scan acquired in 3D mode with septa re-
tracted and reconstructed using (a) 3D
filtered back-projection algorithm with
reprojection (Hann window: cutoff, 0.5;
6-mm Gaussian smooth; (b) FORE plus
OSEM (8 subsets, 2 iterations; 6-mm
Gaussian smooth); and (c) FORE plus
AWOSEM (8 subsets, 2 iterations; 6-mm
Gaussian smooth). (These reconstruc-
tions were provided by Dr. David Brasse,
now at the Institut de Recherches
Subatomique, Strasbourg, France.)

a b c
Basic Science of PET and PET/CT 9

Table 1.2. Some drawbacks of software fusion resolved by the hardware

rotated together at 30 rpm. However, by the time the pro-
approach. totype became operational in 1998 (4), neither the CT nor
Software fusion Hardware fusion the PET components were state-of-the-art. Nevertheless,
Access to image archives required Images immediately available
the work convincingly demonstrated the feasibility of
combining the two technologies into a single device that
Carefully controlled patient positioning Single-patient positioning
could acquire coregistered anatomic and functional
Different scanner bed profiles Same bed for both scans
images without the need for software realignment.
Internal organ movement Little internal organ movement
As mentioned, a number of important lessons emerged
Disease progression in time Scans acquired close in time during the clinical evaluation program that followed the
Limited registration accuracy Improved registration accuracy installation of the prototype and covered the years from
Inconvenience for patient (2 scans) Single, integrated scan 1998 until 2001 (5–8). More than 300 cancer patients were
Labor-intensive registration algorithms No further alignment required scanned, and the studies highlighted the advantages of
being able to accurately localize functional abnormalities,
to distinguish normal uptake from pathology, to mini-
fusion of two established modalities becomes greater than mize the effects of both external and internal patient
the sum of the individual parts. It is well known, of movement, and to reduce scan time and increase patient
course, that CT and PET scans of the same patient ac- throughput by using the CT images for attenuation cor-
quired on different scanners can be aligned using a rection of the PET data. Even during the initial evaluation
number of available software methods (9, 29–31), even it was evident that coregistered anatomy increases the
though the algorithms are often labor intensive and, confidence of physicians reading the study. Radiologists
outside the brain, may fail to converge to a satisfactory so- rapidly came to appreciate that coregistered functional
lution. An alternative approach, therefore, is to combine images help to focus attention on regions of abnormal
the imaging technology of CT and PET into one scanner uptake, especially regions with no evident pathology on
such that both anatomy and function, accurately aligned, CT.
are imaged in a single scan session. This approach has Despite concerns over the likely cost and operational
been termed the hardware fusion approach. Some of the complexity of combined PET/CT technology, the major
drawbacks of the software approach and the way in which vendors of medical imaging equipment nevertheless rec-
they are addressed by the recently developed hardware ognized a market for PET/CT. The first commercial design
approach are summarized in Table 1.2. Of particular im- comprised a CT scanner and a PET scanner enclosed
portance is the positioning of the patient, the use of the within a single gantry cover and operated from separate
same bed for both scans, and minimization of the effect of consoles. The design involved little integration at any level
uncontrollable internal organ movement. For nonspecific and was intended primarily to be the first commercial
tracers, such as FDG with normal, benign accumulation in PET/CT scanner on the market, as indeed it was. The PET
tissue and organs, it is important, especially in the scanner included retractable septa, and standard PET
abdomen and pelvic region, to distinguish normal uptake transmission sources were offered as an alternative to CT-
from disease. Because accurate localization is routinely based attenuation correction. Retractable septa allowed
available with combined PET/CT scanning, such a distinc- the device to acquire PET data in either 2D or 3D mode.
tion is generally straightforward. Within a few months, another PET/CT design (Figure 1.8)
from a different vendor appeared that had no septa and
acquired data fully in 3D (32). Because no mechanical
Design Objectives storage was required for retractable septa and standard
PET transmission sources were not offered, the design
The development of the first PET/CT prototype was initi- was compact; the patient port was a full 70-cm diameter
ated in 1992 with the objectives to integrate CT and PET throughout, and the overall tunnel length was only 110
within the same device, to use the CT images for the atten- cm. Integration of the control and display software
uation and scatter correction of the PET emission data, allowed the scanner to be operated from a single console.
and to explore the use of anatomic images to define tissue As with these and most subsequent commercial designs,
boundaries for PET reconstruction. Thus, the goal was to both the CT and the PET were clinical state-of-the-art
construct a device with both clinical CT and clinical PET systems, following the objectives of the original prototype.
capability so that a full anatomic and functional scan A more open concept PET/CT with spacing between the
could be acquired in a single session, obviating the need CT and PET scanners has since been offered by two other
for the patient to undergo an additional clinical CT scan. vendors, allowing greater access to the patient and reduc-
The original prototype (4) combined a single-slice spiral ing possible claustrophobic effects of the other designs.
CT (Somatom AR.SP; Siemens Medical Solutions) with a The hardware integration of recent PET/CT designs
rotating ECAT ART scanner (CPS Innovations, Knoxville, has, therefore, remained rather minimal. The advantage is
TN, USA). The components for both imaging modalities that vendors can then benefit more easily from separate
were mounted on the same mechanical support and advances in both CT and PET instrumentation. In the past
10 Positron Emission Tomography

Figure 1.8. A schematic of a current

PET-CT scanner design marketed by
Siemens as the biograph (Siemens
Medical Solutions, Chicago, IL, USA). The
design incorporates a multidetector
spiral CT scanner and a lutetium oxy-
orthosilicate (LSO) PET scanner. The di-
mensions of the gantry are 228 cm wide,
200 cm high, and 168 cm deep. The sep-
aration of the CT and PET imaging fields
is about 80 cm. The co-scan range for ac-
quiring both CT and PET is up to 190 cm.
The patient port diameter is 70 cm.

a b

c d

Figure 1.9. Current commercial PET/CT

scanners from five major vendors of
medical imaging equipment: (a)
Discovery LS (GE Healthcare); (b)
Discovery ST (GE Healthcare); (c) Gemini
(Philips Medical Systems); (d) biograph
e f (Siemens Medical Solutions); (e)
SeptreP3 (Hitachi Medical Systems); (f)
Aquiduo (Toshiba Medical Corporation).
Basic Science of PET and PET/CT 11

few years, spiral CT technology has progressed from LSO crystals; the original biograph design was based on 6
single to dual-slice, to 4, 8, 16, and, most recently, 64 mm × 6 mm LSO detectors. The biograph is offered with
slices; in parallel, CT rotation times have deceased to less 2-, 6-, 16-, and now 64-slice CT scanners. The same HI-
than 0.4 s, resulting in very rapid scanning protocols. REZ PET detectors are incorporated into the Aquiduo
Advances in PET technology (as described earlier) have (Toshiba Medical; Figure 1.9f) in combination with the
been equally dramatic with the introduction of the new 16-slice Aquillion CT scanner (Toshiba Medical); a unique
faster scintillators GSO and LSO, faster acquisition elec- feature of this device is that the bed is fixed and the CT
tronics, and higher resolution detectors (smaller pixels). and PET gantries travel on floor-mounted rails to acquire
Currently, a top-of-the-line PET/CT configuration would the CT and PET data. The CT and PET scanners in the
comprise a 64-slice CT scanner and an LSO-based PET Aquiduo can be moved separately, and this is the only
scanner with 4-mm pixels. However, although the 64-slice PET/CT design in which the CT tilt option has been pre-
CT configuration is targeted primarily for cardiac applica- served. The Discovery LS, the original PET/CT design
tions, the greatest impact of PET/CT to date has been in from GE Healthcare, combined the Advance NXi PET
the oncology field for which a 16-slice CT scanner is gen- scanner with a 4- or 8-slice CT (Figure 1.9a); note the size
erally considered adequate. difference between the smaller CT scanner in front and
the larger Advance PET scanner at the rear. The more
recent Discovery ST from GE Healthcare has 6 mm × 6
Current Technology for PET/CT mm BGO detectors in combination with a 16- or 64-slice
CT scanner (Figure 1.9b); the gantry of the newly designed
Currently, five vendors offer PET/CT designs: GE PET scanner now matches the dimensions of the CT
Healthcare, Hitachi Medical, Philips Medical Systems, scanner. The Gemini GXL (Philips Medical; Figure 1.9c)
Toshiba Medical Corporation, and Siemens Medical comprises 4 mm (in plane) and 6 mm (axial) GSO detec-
Solutions. With the exception of the SceptreP3 (Hitachi tor pixels, 30 mm in depth; the Gemini is also an open
Medical; Figure 1.9e), which is based on a 4-slice CT and design with the capability to physically separate the CT
rotating LSO detectors, all vendors offer a 16-slice CT and PET scanners for access to the patient, as in the
option for higher performance, with some vendors also Aquiduo. Each vendor has adopted a unique design for
offering lower-priced systems with 2-, 4-, 6-, or 8-slice CT the patient couch to eliminate vertical deflection of the
detectors. The specifications and performance of the PET pallet (Figure 1.10) as it advances into the tunnel during
components are vendor specific, with the biograph HI- scanning. All designs other than the SceptreP3 and the
REZ (Siemens Medical Solutions; Figure 1.9d) offering the Discovery LS offer a 70-cm patient port for both CT and
best overall spatial resolution in 3D with 4 mm × 4 mm PET, thus facilitating the scanning of radiation therapy

1 2
a fixed cantilever point; floor-mounted rails
Figure 1.10. Four different solutions to
b variable cantilever point; dual positions
the patient handling system (PHS) that CT PET
eliminate variable vertical deflection of
the pallet as it advances into the tunnel
of the scanner. The designs include (a) a
bed with a fixed cantilever point where
the entire couch assembly moves on
floor-mounted rails (biograph and
SeptreP3), (b) a dual-position bed with
one position for CT and one for PET c variable cantilever point; support in tunnel d stationary bed; gantries travel on rails
(Discovery LS and ST), (c) a patient couch
that incorporates a support throughout
the tunnel (Gemini), and (d) a fixed
couch with the scanner traveling on
floor-mounted rails (Aquiduo).
12 Positron Emission Tomography

patients in treatment position. Although the Discovery additional advantage of this approach is the possibility to
and Gemini also offer standard PET transmission sources use the CT images for attenuation correction of the PET
as an option, in practice most institutions use CT-based emission data, eliminating the need for a separate, lengthy
attenuation correction because of the advantage of low PET transmission scan. The use of the CT scan for attenu-
noise and short scan times that facilitate high patient ation correction not only reduces whole-body scan times
throughput. by at least 40%, but also provides essentially noiseless
The Gemini, SceptreP3, Aquiduo, and biograph designs ACFs compared to those from standard PET transmission
acquire PET data in 3D mode only, whereas the Discovery measurements. Because the attenuation values are energy
incorporates retractable septa and can acquire data in dependent, the correction factors derived from a CT scan
both 2D and 3D mode. While the debate continues as to at mean photon energy of 70 keV must be scaled to the
whether 2D or 3D acquisition yields better image quality, PET energy of 511 keV. The CT photon energy represents
particularly for large patients, significant improvement in the mean energy of the polychromatic X-ray beam.
3D image quality has undoubtedly been achieved through Scaling algorithms typically use a bilinear function to
the use of faster scintillators and statistically based recon- transform the attenuation values above and below a given
struction algorithms. The scintillators GSO (Gemini) and threshold with different factors (33, 34). The composition
LSO (SceptreP3, Aquiduo, and biograph) result in lower of biologic tissues other than bone exhibit little variation
rates of both scattered photons and random coincidences in their effective atomic number and can be well repre-
compared to BGO and offer superior performance for 3D sented by a mixture of air and water. Bone tissue does not
whole-body imaging. follow the same trend as soft tissue because of its calcium
Although there has, to date, been little actual effort to and phosphorus content, and thus a different scaling
increase the level of hardware integration, there has been factor is required that reflects instead a mixture of water
significant effort to reduce the complexity and increase and cortical bone. The breakpoint between the two
the reliability of system operation by adopting a more in- mixture types has been variously set at 300 Hounsfield
tegrated software approach. In early designs, CT and PET units (HU) (33) and at 0 HU (34). However, some tissue
data acquisition and image reconstruction were per- types, such as muscle (~60 HU) and blood (~40 HU), have
formed on separate systems accessing a common data- Hounsfield units greater than zero and yet are clearly not
base. Increasingly, functionality has been combined so as a water–bone mix. A breakpoint around 100 HU would
to reduce cost and complexity and increase reliability. therefore appear to be optimal (Figure 1.11). Hounsfield
Similar considerations of cost and complexity for the units define the linear attenuation coefficients normalized
hardware may lead, in the future, to greater levels of inte- to water and thus independent of the kVp of the X-ray
gration. The likelihood is that these designs will be appli- tube. The scale factor for the air–water mix below about
cation specific, incorporating an 8- or 16-slice CT for 100 HU will be independent of the kVp of the tube; this
oncology and a 64-slice CT for cardiology. There will un- does not apply to the water–bone mixing and therefore
doubtedly be a demand for more cost-effective, entry- the scale factor for bone is kVp dependent (35). The
level PET/CT designs for oncology such as the Hitachi scaled CT images are then interpolated from CT to PET
SceptreP3, with the likelihood that PET/CT will eventually spatial resolution and the ACFs generated by reprojection
replace PET-only scanners entirely. of the interpolated images.
Even though all PET/CT designs offer clinical quality Intravenously injected iodinated contrast is used in CT
CT and PET, many centers elect to operate with low-dose, to enhance attenuation values in the vasculature by in-
nondiagnostic CT for attenuation correction and localiza- creasing the photoelectric absorption compared with
tion only. This approach does not therefore use the blood and resulting in a 40% change in attenuation. At the
PET/CT to its full, clinical potential, and it is hoped that, PET energy, where the photoelectric effect is negligible,
as PET/CT is introduced more widely into clinical routine, the presence of contrast has only a 2% effect on attenua-
direct referrals for PET/CT will increase. With more than tion. However, if contrast-enhanced pixels are
1,000 PET/CT scanners installed worldwide, PET/CT now misidentified as a water–bone mix, the scaling factor will
represents more than 95% of all PET sales and more than be incorrect and the erroneously scaled pixels may gener-
10% of CT sales. In the 4 years since the first commercial ate artifacts in the PET image. Many thousands of PET/CT
PET/CT was introduced, the modality has had a far-reach- scans have now been performed in the presence of intra-
ing impact on medical imaging, particularly for staging venous contrast, and experience has shown that contrast
malignant disease and monitoring response to therapy. administration does not generally cause a problem that
could potentially interfere with the diagnostic value of
PET/CT (36). Oral contrast is administered to visualize
CT-Based Attenuation Correction the gastrointestinal tract and the distribution of the con-
trast material is rather variable, both in spatial distribu-
The acquisition of accurately coregistered anatomic and tion and in level of enhancement. Modifications to the
functional images is obviously a major strength of the basic scaling algorithm have been introduced to distin-
combined PET/CT scanner. However, as mentioned, an guish oral contrast enhancement from bone (37), and
Basic Science of PET and PET/CT 13





µ(511 keV)(/cm)
air-water mix water-bone mix

Figure 1.11. The bilinear scaling func- 0.06

tion used to convert CT numbers to
linear attenuation values at 511 keV. The 0.04
graph shows the linear attenuation coef-
ficient at 511 keV as a function of the
corresponding CT value (Hounsfield
units, HU), based on measurements
made with the Gammex 467 electron
density CT phantom using tissue-equiva- –1000 –500 0 500 1000 1500
lent materials. The separation between
soft tissue (air–water mixing model) and Hounsfield units (HU)
bonelike tissue (water–bone mix) is
about 100 HU.

strategies discussed elsewhere (38, 39) have been devel- ters, scan time, optimal injected dose of FDG, and others
oped that minimize or eliminate problems from both in- must be carefully addressed before definitive PET/CT pro-
travenous and oral contrast. The modified algorithm (37) tocols for specific clinical applications emerge.
can, to some extent, also reduce artifacts caused by Nevertheless, there are certain common features to the
catheters and metallic objects in the patient. A more-de- protocols, as shown schematically in Figure 1.12, which il-
tailed discussion of artifacts arising from metallic objects lustrates a typical PET/CT scan.
can be found elsewhere (40, 41). As for any FDG-PET scan, following an injection of
Avoiding the administration of contrast would, of 370–550 M of FDG and a 90-min uptake period, the
course, eliminate all such problems. However, standard- patient is positioned in the scanner. A 90-min uptake
of-care in CT dictates the use of either intravenous or oral period is preferred over a 60-min period because in-
contrast, or both as in the case of the abdomen and pelvis. creased washout of background activity and improved
An obvious way to avoid such problems is to perform two tumor-to-background ratios are obtained even though a
CT scans: a clinical CT with appropriate contrast adminis- longer time is allowed for decay of the radionuclide. For
tration, and a low-dose, noncontrast CT for attenuation all studies other than head and neck cancer, the patient is
correction and coregistration. This two-scan approach, positioned in the scanner with the arms up to reduce at-
however, would further increase the radiation exposure to tenuation that results from having the arms in the field-
the patient. of-view; for head and neck cancer, the scan is acquired
with arms down. The first step in the study (see Figure
1.12a) is the acquisition of a topogram, or scout scan,
PET/CT Protocols which takes 10 to 15 s and covers a range of up to 200 cm.
The total range to be scanned by both PET and CT is then
Data acquisition protocols for PET/CT can, depending on defined on the topogram, based on the specific indication
the study, be relatively complex, particularly when they for the study (that is, skull base to abdomen for head and
involve a clinical CT and a clinical PET scan. During the neck malignancies, and neck through upper thigh for most
past 4 years since PET/CT technology first became com- other malignancies; for melanoma, the scan range covers
mercially available, the initial rather simple and basic pro- head to toe, whenever possible). An appropriate respira-
tocols have progressively become refined to correspond to tion protocol must be defined and implemented to mini-
accepted standards-of-care. Imaging protocols for oncol- mize the mismatch between CT and PET. In the absence of
ogy and cardiology are continuing to be refined and vali- respiratory gating (42, 43), a good match is found if the CT
dated, and it will be some time before they become as well is acquired with partial or full expiration and the PET with
established as the corresponding protocols for CT only. shallow breathing. This approach is feasible with the 16-
Issues of respiration, contrast media, operating parame- slice CT scanner where a scan of the thorax and abdomen
14 Positron Emission Tomography

a topogram b spiral CT


CT PET d attenuation correction

Figure 1.12. A typical imaging protocol

for a combined PET/CT study that com-
prises (a) a topogram, or scout scan, for
positioning; (b) a spiral CT scan; (c) a PET
CT PET scan over the same axial range as the CT
scan; (d) the generation of CT-based
c PET acquisition e PET reconstruction f fused PET/CT ACFs; (e) reconstruction of the attenua-
tion-corrected PET emission data; and (f)
display of the final fused images.

can be as short as 12 seconds. Problems posed by respira- Although it is not feasible with current designs to
tion mismatch have been discussed (44). The whole-body acquire the CT and PET data simultaneously, scan times
CT scan is usually acquired with a slice width of about have been reduced significantly by the replacement of the
5 mm, which may not always correspond to standard clini- lengthy PET transmission scan with the CT scan. In addi-
cal protocols. In some studies such as head and neck, a tion, as mentioned previously, the introduction of new
slice width of 3 mm may be preferred. PET technology such as faster scintillators (LSO and GSO)
Upon completion of the spiral CT scan (Figure 1.12b), has reduced the emission acquisition time so that whole-
the patient couch is advanced into the PET field-of-view body PET/CT acquisition times of 5 to 10 min are feasible
and a multibed PET scan acquired over the same range as with state-of-the-art systems (45). Shorter imaging times
the CT (Figure 1.12c). When the emission data are ac- lead to higher patient throughput, potentially creating lo-
quired in 3D, consecutive imaging fields typically overlap gistical problems for imaging centers. To maintain high
by 25% to average out the variations in signal-to-noise throughput, injection times must be carefully coordinated
that would otherwise result. The reconstruction of the CT to ensure the constant availability of patients after a 90-
images occurs in parallel with the acquisition of the PET min (±5 min) uptake period. It is essential to provide an
data, allowing the calculation of scatter and attenuation adequate number of injection and uptake rooms.
correction factors to be performed during the PET acqui- In addition to the issues related to respiration (42, 43)
sition. The CT-based ACFs are calculated as described and contrast (38, 39), a topic of ongoing debate is the clin-
earlier (Figure 1.12d), and once the acquisition for the ical role of the CT scan. Obviously a low dose (40 mAs)
first bed position is completed, PET reconstruction can CT scan would be adequate for attenuation correction and
begin (Figure 1.12e). the 3D reconstruction is performed localization, whereas a full-dose CT scan (130 mAs) is re-
using Fourier rebinning (FORE) (23) and the attenuation- quired for clinical purposes. The decision to acquire a
weighted ordered-subset algorithm (AWOSEM) (25) men- clinical CT scan depends on many factors, including
tioned previously. Thus, within a few minutes of the whether such a scan was ordered by the referring physi-
acquisition of the final PET bed position, attenuation-cor- cian, whether the patient has recently had a clinical CT,
rected PET images are reconstructed and available for and whether the scan will be reviewed by a radiologist
viewing, automatically coregistered with the CT scan by when the PET/CT study is read. Obviously the decision,
simply accounting for the axial displacement between the which may be application specific, will dictate the proto-
CT and PET imaging fields-of-view (Figure 1.12f). The col and the parameters of the CT scan. Increasingly, as
fused image is displayed as a combination of the individ- PET/CT becomes established in clinical routine, the acqui-
ual CT and PET image pixel values vCT and vPET, respec- sition of both a clinical CT and a clinical PET scan should
tively. Using an alpha blending approach, the fused image become standard practice. Referring physicians will be
pixel value (v) is given by ␣vCT + (1 – ␣)vPET; for ␣ = 0, the advised to consider a PET/CT immediately rather than or-
fused image is PET, whereas for ␣ = 1 the fused image is dering first a CT that might be equivocal and then requir-
CT. Obviously, for 0 < ␣ < 1, the fused image represents ing a PET scan. Such an approach will ensure the best use
the weighted combined pixel values of CT and PET. is made of costly imaging equipment. More details on
Basic Science of PET and PET/CT 15

these and other practical issues can be found in Coleman Acknowledgments

et al. (46).
Finally, although there are many technical reasons to The author is grateful to his colleagues at the University of Tennessee
prefer the combined PET/CT approach over software Medical Center, the University of Pittsburgh, the University of Essen,
image fusion (see Table 2.2), the convenience to both Germany, and CPS Innovations, Knoxville, Tennessee who have con-
tributed significantly to the development of the combined PET/CT
patient and physician should not be underestimated. For scanner. The PET/CT prototype was developed jointly with CPS
the patient, one appointment and a single scan session is Innovations, Knoxville, TN and funded in part by a grant from the
required to obtain complete anatomic and functional in- National Cancer Institute (CA65856).
formation related to his or her disease. For the physician,
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Accurate three-dimensional registration of CT, PET, and/or MR T, et al. Respiratory gating with a 16-slice LSO PET/CT scanner. J
images of the brain. J Comput Assist Tomogr 1989;13:20–26. Nucl Med 2004;45(5):165P (abstract).
30. Pietrzyk U, Herholz K, Heiss WD. Three-dimensional alignment of 44. Beyer T, Antoch G, Muller S, et al. Acquisition protocol considera-
functional and morphological tomograms. J Comput Assist tions for combined PET/CT imaging. J Nucl Med
Tomogr 1990;14:51–59. 2004;45(suppl):25S–35S.
31. Woods RP, Mazziotta JC, Cherry SR. MRI-PET registration with 45. Halpern B, Dahlbom M, Quon A, et al. Impact of patient weight
automated algorithm. J Comput Assist Tomogr 1993;17:536–546. and emission scan duration on PET/CT image quality and lesion
32. Townsend DW, Beyer T, Blodgett TM. PET/CT scanners: a hard- detectability. J Nucl Med 2004;45:797–801.
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2003;XXXIII(3):193–204. Weinreb JC, et al. Intersociety Dialogue on Concurrent PET/CT
33. Kinahan PE, Townsend DW, Beyer T, Sashin D. Attenuation cor- with an Integrated Imaging System. From the Joint
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1998;25:2046–2053. 2005;46:1225–1239.
Incremental Value of Imaging Structure and Function
Dominique Delbeke

The rapid advances in imaging technologies are a chal- presurgical evaluation of intractable epilepsy. Perfusion
lenge for both radiologists and clinicians who must inte- PET tracers [rubidium-28 (82Rb) and 13N-ammonia] have
grate these technologies for optimal patient care and also been approved for reimbursement for evaluation of
outcomes at minimal cost. myocardial perfusion.
Since the early 1990s, numerous technologic improve-
ments have occurred in the field of radiologic imaging, in-
cluding (1) multislice spiral computed tomography (CT), Instrumentation for Molecular
which permits fast acquisition of CT angiographic images
and multiphase enhancement techniques, and (2) Imaging with PET
positron emission tomography (PET), using 18F-
fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) as a radiopharmaceutical that The clinical utility of FDG imaging was first established
provides the capability for imaging glucose metabolism. using dedicated PET tomographs equipped with multiple
Multiple indications for molecular imaging using FDG are rings of bismuth germanate oxide (BGO) detectors, but a
now well accepted in the fields of neurology, cardiology, spectrum of equipment is now available for positron
and oncology (1). imaging, including gamma camera-based PET capable of
The widespread oncologic applications including differ- imaging conventional single photon emitters as well as
entiation of benign from malignant lesions, staging ma- positron emitters such as FDG and state-of-the-art PET
lignant lesions, detection of malignant recurrence, and systems with other crystal materials, for example, lu-
monitoring therapy have contributed to the establishment thetium oxyorthosilicate (LSO) and gadolinium oxy-
of the PET technology in many medical centers in the orthosilicate (GSO).
United States, Europe, and progressively throughout the
world. The goals of oncologic imaging are lesion detec-
tion, lesion characterization, evaluation of the extent of Anatomic and Functional Imaging Are
the neoplasm, staging for malignant lesions, and assess- Complementary
ment of the therapeutic response. Staging includes lesion
localization, evaluation of proximity to vessels, and detec- Although numerous studies have shown that the sensitiv-
tion of nodal and distant metastases. Some of these goals ity and specificity of FDG imaging is superior to that of
are better achieved with the high resolution of anatomic CT in many clinical settings, the inability of FDG imaging
imaging techniques and others with molecular imaging to provide anatomic localization remains a significant im-
using PET. pairment in maximizing its clinical utility. In addition,
Molecular imaging using positron imaging is unique in FDG is an analogue of glucose, and the distribution of
that positron emitters allow labeling of radiopharmaceuti- FDG is not limited to malignant tissue (see Chapter 5). It
cals that closely mimic endogenous molecules, and there has been well documented in the PET literature that, to
are continuing efforts for development of new biologic avoid misinterpretations, the interpreter must be familiar
tracers. FDG, allowing evaluation of glucose uptake and with the normal pattern and physiologic variations of
metabolism, is the radiopharmaceutical most widely used FDG distribution and with clinical data relevant to the pa-
with the PET technology that has been approved by the tients (2, 3). Limitations of anatomic imaging with CT are
Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA) for reim- well known and are related to size criteria to differentiate
bursement by Medicare in the evaluation of patients with benign from malignant lymph nodes, difficulty with dif-
various body tumors, of myocardial viability, and in the ferentiating posttherapy changes from tumor recurrence,
18 Positron Emission Tomography

and difficulty in differentiating nonopacified loops of 16 rows of detectors, opening the horizon for cardiac ap-
bowel from metastases in the abdomen and pelvis. plications combining myocardial perfusion and viability
Close correlation of FDG studies with conventional CT with calcium scoring and CT coronary angiography (9).
scans helps to minimize these difficulties. In practice, for As this technology is rapidly progressing, CT units with
the past 10 years interpretation has been accomplished by 32, 40, and 64 rows of detectors will be incorporated in
visually comparing corresponding FDG and CT images. these integrated systems.
The interpreting physician visually integrates the two With these integrated systems, a CT scan and a PET
image sets to precisely locate a region of increased uptake scan can be acquired sequentially with the patient lying
on the CT scan. To aid in image interpretation, computer on the imaging table and simply being translated between
software has been developed to coregister the FDG-PET the two systems. Accurate calibration of the position of
emission scans with the high-resolution anatomic maps the imaging table and the use of common parameters in
provided by CT (4). These methods offer acceptable data acquisition and image reconstruction permit the
fusion images for the brain that is surrounded by a rigid fusion of images of anatomy and metabolism from the
structure, the skull. For the body, coregistration of two same region of the body that are registered in space and
images, often obtained at different points in time, is tech- only slightly offset in time. Because the CT scan is actually
nically much more difficult. Identical positioning of the a high-resolution transmission map, these data can be
patient on the imaging table is critical. Shifting internal used to perform a high-quality attenuation correction
organ movement and peristalsis compound the problem. during image reconstruction of the emission data.
However, software methods allow versatility in the choice
of modalities and facilitate retrospective and selective ap-
plication, but fully automatic registration algorithms are
needed for routine clinical applications (5). Another ap-
CT Acquisition Protocols for Integrated
proach that has gained wider acceptance recently is the PET/CT Imaging
hardware approach to image fusion using multimodality
imaging with an integrated PET/CT imaging system. Beyer et al. (10) discussed the subject of CT acquisition
Townsend et al. (6, 7) have published reviews on the protocols for integrated PET/CT imaging in the supple-
design of these systems. ment of the Journal of Nuclear Medicine dedicated to
PET/CT published in January 2004. Different CT transmis-
sion protocols can be applied if the transmission CT images
Integrated PET/CT Systems are used for attenuation correction only, for anatomic
localization, or optimized for diagnostic purposes.
The recent technical development of integrated PET/CT
systems provides CT and FDG-PET images obtained in a
single imaging setting, allowing optimal coregistration of CT transmission for Attenuation Correction
images. The fusion of anatomic and molecular images
(PET and CT) obtained with integrated PET/CT systems It has been demonstrated that attenuation effects are
sequentially in time but without moving the patient from much more significant in coincidence imaging than in
the imaging table allows optimal coregistration of single photon emission tomography (SPECT) because
anatomic and molecular images, leading to accurate at- both photons from an annihilation process must pass
tenuation correction and precise anatomic localization of through the region without interaction. Attenuation cor-
lesions with increased metabolism. The fusion images rection has significant advantages for the clinical evalua-
provided by these systems allow the most accurate inter- tion of FDG images from oncologic patients, the most
pretation of both PET and CT studies in oncology. Fusion important of which is improved anatomic delineation
FDG-PET/CT imaging is also a promising tool for opti- (mediastinum from lungs, lungs from liver). Therefore,
mizing radiation therapy. Because of the high photon flux localization of a lesion is easier on images with attenua-
of X-rays, CT attenuation maps from these integrated tion correction. The second advantage of attenuation cor-
PET/CT systems also allow optimal attenuation correction rection is the ability to semiquantitatively measure the
of the PET images. degree of uptake in a lesion using the standard uptake
The first prototype of integrated PET/CT system was value (SUV), which may be helpful in some clinical set-
developed in collaboration with the group of investigators tings.
at the University of Pittsburgh (6, 8). Several manufactur- For the body, various methods have been developed
ers are now offering integrated PET/CT imaging systems with measured attenuation using radioactive transmission
combining different models of state-of-the-art dedicated sources. Measured attenuation correction is commonly
PET tomographs and CT units with multiple rows of de- performed by direct measurement of 511-keV photon at-
tectors side by side with a common imaging bed. The CT tenuation through the body. The transmission scan adds
units in these integrated systems were first offered with 2 to the length of the study, and motion of the patients
and 4 rows of detectors and are now available with 8 and during long scanning times is a problem because the
Incremental Value of Imaging Structure and Function 19

quality of the image corrected for attenuation effects during normal breathing (18, 19). Respiratory motion
largely depends on accurate coregistration of the attenua- results in inaccurate localization of lesions at the base of
tion maps (transmission scan) and emission scan. the lungs or dome of the liver in 6 of 300 (2%) of patients
The use of an X-ray tube-based transmission scan pro- (20, 21).
vides attenuation-corrected emission images of high The complex issue of the optimal CT protocol to use in
quality because of the high photon flux inherent with this combination with PET imaging is still debated because of
technique. One advantage over the radioactive sources is the implications related to the attenuation correction pro-
the short duration for the transmission scan; with multi- cedure to handle CT contrast agents and images artifacts
detector CT, CT acquisition from the base of the skull to resulting from mismatches in respiration and patient po-
midthigh typically lasts less than a minute, versus 20 to sitioning between the CT and PET examinations (22, 23).
25 min with a transmission scan performed using exter- In addition, there is an ethical issue in submitting all pa-
nal radioactive sources. In addition, optimal coregistra- tients referred for a PET/CT study to the risk of intra-
tion between attenuation maps and emission images is venous contrast administration and radiation dose of an
possible using integrated PET/CT systems when the CT optimized diagnostic whole-body CT study.
attenuation maps and FDG-PET emission images are ob- Schaefer et al. (24) reviewed PET/CT and contrast-en-
tained sequentially in time without moving the patient hanced CT of 60 patients with lymphoma. For evaluation
from the imaging table. Adequate CT transmission map of lymph node involvement, sensitivity of PET/CT and
can actually be obtained with very low current (10 mA) contrast-enhanced CT was 94% and 88%, and specificity
(11). was 100% and 86%, respectively. For evaluation of organ
involvement, sensitivity of PET/CT and contrast-en-
hanced CT was 88% and 50%, and specificity was 100%
and 90%, respectively. Agreement of both methods was
CT Transmission for Anatomic Localization excellent (kappa = 0.84) for assignment of lymph node in-
volvement but only fair (kappa = 0.50) for extranodal
Higher CT currents are required to produce better-quality disease. They conclude that PET/CT performed with non-
CT scans for anatomic localization. For optimized diag- enhanced CT is more sensitive and specific than is con-
nostic CT, the optimal CT current depends on the size of trast-enhanced CT for evaluation of lymph node and
the patient and the region of the body to be imaged but is organ involvement, especially regarding exclusion of
typically greater than 140 mA for an adult. If the CT trans- disease, in patients with Hodgkin disease and high-grade
mission scan performed concurrently to PET imaging is non-Hodgkin lymphoma.
used for anatomic localization, at the present time most
institutions use a lower CT current of 80 mA to reduce the
radiation dose to the patients. The CT current can be
adjusted according to the patient’s weight (12).
Clinical Impact of integrated PET/CT
Images in Oncology
CT Transmission for Diagnostic Purposes For FDG-avid malignancies, it is well established that
FDG-PET has a superior accuracy than CT for detection of
Optimized diagnostic CT protocols involve administra- malignant foci with a sensitivity in the 90% range. It is
tion of intravenous (IV) and oral contrast agents, which also well established that the addition of FDG-PET in the
brings up the issue of the administration of contrast evaluation of these patients change the management in
agents for the CT transmission scan (13). Intravenous 10% to 30% of the cases (25). Because of the excellent per-
contrast appears as regions of high contrast on CT formance of FDG-PET alone, it has been difficult to
images, especially during the arterial and arteriovenous demonstrate the superiority of the PET/CT technology
phase of enhancement. If these CT images are used for at- compared to PET alone or PET and CT acquired at differ-
tenuation correction, overcorrection may create artifacts ent times and interpreted in conjunction with each other
of increased uptake on the FDG-PET images (14). High- side by side. A definite advantage of the PET/CT technol-
density oral contrast agents (15) and metallic implants ogy is the availability of matching sets of images over the
(16) can create similar artifacts. However, the administra- same field of view whether these images are interpreted
tion of low-density oral contrast only result in minimal side by side or with the availability of fusion images. With
overcorrection and is not believed to interfere with accu- the PET/CT technology, all these sets of images are match-
rate interpretation of the images (15, 17). ing because they are obtained at the same time with the
Because the FDG emission images must be acquired patient in the same position.
during normal breathing, there is still a debate as to Published data regarding the incremental value of inte-
whether optimal attenuation maps are provided by atten- grated PET/CT images compared to PET alone, or PET
uation maps obtained with the breath-hold technique or correlated with a CT obtained at a different time, are
20 Positron Emission Tomography

Figure 2.1. A 65-year-old man with a

history of retroperitoneal lymphoma pre-
sented for follow-up 8 months after com-
pletion of chemotherapy. (a) The
FDG-PET maximum intensity projection
(MIP) image demonstrated physiologic
FDG uptake in the head and neck, my-
ocardium, and genitourinary (GU) and
gastrointestinal (GI) tracts (lower image).
There is some mild heterogeneous
uptake around the right hip prosthesis
and mild bilateral uptake at the basis of
the neck projecting on each side of the
vocal cords. Transaxial views through the
low neck (upper image): the fusion image
allowed precise localization of the foci of
FDG uptake to facets joints of a low cervi-
cal vertebra, indicating probable inflam-
matory changes related to degenerative
disease seen on the CT scan. (b)
Comparison to the previous PET/CT scan
performed 6 months earlier after comple-
tion of therapy showed no significant
changes, confirming a benign etiology.
Incremental Value of Imaging Structure and Function 21

limited but conclude the following: (1) improvement of PET plus CT side by side in 76%, with CT alone in 63%,
lesion detection on both CT and FDG-PET images, (2) and with PET alone in 64% of patients. Integrated PET/CT
improvement of the localization of foci of FDG uptake, had an impact on the treatment plan in 6%, 15%, and 17%
resulting in better differentiation of physiologic from of patients when compared with PET plus CT, CT alone,
pathologic uptake, and (3) precise localization of the ma- and PET alone, respectively.
lignant foci, for example, in the skeleton versus soft tissue, Malignancies such as lymphoma and melanoma can
or liver versus adjacent bowel or node. For example, arise anywhere in the body, and therefore advantages and
Figure 2.1 illustrates mild abnormal FDG uptake at the limitations related to the regional location do not apply as
base of the neck bilaterally, and the fusion image allowed much as for other malignancies. Integration of PET/CT
precise localization to the facet joints of a lower cervical into management of patients with lymphoma and
vertebra, indicating probable inflammatory changes melanoma has been recently reviewed (34). The perfor-
related to degenerative disease seen on the CT scan. mance of PET/CT imaging was evaluated in a group of 27
Figure 2.2a illustrates bilateral FDG uptake at the base of patients referred for restaging lymphoma using complete
the neck corresponding to fatty tissue on the CT scan, in- 12-month follow-up as standard of reference (35). Patient-
dicating benign metabolically active adipose tissue. In based evaluation showed a superior sensitivity for com-
Figure 2.2b, the fusion image allowed precise localization bined FDG-PET/CT (93%) and FDG-PET and CT read side
of the focus of FDG uptake in the right pelvis to the right by side (93%) compared to FDG-PET alone (86%) and CT
adenexa. FDG uptake in a young woman without abnor- alone (78%).
malities on ultrasound is most likely physiologic (26). It is also important to be aware of the potentially useful
PET/CT fusion images affect clinical management by additional information provided by the independent in-
guiding further procedures, excluding the need of further terpretation by a radiologist experienced in body imaging
procedures, and changing both inter- and intramodality of the non-contrasted CT portion of the study obtained
therapy. PET/CT fusion images have the potential to with integrated PET/CT systems. An analysis of 250 pa-
provide important information to guide the biopsy of a tients demonstrated that these findings are uncommon
mass to active regions of the tumor and to provide better (3% of patients) but could be important enough to
maps than CT alone to modulate field and dose of radia- warrant alterations in clinical management (36).
tion therapy (27–29). A prospective study of 98 patients compared whole-
After performing 100 oncology studies using an inte- body magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and whole-body
grated PET/CT system, the investigators at Pittsburgh FDG-PET/CT for staging various tumors (37). The study
University concluded that combined PET/CT images offer demonstrated that the overall TNM stage was correctly
significant advantages, including more-accurate localiza- determined in 75 patients with PET/CT and 53 patients
tion of foci of uptake, distinction of pathologic from phys- with MRI. PET/CT had a direct impact on the manage-
iologic uptake, and improvement in guiding and ment on 12 patients compared to MRI, whereas MRI had
evaluating therapy (30, 31). A study of 204 patients at an impact on the management on 2 patients compared to
Rambam Medical Center (32) using integrated PET/CT PET/CT. The authors suggested the use of FDG-PET/CT
systems concluded that the diagnostic accuracy of PET is as a possible first-line modality for whole-body tumor
improved in approximately 50% of patients. PET/CT staging.
fusion images improved characterization of equivocal
lesions as definitely benign in 10% of sites and definitely
malignant in 5% of sites. It precisely defined the anatomic Brain
location of malignant FDG uptake in 6% and led to retro-
spective lesion detection on PET or CT in 8%. The results Because of the symmetrical anatomy of the brain, PET
of PET/CT images had an impact on the management of cerebral emission images can be adequately be corrected
14% of patients. for attenuation using calculated attenuation correction. In
Antoch et al. (33) reviewed the accuracy of FDG- addition, the standard of care for morphologic examina-
PET/CT imaging for tumor staging in 260 patients with tion of the brain is MRI with gadolinium enhancement,
solid tumors. The malignant diseases included lung (n = and cerebral PET images are typically interpreted in cor-
53), head and neck (n = 47), gastrointestinal (n = 44), liver relation with MRI. Therefore, many institutions do not
(n = 23), thyroid (n = 22), cancer of unknown primary perform a CT transmission scan in conjunction with a
(n = 21), genitourinary (n = 18), and other (n = 32). PET scan of the brain. At Vanderbilt University, the pro-
Tumor resection with T-stage verification was performed tocol for PET brain imaging includes a CT transmission
in 77 of 260 patients, operative assessment of N stage was scan as for whole-body PET/CT imaging because it is
performed in 72 of 260 patients, and M stage was patho- practical and time efficient. After performing approxi-
logically verified in 57 of 260 patients. PET/CT was mately 200 cases in the past year, it became apparent that
significantly more accurate for staging than CT alone, PET most anomalies on the PET emission images corre-
alone, and side-by-side PET plus CT. The stage was accu- sponded to an anomaly on the CT transmission image
rately determined with PET/CT in 84% of patients, with and/or helped localization on the MRI image or vice versa.
22 Positron Emission Tomography

Figure 2.2. A 31-year-old woman with a

history of breast cancer 4 years earlier
treated by lumpectomy followed by
chemotherapy presented with an
episode of back pain. (a, b) FDG-PET
maximum intensity projection image
(MIP) demonstrated bilateral FDG uptake
in the neck and supraclavicular and par-
avertebral regions in a distribution con-
sistent with brown fat. There is also a
focus of FDG uptake in the right lower
pelvis. (a) Transaxial views through the
supraclavicular regions confirm that the
FDG uptake corresponds to fatty areas on
the CT scan and therefore a benign etiol-
ogy. (b) The transaxial fusion image
through the pelvis demonstrated that
the focus of FDG uptake corresponded to
the right adenexa. A follow-up pelvic CT
scan and ultrasound did not demon-
strate any pathology. Adenexal FDG
uptake in premenopausal females is
commonly seen physiologically.
Incremental Value of Imaging Structure and Function 23

Head and Neck Chest

Evaluation of the neck is extremely complex because of In the chest, despite the limitations of relative inaccurate
physiologic variations of uptake in muscular, lymphoid, coregistration of PET and CT images resulting from
glandular, and fatty tissue. The problem is compounded motion of the diaphragm, the integrated PET/CT images
in postoperative patients because of the distorted are particularly helpful for localizing FDG-avid lymph
anatomy. Therefore, interpretation of anatomic and mole- nodes in the mediastinum or internal mammary chains
cular images in correlation with each other is critical. and evaluating chest wall invasion. Figure 2.3 shows an
When the neck is the region of interest, the images should example of a woman presenting with suspicion of recur-
be acquired with the arms along the side, and it is critical rent breast cancer in the right axilla. The PET/CT images
that the neck be immobilized. Goerres et al. (38) have de- confirmed recurrence in the right axilla but also allow de-
scribed FDG uptake in normal anatomy, benign lesions, tection of a small metastatic lymph node in the right in-
and changes resulting from treatment. ternal mammary chain. The transmission CT images
The same group of investigators have recently reviewed should also be examined carefully for detection of lesions
the subject of PET and PET/CT in patients with head and suspicious for malignancy that may not be FDG avid, such
neck cancer (39). The performance of PET/CT in head and as bronchioalveolar carcinoma.
neck cancer was compared to FDG-PET alone in a study Goerres et al. (39) have recently reviewed the subject of
of 68 patients with 157 foci of abnormal FDG uptake (40). PET and PET/CT in patients with lung cancer. Lardinois
The analysis was performed by consensus of two ob- et al. (41), in a prospective study of 50 patients with sus-
servers and accuracy was checked with histology and pected or proven non-small cell lung cancer compared CT
follow-up. With FDG-PET alone, 45 FDG-avid lesions and PET alone, PET and CT visually correlated and inte-
were interpreted as benign, 71 as malignant, and 39 as grated PET/CT for staging. The standard of reference was
equivocal. PET/CT images allowed exact localization of histopathologic assessment of tumor stage and node
100 lesions and decreased equivocal lesions by 53%. The stage. In this study, integrated PET/CT provided addi-
accuracy of PET/CT was 96% compared to 90% with PET tional information in 41% of patients, and tumor staging
alone, and there was impact on management of 18% was significantly more accurate with integrated PET/CT
(12/68) patients. than with CT alone. The superior accuracy of FDG-PET/CT

Figure 2.3. A 26-year-old woman who

underwent bilateral mastectomies for
breast carcinoma 4 years earlier, fol-
lowed by chemotherapy, presented with
right upper extremity pain. The FDG-PET
maximum intensity projection image
(MIP) demonstrated foci of FDG uptake
in the right axilla, indicating axillary
metastases. A small focus of FDG uptake
is also noted projecting medially in the
midchest at the level of the base of the
heart. The transaxial fusion image
through the focus of FDG uptake in the
midchest demonstrated the focus of FDG
uptake corresponded to a right internal
mammary lymph node (arrows) on the
CT transmission image, indicating a
metastasis in another nodal basin.
24 Positron Emission Tomography

imaging for TNM staging compared to CT alone and PET PET/CT images than by using either modality alone.
alone was documented in another study of 27 patients There was a decrease of equivocal lesions by 50% and in-
with non-small lung cancer using histopathology as the crease in characterization by 30%. In addition, 25% more
standard of reference (42). The overall TNM staging was lesions could be definitively localized (44). There was no
correct in 19 patients with CT alone, in 20 patients with definite change in sensitivity and specificity, but correct
PET alone, and in 26 patients with PET/CT. In addition, staging increased from 78% to 89%. Figure 2.4 illustrates
PET/CT findings led to a treatment change for 19% of pa- precise localization of a FDG-avid metastasis in the upper
tients when compared to CT alone and 15% of patients abdomen in a woman with a history of ovarian cancer and
when compared to PET alone. rising serum levels of tumor markers. A calcified left
paraaortic lymph node was retrospectively identified on
the corresponding CT scan.
Abdomen and Pelvis
PET/CT fusion images may be especially important in the
abdomen and pelvis. PET images alone may be difficult to Radiation Treatment Planning
interpret owing to the absence of anatomic landmarks
(other than the kidneys and bladder), the presence of Fusion PET/CT images from integrated systems have the
nonspecific uptake in the stomach, small bowel, and potential to change significantly the field of radiation
colon, and urinary excretion of FDG. Hydration of the therapy. In a group of 39 patients with various extracra-
patient is an important consideration as well as emptying nial body malignancies scheduled to be treated with radia-
the bladder before the acquisition of the images. Optimal tion therapy, the gross target volumes (GTV) measured on
images are obtained with arms elevated above the head to CT images only were compared to the ones measured on
avoid beam hardening artifact. Wahl (43) recently re- fusion PET/CT images (28). Overall, GTV delineation was
viewed the subject of PET compared to PET/CT imaging changed significantly (increased or decreased by 25% or
for patient with abdominal and pelvic cancers. more) in 56% (22/39) of patients based on PET/CT fusion
A retrospective review of 45 patients with colorectal images. In addition, the volume delineation variability
cancer referred for FDG-PET imaging using an integrated between two independent oncologists decreased from a
PET/CT system concluded that more definitely normal mean volume difference of 25.7 cm to 9.2 cm. Also,
and definitely abnormal lesion characterizations (and PET/CT changed the treatment from curative to palliative
fewer equivocal lesions) were made using the fused in 16% of patients because of distant metastases.

Figure 2.4. A 41-year-old woman with

a history of stage IV ovarian cancer
treated 2 years earlier presented with
rising serum levels of tumor markers.
The FDG-PET maximum intensity projec-
tion image (MIP) demonstrated a focus
of FDG uptake in the upper abdomen
near the gastroesophageal junction. The
transaxial fusion image through the
focus of FDG uptake in the upper
abdomen demonstrated the focus of
FDG uptake corresponded to a left
paraaortic lymph node with calcifica-
tions located between the aorta and
gastroesophageal junction on the CT
transmission image, indicating a metas-
tasis. The lesion was treated with radia-
tion therapy. On a follow-up PET/CT
scan, the lesion had decreased in size on
the CT transmission images, and the
degree of FDG uptake had decreased,
but there was new pleural effusions
with FDG uptake and cytology revealed
Incremental Value of Imaging Structure and Function 25

Most of the work regarding the role of PET and PET/CT myocardial perfusion, and high-risk patients for PET my-
imaging to guide radiation therapy has involved patients ocardial perfusion and CT coronary angiography. The
with non-small cell lung cancer and has been reviewed by group of patients with poor left ventricular (LV) function
Bradley et al. (29). The potential benefit of incorporating evaluated for viability could be referred for PET perfu-
PET data in the into the conventional radiation therapy sion/viability and CT coronary angiography. This subject
treatment planning was documented in a study of 11 pa- is further addressed in a subsequent chapter.
tients with non-small cell lung cancer (27). Patients were
immobilized in the treatment position for acquisition of
both CT and FDG-PET images. For all patients there was a
change of the planned target volume outline based on CT
images compared to PET/CT fused images. In 7 of 11 pa-
The diagnostic implications of integrated PET/CT
tients, the planned target volume was increased by an
imaging include improved detection of lesions on both
average of 19% to incorporate nodal disease. In the other
the CT and FDG-PET images, better differentiation of
4 patients, the target planned volume was decreased by an
physiologic from pathologic foci of metabolism, and
average of 18% by excluding atelectasis and trimming the
better localization of the pathologic foci. This new power-
target volume to avoid delivering higher radiation doses
ful technology provides more-accurate interpretation of
to nearby spinal cord or heart.
both CT and FDG-PET images and therefore more-
optimal patient care. PET/CT fusion images affect clinical
management by guiding further procedures (biopsy,
surgery, radiation therapy), excluding the need for addi-
Cardiac Imaging tional procedures, and changing both inter- and in-
tramodality therapy.
Advanced cardiac applications are possible with integra-
The combined approach of X-ray attenuation correc-
tion of 16-slice CT and PET systems. Noninvasive visual-
tion and image fusion with FDG imaging is a new and
ization of the coronary tree has been investigated for a
powerful diagnostic tool for nuclear medicine imaging,
long time. MR angiography was promising in that regard,
radiation therapy, and surgical planning. The applications
but in a multicenter trial only 84% of the vessel segments
for this technology, that have emerged with FDG as the ra-
could be evaluated and the evaluation was limited to the
diotracer, will expand even further with the array of new
proximal 3 to 5 cm of the major coronary arteries. In ad-
promising PET tracers and in the field of cardiology.
dition, the examination time was more than 1 h, which is a
limitation in clinical practice (45). The multislice, CT
technology allows measurement of calcium scoring and
the performance of CT coronary angiography with visual- References
ization of the major branches of the coronary tree and
1. Delbeke D, Martin WH, Patton JA, Sandler MP, editors. Practical
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The Technologist’s Perspective
Bernadette F. Cronin

A common view is to assume that a PET scanner can be

Introduction sited in an existing nuclear medicine department and that,
once commissioned, will function with little extra input.
From the technologist’s point of view, positron emission
Although there are obvious similarities between PET and
tomography (PET) combines the interest derived from the
nuclear medicine, there are also quite subtle differences,
three-dimensional imaging of X-ray computed tomogra-
and it is not unusual for experienced nuclear medicine
phy (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with the
staff to find PET quite bewildering. The advent of PET/CT
functional and physiologic information of nuclear medi-
adds an extra dimension because many nuclear medicine
cine. Until recently PET imaging was performed on “PET-
technologists do not have any CT training or background.
only” scanners, and any direct comparison between the
This factor also must be addressed in a structured way to
PET image and an anatomic one was either done by eye or
ensure that the technique develops optimally. Currently, it
required sophisticated hardware and software as well as
is probably the least predictable imaging modality, and
extra manpower to create a registered image. Now all the
staff working in a PET facility need to possess certain
key manufacturers have developed and are marketing
characteristics if the unit is to be successful. PET is multi-
combined PET/CT scanners that allow patients to have
disciplinary, requiring input from various professional
both a PET scan and a CT scan without leaving the scan-
groups, and it is important that all these groups work to-
ning couch. This development creates an exciting imaging
gether toward the same end. Teamwork is an essential
modality that offers the technologist the chance to
component of a successful PET unit and, without this, de-
develop a new range of skills.
partments can easily flounder. More people are gaining
Although clinical PET has been developing over the
the required expertise to work in these units; however,
past 12 to 15 years, it is still relatively new, and the high
there are still few people with the necessary expertise and
cost of introducing such a service has limited access for
they may not always be available to staff newly emerging
staff wishing to enter the field. Thus, few staff entering the
departments. If departments are unable to recruit people
field now have previous experience. However, technolo-
with existing PET experience, it is advisable to send staff
gists with experience in other modalities bring with them
to comparable PET centers to obtain initial training.
useful knowledge and, although PET in most cases is de-
veloping as part of nuclear medicine, recruitment need
not be confined to nuclear medicine technologists alone.
In the United Kingdom, training for PET technologists is Setting Up a PET Service
performed onsite with staff learning and gaining experi-
ence while working full time. Most recognized undergrad- When setting up a PET service, several factors must be
uate and postgraduate courses cover PET in a limited considered. First, and most important, what is the unit to
capacity, providing theoretical information on a subject be used for? If the only requirement is for clinical oncol-
that is intensely practical. As with all new techniques there ogy work, a stand-alone scanner with the tracer being
will be, for a while, a discrepancy between the number of supplied by a remote site may well be sufficient. For the
centers opening around the country and the availability of technologist, this option is in some ways the least attrac-
trained staff. It is important for all concerned, and for the tive, as it always leaves the unit vulnerable to problems
viability of PET itself, that training is formalized to create over which there is no control and provides the least
high national standards that can be easily monitored and diverse workload. At present, most of the work is done
maintained. using fluorine-18-labeled tracers (mainly 2-[18F]-fluoro-2-

28 Positron Emission Tomography

deoxy-D-glucose) (FDG), and although the half-life is rea- PET center to train in a center that undertakes research
sonably long (109.7 min) it does not provide much margin work only. The two units operate in very different ways
for error and thus patient scheduling can present added with different priorities and likely are using a different
difficulties. If you are involved with a unit that has both range of tracers. To get an in-depth working knowledge of
scanner(s) and a cyclotron with chemistry facilities, the clinical PET, technologists should spend at least 4 and
opportunities expand enormously. Scheduling, although preferably 8 weeks at their “training” center. The amount
not necessarily easier, can be more flexible, enabling of training required will depend on the existing knowl-
better use of the equipment at your disposal. In addition, edge of the technologist. It must be remembered that, to
the variety of scans that can be performed increases, al- function successfully in a PET unit, the technologist
lowing a full clinical oncology, neurology, and cardiology should be experienced in patient care, handling of un-
service as well as the flexibility required for research work. sealed sources, intravenous cannulation, and administra-
Another factor to consider is the service you will offer if tion of radiopharmaceuticals as well as the acquisition
you are purchasing a PET/CT scanner. All commercially and subsequent reconstruction of the data.
available PET/CT scanners combine state-of-the-art PET A good basic understanding of physics and computing
scanners with diagnostic CT scanners. The specification of will also help, particularly when it comes to troubleshoot-
the CT component varies between manufacturers, but all ing problems. CT training is also likely to be an advan-
are capable of high-quality diagnostic work. Opinions tage, and several short courses are available that provide a
vary as to whether the CT scanner should be used only for good grounding in basic CT. If the work is likely to
attenuation correction and image fusion or whether both include full diagnostic CT, there are staffing implications
the PET scan and the diagnostic CT scan can be per- with regards to state registration and the operation of CT
formed on the one machine during a single hospital/clinic scanners that cannot be ignored.
visit. The concept of “one-stop shops” has also been con-
sidered wherein patients receive their PET, CT, and radio-
therapy planning in a single visit. Planning the PET Service
Clinical PET is divided into three main categories com-
Staffing Requirements and Training prising oncology, neurology, and cardiology. Most clinical
PET centers have found that the workload is split between
Staffing levels reflect the aims of the unit. If the intention these three areas in a similar way, with oncology taking
is to have a stand-alone scanner with no onsite cyclotron about 80% to 90% and the balance being shared between
and chemistry facilities, then, assuming a throughput of the other two disciplines.
about 800 patients per annum, the department needs a When setting up a clinical PET service it is important to
minimum of two technologists. Two are needed to ensure consider the types of scans to be offered. When deciding
that there will always be cover for annual leave and sick- which protocols will be used, the most important consid-
ness and also to share the radiation dose. This number of eration is what question is being asked of PET. This re-
staff assumes some additional scientific and clerical quirement may not always be clear in the initial referral,
support staff. However, with a scanner plus cyclotron and and it is important that it is established before the study
chemistry facilities, the annual patient throughput is so that PET is not used inappropriately. Other things to
likely to increase because of the greater availability of ra- consider are whether quantification [for example, a semi-
diopharmaceuticals for clinical studies and, possibly, re- quantitative standardized uptake value (SUV)] (1, 2) of
search work. Assuming an annual workload of the data will be required as this can only be performed on
approximately 1,200 patients, at least three technologists attenuation-corrected studies, which may not automati-
are needed, with a corresponding increase in support cally be performed if working on a PET-only scanner. It is
staff. Provision of FDG for 8:00 A.M. injection, allowing also important to know whether the patient is a new
scanning to start at 9:00 A.M., requires cyclotron and patient or is attending for a PET study as part of their
chemistry staff to begin work very early. Obvious revenue follow-up. If patients are undergoing a follow-up scan, it
consequences are the need for out-of-hours or enhanced is essential to know what treatment they have had and,
payment, which may make recruitment difficult. Thus, in critically, when this treatment finished or was last given.
many centers FDG may not be available for injection Following the completion of chemotherapy, approxi-
much before 9:30–10:00 A.M., with the first scan not start- mately 4 to 6 weeks should elapse before the patient is
ing until nearly 11:00 A.M. To maximize the resources scanned, and after radiotherapy it is ideal to wait longer,
available it will probably be necessary to extend the up to 3 to 6 months, although clinically this may not be
working day into the early evening by working a split-shift practical. If patients have their PET scan midway through
system. a chemotherapy regimen, the aim should always be to
Once the PET technologists have been selected, consid- scan the patient as close to the next cycle of chemotherapy
eration must be given to how they will be trained. There is as possible, allowing at least 10 days to elapse since the
little point in sending a technologist destined for a clinical previous cycle. Use should also be made of other diagnos-
The Technologist’s Perspective 29

tics tests that the patient may have undergone, and so for tion to attend for their appointment. A patient not attend-
the PET center it is valuable to have details about previous ing at the prearranged time can cause a huge disruption
scans [CT, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), etc.] and and waste of both tracer and scanner time, which is
preferable to have the scan reports or images available difficult to fill at short notice.
before the appointment is made.
For PET, patient compliance must also be considered.
Patients are accustomed to the idea that diagnostic tests
on the whole are becoming quicker. However, with PET,
Patient Preparation and Scanning
the scanning times are significantly longer than other Protocols
scanning techniques. Scans can take from 20 min up to 3 h
for some of the more-complex studies, and it is important Different centers have different methods for preparing
to establish whether the patient is able to tolerate this time and performing the tests, and these variations are deter-
period. The design of PET systems, although not so mined by several factors, including the type of PET system
confined as MRI, can mean that patients who are claus- available. However, regardless of the type of PET camera
trophobic may not be able to complete the scan without being used, there are similarities in technique with the
help and may need to be given some mild sedation to greatest overlap in the area of patient preparation and
undergo this type of investigation. Recently developed management of the patient once they are in the depart-
PET/CT dual-modality systems will exacerbate this ment to obtain the best diagnostic data.
problem even more because of their increased axial
length. Some patients, particularly younger subjects, are
not be able to remain still for the length of time required PET Scanning in Oncology
for the scan and may well need heavier sedation or
perhaps a general anesthetic. Today, FDG-PET scanning is regarded as useful in many
The other key area that must be considered when oncologic conditions. The most frequent applications are
setting up a PET service is which tracers are available. In in staging of disease, assessment and monitoring of treat-
centers with a cyclotron on site, a full range of clinical ra- ment response, and evaluation of tumor recurrence, par-
diopharmaceuticals should be available. However, when ticularly when morphologic imaging techniques are
operating a PET scanner at a site remote from a cyclotron, equivocal or difficult to assess for technical reasons.
there will be much greater limitation as to available Patient preparation for FDG PET scans in oncology is
tracers (essentially, 18F-labeled tracers or those labeled fairly simple. Patient referrals are divided into two cate-
with longer-lived radioisotopes), and that in turn will gories, those who are insulin-dependent diabetics (IDD)
limit the types of studies possible. The half-lives of these and all others. Insulin-dependent diabetics are asked to
tracers can be very short, which, again, will influence the drink plenty of water in the 6 h before their scan appoint-
types of scan possible as well as the way the work is sched- ment, but they are not asked to fast because it is both in-
uled. Production times for the various tracers range from appropriate and unnecessary to disrupt their blood
just a few minutes up to 2 or 3 h and scans must be glucose levels. All other patients are asked to fast for at
booked accordingly. As with all imaging units, it is impor- least 6 h before their scan but are again encouraged to
tant to ensure that the best and most efficient use of the drink plenty of water. On arrival in the department, the
equipment and personnel available is made. PET scans are patient’s personal details should be checked and a clear
costly both financially and in terms of the time required, explanation of what the scan involves should be given. It
and a single scanner may only be able to accommodate 7 is important to give the patient the opportunity to ask
to 10 scans per day. The schedule should be arranged to questions at this stage to ensure they are completely
ensure the scanner is in continuous use throughout the relaxed. For this reason, the appointment time should
day to maximize throughput. In the United Kingdom, include a preinjection period of about 15 min. For FDG-
there are currently few centers producing FDG for distrib- PET scanning it is advantageous to have the patient lying
ution, and those centers that do so cannot produce it in down and comfortably warm for both the injection and
large quantities. It is essential that tracer is used in a way the uptake period as this should aid relaxation and
that ensures that little, if any, is wasted, and this requires reduce unwanted muscle and brown fat uptake. To obtain
much thought on the part of the people booking the scans. the best results from the FDG-PET scan, certain key areas
Information that should be given to the patient includes are important. The site of the body chosen for injection of
the time, date, and location where the examination will the FDG is important. Any extravasation at the injection
take place, with a clear explanation of what the scan in- site is unsatisfactory. A small amount of tissued radio-
volves and any special dietary requirements including tracer at the injection site will result in a local radiation
special instructions for diabetics. An information booklet dose caused primarily by the positrons themselves due to
may be helpful but should be tailored to specific scan their short pathlength and high linear energy transfer.
types and the working practice of individual departments. Also, the extravasated tracer will be cleared from the in-
It is a good idea to ask the patient to confirm their inten- jection site via the lymphatic system and may result in
30 Positron Emission Tomography

Figure 3.1. Reconstruction artifacts

caused by extravasated tracer at the in-
jection site can leave the final image dif-
ficult or even possible to interpret.

uptake in more-proximal lymph nodes that could be con- successful attempt at venipuncture has been made before
fused with uptake from lymph node disease. Even small the successful one as leakage of injected tracer can occa-
amounts of extravasated tracer can cause devastating arti- sionally be seen at this initial site. If extravasation of
facts on the three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction of the tracer is suspected, a quick test acquisition at that site
data and, in extremis, can render the scan nondiagnostic if should be performed to establish this as it is not helpful
it is adjacent to an area of interest (see example in Figure to remove the injection site from the field of view without
3.1). Iterative reconstruction methods help by reducing establishing whether it is necessary. If it is, then remedial
these artefacts but may not remove them altogether. action can be taken; for example, lifting the arm above
Many of the patients attending for these scans have the patient’s head and out of the field of view. With
already undergone chemotherapy regimens so that their PET/CT it is likely that patients will be routinely imaged
veins are extremely difficult to access. It is therefore es- with their arms raised above their head to prevent beam
sential that the technologist giving the injections is well hardening artifacts in the CT image. However, an image
trained and well practiced in venepuncture. A good, where the injection site (the arm, for example) is not seen
precise injection technique is essential with the emphasis but that does include axillary uptake will be difficult to
on accuracy. Unfortunately, there will occasionally be assess unless the reporting clinician can be sure that the
mistakes, but with care it is possible to ensure these mis- injection was without incident. For this reason, a quick
takes do not make the scan completely worthless. It is acquisition of the injection site will avoid any subsequent
always advisable to keep the injection site as far away as confusion.
possible from the area of interest. If patients are to be Normal physiologic muscle and brown fat uptake of
scanned with their arms down by their sides and the FDG can also give rise to confusion when reporting PET
abdomen is under investigation, it is best to avoid the an- scans (Figure 3.2) (3, 4). The causes of this increased
tecubital fossae and likewise the hands or wrists when the uptake are not fully understood; however, it is clear that
pelvic area is significant. However, with PET/CT scanning physical exertion and cold inevitably give rise to in-
it is much more likely that patients will be scanned with creased levels of FDG in these areas. Stress and nervous
their arms raised up above their head and so this is less tension also play their part.
likely to cause a problem. For many patients the arms Unfortunately, it is not always clear which patients will
may not be appropriate for the injection; for example, pa- produce high levels of muscle or brown fat uptake, and
tients with a history of carcinoma of the breast, patients the calmest of patients can produce a very “tense”-
with bilateral axillary, neck, or supraclavicular disease, looking scan. When uptake of this type occurs it is only
and patients whose primary lesion is on their arm. In any the distribution that may give a clue as to the origins of
of these circumstances it is advisable to inject the patient the pattern of uptake, and it is almost impossible to dis-
in the foot so that if a problem occurs it will not affect the tinguish this physiologic response from any underlying
scan so much as to cause confusion. A note should always pathologic cause. To reduce this uptake, it is suggested
be made of the site of the injection for the reporting that patients be given 5 to 10 mg diazepam orally 1 h
doctor’s reference. A note should also be made if an un- before FDG injection. Clearly, this will increase the time
The Technologist’s Perspective 31

Figure 3.2. FDG uptake in tense muscle

can mask or simulate underlying pathol-
ogy (a). The use of diazepam before FDG
injection can significantly reduce this
effect (b). a b

they remain in the department, as well as influencing dure. It is difficult to evaluate the true effect of oral
their homeward journey, because they should not drive diazepam because for each patient there is no control
following this medication. Also, this step cannot be done study. However, it does appear to reduce the incidence of
at short notice as patients must arrive for their appoint- this type of normal uptake and is therefore used fre-
ment an hour earlier than usual and will require an area quently by many centers.
where they can rest comfortably following administration Uptake of FDG into normal myocardium is both un-
of diazepam. Although the dosage suggested is relatively predictable and difficult to manage. When investigating
low, patients’ reactions range from barely negligible to the thorax of a patient, particularly when looking for
sleeping throughout most of their visit to the department. small-volume disease close to the myocardial wall, high
The unpredictability of this reaction means it is generally levels of myocardial uptake can cause such severe arti-
advisable to suggest that the patient bring someone with facts that this can be almost impossible to assess, espe-
them to ensure that they are accompanied when they cially if the images are reconstructed with filtered
leave the department after the scan. A low ambient room back-projection (Figure 3.3).
temperature can also have an effect by increasing the in- Iterative reconstruction methods help decrease the
cidence of physiologic uptake into brown fat, so it is also magnitude of the artifact, but ideally myocardial uptake
important that, on arrival, patients are injected and of the FDG should be minimized when necessary. The
allowed to rest in a warm comfortable area. Although the physiology of uptake of FDG into the myocardium is
likelihood of physiologically increased muscle/brown fat
uptake is difficult to predict, for certain categories of
patients diazepam should be given prophylactically.
Obviously, any patient who has previously demonstrated
physiologic uptake with FDG should be given diazepam
on all subsequent visits. For patients attending their first
PET scan, those with lymphoma for whom the axillae,
neck, and supraclavicular area are of particular interest
may well be given diazepam, and patients with carcinoma
of the breast are also likely to be considered. Adolescents
and young children also show significantly increased
amounts of physiologic muscle/brown fat uptake and
they too are routinely given diazepam, although in this
group of patients this step is less successful than with
adults. In addition to diazepam, every effort should be
made to ensure that the total environment and experi-
ence are as relaxing as possible for the patient and that Figure 3.3. High myocardial uptake in a scan looking for small-volume disease in the
they feel comfortable and well informed about the proce- chest can render the scan uninterpretable.
32 Positron Emission Tomography

complex and there are, as yet, no straightforward option would be surgery, and PET is one of the many in-
methods of reducing it. One suggestion is that by increas- vestigations these patients undergo to confirm the exact
ing the free fatty acid levels in the patient the heart may site of the epileptogenic focus. PET is also used in the in-
be persuaded to utilize this for its primary energy source vestigation of primary brain tumors, mainly in patients
and ignore the available glucose and FDG. One way of who have had tumors previously treated by surgery, ra-
doing this is to ensure that the patients have a high caf- diotherapy, or a combination of both. In these patients,
feine intake before and immediately after the FDG injec- standard anatomic techniques, for example, CT and MRI,
tion, which can be achieved simply by encouraging the are often difficult to interpret because of the anatomic
patient to drink unsweetened black coffee instead of disruption caused by the treatment. FDG-PET scanning
water in the hours leading up to the scan and during the may also be helpful when investigating patients with de-
uptake period or, more palatably, a diet cola drink, as this mentia-like symptoms because it can provide a differen-
contains no sugar but has high levels of caffeine. tial diagnosis for the referring clinician.
In contrast to glucose, FDG is excreted through the When investigating partial epilepsy, [11C]-flumazenil
kidneys into the urine, and artifacts can be produced if the may also be used. This radiopharmaceutical shows the
radioactivity concentration in the urine is high. These ar- distribution of benzodiazepine receptors, and it can be
tifacts can be seen around the renal pelvis and the bladder useful in more accurately localizing the epileptogenic
and can make it very difficult to assess these areas with focus (6) than FDG alone. Similarly, in the investigation
confidence. In some centers, for patients in whom the of primary brain tumors, the use of FDG alone may not
upper abdomen or pelvis is in question, it is common always be sufficient to answer the clinical question.
practice to give 20 mg intravenous furosemide at the same Normal cortical brain has a high uptake of FDG and so
time as the FDG injection. The effect of the furosemide is makes visualization of tumor tissue over and above this
to dilute the radioactive concentration within the urine background level quite difficult. The grade of the brain
and thus make the images easier to interpret. The tumor is correlated with the degree of uptake into the
furosemide should be injected slowly, and patients should tumor (7), with low-grade tumors having a lower than
be encouraged to drink plenty of water to ensure they do normal uptake, intermediate-grade tumors having a
not become dehydrated. Patients should be given an op- similar uptake to normal brain, and high-grade tumors
portunity to void immediately before the start of the FDG having a higher than normal uptake. For this reason, it is
scan and, if the pelvis is to be included in the scan, then common for patients who are being assessed for recurrent
the patient should be scanned from the bladder up. tumor to have a [11C]-L-methionine scan in addition to
Obviously, it is not easy for patients to be given a diuretic their FDG scan. Methionine is an amino acid that demon-
and then have limited access to a toilet, but in the main, strates protein synthesis rates, so, while the FDG gives in-
with a good explanation, patients tolerate this quite well. formation about the grade of the tumor, the methionine
Again, iterative reconstruction techniques have improved will provide information about the extent of any tumor
image reconstruction and reduced the severity of artifacts present. To use any 11C-labeled tracer obviously requires
caused by high levels of activity in the urine, and the that the scanner be sited close to the cyclotron and radio-
advent of PET/CT scanners has allowed focal uptake in chemistry unit where the tracer will be produced, as the
the ureters to be accurately assessed at the reporting stage, 20-min half-life along with the low quantities currently
reducing the overall need for diuretics. produced precludes transport to a distant site.
Finally, in patients in whom the laryngeal and neck area The exact protocol for brain scanning will vary from
is being investigated, normal physiologic muscle uptake center to center but again there are certain key points
into the laryngeal muscles can cause confusion. Patients that can be taken from one site to another. For all these
who speak before, during, and after injection are likely to scans, patients may have to remain still for quite a
demonstrate this type of uptake, whereas patients who are significant period of time. When a patient is suffering
silent for this period do not (5). For this reason it is rec- from epilepsy, particularly if they are very young, their
ommended that when this area is of clinical significance, risk of having a seizure during the scan may be quite
the patient should be asked to remain silent for about 20 high. To ensure the minimum amount of disruption to
min before injection, during injection, and for the major- the total study, it is advisable to acquire the data as a
ity of the uptake period (the first half-hour being the most series of sequential dynamic time frames rather than as
important time after injection). Although this may not be one long, single, static acquisition. Thus, if the patient
easy, most patients, if they understand why it is necessary, does move during the scan it is possible to exclude that
are sufficiently well motivated to comply. frame from the total scan data. If the patient is clearly
marked at various points corresponding to the position-
ing laser lights, they can be repositioned so that only the
PET Scanning in Neurology affected frame is lost. However, any repositioning needs
to be done with extreme accuracy to ensure coalignment
For clinical PET in neurology, the most frequently used of the transmission data for attenuation correction,
tracer is FDG. It features in the general workup for pa- which is often recorded before the start of the emission
tients who have intractable epilepsy for whom the next scan. Patient movement is a particularly important issue
The Technologist’s Perspective 33

when using the shorter-lived 11C tracers. If a patient uptake period for the FDG inevitably is while the patient
moves during a single static acquisition, not only is the is anesthetized. However, the advantages of having the
scan going to be corrupted, but the short half-life of the patient remaining still for the study usually outweigh the
tracer makes it very difficult to repeat the scan as the re- slightly reduced quality of the study caused by lower
sultant scan quality will be very poor. An alternative that global uptake. In children under 16 years who are being
is becoming increasingly popular on PET scanners that investigated for epilepsy, it is advisable to perform an
can operate in 3D mode is to acquire these as high-count, EEG recording for the whole duration of the uptake
short-duration 3D scans only. Emission scan times in 3D period.
for a brain may be of the order of only 5 to 10 min. FDG-PET brain scans for the investigation of epilepsy
Preparation of patients for brain scans is again con- should always be performed interictally. The short half-
cerned with ensuring that the injected FDG does not have life of the tracer makes ictal scanning technically very
to compete with high levels of normal glucose in the challenging, and the comparatively long uptake period of
patient. So, as for oncology scans, the patients are fasted FDG into the brain could render ictal scanning unreli-
and asked to drink water only in the few hours preceding able. However, if a patient does enter status epilepticus
the study, but because of the high avidity of uptake in the during the uptake period, this may have an effect on the
brain this fasting period is restricted to 3 h only. As with final image, and so it is worthwhile noting brainwave ac-
all other areas of clinical PET, insulin-dependent diabetics tivity during this period. FDG scans in the interictal state
should be told to maintain their normal diet and insulin in epilepsy are usually employed to locate regions of di-
intake and should not be fasted. Following injection it is minished uptake. Most adults can tolerate FDG brain
important that the patient remains quiet and undisturbed scanning with or without an 11C scan fairly well, and it is
for the uptake period. External stimuli should be avoided, rare to require either general anesthetic or sedation for
as these may cause “activation” within different areas of these patients. Once the acquisition is completed, the in-
the brain, which, in extreme cases, might be evident in the dividual frames can be assessed for patient movement,
final image produced. Ideally, it is best to ask the patient and if there has been no movement they can be summed
to remain in a darkened room with their eyes closed and and reconstructed as a single frame study. Alternatively,
no distractions. This restriction applies primarily to FDG it is possible, if there have been small amounts of move-
scanning but should also be adhered to when using other ment between frames, to register sequential frames to
tracers so that the preparation is standard and repro- each other before summing and reconstruction, although
ducible. Many patients being investigated for epilepsy great care must be taken to ensure that the frames are
may well be young children and may also have concurrent coaligned with the transmission scan data used for atten-
behavioral problems. As a result, it can be difficult to keep uation correction. Where there has been significant
these patients still for the length of time required for the movement on a frame, this frame will probably have to
scan, and it is prudent to consider scanning them with be excluded from the study and the remaining frames
some form of sedation. In general, it is preferable to scan summed and reconstructed.
under a full general anesthetic rather than a light sedation The production of 11C radiopharmaceuticals tends to
because the latter can be unpredictable and difficult to be less reliable than that of FDG and the yields tend to be
manage. However, a general anesthetic requires good co- lower. In addition to this, the half-life of 11C is only 20.4
operation with the anesthetics department and an anes- min, which means there is a limited period of time during
thetist who has a reasonable understanding of PET and which there is enough radioactivity to achieve a good di-
the time constraints associated with the technique. One agnostic scan. Radiopharmaceuticals labeled with 11C are
option is to have a regular general anesthetic time booked, produced on demand and can take approximately 1 h to
the frequency of which can be governed by the individual make. Thus, it is common practice to book patients so
demands of the PET center. The anesthetic unfortunately that they arrive in the PET scanning department about 1
results in a globally reduced FDG uptake, which will give a h before their scan appointment time. The production is
slightly substandard image, and the best results are not started until the patient presents for the study, thus
achieved if the patient is awake for their FDG uptake removing the possibility of having tracer ready to inject
period but under anesthetic for the scan. This protocol is but no patient. It is important that patients understand
not always possible, particularly when patients are having the reason for this timing so they are aware that, on
a dual-study protocol with FDG scans in conjunction with arrival in the department, there will be a delay before
an 11C-labeled tracer. their scan is started.

Sequential Dual-Tracer Neurologic Studies PET Scanning in Cardiology

In the usual technique for performing dual-tracer studies, Aside from some special research studies, PET cardiology
the scan using the shorter half-life tracer is performed studies are usually performed to assess hibernating my-
first, immediately followed by the FDG scan. When the ocardium or viability in patients with left ventricular
(LV) dysfunction. Such studies can involve assessing
34 Positron Emission Tomography

myocardial perfusion using ammonia ([13N]-NH3) or short half-life and rapid washout from myocardium
[15O]-H2O and glucose metabolism with FDG. makes it more difficult to use than [13N]-NH3.
Hibernating myocardium may be thought of in terms of FDG uptake gives information about the viability of the
myocardium with reduced function caused by an adap- heart muscle. When the heart is normally perfused it
tive response to chronic hypoperfusion and which, if relies on the oxidation of free fatty acids in the fasted
revascularized, may recover function. Patients with poor state and aerobic glucose metabolism postprandially.
LV function and ischemic heart disease represent only a When myocardial perfusion is reduced, the heart
small percentage of surgical candidates but are an im- switches from free fatty acid metabolism almost entirely
portant group. They have increased mortality and mor- to glucose metabolism and, therefore, preferential uptake
bidity compared to patients with normal LV function of FDG should occur in ischemic regions (Figure 3.4). As
but stand to gain most from revascularization in terms myocardial perfusion and oxygen consumption continue
of increased survival. Separating those who may benefit to reduce, myocardial contractility worsens and then
from surgery (in whom the associated operative risks are stops while glucose consumption by the myocardium in-
worth taking) from those whom surgery cannot hope to creases. However, in the fasted state, uptake of glucose
benefit is vital. can be very variable in both normal and ischemic my-
Rest/stress flow studies can be used in the investigation ocardium, making some studies difficult to interpret.
of reversible ischemia in cases where [99mTc]-labeled per- Following a glucose load (50 g orally), glucose becomes
fusion agents or 201Tl scanning is equivocal, difficult to the primary energy source, with both normal and is-
interpret, or does not match the clinical findings. 13N has chemic myocardium taking up FDG. To minimize any in-
a 9.97-min half-life, which means that this tracer can only homogeneity of FDG uptake, it is best to glucose-load the
be used if the scanner is situated close to the production patient before scanning. Uptake of FDG into the my-
facility. [13N]-NH3 is a highly diffusible tracer that, fol- ocytes can be enhanced by insulin; however, the use of a
lowing intravenous injection, is efficiently extracted into feedback-controlled hyperinsulinemic clamp is techni-
perfused tissue where it remains for a considerable cally time consuming. Using a sliding scale of insulin, a
period (8, 9). Thus, it acts as a flow tracer with the uptake reduced number of uninterpretable studies has been ob-
being proportional to perfusion. Dynamic [13N]-NH3 served, based on blood glucose before FDG injection (11).
scanning allows quantification of blood flow to the my- To obtain acceptable FDG uptake into the myocardium, it
ocardium in milliliters per minute per gram of tissue as is vital that the patient is prepared correctly and managed
well as giving qualitative information (10). Similarly, in a controlled way throughout the PET scan. Uptake of
[15O]-H2O is a freely diffusible tracer that distributes in FDG into the heart muscle is dependent on achieving the
the myocardium according to perfusion. However, the correct insulin–glucose balance in the patient before FDG

Figure 3.4. Myocardial perfusion with [13N]-NH3 (top row) and FDG (bottom row) demonstrates almost complete mismatch. The areas of low myocardial perfusion on the [13N]-NH3
scan demonstrate high FDG uptake, indicating hypoperfused, viable myocardium. (From Valk PE, Bailey DL, Townsend DW, Maisey MN. Positron Emission Tomography: Basic Science
and Clinical Practice. Springer-Verlag London Ltd 2003, p. 785.)
The Technologist’s Perspective 35

injection, and so the management of these patients is Table 3.1. Sliding scale of insulin given dependent on blood glucose levels in
focused on this aspect. Practice guidelines for data ac- cardiac PET FDG scanning.
quisition and patient preparation have been published Glucose concentration (mmol/L) Action
by the American Society of Nuclear Cardiology for PET
<5.0 No insulin
myocardial glucose metabolism and perfusion imaging
with FDG, [ 13N]-NH 3, and 82Rb. These guidelines 5.0–8.0 3 units of insulin
include example of protocols used at different institu- 8.0–12.0 4.5 units of insulin
tions in the United States for loading patients with >12.0 (At clinician’s discretion)
glucose and insulin in preparation for a myocardial Source: From Bailey DL, Townsend DW, Valk PE, Maisey MN. Positron Emission
FDG study (12). Tomography: Basic Sciences. Springer-Verlag London Ltd 2005, p. 304.
Cardiac PET scanning is perhaps the most complex
and time consuming of the three main clinical groups. In
a preparation protocol developed at the Guy’s and St.
Thomas’ Hospital Clinical PET Center, London, UK, the patient’s glucose level will be high enough that exogenous
patients are prepared slightly differently depending on insulin can be administered safely. Obviously great care
whether they are nondiabetic, insulin-dependent dia- must be taken when giving insulin to a patient. It is im-
betic (IDD), or non-insulin-dependent diabetic portant that intravenous 50% glucose is on hand in case
(NIDDM). All categories of patients are asked to refrain the patient becomes hypoglycemic, and it is also essential
from caffeine-containing products for at least 24 h that the patient is not allowed to leave the department
before their appointment time. This restriction both until they are safe and well enough to do so. If patients
minimizes the inherent stress effect of caffeine and have been given insulin, they should be infused with
lowers the free fatty acid level that might otherwise about 50 mL 20% glucose to counteract any effects from
compete with the FDG for provision of the my- the insulin during the last 10 to 15 min of the FDG scan.
ocardium’s energy source. Nondiabetic patients should It is also sensible to make sure the patient has something
be asked to fast (water only) for 6 h before their ap- to eat and drink and to check the patient’s blood glucose
pointment time. The non-insulin-dependent diabetics level before he or she leaves.
should fast for 6 h, but if their appointment is booked If the blood glucose level is checked after the patient
for the afternoon they are encouraged to eat breakfast has been injected with the FDG, it is important to ensure
and take their normal morning oral hypoglycemic as that the blood sample is not taken from the same line
usual. The insulin-dependent diabetics are instructed through which the FDG was given. About 20 min after the
to eat and take their insulin as normal with no FDG has been administered, a short test acquisition
modifications to their normal routine. Many patients should be performed to assess whether FDG is getting
attending for cardiac PET scanning are on medication, into the heart muscle. Even though the uptake may still
and it is not necessary for them to stop any of this be quite low at this stage, and because of the short acqui-
before their scan. sition time the counting statistics will be poor, an experi-
After arrival in the department, the procedure is ex- enced eye should be able to judge whether there is
plained to the patient and a blood sample is taken to uptake. If uptake is not seen at this stage it may be worth
measure the baseline blood glucose level. If the blood waiting another 5 or 10 min and then repeating the test
glucose is below 7 mmol/L, the patient will be glucose acquisition. If there is still no uptake after this time, a
loaded. The glucose can be given in the form of dextrose second administration of insulin (as prescribed by the
monohydrate powder dissolved in water, with the aim to doctor on site) may be enough to push the remaining cir-
give this drink approximately 1 h before the FDG is to be culating FDG into the myocardium. Although by this
given. If the patient is not a diabetic, they are given 50 g stage it may be more than 30 min after the FDG injection,
dextrose monohydrate, and if they are diabetic (IDD or it should not be assumed that the FDG scan is going to
NIDDM) they receive 25 g. About 10 min before the FDG fail. This glucose loading protocol for cardiac imaging
is planned to be injected, another blood glucose measure- seems to work very well, with a very low (<5%) failure
ment is made, and depending on this result the patient rate.
may or may not be given insulin before FDG injection. Further information for assessing the viability of the
The amount of insulin given will increase on a sliding myocardium may be obtained by gating the FDG scans.
scale, an example of which is shown in Table 3.1. Gating of FDG scans is done in the same way as gating of
In the example shown in Table 3.1, the insulin used is nuclear medicine studies. The patient preparation is
human actrapid, which is diluted in about 1 mL normal identical to that already described as the tracer used is
saline and given intravenously to the patient about 5 min still FDG. The patient’s electrocardiogram is monitored
before the FDG injection. With this protocol, the key to for a short time before the start of acquisition, and the
achieving a good FDG scan is to push the glucose level up average R–R interval is divided into a selected number of
high enough so that either the patient’s own regulatory equal segments. During the acquisition, the same
system will produce insulin in response to this or the segment from each cardiac cycle acquired is stored in the
36 Positron Emission Tomography

Figure 3.5. Gating of the cardiac cycle
produces a series of images of the heart
that can be viewed as a ciné.

same location of computer memory (Figure 3.5). The ac- can be transported to scanners at sites remote from the cy-
quisition time for the FDG scan should be slightly longer clotron. It is the most commonly used tracer in clinical PET
than for static FDG cardiac scans to compensate for the at present, and the combination of these two factors means
poorer counting statistics in each individual gate. Thus, that hospitals are looking more and more at the possibility
once the data have been reconstructed, a ciné image of of introducing this radiopharmaceutical for use within ex-
the beating heart can be viewed tomographically. isting departments. However, clinical units usually require
Gated studies allow the assessment of myocardial via- high throughput (compared with research facilities), and
bility as well as wall motion and contractility and are criti- this inevitably means increased numbers of scans and an
cal to evaluate regional and global function; they can help increased radiation burden in the department.
to identify dysfunctional regions of the myocardium. In With PET/CT, the radiation dose related to both the CT
the absence of perfusion images, localization of regional study and the PET tracers must be taken into considera-
dysfunction is helpful to identify the region of the my- tion for both patients and technologists. The design and
ocardium at risk where evaluation of viability is critical. shielding of the PET/CT facilities must be modified ap-
The most accurate interpretation of FDG images is ob- propriately as well, as further discussed in Chapter 4,
tained when correlated with perfusion images, as dis- Radiation Protection and Dosimetry in PET. Chapter 3
cussed in practice guidelines for interpretation and addresses only radiation protection for the technologist
reporting that have been published by the American related to PET tracers.
Society of Nuclear Cardiology (13). For correlation with
FDG images, optimal perfusion images are obtained
using a PET perfusion tracer, such as [13N]-NH3 or 82Rb. Shielding
However, if these tracers are not available, for example, at
institutions that do not have a cyclotron or a 82Rb genera- For most hospitals, the natural assumption is that PET
tor, single photon emission computed tomography scanning, either on a dedicated ring system or in a dual-
(SPECT) perfusion images using 99mTc tracers can be headed coincidence gamma camera PET (GC-PET)
used for correlation. The combination of gated FDG-PET system, is performed in the Nuclear Medicine
images and standard nuclear medicine SPECT imaging of Department. It should be remembered that although
myocardial perfusion makes it much more accessible there are similarities between nuclear medicine and PET,
because centers remote from a cyclotron can undertake the latter makes use of radiotracers with a much higher
clinical cardiac work more easily. photon energy than those usually encountered in nuclear
medicine (511 keV compared to 140 keV). Local legisla-
tion in the United Kingdom (14, 15) sets the annual
whole-body dose limit for unclassified radiation workers
Radiation Protection for the PET at 6 mSv. This is a significant reduction from the previous
Technologist limit of 15 mSv and consequently places a greater burden
of responsibility on departments to ensure that staff
Over the past decade there has been a significant increase members are provided with the means to keep their doses
in interest in the clinical use of positron-emitting tracers. below this level. In addition to this, the newer PET/CT
FDG, with its 109.8-min half-life, not only lends itself to use systems permit much faster acquisition times, which
at sites close to a cyclotron and chemistry facility but also means that the number of scans per day can be increased.
The Technologist’s Perspective 37

As a result, the number of patients per technologist will in- pharmaceutical is likely to be used, as this will require the
evitably increase and will bring an attendant increase in technologist swapping vials between the unit and their
radiation dose. Doses to staff include not only the whole- own lead pot.
body dose but also the dose to extremities. When handling Opinions vary slightly from department to department,
unsealed sources, the key extremity dose is that to the but in the majority of PET centers the technologists draw
hands. The photon energy of 511 keV means that conven- up into unshielded syringes. Once the tracer has been
tional amounts of shielding with lead or tungsten will not drawn up the syringe can be placed into a syringe shield.
be sufficient and more emphasis on the inverse square law, Lead and tungsten syringe shields tend not to be used as
as a means of reducing dose, may need to be employed. the thickness of metal required to produce effective shield-
Currently, FDG is not produced in enormous quanti- ing would render the shield unmanageable. Instead, many
ties, and on arrival the activity in the multidose vial will centers make use of 1-cm-thick perspex (lucite) to manu-
range from 7 to 20 GBq. These multidose vials should be facture the syringe shield. The effect of the perspex is to
shielded within a lead pot with a minimum thickness of act as a barrier to any stray positrons and to increase the
18 mm, although thicker pots (34 mm) are being intro- distance between the syringe and the technologist’s hands,
duced by some departments, particularly in the light of thus making use of the inverse square law to reduce the
increasing tracer yields. The design of the dose prepara- dose received. The shielded syringe can be transported to
tion area should be similar to that used in nuclear medi- the patient for injection in an 18-mm (minimum) lead
cine. An L-shield with a lead glass insert and a lead base carry pot, which means the technologist need only be
should be used. The thickness of the base and the shield further exposed to the radiation during the injection itself.
should be of the order of 6 cm, and the lead glass window Finger doses vary from center to center depending on
should have a 5.5-cm lead glass equivalent. the throughput. At the Guy’s and St. Thomas’ Hospital, a
Measurements of instantaneous dose rate taken from a relatively busy clinical PET center in London, the monthly
shielded vial of FDG (7–8 GBq) placed behind the L- hand doses were compared to the activity handled by the
shield range from 20 µSv/h immediately in front of the L- technologists. Each technologist was injecting approxi-
shield to 2 µSv/h at 2.0 m from the shield. Clearly, the mately 1 GBq of radioactivity per day, although this activ-
dose rate immediately in front of the shield is quite high ity was being drawn up from vials containing much higher
and, as this is the place where the technologist will be levels of activity. The average hand dose for these technol-
standing when drawing up the tracer, it is essential that a ogists was between 4 and 7 mSv per month, which, over a
good, reliable, and fast technique is developed so that the 12-month period, means that their extremity dose is com-
dose received is reduced to a minimum. fortably within the current United Kingdom annual limit
for unclassified workers (150 mSv). However, as FDG pro-
duction and workload increases, technologists will find
Dispensing themselves handling more and more radioactivity, and so
they must not become complacent but should continue to
The suggested technique for drawing up the tracer differs find ways to keep these doses to a minimum. The average
from that commonly used in nuclear medicine, in that it is hand doses given were with technologists handling FDG
inadvisable to invert the lead pot and vial to withdraw the only; however, some of the shorter-lived tracers require
tracer. A better technique involves the use of a long flexible higher injected activities to get a good diagnostic result. In
needle that will reach to the bottom of the vial, coupled centers where [15O]-H2O is used, a manual injection for a
with a filter needle for venting. The vial can be held firmly single scan (2.3 GBq) can result in a dose to each hand of
in place in the lead pot with a pair of long-handled forceps, nearly 1 mSv. It is important to ensure that these higher
and the syringe, once attached to the long needle, can be doses are shared between staff members and that centers
angled away from the top of the vial. Thus, both hands are do not end up with only one person performing this type
kept out of the direct beam of the photons being emitted of work.
from the unshielded top of the vial. In this way, dose to the
hands can be kept to a minimum and there is no risk of the
vial sliding out from its shielding. Whole-Body Dose
Various other methods have been used to try to reduce
the hand dose further. For example, in some departments The whole-body doses to staff in PET are slightly higher
the needle within the FDG vial is connected to a long than those typically seen in nuclear medicine. Benatar et
length of flexible tubing which itself is shielded and al. (16) studied the whole-body doses received by staff in
enables the technologist to put an even greater distance a dedicated clinical PET center and then used measured
between their hands and the vial of activity. In addition, data to estimate the doses that might be received by staff
commercially available purpose-built units are available in departments using FDG but not originally designed to
that provide a significantly higher degree of physical do so. The results showed that in a dedicated unit the
shielding. Each unit should be tested for their ease of use, average whole-body dose received by each technologist
especially in departments where more than one radio- was around 5.5 µSv per patient study and approximately
38 Positron Emission Tomography

100 MBq

150 MBq
Whole Body Dose (mSv)

0.15 200 MBq



0.1 0.5 1.0 2.0
Contact Distance Figure 3.6. Estimated whole-body doses likely to be
received by technologists during 1-h scan beginning
60 min after FDG injection.

14 µSv per day. It should be noted that the new annual technologist is likely to scan many more than this in a
dose limit for unclassified workers of 6 mSv equates to an year, as well as a number of nuclear medicine patients.
average daily dose of 24 µSv . With the exception of same- Five hundred PET patients in a year would take the tech-
day rest/stress [99mTc]-Myoview studies (17), the average nologist close to the 6 mSv annual limit. Therefore, if PET
dose per patient study in nuclear medicine is only 1.5 µSv is going to be introduced into existing departments, some
(18), which is much lower than for PET studies. However, thought needs to be given to the positioning of the
the throughput per technologist in a PET unit is likely to control console relative to the scanner itself. Figure 3.7
be lower than that in nuclear medicine and, therefore, the shows the instantaneous dose rates measured from a
daily whole-body dose received is comparable. This work patient 1 h after being injected with FDG. It should also
was carried out in a dedicated purpose-built PET unit be remembered that this work related to the whole-body
where the technologists are shielded from any radioactive
sources for the majority of the working day and only had
significant contact during injection and positioning of the
patient. In this unit, the control room is separate to, and
shielded from, the scanning area and the room where the
patients wait after injection before the scan. This arrange-
ment contrasts with the setup commonly seen in nuclear
medicine where the control console is often sited adjacent
to the gamma camera with no shielding between the two.
To make estimates of the doses likely to be received by
technologists using FDG in an existing department,
Benatar et al. (16) measured the instantaneous dose rates 120 µSv.hr-1
at 0.1, 0.5, 1.0, and 2.0 m from the anterior chest wall in
patients immediately following their FDG injection. The
15 µSv.hr-1

average dose rates per MBq injected at each of the four
distances were used to estimate the whole-body dose that
could be received by technologists. Figure 3.6 shows the
whole-body dose received during a 1-h scan commencing
1 h after injection based on an injected activity between
100 and 200 MBq. These injected activities were used to
try to reproduce the likely usage on a gamma camera PET
system. At a distance of 2 m with an average injected ac- 4 µSv.hr-1
tivity of 200 MBq, the whole-body dose received is of the
order of 12 µSv. Although in isolation this dose may not
seem particularly high, it must be remembered that this is Figure 3.7. Dose rates measured from a patient in the scanner 55 min after injection of
the dose from each individual PET patient, whereas each 334 MBq FDG.
The Technologist’s Perspective 39

radiation doses that technologists would receive when during the following hour can range from just over
coming into contact with patients who have been injected 0.3 mSv if sitting right next to the patient down to
with approximately 350–400 MBq FDG. This level is cur- 0.016 mSv at a distance of 2 m.
rently the maximum injected activity in Europe, but in
the United States, for example, it is not uncommon for
patients to be injected with twice this amount, which will,
of course, increase the radiation burden for the staff, Risk to the General Public
patient, and carers.
The dose rate immediately next to the bed is quite high The United Kingdom annual dose limit for members of
(120 µSv.h–1). At 1 m from the bedside, it drops to 15 the general public is 1 mSv, and there is a recommenda-
µSv.h–1 but, significantly, at the foot end of the bed the tion that at any one exposure the dose should not exceed
dose rate is only 4.0 µSv.h–1. Obviously, the dose received 30% of this (20). Clearly, in a general waiting area there
by a technologist can be reduced by careful planning even will not be only one PET patient, and an escort or carer
within a preexisting unit. An alternative, if space is a con- could receive in excess of 0.3 mSv when taking into
straint and the operator’s console must be included in the account the contribution from all the patients present.
scanning room, is to use a mobile lead shield. A practical Ideally it is best to have a “hot” waiting room separate to
shield, on wheels, has been reported as reducing the ex- the “cold” waiting room, and the planning arrangements
posure rate by 90%, from approximately 20 µSv.h–1 at an in the “hot” waiting room should ensure adequate sepa-
operator’s console roughly 1 m from a patient who had ration of seating and preferably individually shielded cu-
been injected with 370 MBq FDG to 2 µSv.h–1 (19). The bicles for each patient.
comparable exposure rate from a typical [99mTc]-methyl- The majority of clinical PET radiotracers have very
ene diphosphate (MDP) bone scan patient at a similar short half-lives and therefore patients pose little radiation
distance is 6 µSv.h–1. Consideration must also be given to risk to members of the public once they have completed
the location where a patient waits during the uptake their scan and are ready to leave the department. FDG,
period after being injected with a positron-emitting with its longer half-life, will not have completely decayed
tracer. With FDG, it is important that the patient is able away before the patient leaves and so consideration must
to rest, preferably lying down, and should not be allowed be given to the severity of this risk. The critical group is
to leave the department during this time. Ideally, a sepa- likely to be health care workers who may have contact
rate room should be provided, but in the event that this is with several patients who have undergone PET investiga-
not available and that they have to share a room, it tions or with an individual patient who may be having
should be remembered that the dose rates from patients other radiopharmaceutical studies in addition to their
immediately following injection can be quite high and PET scan. United Kingdom guidelines on when patients
may present a radiation hazard. Benatar et al. (16) used can leave the hospital following administration of a ra-
the dose rate data to estimate the doses that might be re- diopharmaceutical are currently based on the activity re-
ceived by people coming into contact with injected pa- tained within the patient on exit rather than the total
tients during the 1-h uptake period. Figure 3.8 shows doses that would be received by others coming into
that, following administration of FDG, the dose received contact with them. A study published in 1999 measured
the instantaneous dose rates from patients just before
leaving the department (21). The integrated doses were
calculated for various contact times at differing distances.
The results showed that for positron-emitting tracers
0.35 with a half-life of 110 min or less the use of the activity-
100 MBq
0.3 energy product is not a useful concept for restricting crit-
150 MBq ical groups to an infrequent exposure. Instead, greater
Whole body dose (mSv)

200 MBq emphasis should be placed on the true estimate of actual
0.2 radiation dose that could be received, or the predicted
0.15 doses. With longer-lived PET tracers, for example, 124I
(half-life, 4.2 days), the recommendations would need to
be reviewed. The recommendations given as a result of
0.05 this work suggested that following an FDG-PET study
0 using an injected activity of 350 MBq there was no need
0.1m 0.5m 1.0m 2.0m
Contact distance
to prevent contact with a patient’s partner following a
scan. There was no need to restrict travel on public trans-
port following the scan, despite the fact that the activity-
energy product may exceed the local rules. Clearly, young
Figure 3.8. Estimated whole-body doses likely to be received by member of
the public/accompanying person during the 1 h immediately following injection of children of patients should never accompany their
FDG. parents to the PET or nuclear medicine department.
40 Positron Emission Tomography

However, these data showed there was no need for re- 3. Barrington SF, Maisey MN. Skeletal muscle uptake of F-18 FDG:
strictive advice following an FDG scan once the patient effect of oral diazapam. J Nucl Med 1996;37:1127–1129.
4. Hany TF, Gharehpapagh E, Kamel EM, Buck A, Himms-Hagen J,
has left the department, although most centers recom- von Schulthess GK. Brown adipose tissue: a factor to consider in
mend that close contact is kept to a minimum for the rest symmetrical tracer uptake in the neck and upper chest region. Eur
of the day. For a single nurse caring for a patient follow- J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2002;29(10):1393–1398.
ing an FDG scan there is virtually no risk; however, if this 5. Kostagoglu L, Wong JCH, Barrington SF, Cronin BF, Dynes AM,
nurse is working on a ward where there is a high through- Maisey MN. Speech-related visualisation of laryngeal muscles with
F-18 FDG. J Nucl Med 1996;37:1771–1773.
put of either PET and/or nuclear medicine patients, the 6. Richardson MP, Koepp MJ, Brooks DJ, Fish DR, Duncan JS.
annual dose received may become significant. It is un- Benzodiazepine receptors in focal epilepsy with cortical dysgenesis:
likely, however, that the 6-mSv annual dose limit would a [11C]flumazenil PET study. Ann Neurol 1996;40(2):188–198.
be reached by any member of the nursing staff. Overall, 7. Di Chiro G, De La Paz RL, Brooks RA, Sokoloff L, Kornblith PL,
there is a slightly higher risk with positron-emitting Smith PH, et al. Glucose utilization of cerebral gliomas measured
by 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose and PET. Neurology 1982;32:1323–1329.
tracers than there is with conventional nuclear medicine 8. Harper PV, Lathrop KA, Krizek H, Lembares N, Stark V, Hoffer PB.
tracers because of the higher photon energy involved. Clinical feasibility of myocardial imaging with 13NH3. J Nucl Med
However, with care and good working practice it is possi- 1972;13:278–280.
ble to keep the staff doses to an acceptable level, although 9. Phelps ME, Hoffman EJ, Coleman RE, Welch MJ, Raichle ME,
the issue of waiting room space must be addressed by de- Weiss ES, et al. Tomographic images of blood pool and perfusion
in brain and heart. J Nucl Med 1976;17:603–612.
partments wishing to undertake PET scanning, especially 10. Schelbert HR, Phelps ME, Huang S-C, MacDonald NS, Hansen H,
if space is at a premium. Selin C, et al. N-13 ammonia as an indicator of myocardial blood
flow. Circulation 1981;63:1259–1272.
11. Lewis P, Nunan T, Dynes A, Maisey MN. The use of low-dose intra-
venous insulin in clinical myocardial FDG PET scanning. Clin Nucl
Conclusion Med 1996;21:15–18.
12. Bacharach SL, Bax JJ, Case J, Delbeke D, Martin WH, Patterson RE.
The technologist provides a vital interface between the PET myocardial glucose metabolism and perfusion imaging with
FDG, 13NH3 and 82Rb. Part 1: Guidelines for data acquisition and
patient, the clinician, and the nursing and the scientific patient preparation. Am J Nucl Cardiol 2003;10(5):543–556.
staff. Information obtained from the patients can be 13. Schelbert HR, Beanlands R, Bengel F, Knuuti J, DiCarli M, Mahac J,
structured to give additional information to the clinicians Patterson R. PET myocardial glucose metabolism and perfusion
interpreting the scans if recorded methodically. imaging with 18FDG, 13NH3 and 82Rb. Part 2: Guidelines for inter-
Technologists are aware of the finer technical aspects of pretation and reporting. Am J Nucl Cardiol 2003;10(5):557–571.
14. HMSO. The Ionising Radiations Regulations (1985). Report No. S.I.
the scans and the procedures that the patients must 1985, No. 1333. London: Her Majesty’s Stationary Office, 1985.
follow and can both reassure the patients and answer 15. The Ionising Radiation (Medical Exposure) Regulations. London,
most of their questions. Technologists also must be able Her Majesty’s Stationary Office (UK). Statutory Instrument 2000
to adapt to changing situations when there are failures of No. 1059.
tracer production, and the combination of their practical 16. Benatar NA, Cronin BF, O’Doherty MJ. Radiation dose rates from
patients undergoing PET: implications for technologists and
experience and theoretical knowledge means that they waiting areas. Eur J Nucl Med 2000;27(5):583–589.
are well placed to do this effectively. The interaction with 17. Clarke EA, Notghi A, Harding LK. Are MIBI/tetrofosmin heart
other cross-sectional imaging modalities, particularly in studies a potential radiation hazard to technologists? Nucl Med
the light of an increasing use of image registration Commun 1997;18:574–577.
(“fusion”) techniques, further brings together skills from 18. Clarke EA, Thomson WH, Notghi A, Harding LK. Radiation doses
from nuclear medicine patients to an imaging technologist: rela-
radiographic and nuclear medicine technology back- tion to ICRP recommendations for pregnant workers. Nucl Med
grounds. This interaction should encourage individuals Commun 1992;13:795–798.
from varied backgrounds to consider PET as a dynamic, 19. Bailey DL, Young HE, Bloomfield PM, Meikle SR, Glass DE, Myers
evolving, imaging specialty that has much to offer. MJ, et al. ECAT ART: a continuously rotating PET camera: perfor-
mance characteristics, comparison with a full ring system, initial
clinical studies, and installation considerations in a nuclear medi-
cine department. Eur J Nucl Med 1997;24(1):6–15.
References 20. Council Directive 96/29/Euratom of 13 May 1966 laying down basic
safety standards for the protection of the health of workers and the
1. Zasadny KR, Wahl RL. Standardized uptake values of normal general public against dangers arising from ionising radiation.
tissues at PET with 2-[fluorine-18]fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose: varia- Official Journal of the European Communities: Report No. L159.
tions with body weight and a method for correction. Radiology Council of the European Union, 1996.
1993;189:847–850. 21. Cronin BF, Marsden PK, O’Doherty MJ. Are restrictions to behav-
2. Keyes JR. SUV: standard uptake or silly useless value? J Nucl Med iour of patients required following [18F]-FDG PET studies? Eur J
1995;36:1836–1839. Nucl Med 1999;26:121–128.
Radiation Protection and Dosimetry in PET and PET/CT
Jocelyn E.C.Towson and Stefan Eberl

Positron emission tomography (PET) imaging is one of radiation, including definitions of various dosimetric
the more challenging and interesting areas of radiation quantities and recommended dose limits for radiation
safety in diagnostic medicine as a result of its combina- protection. However, some of the terminology is esoteric,
tion with computed tomography (CT). Hybrid systems and neither the quantities nor dose limits have universal
employ current generation multislice CT (MSCT) (also acceptance. The ICRP is currently moving to clarify its
called multidetector CT, MDCT) scanners, rather than CT terminology while maintaining the recommended dose
units purpose-designed for PET/CT systems. A diagnostic limits of 1990 shown in Table 4.1 (3, 4). In this chapter,
CT scan, including the use of contrast as required, can gray (Gy) is used for absorbed dose to organs and tissues
therefore be acquired with the PET scan in the one from medical exposures and sievert (Sv) is used for equiv-
imaging session. Alternatively, a low-dose “nondiagnos- alent dose to organs and tissues from occupational and
tic” CT may be acquired just to provide data for attenua- public exposures. The two quantities are numerically
tion correction and an anatomical frame of reference for identical for beta, gamma, and X-rays. Effective dose, a
interpretation of the PET image. In future, scanners for convenient index of risk to the whole person from
specialized applications such as radiation treatment plan- nonuniform exposure whether clinical or occupational or
ning and cardiac, breast, and brain imaging may affect the public, is also expressed in sieverts. Radiation dose from
exposure of employees through changes in their close diagnostic medical procedures ranges from less than 1 to
contact with patients. In any event, an understanding of a few tens of mGy or mSv. (Corresponding dose in rads
the radiation safety issues, to keep clinical and occupa- or rems can be obtained by dividing a value in mGy or
tional exposures as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA) mSv by 10, or multiplying a value in Gy or Sv by 100.)
and to design facilities, is required for the modalities in Exposures from artificial sources or human practices can
combination. be viewed in the context of ‘background’ radiation. The
CT dose to the patient can vary widely depending on effective dose from naturally occurring sources has a
the system and protocol. It is therefore important to use a broad distribution, depending on the local geology and
protocol that is appropriate for the purpose of the PET/CT habitat. The world average is 2.4 mSv year–1 with a mode
scan (1, 2). If the CT is used for diagnostic purposes as of 2 mSv year–1 and a 90th percentile of 3 mSv year–1 (5).
well as attenuation correction and coregistration of PET The risk of radiation at the dose levels associated with
data, its contribution to dose should be the same as if the occupational, public, and diagnostic medical exposures is
system were a stand-alone CT. If not, there is considerable essentially the stochastic risk of cancer. The risk from ex-
scope to reduce CT dose without compromising the accu- posure at low doses and dose rates can be expressed as an
racy of the quantitative PET data or the localization of ab- excess lifetime risk of mortality of 5% Sv–1 to a population
normal isotope distribution. Even though the majority of of all ages and both sexes and 4% Sv–1 to adults of
PET/CT studies are for oncology referrals, it is desirable to working age, although the ICRP in its Draft 2005
minimize radiation dose to healthy tissue particularly Recommendations is considering the use of incidence
when considering disease in remission, serial follow-up rather than mortality, which would roughly double these
studies, and referrals for nonmalignant disease. Reduced risk coefficients (3, 4). In the Life Span Study (LSS) of the
radiopharmaceutical activities and low-dose nondiagnos- atomic bomb survivors in Japan, the risk per unit dose in
tic CT protocols are particularly appropriate for children the range 0 to 200 mSv (of interest for radiation protec-
and pregnant women. tion and frequent CT procedures) is consistent with the
The International Commission on Radiological linear response seen over the full range, 0 to 2 Sv. For both
Protection (ICRP) has evolved a system for the safe use of mortality and incidence, the best estimate of threshold
42 Positron Emission Tomography

Table 4.1. Dose limits recommended by the International Commission on

a presumed risk of cancer similar to that of the postnatal
Radiological Protection (ICRP). infant (3, 8, 12–14), as summarized in Table 4.2. A review
Occupational Public of all published studies on childhood cancer following
Effective dose 20 mSv year–1, averaged over 5 years 1 mSv year–1
fetal irradiation concluded that a fetal dose of 10 to 20
and not more than 50 mSv in any 1 year mGy can increase the risk by about 40%, the risk being
Equivalent dose greatest in the third trimester (15). As the baseline mortal-
Lens of the eye 150 mSv year–1 15 mSv year–1
ity rate for childhood cancer is so low, the effect of a fetal
–1 dose of 10 mGy is marginal, reducing the probability of
Skin 500 mSv year 50 mSv year–1
not developing childhood cancer from 99.7% to 99.6%
Hands and feet 500 mSv year —
(12). A fetal dose of 25 mGy, quite possible with PET/CT,
Source: Data from ICRP Publication 60 (3). may double the natural risk (about 1 in 1,300 in the
From Valk PE, Bailey DL, Townsend DW, Maisey MN. Positron Emission United Kingdom) of fatal childhood cancer, although it
Tomography: Basic Science and Clinical Practice. Springer-Verlag London Ltd 2003,
p. 266.
would have very little effect on lifetime risk (about 1 in 4)
thereafter (8).

dose is 0 with an upper-bound 90% confidence limit

between 60 and 100 mSv (6). An effective dose of 200 mSv Radiation from PET and CT Sources
to adults from their occupation adds about 1% in theory
to the normal risk of dying from cancer of about 25%. PET Radionuclide Emissions
The data from the LSS are complemented by epidemio-
logic data from medical exposures, ranging from the In terms of energy deposition in tissue, PET radionuclides
trivial to high-dose radiotherapy, which also highlight the have more in common with the radionuclides used for
increased susceptibility of children (7). The age-depen- therapy than those used for diagnostic imaging. The
dence of risk is illustrated in Figure 4.1 (3, 8). There is un- amount of energy deposited locally or at a distance from
derstandable concern about the exposure to infants and disintegrating atoms in an infinite medium is indicated by
children from CT (9–11). Concern about exposures in the equilibrium absorbed dose constant, delta (∆), as
children, particularly for superficial radiosensitive organs shown in Table 4.3 for a selection of radionuclides used
including the lens of the eye, thyroid, and breast/anterior for diagnosis and therapy (16, 17). Positrons, being non-
chest wall, can be extrapolated to exposures in utero, penetrating charged particles, deposit their energy locally
where the risk of developmental abnormalities is added to and account for most of the dose to the organs and tissues

Figure 4.1. Age-dependent excess life-

time risk of fatal cancer following radia-
tion exposure. [Data from ICRP 60
(International Commission on Radio-
logical Protection) (U.S. data) and NRPB
(National Radiological Protection Board)
(U.K. data) (3, 8).]
Radiation Protection and Dosimetry in PET and PET/CT 43

Table 4.2. Risk of radiation exposure in utero and the normal risks of pregnancy.
Gestational age at exposure Threshold Risk
Effect (weeks postconception) (Gy) (Gy–1) Normal prevalence or incidence
Lethality 1–3 inclusive Minimal
Spontaneous abortion >15% to term
Congenital abnormalities, 4–7 inclusive >0.1 50% 6%
growth retardation
Severe mental retardation 8–15 inclusive >0.1 40% 0.5%
16–25 inclusive >0.2 10%
Reduced IQ: 8–15 inclusive >0.1 30 points
Mental retardation 3%
Cancer 4 until term
Incidence to 15 years — 6% 0.077%
Mortality to 15 years — 3% 0.154%
Mortality lifetime ~12% ~25%
Genetic disorders 4 until term 2.4% 8%

Source: Data from NRPB (8), ICRP (12).

of PET patients. Photons emitted in the annihilation of the External exposure to gamma radiation is the most
positrons are penetrating and account for the exposure of significant pathway for occupational exposure in PET fa-
persons nearby. The activity of a radioactive substance is cilities. The high dose rates from PET radionuclides rela-
measured by the number of radioactive atoms that disin- tive to other radionuclides used for diagnostic imaging
tegrate in a second, the becquerel (Bq) being an activity result from their high photon energy (511 keV) and
of one disintegration per second. The activity of 18F- photon yield (typically 197%–200%). Other potential
fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) administered to adult patients pathways are these:
is generally in the range from 200 to 750 MBq, or roughly
• A skin dose from surface contamination
5 to 20 millicuries (mCi). (Activity in mCi is determined
• A deep dose from bremsstrahlung generated in lead or
by dividing the value in MBq by 37.) The influence of half-
other material of high atomic number
life on the energy available from the total decay of a ra-
• A superficial dose from positrons emitted from the
dioactive source is evident in Table 4.3. The short
surface of uncovered sources
half-lives of clinical PET radionuclides limit the internal
• An immersion dose from a release of radioactive gas
radiation dose to patients and the external radiation dose
into the room air
to persons who come in contact with the patient some
time after the PET scan. However, they confer no particu- The dose rate at a distance in air from a source of radia-
lar benefit on PET staff, who must contend each day with tion can be expressed in various terms depending on the
high dose rates from patients and many patients to be application. Dose rate constants at a distance of 1 m from
scanned. a 1 GBq “point” source of various radionuclides are given

Table 4.3. Energy from decay of selected nuclear medicine radionuclides.

Equilibrium absorbed dose constant, ∆a
(g Gy MBq-1 h–1)
Nonpenetrating Penetrating Total Energy from total decay of 1 MBq
∆n–p ∆p ∆ T1/2 (µJ)
C 0.227 0.588 0.815 20.3 mins 397
N 0.281 0.589 0.870 10.0 mins 209
O 0.415 0.589 1.004 2.07 mins 50
F 0.139 0.570 0.709 1.83 h 1,868
Y 0.539 – 0.539 2.7 days 50,295
Tc 0.010 0.072 0.082 6.0 h 708
I 0.109 0.219 0.328 8.05 days 91,250
Data from Society of Nuclear Medicine MIRD Committee (16, 17).
Source: From Valk PE, Bailey DL, Townsend DW, Maisey MN. Positron Emission Tomography: Basic Science and Clinical Practice. Springer-Verlag London Ltd 2003, p. 267.
44 Positron Emission Tomography

Table 4.4. Dose rate constants for radionuclides used for diagnostic imaging.
Air kerma rate Ambient dose equivalent H*(10) Deep tissue dose rate (photons) Superficial tissue dose rate (electrons) at
constanta rate constanta at 1 mb (1 GBq point source) 1 mb (1 GBq point source)
(µGy m2 GBq–1 h–1) (µSv m2 GBq–1 h–1) (µSv h–1) (µSv h–1)
C 140 170 170 11,700
N 140 170 170 10,800
O 140 170 170 10,800
F 140 170 160 10,800
Ga 19 27 25 0
Tc 14 21 23 0
In 75 88 89 8
I 36 44 47 0
I 53 66 66 7,700
Tl 10 17 18 0

Note: “Ambient dose equivalent” is the operational quantity corresponding to “deep tissue dose” at a depth of 10 mm. “Superficial tissue dose” refers to a depth of 0.07 mm, the
average depth of the basal cell layer in skin.
Photons >20keV. Data from Groenewald and Wasserman (18).
Photons. Data from Delacroix et al. (19).
Electrons. Data from Delacroix et al. (19).
Source: From Valk PE, Bailey DL, Townsend DW, Maisey MN. Positron Emission Tomography: Basic Science and Clinical Practice. Springer-Verlag London Ltd 2003, p. 267.

in Table 4.4 (18, 19). The rate constants for photons can occupied areas where there may be a risk of inhaling PET
be used to check the response of survey meters, whether gases.
calibrated for dose in air (Gy) or dose in tissue (Sv), to a
reference source of known activity. The superficial tissue
dose rates in Table 4.4 are for betas and electrons only CT Radiation Measurement and Dose Quantities
and may substantially overestimate actual dose rates
because they do not allow for absorption in the source The primary fan beam of X-rays produced by a CT system
and walls of the container. However, they do indicate that is intense and tightly collimated (21). The energy spec-
skin and eye doses from open PET sources could be trum is relatively “hard” in radiology terms, with a beam
reduced significantly by interposing a barrier as thick as quality of about 5 to 6 mm aluminum half-value layer and
the maximum beta range (see properties in Table 4.5) (19, an effective energy of about 70 keV for a 120-kVp beam,
20). Internal exposure from radionuclide intakes, which although soft in comparison with the 511-keV annihila-
can be estimated by counting activity in biologic samples tion photons of PET. Secondary radiation comprises
or the body, are not generally a concern in PET. leakage from the X-ray tube housing and scattered radia-
Continuous air sampling should be used to monitor tion from photon interactions with the patient, the detec-

Table 4.5. PET radionuclide properties for radiation protection.

β+ yield per β+ Emax Range in glassa Range in plastica Skin dose rate: 1 kBq in 0.05 mLa
disintegration (MeV) (mm) (mm) (mSv h–1)
C 1.0 0.960 1.6 3.0 1.1
N 1.0 1.199 2.1 4.0 1.2
O 1.0 1.732 3.4 6.4 1.4
F 0.97 0.634 0.9 1.7 0.8

Attenuation of annihilation photons Zon Density Mean HVLb Mean TVLb

(broad beam) Zeff (g cm3) (cm) (cm)
Concrete — 2.2 6.4 22
Concrete — 3.2 3.1 11
Iron 26 7.87 1.6 5.5
Tungsten 74 19.30 0.32 1.1
Lead 82 11.35 0.56 2.0
Positrons. Data from Delacroix et al. (19).
Photons 500 keV. Data from Wachsmann and Drexler (20).
Radiation Protection and Dosimetry in PET and PET/CT 45

tors, or any other object in the primary beam. Leakage ra-

diation is at the maximum end of the energy spectrum, Summary of CT Dose Definitions
and the intensity is limited by regulatory control to a low
level. Scatter photons are emitted in all directions and CTDI is the integral of the absorbed dose profile mea-
make a substantial contribution to dose in and beyond the sured in air on the axis of rotation, or at the center and
primary beam. The radiation dose from a single rotation periphery of a standard phantom positioned in the
of the CT tube is therefore not confined to the slice width center of the gantry, divided by the nominal slice width
but extends on either side with a characteristic peaked (or MSCT beam width) for a single rotation in axial
distribution in the z-direction of the scanner axis. The mode. CTDI subscripts indicate the medium in which
dose from a single rotation is represented by the CT dose the dose index is measured and/or quoted, the method
index (CTDI), which assigns the whole of the deposited of measurement and calculation:
energy to the slice. CTDI is measured in air on the axis of • CTDIair is measured in air on the axis of rotation and
rotation, or at the center and periphery of a standard quoted as dose to air.
phantom positioned in the center of the gantry. There are • CTDI100 is measured in an acrylic phantom with a
two standard acrylic phantoms, both at least 14 cm in 100-mm-long ion chamber and quoted as dose to air.
length: 32 cm in diameter for the body, 16 cm in diameter [CTDIFDA, as originally defined by the U.S. Food and
for the head and pediatrics. The weighted CTDIw repre- Drug Administration (FDA), is measured in 14 con-
sents the average dose throughout a slice in the phantom tiguous sections of a tissue-equivalent phantom and
and is characteristic of the machine, whereas the volume quoted as dose to tissue-equivalent material. Factors
CTDIvol allows for noncontiguous slices and is therefore a are available to convert to CTDI100 (23)].
better representation of dose during a scan. The total • The weighted CTDIw represents the average dose
energy deposited in the patient, and hence the stochastic throughout a slice from a single rotation in axial
risk, from a complete scan sequence is represented by the mode, calculated from CTDI100 measured at the center
dose length product (DLP). CTDIw, CTDIvol, and DLP are and the mean CTDI100 measured at 10-mm depth at
applicable to axial or spiral scan modes and single- or four equally spaced positions around the periphery of
multislice systems (22). a standard phantom:
In contrast to film radiography, there is no inherent
warning of overexposure from a CT image. Improvements CTDIw = 1/3 CTDI100,c + 2/3 CTDI100,p (in mGy)
in tube rating that allow longer scans at higher current • The volume CTDIvol allows for noncontiguous slices.
without exceeding the heat capacity are fully exploited in The overlap or gap between slices is given by the
MSCT systems. Tissue dose may be up to tens of mGy, as- pitch, that is, the couch increment/total slice width in
sociated with very low levels of image noise. The radiation axial mode, or travel feed per rotation/total beam
dose delivered to the patient is determined by the system width in spiral mode:
type/model, the examination protocol, and the patient’s
shape and size. It is impossible to quote a valid “one-size- CTDIvol = CTDIw/pitch (in mGy)
fits-all” dose for CT procedures. • nCTDI (all versions) are normalized to mGy per mAs
The key responsibility of the operator is to decide the (or sometimes 100mAs).
appropriate level of image quality for the diagnostic • The DLP is related to the CTDIw and scanned length L:
purpose and then to select a suitable protocol with
minimal dose to the patient. The operator has some DLP = CTDIw × L/pitch = CTDIvol × L (in mGy cm)
choice, but the relationship between image quality—con- or
trast, noise, voxel resolution, and artifacts—and dose is DLP = nCTDIw × L × effective mAs (in mGy cm)
complex. For spiral CT the operator selects tube current
mA, rotation time, table feed per rotation (although these where effective mAs = mAs per rotation/pitch.
may be interlinked by the manufacturer to automatically If there is more than one scan sequence in the exami-
maintain total mAs for the scan length), kVp, beam width, nation, the DLP values are summed.
and scanned length. These values are required input for
CT dose calculation programs. Dose can also be posure control (AEC), ECG-gated tube current for cardiac
influenced indirectly by the choice of matrix size, filter, CT, age- and weight-related protocols, on-screen display
and windowing, which might cause the operator to in- of weighted or volume CTDI, DLP, and specification of
crease exposure in an effort to improve image quality. geometric efficiency for each imaged slice width option
Preinstalled CT protocols for different applications (both z-axis efficiency, being the proportion of the beam
were intended, in the past, to give the best image quality width in the z-direction seen by the detectors, and detec-
and improved diagnostic confidence in a competitive tor efficiency, being the proportion of the array area that
market with less emphasis on radiation protection. is occupied by active detectors excluding septa). AEC is
Manufacturers of MSCT systems have responded to con- currently achieved in various ways by automatic modula-
cerns about patient dose by implementing automatic ex- tion of tube current (ATCM) according to body size
46 Positron Emission Tomography

overall and along the z-axis, based on the preliminary rate (NECR) estimates can provide insight into maximum
scout view radiograph. ATCM also uses angular modula- injected activities that should be used with the scanner to
tion, either sinusoidal or based on attenuation at projec- avoid operating beyond the peak NECR point (29, 30).
tions from the previous rotation. ATCM increases dose in Furthermore, near peak NECR the incremental improve-
the region of metal implants but only to an extent similar ment in signal to noise (S/N) with increasing activity is
to the dose reduction from using ATCM instead of fixed very small. Based on NECR analysis for an LSO scanner,
mA (24). Each manufacturer has a slightly different ap- the injected activity required to achieve peak S/N (or peak
proach to ATCM, so it is important that the operator un- NECR) is more than 70% larger than that required to
derstands the connection between image quality, scan operate at 95% peak S/N (31). In other words, a very large
parameters, and dose when selecting the ATCM option increase (>70%) in injected activity yields only a small
(25). ATCM is a valuable means of reducing dose while increase of 5% in S/N when operating close to the peak
maintaining image quality, presuming the operator selects NECR of the scanner. Thus, there is potential for a consid-
an appropriate noise level or mA for a standard patient. erable reduction in injected activity without noticeable
Operators may err on the side of high image quality rather degradation of image quality. Weight-based injected
than low dose, as suggested by simulation studies in activities have also been suggested with very high activi-
which noise was added to clinical CT images without im- ties (>600 MBq) for heavy patients (32, 33), but patient-
pairing diagnostic quality (26). The challenge for PET/CT based NECR analysis and image quality assessment of 3D
is to select a reference current or noise level for ATCM whole-body studies have shown that little improvement in
that is optimal for the purpose of the CT. If a diagnostic image quality can be gained from increasing the injected
CT image is not required, tube current and time could be activity in heavy patients (29–31), and it is preferable to
reduced by as much as 50% in some circumstances. increase scan acquisition time. The larger injected activi-
Independent evaluation reports on similar scanners, for ties could, however, result in increased radiation exposure
example, 16-slice units (27), are available to assist anyone to the patients and staff.
contemplating the purchase of a PET/CT scanner. As Radiopharmaceutical dose estimates are calculated
summarized by Nagel (28), the system characteristics that using the methodology developed by the Medical Internal
affect dose are the power waveform to the X-ray genera- Radiation Dose (MIRD) Committee of the Society of
tor, the selectable tube current range and steps, the inher- Nuclear Medicine (34). Software for this purpose is avail-
ent beam filtration from the tube assembly, additional able from the Radiation Dose Assessment Resource
beam-shaping filters, the distance from the tube focus to (RADAR) professional group at www.doseinfo-
the axis of rotation, the total slice or beam width (colli- radar.com/OLINDA.html (35). The MIRD method re-
mated at the tube, not selected at the detector array), the quires an estimate of the spatial and temporal distribution
detector type and array, the scanner configuration, the of radioactivity in the body, which can be obtained from
scan field of view, and the selectable scan angle during a organ activity-time curves from images at various time
full rotation. points. Biokinetic models are used to model the move-
ment of activity through anatomic and physiologic com-
partments. The cumulative activity in a “source” organ is
multiplied by a dose factor to give the dose to a “target”
Medical Exposures organ. The total dose to each target organ is obtained by
summing the contributions from all the identified source
Estimation of Organ and Tissue Dose from PET organs. Dose factors for PET radionuclides, and more
than 800 others, can be accessed on the RADAR website
Despite the high energy of decay, the radiation dose from www.doseinfo-radar.com, an extensive electronic re-
PET tracers, although limited by the short physical half- source which also includes a description of the various
life, is similar to that from many imaging procedures physiologic models and anthropomorphic phantoms for
using single photon emissions. The dose may also be Monte Carlo modeling used in their derivation (36).
limited by the maximum amount of activity that can be Image fusion allows a more accurate determination of
administered to the patient without taxing the response of organ uptake of PET radiopharmaceuticals than conven-
the detector system, which is a particularly important tional gamma camera methods can do for non-PET radio-
consideration when the scanner is operated without septa pharmaceuticals. Tomography overcomes the need for
in three-dimensional (3D) mode. For a whole-body study geometric mean imaging with planar detectors and sub-
with a scanner with bismuth germanate (BGO) detectors traction of “background” counts for under- and overlying
operating in 3D mode, the administered activity should be tissues. PET/CT coregistration and edge contouring allow
less than 250 to 400 MBq, depending on the scanner and anatomically correct and consistent selection of regions of
uptake period. Even with fast cerium-doped lutetium oxy- interest. Finer PET resolution reduces partial volume
orthosilicate (LSO) or gadolinium oxyorthosilicate (GSO) errors, and high sensitivity and attenuation correction of
detectors, careful consideration needs to be given to the PET data gives better accuracy for radioactive tissue con-
injected activity. Patient-based noise-equivalent count centration. For example, organ delineation in combined
Radiation Protection and Dosimetry in PET and PET/CT 47

PET and MRI images has been used to measure the distri- The ICRP noted the difficulties of applying conven-
bution of a carbon-11 ligand in maternal and fetal organs tional dosimetry methods to very short lived PET tracers
of macaque monkeys weighing less than 9 kg (37) and of and foreshadowed the development of novel ad hoc
FDG in adults (38). methods of dose estimation (39). For example, the ra-
Effective dose is calculated from the individual organ dioactivity may not last long enough to allow true equili-
and tissue doses using the tissue weighting factors rec- bration of the tracer in body compartments, or the highest
ommended by the ICRP in 1990 (3) (that replaced those dose may be received by organs or tissues such as the
used to calculate “effective dose equivalent” and which it trachea or walls of major blood vessels that have not been
may review again to reflect the latest estimates of assigned a specific tissue weighting factor. The dose esti-
organ/tissue susceptibility to radiation damage). Dose mates for injected 15O-water and inhaled 15O-gases are
coefficients for radiopharmaceuticals have been pub- cases in point (47–49). The MIRD Committee has devel-
lished by the ICRP and others and are also available on oped its own biokinetic model for the bladder and kidneys
the RADAR site (36, 39–43). Dose coefficients for various (50). Optional bladder parameters (static, dynamic) are
PET radiopharmaceuticals in the U.S. and British relevant to FDG dosimetry because bladder dose can be
Pharmacopoeia and the ICRP compendia are shown in reduced by hydration and frequent voiding (51). For the
Table 4.6 (39, 41–46). very short lived nuclides, biokinetics have little influence

Table 4.6. Dose coefficients for various positron emission tomography (PET) tracers listed in Pharmacopeia and ICRP.
USP BP Effective dose Organ of Maximum organ dose Uterus dose
2000 2004 (mSv GBq–1) maximum dose (mGy GBq–1) (mGy GBq–1) Source of data
Acetate ✓ ✓ 5.0 Heart 100 2.0 RIDIC
3.5 Liver 14 1.4 ICRP53/A4
Amino acids, generic 5.5 Pancreas 41 3.5 ICRP53/A5
Brain receptors, generic 4.5 Bladder 32 4.5 ICRP53/A6
Methionine ✓ ✓ 7.4 Bladder 91 5.7 ICRP53/A4
Methyl thymidine 3.5 Liver 32 1.5 ICRP80
Raclopride ✓ ✓ 5.3 (EDE) — — — Wrobel
Spiperone 5.3 Liver 22 2.2 ICRP53, ICRP80
Thymidine 2.7 Kidneys 11 2.4 ICRP80
All substances, realistic 11 Bladder 170 9.2 ICRP53/A7
Ammonia ✓ ✓ 2.0 Bladder 8.1 1.9 ICRP53, ICRP80
CO gas ✓ ICRP53, ICRP80
20-min breath hold 0.81 Lungs 3.4 0.3
1-h continuous 0.55 Lungs 2.3 0.2
Water ✓ ✓ 1.1 Heart 1.9 0.35 ICRP53/A5 a
O2 gas ✓ ICRP53, ICRP80
20-min breath hold 0.37 Lungs 2.4 0.057
1-h continuous 0.4 Lungs 2.6 0.068
Fluoride ✓ 24 Bone, RBM 40 19 ICRP53, ICRP80
FDG ✓ ✓ 19 Bladder 170 20 ICRP80
FDG n/a Bladder 73 n/a MIRD19 b
FDG 29 Bladder 310 (19) Deloar
Fluorodopa ✓ 25 Bladder 300 28 ICRP53/A4 c
Amino acids, generic 23 Pancreas 140 17 ICRP53/A5
a 15
O-water: ICRP53 Addendum 5 is correction to ICRP80.
b 18
F-FDG MIRD19 is based on different biokinetics (45) to ICRP80.
c 18
F-Fluorodopa brain uptake is doubled by carbidopa pretreatment (46).
RBM, red bone marrow.
Source: Data from ICRP Publication 53 and Addenda; RIDIC; MIRD (44); Wrobel et al. (52); Deloar et al. (38).
48 Positron Emission Tomography

beyond the initial distribution and uptake phases. Two • The effective dose from the preliminary scout view (a
time points for measuring organ activity were deemed to rapid, narrow beam anterposterior AP and/or lateral
be sufficient for a study of 11C compounds in an animal planar image) used to set z-axis limits, and modulate
model (52). tube current in some systems, is of the order of tens to a
few hundreds of µSv.
• PET systems without CT and some with CT use a ra-
Estimation of Organ and Tissue Dose from CT dionuclide source for attenuation correction of PET
image data, either coincidence (germanium-68/gallium-
In contrast to the whole-body dose distribution from 68) or single photon (cesium-137). The short duration
most radiopharmaceuticals, CT dose is essentially of the exposure and the source collimation result in an
confined to the scanned region of interest, although the insignificant dose to the patient (53).
difference is minimal for whole-body PET/CT examina-
CT dose estimates sufficient for most purposes can be
tions. A significant component of CT dose comes from
calculated with software employing data sets of organ
photon scatter interactions with tissues in the primary
dose in an anthropomorphic phantom, such as CT-
beam (there is little point in shielding adjacent regions of
Expo.xls available from www.mh-hannover.de/kliniken/
the body with lead aprons during a CT scan). It can be
radiolgie/str_04.html and CTDosimetry.xls from www.im-
quite high immediately adjacent to the scanned section
pactscan.org (54, 55). The CTDosimetry.xls calculator
and falls off quickly with distance beyond the scan limits.
from the ImPACT center uses Monte Carlo datasets from
Total scatter dose depends on the irradiated volume: the
the National Radiological Protection Board (56), which
body cross section, beam width, pitch, and scanned
were calculated from measurements made in 1989 on
length. Figure 4.2 illustrates the increasing dose to the
scanners that are no longer in use. To overcome this limi-
uterus as the PET/CT scanner bed moves in a craniocau-
tation, the calculator is periodically updated by matching
dal direction through the CT gantry. Other sources of ex-
the characteristics of newly released scanners to the most
ternal exposure to a patient are comparatively small:
suitable NRPB-250 Head and Body datasets by a process
• Leakage radiation, although “harder” than the primary that combines the CTDIc and CTDIp, normalized to
beam spectrum after penetrating the tube shielding, is CTDIair (www.impactscan.org/dosesurveysummary.htm).
limited by regulation to a dose rate of less than 1 mGy The Monte Carlo approach can be extended from
h–1 at 1 m under maximum output operating condi- phantom models to voxelized patient data (57). Unlike a
tions. During a MSCT scan lasting a minute or so, tissue radiopharmaceutical dose, a transmission scan dose can
dose from leakage radiation would be less than a few be validated using small thermoluminescent dosimeters
tens of µGy. (TLD) in an anthropomorphic phantom. For example, the

Figure 4.2. Progressive dose to uterus

from primary and scattered computed
tomography (CT) radiation during whole-
body scan. Calculated for Siemens
Sensation 16, 120 kVp, 100 mAs, 24-mm
total beam width, pitch 1, no allowance
for automatic tube current modulation
Radiation Protection and Dosimetry in PET and PET/CT 49

effective dose values of 8.81 mSv and 18.97 mSv for two Radiation Dose to Patients from PET and PET/CT
CT procedures from TLD measurements in a Rando
Alderson phantom (58) are in good agreement with the
values of 8.6 mSv and 17 mSv obtained for the same CT
Radiation dose in diagnostic CT has attracted consider-
system and factors with dose calculation software (55).
able attention in recent years, in particular for pediatric
With CT dose calculation programs, the user selects
examinations. It can be very misleading to quote a “repre-
the upper and lower limits on the diagram of an anthro-
sentative” dose for a CT scan because of the wide diversity
pometric phantom corresponding to the scanned length
of applications, protocols, and CT systems; this also
and enters the scanner manufacturer/model, the scanned
applies to the CT component of a PET/CT study. For
region (head or body), and the exposure factors. The
example, a whole-body scan may or may not include the
output lists organ and tissue doses and the effective
head, a conventional diagnostic quality CT may or not be
dose. When comparing protocols, dose to critical organs
required, and the CT may or may not be repeated with ra-
is useful, for example, thyroid, breast, uterus, gonads,
diologic contrast (66). The effective dose could range from
and lens of the eye (the PET/CT gantry cannot be angled
approximately 5 to 80 mSv for these options. It is there-
to avoid the eyes). The relative CTDI for the selected
fore advisable to estimate CT dose specific to the scanner
beam collimation (useful for comparing multislice
and protocol.
options), CTDIw, CTDIvol, and DLP may also be given.
Furthermore, surveys have demonstrated that dose for
Dose calculators give a conservative estimate if the effect
any given type of CT examination can vary by an order of
of ATCM is not taken into account. A closer estimate
magnitude or more at different clinics (22, 61, 67–69). The
may be obtained if the mA value averaged for the total
ICRP has recommended the use of “diagnostic reference
scan length is entered instead of the nominal or
levels” for radiology and nuclear medicine for guidance in
maximum mAs.
limiting radiation dose while achieving a suitable image
Most PET/CT scanners sold at this time (2005) incor-
quality, which is important for CT because dose levels are
porate a MSCT system. When multislice systems were in-
relatively high (70). Reference levels apply to an easily mea-
troduced, it was reported that the average effective dose
sured quantity and to a representative group of patients,
increased by 30% for a scan of the head and 150% for
not to an individual. Levels may be set by professional
scans of the chest and abdomen, to 1.2, 10.5, and 7.7 mSv
bodies or national or international organizations, for
respectively, compared with a conventional single-
example, at the 75th percentile of values reported in
section scanner (59). The increase was ascribed to longer
surveys. For nuclear medicine, the reference quantity is the
scanned length and more scan phases achievable with
activity of the radiopharmaceutical administered to an
the increased speed and tube rating of these systems.
adult patient. For CT, the historical reference quantities are
Other surveys have noted a fall in dose as operators
CTDIw in the head or body phantom and DLP for a particu-
lowered mAs and increased pitch to maximize coverage
lar application. In recent recommendations, CTDIvol re-
(60, 61). In general, MSCT dose should be similar to
places CTDIw (71), and reference levels are given separately
single-slice scanners using the same technique factors,
for single/dual-slice systems and for MSCT, and for adults
except for an increase in dose at the very thin slice
and children (61). Selected CT reference levels are shown in
options due to overbeaming on the detector array (62,
Table 4.7 (23, 61, 71, 72). No reference levels for PET/CT
63). Useful commentaries on PET/CT and MSCT dose
imaging have been recommended, which is hardly surpris-
issues can be found on the ImPACT website www.
ing given the ongoing evolution of hybrid systems and the
impactscan.org (64, 65).
various ways in which the images are used.
In summary:
CT protocols should be optimized for the purpose of the
scan, diagnostic or nondiagnostic.
The Adult Patient
Dose from nondiagnostic CT can be reduced by reducing Organ dose and effective dose in adult patients from a
the mAs (or “effective mAs” adjusted for pitch) to ap- PET scan can be estimated from the dose coefficients in
proximately half the usual settings for a diagnostic CT, Table 4.6. Effective dose is generally in the range of 5 to 10
using a slightly lower kVp for children than adults, and mSv, which is comparable to the dose from many nuclear
avoiding thin beam widths or overlapping slices. medicine procedures. If CT dose calculation software is
Whole-body protocols specific to patient weight, pregnant not available, a simpler estimation of effective dose from
women, and children should be used. CT of a specific region can be obtained by multiplying the
Dose should be calculated locally for the particular system DLP recorded on the scanner console (or calculated from
and all protocols, paying careful attention to what the CTDIw) by a conversion factor: head 0.0023, neck
happens for various settings. For example, what 0.0054, chest 0.017, abdomen 0.015, and pelvis 0.019 mSv
happens on a particular system with selection of slice mGy–1 cm–1 (23). Effective dose estimates for PET,
widths, ATCM, or pitch? Is the screen display of CTDIw PET/CT, nuclear medicine, and CT examinations for
really CTDIvol? similar purposes are shown in Table 4.8 (41, 73–75).
50 Positron Emission Tomography

Table 4.7. Selected diagnostic reference levels for single slice and multislice Table 4.8. Effective dose from radionuclide imaging and diagnostic CT procedures.
computed tomography (SSCT and MSCT) dose for adults protocols. Protocol mSv
Protocol Reference Level Oncologya 18
F-FDG 370 MBq 7.0
NRPB (2005) Head (cerebrum) DLP SSCT 760 / MSCT 930 mGy cm C-Methionine 400 MBq 2.1
CTDIvol SSCT 55 / MSCT 65 mGy Ga-citrate 400 MBq 40.0
Lymphoma survey DLP SSCT 760 / MSCT 940 mGy cm Tl-chloride 120 MBq 19.2
Lung CTDIvol SSCT 10 / MSCT 12 mGy Tc-mIBI 1 GBq 9.0
Abdomen/pelvis CTDIvol SSCT 12 / MSCT 14 mGy Braina 15
O-water 1 GBq 0.93
MSCT (2004] Head CTDIvol MSCT 60 mGy F-FDG 250 MBq 4.8
Chest CTDIvol MSCT 10 mGy Tc-HMPAO 800 MBq 7.4
a 13
Abdomen CTDIvol MSCT 25 mGy Myocardium N-Ammonia 550 MBq 1.1
ACR (2004) Head CTDIw 60 mGy F-FDG 250 MBq 4.8
Abdomen 35 mGy Tc-MIBI 1.3 GBq; 1-day rest/stress protocol 10.6
EC (1999) Head CTDIw and DLP 60 mGy, 1,050 mGy cm Tl-chloride 140 MBq; stress/reinjection 22.4
Chest 30 mGy, 650 mGy cm protocol

Abdomen/pelvis 35 mGy, 780 mGy cm Bonea 18

F-NaF 250 MBq 6.0
Tc-MDP 800 MBq 4.6
Source: NRPB (National Radiological Protection Board) (UK) (61); MSCT (European
Concerted Action on CT) (71); ACR (American College of Radiology) (72); CTb Head Acute stroke 1.7
EC (European Commission) (23). Chest Lung cancer 6.9
Abdomen Liver metastases 7.1
Abdomen/pelvis Abscess 8.0
The Pediatric Patient Lung/abdomen/ Lymphoma survey, 636-mm 12
pelvis length
The ALARA principle is very important in pediatric appli- CT in FDG “Whole body” Topogram 0.2–0.4
PET/CTc from neck to Attenuation correction CT 1.3–4.5
cations. The activity of a radiopharmaceutical adminis-
pelvis Diagnostic CT with contrast 14.1–18.6
tered to a child is usually calculated by scaling down the
adult dosage by the child’s body weight or surface area (to ICRP Publication 80 (41); data for 201Tl from Thomas et al. (73).
75th percentile doses from survey of CT practice in UK 2003; data from Shrimpton
maintain count density on planar imaging), subject to a
et al. (61).
minimum acceptable amount for very small children and c
Data from survey of protocols at four centers by Brix et al. (75).
infants (76, 77). Tumor-seeking radiopharmaceuticals
used for imaging in pediatric oncology, radionuclide
therapy, and for monitoring response to treatment have
been summarized by Hoefnagel and de Kraker (78). The Lactating Patient
Effective dose as a function of age for various radiophar-
maceuticals is illustrated in Figure 4.3 (41, 73). Although PET studies with FDG for oncology or epilepsy investiga-
the radiation dose is not the prime concern for these pa- tions are infrequently requested for a woman who is
tients, FDG dose is clearly superior to 201Tl-chloride or breast-feeding an infant. Avid uptake of FDG in lactating
67 breast tissue has been reported in a small series of pa-
Ga-citrate and is the radiopharmaceutical of choice for
imaging, particularly when serial studies are indicated. tients (80). The uptake of FDG appears to be mediated by
Pediatric CT factors are also required. As body size de- the GLUT-1 transporter, which is activated by suckling,
creases and under the same exposure conditions, there is not by prolactin. By imaging the breast before and after
a marked increase in absorbed dose and the dose distribu- the expression of milk and counting the activity in milk
tion from the periphery to the center becomes more samples, it was confirmed that FDG, being metabolically
uniform. It is important to reduce mA level to as few as blocked, is not secreted in milk to any significant amount
25 mAs for infants. Tube voltage should also be reduced but is retained in glandular tissue. The dose to glandular
for infants and small children to 100 kVp; at 80 kVp, an tissue will be higher than the value for the nonlactating
increase in beam hardening artifacts has been reported breast of 0.0117 mGy per MBq injected (81). The 18F con-
(79). For whole-body PET/CT scans, a protocol with a centration in milk, measured in samples from one patient,
total beam width of 5 mm or more and a pitch greater was about 10 Bq mL–1 at 1 h and 5 Bq mL–1 at 3 h postin-
than 1 is appropriate. Dose to children can be estimated jection. It was postulated that the 18F activity is associated
using CT-Expo.xls phantoms for a 7-year-old and a baby, with the cellular elements in milk, mainly lymphocytes.
by applying scaling factors to the results calculated for Using the standard model of breast-feeding with the first
adults using CTDosimetry.xls from v0.99r onward, or by feed at 3 h postinjection (82), it was estimated that the
using conversion factors at standard ages (0, 1, 5, and 10 dose to the infant from ingested milk would not exceed 85
years old) for DLP in various body regions (54, 55, 61). µSv following an injection of up to 160 MBq FDG (and by
Radiation Protection and Dosimetry in PET and PET/CT 51




Figure 4.3. Dosimetry of radio-

nuclide imaging in pediatric oncology.
Administered activity scaled to adult
dosage by body weight or surface area 1
between limits of 20–120 MBq 201Tl-
3.2kg/0y 3.7kg/1y 19.5kg/5y 33.2kg/10y 56.8kg/15y 70kg/adult
chloride, 30–300 MBq 67Ga-citrate,
100–720 MBq 99mTc-MIBI, and 70-250 201TI, body weight 201TI, surface area
MBq 123I-MIBG, and by 6 MBq kg–1 body 67Ga, body weight 67Ga, surface area
weight for 18F-FDG (half this amount has
99mTc-mlBl, body weight 99mTc-mlBl, surface area
been recommended for brain scans 123I-mlBG, body weight 123l-mlBG, surface area
(107). Calculated from data in ICRP 80 18F-FDG, body weight
(41) and Stabin (personal communica-
tion) for 18F-FDG in newborn infants and
for contaminant-free 201Tl-chloride.

extrapolation up to 200 µSv after injection of 400 MBq). In fetus. If there is doubt about a pregnancy, a urine preg-
addition, the infant would receive an external dose while nancy test should be obtained or the scan postponed until
being held while feeding from the breast or bottle. The after the next menstrual period.
dose rate against the chest could approach 200 µSv h–1 at 2 The exposure of an embryo or fetus from a radiophar-
h after injection of 400 MBq FDG. Breast feeding and cud- maceutical depends on the biodistribution. In the earliest
dling of the infant should be postponed for several hours stages of pregnancy, dose to the embryo is taken to be the
after an FDG study if the infant’s dose is to be kept below same as dose to the uterus. After about 12 weeks, when
a dose constraint of 0.3 mSv for a single event (see follow- trophoblastic nutrition has been replaced by placental nu-
ing section). trition, fetal dose depends on whether the radiopharma-
ceutical or any of its metabolites accumulates in or is
transferred across the placenta, as well as on the distribu-
The Pregnant Patient tion of activity in the mother. Where placental transfer of
radioactivity occurs, the activity is generally assumed to
Uterus dose from a diagnostic CT scan of the pelvis is typ- be distributed uniformly in the fetus. Fetal dose at various
ically about 30 to 40 mGy but could be considerably stages of gestation has been calculated for a range of ra-
higher. One or two examinations of the abdomen/pelvis, diopharmaceuticals using the MIRD methodology and an
for example, CT with and without contrast or followed by anatomic model of a pregnant female at 3, 6, and 9
PET/CT, could cause the uterus dose to reach a level of 50 months gestation, but at that time there was no docu-
mGy, at which careful and individual fetal dosimetry as- mented evidence of placental transfer of FDG (85). Fetal
sessment is recommended (83). In the zone between 100 uptake of FDG has since been imaged in humans (86, 87)
and 500 mGy where adverse effects of radiation cannot be and of FDG and 11C-cocaine in nonhuman primates (37,
ruled out, the complex issues of risk and termination may 88). FDG dose coefficients at early pregnancy and at 3, 6,
be raised with the parents (12, 84). It is therefore under- and 9 months gestation are now available for placental
standable that the prospect of both CT and PET in a preg- transfer and bladder voiding at 2-h and 4-h intervals (89).
nant patient immediately raises concerns, especially if the The shorter interval is more appropriate, as patients are
pelvis will be in the field of view. The precautions used in generally instructed to empty the bladder within an hour
radiology and nuclear medicine to discover before a scan of injection and to drink fluids after the scan. Iodide is
if a female patient of childbearing capacity is or could be also known to cross the placenta. The fetal thyroid begins
pregnant should be rigorously enforced in PET/CT to to concentrate iodine from about the 13th week of preg-
avoid the risk of inadvertent exposure of an embryo or nancy and reach a maximum concentration at about the
52 Positron Emission Tomography

Table 4.9. Radiation dose to embryo/fetus from PET radiopharmaceuticals.

the appropriate kVp should give a reasonable indication
of fetal dose.
Absorbed dose per unit activity administered
to mother (mGy MBq–1) It is important to use low-dose CT protocols when
PET/CT scanning is indicated in a pregnant patient whose
Early 3 months 6 months 9 months
condition allows for the possibility of fetal survival. The
18 a
F-FDG, 2-h void 0.018 0.018 0.016 0.015 protocols should be established in advance. For whole-
F-FDG, 4-h voida 0.022 0.022 0.017 0.017 body oncology studies, the fetus is exposed during both
F-NaF b
0.022 0.017 0.0075 0.0068 PET and CT components. For brain and cardiac studies,
I-NaIb 0.14 0.1 0.059 0.046 fetal exposure is almost entirely caused by the PET radio-
I-Na, fetal thyroidc — 130 680 300 pharmaceutical. Depending on the PET/CT scanner char-
a b c
acteristics and the stage of pregnancy, it is possible to
Source: Data from Stabin (89), Stabin (81), and Watson (90).
limit fetal dose from a whole-body scan to less than 15
mGy (350 MBq FDG injection, 120 kVp CT beam 10 mm
wide, pitch of 1.5 and 80 mAs) and from a brain scan to
5th to 6th month. Fetal thyroid dose from 124I-NaI is in-
less than 4 mGy (from 250 MBq FDG and negligible dose
cluded in Table 4.9 (81, 89, 90).
from CT) (Figure 4.4) (86). If the usual injected activity of
CT dose to an embryo or fetus in early stages of preg-
FDG is reduced, scan time should be scaled up to main-
nancy is assumed to be the same as the dose to the uterus,
tain sensitivity for detection of small lesions. These fetal
which can be estimated with CT dose calculation software.
doses are below the threshold for radiation-induced ab-
If the uterus is not in the scanned region, the dose falls off
normalities, would have minimal effect (about 1 in 1,000
exponentially beyond 3 cm from the scan limit. In an early
or less) on the incidence of fatal cancer in childhood, and
method of estimating dose to the fetus from CT, whether
would not increase the normal risks of pregnancy.
in the primary beam or outside the scanned region, cor-
rection factors at 1cm intervals from the fetal midpoint to
the upper and lower scan limits were applied to the
CTDI100 (in the head phantom) for the same conditions of The Volunteer Exposed for Medical Research
exposure including slice thickness and pitch (91). Monte
Carlo simulation has been used to assess dose within and One area in which dose estimates are required is the re-
beyond the scanned region, from which look-up tables of cruitment of volunteers to participate in research studies.
dose normalized to 100 mAs at various kVp and beam Regulatory authorities in many countries have adopted
shaping filters were prepared (92). In mid- to late preg- the recommendations of the ICRP (93): an exposure for
nancy, when the body cross section more closely approxi- research purposes is treated on the same basis as a
mates a circle, the CTDIvol in the 32-cm body phantom at medical exposure and therefore is not subject to a specific


fetal dose 200 MBq FDG

12 fetal dose 350 MBq FDG

10 uterus low dose WB CT

2 Figure 4.4. Fetal dose estimates for op-

timized low-dose FDG PET/CT whole-
0 body and brain scan protocols in
pregnancy. Calculated for FDG placental
0mths 3mths 6mths 9mths 0mths 3mths 6mths 9mths
crossover and 2-h bladder voiding inter-
val (89); CT whole-body scan Siemens
Whole body scan Brain scan Biograph, 110 kVp, 113 mA, 0.8-s rota-
tion, 2 x 5 mm beam width, pitch 1.5
Radiation Protection and Dosimetry in PET and PET/CT 53

dose limit, the dose should be commensurate with the po- jected activity. With due care and some rostering (say
tential benefit of the research findings, and the study pro- 50%) with other nuclear medicine duties, it should be pos-
tocol should be approved by a properly constituted ethics sible to keep employee dose at or below 5 mSv year–1 while
committee. A constraint on effective dose may apply scanning up to 20 PET patients per day.
where the participant is not expected to benefit from the Task-specific monitoring can be used to identify
exposure, as in the exposure of “normal” subjects or pa- actions that contribute most to staff exposure and to
tients enrolled in a clinical trial that involves additional or suggest areas for improvement (101–104). The most
different exposures to what would otherwise be required significant contribution to dose occurs during close
for clinical management. The dose constraint would be contact with the patient, as is to be expected because vials
considered, for example, in determining the maximum and syringes can be shielded but dose rates within 0.5 m
number of injections of 15O-water for repeated tests of of the patient can be of the order of 4 to 8 µSv min–1 fol-
cognitive function in normal volunteers. It is unlikely that lowing an injection of FDG. Dose rates near the FDG
PET/CT research studies would fall below a dose con- patient have been measured in a number of studies, at dif-
straint as low as 5 mSv, and these protocols may require ferent orientations to the patient, and at different times
further consideration by a regulatory authority or similar postinjection (95, 96, 99, 100, 105, 106). Representative
agency. The ICRP has published “realistic maximum” values are shown in Table 4.10. From such data, the
dose coefficients for 11C-labeled substances and generic American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM)
dose coefficients for 11C- or 18F-labeled amino acids and proposes a mean normalized dose rate of 92 µSv GBq–1 h–1
C-brain receptor ligands, which are useful when prepar- at 1 m in any direction from the patient for radiation pro-
ing research submissions involving novel agents for which tection planning (see following). This value would also be
dosimetry data in humans are not yet available (43). applicable for other PET nuclides with no other gamma
emissions after correcting for the branching ratio. An
example of the pattern of exposure from individual tasks
involving contact with patients is shown in Figure 4.5.
Occupational and Public Exposures Dose rates can be integrated to give an indication of dose
per task as shown in Figure 4.6, which if normalized to the
Health Care Workers Within and Outside the radionuclide activity can be used for comparison between
PET Facility tasks, individuals, and facilities.
Close attention should be given to strategies that elimi-
It has been known for many years that the radiation expo- nate, postpone, or shorten time in close contact with the
sure to a technologist performing PET studies is generally patient. Important measures include explaining the pro-
higher than for conventional nuclear medicine imaging cedure, pointing out where the patient will go, adminis-
(94–96). Substantial shielding of syringes, vials, and trans- tering medications, setting up EEGs, and establishing
mission and quality control sources is standard practice intravenous access by cannula with a saline flush syringe
in PET facilities. With inanimate sources effectively on a three-way tap or with an infusion set before adminis-
shielded, attention has turned to minimizing the exposure tering the dose; flushing the dose immediately from the
to staff from patients. Education of staff on the impor- line, postponing the removal of lines and catheters until
tance of distance and time is a key factor in dose control the conclusion of scanning, and using a tourniquet or
(97–100); see also Chapter 3. If operators need to be cross- asking the patient to maintain pressure on the puncture
trained to perform PET/CT procedures, it may be more of site after removal of a line; keeping at a distance while
a challenge for a radiographer to adapt to handling un-
sealed sources and “hot” patients and receiving an occu-
pational exposure of several mSv per year, than for a Table 4.10. External dose rates near FDG patients.
nuclear medicine technologist to prepare patients for a CT
Normalized dose rate (95th percentiles)
scan, follow preset CT protocols, and observe CT radia- (µSv h–1 per MBq injected)
Patient position, Distance
tion safety precautions.
measurement location (m) Postinjectiona 2 h post injectionb
The dose to employees is likely to increase as PET/CT
Standing, at anterior chest 0.5 0.60 0.20
systems proliferate and it becomes feasible to scan 20 pa-
2.0 0.10 0.03
tients on one system in a day. In particular, employees
who work in mobile PET/CT units may receive higher ex- Supine, at side 0.5 0.85 —
posures because of space constraints and less opportunity 2.0 0.11 —
to share duties requiring close contact with patients. Supine, at head 0.5 0.36 —
Employee doses reported from different PET facilities are 2.0 0.075 —
difficult to compare because of the variability in isotope Supine, at feet 0.5 0.078 —
supply, clinical workload, scan protocols, and physical ac- 2.0 0.023 —
commodation. Surveys are most useful if quoted in terms
Source: Data from aBenatar et al. (105) and bCronin et al. (106).
of dose per GBq handled or per procedure stating the in-
54 Positron Emission Tomography

Figure 4.5. Exposure to a positron emis-

sion tomography (PET) technologist
throughout the day. Unlabeled peaks:
dispense–calibrate–inject 350 MBq 18F-
FDG for 15 patients. Dose rates are gen-
erally less than 60 µSv h–1 although can
be as high as 150 µSv h–1 depending on
proximity to the injection site. Other
peaks: (a) unpacking two FDG deliveries;
(b) directing a patient to toilet; (c) taking
two blood samples. (Royal Prince Alfred
Hospital, measurements with Eberline
FH 41B-10 system; courtesy of R. Smart.)

directing patients to the toilet, using a wheelchair to move Hand doses in PET may also be higher than in conven-
frail patients to and from the scanner as quickly as possi- tional nuclear medicine and are strongly influenced by
ble, and enlisting other persons to assist with patient han- technique because the radiation fields around partially
dling. Nurses working within hospital PET facilities that shielded syringes and vials are highly directional. The
scan many high-dependency patients may be the “critical report of a detailed study using thermoluminescent
group” so far as staff exposure is concerned. Specific prac- dosimeters (TLD) to measure dose to the hands during
tices are recommended for pediatric patients (107, 108). dispensing of FDG injections contains information that
The quantitative measurement of cerebral glucose metab- could be extrapolated to other facilities (111). The skin
olism originally required a number of blood samples to be dose [H′(0.07)] measured at 18 locations on each hand
taken over a period of 30 to 40 min following the injection ranged from about 100 to 300 µSv per GBq dispensed. The
of FDG, resulting in significant operator exposure (109). A dose was higher on the nondominant hand. The dose at the
two-sample method has been developed with a fivefold re- base of the middle finger, a preferred position for wearing
duction in operator dose per study (110). a ring dosimeter, was close to the average for the hand

Direct patient to toilet

Dispense and calibrate 350 MBq FDG

Take patient off scanner bed

Position patient on scanner bed

Inject 350MBq FDG via cannula

Figure 4.6. Dose to PET technologists

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 µSv 2.0
performing specific tasks. (Royal Prince
Alfred Hospital, measurements with
Eberline FH 41B-10 dosemeter.)
Radiation Protection and Dosimetry in PET and PET/CT 55

and about half of the maximum dose location for the dose constraint of 5 mSv per event has been proposed for
hand. The use of a tungsten syringe shield or an auto- carers (113]. Other family members—especially chil-
mated dispenser did not provide the expected improve- dren—should be subject to the same dose constraint as
ment in protection because of the additional handling to members of the public, as it is quite possible that the
remove the syringe shield to calibrate the filled syringe or patient will undergo more than one radionuclide imaging
to remove a filled syringe from the dispenser. procedure within a year. Not all the accompanying persons
The duties and previous personal dosimetry history of in a common waiting area of a PET facility may qualify as
an employee who declares that she is pregnant and wishes carers. For them, the 0.3-mSv dose constraint may be ex-
to continue at work during the pregnancy should be re- ceeded if they are seated among patients who have been
viewed. The ICRP recommends that the fetus should be injected with FDG and are waiting to be scanned. Patients
afforded the same level of protection as a member of the should be advised at the time of booking that they should
public (4) and has suggested that the use of shielding not be accompanied by pregnant women, infants, or chil-
and/or isolation of sources in the workplace usually pro- dren when attending for the scan. If this cannot be
vides an adequate level of protection without the need for arranged, the accompanying persons should neither stay
specific restrictions on the employment of pregnant with the patient during the FDG uptake phase nor wait in
women (3). However, this is not always possible in a PET an area used by other injected patients.
workplace, and restrictions on the contact a pregnant em-
ployee has with patients are likely to be needed.
Following a PET scan, the patient may come into close Facilities and Equipment
contact with other health professionals. Dose rate mea-
surements at various distances from the patient on
Facility Planning for Radiation Protection
leaving the PET facility, combined with modeling of po-
tential patterns of close contact, indicated that nurses on a The main impact of PET/CT on radiation safety is a
ward that regularly sends patients for PET scans are un- significant increase in clinical workload that has implica-
likely to receive more than 24 µSv per day (106). The ex- tions for the layout and shielding of the whole facility. The
posure rate to a sonographer working at 0.5 m from a scanner room is likely to be the busiest point of a facility.
patient who received 400 MBq FDG 2 h prior would be Injected patients are a mobile and significant source of ex-
about 40 µSv h–1 (112). In circumstances where a staff posure, so isolation and internal traffic are important
member may have frequent contact with PET patients, for aspects of facility planning. The layout should minimize
example, nursing staff or porters of an oncology ward, the distance to escort patients between preparation
personal dosimeters can be used to establish the level of rooms, toilets, scanner room, and postscan waiting areas
exposure for informed guidance on policies and proce- and also avoid incidental contacts between patients in
dures. In most cases, contact is so infrequent that no transit and other staff. Generously sized change cubicles,
special precautions are required. toilet areas, and preparation rooms, trolley bays with
ready access to the scanner room, and handrails and
support aids will reduce staff exposure while assisting frail
Family Members, Carers, and Members of the patients moving to and from the scanner, toileting, or
Public dressing. The scanner design and location should allow a
patient to get on and off the scanner bed with minimal as-
The dose limit of 1 mSv year–1 for members of the public sistance, or to be transferred quickly to and from a trolley
recommended by the ICRP has been widely adopted. This if necessary. A “cold” waiting area should be available for
limit is used as a criterion when discharging radionuclide patients before injection and for accompanying persons.
therapy patients from hospital, although a dose constraint With a capacity of up to 20 FDG scans a day, a single
of 0.3 mSv from any single event has subsequently been PET/CT scanner could require three patient preparation
proposed (by the European Union) to allow for several ex- areas for FDG injection and uptake. A single preparation
posures occurring during the course of a year (113). The area shared by all patients is not recommended as it would
dose to persons near a PET patient depends on the activity unnecessarily increase the exposure of the person giving
in the patient and excretion (if any), and the pattern of the injections. Space may have to be found within the limits
close contact effectively within a distance of about 2 m or of an existing facility, remembering that other imaging and
less. Only 18F sources need be considered. The dose to counting equipment should be separated or shielded to
persons near a patient has been modeled for a number of prevent interference from patients and syringes.
scenarios, showing there is no need to restrict the activities
of patients for the remainder of the day of their PET scan
to satisfy a dose constraint of 0.3 mSv per event (106). Shielding
Persons knowingly and willingly assisting with the
support of the patient are regarded by the ICRP as carers, The scanner room, preparation rooms, and possibly a
not subject to the dose limit for members of the public. A postscan waiting area may need substantial shielding
56 Positron Emission Tomography

depending on the degree of isolation from occupied areas energy of 1.7 MeV. However the energy converted to
and other imaging and counting equipment. Professional bremsstrahlung radiation is a small fraction of the average
organizations such as the AAPM may be consulted for au- positron energy incident on a lead or tungsten shield
thoritative information on design and shielding issues. (from less than 2% in the case of 18F to 5% in the case of
PET radionuclides present more of a challenge than other C). The practical value of plastic syringe shield inserts is
radionuclides used for diagnostic imaging in nuclear to increase the distance of the fingers from the source and
medicine, or diagnostic X-rays for that matter, because of possibly screen the skin from longer-range positrons.
their higher photon energy and hence smaller cross Rooms used by “hot” patients generally require shield-
section for photoelectric absorption. The objective of ing. The room used for storing and dispensing PET radio-
shielding design is to determine the transmission ratio (B) pharmaceuticals and storing transmission/QC sources
of dose rates, or of dose integrated over a specified inter- may also need some shielding to supplement source con-
val, with and without the shield in place. The thickness of tainers. A conservative approach to shielding design may
shielding material to achieve the desired value of B can avoid the need for expensive retrofits as technology im-
then be calculated or obtained from published data. proves but must be balanced against the cost (expense
Small sources in the workplace or during transport and space) of the safety margin, which could be consider-
should be shielded to attenuate the maximum dose rate in- ably more in PET than in radiology. A reasonable estimate
tensity to an acceptable value (B = I/I0) at a nominal close of future workload is needed for both PET and CT in
distance, say less than 10 µSv h–1 at 0.3 m, or as specified in terms of number of patients, type of study, and protocol.
Transport codes. Dose rates at the distance of interest can With the advent of PET/CT, the number of patients
be calculated from the rate constants in Table 4.4. The ap- scanned in a day is limited more by the time for patient
propriate quantity to use for operational purposes is the handling, including changeover, positioning, and clinical
ambient dose equivalent [H*(10)] or deep dose equivalent purposes such as administration of contrast or markup
(DDE), which is the dose at 10-mm depth in tissue, rather for radiation therapy, than by the time for the transmis-
than air kerma (114, 115). This criterion allows a small sion scan.
margin of safety above the effective dose E (or effective A similar design method can be used for X-ray and PET
dose equivalent EDE or HE) in which dose limits are sources (120–122). Barriers between the source and an oc-
defined using tissue weighting factors of various vintage, cupied area should attenuate the dose D0 without shield-
but which cannot be measured “in principle or in prac- ing for the maximum anticipated workload during a
tice”. If necessary, factors are available to convert from air specified interval, usually 1 week, to an acceptable design
kerma to H*(10) and E (116) or DDE and EDE (117). limit D (B = D/D0). The value of D depends on who has
Vials and syringes are treated as point sources, with the access to the area in question, and for how long.
dose rate being inversely related to the square of the dis- Regulatory authorities should be consulted for local re-
tance from the source. The dose rate at a distance from a quirements. The limit may be adjusted for partial occu-
line source can be calculated by the appropriate formula pancy of the area by individuals while the source is
(118, 119). The values in Table 4.5 of mean half- and present, normally taken to be a 40-h working week. By
tenth-value layers (HVL and TVL) are suitable for esti- convention, full-time occupancy is assumed for “con-
mating shield thickness in high-density materials such as trolled” work areas, and the regulatory design limit for
lead and tungsten. Lead thickness in a clinical PET setting these areas could be as high as 100 or 120 µSv per week
is typically 50 mm for bench shields, storage caves for (96). However, because PET staff must also have close
waste, and PET camera quality control sources, 30 mm for contact with radioactive patients, for example, about 30
vial containers located behind a bench shield, and 15 mm min per day at centers scanning up to 10 patients per day
for syringe shields. The lead glass for a window in a bench (105, 123), their exposure at all other times should be kept
shield has superior optical transmission if supplied as a as low as reasonably achievable by designing barriers to
single piece rather than stacked sheets. Vial and syringe 20 µSv or less in a week, particularly for the control room
shields are too heavy to manipulate with safety so me- where they spend a lot of time. A low level of ambient ra-
chanical supports are necessary when dispensing and in- diation in the workplace is reassuring when recruiting
jecting PET radiopharmaceuticals. Tungsten may be staff and reduces the need for rostering to meet dose con-
preferable to lead for small PET source containers. For straints. For areas to which the public has access, the
example, a cylindrical pot for a vial 5 cm high and 2 cm in design limit is usually 20 µSv per week or a lesser dose
diameter designed for 1% transmission (two tenth-value constraint. Default values for occupancy factors (T= 1)
layers) would be approximately 25% heavier and 30% recommended by the NCRP or other bodies for public
wider if fabricated in lead rather than tungsten. areas (120) can be used if the anticipated use of the area
Plastic liners may be used within lead or tungsten vial does not allow a firm estimate of occupancy.
and syringe shields to absorb all positrons, although most The unshielded dose (D0) at a specified distance can be
positrons from 18F would be absorbed in the vial or determined from the workload (W) expressed as GBq-h
syringe wall. 15O positrons absorbed in lead could gener- per week for radionuclides or mA-min per week for head
ate bremsstrahlung (X-ray) photons up to their maximum and body scans at specified kVp for X-ray apparatus. PET
Radiation Protection and Dosimetry in PET and PET/CT 57

workloads for each room are determined by the activity chair used during the uptake phase. The point of occupa-
injected and excreted, the number of patients, and the tion is taken to be 0.5 m beyond a wall, 0.5 m above the
time of entry and exit to the room. W, the activity-time floor level above, or 1.7 m above the floor level below. The
integral in each room, should allow for radioactive decay inverse square law is generally used to adjust the dose for
and excretion losses before the patient’s entry and ra- distance. Except for the scanner room itself, room dimen-
dioactive decay while in the room. A reasonably conserva- sions and distances to the nearest occupied areas may be
tive approach would be to assume a high throughput of small, as in a mobile trailer facility. At close range (less
patients and injected activity based on the scanner than 3 m), an inverse 1.5 power of the distance is more
specifications and the experience of busy centers. appropriate. For example, to reduce the dose from a
Currently, about 90% of patients undergo oncology workload of 12 GBq-h per week to 20 µSv at 2 m or 4 m,
(whole-body) studies, being scanned from 45 to 90 min the required B would be 20/(12 × 92/21.5) = 0.05 or 20/(12
after injection of 150 to 800 MBq FDG. Immediately × 92/42) = 0.29, respectively.
before the scan, the patient is asked to empty the bladder, The upper limit on the estimate of CT workload would
removing about 10% to 20% of the injected activity that be to assume the system is used for diagnostic CT only
has been excreted in urine. Scan time can range from 15 to (for example, if isotope supply were interrupted) with
45 minutes or more. The remaining 10% of patients gen- more patients and higher exposure factors, for example,
erally undergo brain or cardiac studies of shorter dura- 200 patients and 40,000 mA-min per week. It may be
tion. The daily pattern of unshielded dose rate in a more realistic to assume the same number of patients as
PET/CT scanner room is illustrated in Figure 4.7. for the PET workload and diagnostic or non-diagnostic
D0 is calculated from the product of W and the dose CT protocols as per local policy. The primary CT beam
rate at 1 m from the patient, corrected for distance. The is absorbed in the patient or scanner, leaving only
dose rate constants for a point source are not applicable leakage and scattered radiation, which is of short dura-
for an extended source geometry and do not allow for tion and substantially lower energy than 511 keV, to
self-attenuation in the source. A mean dose rate of 92 µSv consider. The unshielded dose can be estimated from
h–1 per GBq at 1 m in any direction from an FDG patient, the workload and isodose contours or a scatter distribu-
based on measurements reported in the literature, is pro- tion grid map (dose per unit workload) supplied by the
posed by the AAPM (D. Simpkin, personal communica- manufacturer.
tion). No allowance is made for attenuation of 511 keV in The thickness of a barrier for the required value of B
the scanner gantry or other hardware, which is a very con- can be determined from half- and tenth-value layers or
servative assumption. When calculating distance, the published transmission curves. Under idealized “narrow
patient is regarded as a point source located 1 m above the beam” conditions with scatter excluded by collimation of
floor, at the midpoint of the scan range or on the bed or the source and detector, the attenuation of a monochro-



a d
Figure 4.7. Pattern of exposure on wall 10
at head end of Siemens Biograph
scanner throughout the day. Dose rates:
(a) CT warm-up and calibration; (b) PET b
phantom quality control; (c) CT during
PET/CT acquisition with PET phantom; 1
(d) CT calibration; (e) CT for 1 of 12
whole-body scans; (f) CT for one of three
brain scans. During PET acquisitions, 18F
dose rate rises as scanner bed moves
through the gantry toward the wall. PET 0.1
and CT radiation detected at 1-m height, 7:00 8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00
2.1 m from isocenter with Eberline FH
58 Positron Emission Tomography

matic beam of radiation through an absorbing medium is translate to substantial thickness of lead or concrete. In
described by the following equation: marked contrast, typical values of B for a CT installation
are in the range of 10–3 to 10–4. Transmission curves in
I = I0 e-µx
lead and concrete for CT secondary radiation (scatter and
In this case, B is a simple exponential attenuation factor leakage) at various kVp calculated by Simpkin are avail-
and µ is the linear attenuation coefficient at a given energy able (120, 122, 126). Attenuation is not a single exponen-
for the shielding material concerned. The thickness (x) of tial function because the beam is not monoenergetic. The
the shield for a given energy and material would be calcu- final slope represents the attenuation coefficient for the
lated from known values of µ, or of the total mass attenua- highest energies, as from leakage radiation. The thickness
tion coefficient µ/ρ and the density ρ (118, 119). However of lead required for CT installations is generally less than
a simple exponential function is not suitable for the 2 mm, which has little effect on 511-keV photons, whereas
“broad beam” geometry of extended radionuclide sources the thickness of concrete may be similar for PET and CT
with energies of more than a few hundred keV and barrier requirements. Figure 4.9 illustrates the attenuation
materials of low atomic number in which Compton scat- through barriers of lead or concrete for a notional weekly
tering is the predominant interaction, as for 511-keV PET workload of 100 patients injected with 500 MBq FDG for
photons incident on concrete barriers. Under broad beam whole-body scans using low-dose CT protocols. It is nec-
conditions, scatter in the forward direction builds up in essary to consider PET and CT workloads and transmis-
the barrier until an equilibrium depth is reached beyond sion independently and estimate the contribution of each
which attenuation is more nearly exponential. Broad to the total dose for various barrier material options.
beam transmission can be estimated by point kernel or Cost factors apart, lead has the advantage over concrete
Monte Carlo modeling. Alternatively, the half- and tenth- for walls because it requires less space and reduces the
value layers given in Table 4.5 can be used as they apply to floor loading by roughly half. A combination of the two
broad beam conditions and moderate B values, not being may be an effective solution. It is preferable to position
derived from µ for narrow beams or from an average at- the doors to the scanner room where shielding is required
tenuation over many orders of magnitude as in NCRP for CT only. All the doors to the scanner room should
Report No. 49 (19, 20, 124). The various estimates of have the usual radiation warning sign and light for CT and
transmission of 511-keV photons through lead and con- should not be interlocked to the operation of the scanner.
crete are shown in Figure 4.8, indicating how narrow Depending on the view of the regulatory authority, it may
beam analysis significantly underestimates transmission be possible to avoid the considerable expense of a large
through concrete (20, 118, 125). leaded glass viewing window to the control room, or at
PET barriers around patients generally require modest least minimize the size of the window, by using video
attenuation with B of the order of 0.1 to 0.4, but this can camera surveillance to give the technologist a clear view of

511 keV


0 5 10 15 20 25
Figure 4.8. Attenuation of 511-keV
concrete [pt.kernel] concrete [MC] Barrier thickness cm photons in concrete (2.2 g cm–3) and
concrete [BB TVL] concrete [NB TVL] lead, calculated by Monte Carlo and
lead [MC] lead [BB TVL]
lead [NB TVL] point kernel modeling (125); Simpkin
and Courtney, personal communica-
tions) and from broad and narrow beam
linear attenuation coefficients (20, 118).
Radiation Protection and Dosimetry in PET and PET/CT 59

10 511 keV, Pb
mSv/week 511 keV, concrete

120 kVp CT, Pb

10 120 kVp CT, concrete

20 uSv/wk limit



Figure 4.9. Shielding estimation for area 10

adjacent to a PET/CT scanner that re- 0 5 10 15 20 25
ceives 0.15 mSv from 18F and 10 mSv
from 120-kVp CT secondary radiation in mm Pb or cm concrete
a week from notional workload of 100
patients injected with 500 MBq 18F-FDG.

the patient and entry doors. If not, it is important that the the administered gas and scavenge the exhaled gas for
attenuation properties of the window are specified at 511 venting via a stack to the atmosphere. The air of the PET
keV as well as for the X-rays. The linear attenuation scanner room should be continuously monitored during a
coefficient of leaded glass is the sum of the linear attenua- gas study. Because of the high background radiation level
tion coefficients for lead and glass in the mixture, which in the room, an air sampler is required to pass the air
can be calculated from their respective mass attenuation through a sensitive detector in a remote low-background
coefficients and their densities in the mixture if the per- area. The scanner room should be kept at negative pres-
centages by weight are known (127). For example, a sure to the adjacent areas. The room air should not be re-
window of glass that is 55% lead by weight and 1.4 cm circulated but vented direct to atmosphere.
thick would have a transmission B of about 0.62, allowing
for buildup (P. Brown, personal communication).
Radiation Instrumentation
Containment of Sources The dose calibrator used in general nuclear medicine ap-
plications is adequate for PET in a clinical setting. A high
Spills are an uncommon event and usually result from ranging chamber may be required in a PET production
mishaps with intravenous lines or urinary catheters. laboratory if measuring very high activities. The chamber
Strategically located dispensers for disposable gloves are should be provided with additional shielding, up to 50
convenient when dealing with radiopharmaceuticals, pa- mm of lead, to protect the operator during PET nuclide
tients, and waste. The importance of gloves and monitor- measurements. With 511-keV photons, no corrections
ing can be seen from the dose rates for skin should be required for the geometry of the source con-
contamination in Table 4.5: a droplet from an FDG solu- tainer (e.g., syringe, vial) or volume; the manufacturer’s
tion with a concentration of 100 MBq mL–1 could deliver settings possibly overestimate the activity of 18F by 3% to
500 mSv, the annual dose limit for the skin, in just 6 min. 6% depending on the geometry (128).
In facilities located near a cyclotron, PET gas tracers Radiation instrumentation should include a survey
may be used. The gas supply and return lines from the ra- meter, preferably a dual-purpose instrument for measure-
diochemistry laboratory to the scanner room will require ment of dose rate and surface contamination. Geiger-
shielding; the scanner manufacturer may specify an allow- Mueller (GM) detectors have good sensitivity to PET
able maximum dose rate adjacent to the gantry. In occu- nuclide emissions, and their energy response is fairly
pied areas and the PET scanner room itself, a thickness of uniform over the photon energy range of a few hundred
20 to 25 mm of lead around the lines may be sufficient. A keV. No energy response correction is necessary for a GM
mask over the patient’s head should effectively contain meter that has been calibrated at 660 keV with a 137Cs
60 Positron Emission Tomography

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Artifacts and Normal Variants in Whole-Body PET and
PET/CT Imaging
Gary J.R. Cook

The number of clinical applications for positron emission phatase-mediated dephosphorylation of FDG occurs only
tomography (PET) continues to increase, particularly in slowly in most tumors, normal myocardium, and brain,
the field of oncology. In parallel with this is growth in the and hence the uptake of this tracer is proportional to gly-
number of centers that are able to provide a clinical PET colytic rate. Rarely, tumors may have higher glucose-6-
or PET/computed tomography (CT) service. As with any phosphatase activity resulting in relatively low uptake, a
imaging technique, including radiography, ultrasound, feature that has been described in hepatocellular carci-
CT, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and conventional noma (1). Similarly, some tissues have relatively high
single photon nuclear medicine imaging, there are a large glucose-6-phosphatase activity, including liver, kidney,
number of normal variants, imaging artifacts, and causes intestine, and resting skeletal muscle, and show only low
of false-positive results that need to be recognized to uptake. Conversely, hypoxia, a feature common in ma-
avoid misinterpretation. It is particularly important to be lignant tumors, is a factor that may increase FDG uptake,
aware of potential pitfalls while PET is establishing its probably through activation of the glycolytic pathway
place in medical imaging so that the confidence of clinical (2).
colleagues and patients is maintained. In addition, the Hyperglycemia may impair tumor uptake of FDG
advent of combined PET/CT scanners in clinical imaging because of competition with glucose (3), although it
practice has brought its own specific pitfalls and artifacts. appears that chronic hyperglycemia, as seen in diabetic
The most commonly used PET radiopharmaceutical in patients, only minimally reduces tumor uptake (4). To op-
clinical practice is 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG). As it has timize tumor uptake, patients are usually asked to fast for
a half-life of nearly 2 h, it can be transported to sites 4 to 6 h before injection to minimize insulin levels. This
without a cyclotron, and in view of this and the fact that practice has also been shown to reduce uptake of FDG
there is a wealth of clinical data and experience with this into background tissues including bowel, skeletal muscle,
compound, it is likely to remain the mainstay of clinical and myocardium (5). In contrast, insulin-induced hypo-
PET for the immediate future. glycemia may actually impair tumor identification by re-
ducing tumor uptake and increasing background muscle
and fat activity (6).
In addition to malignant tissue, FDG uptake may be
Mechanisms of Uptake of seen in activated inflammatory cells (7, 8), and its use has
F-Fluorodeoxyglucose even been advocated in the detection of inflammation (9).
An area where benign inflammatory uptake of FDG may
FDG, as an analogue of glucose, is a tracer of energy sub- limit specificity is in the assessment of response to radio-
strate metabolism, and although it has been known for therapy (10). Here, uptake of FDG has been reported in
many years that malignant tumors show increased gly- rectal tumors and in the brain in relation to macrophage
colysis compared to normal tissues, its accumulation is and inflammatory cell activity (11–13), which may make it
not specific to malignant tissue. FDG is transported into difficult to differentiate persistent tumor from inflamma-
tumor cells by a number of membrane transporter pro- tory activity for a number of months following radio-
teins that may be overexpressed in many tumors. FDG is therapy in some tumors. Nonspecific, inflammatory, and
converted to FDG-6-phosphate intracellularly by hexoki- reactive uptake has also been recorded following
nase, but unlike glucose does not undergo significant en- chemotherapy in some tumors (14, 15), and there is no
zymatic reactions and, because of its negative charge, clear consensus on the optimal time to study patients fol-
remains effectively trapped in tissue. Glucose-6-phos- lowing this form of therapy.
64 Positron Emission Tomography

Table 5.1. Normal distribution of 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG). Normal Distribution of FDG

Organ/system Pattern
Central nervous system High uptake in cortex, basal ganglia, The normal distribution of FDG is summarized in Table
thalami, cerebellum, brainstem. 5.1. The brain typically shows high uptake of FDG in the
Low uptake into white matter and cortex, thalamus, and basal ganglia. Cortical activity may
cerebrospinal fluid. be reduced in patients who require sedation or a general
Cardiovascular system Variable but homogeneous uptake into left anaesthetic, a feature that might limit the sensitivity of de-
ventricular myocardium. Usually no tection of areas of reduced uptake as in the investigation
discernible activity in right ventricle and
of epilepsy. It is not usually possible to differentiate low-
grade uptake of FDG in white matter from the adjacent
Gastrointestinal system Variable uptake into stomach, small
intestine, colon, and rectum. ventricular system (Figure 5.1).
Reticuloendothelial and lymphatic Liver and spleen show low-grade diffuse
In the neck, it is common to see moderate symmetrical
activity. activity in tonsillar tissue. This area may be more difficult
No uptake in normal lymph nodes but to recognize as normal tissue if there has been previous
moderate activity seen in tonsillar tissue. surgery or radiotherapy that may distort the anatomy, re-
Age-related uptake is seen in thymic and sulting in asymmetrical activity or even unilateral uptake
adenoidal tissue.
on the unaffected side. Adenoidal tissue is not usually no-
Genitourinary system Urinary excretion can cause variable
ticeable in adults but may show marked uptake in chil-
appearances of the urinary tract.
Age-related testicular uptake is seen. dren. Another area of lymphoid activity that is commonly
Skeletal muscle Low activity at rest
seen in children is the thymus. This gland usually has a
characteristic shape (an inverted V) and is therefore not
Bone marrow Normal marrow shows uptake that is usually
less than liver. usually mistaken for anterior mediastinal tumor (Figure
Lung Low activity (regional variation)
5.2). Clinical reports vary as to the incidence of diffuse
uptake of FDG in the thyroid (16–18). This uptake may be
Source: From Valk PE, Bailey DL, Townsend DW, Maisey MN. Positron Emission a geographic phenomenon, since its presence is more
Tomography: Basic Science and Clinical Practice. Springer-Verlag London Ltd 2003,
p. 496.
likely in women and has been correlated with the presence
of thyroid autoantibodies and chronic thyroiditis (18).
Artifacts and Normal Variants in Whole-Body PET and PET/CT Imaging 65

In the chest, it has been recognized that there is varia- perinsulinemic euglycemic clamping method may further
tion in regional lung activity, this being greater in the in- improve myocardial uptake but is technically more
ferior and posterior segments, and it has been suggested difficult (23–26); this allows maximum insulin adminis-
that this might reduce sensitivity in lesion detection in tration without rendering the patient hypoglycaemic. An
these regions (19). In the abdomen, homogeneous low- alternative method is to encourage myocardial glucose
grade accumulation is seen in the liver and to a lesser
extent in the spleen. Small and large bowel activity is quite
variable, and, unlike glucose, FDG is excreted in the urine,
leading to variable appearances of the urinary tract, both
of which are discussed further here. Resting skeletal
muscle is usually associated with low-grade activity, but
active skeletal muscle may show marked uptake of FDG
in a variety of patterns that are discussed further next.
Myocardial activity may also be quite variable. Normal
myocardial metabolism depends on both glucose and free
fatty acids (FFA). For oncologic scans, it is usual to try to
reduce activity in the myocardium so as to obtain clear
images of the mediastinum and adjacent lung. Although
most centers fast patients for at least 4 to 6 h before FDG
injection, reducing insulin levels and encouraging FFA
acid metabolism in preference to glucose, myocardial
activity may still be quite marked and varies among
patients. Another possible intervention that has not been
quantified or validated as yet is to administer caffeine to
the patient to encourage FFA metabolism.
For cardiac viability studies it is necessary to achieve
high uptake of FDG into the myocardium. Patients may
receive a glucose load to encourage glucose (and hence
FDG) rather than FFA metabolism, and it may also be
necessary to administer insulin to enhance myocardial
uptake, particularly in diabetic patients (20–22). The hy- a

Slc 33++ Z = –138 +170 Slc 34++ Z = –137 +670 Slc 35++ Z = –137 +170 Slc 36++ Z = –136 + 670

Oblique slice + (2) Oblique slice + (2) Oblique slice + Oblique slice +

Figure 5.2. Transaxial (a) and coronal

(b) FDG images in a child showing
normal thymic activity. Slc 33++ Z = –138 +170 Slc 34++ Z = –137 +670 Slc 35++ Z = –137 +170 Slc 36++ Z = –136 + 670 b
66 Positron Emission Tomography

metabolism by reducing FFA levels pharmacologically. Table 5.2. Variants that may mimic or obscure pathology.
Improved cardiac uptake of FDG has been described fol-
lowing oral nicotinic acid derivatives such as acipimox, a Organ/system Variant
simple and safe measure that may also be effective in dia- Skeletal muscle High uptake after exercise or resulting from
tension, including eye movement,
betic patients (27).
vocalization, swallowing, chewing gum,
Adipose tissue Uptake in brown fat may be seen particularly
Variants That May Mimic or Obscure in winter months in patients with low body
mass index.
Pathology Myocardium Variable (may depend on or be manipulated
by diet and drugs).
A number of physiologic variations in uptake of FDG have Endocrine Testes, breast (cyclic, lactation, hormone
been recognized, some of which may mimic pathology replacement therapy), follicular ovarian cysts,
(16, 28–30) (Table 5.2). thyroid.
Skeletal muscle uptake is probably the commonest cause Gastrointestinal Bowel activity is variable and may simulate
tumor activity.
of interpretative difficulty. Increased aerobic glycolysis as-
sociated with muscle activation, either after exercise or as a Genitourinary Small areas of ureteric stasis may simulate
paraaortic or pelvic lymphadenopathy.
result of involuntary tension, leads to increased accumula-
tion of FDG that may mimic or obscure pathology. Exercise Source: From Valk PE, Bailey DL, Townsend DW, Maisey MN. Positron Emission
should be prohibited before injection of FDG and during Tomography: Basic Science and Clinical Practice. Springer-Verlag London Ltd 2003,
p. 498.
the uptake period to minimize muscle uptake.
A pattern of symmetrical activity commonly encoun-
tered in the neck, supraclavicular, and paraspinal regions
(Figure 5.3) was initially assumed to be caused by invol-

a b
Figure 5.3. Coronal sections from a FDG study. Symmetrical brown fat activity is seen in the neck (a) and paraspinal (b) regions. Although this is a recognizable pattern, it can be
appreciated that metastatic lymphadenopathy may be obscured, especially in the neck. PET/CT is helpful for the differentiation.
Artifacts and Normal Variants in Whole-Body PET and PET/CT Imaging 67

Figure 5.4. FDG uptake seen in laryngeal muscles in a patient who was talking during the uptake period.

untary muscle tension but with the advent of PET/CT it of FDG may also be seen in dermatomyositis complicating
has become obvious that this activity originates in brown malignancy, a factor that may reduce image contrast and
fat, a vestigial organ of thermogenesis that is sympatheti- tumor detectability.
cally innervated and driven. To support this hypothesis, it Uptake in the gastrointestinal system is quite variable
has been noted that this pattern is commoner in winter and is most commonly seen in the stomach (Figure 5.6)
months and in patients with lower body mass index (31). and large bowel (Figure 5.7) and to a lesser extent in loops
It appears that benzodiazepines are able to reduce the in- of small bowel. It is probable that activity in bowel is
cidence of this potentially confusing appearance, possibly related to smooth muscle uptake as well as activity in in-
by a generalized reduction in sympathetic drive. traluminal contents (32, 33). If it is important to reduce
Even apparently innocent activities such as talking or intestinal physiologic activity, pharmacologic methods to
chewing gum may lead to muscle uptake that simulates reduce peristalsis as well as bowel lavage could be useful.
malignant tissue (Figures 5.4, 5.5). In patients being as- This procedure is too invasive and is unnecessary for
sessed for head and neck malignancies, it is therefore im- routine patient preparation, and in most situations it is
portant that they maintain silence and refrain from possible to differentiate physiologic uptake within bowel
chewing during the uptake period. In addition, anxious or from abdominal tumor foci by the pattern of uptake, the
breathless patients may hyperventilate, producing in- former usually being curvilinear and the latter being focal
creased intercostal and diaphragmatic activity, and invol- (Figure 5.8). Some centers use a mild laxative as a routine
untary muscle spasm such as that seen with torticollis in any patient requiring abdominal imaging, but improve-
may lead to a pattern that is recognizable but may obscure ment in interpretation has not been demonstrated.
diseased lymph nodes. Unlike glucose, FDG is not totally reabsorbed in the
The symmetrical nature of most muscle uptake usually renal tubules, and urinary activity is seen in all patients
alerts the interpreter to the most likely cause, but occa- and may be present in all parts of the urinary tract. This
sionally unilateral muscle uptake may be seen when there activity may interfere with a study of renal or pelvic
is a nerve palsy on the contralateral side and may be mis- tumors, either by obscuring local tumors or by causing re-
taken for an abnormal tumor focus. This appearance has construction artifacts that reduce the visibility of abnor-
been described in recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy and in malities adjacent to areas of high urinary activity. Using
VIth cranial nerve palsy (30). Diffusely increased uptake iterative reconstruction algorithms rather than filtered
68 Positron Emission Tomography

Figure 5.5. Symmetrical FDG uptake in the masseter muscles in a patient chewing gum, resembling bilateral lymphadenopathy.

back-projection can reduce this problem. Catheterization We have found it beneficial to hydrate the patient and
and drainage of urinary activity may reduce bladder ac- administer a diuretic. This approach leads to a full
tivity that may obscure perivesical or intravesical tumors. bladder with dilute urine, making it easier to differentiate
However, this may still leave small pockets of concen- normal urinary activity from perivesical tumor activity
trated activity that may resemble lymphadenopathy, and allowing the bladder to be used as an anatomic land-
causing even greater problems in interpretation. Bladder mark. By diluting vesical FDG activity, reconstruction ar-
irrigation may help to some extent but is associated with tifacts from filtered back-projection algorithms are also
increased radiation dose to staff and may introduce reduced. It is often helpful to perform image registration
infection. with either CT or MRI in the pelvis. Here it may be helpful
Artifacts and Normal Variants in Whole-Body PET and PET/CT Imaging 69

Figure 5.6. Physiologic uptake of FDG is seen in the stomach wall (arrows). Moderate myocardial activity is also seen.
70 Positron Emission Tomography

Figure 5.7. Moderate physiologic uptake that is seen in the region of the cecum and ascending colon in a patient with a primary lung cancer.
Artifacts and Normal Variants in Whole-Body PET and PET/CT Imaging 71

Figure 5.8. (a) Transaxial FDG slice through the upper abdomen and (b) corresponding CT slice in a patient with a history of seminoma and previous paraaortic lymph node dissec-
tion but rising tumor markers. The linear area of low-grade FDG activity can be seen to correspond to a barium-filled loop of bowel, but the more-focal area of high uptake (arrow on
each part) corresponds to a small density located adjacent to the previous surgical clips, indicating recurrent disease at this site. The case demonstrates how normal bowel activity can
be differentiated from tumor foci.

to administer a small amount of 18F-fluoride ion in addi- uptake of FDG may be seen in normal testes and appears
tion to FDG, to allow easy identification of bony land- to be greater in young men than in old (34).
marks for registration purposes. Although excreted FDG
may be seen in any part of the urinary tract, it is impor-
tant to gain a history of any previous urinary diversion
procedures, because these may cause areas of high activity Artifacts
outside the normal renal tract and may result in errors of
interpretation unless this is appreciated. Image reconstruction of PET images without attenuation
Glandular breast tissue often demonstrates moderate correction may lead to higher apparent activity in
FDG activity in premenopausal women and post- superficial structures that may obscure lesions such as cu-
menopausal women taking estrogens for hormone re- taneous melanoma metastases (28). A common artifact
placement therapy. The pattern of uptake is usually arising from this phenomenon is caused by the axillary
symmetrical and easily identified as being physiologic, but skin fold, where lymphadenopathy may be mimicked in
there is the potential for lesions to be obscured by this coronal image sections. However, the linear distribution
normal activity. Breast-feeding mothers show intense of activity can be appreciated on transaxial or sagittal
uptake of FDG bilaterally (Figure 5.9). Similarly in males, slices, which should prevent misinterpretation. Another

Figure 5.9. Transaxial FDG scan of a

breast-feeding mother in whom intense
symmetrical breast activity can be
72 Positron Emission Tomography

Table 5.3. Artifacts.

major difference between attenuation corrected and non-
corrected images is an apparent increase in lung activity
Attenuation correction related Apparent superficial increase in activity and in the latter caused by to relatively low attenuation by the
lung activity if no correction applied.
air-containing lung (Table 5.3).
Injection related Lymph node uptake following tissued
Filtered back-projection reconstruction leads to streak
Reconstruction artifacts due to tissued artifacts and may obscure lesions adjacent to areas of high
activity. activity. Many of these artifacts can be overcome by using
Inaccuracies in standard uptake value iterative reconstruction techniques (Figure 5.10).
calculation. Patient movement may compromise image quality. In
Attenuating material Coins, medallions, prostheses. brain imaging it is possible to split the acquisition into a
Patient movement Poor image quality. number of frames, so that if movement occurs in one
Artifacts on applying attenuation correction. frame then this can be discarded before summation of the
Source: From Valk PE, Bailey DL, Townsend DW, Maisey MN. Positron Emission data (35). When performing whole-body scans, unusual
Tomography: Basic Science and Clinical Practice. Springer-Verlag London Ltd 2003, appearances may result if the patient moves between bed
p. 502. scan positions; this most commonly occurs when the
upper part of the arm is visible in higher scanning posi-
tions but the lower part disappears when moved out of the
field of view on lower subsequent scanning positions.

a b
Figure 5.10. Transaxial, sagittal, and coronal abdominal FDG images from iterative reconstruction (a) and filtered back-projection (b) demonstrate the improved image quality and
reduction in streak artifacts possible with the former.
Artifacts and Normal Variants in Whole-Body PET and PET/CT Imaging 73

Special care is required in injecting FDG because soft despite a lower specificity, as it is often able to locate areas
tissue injection may cause reconstruction artifacts across of disease that have not been identified by other means and
the trunk and may even cause a low-count study or inac- that may be more amenable to biopsy (40).
curacies in standardized uptake value (SUV) measure- A more-comprehensive list of benign causes of abnor-
ments. Axillary lymph nodes, draining the region of tracer mal FDG uptake is displayed in Table 5.4.
extravasation, may also accumulate activity following ex-
travasated injections. The site of administration should be
chosen carefully so as to minimize the risk of false-
positive interpretation should extravasation occur. Specific Problems Related to PET/CT
Artifacts caused by prostheses are usually readily recog-
nizable. Photon-deficient regions may result from metallic One of the most exciting technologic advances in recent
joint prostheses or other metallic objects carried by the years is the clinical application of combined PET/CT scan-
patient. Ring artifacts may occur if there is misregistra- ners. However, this new technology has come with its own
tion between transmission and emission scans because of particular set of artifacts and pitfalls.
patient movement and are particularly apparent at One of the biggest problems with PET/CT imaging in a
borders where there are sudden changes in activity dedicated combined scanner is related to differences in
concentrations, for example, at a metal prosthesis. breathing patterns between the CT and the PET acquisi-
Misregistration artifacts between emission and transmis- tions. CT scans can be acquired during a breath-hold but
sion scans have become less frequent now that interleaved PET acquisitions are taken during tidal breathing and rep-
or even simultaneous emission/transmission scans are resent an average position of the thoracic cage over 30 min
being performed. or more. This difference may result in misregistration of
pulmonary nodules between the two modalities, particu-
larly in the peripheries and at the bases of the lungs where
differences in position may approach 15 mm (41).
Benign Causes of FDG Uptake Misregistration may be reduced by performing the CT scan
while the breath is held in normal expiration (42, 43). It has
Uptake of FDG is not specific to malignant tissue, and it is been noted that deep inspiration during the CT acquisition
well recognized that inflammation may lead to accumula- can lead to deterioration of the CT attenuation-corrected
tion in macrophages and other activated inflammatory PET image with the appearance of cold artifacts (Figure
cells (7, 8). In oncologic imaging, this inflammatory uptake 5.12) and can even lead to the mispositioning of abdominal
may lead to decrease in specificity. For example, it may be activity into the thorax (44). CT acquisition during normal
difficult to differentiate benign postradiotherapy changes expiration minimizes the incidence of such artifacts and
from recurrent tumor in the brain unless the study is opti- also optimizes coregistration of abdominal organs.
mally timed or unless alternative tracers such as 11C-me- High-density contrast agents, for example, oral contrast,
thionine are used. Apical lung activity may be seen or metallic objects (Figure 5.13) can lead to an artifactual
following radiotherapy for breast cancer, and moderate overestimation of activity if CT data are used for attenua-
uptake may follow radiotherapy for lung cancer (36). It tion correction (45–51). Such artifacts may be recognized
may also be difficult to differentiate radiation changes from by studying the uncorrected image data. Low-density oral
recurrent tumor in patients who have undergone radio- contrast agents can be used without significant artifacts
therapy for rectal cancer within 6 months of the study (12). (52, 53), or the problem may be avoided by using water as
Pancreatic imaging with FDG may be problematic. In a negative bowel contrast agent. Algorithms have been de-
some cases, uptake into mass-forming pancreatitis may be veloped to account for the overestimation of activity when
comparable in degree to uptake in pancreatic cancer. using CT-based attenuation correction that may minimize
Conversely, false-negative results have been described in these effects in the future (53).
diabetic patients with pancreatic cancer. However, if dia- The use of intravenous contrast during CT acquisition
betic patients and those with raised inflammatory may be a more-difficult problem. Similarly, the concen-
markers are excluded, then FDG-PET may still be an accu- trated bolus of contrast in the large vessels may lead to
rate test to differentiate benign from malignant pancreatic overcorrection for attenuation, particularly because the
masses (37). concentrated column of contrast has largely dissipated by
A number of granulomatous disorders have been de- the time the PET emission scan is acquired. Artifactual
scribed as leading to increased uptake of FDG, including hot spots in the attenuation-corrected image (48) or quan-
tuberculosis (38) and sarcoidosis (39) (Figure 5.11). It is titative overestimation of FDG activity may result. When
often necessary to be cautious in ascribing FDG lesions to intravenous contrast is considered essential for a study,
cancer in patients who are known to be immunocompro- the diagnostic aspect of the CT scan is best performed as a
mised. It is these patients who often have the unusual infec- third study with the patient in the same position, after,
tions that may lead to uptake that cannot be differentiated first, a low-current CT scan for attenuation correction
from malignancy. PET remains useful in these patients, purposes and, second, the PET emission scan.
74 Positron Emission Tomography

Figure 5.11. Coronal FDG scan demonstrates high uptake in the lungs and spine in a patient with sarcoidosis.

Although many centers have found low-current CT ac- parts of combined scanners can lead to truncation arti-
quisitions to be adequate for attenuation correction and facts at the edge of the CT image, but these are generally
image fusion (54), it may be necessary to increase CT tube small and can be minimized by the use of iterative image
current in larger patients to minimize beam-hardening ar- reconstruction methods (53).
tifacts on the CT scan that may translate through to incor- Although some new artifacts are introduced by com-
rect attenuation correction of the PET emission data (49). bined PET/CT imaging, it is likely that many pitfalls
This effect can be caused by the patient’s arms being in caused by normal variant uptake may be avoided by the
the field of view and may be minimized by placing the ability to correctly attribute FDG activity to a structurally
arms above the head for imaging. Differences in the field- normal organ on the CT scan; this may be particularly
of-view diameter between the larger PET and smaller CT evident in the abdomen when physiologic bowel activity
Artifacts and Normal Variants in Whole-Body PET and PET/CT Imaging 75

Table 5.4. Benign causes of FDG uptake.

Organ/type Disease
Brain Postradiotherapy uptake.
Pulmonary Tuberculosis, sarcoidosis, histoplasmosis, atypical
mycobacteria, pneumoconiosis, radiotherapy.
Myocardium Heterogeneous left ventricular activity possible after
myocardial infarction, increased right ventricular
activity in right heart failure
Bone/bone marrow Paget’s disease, osteomyelitis, hyperplastic bone
Inflammation Wound healing, pyogenic infection, organizing
hematoma, esophagitis, inflammatory bowel disease,
lymphadenopathy associated with granulomatous
disorders, viral and atypical infections, chronic
pancreatitis, retroperitoneal fibrosis, radiation fibrosis
(early), bursitis.
Endocrine Graves’ disease and chronic thyroiditis, adrenal

Source: From Valk PE, Bailey DL, Townsend DW, Maisey MN. Positron Emission
Tomography: Basic Science and Clinical Practice. Springer-Verlag London Ltd 2003,
p. 504.

Figure 5.12. Coronal CT attenuation corrected FDG scan demonstrates an apparent

loss of activity at the level of the diaphragm (arrows) resulting from differences in
breathing patterns between the CT and PET scans.

Figure 5.13. Coronal FDG scan with (a)

CT attenuation correction, (b) CT alone,
and (c) uncorrected FDG of a patient
with a metallic pacemaker placed over
the right upper chest demonstrates arti-
factual increased uptake on the cor-
rected images.
a b c
76 Positron Emission Tomography

or ureteric activity can otherwise cause interpretative 14. Nuutinen JM, Leskinen S, Elomaa I, et al. Detection of residual
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abnormal tissue and increasing the diagnostic confidence sarcoma using fluorine-18-FDG PET. J Nucl Med 1996;37:
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PET Imaging in Brain Tumors
Terence Z.Wong and R. Edward Coleman

The epidemiology of intracranial tumors is complex, and

includes a variety of benign and malignant histologies
PET Radiopharmaceuticals for Imaging
(1). For the year 2004, an estimated 18,400 primary ma- of Brain Tumors
lignant central nervous system (CNS) tumors were diag-
nosed in the United States, and these malignancies The brain provides a unique environment for PET
resulted in 12,690 deaths (2). Overall prognosis for these imaging. Because the brain is immobilized by the skull,
tumors remains poor, with an age-adjusted 5-year rela- motion can be minimized during imaging with a head-
tive survival of 30.8%. Prognosis varies significantly with holder device. Accurate image registration with other
age; patients 19 years old or younger have a 5-year rela- imaging modalities such as computed tomography (CT)
tive survival of 65%, and patients aged 44 or younger or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is possible. In addi-
have a 5-year survival of 58.7%. Prognosis is very poor tion, the tissues surrounding the brain have relatively
for patients aged 65 or older, with a 5-year survival of less uniform and predictable X-ray attenuation characteristics
than 6.5% (1). at 511 keV, allowing calculated attenuation-correction
algorithms to be implemented.
Currently, 2-[18F]-fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose (FDG) is
the most commonly used radiopharmaceutical for PET
Classification of Primary Intracranial imaging. FDG is currently the most widely available PET
Tumors tracer and has proven efficacy in whole-body imaging for
a variety of malignancies. FDG-PET is clinically relevant
Data on nearly 60,000 patients with primary brain and in brain tumors because of the relationship between
CNS tumors diagnosed between 1997 and 2001 have been glucose metabolism and malignant behavior.
reported to the Central Brain Tumor Registry of the Other radiopharmaceuticals have also been utilized to
United State (CBTRUS) (3). In this population, gliomas study various aspects of brain tumor physiology. PET
accounted for 42% of all tumors and 77% of all malignant studies with 15O-labeled compounds can be used to quan-
tumors. Histologically, glial tumors are graded on the tify blood flow and tissue oxygen utilization. Inhaled 15O-
basis of degree of cellularity, cellular pleomorphism, and labeled carbon monoxide can be used to determine
number of mitotic figures, as well as other features such as cerebral blood volume (CBV), intravenous 15O-labeled
the presence or absence of vascular proliferation or necro- water can be used to calculate cerebral blood flow (CBF),
sis. The World Health Organization (WHO) has estab- and 15O-labeled oxygen can be then be used to estimate
lished a four-tier classification system (Grade I–Grade oxygen extraction (4–6). Radiolabeled amino acids such
IV), with Grade I representing the most benign category as 11C-tyrosine and particularly 11C-methionine have been
and Grade II being semibenign histology. Grade III used as markers for brain tumor metabolism (7). PET
tumors, such as anaplastic astrocytoma, have increased imaging with 11C-methionine may be particularly useful
cellularity and nuclear atypia and behave in a malignant for evaluating low-grade gliomas and oligodendrogliomas
fashion. Grade IV tumors, most notably glioblastoma (8–10). 2-[11C]-Thymidine has also been used as a PET
multiforme, are the highest grade brain tumors and imaging marker for cellular proliferation of brain tumors
feature necrosis and vascular endothelial proliferation on (11). Both 11C-methionine and 11C-thymidine may have
histology. In the National Cancer Data Base (NCDB) higher specificity for tumor cell proliferation over inflam-
series, overall 5-year survival was 30% for astrocytomas mation and may therefore have an advantage over FDG for
and only 2% for glioblastoma multiforme. distinguishing recurrent tumor from necrosis following
80 Positron Emission Tomography

Figure 6.1. 18F-Fluorothymidine (FLT) positron emission tomography scan in a patient with glioblastoma. In contrast to 2-[18F]-fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose (FDG), radiolabeled thymi-
dine, methionine, and choline PET tracers do not have high background cortical activity in the brain, making the hypermetabolic activity of the tumor clearly apparent.

high-dose radiation therapy (12). In general, these radio- three-dimensional FDG-PET data provides much more
tracers are less practical to use in routine clinical practice accurate characterization of intracranial lesions.
because of the short half-lives of 15O (2 min) and 11C
(20 min) and require an onsite cyclotron for synthesis.
More recently, the development of longer-lived 18F-
labeled radiopharmaceuticals, such as 18F-thymidine
Glucose Metabolism in the Brain
(FLT) and 18F-choline (FCH), may enable commercial dis-
As in other tissues, accumulation of FDG in the brain is
tribution and wider availability of these potentially im-
closely related to glucose metabolism. However, in con-
portant tumor markers. An example of an FLT-PET scan
trast to other tissues, the brain utilizes glucose almost ex-
of a patient with a glioblastoma multiforme is shown in
clusively to meet its metabolic energy requirements. As a
Figure 6.1. Because radiolabeled thymidine, methionine,
consequence, the normal brain has a very high back-
and choline radiotracers do not have significant accumu-
ground accumulation of FDG on FDG-PET scanning, par-
lation within normal brain tissues, image registration with
ticularly in gray matter structures such as the cerebral
MRI or other anatomic imaging is more challenging, and
cortex and basal ganglia. Malignant tumors within the
the use of combined PET/CT scanning will facilitate
brain also have high glucose metabolism and avidly accu-
anatomic correlation and image registration with MRI.
mulate FDG. However, the abnormal hypermetabolism of
high-grade brain tumors is often similar to that of normal
gray matter structures, and this normal accumulation of
FDG reduces the ability of FDG-PET to detect and evalu-
FDG in Evaluation of Brain Tumors ate small lesions. In addition, common pathologies within
the brain such as infections or metastatic lesions fre-
Metabolic activity reflected by FDG-PET can provide im-
quently develop at the gray–white matter junction, and
portant diagnostic information relating to tumor grade
characterizing abnormalities in this area by FDG-PET can
and prognosis from brain tumors (13), and FDG-PET can
be particularly challenging. Therefore, precise anatomic
be useful for following patients for evidence of recurrent
localization of the intracranial lesion in question is an es-
disease. However, even metabolically active brain tumors
sential component for characterization of intracranial
can be less conspicuous than malignancies elsewhere in
lesions using FDG-PET.
the body because of the high background that results from
glucose metabolism of the normal brain. Correlation of
PET images with anatomic imaging (MRI or CT) is there-
fore essential for accurate interpretation. Although this Image Acquisition
correlation can be accomplished visually using side-by-
side comparison of the MR or CT images and PET images, Patients are requested to have no caloric intake for at least
electronic coregistration of the anatomic images with the 4 h before the FDG-PET study, but they are encouraged to
PET Imaging in Brain Tumors 81

drink water. Following intravenous injection of a standard MR images are not usually used for image registration,
dose of FDG (10 mCi for adults), the patient is allowed to but it is prudent to examine the precontrast T1-weighted
rest quietly in a dimly lit room for at least 30 min during images. The unenhanced T1-weighted images are particu-
the uptake phase. The patients are instructed to keep their larly important to review when examining patients who
eyes open, and we do not occlude the ears. However, audi- have had recent surgery as hemorrhagic components with
tory and visual stimulation is minimized to avoid extrane- high T1 signal can otherwise be mistaken for contrast en-
ous cortical activation in the associated areas. Scanning is hancement. The MR images are electronically transferred
performed on a dedicated PET scanner (GE Advance; GE from any of the MRI scanners in our Radiology
Medical Systems, Milwaukee, WI, USA) using a single Department. Alternatively, for patients with MRI studies
table position. An emission scan is obtained for 6 to 8 min from outside institutions, we utilize a film scanner to digi-
using three-dimensional acquisition and subsequently re- tize the appropriate images for coregistration. The semi-
constructed using three-dimensional (3D) filtered back- automated coregistration technique that we use is based
projection. Calculated attenuation correction is utilized, on an iterative surface-fit algorithm (14) that has been im-
eliminating the need for a dedicated transmission scan. plemented using software developed at Duke (15–17). The
The resulting images have a transaxial slice thickness of 3D FDG-PET data set is rotated and translated iteratively
4.25 mm, with a 25.6-cm field-of-view represented in a to maximize the correlation between the MR-defined and
128 x 128 pixel matrix. Although these FDG-PET images PET-defined surfaces. The image registration software
can be reformatted in coronal and sagittal planes, our then provides the FDG-PET image corresponding to each
practice is to base our interpretation primarily on the axial MR slice.
coregistered axial PET/MR images. Patients who are Image interpretation using the coregistered MR and
unable to complete an MRI examination (e.g., because of PET images is accomplished using an interactive display
a pacemaker or aneurysm clips) can undergo a combined that utilizes a single gray-scale window. The display soft-
contrast-enhanced CT and PET examination on a ware allows the user to scroll through the axial MR images
PET/CT scanner. In this case, the PET and CT images are and correlate these with the corresponding PET images. A
intrinsically coregistered. “toggle” key allows rapid alternate display of the coregis-
tered anatomic and functional images. Alternatively, the
anatomic and functional correlation can be made by ob-
serving the region in question as the displayed image is
Image Registration with MRI adjusted gradually along a continuum between 100% MRI
and 100% FDG-PET; an example of this technique is illus-
Evaluation of brain tumors with FDG-PET requires accu- trated in Figure 6.2. These display techniques have
rate correlation with anatomy for several reasons. Because enabled us to accurately characterize small MRI lesions
the metabolic activity within brain tumors can resemble and provide precise anatomic localization of PET abnor-
that of gray or white matter, high-grade tumors within malities. Our general diagnostic strategy is to utilize the
gray matter structures or low-grade tumors within deep CT or MRI images to define the abnormality (e.g., contrast
white matter may be difficult or impossible to identify on enhancement or T2 signal abnormality); then, by applying
FDG-PET images alone. We have found that image regis- the interactive display software, the coregistered PET
tration is essential for evaluating small lesions in the image is used to characterize the metabolic activity within
brain. Because of the differences in head positioning for the abnormal tissue. Frequently, the anatomically defined
the MRI and PET scans, it is very difficult to visually cor- signal abnormality is larger than the metabolic abnormal-
relate corresponding areas on the two modalities without ity delineated by PET and will contain regions of hetero-
performing formal registration. Anatomic correlation can geneous FDG accumulation.
also be very important for evaluating large tumors. Large
tumors are frequently heterogeneous, containing smaller
focal areas of contrast enhancement on MRI; each of these
areas must be individually correlated with FDG-PET for Diagnosis of Primary Brain Tumors
evidence of high-grade features. In addition, brain tumors
frequently lie in close proximity to the cerebral cortex, The primary value of PET in evaluating glial and other
and anatomic correlation is necessary to distinguish high- neuroepithelial tumors is the correlation of FDG metabo-
grade tumor from normal adjacent cortical activity. For lism with tumor grade. Early clinical studies demon-
these reasons, FDG-PET images are routinely electroni- strated that the glycolytic rate of brain tumors as
cally coregistered with a recent MRI study for all brain determined by FDG metabolism is a more-accurate
tumor patients. reflection of tumor grade than contrast enhancement (18).
Axial T1-weighted postgadolinium MR images are typi- The background FDG metabolism within normal gray and
cally used for correlation with FDG-PET, although the white matter structures can serve as convenient reference
PET images can also be coregistered with T2-weighted levels. Subjectively, the FDG uptake within the tumor is
images for evaluating nonenhancing tumors. Unenhanced compared with the metabolism in the contralateral
82 Positron Emission Tomography

a b

Figure 6.2. A 76-year-old man with

history of glioblastoma multiforme and
two prior surgical resections. Magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI) demonstrates
an enhancing nodule at the inferior
aspect of the surgical resection cavity.
Registered images demonstrate that this
nodule has hypermetabolic activity
similar to that of gray matter, consistent
with high-grade tumor recurrence; this
was confirmed at surgery. On the FDG-
PET image alone (d), this nodule is indis-
tinguishable from adjacent gray matter.
c d (a) 100% MRI; (b) 70% MRI, 30% PET; (c)
30% MRI, 70% PET; (d) 100% PET.

(presumably more normal) deep white matter and con- Guidance for Stereotactic Biopsy
tralateral cortical gray matter. Qualitatively, low-grade
tumors have FDG uptake similar to or below that of A characteristic feature of glial tumors is their heteroge-
normal white matter, whereas the FDG accumulation in neous nature. Their borders are generally poorly defined,
high-grade tumors either approaches or exceeds that of and there is frequently geographic variation of tumor
normal gray matter. grade. In a study by Paulus and Peiffer (20), histologic fea-
The FDG accumulation of low- and high-grade brain tures of 1,000 samples from 50 brain tumors (20 samples
tumors relative to normal gray and white matter has been per tumor) were evaluated. They found that different
studied quantitatively by Delbeke et al. (19) in a study in- grades were detected in 82% of tumors; moreover, 62% of
volving 58 consecutive patients with histologically proven the gliomas contained both high-grade (Grade III or IV)
high-grade (32 patients) and low-grade (26 patients) brain and benign (Grade II) features. This finding underscores
tumors. These authors measured the tumor to white the potential for sampling error and provides an explana-
matter (T/WM) and tumor to gray matter (T/GM) ratios tion for the growth pattern of these tumors. Focal areas
to determine the optimum cutoff values for distinguish- having higher grade may grow faster, resulting in an ir-
ing low-grade (WHO Grades I and II) from high-grade regular contour to the tumor mass. High-grade tumors,
(WHO Grades III and IV). They found that T/WM ratios notably glioblastoma multiforme, frequently originate
greater than 1.5 and T/GM ratios greater than 0.6 were in- from malignant degeneration of lower-grade tumors.
dicative of high-grade tumors with a sensitivity of 94% These features cannot be distinguished on conventional
and specificity of 77%, respectively. This result supports anatomic imaging, such as MRI. Because of this underly-
the general subjective observation that low-grade tumors ing cellular heterogeneity, evaluation of these tumors by
have metabolic activity similar to white matter and high- stereotactic biopsy, even with MR or CT guidance, is
grade tumors have metabolic activity resembling gray subject to significant sampling error and potential under-
PET Imaging in Brain Tumors 83

Figure 6.3. Coregistered MRI (a) and

FDG-PET (b) images of a patient with re-
current high-grade tumor following sur-
gical resection for anaplastic oligoden-
droglioma. Areas of contrast enhance-
ment have high FDG accumulation com-
patible with high-grade tumor. Within this
abnormality is an additional focus of very
high metabolism posteromedially. a b

heterogeneous tumors, FDG-PET can aid in targeting for sponding metabolism similar to that of the adjacent deep
stereotactic biopsy by selecting the subregions within the white matter, consistent with a low-grade tumor.
tumor that are most hypermetabolic and potentially have
the highest grade (21–24).
This targeting may reduce the number of tissue samples Prognostic Significance of FDG-PET
required and may improve the accuracy of the biopsy for
determining the actual tumor grade. At our institution, we In addition to providing information relative to tumor
can provide the neurosurgeon with coregistered MR/PET grade, the degree of FDG metabolism carries prognostic
images, which enables the MRI coordinates for stereotac- significance. In a study of 29 patients with treated and un-
tic biopsy to be selected based on the corresponding PET treated primary brain tumors, Alavi et al. (25) found that
findings. Ultimately, we hope to fully integrate the regis- patients with hypermetabolic tumors had a significantly
tered MRI/PET data with the stereotactic guidance soft- shorter survival than those with hypometabolic tumors.
ware to allow direct selection of the stereotactic biopsy Moreover, within the subset of patients with high-grade
coordinates based on PET-based targets. gliomas, the patients with low tumor metabolism had a 1-
An example of a patient with recurrent tumor is shown in year survival of 78%, whereas those with high tumor me-
Figure 6.3. This patient has had previous surgical resection tabolism had a significantly poorer prognosis, with a
of an anaplastic oligodendroglioma in the right temporal 1-year survival of 29%. In another study involving 45 pa-
lobe and now has new regions of heterogeneous enhance- tients with high-grade tumors, Patronas et al. (26) showed
ment on MRI. The coregistered PET study reveals FDG ac- similar results. In this study, patients having tumors with
cumulation that is similar to that of normal gray matter, high metabolic activity had a mean survival of 5 months,
consistent with recurrent high-grade tumor. In addition, whereas those patients with less glucose metabolism had a
there are focal subregions within the recurrent tumor that mean survival of 19 months.
have varying degrees of hypermetabolic activity. The prognostic significance of FDG-PET findings in
An example of a low-grade astrocytoma is illustrated in low-grade brain tumors has also been suggested. In
Figure 6.4. In this case, the tumor is poorly enhancing on patients with low-grade gliomas, the development of hy-
MRI. The coregistered FDG-PET image shows corre- permetabolic features correlates with deleterious tumor

Figure 6.4. A 34-year-old woman with

history of well-differentiated oligoden-
droglioma, status post two resections
and chemotherapy. MRI (a) demon-
strates residual nonenhancing tumor in
right insular region. Coregistered FDG-
PET (b) image demonstrates metabolic
activity similar to that of white matter,
compatible with low-grade tumor. a b
84 Positron Emission Tomography

Figure 6.5. Same patient as in Figure

6.2. MRI (a) and coregistered FDG-PET
image (b) of a The surgical resection
cavity has a typical appearance with a
small rim of enhancement on MRI. No
corresponding hypermetabolic activity is
noted on this axial slice to suggest resid-
ual high-grade tumor. Postsurgical
changes alone do not result in hyper-
a b metabolic activity.

evolution and poorer prognosis (27, 28). These studies within the treated field (32). Increased FDG activity fol-
suggest a relationship between the metabolic activity lowing high-dose radiation therapy may be related to the
identified on FDG-PET scan and the biologic aggressive- metabolically active macrophages that accumulate at the
ness of both low- and high-grade primary brain tumors, therapy site. This activity is usually moderate (intermedi-
independent of prior therapy. In addition, the prognostic ate between white and gray matter) and relatively uniform
information provided by FDG-PET imaging may be in distribution. Occasionally, however, the metabolic ac-
further improved by performing serial studies (29). tivity may be equal to or greater than gray matter activity
and can even have nodular characteristics; in these cases,
radiation necrosis cannot be distinguished from recurrent
high-grade tumor.
Evaluation of Brain Tumors Following Barker et al. (33) studied 55 patients with high-grade
Therapy tumors treated with surgery and radiation therapy who
had enlarging areas of enhancement on MRI suggesting
As with newly diagnosed brain tumors, image registration tumor recurrence or radiation necrosis. In this study, high
of FDG-PET images with MRI is important for evaluation FDG accumulation (equal or exceeding gray matter) cor-
of recurrent tumor. Suspicious areas of enhancement related with significantly poorer prognosis compared to
must be correlated with FDG metabolism. Images from a patients without hypermetabolic findings. In a study of 47
patient who had previous resections for glioblastoma patients with primary and metastatic brain tumors who
multiforme are shown in Figures 6.2 and 6.5. In Figure 6.2, underwent stereotactic radiosurgery, Chao et al. (34)
a nodular enhancing focus is present on MRI whereas no found FDG-PET to have a sensitivity of 75% and
focal abnormality can be identified on the FDG-PET specificity of 81% for detecting recurrent tumor (versus
images alone. Coregistered images prove that this focus radiation necrosis). For patient with brain metastases,
has FDG accumulation equal to that of gray matter, con- coregistration of the FDG-PET images with MRI improved
sistent with high-grade tumor. Without image coregistra- sensitivity from 65% to 86%.
tion, this activity could not be distinguished from Another study, by Valk et al. (35), found that the
adjacent normal cortex. specificity of PET for distinguishing tumor recurrence from
Residual tumor and postsurgical changes can both radiation necrosis is improved by using a combination of
result in abnormal enhancement and can be indistin- two PET studies. FDG-PET was used to evaluate metabolic
guishable on MRI following tumor resection. Postsurgical activity, and a second PET study with 82Rb was used to
changes do not inherently result in increased metabolic define regions of breakdown of the blood–brain barrier. In a
activity, and FDG-PET is relatively unaffected for evaluat- series of 38 studies, the combined PET studies resulted in a
ing the postsurgical patient for residual tumor (30). sensitivity of 88% for detection of recurrent tumor and cor-
Following surgery, a rim of contrast enhancement is often rectly identified radiation necrosis in 81% of cases.
observed surrounding the resection cavity (see Figure Patients being treated for brain tumors are frequently
6.5); in this case, there is no associated hypermetabolic ac- receiving corticosteroids, which can influence the pattern
tivity on the coregistered FDG-PET image. Abnormal hy- of FDG metabolism. Patients on steroid therapy are re-
permetabolic activity following surgery is compatible with ported to have decreased cerebral glucose metabolism
residual high-grade tumor, and in the case of early recur- (36). Steroid-induced hyperglycemia may be a contribut-
rence, FDG-PET can help define the tumor target having ing factor. A study by Roelcke et al. (37) found that pa-
the highest grade for stereotactic biopsy (31). tients with brain tumors in general have decreased
PET Imaging in Brain Tumors 85

Figure 6.6. Patient with small cell lung

cancer. Multiple intensely hypermeta-
bolic lesions within the brain consistent
with intracranial metastases.

They suggest that tumor size may be a more important them detectable by FDG-PET. Metastatic tumors in the
factor than corticosteroid dose in determining the degree brain, similar to high-grade primary brain tumors, gener-
of decreased metabolism in the contralateral cortex. ally have FDG accumulation comparable to that of normal
Metabolism within brain tumors, on the other hand, was cortical gray matter. When the metabolism exceeds that
not affected by corticosteroid therapy. of normal gray matter, metastases can be readily
identified on FDG-PET imaging (Figure 6.6). However, the
high baseline glucose metabolism in the cortical brain
Central Nervous System Lymphoma provides a relatively low tissue-to-background environ-
ment for identifying intracranial metastases that are only
FDG-PET is a sensitive imaging modality for evaluating mildly or moderately hypermetabolic. Furthermore, brain
Hodgkins and non-Hodgkins lymphoma in the body. metastases are the result of hematogenous seeding, with a
Lymphoma in the central nervous system is also typically propensity to develop at the cortical gray–white junction.
very metabolically active, whereas nonmalignant etiolo- These early metastases are difficult if not impossible to
gies such as toxoplasmosis do not demonstrate high meta- distinguish from adjacent cerebral cortex on FDG-PET
bolic activity. In a study of 11 human immunodeficiency images alone. Finally, the cytotoxic edema that frequently
virus (HIV)-positive individuals at our institution with surrounds metastatic deposits has relatively low FDG ac-
cerebral lesions on CT or MRI, FDG-PET accurately dif- cumulation and may decrease conspicuity of the lesions
ferentiated those patients with malignancy (lymphoma) through volume-averaging effects. The importance of
from infectious etiologies (38). Other studies have sup- coregistration with MRI or CT has been emphasized in the
ported these findings (39, 40). evaluation of primary brain tumors and would appear
equally or more important for evaluating metastatic
disease. An example of a patient with multiple intracra-
Metastatic Brain Tumors nial metastases that are not evident on FDG-PET imaging
is illustrated in Figure 6.7.
Soft tissue metastases in the brain and elsewhere in the Larcos and Maisey (41) reviewed FDG-PET studies on
body generally have high glucose metabolism, rendering 273 patients with various primary tumors to determine

Figure 6.7. Intracranial metastases from

non-small cell lung carcinoma. MR
images demonstrate multiple enhancing
lesions with surrounding edema. The
metastatic lesions are not identified
on the coregistered FDG-PET images.
Metastases can be inconspicuous on PET
images for reasons of small size, volume
averaging with adjacent edema, variable
metabolic grade, and tendency to occur
at the gray–white junction. [Reprinted
with permission from Wong et al. (42).]
86 Positron Emission Tomography

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PET Imaging in Brain Tumors 87

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Schold SC, et al. FDG-PET in the selection of brain lesions for Patronas NJ, et al. Cerebral necrosis after radiotherapy and/or in-
biopsy. J Comput Assist Tomogr 1991;15(5):796–801. traarterial chemotherapy for brain tumors: PET and neuropatho-
22. Pirotte B, Goldman S, Brucher JM, Zomosa G, Baleriaux D, Brotchi logic studies. AJR Am J Roentgenol 1988;150(1):189–197.
J, et al. PET in stereotactic conditions increases the diagnostic yield 33. Barker FG II, Chang SM, Valk PE, Pounds TR, Prados MD. 18-
of brain biopsy. Stereotact Funct Neurosurg 1994;63(1-4):144–149. Fluorodeoxyglucose uptake and survival of patients with suspected
23. Pirotte B, Goldman S, Bidaut LM, Luxen A, Stanus E, Brucher JM, recurrent malignant glioma. Cancer (Phila) 1997;79(1):115–126.
et al. Use of positron emission tomography (PET) in stereotactic 34. Chao ST, Suh JH, Raja S, Lee SY, Barnett G. The sensitivity and
conditions for brain biopsy. Acta Neurochir 1995;134(1-2):79–82. specificity of FDG PET in distinguishing recurrent brain tumor
24. Pirotte B, Goldman S, David P, Wikler D, Damhaut P, Vandesteene from radionecrosis in patients treated with stereotactic radio-
A, et al. Stereotactic brain biopsy guided by positron emission to- surgery. Int J Cancer 2001;96(3):191–197.
mography (PET) with [F-18]fluorodeoxyglucose and [C-11]methio- 35. Valk PE, Budinger TF, Levin VA, Silver P, Gutin PH, Doyle WK.
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of prognosis. Cancer (Phila) 1988;62(6):1074–1078. Decreased cerebral glucose metabolism in patients with
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et al. Serial FDG-PET studies in the prediction of survival in pa- emission tomography (PET). Int J STD AIDS 1996;7(5):337–346.
tients with primary brain tumors. J Comput Assist Tomogr 40. Roelcke U, Leenders KL. Positron emission tomography in
1993;17(4):509–561. patients with primary CNS lymphomas. J Neurooncol 1999;
30. Hanson MW, Hoffman JM, Glantz MJ, et al. FDG-PET in the early 43(3):231–236.
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PET and PET/CT Imaging in Lung Cancer
Pierre Rigo, Roland Hustinx, and Thierry Bury

Every year nearly 1 million new cases of lung cancer are subtypes. Small cell carcinoma (approximately 25% of
currently diagnosed, principally in developed countries. cases) is rarely limited at presentation and is usually dis-
Most of these patients will die of their disease, the major- seminated at initial diagnosis. Surgery is seldom em-
ity within 2 years of diagnosis. Lung cancer is the princi- ployed and only rarely results in cure. Chemotherapy is
pal cause of cancer death, affecting primarily patients most often used but is only transiently effective. The inci-
between 55 and 65 years of age (1). At the time of diagno- dence of small cell carcinoma is related to tobacco expo-
sis, the disease has generally spread beyond the primary sure, as is that of squamous cell carcinoma; the latter
site. Twenty-five percent of patients have extension to ad- accounts for 30% of lung cancer cases. Squamous cell car-
jacent hilar or mediastinal nodal areas and up to 35% to cinoma originates primarily from proximal bronchial seg-
45% of patients demonstrate the presence of distant ments and develops slowly over time. It can be detected
metastases (2). Furthermore, the overall 5-year survival of by cytologic examination.
patients with apparently limited disease and resectable Adenocarcinoma does not appear related to tobacco
tumor is only 35% to 40% (3, 4), making lung cancer one consumption, but its incidence is also rising, in particular
of the most important public health problems (5, 6). in women. Most adenocarcinomas are peripheral in origin
Lung cancer has been a case study in the use of positron and disseminate faster than squamous cell carcinoma,
emission tomography (PET) using 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose both to hilar and mediastinal lymph nodes and to the
(FDG) for the clinical evaluation of cancer. Identification brain. Bronchioloalveolar carcinoma is a form of adeno-
of the metabolic abnormalities of lung cancer for the dif- carcinoma, which may present in atypical fashion with
ferentiation of malignant from the nonmalignant nodule multifocal tumor or a pneumonia-like presentation. The
was the first non-central nervous system (CNS) oncologic sensitivity of FDG-PET for detecting bronchioloalveolar
application of FDG-PET to be established (7–11), leading or mucus-secreting carcinoma is lower than that for the
the way for later advances in staging, therapy assessment, other types, probably in part because of the low cellularity
and follow-up, so that the use of PET is now generally ac- of these histologic forms (13, 14). Large cell carcinoma is
cepted for the management of lung cancer. the least common type of NSCLC and has a clinical course
similar to that of adenocarcinoma.

Classification and Evaluation of

TNM Classification
Lung Cancer
Lung cancer progresses by invading both lymphatic chan-
Histologic Classification nels and vascular structures. Lymphatic spread is initially
to lymph nodes that are situated around the segmental and
The course and prognosis of lung cancer are not uniform lobar bronchi (N1); these in turn lead to the ipsilateral (N2)
and depend upon the histologic classification of the or contralateral (N3) mediastinal lymph nodes. Further ex-
tumor. The World Health Organization (WHO) tension can reach the supraclavicular lymph nodes (N3),
classification (Table 7.1) is most generally used (12). the chest wall, the mediastinal organs, or the pleural
Malignant lung cancer, which excludes benign tumors as surface (T3–T4) (15–18). Systemic metastases can be found
well as dysplasia and carcinoma in situ, consists primarily in any organ system, but are seen predominantly in the
of small cell carcinoma and non-small cell lung carcinoma brain, skeleton, liver, and adrenal glands. Pulmonary
(NSCLC). These categories are further divided into several metastases are also commonly observed (5, 16).
90 Positron Emission Tomography

Table 7.1. World Health Organization (WHO) histologic classification of epithelial Conventional Diagnostic and Staging
bronchogenic carcinoma.
I. Benign
II. Dysplasia and Diagnosis is the first clinical problem facing a clinician in
carcinoma in situ charge of a patient suspected of having lung cancer.
III. Malignant A. Squamous cell carcinoma Accurate tumor staging is essential for selection of appro-
(epidermoid) and spindle
priate therapy. It is important both to avoid the morbidity
(squamous carcinoma
and mortality of surgery in patients with nonresectable
B. Small cell carcinoma 1. Oat cell
and rapidly progressing disease and to avoid denying pa-
2. Intermediate cell
tients with resectable disease the benefit of surgery based
3. Combined oat cell on incorrect diagnosis of mediastinal or systemic metas-
C. Adenocarcinoma 1. Acinar tases. All evidence indicates that FDG-PET is the most ac-
2. Papillary curate staging procedure that is available at present, but
3. Bronchoalveolar other staging procedures are commonly performed before
4. Mucus secreting PET as they are part of an established diagnostic process.
D. Large cell carcinoma 1. Giant cell It is important to understand the value and limitations of
2. Clear cell these other techniques to better define the place of PET
Source: Adapted from Valk PE, Bailey DL, Townsend DW, Maisey MN. Positron
Emission Tomography: Basic Science and Clinical Practice. Springer-Verlag London
Patient history and physical examination are important
Ltd 2003, p. 518. in the evaluation of patients with suspected lung cancer.
Age , smoking history, and site, size, and growth of the
lesion affect the cancer probability of a given lesion (22).
The TNM classification (Table 7.2) uses the anatomic Morphologic images can detect a nodule or a mass but
extent of the primary tumor (T stage) and evidence of frequently cannot determine its benign or malignant
spread to regional lymph nodes (N stage) or distant sites nature (18, 22). Chest X-ray is usually the first imaging
(M stage) as a guide for prognosis and management. study performed, but it is neither specific nor sensitive
Prognosis varies according to the accuracy of the method (22, 23). Standard and dynamic computed tomography
used for staging. Typically, clinical staging understages (CT) imaging can detect smaller lesions and can also help
the tumor as compared to final staging at surgery and to characterize some lesions. Smooth margins, small size
pathologic examination (3), whereas FDG-PET and espe- (less than 1 cm), and central or popcorn calcifications
cially PET/CT staging approaches the final stage more favor a benign origin, whereas large lesions (>3 cm), spic-
closely (17). ulated margins, and the absence of “benign” calcifications
favor a malignant tumor. Cytology (three sputum
Table 7.2. Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC): TNM staging. samples) is positive in 80% of central tumors but in only
Primary tumor TX Positive malignant cells; no lesion seen
20% of peripheral tumors (24). Diagnosis is enhanced by
bronchoscopy with lavage or biopsy. Bronchoscopy can
T0 No evidence of primary tumor
also be used to biopsy enlarged mediastinal lymph nodes
TIS Carcinoma in situ
(25). Any lymph node larger than 1 cm in diameter on CT
T1 <3 cm in greatest dimension
is considered to be abnormal and requiring further inves-
T2 >3 cm in greatest dimension; distal atelectasis tigations, but this criterion is insensitive and poorly
T3 Extension into the chest wall (including superior specific. CT is the best anatomic imaging technique for
sulcus tumours); diaphragm, or mediastinal pleura
determining tumor invasion of the peripheral organs,
or pericardium; <2 cm from carina or total
atelectasis chest wall, and vertebrae (20), whereas magnetic reso-
T4 Invasion of the mediastinal organs; malignant
nance imaging (MRI) may be needed to evaluate the rela-
pleural effusion tionship of the tumor to the heart and large vessels (26,
Nodal involvement N0 No involvement 27). The use of skeletal scintigraphy for detection of skele-
N1 Ipsilateral bronchopulmonary or hilar
tal metastasis in asymptomatic patients is controversial
because of the very low yield of the technique and its poor
N2 Ipsilateral mediastinal or subcarinal; ipsilateral
supraclavicular specificity (28–30).
N3 Contralateral mediastinal, hilar or supraclavicular
Percutaneous fine-needle aspiration biopsy of pul-
monary nodules can be used in cases where CT is not di-
Distant metastatic M0 None
involvement M1 Present agnostic. The procedure is very specific when positive, but
sampling errors occur in 5% to 25% of cases, and nega-
Source: From Valk PE, Bailey DL, Townsend DW, Maisey MN. Positron Emission
tive or indeterminate biopsies must be further evaluated
Tomography: Basic Science and Clinical Practice. Springer-Verlag London Ltd 2003,
p. 518. (31). Mediastinoscopy is the most accurate method of
staging the superior mediastinal lymph nodes, but more-
PET and PET/CT Imaging in Lung Cancer 91

extensive nodal sampling and evaluation of contralateral may lead to increased pulmonary or mediastinal uptake
lymph nodes are not possible in practice. Again, sampling (43). Ischemic and prenecrotic lesions, for example, in
errors occur, resulting in false-negative findings (32,33). pulmonary infarction, can also cause false-positive results
Thoracotomy and mediastinotomy can also be used for (44). In some cases, these can be differentiated from
diagnosis and staging as a last resort. tumor on the basis of the clinical context or the time
course and intensity of FDG uptake (45). However, often
there is overlap between the degree of FDG uptake of ma-
FDG-PET Imaging lignant and benign lesions. High prevalence of false-posi-
tive findings may be encountered in geographic areas
where fungal infections are common and in patients who
FDG-PET Imaging Procedure have a history of inflammatory or infectious disease.
A whole-body imaging study, extending from the base of False-positive results can also be created by attenuation-
the brain to the inguinal regions, is indicated to detect correction artefacts, especially when incorrect attenuation
skeletal and other distant metastases. Imaging of the brain values are calculated after CT transmission in the pres-
is usually not performed because contrast-enhanced CT ence of a metallic prosthesis or supplementary contrast
or MRI is more effective for diagnosis of cerebral metas- (46).
tases (34). Acquisition can be extended to the extremities False-negative results may be caused by the small size
in cases of more-peripheral suspected lesions. Acquisition of lesions relative to scanner resolution (partial-volume
should include transmission imaging to permit attenua- effect), low cellularity of lesions (mucinous tumors) (47),
tion correction and quantitative evaluation. Attenuation- or low metabolic activity of tumors (bronchioloalveolar
corrected imaging permits the use of the semiquantitative and some carcinoid tumors) (48). Partial-volume effect
standardized uptake value (SUV). The SUV is determined becomes significant as lesion size decreases below twice
by dividing the measured activity in a tissue region the full width at half-maximum scanner resolution, with
(MBq/mL) by injected dose and normalizing to body resultant decrease in detected lesion activity (49, 50). With
weight (MBq/g). SUV changes with time after injection, dedicated PET systems of current technology, detection
which determines tissue uptake of activity, and is sensitivity decreases as lesion volume decreases below ap-
influenced by the blood glucose concentration (35). In proximately 1 cm3. Improvement in scanner resolution
standardized conditions, the SUV is informative and re- will improve sensitivity for small lesions, but microscopic
producible (36). The use of the lean body weight instead lesions will always be missed.
of total body weight for normalization has been recom- Partial-volume effect is also reflected in quantitative
mended because accumulation of FDG in fat is low (37). underestimation of tumor activity, with resulting decrease
Normalization of activity to body surface area instead of in SUV values. It should be noted that, when measuring
weight has also been proposed (38). the SUV of small lesions for therapy follow-up, decrease
Simultaneous evaluation of the PET and CT images is in SUV may occur as a result of decrease in lesion size
very helpful and even mandatory. This step can be per- rather than actual decrease in tumor uptake.
formed visually, but the process is greatly facilitated by
image registration or by concurrent imaging using a
PET/CT system (39). In this case, as CT and PET are done Indications for FDG-PET Imaging in
sequentially rather than simultaneously, patient immobil-
ity is important and much attention must be given to Lung Cancer Management
patient comfort and breathing pattern to minimize posi-
tion artifacts. Diagnosis of Solitary Pulmonary Nodules

Conventional Methods
Limitations of FDG-PET Imaging
Solitary pulmonary nodules or atypical focal abnormali-
As do all diagnostic techniques, FDG-PET gives false-posi- ties represent a common diagnostic indication for FDG-
tive and false-negative results. False-positive results are PET imaging. Approximately one-third of pulmonary
related to nonspecific FDG uptake in normal tissues or in nodules can be diagnosed as benign or malignant on the
benign lesions. Macrophages, leukocytes, and activated basis of standard CT criteria (51–53). Absence of growth
lymphocytes are known to actively concentrate FDG in over a 2-year period may suggests a benign lesion when
the setting of granulomatous inflammation (40). Acute comparative images are available (54), but its specificity
and chronic bacterial infection, [bacterial pneumonia is less than originally claimed. Two-thirds of solitary pul-
(41), pyogenic abscess], tuberculosis, fungal infection monary nodules are indeterminate and require further di-
(histoplasmosis, aspergillosis, coccidioidomycosis), sar- agnostic procedures. Lesion contrast enhancement using
coidosis (42), anthracosilicosis, and Wegener’s disease dynamic CT provides a highly sensitive but poorly specific
92 Positron Emission Tomography

Figure 7.1. MIP image FDG-PET of an

apical solitary pulmonary nodule (a).
Lesion uptake [standard uptake value
(SUV), 6.4] is typical of malignancy and
corresponded to a non-small cell lung
cancer. Transverse section of the com-
puted tomography (CT) (b) and of the
fused PET and CT images (c) are also
a c

approach to characterize malignant disease. In suitable studies (7–11), then confirmed by an Institute for Clinical
cases (greater than 1 cm) and low-risk patients and PET-sponsored multicenter study (58) and by numerous
pattern it can be used to exclude malignancy, but positive other studies from multiple institutions in prospective
interpretations must be confirmed by PET (21). clinical studies (59–68). The results obtained in the princi-
Fiberoptic bronchoscopy and biopsy can diagnose pal studies are summarized in Table 7.3. In our own
central lung tumors, but diagnostic tissue samples are prospective study of 103 patients with indeterminate soli-
only obtained in 20% of patients with peripheral nodules tary pulmonary nodules (SPN) after CT imaging, 98 of 103
(55). Conventionally, fine-needle biopsy under CT guid- nodules were correctly identified with one false-negative
ance is the next step (31). Needle biopsy detects malig- and four false-positive findings (tuberculosis, anthracosil-
nancy with a sensitivity of more than 95% when an icosis, subacute abscess, and pneumonia scar) (69). Other
adequate sample is obtained, but sampling errors occur published results confirmed these values of sensitivity,
commonly, their frequency depending upon nodule loca- specificity, and negative predictive value. A recent study
tion and size and on operator expertise. Malignancy can analysed the performance of PET in small pulmonary
be excluded only when a specific benign diagnosis can be nodules (68). In 35 patients with nodules 10 mm in diame-
established on histologic examination. The most common
and important complication of needle biopsy is pneu-
mothorax, requiring hospitalization and insertion of a Table 7.3. Large prospective series of 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose-positron emission
chest tube in 5% to 10% of patients (56). This complica- tomography (FDG-PET) in the evaluation of patients with lung nodules or masses.
tion occurs most commonly in patients who also have Author
chronic obstructive airways disease and may cause acute (reference number) Date N Sensitivity Specificity NPV Prevalence
deterioration in lung function in these patients. A Patz (61) 1993 51 100 79 100 65
significant number of benign nodules are eventually re- Duhaylongsod (62) 1995 87 97 82 92 68
sected to obtain a definitive diagnosis (57). Bury (63) 1996 50 100 88 100 66
Gupta (64) 1996 61 91 78 70 74
Sazon (65) 1996 107 100 52 100 77
Accuracy of FDG-PET Imaging in Solitary Lowe (66) 1998 89 98 69 95 67
Pulmonary Nodules Prauer (67) 1998 50 90 83 86 57
Herder (68) 2004 36 93 77 94 39
Characterization of pulmonary nodules as benign or ma-
lignant was the first non-CNS oncologic use of FDG-PET Source: Adapted from Valk PE, Bailey DL, Townsend DW, Maisey MN. Positron
Emission Tomography: Basic Science and Clinical Practice. Springer-Verlag London
to be established (Figure 7.1). The value of the technique Ltd 2003, p. 519.
has now been firmly established, first in small individual
PET and PET/CT Imaging in Lung Cancer 93

ter or less, sensitivity was 93% (13/14), specificity 77% Also regardless of the NPV, patients with negative PET
(17/22), and negative predictive value 94% (see Table 7.3). findings should always be managed by clinical and
A meta-analysis by Gould et al. (70) that included 450 imaging follow-up because some risk of a false-negative
pulmonary nodules indicated mean sensitivity and result remains. In these patients the nodule should be
specificity for detecting malignancy of 93.9% and 85.8%, evaluated at 6- to 12-month intervals for evidence of in-
and median sensitivity and specificity of 98% and 83.3%, crease in size, which would be an indication for interven-
respectively. Results in 1,474 focal pulmonary lesions were tion to establish a histologic diagnosis. A combined
similar, with mean sensitivity and specificity of 96% and clinicoradiologic strategy has been proposed by Rohren et
73.5% and median sensitivity and specificity of 97% and al (21). Nodules are stratified on the basis of thin-section
77.8%, respectively. Wide variations were observed CT and clinical information in benign or indeterminate
between studies, especially in specificity. It has been sug- lesions. Low-risk patients with typical benign nodules
gested that some of these variations may be related to geo- need not be followed. Patients with indeterminate small
graphic variations in the prevalence of granulomatous nodules (less than 8 mm) require CT follow up. Stable
diseases such as histoplasmosis or coccidioidomycosis, nodules are followed up to 2 years at 3- to 6-month inter-
which are more common in North America than in vals. Progressive lesions require further evaluation or
Europe (70). Other potential causes include differences in direct biopsy or excision. Larger (greater than 8 mm) in-
interpretation of PET images, resulting in different diag- determinate lesions in patients with low clinical and radi-
nostic thresholds in different studies. A factor that may ologic likelihood for malignancy may first be studied by
affect sensitivity is difference in study inclusion criteria, dynamic CT. Absence of enhancement practically ex-
because a high prevalence of very small nodules can cludes malignancy, but the presence of enhancement is
reduce measured sensitivity. not specific and requires further testing. PET in that situa-
Gould et al. (71) showed that the maximum accuracy of tion can confirm positivity and provide staging. Patients
FDG-PET was 91.2% for pulmonary lesions of any size with high likelihood of malignancy should be studied by
and 90.0% for pulmonary nodules. Most FDG-PET inter- PET. A negative finding leads to CT follow up while a pos-
preters operate at a threshold favoring sensitivity over itive finding leads to biopsy and/or excision.
specificity to minimize the number of false-negative
results. Semiquantitative image interpretation by means
of SUV determination has failed to improve the accuracy Cost-Effectiveness of FDG-PET in Solitary
over subjective visual reading, but it could be useful for Pulmonary Nodules
standardizing the threshold of positivity among readers
and institutions. The cost-effectiveness of FDG-PET for characterization of
The use of PET/CT helps confirm the exact localization SPN has been assessed by several investigators. These
of the nodule and allows for adjustment of subjective or studies are complex, as they need to take into account the
SUV threshold criteria based on the size of the lesion and prevalence of the disease, the prevailing management
the probability of activity underestimation related to res- strategies in the country of the study, and the cost and ac-
piratory mismatch between the anatomic and functional curacy of alternative diagnostic procedures, as well as the
images (inadequate attenuation correction) (72). final surgical intervention. Decision analysis modeling has
demonstrated the cost-effectiveness of PET in the United
States in patients with low or intermediate prevalence of
Role of FDG-PET in Solitary Pulmonary cancer (75). A watch-and-wait strategy is indicated when
Nodule Management Strategy prevalence is less than 12%, whereas systematic surgery is
more effective in high-prevalence situations (76).
FDG-PET characterization of solitary pulmonary nodules However, in these high-prevalence situations, FDG-PET is
(SPN) may obviate the need for invasive biopsy in many still required for pretreatment staging.
patients (73, 74). Use of FDG-PET for this purpose re- A Japanese modeling study did not find FDG-PET to
quires a high negative predictive value (NPV), which be cost effective in comparison to CT plus medi-
depends on the pretest probability of cancer as much as it astinoscopy using a lung cancer prevalence value of
depends on the sensitivity and specificity of PET. The 71.4%, but PET yielded a life expectancy gain of 7.3
results obtained by Gambhir et al. (75) using decision months (77). In Germany, PET appears to be cost effec-
analysis modeling have shown that only patients with 69% tive if the cost of PET is Eu 1,620 or less; in the Unites
or lower pretest probability of cancer, as determined by States, because of higher costs of surgery and competing
factors such as lesion size, age, and smoking history, diagnostic modalities, cost-effectiveness is maintained
should undergo FDG-PET imaging for nodule diagnosis. up to a higher PET cost (76). The sensitivity of cost-ef-
In patients with a higher pretest probability, the posttest fectiveness to the accuracy of PET has also been
probability of cancer after a negative PET scan exceeds modeled, and the test appears to be robust, as it can
10%, and histologic diagnosis will be needed regardless of sustain a decrease in both sensitivity and specificity up
the PET finding. to 10% and remain cost effective.
94 Positron Emission Tomography

Pretreatment Staging T Staging

A systematic approach to staging and treatment of NSC Anatomic imaging by CT is used to define the extent of
lung cancer based on knowledge of clinical and pathologic the primary tumor and to determine involvement of the
data should enable the oncologist to define the best thera- pleural surfaces and the thoracic wall (20); this may be
peutic strategy adapted to the individual cases, aiming for supplemented by MRI to evaluate the relationship of the
cure or for the best possible palliative result. Definition of tumor to the heart and large vessels (26, 27). FDG-PET
the extent of the disease both locoregionally and at distant alone cannot be used to assess the extent of primary
sites is key to choosing the appropriate therapeutic tumor because of its lower spatial resolution and poor vi-
option. Indeed, several studies have demonstrated a direct sualization of normal structures and anatomic details, but
relationship between tumor staging, in particular, medi- PET/CT now provides that information (Figure 7.2)
astinal staging, and the median-term survival (3). Patients PET/CT has proven useful to define involvement of the
without mediastinal lymph node and distant metastatic thoracic wall as well as to differentiate patients with reac-
involvement should undergo surgical resection, whereas tive or metastatic pleural effusion (78). The interpretation
patients with mediastinal lymph node involvement must remain cautious, however, given the possibility of
require a more-complex strategy, which may include in- patient or respiratory motion between the two images. In
duction chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy and surgery. the study by Lardinois et al. (79), 19 patients were evalu-
Anatomic imaging techniques have been inadequate in ated for chest wall infiltration or mediastinal invasion.
this regard, which is demonstrated by the large difference PET/CT staging was correct in 16 patients and equivocal
in tumor stage as determined preoperatively with conven- in 3 whereas visual correlation was equivocal in 5 and in-
tional techniques and at surgery (3). There is a need for correct in 4; specifically, PET/CT enabled correct
more-sensitive detection of tumor spread to reduce futile definition of chest wall infiltration in 3 patients compared
surgery, but this must be achieved without sacrificing to PET alone or visual PET and CT correlation. Also
specificity of diagnosis. The greatest detrimental effect of PET/CT allowed differentiation of tumor and peritumoral
incorrect staging occurs when a patient with potentially inflammation or atelectasis in 7 patients. Cerfolio et al.
curable tumor is denied resection because of a false-posi- (80) also reported improved evaluation of T status using
tive diagnosis of metastatic disease (77). PET/CT. As described by Schaffler et al. (81), a negative

Figure 7.2. FDG-PET image (a) and

fused PET/CT images [transverse (b);
coronal (c); sagittal (d)] of a patient with
a localized tumor in the right main
b c d bronchus (squamous cell carcinoma).
PET and PET/CT Imaging in Lung Cancer 95

PET/CT indicates a benign lesion in patients with indeter- Table 7.4a. FDG-PET for the evaluation of nodal staging: large series with
minate pleural effusion by CT, whereas positive FDG- independent PET and computed tomography (CT) readings.
PET/CT fusion is sensitive for malignancy.
Analysis per patients:
(reference number) Date N Sensitivity Specificity Prevalence
Local and Regional Nodal Staging Bury (83) 1996 50 90 86 32
Steinert (84) 1997 47 92 97 28
The limitations of anatomic imaging for hilar and medi-
astinal staging have been well documented: the size crite- Vansteenkiste (85) 1997 50 67 97 30
rion of 1 cm that is used as the threshold for diagnosis of Saunders (86) 1999 84 71 97 18
metastatic involvement leads to misdiagnosis of normal- Kerstine (87) 1999 64 70 86 25
sized nodes that are infiltrated by tumor and of nodes Weng (88) 2000 50 73 94 38
which are enlarged as a result of benign pathology. In a Pieterman (89) 2000 102 91 86 31
meta-analysis of mediastinal staging by CT and PET,
Dwamena et al. (82) reported CT sensitivity and
Table 7.4a. FDG-PET for the evaluation of nodal staging: large series with
specificity of 60% and 77%, respectively, with a diagnostic independent PET and CT readings.
accuracy of approximately 65%. Prospective data from the
Analysis per nodal station:
Radiology Diagnostic Oncology Group showed sensitivity
of 52% and specificity of 69% (27). MRI has not been Author
(reference number) Date N Sensitivity Specificity Prevalence
more accurate. Because of these limitations in imaging ac-
curacy, mediastinoscopy has remained the reference tech- Patz (90) 1995 62 83 82 37
nique for mediastinal lymph node staging despite its Sasaki (91) 1996 71 76 98 24
invasiveness and limited sampling capability (33). Steinert (84) 1997 191 89 99 25
Berlangieri (92) 1999 201 80 97 10
Pieterman (89) 2000 516 76 – 07
Accuracy of FDG-PET in Nodal Staging
Source: From Valk PE, Bailey DL, Townsend DW, Maisey MN. Positron Emission
Numerous groups have reported comparisons of FDG- Tomography: Basic Science and Clinical Practice. Springer-Verlag London Ltd 2003,
p. 522.
PET and CT for the assessment of mediastinal metastasis
in NSCLC (Table 7.4a) (83–92). Most results have been re-
ported on a positive/negative basis for the ipsilateral or In their meta-analysis of staging by PET and CT,
contralateral mediastinum without reference to specific Dwamena et al. (82) reviewed 14 PET studies involving
nodal stations (Figures 7.3, 7.4). In the study of 50 patients 514 patients and 29 CT studies with 2,226 patients and cal-
from Bury et al. (83), sensitivity and specificity of PET culated summary receiver operating characteristic (ROC)
were 90% and 86%, respectively. CT and PET were discor- curves. Pooled point estimates of diagnostic performance
dant in 36 cases and PET was correct in 28 of these. In a and the summary ROC curves indicated that PET was
similar evaluation, Pieterman et al. (89) reported sensitiv- significantly more accurate than CT. Mean sensitivity and
ity of 91% for overall mediastinal involvement and 75% specificity were 79% ± 3% and 91% ± 2% for PET and
on an individual lymph node basis; specificity was 86%. 60% ± 2% and 77% ± 2%, respectively, for CT.

Figure 7.3. MIP image (FDG-PET) (a)

and fused PET/CT images [coronal (b)
and transverse (c, d)] of a patient pre-
senting with a right superior lobe lesion
and an ipsilateral lymph node focus (N2;
nodal station 4R). Mediastinoscopy and
a b d
surgery did not confirm the N2 status.
96 Positron Emission Tomography

Figure 7.4. Left lower lobe tumor asso-

ciated with hilar and bilateral media-
stinal lymph nodes (N3 status). The
presence of contralateral nodes was con-
firmed by mediastinoscopy. (a) MIP
FDG/PET image; (b, c) transverse sections
a c of the PET/CT images.

Anatomic–metabolic correlation or fusion of CT and disease, because N1 disease is directly operable and N2
PET images may further improve classification of patients disease is not.
with nodal or mediastinal disease, as demonstrated by PET/CT has proven more effective than the simple con-
several authors (Table 7.4b) (80, 88, 93–96). Image corre- comitant analysis of PET and CT. Using image fusion,
lation is helpful in particular to separate the primary identification of individual lymph node station is rou-
tumor from contiguous lymph nodes, to differentiate hilar tinely possible using the standard analytic scheme rather
lymph nodes from adjacent mediastinal lymph nodes, and than a simplified version such as used, for instance, by
to identify the mediastinal lymph node station involved Pieterman et al. (89). Lardinois et al. (79) have docu-
(97). Most important is the differentiation of N1 from N2 mented correct N stage classification in 88% (35/40) of pa-
tients using PET/CT as compared to 40% using PET alone
Table 7.4b. FDG-PET for the evaluation of nodal staging: large series read together
and 65% using visual correlation of PET and CT. Cerfolio
with CT. et al. (80) also report that PET/CT is better than PET for
Analysis per patient: evaluation of the N status (78% versus 56%).
(reference number) Date N Sensitivity Specificity Prevalence
Valk (93) 1995 76 83 94 32 Role of FDG-PET in Patient Management
Vansteenkiste (95) 1998 68 93 98 41
On the basis of the analysis of published data and results
Weng (88) 2000 50 82 96 38
of decision-analysis modeling, it may seem appropriate to
Analysis per nodal station:
perform tumor resection without further staging evalua-
Author Date N Sensitivity Specificity Prevalence tion when PET findings are negative. The probability of
(reference number)
mediastinal involvement after a negative PET scan is 4%
Vansteenkiste (95) 1998 690 89 99 7
when CT shows normal-sized nodes and 8% when CT
Scott (96) 1996 75 100 98 13 shows nodal enlargement (Table 7.5). Patients with posi-
Aquino (94) tive CT and negative PET do not differ from patients with
PET and CT 2003 130 68 82 concordant negative results, because in this subgroup
PET/CT 130 74 92 with enlarged nodes, PET sensitivity is higher (95%). In
Cerfolio (80) 2004 either case, only a small fraction of patients will be sub-
PET N1 261 53 82 12 jected to tumor resection inappropriately, and most of
PET/CT N1 261 94 89 12 these patients will have only minimal mediastinal involve-
PET N2 728 62 97 27 ment. These patients will then be candidates for chemo-
PET/CT N2 728 69 94 27
and/or radiotherapy postoperatively. This rationale has
been debated by several authors, however, reporting a
Source: Adapted from Valk PE, Bailey DL, Townsend DW, Maisey MN. Positron higher incidence of false-negative mediastinal evaluation
Emission Tomography: Basic Science and Clinical Practice. Springer-Verlag London
Ltd 2003, p. 525.
in patients with central tumors, high SUV uptakes, N1 in-
volvement, or adenocarcinomas (98). In these subgroups,
PET and PET/CT Imaging in Lung Cancer 97

Table 7.5. Mediastinal staging. Staging for Distant Metastasis

PET result by Probability of
CT PET pathology metastasis Management
The presence of systemic metastases indicates that the
patient cannot be cured and is unlikely to achieve a long-
– – TN: 51 4% Surgery term remission. Comprehensive staging procedures for
FN: 2 distant disease at time of diagnosis have been unreward-
– + TP: 10 83% Mediastinoscopy ing because of their low yield in asymptomatic patients.
FP: 2 However, the incidence of distant recurrence after com-
+ – TN: 11 8% Surgery plete resection of the primary tumor is significant (20% or
FN: 1 greater) (16, 106), highlighting the need for improvement
+ + TP: 19 83% Mediastinoscopy in staging procedures. With PET, whole-body imaging is
FP: 4 now routine and is performed in all cancer patients re-
gardless of the specific indication for imaging. Detection
Prevalence and surgical indications of patients with NSCLC grouped according to
of systemic metastases is therefore done efficiently with
PET and CT results. PET true-positive (TP), true-negative (TN), false-positive (FP),
and false-negative (FN) results are calculated based on the PET sensitivity and FDG-PET. Several large studies have shown that PET
specificity figures tabulated by Dietlein et al. (76): sensitivity 79.3% and specificity detects distant metastasis that is unsuspected after con-
96.5% in patients with normal nodes on CT; sensitivity 95.4% and specificity 75.7% ventional staging in 5% to 19% of patients (89, 90, 107,
in patients with enlarged nodes on CT; prevalence of mediastinal metastasis 57.1% 108). PET is also able to rule out metastasis in cases of
with enlarged nodes on CT, 18.5% with normal-sized nodes on CT.
false-positive or indeterminate conventional imaging
Source: From Valk PE, Bailey DL, Townsend DW, Maisey MN. Positron Emission
Tomography: Basic Science and Clinical Practice. Springer-Verlag London Ltd 2003, findings.
p. 529. PET imaging has in particular been found useful for de-
tection of occult or suspected adrenal metastases. The
finding of an adrenal mass by CT is common and occurs
in up to 20% of patients with NSCLC, without necessarily
the indication for mediastinoscopy may persist despite a implying adrenal metastasis. Erasmus et al. (109) studied
negative PET result. On the other hand, the probability of 27 patients with 33 adrenal masses and reported 100%
no mediastinal involvement after a positive PET scan is sensitivity and 80% specificity for adrenal metastasis (23
17% irrespective of CT nodal size, indicating that further patients, true positive). Other studies (69, 110, 111) have
confirmation by mediastinoscopy is needed before man- confirmed the high PET accuracy and negative predictive
agement decisions can be made (see Table 7.5). value. As a result, PET can eliminate the need for system-
Mediastinoscopy should therefore be performed in all pa- atic biopsy of enlarged adrenal glands (Figure 7.5).
tients with positive PET results for mediastinal involve- Occasional false-positive PET finding may be related to
ment; it should be directed primarily at positive nodes medullary or cortical adenomas.
and help not only to differentiate true-positive and false- Lung cancer commonly metastasizes to the skeleton
positive nodes but also to separate patients with minimal (Figures 7.6, 7.7). As the lesions are predominantly oste-
N2 disease (99, 100), amenable to neoadjuvant olytic rather than osteoblastic, FDG-PET has greater sen-
chemotherapy with subsequent surgery, from patients sitivity than 99mTc-diphosphonate skeletal scintigraphy
with more-extensive N2 or N3 disease. The combined and has higher specificity in degenerative, inflammatory,
value of PET and mediastinoscopy for patient manage- and posttraumatic skeletal disease (30, 112). False-posi-
ment is illustrated by the fate of patients with N2 disease. tive PET results have, however, been documented in
Results of direct surgical management of N2 disease are cases of acute skeletal fractures (113). The gain in sensi-
disappointing (100, 101), but it appears that successful in- tivity appears related to the tomographic nature of PET
duction chemotherapy improves the results of subsequent as compared to standard planar skeletal scintigraphy, as
surgery, primarily in patients with limited N2 disease. has been demonstrated by comparison of FDG-PET and
After neoadjuvant therapy, the estimated 5-year survival 18
F-fluoride PET skeletal images with standard 99mTc-dis-
rate was 54% in patients with a complete pathologic re- phophonate images (114). When whole-body FDG-PET
sponse but only 15% in those with persistent disease imaging is performed routinely for staging lung cancer,
(102). As repeated mediastinoscopy for evaluation of in- there is no need to also perform skeletal scintigraphy
duction therapy results is neither feasible nor desirable, (115). PET/CT considerably adds to the value of PET for
the use of FDG-PET may prove valuable for separation of assessing skeletal lesions by displaying the skeletal
responders from nonresponders and selection of patients changes associated with metastasis, trauma, or degenera-
for subsequent surgery. Results of a preliminary pilot tion. CT helps confirm, suggest, or exclude metastasis
study were encouraging (103), but these data have not based on an independent set of criteria and improve
been confirmed by more recent retrospective studies eval- both sensitivity and specificity of detection. In treated
uating the use of PET after induction chemotherapy. PET patients, CT shows the residual morphologic changes
sensitivity was not different from CT (67% and 58%) (104, while metabolic activity may have decreased or disap-
105). Prospective studies are required to clarify this issue. peared.
98 Positron Emission Tomography

Figure 7.5. Parahilar right non-small cell

lung cancer (NSCLC) with mediastinal
lymph node and superior lobe inflamma-
tory involvement. (a) MIP image of the
FDG-PET. PET demonstrates the presence
of a left adrenal metastasis [fused PET/CT
c b images: (b) coronal; (c) transverse].

Figure 7.6. Right superior lobe NSCLC

with multiple hilar, bilateral mediastinal,
and supraclavicular lymph nodes (N3).
(a) MIP image of the FDG-PET; (b) trans-
d verse section of the fused PET/CT images.
Also note the presence of metastatic
costal and femoral bone lesions in
coronal (c) and transverse (d) sections of
a c
the fused PET/CT images.
PET and PET/CT Imaging in Lung Cancer 99

b e

c f

Figure 7.7. Newly diagnosed right

upper lobe NSCLC, with ipsilateral medi-
astinal involvement: (a) MIP image; (b)
CT transverse section; (c) PET transverse
section; (d) fused PET/CT transverse
section. There are also multiple liver
metastases (e–d). a d g

FDG-PET is also effective for detection of hepatic Cost-Effectiveness of FDG-PET in Staging

metastases (see Figure 7.7). The PET finding of hepatic Lung Cancer
metastasis is usually accompanied by abnormality on CT
and ultrasound imaging as well. The advantages of PET The effectiveness of FDG-PET in lung cancer staging
over the other modalities in detection of hepatic metasta- reflects its ability to detect metastases that are not appar-
sis are related to its high specificity and its ability to ent on CT alone and to exclude metastases in benign
resolve abnormalities that remain indeterminate on con- lesions that cannot be differentiated from tumor by CT;
ventional imaging. Hustinx et al. (116) showed in patients this translates into changes in patient management in 19%
with hepatic metastases from a variety of primary tumors to 41% of patients (92, 108, 117, 118). Of particular impor-
that PET was able to confirm or exclude metastasis accu- tance is the exclusion of surgery by demonstration of un-
rately in 20% (13/64) of patients with equivocal conven- suspected distant metastases in 5% to 19% of patients (89,
tional imaging findings. 93, 107, 108). Demonstration of mediastinal metastasis
FDG-PET is also effective for detecting pulmonary may lead to the addition of neoadjuvant chemotherapy to
metastases, but CT has higher resolution and is less af- surgery if the patient is medically fit for these procedures,
fected by respiratory blurring. In the lung, there is high but distant disease is considered a contraindication to
attenuation contrast between a solid lesion and adjacent surgery in all cases, with the probable exception of soli-
air-filled lung and the high resolution of CT can be used to tary cerebral metastasis.
full advantage. Elsewhere in the body, CT contrast The cost-effectiveness of FDG-PET for lung cancer
between lesion and normal tissue is not so high as in the staging was analyzed using modeling by Scott et al. (119)
lungs, so that metabolic PET images provide higher con- and Dietlein et al. (120). Both studies showed PET to be
trast and better lesion detection than anatomic images. In cost effective when used for detection of mediastinal node
the lung, CT can detect lesions of a few millimeters, which involvement after a negative CT scan. They found that
are not detectable by PET alone unless the lesion shows PET detects undiagnosed mediastinal disease in approxi-
very high uptake of FDG. PET/CT makes effective use of mately 20% of cases, leading to a reduction in the number
these properties to identify lung lesions with minimal or of surgical patients. In cases where the CT is positive for
even with no lung uptake. mediastinal node involvement, which represent about a
Cerebral metastases are not optimally visualized on a third of the patients (see Table 7.5), a negative PET scan
whole-body PET survey and require a specific cerebral ac- may be an indication for surgery without prior medi-
quisition. This additional acquisition is probably not war- astinoscopy, whereas in the PET-positive patients medi-
ranted in view of the low incidence of cerebral metastases astinoscopy is still needed. As a result, the savings in the
in the asymptomatic patient and of the superior perfor- CT-positive group will be insignificant compared to the
mance of contrast-enhanced CT or MRI for their detec- added cost of PET. Scott et al. (119), however, did not
tion (34). However, a review by Marom et al. (117) include detection of distant metastasis in their model,
indicated that whole-body FDG-PET alone gave better whereas Dietlein et al. (120) used a metastatic prevalence
results in staging than CT of the thorax, CT of the cere- of 5% only. In fact, a prevalence of 5% to 19% has been re-
brum, and skeletal scintigraphy combined. ported in all clinical studies that have addressed this ques-
100 Positron Emission Tomography

tion (89, 93, 107, 108), which is more in keeping with the (138) studied 60 patients preoperatively. FDG-PET cor-
20% or greater rate of distant recurrence after resection rectly identified supraclavicular N3 or M1 disease in 6 pa-
of tumor in patients with stage I–II disease by conven- tients but was unreliable to define either the extent of the
tional staging (16, 106). primary tumor or the mediastinal nodal status. Another
If a realistically higher value was used in the model for report by Wang et al. (139) suggests reliable use of PET
the prevalence of unsuspected distant metastasis detected for definition of mediastinal nodal status when PET was
by PET only, whole-body PET for staging would probably correlated with anatomical imaging modalities.
be found cost effective in all patients who did not already PET can, therefore, be used to exclude malignancy in
have a diagnosis of distant metastasis. A randomized pleural disease, to evaluate the extent of disease when
study has evaluated the incidence of “futile” surgery in present, and to identify the best site for biopsy when nec-
188 patients who were deemed operable after conven- essary (140).
tional evaluation. The rate of futile surgery in the group
that underwent further staging by PET was 19 of 92 (21%),
compared to 39 of 96 (41%) in the conventional group, FDG-PET for Determination of Prognosis
which represents a reduction of 20%. There was no extra
cost associated with the addition of PET imaging because The prognosis of patients with NSCLC is primarily deter-
of the improved accuracy in staging (121). mined by the stage of the disease. However, other factors
potentially related to the invasiveness and aggressivity of
the tumor or its metabolic activity may also play a role in
Staging Small Cell Lung Cancer defining prognosis. Accordingly, several studies have ex-
amined the relationship between the SUV of the tumor on
PET has also been used in the evaluation of patients with FDG-PET and prognosis after therapy. Three studies have
small cell lung cancer (122–131). Staging in these patients reported an independent prognostic value of FDG uptake
is usually limited to a binary distinction between patients in addition to its impact on tumor staging. Patients with
with limited disease, with tumor confined to one hemitho- SUV values of greater than 7 to 10 had shorter survival
rax, and patients with extensive disease. Accurate staging compared to patients with SUV values below that thresh-
is important because this determines subsequent therapy old (141).
and prognosis (132). Several studies have demonstrated The prognostic value of FDG- PET was also evident
the potential usefulness of FDG-PET as a simplified when patients were re-examined after initial treatment, as
staging tool in small cell lung cancer. Shumacher et al. demonstrated by Hicks et al. (142) and by Patz et al. (143).
(122) showed that FDG-PET detected additional metasta- Patients with persistent or recurrent abnormalities had a
sis resulting in upstaging 29% (7/24) of patients. Kamel et poor prognosis (median survival, 12 months), whereas pa-
al. (125] showed that PET induced changes in manage- tients with a negative PET result had longer survival. Also
ment of 28% (12/42) of patients, including changes in ra- patients with false-negative PET findings and pathologi-
diation therapy (8 patients), cancellation of adjuvant cally proven primary lung cancer at presentation re-
therapy (3 patients), and indication for surgery (1 mained stage I and had a favorable prognosis, with the
patient). In treated patients, the overall survival was lower exception of a few patients with bronchioalveolar cell car-
in patients with PET-positive than in patients with PET- cinoma or carcinoïds (144).
negative results. In addition, the SUV max shows a
significant negative correlation with survival (130).
Use of FDG-PET in Therapy Planning and
Evaluation of Pleural Tumor Involvement Monitoring

FDG-PET imaging has also been proposed for differentia- Assessment of Treatment Effect
tion of malignant from benign pleural disease and for
staging of patients with mesothelioma of the pleura After treatment of the primary tumor, it becomes neces-
(133–136). PET appears to achieve acceptable separation sary to detect residual or recurrent tumor to assess the
of benign and malignant lesions despite the occurrence of results of the therapeutic regimen. In this situation, the
some false-positive cases in patients with inflammatory structural changes produced by radiotherapy and surgery
pleural lesions. In particular, the study is unreliable after further reduce the accuracy of anatomic imaging.
talc pleurodesis (137). In patients with malignant pleural Assessment of persistent or recurrent disease leading to
disease, PET can define the anatomic pattern and extent appropriate management changes is needed if the course
of tumor but cannot distinguish between malignant of the disease is to be altered (142, 145).
mesothelioma, lymphoma, or metastatic carcinoma. It In addition to its use in the selection of patients for
can, however, identify metastatic mediastinal lymph surgery with curative intent, PET is also used for planning
nodes and metastatic lesions at other sites. Flores et al. of radiotherapy with both therapeutic and palliative
PET and PET/CT Imaging in Lung Cancer 101

intent. Several studies have shown the ability of PET to tumors, PET changed the irradiated volume in 41% (5/12)
better define the functional tumor volume and to provide of the patients; decreased volume in 3 and increased
an improved outline of the radiotherapy volume, both for volume in 2 (146). PET is especially useful in patients with
inclusion of all active tumor and for sparing of adjacent postobstructive atelectasis. Nestle et al. (147) reported po-
structures. Standard radiotherapy planning relies primar- tential field reduction in 29% (10/34) of cases.
ily on CT to define the target volume and to separate The treatment plan is also changed in regard to the in-
active tumor from pulmonary tissue. However, CT volvement of lymph nodes (148). The impact of PET/CT
notably lacks criteria for distinguishing cancer from ab- coregistration was evaluated by Mah et al. (149).
normal lung tissue such as postobstructive atelectasis or Radiotherapy intent and target volume were changed in
consolidation or from normal or inflammatory lymph 23% (7/30) and 22% (5/30) of patients, respectively. PET
nodes. This limitation can result in inappropriate radia- also was able to reduce the radiation dose to the spinal
tion dose administration with insufficient dose to the cord.
tumor or excessive irradiation of normal tissues. PET After surgery or radiotherapy, PET provides a sensitive
allows modification of the radiation field by increasing ef- means of differentiating scar from residual or recurrent
fective targeting and reducing toxicity. For instance, Hicks tumor (Figures 7.8, 7.9). In a study by Bury et al. (145),
et al. (17) demonstrated changes in radiation treatment PET was more sensitive and equally specific compared to
volumes in 25% of 153 patients with newly diagnosed other modalities for detection of residual disease or recur-
NSCLC. The accuracy of PET in staging was confirmed in rence both after surgery and after radiotherapy. Hicks et
88% of those patients where this could be evaluated, and al. (142) evaluated 63 patients with suspected relapse
PET resulted in significant changes in patient manage- more than 6 months after definitive treatment of NSCLC
ment and outcome. In patients with poorly demarcated and found that PET and conventional evaluation differed
in 68% (43/63) of cases. PET was correct in 91% of these
and induced major changes in diagnosis in 59% of cases.
A review by Erasmus and Patz (150) indicated a high diag-
nostic accuracy for detection of recurrence (78%–98%),
provided there was a delay between treatment and PET
imaging of 2 months after surgery and of 4 to 6 months
after radiotherapy.

Figure 7.9. Patient treated by surgery and radiotherapy for a right apical non-small
Figure 7.8. Non-small cell lung carcinoma of the left inferior lobe treated by surgery in cell lung carcinoma. (a) CT demonstrates a recurrent nodule of the left apex. PET per-
2000. Mediastinal recurrence treated by chemotherapy and radiotherapy in May 2002. formed to assess the nature and extent of the nodule, and the status of the previous
PET in March 2003 demonstrates a local recurrence in an area of posttherapeutic scar. lesion, demonstrates a synchronous tumor in the upper oesophagus (b: fused PET/CT
(a) Transverse CT section; (b) fused PET/CT image. transverse section). No significant disease is present in the radiotherapy field.
102 Positron Emission Tomography

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PET and PET/CT Imaging in Head and Neck Cancer
Val J. Lowe, Brendan C. Stack, Jr., and Trond V. Bogsrud

Cancer in the head and neck region comprises a heteroge- particularly high incidence of oral cavity tumors on the
neous group of tumors with a multitude of histologies. In Indian subcontinent and adjacent regions, thought to be
this chapter we are considering tumors in the head and caused by dietary preference for highly spiced foods and
neck region limited to tumors arising from the mucosal the cultural acceptance of betel nut chewing. There is a
lining of the aerodigestive tract and the salivary glands. high incidence of nasopharyngeal carcinoma in Southeast
Other tumors in the head and neck region such as thyroid Asia, presumed to result in part from high rates of EBV
cancer, lymphoma, sarcomas, CNS tumors, and malignant exposure and infection.
melanoma are discussed in other chapters. The prognosis for most subsites and stages of HNSCC
Head and neck cancer represents approximately 3% of has remained unchanged over the past 40 years. Organ-
all malignancies diagnosed annually in the United States. sparing techniques utilizing chemotherapy and radiation
More than 90% of these tumors have squamous cell have gained increased acceptance as therapeutic ap-
pathology. Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma proaches and are considered to be comparable secondary
(HNSCC) is typically seen in males between their fifth and alternatives to surgery with postoperative radiotherapy
seventh decades of life. An increasing number of women for most subsites. An exception to this is carcinoma of the
and younger men have presented with HNSCC in recent larynx, where an organ-sparing approach is preferred as
years. There is a wide variation in the incidence of head first-line therapy at most cancer centers (2–4). Taxane de-
and neck cancer among different geographic regions. In rivatives may, in combination with platinum-based
parts of central Asia, for example, head and neck cancer is therapy, offer improvement in the organ-sparing treat-
the most common neoplasm (1). ment approach. Other treatments that have recently
The major risk factors for HNSCC are classically re- gained prominence are concomitant chemotherapy and
ported as prolonged tobacco and ethanol abuse. Both sub- radiation (chemoradiation), intraarterial chemotherapy,
stances are independent risk factors and, when combined, reirradiation, implant irradiation (brachytherapy), stereo-
act synergistically to increase risk for the disease. Tobacco tactic radiosurgery, and photodynamic therapy with pho-
is a risk factor whether it is ignited, inhaled, or masti- tosensitizers. Antibody-directed therapy toward the
cated. There is a greater risk of HNSCC of the oral cavity epithelial growth factor receptor (EGFR) shows promise
with masticatory tobacco use, compared to its inhaled as an adjuvant biotherapy. Advanced reconstructive tech-
counterpart. Other proposed risk factors are numerous niques, including microvascular free tissue reconstruc-
and include betel nut chewing, human papilloma virus in- tion, have not changed survival of patients with HNSCC,
fection, Epstein–Barr virus (EBV) infection, gastroe- but have improved the quality of postoperative life for
sophageal reflux disease, marijuana use, chronic and these patients treated by large ablative surgeries (5).
excessive use of mouthwash containing alcohol, and poor
dental hygiene. Recent increase in incidence in women
and younger men may be caused by to an increase in
smoking among women, increased teenage smoking, in- Anatomy
creased use of marijuana by young people during the past
three decades, or other unidentified genetic or environ- It is important that the interpreting physician reporting
mental risks. the findings of a positron emission tomography (PET) or
The geographic distribution of HNSCC is universal. a combined PET/computed tomography (CT) study know
There are, however, geographic patterns that are peculiar the complex head and neck anatomy and be familiar with
to particular subsites of the head and neck (1). There is a the major anatomic sites and subsites. The nomenclature
108 Positron Emission Tomography

Table 8.1. Classification of cervical lymph nodes into anatomic subsites and levels
as recommended by American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC), the Union
International Contre le Cancer (UICC), and the American Academy of
Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery (AAO-HNS).

Level Lymph nodes Radiologic landmarks

I Submental Above hyoid bone, anterior to posterior edge of

Submandibular submandibular gland, superficial to mylohyoid
muscle, between the anterior and posterior belly
of the digastric muscle.
II Upper jugular Extending from the base of the skull to the inferior
aspect of the hyoid bone (level II as long as you
can see hyoid bone), between the posterior edge
of the submandibular gland and the posterior
border of sternocleidomastoid muscle.
III Midjugular Extending from just below the hyoid bone to the
inferior aspect of the cricoid cartilage, between
the posterior border of sternocleidomastoid
muscle and the sternohyoid muscles.
IV Lower jugular Extending from below cricoid cartilage to the
clavicle, between posterior border of
sternocleidomastoid muscle and posterior to
sternohyoid muscle.a
Figure 8.1. Anatomic sites and subsites of the head and neck. (1) Nasal cavity. (2) Oral V Posterior triangle Extending from base of skull to clavicle, between
cavity. (3a) Nasopharynx. (3b) Oropharynx. (3c) Hypopharynx (laryngopharynx). (4) anterior border of trapezius and posterior border
Larynx. of sternocleidomastoid muscle.
VI Central Extending from the hyoid bone to the suprasternal
familiar to the head and neck surgeons should be used in compartment notch, between the medial border of the carotid
(prelaryngeal sheet/anterior border of sternohyoid muscle.
the reports. Head and neck primary tumors are anatomi-
or Delphian,
cally divided into in four major groups or levels based on pretracheal
anatomic sites (5–7). Each anatomic major site has a and paratracheal
number of subsites. The four major sites and their sub- nodes)
sites are shown in Figure 8.1): Supraclavi- Supraclavicular At or caudal to the clavicle, above and medial to
cular the ribs lateral to the lower jugular chain.
1. Nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses.
Sternohyoid muscle origin from manubrium of sternum and medial end of clavicle
2. Lip and oral cavity including the tongue anterior to the and inserts at the body of the hyoid bone.
circumvalate papillae: mucosal lip (from the vermilion Source: Used with the permission of the American Joint Committee on Cancer
boarder of the lip), buccal mucosa, upper and lower (AJCC), Chicago, Illinois. The original source for this material is the AJCC Cancer
alveolar ridges, retromolar gingiva, floor of the mouth, Staging Manual, Sixth Edition (2002), published by Springer-Verlag New York,
hard palate, oral tongue (tongue anterior to the cir- www.springeronline.com.
cumvalate papillae).
3. Pharynx: Nasopharynx, parapharyngeal sites, orophar-
ynx (soft palate including uvula, tonsils, base of (AAO-HNS), the lymph nodes are classified into specific
tongue, pharyngeal walls), hypopharynx or laryn- groups based on anatomic location (Table 8.1, Figure 8.2)
gopharynx (pyriform sinus, postcricoid area, posterior (6–8).
hypopharyngeal wall).
4. Larynx: Supraglottic (suprahyoid epiglottis with both
lingual and laryngeal epiglottic surfaces, aryepiglottic PET Imaging Technique in Head and
folds, arytenoid cartilages, the false vocal cords and the
ventricles), glottis (the true vocal cords and the ante-
Neck Cancer
rior and posterior commissures), and subglottis (from
PET imaging of head and neck cancer depends on the in-
below the true vocal cords to the inferior margin of the
creased glucose metabolism of neoplasms, which was first
described in the 1930s (9). Most PET imaging in head and
The status of the regional lymph nodes in head and neck cancer has been performed with 18F-2-deoxy-D-
neck cancer has great prognostic importance and must be glucose (FDG), which takes advantage of the increased
assessed in detail in each patient (5–7). According to the anaerobic glucose metabolism of these malignancies.
American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC), the Union Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) primary tumors as well
International Contre le Cancer (UICC), and the American as metastases of the head and neck, lung, and esophagus
Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery demonstrate especially avid FDG uptake. Other PET
PET and PET/CT Imaging in Head and Neck Cancer 109

sion scans should be performed at least 60 min after the

intravenous administration of FDG. Improved target-to-
background ratios can be obtained by waiting longer,
and if patients can wait longer than 60 min without
discomfort, there may be an advantage in waiting up
to 90 min or more to perform the emission imaging
Imaging should include at least the regions extending
from the maxillary sinuses to the upper abdomen.
Emission images should be corrected for attenuation
using measured attenuation correction when performing
head and neck imaging. The acute curvatures around the
mouth, nose, mandible, and neck result in severe edge ar-
tifacts in non-attenuation-corrected PET images and
therefore should not be used in diagnosis. Neck lymph
nodes can lie near the skin surface, and edge artifacts re-
sulting from noncorrected imaging can hamper their
identification. The anatomic relationships of the airways
and bony structures to the soft tissue can also be more re-
liably assessed when an attenuation map is available for
comparison to the corrected emission image. However,
Figure 8.2. Schematic diagram of the anatomic levels of cervical lymph nodes (see
combined PET/CT or PET fused with diagnostic CT is
Table 9.2). [Adapted. Used with the permission of the American Joint Committee on
Cancer (AJCC), Chicago, Illinois. The original source for this material is the AJCC Cancer optimal, and this combination results in improved
Staging Manual, Sixth Edition (2002) published by Springer-Verlag New York, specificity and is more accurate than PET alone (23).
www.springeronline.com.] Utilization of semiquantitative data analysis with stan-
dardized uptake value (SUV) calculation may also be
helpful in identifying abnormal uptake, and this can only
tracers such as 11C-methionine, 11C-thymidine, and 18F-L- be performed when attenuation correction is used.
thymidine (FLT) have also been used to evaluate head and Imaging of distant body regions should also be included
neck neoplasms but to a lesser extent. These tracers to exclude distant metastatic disease.
depend on abnormalities in protein or nucleic acid syn-
thesis in tumor cells (10–15).
FDG imaging is performed in the fasting state (4 h or
more since last meal) to reduce blood sugar and insulin
level to minimize FDG uptake in skeletal and cardiac
Normal FDG Uptake, Variants, and
muscle. The patients can be encouraged to have a high- Pitfalls
protein/restricted-carbohydrate meal the evening before
the study. Tube feeding is stopped 6 h and nutritional Interpretation of PET images of the head and neck region
supplementation stopped 8 h before injection of FDG. In presents particular challenges. The region shows substan-
poorly controlled diabetic patients, high muscle uptake tial variations in normal uptake that can present
can present diagnostic problems and FDG accumulation difficulties in the identification of pathology (Figure 8.1).
in tumors can be decreased. Torizuka et al. (16) showed Uptake in the abundant lymphoid tissue in the pharynx,
that FDG uptake of untreated primary lung tumors was forming the Waldeyer’s ring (pharyngeal tonsil, palatine
significantly reduced in diabetic patients with hyper- tonsils, lingual tonsillar tissue and lymphoid tissue along
glycemia, as compared to nondiabetic patients with nor- salpingopharyngeal folds), is easily recognized. Some
moglycemia. In addition, tumor/blood and tumor/muscle asymmetry of the pharyngeal and palatine tonsils is not
uptake ratios were significantly decreased. Blood glucose uncommon; however, especially when looking for a SCC
level should be checked before FDG injection and patients with an unknown primary, an asymmetry should be noted
with whole blood values (plasma = whole blood × 1.12) as a possible site for the primary malignancy. A “V”-
greater than 150 to 200 dL/mg (8.3–11.1 mmol/L) should shaped high-uptake area in the floor of the mouth along
be rescheduled for imaging when their blood glucose the medial borders of the mandible is most likely the sub-
value is under control. Diabetic patients should take their lingual glands; however, uptake in the mylohyoid muscle
diabetic control medication and have a morning meal at is another possibility. The sublingual gland is a predomi-
least 4 h before their appointment time. nant mucous gland, which may explain the consistently
Tumor uptake of FDG continues to increase even up much higher uptake compared to the parotid (serous
to 2.5 h after injection, so that standardizing the delay gland) and submandibular glands (mixed serous and
between injection and imaging is important. FDG emis- mucous) (24).
110 Positron Emission Tomography

Figure 8.3. Transaxial fused PET/CT

(right column) and PET (left column) of
the neck at the level of glottis showing
physiologic high uptake of the internal
laryngeal muscles.

Intense uptake of the orbital muscles is common. With uptake phase is important. Also, some have advocated the
a high-resolution system, the individual eye muscles may use of a benzodiazepine drug to suppress muscle uptake.
be identified. On occasion, other muscle uptake can also This step appears to be effective but deserves a note of
be seen, most commonly including the sternocleidomas- caution because head and neck cancer patients may have
toid muscles, longus capitis, and longus colli. Scalene existing compromise of the airway. Attention to the posi-
muscle uptake is often seen after neck dissection where tion of the head during the uptake phase is of prime im-
the sternocleidomastoid muscle has been removed. portance. Experimenting with chair design and pillow
Uptake in the intrinsic laryngeal musculature is a placement to ensure slight head flexion and complete
common finding and may be rather intense if the patient head relaxation is necessary to avoid unnecessary muscle
was talking during uptake of FDG. The typical finding is a uptake interference. Also, with three-dimensional (3D)
symmetrical high uptake at the muscle origin and inser- surface projections of PET images and careful examina-
tion of the arytenoid cartilage and some less-intense tion of all three orthogonal views, most muscle uptake can
uptake along the course of the thyroarytenoid and vocalis be differentiated from disease by its anatomic pattern of
muscle (Figure 8.3). Especially after unilateral surgery and distribution. PET/CT or PET fused with a diagnostic CT is
radiation therapy, the cervical muscle uptake may be re- of great help to differentiate between physiologic muscle
markably asymmetrical. The lower neck images some- uptake and pathologic uptake in tumor or metastatic
times demonstrate uptake only at the origin of the neck lymph nodes; this should not, however, replace appropri-
muscles, which can be confused with bilateral supraclavic- ate patient preparation. If no combined PET/CT or a
ular lymph node disease. The muscle uptake is, however, program for fusion of diagnostic CT and PET is available,
usually symmetrical and linear, and palpation demon- CT and/or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) images
strates no nodes of sufficient size to account the amount should be present for side-by-side comparison.
of uptake seen on the scan. More rarely, temporalis, ptery- The cervical and upper thoracic spinal cord frequently
goid, masseter, or other head and neck muscles accumu- shows mild uptake, gradually decreasing in caudal direc-
late tracer, sometimes depending on specific use by the tion. Brown fat uptake is typically patchy, symmetrical,
patient, so that obtaining a history of physical activity or and may be very intense (Figure 8.4). Brown fat uptake is
intense chewing may be helpful. Taking steps to reduce or commonly located in the neck, supraclavicular, suboccipi-
eliminate muscle uptake can be crucial to correct image tal, and paraspinal regions in the neck and chest and may
interpretation. Ensuring that the patient is not chewing also be located on scattered areas perivascular in the me-
gum, chewing tobacco, reading, or talking during the diastinum. Brown fat, hypermetabolic tumor, and
PET and PET/CT Imaging in Head and Neck Cancer 111

metastatic lymph nodes may coexist, and a differentiation warm to prevent muscle uptake as much as possible (Figure
may be difficult without PET/CT. Repeat imaging, making 8.4). Benzodiazepine can be used as an extra measure to
sure that the patient is warm and comfortable during in- reduce fat uptake for repeated scans when necessary.
jection and uptake, may be needed to resolve the issue. Degenerative joint disease in the cervical spine is very
We typically use warm blankets and keep uptake rooms common and must not be mistaken for hypermetabolic

Figure 8.4. Brown fat uptake of a

patient. (a) Coronal fused PET/CT
showing extensive distribution of hyper-
metabolic brown fat. (b) Coronal PET
with hypermetabolic brown fat com-
pared with repeat study (c) when the
patient was warmed 12 h before and
comfortable during injection and uptake.
(d) Left row, PET (cranial to caudal);
middle column, CT; right column, fused
112 Positron Emission Tomography

a c

b d

Figure 8.5. (a) Transaxial CT (top) and

fused PET (bottom) show intense hyper-
metabolic foci in right cervical inter-
vertebral joint. A slight misalignment
between PET and CT is common. (b) The
bony changes corresponding to the
hypermetabolic foci is seen on CT a slice
lower than on the fused images (c, d).

lymph nodes (Figure 8.5). Again, PET/CT or fusion of PET with malignant primary or secondary thyroid cancer in as
and a diagnostic CT is very useful. Degenerative joint many as 47% of the cases (25–27).
disease uptake can be bilateral and asymmetrical, and
FDG uptake may be very intense,
Maxillary sinusitis is common. Increased uptake along Staging Head and Neck Cancer
the bony lining of the sinus is a typical finding consistent
with inflammatory sinusitis (Figure 8.6). Diffuse thyroid Accurate anatomic staging is the single most important
uptake is consistent with chronic thyroiditis and may be factor in patient assessment, treatment planning, and de-
very intense in Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. A hypermetabolic termination of prognosis (5, 28, 29). Standardized disease
nodule in the thyroid gland as an incidental finding classification facilitates the exchange of clinical informa-
occurs in about 1% of oncologic patients and is associated tion and research results among different treatment

Figure 8.6. Typical finding on FDG-PET

of maxillary sinusitis (left) and recurrent
maxillary squamous cell carcinoma
(SCC) (on CT changes from surgery and
PET and PET/CT Imaging in Head and Neck Cancer 113

centers and scientists. In general, staging groups from 0 Table 8.2.4. T classification of hypopharynx cancer.
to IV are used. Carcinoma in situ is categorized as 0,
whereas a patient with advanced local disease and/or with T1 Tumor limited to one subsite of hypopharynx and 2 cm or less
in greatest dimension
distant metastases is categorized as stage IV. Staging is
T2 Tumor invades more than one subsite of hypopharynx or an
based on the anatomic TNM classification. The TNM
adjacent site, or measures more than 2 cm but not more than
classification of a tumor describes the anatomic extent of 4 cm in greatest diameter without fixation of hemilarynx
the disease based on clinical information including T3 Tumor more than 4 cm in greatest dimension or with fixation of
imaging and biopsies if available. The TNM classification hemilarynx
and group staging for head and neck cancers are listed in T4a Tumor invades thyroid/cricoid cartilage, hyoid bone, thyroid
Table 8.2. When the classification is based on additional gland, esophagus, or central compartment soft tissuea
information from pathologic examination (e.g., after T4b Tumor invades prevertebral fascia, encases carotid artery, or
surgery), the prefix “p” is used (e.g., pTNM) (5, 6). The involves mediastinal structures
current classification and staging guidelines in use for a
Central compartment soft tissue includes prelaryngeal strap muscles and
HNSCC are defined in the 2002 manual of the American subcutaneous fat.

Table 8.2. TNM classification and group staging for head and neck cancers. Table 8.2.5. T classification of laryngeal supraglottic cancer.
Table 8.2.1. T classification of lip and oral carcinomas. T1 Tumor limited to one subsite of supraglottic with normal vocal
cord mobility
T1 Tumor 2 cm or less in greatest dimension
T2 Tumor invades mucosa of more than one adjacent subsite of
T2 Tumor more than 2 cm but not more than 4 cm in greatest
supraglottic or glottis or region outside the supraglottic (e.g.,
mucus of base of tongue, vallecula, medial wall of pyriform
T3 Tumor more than 4 cm in greatest dimension sinus) without fixation of the larynx
T4 (lip) Tumor invades through cortical bone, inferior alveolar nerve, T3 Tumor limited to larynx with vocal cord fixation and/or invades
floor of mouth, or skin of face, i.e., chin or nose any of the following: postcricoid area, pre-epiglottic tissues,
T4a (oral cavity) Tumor invades adjacent structures (e.g., through cortical bone, paraglottic space, and/or minor thyroid cartilage erosions (e.g.,
into deep [extrinsic] muscle of tongue [genioglossus, inner cortex)
hyoglossus, hyoglossus, palatoglossus, and styloglossus], T4a Tumor invades through the thyroid cartilage and/or invades
maxillary sinus, skin of face) tissues beyond the larynx (e.g., trachea, soft tissues of neck
T4b (oral cavity) Tumor invades masticator space, pterygoid plates, or skull base including deep extrinsic muscle of the tongue, strap muscles,
and/or encases carotid artery thyroid, or esophagus)
T4b Tumor invades prevertebral space, encases carotid artery, or
invades mediastinal structures
Table 8.2.2. T classification of nasopharynx cancer.

T1 Tumor confined to the nasopharynx

Table 8.2.6. T classification of laryngeal glottic cancer.
T2 Tumor extends to soft tissues
T1 Tumor limited to the vocal cord(s) (may involve anterior or
T2a Tumor extends to the oropharynx and/or nasal cavity without
posterior commissures) with normal mobility
parapharyngeal extensiona
T1a Tumor limited to one vocal cord
T2b Any tumor with parapharyngeal extensiona
T1b Tumor involves both vocal cords
T3 Tumor involves bony structures and/or paranasal sinuses
T2 Tumor extends to supraglottic and/or subglottis, and/or with
T4 Tumor with intracranial extension and/or involvement of
impaired vocal cord mobility
cranial nerves, infratemporal fossa, hypopharynx, orbit, or
masticator space T3 Tumor limited to larynx with vocal cord fixation and/or invades
paraglottic space, and or minor thyroid cartilage erosions (e.g.,
Parapharyngeal extension denotes posterolateral infiltration of tumor beyond the inner cortex)
pharyngobasilar fascia.
T4a Tumor invades through the thyroid cartilage and/or invades
tissues beyond the larynx (e.g., trachea, soft tissues of neck
including deep extrinsic muscle of the tongue, strap muscles,
Table 8.2.3. T classification of oropharynx cancer. thyroid, or esophagus)

T1 Tumor 2 cm or less in greatest dimension T4b Tumor invades prevertebral space, encases carotid artery, or
invades mediastinal structures
T2 Tumor more than 2 cm but no more than 4 cm in greatest
T3 Tumor more than 4 cm in greatest dimension
T4a Tumor invades the larynx, deep/extrinsic muscle of tongue,
medial pterygoid, hard palate, or mandible
Joint Committee on Cancer (5, 6). Staging involves an ac-
T4b Tumor invades lateral pterygoid muscle, pterygoid curate assessment of the anatomic extent of the primary
plates;lateral nasopharynx, or skull base or encases carotid
tumor (T classification), regional lymphatic metastases (N
classification), and distant metastases (M classification)
114 Positron Emission Tomography

Table 8.2.7. T classification of laryngeal subglottic cancer. Table 8.2.11. The nodal classification for all head and neck cancers, except
T1 Tumor limited to the subglottis
T2 Tumor extends to vocal cord(s) with normal or impaired vocal NX Regional lymph nodes cannot be assessed
cord mobility N0 No regional lymph node metastasis
T3 Tumor limited to larynx with vocal cord fixation N1 Metastasis in a single ipsilateral lymph node, 3 cm or less in
T4a Tumor invades cricoid or thyroid cartilage and/or invades greatest dimension
tissues beyond the larynx (e.g., trachea, soft tissues of neck N2 Metastasis in a single ipsilateral lymph node, more than 3 cm
including deep extrinsic muscle of the tongue, strap muscles, but not more than 6 cm in greatest dimension; or in multiple
thyroid, or esophagus) ipsilateral lymph nodes, none more than 6 cm in greatest
T4b Tumor invades prevertebral space, encases carotid artery, or dimension; or in bilateral or contralateral lymph nodes, none
invades mediastinal structures more than 6 cm in greatest dimension
N2a Metastasis in a single ipsilateral lymph node, more than 3 cm
but not more than 6 cm in greatest dimension
Table 8.2.8. T classification of maxillary sinus. N2b Metastasis in multiple ipsilateral lymph node, none more than
T1 Tumor limited to maxillary sinus with no erosion or destruction 6 cm in greatest dimension
of bone N2c Metastasis in bilateral or contralateral lymph node, none more
T2 Tumor causing bone erosion or destruction including extension than 6 cm in greatest dimension
into the hard palate and/or middle nasal meatus, except N3 Metastasis in a lymph node more than 6 cm in greatest
extension to posterior wall of maxillary sinus and pterygoid dimension
T3 Tumor invades any of the following: bone of the posterior wall
Table 8.2.12. The nodal classification of nasopharynx cancer.
of maxillary sinus, subcutaneous tissues, floor or medial wall of
orbit, pterygoid fossa, ethmoid sinuses NX Regional lymph nodes cannot be assessed
T4a Tumor invades anterior orbital contents, skin of cheek, N0 No regional lymph node metastasis
pterygoid plates, infratemporal fossa, cribriform plate,
N1 Unilateral metastasis in a lymph node(s), 6 cm or less in
sphenoid or frontal sinuses
greatest dimension, above the supraclavicular fossa*
T4b Tumor invades any of the following: orbital apex, dura, brain,
N2 Bilateral metastasis in lymph node(s), 6 cm or less in greatest
middle cranial fossa, cranial nerves other than V2, nasopharynx,
or clivus
N3 Metastasis in a lymph node(s), greater than 6 cm and/or to
supraclavicular fossa
Table 8.2.9. T classification of nasal cavity and ethmoid sinus. N3a Greater than 6 cm in dimension
T1 Tumor restricted to any one subsite, with or without bony N2b Extension to the supraclavicular fossa
invasion *Note: Midline nodes are considered ipsilateral nodes.
T2 Tumor invading two subsites in a single region or extending to
involve an adjacent region within the nasoethmoidal complex,
with or without bony invasion Table 8.2.13. Distant metastasis (M) for all head and neck cancers.
T3 Tumor extends to invade the medial wall or floor of the orbit, MX Distant metastasis cannot be assessed
maxillary sinus, palate, or cribriform plate
M0 No distant metastasis
T4a Tumor invades any of the following: anterior orbital contents,
M1 Distant metastasis
skin of nose or cheek, minimal extension to anterior cranial
fossa, pterygoid plates, sphenoid or frontal sinuses
T4b Tumor invades any of the following: orbital apex, dura, brain, Table 8.2.14. Stage grouping of all head and neck cancers, except nasopharynx.
middle cranial fossa, cranial nerves other than V2, nasopharynx,
or clivus Stage 0 Tis N0 M0
Stage I T1 N0 M0
Stage II T2 N0 M0
Table 8.2.10. T classification of nasal cavity and ethmoid sinus.
Stage III T3 N0 M0
T1 Tumor 2 cm or less in greatest dimension without T1 N1 M0
extraparenchymal extension*
T2 N1 M0
T2 Tumor more than 2 cm but no more than 4 cm in greatest
dimensions without extraparenchymal extension* T3 N1 M0

T3 Tumor more than 4 cm and/or having extraparenchymal Stage IVA T4a N0 M0

extension* T4a N1 M0
T4a Tumor invades skin, mandible ear canal, and/or facial nerve T1 N2 M0
T4b Tumor invades skull base and/or pterygoid plates and/or T2 N2 M0
encase carotid artery T3 N2 M0
*Note: Extraparenchymal extension is clinical or macroscopic evidence of invasion T4a N2 M0
of soft tissues. Microscopic evidence alone does not constitute extraparenchymal Stage IVB T4b Any N M0
extension for classification purposes.
Any T N3 M0
PET and PET/CT Imaging in Head and Neck Cancer 115

Table 8.2.15. Stage grouping of nasopharynx cancer.

metastasis are in the lungs, whereas bone, liver, and brain
metastases occur less often. Mediastinal lymph node
Stage 0 Tis N0 M0 metastasis is classified as distant metastasis. Nodal (N)
Stage I T1 N0 M0 classification for all head and neck cancers is uniform
Stage IIA T2a N0 M0 except for nasopharynx cancer. The distribution and the
Stage IIB T1 N1 M0 prognostic impact of regional lymph node spread from
T2 N1 M0 nasopharynx cancer, particularly of the undifferentiated
T2a N1 M0 type, are different from those of other head and neck
T2b N0 M0 mucosal cancers and justify use of a different N
T2b N1 M0 classification. The group staging for all head and neck
Stage III T1 N2 M0
cancers is also uniform, again except for nasopharynx
cancer: stage IVA is advanced resectable cancer, stage IVB
T2a N2 M0
is advanced unresectable, and stage IVC is advanced with
T2b N2 M0
distant metastases. The initial staging is based on all in-
T3 N0 M0
formation available before treatment, including physical
T3 N1 M0 examination, diagnostic imaging [CT, MRI, ultrasound
T3 N2 M0 (US), nuclear medicine procedures including PET], fine-
Stage IVA T4 N0 M0 needle aspiration (FNA) biopsy, and result of surgical ex-
T4 N1 M0 ploration if performed. The staging is important for
T4 N2 M0 selection of appropriate treatment and follow-up strategies
Stage IVB Any T N3 M0 and to facilitate the exchange of information between clini-
Stage IVC Any T Any N M1 cians and scientists. The likelihood of local and regional
spread varies with the site of the primary tumor and this
Source: The data presented in Table 8.2 are used with permission of the American
Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC), Chicago, IL. From Greene FL, Page DL, Fleming
must be appreciated when evaluating HNSCC patients. In
ID, Fritz AG, Balch CM, Haller DG, Morrow M, editors. AJCC Cancer Staging additional to staging, a tumor will have a histologic grade.
Handbook, Sixth Edition. New York: Springer-Verlag 2002:27–87. SCC are graded by histologic into well-differentiated
(Grade I), moderately well differentiated (Grade II), or
poorly differentiated to undifferentiated (Grade III) based
(Figure 8.7). For all head and neck cancers, TX is defined on the amount of keratinization (5, 6).
as primary tumor cannot be assessed; T0, no evidence of Evaluation of the patient begins at the first consultation
primary tumor; Tis, carcinoma in situ; MX, distant metas- with a physical examination, which includes direct visual-
tasis cannot be assessed; M0, no distant metastasis; and ization of the primary tumor, either through the mouth or
M1, distant metastasis. The most common sites for distant nose or by using outpatient endoscopy. Next, the neck is

a b c
Figure 8.7. Eighty-five-year-old man
with stage IVC SCC left tonsillar cancer.
(a) Intense uptake in the primary tumor
and in an upper posterior triangle
metastatic lymph node (level V). (b)
Intense uptake in the large primary
tumor and in a conglomerate of upper
jugular nodes metastasis (level II). (c)
Intense uptake in a conglomerate of
midjugular (between os hyoid and
cricoid cartilage) (level III) and supraclav-
icular metastatic lymph nodes (neck
flexed). (d) Hypermetabolic precarinal d e
lymph node and (e) osseous metastasis
in the right iliac bone.
116 Positron Emission Tomography

palpated to determine the presence of cervical lymph lymph nodes, and US-guided fine-needle biopsy (FNAB)
node enlargement. Lymph nodes less than 1 cm in diame- is shown to be superior to palpation-guided FNAB (30,
ter cannot be reliably appreciated on physical examina- 31). PET is a standard approach in many centers.
tion. Body habitus, such as obesity or short neck, may Distant metastases are unusual in a patient presenting
make this assessment more difficult. Next, a histologic di- with HNSCC, but hematogenous metastases are found in
agnosis must be obtained by direct biopsy of the tumor 20% to 40% during the course of the disease; this is an in-
(often by use of endoscopy under general anesthesia), by creasingly occurring phenomenon in the organ-sparing
needle biopsy of a neck mass, and/or the tumor must be chemoradiation treatment era for HNSCC. The majority of
assessed by anatomic imaging, particularly if it is not the patients with distant metastases also have uncontrolled
visible, palpable, or accessible to biopsy (5). regional disease in the neck. The most common site for
The most commonly used imaging modality for distant metastasis is the lungs, mediastinum, bone, and
HNSCC is CT with intravenous injection of iodinated con- liver (Figure 8.7). Mediastinal lymph node metastases are
trast material. MRI is being increasingly used (30). MRI is considered distant metastases (5, 6). Standard assessment
better in differentiating soft tissues, but longer imaging includes CT of the chest and abdomen.
time results in imaging artifacts from patient motion (e.g., Primary tumor at a second site, either synchronous or
swallowing and breathing). Metal artifacts are a lesser metachronous, is not an unusual finding in HNSCC
problem with MRI than with CT. Lymph nodes more than (Figure 8.8). Synchronous tumors are defined as tumors
1 cm in diameter (1.5 cm for jugulodigastric nodes) or that are diagnosed within 6 months of each other, and
showing central necrosis are considered abnormal and metachronous tumors are tumors that are diagnosed with
suspicious for metastasis. The shortcoming to this an interval of more than 6 months. As many as 20% of pa-
anatomic approach to diagnosis is that it excludes the tients with HNSCC develop a secondary SCC malignancy
possibility of detecting early nodal metastases that have (5). These lesions are usually situated in the head and
not caused enlargement of the lymph node. Ultrasound is neck, lung, or esophagus. The standard approach to ruling
shown to be superior to CT and MRI in evaluating cervical out synchronous primary tumors in HNSSC has been

Figure 8.8. Transaxial PET/CT (PET, left;

fused PET/CT, right) of a patient with a
large pharyngeal SCC (a) shows a large,
b intensely hypermetabolic mass in the left
soft palate with extension across midline
into the right soft palate and two left
and one right upper jugular (level II)
metastatic lymph nodes. The tumor
extends inferiorly (b) along the lateral
aspect of the oropharynx, and at this
level two right and one left upper jugular
(level II) and one left submental (level I)
metastatic lymph nodes are shown. A
c separate focus of hypermetabolic activity
(c) is present in the left pyriform fossa
with extension into the left aryepiglottic
fold, representing a synchronous foci of
PET and PET/CT Imaging in Head and Neck Cancer 117

operative endoscopy (laryngoscopy, bronchoscopy, radiation may be used alone to avoid the more-morbid
esophagoscopy), but improved techniques of outpatient surgical procedures such as laryngectomy, whereas partial
endoscopy and CT imaging of the neck and chest have re- glossectomy may be preferred to chemotherapy. A finding
sulted in a decreased use of the operative approach. The by PET of more-extensive disease than was suspected
greater accuracy of whole-body PET imaging has proved from the results of conventional procedures may provide
to be useful for detection of synchronous tumors and for a greater impetus to treat with chemotherapy rather than
surveillance for metachronous lesions. surgery because of its morbidity.
Head and neck primary tumor location or subsite is a
strong predictor for cervical metastases (Table 8.1). In
many cases, failure to adequately treat the regional lym- Primary Tumor Evaluation by PET
phatics will result in regional recurrence, which is the
major cause of morbidity and mortality in these patients. Evaluation of the anatomic extent of the primary tumor (T
Knowledge of the pattern of lymphatic metastasis for each classification) using PET has been described in several pub-
tumor subsite is necessary to avoid undertreating HNSCC. lished studies (34, 35). PET showed no advantage over con-
For example, carcinoma of the supraglottic larynx has a ventional methods when the primary tumor was detectable
high probability of metastasis to bilateral neck lymph by conventional techniques, so that classification of the
nodes, even when only unilateral lymphadenopathy is de- primary tumor by PET will contribute little in most pa-
tected by palpation or imaging. The true vocal cords are tients. Conventional tumor staging, using CT imaging and
almost devoid of lymphatic drainage, and vocal cord physical examination with endoscopy, provides important
tumors spread to regional lymph nodes late in the course anatomic information that is not obtainable by PET.
of disease (4, 6, 7). Tumors in the oral cavity have a 30% However, some studies have suggested that a high level of
prevalence of metastasis to regional lymph nodes at the metabolic activity on FDG-PET imaging may be predictive
time of presentation, but these often escape detection by of tumor response to treatment so that the PET result could
palpation or CT. Nasopharyngeal tumors have a high also become a consideration in treatment selection.
probability of bilateral metastasis and metastasis to the Tumors having high metabolic activity might be consid-
posterior triangles of the neck. Laryngeal tumors, pre- ered for more-aggressive multimodal therapy (35–38).
sumably because of a paucity of lymphatic drainage and
other anatomic barriers to tumor spread, have a lower
likelihood of nodal involvement, even when presenting at Diagnosis of Unknown Primary Tumor
an advanced local stage.
Following adequate staging of the tumor, a treatment In approximately 5% of cases, regional nodal metastasis is
plan is formulated. Usually, the primary tumor is surgi- the presenting feature, and the primary tumor is not
cally removed, unless an organ-sparing approach has identified by standard techniques (8). Some of these
been selected. In conjunction with tumor removal, the primary tumors become apparent as the patient is followed
primary site is reconstructed and the regional lymphatics over time, whereas others are thought to regress sponta-
are removed. If the neck is classified as N0 or N1, neck neously and most are never diagnosed by conventional
dissection and radiation are considered to be equally ef- means. The most common sites for occult primary tumor
fective for treatment. The advantage of surgical neck dis- are the pyriform sinuses, the palatine tonsils, base of the
section as treatment for the N0 neck is that a pathologic tongue, and nasopharynx. The site of a lymph node metas-
confirmation of the presence or absence of nodal metas- tasis may give a clue to where the primary tumor might be.
tases is determined. With primary irradiation of the neck, A metastatic node in the jugulodigastric area may indicate
there is no pathologic diagnosis of metastatic disease. N2 a primary tumor in the oropharynx, and a metastatic node
disease is usually treated surgically either before or after in the posterior triangle may indicate a primary site in the
chemoradiation. N3 disease almost always requires nasopharynx. Following negative conventional evaluations,
radical neck exploration. PET has identified the unknown primary tumor in 20% to
The standard treatment for advanced head and neck 50% of cases, as reported by several groups (28, 39–47).
cancer (stage III and IV) is surgery followed by postopera-
tive radiation therapy (5, 32, 33), which may result in
long-term morbidity and disfigurement. In an effort to di- Regional Nodal Staging by PET
minish morbidity, organ preservation has been achieved
by means of induction chemotherapy and radiation Many investigators have described the high sensitivity
therapy, with surgical salvage if these are unsuccessful in and specificity of FDG-PET imaging in regional nodal
eradicating the tumor. Despite this approach, patient sur- staging of head and neck cancer (34, 35, 48–56). All
vival has remained constant (3). Accordingly, disagree- studies have shown PET to be equivalent or superior to all
ment remains over selection of advanced-stage head and anatomic methods of imaging. In a study by Adams et al.,
neck tumors for treatment by standard surgical resection 1,400 lymph nodes were sampled in 60 patients and PET
or by attempted curative chemotherapy. Chemotherapy or had a 10% advantage in sensitivity and specificity over
118 Positron Emission Tomography

CT, MRI, or US. The differences in accuracy between PET differentiate from residual viable tumor by physical exami-
and anatomic imaging were found to be highly significant nation or anatomic imaging. CT, MRI, and US imaging
on statistical evaluation (48). have limited ability to determine the benign or malignant
PET may be particularly valuable in deciding whether to nature of posttreatment changes, which include variable
perform neck dissection on patients with low-stage tumors contrast enhancement and soft tissue distortion, that are
where there is no clinical evidence of nodal spread (N0). seen following irradiation and chemotherapy. Also,
Myers and Wax showed that PET was more than twice as changes in tumor size usually lag behind the metabolic
sensitive as CT for identifying regional nodal metastasis on effects of therapy, which determine tumor viability.
patients with clinical N0 findings in the neck (57). When Because FDG-PET is a metabolic imaging method, resid-
PET is added to conventional imaging, patient manage- ual tumor may be diagnosed or excluded by persistence of
ment is changed in 8% to 15% of the patients (58–60). high metabolic activity where there is no visible anatomic
Hollenbeak et al. showed that adding a FDG-PET study in abnormality, or absence of high metabolic activity in the
a patient classified as N0 by CT is cost effective (61). presence of persistent anatomic abnormality, respectively.
PET evaluation of nonsurgical treatment results is opti-
mized when a baseline scan is available for comparison.
Distant Staging by PET
Metastasis to distant regions is less common in HNSCC PET Imaging in Therapy Evaluation
that in other malignant tumors, which could result from
FDG-PET identifies changes in tumor metabolism that
earlier detection of HNSCC due to clear-cut presenting
occur during therapy. The posttherapy findings that are
symptoms. Because of the low prevalence of distant
obtained by FDG-PET depend on the treatment modality
metastasis at initial diagnosis of HNSCC (less than 5%),
used. Radiation therapy may induce an early acute inflam-
PET is unlikely to identify distant disease in a clinically
matory reaction, associated with dense inflammatory
significant fraction of these patients.
infiltration and resulting increase in FDG uptake, that may
Distant metastasis is seen more commonly in patients
be difficult to differentiate from tumor hypermetabolism
who have advanced-stage tumor than in patients with
(63). Highly cellular infiltrates containing large numbers
early-stage disease. Teknos et al. used PET to evaluate 12
of macrophages and fibroblasts, associated with high FDG
patients with a new diagnosis of stage III or IV head and
activity, have been described following high-dose intracav-
neck cancer (62). Two patients had true-positive mediasti-
itary therapy of brain tumors using radioactively labeled
nal PET findings, with no evidence of mediastinal metas-
antitumor antibodies (64). Such uptake has also been seen
tasis on CT. A third patient was found to have pulmonary
following external irradiation of other tumors.
metastasis on both CT and PET.
Increased FDG uptake may be seen in soft tissue
Whole-body PET imaging, orbits through the pelvis, is
regions that have been recently irradiated and appears to
recommended as part of initial staging in all patients with
be more intense in tissues that receive the highest radia-
head and neck cancer because such imaging may be im-
tion dose. On the other hand, some normal deep struc-
portant for diagnosis of synchronous or metachronous
tures may not show these radiation-related changes in
primary tumors and could reduce the need for other addi-
metabolism (65). When such increase in FDG accumula-
tional testing. Whole-body imaging may also be valuable
tion occurs in irradiated regions, it may remain apparent
to obtain a baseline evaluation for comparison with later
for as long as 12 to 16 months after treatment or more
scans. Subtle abnormalities resulting from chronic inflam-
(66). The SUV of radiation-related uptake in normal
matory lung lesions, for example, can be documented.
tissues is generally less than the SUV values that are
usually found in recurrent tumor, but overlap in FDG
uptake may be seen and can lead to diagnostic confusion.
Evaluation of Therapy of Head and Rege et al. found no change in uptake in adenoids, lingual
and palatine tonsils, parotid, submandibular, and sublin-
Neck Cancer gual glands, nasal turbinates, soft palate, and gingiva 6
weeks or more after radiation therapy when these regions
Conventional Evaluation were included in the radiation field (65). Increased uptake
following surgery including tissue inflammation and scar-
Findings obtained by conventional imaging are particu- ring may last for 4 months or longer.
larly difficult to interpret after surgery, chemotherapy, Following treatment by chemotherapy, FDG hyperme-
and radiation therapy, and PET has a major potential role tabolism associated with inflammation does not present a
in evaluating tumor response to treatment. Tissue comparable problem. Decrease in tumor uptake of FDG
changes produced by chemotherapy or radiation, such as may be seen within days of commencing treatment, and
fibrosis, edema, and hyperemia, are frequently difficult to uptake may diminish to normal tissue levels within 1 week
PET and PET/CT Imaging in Head and Neck Cancer 119

(67). Lowe et al. (68) compared the accuracy of FDG-PET

to needle biopsy following chemotherapy/radiation as
Assessment of Recurrent Head and
part of organ-sparing primary treatment of HNSCC in a Neck Cancer
prospective study. They found PET sensitivity for detec-
tion of residual tumor to be 90% (19/21), which was equal Clinical Considerations and Conventional
to the sensitivity of biopsy of the tumor region. When
biopsy was repeated using FDG-PET guidance, biopsy
sensitivity increased to 100%. The specificity of PET was All HNSCC patients are at high risk for tumor recurrence
83% (5/6), compared to 100% for biopsy. Greven et al. and second primary tumor in the aerodigestive tract. All
(69) compared PET to histologic diagnosis in 31 patients the cells of the mucosal lining of the upper aerodigestive
with HNSCC who had been treated by radiation and tract have been exposed to the same carcinogenic agents,
found PET to have 80% sensitivity and 81% specificity for with consequently increased incidence of malignancy at
detection of residual or recurrent tumor. multiple sites. The probability of tumor recurrence is
A positive PET has a high predictive value for recur- related to specific tumor subsite and to the stage of the
rent disease. If the PET scan is positive but the FNAB is tumor at presentation, as already discussed. The patho-
negative, we recommend the biopsy be repeated with logic features of the primary tumor that correlate with in-
PET guidance. If the repeated FNAB is negative, de- creased incidence of recurrence include nerve invasion,
creased FDG uptake on a follow-up scan indicates extracapsular spread in lymph nodes, and positive surgi-
unspecific inflammation. A negative PET scan is most cal margins. Persistence of smoking and alcohol con-
likely predictive of a good treatment response. In a sumption are ongoing risk factors for development of a
prospective study, Yao et al. studied 41 patients with ad- second primary tumor.
vanced regional head and neck cancer treated with radi- Most tumor recurrences are diagnosed within the first
ation therapy or chemoradiation (70). Treatment 24 months following primary therapy for HNSCC. When
response was evaluated on FDG-PET and CT. Twelve of local recurrences are detected early, they can often be
the patients had persistent lymphadenopathy on CT, treated by reexcision. Further surgical resection will
and they all underwent either neck dissection or ultra- further compromise any posttreatment dysfunction of
sound-guided FNAB. Four of the 12 were found to have speech, voice, swallowing, or airway and will have a nega-
viable residual tumor. The finding of residual tumor did tive impact on the patient’s quality of life. Local and re-
not correlate with the size of the involved lymph nodes gional recurrences may occur following surgery,
on neither the preradiation nor the postradiation CT. irradiation, or both. Direct carotid artery involvement by
The pathology correlated strongly, however, with the tumor may occur and can result in stroke or death from
postradiation PET study. Patients with a SUV max less acute arterial hemorrhage. Treatment for local and re-
than 3.0 on postradiation PET were all free from residual gional tumor recurrence can include reoperation or reir-
disease. They conclude that a negative postradiation radiation (external beam or implant) with curative intent,
therapy FDG-PET is very predictive of negative pathol- chemotherapy with palliative intent, or supportive mea-
ogy in neck dissection or FNAB, even with large residual sures only.
lymphadenopathy. In a nicely performed study, Goerres HNSCC patients require long-term surveillance for re-
et al. (71) calculated disease probability based on data currence or second primary tumor and can by deemed
from their own institution and performed a systematic “cured” only after 5 years of disease-free follow-up.
review of available data in the literature up to October Methods of surveillance can include primary physical
2001 on the accuracy of FDG-PET in primary staging examination or CT or MR imaging. Indirect or direct en-
and follow-up of head and neck cancer. They conclude doscopy is used when physical examination findings or
that the main advantage of PET is the ability to reliably the patient’s symptoms arouse suspicion for recurrent
rule out the presence of disease in both primary staging or second primary tumor. FDG-PET has proved to be a
and restaging. Rogers et al. (72) conducted a prospective powerful posttreatment surveillance tool and is shown
study of 12 patients with stage III and IV cancer. FDG- to detect tumor at an earlier stage than by other
PET was performed before and 1 month after radiation methods.
therapy. All patients underwent planned neck dissec- Anatomic imaging by CT or MRI usually shows post-
tion. The presence of a positive PET 1 month after radia- treatment abnormalities, and change from previous
tion therapy accurately indicated the presence of imaging findings is the most useful means of detecting re-
residual disease. However, in 6 of the 7 patients with current tumor. Chong and Fan compared MRI and CT for
negative PET, the pathology was positive. In 4 of the 6 identifying recurrent nasopharyngeal cancer and showed
patients with positive histology, there was significant that both modalities had a sensitivity of approximately
necrosis and no comment could be made regarding the 50%, with substantial interobserver variation in image in-
viability of the tissue. Further, the resolution of their terpretation (k = 0.563) (33).
camera was 8 mm and not quite optimal.
120 Positron Emission Tomography

ration should be considered with a clear-cut positive PET

PET in Detection of Locoregional result because such results are not commonly incorrect.
Recurrence Currently instrumentation is lacking to help guide sur-
geons in the pursuit of these lesions. New device develop-
The superiority of PET to anatomic imaging modalities ment may help with this scenario in the future (84).
for identifying local and regional recurrence of head and
neck cancer after therapy has been demonstrated in a
number of published evaluations (33, 35, 52, 73–80).
Perlow et al. (81) showed, in a small series of patients with
PET in Detection of Distant Recurrence
advanced HNSCC evaluated for locoregional and/or
Distant recurrences are more common in patients with
distant metastases, that FDG-PET found unsuspected re-
locally recurrent disease than are distant metastases at
currences in half their patients. Shu-Hang et al. (82)
initial staging. The lungs are the most common site of
showed that FDG-PET added significant information to
distant recurrence but the liver or skeleton may also be
MRI findings in 18 of 37 patients with MRI findings ques-
involved (5, 85). Before embarking on therapy of locally
tionable for tumor recurrence. Kunkel el al. (83) studied
recurrent disease, whole-body FDG-PET imaging should
97 patients with previously resected HNSCC and found
be performed to exclude distant recurrence so as to avoid
PET to be highly valuable for diagnosing recurrence in a
the morbidity of attempted curative surgery or radiation
postoperative setting.
in the presence of noncurable distant tumor.
Anzai et al. (73) used receiver operating characteristic
(ROC) analysis to compare PET and CT/MRI in patients
presenting with symptoms suggesting recurrence and no
obvious tumor masses. Clearly higher sensitivity and PET and Salivary Glands
specificity of PET were demonstrated, accompanied by a
major difference in area under the ROC curve. When About 70% of all salivary neoplasms arise in the parotid
Fischbein et al. (78) used PET in routine surveillance of gland and about 75% of are benign (24). The most
patients who had completed treatment for head and neck common parotid tumor is pleomorphic adenoma (benign
cancer, they found that nearly twice as many recurrences mixed tumor). Other benign parotid tumors are
were detected by PET as by regular physical examination monomorphic adenomas and Warthin’s tumor. Cancer of
and routine CT imaging. the salivary glands is relatively rare, accounting for less
As expected, most additional recurrences that were de- than 1% of all cancers in the United States.
tected by PET only were small, at times requiring repeated Mucoepidermoid carcinoma and adenoid cystic carci-
attempts at biopsy for confirmation. If an initial biopsy at noma are the most common. About 50% of the sub-
the site of a PET abnormality is not positive, repeat biopsy mandibular tumors and almost all the sublingual tumors
or close follow-up should be undertaken. Surgical explo- are malignant. Spread to regional lymph nodes is less

Figure 8.9. Grade 2 (of 4) adenocarci-

noma possibly arising in a pleomorphic
adenoma left parotid gland in 85-year-
a b old woman with 10-year history of left
fascial nerve palsy.
PET and PET/CT Imaging in Head and Neck Cancer 121

common than for head and neck SCC. Distant spread is sinuses to the lower neck, which is commonly undertaken
most common to the lungs. without a primary diagnosis. Occasionally, unnecessary
Only a few groups have studied the use of 18F-FDG-PET surgery of the head and neck or conjoint head and neck
in salivary gland cancers (85–91). Keyes et al. (86) studied and thoracic procedures with curative intent might be
26 patients with parotid masses, finding false-positive avoided in patients who are found to have distant metas-
scan for malignancy in 8 of 26 (31%), and concluded that tasis by PET.
FDG-PET was not useful in classifying parotid tumors as
benign or malignant. Okamura et al. (88) studied 28 pa-
tients with parotid masses. High accumulation of FDG References
was found in all 5 carcinomas, in all Warthin’s tumors,
and in 8 of 12 pleomorphic adenomas, with mean SUV 1. Sankaranarayanan R, Masuyer E, Swaminathan R, Ferlay J, Whelan
5.92, 7.03, and 4.07, respectively. Five inflammatory S. Head and neck cancer: A global perspective on epidemiology and
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be useful in differentiation between benign and primary survival after neoadjuvant organ-preserving chemotherapy for ad-
or secondary malignancy in the parotid gland. In fact, a vanced laryngeal carcinoma. The Department of Veterans Affairs
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be orderly, first to intraglandular nodes, followed by peri- 5 Myers EN, Suen JY, Myers JN, Hanna EYN, editors. Cancer of the
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6 Greene, FL, Page DL, Fleming ID, Fritz AG, Balch CM, Haller DG,
nodes. Occasionally retropharyngeal nodes are involved, Morrow M, editors. AJCC Cancer Staging Handbook, 6th ed. New
while bilateral spread is rare. Apparently no one has York: Springer-Verlag, 2002:27–87.
studied the use of PET for nodal staging, but we would 7 Harnsberger HR. Handbook of Head and Neck Imaging, 2nd ed. St.
expect FDG-PET to be useful for this purpose. We also Louis: Mosby, 1995.
expect PET to be useful for follow-up and restaging to dif- 8 Gavilán J, Herranz-Gonzales JJ, Lentsch EJ. Cancer of the neck. In:
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11 Cobben DC, van der Laan BF, Maas B, Vaalburg W, Suurmeijer AJ,
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12 Chesnay E, Babin E, Constans JM, Agostini D, Bequignon A,
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ate patient treatment. Patients with more-extensive lo- mography for the delineation of the tumor volume in pharyngo-la-
coregional spread than is demonstrated by anatomic ryngeal squamous cell carcinoma: comparison with FDG-PET and
imaging may benefit from bilateral rather than unilateral CT. Radiother Oncol 2004;71:267–273.
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provide a means of improving survival in recurrent Head Neck 2003;25:634–644.
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15 Khan N, Oriuchi N, Ninomiya H, Higuchi T, Kamada H, Endo K.
scan excludes residual or recurrent disease with high cer- Positron emission tomographic imaging with 11C-choline in differ-
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122 Positron Emission Tomography

18 Boerner AR, Weckesser M, Herzog H, Schmitz T, Audretsch W, siveness and response to intra-arterial chemotherapy and radio-
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PET and PET/CT Imaging in Lymphoma
Guy H.M. Jerusalem, Roland Hustinx, and Pierre Rigo

The prognosis of patients with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma jection of FDG compared to several hours delay for 67Ga.
(NHL) and Hodgkin’s disease (HD) has improved Furthermore, the radiation exposure from FDG is lower
significantly, not only as a result of our increased knowl- than with typical dosages of 67Ga.This review of the
edge of histopathologic patterns and new therapeutic con- current applications and perspectives of FDG-PET
cepts, but also because of advances in imaging techniques imaging for evaluation of lymphoma is an update of our
that have provided more-accurate staging information. previous work (9, 10).
The introduction of computed tomography (CT) was an
important step forward in the staging of lymphoma.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has provided no
major advantage compared with CT and is not routinely Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
used for this indication. These morphologic imaging tech-
niques provide, in most instances, accurate definition of In 2003, approximately 53,400 new cases of NHL were
nodal involvement, but they do not identify lymphoma in diagnosed and 23,400 patients died of the disease in the
normal-sized lymph nodes or differentiate nodes enlarged United States (11). NHL is the leading cause of death
for other causes. They also have limitations for the detec- from cancer in men between the ages of 20 and 39. The
tion of extranodal involvement such as spleen, liver, and cause of NHL is unknown in most cases. Acquired
bone marrow infiltration. In the posttherapy setting, the immunodeficiency states, including acquired immun-
presence of a residual mass is an important clinical issue odeficiency syndrome (AIDS) or iatrogenic immunosup-
because further treatment is indicated only if viable tumor pression after solid organ transplantation, and some
is still present. CT and MRI are unable to differentiate rare inherited disorders are associated with a increased
residual tumor from fibrosis. Gallium-67 (67Ga) scintigra- risk of developing NHL. Epstein–Barr virus infection
phy is useful in HD and high-grade NHL to assess re- and environmental factors may increase the risk of
sponse to treatment, but the method suffers from low genetic errors (12).
spatial resolution of single photon scintigraphy (SPECT), Various classifications have been used (for example, the
lack of specificity, and difficulty in quantification of Working Formulation, Kiel, and REAL) but the current
uptake. In addition, the sensitivity is low in infradiaphrag- World Health Organization (WHO) classification repre-
matic disease because of physiologic uptake in the sents the first true international consensus on the
abdomen. The limitations of 67Ga scintigraphy in low- classification of hematologic malignancies. The WHO
grade NHL are even greater. Moreover, 67Ga scintigraphy classification is a list of distinct disease entities based on a
should always be performed before treatment to deter- combination of morphology, immunophenotype, genetic,
mine if the individual patient has a gallium-avid lym- and clinical features. It includes not only NHL, as did pre-
phoma (1). vious classifications, but all lymphoid malignancies, con-
Recently, positron emission tomography (PET) using sisting of NHL, HD, lymphoid leukemias, and plasma cell
F-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) has emerged as a new neoplasms. Patient management depends on adequate
imaging procedure for staging and monitoring treatment biopsy for accurate diagnosis, patient history, careful clin-
of lymphoma. Despite the important role of 67Ga scintig- ical examination, laboratory tests, imaging studies, and
raphy in evaluation of response to treatment, FDG-PET further biopsies to determine accurate staging (for
imaging became the imaging modality of choice (2–8). example, bone marrow biopsy, gastric biopsy).
FDG-PET imaging is more convenient than 67Ga scintigra- The choice of treatment depends on patient character-
phy because the images can be acquired 1 h after the in- istics, staging, laboratory tests, and the type of lymphoma.
126 Positron Emission Tomography

The treatment choices for indolent NHL, such as small imaging modalities and the administration of combined
lymphocytic lymphoma, include no initial treatment modality treatments have simplified staging procedures
(“wait and see”), radiotherapy for localized disease, sys- and made them less invasive. Laparotomy has disap-
temic cytotoxic chemotherapy, and new biologic therapy. peared as a routine staging procedure. Based on the stage
Except for rare localized disease, indolent NHL remains and the presence or absence of B symptoms and various
incurable, but long-term survival is frequently observed other prognostic factors (not uniform among large coop-
because the disease is only slowly progressive and re- erative trial groups), patients can be divided into three
sponds well to various treatment options. Aggressive prognostic groups. Patients with early-stage disease and
NHL, such as diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, is cured with very favorable prognostic factors are treated with ex-
anthracycline and cyclophosphamide-based poly- tended-field radiotherapy alone. Patients with early- and
chemotherapy in 40% to 50% of all patients. More re- intermediate-stage disease but unfavorable prognostic
cently, the addition of rituximab, a chimeric factors are treated with chemotherapy (usually four
human-murine monoclonal antibody (anti-CD20) im- cycles) followed by involved-field radiotherapy. Patients
proves the chance of survival. Salvage treatment with with advanced-stage disease receive multiple cycles of
high-dose myeloablative chemotherapy followed by autol- polychemotherapy (usually eight) with or without consol-
ogous stem cell transplantation can cure 10% to 20% of idating radiotherapy. Alternative treatment options based
relapsing patients. Most patients with aggressive NHL on polychemotherapy alone in all stages including early-
who are not cured with polychemotherapy die some stage HD with favorable prognostic factors are being in-
months or a few years after diagnosis because the disease vestigated. Sixty percent to 70% of patients with advanced
is rapidly progressive after treatment failure. At present, disease are cured with standard polychemotherapy con-
the most valuable and widely used system to stratify pa- sisting of ABVD (adriamycin, bleomycin, vinblastine, and
tients with aggressive NHL is the International Prognostic dacarbazine), and the prognosis is even more favorable
Index (IPI) (13). Age, serum lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) for patients with early-stage disease. Relapsing patients
levels, performance status, anatomic stage, and the can be cured by second-line salvage chemotherapy or by
number of extranodal sites determine the most appropri- high-dose myeloablative chemotherapy followed by autol-
ate treatment. As the stage and number of extranodal sites ogous stem cell transplantation, depending on various
represent only two of five factors influencing the treat- prognostic factors including previous treatment adminis-
ment, PET imaging is potentially more important in tered and disease-free interval before relapse. Current
restaging at the end of induction chemotherapy or at the clinical trials are investigating new combinations of radio-
end of all treatment than at diagnosis. therapy and chemotherapy to try to reduce late morbidity
and mortality while maintaining or improving a high cure
rate. Accurate staging is of particular importance in HD,
especially if involved-field radiotherapy is used, because
Hodgkin’s Disease the stage of disease has major impact on the choice of
In 2003, approximately 7,600 new cases of HD were diag-
nosed, and 1,300 persons have died of the disease in the
United States (11). An age-related bimodal incidence is
observed, with a first peak occurring in the third decade Staging in HD and NHL
of life and a second peak after the age of 50. A genetic
risk for HD exists, and Epstein–Barr virus infection may All published studies comparing PET and CT imaging
be a predisposing factor. Patients with HD may have had have similar methodologic problems because biopsy was
more-severe initial Epstein–Barr virus infection or performed in only a small number of the enlarged lymph
more-frequent viral replication associated with the de- nodes and histologic validation of results was generally
velopment of HD. In contrast to NHL, the incidence is not available. Additional lesions detected by FDG-PET
not increased in patients with immunosuppression. imaging were biopsied only when the result has an impact
Most, if not all, cases of classic HD represent mono- on staging and treatment. In the absence of a histologic
clonal B-cell disorders (14, 15). HD is defined as a lym- proof (gold standard), the calculation of sensitivity and
phoma containing one of the characteristic types of specificity is not possible. Most studies examine concor-
Reed–Sternberg cells in a background of nonneoplastic dance between routine staging procedures (standard of
cells. In contrast to NHL, HD spreads by contiguity from reference) and FDG-PET imaging and use response to
one lymph node chain to adjacent chains. However, the treatment and follow-up data to assess the accuracy of the
malignant cells may become more aggressive, invade patient’s original evaluation. However, this approach
blood vessels, and spread to organs in a manner similar heavily biases results in favor of the least specific test, de-
to other malignancies. ceptively making it appear to be more accurate (17).
The extent of disease is defined according to the Figures 9.1 and 9.2 illustrate FDG-PET/CT imaging in
“Cotswold Staging Classification” (16). The use of new staging lymphoma.
PET and PET/CT Imaging in Lymphoma 127

Figure 9.1. Sixteen-year-old patient with Hodgkin’s disease (HD). FDG-PET imaging was performed at initial staging (a, projection image) and showed multiple foci of increased
activity in the cervical and upper mediastinal areas. These foci correspond to nodal lesions on the positron emission tomography-computed tomography (PET/CT) (b, transaxial
section), which also shows tracheal caliber reduced to 7 mm. There is also diffuse and mild uptake by the bone marrow, although bilateral bone marrow biopsies were negative.

Staging According to the Sites of Disease abnormal uptake were detected by PET imaging in 13 pa-
tients. Forty-nine corresponding sites of lymphadenopa-
Lymph Node Staging thy and/or masses were detected by CT. All CT
abnormalities suggestive of lymphoma corresponded to
Several studies showed that FDG-PET imaging is comple- areas of focal increased uptake at FDG-PET imaging. The
mentary to conventional imaging techniques (18–21). smallest lesion identified by PET and confirmed by CT
Newman et al. (18) compared FDG-PET and CT for imaging was 1 cm in maximal dimension. These prelimi-
imaging thoracoabdominal lymphoma. Fifty-four foci of nary data indicating good performances for PET imaging
128 Positron Emission Tomography

Figure 9.2. Recurrent HD. The 3D-

projection FDG-PET image (a) shows
massive skeletal involvement as well
as multiple hypermetabolic nodal and
splenic lesions. Selected transaxial sec-
tions of the PET images (b, upper row),
corresponding CT sections (b, middle
row), and fused images (b, lower row)
are also shown.
PET and PET/CT Imaging in Lymphoma 129

for evaluation of lymphoma were confirmed by Hoh et al. liver, and 1 in the mesentery. The lesions that could not be
(19). Whole-body FDG-PET imaging and conventional verified were found in the lungs, in bone, and in spleen.
staging methods detected 33 of 37 disease sites in 18 pa- Seven lesions were visualized only by CT; 5 were false pos-
tients, although not all sites were the same. Even more en- itive and 1 remained unresolved.
couraging results were reported by Moog et al. (20). Both
CT and FDG-PET imaging identified involvement of 160
nodal regions in 60 patients. Of the 25 additional regions Spleen
seen by PET imaging, 7 were true positive, 2 were false
positive, and 16 remained unresolved. CT showed six ad- Rini et al. (26) compared FDG-PET with CT imaging for
ditional regions: three were false positive and three re- the evaluation of spleen involvement during initial
mained unresolved. The identification by FDG-PET staging. The findings were correlated with final diagnosis,
imaging of additional lymph nodes involved by lym- which was obtained surgically for six patients and at
phoma was also observed by Jerusalem et al. (21). autopsy for one patient. FDG-PET imaging was true posi-
Peripheral lymph nodes (cervical, supraclavicular, axil- tive for all five patients with splenic disease and true nega-
lary, and inguinal) were evaluated by physical examina- tive for both patients without splenic disease. CT was true
tion and by PET imaging in 60 patients. Concordant positive for four of the five patients with splenic disease
results were observed in 41 patients. PET imaging de- and false positive for both patients without splenic
tected more sites involved by lymphoma in 12 patients disease.
whereas clinically detected lymph nodes showed no FDG
uptake in 7 patients. CT and FDG-PET imaging were also
compared for evaluation of thoracoabdominal lymph Bone Marrow Involvement
nodes. CT detected enlarged lymph nodes that were not
FDG avid in 8 patients, whereas lymph nodes of normal Detection of bone marrow involvement by FDG-PET
size were FDG avid in 5 patients. Based on these data, imaging is a controversial issue (27). Prominent FDG-PET
FDG-PET imaging and conventional staging procedures uptake in the bone marrow that is equal to or greater than
should be considered as complementary sources of diag- the level of activity in the liver, uptake in the distant long
nostic information in lymph node staging. bones, and heterogeneous and focal uptake represent ab-
normal bone marrow activity. Diffuse bone marrow
uptake can be observed in patients with HD at diagnosis
Extranodal Disease related to reactive myeloid hyperplasia characteristic of
some HD patients. Diffusely increased uptake is usually
There is clearly a need for better noninvasive methods for observed in reactive bone marrow, particularly following
the detection of spleen, liver, and bone marrow involve- chemotherapy and administration of growth factor, for
ment in patients with lymphoma (22). Twenty percent to example, granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (GCSF).
30% of patients with apparently localized supradiaphrag- However, diffuse bone marrow FDG uptake can also be
matic disease according to conventional staging proce- caused by bone marrow involvement (28).
dures have infradiaphragmatic, mainly splenic, Carr et al. (29) reported that increased FDG uptake in
involvement discovered at staging laparotomy. Evaluation the bone marrow can correctly assess marrow disease
of bone marrow by CT is only feasible in exceptional status in a high proportion of lymphoma patients.
cases, and findings must always be confirmed by bone Unilateral iliac crest marrow aspirates and biopsies were
marrow biopsy. The incidence of bone marrow involve- performed in all 50 patients studied. Concordant results
ment in newly diagnosed lymphoma is 10% in HD and were observed in 78% (39 of 50) of patients; 13 were true
25% in NHL (22). In several studies, the sensitivity of CT positive and 26 true negative. In 8 patients with negative
ranged from 15% to 37% for the detection of splenic biopsy, PET imaging showed increased focal (n = 4) or
infiltration and from 19% to 33% for the detection of liver diffuse (n = 4) FDG uptake, including 4 patients with focal
infiltration (23–25). Hepatic involvement is observed in FDG abnormalities that were distant from the site of
3.2% of patients with HD and in 15.1% of patients with biopsy. In one of the 4 patients, a subsequent biopsy the
NHL and splenic involvement in 23% of patients with HD FDG-avid site confirmed marrow involvement. In the 4
and 22% of patients with NHL (22). patients with diffuse FDG uptake but normal biopsies,
Moog et al. (22) showed that PET imaging may provide there was no other evidence indicating marrow involve-
more information about extranodal lymphoma than CT. ment. The two patients with HD had reactive myeloid hy-
Forty-two extranodal manifestations of lymphoma were perplasia. PET imaging was false negative in 3 patients
detected concordantly by both FDG-PET and CT imaging with positive biopsy. Two of these patients with low- and
in 81 patients. PET imaging detected 24 additional sites of intermediate-grade NHL had no FDG uptake at the site of
FDG uptake that were characteristic of lymphoma; posi- their primary lymph node disease. In only 1 patient, with
tive confirmation by biopsy was obtained in 14 of these, mantle cell lymphoma, there was FDG uptake in at least
including 9 in the bone marrow, 3 in the spleen, 1 in the one site (spleen).
130 Positron Emission Tomography

Moog et al. (30) reported findings in 78 patients, 39 resolved. Conversely, skeletal scintigraphy revealed 5 ab-
with NHL and 39 with HD. Seventy patients underwent bi- normalities that were negative by PET imaging in 5 pa-
lateral iliac crest bone marrow biopsy. In addition to 7 tients. Three of these abnormalities were found to be not
concordant positive and 57 concordant negative findings, related to lymphoma; final evaluation of the remaining 2
biopsy revealed 4 patients with bone marrow involvement findings was not possible.
(3 with low-grade NHL and 1 with intermediate-grade
NHL) that was not detected by FDG-PET imaging. In 10
patients with negative biopsies, PET imaging showed focal Gastric Involvement
bone marrow uptake of FDG, and the PET findings were
confirmed in 8 of these patients, leading to an upgrade of In patients with gastric NHL patients, FDG-PET imaging
the tumor stage in 10.3% (8 of 78) of patients. can provide additional information complementary to en-
Unfortunately, not all studies found these promising doscopy and CT (34). Rodriguez et al. (34) reported high
results. Kostakoglu et al. (27) reported that FDG-PET FDG uptake in all six high-grade and one of two low-grade
imaging provided little information regarding bone primary gastric lymphoma. No abnormal tracer uptake
marrow involvement in lymphoma with a positive predic- was seen in the patient with low-grade gastric NHL of the
tive value of PET imaging of only 66.6%. False-negative MALT type. In six of eight patients, FDG-PET imaging
results were observed in patients with limited involve- demonstrated larger tumor extension in the stomach
ment of bone marrow. compared to endoscopy. High FDG uptake was seen in
The study reported by Jerusalem et al. (31) was also two patients with a normal CT examination. Hoffmann et
unable to confirm previous encouraging results in smaller al. (35) confirmed false-negative results in gastric NHL of
patient groups. They conclude that FDG-PET imaging the MALT-type. All six patients (five low-grade and one
cannot replace bone marrow biopsy, independently of his- high-grade) had false-negative FDG-PET studies, indicat-
tologic subtype. PET imaging missed bone marrow infiltra- ing that FDG-PET imaging is not useful for staging or
tion in 49 of 71 patients with a positive bone marrow follow-up of this histologic subtype of NHL.
biopsy. PET imaging alone was positive in 8 patients, but
no further investigations were performed to confirm these
Primary Cerebral Lymphoma
findings. However, among these, bone marrow biopsy
showed reactive hematopoietic changes without lymphoma The clinical value of PET imaging in primary central
infiltration in 4 of 5 patients with diffuse uptake and in 1 of nervous system (CNS) lymphoma remains to be estab-
3 patients with focal uptake, suggesting a false-positive PET lished (36). Malignant lymphoma should be considered in
study in at least 5 of these patients. the differential diagnosis of brain tumors showing high
Finally, Elstrom et al. (32) found that FDG-PET imaging FDG uptake (37, 38). Unfortunately, PET imaging cannot
was not reliable for the detection of bone marrow involve- differentiate between primary lymphoma of the CNS, ma-
ment in any lymphoma subtype. FDG-PET imaging rarely lignant glioma or cerebral metastasis. It is important to
detected pathologically identifiable marrow involvement by take dexamethasone-induced changes of tumor cell me-
follicular lymphoma and did not detect marrow involve- tabolism into account (36, 38). Dexamethasone can
ment by mantle cell lymphoma or marginal zone lymphoma induce inhibition of proliferative activity in CNS lym-
in any case. A potential explanation for these false-negative phoma producing decrease or even disappearance of ab-
PET studies is a relatively low FDG uptake by these types of normal FDG accumulation. In HIV-positive patients with
lymphoma or diffuse low-density marrow involvement by contrast-enhancing cerebral lesions, FDG-PET imaging is
the tumor. Conversely, patients with HD or large B-cell lym- useful to differentiate primary CNS lymphoma from non-
phoma showed FDG uptake in bone marrow that was not neoplastic lesions such as toxoplasmosis (39–41). High
confirmed by iliac crest biopsy in several cases. While these FDG uptake most likely represents a malignant process
cases may represent false positives, patients may alterna- that should be biopsied for confirmation rather than
tively have had patchy bone marrow involvement that was treated presumptively as infectious. All three studies
not detected by blind iliac crest biopsy. (39–41) reported a good sensitivity (all 16 CNS lymphoma
showed high FDG uptake), but some lesions in patients
Bone Involvement with progressive multifocal leucoencephalopathy had
high FDG uptake, limiting the specificity (41).
Moog et al. (33) showed that FDG-PET imaging could
replace skeletal scintigraphy in the initial staging of HD
and NHL. Of the 56 patients studied, 12 were found to Cost of Staging with PET Imaging and
have skeletal involvement by both methods. FDG-PET Conventional Methods
imaging detected 12 involved regions that were negative
by scintigraphy in 5 patients; this was subsequently FDG-PET imaging is able to detect disease not seen by
verified in 3 patients, and the other 2 cases remained un- conventional imaging methods. Consequently, the stage
PET and PET/CT Imaging in Lymphoma 131

of the disease is modified in some patients (21, 42, 43), Table 9.1. Impact of FDG-PET imaging on staging and treatment in Hodgkin’s
and sometimes this will lead to change of treatment (42). disease (HD).
FDG-PET imaging may have a major role for better Authors Modification of staging Modification of treatment
defining the treatment of patients with HD, in particular Bangerter et al. (45) 6/44 (14%) 6/44 (14%)
when short-course chemotherapy is combined with in-
Weidmann et al. (46) 3/20 (15%) Not reported
volved-field radiotherapy. However, at this time, it
Partridge et al. (47) 21/44 (48%)a 11/44 (25%)a
remains unknown whether PET imaging at initial diagno-
Jerusalem et al. (48) 7/33 (21%)a 1/33 (3%)a
sis can refine prognostic indices and stratification for
treatment in HD or NHL. In the study of 60 patients by Hueltenschmidt et al. (49) 10/25 (40%) 2/25 (4%)
Jerusalem et al. (21), FDG-PET imaging provided compa- Menzel et al. (50) 6/28 (21%) Not reported
rable data to conventional staging procedures. Although Weihrauch et al. (51) 4/22 (18%) 1/22 (5%)
PET imaging detected more lesions at initial presentation, Naumann et al. (52) 18/88 (20%)b 16/88 (18%)b
this resulted in only few modifications of staging. Overall 75/304 (25%) 37/256 (14%)
Buchmann et al. (42) reported that PET imaging showed a
Including 1 incorrect modification of staging and treatment based on false-
more lesions than CT except in infradiaphragmatic negative PET.
regions, in which the two methods produced equivalent b
Including 6 incorrect modifications of staging and treatment based on false-
results. In 8% (4 of 52) of patients, FDG-PET imaging led negative PET.
to upstaging and a change of therapy. Source: Adapted from Jerusalem et al. (121, 122).
One of the major arguments against the widespread use
of PET imaging is its high costs. However, PET imaging
might reduce the costs of diagnostic workup in lymphoma of both imaging techniques. In the future, one can hope
patients by replacing other imaging procedures. Hoh et al. that it allows a better definition of radiation fields, mini-
(19) found that FDG-PET imaging may be an accurate and mizing radiation exposure to normal tissues.
cost-effective method for staging or restaging HD (n = 7)
and NHL (n = 11). Accurate staging was achieved in 17 of
18 patients using a whole-body PET-based algorithm, Non Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
compared to 15 of 18 patients using the conventional
staging algorithm. The total costs of the whole-body FDG- The degree of FDG uptake in lymphoma was found to cor-
PET-based algorithm was calculated to be almost half relate with the grade of malignancy according to the
compared to the conventional staging algorithm. Working Classification (54, 55), the KI-67 labeling index
However, not all studies indicated cost saving by using (56), and the number of cells in S phase (54). However, in
FDG-PET imaging. Klose et al. (44) found that FDG-PET some patients, the degree of FDG uptake correlated poorly
imaging led to upstaging in 4 of 22 patients, resulting in with the S-phase fraction (57). Tumors are heterogeneous
correct stage for 100% of patients with PET imaging and not only macroscopically (partially necrotic high-grade
in only 81.8% of patients with CT. This finding resulted in tumors), but also at a microscopic and a metabolic level,
an incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (additional costs and measurements of FDG uptake reflects only the
per additionally correctly staged patient) of 3,133 _ for average metabolic activity. Koga et al. (58) showed differ-
PET imaging. ent levels of FDG accumulation according to tumor loca-
Other important studies comparing staging based on tion within the same patient suffering from untreated
PET with staging based on conventional imaging tech- intermediate-grade NHL and the degree of glucose trans-
niques are discussed in the following section, Results in porter 1 (GLUT-1) expression correlated with different
Histologic Subtypes. degrees of FDG accumulation. In a study of 21 patients,
Okada et al. (59) found that FDG uptake before treatment
may be useful for predicting response to therapy and
prognosis. However, in the absence of other studies that
Results in Histologic Subtypes confirm these results, FDG-PET imaging is not routinely
used as a prognostic factor before treatment.
Hodgkin’s Disease
Several small, single-institution studies have shown that Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma (DLBCL)
FDG-PET is useful for staging HD when it is performed in
addition to conventional staging procedures (45–52) Our group studied 53 patients (40 patients at initial diag-
(Table 9.1). However, PET does not replace conventional nosis and 13 patients at relapse) with histologically
staging techniques (53). False-negative (45–49, 51, 52) and proven high-grade NHL, most suffering from DLBCL (60).
false-positive (45) results have been reported. CT is also The results suggested that FDG-PET imaging was more
more accurate in defining bulk of disease. Integrated sensitive than clinical examination and CT for the detec-
PET/CT imaging does overcome the inherent limitations tion of involved lymph node regions. PET imaging was as
132 Positron Emission Tomography

effective as CT for the detection of extranodal lesions Mantle Cell Lymphoma (MCL)
other than bone marrow involvement. It was concluded
that FDG-PET imaging was an efficient, noninvasive Elstrom et al. (32) detected disease in at least one site in
method for staging and restaging high-grade NHL that all seven patients with MCL, but the routine use of PET
should be used in conjunction with bone marrow biopsy. imaging for this subtype of NHL is still debated. False-
Elstrom et al. (32) found that FDG-PET imaging detected negative PET studies in MCL have been reported (63).
disease in at least one site in all 51 patients with DLBCL.
Unfortunately, this study gave no information about the
lesions that were missed or those only shown by FDG-PET Other NHL Subtypes
FDG-PET imaging is not useful for staging and follow-up
of extranodal B-cell lymphoma of the mucosa-associated
lymphoid tissue (MALT) type (35). In contrast, nodal in-
Follicular and Small Lymphocytic NHL
volvement in marginal zone lymphoma was detected by
Jerusalem et al. (61) studied 36 patients with low-grade FDG-PET imaging in most patients and additional sites of
NHL. FDG-PET imaging detected more abnormal nodal disease were occasionally identified (64). Detection of fol-
regions than conventional staging in follicular lym- licular lymphoma of the duodenum was disappointing in
phoma but was not accurate for the staging of small lym- a small group of patients (65). Tumor volume (thickness
phocytic lymphoma. The detection rate of PET imaging of the lesions in the gastrointestinal tract) rather than the
for lymph node involvement was better than conven- subtype of lymphoma may be a critical factor explaining
tional staging for peripheral (34% more nodal regions some of the false-negative studies. More encouraging
detected) and thoracic (39% more nodal regions de- results have been reported in enteropathy-type T-cell lym-
tected) but not for abdominal or pelvic nodal regions phoma (66) but not in peripheral T-cell lymphoma (32).
(26% fewer nodal regions detected). Attenuation correc-
tion was not performed in this study but the absence of
attenuation correction may have been a limitation for
detection of abdominal and pelvic lymph nodes. The
Evaluation of Response During or
sensitivity for detection of bone marrow involvement by After Chemotherapy
lymphoma was unacceptably low for PET imaging, inde-
pendently of histologic subtype. In contrast, PET One of the most challenging aspects for imaging lym-
imaging was as effective as conventional procedures for phoma is the assessment of response to treatment. The ra-
the detection of other extranodal localizations. There pidity of response during treatment appears to be an
was a small number of cases in which the results by PET accurate predictor of response, with early tumor regres-
imaging and conventional procedures were discordant. sion indicating a higher chance of cure (67). Patients in
FDG-PET imaging identified more cases of splenic or complete remission at the end of treatment present a
hepatic involvement but CT showed more cases of longer disease-free and overall survival (68). Accurate
pleural or lung involvement. restaging allows optimal selection of treatment options
Blum et al. (62) evaluated the impact of PET imaging and could potentially improve outcome. Shorter treat-
on the management of patients with low-grade follicular ment cycles are the goal of ongoing research in a sub-
NHL. Treatment was changed at initial presentation ac- group of low-risk patients in an attempt to minimize side
cording to FDG-PET imaging in 6 of 12 patients, includ- effects related to treatment. High-risk patients or those
ing modification of radiation fields and/or modification with persisting disease after first-line therapy may benefit
of the treatment modality (chemotherapy used instead from more-aggressive treatments, such as high-dose
or in combination with radiotherapy). Ten of the 37 pa- chemotherapy followed by stem cell transplantation. In
tients who underwent restaging with FDG-PET imaging fact, it seems reasonable to use salvage therapy at the time
also had their management influenced. However, the of minimal residual disease rather than at the time of a
conclusions drawn from this study are limited by the clinically overt relapse. Furthermore, earlier discontinua-
retrospective analysis and by the few staging tion of unsuccessful treatment would avoid the associated
modifications that were proven by a biopsy. Elstrom et toxicity.
al. (32) found that FDG-PET imaging detected disease in FDG-PET imaging is now the imaging technique of
at least one site in 41 of 42 patients with follicular NHL. choice for determining chemosensitivity before high-dose
The single case of undetected follicular NHL consisted chemotherapy followed by autologous stem cell trans-
of an ileal tumor shown only by endoscopic biopsy. plantation and for evaluation after completion of therapy.
Although further studies are required before using FDG- Promising results have also been reported in assessment
PET imaging routinely, these data suggests that FDG- of early response to therapy. It is important to take into
PET imaging may have a role in the initial staging of account the limitations of FDG-PET imaging for appro-
patients with follicular NHL. priate utilization of PET findings in the management of
PET and PET/CT Imaging in Lymphoma 133

patients. Figure 9.3 illustrates FDG-PET/CT imaging in plasia. Weihrauch et al. (73) found a massive histiocytic
monitoring therapy of lymphoma. reaction in one of three patients with a false-positive PET
study in the mediastinum. Nonviable scar tissue was also
detected by Naumann et al. (77) in a resected residual me-
Limitations diastinal mass that accumulated FDG.
Benign follicular hyperplasia of lymph nodes has been
False-Negative Studies described by Mikosch et al. (70) as a cause of false-posi-
tive PET study. Benign tumors such as thyroid adenoma
The spatial resolution of the current PET systems is ap- (49) can falsely suggest the presence of residual or recur-
proximately 5 to 8 mm. Radiotracer uptake in structures rent lymphoma. Fracture at sites of bone marrow involve-
less than twice the spatial resolution of the tomograph can ment before treatment is another cause of false-positive
be underestimated (=partial volume effect). FDG-PET studies (78). Becherer et al. (79) described a
Immediately after chemotherapy, metabolic activity false-positive PET study related to a fistula confirmed by
may be temporarily reduced. Therefore, for early assess- surgery. Infectious or inflammatory lesions have to be ex-
ment of response during chemotherapy, it is better to cluded, in particular if abnormal FDG uptake is seen
perform FDG imaging to wait as long as possible after the outside of the initially involved sites.
last day of chemotherapy (the last day before or even the In most cases, the availability of precise anamnestic
same day of the start of a new cycle of chemotherapy). For data such as the site of irradiation, clinical suspicion of in-
evaluation after completion of therapy, the best timing is fections, or inflammatory conditions aids in the differen-
unclear and most investigators suggest waiting at least 1 tial diagnosis. Comparison to a pretreatment study can
month after the last day of chemotherapy. also be helpful in resolving equivocal results. If there is a
Even if the spatial resolution of PET technology im- discrepancy in the pattern of response on PET imaging,
proves in the future, microscopic residual disease cannot with areas of known disease responding to therapy while
be excluded with imaging modalities (69). Consequently, others deteriorate or new sites appear, then a cause other
therapy can not be ended on the basis of a negative FDG- than residual disease should be excluded.
PET study, and periodic repeated imaging may be indi- De Wit et al. (78, 80) found a low positive predictive
cated to detect residual disease (70). value (PPV) due to a high number of false-positive PET
findings outside residual masses such as pleural FDG
uptake caused by inflammation. Naumann et al. (77)
False-Positive Studies found two false-positive PET findings in patients suffering
from HD related to FDG uptake outside of the residual
Increased FDG uptake is not necessarily related to resid- mass (supraclavicular and thoracic paravertebral false-
ual disease. Physiologic uptake can be misinterpreted in positive findings). de Wit et al. (78) described a case of
particular by an inexperienced observer. When PET false-positive PET study related to pneumonia caused by
imaging is first introduced at a center, a learning curve Haemophilus influenzae. Tuberculosis was found as source
may have an impact on the false-positive rate. Dittmann of pitfall in two patients reported by Mikosch et al. (70).
et al. (71) observed four of eight false-positive PET Sandherr et al. (81) reported a case of HD with hypo-
findings in the region of cervical lymph nodes most likely dense splenic lesions and corresponding increased
related to muscular uptake. glucose metabolism in FDG-PET imaging 4 months after
High FDG uptake might be caused by immunologic hy- completion of treatment, suggesting early relapse.
perreactivity, especially by the thymus and other lym- However, this patient suffered from toxoplasmosis.
phatic tissues after chemotherapy or radiotherapy. Several Cellular immunodeficiency associated with HD can result
authors have described rebound thymic hyperplasia as a in severe infection. False-positive PET findings have been
potential cause of false-positive findings (49, 72–75). In reported in epithelioid cell granulomas (82). The average
most cases, the characteristic shape of an inverted V frequency of epithelioid cell granulomas is 13.8% in HD.
allows correct interpretation. Even when a recurrent Granulomas without evidence of sarcoidosis may be
pattern is shown by FDG-PET imaging in the medi- caused by tuberculosis or other infectious diseases, espe-
astinum, it should be interpreted with caution. In the cially fungal infections in immunosuppressed patients.
asymptomatic patient, multiple biopsies of suspected me- Naumann et al. (83) reported the simultaneous occur-
diastinal lesions or a close clinical follow-up with frequent rence of eosinophilic granuloma and HD in two patients.
radiographic studies looking for changes in the size of Although Langerhans’ cell histiocytosis (LCH) is not be-
residual tissue with enlarging masses suggestive of recur- lieved to be a neoplastic disorder, the association between
rent disease should be performed (75). Yoon et al. (76) re- LCH and acute leukemias, lymphomas, and solid tumors
ported a case where PET imaging strongly suggested is well known. Unfortunately, FDG-PET imaging showed
recurrent disease. Excision of the mass revealed necrosis, increased uptake both in HD and in granuloma.
fibrosis, and extensive infiltration by histiocytes, but there Erythema nodosum may also be a source of a false-
was no evidence of recurrent lymphoma or thymic hyper- positive PET interpretation (84). Lorenzen et al. (85)
134 Positron Emission Tomography

a b
Figure 9.3. High-grade abdominal non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL). PET performed before treatment shows several foci of increased activity corresponding to paraaortic nodes
(a, projection image). PET/CT performed after two courses of chemotherapy shows a complete response (b, projection image), even though enlarged lymph nodes are still visible in
the right paraaortic area

reported a case of false-positive FDG-PET study in the two patients. Finally, in some cases, the reasons for false-
margin of an abdominal residual mass after chemother- positive PET findings remain unclarified (49, 70). All these
apy in a patient suffering from NHL. Histology docu- false-positive cases emphasize the importance of obtain-
mented a necrotic centre surrounded by granulation ing a biopsy before starting salvage therapy.
tissue. Dittmann et al. (71) reported two cases of
unspecific lymphadenitis in patients with false-positive
PET study. One occurred in the iliac and one in the in- Evaluation of Early Response to Therapy
guinal lymph node area. Hueltenschmidt et al. (49) re-
ported two false-positive FDG-PET studies resulting from Early response evaluation by FDG-PET imaging after one
misinterpretation of an inflammatory lung process. Figure cycle of chemotherapy, a few cycles or at midtreatment
9.4 illustrates a case of FDG-PET-avid cat scratch disease. can predict response, progression-free survival (PFS), and
Transient nonspecific effects can occur following radia- overall survival (OS) (8, 88–92). FDG-PET imaging has a
tion therapy or chemotherapy. Cremerius et al. (86) and higher predictive value of outcome when performed early
Weidmann et al. (49) described false-positive FDG-PET during treatment than when performed after treatment.
findings in patients with radiotherapy-induced pneu- Early identification of nonresponders by FDG-PET
monitis. Most authors suggest that the time interval imaging may lead to a change from an unsuccessful
should be at least 3 months after radiotherapy to avoid therapy to a more-effective one. The studies reported by
false-positive findings caused by unspecific treatment Hoekstra et al. (93) and Dimitrakopoulou-Strauss et al.
effects. It is also important to exclude another malignant (94) showed that a decrease in FDG uptake was associated
tumor that mimics lymphoma relapse. Jerusalem et al. with successful response to therapy in NHL and HD,
(87) reported a case of rectal cancer; Mikosch et al. (70) whereas increasing FDG uptake indicated progression.
observed a melanoma and a metastasis of melanoma in Römer et al. (95) observed a marked decrease in tumor
PET and PET/CT Imaging in Lymphoma 135

Slc 92 ++ Z = 102 +600 Slc 103 ++ Z = 108 + 100 Slc 105 ++ Z = 109 + 100

Oblique slice+ Oblique slice+ Oblique slice+

Figure 9.3 . (Contd.) (arrows, c:

transaxial sections for CT, PET, and fused
images). Slc 92 ++ Z = 102 +600 Slc 103 ++ Z = 108 + 100 Slc 105 ++ Z = 109 + 100

uptake as early as 7 days after start of chemotherapy. Mikhaeel et al. (89) confirmed that an interim scan after
Measurement of FDG uptake at 42 days, immediately two to four cycles of chemotherapy provided valuable in-
before the third cycle of chemotherapy, was more predic- formation regarding early assessment of response and
tive of long-term outcome than the seven-day uptake. long-term prognosis in a study of 23 patients with aggres-
Jerusalem et al. (88) studied 28 patients with NHL after sive NHL. Spaepen et al. (90) showed that the predictive
a median of three cycles of polychemotherapy (interim value of FDG-PET imaging is independent of conventional
scan). Only 1 of 5 patients with persistent increased FDG prognostic factors (International Prognostic Index).
uptake entered complete remission. All patients with a Although the interim scan was only performed at
negative FDG-PET study entered complete remission, midtreatment, the sensitivity to predict residual disease at
except for 2 patients who died of treatment toxicity during the end of treatment was excellent. Only 6 of 37 patients
chemotherapy. By Kaplan–Meier analysis, PFS at 1 and 2 with a negative FDG-PET study did not achieve a durable
years was, respectively, 20% ± 18% and 0% for patients complete remission compared with 33 of 33 patients with
with positive FDG-PET findings and 81% ± 9% and 62% ± a positive FDG-PET study. Although FDG uptake is not
12% for patients with negative findings. OS was also specific for tumoral tissue, the PPV for relapse was 100%
significantly better for FDG-PET-negative patients. (33 of 33). The authors confirmed the strong correlation
Unfortunately, the sensitivity in identifying patients with between FDG-PET findings and PFS and OS.
a poor outcome was insufficient because only 5 of the 12 Kostakoglu et al. (91) performed an earlier evaluation
patients who relapsed had residual FDG uptake. The after only one cycle of chemotherapy in 30 patients with
authors suggested that earlier evaluation after only one HD or NHL. Positive FDG-PET findings obtained both
cycle of chemotherapy and quantitative analysis might in- after the first cycle and at the completion of therapy were
crease the sensitivity of FDG-PET imaging to predict associated with a shorter PFS than were negative FDG-
relapse. PET results. FDG-PET results obtained after the first cycle
136 Positron Emission Tomography

Figure 9.4. Patient with a previous history of lymphoma with clinical suspicion of recurrence (enlarged left axillary nodes). PET showed highly increased metabolism in the left axil-
lary area (a, projection image), but the corresponding CT images showed a collected mass with a fistula to the skin, suggesting an infectious process rather than tumor recurrence
(b, PET and CT transaxial sections). A biopsy revealed lesions consistent with cat’s scratch disease.

correlated better with PFS than FDG-PET findings ob- the best time (optimal sensitivity and prediction of PFS)
tained after completion of chemotherapy. to perform FDG-PET imaging, reflecting the fact that it
In conclusion, FDG-PET imaging is the best imaging depends on several factors and is not the same for all pa-
technique for assessment of early response during treat- tients. Reduced numbers of viable cells or reduced metab-
ment. However, the published data are discordant about olism of the damaged cells after treatment might be
PET and PET/CT Imaging in Lymphoma 137

associated with decrease in tumor glucose utilization. after reinduction chemotherapy provided additional infor-
Most studies are oversimplified by differentiating patients mation to established parameters for risk stratification.
into only two categories (with or without residual FDG Cremerius et al. (98) confirmed that chemoresistance as
uptake). The probability that PET imaging remains posi- evidenced by metabolic response may be of major prog-
tive depends on the sensitivity and resolution of the PET nostic importance. FDG-PET imaging was performed at
system (smallest lesion that can be detected), the biology baseline, after three cycles of induction therapy, before
of the tumor (more-rapid response in aggressive tumors), high-dose chemotherapy (i.e., after five to seven cycles of
the tumor mass at diagnosis (tumor shrinkage below the induction therapy), and after high-dose chemotherapy.
detection level, later in large tumors), dose intensity of Partial metabolic response was defined as a greater than
chemotherapy (more-rapid regression if higher doses), 25% decrease of SUV between successive FDG-PET
and interval between the last day of chemotherapy and studies. Twenty-four patients suffering from NHL were
FDG-PET imaging (risk of temporarily reduced metabolic investigated, but the assessment of response from sequen-
activity early after chemotherapy). tial PET scans using SUV was available in only 22 patients.
Semiquantitative evaluation of the degree of FDG Six of 7 patients who did not achieve at least a partial
uptake is probably more accurate, but methodologic prob- metabolic response after complete induction therapy de-
lems remain to be resolved (96). For example, decrease of veloped lymphoma progression, whereas 10 of 15 patients
FDG uptake may be influenced by a decrease of tumor size with complete metabolic response or partial metabolic re-
resulting in partial-volume effects. The use of standard sponse remained in continuous remission. Three of 5 pa-
uptake value (SUV) analysis must take into account the tients in whom residual disease was undetected by PET
influence of different imaging times over multiple bed imaging suffered from follicular lymphoma. As reported
positions because FDG uptake in lymphoma does not after conventional first-line chemotherapy, the sensitivity
reach a plateau in the 3-h postinjection time. Furthermore, of FDG-PET imaging to predict relapse was higher after
monoclonal antibodies such as rituximab that have very induction chemotherapy than at the end of all treatment
long half-lives are now used routinely in association with (after high-dose chemotherapy and autologous stem cell
chemotherapy, but the impact on metabolic activity evalu- transplantation). The authors conclude that sequential
ated by PET imaging remains unknown. On the other PET scans after three cycles and before high-dose
hand, a transient increase in inflammatory cells may result chemotherapy were indicated for response evaluation. A
in overexpression of the fraction of viable cancer cells, as similar prognostic value was not obtained during the early
shown in a tumor mouse model (97). Further studies are phase of induction therapy, when all patients except 1 ob-
clearly warranted to investigate the best timing for evalua- tained a partial metabolic response with PET imaging.
tion of early response to treatment before starting large However, when the analysis was restricted to FDG-PET
prospective randomized trials in which treatment is findings before high-dose chemotherapy, the results were
changed in some patients to a more-aggressive or a more- similar: 5 of 15 patients with a negative PET study re-
experimental one based on FDG-PET findings. lapsed compared to 7 of 9 patients with a positive PET
study (residual FDG uptake). Unfortunately, this easier
and less-expensive approach (only one PET study without
Evaluation of Chemosensitivity Before SUV calculation) was not discussed by the authors.
High-Dose Chemotherapy Filmont et al. (99) showed that FDG-PET imaging per-
formed 2 to 5 weeks after the initiation of salvage
High-dose chemotherapy followed by autologous stem chemotherapy can be used to predict outcome of patients
cell transplantation is the standard treatment for patients suffering from lymphoma with high accuracy. Seven of 8
relapsing from lymphoma if the tumor remains patients with a negative FDG-PET study remained in com-
chemosensitive. FDG-PET imaging is the imaging tech- plete remission and 11 of 12 patients with a positive FDG-
nique of choice for distinguishing responders from nonre- PET study relapsed after autologous stem cell
sponders to reinduction chemotherapy (79, 98–101). transplantation. As in the previous studies, a PET study
Becherer et al. (79) observed that all five patients with a performed after autologous stem cell transplantation had
negative FDG-PET study and two of three patients with mild no additional prognostic value.
FDG uptake after reinduction chemotherapy remain in Spaepen et al. (100) confirmed the important prognos-
complete remission. On the other hand, of the eight patients tic role of FDG-PET imaging in the pretransplant evalua-
with moderate or high FDG uptake, seven relapsed and one tion of patients with lymphoma. Twenty-five of 30
died early of treatment-related complications. In PET-nega- patients with a negative FDG-PET study before high-dose
tive patients, the overall and relapse-free 1-year survival chemotherapy and autologous stem cell transplantation
were 100% compared to 55% and 18%, respectively, in PET- remained in complete remission compared to only 4 of 30
positive patients. A baseline study before reinduction patients with a positive FDG-PET study.
chemotherapy provided no additional information with The remaining question for the future is how to use
regard to a later relapse in comparison to a single assess- the information provided by FDG-PET imaging. High-
ment after reinduction chemotherapy. FDG-PET imaging dose chemotherapy followed by autologous stem cell
138 Positron Emission Tomography

transplantation may be considered the only available after completion of therapy, whereas only about 20% of
therapeutic option. Even some patients with residual FDG patients with HD relapse. Residual masses are present in
uptake will have a good outcome after standard treatment 25% to 40% of patients with aggressive NHL whereas only
with high-dose chemotherapy followed by autologous 25% of these patients will relapse.
stem cell transplantation. On the other hand, it has not FDG-PET imaging provides an accurate method for de-
been shown that new approaches such as nonmyeloabla- tection of residual tumor and can guide biopsies or help
tive allogeneic transplants or other immunologic ap- the planning of further treatment (69, 71–73, 78, 80, 89,
proaches are useful for the treatment of lymphomas that 102–106, 123) (Table 9.2). A high accuracy and negative
are refractory to chemotherapy. predictive value (NPV) of 80% to 100% was reported by
most authors. This value depends not only on the sensitiv-
ity and resolution of the PET system and histologic
subtype of lymphoma but also on the length of follow-up.
Evaluation After Completion of Chemotherapy We suggest reporting 6-month and 1-year PFS to allow
and/or Radiotherapy comparison between studies. In contrast, there was a high
variability in the PPV, ranging from 25% to 100%.
Accurate documentation of residual disease after treat-
ment is crucial for patient management. Even if complete
disappearance of all clinical and laboratory evidence of Mixed Population (Hodgkin’s Disease plus
disease is observed, some patients will present a residual Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma)
mass after treatment. Morphologic imaging techniques
such as MRI or CT cannot reliably differentiate between de Wit et al. (78) studied 34 patients (17 HD, 17 NHL)
residual masses that essentially represent fibrosis, and after the end of chemotherapy. They observed 5 false-pos-
thus do not require further treatment, and those contain- itive FDG-PET studies in 17 patients with abnormal FDG
ing viable tumor cells, which need salvage treatment. uptake. There were 3 false-positive results within and 2
Residual masses are most frequently observed in patients false-positive results outside of residual masses after com-
with aggressive NHL who have a large tumor mass at diag- pleted therapy. None of the 17 patients with a negative
nosis and in patients with nodular sclerosing HD. Two- FDG-PET study relapsed, but the follow-up was short
thirds of patients with HD present with a residual mass (median follow-up, 63 weeks).

Table 9.2. Predictive value of whole-body FDG-PET imaging for post-treatment evaluation.

Authors Median follow-up (months) Positive predictive value Negative predictive value
Mixed population:
de Wit et al. (78) 14 70% (12/17) 100% (17/17)
Jerusalem et al. (69) 23 100% (6/6) 83% (40/48)
Zinzani et al. (107) 20 100% (13/13) 97% (30/31)
Bangerter et al. (72) 31 56% (5/9) 93% (25/27)
Mikhaeel et al. (102) 38 89% (8/9) 91% (21/23)
Zinzani et al. (123) 12 87% (14/16) 100% (59/59)
Overall 83% (58/70) 94% (192/205)
de Wit et al. (80) 26 67% (10/15) 100% (18/18)
Dittmann et al. (71) 6 87% (7/8) 94% (17/18)
Spaepen et al. (103) 32 100% (5/5) 91% (50/55)
Weihrauch et al. (73) 28 60% (6/10) 84% (16/19)
Guay et al. (104) 16 92% (11/12) 92% (33/36)
Friedberg et al. (105) 24 50% (4/8) 96% (23/24)
Overall 74% (43/58) 92% (157/170)
Spaepen et al. (106) 21 100% (26/26) 84% (56/67)
Mikhaeel et al. (89) 30 100% (9/9) 83% (30/36)
Overall 100% (35/35) 83% (86/103)
All studies: 83% (136/163) 91% (435/478)

Source: Adapted from Jerusalem et al. (121, 122).

PET and PET/CT Imaging in Lymphoma 139

Cremerius et al. (86) evaluated the use of FDG-PET The accuracy for predicting DFS for the whole group of
imaging for assessment of residual disease in 27 patients patients was 74% for FDG-PET and 32% for CT imaging.
(8 HD, 5 low-grade NHL, 12 high-grade NHL, 2 un- If the analysis was restricted to studies performed after
classified) at 7 days to 6 months (median, 54 days) after completion of all treatment, the accuracy was 85% for
the last course of chemotherapy. They found that FDG- FDG-PET and 39% for CT imaging. The limited perfor-
PET imaging had a significantly higher specificity (92% mance of FDG-PET imaging when the examination was
versus 17%), PPV (94% versus 60%), and accuracy (96% performed before radiotherapy may be explained either
versus 63%) than CT. The sensitivity and the NPV were by residual lymphoma that is eradicated by radiotherapy
100% with both imaging techniques. or by false-positive or false-negative findings related to a
Jerusalem et al. (69) confirmed the higher diagnostic short time interval between the last chemotherapy and
and prognostic value of FDG-PET compared to CT FDG-PET imaging. The authors pointed out that the rate
imaging in a larger patient population (19 HD, 35 aggres- of false-positive results after completed therapy is too
sive NHL). The 1-year PFS and OS were, respectively, 0% high to justify intensive treatment such as following with
and 50% ± 20% in patients with a positive PET study com- autologous stem cell transplantation on the basis of FDG-
pared with 86% ± 5% and 92% ± 4% in patients with a PET results without histologic verification.
negative PET study. This study also showed that FDG-PET Dittmann et al. (71) compared the results obtained by CT
imaging can predict early progression but cannot exclude and FDG-PET imaging in the assessment of residual masses
the presence of minimal residual disease, possibly leading (26 comparisons in 24 patients) and in case of suspected
to a later relapse. relapse (21 comparisons in 20 patients). In the evaluation
Zinzani et al. (107) studied 44 patients with lymphoma of residual masses, FDG-PET imaging had a sensitivity of
(13 HD, 31 aggressive NHL) who had presented with ab- 87.5% (7 true-positive, 1 false-negative) and a specificity of
dominal involvement (41% with bulky mass) at the end of 94.4% (17 true-negative, 1 false-positive) compared to 25%
chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy. They found that and 56%, respectively, for CT. FDG-PET imaging offered no
FDG-PET imaging was the modality of choice for differen- additional information compared to CT in patients with
tiating early recurrence or residual disease from fibrosis. suspected relapse (18 true-positive, 3 false-positive with
In a study of 72 patients (41 NHL, 29 HD, 2 both methods). Semiquantification of FDG uptake with
unclassified), Cremerius et al. (108) found a better predic- SUV did not improve the discriminations of viable lym-
tive value for FDG-PET than for CT imaging and serum phoma from necrosis as compared to visual assessment
LDH measurement. The sensitivity, specificity, and overall alone. Measurement of SUV was also not useful to improve
accuracy of FDG-PET imaging for the detection of resid- the accuracy of PET imaging for the diagnosis of relapse.
ual disease were 88%, 83%, and 85%, respectively. The Hueltenschmidt et al. (49) found similar encouraging
values for CT were 84%, 31%, and 54%, respectively and results for FDG-PET imaging in the restaging after treat-
for serum LDH measurement 50%, 92%, and 73%. ment in 47 patients. The accuracy was 91% for FDG-PET
Finally, in a study of 93 patients (44 HD, 49 NHL), imaging and 62% for conventional imaging methods. In
Mikosch et al. (70) showed that FDG-PET imaging had a contrast to the previous study, they also observed a better
comparable sensitivity but a higher specificity and accu- accuracy for FDG-PET compared with CT imaging in the
racy than CT and ultrasound. They found that the sensi- confirmation of a suspected recurrence (83% and 56%, re-
tivity, specificity, and accuracy of FDG-PET imaging were spectively).
91%, 81%, and 85%, respectively. However, FDG-PET In contrast to most other studies, Spaepen et al. (103)
imaging had a high accuracy when interpreted with ap- had no problems with false-positive FDG-PET findings.
propriate clinical data, which can only be acquired All 5 patients with a positive FDG-PET study relapsed, but
through close cooperation with the referring clinicians. they reported 5 relapses in 55 patients with a negative
They suggested that, when FDG-PET imaging was equivo- FDG-PET study, probably because of the long follow-up
cal regarding detection of residual viable tumor, repeated observation time. The 2-year actuarial PFS rate for FDG-
imaging at regular time intervals may be helpful. PET-negative patients was 91% compared with 0% for
FDG-PET-positive patients. The main weakness of this
study was that 40 of 60 patients received additional radio-
Hodgkin’s Disease therapy after FDG-PET imaging. Furthermore, the 6 pa-
tients with a positive PFS after chemotherapy but a
de Wit et al. (80) performed 50 concurrent CT and FDG- negative PET study after additional radiotherapy were
PET studies in 33 patients with HD. Seventeen studies classified as PET-negative patients.
were performed after completion of chemotherapy and 33 Weihrauch et al. (73) evaluated 28 patients with a resid-
after completion of all treatments (chemotherapy and ra- ual mediastinal mass of at least 2 cm after initial therapy or
diotherapy). Only 10 of 22 positive FDG-PET studies were salvage chemotherapy. A negative FDG-PET study indi-
true positive; these patients relapsed during follow-up cated a low likelihood of relapse before 1 year, if ever
after a median of 52 weeks. Among the 28 patients with a (NPV, 95%). On the other hand, a positive FDG-PET result
negative FDG-PET studies, 1 patient relapsed 3 years later. indicated a significantly higher risk of relapse, justifying
140 Positron Emission Tomography

further diagnostic procedures and a closer follow-up (6 of Evaluation of Response After

10 patients with a positive FDG-PET study relapsed).
Radioimmunotherapy (RIT) is a new form of treatment
Non Hodgkin’s Lymphoma using both immunologic effects and radiation damage as
methods to kill tumor cells. Torizuka et al. (109) showed
Spaepen et al. (106) confirmed the high prognostic value
in a small number of patients that FDG-PET findings at 1
of FDG-PET imaging after first-line chemotherapy in 93
to 2 months after 131I-anti-B1 (CD20) RIT correlated well
patients with NHL. Among the 67 patients with a negative
with the ultimate long-term response of NHL to RIT. In
PET study, 56 remained in complete remission. All the 26
contrast, FDG-PET findings at 5 to 7 days after RIT may
PET-positive patients relapsed. In 12 patients,
fail to reliably assess the long-term therapeutic effect.
confirmation of residual disease was not obtained because
Further studies are clearly warranted before using FDG-
the FDG-PET uptake was localized in residual masses on
PET imaging routinely for monitoring response to RIT.
conventional staging procedures and the patients received
immediate second-line treatment. In the remaining 14 pa-
tients, relapse was proven either by biopsy (n = 8) or by
progressive disease on CT or MRI. The 2-year PFS rate Routine Follow-Up of Asymptomatic
was 85% for FDG-PET-negative patients compared to 4% Patients
for FDG-PET-positive patients.
Jerusalem et al. (87) observed 11 true-positive, 2 false- Relapse of HD or aggressive NHL is usually identified as a
positive, 44 true-negative, and 12 false-negative FDG-PET result of evaluation of symptoms rather than by routine
studies in 69 patients suffering from NHL. Seven of the 12 screening of asymptomatic patients (110, 111). The early
relapses in patients with a negative PET study occurred diagnosis of relapse allows more-rapid administration of
within 1 year after PET imaging and 5 of these 7 relapses salvage therapy, possibly improving the outcome. No pub-
were observed within 2 months after PET imaging. These lished data are available regarding the value of PET
results indicate that a negative FDG-PET study cannot imaging for the detection of preclinical relapse in the
exclude an early relapse in aggressive NHL. follow-up of patients suffering from aggressive NHL. In
our experience, among the patients with a negative PET
study at the end of treatment evaluation, early relapses
Differences Between Hodgkin’s Disease and were observed in several patients suffering from NHL (87).
Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma The sensitivity to detect preclinical relapses is probably
low because the time interval between detectability by
Some investigators suggested a different role for FDG-PET FDG-PET imaging and clinical symptoms is very short.
imaging in HD and NHL. However, Jerusalem et al. (87) Consequently, there is probably no role for PET (as for
found a comparable accuracy 90% (35 of 39) in HD and other conventional imaging techniques) in the routine
80% (55 of 69) in NHL. This result is not surprising follow-up of asymptomatic patients suffering from aggres-
because FDG-PET imaging is able to identify correctly lym- sive NHL. Our group reported results in 36 patients with
phomatous involvement before treatment in both HD and HD who underwent PET imaging every 4 to 6 months for 2
aggressive NHL. The differences observed according to his- to 3 years after the end of chemotherapy and/or radiother-
tologic subtypes reflect the better prognosis for HD and the apy (112). All 5 patients presenting residual tumor (n = 1)
more-rapid tumor growth of aggressive NHL. False-posi- or relapse (n = 4) were correctly identified early (before 9
tive PET findings have been reported in both HD and NHL. months) before confirmation by biopsy (n = 4) or by con-
However, as relapse is a rare event in HD, the impact of a ventional imaging techniques (n = 1). However, FDG-PET
false-positive PET study on the PPV is much more impor- imaging showed transient focal accumulations of tracer in
tant in HD than in NHL. On the other hand, because PET 6 patients in whom subsequent examinations were nega-
imaging cannot exclude minimal residual disease, the NPV tive. Thymic uptake was observed in 11 of 36 patients.
of PET imaging is lower in NHL than in HD. As shown by Further studies are required to evaluate the use of PET
Jerusalem et al. (87), these relapses can occur early after imaging for early detection of relapse in asymptomatic pa-
completing the treatment in NHL, even if the FDG-PET tients and the impact of such detection on outcome in HD.
study is negative. In contrast, a relapse within 1 year after a
negative FDG-PET study is uncommon in HD. The most
important information from a clinical point of view is the
sensitivity for detection of residual disease. Unfortunately,
Use of FDG-PET Imaging in Childhood
this sensitivity was low in both HD and NHL when patients Lymphoma
with known residual disease were excluded from analysis.
Jerusalem et al. (87) reported a sensitivity of 33% (1 in 3) in In young children, PET imaging presents a unique chal-
HD and 48% (11 in 23) in NHL. lenge because it requires not only fasting but also that the
PET and PET/CT Imaging in Lymphoma 141

patient lies quietly for a prolonged period of time.

Sedation of the patient (adding expense and risk) is
Advances in Technology: FDG-PET/CT
sometimes necessary. PET imaging appears to have a Imaging and New Radiotracers
good sensitivity for staging and evaluation of response
to therapy in children and adolescents but there are The quality of the images has rapidly improved by ad-
some concerns about the PPV after treatment (113–115). vances in technology over the past years, increasing the
Clinicians should be aware of FDG-PET findings in sensitivity of the method. Attenuation correction, most
specific clinical conditions (116). FDG-avidity conform- useful for the visualization of deep-seated lesions, in par-
ing to the normal distribution of the thymus gland in a ticular in the abdomen, is now routinely used. More re-
child or teenager in the first year after completion of cently, it became possible to perform sequential PET and
therapy may be monitored expectantly, if the clinical CT studies on a single device in a same-day session.
evaluation is otherwise negative for signs or symptoms Freudenberg et al. (118) performed FDG-PET/CT
of recurrence, because thymic hyperplasia accumulating imaging for restaging in 27 patients with lymphoma. They
FDG is a common finding appearing in the 6 to 12 observed some advantages with FDG-PET/CT imaging
months after treatment. compared to side-by-side interpretation of FDG-PET and
Reactive hyperplasia with progressive transformation CT images. Integrated PET/CT imaging with fusion
of germinal centers is a pathologic entity characterized images not only improves the quality of the images but
by chronic lymphadenopathy that accumulates FDG but provides excellent anatomic maps to help with localiza-
requires only expectative monitoring. Progressive trans- tion of the FDG-avid foci.
formation of germinal centers predispose to the devel- Schaefer et al. (119) also showed that FDG-PET/CT
opment of lymphocyte predominant HD and may also imaging performed with nonenhanced CT is more sensi-
develop after treatment of lymphocyte predominant tive and specific than contrast-enhanced CT for the evalu-
HD. Wickmann et al. (114) reported results of a retro- ation of lymph node and organ involvement in 60 patients
spective multicenter study (27 centers) in 106 patients with HD or high-grade NHL. It is highly probable that all
suffering from HD and participating to the GPOH-HD PET devices will be integrated PET/CT devices in the near
95 study. Regarding the primary staging, there was a future.
concordance of 92% between the findings on PET and New radiotracers such as 18F-fluorothymidine (18F-FLT)
on CT/MRI/ultrasound examinations per location, but may improve the specificity of PET imaging. In a pilot
in more than 50% of patients, a discrepancy occurred in study of 11 patients with both indolent and aggressive
at least 1 of the 9 investigated locations. In the follow-up lymphoma, 18F-FLT was suitable and comparable to FDG
studies, the results were less encouraging. In asympto- in the ability to detect malignant lesions by PET imaging
matic patients, the NPV of PET studies performed 2 to (120).
26 weeks after treatment was 94% but the PPV was only
25%. In patients with suspected relapse at any time
during follow-up, the PPV increased to 76% and the
NPV decreased to 83%. In the GPOH-HD 95 trial, the in-
dication for radiotherapy was limited to patients who
Conclusions and Perspectives
did not show a complete remission after chemotherapy
Table 9.3 summarizes the current clinical indications of
as determined radiographically. In the future protocol,
FDG-PET imaging in the evaluation of patients with lym-
the indication for radiotherapy in patients with early-
phoma. FDG-PET imaging is complementary to but does
stage HD should be further refined by using FDG-PET
not replace conventional staging techniques for the initial
imaging for evaluating the response to chemotherapy
staging in HD and NHL. The stage of disease is modified
(117). Furthermore, in patients at an advanced stage
based on PET imaging in some patients leading to a
of the disease, it should be determined if sequential
change of therapy. In the future, integrated FDG-PET/CT
FDG-PET imaging during chemotherapy can separate
imaging may allow a better definition of the radiation
patients into subgroups with an excellent or a poor
In conclusion, FDG-PET imaging may play an impor- Table 9.3. Clinical indications.
tant role in staging, assessment of response, planning ra- Confirmed indications:
diation treatment fields, and routine follow-up after • Initial staging of patients with lymphoma
treatment in children and adolescents suffering from HD
• Determination of chemosensitivity before high-dose chemotherapy followed by
or NHL. However, further prospective studies are war- autologous stem cell transplantation
ranted to increase our knowledge about the role of PET • Evaluation of treatment after completion of chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy
imaging in staging and restaging pediatric patients, espe-
cially to indicate the value of PET imaging in the end of
• Evaluation early during the treatment after one or a few cycles of chemotherapy
treatment assessment of patients presenting with a resid- allowing modification of treatment strategy according to PET findings
ual mass.
142 Positron Emission Tomography

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PET and PET/CT Imaging in Colorectal Cancer
Christiaan Schiepers and Peter E.Valk

Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a common disease and in this volume. The place of PET in stratifying patients
belongs, with lung, breast, and prostate cancer, to the with colorectal cancer and in the workup of clinical prob-
most frequently seen neoplasms in Western countries. In lems is discussed in this chapter. In this respect, it is ap-
the United States, CRC frequency ranks third in men and propriate to speak of correlative imaging, in which all
second in women. CRC is the fourth leading cause of imaging modalities have their specific contribution and
cancer mortality because it has a better prognosis than the are not seen as competitive modalities (6).
other common cancers (1–3). During 1990–1995, the The declining mortality rate of CRC is related to screen-
annual percent change in incidence was –2.3% and in ing programs put in place, such as the hemoccult test and
mortality –1.1% compared to the previous half decade (2). colonoscopy in asymptomatic individuals above age 50.
In 2004, a total of 146,940 new CRCs are likely to be diag- Lifestyle changes contributed in part to early detection
nosed, and 56,730 are expected to die of their disease (3). with subsequent surgery and a decrease in mortality.
Incidence of CRC is similar in men and women (M/F ratio Sophisticated imaging such as PET is expensive and not a
= 1.004), as is the mortality rate (M/F ratio = 0.997). realistic option for screening purposes. An interesting
About 70% of the patients have resectable disease, but study from Japan (7) reported an incidence of 2.1% neo-
only two-thirds can be cured by resection. In the remain- plasms found within 1 year after screening an asympto-
ing one-third of these patients, recurrence is diagnosed in matic group of more than 3,100 people with
the first 2 years after resection. F-2-deoxy-D-glucose (FDG)-PET imaging. PET was true
A 5-year survival rate of 62% is reported in the United positive in 54% of tumors, and most of the false negatives
States compared to 41% in the European Union (EU). The were in the genitourinary (GU) tract. Obviously, PET
lifetime risk of developing colorectal cancer in the United cannot be cost effective under these circumstances.
States appears to be 5.78% (1 in 17) in men and 5.55% (1 The cost issue of PET for patient management in CRC
in 18) in women. has been addressed (8). The main advantage of PET in on-
Advances in diagnostic imaging technology have been cology is that with one injection and imaging session the
directed to (1) help establish the diagnosis, (2) stage the whole body can be imaged in a tomographic mode.
extent of disease, and (3) enhance the development of ac- Generally, the more conventional approach with multiple
cepted treatment protocols by monitoring response to CT or MR scans covering head, chest, abdomen, and
therapy. Improved patient outcome may be expected if pelvis are more expensive than a single whole-body PET.
these goals are achieved. Various imaging modalities are The role of PET in colorectal cancer is a popular topic
available for this purpose, including the anatomic (e.g., for review articles, in part because of the high incidence
radiography, computed tomography, sonography, mag- and mortality of this disease. Overviews emphasizing the
netic resonance imaging) and functional modalities (e.g., clinical approach have been published by Arulampalam et
molecular imaging, radioimmuno- and receptor scintigra- al. (9) from a surgical point of view, by Akhurst and
phy, magnetic resonance spectroscopy). Positron emis- Larson (10) and by Anderson and Price (11) from the on-
sion tomography (PET) is based on imaging of cologist’s perspective, and by Rohren et al. (12) from the
biochemical processes in vivo, and creates tomographic imaging expert point of view.
images similar to imaging modalities such as computed The latest technologic development concerns dual-
tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging modality imaging, by combining a multislice CT and a
(MRI). PET is unique because it supplies an image repre- PET scanner into one system. In addition, to providing
senting the metabolic activity of the underlying molecular high-resolution CT images in all planes and projections,
processes (4, 5). The basics of PET are discussed elsewhere CT-based attenuation correction can be performed (13).
148 Positron Emission Tomography

Historical Perspective Table 10.1. Clinical performance of 18F-2-deoxy-D-glucose (FDG)-positron

emission tomography (PET) in recurrent colorectal cancer.
Despite the advancement of conventional diagnostic Body region Patients Sensitivity Specificity
methods, such as computed tomography (CT), both cross- Local 366 94.5% 97.7%
sectional and helical, magnetic resonance (MR) imaging,
Hepatic 393 96.3% 99.0%
and external and endoultrasonography (US), early detec-
Whole body 281 97.0% 75.6%
tion of colorectal cancer remains problematic for pri-
maries as well as recurrences. The addition of serum Source: Adapted from the meta-analysis of Huebner et al. (28).
tumor markers or radioimmunoscintigraphy has not
significantly improved detection at an early stage, ham-
pering curative resection. Assessment of disease extent or local, hepatic, and extrahepatic. Hypermetabolic foci in
tumor burden is necessary for proper patient selection of these regions are suspicious for primary tumor, recur-
surgery with curative intent, or stratification to rence, or metastasis and form the basis of metabolic
chemotherapy and/or radiation treatment for patients imaging in oncology.
with advanced disease. Most distant metastases occur in The role of PET for primary CRC has not been studied
the liver or lungs, and adequate staging is necessary to systematically. The study by Abdel-Nabi et al. (23) showed
exclude patients with more extensive disease (14). Long- excellent sensitivity for PET but poor specificity (43%).
term survival after attempted curative resection of recur- Their CT specificity of 37% is lower than reported in the
rent disease is only 35%. Therefore, appropriate literature, so that biased patient selection cannot be ex-
noninvasive staging plays a pivotal role in selecting pa- cluded. Falk et al. (24) showed in a mixed group of 16 pa-
tients who would benefit from surgery and avoiding un- tients that PET was superior to CT and had a positive
necessary surgery with major morbidity in those with predictive value (PPV) of 93% and a negative predictive
unresectable disease. value (NPV) of 50%. Ruhlmann et al. (25) directed their
Serum carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) is used to study to the clinical performance in a mixed group of pa-
monitor for possible recurrence. This technique has a re- tients and did not find differences between primary and
ported sensitivity of 59% and specificity of 84% but recurrent disease. From the sparse evidence, there is so far
cannot determine the location of recurrence (15). Lower no established role for FDG-PET in primary CRC.
gastrointestinal (GI) radiography with contrast has been The majority of studies deal with recurrent disease. The
used for detection of local recurrence with accuracy in the first series of systematically studied patients came from
vicinity of 80%, but it is only 49% sensitive and 85% Heidelberg and demonstrated the impact of PET versus
specific for overall recurrence. CT has been the conven- CT in the differential diagnosis of a pelvic mass (26). Ito et
tional imaging modality used to localize recurrent disease al. (27) reported the first study of PET versus MR imaging.
with an accuracy of 25% to 73%. CT cannot reliably dis- Later, studies with more patients were published that
tinguish postsurgical changes from local recurrence and confirmed these early findings. Table 10.1 provides the
is often equivocal (16–18). CT of the abdomen misses combined data for FDG-PET imaging in CRC as reported
hepatic metastases in about 7% of patients and underesti- in the meta-analysis by Gambhir’s group (28). They re-
mates the number of lobes involved in one-third of pa- viewed articles published during 1990–1999 that reported
tients. In addition, CT commonly misses metastases to the information on the use of new medical technology and se-
peritoneum, mesentery, and lymph nodes. Among the pa- lected 11 studies that fulfilled their strict guidelines for
tients with negative CT, half will have nonresectable technology evaluation. Sensitivity and specificity in the
lesions at the time of exploratory laparotomy. The results meta-analysis were all 95% or higher, except for the
for MR imaging are comparable to CT (19). specificity at extrahepatic sites, which revealed about 25%
FDG (2-18F-fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose) has been used false-positive results. The studies included in the meta-
most frequently as the tracer for metabolic imaging (20). analysis come from institutions in the United States,
FDG is able to measure changes in glucose utilization, Europe, and Australia and showed remarkable consis-
which is enhanced in cancer. After the introduction of tency of results. From the reported literature in the previ-
PET for whole-body imaging (21), clinical studies have ous decade, it is clear that PET has established a role in
been aimed at staging CRC and evaluating the disease the evaluation and staging of patients with recurrent CRC.
extent. In clinical practice, “PET whole-body imaging”
usually extends from the base of the brain to the upper
thighs. The yield in imaging the brain for metastases is Technique and Methodology
low (1.5%), as was reported in the UK (22), mainly
because of the high FDG uptake in gray matter. High rates of glycolysis are found in many malignant
Metastases below the inguinal regions are uncommon in tumor cells (29) and high uptake of FDG is usually associ-
many cancers. Traditionally, three general regions of ated with a high number of viable tumor cells and high ex-
metastatic spread of CRC in the body are distinguished: pression of glucose transporters (30). Increased FDG
PET and PET/CT Imaging in Colorectal Cancer 149

uptake is by no means specific for neoplasms (31). Inflam- diagnosed local recurrences with 100% accuracy. Abdel-
matory processes may also have increased uptake, and Nabi et al. (23) found SUVs of 2.8 to 14.5 for primary bowel
false-positive results have been reported in presacral cancers. Semiquantitative evaluation offers a more-objec-
abscess, tuberculosis, fungal infections, acute postopera- tive way of reporting lesion uptake than visual image inter-
tive and radiation changes, pancreatitis, or diverticulitis. pretation and is useful for comparing lesion activity in
In the proper clinical context, many of these lesions will consecutive studies (treatment monitoring). However,
probably not be confused with local or regional disease, visual interpretation appears sufficient for clinical needs
but all may contribute to false-positive distant findings. and is equally effective for a one-time diagnosis.
The body imaging mode has become the standard for Modifications that may improve the semiquantitative
PET in oncology (21). After the uptake period, the patient evaluation of FDG uptake include normalizing the dose to
is positioned in the scanner, and sequential acquisitions the body surface area (37) or the lean body weight (38)
are performed along the length of the patient’s body. As instead of the total weight of the patient. This SUV
the emitted photons pass through the tissues, varying modification may be significant because the concentration
degrees of attenuation and scatter affect the final number of FDG is higher in muscle than in fat. For a concise
that reach the detectors. A separate transmission scan is comparison of the simplified quantitative analysis
performed to correct for attenuation effects. The trans- methods of FDG uptake, the article of Graham et al. (39) is
mission scan can be acquired after tracer injection, en- recommended.
abling higher patient throughput. No difference in lesion
detection was found between corrected and nonattenua-
tion-corrected images for a variety of tumors (32, 33).
However, these studies used filtered back-projection to re-
Patient Preparation and Diagnostic
construct the images, instead of currently used iterative Protocol
reconstruction methods. In the late 1990s, there was no
consensus on the necessity of attenuation correction (34), Patients are studied in a prolonged fasting state to
but most facilities now use low noise attenuation correc- produce low insulin levels and induce low rates of glucose
tion with CT and scatter correction to provide more true- utilization by normal tissues, including voluntary muscles
to-life depiction of metabolic activity in the body. and myocardium. Malignant tissues are less dependent on
The spatial resolution of a modern CT or MR system is hormone regulation, and thus will have higher uptake
better than that of a PET system. However, this is not the when compared to the surrounding normal tissues. The
only determining factor in detecting abnormalities. The typical duration of a PET oncology protocol is about 2 h.
“contrast resolution” or difference between the lesion and A dose of 250 to 500 MBq (7–15 mCi) of FDG is the usual
its surroundings helps determine the presence of disease. activity administered. After an uptake period of 45 to 75
The accuracy of anatomic images is limited by a lower min, the patient is asked to void and is positioned in the
lesion to background contrast. The sole exception is the scanner. Interleaved emission (3–5 min per bed position)
lung, where anatomic contrast between solid lesions and and transmission (2–3 min per bed) scans are acquired. A
air-filled lung is high. The target-to-background ratio is scan of the body has a total acquisition time of 35 to 50
usually much higher for FDG-PET. Except for the lung, min. Patients are usually scanned from feet to head,
the high metabolic contrast predominates over anatomic taking advantage of the low bladder uptake after voiding
contrast. Sensitivity of PET is also affected by lesion size. at the beginning of acquisition. The transmission scans
Metabolically active lesions as small as 5 mm have been can be acquired before, after, or interleaved with the emis-
detected with FDG-PET. sion scans. The typical duration of a dedicated “PET-
True quantification of FDG metabolism is usually not only” oncology protocol is 1.5 to 2 h, depending on the
performed for CRC because tumor kinetics are not duration of the postinjection uptake period.
known. The technique is more demanding of resources Dual-modality imaging with PET/CT is used in many
than imaging alone, and metabolic rate determination has institutions. The imaging protocols are variable depend-
been found to offer no diagnostic advantage. For therapy ing on the CT settings, that is, for attenuation correction
monitoring and prediction of prognosis, compartmental only (low mAs sufficient) (40), diagnostic quality, and the
modeling may be able to discriminate responders from use of contrast (intravenous and/or oral).
partial or nonresponders, but larger groups of patients At University of California–Los Angeles (UCLA), oral
need to be investigated (35). contrast is given for the delineation of the bowel. A
Evaluation of static PET images can be performed visu- volume of 900 mL Ready-Cat (with 2% barium sulfate, but
ally, or semiquantitatively using the standardized uptake without glucose) is given orally in three portions during a
value (SUV) or a lesion-to-background ratio. The SUV is period of 75 min before the acquisition starts. Our proto-
the measured activity in the lesion in mCi/mL divided by col comprises one CT acquisition of the torso, that is,
injected dose, expressed as mCi/kg of body weight. Strauss from the base of the skull to the midthigh level, followed
et al. (26) reported SUVs of 1.1 to 4.2 for pelvic recurrences, by a PET scan of the same area, with the arms up.
and Takeuchi et al. (36) showed that an SUV cutoff of 2.8 Currently, we have a dual-slice CT that provides images
150 Positron Emission Tomography

of diagnostic quality with the following settings: 130 kVp, To avoid misinterpretation of FDG images, it is critical
80 mAs, pitch 1, and reconstruction slice thickness 5 mm. to standardize the environment of the patient during the
The helical CT takes about 80 sec to image the upper uptake period; to examine the patient for postoperative
body. Intravenous contrast is given when ordered by the sites, tube placement, stoma, etc.; and to be aware of any
referring oncologist. Nonionic contrast (Omnipaque) in a invasive procedures or therapeutic interventions.
volume of 100 to 130 mL at a rate of 1.5 mL/s is adminis-
tered. The I.V. contrast may cause regions of high attenua-
tion that lead to typical CT-based attenuation artifacts and
pseudo-FDG uptake (41, 42). The FDG dose is 0.19 mCi/kg Accuracy of Metabolic and Anatomic
(7.0 MBq/kg) with a maximum of 15 mCi (555 MBq). The
uptake interval between tracer administration and start of
Imaging in Recurrent Colorectal Cancer
acquisition is 1 h. During the uptake period, the patient is
comfortably resting in a chair with armrests in a dimly lit Overall Accuracy of FDG-PET and Conventional
room without radio or television to minimize brain stimu- Imaging
lation. The patient is covered with blankets to prevent
shivering and activation of brown adipose tissue. Just The aims and methods of studies evaluating FDG-PET in
before acquisition, the bladder is emptied. Our PET recurrent CRC have developed with time and experience.
scanner has fast detectors (lutethium-ortho-silicate, LSO) The objectives in recurrent disease are quite different
allowing for imaging of 1 to 4 min per bed position to ac- from primary staging of CRC. The early studies of Strauss
cumulate the necessary counts. Body weight determines et al. (26) and Ito et al. (27) were aimed at feasibility of
the imaging time: less than 75 kg, 1 min/bed; less than 100 the technique and general comparison to CT and MR
kg, 2 min/bed, etc. (43). The overall PET acquisition takes imaging. Subsequent studies addressed tumor staging for
6 to 26 min. With this setup, a standard whole-body better stratification of patients before contemplated
PET/CT can be completed within 45 min. An additional CT surgery (24, 44–47). The accuracy of PET in CRC was eval-
of the chest is acquired during deep inspiration. uated (47–49) as well as the impact of PET findings on
The cortex of the brain uses glucose as its substrate; management decisions in routine practice (25, 48–51). In
therefore, FDG accumulation is high. Evaluation of presenting the findings of these studies, we included only
metastatic disease to the brain with FDG is limited (22). reports of 50 or more patients that were published in
Diffuse thyroid uptake can be a normal variant and is seen peer-reviewed journals and that compared PET to CT. The
in patients with thyroiditis and Graves’ disease. Metastatic referred patient populations vary from report to report,
cervical lymph nodes are occasionally seen in patients for instance, suspected versus diagnosed recurrence,
with colorectal carcinoma, and differentiation from single versus multiple sites of recurrence, first versus
thyroid uptake is important. In a typical fasting state, the second recurrence, prospective versus retrospective study
myocardium primarily utilizes free fatty acids, but post- design, potentially resulting in referral bias. In addition,
prandially or after a glucose load, it favors glucose. When methods and PET systems used in the studies varied, for
the chest is evaluated with FDG to assess the presence of example, limited versus extended (i.e., upper body) field
metastases, a 12-h fasting state may be preferable to of view, acquisition duration, correction for attenuation,
achieve low myocardial FDG uptake. Despite these mea- and scatter. Image reconstruction method, such as stan-
sures, uptake in the myocardium is seen with high fre- dard filtered back-projection versus iterative methods,
quency in cancer patients. was not always the same in the reported series. Moreover,
FDG is filtered by the glomerulus and is only partly re- lesion-based instead of patient-based analysis was fre-
absorbed, unlike glucose. Thus, accumulation of FDG in quently used. A number of studies were reported sequen-
the renal collecting system and urinary tract is normal. tially from the same institution and included some of the
Hydration to promote diuresis, or administration of di- same patients; in which case we selected only one repre-
uretics, can reduce the urinary activity seen on PET sentative study. Despite the multiple variations, different
images. High bladder activity can result in positive and objectives, and inconsistencies involved, the end results of
negative image artifacts if the images are not corrected for the studies that met the criteria are collated in the tables,
tissue attenuation. Correction for attenuation and itera- and are quite similar.
tive image reconstruction circumvent such artifacts, and Table 10.1 shows the average sensitivity and specificity
bladder catheterization is to be avoided. Some centers use of PET as computed in the meta-analysis (28). The meta-
antiperistalsis and antimotility drugs to overcome promi- analysis does not specify the results of conventional
nent bowel uptake. The large bowel usually shows some imaging, such as CT and ultrasound (US), and the com-
FDG uptake, but this can be differentiated from abnormal parison standard is not provided. For this reason, we
activity by demonstrating a physiologic activity pattern pooled the data of individual reports, that is, table 3 from
along the bowel trajectory in the stack of 3D images. Many Schiepers and Hoh (52) and table 2 of Delbeke and Valk
institutions in Europe utilize mild sedatives for patient (53), to calculate the overall diagnostic accuracy of PET
comfort during the relatively lengthy acquisition. and CT for whole-body imaging. For the CRC data with
PET and PET/CT Imaging in Colorectal Cancer 151

direct comparison between modalities, 301 patients were Table 10.2. Detection of local recurrence in colorectal cancer.
accumulated between 1993 and 1997. The weighted
average sensitivity was 95.5% for PET [95% confidence in- PET CT
Reference (sensitivity– (sensitivity–
terval (CI), 93%–98%] and 71.4% for CT (95% CI, First author number Year Patients specificity) specificity)
66%–77%). The weighted average specificity was 88.3%
Schiepers 48 1995 76 93%–97% 60%–72%
for PET (95% CI, 84%–92%) and 85.4% for CT (95% CI,
Valk 51 1999 115 97%–96% 68%–90%
Whiteford 55 2000 70 90%–90% 71%–85%
In the late 1990s, the single largest study of the accu-
racy of PET imaging with FDG was reported by Valk et al. Weighted 261 94.0%–94.7% 66.5%–83.4%
(51), who compared the sensitivity and specificity of PET
and CT for specific anatomic locations. They found that Source: From Valk PE, Bailey DL, Townsend DW, Maisey MN. Positron Emission
PET was more sensitive than CT in all locations except the Tomography: Basic Science and Clinical Practice. Springer-Verlag London Ltd 2003,
p. 562.
lung, where the two modalities were equivalent. The
largest differences between PET and CT were found in the
abdomen, pelvis, and retroperitoneum, where more than
one-third of PET-positive lesions were negative by CT. standard. They compared visual versus quantitative inter-
PET was also more specific than CT at all sites except the pretation of PET studies and found the two methods of
retroperitoneum, but the differences were smaller than analysis to be equivalent. Whiteford et al. (55) studied 101
the differences in sensitivity. patients, 70 of which were evaluated for locoregional re-
currence. They found that PET sensitivity was about 20%
higher than for CT plus colonoscopy. They also found that
Local Recurrence PET sensitivity varied with histological tumor type,
having a lower sensitivity for mucinous (58%) than non-
The results obtained by PET in detecting local recurrence mucinous CRC (92%).
that were reported in the early studies (26, 27) were cor-
roborated in larger patient groups (Figure 10.1). Table
10.2 shows the results of the series evaluating local recur- Hepatic Metastasis
rence that met the criteria. PET was 17% more accurate
than CT for this indication. Keogan et al. (54) studied re- The aim of the presurgical workup is to distinguish iso-
current rectal cancer, using pathology as comparison lated resectable disease, that is, local recurrence or soli-

Figure 10.1. Coronal FDG-PET images in

a 73-year-old man who underwent re-
section of colon cancer 4 years earlier. CT
showed a mass in the lower lobe of the
right lung. PET showed the pulmonary
metastasis (b, ->) and also demon-
strated local recurrence in the left lower
quadrant (a, => ). Local recurrence was
confirmed at surgery. Images are cor-
a b
rected for attenuation and scatter.
152 Positron Emission Tomography

Table 10.3. Detection of hepatic metastases.

difficulties in interpreting small lesions and may be attrib-
uted to the rapidly evolving technologic changes in multi-
PET CT slice helical CT and high-resolution PET systems. Topal et
Reference (sensitivity– (sensitivity–
First author number Year Patients specificity) specificity)
al. (57) confirmed in a series of 99 patients that PET was a
diagnostic tool complementary to CT and US in selecting
Schiepers 48 1995 76 94%–100% 85%–98%
patients for potentially curative liver resection. Similar
Delbeke 49 1997 61 91%–95% 81%–60%
findings were reported in a small series of 14 patients by
Valk 51 1999 115 95%–100% 84%–95%
Boykin et al. (58).
Whiteford 55 2000 101 89%–98% 71%–92% Fernandez et al. (59) investigated the 5-year survival
Weighted 353 92.4%–98.6 80.0%–88.7% after resection of metastasis from CRC. They established
the 5-year survival of patients with conventional diagnos-
Source: From Valk PE, Bailey DL, Townsend DW, Maisey MN. Positron Emission tic imaging from the literature by pooling the data of 19
Tomography: Basic Science and Clinical Practice. Springer-Verlag London Ltd 2003, studies with a total of 6,090 patients. The 5-year survival
p. 562.
rate was 30% and appeared not to have changed over
time. These results were compared to their group of 100
patients with hepatic metastases, who were preoperatively
tary liver metastasis, from advanced disease. By correct staged for resection with curative intent. Addition of a
staging, patients with widespread metastasis may be preoperative FDG-PET study improved the 5-year survival
identified in whom surgery is not an option, thus sparing rate to 58%, indicating that they were able to define a sub-
the patient extensive surgery with its associated morbid- group after conventional imaging that has a better prog-
ity. The actual selection of patients with recurrent cancer nosis (59). The main contribution was in detecting occult
results in 5-year survival rates of only 20% to 30% after disease, leading to a reduction of futile surgeries.
secondary “curative” surgery (2).
Table 10.3 shows results obtained by PET and CT in di-
agnosis of hepatic metastasis, showing smaller differences Distant or Extrahepatic Metastasis
than in diagnosing local recurrence. For detection of
hepatic metastasis, PET was 12% more sensitive than CT PET for staging of disease involvement may yield unex-
(Figure 10.2). PET specificity is about equal to CT, except pected lesions that often appear to be metastases (Figures
for Delbeke’s study. Delbeke et al. (49) compared PET to 10.3, 10.4); this is a feature of the PET imaging technique
conventional CT as well as CT portography, which is an in which the whole body can be examined after one injec-
invasive procedure. The sensitivity of PET (91%) was tion of an FDG dose. Table 10.4 provides results of detec-
lower than CT portography (97%), but the specificity was tion of unknown metastases. In about 25% of patients
12% higher, particularly at postsurgical sites. Fong et al. referred for restaging during their preoperative evalua-
(56) and Delbeke et al. (49) found that the sensitivity of tion, occult disease was found that was not suspected clin-
PET in detecting hepatic metastases varied with lesion ically or detected with conventional imaging.
size, as would be expected. Fong found that only 25% of PET using FDG has a proven record of accomplishment
lesions smaller than 1 cm were detected by PET compared for characterizing indeterminate pulmonary nodules that
to 85% of lesions larger than 1 cm. By excluding the can be metastases from CRC (60). Lai et al. (46), in their
lesions less than 1 cm, Delbeke found that the sensitivity study of 34 patients, found that FDG PET was especially
increased about 8% for both PET and CT. This 25% versus useful for detecting retroperitoneal and pulmonary
8% detectability change, found between two series re- metastases. Schiepers et al. (48) found that half the chest
ported only 3 years apart, highlights some of the lesions on PET were false-positives.

a b c

Figure 10.2. Transverse FDG-PET images in a 55-year-old man with a history of colon cancer 15 months earlier and status postresection. CT demonstrated a large metastasis in the
right lobe of the liver posteriorly. PET shows this lesion (a) and also demonstrates multiple small metastases that were not seen on CT (b, c).
PET and PET/CT Imaging in Colorectal Cancer 153

a b

Figure 10.3. Coronal FDG-PET images in

a 48-year-old man, with a history of
resection of colon cancer 11 months
earlier, who was found to have a lesion
in the right lobe of the liver on CT exami-
nation. The remainder of the CT images
of the abdomen and pelvis were normal.
Needle biopsy confirmed the hepatic
metastasis, and the PET study was per-
formed for preoperative staging. PET
images show the hepatic metastasis (b)
with an extrahepatic focus of abdominal
tumor, inferior to the right lobe of the
liver (a). The PET findings were con-
firmed at surgery.

a b Clinical Indications for PET Imaging in

Colorectal Cancer
Evaluation of Elevated Serum CEA Level
Flanagan et al. (61) reported the use of FDG PET in 22 pa-
tients with elevation of serum CEA level after resection of
primary CRC and negative findings by conventional diag-
nostic procedures (Figure 10.5). Sensitivity and specificity
of PET for tumor recurrence were 100% and 71%, respec-

Table 10.4. Detection of occult metastases with FDG-PET.

Reference Unsuspected
First author number Year Patients metastases
Schiepers 48 1995 76 14 (18%)
Lai 46 1996 34 11 (32%)
Delbeke 49 1997 52 17 (33%)
Figure 10.4. Coronal (a) and sagittal (b) FDG-PET image in a 51-year-old man with a
Valk 51 1999 78 25 (32%)
history of resection of rectal cancer 3 years earlier. CT demonstrated a lesion in the
lower zone of the right lung, and biopsy confirmed recurrent rectal cancer. CT imaging Pooled average 240 67 (27.9%)
showed no other abnormality, and PET imaging was performed for preoperative Source: Updated from Valk PE, Bailey DL, Townsend DW, Maisey MN. Positron
staging. PET showed high uptake in the lung metastasis (a) and also showed metastasis Emission Tomography: Basic Science and Clinical Practice. Springer-Verlag London
in a thoracic vertebra, thereby excluding surgical resection of the lung lesion. The Ltd 2003, p. 563.
patient was treated with chemotherapy and irradiation.
154 Positron Emission Tomography

a b

Figure 10.5. Sagittal (a) and transverse

(b) FDG-PET image in a 73-year-old man
with a history of colon cancer resection
22 months earlier, followed by 6 months
of chemotherapy. The patient was found
to have carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA)
elevation, negative CT examination of
the abdomen, and negative ultrasound
(US) examination of the liver. PET
demonstrates a hypermetabolic focus in
the anterior epigastrium (coronal slice),
anterior to the left lobe of the liver
(transverse slice). Metastasis was con-
firmed by biopsy.

tively. Valk et al. (51) reported a sensitivity of 93% and detected by PET. Three patients with focal pelvic recur-
specificity of 92% in a similar group of 32 patients, 18 of rence and 1 with focal abdominal recurrence on FDG-PET
whom proved to have recurrence on surgical evaluation had undetected diffuse tumors that could not be resected.
or clinical follow-up. Maldonado et al. (62) reported for Strassberg et al. (64) reported 43 patients with hepatic re-
PET a sensitivity of 94% and specificity of 83% in a group currence who were evaluated before surgery. PET findings
of 72 patients. Flamen et al. reported, in a retrospective contraindicated surgery in 6 of these patients (14%). Of
series of 50 patients, 79% sensitivity and 89% positive pre- the 37 patients who underwent laparotomy, liver resection
dictive value (63). From these studies, it is apparent that was performed in all but 2 (5%). Median follow-up in the
PET has a definite place in the workup of an unexplained 35 patients who had resection was 24 months, and the
CEA rise in CRC. Kaplan–Meyer estimate of overall 3-year survival was
77%, with a 3-year disease-free survival of 40%. These
numbers were higher than had been reported previously
Preoperative Staging of Recurrent CRC (17). PET increased the rate of resectability at surgery and
decreased the rate of rerecurrence following resection by
Table 10.4 shows results obtained by PET using FDG in detection of tumor preoperatively that had not been
detection of unsuspected distant metastases in patients found by conventional imaging.
undergoing preoperative evaluation, which is probably Three studies of preoperative staging by Beets et al. (44),
the most important function of PET in recurrent CRC. Schiepers et al. (48), and Flamen et al. (50) reported results
Table 10.4 shows that FDG-PET discovered disease at un- from the same institution over several years and contained
suspected sites in 28% of patients referred for preopera- overlapping groups of patients. In the series reported by
tive staging. Lai et al. (46), in their study of 34 patients, Flamen et al. (50), the objective was to compare the
found that FDG-PET was especially useful for detecting number of lesions detected by PET and conventional
retroperitoneal and pulmonary metastases. imaging methods and study the discrepancies. All data
Surgical findings in patients who underwent surgery were reprocessed with iterative reconstruction and reread
following staging by PET were reported by Valk et al. (51). by two nuclear medicine physicians. The accuracy of inter-
Forty-two patients with PET evidence of localized recur- pretation was similar to the earlier report of Schiepers et
rence were submitted to surgery. Seven of these patients al. (48) indicating reproducibility of findings between dif-
(17%) had nonresectable tumor at surgery. Two patients ferent reconstruction techniques and different interpreting
with liver metastasis also had diffuse peritoneal tumor nuclear medicine specialists. In 10% of lesions, PET and
and 1 had multiple small liver lesions that had not been conventional imaging findings were discordant, and in the
PET and PET/CT Imaging in Colorectal Cancer 155

other 90%, PET contributed additional diagnostic infor- Imaging Center from the perspective of the referring
mation. Almost half the discordant findings were locore- physician. Questionnaires were sent to referring physi-
gional, near the site of the original primary (50). cians after a PET study had been performed for diagnosis
or staging of recurrent CRC determine whether the PET
findings had had an impact on management decisions.
Clinical stage was changed in 42% of patients. A treatment
Impact of PET findings on modality switch (e.g., from surgery to chemotherapy,
Management Decisions from medical treatment to surgery) was reported in 37%
of patients (67).
PET using FDG permits earlier evaluation for treatment The great variability in study design of the published
by diagnosing recurrence when CT is still negative, and series evaluating management effect was addressed by
avoids unnecessary surgery by demonstrating nonre- Gambhir’s group in their meta-analysis (28). Using rigor-
sectable disease in some patients with known recurrence ous selection guidelines based on U.S. medical payer
(65, 66). Whether PET will improve the resectability-rate source criteria, only 10 studies between 1990 and 1999
by earlier tumor diagnosis or will reduce the rate of re-re- listed on MEDLINE qualified for inclusion. One additional
currence of undetected residual tumor at surgery remains study was selected after direct contact with the primary
to be established. Tabulating the studies that specifically author for clarification of the text and tables (25). These
addressed preoperative evaluation yields the results in studies were performed in four different countries:
Table 10.4. In about a quarter of patients, unsuspected Australia, Belgium, Germany and the United States (four
metastases were detected. Although these findings may institutions), comprising seven different institutions in
not always change the clinical stage of the disease, some total. The reports from the same institution used overlap-
cases will be reclassified to the nonsurgical category. ping patient groups. The results given in Table 10.1 were
Surgical decision making in CRC has been reported fre- obtained from this meta-analysis.
quently from different countries (50, 51, 65, 66). In a prospective study, Kalff et al. (68) investigated
The question of change in patient management was ad- the clinical impact in recurrent CRC. They found that
dressed by several investigators, and the impact of PET FDG-PET directly influenced management in 59% of pa-
varied from 23% in the series of Fong et al. (56) to 40% in tients. Their findings confirmed earlier retrospective
the series of Beets et al. (44). Table 10.5 shows that, reports (46, 51, 56, 66). Management changes in recur-
overall, a change in management was observed in about rent and metastatic CRC was also studied by Desai et al.
one-third of patients with recurrent CRC. A detailed (69) in 114 patients. They found that FDG-PET altered
analysis of the type of management changes can be found therapy in 40% of patients. They concluded that PET
in the meta-analysis (25). Altogether, in 121 of 349 pa- should be used in the management of patients with re-
tients (34.7%), a management change was reported. current CRC who are considered for potentially curative
Surgery was correctly avoided in more than half of the pa- surgery.
tients (53.7%), and unintended surgery was correctly initi- The greater sensitivity of PET compared to CT in diag-
ated in 20.7% of patients. PET incorrectly suggested a nosis and staging of recurrent tumor is the direct result of
change in management in 9.1% of patients. two factors: (1) early detection of abnormal tumor metab-
Management change was addressed in a collaborative olism, before changes have become apparent on anatomic
study from UCLA and the Northern California PET imaging, and (2) whole-body metabolic imaging, which
permits diagnosis of tumor when it occurs in unusual and
unexpected sites. PET imaging allows identification of
areas with abnormal metabolism, which may guide subse-
Table 10.5. Change in patient management introduced by FDG-PET. quent CT and possible biopsy of these lesions. Thus, exact
Reference Changed anatomic location and potential resectability can be as-
First author number Year Patients treatments sessed. In the region of the primary, PET is helpful in de-
Beets 44 1994 35 14 (40%) tecting nodal involvement and differentiating local
Lai 46 1996 34 10 (29%) recurrence from postsurgical changes, indications for
Valk 51 1999 78 24 (31%) which CT has known limitations. For hepatic lesions, PET
Fong 56 1999 40 9 (23%) is helpful to assess the number of lesions and liver lobes
Whiteford 55 2000 101 26 (26%)
involved. For distant, extrahepatic abnormalities, PET
may be used to characterize abnormal lesions diagnosed
Pooled 288 83 (28.8%)
with conventional imaging procedures or may identify
Source: Updated from Valk PE, Bailey DL, Townsend DW, Maisey MN. Positron occult metastasis.
Emission Tomography: Basic Science and Clinical Practice. Springer-Verlag London
Three indications for metabolic imaging have been es-
Ltd 2003, p. 566.
tablished in patients with known or suspected recurrent
156 Positron Emission Tomography

colorectal carcinoma: (1) rising serum CEA level with neg- patients and correlated with the palliative benefit. PET
ative conventional diagnostic imaging; (2) characteriza- was more accurate than serum CEA level in assessing re-
tion of equivocal lesion(s) on conventional imaging; and sponse. These investigators found that FDG uptake imme-
(3) staging of recurrent disease. FDG-PET scans for diately following radiation may be caused by
staging and restaging of CRC are reimbursed by national inflammatory changes without residual tumor (77). They
insurers in the United States, U.K., Germany, Italy, recommended a postradiation interval of 6 months before
Belgium, and Switzerland. evaluating response. These findings mirror the results of
an early report of Abe et al. (78). The time course of FDG
uptake postradiation has not been studied systematically;
but an interval of 6 months between RT and PET is rec-
Therapy Monitoring ommended to assess presence of complete response.
Although the inflammatory response is real and may
The use of FDG-PET for monitoring chemotherapy has hamper image interpretation, early PET scanning may
been reported (51). Accurate information about the effec- have a role to determine whether the tumor is sensitive to
tiveness of radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy for col- treatment. For assessing complete response, sufficient
orectal cancer is important for continuation of the time needs to have elapsed, otherwise remaining FDG
selected therapeutic regimen or switching to an alterna- uptake may be incorrectly interpreted as residual or re-
tive regimen. The number of studies in which PET has current tumor. Schiepers et al. (79) investigated the effect
been used successfully for monitoring therapy is small, of radiation after 10 fractionated doses of 3 Gy on primary
but monitoring chemotherapy in advanced colorectal rectal cancer (total dose, 30 Gy). In this pilot experiment,
cancer appears promising. Strauss and collaborators (70) all cancers showed an effect of irradiation 2 weeks after
studied the response to therapy with PET for various finishing RT (Figure 10.6), and one tumor was no longer
tracers. In 1991, they reported that tumor perfusion detectable in the resected, irradiated specimen. More re-
(studied with 15O-water) is highly variable and does not search is needed to sort out the exact timing of cell
correlate well with treatment response. Using labeled damage, cell death, and cleanup of necrotic cells and its
fluorouracil (FU) and FDG for measuring response to effect on metabolic activity of the cells mediating in the
chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy, they found a correla- inflammatory response cascade. As a rule of thumb, we
tion between uptake and outcome. High uptake of FU and recommend assessing tumor response with FDG-PET
low uptake of FDG correlated with good treatment re- about 3 months after completion of RT and 1 month after
sponse. The pharmacokinetics of FU suggest that FU may chemotherapy.
be superior to FDG in predicting the response to treat- The European Organization for Research and
ment on an individual patient basis (71). Strauss and col- Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) published a position paper
laborators (72–74) studied PET images of FU metabolite on the use of FDG-PET for the measurement of tumor re-
concentration and compared these with growth rate sponse (80). The EORTC-PET study group formulated
before and during chemotherapy, determined by CT standard criteria for reporting alterations in FDG uptake
volume measurements. Lesions with low FU uptake had a to assess clinical and subclinical response to therapy.
significant increase in volume and no response to treat- Although there was wide variation in the methodology
ment. Findlay et al. (75) evaluated the metabolism of liver between PET centers surveyed, assessment of FDG uptake
metastases from CRC before and after treatment in 18 pa- was thought to be a satisfactory method to monitor re-
tients. The findings were compared to change in size on sponse to treatment. The group made initial recommen-
CT, and results were expressed as a tumor-to-liver uptake dations on (1) patient preparation, (2) timing of PET
ratio. By this means they were able to differentiate even- scans,( 3) methods to measure FDG uptake with SUV, and
tual responders from nonresponders on both lesion-by- (4) definition of FDG tumor response.
lesion and patient-based analysis. Regional therapy of
hepatic metastases by chemoembolization can also be
monitored with FDG (76). FDG uptake decreased in re-
sponding lesions and the presence of residual uptake was Costs
used to guide further regional therapy. The Sloan-
Kettering group also found good correlation between the PET using FDG has been shown to be cost effective for di-
response of hepatic metastasis to chemotherapy and FDG agnosis and staging recurrent CRC in a study using clini-
uptake (10). Their most promising finding was the posi- cal evaluation of effectiveness with modeling of costs (51)
tive correlation between PET findings at 4 weeks and CT and a study using decision analysis (81). In both studies,
findings at 12 weeks, whereas the MR imaging at 4 weeks all costs calculations were based on U.S. Medicare reim-
did not show a change in tumor volume. bursement rates for conventional diagnostic and thera-
Assessing response to radiation therapy (RT) was eval- peutic procedures and $1,800 cost for PET. The cost
uated in 21 patients with recurrent disease by Haberkorn analysis by Valk et al. (51) assessed the use of PET in pa-
et al. (77). Reduction in FDG uptake was found in half the tients who had been diagnosed with recurrence and were
PET and PET/CT Imaging in Colorectal Cancer 157

Figure 10.6. Transverse FDG-PET images in a 48-year-old man with primary rectum cancer, clinical stage cT3 N0 M0. Note the tumor focus posterior to the bladder (upper row,
arrowhead). The bottom row shows the findings after 10 fractionated doses of 3-Gy external radiation (total, 30 Gy). The second PET scan was performed 2 weeks after completion of
radiation. Note the marked decrease in FDG uptake after therapy (arrow).

considered to have resectable tumor on the basis of con- than conventional diagnostic methods and, more impor-
ventional diagnostic imaging. In a management algorithm tantly, excludes patients who will not benefit from laparo-
where recurrence at more than one site was treated as tomy and liver resection because of unrecognized distant
nonresectable, they found a cost saving of $3,003 per disease.
patient resulting from diagnosis of nonresectable tumor
by PET.
The group of Gambhir used a decision analysis model
to determine the cost-effectiveness of PET in management Dual-Modality Imaging with PET/CT
of recurrent CRC (82). In patients with an elevated serum
CEA, who were evaluated for hepatic resection, the CT PET using FDG has come of age for staging CRC and has
plus PET strategy was superior to the conventional CT- emerged as a molecular imaging modality. Several limita-
only strategy. The model showed an increased cost of $429 tions of dedicated PET, such as prolonged imaging times,
per patient, which resulted in an increased mean life ex- lengthy transmission scans, and lack of anatomic land-
pectancy of 9.5 days per patient. The assumptions that marks, prompted for integration of imaging information.
were used in this liver metastasis model (increased serum Traditionally, all imaging data was merged “inside the
CEA with negative conventional imaging) included preva- brain” of the imaging specialist. Subsequently, informa-
lence of recurrent CRC, 32%; CT liver sensitivity, 79%; CT tion from the different modalities was fused in computer
liver specificity, 88%; PET-liver sensitivity, 96%; and PET- memory. Patient position (e.g., arms up or down, tilt of
liver specificity, 99%. Frequency of liver metastasis was image device relative to patient axis), breathing state
assumed to be 28.5%, and 81% of these were estimated to (deep inspiration, breath-hold, or shallow breathing), res-
have extrahepatic involvement. This model showed that olution, etc., differ significantly among the various
the CT plus PET strategy was cost effective for PET costs imaging modalities and imaging centers, and image
less than $1,200 and hepatic recurrence frequencies fusion post hoc is, therefore, prone to errors. This limita-
greater than 46%. tion gave rise to the development of dual-modality
Based on the available data, all patients should undergo systems such as PET/CT, in which the patient is posi-
a PET scan with FDG for preoperative staging of recurrent tioned in a combined gantry and imaged during one
CRC. In case of distant, extrahepatic hypermetabolic foci, single session. After the prototype PET/CT was introduced
a CT of the corresponding region should be performed for by the Pittsburgh group, dual-modality imaging has
anatomic correlation. This approach allows more-accu- rapidly evolved as the imaging method of choice for on-
rate selection of patients who will benefit from surgery cology (13, 83). The combination of a PET and CT scanner
158 Positron Emission Tomography

Figure 10.7. Body PET/CT scan in a 72-

year-old man with recurrent colorectal
cancer. Patient was 6 months past ante-
rior resection of an adenocarcinoma of
the rectum. He returned with abdominal
pain and constipation. Proctoscopy did
not reveal stenosis. Coronal planes (left
column) and sagittal cuts (right column)
are shown. The top row displays the CT
images (soft tissue window), the middle
row the PET images, and the bottom row
the fusion images (CT in black and white
with PET superimposed in color). Local
recurrence was diagnosed (green
arrows), and a regional lymph node
metastasis was identified (blue arrow).
Note the hot bladder, containing ex-
creted FDG in the urine.

permits “mechanical” fusion of the images, greatly facili- reports show a 10% to 20% increase in both sensitivity
tating the localization of hypermetabolic foci as well as and specificity.
increasing specificity while characterizing lesions (Figures Cohade et al. (85) reported their experience with an
10.7, 10.8, 10.9). In addition, the CT can be used for atten- in-line PET/CT device in colorectal cancer. They focused
uation correction (see Chapter 1), eliminating the trans- on two aspects of the identified lesions: (1) type, that is,
mission scans and reducing acquisition time. In the dual malignant or benign and (2) anatomic location. In their
imaging scenario, the purpose of the CT is to localize study, the “conventional” technique of attenuation
lesions in anatomic terms and of PET to categorize lesions correction was applied, that is, measured with a
in pathologic terms (benign versus malignant). positron-emitting transmission source ( 68Ge). The
Lesions with abnormal metabolism can be assigned to duration of the transmission scan was 3 min/bed, and a
normal or abnormal structures on CT and classified cor- segmentation algorithm was used to calculate the atten-
rectly as true or false positives. Thus far, a few well-con- uation map.
trolled studies have been reported with PET/CT imaging The purpose of the CT was to help the physician in in-
and its clinical impact in diagnostic oncology (84, 85). The terpreting the study, localize the lesion in anatomic
PET and PET/CT Imaging in Colorectal Cancer 159

a b
Figure 10.8. Axial images of the pelvis for PET (top), CT (bottom), and fusion (middle) of the same patient as in Figure 10.7. (a) Local recurrence near the anastomosis (green arrow)
and rectal lymph node with increased FDG uptake (blue arrow). (b) Additional affected rectal lymph node at a lower level than (a).
160 Positron Emission Tomography

terms, and categorize the lesion as benign or malignant.

The results of PET/CT were compared to the interpreta-
tion of PET alone. Cohade et al. (85) found that the un-
certainty in lesion localization decreased by 55% and that
in lesion type by 50%. These differences did not translate
into a different performance of PET alone versus PET/CT.
There were no statistical differences in sensitivity,
specificity, or accuracy. In evaluating the stage of CRC,
an 11% increase in accuracy of staging was found. As
Cohade et al. (85) pointed out, the gain by PET/CT is not
“tremendously high” for CRC (85). However, one has to
keep in mind that sensitivity and specificity of FDG-PET
for staging of CRC is already quite high, as was estab-
lished earlier (see Table 10.1).
Although a significant advantage of PET-alone over CT-
alone has been amply documented (51, 86), PET has size
limitations and usually misses tumors less than 5 mm.
The Cohade paper demonstrates a benefit from registra-
tion and fusion of PET to CT. The certainty that a focus of
FDG accumulation constitutes a lesion is clearly in-
creased. In a group of 169 patients referred for staging of a
mixture of neoplasms, we found a 12% improvement by
PET/CT (87).
One of the main areas of contribution for PET/CT is the
precise location of the bowel and lymph nodes, and asso-
ciation of FDG uptake with GI mucosa, which is quite
variable. This consideration is even more important for
restaging and for therapy monitoring after surgery when
the anatomy has been changed. The effect of breathing on
abdominal organs is less important than for the chest
(88). Even artifacts in the liver, caused by breathing a
during the transport through the CT gantry, do not seem Figure 10.9. (a) Coronal plane with a liver metastasis (blue arrow) and left lower quad-
to pose clinical problems in staging of CRC. Non-attenua- rant mesenteric metastasis (green arrow), in same patient as shown in Figure 10.7.
tion-corrected tomograms and 2D projection images are
always available to view images without artifacts and cir-
cumvent interpretation problems. To reduce bowel Conclusion
uptake, some centers use pharmacologic interventions to
inhibit secretion and motility, but this step does not seem FDG-PET is indicated as the initial test for diagnosis and
necessary on a routine basis. staging of recurrent CRC. In addition, it is indicated for
Evaluation of the effects of intravenous and oral con- preoperative staging of known recurrence that is consid-
trast used for CT on the PET images has just started (89, ered to be surgically resectable.
90). PET/CT has already influenced the way we read stan- PET imaging is valuable for distinguishing posttreat-
dard FDG-PET scans. Accurate localization of muscle and ment changes from recurrent tumor, differentiation of
brown fat uptake by PET/CT has been demonstrated (91). benign from malignant lymph nodes, and monitoring
These patterns are found in young, tense, skinny, or shiv- therapy. Addition of FDG-PET to the evaluation of these
ering patients and are physiologic variants, which are now patients reduces overall treatment cost by accurately dis-
recognized while interpreting PET alone. tinguishing patients who will benefit from those who will
Therapy monitoring will become increasingly impor- not benefit from surgery. PET is evolving as a molecular
tant and will have a major impact. In the near future, imaging modality and will soon enter the realm of clinical
PET/CT will play an important role in planning of radio- gene imaging and gene therapy monitoring (5, 94).
therapy, which will be relevant for all types of cancer, in-
cluding CRC (92).
As was recently outlined by Wahl (93), imaging of ab- Acknowledgments
dominal and pelvic cancer in the future will be almost ex-
clusively done by PET/CT. This projection was based on The previous version of this chapter was co-authored by Peter Valk, who
passed away in 2003. Tables were maintained and the old text incorpo-
the experience of the Johns Hopkins PET Center, where rated in the current updated version. His advancement of the PET tech-
more than 2,700 studies were performed in a 2-year nology in the clinical scenario is well known. This text was prepared to
period. honor his legacy.
PET and PET/CT Imaging in Colorectal Cancer 161

b c
Figure 10.9. Contd. (b) Axial images of the liver metastasis shown on the coronal cut (same layout as in Figure 10.8). (c) Left lower quadrant lesion seen on the coronal cut (A) (same
layout as in Figure 10.8).
162 Positron Emission Tomography

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PET and PET/CT Imaging in Esophageal and Gastric Cancers
Farrokh Dehdashti and Barry A. Siegel

Esophageal and gastric cancers are significant health scanners have been rapidly replacing conventional PET
problems. In the United States, it is estimated that 36,960 for the evaluation of oncologic patients. Although there
patients will be diagnosed in the year 2004 with are still only limited data regarding the use of PET/CT in
esophageal or gastric cancer and that these cancers will be esophageal and gastric cancers, the combination of these
responsible for 4.5% of all cancer-related deaths (1). The two modalities is expected to improve the accuracy of
incidence of gastric cancer is decreasing, whereas the inci- image interpretation, and thus lead to better management
dence of esophageal cancer is increasing, mainly because of cancer patients (4, 5).
of the increase in the frequency of adenocarcinoma of the
distal esophagus.
Surgery is the mainstay of treatment of both esophageal Esophageal Cancer
and gastric cancer. Despite recent advances in surgical
treatment, the overall prognosis of patients with Over the past two decades in Western countries, the inci-
esophageal or gastric cancer has not improved dence of esophageal adenocarcinoma has increased and is
significantly because the neoplasm is often diagnosed at currently higher than that of squamous cell carcinoma
an advanced stage of the disease. Local and systemic re- (2). Effective treatment and prediction of outcome in
currences are common, even after complete resection of esophageal cancer are based on accurate tumor staging.
the primary tumor and regional lymph nodes. Patients with early-stage disease may benefit from
Multimodality therapy, consisting of surgery with adju- esophagectomy alone, whereas multimodality therapy
vant or neoadjuvant radiotherapy, chemotherapy, or with surgery and adjuvant or neoadjuvant chemotherapy
both, has been used recently as a means to improve sur- and/or radiation may be indicated in patients with ad-
vival of patients with esophageal or gastric cancer. vanced locoregional disease. Nonsurgical palliative
Randomized clinical trials have shown that concurrent therapy is indicated in patients with distant metastatic
chemotherapy and radiotherapy are more effective than disease because these patients have a poor prognosis re-
radiotherapy alone in treating advanced esophageal gardless of the type of treatment. Cancer of the esophagus
cancer (2). Current data suggest that these cancers are is most often diagnosed by endoscopic biopsy or brush-
best managed with a tailored therapeutic regimen, based ing, and the size, location, and morphology of the tumor
on thorough preoperative staging of the tumor and an un- are evaluated by endoscopy and barium esophagography.
derstanding of established prognostic factors (3). Currently used staging methods include CT, endoscopic
The TNM staging system is used for staging of both ultrasonography (EUS), and magnetic resonance imaging
esophageal and gastric cancers: T stage refers to the depth (MRI). However, these anatomic imaging techniques have
of the invasion of the primary tumor, N stage refers to the significant limitations. EUS has been reported to have an
extent of lymph node involvement, and M stage indicates accuracy of 85% for assessment of the depth of tumor in-
the presence or absence of systemic metastases (Tables vasion and 75% for detection of regional lymph node
11.1, 11.2). Current preoperative staging techniques, such metastases (6). CT has also been found to have limited ac-
as computed tomography (CT), are of limited accuracy, curacy of 50% to 60% for staging esophageal cancer (7–9),
and invasive procedures often are used for better assess- and MRI has not significantly improved these staging
ment of the stage of the disease. Beginning in the mid- results. The main shortcoming of these imaging modali-
1990s, positron emission tomography (PET) has been ties is their reliance on detection of structural changes for
evaluated as a method for the staging of esophageal and diagnosis of disease. The high rate of treatment failure
gastric cancer. In the past few years, combined PET/CT after surgery with curative intent in patients with imaging
166 Positron Emission Tomography

Table 11.1. TNM staging for esophageal carcinoma. Table 11.2. TNM sStaging for gastric carcinoma.
Primary Tumor (T) Primary Tumor (T)
Tis = carcinoma in situ Tis = carcinoma in situ
T1 = tumor invades into but not beyond the submucosa T1 = tumor invades lamina propria or submucosa
T2 = tumor invades into but not beyond the muscularis propria T2 = tumor invades muscularis propria
T3 = tumor invades into the adventitia T3 = tumor invades adventitia
T4 = tumor invades adjacent structures T4 = tumor invades adjacent structures
Regional Lymph Nodes (N) Regional Lymph Nodes (N)
N0 = regional nodes not involved N0 = regional nodes not involved
N1 = regional nodes involved N1 = Metastasis in perigastric lymph nodes(s) within 3 cm of edge of primary
Distant Metastasis (M) tumor

M0 = no distant metastasis N2 = Metastasis in perigastric lymph nodes(s) more than 3 cm of edge of

primary tumor, or in lymph nodes along left gastric, common hepatic,
M1 = distant metastasis (including nodal involvement outside the splenic, or celiac arteries
Distant Metastasis (M)
Stage Grouping
M0 = no distant metastasis
Stage 0 = Tis, N0, M0
M1 = distant metastasis (including nodal involvement outside the
Stage 1 = T1, N0, M0 mediastinum)
Stage II = T1-2, N0-1, M0 Stage Grouping
Stage III = T3-4, N0-1, M0 Stage 0 = Tis, N0, M0
Stage IV = Any T, Any N, M1 Stage 1 = T1-2, N0-1, M0
Source: From Valk PE, Bailey DL, Townsend DW, Maisey MN. Positron Emission Stage II = T1-3, N0-2, M0
Tomography: Basic Science and Clinical Practice. Springer-Verlag London Ltd 2003, Stage III = T2-4, N0-2, M0
p. 571.
Stage IV = Any T, Any N, M1

Source: From Valk PE, Bailey DL, Townsend DW, Maisey MN. Positron Emission
Tomography: Basic Science and Clinical Practice. Springer-Verlag London Ltd 2003,
evidence of only localized disease is likely related to
p. 572.
current inaccurate staging procedures.
The addition of PET with 2-[18F]fluoro-2-deoxy-D-
glucose (FDG) to the current imaging techniques that are
used for staging significantly improves accuracy. The use tion of EUS is its inability to evaluate tumors that have
of FDG-PET in esophageal cancer was approved for reim- caused stenosis of the esophageal lumen, thereby prevent-
bursement by the U.S. Medicare program in 2001. In ing passage of the endoscope. CT complements EUS in de-
many institutions, FDG-PET is now routinely employed tecting macroscopic invasion of mediastinal fat and
for staging of esophageal cancer (10–17). There is very infiltration into the adjacent organs, particularly the
limited experience in the application of PET with other ra- trachea and bronchi (T3 and T4 stage). However, CT is
diopharmaceuticals (e.g., 11C-choline) for the evaluation limited for detection of early-stage (T1 and T2) tumors
of esophageal cancer (18). Accordingly, this chapter ex- and for differentiating malignant from benign causes of
clusively describes clinical results obtained with FDG. esophageal wall thickening. The accuracy of CT is further
limited by the diminished amount of mediastinal fat in
many patients with esophageal cancer, who often have
Primary Tumor Staging (T Stage) sustained significant weight loss by the time of presenta-
tion. In addition, accurate assessment of the local extent
The T stage is determined by the depth of tumor infiltra- of the tumor may be hindered by partial-volume averag-
tion into or through the esophageal wall, and this is one of ing consequent to the close proximity of the tumor to the
the most important prognostic factors in esophageal pulsating aorta or heart (19).
cancer. Because of the ability of the esophagus to distend, FDG-PET can detect esophageal cancer before it
dysphagia, which is a common presenting symptom, does becomes evident on CT, but PET is limited in its ability to
not occur until the disease is advanced and the tumor determine the extent of tumor spread through the
bulk compromises the esophageal lumen. EUS is useful esophageal wall or tumor invasion of the adjacent struc-
for accurate evaluation of the depth of primary tumor tures. This limitation results chiefly from the poorer reso-
penetration within the wall and the invasion of lution of PET by comparison with anatomic imaging
periesophageal tissues. However, EUS is operator depen- methods and its limited delineation of normal anatomic
dent and is unable to distinguish tumor from inflamma- structures. In our experience, a heterogeneous pattern of
tion, so that tumor stage may be overestimated in the FDG uptake at the primary site, especially when it has ir-
presence of peritumoral inflammation. The major limita- regular margins, is suggestive of local extension of the
PET and PET/CT Imaging in Esophageal and Gastric Cancers 167

tumor into the surrounding soft tissues. Several investiga- detect small lymph nodes, it has not been shown to
tors have shown that FDG-PET has a higher sensitivity improve the accuracy of esophageal cancer staging; this is
than CT for detection of primary esophageal cancer no doubt related to the size criterion used by CT for de-
(83%–100% versus 67%–92%) (10–13, 15–17, 20, 21). The tection of lymph node metastasis. To increase the accu-
one exception was a study utilizing a partial-ring PET racy of preoperative staging, the use of minimally invasive
scanner without attenuation correction of images, where surgical staging, consisting of thoracoscopy with or
PET was found to have a lower sensitivity than CT (84% without abdominal staging laparoscopy, has been recom-
versus 97%) (22). In most studies, false-negative results of mended. However, because of their invasiveness, morbid-
PET occurred in patients with small T1 lesions. Physiologic ity, and high cost, these procedures are not used routinely
uptake of FDG in the normal esophagus also may be a lim- in clinical practice.
itation in detection of small or well-differentiated tumors. Clinical studies have shown that FDG-PET can
FDG uptake in primary esophageal tumors has been as- significantly improve preoperative nodal staging (Table
sessed mainly by qualitative visual analysis. Yeung et al. 11.3). Although most of these studies were retrospective
(16) also assessed the FDG uptake in esophageal tumors and the studies employed different imaging protocols, the
by determination of the standardized uptake value (SUV) results demonstrate an important role for FDG-PET in
and found no difference in FDG uptake in adenocarcino- staging esophageal cancer. In early work at Washington
mas and squamous cell carcinomas. Fukunaga et al. (23) University, we studied 36 patients with esophageal cancer.
found that 47 of 48 patients with esophageal cancer had a In 29 patients who underwent esophagectomy with cura-
primary tumor SUV greater than 2.0 (sensitivity of 98%). tive intent, we found that the accuracy for detection of
The mean SUV in primary esophageal cancers (6.99 ± nodal disease was 76% (22/29) for FDG-PET and 45%
3.05; n = 48) was greater than that of either normal esoph- (13/29) for CT (10). Most subsequent studies including
agus (1.34 ± 0.37; n = 10) or a single benign esophageal our own have demonstrated slightly lower sensitivity, with
tumor (0.86) (23). Flamen et al. (17) compared the similar or higher specificity for detection of locoregional
primary tumor SUV with the T stage in 50 patients and nodal disease by PET. The reported sensitivities have
found no correlation. In contrast, Kato et al. (24) reported ranged from 22% to 71% (with one report of 92%) for
a significant association between FDG uptake of the PET, compared to 0% to 87% for CT (10–13, 15–17, 21, 22,
primary tumor, as measured by the SUV, and the depth 28–31) (Figure 11.1). Specificities ranged from 78% to
of tumor invasion (P less than 0.05), tumor dimensions 100% for PET and from 73% to 100% for CT (see Table
(P less than 0.01), the occurrence of lymph node involve- 11.3) (10–13, 15–17, 21, 22, 28–32). A recent meta-analysis
ment (P less than 0.01), and lymphatic invasion (P less of 12 studies reported in the literature has demonstrated
than 0.01). that the overall pooled sensitivity and specificity of FDG-
All currently used imaging techniques are limited in PET for detection of locoregional disease were 51% [95%
differentiating tumor from inflammatory disease and in confidence interval (CI), 34%–69%] and 84% (95% CI,
detecting microscopic disease, so that histopathologic ex- 76%–91%), respectively (33).
amination of the resected specimen remains the criterion Although these reports suggest that FDG-PET may
standard for T-stage determination. produce some small improvement in locoregional staging,
the sensitivity of both PET and CT is too low for use in
clinical decision making, and nodal sampling is used in all
Regional Lymph Node Metastases (N Stage) patients who are otherwise considered to be surgical can-
didates. False-negative results are chiefly found in nodes
The status of regional lymph nodes is the most important with small tumor burden (especially nodes less than 1 cm
prognostic factor in patients with esophageal cancer: pa- in diameter) and involved lymph nodes that lie in close
tients with nodal metastases have a higher likelihood of proximity to the primary tumor. These adjacent lymph
systemic spread of the disease and a worse prognosis nodes are typically resected with the primary tumor, and
(25–27). Lymph node status has a major impact on treat- their involvement usually does not alter management.
ment selection. Lymph node involvement, either regional False-positive results are chiefly caused by inflammatory
or distant, commonly occurs before involvement of other disease or heterogeneous uptake in the primary tumor
distant organs. The high prevalence of lymph node in- simulating periesophageal nodal metastasis. Inflamma-
volvement in esophageal cancer is the result of the rich tory adenopathy should be suspected when there is other
network of lymphatics, which extends along the entire evidence of granulomatous disease on CT imaging (e.g.,
esophagus. The limitations of the current imaging tech- nodal calcification).
niques, CT and EUS, in accurate detection of lymph node
involvement are related to their inability to detect tumor
involvement in normal-sized lymph nodes and to differ- Distant Metastatic Disease (M Stage)
entiate whether lymph node enlargement is caused by
metastatic or inflammatory disease. Although multidetec- The prognosis for patients with metastatic esophageal
tor CT has better resolution and improved ability to cancer is very poor, and major surgery is not justified in
168 Positron Emission Tomography

Table 11.3. Comparison of FDG-PET and CT for detection of regional lymph node involvement in esophageal cancer.

Number of patients Sensitivity (%) Specificity (%)

Study (year) Biopsy or surgery/totala PET CT PET CT

Flanagan et al. (1997) 29/36 72 28 82 73

Block et al. (1997) 35/58 52 28 78 78
Luketich et al. (1997) 21/35 45 NA 100 NA
Kole et al. (1998) 22/26 92 38 88 100
Rankin et al. (1998) 18/25 37 50 90 80
Yeung et al. (1999) NA/67 28 25 99 98
Flamen et al. (2000) 39/74 33 0 89 100
Lerut et al. (2000)c 42/74 22 83 91 45
Meltzer et al. (2000) 37/47 41 87 88 43
Kim et al. (2001) 50/53 52 15 94 97
Himeno et al. (2002) 31/36 37 31 96 88
Kato et al. (2002) 32/32 78 61 93 71
Wren et al. (2002) 21/24 71 57 86 71
Räsänen et al. (2003) 19/42 37 89 100 54d
Yoon et al. (2003) 81/136 30 11 90 95
Liberale et al. (2004) 8/24 38 25 81 50

NA, information not available.

Number of patients who underwent surgical resection of esophageal cancer.
The PET and CT results of some of these patients are also reported in Flanagan et al. (1997).
Reanalysis of 42 of 74 patients reported in Flamen et al. (2000).
Endoscopic ultrasonography.
Source: Updated from Valk PE, Bailey DL, Townsend DW, Maisey MN. Positron Emission Tomography: Basic Science and Clinical Practice. Springer-Verlag London Ltd 2003,
p. 574.

these patients. Therefore, it is essential to identify patients minimally invasive staging procedures, such as percuta-
with advanced disease accurately to permit selection of neous biopsy or mediastinoscopy, with confirmation of the
the most effective and rational management approach and PET results in every case (Figure 11.2).
to avoid subjecting them to ineffective costly and debili- Luketich et al. (13) studied 35 patients with esophageal
tating therapeutic procedures. Esophageal cancer typically cancer and demonstrated that FDG-PET had a sensitivity
metastasizes to distant lymph nodes, liver, and lung, of 88% (7/8) and specificity of 93% (25/27) for detection of
before metastasizing to other organs, such as bone and distant metastatic disease. FDG-PET was falsely negative
adrenal glands. Although evaluations of FDG-PET for de- in 1 patient with a 2-mm hepatic lesion. CT demonstrated
tection of distant metastatic disease in patients with small (less than 1 cm) pulmonary lesions in 6 patients, all
esophageal cancer have included only limited patient of whom had negative PET studies. Video-assisted thora-
numbers, the results of these studies have demonstrated cotomy confirmed the PET results in all 6 patients
an important role for PET in pretreatment staging. showing benign hamartoma in 2 patients and benign
Clinical studies have shown that FDG-PET is more sen- granuloma or fibrosis in 4. These investigators reported
sitive than conventional imaging such as CT, ultrasonog- that FDG-PET results facilitated treatment planning by
raphy, and bone scintigraphy for demonstrating the true demonstrating unsuspected distant metastatic disease in
extent of metastatic disease (Table 11.4). In our initial up to 20% of patients with negative results by conven-
study, we demonstrated that FDG-PET was superior to tional imaging. In a later evaluation, Luketich et al. (14)
CT, detecting distant metastatic disease in 5 of 7 versus 0 prospectively compared PET and CT with minimally in-
of 7 patients (10). The positive PET findings were vasive staging in 91 patients (100 PET scans) with
confirmed histologically in all 5 of these patients. The 2 esophageal cancer. Seventy distant metastatic lesions in 39
patients with false-negative PET results were respectively patients were confirmed clinically or by biopsy. Sensitivity
found at laparotomy to have a small hepatic metastasis and specificity were 69% and 93%, respectively, for FDG-
and a small pancreatic metastasis. Our subsequent evalua- PET and 46% and 74%, respectively, for CT. Similar
tion of a larger patient group confirmed these findings, results are reported by others (12, 15).
demonstrating a sensitivity of 100% (17/17) for PET versus In a prospective study of 74 patients, Flamen et al. (17)
29% (5/17) for CT in detection of distant metastatic disease found that FDG-PET was superior to CT and EUS in de-
(11). Eleven of these 17 patients subsequently underwent tection of stage IV disease. The sensitivity and specificity
PET and PET/CT Imaging in Esophageal and Gastric Cancers 169

Figure 11.1. Staging esophageal cancer:

65-year-old man with an esophageal
cancer. Coronal (top) computed tomog-
raphy (CT), positron emission tomogra-
phy (PET)-CT fusion, and PET images
demonstrate intense 18F-2-deoxy-D-
glucose (FDG) uptake within the thick-
ened distal esophagus, consistent with
primary esophageal cancer. Transaxial
(middle and bottom) CT, PET/CT fusion,
and PET images demonstrate intense
FDG uptake in an enlarged gastrohepatic
ligament lymph node (2.0 × 2.5 cm)
(curved arrow;middle images) and a
small (7 mm) lymph node (arrow,
bottom images), which showed in-
creased FDG uptake, suspicious for
metastatic disease.

Table 11.4. Comparison of FDG-PET and CT for detection of distant metastatic disease in esophageal cancer.

Number of patients Sensitivity (%) Specificity (%)

Study (year) Biopsy or surgery/total PET CT PET CT

Flanagan et al. (1997) 7/36 71 0 NA NA

Block et al. (1997)a 17/58 100 29 NA NA
Luketich et al. (1997) 7/35 88 0 93 70
Kole et al. (1998) 8/26 100 62 92 92
Luketich et al. (1999) 39/91 69 46 93 74
Flamen et al. (2000) 34/74 74 47 90 78
Lerut et al. (2000)b 13/42 77 83 90 69
Meltzer et al. (2000) 10/47 71 57 93 93
Wren et al. (2002) 12/24 67 83 92 75
Räsänen et al. (2003) 15/42 47 33 89 96
Heeren et al. (2004) 24/74 78 37 98 87
Liberale et al. (2004) 7/58 88 44 88 95

CI, conventional imaging [CT and/or ultrasound (US)].

The PET and CT results of some of these patients are also reported in Flanagan et al. (1997).
Reanalysis of 42 of 74 patients reported in Flamen et al. (2000).
170 Positron Emission Tomography

Figure 11.2. Staging esophageal cancer:

62-year-old man with adenocarcinoma
of the distal esophagus and gastroe-
sophageal junction. Coronal (top) CT,
PET/CT fusion, and PET images demon-
strate intense FDG uptake within the
primary tumor mass Transaxial (bottom)
CT, PET/CT fusion, and PET images show
intense FDG uptake in a normal size
(1 cm) right supraclavicular lymph node
(arrows), which was easily accessible for
biopsy to confirm inoperable disease.

for detection of stage IV disease were 74% and 90%, re- Study Z0060) are not expected to be available until 2005.
spectively, for FDG-PET, 41% and 83%, respectively, for The current literature demonstrates that FDG-PET at
CT, and 42% and 94%, respectively, for EUS. Combined initial diagnosis assists in selection of the most appropri-
use of CT and EUS had a sensitivity of 47% and a ate mode of therapy for esophageal cancer. In particular,
specificity of 78% in this group of patients with advanced some patients with advanced disease, who are deemed to
disease. FDG-PET upstaged the tumor in 11 patients have resectable tumors on the basis of conventional
(15%) by detecting unsuspected metastatic disease and imaging results, are excluded from attempted curative
downstaged disease in 5 patients (7%). In a subsequent re- surgical procedures. However, because the positive pre-
analysis of data in 42 of these 74 patients (28), these inves- dictive value of FDG-PET is less than 100%, histologic
tigators also showed that FDG-PET had higher sensitivity confirmation of PET findings indicating nonresectability
(77% versus 83%) and specificity (90% versus 69%) than is necessary before a patient is denied potentially curative
the combination of CT and EUS, specifically for detection surgery. FDG-PET diagnosis of nonresectable disease has
of distant nodal disease. Similar results have been re- the added advantage of also identifying the local or
ported by others (22, 34, 35). For detection of metastatic distant metastatic sites that are the most accessible to
disease, the reported sensitivities have ranged from 47% confirmation by minimally invasive surgical procedures
to 100% for PET, compared with 0% to 83% for CT (see Figure 11.3) (10, 11, 13, 14, 36). Therefore, the use of
(10–14, 17, 18, 22, 28, 31 ,34 ,35). Specificities ranged from PET for staging esophageal cancer can reduce both the
89% to 98% for PET and from 69% to 96% for CT [Table cost and morbidity of surgical management by reducing
11.4 (10–14, 17, 18, 22, 28, 31 ,34 ,35); Figure 11.3]. The the number of ineffective surgical procedures. This prac-
recent meta-analysis by van Westreenen et al. (33) tice may also be expected to increase the percentage cure
demonstrated that the overall pooled sensitivity and rate of the resections that are undertaken.
specificity of FDG-PET for detection of distant metastatic It is expected that the interpretation accuracy of PET
disease were 67% (95% CI, 58%–76%) and 97% (95% CI, and CT will improve with the use of PET/CT scanners.
90%–100%), respectively. These scanners provide accurately fused functional and
Currently, there are no data available from multicenter morphologic data in a single examination (4, 5, 37). It also
trials that assess the role of PET in staging esophageal is expected that this improved accuracy will translate into
cancer, and the results of a recently completed multicen- improved patient management. There are only limited
ter trial (American College of Surgeons Oncology Group data yet available regarding the use of PET/CT in
PET and PET/CT Imaging in Esophageal and Gastric Cancers 171

Assessment of Prognosis with FDG-PET

Fukunaga et al. (23, 40) showed that semiquantitative and
quantitative measures of FDG uptake in primary
esophageal cancer can provide prognostic information.
They found that patients with a primary tumor with SUV
greater than 7.0 had a worse prognosis than those with
SUV less than 7.0 (23). They also demonstrated a good
correlation between hexokinase activity, assessed histo-
chemically in the resected tumor specimens, and the pre-
operative tumor FDG uptake measured as SUV and as k3,
the rate constant for phosphorylation of FDG. Kato et al.
(24) also demonstrated that SUV for tumor FDG uptake
can be used to predict prognosis. They reported that pa-
tients with a primary tumor with SUV greater than 3 had a
worse prognosis than did those with SUV less than 3. The
2-year survival rate in the patients with high tumor FDG
uptake was 48% versus 91% in those with low uptake.
Luketich et al. (14) reported that FDG-PET demonstra-
tion of local or distant metastatic disease at initial presen-
tation was highly predictive of survival. The 30-month
survival of patients with PET evidence of local disease
only (n = 64) was 60% versus 20% for patients with PET
evidence of distant disease (n = 27; P = 0.01). By compari-
son, when CT was used to stage the tumor, there was a
lesser, but statistically insignificant, correlation between
Figure 11.3. Staging esophageal cancer: 68-year-old man with adenocarcinoma of the survival and CT findings: the 30-month survival of pa-
gastroesophageal junction. Coronal (top) and transaxial (middle) CT, PET/CT fusion, and tients with CT evidence of local disease only (n = 58) was
PET images demonstrate intense FDG uptake within the primary tumor mass. Transaxial 52% versus 38% for patients with CT evidence of distant
(bottom) CT, PET/CT fusion, and FDG-PET images demonstrate a small focal area of in-
creased FDG accumulation within a 1-cm metastasis in the right lobe of the liver (open
disease (n = 33). Choi et al. (41) recently demonstrated
arrows). The diagnosis of metastatic disease was confirmed by sonographically guided that several features of esophageal cancer on FDG-PET
biopsy of the hepatic lesion. such as SUV of the primary tumor, the number of positive
lymph nodes, the length of the tumor, and stage are inde-
pendent prognostic predictors over other clinical features
esophageal cancer. Bar-Shalom et al. (38) studied 18 pa- of patients with esophageal cancer who were undergoing
tients with esophageal cancer with PET/CT and demon- curative surgery. The investigators studied 69 such pa-
strated improved detection and characterization of 35% tients, who were followed for disease recurrence and
of suspicious lesions in 89% of patients. In addition, the cancer-related death to assess survival. In univariant sur-
PET/CT results affected management of 22% of patients. vival analysis, they found that the presence of adjuvant
In a recent study, Wallace et al. (39) compared the ef- therapy, pathologic stage, number of CT-positive lymph
fectiveness of several different strategies for preoperative nodes (0, 1, =2), tumor length on PET (cutoff: 3 cm, 5 cm),
staging of patients with esophageal cancer. They com- the number of PET-positive lymph nodes (0, 1, =3), and
pared the following six strategies: CT alone; CT + EUS PET stage (N0M0, N1M0, M1) were significant prognostic
with fine-needle aspiration biopsy; CT + thoracoscopy predictor for disease-free survival. However, on multivari-
and laparoscopy (TL); CT + EUS with fine-needle aspira- ant survival analysis, only the number of PET-positive
tion biopsy + TL; CT + PET + EUS with fine-needle aspi- lymph nodes was an independent significant prognostic
ration biopsy; and PET + EUS with fine-needle aspiration predictor for disease-free survival (hazard ratio, 1.87;
biopsy. The model was based on a third-party payer per- P less than 0.001). These investigators suggested that a
spective and incorporated the following: the test charac- revised TNM staging system for esophageal cancer should
teristics for each staging technique; prevalence of local, be considered to include tumor length and the number of
regional, and distant disease; life expectancies and cost positive lymph nodes as important prognostic factors.
associated with the treatment for patients with local, re-
gional, and distant disease; and probability of death for
patients undergoing TL and those undergoing resection. Assessment of Response to Therapy
The investigators found the combination of PET + EUS
with fine-needle aspiration biopsy to be the most effective The treatment for localized esophageal cancer is surgery;
strategy. however, the long-term outcome for patients treated with
172 Positron Emission Tomography

surgery alone is very poor. Despite recent advances in sur- = 0.002). With a 52% reduction in tumor FDG uptake
gical techniques and decreasing operative mortality, 5- from baseline defined as the cutoff value, the sensitivity
year survival rates have remained low (5% to 23%) in and specificity of FDG-PET for detection of response to
patients treated by surgery alone (42–44). Recently, multi- neoadjuvant therapy were 100% and 55%, respectively.
modality therapeutic approaches, combining surgery with The positive predictive value and negative predictive
neoadjuvant or adjuvant chemotherapy, radiation value were 72% and 100%, respectively. After surgery, pa-
therapy, or both, have been used in patients with re- tients without evidence of response by PET had a
sectable and unresectable disease. significantly shorter survival (P less than 0.0001) (47).
It has been shown that one of the strong predictors of Similar results have been described by others (48).
long-term survival is the degree of response to However, conflicting results were reported by Brink et al.
chemotherapy and radiation therapy (45). Longer survival (49), who demonstrated that the percent decrease in
has been reported in patients showing complete response tumor FDG uptake 2.7 ± 0.6 weeks after neoadjuvant
to chemotherapy and radiation than in patients with chemoradiotherapy did not correlate with tumor regres-
partial or no response. Conventional imaging techniques sion. Downey et al. (50) prospectively studied 24 patients
are limited for assessing the effectiveness of therapy, and with esophageal cancer before and after completion of
a delay of several weeks after completion of therapy is neoadjuvant therapy. They demonstrated that patients
necessary for evaluating response. Early assessment of with a median posttherapy decrease greater than 60% in
tumor response during treatment would be valuable if primary tumor FDG uptake, as measured by the SUV, had
nonresponders could be identified reliably, so that alter- better survival than did patients with a median decrease
native treatment could be substituted in these patients less than 60%. The 2-year disease-free survival in these
and morbidity associated with ineffective treatment could two groups was 67% and 38%, respectively (P less than
be avoided. The role of PET in monitoring therapy of 0.05). In this relatively small study, the posttherapy FDG-
esophageal cancer has not been studied extensively, but PET study did not add to the assessment of locoregional
FDG-PET has been used effectively to monitor therapy of resectability and did not detect new distant metastases. In
several other cancers. Typically, a decrease in tumor FDG our own experience, FDG-PET performed after induction
uptake is seen early during effective treatment whereas no therapy detected new metastatic disease, precluding
significant decrease or even an increase is noted with inef- resection, in about 10% of patients (Figure 11.4) (R.
fective therapy (46). The changes in FDG uptake generally Battafarano et al., unpublished data). Swisher et al. (51)
occur earlier than corresponding anatomic changes on retrospectively studied 100 patients with PET, CT, and
CT. It has been shown that FDG accumulates in sites of EUS before and 3 to 5 weeks after completion of neoadju-
inflammation; thus, for assessment of response after vant therapy. Fifty-eight patients had a pathologic re-
therapy, a delay of several weeks or months after comple- sponse (=10% viable cells) to neoadjuvant chemo-
tion of therapy is believed to be needed to avoid false-pos- radiotherapy. After completion of therapy, the sensitivity,
itive results, although the optimal timing of such studies specificity, and accuracy were 51%, 69%, and 62%, respec-
is still being investigated. There are two principal ap- tively, for CT (response defined as esophageal thickness
proaches for the use of FDG-PET in monitoring response less than 14.5 mm); 56%, 75%, and 68%, respectively, for
to therapy in esophageal cancer. One approach involves EUS (response defined as mucosal mass length less than
the use of PET after completion of therapy to identify suit- 1 cm); 62%, 84%, and 76%, respectively, for PET of the
able candidates for surgical resection of esophageal primary tumor (response defined as SUV less than 4); and
cancer. The other approach involves the use of FDG-PET 69%, 78%, and 75%, respectively, for PET of primary
during the course of therapy to predict response to tumor, regional, and distant metastatic disease (response
therapy and identify nonresponders so that an alternative defined as SUV less than 6). The investigators reported
therapy can be initiated. that only posttherapy SUV of the primary tumor predicted
Several studies have used FDG-PET at the completion long-term survival. The 18-month survival of patients with
of neoadjuvant therapy to assess response to therapy posttherapy SUV of 4 or more was 34% compared with
before surgical resection of esophageal cancer. Brücher 77% for patients with an SUV less than 4.0 (P = 0.01).
et al. (47) correlated histopathologic tumor response to Increased FDG uptake in inflamed tissue shortly after
neoadjuvant radiation therapy and chemotherapy with completion of therapy makes evaluation of response to
changes in tumor FDG uptake, determined 3 weeks after cancer therapy by FDG-PET difficult. In a recent study, we
completion of therapy in patients with esophageal carci- found that the change in tumor FDG uptake 3 to 4 weeks
noma. The tumors of 13 patients showed a histopatho- after completion of neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy was
logic response, defined as less than 10% residual viable not reliable in distinguishing posttreatment inflammation
tumor cells, whereas the tumors in 11 patients did not from residual tumor (52). The time interval between
respond and had 10% or more residual viable tumor cells. chemoradiation therapy and follow-up PET should be
The reduction in tumor FDG uptake was significantly carefully selected in future prospective studies to mini-
more marked in responders than in nonresponders (mean mize false-positive results. It also is possible that differ-
± standard deviation, –72% ± 11% versus –42% ± 22%; P ences in the false-positive rates between various studies
PET and PET/CT Imaging in Esophageal and Gastric Cancers 173

a Initial staging

b Restaging

Figure 11.4. Response to therapy of esophageal carcinoma. (a) Coronal (top) and
transaxial (bottom) CT, PET/CT fusion, and PET images demonstrate intense FDG uptake
within the primary tumor mass (solid arrows). (b) Approximately 4 weeks after comple-
tion of chemoradiation, similar images show complete resolution of abnormally in-
creased FDG uptake in the primary cancer (solid arrows). However, there is a new focal
area of increased FDG uptake in the left supraclavicular region (open arrows), suspi-
cious for interval development of distant metastatic disease. The diagnosis of metasta-
tic disease was confirmed by biopsy of the left supraclavicular lymph node.

could be related to the dose of radiation therapy or the cancer. Weber et al. (53), in a prospective study of 37 pa-
type of chemotherapeutic agents. tients with locally advanced cancer of the esophagogastric
There is evidence that response to therapy can be pre- junction, demonstrated that FDG-PET performed 14 days
dicted by PET as soon as 14 days after initiation of after the first cycle of cisplatin-based polychemotherapy
chemotherapy or chemoradiotherapy in esophageal was useful in predicting response to neoadjuvant
174 Positron Emission Tomography

chemotherapy. Clinical response was defined as a 50% re- Detection of Recurrent Disease
duction of tumor length and wall thickness as assessed by
endoscopy and standard imaging techniques after 3 The long-term survival of patients with esophageal cancer
months of therapy. Histopathologic tumor response also remains poor despite aggressive therapy. Recurrence is
was assessed in 32 patients who underwent surgery; com- common following presumed curative resection, mainly
plete response was defined as either no or a few scattered because of micrometastatic disease; thus, recurrence at
residual tumor cells. The decrease in tumor FDG uptake distant sites is more common than local recurrence.
was significantly more marked in responders than in non- Patients with recurrent disease have a poor prognosis, and
responders (mean ± standard deviation, –54% ± 17% the survival benefit of early detection of recurrent disease
versus –15% ± 21%; P less than 0.001). When a 35% re- is uncertain. However, aggressive therapy of local recur-
duction in tumor FDG uptake relative to baseline was rence may prolong disease-free survival or occasionally be
defined as the cutoff value between response and nonre- curative. Although anatomic imaging modalities are
sponse, the early PET findings predicted clinical response limited in differentiating scar from recurrent disease,
with a sensitivity of 93% (14/15 patients) and a specificity FDG-PET has the ability to detect and differentiate recur-
of 95% (21/22 patient). Eight of 15 patients with a meta- rent disease from posttherapy changes when disease has
bolic response, but only 1 of 22 patients without a meta- altered metabolism without any structural changes. Thus,
bolic response, had histologically complete or subtotal PET is more suitable for early detection of recurrent
tumor regression. In addition, patients without evidence disease.
of response on PET had significantly shorter progression- Fukunaga et al. (40) studied 13 patients with suspected
free survival (P = 0.01) and overall survival (P = 0.04) recurrent esophageal cancer; increased FDG uptake was
(53). Wieder et al. (54), in a prospective study of 38 pa- noted in 6 of 7 patients with proven recurrent disease,
tients with intrathoracic esophageal cancer, demonstrated whereas no significant FDG uptake was seen in the 6 pa-
that the change in tumor FDG uptake at 14 days after ini- tients who did not have recurrence. Flamen et al. (55) as-
tiation of neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy was predictive sessed the utility of FDG-PET in diagnosis of suspected
of subsequent response to therapy and of survival. They recurrent esophageal cancer after initial curative resection
observed that the decrease in tumor SUV was significantly in a study of 41 patients. Thirty-three patients proved to
higher in responders (defined as less than 10% viable cells have recurrent disease. Forty lesions were identified: 9
in the resected specimen) than in nonresponders (de- local recurrences at the anastomotic site, 12 regional
crease of 44% ± 15% in responders versus 21% ± 14% in nodal metastases, and 19 distant metastatic lesions.
nonresponders) (P = 0.0055). In addition, the change in For detection of local recurrence, the sensitivity and
tumor FDG uptake at this time point correlated with specificity were 100% and 43%, respectively, for PET and
patient survival (P = 0.011). Using a 30% decrease of FDG 100% and 93%, respectively, for conventional imaging
uptake from baseline as the cutoff value, FDG-PET had a (CT and EUS). For detection of metastatic disease, the
sensitivity of 93% and a specificity of 88% for distinguish- sensitivity and specificity were 96% and 67%, respectively,
ing responders from nonresponders. Similarly, 3 to 4 for PET and 85% and 67%, respectively, for conventional
weeks after completion of therapy, responders had greater imaging. FDG-PET provided additional information in 11
reduction in tumor SUV than did nonresponders (70% ± of 41 patients (27%); PET correctly detected recurrent
11% versus 51% ± 21%) (54). These investigators also re- disease in 5 patients with equivocal or negative conven-
ported that a radiation dose of 40 Gy and administration tional imaging results and demonstrated distant metasta-
of fluorouracil as a continuous infusion causes a mild in- sis in 5 patients who had local recurrence. In another
crease in FDG uptake in normal esophageal tissue during patient with equivocal conventional findings, PET cor-
and early after completion of therapy (54). rectly excluded recurrent disease. False-positive results at-
These findings suggest that FDG-PET early during tributable to inflammation were found in 4 patients with
treatment or after completion of therapy has the poten- progressive anastomotic stenoses requiring repetitive di-
tial to monitor response to therapy. It appears that the latations. Thus, the patient’s clinical history has to be con-
magnitude of the change in tumor FDG uptake after sidered to minimize false-positive results. Kato et al. (56)
therapy in esophageal cancer is predictive of pathologic retrospectively compared PET and CT for detection of re-
response and has long-term prognostic significance. current disease in 55 patients who had undergone
With increasing use of multimodality therapy, such non- esophagectomy for esophageal cancer. The sensitivity,
invasive assessment of tumor response has become specificity, and accuracy for detection of locoregional and
more important. Further evaluations are required to distant metastatic disease were 96%, 68%, and 82%, re-
define fully the role of PET in assessing response to spectively, for PET and 89%, 79%, and 84%, respectively
therapy in esophageal cancer and to show that the use of for CT. PET had higher sensitivity but lower specificity
PET to guide treatment decisions will result in improved than did CT for detection of locoregional recurrence. In
patient outcomes. addition, PET had higher sensitivity for detection of bone
PET and PET/CT Imaging in Esophageal and Gastric Cancers 175

metastasis than did CT, but had lower sensitivity than did ation of the mucosal surface of the stomach but are
CT for detection of lung metastasis. This study suggests unable to determine the depth of mural invasion by tumor
that a combined PET/CT study will be the most sensitive or the extent of metastatic disease. CT and EUS are the
tool for detection of recurrent disease. most common imaging methods used to determine the lo-
coregional extent of disease. EUS is particularly useful for
assessment of the depth of tumor invasion, but both
imaging techniques are insufficiently accurate for nodal
Gastric Cancer staging. Staging laparoscopy is performed routinely in pa-
tients who are thought to have resectable tumor on the
The incidence of gastric cancer has declined in the United basis of imaging findings to avoid surgery in patients with
States, but it is still the second most common cancer (57) nonresectable tumor.
and the second most common cause of cancer-related Several studies have evaluated the role of FDG-PET in
death in the world (58). Because of distensibility of the gastric cancer (20, 64–67). Yeung et al. (65) studied 23 pa-
stomach, gastric cancers often become symptomatic only tients with gastric cancer. FDG-PET correctly identified all
when the tumor is advanced and unresectable. Ninety-five but 1 primary tumor (12/13) and identified recurrent
percent of gastric cancers are adenocarcinomas, and the disease at the anastomotic site in 2 patients. FDG-PET had
remaining 5% consist of leiomyosarcomas, lymphomas, a sensitivity of 93% and specificity of 100% for detection
carcinoids, squamous cell carcinomas, and other less- of tumor at the primary site (Figure 11.5). However, for
common tumors. Gastric cancers arising outside of the detection of metastatic disease in intraabdominal lymph
cardia have been classified by Lauren into intestinal and node stations, FDG-PET had a sensitivity of only 22%
diffuse types. Intestinal-type cancers typically form gland- (2/9) with a specificity of 97% (32/33). FDG-PET correctly
like structures and primarily involve the distal stomach identified distant metastatic disease in 4 patients and was
(59). They typically occur in elderly individuals of low so- falsely negative in 4 additional patients who had peri-
cioeconomic status and are believed to develop in a step- toneal tumor spread. Stahl et al. (64) correlated tumor
wise transition from normal mucosa to atrophic gastritis, FDG uptake with histopathologic and endoscopic features
intestinal metaplasia, dysplasia, and, finally, adenocarci- of gastric cancer in 40 patients with locally advanced
noma. The diffuse-type cancer is a poorly differentiated
tumor that lacks glandular structures. This lesion is found
more often in younger individuals and there appears to be
a genetic predisposition (60, 61). Despite their differences,
both types of gastric cancers are strongly associated with
Helicobacter pylori infection (62). Over the past three
decades, there has been a decrease in cancer of the antrum
and an increase in cancer of the cardia and proximal
stomach. Approximately 10% of gastric cancers involve
the submucosa throughout the entire stomach, resulting
in a rigid nondistendable organ (linitis plastica).
Surgical resection is the only curative therapy for
gastric adenocarcinoma, and typically involves en bloc re-
section of the entire tumor and regional lymph nodes.
Patients with early gastric cancer who are treated surgi-
cally have an excellent 5-year survival rate of approxi-
mately 90% (63). Limited surgery, such as endoscopic
mucosal resection and laparoscopic wedge resection, are
used in some patients with well-differentiated tumors of
less than 2 cm that involve only the mucosal layer without
nodal spread. Lymphatic involvement is a major determi-
nant of prognosis in gastric cancer. Unfortunately, gastric
cancer is all too often detected when the tumor is ad-
vanced and unresectable. Advanced disease is treated with
neoadjuvant chemotherapy and has a very poor progno-
sis; the 5-year survival rate in the United State is reported
Figure 11.5. Staging of gastric cancer: 62-year-old woman with adenocarcinoma of
to be 3% to 13% (63). the stomach. Coronal (top) and transaxial (bottom) CT, PET/CT fusion, and PET images
Gastric cancer is usually diagnosed by endoscopy or of the torso demonstrate intense increased FDG uptake in the wall of the stomach.
barium studies. These techniques provide excellent evalu- There is no evidence of locoregional or distant metastatic disease.
176 Positron Emission Tomography

cancer and 10 controls. FDG-PET detected 24 of the 40 pa- locally advanced gastric cancer with FDG-PET before
tients (60%) with gastric cancer, and the detection rate therapy and 14 days after initiation of cisplatin-based
was significantly higher for intestinal-type tumors than polychemotherapy (68); 35 of the 44 tumors had sufficient
for nonintestinal-type lesions (83% versus 41%; P = 0.01). uptake on the PET images for quantitative analysis.
The mean SUV was significantly different between the in- Metabolic response was defined as a decrease of tumor
testinal and nonintestinal types (6.7 ± 3.4 versus 4.8 ± 2.8; FDG uptake by 30% or more. The PET findings after 14
P = 0.03), between nonmucinous and mucinous cancers days of therapy correctly predicted histopathologic re-
(2/18 intestinal type and 17/22 nonintestinal type con- sponse after 3 months of neoadjuvant therapy in 10 of 13
tained extra-and intracellular mucin) (7.2 ± 3.2 versus 3.9 responders (77%) and in 19 of the 22 nonresponders
± 2.1; P less than 0.01) and between grade 2 and grade 3 (86%). Metabolic response also was predictive of survival.
tumors (7.4 ± 2.3 versus 5.2 ± 3.3; P = 0.02). The survival The median overall survival was 19 months for patients
rate was not significantly different between patients with without a metabolic response (2-year survival of 25%) and
PET-positive and PET-negative tumors (P = 0.85). The had not been reached for patients with a metabolic re-
authors concluded that the low detection rate of gastric sponse (2-year survival of 90%) (P = 0.002). If confirmed
cancers by FDG-PET in their series was likely due to the in larger studies, these results suggest that PET will be
greater number of nonintestinal-type tumors with high quite valuable for guiding the management of patients
mucin content, which typically have lower FDG uptake with locally advanced disease and for sparing nonrespon-
than intestinal-type tumors. More recently, Mochiki et al. ders unnecessary morbidity and expenses of ineffective
(66) studied 85 patients with gastric cancer with FDG-PET therapy.
at initial diagnosis. FDG-PET detected the primary tumor The limitations of FDG-PET for evaluation of gastric
in 75% (64/85) of the patients, and a significant correla- cancer are similar to the limitations encountered in
tion was noted between the primary tumor SUV and the esophageal cancer and include poor sensitivity for detect-
depth of invasion (P less than 0.05), the size of the tumor ing small tumor deposits. Sensitivity for detection of
(P less than 0.05), and the presence of lymph node metas- diffuse-type gastric cancer with high mucin content is
tasis (P less than 0.05). The primary tumor was not de- lower than for detection of the intestinal type of gastric
tected on FDG-PET in 21 patients; 15 patients of these cancer (64, 68). Normal, moderately intense physiologic
patients had T1 primary lesions. The histology of the FDG uptake in the stomach may obscure tumors with low-
primary tumors (intestinal versus nonintestinal histology) level FDG uptake.
did not significantly influence tumor detectability by PET
(P = 0.5) in this study. CT was more sensitive (65% versus
23%) but less specific (77% versus 100%) than FDG-PET
for detecting locoregional lymph node metastasis. This Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors
result was attributed to the difficulty of distinguishing
FDG uptake in locoregional lymph nodes from that in the Gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs) are the most
adjacent primary tumor on PET images. The intensity of common mesenchymal tumors of the gastrointestinal
FDG uptake was predictive of survival; patients with tract and account for approximately 0.1% to 3% of all gas-
primary tumor SUVs greater than 4 had significantly trointestinal (GI) tract tumors. GISTs are defined as im-
poorer 2-year survival (51%) than did those with SUVs munohistochemically Kit-positive primary mesenchymal
less than 4 (81%) (P less than 0.05). In addition, the 2-year tumors of the GI tract. Approximately 95% of GISTs stain
survival of patients with PET-positive cancers was 66% positively for Kit (CD117), a tyrosine kinase growth factor
and that for patients with PET-negative cancers was 94%. receptor (69). These tumors are thought to arise from
Yoshioka et al. (67) reported that FDG uptake in the Cajal cells in the gut wall, which are important for gut
primary tumor and in metastatic foci in the liver, lymph motor function. The majority of tumors previously diag-
nodes, and lung is greater than that in bone metastases nosed as GI smooth muscle tumors, such as leiomyoma,
or peritoneal or pleural carcinomatosis. They also re- leioblastoma, or leiomyosarcoma, are now thought to
ported higher primary tumor FDG uptake in well-differ- have been GISTs. However, differentiation of leimyosar-
entiated and moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma coma from GIST is important to determine prognosis and
than in poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma and signet the appropriateness of Kit-inhibitor therapy. Mature
ring cell carcinoma (13.2 ± 6.3 versus 7.7 ± 2.6; P less smooth muscle tumors have negligible mitotic activity
than 0.05). and have benign behavior and do not express Kit. GISTs
As in esophageal cancer, patients with gastric cancer occur throughout the entire GI tract and also may arise
who respond to neoadjuvant therapy have a more-favor- from the omentum, mesentery, and retroperitoneum.
able outcome. However, only 30% to 40% of patients GISTs arise predominantly in the stomach (60%) and
respond to neoadjuvant therapy. Thus, the large fraction small intestine (25%) and rarely in the rectum (5%),
of patients with nonresponding tumors undergo several esophagus (2%), and a variety of other locations (5%) in
months of ineffective, toxic therapy without a survival the abdomen (69). They can be small benign tumors or
benefit. Ott et al. prospectively evaluated 44 patients with sarcomas. Benign GISTs are more common in the
PET and PET/CT Imaging in Esophageal and Gastric Cancers 177

stomach whereas malignant GISTs are more common in phate-binding site of the c-kit receptor (80). However,
the intestines. Tumors that have metastasized at presenta- imatinib therapy is quite costly and is associated with
tion have a very poor prognosis (70). Thirty percent of several side effects, including anemia, periorbital edema,
GISTs are malignant and 70% are benign. Mitotic rate, skin rash, fatigue, granulocytopenia, and diarrhea (81).
tumor size, and tumor site are three important prognostic The type of KIT or PDGFR-a mutation in advanced GIST
factors. Tumors that are small (=2 cm) and show fewer is predictive of the response to imatinib therapy. Most
than 5 mitotic figures per 50 high-power fields have an ex- GISTs express kinase oncoproteins that are intrinsically
cellent prognosis, likely independent of site. Malignant sensitive to imatinib and have an excellent overall clinical
GISTs tend to recur, and they metastasize commonly to the response to this drug. However, a minority of GISTs
liver and peritoneum and less commonly to lung, pleura, express kinase oncoproteins that are either intrinsically
peritoneum, bone, and subcutaneous tissues (71). Patients resistant to imatinib or are associated with a poor clinical
with metastatic or recurrent disease have a median overall response despite in vitro sensitivity to the drug (82). The
survival in the range of 12 to 19 months (72, 73). response rates in GIST patients are 4% complete remis-
Radiologic features of GIST vary depending on their size sion, 67% partial remission, 18% stable disease, and 11%
and organ of origin. Most GIST that arise within the muscu- progression, and 73% of GIST patients are free from pro-
laris propria of the gut wall commonly manifest as domi- gression at 1 year (81). It is important to assess response
nant masses outside the organ of origin. Dominant to therapy early to identify those patients with stable
intramural and intraluminal masses are less common. disease or disease progression, who can then be treated
GISTs that occur in the GI tract and mesentery have areas of more aggressively with a higher dosage of imatinib or be
low attenuation on CT attributable to hemorrhage, necro- considered for treatment with other investigational
sis, or cyst formation (74). After successful therapy, there is agents. FDG-PET has been shown to be superior to CT in
a significant decrease in CT attenuation values (75, 76). detection of early metabolic changes indicative of tumor
Surgery is the mainstay of therapy for GISTs. These response induced by imatinib therapy. Gayed et al. (71)
tumors are insensitive to conventional chemotherapy and studied 54 patients with GIST and showed that FDG-PET
radiation. GISTs are generally characterized by a gain-of- detected 110 and CT detected 114 involved sites and/or
function mutation of the Kit receptor and, occasionally, of organs, respectively, before initiation of therapy. The sen-
the platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) receptor a. sitivity and positive predictive values were 93% and 100%,
Mutant isoforms of the Kit or PDGF receptors uniformly respectively for CT and 86% and 98%, respectively, for
expressed by GIST are considered the therapeutic targets FDG-PET. At 2 months after therapy, PET and CT
for imatinib mesylate (STI571, Gleevec), a specific in- findings agreed in 71% of patients (57% responders and
hibitor of these tyrosine kinase receptors (77). This 14% nonresponders). FDG-PET predicted response to
mutant receptor is thought to be the main reason for ma- therapy earlier than did CT in 22.5% of patients whereas
lignant transformation as well as for tumor growth in CT predicted lack of response in 4% of the patients earlier
these patients (79). Imatinib inhibits tumor growth in than did PET (Figure 11.6). Stroobants et al. (83) studied
GIST by competitive interaction at the adenosine triphos- 21 patients with GIST before and 8 days after initiation of

a Pretherapy b 24-hr after therapy

Figure 11.6. Response to therapy of

gastrointestinal stromal tumor: 64-year-
old man with metastatic gastrointestinal
stromal tumor undergoing therapy with
imatinib mesylate. (a) Left posterior
oblique reprojection image (left) and a
transaxial image (right) demonstrate a
focal area (arrows) of increased FDG
uptake in the posterior segment of the
right lobe of the liver, consistent with
hepatic metastasis. (b) Twenty-four
hours after initiation of imatinib therapy:
left posterior oblique reprojection image
(left) and a transaxial image (right) show
almost complete resolution (arrows) of
the FDG uptake in the hepatic metastasis.
178 Positron Emission Tomography

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PET and PET/CT Imaging in Tumors of the Pancreas and
Dominique Delbeke and William H. Martin

(most common), exophytic lesions, and polypoid intralu-

Tumors of the Hepatobiliary System minal masses. Malignant tumors can arise along the ex-
trahepatic bile ducts; these are usually diagnosed early
A variety of benign and malignant tumors occur in the
because they cause biliary obstruction. Tumors arising
liver. The most common benign tumors found in the liver
near the hilum of the liver have a worse prognosis because
are cysts, followed by cavernous hemangiomas. Focal
of their direct extension into the liver. Distant metastases
nodular hyperplasia and adenomas more often affect
occur late in the disease and most often affect the lungs.
women on oral contraceptives, whereas fatty infiltration
Mesenchymal tumors such as angiosarcomas and ep-
and regenerating nodules occur in patients with cirrhosis.
ithelioid angioendothelioma (both of endothelial origin)
Abscesses and angiomyolipoma are uncommon.
and primary lymphoma are relatively rare malignant
Metastases to the liver from various primaries occur 20
tumors that can affect the liver.
times more often than primary hepatocellular carcinoma
Gallbladder carcinoma is uncommon and is associated
(HCC) and are often multifocal. Although many tumors
with cholelithiasis in 75% of the cases. These tumors are
may metastasize to the liver, the most common primaries
insidious, not suspected clinically, and often discovered at
producing liver metastases are colorectal, gastric, pancre-
surgery or incidentally in the surgical specimen. They fre-
atic, lung, and breast carcinoma. Ninety percent of malig-
quently spread to the liver and can perforate the wall of
nant primary liver tumors are tumors from epithelial
the gallbladder, metastasizing to the abdomen. Distant
origin: HCC and cholangiocarcinoma.
metastases affect the lungs, pleura, and diaphragm.
Hepatocellular carcinoma (92% of epithelial tumors)
arise from the malignant transformation of hepatocytes
and are common in the setting of chronic liver disease such
as viral hepatitis, cirrhosis, or patients exposed to carcino- Methods of Diagnosis
gens. Hepatocellular carcinoma most frequently metasta-
sizes to regional lymph nodes, lung, and the skeleton. The diagnostic issues include early detection of these
Cholangiocarcinomas arise from biliary cells and rep- tumors, differentiation of malignant tumors from benign
resent only 10% of the epithelial tumors. About 20% of tumors (lesion characterization), staging for potential re-
the patients who develop cholangiocarcinomas have pre- section that includes evaluation of proximity to vessels,
disposing conditions, including sclerosing cholangitis, ul- invasion of adjacent structures, metastasis to regional
cerative colitis, Caroli’s disease, choledocal cyst, lymph nodes and distant sites, and assessment of thera-
infestation by the fluke Clonorchis sinensis, cholelithiasis, peutic response. Various imaging modalities available to
or exposure to thorotrast among others. Approximately achieve these goals include ultrasound (US), computed to-
50% of cholangiocarcinomas occur in the liver and the mography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and
other 50% are extrahepatic. These tumors are often unre- functional imaging using radiopharmaceuticals (nuclear
sectable at the time of diagnosis and have a poor progno- medicine). Tomographic imaging for functional radioiso-
sis. Intrahepatic cholangiocarcinomas can further be topic studies can be performed using the single photon
subdivided in two categories: the peripheral type arises emission tomography technique (SPECT) if the radio-
from the interlobular biliary duct and the hilar type pharmaceutical is a single photon emitter such as 99mTc
(Klatskin’s tumor) arises from the main hepatic duct or and the positron emission tomography technique (PET) if
its bifurcation. In addition, they can develop in three dif- the radiopharmaceutical is a positron emitter such as 18F
ferent morphologic types: infiltrating sclerosing lesions or 11C.

182 Positron Emission Tomography

Some of these tumors are associated with elevated agents, rapidly leaving the vascular space and reaching
serum levels of tumor markers that can be helpful for the equilibrium throughout the extracellular fluid compart-
diagnosis and surveillance of these patients, such as ment after about 3 min (2). MR cholangiopancreatogra-
serum levels of alpha-fetoprotein for screening patients at phy (MRCP) permits visualization of the biliary tree
risk for HCC and serum levels of Ca 19-9 for surveillance noninvasively without the administration of contrast
of patients with pancreatic carcinoma. agents (3). Using a heavily T2-weighted pulse sequence,
Transabdominal US is well established as a valuable solid organs and moving fluid have a low signal, whereas
screening technique that is inexpensive, portable, sensi- relatively stagnant fluid (such as bile) has a high signal in-
tive for evaluating bile duct dilatation, and able to detect tensity, resulting in the biliary tract appearing as a bright
hepatic lesions as small as 1 cm. It can also provide guid- well-defined structure. Although MRCP does not provide
ance for biopsy and drainage procedures. Its limitations the resolution of percutaneous transhepatic cholangiogra-
include poor sensitivity (50%) for detection of small phy (PTC) or endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancre-
hepatic lesions and regional lymphadenopathy compared atography (ERCP), it is able to clearly demonstrate
to CT and MRI. intraluminal filling defects and luminal narrowing. MRCP
Endoscopic ultrasound is a promising new technique provides invaluable information in both benign and
for the evaluation of the extrahepatic bile ducts and pan- malignant biliary tract disease.
creatic ducts. It is sensitive for the detection of choledo- Cholangiopancreatography, via PTC and ERCP, is an
colithiasis and pancreatic masses. However, it is highly invasive technique but remains the procedure of choice
operator dependent, requires sedation, and is associated for high-resolution assessment of the biliary tree
with significant morbidity. In addition, it has a limited anatomy. ERCP is performed by endoscopic cannulation
field of view for the purposes of staging. of anatomic tracts and is therefore less invasive than PTC,
CT remains the first choice for a screening abdominal which requires passage of a needle through the liver
examination at many institutions. Recent developments in parenchyma. Contrast material is then injected directly
the field of CT and MRI for hepatic imaging are based on into the biliary tree. Both techniques offer the advantage
the dual perfusion of the liver: most of the blood flow to of allowing interventional procedures such as stent place-
normal liver parenchyma is derived from the portal vein, ment in the same setting as the imaging procedure. PTC
whereas nearly all the blood flow to the hepatic neoplasms demonstrates the intrahepatic ducts better than ERCP,
is derived from the hepatic artery. Therefore, some lesions which better depicts the extrahepatic ducts.
are better seen at different times following administration When a patient presents with a hepatic lesion seen with
of contrast material. Typically, hypervascular lesions morphologic imaging techniques, functional imaging with
(HCC, metastases of carcinoid carcinoma, islet cell tumor, conventional radiopharmaceuticals can help to character-
malignant pheochromocytoma, renal cell carcinoma, ize lesions. 99mTc-labeled red blood cells can be used to
sarcoma, melanoma, and breast carcinoma) may be best image the blood pool and is highly accurate in differenti-
seen during the arterial phase of enhancement, or before ating cavernous hemangiomas from other lesions. 99mTc-
contrast is administered, whereas hypovascular metastases sulfur colloid accumulation in hepatic Kupffer cells allows
(colorectal carcinoma and most metastases of other pri- characterization of focal nodular hyperplasia. 131I- on 123I-
maries) are best seen during the portal venous phase of en- Metaiodobenzylguanidine (MIBG), which localizes
hancement. This triple-phase technique requires spiral (or through the norepinephrine reuptake mechanism into the
helical) CT technology. Cavernous hemangiomas are best catecholamine storage vesicles, can be used to image neu-
characterized using dynamic imaging with the appearance roendocrine tumors and their metastases. 111In-Octreotide
of puddling of contrast on delayed images. In summary, a is a somatostatin analogue that accumulates in a variety of
triple-phase helical CT should be performed on all patients neuroendocrine tumors expressing somatostatin recep-
referred for evaluation of hepatic lesions to allow optimal tors but may also help characterize other pathologic
detection and characterization (1). processes such as lymphoma, sarcoidosis, and autoim-
After invasive arterial catheterization, contrast mater- mune diseases. 67Gallium, 201thallium, 99mTc-isonitriles
ial can be injected into the superior mesenteric artery, (MIBI), and radiolabeled monoclonal antibodies are poor
which increases the sensitivity for detection of small imaging agents for hepatic lesions because of their high
hepatic lesions but decreases the specificity because of the physiologic liver background activity.
frequent occurrence of nonspecific perfusion defects. CT In summary, triple-phase CT functions as the standard
portography is invasive and expensive (approximately imaging modality for the detection and characterization
eight times more than CT) but has the potential to detect of hepatic lesions, whereas US, MRI, MRCP, and
HCCs and other hepatic lesions less than 1cm in diameter. ERCP/PTC provide complementary techniques for further
MR imaging is certainly as sensitive as CT for detection characterization of lesions in specific circumstances.
of focal hepatic lesions, but it too is inferior to CT portog- Conventional radiopharmaceuticals with or without
raphy. A multitude of pulse sequences have been devel- SPECT may contribute as well, but the development and
oped to characterize lesions. Gadolinium chelate contrast proliferation of FDG-PET may yet provide unprecedented
agents are used similarly to the intravenous CT contrast utility in the evaluation of these patients.
PET and PET/CT Imaging in Tumors of the Pancreas and Liver 183

Role of Conventional Imaging to Evaluate Cholangiocarcinoma

Hepatobiliary Tumors
Cholangiocarcinomas are often not detected by CT
because they are small and isodense. When this is the case
Metastases (most hilar tumors and 25% of peripheral tumors), the
level of biliary ductal dilatation infers the location of the
Ultrasound can detect lesions as small as 1 cm in diame-
tumor. When the tumor is visible on CT, it most often
ter, but it is operator dependent, inherently two dimen-
appears as a nonspecific hypodense mass. Delayed reten-
sional, and suffers from poor specificity. Hepatic
tion of contrast material is characteristic and must be dif-
metastases can be hypoechoic, hyperechoic, cystic, or
ferentiated from cavernous hemangioma. A central scar
have mixed echogenicity. Isoechoic metastases go unde-
or calcification is seen in 25% to 30% of the cases. On
tected. CT is the conventional method for screening the
MRI, these tumors are usually hypointense on T1-
liver at many institutions. Metastases may be better seen
weighted and hyperintense on T2-weighted images. The
during the arterial or portal venous phase after contrast
central scar is best seen as a hypointense structure on T2-
injection, depending of the vascularity of the tumor. The
weighted images. After gadolinium administration, there
development of the helical technique has resulted in a
is early peripheral enhancement with progressive concen-
sensitivity comparable to that of MRI, although CT por-
tric enhancement, as with CT. MRI may demonstrate
tography remains the most sensitive technique for detec-
tumors not seen on CT and is being utilized as a problem-
tion of small lesions.
solving tool (4).
MRCP used as an adjunct to conventional MRI may
provide additional information regarding the extension of
Hepatocellular Carcinoma hilar cholangiocarcinoma, for example. If MRCP can es-
tablish the resectability of the tumor, the patient may
Differentiation of low-grade HCC from hepatic adenoma undergo immediate surgery and be spared a PTC and
can be difficult even on core biopsy. Although a capsule is biliary drainage procedure (3).
often present in small HCC, it is seldom seen in large PTC and/or ERCP are usually not indicated for pe-
ones. Invasion of the portal vein is often present, espe- ripheral tumors but can demonstrate hilar cholangiocar-
cially with large HCCs, although invasion of the inferior cinoma in most cases and are better than CT to evaluate
vena cava and hepatic vein occurs in only 5% of the cases. the intraductal extent of the tumor. ERCP/PTC is the
Hepatocellular carcinoma can undergo hemorrhage and procedure of choice to demonstrate the infiltrating/scle-
necrosis or demonstrate fatty metamorphosis. The pres- rosing type of cholangiocarcinoma. Typically, a malig-
ence of these characteristics on imaging studies is sugges- nant stricture tapers irregularly and is associated with
tive of HCC but requires high-resolution techniques for proximal ductal dilatation, although it is difficult to dif-
successful detection. Dynamic multiphase gadolinium-en- ferentiate from sclerosing cholangitis, one of the preex-
hanced MRI may be superior to dual-phase spiral CT to isting conditions. Some tumors are seen as intraluminal
characterize HCC (4). Although large lesions (larger than defects, but mucin, blood clots, calculi, an air bubble, or
3 cm) may be visualized by CT and US with a sensitivity in biliary sludge may have a similar appearance.
the 80% to 90% range, smaller lesions may be difficult to ERCP/PTC is often performed at the same time as a
distinguish from the surrounding hepatic parenchyma, biliary drainage procedure.
especially in patients with cirrhosis and regenerating
nodules, with a sensitivity in the range of 50%. CT portog-
raphy is the most sensitive technique for detection of
lesions less than 1 cm in size. 67Gallium scintigraphy may PET and PET/CT Imaging in the Evaluation of
help to identify HCC if the findings on other imaging Hepatic Lesions
modalities are equivocal. Seventy percent to 90% of HCC
have gallium uptake greater than the liver, and gallium The rapid advances in imaging technologies are a chal-
scintigraphy has been used in conjunction with a sulfur lenge for both radiologists and clinicians who must inte-
colloid scan to differentiate HCC from regenerating grate these technologies for optimal patient care and
nodules in cirrhotic patients (5). It is not useful for lesions outcomes at minimal cost. Since the early 1990s numer-
less than 2 to 3 cm in diameter. ous technologic improvements have occurred in the field
Fibrolamellar carcinoma, a low-grade malignant of radiologic imaging: these include (1) multislice spiral
tumor representing 6% to 25% of HCC, occurs in a computed tomography (CT), which permits fast acquisi-
younger population of patients without underlying cir- tion of CT angiographic images and multiphase enhance-
rhosis. An avascular scar that may contain calcifications ment techniques, and (2) positron emission tomography
characterizes these tumors. In contrast focal nodular (PET) using 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) as a radio-
hyperplasia exhibit a vascular scar but without pharmaceutical that provides the capability for imaging
calcifications. glucose metabolism.
184 Positron Emission Tomography

The clinical utility of FDG imaging was first established dition, a correlation was found between the degree of FDG
using dedicated PET tomographs equipped with multiple uptake, including both the standard uptake value (SUV)
rings of bismuth germanate oxide (BGO) detectors, but a and k3, and the grade of malignancy (13, 14). Therefore,
spectrum of equipment is now available for positron FDG imaging may have a prognostic significance in the
imaging, including multimodality imaging with an inte- evaluation of patients with HCC. Hepatocellular carcinomas
grated PET/CT imaging system (6). Although no data are that accumulate FDG tend to be moderately to poorly dif-
available at the time of this writing to document the in- ferentiated and are associated with markedly elevated
cremental diagnostic of integrated PET/CT versus PET alpha-fetoprotein levels (16, 17).
alone in hepatobiliary tumors, there are data available for However, FDG-PET has limited value for the differen-
many types of other tumors (7), as discussed in the tial diagnosis of focal liver lesions in patients with chronic
overview chapter on PET/CT in oncology (chapter 2). hepatitis C virus infection because of the low sensitivity
for detection of HCC and the high prevalence of this
tumor in that population of patients (18, 19).
Role of FDG-PET in the Evaluation of Teefey et al. (20) did a prospective comparison of the
diagnostic performance of CT, MRI imaging, US, and PET
Hepatic Metastases in the detection of HCC or cholangiocarcinoma in 25 liver
transplant candidates and determined interobserver vari-
A meta-analysis performed to compare noninvasive
ability between the readers. Explanted liver specimens
imaging methods (US, CT, MRI and FDG-PET) for the de-
were examined histologically to determine presence and
tection of hepatic metastases from colorectal, gastric, and
type of lesion. The sensitivity was as follows: US 89%, CT
esophageal cancers demonstrated that, at an equivalent
60%, MRI 53%, and PET 0%. One or more imaging tests
specificity of 85%, FDG-PET had the highest sensitivity,
depicted 68 lesions. Histologic analysis revealed 18 HCC
90% compared to 76% for MRI, 72% for CT, and 55% for
nodules; of these, 13 were correctly identified at CT, 14 at
US (8). Colorectal carcinoma commonly metastasize to
MR imaging, 13 at US, and none at PET. There were nine
the liver; this topic is addressed in chapter 10.
false-positive diagnoses of HCC with CT, five with MR
imaging, and nine with US. They conclude that although
US had the best diagnostic performance in depicting HCC
Role of FDG-PET in the Diagnosis and on a patient-by-patient basis and was substantially better
Staging of Hepatocellular Carcinoma than were MR imaging and CT (which had nearly equiva-
lent diagnostic performances), CT, US, and MR imaging
Differentiated hepatocytes normally have a relatively high performed similarly on a lesion-by-lesion basis. Small
glucose-6-phosphatase activity. Although experimental tumor nodules were the most common cause of missed
studies have shown that glycogenesis decreases and glycoly- HCCs with all tests. PET did not depict any HCCs.
sis increases during carcinogenesis, the accumulation of In patients with HCC that accumulate FDG, PET
FDG in HCC is variable due to varying degrees of activity of imaging is able to accurately detect unsuspected regional
the enzyme glucose-6-phosphatase in these tumors (9, 10). and distant metastases, as with other tumors. In some
Therefore, it has been predicted that evaluation of liver cases, FDG-PET is the only imaging modality that can
tumors, especially HCCs, with FDG-PET would require demonstrate the tumor and its metastases (14). In a series
dynamic imaging and blood sampling and kinetic analysis. of 23 patients with HCC who underwent FDG-PET scan-
Kinetic analysis is cumbersome to perform clinically and ning in an attempt to identify extrahepatic metastases, 13
cannot be performed over the entire body, thus precluding of the 23 (57%) patients had increased uptake in the
its use for staging. Studies using kinetic analysis have primary tumor and four of the 13 had extrahepatic metas-
shown that the phosphorylation kinetic constant (k3) is ele- tases demonstrated by FDG-PET images (21). In a larger
vated in virtually all malignant tumors including HCC. The study of 91 patients, despite the low sensitivity (64%) of
dephosphorylation kinetic constant (k4) is low in metasta- FDG-PET imaging to detect HCC, there was a significant
tic lesions and in cholangiocarcinomas, thus resulting in in- impact on management in 28% (26/91) of patients (22),
tralesional accumulation of FDG. However, k4 is similar to including detection of unsuspected metastatic disease in
k3 for HCC that do not accumulate FDG (11–13). There are high-risk patients, including liver transplant candidates,
three patterns of uptake for HCC: FDG uptake higher, equal and monitoring response to hepatic-directed therapy.
to, or lower than liver background (55%, 30%, and 15% re-
spectively). FDG-PET detects only 50% to 70% of HCC but
has a sensitivity greater than 90% for other malignant C-Acetate for Hepatocellular Carcinoma
primary hepatic neoplasms and all metastatic tumors to the
liver (14, 15). All benign tumors, including focal nodular C-Acetate is a marker of membrane lipid synthesis and
hyperplasia, adenoma, and regenerating nodules, demon- is a promising PET radiopharmaceutical for evaluation of
strate FDG uptake at the same level as normal liver, except some malignancies for which FDG has limitations such as
for rare abscesses with granulomatous inflammation. In ad- HCC. Neoplastic cells incorporate acetate preferentially
PET and PET/CT Imaging in Tumors of the Pancreas and Liver 185

into lipids rather than into amino acids or CO2 as a neces- changes in FDG uptake correlated better with the changes
sary condition for cell proliferation. in serum levels of CEA.
PET with 11C-acetate has been shown to be useful in de- In summary, preliminary data suggest that FDG-PET
tection of HCC. Possible biochemical pathways that lead to imaging may be able to effectively monitor the efficacy of
accumulation of 11C-acetate in tumors include (1) entry regional therapy to hepatic tumors that are known to be
into the Krebs cycle from acetyl coenzyme A (acetyl CoA) FDG avid, but these data need to be confirmed in larger
or as an intermediate metabolite; (2) esterification to form series of patients.
acetyl CoA as a major precursor in ß-oxidation for fatty
acid synthesis; (3) combining with glycine in heme synthe-
sis; and (4) through citrate for cholesterol synthesis. Role of FDG-PET in the Diagnosis and
Among these possible metabolic pathways, participation in Staging of Cholangiocarcinomas
free fatty acid (lipid) synthesis is believed to be the domi-
nant method of incorporation into tumors. Ho et al. (23) There is preliminary evidence that FDG-PET imaging may
used both FDG and 11C-acetate PET imaging to study 57 pa- be useful in the diagnosis and management of small
tients with various hepatobiliary. For the 23 patients with cholangiocarcinomas in patients with sclerosing cholan-
HCC, the sensitivity of FDG and 11C-acetate imaging were gitis (31). Anderson et al. (32) reviewed 36 consecutive pa-
47% and 87%, respectively, with a combined sensitivity of tients who underwent FDG-PET for suspected
100%. Well-differentiated tumors tended to be 11C-acetate cholangiocarcinoma. Patients were divided into group 1,
avid whereas poorly differentiated tumors tended to be nodular type (mass larger than 1 cm) (n = 22) and group
FDG avid. Other malignant tumors were FDG avid but not 2, infiltrating type (n = 14). The sensitivity for nodular
C-acetate avid. Benign tumors were not 11C-acetate avid, morphology was 85% but only 18% for infiltrating mor-
except for mild uptake in focal nodular hyperplasia. phology. Sensitivity for metastases was 65% with three
false negative for carcinomatosis and one false-positive
result in a patient with primary sclerosing cholangitis who
Role of FDG-PET in Monitoring Therapy of had acute cholangitis. Seven of 12 (58%) patients had FDG
Hepatic Tumors uptake along the tract of a biliary stent. FDG-PET led to a
change in surgical management in 30% (11/36) of patients
Because the majority of patients with HCC have ad- because of detection of unsuspected metastases. Figure
vanced-stage tumors and/or underlying cirrhosis with im- 12.1 illustrates detection of local recurrence and a metas-
paired hepatic reserve, surgical resection is often not tasis with FDG-PET/CT imaging in a patient who under-
possible. Therefore, other treatment strategies have been went right hepatectomy for cholangiocarcinoma. The
developed, including hepatic arterial chemoembolization, fusion images help to precisely localize the two foci of
systemic chemotherapy, surgical cryoablation, ethanol ab- FDG uptake, one at the hepatic margin of resection and
lation, radiofrequency ablation, and, in selected cases, the other in a metastatic lesion posterior to the liver.
liver transplantation. In patients treated with hepatic arte- Kim et al. (33) reviewed FDG-PET images of 21 patients
rial chemoembolization, FDG-PET is more accurate than with cholangiocarcinoma and compared the PET findings
lipiodol retention on CT in predicting the presence of to MRI (n = 20) and CT (n = 12). Intense FDG avidity was
residual viable tumor. The presence of residual uptake in seen in all peripheral (11/11) but only in 2 of 10 hilar
some lesions can help in guiding further regional therapy cholangiocarcinomas. For detection of lymph node metas-
(24–26). It is expected but not yet demonstrated that tases, FDG-PET and CT/MRI were concordant in 16 pa-
FDG-PET may surpass CT in determining the success of tients and discordant in 5 (FDG-PET was positive in 3,
other ablative procedures in these patients. FDG-PET has and CT and MRI in 2). FDG-PET identified unsuspected
been shown to be helpful monitoring regional therapy to distant metastases in 4 of the 21 patients; all these patients
liver tumors, primary and metastatic, with radiofrequency had peripheral cholangiocarcinomas. They conclude that
ablation, cryosurgery and 90Y-labeled microspheres. FDG-PET is useful in detecting the primary lesion in both
Langenhoff et al. (27) prospectively monitored 23 patients hilar and peripheral cholangiocarcinomas and is of value
with liver metastases following radiofrequency ablation in discovering unsuspected distant metastases in patients
and cryoablation. Three weeks after therapy, 51 of 56 with peripheral cholangiocarcinomas. FDG-PET could be
metastases became FDG negative, and there was no recur- useful in cases of suspected hilar cholangiocarcinomas
rence during 16 months of follow-up, whereas among the with nonconfirmatory biopsy and radiologic findings.
5 of 56 lesions with persistent FDG uptake, 4 of 5 recurred.
Data in smaller series of patients support their findings
(28, 29). Wong et al. (30) have compared FDG-PET Role of FDG-PET in the Diagnosis and
imaging, CT or MRI, and serum levels of CEA to monitor Staging of Gallbladder Carcinomas
the therapeutic response of hepatic metastases to 90Y-glass
microspheres. They found a significant difference between Unsuspected gallbladder carcinoma is discovered inciden-
the FDG-PET changes and the changes on CT or MRI; the tally in 1% of routine cholecystectomies. At present, the
186 Positron Emission Tomography

Figure 12.1. A 57-year-old man
underwent a right hepatectomy for a
CT Transmission FDG PET Fusion
cholangiocarcinoma and presented with
suspicion of recurrence. 18F-2-Deoxy-D-
glucose (FDG)-positron emission tomog-
raphy (PET)/computed tomography (CT)
imaging was performed for restaging.
(a) FDG-PET maximum intensity projec-
tion (MIP) image demonstrated two foci
of FDG uptake in the region of the liver
suspicious for recurrence (arrows). In ad-
dition, there is physiologic FDG uptake in
the descending colon, kidneys, and
bladder. (b) Transaxial views through the
foci of FDG uptake in the region of the
liver demonstrated that one focus of
uptake is located at the margin of resec-
tion indicating local recurrence (upper
panel, arrow). Images through the other
focus of uptake demonstrated that this
second focus of FDG uptake (lower
panel, arrow) is located outside the liver
posteriorly, indicating a metastasis.
PET and PET/CT Imaging in Tumors of the Pancreas and Liver 187

majority of cholecystectomies are performed laparoscopi- sion when CT could not differentiate scar tissue from ma-
cally, and occult gallbladder carcinoma found after la- lignant recurrence (37). In a study reviewing 14 patients
paroscopic cholecystectomy has been associated with with gallbladder carcinoma, the sensitivity for detection
reports of gallbladder carcinoma seeding of laparoscopic of gallbladder carcinoma was 78%. Sensitivity for extra-
trocar sites (34, 35). Increased FDG uptake has been hepatic metastases was 50% in 8 patients; 6 of these had
demonstrated in gallbladder carcinoma (36) and has been carcinomatosis (32). Figure 12.2 illustrates detection of a
helpful in identifying recurrence in the area of the inci- metastasis from gallbladder carcinoma with PET/CT

CT Transmission Fusion

Figure 12.2. A 52-year-old woman underwent resection of a gallbladder carcinoma 2 months earlier and presented with abdominal pain. FDG-PET/CT imaging was performed for
restaging. (a) FDG-PET maximum intensity projection (MIP) image demonstrated a focus of FDG uptake along the inferior border of the liver superimposed over the upper pole of the
right kidney on the anterior projection of the MIP image (arrow). In addition, there is physiologic FDG uptake in the kidneys and bladder. (b) Transaxial views through the focus of FDG
uptake in the abdomen demonstrated that the focus of uptake corresponded to a mass adjacent to the inferior border of the liver (arrow). Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) con-
188 Positron Emission Tomography

imaging in a patient who underwent resection of the setting of mass-forming pancreatitis or questionable
primary earlier. Again, the fusion images facilitated findings such as enlargement of the pancreatic head
precise localization of the metastasis that was further without definite signs of malignancy (42, 43). The diag-
characterized by MRI and proven surgically. nosis of regional lymph node metastases is also difficult
with CT and US. Furthermore, small metastases (less
than 1 cm) cannot reliably be differentiated from cysts
(44). Therefore, the reported negative predictive value
Tumors of the Pancreas for nonresectability is less than 30%. Other anatomic
imaging modalities, including MRI, endoscopic US, and
Pancreatic carcinomas usually arise from the pancreatic
ERCP, have similar limitations. Despite several recent
ducts and are the third most common malignant tumor of
technical improvements in MRI, including MRCP, the
the gastrointestinal tract and the fifth leading cause of
diagnostic performance of MRI remains in the same
cancer-related mortality. Most tumors arise in the head of
range as CT (45–48). Endoscopic ultrasound offers the
the pancreas, and patients present with bile duct obstruc-
possibility of tissue diagnosis with fine-needle biopsy but
tion, pain, and jaundice. Carcinoma of the ampulla of
the field of view is limited (49, 50). The accuracy of ERCP
Vater may be difficult to differentiate from those arising
is 80% to 90% for differentiation of benign from malig-
from the head of the pancreas. Tumors arising in the body
nant pancreatic processes, including differentiation of
and the tail of the pancreas are more insidious and are de-
tumor from chronic pancreatitis, because of the high
tected at advanced stages. The preoperative diagnosis,
degree of resolution of ductal structures. The limitations
staging, and treatment of pancreatic cancer remains chal-
of ERCP include false negatives when the tumor does not
lenging even for experienced clinicians. The prognosis of
originate from the main duct, a 10% rate of technical
pancreatic carcinoma is extremely poor, with most pa-
failure, and up to 8% morbidity, primarily iatrogenic
tients dying within 2 years of diagnosis. Surgical resection
pancreatitis. The principal advantages are the ability to
is the only potentially curative approach. Only 3%
perform fine-needle biopsy and interventional proce-
of newly diagnosed patients will survive 5 years.
dures. Although fine-needle biopsy may provide a tissue
Pancreaticoduodenectomy improves 5-year survival to
diagnosis, this technique suffers from significant sam-
more than 20%, with 2% to 3% mortality in carefully se-
pling error (51, 52).
lected patients (38). Adverse prognostic factors include
histologic grade, lymphatic vessel invasion, perineural in-
vasion, and capsular infiltration.
Acinar cell carcinomas comprise no more than 1% to FDG-PET and PET/CT in the Evaluation of
2% of all pancreatic cancer, and the prognosis is as poor Pancreatic Carcinoma
as for ductal cell carcinoma. Cystic neoplasms can arise in
the pancreas, and differentiation of benign from malig- The Role of FDG-PET in the Preoperative
nant is critical.
Islet cell tumors and other endocrine tumors make up a
Diagnosis of Pancreatic Carcinoma
small fraction of all pancreatic neoplasms and are most
The difficulty in correctly determining a preoperative di-
often located in the body and tail of the pancreas. They
agnosis of pancreatic carcinoma is associated with two
are usually slow-growing tumors and are associated with types of adverse outcomes. First, less-aggressive surgeons
endocrine abnormalities. may abort attempted resection because of a lack of tissue
diagnosis; this is borne out by the significant rate of “re-
operative” pancreaticoduodenectomy performed at major
Role and Limitations of Conventional Imaging in referral centers (53–55). In a recent review of the M.D.
the Evaluation of Pancreatic Carcinoma Anderson Cancer Center’s experience with 29 patients un-
dergoing successful pancreaticoduodenectomy after
The suspicion for pancreatic cancer is often raised when a failure to resect at the time of initial laparotomy, 31% did
pancreatic mass, or dilatation of the biliary or pancreatic not undergo resection at the time of the initial procedure
ducts, is detected by US or CT. CT is superior to US, not because of the lack of tissue confirmation of malignancy
only in detecting a pancreatic mass but also in its superb (55). A second type of adverse outcome generated by
ability to assess vascular involvement and invasion of ad- failure to obtain a preoperative diagnosis occurs when
jacent organs. In a multicenter trial (39), the diagnostic more aggressive surgeons inadvertently resect benign
accuracy of CT for staging and assessing resectability was disease. As many as 55% of patients who undergo pancre-
73% and the positive predictive value for nonresectability aticoduodenectomy for suspected malignancy without an
was 90%. More-recent studies have reported accuracies in associated mass on CT scan, are found to have benign
the 85% to 95% range, probably related to technical im- disease (56).
provements in CT technology (40, 41). Unfortunately, in- To avoid these adverse outcomes, metabolic imaging
terpretation of the CT scan is sometimes difficult in the with FDG-PET may improve the accuracy of the preopera-
PET and PET/CT Imaging in Tumors of the Pancreas and Liver 189

tive diagnosis of pancreatic carcinoma. Most malignan- including chronic active pancreatitis with or without
cies, including pancreatic carcinoma, demonstrate in- abscess formation, can accumulate FDG and give false-
creased glucose utilization due to an increased number of positive interpretations on PET images (72). False-posi-
glucose transporter proteins and increased hexokinase tive studies are frequent in patients with elevated
and phosphofructokinase activity (57–60). The summary C-reactive protein and/or acute pancreatitis with a
of the literature published in 2001 reported an average specificity as low as 50% (66). Therefore, screening for C-
sensitivity and specificity of 94% and 90%, respectively reactive protein has been recommended.
(61). All studies report relatively high rates of sensitivity Of interest, studies on a small number of patients
(85%–100%), specificity (67%–99%), and accuracy suggest that the degree of FDG uptake has prognostic
(85%–93%) for FDG-PET in the differentiation of benign value. Nakata et al. (73) noted a correlation between SUV
from malignant pancreatic masses, and the majority and survival in 14 patients with pancreatic adenocarci-
suggest improved accuracy compared to CT. These results noma. Patients with an SUV greater than 3.0 had a mean
are similar to the findings in the series of Rose et al. (62) survival of 5 months, compared to 14 months in those
at Vanderbilt University, with a sensitivity of 92% and with an SUV less than 3.0. Zimny et al. (74) performed a
specificity of 85% for FDG-PET compared to 65% and multivariate analysis on 52 patients, including SUV and
62%, respectively, for CT imaging One must keep in mind, accepted prognostic factors, to determine the prognostic
however, that these studies suffer from biases. For value of FDG-PET. The median survival of 26 patients
example, the acquisition of the CT data is often not done with SUV greater than 6.1 was 5 months, compared to 9
prospectively and the quality of the CT images may vary months for 26 patients with SUV less than 6.1. The multi-
among different institutions. Together, these series variate analysis revealed that SUV and Ca 19-9 were inde-
support the conclusion that FDG-PET imaging may repre- pendent factors of prognosis.
sent a useful adjunctive study in the evaluation of patients In summary, FDG-PET imaging is complementary to
with suspected pancreatic cancer, especially when CT CT in the evaluation of patients with pancreatic masses
imaging results are inconclusive. or in whom the diagnosis of pancreatic carcinoma is
As with any imaging modality, FDG-PET has limita- suspected. In view of the decreased sensitivity seen
tions in the evaluation of pancreatic cancer. The high inci- in patients with hyperglycemia, PET acquisition should
dence of glucose intolerance and diabetes exhibited by be performed under controlled metabolic conditions
patients with pancreatic pathology represents a potential and in the absence of acute inflammatory abdominal
limitation of this modality in the diagnosis of pancreatic disease.
cancer, because elevated serum glucose levels result in de-
creased FDG uptake in tumors as a result of competitive
inhibition. Low SUV values and false-negative FDG-PET
scans have been noted in hyperglycemic patients, which Role of FDG-PET in Staging of Pancreatic
has led some investigators to suggest that the SUV be cor- Carcinoma
rected according to serum glucose level (63–66). The true
impact of serum glucose levels on the accuracy of FDG- Stage II disease is characterized by extrapancreatic exten-
PET in pancreatic cancer and other neoplasms remains sion (T stage), stage III by lymph node involvement (N
controversial. Several studies have demonstrated a lower stage), and stage IV by distant metastases (M stage). T
sensitivity in hyperglycemic compared to euglycemic pa- staging can only be evaluated with anatomic imaging
tients (66–68). For example, in a study of 106 patients with modalities, which demonstrate best the relationship
a prevalence of disease of 70%, Zimny et al. (68) found between the tumor, adjacent organs, and vascular struc-
that FDG-PET had a sensitivity of 98%, specificity of 84%, tures. Functional imaging modalities can obviously not
and accuracy of 93% in a subgroup of euglycemic patients replace anatomic imaging in the assessment of local
compared to 63%, 86%, and 68%, respectively, in a sub- tumor resectability.
group of hyperglycemic patients. Other investigators (69, As for many other tumors, FDG imaging has not been
70) noted no variation in the accuracy of FDG-PET based superior to helical CT for N staging, but is more accurate
on serum glucose levels. In the studies of Delbeke et al. than CT for M staging. In the study of Delbeke et al. (71),
(71) and Diederichs et al. (65), the presence of elevated metastases were diagnosed both on CT and PET in 10 of
serum glucose levels and/or diabetes mellitus may have 21 patients with stage IV disease, but PET demonstrated
contributed to false negative interpretations, but correc- hepatic metastases not identified or equivocal on CT
tion of the SUV for serum glucose level has not and/or distant metastases unsuspected clinically in 7 addi-
significantly improved the accuracy of FDG-PET in the di- tional patients. In 4 patients, neither CT nor PET imaging
agnosis of pancreatic carcinoma. False-negative studies showed evidence of metastases, but surgical exploration
may also occur when the tumor diameter is less than 1 cm revealed carcinomatosis in 3 and a small liver metastasis
(i.e., small ampullary carcinoma). in 1 patient. False-positive findings have been reported in
Both glucose and FDG are substrates for cellular media- the liver of patients with dilated bile ducts and formation
tors of inflammation. Some benign inflammatory lesions, of inflammatory granulomas (75).
190 Positron Emission Tomography

Impact of FDG-PET on the Management of addition of FDG-PET imaging to CT altered the surgical
management in 41% of the patients, 27% by detecting CT-
Patients with Pancreatic Carcinoma
occult pancreatic carcinoma and 14% by identifying un-
The rate with which FDG-PET results may lead to alter- suspected distant metastases, or by clarifying the benign
ations in clinical management clearly depends on the nature of lesions equivocal on CT (71). In this regard,
specific therapeutic philosophy employed by an evaluating FDG-PET may allow selection of the optimal surgical ap-
surgeon. A common approach is performing pancreatico- proach in patients with pancreatic carcinoma.
duodenectomy only for those patients with potentially However, Kalady et al. (76) reviewed the performance
curable pancreatic cancer. In these patients, an aggressive of FDG-PET in 54 patients with suspected periampullary
approach to resection consist in en bloc retroperitoneal malignancy. Despite high sensitivity (90%) and specificity
lymphadenectomy and selective resection of the superior in diagnosing periampullary malignancy, FDG-PET did
mesenteric–portal vein confluence when necessary. not change clinical management in most patients previ-
Although certain patients with chronic pancreatitis may ously evaluated by CT. In addition, FDG-PET missed
also benefit from pancreaticoduodenectomy, the majority more than 10% of periampullary malignancies and did
of patients with nonmalignant biliary strictures are better not provide the anatomic detail necessary to define unre-
managed without resection. In a series of 65 patients, the sectability.

Figure 12.3. A 53-year-old man presented with biliary obstruction. Upper left: the CT scan shows prominence of the head of the pancreas but no definite mass. The fine-needle
biopsy was inconclusive. Upper right: the corresponding FDG-PET image (without attenuation correction) shows marked uptake corresponding to the head of the pancreas, indicating
a malignant tumor that was proved to be pancreatic adenocarcinoma with a biopsy obtained at endoscopic ultrasound. The patient underwent neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy
before surgery. Lower left: the CT obtained after completion of neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy shows no pancreatic lesion. Lower right: the corresponding FDG-PET image (without
attenuation correction) demonstrates uptake but to a lesser degree than on the pretherapy image. The patient underwent extended pancreatoduodenectomy. The specimen demon-
strated an adenocarcinoma (2 cm in size). The histologic examination demonstrated 15% to 20% tumor necrosis from chemoradiotherapy.
PET and PET/CT Imaging in Tumors of the Pancreas and Liver 191

The Role of FDG-PET in Monitoring Therapy clinicians in 50% of the patients, resulting in a change of
therapeutic procedure (80); this includes patients with el-
and Assessing Recurrence of Pancreatic
evated tumor marker levels and no findings on anatomic
Carcinoma imaging. Therefore, FDG-PET may be particularly useful
when CT identifies an indistinct region of change in the
The potentially significant morbidity associated with pan- bed of the resected pancreas that is difficult to differenti-
creaticoduodenectomy, which can compromise the deliv- ate from posttreatment changes, for the evaluation of new
ery of postoperative adjuvant chemoradiation, has led to hepatic lesions that may be too small to biopsy, and in pa-
the development of preoperative adjuvant (neoadjuvant) tients with rising tumor marker levels and a negative con-
chemoradiation in these patients. In addition, preliminary ventional workup (Figure 12.4). Again, the fusion images
studies suggest that neoadjuvant chemoradiation im- aided precise localization of the focus of FDG uptake in a
proves the resectability rate and survival of patients with lesion in the pancreatic bed and increased confidence in
pancreatic carcinoma (77, 78). A preliminary study sug- the diagnosis of local recurrence compared to PET or CT
gests that FDG-PET imaging is useful for the assessment alone.
of tumor response to neoadjuvant therapy and the evalua-
tion of possible recurrent disease following resection (62).
Nine patients underwent FDG-PET imaging before and
after neoadjuvant chemoradiation therapy. FDG-PET suc- FDG-PET for Evaluation of Islet Cells and Other
cessfully predicted histologic evidence of chemoradiation- Endocrine Tumors of the Pancreas
induced tumor necrosis in all four patients who
demonstrated at least a 50% reduction in tumor SUV fol- Most neuroendocrine tumors, including carcinoid, para-
lowing chemoradiation (Figure 12.3). Among these pa- ganglioma, and islet cell tumors, express somatostatin re-
tients, none showed measurable change in tumor ceptors (SSR) and can, therefore, be imaged effectively
diameter as assessed by CT. Three patients showed stable with somatostatin analogues such as 111In-octreotide (81).
FDG uptake, and two showed increasing FDG uptake in- This modality has been reported to be more sensitive than
dicative of tumor progression. Of the two patients with CT for defining the extent of metastatic disease, especially
progressive disease demonstrated by FDG-PET, one in extrahepatic and extraabdominal sites. However, there
showed tumor progression on CT and the other demon- may be significant heterogeneity in regard to SSR expres-
strated stable disease. The four patients who had FDG- sion, even in the same patient in adjacent sites, probably
PET evidence of tumor response went on to successful related to dedifferentiation of the tumor. Absence of SSR
resection, all showing 20% to 80% tumor necrosis in the positivity is reported to be a poor prognostic sign, but vir-
resected specimen. Among the five patients who showed tually all these SSR-negative neuroendocrine tumors ac-
no response by FDG-PET, the disease could be subse- cumulate FDG and can therefore be imaged with PET (82).
quently resected in only two, and only one patient who More-differentiated SSR-positive tumors do not reliably
underwent resection showed evidence of chemoradiation- accumulate significant FDG and may, therefore, be false
induced necrosis in the resected specimen. Another pilot negative with FDG-PET imaging (83). There is contro-
study suggests that the absence of FDG uptake at 1 month versy in the literature about the sensitivity of FDG
following chemotherapy is an indicator of improved sur- imaging for detection of carcinoid tumors (84), but at
vival (79). Definitive conclusions regarding the role of least in some reports, 111In-octreotide scintigraphy is
FDG-PET in assessing treatment response obviously more sensitive than FDG-PET imaging; FDG-positive/oc-
require evaluation in a larger group of patients. However, treotide-negative tumors tend to be less differentiated and
given the poor track record of CT in assessing histologic may have a less-favorable prognosis.
response to neoadjuvant chemoradiation, the potential Other positron-emitting tracers seem to be more
utility of FDG-PET in this capacity deserves further inves- promising. A serotonin precursor 5-hydroxytryptophan
tigation. (5-HTP) labeled with 11C has shown increased uptake in
The majority of the prior reports concerning the clini- carcinoid tumors. This uptake seems to be selective, and
cal utilization of FDG-PET scanning for pancreatic malig- some clinical evidence has demonstrated that it allows the
nancy have emphasized the identification of recurrent detection of more lesions with PET than with CT or oc-
nodal or distant metastatic disease. In a preliminary study treotide scintigraphy (85). Other radiopharmaceuticals in
(62), 8 patients were evaluated for possible recurrence development for PET are 11C L-DOPA and 18F-DOPA,
because of either indeterminate CT findings or a rise in which seem to be useful in visualizing gastrointestinal
serum tumor marker levels. All were noted to have neuroendocrine tumors (86, 87). A study of 17 patients
significant new regions of FDG uptake, 4 in the surgical with 92 carcinoid tumors comparing FDG-PET, 18F-
bed and 4 in new hepatic metastases. In all patients, DOPA-PET, and somatostatin-receptor scintigraphy
metastases or local recurrence was confirmed pathologi- demonstrated the following sensitivities: 29% for FDG-
cally or clinically. Another study on 19 patients concluded PET, 60% for 18F-DOPA, 57% for somatostatin-receptor
that FDG-PET added important additional information to scintigraphy, and 73% for morphologic procedures (88).
192 Positron Emission Tomography

CT Transmission FDG PET Fusion

CT Transmission FDG PET Fusion

Figure 12.4. A 44-year-old woman who underwent a Whipple procedure for pancreatic cancer 8 months earlier presented with abdominal pain. FDG-PET/CT imaging was performed
for restaging. (a) A coronal image through the location of the head of the pancreas demonstrated a focus of FDG uptake (arrow) suspicious for local recurrence. (b) Transaxial views
through the focus of FDG uptake in the midabdomen demonstrated that the focus of uptake corresponded to a lesion in the pancreatic bed indicating local recurrence (arrow), which
was proven at surgery.

An octreotide derivative can be labeled with 64Cu [half- may be a promising radiopharmaceutical for PET imaging
life, 12.7 h; beta+, 0.653 MeV (17.4%); beta–, 0.579 MeV of patients with neuroendocrine tumors (89).
(39%)] and has shown potential as a radiopharmaceutical
for PET imaging and radiotherapy. A pilot study in
humans has demonstrated that 64Cu-TETA-octreotide Limitations of FDG Imaging
(where TETA is 1,4,8,11-tetraazacyclotetradecane-
N,N’,N’’,N’’’-tetraacetic acid) PET imaging can be used to Scintigraphic tumor detectability depends on both the size
detect somatostatin-receptor-positive tumors in humans. of the lesion and the degree of uptake, as well as sur-
The high rate of lesion detection and favorable dosimetry rounding background uptake and intrinsic resolution of
and pharmacokinetics of 64Cu-TETA-OC indicates that it the imaging system. Small lesions may yield false-negative
PET and PET/CT Imaging in Tumors of the Pancreas and Liver 193

results as a result of partial-volume averaging, leading to By providing scintigraphic preoperative documentation of

underestimation of the uptake in small lesions (less than pancreatic malignancy in these patients, laparotomy may
twice the resolution of the imaging system, for example, be undertaken with a curative intent, and the risk of
small ampullary carcinoma, cholangiocarcinoma of the aborting resection because of diagnostic uncertainty is
infiltrating type, and military carcinomatosis) or in minimized. FDG-PET imaging is also useful for M staging
necrotic lesions with a thin viable rim, falsely classifying and restaging by detecting CT-occult metastatic disease
these lesions as benign instead of malignant. The sensitiv- and allowing nontherapeutic resection to be avoided alto-
ity of FDG-PET for detection of mucinous adenocarci- gether in this group of patients. As is true with other neo-
noma is lower than for nonmucinous adenocarcinoma plasms, FDG-PET can accurately differentiate posttherapy
(41%–58% versus 92%), probably because of the relative changes from recurrence and holds promise for monitor-
hypocellularity of these tumors (90). Other false negatives ing neoadjuvant chemoradiation therapy.
include differentiated neuroendocrine tumors and HCC. FDG-PET imaging is complementary to morphologic
The high incidence of glucose intolerance and diabetes ex- imaging with CT; therefore, integrated PET/CT imaging
hibited by patients with pancreatic pathology represents a provides optimal images for interpretation.
potential limitation of this modality in the diagnosis of
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PET and PET/CT Imaging in Breast Cancer
Richard L.Wahl

This chapter reviews the use of positron emission tomog- Although oxygen utilization was slightly higher in the
raphy (PET) and PET-computed tomography (CT) in the tumors than in normal breast, the oxygen extraction ratio
detection and characterization of primary breast cancers, was significantly lower (7). A subsequent study in 20 pa-
in locoregional and systemic tumor staging and restaging, tients showed mean tumor blood flow to be about five to
in predicting and assessing tumor response to therapy, six times higher than flow in normal breast tissue (8). To
and in changing patient management. Although PET has date, the use of PET to evaluate tumor blood flow has had
been in use for more than 15 years in breast cancer only modest clinical application, although Wahl and col-
imaging, we continue to learn how best to apply the tech- leagues (9) have preliminarily reported on the use of the
nique in the management of patients with known and sus- generator-produced agent [62C]PTSM for breast cancer
pected breast cancer. imaging. They demonstrated the feasibility of the tech-
Similar to many epithelial cancers, breast cancers have nique for imaging some primary and systemically
a variety of phenotypic deviations from normal breast metastatic breast cancers. Recently, several other studies
tissue, which include, but are by no means limited to, the of PET to image tumor blood flow were reported.
following factors: (1) increased tumor blood flow and in- Mankoff et al. (10, 11) reported that changes in tumor
creased vascular permeability compared to normal breast blood flow using 15O-water were predictive of response to
tissue [the physiology by which gadolinium contrast mag- therapy, and Zasadny et al. (12) have shown that FDG
netic resonance imaging (MRI) of breast cancer appears uptake and 15O-water uptake were somewhat correlated.
to produce its signal]; (2) increased levels of glucose me- At present, 15O-water, with a 2-min half-life, remains a re-
tabolism; (3) increased amino acid transport and protein search tool and not a clinical tool for imaging breast
synthesis; (4) increased receptor expression [such as over- cancer.
expression of the estrogen receptor (ER)]; (5) increased PET imaging of ER in breast cancer has also been per-
DNA synthetic rates; and (6) decreased oxygen tension formed. Thirteen women with primary breast masses were
(hypoxia). All these processes can be imaged with PET. imaged with 16-[18F]fluoro-17-estradiol (FES) (13). PET
However, the most extensive clinical work using PET in demonstrated uptake of the radiotracer in the primary
breast cancer imaging has been performed with the tracer breast mass and the axillary nodes in several cases. An ex-
2[18F]fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose (FDG) (1, 2). cellent correlation (r = 0.96) was reported between the es-
We and others have shown that the vast majority of trogen receptor concentration measured in the tumors
breast cancers in women overexpress the glucose trans- and the extent of FES uptake into the tumors in this study.
porter molecule GLUT-1, and that there is a general rela- A larger follow-up study by the same investigators evalu-
tionship between the viable cancer cell number and the ated 16 patients with 57 known foci of metastatic disease
FDG accumulation in primary breast cancers and a corre- and demonstrated 93% sensitivity for lesion detection
lation between the GLUT-1 levels and the FDG accumula- (14). Patients who received antiestrogen therapy showed a
tion in these tumors (3–5). In addition, there is a positive decline in the fraction of FES reaching the tumors post-
relationship between FDG uptake and the degree of ag- treatment (14). Imaging tumors that were estrogen recep-
gressiveness of breast cancers (6). tor negative was not successful with this approach.
The first human studies of breast cancer imaging with Despite the early and promising work with this agent, it
PET evaluated tumor blood flow, oxygen extraction, and has not achieved widespread clinical utilization, in part
oxygen utilization in nine patients using 11C- and 15O- because it does not target ER-negative tumors and
labeled tracers. In these studies, regional blood flow was because treatment trails with antiestrogen agents are of
higher in the tumors than in surrounding normal breast. low risk. Further, recent data with aromatase inhibitors
198 Positron Emission Tomography

suggest that such treatments might be quite generally metastatic disease, evaluation of treatment response, and
used in breast cancer therapy. overall in the context of patient management approaches.
FDG is the most commonly used PET tracer to image Unless otherwise stated, the following results were ob-
breast cancer. This radiopharmaceutical is transported tained in patients imaged with whole-body dedicated PET
into cancer cells, probably by the facilitative glucose scanners and not with dedicated PET breast imaging
transporter protein GLUT-1 in many breast cancers, and devices.
is then phosphorylated by hexokinases in cancer cells
(HKII) to FDG-6-phosphate, a polar material that is re-
tained within the cell (2). The intracellular FDG-6-phos-
phate is detected in tumors by PET imaging. l8F has a Evaluation of Primary Lesions
half-life of 109 min, so that it is more practical for use in a
clinical setting than the very short lived positron-emitting Anatomic imaging using mammography has long been
isotopes. Indeed, much of the use of FDG in the United the standard tool for detecting primary breast cancers.
States is at medical centers that are remote from a medical Mammography, however, detects the mass or
cyclotron, and thus FDG is shipped from a manufacturing calcifications produced as a result of the genetic changes
site, sometimes over hundreds of miles. that caused the tumor to develop. However, the appear-
FDG was first used in breast cancer imaging by a planar ance of benign and malignant masses and calcifications
imaging (non-PET) technique by Minn et al. (15) in 1989. on anatomic imaging overlap with one another in many
Using a specially collimated gamma camera, the investiga- instances. This overlap in anatomic appearance often re-
tors studied 17 patients with breast cancer and were able quires biopsies be performed to determine the nature of
to detect the tumor in 14 (82%), including 6 of 8 known the lesion. In the United States, about 70% of breast biop-
lymph node metastases. FDG was also able to detect skele- sies result in benign histologic samples and thus represent
tal metastases and was more sensitive for detecting lytic false-positive anatomic imaging tests. Functional imaging
or mixed lesions than purely sclerotic lesions. In assessing of tumor biology holds great promise over the simple
treatment response in 10 patients, increase in FDG uptake anatomic imaging approaches to reduce the number of
was consistently associated with disease progression, false-positive biopsies and increase the overall accuracy of
whereas decline in FDG uptake was often, but not invari- imaging, as mammography not uncommonly is falsely
ably, associated with resolving or stable disease (15). negative, especially in women with radiodense breast
However, planar imaging is a very insensitive technique tissues (1).
and images are limited by low resolution and sensitivity. Although the study of Wahl et al. (18) succeeded in de-
In preliminary reports in 1989, Wahl et al. (16) and tecting untreated primary lesions of breast cancer by
Kubota et al. (17) separately reported on the feasibility of FDG-PET, this small study demonstrating proof of
imaging breast cancer using PET with FDG in several pa- concept was restricted to large primary lesions and did
tients. Subsequently, Wahl et al. (18) showed the feasibil- not address the more critical and clinically relevant issue
ity of imaging primary, regional, and systemic metastases of detection of smaller lesions in the breast. Because
of breast cancer using FDG-PET in a larger series of pa- imaging devices for PET have been gradually improving,
tients. FDG-PET imaging allowed the detection of 25 of 25 past results may not always be indicative of the current
known foci of breast cancer including primary lesions state of the art in PET, as higher-resolution systems are
(10/10), soft tissue lesions (5/5), and skeletal metastases now available so that smaller lesions should be detectable.
(10/10). In addition, PET imaging allowed detection of 4 Using whole-body PET imaging without attenuation
additional nodal lesions that were not previously correction, Hoh et al. (21) were able to detect 15 of 17 foci
identified. Several of the primary cancers were detected in of primary breast carcinoma, as well as regional and sys-
women with radiographically dense breasts. It must be temic metastases. In a study of transverse PET with atten-
noted, however, that the primary lesions evaluated were uation correction in 11 patients with primary breast
all greater than 2 cm in size and therefore larger than cancer, 10 of 11 primary lesions were identified by FDG-
most cancers detected by screening mammography. PET (22). Only modest uptake was seen in patients with
In preclinical studies, FDG uptake in vitro and in vivo fibrocystic disease. Tumor to normal tissue uptake ratios
in breast cancer declined with rising glucose levels, sug- were 4.9:1. In a larger prospective study, Adler et al. (23)
gesting strongly that PET imaging should be performed in reported FDG-PET results using attenuation correction
the fasted state (19). These results have been confirmed and PET in 28 patients with 35 suspicious breast masses.
clinically in various human cancers, and all PET centers Twenty-six of 27 malignant lesions were identified (sensi-
perform breast cancer imaging in fasting patients (20). tivity, 96%) and separated (in retrospect) from the 8
Uptake of the tracer is lower in diabetics than in eug- benign breast lesions. The separation was based on FDG
lycemic patients. uptake levels of the primary lesions. In this study, there
In general terms, the use of FDG-PET in breast cancer was a modest, but significant, correlation between the
imaging can be discussed in terms of evaluation of the nuclear grade of the tumors and the quantity of FDG
primary lesion, evaluation for regional and distant uptake.
PET and PET/CT Imaging in Breast Cancer 199

Dehdashti et al. (24) evaluated 32 breast masses, of equivalent for breast imaging (28). Thus, lesion histology
which 24 were malignant, using FDG-PET. They found and size affected the rate of primary cancer detection
FDG uptake to be much greater, on average, in the breast using FDG-PET. Certainly, a technique with low sensitiv-
cancers than in the benign lesions with a standard uptake ity is not suitable for use as a screening method, so that
value (SUV) of 4.5 ± 2.8 versus 1.05 ± 0.41. Using a SUV negative PET findings in lesions less than 2 cm in diame-
cutoff value of 2.0 for diagnosis of malignancy achieved ter have limited negative predictive value. However, posi-
88% sensitivity and 100% specificity for primary breast tive PET results must always be considered of serious
lesions. concern, with very high and focal FDG uptake having a
Bassa et al. (25) reported a sensitivity of 100% for FDG- strong positive predictive value for cancer. Ishimori et al.
PET for locally advanced primary breast cancers and a (29) reported discovery of two incidental breast cancers
sensitivity of 77% for detection of nodal metastasis before in patients studied with FDG-PET for recurrent tumors of
treatment. These results were better than those obtained other types of 1,912 patients studied.
by anatomic imaging methods. Detection of some primary The low sensitivity of current whole-body imaging
breast cancers that are locally advanced may be challeng- devices for smaller primary breast cancers makes PET less
ing anatomically, but this high sensitivity value must not than optimal for screening, even in high-risk populations.
be considered representative of the performance of PET However, the performance characteristics of PET compare
across a full range of primary lesion sizes. Small lesions very favorably with the characteristics of other noninva-
will clearly be more difficult to detect than larger lesions sive imaging modalities and are better than those of
for reasons of the size-based resolution and sensitivity planar scintillation camera imaging of MIBI. FDG-PET
limitations of dedicated PET scanners, which typically has also been able to detect primary lesions in patients
have approximately 10-mm full with half-maximum with silicone breast prostheses, which are opaque to stan-
(FWHM) reconstructed resolution. Rather, evaluation of dard low-energy mammographic X-rays (30, 31). The
the method in patients with suspected but undiagnosed small studies directly comparing FDG-PET and MRI have
primary lesions of all sizes is more clinically relevant. shown that FDG-PET is typically less sensitive than MRI
Avril et al. (26) initially reported findings in 51 patients for primary lesion detection but more specific than MRI.
with 72 suspicious breast masses, 57% of which proved to As an example, in 42 breast lesions, MRI was 89% sensi-
be malignant. In this study, malignant lesions had a mean tive and 63% specific for cancer. By contrast, PET was
SUV 2.5 times that of benign lesions. By correcting for 74% sensitive but 91% specific (32). Similarly, Goerres et
partial-volume effects, sensitivity was increased from 75% al. (33) showed PET to be 79% sensitive, 94% specific, and
to 92% while specificity decreased from 100% to 97%. 84% accurate versus MRI, which was 94% sensitive, 94%
Detection of lesions less than 1 cm in diameter was not specific, and 88% accurate in the diagnostic setting of de-
optimal, however, because of resolution limitations of the tection of possible recurrent tumor in the breast following
whole-body PET scanner used in the study. This same a known diagnosis of breast cancer. Thus, FDG-PET using
group subsequently reported findings in 185 breast whole-body imaging devices appears to be a more-specific
cancers using FDG; these included 132 cancers and 53 method but is less sensitive than MRI as currently inter-
benign lesions. The overall sensitivity was much lower at preted.
64% with specificity of 94%, using standard visual analy- The relationship between the MRI signal and the FDG-
sis. When a lower visual threshold of uptake was used for PET signal was studied in 20 patients with large or locally
diagnosing malignancies in these same studies, the sensi- advanced primary breast cancers. A significant associa-
tivity increased to 80% and specificity declined to 76% tion (P less than 0.05) was observed between the calcu-
(27). Nearly two-thirds of invasive lobular cancers were lated exchange rate constants of both pharmacokinetic
FDG-PET negative, compared to about 24% of invasive models and calculated PET FDG dose SUV; this was a
ductal cancers. In this study, there was a clear relationship modest relationship accounting for less than half of the
between tumor size and lesion detectability. Using the findings. Thus, the SUV and MRI enhancement rate are
most sensitive visual detection approach, only 68% sensi- related but not equivalent (34). As with most tracers, de-
tivity was obtained in primary tumors less than 2 cm in livery does have a role in the total signal detected.
diameter. Sensitivity was higher for larger lesions, reach- FDG is the dominant tracer in breast cancer imaging
ing 92% for 2- to 5-cm lesions. All three lesions more than currently, as it is in most cancers; however, the use of al-
5 cm in diameter were detected (27). Lobular carcinomas ternative tracers has been extensively explored to some
have low GLUT-1 expression, likely accounting for the extent in breast cancer, generally in small studies. L-
lower sensitivity of PET in these types of tumors (5, 27). [Methyl-llC]-methionine PET has been used in the
Similar results to those obtained in this large series imaging of primary breast cancers and in assessing their
were reported by Yutani et al. (28), who found 79% sensi- response to chemotherapy. In a pilot study of primary and
tivity for detecting primary breast cancer. They also metastatic breast cancers, [llC]-L-methionine uptake in
showed that FDG clearly achieved higher target-to-back- primary breast cancer was less than in the liver but more
ground ratios than methoxyisobutyl isonitrile (MIBI) (6/1 than in most normal tissues. All tumors greater than 3 cm
versus 3.5/1), again indicating that not all tracers are in size were detected, but three smaller tumors were not
200 Positron Emission Tomography

detected. Increased uptake of [llC]-L-methionine was as- phantom studies. In brief, in the absence of breast back-
sociated with a large S-phase fraction (SPF) measured ground, simulated breast lesions as small as 5 mm could
with flow cytometry (r = 0.77, P = 0.01). These data indi- be detected. However, as back ground activity was in-
cate that [llC]-L-methionine can be used to image breast creased to the levels expected in women with more meta-
cancers but weigh against its being useful in small lesions bolically active breasts, and breast thickness was also
or in the liver due to high background uptake (35). The increased, only lesions of 12 mm in diameter and larger
need for an onsite cyclotron for use of [llC]-L-methionine were detected. This finding indicates that dedicated breast
makes its widespread clinical application even less likely. devices likely will do better than dedicated whole-body to-
However, other tracers with higher uptake into breast mographs and that the role of FDG and PET in evaluating
tumors and lower background activity could be devel- primary breast lesions will require reevaluation as im-
oped, making the PET method more potent for assessing proved instruments are developed (37). Nonetheless, the
primary lesions even with existing imaging systems. reliable detection of lesions smaller than 12 mm is essen-
At present, FDG-PET is an excellent method to help tial for such a method to achieve clinical utilization.
detect primary breast lesions more than 2 cm in diameter Several groups have been carrying out such studies with
and to help characterize such lesions. The exact clinical role dedicated high-resolution PET breast imaging devices.
of PET in breast imaging remains in evolution. The perfor- Thompson and colleagues (38) have shown the feasibility
mance of PET will likely improve as better-resolution scan- of PEM devices in patient studies, and more-sensitive
ners increasingly become available. It should be noted that devices are being made using different detector materials
in the United States the role for noninvasive “diagnostic” (39). One of the other potential benefits of dedicated
tests, which help to characterize a lesion as malignant or devices is the ability to coregister PEM images with mam-
benign, is a challenging one because a missed diagnosis not mographic images to display both anatomic and PET data
uncommonly leads to litigation. For this reason, biopsy and simultaneously (40). Recently, sensitivity of about 86%
excision remain widely used as the primary approach to di- and specificity of 91% were reported for detection of
agnosis of breast cancer in the United States following breast cancer using a dedicated positron breast imaging
lesion detection by anatomic methods. device that has less than 2 mm resolution (41).
Using a newer large field of view, high-sensitivity detec-
tor system, PEM demonstrated 20 focal abnormalities, of
which 18 were malignant and 2 were benign. Three of 20
Detection of Primary lesions with malignant lesions demonstrated at conventional mam-
Positron Cameras Dedicated for Breast mography were not demonstrated at PET mammography.
In a small series of patients, the overall sensitivity of PEM
Imaging or Positron Emission for detection of malignancy was 86% with a positive pre-
Mammography dictive value of 90% (42, 43).
PET must also be considered in the context of other
Although FDG is the most common tracer used in breast imaging modalities that are used for diagnosis of breast
cancer imaging with PET, it should be noted that most cancer. Because of its high current cost per study, PET is
PET scanners used in breast imaging to date have been not a realistic candidate for use in cancer screening of
designed as all-purpose devices to image the entire body, low-risk populations, is in contrast to screening mam-
not just the breast. Thus, they represent a compromise in mography, which has been shown to save lives and is the
performance as compared to dedicated breast imaging in- key method for breast cancer detection. Mammography
struments, analogous, perhaps, to using a chest X-ray is, however, of limited value for detecting cancers in
device to perform mammography, with consequent rela- women with dense breasts (especially younger women),
tive degradation of breast images. Dedicated breast assessing the breast after biopsy, characterizing lesions as
imaging devices carry with them far more potential for malignant or benign, determining whether disease is uni-
successful imaging of small lesions in the breast. focal or multifocal, and predicting or assessing response
This area is in rapid development and to date only to treatment. Mammography cannot determine whether
small studies have been performed in limited numbers of the tumor is localized or metastatic. Thus, it is in these
patients. In principle, a smaller PET imaging device groups of patients that PET may have its greatest potential
devoted to imaging the breast would avoid much of the role for primary lesion assessment.
soft tissue attenuation faced by whole-body PET scanners.
The devices could be less expensive than whole-body PET
scanners, and more sensitive, and could lead to develop-
ment of radionuclide-guided-biopsies. They are, however,
Detection of Regional Lymph Node
limited by partial-volume effects and the degree of the lo- Involvement
calization of FDG or other PET tracer in the tumor com-
pared to normal breast (36, 37). Clinical studies have supported preclinical findings in
Raylman et al. (37) reviewed issues of detectability rodents of high tumor-to-lymph node ratios, which sug-
gested that FDG may permit detection of lymph node
PET and PET/CT Imaging in Breast Cancer 201

a b c
Figure 13.1. Coronal FDG-PET image sections showing uptake in (a) right breast cancer, (b) palpable right axillary lymph nodes, and (c) right supraclavicular and high axillary
lymph nodes that were not clinically apparent.

metastases. It was noted that when FDG was injected sis detected by PET. This metastatic lesion was not
subcutaneously, there was intense tracer uptake in the demonstrable by other imaging techniques.
lymph nodes proximal to the injection site (44). In a pre- Subsequent reports have suggested that the sensitivity
liminary study, Wahl et al. (45) were able to characterize of PET for detecting nodal metastases is substantially
correctly 8 of 9 axillae with FDG-PET in the preoperative lower than initially reported. Avril and colleagues (48) re-
setting using tracer injection in the arm opposite to the cently reported sensitivity of 82% for the detection of
side of the tumor. No false-positive findings occurred but nodal metastases in breast cancer, with a specificity of
there was one false-negative result. Several other reports 96%. In this series, sensitivity was higher in patients with
of imaging axillary nodal metastases from breast cancer large primary lesions and lower in those with small
with PET have now appeared. In a report by Tse et al. primary lesions. Clearly, fewer positive foci of FDG uptake
(46) using the whole-body PET technique, 11 of 14 axillae are seen by PET than were seen at pathologic examina-
were accurately characterized as to the presence or tion, using moderate-resolution whole-body PET devices.
absence of metastasis. In 5 cases, there was uptake of Utech et al. (49) reported that 100% of the 44 tumor-posi-
FDG in the axillary nodal region and in each instance tive axillae in 124 patients with primary breast cancer
there was tumor involvement of the axilla. In a prospec- were detected by PET, whereas PET was negative in 75%
tive study, Adler et al. (47) reported 20 patients with of the 80 tumor negative axillae. Yutani et al. (50) ob-
newly diagnosed breast cancer who had axillary lymph tained only 50% sensitivity for detecting axillary metasta-
node dissections following PET scans. In these patients, 9 sis, which was still better than the 38% sensitivity of MIBI.
of 10 patients with nodal metastases were correctly diag- Accuracy values are typically somewhat higher than sensi-
nosed whereas 10 of 10 disease free axillae did not show tivity because pathologically negative axillae are more
increased uptake. common than positive in most series.
Figure 13.1 shows a whole body FDG-PET scan in a Because of these encouraging but mixed results, a large
patient with a primary right breast cancer and palpable prospective study was needed to establish finally the false-
right axillary lymph nodes. The PET scan confirms high negative rate for staging the axilla by FDG-PET. In any
FDG uptake in the primary tumor and axillary metastasis case, PET can be expected to have a higher false-negative
and also demonstrates high axillary and supraclavicular rate than sentinel lymph node imaging and histologic ex-
lymph node metastases, which were not clinically appar- amination of tissue. This expectation is based on the
ent. Figures 13.2 and 13.3 demonstrate the potential use- known limitations of PET for detecting lesions smaller
fulness of fusion PET/CT images for anatomic localization than 5 to 10 mm, depending on background tracer activity
of focal uptake in the axillary or chest wall regions. Figure levels. Crippa et al. (51) in a study of melanoma, which
13.4 shows right internal mammary lymph node metasta- typically shows much higher FDG uptake than breast
202 Positron Emission Tomography

a b

Figure 13.2. PET/CT fusion images

showing right axillary lymph node
metastasis: (a) CT image; (b) attenua-
tion-corrected PET image; and (c) fused
PET/CT image. These images show that
the focal activity in the right axillary
region corresponds to a small lymph
node metastasis.

cancer, found that detectability of nodal metastasis was mated area under the receiver operating characteristic
highly dependent on the size of the lesions. In melanoma, (ROC) curve for the three interpreters was 0.74 (range,
PET succeeded in detecting all nodal metastases more 0.70–0.76). When the finding of at least one probably or
than 1 cm in diameter, 83% of metastases 6 to 10 mm in definitely abnormal axillary focus was the criterion for a
diameter, and only 23% of those that were 5 mm or less. positive axilla, the mean (and range) sensitivity,
A large NCI-sponsored multicenter trial evaluating the specificity, and positive and negative predictive values for
accuracy of PET for staging the axilla was completed and PET were 61% (54%–67%), 80% (79%–81%), 62%
reported recently (52). In that study, 360 women older (60%–64%), and 79% (76%–81%), respectively. From this
than 18 years of age with newly diagnosed, untreated, in- study it was concluded that FDG-PET has moderate accu-
vasive breast carcinoma were evaluated. Surgery had to be racy for detecting axillary metastasis and that PET com-
planned, including axillary dissection, within 30 days of monly fails to detect axillae involved with small and few
the PET scan. These patients had no prior therapy or in- nodal metastases. In this study, although highly predictive
tercurrent illnesses. There were three blinded interpreters
who examined both the attenuation corrected and the
nonattenuation-corrected images. In the overall popula-
tion, the prevalence of axillary metastases was 35%. For
the detection of axillary nodal metastasis, the mean esti-

Figure 13.3. Fused PET/CT image shows breast cancer metastatic to a right-sided rib.
In the FDG-PET image, it was not clear whether the metastatic focus was located in a
high right axillary lymph node or the chest wall. The fused image shows that the focus Figure 13.4. Transverse FDG-PET image of the thorax shows a right internal mammary
is situated in a right-sided rib. Fusion was achieved using software methods. lymph node metastasis.
PET and PET/CT Imaging in Breast Cancer 203

for tumor involvement when multiple intense foci of internal mammary lymph node metastases in any patient.
tracer uptake were identified in the axillae, FDG-PET Internal mammary lymph node uptake on PET was asso-
could not be recommended for routine staging of the ciated with large size of the primary tumor (P = 0.03) and
axilla in most patients with newly diagnosed breast with inflammatory disease (P = 0.04) (54).
cancer. The prognostic value of PET is not yet determined PET may also be useful in the assessment of axillary
but may still be substantial and warrants further study. adenopathy when patients present with axillary nodal
The large multicenter study just described compared tumor and no known cancer in the breast or other sys-
PET staging of the axilla to axillary dissection and patho- temic metastases. In such situations, PET with FDG has
logic assessment of the axilla. Increasingly, sentinel lymph been able to locate primary lesions in the breast that were
node sampling is replacing axillary dissection because of not clearly detected by other methods (55–58).However,
its lower morbidity and good performance. In some MRI may be superior in this setting. PET/CT should
studies, sentinel node sampling has had sensitivity of less improve on the performance of PET alone in the diagnosis
than 90% relative to axillary dissections. Thus, the perfor- of axillary nodal metastases, but it has not been exten-
mance of PET versus sentinel node imaging in staging the sively studied. An example of a positive PET/CT in the
axilla is relevant to current practice patterns. A study axilla is shown in Figure 13.5.
from Canada in 98 patients with early-stage breast cancer Given the limitations resulting from partial-volume
compared the sensitivity, specificity, predictive values, effects with current scanners, PET is unlikely to replace
and likelihood ratios of PET scanning with standard axil- sentinel node dissection in patients with small primary
lary lymph node dissection and sentinel lymph node tumors in whom small nodal metastases would be most
biopsy in staging the axilla (53). This study demonstrated likely. Rather, PET has the greatest potential role for eval-
a sensitivity of 40% and specificity of 97% for PET com- uating the axillae of patients with large primary tumors in
pared to axillary dissection and a similar performance whom neoadjuvant chemotherapy is planned and in
compared to sentinel node sampling. PET accuracy was whom axillary sampling would generally not be per-
better in patients with high-grade and larger tumors. formed before surgery. Patients viewed as having high
Increased size and number of positive nodes were also as- risk for internal mammary lymph node metastases may
sociated with a positive PET scan These findings sug- also benefit from PET imaging.
gested PET could be useful only if positive as a means of It is of interest that there appears to be substantial
circumventing the need for lymph node dissection (53). prognostic information available from a baseline PET
Although the overall sensitivity of PET is too low, espe- imaging study. Inoue et al. (59) showed that the prognosis
cially in small nodal lesions that typically result from was worse for patients with a high than a lower SUV
small primary tumors, PET is able to detect larger metas- primary lesion. In addition, if the primary tumor SUV was
tases including metastases to the internal mammary high and there were axillary lymph nodes visualized, the
lymph nodes. Such nodal metastases are of equivalent prognosis was much worse than if the primary tumor had
prognostic significance to axillary lymph node metastases low FDG uptake and no axillary nodes were identified.
and are of particular relevance for medially situated The 5-year survival was 44.4% if FDG uptake was high in
primary breast tumors. No careful study of the sensitivity the primary and lymph nodes positive on PET, compared
of PET for detecting such metastases has been performed to 96.8% if FDG uptake was low in the primary and lymph
in which all internal mammary lymph nodes were biop- nodes negative on PET. However, primary lesion uptake is
sied, but there are cases in which only the internal related to lesion size, so that this prognostic value is, in
mammary nodes are positive in which PET could add very part, related to lesion size (59).
useful information to staging and treatment planning.
Similarly, a clearly positive PET scan of the axilla may be
expected to carry a very high positive predictive value for
metastasis. Thus, it is possible to speculate that PET could
Evaluation of Systemic Metastatic
be performed at diagnosis in larger primary breast Disease
cancers to establish the presence of axillary nodal metas-
tases, which could then be treated by neoadjuvant Whole-body PET is superior to conventional diagnostic
chemotherapy. imaging for many but not all systemic metastases of breast
In a retrospective study, internal mammary nodal cancer (18, 24). Dehdashti et al. (24) reported 89% sensitiv-
tracer uptake on FDG-PET was compared with standard ity and 100% specificity for the detection of 21 proven
radiographic imaging and was correlated with putative metastases using an SUV cutoff value of 2.0. While there is
risk factors for internal mammary lymph node involve- high FDG uptake into untreated primary breast cancers,
ment and with clinical patterns of failure. Abnormal FDG this uptake is typically lower than in other tumors such as
uptake in these nodes was seen in 25% (7/28) of women lung cancer (60). Thus, detection of primary and metastatic
with locally advanced breast carcinoma at presentation. lesions may be more challenging in breast cancer than
Prospective conventional chest imaging failed to identify some other malignant tumors using FDG-PET.
204 Positron Emission Tomography

Figure 13.5. Transaxial FDG-PET/CT and

maximum intensity projection (MIP)
images of a patient with right breast
cancer and right axillary metastases.

Figure 13.6. Whole-body FDG-PET scan

performed in a patient who had under-
gone lumpectomy 2 weeks, found to be
breast cancer on pathologic examina-
tion. Staging PET scan was then under-
taken, demonstrating a metastasis in
the right iliac crest seen in (a) coronal
and (b) transaxial image sections. As a
result of this finding, axillary dissection
was not undertaken, and the patient
was treated by chemotherapy for stage
IV disease.
PET and PET/CT Imaging in Breast Cancer 205

For detection of skeletal metastases, there have been lesion, 91% accurate for characterizing nodal status
varying results. Two studies showed FDG-PET imaging to (with only 10% false negatives), and equal to other con-
be more sensitive overall than 99mTc-methylene disphos- ventional diagnostic methods for detecting visceral
phonate (99mTc-MDP) because PET imaging was more metastases (19/19 detected) (70). This study must be in-
sensitive for detection of predominantly lytic metastases terpreted with some caution as detectability of lesions
(61, 62). Cook et al. (61) showed that FDG-PET imaging depends on lesion size. Metastatic disease in these pa-
detected a mean of 14.1 metastatic lesions in the skeleton tients was not necessarily detected at an early stage, pos-
versus 7.8 by 99mTc-MDP skeletal scintigraphy. Cook and sibly reducing the apparent difference between PET and
colleagues also showed that patients with osteolytic conventional imaging.
lesions that had higher FDG uptake levels had a poorer Several groups have reported that FDG-PET is a very
prognosis. Blastic lesions may be better detected by 99mTc- sensitive method for the detection of brachial plexus
MDP skeletal scintigraphy than by FDG-PET imaging. metastases of breast cancer, even at a stage when MRI is
Figure 13.6 shows a metastasis in the right iliac crest in a equivocal (71, 72). A potential challenge in evaluating the
patient with primary breast cancer detected by whole-body upper mediastinum and thorax with FDG-PET is the pres-
FDG-PET imaging. Gallowitsch et al. (63) reported in a ret- ence of metabolically active fat, “USA fat” or “brown fat”
rospective series than FDG-PET detected just 61% of bone (73). This fat can cause a high level signal and potentially
metastases in breast cancer whereas conventional 99mTc- may obscure the detection of nodal metastases or soft
MDP skeletal scintigraphy detected 97% (P less than 0. 05). tissue lesions. An example of a patient with a new left
Other reports have shown comparable sensitivity of PET primary breast cancer and intense FDG uptake in brown
imaging and 99mTc-MDP skeletal scintigraphy for metas- fat is shown in Figure 13.7. Brown fat activity can likely be
tases (95%), but there was lower specificity for the 99mTc- reduced by warming the patient before FDG injection
MDP skeletal scintigraphy than for FDG-PET (94.5% (74).
versus 78.7%) (64). An advantage of FDG is that it can po- Skeletal and visceral metastases are most commonly
tentially monitor tumor response in the skeleton (65). encountered in the context of tumor recurrence when a
Because it can be difficult to secure “gold standard” patient who has been treated for primary breast cancer
proof for skeletal lesions, direct comparative studies presents at a later time with laboratory or clinical evi-
between FDG-PET and 99mTc-MDP skeletal scintigraphy dence of recurrence. FDG-PET is a reasonable alternative
are limited. A small recent comparison study in 15 breast to CT for the detection of systemic metastases. Figure 13.8
cancer patients who had both FDG-PET and 99mTc-MDP shows whole body FDG-PET images obtained in a breast
single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) cancer patient who was clinically asymptomatic and was
skeletal scintigraphy showed a sensitivity of 85% for found to have an elevated serum marker level. The PET
SPECT and 17% for PET in the lesion-by-lesion analysis scan showed multiple small metastases in the superior
(n = 900). Bone SPECT was significantly more sensitive (P and inferior mediastinum, the preaortic region of the
less than 0.0001) and accurate (P less than 0.0001) than upper abdomen, and in the left acetabulum.
FDG-PET in this small study. No statistically significant The whole-body FDG-PET scan in Figure 13.9 was ob-
difference was seen with regard to specificity. It seems tained in a patient with a history of breast cancer surgery
clear that there are breast cancer metastases to bone that 22 months earlier who was found to have an indefinite
are not seen well with FDG and which can only be seen opacity in the upper zone of the right lung by CT imaging.
with bone-avid tracers (66). The overall topic of imaging PET images showed low-level uptake in the lung lesion,
skeletal metastases with PET has recently been reviewed suggesting an inflammatory etiology, but showed definite
by Fogelman et al. (67). foci of high uptake in the liver and just below the left lobe
FDG is not the only PET agent used for bone imaging. of the liver in the upper abdomen. The PET study demon-
F-Fluoride ion can be used for PET imaging of bone strated unsuspected hepatic and extrahepatic abdominal
itself, and scans with this agent have very high sensitivity tumor. PET/CT images of a patient with an hepatic metas-
for lesion detection compared to 99mTc-MDP skeletal tasis and brown fat uptake in the neck are shown in Figure
scintigraphy. In a study of 44 patients with breast cancer, 13.10. The patients shown in Figure 13.11 presented clini-
64 skeletal metastases were detected in 17 patients by 18F- cally with nodal enlargement, which was shown to be
PET compared to 29 metastases in 11 patients by 99mTc- tumor recurrence by biopsy. The PET scan demonstrated
MDP skeletal scintigraphy (68). 18F-Fluoride ion PET high axillary metastases as well as the palpable right supr-
imaging is also reasonably sensitive for lytic lesions. This aclavicular lesions. In Figure 13.12, PET/CT images
method is not in wide clinical use at present. NaF-PET has demonstrated extensive involvement of the skeleton. The
also been reported to be more sensitive than 99mTc-MDP sagittal view is often very helpful for displaying such
skeletal scintigraphy in the detection of skeletal metas- lesions, and the CT scan can show sclerotic non-FDG-avid
tases in a study of 53 patients with lung cancer (69). lesions to good advantage. It should be noted that colony-
PET with FDG is an accurate tool for imaging soft stimulating factors can markedly increase FDG uptake in
tissue metastases. A study of 109 patients showed FDG- bone and can potentially obscure the visualization of bone
PET to be 89% accurate for characterizing the primary metastases by FDG. We have shown that the granulocyte
206 Positron Emission Tomography

Figure 13.7. Transaxial FDG-PET/CT and

MIP images of a patient with left breast
cancer and brow fat uptake in the neck
and supraclavicular regions bilaterally.
The fusion images illustrate the superim-
position of FDG uptake to the left breast
lesion (a) and to fatty tissue (b).
PET and PET/CT Imaging in Breast Cancer 207

Figure 13.8. Coronal FDG-PET image

sections in a patient with a history of
breast cancer resection 17 months earlier
who was found to have serum CA 3-15
elevation. The patient was asympto-
matic. PET demonstrated (a) small
metastatic foci in the superior medi-
astinum (solid arrow) with larger rumor
foci in the preaortic region in the upper
abdomen (open arrow) and (b) small
tumor foci in the right lung hilum (solid
arrow) and the left acetabulum (open
arrow). a b

a b c
Figure 13.9. Whole-body FDG-PET scan performed in a patient with history of breast cancer resection 22 months earlier who was found to have an ill-defined opacity in the upper
zone of the right lung by chest X-ray. (a, b) Coronal image sections; (c) sagittal image section. PET showed low-level activity in the right-side lesion (arrow), suggesting an inflamma-
tory etiology, but showed foci of high uptake in the liver (a, b) (open arrow) and in the upper abdomen, immediately anterior to the left lobe of the liver (b, c) (arrowheads). These
findings were diagnostic of hepatic and extrahepatic metastasis.
208 Positron Emission Tomography

Figure 13.10. Coronal FDG-PET/CT and MIP images of a patient with an hepatic metastasis and brown fat uptake in the neck and supraclavicular regions bilaterally.

colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) effects can be mini- et al. (76). Similarly, small pulmonary lesions may escape
mized by delaying the time from G-CSF dosing until PET detection because of the effects on resolution of partial-
scanning by at least 2 to 3 weeks (75). volume averaging and respiratory motion. For lesions less
Although PET can assess the entire body for metastases, than 5 mm, PET with FDG often is negative. Thus, PET is
it has limitations that should be recognized. In addition a valuable tool for detecting visceral metastases but has
to failing to detect a moderate number of bone metastases limitations related to lesion size, lesion tracer uptake, and
of a predominantly blastic nature, FDG-PET is not background normal tissue activity, as well as physiologic
optimal for brain metastasis detection because of the high patient motion. In general, whole-body PET can serve as a
normal background FDG activity of cerebral gray matter, single imaging session to assess the entire body for the
as was shown in a variety of metastatic cancers by Griffeth presence or absence of cancer with high accuracy.

Figure 13.11. Coronal FDG-PET image

sections in a patient who was found
to have right supraclavicular lym-
phadenopathy 3 years after right mas-
tectomy for cancer. PET confirmed
metastasis in the supraclavicular lesions
(a) and demonstrated metastases in
right high axillary lymph nodes as well
b (b).
PET and PET/CT Imaging in Breast Cancer 209

Figure 13.12. Sagittal FDG-PET/CT and MIP images of a patient with extensive skeletal metastases.

Nonetheless, in a meta analysis of 16 studies of 808 sub- sponded to the antiestrogen therapy, as was predicted by
jects with breast cancer, the median sensitivity was 92.7% the FES scan. Using FDG, all tumors were detected, and in
and the median specificity was 81.6% for metastatic 4 instances additional lesions were seen beyond the
disease (77). Thus, PET with FDG is a useful tool for lesions seen by anatomic imaging. A rise in FDG uptake in
staging and restaging breast cancer systemically. lesions after treatment, which has been referred to as
metabolic flare, was associated with effective hormonal
therapy in a group of 11 patients. Thus, FDG-PET can in
some instances depict the metabolic changes induced
Evaluation of Treatment Response downstream following binding of ligands to receptors (78,
A diagnostic PET scan ideally would predict whether a Because FDG-PET mainly images viable cancer cells, it
tumor was likely to respond to a given type of therapy is logical to follow the efficacy of cancer therapy using
before the therapy was started. Short of this, a PET scan FDG-PET. A prospective evaluation of PET during breast
before and again soon after treatment began might be able cancer chemohormonotherapy performed several years
to provide an early indication of efficacy. Both approaches ago by Wahl et al. (80) demonstrated that, in women
have been evaluated in breast cancer. Breast cancer estro- treated with a multiagent regimen, there was a rapid and
gen receptor levels can be measured before treatment by significant decline in the tumor FDG uptake, k3 kinetic
PET imaging with estrogen receptor-binding ligands. rate constant, and Ki (or influx constant) for FDG as soon
Similarly, the early efficacy of cancer treatment can be as 8 days after treatment was initiated. Further declines in
evaluated by assessment of early treatment-induced FDG uptake were apparent at 21, 42, and 63 days of treat-
changes in FDG uptake from baseline levels. ment in the patients who went on to have a complete or
Tumors expressing estrogen receptors have been shown partial response, whereas no significant decline in FDG
to be more likely to respond to antiestrogen therapy than uptake was seen in the nonresponding patients (n = 3)
tumors with lower-level receptor expression. In 43 women when examined at 63 days after initiation of treatment.
with breast cancer, PET scans with FDG-PET and FES- This study also showed that the metabolic changes ante-
PET were done before treatment. In this study, all ER-neg- dated anatomic changes, and that substantial declines in
ative tumors were negative on FES scan but only 70% of tumor glucose metabolism were apparent in the respond-
the ER-positive tumors were positive, which may have ing patient population, despite absence of change in
been related to partial-volume effects in smaller tumors tumor size (80). Figure 13.13 shows sequential PET scans
or levels of ER expression. About 76% of the patients re- obtained before, during, and after chemotherapy of a
210 Positron Emission Tomography

Day 0 Day 21


Figure 13.13. Sequential transverse PET

image of the thorax show a large
primary right breast cancer that demon-
strates progressive reduction in FDG
uptake with each cycle of chemotherapy.
This progressive decrease in glucose me-
tabolism shows at least a partial re-
sponse to treatment. Note that
myocardial uptake is somewhat variable
Day 42 Day 63 from study to study.

large right breast cancer that showed progressive decrease tively determined cutoff value of 45% or greater decline
in the level of glucose metabolism with treatment. This in FDG uptake after a single course of treatment, the pa-
metabolic response indicated at least a partial tumor re- tients who ultimately achieved elimination of gross resid-
sponse to therapy. ual disease were identified with 100% sensitivity and 85%
Similar results were reported by Jansson et al. (81) in specificity. This finding has been replicated and shown the
primary and metastatic breast cancer using both FDG and ability of FDG-PET to predict the response to chemother-
C-L-methionine. Bassa et al. (25) used FDG-PET to apy (84). These same observations appear to be valid for
follow breast cancer in 16 patients. In 2 of 3 of patients, metastatic tumor foci as well, and PET is now being used
declines in FDG uptake were seen midway through treat- in both the primary and metastatic settings clinically.
ment. PET was not sensitive for residual nodal metastases There are confounding situations, such as after hormonal
(42%) and was only 75% sensitive for residual primary therapy, in which there can be a rise in tracer uptake
tumor. Thus, negative PET findings could not be equated (flare) response that appears to predict a good outcome
to absence of microscopic disease. As discussed earlier, (85). A challenge with FDG response studies assessing
high FDG uptake after treatment indicates residual tumor therapy are exactly what cutoff value in decline in FDG
whereas low uptake is much more commonly associated uptake is most predictive; this value likely will vary by
with tumor response. It remains to be determined treatment type. ROC analysis has been used in some
whether the early metabolic changes induced by PET will studies, and it seems clear that the larger and more rapid
be predictive of long-term outcome. the decline in FDG uptake, the more likely an effective re-
Two more recent studies have confirmed the utility of sponse will be seen, although there is clearly overlap
FDG and PET for predicting response to treatment. Smith among response groups in these analyses (86).
et al. (82) demonstrated in 30 patients with primary breast Other PET tracers can be used to assess treatment re-
cancers more than 3 cm in diameter that PET performed sponse but are less practical and less easy to use than
before and after one cycle of chemotherapy was able to FDG. For example, 15O-water uptake (reflective of tumor
predict a complete pathologic remission with 90% sensi- blood flow) declines with effective therapy, as shown in a
tivity and 74% specificity. They also showed higher FDG 19-patient study of doxorubicin and docetaxel (87).
baseline uptake in the tumors that had the best treatment Similarly, Mankoff et al. (10, 11) have compared FDG and
response. Schelling et al. (83) showed similar results in 24 O-water PET studies and found that 15O-water flow may
patients with primary breast cancer. Using a retrospec- be more predictive of response than is the change in FDG
PET and PET/CT Imaging in Breast Cancer 211

uptake in the tumor. Combining PET with FDG and MRI experimental model systems. We have used such a
in assessing treatment response may also be more useful positron-sensitive probe to locate the precise margin of
than either method alone (88). breast cancer following FDG injection at the time of ex-
Another area of potential utility in planning treatment perimental surgery in rodent models of breast carcinoma.
of breast cancer is the use of labeled chemotherapeutic This approach offers the potential for less-deforming sur-
agents to plan treatment response. Although this area is gical procedures in patients with breast cancer by remov-
not yet proven effective, a variety of labeled compounds ing all the tumor but less normal tissue (95). This
have been made that may have potential for treatment approach is in its earliest stages of clinical evaluation, so it
monitoring. For example, labeled taxanes and labeled remains an area for future study and opportunity in the
Xeloda (capecitabine) have been developed (89). application of PET methodologies to improve the man-
Eventually, such labeled agents might have a role in pre- agement of patients with breast cancer.
dicting tumor response to treatments.
Labeling substrates for DNA synthesis may also prove
useful as an alternative to assessing glycolysis or protein
synthesis. Both FLT and FMAU labeled with 18F have Cost-Effectiveness of PET in Breast
shown early promise in this setting (90, 91). Similarly, as- Cancer and Changes in Management
sessing breast cancer oxygenation status has shown po-
tential using hypoxia-specific tracers such as The cost of PET imaging is much higher than that of a
F-fluoromisonidazole (FMISO). Although FDG uptake mammogram, so that it is unlikely that PET will have a
and FMISO uptake are correlated in a variety of cancer major role in breast cancer screening in the general
types, including breast cancer, they are only moderately patient population unless there are major changes in the
correlated, and FMISO may provide unique information technology and its pricing. It is possible that PET could be
regarding tumor biology not available from FDG, as used in selected very high risk populations and might
hypoxic tumors often are resistant to radiation therapy have the potential to be cost effective in such a setting.
and chemotherapy (92). Rather, PET is currently being used in problem-solving
modes in most medical centers.
To be cost effective, the information from PET must
Other PET-Related Approaches in alter management appropriately. Recently, management
alterations were shown to occur in about 30% of patients
Breast Cancer based on PET scan results (96). Although these data were
based on a survey instrument supplied to referring physi-
The ability of PET to detect breast cancer in radiodense cians and only a minority of the surveys were returned,
breasts when other methods fail to detect the tumor pre- they were based on actual patient data and clearly indi-
sents a new set of problems in diagnosis. Specifically, cate that major management decisions are made by the
when such lesions are identified with PET, they may be referring physicians using PET data. It should be noted
very difficult to locate for biopsy. Raylman and colleagues that these management changes were often substantial in
(93) have explored stereotactic biopsy techniques for nature, such as from chemotherapy to radiation therapy
breast cancer based on sinogram projections of PET or or from surgery to chemotherapy. The economic impact
SPECT images. Based on the location of “hot spots” in of such changes is expected to be substantial.
multiple angular projections, biopsy needles can be pre- In another study of the role of PET in a diverse group of
cisely placed into tumor foci. Although this approach has patients (n =165) referred for FDG-PET imaging, distant
not been explored extensively in clinical trials, it offers an metastases were diagnosed in about 5% of patients,
attractive means of obtaining biopsy confirmation of causing a major change in patient management (97).
lesions that are seen by radionuclide imaging but not by Thus, as in the rest of clinical PET, if a major diagnostic
other methods. An alternative approach, which can be decision is to be made, accurate imaging information is
useful, involves the combination of the anatomic informa- an important part of the data set used to make such deci-
tion of CT or MRI with the metabolic information of PET sions. Thus, PET can have great clinical impact in breast
into a single “anatometabolic” image, which can precisely cancer management (98).
localize an FDG-avid focus on an anatomic template for
biopsy (94) (see Figures 13.2, 13.3). A variety of methods
are under evaluation for such fusions. At present, the use
of PET/CT methods is clearly the most attractive and Summary
commonly performed of such approaches.
Another area where PET-related methods may prove The role of PET in the imaging management of patients
useful is in the intraoperative localization of tumors. with known or suspected breast cancer continues to
Methods to detect the emitted positron, but not the evolve. For assessing primary lesions, it is sometimes pos-
photon, are capable of precise localization of tumor foci in sible with PET to detect cancers not detected by standard
212 Positron Emission Tomography

methods, and incidental cancers of the breast are detected proximately 200,000 patients per year who develop breast
when whole-body PET studies are performed in large cancer in the United States. However, there is increasing
numbers of patients. Size limitations with current whole- use of PET in monitoring of patients with breast cancer
body scanners limit the accuracy of the method in detect- during therapy. Good candidates for baseline PET studies
ing small primary tumors. While intense tracer uptake on at diagnosis include patients with large or high-risk lesions
FDG-PET is usually indicative of cancer and low uptake is who may have a greater chance of systemic metastases at
generally benign, this differentiation is best addressed by presentation, patients with medial lesions, and patients in
biopsy in most cases. whom sentinel node sampling or axillary dissection is not
In women with breast implants, PET may have a planned. Similarly, patients who will be treated primarily
growing and important role for assessing the entire with chemotherapy are well suited to early monitoring by
breast. PET appears promising for detecting occult lesions PET using a baseline. PET is clearly a useful tool in follow-
in the breast when positive axillary nodes are found ing disease progression and response to treatment for sys-
without a known primary tumor. Similarly, PET may offer temic disease, and in many practices assessing the breast
advantages in breasts that show postoperative changes. cancer patient for efficacy of treatment of disseminated
However, there certainly can also be FDG uptake in metastatic disease using PET is a common and important
inflammatory tissue, and PET is not likely to be able to approach to patient management.
separate infection from tumor (99). It is likely that PET
will come to have a greater role in detecting primary
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PET and PET/CT Imaging in Testicular and Gynecologic
Sharon F. Hain

Tumors of the testes and gynecologic malignancies are nonseminomatous germ cell tumor (NSGCT), although
important cancers with significant morbidity, and the role the histology can be complex and 10% of patients have
of imaging is vital. Although testicular cancer is not mixed tumors (2). The tumors spread to the paraaortic
common, it is increasing in incidence and is a cancer of region initially, although hematogenous spread is more
relatively young men. Ovarian, uterine, and cervical common in NSGCT and metastases are seen in the lung,
cancer are among the most common tumors in women, brain, liver, and bone. At diagnosis all patients should be
with high morbidity and mortality rates. There are early staged by clinical examination and computed tomography
screening tests for cervical cancer but, despite this, mor- (CT) scans of the chest and abdomen and pelvis. Tumor
tality from this tumor remains significant. Ovarian cancer markers should be measured as they provide prognostic
is a problem as it often presents in late stage. In all three, information, allow monitoring of treatment response and
outcome is dependent on stage at diagnosis and imaging assessment of recurrence (3, 4). In addition, histologic
plays a crucial role in assessment. Following initial treat- factors in the tumor such as the presence of blood vessel
ment, appropriate posttreatment evaluation and timely invasion by the primary tumor, the percentage of embry-
additional therapy can decrease morbidity from unneces- onal cancer, and involvement of the rete testes (in semi-
sary further treatment or can lead to cure when residual noma) provide prognostic information. All these data are
tumor is detected. Imaging techniques have been funda- used to stage the patient. There are many staging systems.
mental in this process, and positron emission tomography One of the most common is the Marsden System (Table
(PET) is developing an important role in pretreatment as- 14.1) (5).
sessment and in assessing early response to therapy. This On the basis of staging investigations, patients with
chapter considers the role of imaging in the management NSGCT are classified as low or high risk for metastatic
of these tumors. disease, and treatment regimens are based on this
stratification. Low-risk patients may be observed or
treated with two courses of chemotherapy followed by
surveillance, and both these regimens have good cure
Testicular Cancer rates (4, 6). The factors influencing staging, however, have
proven to be unreliable for absolute determination of risk
Testicular cancer (seminoma and nonseminoma, NSGCT) for metastases in any individual. Because of advances in
is a relatively rare tumor affecting only 1% of men, but it chemotherapy, cure is now possible for the majority of
is the commonest tumor in young males (aged 15–35) and patients with minimal metastatic disease. Accordingly,
its incidence is increasing (1). The two tumor types differ there has been a need to reevaluate the treatment strate-
in their biologic behavior and potential for metastases so gies that are currently being used to minimize chemother-
that treatment also differs. The overall prognosis for these apy toxicity by accurately differentiating the patients who
tumors is good. have metastatic disease from those who do not. Further
concerns have been raised over the long-term effects of
chemotherapy on the cardiac system and the precipitation
Diagnosis and Tumor Staging of second malignancies (7). If tumor spread could be reli-
ably assessed, some patients with NSGCT stage I (no evi-
Most testicular cancers present as an asymptomatic lump dence of metastases) could be clinically observed rather
in the testes, and urgent orchidectomy is performed. The than undergo prophylactic chemotherapy. Of the patients
basic histologic distinction is between seminoma and initially classified as stage I, 20% to 30% have lymph
218 Positron Emission Tomography

Table 14.1. Staging of testicular cancer.

lymph node may be replaced by malignant cells, whereas
a large lymph node may contain only benign reactive
Stage Description cells. As a result, the false-positive rate of CT is also high
I No evidence of metastases at 40% (10). This inaccuracy has led to search for more-
IM Rising concentrations of serum markers with no other accurate imaging methods including metabolic imaging
evidence of metastases with PET.
II Abdominal node metastases Because of the ability of 18F-2-deoxy-D-glucose (FDG)-
A =2 cm in diameter
PET to detect metabolically active disease without reliance
on size criteria, FDG-PET imaging has the potential to
B 2–5 cm in diameter
identify small-volume disease in a lymph node that is
C =5 cm in diameter
normal in size; this may have a direct effect on patient
III Supradiaphragnatic nodal metastasis management. In stage I tumor, more accurate
M Mediastinal classification of patients as high or low risk would avoid
N Supraclavicular, cervical, or axillary unnecessary treatment and morbidity. In stage II and III
O No abdominal node metastasis tumor, where prognosis is based on many factors includ-
ABC Node stage as defined in stage II ing nonvisceral disease and tumor markers, accurate
classification may determine whether radiotherapy/
IV Extralymphatic metastasis
chemotherapy or surgery should be used to treat patients.
At diagnosis, FDG-PET can clearly identify more sites
L1 =3 metastases of disease in patients with established metastatic disease
L2 =3 metastases, all =2 cm in diameter than seen on CT (11, 12). This finding will have minimal
L3 =3 metastases, one or more =2 cm in diameter effect on initial management if the patient is to receive
H+, Br+, Bo+ Liver, brain, or bone chemotherapy based on traditional staging. In a few cases,
it has identified unsuspected visceral or bone disease and
Source: From Horwich A. Testicular Cancer. In: Horwich A, ed. Oncology: A
Multidisciplinary Textbook. London: Chapman & Hall 1995:485–498.
therefore altered management (11).
There are only a few studies that have addressed the
issue of improving the initial staging using PET, and these
nodes at retroperitoneal lymph node dissection and there- include between 31 and 50 patients (11–15). The sensitivity
fore need further treatment. Overall, as many as 50% are ranged between 70% and 87% and the specificity between
understaged and 25% overstaged by currently available 94 and 100%. The three major initial studies (11, 13, 14)
techniques. Eventually, 20% of these patients will relapse confirmed overall better sensitivity, positive predictive
whereas 50% of patients who have been classified as high value (PPV), and negative predictive value (NPV) for PET
risk on the basis of prognostic factors and therefore sent than for CT. Both CT and PET missed small (approxi-
for treatment do not relapse (4). mately 1 cm) retroperitoneal lymph node metastases (13).
In seminoma, conventional practice has been to One limitation of these studies was that not all patients
perform retroperitoneal radiotherapy even in stage I had histologic confirmation of findings on PET and as-
disease, and about 15% of patients at presentation have sessment of true negativity or positivity. Albers et al. (14)
disease confined to the abdomen. Retroperitoneal and had histopathology results in some patients and found
pelvic radiotherapy is a common practice and has a good 70% sensitivity and a 100% specificity in a study of 37 pa-
rate of achieving local control. Even so, 15% of clinical tients. They concluded that PET was useful in stage II
stage I relapse and 20% to 30% of patients with seminoma tumors to correctly diagnose the false positives that were
will relapse at distant sites (8). seen on CT but was not useful in stage I tumor because,
among 15 patients with stage I NSGCT, PET identified
only 4 of 6 patients with pathologically involved lymph
Imaging Procedures in Tumor Staging nodes negative on CT. Even with the limitation of low sen-
sitity for detection of small-volume disease, the use of
Anatomic staging techniques including CT, ultrasound, PET could significantly improve management of stage I
and lymphangiography have all been used to stage testicu- NSGCT patients. Although there are no studies regarding
lar cancer. The most widely used now is CT, which is rou- the performance of integrated PET/CT imaging for
tinely performed as part of the initial staging protocol. All staging of testicular tumors, precise localization of FDG-
staging procedures have limitations, and even for CT avid nodes can guide biopsy to these specific lymph
false-negative rates of 59% have been reported. The false- nodes, even if normal by size criteria, and further improve
negative rates for lymphangiography and ultrasound are staging.
64% and 70%, respectively (9). The diagnosis of nodal Understaging with imaging is of most concern in
metastases by CT is based on detection of nodal enlarge- NSGCT because patients with true stage I tumor could be
ment, with a 1-cm upper limit for normal lymph node followed by surveillance only. Lassen et al. (15) performed
size. Before nodal enlargement, the entire volume of a a prospective analysis of 46 patients with stage I tumor
PET and PET/CT Imaging in Testicular and Gynecologic Cancers 219

after a normal CT and tumor markers who underwent been used to assess disease presence but with variable
FDG PET imaging. All patients underwent routine follow- results (18–20). FDG-PET potentially has the ability to
up with repeated CT and tumor marker evaluation; 22% detect small-volume tumors in solitary residual masses, to
(10/46) relapsed, of whom 7 of 10 had positive initial PET identify a specific mass as the site of relapse in patients
scans, which gave a negative predictive value of 92% for with multiple masses, to detect other unsuspected sites of
PET compared to that of 78% for conventional imaging. tumor, and to determine the site and extent of disease in
The authors concluded that PET was superior to conven- patients with raised tumor markers.
tional staging (P = 0.06) in stage I NSGCT with the poten-
tial to improve patient management.
To fully define if PET may be useful in staging, large- Residual Masses
scale prospective studies are needed in which patients are
followed until relapse or until abnormalities found on Several studies have focused on the ability of PET to de-
PET and CT are biopsied. If it can be confirmed that PET termine which patients should undergo resection of resid-
has the suggested improved sensitivity for occult disease, ual masses following treatment (12, 21–23). Initially,
then it could significantly improve the current manage- Stephens et al. (21) studied 30 patients with NSGCT who
ment of patients with stage I NSGCT. Studies have been had residual masses after chemotherapy. PET was able to
started including the Medical Research Council (MRC)- differentiate viable tumor from fibrosis/necrosis or MTD
funded TE22 Trial in the U.K. to further address this but could not differentiate these nonmalignant lesions
problem. from each other. Hain et al. (22) evaluated 70 patients
with FDG-PET posttreatment (47 for assessment of resid-
ual masses). FDG-PET had sensitivity and specificity of
Tumor Recurrence 88% and 95%, respectively, for detecting residual tumor
in masses, as well as high PPV and NPV, 90% and 96%,
Patients with metastatic disease must be monitored to respectively. Most studies confirmed the improved PPV
detect relapse at a time when salvage treatment would and accuracy of PET over CT (23). Hain et al. (22) and
have the best chance of cure or disease control. Patients Cremerius et al. (23) each had one case of histologically
must be followed for several years clinically, biochemi- proven MTD that had low uptake; both these masses were
cally with serum tumor markers, and radiologically. in the chest. Cremerius postulated that this may have been
Following treatment, patients with metastatic disease the result of tissue attenuation differences between the
frequently have residual masses and the treatment of chest and other organs. However, not all intrathoracic
these remains difficult. When the mass contains persistent MTDs were found to be positive in the study by Hain et al.
tumor, immediate further treatment is indicated. Often (21).
the mass contains merely necrosic or fibrous tissue, in The sensitivity, specificity, and predictive values of PET
which case no further treatment is indicated and the for active tumor allow a sufficient degree of certainty in
patient may be observed. In the case of NSGCT, such distinguishing active tumor from nonactive tumor to
masses may also contain mature teratoma differentiated allow early intervention in patients with active disease.
(MTD), which is a benign tumor. Such masses need to be However, PET could not differentiate MTD from fibrosis
removed because there is a risk of malignant tumor recur- or necrosis. MTD has the potential to become malignant
rence, but the procedure can be delayed and undertaken and must eventually be resected. Resection may be
later at a time when the patient is less likely to experience delayed and performed electively at a later time when
surgical morbidity from recent chemotherapy. CT the patient has recovered from the effects of chemother-
imaging is the standard method of monitoring these pa- apy/radiotherapy.
tients, and by this means it is not possible to determine Analysis of PET data by standard uptake value (SUV)
whether the residual mass contains any active tumor. determination has been used in an effort to improve diag-
Determination of tumor markers is the second impor- nosis of residual masses. Stephens et al. (21) found that
tant procedure in the follow-up of patients with testicular recurrent NSGCT had a higher SUV (mean, 8.81) than
cancer because a detectable level of such markers may in- MTD (mean, 3.07) and necrosis/fibrosis (mean, 2.86).
dicate residual or recurrent tumor. Serum tumor markers Patients with an SUV greater than 5 were 75 times more
are not sufficiently sensitive or specific to determine likely to have persistent tumor. Cremerius et al. (23) also
tumor presence or absence reliably and cannot indicate considered SUV analysis and found seminoma to have a
the anatomic site of any tumor that is present (16, 17). higher SUV than NSGCT, although their results for
NSGCT were affected by their considering MTD as tumor
in their analysis. MTD has been successfully differentiated
PET Imaging in Tumor Recurrence from fibrosis or necrosis with PET using kinetic rate con-
stants, and this approach needs further evaluation (24).
Functional imaging techniques, including imaging with In seminoma, detection of active disease is even more
radiolabeled antibodies (67gallium and 201thallium), have important because treatment is more difficult. The value
220 Positron Emission Tomography

of surgical removal is uncertain, and there is no advan- Overall, the numbers of false-negative PET studies were
tage to be gained from radiotherapy after chemotherapy small and the NPV was high.
(25). Cremerius et al. (23) found, in a study of 42 post-
treatment PET scans (seminoma and NSGCT), that FDG-
PET had a 90% sensitivity for detection of residual tumor Rising Tumor Markers
in seminoma, and these high values were confirmed by
Hain et al. (22). De Santis et al. (26) published the largest The presence of tumor markers is an important prognos-
study, including 51 patients with seminomas and tic factor in testicular cancer, and tumor markers are used
postchemotherapy residual masses. PET detected residual in the routine monitoring and follow-up of patients.
tumor in all masses greater than 3 cm and in 95% of Rising markers may be the first indicator of disease recur-
masses less than 3 cm, with PPVs and NPVs of 100% and rence (29). However, they are neither sensitive nor
96%, respectively, for PET versus 37% and 92%, respec- specific for tumor detection, and marker-negative relapse
tively, for CT. They concluded that PET was the best pre- may occur even where the initial tumor was marker posi-
dictor of residual tumor and should be used as a standard tive. Also, some patients with residual masses posttreat-
investigation in this group of patients with seminomas ment may show modest elevation of markers even though
and residual masses after therapy. the masses contain no active tumor (30), and a return of
Two problems emerged in the studies of residual markers to normal posttreatment does not guarantee
masses. First, FDG-PET can miss some small-volume disease remission (16, 17).
active disease. Hain et al. (22) had two false-negative There are two groups of patients with recurrent or
studies, both of which are of concern as they involved residual disease in whom elevated tumor markers are di-
small numbers of malignant cells in large masses other- agnostically problematic. In patients with elevated
wise containing MTD. Cremerius et al. (23) had one markers and no residual masses, the anatomic location of
patient with a 15-mm lymph node containing tumor that recurrent disease may be difficult to determine, and in pa-
was missed on PET and CT, but they did not indicate tients with elevated markers and residual masses, it may
whether the nodes contained only a small number of ma- not be apparent which, if any, of the known masses
lignant cells or were entirely replaced by tumor. FDG-PET contain active disease.
may therefore have an undefined detection limit that Cremerius et al. (23) found that adding PET imaging to
varies with tumor type. It is also possible that the uptake tumor marker determination improved sensitivity and
time may be important for detecting malignant testicular NPV of markers, but adding the tumor marker determina-
cancer, as is the case for sarcoma and breast cancer (27, tion to PET imaging was of little value. However, tumor
28). Cremerius et al. and Hain et al. (22, 23) both found marker determination was not available for all patients.
false-negative studies within 2 weeks of chemotherapy, Hain et al. (22) had marker information for all 70 patients
suggesting that it would be appropriate to wait more than who underwent PET imaging. They found that in patients
2 weeks after chemotherapy to perform a PET study. with raised tumor markers, including those with a resid-

Figure 14.1. A 33-year-old man with a

history of testicular cancer 18 months
previously presented with rising tumor
markers. There was no evidence of
disease on conventional imaging. PET/CT
imaging revealed a 18F-2-deoxy-D-
glucose (FDG)-avid lymph node lying
close to the L2 vertebra, as shown on the
transaxial images of CT (top left), PET
(top right), and PET/CT fusion images
PET and PET/CT Imaging in Testicular and Gynecologic Cancers 221

ual mass, PET identified the site of disease in all patients early during the course and predict long-term outcome.
but 1. In the group with raised tumor markers and no Bokemeyer et al. (34) have evaluated the value of FDG-
residual masses, PET demonstrated the tumor in all pa- PET imaging compared to tumor markers and CT/MR in
tients (Figure 14.1). In the group with raised tumor 23 patients with relapsed testicular cancer after two or
markers and residual masses, there was one false positive. three cycles of induction chemotherapy before high-dose
Negative PET scans in the presence of raised tumor chemotherapy. The outcome of high-dose chemotherapy
markers presented more of a problem as there were 5 pa- was correctly predicted by PET/CT scan/serum tumor
tients with false-negative findings in this group. In 3 of marker in 91%, 59%, and 48% of patients, respectively. In
these cases, all imaging was normal and subsequent PET those patients who showed response to induction
scans were the first studies to identify the site of recurrence. chemotherapy according to CT scans or serum tumor
This finding suggests that, in the presence of raised tumor marker evaluation, a positive PET study correctly pre-
markers and negative imaging findings, the most appropri- dicted treatment failure. In addition, PET identified pa-
ate follow-up procedure is repeating the PET study. tients most likely to achieve a favorable response to
These findings have important implications for the man- subsequent high-dose chemotherapy. It was suggested
agement of patients. Hain et al. (22) found that the ability that FDG-PET is a valuable addition to the prognostic
of PET to find unsuspected disease resulted in management model of low-, intermediate-, and high-risk patients, par-
changes in 57% of patients. Management changes involved ticularly in the low and intermediate groups, for further
changes from local therapy–radiotherapy/surgery to selection of patients who would benefit from high-dose
chemotherapy or surveillance (Figure 14.2). Many of their chemotherapy (Figure 14.3).
patients had had multiple recurrences and had chemother-
apy-resistant tumor, and here local control of active sites
may be the only chance of cure. In the first relapse, deter-
mination of whether there are one or multiple sites will
Cervical Cancer
help to determine the type of consolidation treatment.
Cervical carcinoma is one of the most common cancers in
women (35). About 80% are squamous cell carcinomas
Predicting Response to Treatment and about 20% adenocarcinomas, in addition to other
rare types of tumors. Cervical carcinoma can be detected
In other tumors, for example, lymphoma and breast early in the course of the disease with screening Pap
(31–33), PET can predict the response to chemotherapy smears and biopsy when appropriate. The International

Figure 14.2. FDG-PET image in a patient

with a history of testicular cancer and a
right para-aortic residual mass on CT and
rising markers. He was being considered
for laparotomy as definitive treatment if
this was the only site of disease. CT of
the abdomen and chest was otherwise
normal although he previously had lung
metastases. He was referred for a PET
scan to exclude other sites of disease and
thereby enable surgery. The images
show increased uptake in the known
mass as well as disease in the lungs and
mediastinum, which directly altered the
patient’s management.
222 Positron Emission Tomography

Figure 14.3. (a) A patient with known

metastatic testicular cancer had an
FDG-PET scan performed before
chemotherapy. The transaxial images of
CT (top left), PET (top right), and PET/CT
fusion image (lower) showed an FDG-
avid nodal lesion ( arrows ). (b) One
week later, following chemotherapy,
there has been a rapid decrease in
uptake in the tumor (arrows), indicating
an early response to chemotherapy. The
patient responded well to the current
course of chemotherapy.

Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) (36) has the extent of lymph node involvement. For example, in
defined a staging system for carcinoma of the cervix that patients with stage IB tumor (tumor confined to the
uses a combination of clinical and radiologic findings cervix), the finding of tumor-positive lymph nodes is as-
(Table 14.2). Although prognosis is related to stage, other sociated with a decrease in survival, from 85% to 95% to
factors are important in determining prognosis, including 45% to 55% (37–40).
PET and PET/CT Imaging in Testicular and Gynecologic Cancers 223

Table 14.2. Staging of cervical cancer.

less-invasive nature of CT/MR as well as the extra
anatomic information provided on tumor extent has
Stage Description made the imaging procedures preferable (44).
I Confined to the uterus These problems with conventional imaging have led to
IA Invasion carcinoma diagnosed only by microscopy evaluation of FDG-PET as an alterative for the staging of
IB Clinically visible lesions confined to the cervix or lesions more cervical carcinoma and for the evaluation of lymph nodes
than 5 mm and with 7 mm or greater horizontal spread in particular. Several studies that have examined the per-
II Tumor invades beyond the uterus but not to pelvic wall or formance of PET imaging compared either CT or MRI for
lower third of vagina initial staging of patients with cervical cancer diagnosed
IIA Without parametrial invasion both at early and at more-advanced stages (48–53).
IIB With parametrial invasion Overall, the sensitivity for FDG-PET imaging ranged from
III Tumor extends to pelvic wall and/or involves lower one-third 83% to 100% and the specificity from 89% to 100%. This
of vagina and/or causes hydronephrosis or nonfunctioning sensitivity for CT/MR in the same studies ranged from
kidney 50% to 73%. In studies where PET was evaluated in pa-
IIIA Tumor involves lower third of the vagina, no extension to tients with negative CT/MR (48, 50, 51), the sensitivity and
pelvic wall specificity of PET for detection of metastases were 83.3%
IIIB Tumor extends to pelvic wall, and/or causes hydronephrosis or to 85.7% and 94.4% to 96.7%, respectively. There was
nonfunctioning kidney some difference between studies in early- and late-stage
IV Cancer has spread to the bladder, rectum, or outside the pelvis disease.
IVA Tumor invades mucosa of bladder or rectum and/or extends Rose et al. (48) studied a group of 32 patients with stage
beyond true pelvis IIb–IVA cervical cancer presurgery and used PET to eval-
IVB Distant metastases uate pelvic and paraaortic lymph nodes that were nega-
Source: Reprinted from FIGO Committee on Gynaecological Oncology: Benedet JL, tive by CT. In 17 patients who underwent pelvic nodal
Bender H, Jones H III, Ngan HYS, Pecorelli S. FIGO staging classifications and clinical resection, PET detected nodal metastases in 11 of 17 pa-
practice guidelines in the management of gynecologic cancers. Int J Gynecol tients, with no false-positive or false-negative results. Rose
Obstet 2000;70:209–262. Copyright © 2000, with permission from International
et al. (48) analyzed the data according to identification of
Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics.
pelvic and paraortic disease. FDG-PET was less effective
in the paraaortic region. Overall, PET in the paraaortic
region had a PPV of 75% and NPV of 92%, with positive
Tumor Staging PET indicating a relative risk of 0.9 for paraaortic metas-
Imaging Procedures in Tumor Staging Reinhardt et al. (49) compared PET and MRI in patients
with stage IB–IIA disease. On a patient-by-patient basis,
Definition of lymph node status is important. Currently, the PPV for nodall staging by PET and MRI was 100% and
the best methods for defining the status of lymph nodes 67%, respectively. However, this difference was not found
are lymphangiography, CT, and MRI scanning. As these to be statistically significant. These investigators also eval-
procedures are not widely available, FIGO has not in- uated the detection of nodal metastases on a site-by-site
cluded them to the staging criteria (36). Lymphan- basis and found PPV for PET and MRI as 90% and 64%,
giography has been widely used in the past for assessment respectively (P less than 0.05; Fischer exact test). Unlike
of lymph nodes but suffers from technical problems and Rose et al. (48), they found some false-negative PET
may have high false-positive rates (41–43), as well as false- results in the pelvis and speculated that the difference in
negative findings because of nonopacification in lymph the two studies may have resulted from patient selection,
nodes that are totally replaced by tumor (44). The with Rose et al. (48) studying more patients with ad-
problem in lymph node staging by anatomic imaging vanced disease.
using CT or MRI is the need to use anatomic criteria for On the basis of the difference in PPV for detection of
tumor detection. As with other tumors, small (less than 1 metastatic lymph nodes by PET and MRI (90% and 64%,
cm) lymph nodes may contain tumor and enlarged respectively), FDG-PET was considered useful for plan-
(greater than 1 cm) lymph nodes may be reactive; this ning patient management. Any patient with positive
results in sensitivities as low as 34% (45) for detection of lymph nodes by PET, regardless of findings by MRI,
lymph node metastases by CT and sensitivity and should undergo treatment of the involved nodal region,
specificity for MR of 38% to 89% and 78% to 99%, respec- either by extended-field radiotherapy or surgical clear-
tively (44–47). Attempts have been made to improve the ance (49). On the basis of this, it can be concluded that
results in MR by contrast enhancement and by the use of more patients would benefit from the use of FDG-PET in
circular polarized phased-array coil, but without success the staging procedure.
(47). A meta-analysis of studies that evaluated lymphan- Both Rose et al. (48) and Reinhardt et al. (49) reported
giography, CT, and MR showed that all perform similarly cases of enlarged lymph nodes by conventional imaging
with regard to detection of lymph node metastases. The that were merely reactive, and a negative PET finding in
224 Positron Emission Tomography

these patients was also useful to the managing clinican. As vigorous hydatrion and furosemide as well (60). Others
in testicular cancer, such negative results may mean that investigators have not found these patient manipulations
more-limited treatment is required, thereby avoiding un- to be necessary (49). Sugawara et al. (52) imaged patients
necessary morbidity. pre- and postvoid without patient interventions and
Miller and Grisgsby (54) have evaluated the usefulness found 100% sensitivity for tumor detection on postvoid
of tumor volume measurement with PET in patients with images. With integrated PET/CT imaging, precise local-
advanced cervical cancer treated by radiation therapy. ization of FDG uptake should facilitate the differentiation
They concluded the following: (1) tumor volume can be of physiologic urine activity from pathologic activity in
accurately measured by PET; (2) tumor volume separates tumor.
patients with a good prognosis from those with a poorer
prognosis; (3) a subset of patients with relatively small
tumors and no lymph node involvement does remarkably Tumor Recurrence
well; and (4) tumor volume does not correlate with the
presence of lymph node disease. Imaging Procedures in Tumor Recurrence
The same group of investigators (55) have evaluated a
treatment planning method for dose escalation to the There are limited data on the place of FDG-PET imaging
paraaortic lymph nodes based on PET with intensity- in recurrent cervical cancer. Studies have focused particu-
modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) for cervical cancer pa- larly on patients without radiologic evidence of recur-
tients with paraaortic lymph node involvement. They rence (also called asymptomatic or disease free). Three
subsequently determined the guidelines regarding the se- studies (61–63) have shown sensitivity ranging from 80%
lection of appropriate treatment parameters (56). and 90.3%, with specificity from 76.1% to 100%, which is
Miller et al. (57) developed a simple, rapid, and highly of particular value when other imaging is normal or
reproducible system for visual grading of characteristics equivocal. Ryu et al. (62) evaluated PET in different body
of the primary tumor in patients with cervical cancer at regions and found that the sensitivity of PET imaging was
the time of diagnosis. This approach allowed separation high in mediastinal, hilar, and scalene lymph nodes and in
of patients with a poor prognosis from those who will do liver and spine, but was relatively low in lungs and retro-
well, thus providing a new tool for accurate estimation of vesical and paraaortic lymph nodes.
prognosis. In addition, as this did not correlate with In patients with documented (also called symptomatic)
lymph node status, it provides a potentially independent recurrence, PET imaging may also be of value (61, 64).
predictor of outcome. Singh et al. (58) evaluated the Unger et al. (61) evaluated 21 PET scans in women symp-
outcome of patients with FIGO clinical stage IIIb cervical tomatic of recurrence and found PET to have a sensitivity
carcinoma as a function of site of initial regional lymph of 100% and a specificity of 85.7%. Lai et al. (64) prospec-
node metastasis as detected by FDG-PET. They concluded tively examined 44 patients with recurrent disease and
that the cause-specific survival in this group was highly compared restaging with PET and CT/MR. PET imaging
dependent on the extent of lymph node metastasis as was superior to CT/MR in the overall detection of lesions
identified on FDG-PET. and in the identification of metastatic disease. In addition,
The performance of FDG-PET imaging for evaluation of PET altered management in 55% of patients. They con-
patients with cervical carcinoma pre- and postradiother- cluded that in patients with recurrence who are candi-
apy allows predicting reponse to treatment and overall dates for salvage treatment by CT/MR crtiteria, adding
outcome. Grisgby et al. (59) studied 152 patients with cer- PET imaging significantly reduced unnecessary salvage
vical cancer who underwent radiotherapy and/or therapies. Yen et al. (65) defined a prognostic scoring
chemotherapy with pre- and posttreatment FDG-PET system using PET for patients with recurrent cervical
imaging. The 5-year survival of patients with negative cancer that allowed ranking patients into three groups.
FDG-PET posttherapy was 80%, whereas patients with They concluded that, using this risk score, FDG-PET may
positive FDG-PET scans (at previous or new sites) had a offer maximal benefits by selecting appropriate recurrent
5-year survival of 32%. They concluded that persistent or cervical cancer patients for salvage therapy with precise
new FDG uptake on the posttherapy scan was the most restaging information.
significant prognostic factor for developing metastatic As with other tumors, timing of the acquisition of the
disease and for predicting death from cervical cancer. PET images postadministration of FDG may be impor-
There are some technical aspects of PET scanning for tant, and a distribution period of 1 h for FDG may not be
cervical cancer that need to be considered. Because of the optimal (27, 28). Ma et al. (66) studied patients with
close proximity to the bladder and the excretion of tracer primary and recurrent cervical cancer at 40 min and 3 h
in the urine, it has been thought by some investigators after injection of FDG. On the 3-h-delayed images, addi-
that problems in interpretation could arise from activity tional lower paraaortic lymph nodes were detected, and
in the ureters and image artifact from the bladder. Most some FDG-avid lesions at 40 min demonstrated decreased
reported studies used continuous bladder irrigation and FDG uptake at 3 hours, allowing classifying them as
some also used preimaging hydration. Some have used benign.
PET and PET/CT Imaging in Testicular and Gynecologic Cancers 225

Figure 14.4. A 79-year-old women with carcinoma of the cervix and known
involvement of the left ureter was treated with surgery and radiotherapy
and considered to be cured. Nine years later, she presented with gross
hematuria. CT showed a complex mass at the vaginal vault, and the biopsy
was negative. A PET was performed to assess local and possible metastatic
disease. The coronal (left) and sagittal (right) FDG-PET images showed
widespread metastases (arrows) including the right pectoral region, the
lung hilum, the porta hepatis, and retroperitoneal lymph nodes in the
abdomen. Biopsy confirmed metastatic disease.

When cervical cancer recurs, PET imaging may also be Table 14.3. Staging of ovarian cancer.
useful in differentiating tumor from fibrosis after surgery
Stage Description
or radiotherapy, a common problem with anatomic
imaging. The ability to coregister images from different I Tumor confined to ovaries
imaging modalities using software package or integrated IA Tumor limited to one ovary, with the capsule, no tumor on
PET/CT systems (Figure 14.4) provides fusion images al- surface, no malignant cells in ascites or peritoneal washings
lowing identification of FDG-avid anatomic lesions and IB Tumor limited to both ovaries, but otherwise as above
guidance of biopsies. Further studies need to be done to IC Tumor limited to one or both ovaries with any of the following
define the role of integrated PET/CT imaging compared to capsule ruptured, tumor on surface, positive malignant cells in
ascites or peritoneal washings
PET alone role in patients with cervical cancer.
C-Methionine has been used to successfully to image II Tumor involves one or both ovaries with pelvic extension
cervical carcinoma although, because of physiologic IIA Extension/implants in uterus and/or tubes, no malignant cells
in ascites or peritoneal washings
uptake of tracer, correlation with anatomic imaging is re-
quired (67). It is possible that this procedure may find a IIB Extension to other pelvic organs, no malignant cells in ascites
or peritoneal washings
place imaging the difficult-to-manage patient.
IIC Either IIA or IIB, with malignant cells in ascites or peritoneal
III Tumor involves one or both ovaries with microscopically
Ovarian Carcinoma confirmed peritoneal metastases outside the pelvis and/or
regional lymph node metastases
Ovarian cancer has a high mortality. The tumor may be IIIA Microscopic peritoneal metastases beyond the pelvis
asymptomatic until quite late (68), and there are no IIIB Macroscopic peritoneal metastases beyond the pelvis 2 cm or
readily available screening tests similar to those that are less in diameter
available for detection of cervical cancer. At primary diag- IIIC Peritoneal metastasis beyond the pelvis more than 2 cm in
diameter and/or regional lymph node metastases
nosis, accurate staging is an important in determinig the
prognosis (69), but no imaging modality has as yet pro- IV Distant metastases beyond the peritoneal cavity
vided accurate staging information. The FIGO staging Source: Reprinted from FIGO Committee on Gynaecological Oncology: Benedet JL,
system is presented in Table 14.3 (36). In recurrent Bender H, Jones H III, Ngan HYS, Pecorelli S. FIGO staging classifications and clinical
disease, early detection and detection of peritoneal carci- practice guidelines in the management of gynecologic cancers. Int J Gynecol
Obstet 2000;70:209–262. Copyright © 2000, with permission from International
nomatosis are important for appropriate selection of pa- Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics.
tients for second-line salvage therapy. Similar to testicular
226 Positron Emission Tomography

cancer, ovarian cancer does have a biochemical marker in staging. Yoshida et al. (84) found that in 15 patients CT
CA-125, and this has been useful in the monitoring of pa- agreed with pathology in 53% whereas CT and FDG-PET
tients after treatment. CA-125 levels can, however, be agreed in 87%.
falsely elevated in a number of conditions, and in early-
stage disease it is elevated in fewer than half the patients
(70). Tumor Recurrence
Ultrasound, CT, and MR imaging have all been used in
the assessment of ovarian cancer, both for assessment of Imaging Procedures in Tumor Recurrence
adnexal masses and for detection of recurrent disease.
Ultrasound has been used in primary disease but lacks FDG-PET may be more useful in recurrent disease and
specificity (71). CT and MR are not accurate for defining restaging than in primary ovarian cancer. Many small
small-volume primary disease. Even in recurrent tumor, studies have combined groups with suspected recurrence
the sensitivity of CT has been reported to be 40% to 93% and unsuspected recurrence and compared PET versus
(72–74) and, because of its low NPV (45%–50%) (75, 76), conventional imaging and tumor markers. The overall
CT cannot replace second-look laparotomy. Much recent sensitivity and specificity of PET was in the range of 80%
work had focused on FDG uptake in both primary and re- to 100% (85–89). PET did, however, miss lesions less than
current disease. 1cm and microscopic metastatic disease (77). PET was
most valuable when conventional imaging was negative or
equivocal and tumor markers were raised, with a sensitiv-
Diagnosis and Tumor Staging ity ranging from 87% to 96% (85, 86) (Figure 14.5). The
abnormalities on PET preceded those on conventional
Imaging Procedures in Tumor Staging imaging where markers were raised by as much as 6
months, which reflects a similar situation as described by
In the evaluation of primary disease, FDG-PET can iden- Hain et al. (22) in testicular cancer and Valk et al. (90) for
tify tumor with high sensitivity and specificity (both, raised CEA in colorectal cancer. PET may have an impor-
90%). However, PET fails to detect small stage I cancers tant role in monitoring these patients after initial treat-
and tumors that are histologically borderline for malig- ment.
nancy (77, 78). False-positive FDG uptake may be seen in Integrated PET/CT imaging is becoming more avail-
some benign lesions, including ovarian endometriosis and able, and Makhija et al. (91) reported findings on eight pa-
corpus luteal cysts (79). SUV evaluation of lesions has tients, six with ovarian and two with fallopian tube
been performed and, although an SUV greater than 7.9 is tumors, after cytoreductive therapy. Five of the eight pa-
a strong indicator of malignancy (79), it does not improve tients had recurrrent disease identified on PET/CT
diagnostic accuracy, especially in the differentiation of imaging whereas CT alone was negative. Bristow et al. (92)
benign from borderline tumors (77). These studies have studied a larger group of 22 patients more than 6 months
all been performed at early imaging times, and it remains after initial therapy. All patients presented with rising CA-
to be seen whether delayed scanning permits better differ- 125 and negative or equivocal CT and underwent PET/CT
entiation of benign from malignant, as seen in other imaging followed by surgery. They found that combined
tumors (27, 28). 11C-Methionine was found to be less de- PET/CT imaging was valuable, with overall patient-based
pendent on tumor type (80). Physiologic uptake was a sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of 83%, 75%, and
limiting factor for staging, but there may be potential for 82%, respectively, and lesion-based sensitivity, specificity,
imaging with this tracer, especially when combined with and accuracy of 60%, 95%, and 72%, respectively.
FDG. Although promising, as suggested by Pannu et al. (93) fol-
PET, MRI, and ultrasound have been compared for the lowing their study, a larger trial is necessary to judge the
evaluation of adnexal masses in several studies (78, 81, 82) impact of PET/CT on clinical practice.
as well as MR versus PET after identification of a mass on The treatment of ovarian cancer is limited by the inabil-
ultrasound (83). Generally, ultrasound was more sensitive ity to diagnose early peritoneal tumor spread. Many pa-
than PET or MR but less specific (77, 80). Grab et al. (78) tients undergo second-look laparotomy, which is not
concluded that the best specificity without loss of sensi- without morbidity, because imaging is not sufficiently
tivity was obtained when all three were combined. sensitive for detection of peritoneal tumors. The appro-
However, because negative PET and MRI findings did not priate use of salvage chemotherapy also depends on accu-
exclude stage I or borderline disease, ultrasound was the rate assessment of disease extent. Anatomic imaging
most appropriate screening tool in the diagnosis of modalities have been poor at imaging peritoneal carcino-
ovarian cancer. Furthermore, it was concluded that any matosis. Results with PET for detection of peritoneal car-
mass that was suspected of being malignant on ultrasound cinomatosis have been conflicting. Rose et al. (94) found
evaluation required surgical evaluation. that PET had a sensitivity and specificty of 10% and 42%,
Adding an FDG-PET study to the preoperative assess- respectively, suggesting little value. Later studies (95, 96)
ment of patients at diagnosis improves the accuracy of have been more favorable. Kim et al. (96) found that there
PET and PET/CT Imaging in Testicular and Gynecologic Cancers 227

Figure 14.5. A 40-year-old woman was

diagnosed with ovarian cancer 20
months earlier and was treated with
radical surgery including hysterectomy,
bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy, and
anterior resection with end-colostomy.
Postoperatively she had a right pelvic
abscess that had resolved. She was
found on routine follow-up to have a
rising CA-125 tumor marker. Magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI) was stable
without evidence of recurrence. The
transaxial images of CT (top left), PET
(top right), and PET/CT fusion image
(lower) showed FDG-avid lesions in the
pelvis that were proven to be recurrent

was no statistical signficance in the progression and data on the use of PET in initial staging. Two studies (98,
disease-free interval between patients evaluated with PET 99) that examined its use in recurrent disease found that
or second-look laparotomy. These data suggest that PET PET altered management in 30% to 35% of patients, often
imaging could replace second-look laporotomy for evalu- by detecting clinically and radiologically unsuspected ex-
ation of patients with ovarian cancer, especially those at trapelvic metastases. Saga et al. (99) compared the perfor-
high risk. One early study (97) evaluated the cost-effec- mance of PET, CT/MRI, and tumor markers in the
tiveness of PET in managing patients with recurrent follow-up of postoperative patients with endometrial
ovarian cancer. Using Monte Carlo simulation analysis, cancer. They reported a sensitivity, specificity, and accu-
FDG-PET imaging was found to reduce unnecessary inva- racy of 100%, 88%, and 93% for PET, 85%, 86%, and 85%
sive surgical staging, leading to cost savings of $US for CT/MRI, and 100%, 71%, and 83% for tumor markers.
1,941–11,766 per patient. Endometrial cancer has been imaged with 11C-methion-
In assessing metastatic disease, the use of half-body ine with success. The physiologic accumulation of methio-
scans may also facilitate identification of extrapelvic sus- nine in the pelvis provided some confusion and therefore
pected or unsuspected disease. Some authors have specu- correlative imaging would always be required (100). The
lated on the use of PET to monitor response to use of FDG-PET for diagnosing uterine sarcoma has been
chemotherapy (77), an application that has been demon- reported (101). Given the avidity of FDG in soft tissue
strated in other tumors, for example, breast and testicular sarcoma (27), this result is not surprising.
cancers (32–34).

Vulval Cancer
Uterine Cancer
Primary vulvar cancer is less common than the other gy-
Cancer of the uterine body (endometrial) is the most necologic tumors. It commonly spreads via the groin
common gynecologic cancer but, in contrast to cervical lymph nodes, and their status is important for treatment
cancer, it occurs predominantely in postmenopausal decisions and prognosis. There is one study evaluating
women. Endometrial cancer metastasizes predominently FDG-PET imaging for staging of vulvar cancer. All the pri-
by hematogenous spread and is associated with the tumor maries were FDG avid, and PET was sensitive for detec-
marker CA-125. Endometrial cancer has been shown to be tion of extranodal metastases but relatively insensitive for
FDG avid (Figure 14.6) but has been less studied with detection of inguinal lymph node involvement (102). This
FDG-PET than cervical cancer. There are no published limitation is related to the inabilty of PET imaging to
228 Positron Emission Tomography

Figure 14-6. A 61-year-old women with

stage IV endometrial cancer had com-
pleted chemotherapy and radiotherapy
and was being considered for surgery.
PET/CT imaging was performed to
exclude metastatic disease. There was no
evidence of disease outside the uterus.
The transaxial images of CT (top left),
PET (top right), and PET/CT fusion image
(lower) showed persistent FDG uptake in
the primary endometrial tumor indicat-
ing residual tumor.

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PET and PET/CT Imaging in Melanoma
George M. Segall and Susan M. Swetter

and the in situ forms of melanoma (lentigo maligna,

Epidemiology superficial spreading melanoma in situ, and acral lentigi-
nous melanoma in situ). Changes in the appearance of a
The incidence of melanoma has tripled in the United
pigmented lesion may herald the development of
States during the past 40 years. In the year 2005, more
melanoma; however, precursor lesions are estimated to be
than 59,000 Americans were expected to develop
present in only 30% to 50% of melanomas.
melanoma (1). The lifetime risk is now 1 in 68, and is esti-
mated to rise to 1 in 50 by the year 2010. Melanoma is rare
among black, Asian, Hispanic, and Native American
people. Approximately 7,800 people die of the disease
each year. Melanoma is the ninth most common cancer in
Tumor Histology
the United States (2). It is the most common cancer in
There are four clinical-histologic subtypes of primary cu-
women who are 25 to 29 years old, and is second only to
taneous melanoma: superficial spreading, lentigo maligna,
breast cancer in the 30- to 34-year-old age group. It ac-
acral lentiginous, and nodular melanoma. The first three
counts for 3.5% of cancer cases and 1.4% of cancer deaths.
subtypes have an in situ phase, or a period of radial, hori-
Despite the increased incidence of melanoma, the case-
zontal growth, where the tumor is growing laterally but
based fatality rate has decreased over the past 50 years
not invading the dermis . Tumors in this phase have not
because of earlier detection and treatment of thinner
yet acquired the potential to metastasize and are cured
melanomas, which lack the biologic potential to metasta-
with excision alone. Primary cutaneous melanoma can
size (3). The average 5-year survival was 50% in 1950; by
occur anywhere on the body, but lentigo maligna
1990, 5-year survival had increased to 90%.
melanoma occurs primarily on the face and other sun-
exposed sites, whereas acral lentiginous melanoma occurs
primarily on the palms, soles, and nail beds.
Risk Factors Superficial spreading melanoma is the most common
type, accounting for 70% of cases. Most patients are
Melanoma occurs at sites of intermittent, intense sun ex- between 30 and 50 years old at the time of diagnosis. A
posure, in contrast to other skin cancers such as basal cell change in a preexisting mole is commonly reported.
carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma, which occur at Lesions may be flat or elevated, are usually irregular with
sites of high cumulative sun exposure. The trunk is the asymmetrical borders, and have variegated pigmentation.
most common site in men, whereas the back and legs are Focal regression within the lesion may cause visible hy-
the most common sites in women. There is an increased popigmentation in spots.
incidence near the equator worldwide, suggesting a causal Nodular melanoma is the second most common type and
relationship with exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Other is seen in 15% to 30% of cases. As with superficial spreading
major risk factors include increased age (particularly age melanoma, the legs and trunk are the most common sites.
over 60 years), fair complexion, family history of Nodular melanoma is characterized by rapid growth over
melanoma in a first-degree relative, and the presence of weeks to months because it lacks an in situ or radial growth
atypical or dysplastic moles. phase. Nodular melanomas usually present as deeper
Melanoma frequently arises from precursor lesions, lesions at the time of diagnosis and may elude early detec-
which include congenital melanocytic nevi (particularly tion, but the prognosis is similar to superficial spreading
“giant” varieties), common acquired nevi, dysplastic nevi, melanoma when matched for tumor depth.
234 Positron Emission Tomography

Lentigo maligna melanoma occurs in 4% to 15% of Table 15.1. Simplified version of the American Joint Cancer Committee and
cases but is the most common type of melanoma in some European Joint Cancer Committee (AJCC/UICC) staging system for melanoma.
populations (4). Similar to basal cell carcinoma, and
Stage 1 Cutaneous melanoma without metastases
squamous cell carcinoma, this type of melanoma occurs
1A < 1 mm without ulceration
on sun exposed areas such as the face and is linked to
cumulative sun exposure. Acral lentiginous melanoma 1B < 1 mm with ulceration; 1.01–2.0 mm without ulceration
only accounts for 2% to 8% of cases. It is the least Stage 2
common form in light-skinned individuals, but it is the II A 1.01–2.0 mm with ulceration; 2.01–4.0 mm without ulceration
most common form in dark-skinned individuals, ac- II B 2.01–4.0 mm with ulceration; >4.0 mm without ulceration
counting for 29% to 72% of melanoma in black, Asian, II C >4.0 mm with ulceration
and Hispanic peoples. The most common site is the
Stage 3 Cutaneous melanoma with lymph node metastases
soles, but it also occurs on the palms and in the nail
beds, where it arises from the nail. Unclassified types of III A Any thickness without ulceration, and 1–3 microscopic lymph
node metastases
melanoma and rare types account for less than 5% of all
III B Any thickness with ulceration, and 1–3 microscopic lymph node
cutaneous melanomas.
metastases; or any thickness without ulceration, and 1–3
macroscopic lymph node metastases; or any thickness with or
without ulceration, and in transit/satellite metastases without
Diagnosis and Treatment of metastatic regional nodes
III C Any thickness with ulceration, and 1–3 macroscopic lymph node
Melanoma metastases; or =4 metastatic nodes, matted nodes, or in transit
metastases/satellites with metastatic regional nodes

Diagnosis of Primary Tumor Stage 4 Cutaneous melanoma with distant metastases

Distant skin, subcutaneous, nodal, visceral, skeletal or central
Appropriate biopsy is essential for diagnosis and histo- nervous system metastases
logic microstaging. Excisional biopsy with narrow (1–3 Source: Updated from Valk PE, Bailey DL, Townsend DW, Maisey MN. Positron
mm) margins is recommended so as not to disrupt lym- Emission Tomography: Basic Science and Clinical Practice. Springer-Verlag London
phatic drainage before sentinel node mapping. Multiple Ltd 2003, p. 627.
punch or deep saucerization biopsies are acceptable for
large lesions. Important histologic features include tumor
depth in millimeters, level of invasion, ulceration, Staging of Primary Tumor
mitoses, angiolymphatic invasion, microsatellites, and
host response. Staging has changed dramatically over the past 15 years.
Tumor thickness, also known as the Breslow depth, is The most commonly used staging system was formulated
the most important histologic determinant of prognosis, by the American Joint Cancer Committee and European
and is measured in millimeters from the top of the granu- Joint Cancer Committee (AJCC/UICC) and underwent
lar layer to the deepest part of the tumor in the dermis or major revisions in 2002 (Table 15.1).
subcutaneous tissue. The anatomic level of tumor pene- The revisions to the AJCC/UICC staging system in the
tration is known as the Clark level (level I, intraepithelial year 2002 included the presence of ulceration to upstage
or in situ; level II and III, papillary dermis; level IV, retic- disease to the next worse prognostic level (7). New tumor
ular dermis; level V, subcutaneous tissue). This measure- depth cutoff points were set at 1 mm, 2 mm, and 4 mm
ment has been largely superseded by the Breslow depth, because of more-recent data on the biologic behavior of
which more accurately predicts prognosis. Clark level has thin melanomas (less than 1 mm). Microscopic or macro-
predictive value in thin melanomas that are less than 1 scopic satellite lesions, as well as in-transit lymph node
mm deep and is incorporated into melanoma staging in metastases, are now grouped into stage 3, regardless of the
this subgroup only (5). distance from the primary tumor. In addition, the number
There are also some clinical features that have prognos- of metastatic lymph nodes has been taken into account,
tic value (6). In general, older patients do worse than rather than the size of lymph nodes, because the number
younger patients; men do worse than women; and pa- of metastatic lymph nodes is a more important prognostic
tients with truncal melanomas do worse than patients factor. Regional nodal tumor burden is determined mi-
with lesions on the extremities. Six percent of all croscopically by sentinel lymph node biopsy in patients
melanomas in women are diagnosed during pregnancy, without clinically palpable disease.
but there is no convincing evidence that pregnancy in-
creases risk. There is no difference in prognosis when
melanoma is confined to the skin, but pregnancy makes Treatment of Primary Melanoma
the prognosis worse if there are nodal or distant metas-
tases. This observation is true whether the melanoma is Excisional surgery is the primary therapy for localized cu-
diagnosed before, during, or after the pregnancy. taneous melanoma (stages I and II using the AJCC/UICC
PET and PET/CT Imaging in Melanoma 235

system). The definition of adequate surgical margins has basin. Wide excision of the primary lesion before sentinel
evolved significantly over time. A National Institute of node assessment can disturb lymphatic drainage and
Health (NIH) Consensus Conference in 1992 stated that reduces the likelihood of identifying the sentinel node. All
0.5-cm margins were adequate for melanoma in situ and patients without palpable regional lymph nodes are candi-
1.0-cm margins were adequate for thin melanomas to 1 dates for sentinel lymph node biopsy if the primary lesion
mm in depth (8). Longitudinal studies have shown that is 1 mm or more deep, has reached Clark level IV, is ulcer-
such margins were curative for in situ melanoma and re- ated, or shows signs of regression. Multiple studies have
sulted in greater than 95% 8-year survival for thin shown that sentinel lymph node status is the most impor-
melanomas. tant prognostic factor for recurrence and the most power-
The surgical approach at Stanford University is to ful predictor of survival. Sentinel lymph node biopsy also
obtain 1-cm margins for tumors less than 1 mm deep, 1- identifies patients who may benefit from lymph node dis-
to 2-cm margins for tumors 1 to 2 mm deep (typically 1 section and adjuvant therapies.
cm in certain anatomic locations, such as the face, to Melanoma with regional lymph node metastases is
achieve primary closure and a good cosmetic result), 2- treated by resection. Adjuvant high-dose interferon-alpha
cm margins for tumors 2 to 4 mm deep, and at least 2-cm therapy and experimental vaccine therapies are options
margins for tumors more than 4 mm deep. There are no for patients with stage III melanoma. Involved-field radia-
prospective studies validating this approach in this last tion is frequently used if there is extracapsular lymph
subgroup; however, a retrospective study of patients with node extension. Distant metastases, if limited in number
high-risk primary melanomas showed that margins and spread, are treated by resection, which has been
greater than 2 cm did not improve local relapse, disease- shown to improve survival.
free survival, or overall survival in patients with thick
(greater than 4 mm) primary melanoma (9).
The role of elective regional lymph node dissection for Treatment of Metastatic and Recurrent
stages 1 and 2 primary cutaneous melanoma has been Melanoma
controversial. Lymph node dissection is not recom-
mended for thin lesions (less than 1 mm) because of the Metastatic melanoma may occur locally by intralymphatic
low risk of metastatic spread, or for deep lesions (greater spread around the melanoma scar, in regional lymph
than 4 mm), which have a propensity to metastasize by node basins, or in remote locations, including subcuta-
the hematogenous route (10). Elective lymph node dissec- neous, lymph node, visceral, skeletal, or central nervous
tion was originally thought to decrease the risk of metas- system sites. Recurrence most commonly occurs within 3
tases in intermediate-thickness lesions (1–4 mm), based years of treatment of the primary melanoma, initially
on nonrandomized studies. Randomized trials such as the within the skin, subcutaneous tissue, or regional lymph
WHO Melanoma Trial, however, have shown no benefit in nodes. Visceral metastasis is observed most often in the
patients with extremity lesions, and marginal, if any, lungs, liver, brain, bone, and gastrointestinal (GI) tract, in
benefit in patients with truncal lesions (11). Subgroup order of frequency.
analysis, however, suggested that removal of mi- Regional nodal disease is classified as stage III in the
crometastatic disease in patients with nonpalpable lymph 2002 AJCC melanoma staging system. Five-year overall
nodes improved overall survival. survival in stage III disease ranges from 13% with the
This observation led to the development of preopera- worst combination of predictive factors (multiple macro-
tive and intraoperative lymph node mapping and of sen- scopic metastatic nodes, gross extracapsular extension,
tinel node biopsy as a means of assessing high risk (12). If ulcerated primary melanoma) to 69% for the lowest risk
the sentinel lymph node, or first lymph node draining the combination (single regional nodal micrometastasis,
site of the primary lesion, is free of metastasis, this finding nonulcerated primary melanoma). Diagnosis of recurrent
predicts the histology of the remaining lymph nodes in nodal disease is most often made in the setting of palpable
the same lymph node basin (13). When metastasis is adenopathy, where confirmatory needle aspiration or
present, 90% of the time the sentinel lymph node is the nodal biopsy is performed before complete regional lym-
only lymph node involved. Identification of the sentinel phadenectomy. The number of nodes is directly corre-
lymph node is accomplished by preoperative lym- lated with prognosis.
phoscintigraphy with intraoperative localization using a Therapeutic lymph node dissection is the treatment of
gamma probe, as well as intraoperative intradermal injec- choice for regional nodal disease whether synchronously
tion of vital blue dye. diagnosed with the primary melanoma or occurring as
The addition of lymphoscintigraphy to vital blue dye metachronous recurrent disease; however, 5-year survival
increases the rate of identification of the sentinel lymph remains less than 50%. Adjuvant high-dose interferon-
node up to 99% by identifying lymphatic basins at risk in alpha therapy has been shown to improve both relapse-
ambiguous drainage sites (such as the head and neck, and free and overall survival in stage III melanoma, and
trunk), as well as identifying in-transit lymph nodes immunomodulatory therapy with melanoma vaccines is
between the primary lesion and regional lymph node being actively investigated in these high-risk patients.
236 Positron Emission Tomography

Involved-field radiation is frequently used if there is mi- therapy is not currently effective for central nervous
croscopic or gross extracapsular lymph node extension to system metastasis. Studies have shown that combination
improve local control in the regional nodal basin. cytotoxic chemotherapy is no more effective than single
Complete metastatic staging is recommended for appro- agents such as dacarbazine and temozolomide. Radiation
priate patient management following the diagnosis of therapy is largely palliative, particularly for brain and
nodal metastasis. skeletal metastasis. Biochemotherapy employing standard
Distant metastasis is classified as stage IV disease with chemotherapeutic agents with biologic response modifiers
5-year survival ranging from 7% to 19%, depending on such as granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating
the site(s) of metastasis. In general, patient with soft factor (GM-CSF), interleukin 2, and alpha-interferon has
tissue, nodal, and isolated lung metastases fare better than had limited success in the management of unresectable
those with other visceral metastases. Resection of limited stage IV melanoma, as has treatment with high-dose in-
metastatic tumor in the skin, subcutis, nodal basins, and terleukin 2 alone. As with regional nodal metastasis, nu-
lung has shown to improve survival, although survival is merous trials are underway investigating the use of
generally measured in months, rather than years, in stage melanoma vaccines, with or without biologic response
IV disease. Surgical debulking should also be considered modifiers, in the treatment of disseminated disease.
for palliation of visceral metastasis. Again, total-body and brain imaging of patients with ad-
Chemotherapy is the mainstay of treatment for stage IV vanced melanoma is important for accurate metastatic
disease despite response rates less than 20%. staging and is used to guide both surgical and medical
Furthermore, most responses tend to be short lived, and treatment decisions.

Positron Emission Tomography

Positron emission tomography (PET) with 2-[18F]fluoro-
2-deoxy-D-glucose (FDG) is a highly sensitive technique
for the detection of melanoma. Clinical FDG-PET imaging
of melanoma followed experiments using human tumor
xenografts in nude mice that showed high intracellular
concentration of FDG by melanoma cells (14).
Whole-body PET imaging has a number of advantages
that are significant in evaluating melanoma. The whole
body can be easily imaged, which is important because
melanoma metastasizes widely. Skin, muscle, and bone
metastases are easily detected (Figure 15.1).
PET is also very sensitive for detection of metastases to
the bowel, omentum, and mesentery, which are difficult
to image by computerized tomography (CT) (Figure 15.2).
PET can detect metastatic disease in lymph nodes smaller
than 1 cm, which would not be considered abnormal by
CT criteria. This factor has particular importance in the
mediastinum where PET is more accurate than CT. The
supraclavicular area is also easier to evaluate by PET, as
this area is anatomically complex and small lymph nodes
are difficult to detect radiographically.
PET imaging also has some limitations. Evaluation of
the brain is limited by high glucose uptake in the normal
Figure 15.1. Anterior (left) and posterior (right) FDG-PET whole-body images of a
76-year-old woman with melanoma in situ removed from the forehead 7 years before
gray matter, and contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance
the PET scan. She had two local recurrences, and a pulmonary metastasis to the right imaging (MRI) is more accurate for detection of metas-
middle lobe, which were resected on three separate occasions. She began to develop tases to the cerebrum or cerebellum. The relatively low
superficial and subcutaneous nodules on her trunk and extremities 2 months before resolution of PET prevents detection of pulmonary lesions
the PET scan. Biopsy of a nodule on the left breast was positive for melanoma. New smaller than 5 mm, which are more accurately detected by
nodules were appearing at an alarming rate when she was referred for a PET scan to
evaluate the extent of metastatic disease. The PET scan shows widespread metastatic
CT. However, pulmonary nodules less than 10 mm are
melanoma with cutaneous, subcutaneous, and muscular lesions throughout the trunk difficult to biopsy, and PET may be used to determine the
and extremities. Metastases are also seen in the lower lobe of the right lung. likelihood of malignancy in a 5- to 10-mm nodule that is
PET and PET/CT Imaging in Melanoma 237

Figure 15.2. Coronal PET images ob-

tained in a 65-year old man, 1 month
after resection of a Clark’s level III
melanoma from the right thigh, show a
focus of increased uptake in the left
pelvis (a). The patient was asymptomatic,
and CT scan of the pelvis was negative. A
follow-up CT 5 months later also showed
no pelvic abnormality. One year after the
PET study, the patient presented with
gastrointestinal (GI) bleed and was found
to have a mass in the gastric mucosa,
which proved to be recurrent melanoma
on biopsy. Repeat PET scan after the
biopsy showed multiple tumor masses in
the abdomen and pelvis (b). a b

detected by CT. PET may also detect metastases in lymph Indications for FDG-PET Imaging
nodes that are not enlarged, but it cannot substitute for
lymph node biopsy for detection of micrometastases. PET is indicated for determining the extent of disease in
patients with recurrent disease that is thought to be
limited and surgically resectable. PET may demonstrate
Imaging Protocol occult metastases that are not resectable, thereby con-
traindicating surgery. PET may also be used to character-
General protocols for whole-body oncologic imaging are ize nonspecific radiographic abnormalities that are not
described in detail elsewhere. Fasting for 4 h or more before amenable to biopsy or those where biopsy has yielded an
tracer injection is recommended because elevation of blood indeterminate result. On the other hand, PET may cor-
sugar reduces tissue FDG uptake by competitive inhibition rectly indicate resectability in patients who are thought to
and lowers the sensitivity of tumor detection. The entire have nonresectable tumor on the basis of multiple inde-
body should be imaged because of the propensity of terminate radiographic findings.
melanoma to metastasize widely. Images from the base of PET is generally not useful for initial staging in primary
the skull to the upper thighs may be sufficient in patients melanoma because of its low sensitivity for detecting mi-
with truncal melanoma. The legs should also be imaged crometastatic disease in regional lymph nodes. Patients
when the primary lesion is on the feet, to detect in-transit with clinical stage 3 disease might benefit from PET, but
or regional lymph nodes as well as subcutaneous nodules. the incidence of distant metastatic disease in this sub-
The recent introduction of hybrid PET/CT cameras has group of patients is low.
the potential to improve diagnostic accuracy by providing Whole-body imaging and the high sensitivity for detec-
combined anatomic as well as metabolic information tion of distant metastases make PET a potentially useful
(Figure 15.3). Equivocal lesions on PET alone or CT alone tool for posttreatment surveillance in patients with high-
are more accurately characterized as being benign or ma- risk lesions and normal physical findings. Approximately
lignant by PET/CT, and metastases are more easily 72% of patients with high-risk primary lesions will
identified and located for directed biopsy or resection. At develop metastases, the majority within the first 2 to 5
this time, data on the utility of PET/CT are preliminary. years following diagnosis. Early detection of limited re-
There are no published reports comparing PET/CT to current disease by PET may permit surgical resection,
either modality alone in patients with melanoma, but evi- which has been shown to prolong survival. At the present
dence for the improved accuracy of PET/CT is mounting time, however, there is no evidence of the utility and cost-
in other cancers. effectiveness of PET in this setting.
238 Positron Emission Tomography

Figure 15.3. Coronal images from a PET/CT scan of a 42-year-old woman with widespread metastatic melanoma. The CT image on the left is added to the PET image in the middle to
produce the fused PET/CT image on the right. Anatomic information provided by CT makes it possible to localize the hypermetabolic lesions seen on PET. The PET/CT scan shows
metastatic disease in the hila, liver, and right sacrum.

PET is an effective technique for evaluating the re-

sponse to chemotherapy or immunotherapy when there
are widespread lesions throughout the body (Figure 15.4).
The capability of PET to scan the entire body makes it
possible to evaluate the total burden of disease, rather
than the response of a few index lesions. Also, metabolic
response to chemotherapy is seen earlier than decrease in
lesion size and can be used for early assessment of tumor

Accuracy of Tumor Detection in Regional Lymph

The presence or absence of regional lymph node metas-
tases is an important prognostic factor in patients with
melanoma. Sentinel node biopsy accurately predicts the
presence or absence of metastases in the regional lymph

Figure 15.4. Coronal FDG PET images of a 54-year-old man with primary cutaneous
melanoma of the left heel diagnosed 7 months before the first PET scan. Recurrent
disease that was nonresectable was found in the left inguinal region 5 months after
initial diagnosis. CT of the thorax, abdomen, and pelvis showed multiple bilateral small
pulmonary nodules and hepatic lesions that were suspicious for metastatic disease. He
was referred for a PET scan to evaluate the extent of metastatic disease before starting
an intensive program of immunotherapy and chemotherapy. The first PET scan (left)
shows widespread metastatic lesions that are too numerous to count throughout the
axial and proximal appendicular skeleton, lungs, liver, and scattered lymph nodes. The
second PET scan (right) done 4 months later after two cycles of therapy shows a marked
reduction in the burden of disease, although there are a few new lesions, and some old
lesions are more prominent.
PET and PET/CT Imaging in Melanoma 239

tients with palpable disease measuring 8 and 12 mm.

Table 15.2. Accuracy of PET and sentinel node biopsy (SNB) for detecting regional Twenty-two patients had metastases less than 2.0 mm,
lymph node metastases in patients with primary melanoma. which were not detected.
The sensitivity of PET can also be correlated with
Number Sensitivity Specificity
First author (patients) PET SNB PET SNB
tumor volume. Wagner et al. (23) showed that PET de-
tected 14% of nodal metastases when tumor volume was
Hafner 2004 (22) 100 8% — 88% — (patients) less than 78 mm3 and 90% of metastases when tumor
Havenga 2003 (21) 53 15% — 88% — (patients) volume was greater than 78 mm3. Mijnhout et al. (24) used
Acland 2001 (20) 50 0% 100% —- — (patients) morphometric analysis to predict the usefulness of PET
Crippa 2000 (19) 38 95% — 84% — (basins) for detecting lymph node metastases. They examined the
66% — 99% (nodes) tumor volume in positive sentinel lymph nodes from 59
Wagner 1999 (18) 70 17% 94% 96% 100% (basins) of 108 patients with melanoma. Median tumor volume
Macfarlane 1998 (16) 22 85% — 92% — (basins) was only 0.15 mm3. Based on these data and the assump-
Wagner 1997 (17) 11 100% — 100% — (patients) tion that the spatial resolution of a state-of-the-art PET
Blessing 1995 (15) 20 74% — 93% — (nodes)
scanner is 5 mm, only 15% to 49% of positive sentinel
lymph nodes would be detected by PET.
Source: Updated from Valk PE, Bailey DL, Townsend DW, Maisey MN. Positron The conclusion from these studies is that PET is sensi-
Emission Tomography: Basic Science and Clinical Practice. Springer-Verlag London
Ltd 2003, p. 633.
tive for detecting disease in clinically suspicious lymph
nodes but is not sufficiently sensitive to replace sentinel
lymph node biopsy in patients with nonpalpable nodes.

node basin (13), but biopsy is invasive and does not

provide any information about possible distant metas- Accuracy of Tumor Detection in Distant
tases. For this reason, PET imaging has been evaluated for Metastasis
regional nodal staging.
Early reports of the accuracy of PET in evaluating re- There have been multiple reports of the utility of PET for
gional lymph nodes were largely obtained in patients in evaluating the extent of regional and distant metastatic
whom there was clinical or imaging suspicion of nodal disease in patients with melanoma (Table 15.3) (25–34).
spread (Table 15.2). In one study of 20 patients with clini- Most studies compared PET to conventional diagnostic
cally palpable lymph nodes, the sensitivity of PET for in- methods, and results were reported on the basis of indi-
dividual lymph node metastases was 28 of 38 (74%) and vidual lesions or anatomic regions of involvement,
the specificity was 42 of 45 (93%) (15). The low sensitivity whereas some studies reported results on a patient-by-
was mostly the result of failure to detect nonenlarged patient basis.
lymph nodes with minimal tumor burden. In a second
study of 22 patients, some of whom had clinically abnor-
mal or pathologically proven lymph node metastases, PET
had a sensitivity of 11 of 13 (85%) and a specificity of 10 of Table 15.3. Accuracy of PET and conventional diagnostics (CD) for detecting
11 (92%) for the evaluation of regional lymph node basins metastatic disease in patients with melanoma.
(16). More-recent studies have consistently shown that the Number Sensitivity Specificity
sensitivity of PET is very low for detecting regional lymph First author (patients/scans) PET CD PET CD
node metastases compared to sentinel node biopsy in pa-
Fuster 2004 (25) 156/184 74% 86% 58% 45% (patients)
tients without palpable adenopathy (see Table 15.2).
Finkelstein 2004 (26) 18/18 79% 76% 87% 87% (lesions)
Havenga et al. (21) studied 55 patients with primary cu-
Swetter 2002 (27) 104/157 84% 58% 97% 70% (lesions)
taneous melanoma greater than 1.0-mm Breslow thick-
ness and no palpable regional lymph nodes. All patients 53/66 81% 57% — — (lesions)
had PET before to sentinel lymph node biopsy. Thirteen Acland 2000 (28) 44/62 87% — 78% — (patients)
patients (24%) had positive sentinel lymph node biopsies Tyler 2000 (29) 95/106 87% — 44% — (areas)
but PET only identified 2 patients with metastatic disease. Eigtved 2000 (30) 38/— 97% 62% 56% 22% (lesions)
The diameter of the lymph node metastasis was 7 and Holder 1998 (31) 76/103 94% 55% 83% 84% (patients)
8 mm in the 2 patients identified by PET, whereas the di- Rinne 1998 (32) 100/100 100% 85% 96% 68% (patients)
ameter was less than 6 mm in 10 of 11 false-negative PET 100/100 92% 58% 94% 45% (lesions)
studies. Damian 1996 (33) 100/100 93% — — — (lesions)
Hafner et al. (22) prospectively studied 100 patients Steinert 1995 (34) 33/33 92% — 77% — (lesions)
with primary cutaneous melanoma less than 1-mm
Breslow thickness. Twenty-six patients (26%) had a posi- Source: Updated from Valk PE, Bailey DL, Townsend DW, Maisey MN. Positron
Emission Tomography: Basic Science and Clinical Practice. Springer-Verlag London
tive sentinel lymph node biopsy. Only 3 patients had Ltd 2003, p. 634.
lymph node metastases detected by PET, including 2 pa-
240 Positron Emission Tomography

Sensitivity for detecting individual metastatic lesions or patients with normal imaging results. Such results can
abnormal regions ranged from 84% to 97%. Sensitivity for only be validated by systematic patient follow-up, which
identifying individual patients with metastatic disease was not done in most reported studies. Despite these limi-
ranged from 74% to 100%. tations, the results do demonstrate that PET is a sensitive
Metastatic lesions that were missed were usually technique for detection of metastatic melanoma, and is
smaller than 10 mm. Six studies (25–27, 30–32) compared superior to CT, which is limited by a smaller field-of-view
PET to conventional diagnostic imaging, including CT, and low sensitivity for small lesions in areas other than
MRI, ultrasound, and bone scans. PET was found to be the lungs.
more sensitive than conventional diagnostic imaging in
five studies (25, 27, 30–32), especially for metastases to
musculocutaneous sites, lymph nodes, abdomen, and Impact on Patient Management
bone. Finkelstein et al. (26) found that sensitivity was
equivalent, although the combination of PET with con- A question that is not clearly answered by published
ventional diagnostics was more sensitive and specific than results is when to use PET in patients with melanoma.
either approach alone. Most studies have included mixed populations, including
In studies that compared PET and conventional diag- patients at the time of initial diagnosis, at the time of
nostics, PET sensitivity on the basis of individual lesions known or suspected recurrence, or during im-
was 79% to 97%, compared to 57% to 76% for conven- munochemotherapy. It is difficult to generalize the results
tional diagnostics. On a patient-by-patient basis, PET and of these studies to specific populations. Tyler et al. (29)
conventional diagnostic sensitivities were 74% to 100% specifically evaluated PET in patients with clinical stage
and 55% to 85%, respectively. III melanoma (involvement of regional lymph nodes) who
Some studies have reported CT to be more sensitive were undergoing pretreatment staging. Management was
than PET for detecting small pulmonary metastases (25, changed by PET findings in 16 of 106 studies (15%)
32, 35, 36). This finding is expected, given the higher reso- because of the finding of previously unsuspected distant
lution of CT and the high contrast between pulmonary metastatic disease. Similarly, Acland et al. (28) reported
tumor and the surrounding air-containing lung. that 28% of patients with clinical stage III disease were
In three studies that compared PET and conventional found to have distant metastases by PET, which
diagnostics on a patient-by-patient basis (25, 31, 32), significantly altered management.
specificity was 83% to 96% and 45% to 84%, respectively. Gulec et al. (37) used PET to evaluate extent of disease
False-positive results were mostly the result of FDG in 49 patients with known (46 patients) or suspected (3
uptake in surgical wounds, inflammatory sites, or benign patients) locoregional or distant metastases. Each
tumors. All three studies reported a substantial decrease patient’s treatment options were originally based on
in the rate of false-positive findings when PET scans were history, physical examination, and conventional imaging.
interpreted with knowledge of the clinical history. All patients then had PET, and the results were compared
We conducted a retrospective study to determine the with conventional imaging to confirm or change the origi-
accuracy of PET in 157 scans and 104 patients with nal treatment plan. PET demonstrated a greater extent of
melanoma (27). Seventy patients also had CT imaging. metastatic disease in 27 of the 49 patients (55%) and the
The sensitivity and specificity of PET for individual same extent in 18 patients (37%). PET did not identify two
metastases were 84% and 97%, respectively, compared to brain metastases, one skeletal metastasis, and one subcu-
58% and 70% for CT. A subgroup of 53 patients had 66 taneous metastasis in 4 patients (8%). PET confirmed the
PET studies that were performed within 3 weeks of a CT original treatment plan in 25 patients (51%) and
study. CT and PET were ordered at the same time to elim- prompted a change in 24 patients (49%). In 12 patients
inate the possibility of referral bias. The overall sensitivity the planned operative procedure was canceled because of
of PET versus CT in this subgroup was 81% versus 57%. additional metastases identified by PET. In 6 patients an
Exclusion of body areas that were not evaluated by CT in additional operation was performed because PET
these patients (head, neck, and extremities) increased the identified limited or otherwise unrecognized disease. In
sensitivity of CT to 69%. PET was more sensitive than CT the remaining 6 patients, PET resulted in the addition of
in detecting metastatic disease to subcutaneous sites, pe- biochemotherapy, radiation therapy, or experimental im-
ripheral lymph nodes, mediastinal and hilar lymph nodes, munotherapy because additional metastases were
and intraabdominal regions. PET was equivalent to CT in identified.
detecting lung and skeletal metastases. In another study, Valk et al. (38) found that planned
The observations and conclusions of most of the pub- tumor resection was deemed inappropriate in 5 of 45 pa-
lished studies are limited by pretest selection bias or tients (11%) following PET. An additional 2 of 45 patients
posttest evaluation bias or both, which tend to cause over- (4%) who were thought to have nonresectable tumor
estimation of sensitivity and underestimation of based on CT were shown to have only limited disease by
specificity. Histologic confirmation of PET findings is PET. The addition of PET to the diagnostic algorithm for
difficult to obtain in patients with widespread disease and presurgical evaluation of melanoma resulted in a savings-
PET and PET/CT Imaging in Melanoma 241

to-cost ratio of 2:1 because unnecessary procedures were 7. Balch CM, Buzaid AC, Soong SJ, Atkins MB, Cascinelli N, Coit DG,
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Immediate or delayed dissection of regional nodes in patients with
PET is a sensitive and specific technique for the detection melanoma of the trunk: a randomised trial. WHO Melanoma
Programme. Lancet 1998;351:793–796.
of melanoma, but micrometastases and lesions smaller 12. Morton DL, Wen DR, Wong JH, Economou JS, Cagle LA, Storm FK,
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14. Wahl RL, Hutchins GD, Buchsbaum DJ, Liebert M, Grossman HB,
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preferred method for detection of brain metastases. False- sion tomography. Cancer (Phila) 1991;67:1544–1550.
positive PET findings may be seen at surgical sites and in 15. Blessing C, Feine U, Geiger L, Carl M, Rassner G, Fierlbeck G.
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benign tumors. Clinical correlation significantly improves tive retrospective study assessing the diagnostic validity in lymph
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17. Wagner JD, Schauwecker D, Hutchins G, Coleman JJ III. Initial as-
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PET and PET/CT Imaging in Urologic Tumors
Paul D. Shreve

Urologic applications of positron emission tomography malignant neoplasm of the kidney, is primarily a surgi-
(PET) have centered primarily in oncology using 18F-2- cally managed disease. Surgical extirpation is the only ef-
deoxy-D-glucose (FDG), although a variety of tracers and fective means of curing RCC. In patients with advanced
specialized applications have been approached in limited disease, medical treatment options currently offer little in
studies. The primary clinical application of diagnostic terms of improved survival or palliation. Hence, most
imaging in urology relates to the management of the chief renal masses that are not unequivocally benign on
urologic malignancies including renal cancer, bladder anatomic imaging are removed in attempt to provide a
cancer, prostate cancer, and testicular cancer. Testicular surgical cure, providing that there is no diagnostic
cancer is covered in a separate chapter of this volume imaging evidence the neoplasm has spread beyond the
(Chapter 14). Upper urinary tract obstruction, relative local compartment of Gerota’s fascia. The prognosis for
size and function of kidneys, presence of infection, and patients with RCC is most strongly influenced by stage at
urinary tract congenital abnormalities are still assessed by the time of surgery (6), although the histology and nuclear
anatomic imaging, contrast fluoroscopy, ultrasound, mag- grade of the primary neoplasm influence long-term sur-
netic resonance imaging (MRI), computed tomography vival (7, 8) among RCC of the same grade.
(CT), and existing radionuclide studies (1). Renal blood The role of diagnostic imaging in the management of
flow (2, 3) and blood flow and metabolism (4) as well as renal malignancy, then, is twofold: (1) characterization of
renal angiotensin receptor distribution (5) have been the renal mass, that is, determining whether it is a malig-
quantitatively measured using PET techniques; however, nant neoplasm requiring extirpation, and (2) staging, that
practical clinical applications of these studies have not yet is, determining the presence of locoregional and distant
emerged. metastases.
The applications in urologic malignancies parallels Historically, diagnostic imaging evaluation of a renal
other oncologic applications in the body, that is, static mass was performed as part of evaluation of hematuria,
imaging using FDG or other tracers preferentially accu- flank pain, or a palpable mass. Increasingly, as a result of
mulated by the malignant tissue for purposes of diagnosis the widespread use of cross-sectional imaging modalities
and staging. The relevance of FDG-PET in the clinical such as CT and ultrasound, detection of a renal mass is
management of urologic malignancies is, as with any ma- serendipitous (9), and consequently RCC is discovered at
lignancy, inextricably related to the need for diagnostic a much earlier stage. In the absence of clear-cut evidence
imaging in the management of the disease. Hence, experi- of metastases on CT or ultrasound, the principal task of
ence with FDG PET in urologic malignancies must be diagnostic imaging of a renal mass is distinguishing cysts
viewed in the context of the contemporary management (always benign) from complex cysts (sometimes malig-
of these diseases. nant) from solid masses (usually malignant). Simple cysts
are well characterized on contrast CT and ultrasound.
More-complex cystic renal masses are placed in categories
first described by Bosniak (10). Bosniak category I, the
Renal Malignancy simple cysts, require no further evaluation. Category II
complex cysts can be managed by directed anatomic
Renal malignancies include renal cell carcinoma (RCC), imaging follow-up. The category III and IV cystic masses,
transitional cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, however, typically require surgical exploration or extirpa-
lymphoma, and metastatic neoplasm, usually lung cancer tion, respectively, as there is currently no reliable method
or melanoma. Renal cell carcinoma, the most common of excluding a malignancy (11). Hence, PET potentially
244 Positron Emission Tomography

could aid in the noninvasive evaluation of Bosniak cate- masses where evaluation on FDG-PET is, at least in part,
gory III and IV renal masses. limited by the urinary excretory route of FDG (21, 22).
Solid renal masses are generally considered malignant The series reported by Goldenberg et al. (19) did include
because 80% to 90% prove to be so when resected. 11 Bosniak category III renal masses; however, 10 of 11
Differentiating RCC from other malignancies such as lym- were benign and the 1 containing RCC was false negative
phoma or metastases is generally not an issue, as such are on FDG-PET. In one series, 68 renal masses with
an uncommon cause of a solid renal mass, and urothelial histopathologic proof reported by Shreve et al. (23) found
malignancy is commonly differentiated an anatomic the average standardized uptake value (SUV) for RCC to
imaging. Benign solid masses include angiomyolipoma, be 4.6, thus on average only slightly higher than adjacent
which are usually reliably identified by demonstration of nonmalignant renal parenchyma between 1 and 2 h after
fat components on CT or ultrasound (12), and oncocy- tracer injection. FDG uptake in oncocytomas fell within
tomas, which are not reliably distinguished from RCC on the range of RCC. Further, no significant correlation with
anatomic imaging (13). Preoperative needle biopsy of histologic classification or Fuhrman nuclear grade and
solid renal masses is generally eschewed because of inher- SUV was evident. In a retrospective chart review by Kang
ent sampling errors and the possibility of spread of neo- et al., (24) among 66 patients with known or suspected
plastic cells along the needle tract (14). Hence, solid renal RCC the sensitivity of FDG-PET for the primary tumor
masses without evidence of metastatic disease are gener- was 60% compared to 92% for contrast-enhanced CT. In a
ally resected; there is little role for additional imaging series of 35 patients, Aide et al. (25) reported a sensitivity
characterization of a solid renal mass greater than 3 cm in of 47% and specificity of 80% for FDG-PET characteriza-
diameter. Characterization of the small renal mass, tion of renal masses. Hence, there may be inherent limita-
however, is taking on greater importance for reasons of tions in using the tracer FDG for evaluation of RCC in
the growing incidental detection of solid masses less than general, and renal masses in particular, because of the
3 cm in diameter and the conservative management of relatively modest FDG avidity of a significant fraction of
such masses, particularly in settings where minimally in- malignant renal tumors.
vasive surgery and nephron-sparing surgery are contem- Renal cell carcinoma can be quite FDG-avid, and when
plated (15–17). PET potentially could aid noninvasive FDG-avid is readily evident as a renal mass or metastatic
characterization of the malignant potential of small renal deposit (Figure 16.1). Non- or relatively low FDG-avid
masses. RCC can be entirely occult on FDG-PET, however, even
Elevated FDG uptake in renal malignancy was de- when obvious on anatomic imaging (Figure 16.2). In the
scribed in RCC by Wahl et al. (18) in an animal tumor detection of locoregional and distant metastases, FDG-
model and a limited number of human subjects more than PET sensitivity and specificity were 63% to 77% and 75%
a decade ago. Characterization of a solid renal mass has to 100%, respectively (24–27). Positive predictive value
been described in initial limited series (19, 20) in which appears to high, in excess of 90% (28), whereas generally
surgically proven RCC renal masses were identified as the negative predictive value is too low to be clinically
positive on FDG-PET. However, the renal masses in these useful (for example, a negative study does not exclude
series were large, in many cases readily identifiable in the malignancy). At least in one series (26), true-positive
PET images by sheer bulk even if the tumor was iso- FDG-PET metastases were anatomically abnormal by size
intense with the nonmalignant adjacent renal criteria (greater than 1.7 cm), whereas the false-negative
parenchyma. False-negatives tended to be small renal metastases ranged in size from 0.7 to 1.4 cm, consistent

Figure 16.1. FDG avid renal cell

carcinoma. Contrast-enhanced (CT)
(a), FDG-PET with attenuation cor-
rection (b), and fusion image (c)
demonstrate a large left renal cell
carcinoma with central necrosis.
FDG-PET demonstrates glucose me-
tabolism along the peripheral rim
a b c of tumor and in left paraaortic and
aortocaval lymph nodes (arrows).
PET and PET/CT Imaging in Urologic Tumors 245

Figure 16.2. Non-FDG-avid lymph node

metastasis of renal cell carcinoma.
Contrast-enhanced CT (a) depicts en-
larged left paraaortic lymph node that is
not FDG avid on the FDG-PET image with a b
attenuation correction (b) (arrows).

with a relatively modest, on average, FDG tracer uptake major urothelial malignancies, transitional cell carci-
by RCC metastases. Regarding osseous metastases, noma, squamous cell carcinoma, and adenocarcinoma,
whereas FDG-PET can detect lytic metastases occult on transitional cell carcinoma is by far the most common in
conventional bone scan (29), in a retrospective chart both the bladder and upper urinary tract. In contempo-
review of 66 patients, sensitivity and specificity of FDG- rary clinical practice, bladder cancer is diagnosed primar-
PET were 77% and 100%, respectively, in comparison to ily by cystoscopy and upper urinary tract urothelial
94% and 87%, respectively, for combined CT and bone malignancy by CT urography or retrograde contrast
scan (24). Hence, FDG-PET alone is probably not suited ureteropylography. The most important prognostic factor
for detection of recurrent or metastatic RCC. Given the in bladder cancer is the development of, and degree of,
high positive predictive value of a positive FDG-PET bladder wall invasion (32). Diagnostic imaging is most
finding, however, combined FDG-PET/CT may well have helpful in assessing the depth of muscle invasion and
advantages over CT alone in the staging of RCC and the degree of perivesical involvement. Such distinctions
detection of recurrence. require, in addition to high contrast between neoplasm
Given the limitations of FDG as a tracer for renal malig- and nonneoplastic tissue, high spatial resolution. PET
nancies, primarily the modest and variable FDG uptake and would be expected to have limited utility in determining
urinary excretory route, other tracers have been investi- bladder wall invasion and adjacent spread. It is possible to
gated, including amino acids and amino acid analogues visualize primary bladder cancer on FDG-PET when ap-
(30). Acetate is also retained by RCC but rapidly cleared propriate maneuvers are taken to minimize urinary FDG
from the renal parenchyma as CO2, and with no urinary ex- tracer activity (Figure 16.3).
cretion (4). Higher average SUV and tumor to renal cortex Locoregional nodal staging is critical for proper man-
values are obtained within 10 min of tracer injection com- agement of bladder cancer patients. As with N staging
pared to FDG at 1 h post injection, and the highest acetate elsewhere, the size criteria of nodal involvement used
tracer accumulation was found in granulocytic tumors (31). with anatomic imaging is of limited accuracy (33).
Although such tracers of amino acid transport or lipid- Hence, PET with FDG or other tumor-specific tracers
related metabolism may have a role in characterizing a could provide increased accuracy in N stage of bladder
small renal mass or response to therapy, detecting RCC in cancer, as has been demonstrated with several other ma-
complex renal masses and metastatic disease requires high lignancies. Distant metastatic disease, most commonly
consistent tracer uptake in the renal neoplasm, and such osseous, pulmonary, and hepatic metastases, is impor-
has not yet been demonstrated with this tracer. tant in patients with invasive bladder cancer. It is possi-
ble PET could offer some improvement in detection of
osseous or hepatic metastases analogous to that ob-
served in other malignancies such as lung or esophageal
Bladder Cancer cancer.
Metastases not closely associated with the upper
Bladder and related urothelial malignancies account for urinary tract and bladder are readily detected due to
approximately 4% of clinical malignancies. Of the three relatively good apparent FDG avidity of transitional cell
246 Positron Emission Tomography

a b

Figure 16.3. FDG-avid left bladder wall

thickening (a and b, arrows) correspond-
ing to a primary urothelial neoplasm. A
solitary hepatic metastasis is also in-
tensely FDG-avid (c and d, arrows). The
bilateral FDG uptake in the groins is
c d
physiologic in aortofemoral bypass graft
(a and b, arrowheads).

carcinoma of the bladder (Figure 16.3). Limited pilot nodal metastases in the series to evaluate the accuracy for
studies (34, 35) have demonstrated that metastatic local lymph node metastases.
bladder cancer is FDG-avid and that involved local lymph In addition to locoregional lymph node staging, differ-
nodes as small as 9 mm could be detected, whereas entiating postradiation therapy scar from recurrent tumor
smaller involved nodes (less than 5 mm) were false nega- in patients treated for locally advanced disease and assess-
tive. In a series of 64 patients, Bachor et al. (36) reported a ment of neoadjuvant therapy response are areas warranting
sensitivity of 67% and a specificity of 86% for FDG-PET further investigation of PET with FDG and other tracers.
detection of pelvic lymph node metastases of bladder
cancer. Osseous metastases of bladder cancer are readily
detected on FDG-PET, but the relative accuracy of FDG-
PET versus conventional bone scintigraphy has yet to be Prostate Cancer
fully addressed. Bladder cancer appears to have relatively
consistent avidity for FDG, and adding FDG-PET to con- The role of diagnostic imaging in the management of
ventional anatomic evaluation of locoregional and distant prostate cancer is both as rapidly evolving and as contro-
spread of bladder cancer such as with PET/CT may well versial as the clinical management of the disease.
prove clinically valuable. Although two decades ago staging before prostatectomy
As elsewhere in the urinary tract, alternative tracers with bone scintigraphy was common, today the manage-
that do not undergo urinary excretion, or can be imaged ment of prostate cancer is varied, with far less reliance on
before the arrival of the excreted urinary tracer activity, surgery and the routine use of serum markers (prostate-
have been investigated in an attempt to obviate the con- specific antigen) to assess disease progression and re-
founding effects of urinary tract excretion. 11C-L methion- sponse to therapy. Because the prostate itself is easily
ine was used in a limited series to investigate the PET accessed via the rectal vault, very high resolution
detection of primary bladder cancer (37). T4, most T3, anatomic imaging by ultrasound or MRI is possible (39).
and 2 of 4 of T2 primary bladder cancers were detected. Biopsy of all sectors of the prostate gland, either randomly
The T staging was not superior to anatomic imaging, and or assisted by ultrasound guidance, is routine and hence
there were insufficient proven cases of nodal metastases tumor histologic grade is readily obtained at initial diag-
to evaluate accuracy of local lymph node metastases. In a nosis. The potential roles for diagnostic imaging of
preliminary series, de Jong et al. (38) reported detection of prostate cancer include diagnosis of primary disease, de-
10 of 18 primary bladder cancers with 11C-choline PET. In termination of extracapsular spread, and detection of lo-
2 patients, pelvic lymph node metastases were visualized; coregional lymph node metastases and distant metastatic
however, again there were insufficient proven cases of spread. In addition, emerging roles include guidance of
PET and PET/CT Imaging in Urologic Tumors 247

local therapy in patients with organ-confined disease and The relatively low avidity of untreated prostate cancer
assessment of tumor response to systemic therapy in pa- for FDG and the confounding effect of adjacent bladder
tients with advanced metastatic disease. urinary tracer activity would suggest FDG-PET is not
As with other neoplasms, the value of PET in clinical likely to be useful in diagnosis of organ-confined disease.
management is dependent on the avidity of prostate In a series of 24 patients with organ-confined prostate
cancer for a given tracer such as FDG and the utility of cancer in which urinary tracer activity in the bladder was
competing modalities or procedures. Early observations minimized, only 1 (4% sensitivity) was detected (43).
with prostate cancer found relatively low avidity in un- Tumor volume ranged from 1.2 to 10.4 mL with a mean of
treated metastatic disease of sufficient bulk to be readily 6.9 mL. The failure of detection most likely reflects the low
detected by PET. SUV generally were less than 4, and al- tumor to background achieved with FDG. Similar disap-
though soft tissue disease that was anatomically abnor- pointing results were reported for the detection of local
mal was detected, the sensitivity of FDG-PET relative to recurrence of prostate cancer in patients treated by
bone scintigraphy was poor (40, 41). Although the reason prostatectomy (44), also attributed to the relatively low
for the low relative uptake is not fully understood, the rel- avidity of prostate cancer for FDG.
atively slow growth of most prostate cancer may relate to Capsular penetration is a key milestone in stage of
low glucose metabolism. It is of interest, however, that prostate cancer, separating traditionally surgically re-
advanced prostate cancer refractory to systemic therapy sectable (stage A and B of the Jewett–Whitmore
demonstrates consistently moderately high FDG uptake classification) from nonresectable disease (stage C) and a
(42). In such patients, the metastatic lesions in both bone poor prognostic indicator associated with metastatic
and soft tissue are well demonstrated on FDG-PET disease. The distinction between involvement of the
(Figure 16.4). capsule of the prostate gland from penetration of the
capsule requires exceeding high resolution; it is not a task
for which scintigraphic imaging is well suited. Both tran-
srectal ultrasound and endorectal coil MR offer the level
of imaging spatial resolution to potentially address this
important distinction, with best results reported to date
with endorectal coil MR (45). Applications of PET to
assess capsular penetration have not been reported.
In addition to capsular penetration, staging of locore-
gional lymph nodes remains an important task for
imaging in patients considered for prostatectomy who are
at high risk for nodal spread based on Gleason score and
serum prostate-specific antigen (PSA). The limitations of
anatomic imaging in the diagnosis of lymph node
metastatic involvement of obturator, iliac, and retroperi-
toneal lymph nodes in the setting of prostate cancer are
well established (46, 47). Again, likely reflecting the rela-
tively low FDG avidity of prostate cancer, preliminary as-
sessment of FDG-PET detection of pelvic lymph node
metastases on FDG-PET was disappointing (48). In one
series, detection of abdominal or pelvic lymph node
metastases was no better than anatomic assessment (49).
Reported sensitivity for pelvic lymph node metastases in a
series of 24 patients with rising serum prostate-specific
antigen was, however, 75% with a specificity of 100% (50).
It does appear that detection of both locoregional and
distant metastatic prostate cancer by FDG-PET is most
feasible in patients with untreated, or in particular, pro-
gressive, disease (42, 51).
Distant metastatic disease includes bone, abdominal
and thoracic lymph nodes, and liver. Detection of lymph
node and liver metastases has been reported (40), but no
substantial series assessing the accuracy of FDG-PET in
the detection of distant soft tissue metastases has been
Figure 16.4. FDG-PET of advanced metastatic prostate cancer. Whole-body anterior
projection attenuation-corrected FDG-PET image of a patient with advanced metastatic
published. Compared to bone scan, FDG-PET appeared to
prostate cancer, refractory to hormone therapy. Substantial FDG uptake is present in be substantially inferior in the detection of osseous metas-
the right iliac wing (arrow) and left iliac lymph nodes (arrowheads). tases, with sensitivity relative to bone scan ranging from
248 Positron Emission Tomography

18% to 65% (40, 41). The osteoblastic nature of osseous

prostate cancer metastases and the relatively low FDG
avidity of prostate cancer likely underlie these initial
findings. In patients with progressive metastatic prostate
cancer, however, FDG-PET-positive osseous lesions cor-
related with active foci of metastatic disease (42). In un-
treated prostate cancer, high FDG tracer uptake correlated
with significantly higher rates of relapse postprostatec-
tomy (52). In series of FDG-PET scans of patients under-
going chemotherapy, progression of FDG tracer uptake,
as measured by SUV increase greater than 33%, predicted
disease progression in more than 90% of patients who
were subsequently found to have disease progression by
clinical criteria (53).
The generally low FDG avidity of prostate cancer and
the confounding effect of the urinary excretory route of
FDG has fostered interest in other positron tracers.
Exogenous choline is used by cells in the synthesis of
phosphatidylcholine, the most abundant phospholipid in
cell membranes. 11C-Choline was first investigated as a
tumor-imaging tracer in primary brain tumors (54) and
subsequently in several cancers including prostate cancer
(55, 56). Both soft tissue and bone metastases were
identified, with SUVs ranging from 2.5 to 9, with a mean
in the 4.5 to 5.0 range, whereas normal prostate was in the
2 to 3 range. Blood pool clears within minutes, and tracer
is generally retained in the tumor with little change.
Pancreas, liver, and renal parenchyma had high uptake
and retention, with little urinary tract activity. The
Figure 16.5. Fluorocholine PET of recurrent prostate cancer. Whole-body attenuation-
absence of urinary tracer activity in the early dynamic
corrected coronal image located posterior to the bladder acquired 10–40 min post
phase of imaging allows for some utility in the detection [18F]fluoromethylcholine administration. Focal uptake in the prostate bed is suggestive
of locally recurrent prostate cancer in the setting of rising of recurrent disease in patient with serum PSA of 15.7 mg/dL and rising.
serum prostate-specific antigen, although detection of the
foci of primary cancer within the prostate gland is limited
by tracer uptake in benign prostatic hypertrophy (57–59).
C-Choline PET was 80% sensitive and 96% specific in the tracer uptake in benign prostatic hypertrophy and prosta-
staging of pelvic lymph node metastases in a prospective titis (65, 66).
series of 67 patients (60). Altered anabolic metabolism in cancers can be detected
F-Labeled choline derivatives have subsequently been on PET using 11C-acetate. First used to assess oxidative
synthesized and tested, including 18F-fluoromethyl metabolism in myocardium, radioacetate has been shown
choline (61) and 18F-fluoroethylcholine (62). to accumulate in tissues with high levels of anabolic me-
Fluromethylcholine most closely matches the in vivo tabolism such as the pancreas (67) and certain cancers in-
phosphorylation rate of choline and appears to be the pre- cluding renal cell carcinoma (4, 31), nasopharyngeal and
ferred 18F-labeled choline analogue for PET imaging (63). ovarian cancer (68), and prostate cancer (69). With 11C-
Both soft tissue and bone metastases are readily identified acetate PET, blood pool tracer activity clears within 2 min
with fluorocholine, with SUVs ranging from 2.5 to as high and tumor visualization nears maximum within about 5
as 10, but on average roughly 4.5 in untreated prostate min after tracer injection, with very slow clearance of re-
cancer (Figure 16.5). In addition to high liver, pancreas, tained tracer thereafter. Pancreas is the only abdominal
and bowel activity, fluorocholine undergoes urinary ex- organ with consistently high uptake, with variable mod-
cretion. The rapid tumor uptake and blood pool clear- erate uptake in liver and portions of bowel. Renal
ance, however, does permit early imaging of the prostate parenchymal activity clears within 10 min (following oxi-
and adjacent tissues before arrival of urinary tracer in the dation to carbon dioxide), and there is no appreciable
bladder. In comparison to FDG-PET, 18F-fluorocholine urinary excretion. Untreated prostate cancer is readily de-
PET was generally better in detection of primary lesions tected in both soft tissue and bone metastases (Figure
and osseous and soft tissue metastases on initial clinical 16.6), with SUVs ranging from 2.5 to more than 10 but av-
evaluation (64). Detection of foci of primary cancer within eraging about 4.5 (70, 71). The absence of urinary excre-
the prostate gland was, similar to 11C-choline, limited by tion permits unencumbered visualization of the prostate
PET and PET/CT Imaging in Urologic Tumors 249

Figure 16.6. Acetate PET of primary and metastatic prostate cancer. Transaxial images of pelvis above and at the base of the bladder 10 min after 11C-acetate administration (upper
images) demonstrate osseous metastasis (arrows) in the sacrum, posterior acetabulum, and pubic ramus, as well as primary prostate cancer/prostate tissue (arrowheads). Note
absence of urinary tracer activity in the bladder. Comparison images at the same transaxial levels 1 h after FDG administration (lower images) demonstrate very low FDG uptake
(arrows) in the prostate cancer metastases.

and adjacent structures. Normal prostate tissue is, Although there has been considerable enthusiasm for
however, associated with tracer uptake with SUVs ranging C-choline, 18F-fluorocholine, 11C-acetate, and 11C-L-me-
from 1.1 to 4.5 with a mean of 2.8 (72), limiting potential thionine as solutions to the limitations of FDG in PET
assessment of primary prostate cancer. In a limited series imaging of prostate cancer, it should be noted that the
of 15 patients comparing 11C-acetate PET with FDG-PET, average uptake of these tracers in prostate cancer, al-
locoregional metastases were visualized slightly better on though higher than FDG, is still modest on average, with
C-acetate PET, whereas distant metastatic lesions were SUV less than 5.0. Such uptake is about one-half of the
slightly more conspicuous on FDG-PET (73). A limited average values observed with FDG in the cancers, such as
series of 12 patients found the degree of 11C-acetate and lung cancer, where PET has shown superior accuracy over
C-choline tracer uptake in prostate cancer or its metas- anatomic imaging. Thus, although selected cases with
tases to be nearly identical (74). high uptake of these tracers (SUV 8 or higher) suggest
As with acetate and choline PET tracers, amino acid high potential diagnostic accuracy, the experience with
tracers have been investigated both as a probe of an alter- moderate or average uptake in FDG-PET, such as with
nate metabolic pathway and as a strategy to avoid the con- breast cancer, indicates the applications of these tracers
founding effects of urinary tracer in the bladder. In to prostate cancer may be more limited. One potential ap-
patients with progressive metastatic prostate cancer, 11C- plication where detection of small deposits of tumor is not
L -methionine uptake in metastatic lesions was consis- critical is assessment of tumor response to therapy in pa-
tently higher than FDG uptake and demonstrated tients with advanced prostate cancer. Serum prostate-
progressing metastatic lesions more consistently than did specific antigen is widely used for determining response
FDG on PET imaging (75, 76). Some success was also re- to therapy of prostate cancer but is not always reliable,
ported in using 11C-L-methionine PET to direct biopsy in particularly in advanced hormone-refractory prostate
patients with rising serum prostate-specific antigen and cancer (78). There is some evidence of prognostic value of
negative routine biopsies (77). FDG (glucose metabolism) and 11C-methionine (amino
250 Positron Emission Tomography

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PET and PET/CT in Sarcoma
Michael J. O’Doherty and Michael A. Smith

The management of patients with cancer is becoming in- benign, intermediate (locally aggressive), intermediate
creasingly important, with between one in three and one (rarely metastasize), and malignant (Tables 17.1, 17.2) (2).
in four members of the population developing cancer in The incidence increases with age. Soft tissue sarcomas
their lifetime. The rare tumors present a number of can occur throughout the body, but more than 70% occur
difficulties to clinicians. As with other tumors, positron in the limbs or limb girdles. Certain factors are associated
emission tomography (PET) has a role in distinguishing with malignancy. A mass with a history of rapid growth, a
benign from malignant disease, staging the extent of mass situated deep to the deep fascia, and a mass of a size
disease, monitoring response to treatment, and evaluating greater than 5 cm should alert the treating clinician. To
local recurrence or distant relapse. establish the diagnosis, appropriate investigations,
The role of imaging in soft tissue sarcomas (STS) is of coupled with a well-planned biopsy, are necessary (3).
particular interest because the presence of benign soft The histologic diagnosis is fundamental and empha-
tissue masses is common and the ability to distinguish sizes further the importance of the biopsy. Tumor grade is
between these and malignant tumors is essential. dependent on histologic features; probably the most
Diagnosis is made by surgical biopsy. The outcome is widely accepted scheme is that proposed by Trojani et al.
dependent on the stage of the tumor, an essential part of (4). It is based on three factors: cell differentiation, mitotic
which is the grade. Imaging can play a fundamental role rate, and extent of necrosis. The huge number and variety
in all these processes. Imaging plays a similar role in the of tumors underlines the importance of the quality of the
grading and staging of bone tumors. In this group of biopsy for the histopathologist to make the diagnosis. The
tumors, in contrast to STS, adjuvant therapy, especially process can be made even more difficult if there has been
preoperatively, can play a key role in the treatment. preoperative adjuvant therapy.
Such treatment may mean the difference between limb
salvage and amputation. PET has the potential to play a
key role in the assessment and evaluation of these Osteogenic Sarcomas
This chapter discusses the role of imaging in the man- Lichenstein (5) advocated a classification of bone tumors
agement of both soft tissue sarcomas and osteogenic sar- based on the cytologic features of the tumor cells and of
comas. the tissue they produce. In most instances there are
benign and malignant examples (see Table 17.2); most
present as single lesions. Diaphyseal aclasis is the only
significant benign exception. Malignant exceptions
Pathology include myeloma, lymphoma, and, most importantly,
metastatic bone disease, which is the most common form
Soft Tissue Sarcomas of malignant bone tumor. Metastasis can present as an
isolated tumor, and this presentation is a feature of
Soft tissue sarcomas are a rare heterogeneous group of certain malignancies such as renal carcinoma. For a pro-
tumors with an incidence of between 1.5 and 2 per 100,000 portion of malignancies, the presenting feature is a single
of the population in the United States and the U.K. (1). To metastatic lesion rather than a primary tumor.
more accurately define the biologic potential of a Other conditions that affect bone and must be consid-
soft tumor, the World Health Organization (WHO) ered in the differential diagnosis include sepsis, fibrous
classification of tumors has recommended four categories: dysplasia, benign bone cysts, hyperparathyroidism, and
254 Positron Emission Tomography

Table 17.1. Adaptation of the World Health Organization (WHO) classification of Table 17.2. Adaptation of WHO classification of malignant bone tumors.
malignant soft tissue tumors.
Cartilage tumors
Adipocytic • Chondrosarcoma
• Atypical lipomatous/well-differentiated liposarcoma • Dedifferentiated chondrosarcoma
• De-differentiated liposarcoma • Mesenchymal chondrosarcoma
• Myxoid liposarcoma • Clear cell chondrosarcoma
• Pleomorphic liposarcoma
Osteogenic tumors
• Mixed-type liposarcoma
• Conventional osteosarcoma
Fibroblastic/myofibroblastic • Telangiectatic osteosaroma
• Low-grade myofibroblastic sarcoma • Small cell osteosarcoma
• Myxoinflammatory fibroblastic sarcoma • Low-grade central osteosarcoma
• Infantile fibrosarcoma • Secondary osteosarcoma
• Adult fibrosarcoma • Parosteal osteosarcoma
• Myxofibrosarcoma • Periosteal osteosarcoma
• Low-grade fibromyxoid sarcoma • High-grade surface osteosarcoma
• Sclerosing epithelioid fibrosarcoma
Fibrogenic tumors
So-called fibrohistiocytic • Fibrosarcoma of bone
• Pleomorphic malignant fibrous histocytoma (MFH)
Fibohystiocytic tumors
• Giant cell MFH
• Malignant fibrous histiocytoma of bone
• Inflammatory MFH
Ewing sacoma/primitive neuroectodermal tumors (PNET)
Smooth muscle
• Ewing sarcoma tumor/PNET
• Leiomyosarcoma
Haematopoietic tumors
Skeletal muscle
• Plasma cell myeloma
• Rhabdomyosarcoma
• Malignant lymphoma
1. Embryonal
Giant cell tumors
2. Alveolar
• Malignancy in giant cell tumors
3. Pleomorphic
Notochordal tumors
• Chordoma
• Kaposiform haemangioendothelioma
• Retiform haemangioendothelioma Vascular tumors
• Papillary intralymphatic angioendothelioma • Angiosarcoma
• Composite haemangioendothelioma Myogenic lipogenic neural and epithelial tumors
• Kaposi sarcoma • Leiomyosarcoma of bone
• Epitheliod haemangioendothelioma • Liposarcoma of bone
• Angiosarcoma of soft tissue • Adimantinoma
Chondro-osseous • Metastases in bone
• Extraskeletal osteosarcoma
Tumors of uncertain differentiation
• Synovial sarcoma Paget’s disease. In the latter, malignant change can occur
• Epithelioid sarcoma as a complication, particularly in the elderly. Thus, inves-
• Alveolar soft part sarcoma
tigations to establish the diagnosis and stage the tumor
are an essential part of the workup of any bone tumor.
• Clear cell sarcoma of soft tissue
Osteogenic sarcomas are tumors of malignant connec-
• Extraskeletal myxoid chondrosarcoma
tive tissue that produces osteoid. These tumors have os-
• Malignant mesenchymoma
teoblastic components and may have fibroblastic or
• Desmoplastic small round cell tumor chondroblastic features. The WHO published a revised
• Extrarenal rhabdoid tumor classification with tumors grouped according to where
• Intimal sarcoma they arise, either central or on surface of bone (6).
Diagnosis depends on the biopsy. A needle core biopsy
is preferred. The soft tissue element of the bone sarcoma,
which can account for up to 90% of the tumor, provides
sufficient tissue for the pathologist. To make the diagno-
PET and PET/CT in Sarcoma 255

sis, there must be a clinical and radiologic correlation Bone Sarcomas

with the histologic findings, which requires close coopera-
tion between the clinician and the pathologist. Ideally, the The most common sites of osteosarcoma in children and
treating surgeon should do the biopsy as the method and adolescents are in the metaphyseal region of the femur
placement of the biopsy scar are critical. If malignancy is (44%), tibia (17%), and humerus (15%). In older patients,
suspected on clinical and radiologic grounds, referral to a the axial skeleton is frequently involved. Approximately
specialized center is to be advocated. 15% to 20% of patients have metastases at presentation.
Osteogenic sarcomas show a linear increase in bone
metastases, approximately 1% per month, between 6 and
30 months after the primary diagnosis. Pulmonary metas-
Staging of Sarcomas tases remain more common than skeletal metastases but
skeletal and pulmonary metastases tend to develop simul-
Soft Tissue Sarcomas taneously (11–13). A similar course of metastatic develop-
ment has been identified with Ewing’s sarcoma (11, 12).
Staging is used for two main reasons: (1) staging is a guide Other tissues involved with metastases include the liver,
to prognosis, and (2) staging is the most accurate and re- lymph nodes, kidneys, brain, soft tissue, and heart, but
producible available measure of the disease for monitor- these are uncommon.
ing response to treatment.
Factors that are known to have a bearing on prognosis
include size, site (usually meaning depth in relation to the
deep fascia), grade, and the presence or absence of metas- Surgical Management
tases. No one system appears to include all the factors sat-
isfactorily, and a number of systems have been proposed. Soft Tissue Sarcomas
The American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) staging
is based on the TNM system and includes size of the The early and prompt diagnosis of soft tissue sarcomas
tumor and three grades but omits the site (7). The depend on clinical awareness. Sixty percent occur in the
Musculoskeletal Society system (8) assesses two grades limbs, the lower more commonly than the upper. In the
and the site in relation to the compartment but omits size. majority of instances they are situated deep to the deep
The Memorial Sloan-Kettering Hospital assesses size, fascia. Thus, any mass lying within muscle and more than
depth, and grade but not metastases (9). 5 cm in diameter, and especially where there is a recent
There are additional factors to be considered. history of rapid growth, must be regarded as malignant
Children’s sarcomas behave differently and rhab- until proven otherwise. Soft tissue sarcomas occur at all
domyosarcomas, for example, have a special staging ages, although each histologic subtype tends to fall within
system of their own. Preoperative adjuvant therapy has set age ranges.
been advocated by certain centers, affecting the staging in Plain radiography can be helpful in the diagnosis. Soft
terms of size and grading, especially with the degree of tissue calcification is found in certain benign conditions,
necrosis. such as myositis ossificans and hamangiomas, but also in
There are a number of limitations associated with certain malignancies, most notably liposarcoma, synovial
tumor grading as part of the staging process, including in- sarcoma, and soft tissue osteosarcoma. The essential in-
terpathologist variability, the significance of mitoses in vestigations, if malignancy is suspected from the history
various tumor types, and determination of the extent of and examination, are magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
these abnormalities within a particular tumor. These or computed tomography (CT). Both methods give
difficulties highlight the potential of PET imaging to anatomic definition and may provide a clue to the
provide a general overview of the entire tumor and its assumed tissue of origin and its benignity or malignancy.
grade, stage, and future behaviour (see following), elimi- The findings are seldom diagnostic.
nating sampling variation. The staging of a particular STS The definitive management of any STS is dependent
is the best predictor of its prognosis. Accurate staging is upon adequate tissue being obtained for definitive histo-
not only essential at the time of diagnosis but also subse- logic examination. The management of STS is difficult and
quently in managing recurrences should they occur. In often suboptimal (14). The initial diagnosis is hampered
many instances, tumor that is diagnosed as recurrent may by the rarity of the tumors, their clinical, radiologic, and
in fact represent residual tumor that has become evident histologic similarity to benign soft tissue masses, the
since the time of initial treatment. variety of surgical specialties to which these patients are
Between 10% and 23% of patients have metastases, and referred (14), and the frequent failure to perform an ade-
33% of these are in the lung. Skeletal, hepatic, and cere- quate initial biopsy (14). If an inadequate sample is taken
bral metastases account for approximately 40%, and the or there is a misclassification of the tumor preoperatively,
other sites—regional lymph nodes, retroperitoneum, and then an inappropriate operation may be performed, re-
soft tissues—make up the remaining 25% (3, 10). quiring further and often more debilitating surgery; this
256 Positron Emission Tomography

may lead to increased patient morbidity and in some important to time the appropriate investigations. MRI of
cases mortality (14, 15). The biopsy itself may not define the site of the primary, 2 to 3 months following surgery,
the true malignant grade of the tumor and therefore the provides a baseline for subsequent scans. CT of the chest
selection of techniques to investigate such masses needs is required for the higher-grade STS, but as the chest only
to be considered. Any method that can improve the accounts for up to 40% of metastases, whole-body PET
identification of the most malignant site within the tumor can provide a more-comprehensive evaluation, which is
mass, and which can accurately assess the body for distant particularly important in higher-grade tumors.
metastases, would improve greatly the management of A follow-up of 5 years is a reasonable limit and is
these tumors. sufficient to be able to ensure a cure in most tumors.
There are several methods described to obtain a histo- There are, however, notable exceptions, such as alveolar
logic diagnosis, and biopsy is not without hazard (16, 17). soft part tumor and epithelioid tumors, which can recur
Ideally a biopsy should be performed by the surgeon or metastasize after many years.
treating the patient, in a specialized center following con-
sultation with the pathologist. Needle biopsy has the dis-
advantage of providing a very small fragment of tissue. It Bone Sarcoma
is often not representative of the tumor and is seldom
sufficient if preoperative adjuvant therapy is to be used. Primary malignant bone tumors are rare, and in terms of
The preferred method is an incisional biopsy with due numbers are a relatively minor group of tumors.
regard to the definitive treatment; this should guarantee However, the majority affect children and young adults
obtaining a tumor specimen of sufficient size that it is rep- (of 5 to 25 years), and there is a smaller peak incidence in
resentative and will satisfy the pathologists’ requirements. the fifth and sixth decades (18). Optimal management of
Where excision of the lump is a comparable procedure to these tumors requires multidisciplinary specialist collabo-
incisional biopsy, then excision with meticulous regard to ration. Because of these factors, malignant bone tumors
hemostasis is acceptable. Frozen section is seldom if ever should be managed in specialized centers.
indicated, other than to confirm that there is tumor tissue Pain, swelling, and a degree of loss of function are the
in the specimen. classical features of a primary malignancy of bone, but
Surgery is the mainstay of treatment for primary STS. these are not unique. Clinical awareness is essential in
Wide local excision with margins of at least 2 cm where making an early diagnosis. The majority occur at the end
possible should be performed. However, meeting this re- of long bones, more commonly in the lower than upper
quirement may not be possible in certain regions of the limbs. There is a wide age spectrum depending on the
body, particularly in the upper limbs. Preservation of vital tumor type. Osteosarcomas are the most common primary
structures is preferred provided the excision is not seri- bone tumor and occur mainly in children.
ously compromised. Where clearance is necessarily mar- Chondrosarcomas occur in young adults with a second
ginal, for example, when the mass is adjacent to a main peak in the fifth and sixth decades. Because of the rarity of
nerve or bone, adjuvant radiotherapy can compensate. these tumors, their diagnosis is often significantly delayed.
The results are said to be comparable to surgery with sat- Management depends on the tumor type and the
isfactory margins. Adjuvant therapy has been advocated staging (19). Surgical ablation with suitable margins is the
in certain centers; both preoperative and postoperative mainstay of treatment and if successful is associated with
radiotherapy and chemotherapy have been described re- the best results. Limb salvage is advocated where possible;
gardless of the extent of the surgery. However, in the ma- to this end prostheses are increasingly being used. Of
jority of primary STS, there is little if any effect and any concern is their increasing failure with time. This form of
response is unpredictable. There are notable exceptions, reconstructive surgery can be augmented with local radio-
such as embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma in children. therapy either preoperatively, postoperatively, or com-
As already stated, postoperative adjuvant radiotherapy bined. Adjuvant chemotherapy is given for most primary
of the primary site can be used to sterilize areas where bone tumors in an attempt to control metastases. A 5-year
margins are less than 2 cm. Care must be taken, particu- survival of 55% has been reported for patients presenting
larly with preoperative radiotherapy, because surgical without apparent metastases (20), and more recently, 5-
morbidity and complications may be increased. year survival rates of 68% with multiagent chemotherapy
Postoperative chemotherapy may have a role in the man- given both preoperatively and postoperatively (21).
agement of metastatic disease, and there is some evidence Increasing the chemotherapeutic dose does not in-
to support this. Single-agent chemotherapy appears to be crease survival in osteosarcoma (22). For Ewing’s, where
as efficacious as multiple-agent chemotherapy, but again there is believed to be histologic evidence of response to
the response is variable and unpredictable. There is evi- chemotherapy, that is, more than 90% necrosis following
dence that metastases can be delayed, but overall mortal- preoperative adjuvant therapy, there is a 60% relapse-free
ity remains unchanged. survival at 5 years (23). However, there is a significant
Follow-up must be undertaken on a regular basis. complication rate in the longer-term survivors. This in-
Knowledge of the natural history of the individual STS is crease in survival compares favorably to a 22% 5-year sur-
PET and PET/CT in Sarcoma 257

vival some 25 years ago. Improvement may be the result, able uptake, with a suggestion by McLean and Murray
at least in part, of earlier and more accurate diagnosis (36) that the appearance of the skeletal scintigraphy may
with consequently more effective surgery (24, 25) rather give a clue as to the type of tumor. Osteogenic sarcoma
than adjuvant chemotherapy. and Ewing’s sarcoma tend to have high uptake but the
former is more heterogeneous than the latter.
Chondrosarcoma tends to have an intermediate grade of
uptake with focal high-activity areas. Unfortunately, none
Imaging of these changes is specific enough to differentiate the
tumor types. Both 67Ga (37) and 201Tl have been used to
Soft Tissue Sarcomas differentiate tumors from benign disease (with absent
uptake). Chondrosarcomas also show variable uptake and
Accurate staging at presentation is difficult to achieve, but therefore make the interpretation of images difficult.
a baseline chest X-ray and MRI or CT of the mass should 99m
Tc-sestamibi also has variable uptake in benign and
be obtained before the biopsy. The size, location, and rela- malignant lesions resulting in the technique not being
tionship of the tumor to surrounding tissue are well delin- helpful in individual cases (38). Skeletal scintigraphy
eated by MRI scanning (26–29). Following the remains the imaging modality of choice to assess both
confirmation of diagnosis of malignancy, CT of the chest local and distant disease.
will satisfactorily detect thoracic metastases. Other sites in MRI provides the most accurate assessment of the
the body are more difficult to assess and are often ignored extent of the primary disease. Metastatic disease has been
until symptoms lead to further investigation. identified with a variety of agents including 201Tl, 67Ga,
Nuclear imaging of the whole body has been attempted and 99mTc-MIBI, also with variable success. More recently,
with a variety of tracers, such as 67Ga (30–32), 201Tl (33), FDG-PET has been used to identify primary and metasta-
and 99mTc-MIBI [99mTc-hexakis(2-methoxyisobutylisoni- tic disease and to assess tumor response to treatment.
trile)] (34) or pentavalent 99mTc-DMSA [(V)-dimercapto-
succinic acid], (35) with variable success. The variable and
lowly success of these imaging agents for STS has resulted
in the application of PET imaging to this tumor group. PET Imaging
Bone Sarcomas
FDG-PET has been used to image STS for a number of
Plain radiography can be diagnostic. MRI is essential as it is years, both to delineate the nature of the primary lesion
more sensitive and accurate in delineating the extent of and to detect distant metastases. The variability of FDG
bone involvement and the presence of skip lesions. It is also uptake by different primary tumors (Figure 17.1) has led
crucial in identifying and defining any soft tissue extension. the interest by a number of groups in investigating quan-
This tumor group is best visualized with 99mTc-diphos- titative measures of uptake to establish the benign or ma-
phonate imaging. The various tumor types may have vari- lignant nature of the growth and, if malignant, its grade.

Figure 17.1. FDG-PET/CT images illustrate low uptake in a benign tumor (i) and the higher, more-heterogeneous uptake in a high-grade sarcoma (ii). The benign tumor has uptake
that is less than the normal muscle uptake of the opposite popliteal fossa. The high-grade tumor has marked increased uptake compared to the surrounding soft tissue and compared
to the opposite thigh. There is particularly high uptake in the proximal aspect of the tumor, which corresponded to the most malignant part of the tumor. The heterogeneous uptake
in the distal part of the tumor corresponded to necrotic areas. These findings have implications for the biopsy site.
258 Positron Emission Tomography

Grading Primary Malignancy surement. This assumption is now known not to be the
case. Lodge et al. (45) demonstrated that significant dif-
Soft Tissue Sarcoma ferences were observed in the time–activity response of
benign and high-grade tumors. High-grade sarcomas were
Adler et al. (39, 40) used semiquantitative standardized found to reach a peak activity concentration approxi-
uptake value (SUV) analysis to distinguish high-grade mately 4 h after injection (Figure 17.2) whereas benign
malignancies from low-grade or benign tumors. Similar lesions reached a maximum within 30 min. Therefore, the
results have been found by a number of workers, demon- two tumor types could be differentiated by comparing
strating a separation between benign and malignant SUVs determined from images acquired at early and late
tumors using SUV (41–43). This approach, however, has postinjection times (Figure 17.3). An SUV measured 4 h
not been found to be useful by others investigators postinjection was found to be as useful an index of tumor
(44–46). Nieweg et al. (46) determined the metabolic rate malignancy as the metabolic rate of FDG, determined
of glucose and were able to separate benign lesions from using Patlak or nonlinear regression techniques. Each of
high-grade malignancies but not from intermediate- or these indices had a sensitivity and specificity of 100% and
low-grade malignancies. Similarly, Eary et al. (47, 48) re- 76%, respectively, for the discrimination of high-grade
ported that metabolic rate measurements correlated well sarcomas from benign tumors.
with tumor grade. Their actual results show a marked The use of delayed imaging has been applied to the as-
overlap, ranging from 0.4 to 15 ?mol/min/g in low-grade sessment of patients with neurofibromatosis 1 (50) and in
tumors, to 2.0 to 5.3 ?mol/min/g in intermediate-grade painful plexiform neurofibromas associated with
tumors, and to 3.1 to 38.7 ?mol/min/g in high-grade neurofibromatosis type 1 to detect malignant change (51).
tumors. On the basis of these results, it would be difficult This latter group found that 3-h-delayed imaging ap-
to determine the grade of malignancy. Dimitrakopoulou- peared to separate benign from malignant disease if SUV
Strauss et al. (49) also looked at the use of quantification values exceed 3.3. Studies in other types of tumor indicate
using a variety of rate constants and SUV, and similarly that delayed plateaus are observed in breast cancer (52). A
showed quite marked overlap between the various tumor simulation study in lung cancer by Hamberg et al. (53) has
types and benign disease, with the best separation in the shown that tumor concentration did not reach a plateau
highest grade tumors. These results were acquired over within a 90-min study period. In the case of breast cancer
the first 60 min after injection of tracer. this plateau was not reached for 3 h, and in lung cancer a
The workers used a number of different methods to simulation projected a 5-h plateau.
quantify the tumor metabolic rate, including Patlak Recently it has been shown that the tumor-to-back-
graphic analysis and the SUV approach. The SUV should ground ratios measured at 60 min also have similar
be related to the metabolic rate, assuming that the tracer overlap between benign, low-, intermediate-, and high-
concentration has reached a plateau at the time of mea- grade tumors (54–56). Given this failure to demonstrate

Tissue date
50 Calculated fit
Input functiob
Activity concentration (kBq / ml)

Plasma samples



Figure 17.2. Characteristic time–activity
curves for a high-grade malignant
0 sarcoma and a benign soft tissue mass.
-10 40 90 140 190 240 290 340 390 The data are expressed in units of stan-
dardized uptake value (SUV). (Reprinted
Time (minutes) from Lodge MA, Lucas JD, Marsden PK, et al. A
PET study of 18FDG uptake in soft tissue
masses. Eur J Nucl Med 1999;26:22–30.)
PET and PET/CT in Sarcoma 259

Low grade malignant
High grade malignant




Figure 17.3. Plot of SUV versus malig-
nancy for SUVs measured 60, 120, and
255 min postinjection. (Reprinted from 0
Lodge MA, Lucas JD, Marsden PK, et al. A PET 60 mins 20 mins 255 mins
study of 18FDG uptake in soft tissue masses. Eur
J Nucl Med 1999;26:22–30.)

clear differences between the various grades of tumor, chondrosarcomas could not be separated from benign
other imaging modalities have been evaluated, including lesions, whereas there was adequate separation of grade
L-1-[11C]-tyrosine (57) and, more recently, 18F-?-methylty- II and III chondrosarcomas. Using an SUV of 2.3 for
rosine (56). In both groups, it was concluded that FDG- grade II and III chondrosarcomas, the positive predictive
PET was better at grading STS. 11C-Tyrosine may be more value was 0.82 and the negative predictive value 96%.
useful in monitoring tumor response to therapy. The in- The largest study, by Schulte et al. (59), examined 202 pa-
vestigators suggested that 18F-?-methyltyrosine was supe- tients and found a sensitivity of 93% and a specificity of
rior to FDG in distinguishing benign from malignant 66% for malignancy, using a tumor-to-background (T/B)
disease, but again the SUV measurements showed a high ratio exceeding 3 at 45 to 60 min postinjection. The study
degree of overlap. found a high degree of overlap, with some infections or
indeed fibromas having an uptake T/B ratio of 18 to 24
and osteosarcomas and Ewing’s tumors having T/B ratios
Bone Sarcomas of 3.3 to 33.2. The presence of very low T/B ratios did not
exclude malignancy because chondrosarcomas ranged
The published data on bone sarcomas suggest that there from 1.4 to 11.6. Despite this range of quantitative data,
is no clear separation of malignant disease from benign Eary et al. (64) demonstrated that the outcome in a range
disease. Kole et al. (58) examined the glucose consump- of sarcomas was predicted by the maximum SUV, and
tion of a variety of bone tumors and SUV measurements this was more significant than conventional tumor
and found that there was a large overlap of MRglc and grading. Further work needs to be performed or alterna-
SUV between benign and malignant lesions. Schulte et al. tive tracers used to separate the groups. Absolute
(59, 60) and Watanabe et al. (55) also found that there quantification of uptake may be needed to assess tumor
was marked overlap between benign and malignant response to chemotherapy as ratios are dependent on the
causes of bone abnormalities and in particular benign background changes as well as tumor changes.
and malignant tumors. All lesions were visualized. These
data disagreed with the findings of Dehdashti et al. (61),
who showed a clear separation between benign and ma-
lignant tumors. This group, however, only included three Staging Disease
primary bone tumors; the rest were metastatic lesions,
which are almost all by definition high grade. Aoki et al. Soft Tissue Sarcomas
(62) also found no overlap in a larger group of benign
chondromatous lesions and chondrosarcomas; this con- The use of FDG to assess the whole body for metastatic
trasts with the study by Lee et al. (63) where grade I disease has a lower sensitivity than CT for detecting pul-
260 Positron Emission Tomography


Figure 17.4. CT (a) and FDG-PET (b) images without attenuation correction in a patient with multiple pulmonary metastases from a high-grade sarcoma. FDG uptake is seen only in
some of the CT lesions. The patient was undergoing follow-up for a high-grade soft tissue sarcoma.
PET and PET/CT in Sarcoma 261

Figure 17.4. Contd. An area of increased uptake was seen in the left upper lobe (c). The CT scan appearance and the history suggested a second primary rather than a metastasis,
and an adenocarcinoma of the lung was identified by biopsy.

monary metastases (86.7% versus 100%) (Figure 17.4) and 90%, a specificity of 96%, and an accuracy of 95% for
a lower sensitivity than MRI for detecting recurrent local detection of these lesions, compared to skeletal scintigra-
disease (73.7% versus 88.2%) but a similar specificity phy values of 71%, 92%, and 88%, respectively. The su-
(94.3% versus 96%) (65, 66). FDG-PET does, however, periority to skeletal scintigraphy was found in patients
detect metastases at other sites (Figure 17.5) and therefore with Ewing’s sarcoma, where FDG-PET had a sensitivity
should be used in the primary assessment of patients with of 100% and a specificity of 96%. The number of patients
these tumors. The role of PET in patients with primary with osteosarcoma metastases was too small to draw
STS is to define preoperatively the grade of malignancy, meaningful conclusions. In this study, the failure to
detect distant metastases, and therefore guide the opera- identify lung metastases was also demonstrated when
tive approach. It is also likely that, in patients with a het- compared with CT. The sensitivity was 50% for FDG-PET
erogeneous mass, the most malignant area within that but 75 % with CT with very similar specificity and accu-
tumor mass can be identified with metabolic imaging. racy. It is likely that the introduction of integrated PET
With image coregistration, the most appropriate site can CT imaging will change these conclusions because the
be identified for biopsy, and it is likely that PET/CT will combined modality imaging would probably allow detec-
improve the registration to MRI, allowing interventional tion of metastases on the CT transmission images.
MR scanners to be used to direct biopsies. However, this concept needs to be tested in a prospec-
tive evaluation.
Other sites of metastases have not been clinically evalu-
Bone Sarcomas ated with PET. There is no reason to believe that osseous
metastases will be any less well visualized than the
There are few data on the identification of distant disease. primary tumor because these are high-grade tumors.
Tse et al. (67) demonstrated that FDG-PET can visualize
pulmonary metastases in a single patient with osteosar-
coma, and Shulkin et al. (68) further demonstrated metas- Recurrent Disease
tases from a Ewing’s sarcoma in a child using FDG.
Schulte et al. (59) identified pulmonary metastases in 4 Soft Tissue Sarcoma
patients using FDG-PET. Franzius et al. (69) examined 70
patients with primary bone tumors and found that 21 had Recurrent STS occurs locally in between 15% and 47% of
metastases; 54 osseous metastases were identified by other patients after initial surgery (70). MRI has been shown to
imaging modalities. FDG-PET showed a sensitivity of be the investigation of choice to demonstrate local recur-
262 Positron Emission Tomography

Figure 17.5. FDG-PET/CT images in a

patient with metastases from a synovial
sarcoma 14 years after excision from the
anterior abdominal wall. The FDG-
PET/CT images demonstrate not only a
pulmonary metastasis (a) but also a
metastasis in the thigh (b). Whole-body
PET/CT imaging offers the possibility of
detection of metastases in all organ
systems and precise localization of the
anatomic site. The pulmonary metastasis
was identified on a diagnostic CT, but
the additional site in the thigh was not

rence. It has a sensitivity as high as 96% when a mass is Detection of local recurrence by FDG-PET imaging has
seen on MRI with high signal intensity on gadolinium-en- been investigated by a number of groups. Kole et al. (71)
hanced or T2-weighted images (26, 27). Recurrence, examined FDG-PET scans in 17 patients undergoing evalu-
however, can be difficult to identify after surgery, espe- ation for recurrence of STS and found that PET identified
cially if there has been local radiotherapy (26, 27). False- 14 of 15 confirmed recurrences. Tumors as small as 0.5 cm
positive and -negative results can occur if the were as easily identified as larger lesions (up to 20 cm).
characteristics and signal intensity of the primary tumor One low-grade liposarcoma recurrence was missed, and 2
are unknown or not available for comparison (29). of 17 patients had benign causes for an abnormal MRI.
Recurrence is often the result of inadequate surgery MRI and CT yielded false-negative results in 3 patients and
because the primary tumor can extend beyond the false-positive findings in 2. Similar results were found by
anatomic boundaries. It is for this reason that a minimum Schwarzbach et al. (43) in a smaller number of recur-
margin of clearance at surgery is essential. rences. Lucas et al. (66) examined a larger group of 60 pa-
PET and PET/CT in Sarcoma 263

tients; FDG-PET had a sensitivity of 73.7% and a specificity was not assessed, and serious side effects were reported.
of 94.3%. There were 5 false-negative results, of which MRI A variety of new methods of therapy are being tried, and
and CT failed to identify 3 with recurrence. There were 3 combinations of chemotherapy or new targeted thera-
false-positive results with FDG-PET. MRI had a sensitivity pies may prove to be successful. An effective method of
of 88.2% and a specificity of 96%. Schwarzbach et al. (42) assessing tumor response is needed for evaluation of
examined 28 patients with suspected local recurrence and new therapies.
showed a sensitivity of 88% and specificity of 92%. The Jones et al. (75) assessed the value of FDG-PET in nine
minor differences between the study by Schwarzbach et al. patients who underwent either chemotherapy or com-
(42) and the study by Lucas et al. (66) are likely to be bined radiotherapy and hyperthermia. In areas of radio-
related to the tumor types. The results confirm that the use therapy treatment, very low uptake corresponded to areas
of a combination of imaging modalities is likely to result in of radiation-induced necrosis, and a peripheral high
the highest detection rate. At the end of the day, a tissue uptake was seen with a fibrous pseudocapsule forming,
diagnosis is required to confirm the presence or otherwise making differentiation from viable tumor difficult.
of tumor. Following chemotherapy, there was a more homogeneous
Recurrent disease may result in the need for amputation, reduction in FDG uptake, but the uptake that remained
and the FDG-PET appearances in the stump need to be rec- was often associated with benign therapy-related fibrous
ognized. Hain et al. (72) showed that there are a range of tissue. The timing of the second scans is therefore likely to
physiologic appearances in the amputee stump and that re- be a crucial factor in disease response assessment.
currence can be identified by the specific features: van Ginkel et al. (65) used 11C-tyrosine to assess re-
sponse of sarcomas to isolated limb perfusion and
1. Diffuse uptake was found in stumps for up to 18
thought that inflammatory changes did not interfere with
months postsurgery without any evidence of disease
residual viable tumor assessment. They found marked re-
recurrence, this was noticed to be greater in lower limb
duction of 11C-tyrosine uptake in the responders. Further
amputations than upper limb.
work has also been performed using 11C-thymidine (see
2. Focal areas of uptake either were associated with following).
known pressure areas with skin breakdown that could
be seen clinically, or, in the absence of localized clinical
changes, represented a recurrence and needed a
Bone Sarcomas
Distant metastatic disease has been identified previ- Over the past 20 years, survival in bone sarcomas has im-
ously. proved from 20% to more than 60%, predominantly
because of the use of adjuvant therapy and improved sur-
gical techniques. The utilization of chemotherapy preop-
Bone Sarcomas eratively, sometimes with radiotherapy, has facilitated the
use of limb-sparing surgery. The risk with limb-sparing
The identification of local recurrence has been demon- procedures was an increase in local recurrence rate, which
strated by Franzius et al. (73). In their study, FDG-PET was approximately 10% compared with 2% for amputa-
imaging detected six local recurrences and one false-posi- tion. The higher risk was related to poor response to
tive case, whereas MRI detected six recurrences but had chemotherapy and narrow resection margins.
two false-positive cases. The additional value from PET Established methods for assessing response to
imaging is detection of distant metastases during the chemotherapy have included 67Ga and 201Tl imaging,
same imaging session because of the whole-body nature which were found to be superior to 99mTc-diphosphonates
of the procedure. There are potential problems with both (76–79). Recently, the role of dynamic MRI assessment in
imaging modalities if prosthetic implants are in place, but predicting tumor response (80) and the use of magnetic
these are less of a problem with FDG-PET than with MRI. resonance spectroscopy to monitor therapy (81) have
raised interest. FDG-PET imaging has undergone assess-
ment in neoadjuvant therapy using tumor-to-background
Monitoring Therapy Response ratios (TBR). Schulte et al. (60), using TBR measurements,
identified all responders to chemotherapy, all these re-
Soft Tissue Sarcoma sponders had TBR ratios of less than 0.6 and 8 of 10 non-
responders had TBR greater than 0.6.
Individual randomized trials have not demonstrated a These results are surprising, given the crudeness of the
benefit from adjuvant chemotherapy in patients with lo- observations and the potential effect of chemotherapy on
calized and respectable STS. A recent meta-analysis (74) the background regions. Hawkins et al. (82) demonstrated
suggested that doxorubicin may extend recurrence-free a good correlation between the change in maximum SUV
intervals and showed a trend to improved overall sur- prechemotherapy and postchemotherapy with the extent
vival. The quality of life during the treatment periods of necrosis and histologic response. However, the absolute
264 Positron Emission Tomography

SUV postchemotherapy and the change in SUV failed to ment of multidrug resistance. The ability to identify
identify a good response and an unfavorable response in tumor hypoxia will allow identification of appropriate
16% to 27% of patients. The authors discuss one possible sites for image-guided biopsy and may identify tumors
explanation, which is the use of maximum SUV rather that will have a poor response to radiotherapy and/or
than an average change over the tumor. A maximum SUV, chemotherapy. Nitroimidazole compounds, initially de-
although predictive of the most aggressive area of the veloped as radiosensitizing agents, have been of great in-
tumor and therefore the overall behavior of the tumor, terest because of their accumulation in hypoxic tumors
does not necessarily reflect the heterogeneous tumor mass (90) and areas of ischemia (91). Several compounds have
response. The other possible problem is the timing of the been developed for imaging hypoxia (92). The PET tracer
posttherapy study with regard to macrophage infiltration. F-fluoromisonidazole (FMISO) has been studied in a
variety of tumors with models produced for analyzing
tumor hypoxia (85). This technique has been used to de-
termine the tumor hypoxic fraction both before and
Other Positron Emission Tracers during radiotherapy of lung cancer and other cancers
(87). There are now a number of tracers under develop-
The primary tumor can be detected with a number of ra- ment to identify hypoxic tissue, including 62Cu- and 64Cu-
diotracers by means of determination of blood flow (43), labeled compounds (93). The use of such imaging in STS
DNA turnover using 11C-thymidine (83) or 18F- may predict tumor responsiveness to radiation.
fluorothymidine (FLT), amino acid turnover (75, 84), and Rajendren et al. (94) examined FMISO and FDG-PET
tumor hypoxia (85–87), as well as glucose metabolism. imaging in soft tissue and bone sarcomas and found that
This combination of approaches could possibly be used the majority of patients had regions of hypoxia. There was
for metabolic staging of tumors, which might have a pre- no correlation between hypoxic regions and FDG uptake,
dictive value comparable to histologic techniques. These vascular endothelial growth factor, or the size of the
tracers could also provide information to direct and tumor. It has been suggested that FDG can be used as a
monitor response to neoadjuvant therapy (60, 74), possi- surrogate marker for hypoxia, but this study would
bly by assessment of the delivery of therapy with the flow suggest this is not the case. It is disappointing that tumor
and hypoxia images and the response to therapy using size could not be related to the hypoxic fraction because
FDG and 11C- thymidine and/or FLT. An interesting study this would have been expected. The study included both
of only two patients with sarcoma showed that, using FDG soft tissue and bone sarcomas, however, and inclusion of
and 11C-thymidine uptake as markers of tumor glucose different types of tumors may have masked correlation in
metabolism and DNA biosynthesis, respectively, the re- selected types.
sponse to treatment could be followed (83). One patient
who was unresponsive had an increase in FDG uptake and
essentially no change in thymidine flux, whereas the re- Conclusion
sponder had a decline in both measurements. The
changes suggest that either agent or both could prove to Two recent meta-analyses have been performed to investi-
be of value in the assessment of novel therapies before gate the role of FDG-PET imaging in soft tissue sarcomas
larger clinical trials. Furthermore, in bone sarcomas, the (95, 96), one of which included bone sarcomas (95). Each
failure of therapy is likely to be related to multidrug-resis- study reached slightly different conclusions despite
tant gene expression, and it is possible this expression similar search strategies. The pooled sensitivity and
could be evaluated before therapy and following therapy specificity for detection of malignant lesions were 91%
using PET tracers. The role of 99mTc-MIBI should also be and 85%, respectively (95), and 87% and 73% (using SUV
explored in that regard. The use of 18F-fluoride for skeletal greater than 2.0) after a 60-min imaging time for FDG
imaging in bone sarcomas also needs further investigation (96). The conclusions from both studies were that FDG-
in terms of identifying skip lesions and metastatic disease. PET imaging can discriminate between benign and low-
grade tumors and intermediate- and high-grade tumors.
Ioannidis et al. (96) suggested that FDG-PET imaging is
Hypoxia-Cell Tracers useful for detection of tumor recurrence and may be
helpful for grading tumors. Both groups highlight the
Hypoxia in tumors can result in areas of necrosis leading difficulty in using PET to distinguish low-grade tumors
to diagnostic and therapeutic problems for the clinician. from benign tumors.
Necrotic areas related to severe hypoxia can lead to non- FDG-PET imaging has a role in the grading and staging
diagnostic or inaccurate biopsies. Hypoxic and ischaemic of primary tumors of soft tissue and bone. FDG-PET
tissue may account, in part, for resistance to radiation imaging has also a role for surveillance of disease recur-
therapy (88) and chemotherapy (86, 89), and it has been rence and for detection of metastatic disease, and this role
suggested that hypoxia itself may promote the develop- is likely to be enhanced by the use of integrated PET/CT
PET and PET/CT in Sarcoma 265

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PET and PET/CT Imaging in Thyroid and Adrenal Diseases
I. Ross McDougall

I first met Peter Valk when I was on a fellowship to ing structures (Figure 18.1) Symmetrical intense uptake of
Stanford University from 1972 to 1974. He was a fellow at FDG is seen in Grave’s or autoimmune thyroid disease, in
the Donner Laboratory in Berkeley. Although we were not particular Hashimoto’s thyroiditis (Figure 18.2).
collaborators, our geographic proximity during the next
three decades meant that our paths crossed at local and
regional meetings and even rarely by chance in San Thyroid Cancer
Francisco. His early entry into clinical positron emission
tomography (PET) resulted in my frequently being in the Cancers of the thyroid can arise from the follicular or
audience listening to, and admiring, his clinical and re- parafollicular cells (1). Rarely, they come from malignant
search activities. I was proud to be invited to contribute to transformation of lymphocytes. Metastases to the thyroid
the first edition of his textbook devoted to PET imaging can occur from primary lung, breast, or kidney cancer
and am equally proud but greatly saddened as I rewrite and melanoma, and although present at autopsy in
this chapter for the memorial edition. patients dying of widespread metastases, they are rare as
The major role for PET in thyroid disease is in isolated lesions (2).
the management of patients with cancer, and 18F- Pathologically, cancers of the follicular cells are
fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) is the radiopharmaceutical of classified as papillary, follicular, or anaplastic. The first
choice for tumor imaging. The major part of this chapter two are usually grouped together as differentiated thyroid
concerns FDG in the management of thyroid cancer. The cancers because they retain structural and physiologic
role of PET in differentiating benign from malignant features of normal thyroid cells. They account for about
thyroid nodules is described briefly. There have been 90% of thyroid cancers and, in countries where the intake
quantitative studies of thyroid function using 124I for of iodine is large, there is a preponderance of papillary
thyroid imaging and dosimetry, which are included. In cancers. In contrast, in regions of iodine deficiency the
addition, the importance of recognizing abnormalities in prevalence of follicular cancers increases, and these can
the thyroid in FDG scans in patients with diseases of become the majority. Differentiated cancers usually retain
nonthyroidal origin is discussed. Finally, the limited role the ability to trap iodine and secrete thyroglobulin (Tg).
of PET in the investigation of adrenal disorders is There are variants of these cancers such as mixed papil-
addressed. lary-follicular, follicular variant of papillary, tall and clear
cell variants, and Hürthle cell cancer.
The principles of treatment are the same for all types.
The thyroid should be removed by total, or near-total,
Thyroid Glands thyroidectomy, and in patients with larger, or invasive, or
metastasizing cancers, whole-body imaging with radioio-
The Normal Thyroid on PET Imaging dine and treatment of functioning tissue with 131I is
advised (3). When therapy has been successful, there
Although some textbooks state that the normal thyroid should be no abnormal uptake on whole-body 131I or 123I
can be seen distinctly on FDG scan, I disagree with that scan, or measurable Tg. These tests are concordant in
statement. In many patients, there is no concentration of about 75% to 80% of patients, and in the remainder, the
FDG in normal glands, as is well demonstrated with usual disparity is an abnormal Tg but a negative radioio-
PET/CT imaging where computed tomography (CT) dine scan. Disparate results are more common in patients
demonstrates the anatomy of the thyroid and surround- with papillary cancers. Metastases from Hürthle cell
270 Positron Emission Tomography

Figure 18.1. PET and combined PET/CT in two patients who have normal thyroid structure and function. There is no uptake of 18FDG 1 h after intravenous injection of 555 MBq.

cancer, which is usually classified as follicular carcinoma, are of no value in the management of patients with this
are almost always Tg positive and radioiodine negative. cancer.
Anaplastic cancers that also derive from follicular cells Cancers arising from the parafollicular cells are called
are classified as undifferentiated because they have no medullary cancers and secrete calcitonin, which is a valu-
structural or functional characteristics of normal thyroid. able tumor marker (4). They account for about 5% of
The prognosis is dismal, with most patients dying in 3 to 6 thyroid cancers. The majority of medullary cancers are
months. 131I imaging, or therapy and measurement of Tg, isolated lesions, but 25% to 33% are hereditary cancers:

Figure 18.2. PET and combined PET/CT in patient who has Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. There is intense uptake of 18FDG symmetrically throughout the gland 1 h after intravenous injec-
tion of 555 MBq.
PET and PET/CT Imaging in Thyroid and Adrenal Diseases 271

a b

Figure 18.3. (a) Whole-body 131I scan in a 69-year-old

woman referred to Stanford Medical Center. She had a
right lobectomy several years previously for papillary
cancer, and she had external radiation for a local recur-
rence. She had not had the left lobe removed. Chest
roentgenogram and CT showed a right superior mediasti-
nal mass. 131I scan showed the residual left lobe, (arrow)
whereas 18F-FDG-PET scan (b) showed uptake in the chest
mass (arrow) but not the left lobe. At surgery, the mass
was metastatic papillary cancer and the left lobe was
normal, demonstrating that cancer is seen on PET scan
but normal thyroid is not. Iodine-131 F-18 FDG

these can be classified as familial medullary cancer, or as radiation instead of radioiodine. Figure 18.4 shows exam-
part of multiple endocrine neoplasias (MEN IIa, and MEN ples of PET and radioiodine images in patients who were
IIb). Medullary cancers do not trap iodine. The manage- suspected of having tumor but the extent of disease was
ment problem is when a patient has had apparently cura- not known.
tive surgery but calcitonin values remain elevated. The approach to the Tg-positive/radioiodine-negative
The major role of PET is to identify those cancers that patients has been reported by Desai et al. and Karwowski
cannot be imaged using radioiodine, and its place in the
management of these individual cancers is discussed next.
Table 18.1. Frequency of radioiodine-negative/positron emission tomography
(PET)-positive scans in patients with suspected recurrent or metastatic disease.
PET Imaging in Patients with Differentiated Number 131I Number 18FDG
Thyroid Cancers Study negative positive Comments

Chung et al. 23 17 High thyroglobulin

It is generally acknowledged that PET imaging is unneces-
Chung et al. 15 14 Normal thyroglobulin
sary in the majority of patients with differentiated thyroid
Wang et al. 19, 13 true 18, 14 true High thyroglobulin in 18
cancer because radioiodine scintigraphy, either diagnostic negative positive
or posttherapeutic, together with serum Tg measure-
Jadvar et al.a 10 5 High thyroglobulin
ments, usually define the presence or absence of disease.
Altenvoerde et al. 12 6 High thyroglobulin
In addition, it has been shown that FDG-PET imaging has
Dietlin et al. 11 7 High thyroglobulin
a lower sensitivity in well differentiated cancers that
retain the ability to trap radioiodine (Figure 18.3). The Feine 21 19 High thyroglobulin or
abnormal exam
main role for FDG-PET imaging is in patients with nega-
McDougallb 42 24 Mostly high Tg
tive 123I or 131I scan but measurable Tg. There are several
reports addressing this topic (5–22), the first by Joensuu Alnafasi et al. 11 11 Posttherapy 131I negative,
high Tg
and Ahonen in 1987 (5). Table 18.1 provides a synopsis of
Muros et al. 10 6 Posttherapy 131I
the data. The sensitivity of PET imaging for identifying
the source of Tg varies from 60% to 90%. In these reports, Grunwald et al. 13 11
imaging was conducted with a dedicated PET camera. Tg, thyroglobulin.
Most of the lesions were in the cervical region, usually in Early and blater reports from Stanford.
the thyroid bed or in adjacent lymph nodes, but some Source: From Valk PE, Bailey DL, Townsend DW, Maisey MN. Positron Emission
Tomography: Basic Science and Clinical Practice. Springer-Verlag London Ltd 2003,
lesions were distant. The demonstration of lesions can p. 671.
lead to a change in therapy, including surgery or external
272 Positron Emission Tomography

Figure 18.4. (a) PET/CT obtained 1 h

after injection of 555 MBQ FDG. There are
several foci of abnormal uptake in the
low neck corresponding to metastases
in lymph nodes. The patient had an
b elevated Tg and negative 123I and 131I
whole-body scans (b).

et al. (23, 24). When the Tg is significantly elevated, PET tors were able to calculate overall sensitivity and specificity
(now PET/CT) imaging is performed. When local lesions as well as these percentages in 131I-negative and 131I-posi-
are identified, ultrasound (US) of that specific region is tive patients, as well as in relation to the Tg and thy-
undertaken and an US-guided fine-needle biopsy (FNA) rotropin (TSH) levels at the time of scanning (Table 18.2).
obtained. When recurrent thyroid cancer is diagnosed the
patient undergoes surgery, and intraoperative US has Table 18.2. Sensitivity and specificity of PET scan extracted from Grunwald et al. (30).
helped ensure the cancer is localized and fully excised.
Categorya Sensitivity (%) Specificity (%)
Several alternative nuclear medicine procedures have
been evaluated, including whole-body scan with 201Tl (25), All patients (222) 75 90
Tc-sestamibi (26), 99mTc-tetrafosmin (27), or 111In-oc- 131
I positive (56) 65 100
treotide (28, 29), and there are several reports that present 131
I negative (166) 85 90
sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of these tests. PET Tg less than 5 ng/mL (109) 87 61
imaging, when available, became the imaging modality of Tg 5 ng/ml or more (107) 100 100
choice because the better resolution of the images and su- TSH less than 5 mu/L (46) 91 74
perior sensitivity for detection of disease.
TSH ≥ 5 mu/l (141) 67 94
Most of the studies with PET were in patients with neg-
Papillary cancer (134) 73 86
ative 131I scans and measurable Tg values, and in most
Follicular cancer (80) 78 100
published reports the results are seldom compared with
other imaging procedures in significant numbers of pa- Hurthle cell cancer (8) 87 100
tients. The largest number of patients in a single publica- TSH, thyrotropin.
tion is the report of a multicenter study from seven PET Number of patients in parentheses.
centers in Germany. The investigators evaluated 222 pa- Source: From Valk PE, Bailey DL, Townsend DW, Maisey MN. Positron Emission
Tomography: Basic Science and Clinical Practice. Springer-Verlag London Ltd 2003,
tients (30). Of these, 166 had negative 131I scans, but many p. 672.
of these were believed to be true negatives. The investiga-
PET and PET/CT Imaging in Thyroid and Adrenal Diseases 273

Figure 18.5. PET and combined PET/CT in patient who has had multiple operations, 131I treatments, and external radiation for recurrent thyroid cancer. There is intense uptake of FDG
in metastases shown by arrow after intravenous injection of 555 MBq. Uptake in muscle in the right neck is indicated by dotted arrow.

In addition, it has been demonstrated that FDG-PET can Figure 18.5. Muscle relaxants are of value in tense pa-
define the site of disease in patients who have negative tients (33). More recently, with integrated PET/CT
posttreatment scans. Alnafisi et al. (20) showed positive imaging, it became evident that metabolically active
results in 11 patients, all of whom had negative posttreat- (brown fat) is FDG avid (Figure 18.6). The role of
ment scans. Muros et al. (19) reported a sensitivity of 90% PET/CT in correctly identifying muscle and fat is impor-
in this situation (9 positive PET in 10 negative postther- tant. The muscles of speech can be imaged and can be
apy scans). misinterpreted as residual thyroid or nodal metastases
In contrast, van Tol et al. (18) reported a high inci- (34, 35). PET/CT imaging shows the anatomic–physio-
dence of false-positive results in 10 patients, but this logic relationship. Recurrent laryngeal nerve paralysis
finding brings up two important issues. First, is it correct results in asymmetry of FDG uptake in laryngeal
to label a PET abnormality in a Tg-positive patient as a muscles, and this is easier to identify correctly using
false positive? Second, in some patients, how important PET/CT imaging (Figure 18.7). After administration of
is it to find microscopic differentiated thyroid cancer? FDG, the patient should be resting in a quiet environ-
The patients described by van Tol had Tg values from 3.4 ment and should not eat, talk, or exercise. The diffuse
to 30 ng/ml. The FDG-positive lesions were in the lungs uptake of FDG in Hashimoto’s thyroiditis should not be
or cervical nodes, and none became clinically apparent misinterpreted as cancer (36). Infectious and inflamma-
after follow-up of 17 to 33 months. The Tg value in- tory conditions can cause FDG uptake, which can be
creased in 8 patients and decreased in 2. Therefore, it is misinterpreted as a metastasis. Identification of focal
not correct to conclude that FDG imaging gives a high in- disease in the neck is usually an indication for surgery;
cidence of false-positive results; rather, it provides early therefore, to exclude a false-positive result, histologic
or preclinical positive information. The availability of Tg confirmation of the malignant nature of the FDG-avid
measurement also allows identifying residual or recur- lesion is recommended before surgical reexploration.
rent disease at a very early stage. We know from older False-negative FDG-PET images can occur in well-dif-
follow-up reports, before Tg measurement was available, ferentiated cancers. They are most likely in patients with
that most patients with differentiated thyroid cancer very small volumes of cancer because the resolution of
have an excellent prognosis (31). We also know that PET is about 4 to 6 mm full-width half-maximum
whole-body radioiodine scan and clinical examination (FWHM). Another factor that can potentially cause false-
accurately determine the extent of disease in most negative results is intake of food before injection of FDG;
patients. this can cause a redistribution of FDG into muscle, which
can obscure small lesions.
More than 100 patients with thyroid cancer underwent
False-Positive and False-Negative PET Scans FDG-PET imaging at Stanford University Medical Center,
most of whom had 131I-negative and Tg-positive findings.
False-positive scans do occur (32). Uptake of FDG in ac- Most patients who were 131I negative and FDG-PET nega-
tively contracting muscles is one cause, as shown in tive had no clinical evidence of disease on follow-up of 12
274 Positron Emission Tomography

Figure 18-6. PET/CT in a patient with uptake of FDG in the neck that could be confused as extensive metastases to cervical lymph nodes. The CT shows this corresponds to fat
(“brown” fat).

to 36 months. The reason was probably a small volume of growth and function. However, when the elevated TSH is
cancer that does not grow when TSH is suppressed. caused by hypothyroidism, the result of withdrawal of
In patients with positive findings, the therapeutic ap- thyroid hormone, the patient has reduced metabolism.
proach was changed to include surgery or external radia- Data on the role of an elevated TSH in increasing
tion and in some a combination of treatments. At glucose uptake are limited and not uniform. Wang et al.
Stanford University Medical Center, patients that have a (39) found no clinical difference in 4 patients who had
rising level of Tg but negative radioiodine images are paired studies with normal and elevated TSH values.
seldom treated with large therapy doses of 131I as recom- Others have reported an increased uptake in the hy-
mended by some investigators (37, 38). pothyroid condition. Recently, recombinant human TSH
(rhTSH) was shown to increase the number of both
FDG-positive patients (19 versus 9) and FDG-positive
The Role of Thyrotropin in PET Imaging lesions (82 versus 45) (40). Chin et al. (41) compared
scans with and without rhTSH in 7 patients; 1 patient
For radioiodine imaging, it is necessary to have an ele- was only positive with rhTSH stimulation. The role of
vated serum TSH level. TSH stimulates follicular cells to recombinant human TSH in stimulating uptake of FDG
trap and to organify iodine. FDG imaging is based on is an interesting and important area for study. If the
glucose uptake by cancers, a direct result of the rela- patient is metabolically normal, exogenous TSH may
tively elevated metabolic rate of the tumor. It would be augment uptake of glucose.
anticipated that the metabolism of cancers would be in- Our experience in this area is limited, although a lesion
creased by high levels of TSH, which stimulates both was seen in one hypothyroid patient that was not seen
PET and PET/CT Imaging in Thyroid and Adrenal Diseases 275

Figure 18.7. Focal uptake of FDG in the right neck could be interpreted as residual or recurrent cancer. The patient had a left recurrent nerve lesion as a complication of total
thyroidectomy, and the FDG uptake is in the laryngeal muscles on the right.

when he was euthyroid. In other patients with negative reports of 201Tl (26), 111In-octreotide (42, 43), and 99mTc-
PET scans, we found no advantage. sestamibi (26, 44) demonstrating lesions. FDG-PET
imaging has a similar role, but the number of reports is
limited (30, 45). In the multicenter study from Germany,
PET Imaging in Patients with Hürthle Cell the sensitivity of PET for Hürthle cell cancer was 87%, but
Cancers only 8 patients were evaluated (30). Plotkin et al. (46)
imaged 17 patients, of whom 13 had elevated Tg values.
Hürthle cells are follicular cells that appear microscopi- The sensitivity of FDG-PET imaging was 92% and the
cally to be hyperactive. Their cytoplasm shows an increase specificity 80% (1 false positive among 4 patients). Lowe
in mitochondria and mitochondrial DNA. In the United et al. (47) imaged 14 patients with FDG, and these images
States, Hürthle lesions are not common and the main provided additional important clinical information in 7
concern is to differentiate a benign from malignant neo- patients. The lesions are usually intense and, because
plasm., which requires excision of the lesion for patho- Hürthle cell cancers are almost always radioiodine nega-
logic examination to determine whether there is vascular tive, FDG provides an important imaging tool for the
or capsular invasion. The presence of either or both of follow-up of patients.
these features classifies the neoplasm as malignant.
Although Hürthle cell cancers are traditionally grouped
pathologically with follicular cancers, these cancers PET Imaging in Patients with Anaplastic
seldom trap iodine and should be considered separately. Cancer of the Thyroid
Therefore, when there is residual or recurrent disease in a
patient with Hürthle cell cancer that cannot be identified The clinical diagnosis of anaplastic cancer is sadly easy,
by whole-body radioiodine imaging, alternative whole- and the diagnosis usually predicts the patient’s death
body imaging tests should be considered. There are within months. The cancers are inevitably radioiodine
276 Positron Emission Tomography

negative and there is seldom a role for diagnostic nuclear determine the calcitonin cutoff value below which the
medicine imaging. However, in patients where the extent scan would be ineffective.
of disease is not obvious and in whom there could be an Recent reports have demonstrated the value of 18F-
attempt for curative treatment, FDG has a role. Anaplastic DOPA in medullary cancer, and the results were superior
cancers are usually intense on FDG. Combined PET/CT to FDG (53, 54).
imaging gives added information of the extent of invasion
of structures by the cancer.
PET Imaging in Patients with Lymphoma of
the Thyroid
FDG-PET Imaging in Patients with
Medullary Cancers of the Thyroid FDG is very accurate for identifying lymphoma and is
used widely for staging and for determining the success of
Medullary cell cancers arise from parafollicular cells and therapy (55). Primary lymphoma of the thyroid usually
are best treated by total thyroidectomy with a central and occurs in older women who have had preexisting
lateral dissection of lymph nodes. The hope is that serum Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. It is rare, accounting for about
calcitonin becomes undetectable after surgery. When cal- 2% to 5% of cases of primary thyroid cancers. It is also a
citonin remains measurable after surgery, there is residual rare presentation of lymphoma, accounting for about 2%
or recurrent disease. In most patients the cancer is in the of these tumors (56). The diagnosis is made clinically by
neck. Less commonly, the metastases are in the liver, lung, finding a rapidly expanding thyroid mass in an older
or skeleton. However, the lesions can be small and woman with a preexisting goiter. Biopsy demonstrates a
difficult to detect by anatomic or functional imaging. monoclonal population of lymphocytes. The role of FDG
Because medullary cancer is uncommon and imaging is in localized thyroid lymphoma is small because the diag-
usually only undertaken in patients in whom calcitonin is nosis is usually made pathologically. Because autoim-
elevated, the number of patients studied with FDG is mune thyroid disorders such as Hashimoto’s show
small. Patients who have undergone curative surgery and elevated FDG uptake, it is not possible to differentiate
have undetectable calcitonin usually are not investigated. benign from malignant lymphomatous infiltrate. FDG-
Therefore, the sensitivity of the test has been determined PET has an important role in staging of lymphoma, and in
only in patients in whom disease is suspected but not yet primary thyroid lymphoma it is valuable for ensuring that
identified, rather than in all patients with medullary the lesion is indeed restricted to the thyroid gland.
cancer. There are no data on specificity.
In a study of 20 patients, Brandt-Mainz et al. (48) found
that the sensitivity was 76%. Seventeen scans were posi- Use of Gamma Camera Versus PET Scanner
tive and cancer was identified in 13. There were 4 false-
negative and 1 true-negative results. Lesions were Although the number of centers capable of PET scanning
correctly identified in cervical and mediastinal nodes as is increasing, the high cost of the equipment and the ra-
well as the lung and skeleton. A report by Conti et al. (10) diopharmaceuticals has resulted in a nonuniform avail-
included cancers from follicular and parafollicular origin. ability of the procedure throughout the United States as
They identified lesions in 6 patients with medullary cancer well as the world in general. In an effort to overcome this
whose calcitonin values ranged from 104 to 9,500 ng/mL. limitation, some manufacturers of whole-body gamma
Musholt et al. (49) found FDG to be superior to CT and cameras have implemented designs that allow coincidence
magnetic resonance imagine (MRI) in 10 patients. imaging (57). Dedicated PET scanners usually have a ring
Anatomic imaging demonstrated 11 lesions and FDG detector, whereas the bifunctional gamma camera has two
demonstrated 31. planar detectors in opposition. There has been concern
In Europe, 99mTc-pentavalent dimercaptosuccinate that the gamma camera lacks the resolution of a true PET
(DMSA) has been used in this situation. Adams et al. (50) scanner. To date there are very few published reports
compared DMSA and 111In-octreotide with FDG in 8 pa- comparing these procedures in patients with thyroid
tients with medullary cancer. FDG was positive in seven cancer. One study did demonstrate 4- and 5-mm lesions
patients and showed 38 lesions. 99mTc-DMSA was positive with a coincidence gamma camera (58). Goshen et al. (59)
in two patients and showed only 1 lesion in each patient. studied 20 patients with dual-headed camera and FDG; 15
In-Octreotide showed 1 lesion in one patient, and seven patients had positive scans and 14 were true positives. A
scans were false negative. 99mTc-DMSA has not been ap- third study (in abstract form) compared PET and coinci-
proved for use in the United States. Diehl et al. (51) evalu- dence counting in 19 patients (60). Coincidence scanning
ated FDG in 85 patients and reported a sensitivity of 78% identified 58 of the 84 lesions (69%) seen by PET. Lesions
and specificity of 79%. A recent report validates the role of smaller than 1.5 cm were missed. The tumor stage in 3 pa-
PET/CT imaging (52). PET appears to have a role in calci- tients would have been incorrect using only coincidence
tonin-positive patients, but more studies are needed to imaging. Therefore, PET imaging using a dedicated PET
PET and PET/CT Imaging in Thyroid and Adrenal Diseases 277

camera is superior to a hybrid gamma camera. Integrated Thyroid Uptake of FDG on PET Imaging
PET/CT imaging that provides function and anatomy
Performed for Nonthyroidal Investigations
allows greater comfort when interpreting the causes of ab-
normal uptake of FDG in the neck. Most whole-body FDG scans are for the management of
patients with nonthyroidal cancers. There is a significant
body of information on its value in cancers of the lung,
Role of PET in Differentiating Benign from breast, and head and neck as well as melanoma and lym-
Malignant Thyroid Nodule phoma. Rarely in the course of these studies is thyroidal
uptake noted. Intense diffuse uptake suggests the pres-
Thyroid nodules are very common and can be identified ence of autoimmune thyroid disease such as Graves’ hy-
in 5% of healthy adults. With high-resolution ultrasound perthyroidism or Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. This
imaging, up to 50% of normal adults have a thyroid occurrence has been described in “healthy” individuals
nodule. Most thyroid nodules are benign; however, both who had annual PET imaging as part of a preventive
the patient and physician are concerned about the pres- health screening program (65, 66). In contrast, focal
ence of cancer, which needs to be detected early and uptake has been associated with a significant likelihood of
treated surgically. Many studies have shown that standard thyroid cancer (67–69). Therefore, when this is recognized
nuclear medicine imaging using 123I or 99mTcO4 has a very and a thyroid nodule palpated, a fine-needle aspiration is
low specificity and poor positive predictive value, and the recommended for pathologic diagnosis. When there is no
same applies to nonnuclear methods such as ultrasound, palpable lesion, an ultrasound should be considered, and
CT, or MRI. It was hoped that radiopharmaceuticals such when a nodule of 1 cm or greater identified it should be
as 201Tl, 99mTc-MIBI, or 99mTc-tetrafosmin would differen- aspirated for cytopathologic interpretation (Figure 18.8).
tiate malignant lesions by showing higher uptake, but this
has not been the case. The small number of patients
studied by PET does not support widespread clinical use Use of Other Positron Emitters: Iodine-124
(61–63). The most cost-effective approach is fine-needle (124I)
aspiration of the nodule for cytologic interpretation. Will
FDG be useful in the cytopathologically indeterminate One of the major shortcomings of treatment with radioio-
thyroid nodule, where now excisional biopsy is required dine is the uncertainty of the volume of tissue being
to differentiate follicular adenoma from follicular carci- treated. However, because the treatments are so successful
noma? It would be hoped that FDG-positive lesions would using empiric doses of 131I, detailed knowledge of volume
all be malignant and FDG-negative lesions all benign ade- of cancer has been considered less important. For detailed
nomas (64). Unfortunately, there are reports of benign dosimetry, it is necessary to know the percentage uptake
adenomas that are FDG positive. of the radiopharmaceutical, its volume and uniformity of

Figure 18.8. Coronal (a) and transraxial (b) PET/CT images demonstrate. A small focus of uptake of FDG in the right thyroid bed. The patient was being imaged because he had a
history of melanoma. Ultrasound of the thyroid showed an 8-mm lesion, and ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration (FNA) biopsy demonstrated papillary cancer. The patient has
had a thyroidectomy and has undetectable thyroglobulin (Tg) on a dose of thyroid hormones designed to keep his thyrotropin (TSH) at the lower limit of normal.
278 Positron Emission Tomography

distribution, its effective half-life, and the type and ener- bolically active. However, normal adrenal glands are not
gies of the radioactive emissions from the therapeutic ra- usually identified on FDG-PET scan.
dioisotope. PET imaging using 124I allows volumetric
measurements. 124I is a positron emitter with a half-life of
4.2 days. Diagnostic doses of 124I have been used to deter- Adrenal Cortical Lesions
mine the volume of the thyroid in patients with Graves’
hyperthyroidism and shown to be superior to planar In most patients, careful evaluation of peripheral steroid
nuclear imaging and to ultrasound (70–74). values in blood and urine as well as pituitary adrenocorti-
In practice, precise dosimetry for treating Graves’ cotrophic hormone (ACTH), plus anatomic imaging, define
disease is not advantageous, but it is conceivable that whether an adrenal lesion is causing Cushing’s or Conn’s
dosimetry may be useful some patients with thyroid syndrome. Maurea et al. (80) demonstrated that FDG-PET
cancer. The patient would still need to be prepared by a is negative in nonsecretory adrenal tumors that were
low-iodine diet and elevated TSH, either by withdrawal of detected on anatomic imaging. Malignant adrenal lesions
thyroid hormone or by injection of recombinant human and their metastases were identified by intense uptake.
TSH. 124I could be used for imaging and for determining
the volume of cancer and measurement of the effective
half-life within the gland. There are reports indicating the Adrenal Medullary Lesions
value of 124I in this setting combined with anatomic
imaging (75, 76). 124I allows accurate volumetric imaging, Once a diagnosis of pheochromocytoma is made,
and the 4.2-day half-life is advantageous for sophisticated anatomic imaging usually defines the site of the tumor,
dosimetry incorporating both the volume of tissue to be which is adrenal in about 90% of patients. 131I- 123I-
treated and the effective half-life of radioiodine (77). The Metaiodobenzylguanidine (MIBG) scanning has a role in
radiation to thyroid tissues would be less than with diag- confirming the abnormal gland, demonstrating whether
nostic 131I and concern about stunning (if the concept of there is one or more lesions and whether there are metas-
stunning is accepted) would be lessened (78, 79). tases. A diagnostic MIBG scan can help determine
whether therapeutic MIBG is appropriate. There are con-
siderable technical aspects concerning MIBG studies, in-
cluding ensuring that the patient is not ingesting
Adrenal Glands medications which can interfere with the uptake of MIBG.
I-MIBG, which is optimal for diagnosis, is not widely
PET scanning has a limited role in imaging primary available. There are well-documented false-negative MIBG
cancers of the adrenals. Adrenal tumors are uncommon; studies. As a result, there is a role for an alternative
they are best characterized as arising in the cortex, or the nuclear medicine procedure that covers the entire body
medulla. Cortical tumors can secrete steroids and the clin- and can answer whether there are multiple sites of
ical features depend on whether hydrocortisone, aldos- disease. PET is such a test. Shulkin et al. studied 29 pa-
terone, or sex hormones are secreted in excess. Some tients (81); 15 of 17 patients with malignant pheochromo-
cortical tumors are nonsecretory and found fortuitously cytoma showed intense concentration of FDG in the
on imaging studies such as CT or MRI; these have been lesions, compared to 7 of 12 benign tumors. Malignant
termed incidentalomas. The word tumor has been used in lesions in general showed more intense uptake. MIBG-
the text consciously because adrenal cortical lesions are negative tumors could be identified using FDG; however,
usually benign but can be occasionally be cancerous. when lesions concentrated both MIBG and FDG, the
Adrenal medullary tumors are called pheochromocy- images of the former were judged equal or better in 88%
tomas. Most of these are benign but about 10% are malig- of cases. PET could be used when other tests have failed to
nant; 10% are bilateral and 10% extraadrenal. identify the tumor. Yun et al. (82) interpreted uptake in
In contrast, metastases to the adrenals are more the adrenal equal to liver uptake as abnormal. Using this
common, in particular from primary lung cancer. criterion, they calculated a sensitivity of 100% for cancer-
Noncancerous and nonfunctioning masses in the adren- ous lesions and a specificity of 94%.
als are also common, and these have to be differentiated Two recent reports from investigators at the National
from metastasis in a patient with a primary cancer that Institutes of Health (NIH) indicate that 6-18F-fluoro-
has a propensity to spread to the adrenals. The role of dopamine is valuable in identification of primary and
FDG-PET is discussed next. metastatic pheochromocytoma (83, 84).

Normal Adrenals Metastases to the Adrenals

The normal adrenal glands have an approximate volume Lung cancer can metastasize to the adrenals. PET scan is
of 4 mL. They have a rich vascular supply and are meta- both sensitive (100%) and specific (80%–100%). One
PET and PET/CT Imaging in Thyroid and Adrenal Diseases 279

study evaluated PET in 113 adrenal masses detected by CT ferentiated thyroid carcinoma: two case reports. J Endocrinol
or MRI (85). The investigators used uptake in the gland Invest 1998;21:392–398.
15. Lips P, Comans EF, Hoekstra OS, van der Poest Clement E, van
equal to or greater than hepatic uptake to diagnose metas- Mourik JC, Teule GJ. Positron emission tomography for the detec-
tases and lower uptake to exclude that . PET was positive tion of metastases of differentiated thyroid carcinoma. Neth J Med
in 71 glands and negative in 42. The sensitivity was 93% 2000;57(4):150–156.
and specificity 90%, which are similar to the values of 16. Macapinlac HA. Clinical usefulness of FDG PET in differentiated
94.4% and 91.6%, respectively, reported by Gupta et al. thyroid cancer. J Nucl Med 2001;42(1):77–78.
17. McDougall IR, Davidson J, Segall GM. Positron emission tomogra-
(86). Therefore, high adrenal uptake of FDG would indi- phy of the thyroid, with an emphasis on thyroid cancer. Nucl Med
cate with confidence that a primary lung cancer should Commun 2001;22(5):485–492.
not be approached surgically. Clearly, not all adrenal 18. van Tol KM, Jager PL, Dullaart RP, Links TP. Follow-up in patients
masses are metastases, and in another study of FDG-PET with differentiated thyroid carcinoma with positive 18F-fluoro-2-
in non-small cell lung cancer, 3 of 120 patients were deoxy-D-glucose-positron emission tomography results, elevated
thyroglobulin levels, and negative high-dose 131I posttreatment
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PET and PET/CT Imaging in Multiple Myeloma, Solitary
Plasmacytoma, MGUS, and Other Plasma Cell Dyscrasias
Ronald C.Walker, Laurie B. Jones-Jackson, Erik Rasmussen, Marisa Miceli, Edgardo J.C. Angtuaco,
Frits Van Rhee, Guido J.Tricot, Joshua Epstein, Elias J. Anaissie, and Bart Barlogie

Multiple myeloma (MM), also called plasma cell (producing immunosuppression associated with in-
myeloma, is a malignancy of terminally differentiated B creased infections, secondary malignancies, and autoim-
cells (plasma cells) typically associated with secretion by mune disorders). The clinical course depends on the
these plasma cells of a complete and/or partial (light-chain) individual biologic behavior of a given cell line, which can
monoclonal immunoglobulin protein (M protein). MM vary from relatively indolent to highly aggressive disease.
comprises about 1% of all malignancies and 10% of hemato- Other plasma cell dyscrasias include solitary plasmacy-
logic malignancies, representing the second most common toma and rare conditions such as Castleman’s disease,
hematologic malignancy in the United States (1, 2). alpha-heavy-chain disease, and Waldenström’s macro-
Currently, about 50,000 people live with MM, with ap- globulinemia. Solitary plasmacytoma exists in two vari-
proximately 15,000 new cases diagnosed and 11,000 pa- eties, solitary extramedullary plasmacytoma occurring
tients dying each year. The median age at diagnosis is exclusively in the soft tissues and with a high potential for
approximately 65 years, although occasionally MM even cure, and the more ominous and more common skeletal-
occurs in teenagers. MM occurs more commonly in men associated entity, solitary bone plasmacytoma. Solitary
than women and in African-American males than in the bone plasmacytoma is frequently a harbinger for future
general population. Although the etiology of MM is development of MM, with a 3% annual conversion rate to
unknown, several cytogenetic abnormalities associated MM. If more than one focal lesion is detected in a patient
with the disease define biologic and prognostically dis- with suspected solitary disease, then the diagnosis is typi-
tinct entities, in particular with chromosome 13 deletions cally MM or, less likely, the uncommonly recognized con-
conferring poor prognosis. Most cases of MM evolve from dition “multiple solitary plasmacytomas” (4–11).
a premalignant condition known as monoclonal gam-
mopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS), with a
conversion to MM of about 1% annually, although some
cases of MM probably develop de novo (2, 3).
Diagnosis and Conventional Staging
Radiographic and laboratory findings form the basis of di-
agnosis. The common clinical presentations are fatigue
Tumor Biology and bone pain (back or ribs) with or without associated
fractures or infection. About 15% to 30% of patients
MM belongs to a spectrum of disorders known as plasma present with hypercalcemia and renal insufficiency
cell dyscrasias. The tumor growth is typically restricted to because of precipitation of monoclonal light chains in the
the bone marrow until late in tumor evolution. The collecting tubules. Another 10% of patients present with
myeloma plasma cells induce changes in the bone marrow other symptoms, such as hyperviscosity syndrome, com-
microenvironment that are critical for tumor cell survival, pression of the spinal cord, radicular pain, soft tissue
growth, and microenvironment-mediated drug resistance, deposits, or abnormal bleeding. In patients with asymp-
as well as osteolysis. These signals eventually contribute tomatic disease, laboratory findings of anemia or hyper-
to disease manifestations (e.g., bone disease). proteinemia lead to the diagnosis.
The disease causes clinical symptoms through a variety Criteria for diagnosing MM are summarized in Table
of mechanisms, including direct tumor mass effect (such 19.1. The hallmark of MM is the detection in blood and/or
as cord compression), cytokine production (leading to urine of a monoclonal protein, called M protein, produced
secondary anemia, diffuse systemic osteoporosis, and by the malignant plasma cells. Serum protein elec-
focal bone destruction), and immune system dysfunction trophoresis reveals a monoclonal peak in 80% of patients.
284 Positron Emission Tomography

Table 19.1. Criteria for diagnosis of multiple myeloma.a Table 19.2. Durie–Salmon PLUS Staging System (DS+).

Major criteria: New imaging: MRI

Plasmacytomas on tissue biopsy Classification PLUS and/or FDG-PET

Marrow plasmacytosis with >30% plasma cells MGUS All negative

Monoclonal globulin spike on serum electrophoresis >3.5 g/dL for IgG or Stage IA*(smoldering Can have single
>2.0 g/dL for IgA; 1.0 g/24 h of κ or λ light-chain excretion on urine or indolent) plasmacytoma and/or
electrophoresis in the absence of amyloidosis limited disease on imaging

Minor criteria: Multiple myeloma Fewer than 5 focal lesions;

stage IB* mild diffuse disease
Marrow plasmacytosis 10%–30%
Multiple myeloma 5–20 focal lesions; moderate
Monoclonal globulin spike present, but less than the levels defined above stage IIA/B* diffuse disease
Lytic bone lesions Stage III A/B* More than 20 focal lesions;
Normal IgM <0.05 g/dL, IgA <0.1 g/dL, or IgG <0.6 g/dL severe diffuse disease
The diagnosis of plasma cell myeloma is confirmed when at least one major and *A
one minor criterion or at least three minor criteria are documented in symptomatic Serum creatinine
patients with progressive disease. The presence of features not specific for the <2.0 mg/dL and
disease supports the diagnosis, particularly if of recent onset: anemia, No extramedullary
hypercalcemia, azotemia, bone demineralization, or hypoalbuminemia. disease
Source: Reprinted with permission from Barlogie B, Shaughnessy J, Sanderson R, *B
Epstein J, Walker R, Anaissie E, Tricot G. Plasma cell myeloma. In: Lichtman MA, Serum creatinine
Beutler E, Kaushansky K, Kipps TJ, editors. Williams Hematology, 7th edition. >2.0 mg/dL or
Copyright © 2006 chapter 106, pp 1279–1304. McGraw-Hill Professional. Extramedullary disease

Source: As adapted from Durie BGM, Kyle RA, Belch A, Bensinger W, et al. Myeloma
management guidelines: a consensus report from the Scientific Advisors of the
The remaining 20% of patients have either hypogamma- International Myeloma Foundation. The Hematology Journal 2003;4(6):379–398.
globulinemia or a normal-appearing (nonsecretory) elec-
trophoresis profile. By using more-sensitive techniques,
M protein (in serum or/and urine) will be detected in Staging at diagnosis is based on the classic Durie–Salmon
99% of patients. Once MM is suspected, a radiographic staging (D-S staging) (Table 19.2). To incorporate advances
skeletal survey and bone marrow aspiration and biopsy in medical technology (especially in imaging) in the interval
are performed for histologic examination, cytogenetic since the D-S staging system (11) was initially adopted in
analyses, and determination of plasma cell labeling 1975, Durie and others have recently proposed the
index. Minimal criteria for establishing a diagnosis of Durie–Salmon Plus Staging system (D-S Plus Staging),
MM is the detection of at least 10% abnormal plasma which is currently being incorporated into new protocols.
cells in a random bone marrow biopsy specimen and The D-S Plus Staging system incorporates the number
M protein in either the serum (usually more than of either magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)- or FDG-
3 g/dL) and/or urine (usually more than 1 g/24-h collec- PET-defined focal lesions into staging. Increasing
tion). Osteolytic lesions are seen on skeletal survey in numbers of focal lesions on either MRI and/or FDG-PET
80% or more of patients (3). result in upstaging of the patient. Importantly, an increas-
Most plasma cell dyscrasias result from the expansion ing number of MRI- or FDG-PET-defined focal lesions is
of a single clone of cells, with resultant monoclonal inversely related to prognosis, both independently and, in
protein secretion. A small fraction (3% at diagnosis) will a multivariate analysis, with or without the presence of cy-
be hyposecretory or nonsecretory, either with very low togenetic abnormalities. Increasing numbers of baseline
levels or without the secretion of the hallmark M focal lesions of bone confers a statistically significant poor
protein. Serial M protein levels can be very useful to de- prognosis in terms of both event-free survival (EFS) and
termine response to treatment and the hyposecretory or overall survival (OS), independent of standard prognostic
nonsecretory status. Transformation to hyposecretory factors [i.e., elevated lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), M
or nonsecretory status frequently develops during treat- protein, C-reactive protein, creatinine, or ß-2 microglobu-
ment, is problematic for clinical management, and also lin, or abnormally depressed levels of hemoglobin or
reflects dedifferentiation of the tumor, typically associ- platelets] (4, 8, 12) (Figure 19.1).
ated with a more-aggressive form of the disease.
Sensitive assays for serum free light-chain protein allow
quantifiable detection of free kappa/lambda proteins in Current Treatment
approximately 70% of patients with nonsecretory
disease and/or minimally secretory disease. Positron Autologous peripheral blood stem cell transplant sup-
emission tomography (PET) using 18F-fluorodeoxyglu- ported by high-dose melphalan is now considered standard
cose (FDG) as a tracer is also useful in this clinical therapy for symptomatic patients with MM up to 70 years
setting because FDG uptake is not affected by the secre- of age, with tandem autotransplants achieving an almost
tory status of the tumor (3–11).
PET and PET/CT Imaging in Multiple Myeloma, Solitary Plasmacytoma, MGUS, and Other Plasma Cell Dyscrasias 285

EFS by Baseline #FL and CA




Events / N 48 mo Est. FL ≥ 5 vs. < 5 FL


p=0.0002 (CA), p=0.33 (No CA)

0 24 48 72
Months from Enrollment

OS by Baseline #FL and CA




Figure 19.1. Impact of the presence

of cytogenetic abnormalities and FL ≥ 5 vs. < 5 FL
number of focal lesions at diagnosis 40% 48-Month
on event-free survival (EFS) and Deaths / N Estimate
overall survival (OS). (a) Kaplan–Meier
(KM) curves for EFS; (b) OS correlating
significance of number of focal lesions 20%
of bone at baseline with or without p=0.0005 (CA), p=0.08 (No CA)
cytogenetic abnormalities with out-
come. (Reproduced with permission
from Walker RC, Jones-Jackson L, 0%
Rasmussen E, et al. Presentation to 0 24 48 72
the American Society of Hematology Months from Enrollment
Annual Meeting, December 4–7,
2004, San Diego, CA.)

tending beyond 6 to 7 years. “Mini-allotransplants” are less Velcade (Millenium, Cambridge, MA, USA), all of which
toxic than standard therapy, exploiting a “graft-versus- not only target myeloma cells directly but which also exert
myeloma” effect. New active drugs include immunomodu- an indirect effect by suppressing growth and survival
latory agents, such as thalidomide and CC-5013 (Revimid; signals elaborated by the bone marrow microenvironment
Celgene, Warren, NJ, USA), and the proteasome inhibitor interaction with the myeloma cells.
286 Positron Emission Tomography

Cytogenetic abnormalities, present in one-third of pa- Role of MRI

tients at diagnosis, identify a particularly poor prognostic
subgroup with a median survival not exceeding 2 to 3 MRI is an important staging tool to distinguish truly soli-
years. In the absence of cytogenetic abnormalities, the use tary plasmacytoma of bone from MM and, in MM, to doc-
of tandem autotransplantation can yield 4-year survival ument the extent and pattern of marrow involvement.
rates of 80% to 90% (13). This MRI pattern can range from diffuse involvement to
microfocal (“speckled” appearance) and/or to macrofocal
disease (5 mm or more in size), often occurring in various
Imaging of Multiple Myeloma combinations. MRI also demonstrates “breakout” lesions,
focal areas of disease that break through the cortex of bone
into the soft tissues (including epidural spread), yet which
Role of X-Ray still occur in the context of and dependence upon the bone
marrow microenvironment. MRI can also reveal exclu-
One or more osteolytic lesions on X-ray identify specific
sively soft tissue or extramedullary disease, representing a
classic Durie–Salmon stages of MM at baseline and on
tumor population that is no longer dependent on the bone
restaging. The use of X-ray is a mainstay of the classic
marrow microenvironment for growth and survival. As
Durie–Salmon staging established in 1975 but has less im-
therapy is not only directed at the myeloma cells but is also
portance in the new Durie–Salmon Plus system, which in-
directed at interruption of the synergistic tumor–bone
corporates newer imaging technology (MRI and PET). In
marrow interactions, loss of dependency of the tumor on
contrast to osteolytic lesions associated with other malig-
the marrow microenvironment identifies high-risk disease
nancies that respond to treatment, osteolytic lesions from
in need of aggressive monitoring and treatment.
MM usually do not heal (3, 4, 14) (Figure 19.2).


Figure 19.2. Lateral skull (a) and

transaxial computed tomography (CT) of
the pelvis (b) demonstrate that, in con-
trast to most osteolytic metastases from
malignancies responding to treatment,
the skeletal defects from multiple
myeloma typically do not heal (arrows).
A concurrent FDG-PET scan (c) of the
same patient as in (b) is normal, with
this patient in remission for more than 2
PET and PET/CT Imaging in Multiple Myeloma, Solitary Plasmacytoma, MGUS, and Other Plasma Cell Dyscrasias 287

Relative disadvantages of MRI compared to FDG-PET are the definition of common problems in myeloma such as
time and expense for a thorough examination of the skeletal cord compression, infections of the spine, and spinal frac-
system (necessitating separate studies of the calvarium, ver- tures. Avascular necrosis of the femoral or humeral heads
tebral column, pelvis, shoulder girdle, and sternum), MRI’s from glucocorticoid treatment and leptomeningeal spread
limited field of view to the region under examination, and of myeloma are easily depicted on MR studies but are not
its contraindicated use in some patients (such as patients well seen on FDG-PET or PET/CT imaging. The superior
with pacemakers, aneurysm clips, cochlear implants). soft tissue contrast and spatial resolution of MRI are par-
The relative advantages of MRI compared to FDG-PET ticularly helpful to demonstrate involvement of the skull,
and integrated PET/CT imaging are the superior spatial skull base and face, areas relatively difficult to evaluate on
and contrast resolution of MRI (typically 2 mm for a high- PET and PET/CT examinations as a result of the high
field system) and its more widespread availability at this normal FDG distribution in the normal cerebral cortex
time. The high spatial resolution of MRI is important in (Figure 19.3).

a b c

Figure 19.3. Severe diffuse and focal disease demonstrated on magnetic reso-
nance imaging (MRI) T1- (a) and short T1-weighted inversion recovery (STIR)-
weighted (b) and FDG-PET imaging (c) of the vertebral column, with an axial CT (d)
demonstrating classic osteolytic disease of advanced multiple myeloma. The com-
pression fracture with neural arch compromise at L3 (arrow on c) is not seen by
288 Positron Emission Tomography

b c d
Figure 19.4. “Masking” of focal lesions on MRI from the signal produced by diffuse, intense tumor infiltration on T1- (a) and STIR (b) -weighted sagittal thoracic spine images. The
many focal lesions as well as areas of diffuse infiltration are shown clearly on sagittal (c) and on anterior 3D maximum intensity projection (MIP) (d) FDG-PET images.

If severe diffuse marrow infiltration with tumor is ness” of ultimate response whereas FDG-PET or inte-
present, focal lesions from MM can be “masked” on MRI. grated PET/CT is ideally used for monitoring short-term
Diffuse tumor infiltration of the marrow has the same response (Figure 19.5) (7).
signal characteristics as focal disease [high signal on Whole-body MRI is an emerging technology with a cur-
short-T1 inversion recovery (STIR-wt) weighted and low rently undefined role in this disease.
signal on T1-weighted (T1-wt)] image sequences. Severe
diffuse marrow infiltration with MM will also enhance dif-
fusely after gadolinium injection to a similar degree as Clinical PET and PET/CT Imaging Protocols
focal disease. Thus, severe diffuse tumor infiltration can
obscure the presence of focal disease on MRI on all se- The FDG-PET imaging protocol for MM and related
quences. FDG-PET or integrated PET/CT, however, can plasma cell dyscrasias is designed to image the entire
still visualize these focal lesions against the diffuse marrow space and the soft tissues. The patient is in-
infiltration because of the frequent greater metabolic rate structed to begin a high-protein, low-carbohydrate diet
of the focal lesions (Figure 19.4). and to limit physical activity, beginning 24 h before the
MRI and FDG-PET and integrated PET/CT are comple- study. Because imaging of the marrow space of the entire
mentary. MRI and FDG-PET or integrated PET/CT both body is very sensitive to interference from muscle uptake,
track response to treatment of the diffuse infiltration from this restriction of physical activity is very important. As
MM in essential real time. However, the focal lesions seen for other FDG-PET imaging procedures, insulin-depen-
on MRI will take, typically, months to years to resolve, dent diabetic patients are instructed to withhold insulin
and, indeed, may never resolve. MRI can detect relapse in for a minimum of 6 h before administration of FDG if
these focal lesions by increasing size or number of focal possible. Measuring and documenting the serum glucose
lesions or the presence of enhancement with gadolinium. level at time of injection of the FDG is important. Because
These MRI-defined focal lesions can still harbor micro- of frequent use of high-dose glucocorticoids in MM and
scopic viable tumor cells and thus can be sites for relapse related diseases, high serum glucose levels are common,
months to years after remission. FDG-PET or integrated frequently between 100 and 200 mg/dL. This hyper-
PET/CT demonstrate essentially real-time response of glycemia interferes to some degree with the quality of the
both diffuse and focal lesions, in both secretory or, impor- PET images; and the degree of uptake by tumors is
tantly, nonsecretory disease. FDG-PET or integrated reduced by competitive inhibition, decreasing measured
PET/CT will demonstrate relapse on treatment as areas of standard uptake values (SUV). The SUV is a measure of
persisting and/or recurrent metabolic uptake on treat- the degree of uptake in a region of interest normalized by
ment. Thus, MRI is ideally used to document “complete- the dose administered to the patient and is dependent of
PET and PET/CT Imaging in Multiple Myeloma, Solitary Plasmacytoma, MGUS, and Other Plasma Cell Dyscrasias 289

1-27-2003 FDG PET 4-03-2003 FDG PET 6-13-2003 FDG PET


Severe diffuse & focal Mild diffuse disease Normal PET scan

MRI: 4
11-7-03 2
1/23/03 2/3/03 2/18/03 3/5/03 3/2/03 4/2/03 5/1/03 5/14/03

T1-wt STIR-wt
Figure 19.5. PET normalization of diffuse and focal disease components tracks clinical response. X-ray is abnormal permanently. MRI–focal lesion normalization lags behind mono-
clonal immunoglobulin protein (M protein) and FDG-PET for months to years. Patient is in complete remission since April 2003.

many other parameters that have to be carefully con- At the University of Arkansas Medical Center, PET/CT
trolled if the SUV is used clinically. Importantly, high- imaging is performed using an integrated PET/CT system
dose glucocorticoid medications can produce (CTI Reveal 16 “Hi Res” system from CTI Medical Systems,
false-negative examinations in some patients from tran- Knoxville, TN) with 4-mm LSO detectors and a 16-slice
sient inhibition of still-viable tumor (3). helical CT scanner; this is a “3D-only” system. PET/CT
The radiopharmaceutical should be administered in a imaging is performed from vertex to feet in a continuous
peripheral vein rather than in central line, to allow detec- manner, with whole-body CT attenuation correction.
tion of infected thrombi that may form at the tip of a The protocol is the following: a CT topogram is per-
central venous catheter. If direct venous access is not formed with 1-mm helical slices using 120 KV and 50 mA
technically feasible, flushing the central catheter with 200 for the full length of the body. If the patient exceeds the
mL sterile normal saline help to diminish residual activity single-pass length capability of the system, the knees to
in the central catheter and improve the image appearance feet section of the body is imaged separately. The protocol
in general, although detection of infection associated with for CT image acquisition includes effective mAs of 190
the central catheter will be less reliable (15–18). and KV of 120, 1.5-mm “fast” slice with 18-mm feed/rota-
A dose of FDG 555 MBq (15 mCi) of FDG is typically ad- tion. A general “whole-body” kernel filter is used, B.31f,
ministered intravenously 60 min before beginning image with medium smoothing with a 500-mm field of view, and
acquisition. During the distribution time, the patient with reconstruction increments of 3.4 mm.
should rest quietly in a semirecumbent position. The For the PET acquisition of the PET/CT examination,
patient is instructed to void immediately before imaging. emission images are acquired for 4 min per bed position,
Protocols for PET image acquisition and processing are although if the patient is obese, the time is extended on a
identical to the technical settings used for other malignan- “floating scale” to obtain sufficient count statistics for re-
cies on a given system, such as melanoma or lymphoma, liable imaging and quantitation. The raw data are trans-
although specific settings vary from manufacturer to ferred to a “Wizard” workstation (CTI Medical Systems,
manufacturer. The “whole-body” protocol for MM is Knoxville, TN) for reconstruction to save time on the
similar to that for melanoma, imaging from vertex to feet. system for scanning the next patient. The PET images are
290 Positron Emission Tomography

reconstructed with a 6-mm FWHM filter, with FORE sino- per bed position and a Gaussian 8-mm smoothing. Real-
gram rebinning, using iterative reconstruction (2 itera- time correction for random events is applied on both
tions on 8 subsets), and scatter correction. The processed PET/CT and PET systems (18).
images are then transferred to PACS and to two reading
With this type of PET/CT system, it is not necessary to Role of FDG-PET and PET/CT in MM and Related
reconstruct separately the CT data with a “bone filter”
because the resolution of the CT scanner using the Plasma Cell Dyscrasias
“whole-body” filter demonstrates excellent bone detail
using appropriate window and level settings. Therefore, Key Findings
both the skeletal system and the soft tissues can be evalu-
ated with one image set. The CT images are processed in a The findings of great importance in PET imaging of MM
512 x 512 pixel matrix. The PET images, acquired with 4- are as follows:
mm high-resolution LSO detectors, are reconstructed in a 1. Detecting and quantifying the size, number, and SUV
168 x 168 pixel matrix and interpolated to a 512 x 512 of skeletal focal lesions.
matrix to match the CT. 2. Detecting and quantifying location, size, and SUV of
Images are interpreted on dedicated MVS workstations extramedullary disease sites.
(CTI Medical Systems, Knoxville, TN, USA), using propri-
3. Detecting and rapidly communicating the presence of
etary FDA-approved software provided by the manufac-
occult infection.
turer that includes “deformable fusion.” Raw data are
archived on disc for long-term storage in addition to trans- Comparison with baseline examinations for change in
fer of processed images to the university PACS system. number of focal lesions is very important because FDG-
When the patient returns for follow-up PET or PET/CT PET imaging demonstrates tumor response as decreasing
imaging, the raw data from the most recent study are re- size, number, and uptake of FDG-avid focal lesions.
constructed for direct comparison on the workstations. Similarly, relapse and/or progression of disease is demon-
When a stand-alone PET system is used, for example, strated on FDG-PET imaging as increasing values of these
the Advance NXI (GE Medical Systems, Milwaukee, WI, parameters. The presence of persistent, metabolically
USA) with 8-mm BGO crystal detectors at the University active focal lesions after treatment is correlated with early
of Arkansas, a “PET-only” examination is performed. relapse. A high numbers of focal lesions (five or more) on
Attenuation correction is performed with transmission baseline examination is associated with a poor long-term
images obtained with a 68Ge rod source followed by emis- prognosis, especially in the presence of cytogenetic abnor-
sion images over the same field of view (vertex to malities, but does not correlate with short-term response.
midthigh), and emission images only are acquired from The presence of extramedullary disease (tumor occurring
midthigh to feet. Transmission images are acquired for 2 completely independent of bone) confers a very poor
min per bed position and emission images are for 4 min prognosis in the relapsing/refractory patient, especially if
per bed position, increasing this time if the patient is present at baseline with overall survival of 42% versus
obese to obtain adequate count statistics. 70% (P = 0.005) and event-free survival of 20% versus
The images are reconstructed with a 6-mm FWHM 47% (P = 0.002) at 12 months after relapse (n = 48) (7, 11).
filter in a 128 x 128 matrix using 2D OS-EM with 28 Tumor involvement with MM, as seen with FDG-PET
subsets and 2 iterations. Correction for attenuation is per- and PET/CT imaging, occurs as a diffuse infiltration of the
formed with a segmented algorithm, one overlapping slice marrow, as focal bone lesions, or as soft tissue lesions (ex-


a b c
Figure 19.6. Classic “breakout” lesions seen on coronal pelvic views: CT (a), fused PET/CT (b), and FDG-PET (c). A large focal plasmacytoma from multiple myeloma has penetrated
the cortex of the periacetabular pelvis on the right with a soft tissue component extending medially (lower arrow). These breakout lesions are still dependent on the bone marrow
microenvironment, in contrast to exclusively soft tissue or extramedullary disease, such as seen in the right rectus muscle (upper arrow), which has ominous prognostic significance.
PET and PET/CT Imaging in Multiple Myeloma, Solitary Plasmacytoma, MGUS, and Other Plasma Cell Dyscrasias 291

tramedullary disease). About 20% of newly diagnosed pa- impact of the number of focal lesions at baseline is second
tients have normal baseline PET or PET/CT images. The only to the presence of cytogenetic abnormalities.
skeletal lesions can achieve a sufficient mass to break Cytogenetic abnormalities in MM define a condition in
through the cortex of the involved bone, producing which the tumor cells proliferate outside the bone marrow
“breakout” lesions, but these lesions do not have the same microenvironment, a condition both very aggressive and
ominous prognostic significance as true extramedullary refractory to treatment. The physician interpreting PET or
disease, which grows entirely independently of the bone PET/CT imaging for MM should report the number of
marrow microenvironment (6–8, 11) (Figure 19.6). PET-defined focal lesions to the referring physician
because this information helps define the risk category of
the patient. On follow-up examination, decreasing size,
Focal Lesions uptake, and/or number of focal lesions is seen with re-
sponse to treatment. Conversely, new focal lesions and/or
Focal lesions are defined as well-circumscribed areas of increasing number of focal lesions indicate lack of re-
increased uptake relative to the marrow background that sponse or relapse. Reporting specific, quantitative changes
are thought to represent areas of tumor involvement, between scans is necessary to determine effectiveness of
measuring at least 5 mm in one dimension. This definition treatment and to detect relapse (4–8).
specifically excludes focal areas of uptake that are not It is important to obtain cytogenetic information on pa-
thought to be caused by tumor, such as, for example, tients with MM. Random marrow biopsy of the iliac crest
uptake in rib fractures not associated with focal bone or sternum is generally sufficient. However, the PET-in-
lesions (common in these osteoporotic patients), uptake terpreting physician can aid in selection of biopsy sites by
in acute or subacute compression fractures (also describing in the report areas of focal uptake that are ac-
common), facet joint arthritis, and suspected sites of in- cessible to biopsy (for example, large breakout lesions, lo-
fection. Thus, use of PET/CT rather than “PET-only” cations of large lesions within the pelvis, or expansile
imaging is very helpful in deciding if focal uptake is or is lesions elsewhere). Because MM is a genetically heteroge-
not the result of tumor. neous tumor, focal lesions with the greatest metabolic ac-
Areas of focal uptake on FDG-PET images resolve very tivity (SUV) should also be identified in the report as
quickly with effective treatment, similar to the time course possible biopsy sites as these regions can demonstrate a
of M protein normalization in secretory disease and to the higher percentage of abnormal cytogenetics than random
time course of resolving abnormal diffuse uptake. The biopsy (29).
time course for focal lesion resolution demonstrated by The presence of one or more focal lesions of bone con-
MRI is typically longer, often months to years in duration. stitutes the diagnosis of MM in the presence of abnormal
These persistent focal lesions on MRI are often sites of diffuse marrow infiltration with 10% or more abnormal
residual microscopic tumor and can thus be sources for plasma cells. If only one focal lesion is present in the
and sites of relapse, even after years of remission. FDG- skeletal system and the patient does not have diffuse
PET and MRI are complementary in MM, with PET marrow tumor infiltration, the patient may have solitary
demonstrating “real-time” response and MRI demon- bone plasmacytoma. However, a patient with the diagno-
strating focal lesions that fail to resolve with treatment sis of solitary bone plasmacytoma have a progression rate
and that should be followed chronically for change with to MM of about 3% annually, and FDG-PET imaging can
limited MRI examination (7). often find occult additional lesions not detected on skele-
Most patients (85%) will develop focal lesions during tal survey or on MRI if peripheral in location. FDG-PET
the course of their disease. Indeed, the presence of more imaging is thus useful for periodic screening of patients
than one focal lesions, either on MRI, PET, or X-ray (CT with solitary bone plasmacytoma, not only to assess re-
or conventional radiograph) establishes the diagnosis of sponse of the solitary tumor to treatment but also to
MM, with the exception of a very rare entity known as screen for progression to overt MM.
“multiple solitary plasmacytomas” (an oxymoronic- If a focal area of uptake is present exclusively in the soft
sounding condition with multiple focal plasmacytoma tissues, with no diffuse marrow infiltration, the patient
lesions of bone but without a diffuse infiltration of the may have solitary extramedullary plasmacytoma. This
bone marrow with plasma cells; a marrow biopsy away condition does not have the ominous progression rate to
from the focal lesions fails to demonstrate tumor). PET MM as solitary bone plasmacytoma does and is often
imaging cannot distinguish between MM and multiple curable. However, FDG-PET imaging may detect the pres-
solitary plasmacytomas because PET imaging cannot reli- ence of occult lesions elsewhere in this condition because
ably detect the presence of diffuse tumor infiltration of of the “whole-body” nature of the procedure. FDG-PET
the marrow against the wide normal variation in diffuse imaging can also assess effectiveness of treatment.
marrow uptake. As biopsy is still required for diagnosis of Multiple focal lesions of bone without diffuse marrow
both conditions, this is not a significant problem (13–31). infiltration occur in a condition known as multiple soli-
The number of focal lesions at baseline is inversely pro- tary plasmacytomas; this is an uncommon condition that
portional to prognosis for both EFS and OS. The adverse has only been recognized recently and which cannot be
292 Positron Emission Tomography

d e
Figure 19.7. Various examples of extramedullary disease. (a) 3D MIP FDG-PET image of a patient with newly diagnosed multiple myeloma with severe extramedullary disease of the
retroperitoneum (arrows). Smaller foci of extramedullary disease are in the soft tissues of the left lower extremity. Injection artifact in the left arm. (b, c) Occult extramedullary disease
from multiple myeloma discovered with PET/CT (arrows). (d, e) Extramedullary multiple myeloma of the rectum on sagittal CT (left) and FDG-PET (right) (arrows).
PET and PET/CT Imaging in Multiple Myeloma, Solitary Plasmacytoma, MGUS, and Other Plasma Cell Dyscrasias 293

Figure 19.7. Contd. (f–h) Extramedullary h

multiple myeloma. A solid mass is found
on RODEO MRI (f). Axial CT (g) and fused
PET (h) demonstrate a focal mass in the
left breast with slight FDG uptake. Needle
biopsy demonstrated extramedullary
multiple myeloma.

reliably distinguished from MM by FDG-PET or PET/CT Diffuse Uptake

imaging (12, 31, 32).
Attention to diffuse FDG uptake in the hematopoietic
marrow is essential. Diffuse increased uptake can be
Extramedullary Disease caused by tumor infiltration, especially if the pattern is ir-
regular or heterogeneous. Other conditions, for example,
It is of great importance that the PET or PET/CT inter- bone marrow-stimulating medication and bone marrow
preting physician distinguishes between intramedullary hyperplasia following chemotherapy, can cause diffuse
and extramedullary disease. The presence of ex- metabolic stimulation of the hematopoietic marrow
tramedullary disease defines a high-risk population with (Figure 19.8a, b).
poor survival in need of close monitoring and aggressive Severe diffuse increased uptake can hide or “mask” the
treatment. “Breakout” lesions (focal areas of tumor that presence of underlying focal lesions that have a similar
expand beyond the confines of the bone from which they metabolic rate. As treatment results in rapid suppression
originate, via erosion/permeation through the cortex) do of the diffuse component, on subsequent PET imaging the
not have the same biologic significance as true ex- focal lesions may become visible against the now less-
tramedullary disease as the breakout lesions are still active diffuse background activity, producing the spurious
growing in association with (and presumed dependency appearance of interval development of new focal lesions
upon) the bone marrow microenvironment. Extra- (“unmasking”). Thus, it is important to document in the
medullary disease represents a clinical entity that is less report for each examination the SUV of a representative
differentiated, often nonsecretory, and more aggressive, region of the hematopoietic marrow that is not involved
capable of growing without dependency on the marrow with focal uptake. If, on follow-up PET examination the
microenvironment. Because much of the treatment of MM diffuse component SUV has dramatically decreased
is directed not only at the tumor but also at the whereas the number of focal lesions appears to have in-
tumor–bone marrow interaction and dependency, devel- creased, “unmasking” of focal lesions may be present,
opment of extramedullary disease indicates development representing tumor responding to treatment.
of resistance to many therapeutic agents. Median survival At the University of Arkansas, the maximum SUV of
for relapsing or refractory patients with extramedullary the L3 or L4 vertebral body is typically reported, assuming
disease is less than 1 year (7) (Figure 19.7). there are no compression fractures, vertebroplasty, focal
294 Positron Emission Tomography

a b

Figure 19.8. (a) Anterior 3D MIP FDG-

PET of a “Superscan” appearance from
severe intramedullary and ex-
tramedullary (stomach, liver, and spleen)
multiple myeloma. Notice the brain “see-
through” effect with the massive tumor
“steal” of the FDG. (b) Anterior 3D MIP
FDG-PETof a “Superscan” appearance
from bone marrow-stimulating medica-
tion (G-CSF, granulocyte colony-stimu-
lating factor). (c, d) Patients in remission
after stem cell transplantation can
demonstrate more uptake in the periph-
eral marrow than typically seen in the
middle-aged to elderly adult (c, arrows);
this is probably caused by the redistribu-
tion of hematopoietic marrow. Anterior
3D attenuation-corrected MIP image (d)
demonstrated no evidence of active
disease. The patient was in complete
c d remission.

lesion, or other abnormality present. If an abnormality is marrow in the typical late middle aged to elderly patient
present at these levels, the SUV of the first normal-ap- with MM typically extends from the calvarium to the
pearing cephalad vertebral body is reported. All SUV pelvis and includes the sternum, the ribs, portions of the
values are measured from the transaxial images. Although scapulae (the glenoid and coracoid regions and inferior
nonspecific, comparison between SUV values of diffuse scapular tips), and the proximal portions of the humeri
uptake between examinations can thus provide suggestive and femora. In more aggressive or in later stages of the
information, with careful correlation with clinical infor- disease, spread to more peripheral locations occurs.
mation, as to possible “unmasking” versus progression of After bone marrow transplantation, alteration of the
disease on treatment, with the latter indicating a need for “normal” hematopoietic distribution can be significant,
rapid intervention. with FDG uptake extending to the peripheral skeleton,
Skeletal disease in MM typically mirrors the distribu- sometimes with an irregular or “patchy” appearance of
tion of hematopoietic marrow. The hematopoietic the more central marrow (this irregular pattern can be
PET and PET/CT Imaging in Multiple Myeloma, Solitary Plasmacytoma, MGUS, and Other Plasma Cell Dyscrasias 295

caused by repopulation of a scarred marrow space from lignancy and infection. This potential difficulty is largely
antecedent large, focal osteolytic defects). Thus, active circumvented by discriminative interpretation of the
marrow in the distal femurs or proximal tibias is some- findings on imaging in the context of the typical anatomic
times seen (Figure 19.8c, d). distribution of the underlying malignancy. For instance,
Because MM does rarely occur as young as the teenage foci of FDG uptake in certain locations would be ex-
years, the age of the patient must be considered when tremely unlikely to represent metastatic spread, such as
evaluating the extent and intensity of diffuse skeletal foci in the vascular system, dentition, sinuses, disks, and
uptake. In the adolescent to young adult, the hematopoi- joints. The interpreter has to be familiar with the usual
etic marrow normally extends further into the extremities pattern of spread of the malignancy affecting the patient.
than in the older adult and is more metabolically active For example, MM rarely affects the respiratory and gas-
than in the typical, otherwise healthy older adult (3). trointestinal tracts; thus, abnormal FDG uptake at these
sites should raise suspicious for infection. Conversely, if
the patient has a primary malignancy known to involve
Detection of Infection the respiratory or gastrointestinal tract, such as lung,
colon, or breast cancer, malignant involvement should be
Infection continues to represent a diagnostic and therapeu- considered. Evaluation of response of the underlying ma-
tic challenge in the management of immunosuppressed lignancy by parameters other than imaging (for example,
patients, including those with MM, in whom timely diag- clinical examination, serum markers such as C-reactive
nosis and treatment is often delayed because of the absence protein, bone marrow aspirate, and biopsy) can also assist
of the typical signs and symptoms of infection (19, 20). in the evaluation of the etiology of abnormal FDG uptake
Because FDG accumulates nonspecifically in cells with at these extramedullary sites.
increased glucose metabolism, including both neoplastic The radiopharmaceutical should be administered in a
and inflammatory cells, it represents a potentially impor- peripheral vein rather than through a central catheter,
tant tool for the diagnosis of infection in this patient pop- which does improve reliability of SUV measurements by
ulation (21–25). decreasing the amount of isotope that is not circulating in
A recent study demonstrated the ability of FDG-PET the body as almost invariably some radiopharmaceutical
scan to identify a wide range of infections caused by remains in the central catheter. More importantly, focal
various pathogens (bacteria, fungi, and/or viruses) at a uptake at the catheter tip following peripheral venous in-
variety of sites, including pneumonia, sinusitis, discitis, jection of the radiopharmaceutical strongly suggests in-
osteomyelitis, septic arthritis, cellulitis, colitis, diverticuli- fection of the thrombus at the catheter tip from
tis, esophagitis, abdominal abscess, and periodontal hematogenous microorganism seeding. Similarly, FDG
abscess, even in the presence of severe neutropenia uptake along the catheter tract or associated with the
(15–17). Additionally, FDG-PET imaging was particularly reservoir of an indwelling catheter strongly suggests in-
useful for the diagnosis of vascular infections such as fection, unless the catheter was placed within the last 2
septic thrombophlebitis, either spontaneous or due to in- weeks. If the radiopharmaceutical is injected via the
fection of implantable catheters. FDG-PET imaging also central catheter, even if the catheter is flushed liberally
contributed to the management of patients with infection, with saline, the reliability of these findings for detection of
particularly those involving the vascular system, skeleton, infection is decreased.
and joints, including detection of infectious foci that were FDG-PET imaging should be considered in immuno-
silent clinically and were not identified by conventional suppressed patients with suspected infection who have a
diagnostic methods, determination of the extent of infec- negative diagnostic evaluation to detect and localize a
tion, and modification of the diagnostic workup and ther- source of infection. FDG-PET imaging should similarly be
apeutic strategy (15, 17). considered to evaluate the significance of persistent
Other nuclear imaging techniques have a significant role findings of infection by conventional radiologic tests fol-
in the diagnosis of infection, for example, using tracers lowing a recently treated infection, such as a persistent
such as 111In- or 99mTc-labeled white blood cell scans or 67Ga lung infiltrate on chest X-ray or chest CT scan. A negative
citrate. Compared to these tracers, FDG is less labor inten- FDG-PET study, in the absence of other clinical or labora-
sive, allows earlier diagnosis because of earlier imaging tory markers for infection, suggests resolution of the in-
time (less than 1 h versus 4–24 h), and provides less radia- fection, hence allowing safe resumption of antineoplastic
tion dose to the patient because of a shorter half-life (less chemotherapy. FDG-PET imaging should also be obtained
than 2 h versus 6–67 h). In addition, FDG-PET imaging can when an intravascular infection is suspected, including
be diagnostic in the setting of severe neutropenia and is spontaneous septic thrombophlebitis and infections of
also useful for staging the underlying cancer. With PET/CT implantable catheters.
imaging, the foci of abnormal FDG uptake can be precisely Finally, abnormal areas of FDG uptake at ex-
localized anatomically (15–17, 19–27). tramedullary sites should prompt an evaluation for infec-
A potential limitation of FDG-PET imaging for diagnos- tion, particularly when the location of the abnormal
ing infections is the inability to discriminate between ma- uptake is not typical of organ system involvement by the
296 Positron Emission Tomography


Figure 19.9. (a–d) Proven examples of

infections discovered on FDG-PET in pa-
tients with hematologic malignancies.
(e–g) Sagittal (upper left) and coronal
(lower left) CT images and oblique 3D
MIP FDG-PET (upper left) demonstrate
osteomyelitis of the maxilla (arrows) in a
patient with multiple myeloma and a
severe periodontal abscess. Maxillary or
mandibular infections in this population
can be bacterial or fungal (for example,
actinomycosis), and their incidence may
be increased by the use of bisphospho-
nate medications, which may also
predispose to osteonecrosis of the
PET and PET/CT Imaging in Multiple Myeloma, Solitary Plasmacytoma, MGUS, and Other Plasma Cell Dyscrasias 297

underlying malignancy. Detecting and properly treating posterior iliac crest but can be performed in the sternum
such infections before immunosuppressive therapy may and occasionally elsewhere (for example, a specific focal
avoid serious clinical consequences (15–17). bone lesion or area of extramedullary disease). As with
Because detection of infection in MM and related ma- other surgical interventions, biopsies can produce FDG
lignancies frequently results in significant changes in uptake from the induced inflammatory response in the
patient management, rapid communication of the pres- acute to subacute time frame. The interpreting physician
ence of suspected infection to the referring physician is should recognize focal uptake in these typical locations as
essential (Figure 19.9). possible biopsy sequelae, especially for new areas of
uptake. PET/CT imaging is particularly helpful in this
regard, often showing the needle track. On PET-only
Pitfalls, Pearls, and Caveats images, extension of uptake from the area of suspected
biopsy to the skin is often visible, particularly in the
Vertebroplasty region of the iliac wing (18) (Figure 19.11).

Much of the morbidity of MM comes from the bone

disease resulting from inhibition of osteoblasts and stimu- False-Negative Results: Chemotherapy Effect
lation of osteoclasts from various cytokines released from
the tumor–marrow microenvironmental interactions. Any partially effective treatment, such as dexamethasone
Systemic osteoporosis, with or without coexisting focal for MM, can produce false-negative FDG images despite
osteolytic lesions, is a frequent cause of compression frac- the presence of extensive disease in the bone marrow on
tures of the vertebral bodies. both a diffuse and a focal basis. As in other malignancies,
Vertebroplasty is now a common procedure performed it is important to coordinate the timing of the treatment
for acute to subacute compression fractures, often with and performance of PET imaging following treatment to
dramatic and rapid relief of pain. The vertebroplasty avoid false-negative examinations (5) (Figure 19.12).
cement is radioopaque. Depending on the PET or PET/CT
manufacturer’s imaging algorithm and method of attenu-
ation correction, the levels of vertebroplasty can appear Other Plasma Cell Dyscrasias
as areas of increased or decreased uptake on the attenua-
tion-corrected PET or PET/CT images. Additionally,
because compression fractures often occur at levels with
Monoclonal Gammopathy of Undetermined
concurrent osteolytic focal lesions, careful attention and Significance
comparison to prior examinations is needed to determine
if uptake is from the compression fracture alone, from at- Most authorities consider monoclonal gammopathy of
tenuation correction artifact (by reviewing the images undetermined significance (MGUS) the usual precursor of
without attenuation correction), or is also associated with MM, being indistinguishable from MM based on gene ex-
focal tumor uptake (18) (Figure 19.10). pression profiling and having the same genomic instabil-
ity. There is progression to MM in approximately 1% of
patients per year. PET imaging in MGUS is usually
Biopsies normal. As focal lesions or extramedullary disease are not
seen in MGUS, PET or PET/CT imaging revealing such
Bone marrow biopsy is a mainstay for diagnosis and findings demonstrate conversion to MM. Because of the
restaging of MM. This procedure is typically done in the whole-body nature of FDG-PET imaging, this procedure

a b c d e

Figure 19.10. (a–e) Attenuation correc-

tion artifact producing spurious appear-
ance of focal lesions of the lumbar spine.
These images are from a multiple
myeloma patient in remission with mul-
tilevel vertebroplasty. Attention to the
sagittal image without attenuation cor-
rection demonstrated no focal lesions.
298 Positron Emission Tomography

a b c

d e
Figure 19.11. (a–c) Recent bone marrow needle biopsy of the iliac wing. This should not been mistaken for a focal lesion of multiple myeloma. Clues to the true etiology include
typical location (for example, posterior iliac wing or sternum), answers to a patient questionnaire about recent surgeries or biopsies, and/or extension of uptake to the skin as a result
of inflammatory response. FDG-PET changes are seen on axial (a), coronal (b), and sagittal (c) images. On integrated PET/CT imaging (d, e), the bony defect from the biopsy needle is
often visible. (d, e) Focal uptake from a bone marrow biopsy the previous day, not to be mistaken from a focal lesion from multiple myeloma (long arrow). The linear track is seen on
the CT image. An old, healed biopsy site with sclerotic margins is also visible (short arrow).

is an excellent modality to screen for conversion to MM, tients annually. Solitary bone plasmacytoma has the same
compared to conventional imaging (X-ray, CT, and MRI) osteolytic appearance on X-ray as a plasmacytoma associ-
(11) (Figure 19.13). ated with MM. FDG-PET and PET/CT imaging can
demonstrate unsuspected multiple lesions, upgrading the
diagnosis to MM. FDG-PET and PET/CT can also demon-
Solitary Plasmacytoma strate response of solitary extramedullary plasmacytoma
or solitary bone plasmacytoma to treatment (11, 31)
Solitary plasmacytoma occurs in two varieties, solitary ex- (Figure 19.14).
tramedullary plasmacytoma (occurring exclusively in the
soft tissues) and solitary bone plasmacytoma (occurring
in concert with the skeletal system). Solitary ex- Castleman’s Disease
tramedullary plasmacytoma has a high likelihood of cure
with radiation and is unlikely to progress to MM. Solitary Benjamin Castleman first described Castleman’s disease
extramedullary plasmacytoma appears as a nonspecific in 1956. It was later divided into two subtypes, unicentric
FDG-avid soft tissue mass shown on biopsy to be a plas- (with a relatively favorable prognosis and often diagnosed
macytoma. Solitary bone plasmacytoma is more likely to incidentally) and multicentric. The multicentric variant
progress to MM, with a conversion rate of about 3% of pa- has a relatively poor prognosis, representing a polyclonal
PET and PET/CT Imaging in Multiple Myeloma, Solitary Plasmacytoma, MGUS, and Other Plasma Cell Dyscrasias 299

a b c
Figure 19.12. False-negative PET/CT scan in a patient with known extensive disease. The MRI examination was obtained 1 day before the FDG-PET/CT. Administration of dexam-
ethasone to the patient resulted in a rapid transient suppression of tumor metabolism with no areas of increased uptake seen on the PET/CT study (fused PET/CT, b) and anterior 3D
MIP, c), despite the focal mass with epidural involvement and focal lesions on bone seen on the STIR-weighted MRI images (a).

lymphoproliferative disorder characterized by recurrent Waldenström’s Macroglobulinemia

fevers, lymphadenopathy, hepatosplenomegaly, and au-
toimmune phenomena, sometimes progressing to malig- Waldenström’s macroglobulinemia is a variant of non-
nant lymphoma. The plasma cell variant of multicentric Hodgkin’s lymphoma, a lymphoid neoplasm character-
Castleman’s disease frequently occurs in the setting of un- ized by a monoclonal lymphoplasmacytic expansion
derlying human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection accompanied by secretion of a serum monoclonal im-
and appears to be associated with HIV-8 infection. munoglobulin M (IgM). Jan G. Waldenström originally
FDG-PET imaging can demonstrate active disease in described the disease in 1944, reporting two patients with
Castleman’s disease in an analogous manner to lymphoma, epistaxis, anemia, lymphadenopathy, and hypergamma-
demonstrating active regions of disease and response to globulinemia. The monoclonal protein often results in a
treatment. FDG-PET/CT imaging is particularly helpful characteristic hyperviscosity syndrome. Current thera-
because, as in lymphoma, the CT imaging allows demon- peutic modalities include alkylator agents, purine nucleo-
stration of lymphadenopathies that may not be FDG avid, side analogues, and rituximab.
allowing comparison on follow-up examination for both Waldenström’s macroglobulinemia is uncommon dis-
anatomic and physiologic changes (33–35) (Figure 19.15). order, comprising 6% of all B-cell lymphoproliferative
300 Positron Emission Tomography

Figure 19.13. Anterior 3D MIP FDG-PET

images of patients with monoclonal
gammopathy of undetermined signifi-
cance (MGUS). The patient in stable
MGUS (a) demonstrates no focal lesions.
The patient progressing to multiple
myeloma (MM) (b) has focal lesions on
FDG-PET (arrows). (Reprinted with per-
mission from Walker R, Jones-Jackson L,
Miceli M, et al. FDG-PET functional
imaging in multiple myeloma: clinically
important caveats, pitfalls, and pearls.
(Presented at the annual meeting of the
American Society of Hematology, December
4–7, 2004, San Diego, CA.)
a b

diseases, with about one-tenth the estimated prevalence of age at presentation is 63 years. Analogous to MM, the pre-
MM. Waldenström’s macroglobulinemia has an overall dominant risk factor for development of the disease is the
better prognosis and median survival than MM. presence of IgM-MGUS (36, 37).
Waldenström’s macroglobulinemia is believed to be more The typical findings of Waldenström’s macroglobuline-
common in white populations and in men. The median mia on FDG-PET and PET/CT imaging are those of lym-

a b c d
Figure 19.14. Solitary bone plasmacytoma at the lumbosacral junction. The tumor is extending from L5 into the L5–S1 disk space, the upper end plate of S1, with direct extension
anterior and posterior to the vertebral column, invading the neural arch with epidural involvement, seen on T1- (a) and STIR (b) -weighted MRI, FDG-PET (c), and CT (d) images. Note
the normal appearance of all regions away from the solitary lesion.
PET and PET/CT Imaging in Multiple Myeloma, Solitary Plasmacytoma, MGUS, and Other Plasma Cell Dyscrasias 301

In MM and related plasma cell dyscrasias, FDG-PET or
PET/CT imaging are useful and reliable techniques for as-
sistance in the diagnosis by identifying optimal sites for
biopsy, for staging and restaging the tumor, for detecting
extramedullary disease, and for monitoring response to
treatment. They are equally effective in secretory or non-
secretory disease, with the latter developing with an in-
creasing frequency during the course of the disease,
causing difficulty in monitoring disease response or
FDG-PET or PET/CT imaging are also useful techniques
for detecting occult infection in patients with hematologic
malignancies, for finding the source of infection, and for
documenting response to treatment of infection, even in
the setting of severe immunosuppression. The information
gained by FDG-PET or PET/CT related to infectious disease
often contribute to changes in patient management.
Figure 19.15. Anterior 3D MIP image of a patient with active Castleman’s disease. Note The presence of a high number of focal lesions, espe-
the extensive nodal pattern of uptake indistinguishable from typical lymphoma. cially with cytogenetic abnormalities or chromosome 13
deletions, and/or the presence of extramedullary tumor,
identifies patients at high risk with poor long-term prog-
nosis who will need aggressive monitoring and treatment.
phoma, with hepatosplenomegaly (especially with splenic Failure to achieve normalization of FDG-PET or
enlargement), lymphadenopathy with increased nodal PET/CT images after treatment identifies patients at high
uptake, and, rarely, focal lytic lesions of skeleton similar risk for early relapse.
to MM. Increased diffuse uptake in the marrow may also Progression of disease on treatment is a poor prognostic
be present (18) (Figure 19.16). sign identifying patients in need of immediate intervention.

Figure 19.16. Waldenström’s macro-

globulinemia with a lobulated left flank
mass (arrows) as seen on the coronal (a)
and left anterior oblique (LAO) 3D MIP
(b) images. a b
302 Positron Emission Tomography

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Evolving Role of FDG-PET Imaging in the Management of
Patients with Suspected Infection and Inflammatory
Hongming Zhuang and Abass Alavi

Timely identification and localization of infectious and vents further metabolism of FDG and, therefore, over time
inflammatory processes is a critical step toward appropri- monophosphorylated product accumulates in the tissue
ate treatment of patients with known or suspected of such (9). Multiple factors influence the degree of uptake and in-
disorders. Radiologic techniques including computed to- tracellular accumulation of FDG. High level of expression
mography, magnetic resonance imaging, and ultrasonog- of glucose transporters is known to be an important factor
raphy have been frequently utilized for this purpose. for facilitating FDG uptake in tumor cells. Tumor cells
However, these techniques rely solely on structural show increased expression of glycolytic enzymes, includ-
changes, and therefore discrimination of active infectious ing hexokinase, and decreased expression of glucose-6-
and inflammatory processes from alterations following phosphatase, compared to normal cells (10, 11).
surgery or other intervention remain difficult with these Consequently, high levels of FDG-6-phosphate are pro-
modalities. Also, infectious and inflammatory disorders duced and retained in malignant tissues.
cannot be detected in the early stages of their develop- FDG is not a tumor-specific tracer. Due to enhanced
ment because of the lack of substantial structural de- glycolytic activity, activated inflammatory cells such as
rangements, which render anatomic techniques neutrophils and macrophages also have increased FDG
insensitive for early diagnosis. Furthermore, these tech- uptake, which results in high FDG concentration of this
niques, based on current standards, provide information agent at sites of inflammation and infection (12–15). FDG
on only a limited part of the body. However, because of rapidly accumulates at sites of bacterial infection and in
advance made in recent years, it becomes feasible to scan reactive lymph nodes and results in high contrast between
the entire body within a short period of time. the affected and noninvolved tissues (16). There is evi-
Conventional nuclear medicine modalities, such as 67Ga dence that inflammatory cells also have increased expres-
imaging and labeled leukocyte studies, have been useful sion of glucose transporters when they are activated (17,
in diagnosing some infectious disease and have con- 18). Acute human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infec-
tributed significantly to the management of such patients tion leads to increased expression of glucose transporters
during the past three decades. However, these techniques at high levels and a corresponding increase in glucose
suffer from many shortcomings. Recent developments in metabolic activity (19). It is possible that the metabolism
the field have substantially improved the ability of the ra- of glucose and FDG uptake by inflammatory cells is more
diotracer imaging techniques to detect infectious disease. complicated than in malignant cells. For example, there is
These new methods are based on utilizing radiolabeled evidence that numerous cytokines and growth factors,
chemostatic peptides (1), radiolabed liposomes (2), whose levels are often increased during infection, may
avidin-mediated agents (3–5), radiolabeled antibodies (6, dramatically affect glucose uptake by inflammatory cells
7), radiolabeled antibiotics (8), and positron-emitting (20–24).
compounds, such as [18F]fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG). In The hierarchy for the degree of FDG uptake by resting
this chapter, we discuss the evolving role of positron inflammatory cells is as follows: neutrophils greater than
emission tomography (PET) in this setting. macrophages greater than lymphocytes (25), which would
FDG is transported into cells by glucose that is trans- indicate that infectious or inflammatory sites where neu-
ported and phosphorylated by hexokinase to FDG-6- trophils or macrophages dominate are more likely to be
phosphate. Phosphorylated FDG is trapped inside cells for visualized by FDG-PET than those dominated by lympho-
a prolonged period of time. The deoxy-substitution pre- cytes. However, in spite of low levels of FDG uptake by
304 Positron Emission Tomography

lymphocytes in the resting state, glucose metabolic activ- acquisition time in the diagnosis of lung cancer (45). On
ity of these cells can increase dramatically upon stimula- the other hand, many publications suggest that delayed
tion. Using a mouse skin transplantation model, Heelan imaging up to several hours from the time of injection of
et al. (26) found that FDG uptake was 1.5 to 2 times higher FDG would result in increase of sensitivity of the tech-
in allografts than in syngeneic grafts and that the increase nique in the diagnosis and management of patients with
in uptake correlated with the levels of T-cell infiltrate seen several types of cancer (46–59). In contrast, in infection
histologically. Furthermore, FDG-PET images of simian imaging, there is strong evidence that the interval
immunodeficiency virus (SIV)-infected animals were between injection and data acquisition can be substan-
readily distinguishable from those of an uninfected tially shortened without an adverse effect on the sensitiv-
control cohort and revealed a pattern consistent with ity of the technique in detecting the site of abnormalities.
widespread lymphoid tissue activation. Areas of elevated Early experiments in animal models demonstrated that
FDG uptake on the PET images correlated well with pro- FDG uptake by the inflammatory cells increases gradu-
ductive SIV infection using in situ hybridization as a test ally until 60 min following injection, and then it reaches a
for virus replication. These data suggest that the FDG-PET plateau and then declines thereafter. This observation has
method can be used to evaluate the presence and the state been confirmed in later studies. Therefore, the time in-
of inflammatory reaction in infected tissues in vivo, terval between the administration of FDG and data acqui-
thereby avoiding invasive procedures such as biopsy (27). sition could be shortened to less than 60 min for this
FDG-PET imaging has been used with great success in indication, but this protocol requires validation with
the management of patients with a variety of malignan- future studies.
cies. In contrast, reports of the utility of FDG-PET in de- The effect of serum glucose levels on the sensitivity of
tecting and characterizing infectious diseases are limited FDG-PET imaging in the diagnosis of infection is poorly
in the literature. FDG accumulates in a variety of infec- defined at this time. It is well known that hyperglycemia
tious and inflammatory sites, including abscesses in results in significantly reduced FDG uptake by malignant
abdomen (28), brain (29), lung (30), kidney (31), tubo- lesions (60). As a result, hyperglycemia can lead to false-
ovarian (32, 33), inflammatory pancreatic disease (34), negative findings in a variety of malignancies, including
lobar pneumonia (35, 36), sarcoidosis (37, 38), os- bronchial carcinoma (61), head and neck cancer (62), and
teomyelitis (7, 39), tuberculosis (40, 41), mastitis (42), and pancreatic neoplasias (63). To reduce serum glucose levels
infectious mononucleosis (43). The accumulation of FDG before to FDG-PET imaging, patients with cancer are in-
in sites of infection or inflammation is one of the major structed to fast for several hours. Also, in these patients,
causes of false-positive results when this imaging tech- their serum glucose concentration is assessed before FDG
nique is used in oncology. On the other hand, high accu- is administered to make certain that the levels are optimal
mulation of FDG at sites of infection provides an for this purpose. Based on recent data generated in our
opportunity to use FDG-PET imaging for the management laboratory, inflammatory cells differ significantly from
of patients with suspected or known infection. In an early malignant cells with regard to the time course of FDG
report with a total of 24 patients with various infectious uptake and its retention, as measured by in vitro tech-
lesions, FDG-PET achieved a sensitivity of 92% and a niques. There is evidence that hyperglycemia may not ad-
specificity of 100% (44). versely affect FDG uptake by inflammatory lesions, which
is in contrast to malignant lesions (64). Animal experi-
ments have shown that during septic shock glucose me-
tabolism in macrophage-rich tissues remains elevated
Imaging Protocols for Infection and regardless of serum glucose level (65). In a clinical study
Inflammation in patients with chronic pancreatitis, Diederichs et al. (63)
found that the average standardized uptake value (SUV)
Currently, there is no consensus about an optimal FDG- of the pancreatic tissue obtained in hyperglycemic pa-
PET imaging protocol for the assessment of infectious and tients was slightly higher than that in euglycemic patients,
inflammatory processes because of limited experience although the difference was not statistically significant.
with this application. Many centers employ the same pro- Most tumor cells have been shown to exhibit increased
tocol that is in place for assessment of patients with glycolytic activity and, therefore, have low glycogen
cancer. However, because of inherent biologic differences storage and fully depend on extracellular glucose supply.
between the two processes, imaging procedures may need In contrast, inflammatory cells are capable of mobilizing
to be adjusted for optimal results. their intracellular glycogen storage to produce glucose
The optimal time interval between the injection of FDG during periods of low plasma glucose. One example is the
and data acquisition is not well established when FDG- process of granulocyte phagocytosis, which often occurs
PET is used to examine patients with a malignant disease. in a hypoglycemic environment and depends heavily on
Most centers initiate imaging 60 min following the admin- glycogen storage (66). Therefore, the effects of glucose
istration of FDG. Some authors believe that a short 30- concentration on FDG uptake appear to be negligible in
min dynamic data acquisition is as effective as longer FDG-PET imaging to detect inflammation.
Evolving Role of FDG-PET Imaging in the Management of Patients with Suspected Infection and Inflammatory Disorders 305

In addition, cytokines released during the process of the diagnosis of osteomyelitis, especially in an otherwise
inflammation and infection also modulate FDG uptake by intact bone. Three-phase bone scanning has good sensi-
inflammatory cells. One example is platelet-activating tivity for detecting infection, but its specificity is relatively
factor, which is an important cytokine involved in a low (72). 67Gallium imaging in conjunction with bone
variety of inflammatory and infectious disorders (24, 67, scintigraphy has been used to distinguish infections from
68). In animal experiments, it has been shown that other processes, but this combination study has an accu-
platelet-activating factor can cause hyperglycemia (69, racy of only 70% (73). When combined with bone scan-
70). In addition, platelet-activating factor increases ning, labeled-leukocyte imaging has a good accuracy for
glucose uptake by polymorphonuclear leukocytes and diagnosing chronic osteomyelitis in the appendicular
monocytes in such a hyperglycemic environment (70). skeleton (71, 73). However, in chronic osteomyelitis of the
Similarly, granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF)- axial skeleton and other sites with high concentration of
treated rats revealed enhanced glucose uptake by several red marrow, labeled white blood cell (WBC) images of in-
organs, which was not affected by changes in plasma fection frequently appears as areas of decreased activity,
glucose or insulin concentrations (20). This regulatory which is nonspecific and is seen in inactive process such
effect of cytokines and growth factors on FDG uptake as fibrosis, surgical changes, fractures, necrosis, degenera-
would be very small in malignant cells because of their tive disease, and hematologic disorders (74–76). For these
relatively autonomous nature. Accordingly, fasting may reasons, WBC imaging of sites of infection in the axial
not be necessary when FDG-PET is used for the assess- skeleton and in areas with hematopoietic activity has an
ment of infection. If this phenomenon can be confirmed accuracy of 53% to 76% and therefore is of limited value
in clinical settings, it would simplify patient preparation (77).
considerably when FDG-PET imaging employed to detect FDG-PET imaging has proven to be useful in the diag-
inflammatory processes. This change would be of espe- nosis of osteomyelitis (Figures 20.1, 20.2), with a sensitiv-
cially great importance in examining diabetic patients, ity of 95% to 100% and specificity of 85.7% to 95% in a
who are prone to have frequent infections. relatively small number of patients (7, 39, 78). According
to these reports, FDG-PET is able to correctly diagnose
chronic osteomyelitis when both MRI and antigranulocyte
antibody imaging appear negative. In a study of 51 pa-
Clinical Applications tients, Guhlmann et al. (7) noted that FDG-PET imaging
was superior to combined 99mTc-labeled monoclonal
Chronic Osteomyelitis antigranulocyte antibody imaging and bone scintigraphy
in the diagnosis of chronic osteomyelitis. Meller et al.
When bone architecture has been altered by previous compared the efficacy of labeled-leukocyte imaging and
trauma, surgery, or soft tissue infection, it is often difficult FDG-PET with coincident camera in the evaluation of
to exclude chronic osteomyelitis and to differentiate soft chronic osteomyelitis. They reported that labeled-leuko-
tissue infection from osseous infection by imaging tech- cyte imaging was true positive in 2 of 18 regions, true neg-
niques (71). Bone scintigraphy plays an important role in ative in 8 of 18 regions, false negative in 7 of 18 regions,


Figure 20.1. FDG-PET images of the femur of a 41-year-old man who was involved in a motor vehicle accident and was suspected of suffering from osteomyelitis of the right distal
femur. Increased glucose metabolism in the marrow space of the right distal femur is seen (arrow). The site of inflammatory reaction extends outward from the distal femur to the
lateral fascia of the right thigh. [From Zhuang H, Duarte PS, Pourdehand M, et al. Exclusion of chronic osteomyelitis with F-18 fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomographic imaging. Clin Nucl Med
306 Positron Emission Tomography

Lt Lateral Anterior





Figure 20.2. FDG-PET images of a 33-year-old man with left ear malignant otitis (arrows) caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Corresponding bone scan and 67gallium images show
an extensive area of abnormal activity whereas FDG-PET localizes the infection to a considerably smaller area.

and false positive in 1 of 18 regions. In contrast, FDG with a temporary increase in FDG uptake at 3 weeks,
imaging was true positive in 11 of 11 regions and true neg- which mostly disappeared by 6 weeks. In the experimental
ative in 23f of 25 regions (79). FDG-PET was found to be animals, localized osteomyelitis resulted in an intense
especially useful for the evaluation of the axial skeleton. In continuous uptake of FDG, the degree of which was higher
a study of 32 patients with suspected vertebral os- than that of healing bones at both 3 weeks and at 6 weeks.
teomyelitis, De Winter et al. (80) reported sensitivity, This pattern differs from that of bone scintigraphy, where
specificity, accuracy, and interobserver agreement of a positive result may indicate either an active infection or
100%. When the results of FDG-PET imaging were com- a reparative process following successful treatment (87)].
pared with those of the combined bone and white blood The high spatial and contrast resolution of FDG-PET
cell scintigraphy, FDG-PET was significantly more accu- imaging may also permit differentiation of osteomyelitis
rate. from infection of soft tissue surrounding the bone. FDG-
Particularly, FDG-PET imaging can correctly distin- PET imaging can provide definitive evidence and the exact
guish chronic osteomyelitis from a healing bone reaction location of sites of infection within a few hours of tracer
(81). It is known that there is frequently increased FDG administration, compared to 24 to 48 h for 67Ga or
accumulation in the acute fracture site (82, 83) (Figure labeled-leukocyte imaging. Because of the high sensitivity
20.3). However, the increased FDG activity in the fracture of FDG-PET imaging in detecting infection, a negative
sites is usually transient. It is uncommon to note study essentially rules out osteomyelitis (39). In contrast,
significant FDG activity at the fracture sites after a few caution should be exercised in the interpretation of a pos-
months if no complications have followed the incident itive FDG-PET, as its predictive value is lower than that of
(84, 85). Therefore, the history of fracture several months a negative result. FDG-PET is a cost-effective alternative
earlier is unlikely to affect the diagnosis of osteomyelitis to the combined use of three-phase bone scanning, leuko-
by FDG-PET. This argument was confirmed by an animal cyte scintigraphy, and bone marrow imaging in this
experiment by Koort et al. (86) in which they found that setting and should be considered as the study of choice
uncomplicated bone healing in rabbits was associated for optimal management of such patients.
Evolving Role of FDG-PET Imaging in the Management of Patients with Suspected Infection and Inflammatory Disorders 307

Figure 20.3. FDG-PET/CT images of a patient who sustained a severe trauma to the chest wall 3 weeks previously. Increased FDG activity is shown in the left posterior chest wall, and
CT shows a recent fracture (arrows). These findings were interpreted to represent a recent fracture with inflammatory reaction resulting from the healing process.

Infections Associated with Prostheses ported a sensitivity of 77%, a specificity of 86%, and posi-
tive and negative predictive values of 54% and 95%. They
The success of prosthetic joint implant surgery has greatly concluded that labeled-leukocyte scan should not be rec-
improved the quality of life for individuals suffering from ommended routinely for evaluating periprosthetic infec-
degenerative and other joint diseases. The number of tion because of the complexity of the procedure, the cost
lower limb arthroplasties performed in the United States associated with this study, the need for two separate visits
has increased dramatically over the past two decades. separated by at least 24 h, and unsatisfactory accuracy.
More than 10% of patients will develop discomfort or pain FDG-PET has proved to be an effective modality in the
at some time point following arthroplasty. The majority diagnosis of infection associated with lower limb arthro-
of these symptoms are the result of mechanical failure or plasty. Clinical studies have demonstrated an overall sen-
loosening, while only a small fraction is caused by super- sitivity of 90% to 100% and a specificity of 81% to 89% for
imposed infection. Infection occurs in fewer patients fol- FDG-PET (97, 98). Based on some preliminary data, it
lowing initial lower limb arthroplasty, but the incidence appears that this technique has a higher accuracy in the
can be as high as 30% following prosthesis revisions (88, diagnosis of painful hip prostheses than that in knee pros-
89). It is crucial that the diagnosis of infected prosthesis is theses (98). In a study of 36 knee prostheses and 38 hip
established before the patient is subjected to further surgi- prostheses, the sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of
cal intervention. Multiple tests, which often include X-ray FDG-PET for detecting infection associated with knee
radiography, bone scanning, labeled-leukocyte scintigra- prostheses were 90.2%, 72.0%, and 77.8%, respectively. In
phy, measurement of C-reactive protein, and joint aspira- comparison, the sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of
tion followed by bacterial culture, are frequently required FDG-PET for detecting infection associated with hip pros-
to establish the diagnosis of infection (90). Among theses were 90.0%, 89.3%, and 89.5% (98). In contrast to
nuclear medicine studies, bone and 67Ga scans were first computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance
used to detect periprosthetic infections but did so with imaging (MRI), FDG-PET is not hindered by metallic im-
relatively low sensitivity (91, 92). Some authors have sug- plants that are commonly used for orthopedic procedures
gested that labeled-leukocyte scanning (93) can provide (99, 100). In addition, bone marrow uptake of FDG is
high sensitivity and specificity in this setting, especially minimal in the elderly population who are candidates for
when it is combined with 99mTc-sulfur colloid bone this surgical procedure. The higher spatial resolution of
marrow imaging (94,95). However, the reported accuracy FDG-PET compared to conventional nuclear medicine
of this technique has varied and no consensus has been imaging modalities enable small and subtle lesions to be
established concerning its utility. In a study by Scher et al. detected (Figure 20.4).
(96) in which 153 labeled-leukocyte scans were performed Accurate diagnosis of periprosthetic infection would
on 143 patients with painful prostheses, the authors re- require defining appropriate criteria for distinguishing in-
308 Positron Emission Tomography

Figure 20.4. Coronal FDG-PET images of a 63-year-old man with painful right hip prosthesis. Infection (arrowheads) at the bone–prosthesis interface and a fistula (long arrows) are
clearly demonstrated on these images. (Reprinted by permission of the Society of Nuclear Medicine from Zhuang H, Duarte PS, Pourdehnad M, et al. The promising role of 18F-FDG PET in detecting in-
fected lower limb prosthesis implants. J Nucl Med 2001;42:44–48, Figures 2 and 4.)

a b

c d
Figure 20.5. (a) Coronal FDG-PET images of a 72-year-old woman with infected hip prosthesis. Periprosthetic infection is identified on the right (arrowheads). (b) Coronal FDG-PET
images of a 76-year-old woman with bilateral hip prostheses. Both nonspecific uptake in the head and neck region (thin arrows) and activity suggestive of infection along the
bone–prosthesis interface (short arrow) are shown. (c) Coronal FDG-PET images of a 78-year-old man with painful left hip prosthesis. Arrowheads indicate periprosthetic infection. (d)
Coronal image of a 76-year-old woman with bilateral hip prostheses. FDG uptake is noted only around the neck of the right prosthesis (arrows). Revision arthroplasty confirmed that
there was no infection. (Reprinted by permission of the Society of Nuclear Medicine from Zhuang H, Duarte PS, Pourdehnad M, et al. The promising role of 18F-FDG-PET in detecting infected lower limb
prosthesis implants. J Nucl Med 2001;42:44–48, Figures 2 and 4.)
Evolving Role of FDG-PET Imaging in the Management of Patients with Suspected Infection and Inflammatory Disorders 309

Figure 20.6. Images of a patient with

left painful hip prosthesis. The arrows
point to the sites of increased FDG
uptake. Because FDG uptake was not de-
tected at the bone–prosthesis interface,
presence of infection was ruled out
based on FDG-PET criteria. Revision
arthroplasty confirmed loosening. CORONAL SAGITTAL

fection from aseptic loosening. In recent reports where uptake in uncomplicated arthroplasty is the same as that
“increased uptake compare to adjacent, presumably noted in loosening: increased FDG uptake around the
normal activity” was used as the evidence for infection head or neck of the prosthesis. As a result, the diagnosis
that may be associated with arthroplasty, FDG had a sen- of periprosthetic infection is not adversely affected by
sitivity of 100% but very low specificity (101, 102). This postsurgical changes, and the presence of infection can be
finding can be partially attributed to the fact that these in- reliably detected in spite of postsurgical pattern of FDG
vestigators utilize a coincidence scintillation camera to uptake in most patients (107).
acquire PET images of the hips (103). This type of instru- Last, when a painful prosthesis is evaluated for infec-
ment usually provide images that are somewhat subopti- tion, nonattenuation-corrected images should be utilized
mal for definitive diagnosis. Based on our experience, in for this purpose. It is known that attenuation correction
hip prostheses, increased FDG uptake must be present result in reconstruction artifacts that may be misinter-
along the interface between the prosthesis and bone to be preted as representing sites of infection, and this is espe-
regarded as positive for infection. cially true when integrated PET/CT is employed for this
It is very common to note significantly increased FDG purpose (Figure 20.8).
uptake around the neck and/or head segment of the pros-
thesis soon after arthroplasty, which may last indefinitely.
The SUV of these abnormalities can be as high as 7.0 Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
(Figures 20.5, 20.6). However, without increased FDG
uptake along the bone–prosthesis interface, the diagnosis Patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
of infection can be excluded as the cause of painful pros- (AIDS) have increased risk of developing a variety of op-
thesis. Therefore, increased FDG uptake along the inter- portunistic infections. These infections often manifest
face strongly suggests infection (Figure 20.5). Manthey et with nonspecific symptoms and sign and present with no
al. (104) suggested that high FDG uptake in the bone pros- localizing features. In a landmark study involving 57 AIDS
theses interface should be considered as evidence for in- patients by O’Doherty et al. (108), FDG-PET successfully
fected implant whereas an intermediate level of uptake is localized the sites of a variety of infections caused by
suspect for loosening, and that uptake only in the synovia Pseudomonas, Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare,
would be considered as synovitis. For knee prostheses, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, cryptococcus, and staphylo-
these diagnostic criteria result in a high percentage of coccus. In addition, FDG-PET imaging also successfully
false-positive results (98, 105). identified several sites of malignant lesions. Overall, the
Another possible source of error in characterizing sensitivity and specificity of FDG-PET imaging were 92%
painful prostheses with FDG-PET imaging is postsurgical and 94%, respectively, in detecting either infectious or
change following arthroplasty. For most surgical proce- malignant disorders in patients with AIDS (108).
dures, the effects of the operation may produce increased The first report by Hoffman et al. (109) noted that
FDG uptake for up to 6 months (106). However, non- central nervous system lymphoma is metabolically active
specific increased FDG uptake caused by uncomplicated and appears positive on FDG-PET images. In contrast,
hip arthroplasty may persist for a indefinite period of time FDG uptake in lesions caused by toxoplasmosis is sub-
(Figures 20.6, 20.7). The pattern of nonspecific FDG stantially low compared that in the central nervous system
310 Positron Emission Tomography

3 month 6 month 11 month

Figure 20.7. Persistently increased FDG accumulation after left hip arthroplasty in an asymptomatic patient who was examined at 3, 6, and 11 months postsurgery.

lymphoma. Similar results have been reported by other corresponded to the sites of active SIV replication (27). In
investigators (108, 110). One exception is progressive a similar study using rhesus macaque monkeys infected
multifocal leukoencephalopathy, which is difficult to di- by SIV 89.6PD, Wallace et al. (112) showed that FDG-PET
agnose by FDG-PET imaging alone (108, 110). imaging revealed a distinct pattern of lymphoid tissue ac-
Quantitative assessments of sites of FDG uptake have re- tivation. Increased tissue FDG uptake preceded fulminant
vealed that the SUV of toxoplasmosis lesions is virus replication at these sites. These data raise the possi-
significantly (P less than 0.05) lower than that of the sites bility of using FDG-PET to evaluate the distribution and
of lymphoma, with no overlap between the two groups activity of immunodeficiency virus in humans, thus
(108, 111). providing a potential basis for early detection of AIDS
PET has also been used in animal studies to image the infection.
metabolic changes that result from simian
immunodeficiency virus (SIV) infection at the affected
sites. PET images in SIV-infected animals were easily dis- Fever of Unknown Origin
tinguishable from those of uninfected controls and re-
vealed a pattern consistent with widespread lymphoid The causes of fever of unknown origin (FUO) are numer-
tissue activation. Regions of elevated FDG accumulation ous. Patients presenting with FUO can be divided into two

a b c d
Figure 20.8. FDG-PET/CT images of an asymptomatic patient with a right hip prosthesis. CT image (a), as predicted, showed significant artifacts due to implanted metal prosthesis.
Attenuation-corrected image (b) and fusion image (c) show intense FDG activity in the region of the head of prosthesis with a standardized uptake value (SUV) of 8. In contrast, on the
image without attenuation correction (d), no such activity is detected.
Evolving Role of FDG-PET Imaging in the Management of Patients with Suspected Infection and Inflammatory Disorders 311


Figure 20.9. FDG-PET images of a patient who had fever of unknown origin (FUO) revealed a large focus of FDG accumulation in the posterior aspect of left upper lung (black arrows),
which corresponded to the site of opacity on the follow-up chest X-ray (white arrow). These findings were interpreted to represent a site of inflammation and may represent the
source of FUO.

broad groups: those with occult infection and those with In this study, the sensitivity and specificity of FDG-PET
neoplasm or autoimmune disease. 67Ga scans and labeled- were 84% and 86%, respectively, compared to 67% and
leukocyte imaging have been commonly used in such clin- 78% for 67Ga single photon emission computed tomogra-
ical settings. Labeled-leukocyte scanning is generally phy (SPECT) (122). Overall, whole-body FDG-PET de-
preferable in patients with suspected infection, whereas tected the cause of FUO in more than half the patients.
Ga scanning is more effective in patients with possible
tumor or autoimmune diseases. Because many underlying
causes of FUO do not stimulate a neutrophilic infiltrate, Monitoring Response to Therapy
noncellular tracers such as 67Ga, FDG, or labeled human
immunoglobulin may be preferable for this purpose. The potential utility of FDG-PET for treatment monitor-
In most situations, 67Ga imaging is considered prefer- ing stems from its ability to quantitate FDG uptake in se-
able to labeled leukocytes for its ability to image both in- quential studies. This approach is successfully employed
fectious or inflammatory and malignant processes (113). in monitoring patients with a variety of malignancies in-
However, the physical quality of 67Ga images is poor cluding lymphoma. Schmitz et al. (123) noted that FDG-
because of the low spatial resolution of the images gener- PET imaging was able to assess the state of disease activity
ated and the low contrast between the affected sites and in a case of tuberculous spondylitis and to differentiate
the normal structures. When abdominal infection is sus- between bone and soft tissue infection. FDG-PET imaging
pected, physiologic accumulation of 67Ga in bowel sub- has also been used to monitor treatment of aspergillosis
stantially reduces the specificity of this technique. (124, 125). It has been reported that FDG-PET imaging is
FDG-PET can be a useful tool for the evaluation of FUO an effective method of evaluating the efficacy of
(Figure 20.9) and may replace 67Ga and labeled-leukocyte chemotherapy in alveolar echinococcosis by demonstrat-
imaging altogether in the future. One advantage of FDG- ing the resolution of abnormal metabolic activity with
PET imaging is its ability to detect both infectious/inflam- successful treatment. Parasitic viability in alveolar
matory lesions and malignant lesions with high sensitivity echinococcosis cannot be assessed by conventional
and specificity. In addition to infection and malignancy, imaging, and the long-term treatment of the condition is
FDG-PET can also detect rare diseases that may be very costly. FDG-PET may also be useful for timely detec-
present with FUO. For example, in childhood sarcoidosis, tion of relapse of echinococcosis after initial treatment
a disease with multisystem organ involvement, initial pre- (126). Similarly, Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare in-
sentation as FUO is relatively common. It is well known fection is a common complication in immunocompro-
that sarcoidosis can be readily detected by FDG-PET mised patients and monitoring its treatment is often
imaging (37, 38, 114). Similarly, several investigators have difficult. O’Doherty et al. (108) reported that following ef-
also shown the utility of FDG-PET for detecting vasculitis fective therapy of M. avium-intracellulare infection, there
(115–120), which is another possible cause of FUO. was reduction in FDG uptake by the lesions. We have em-
Chronic granulomatous disease (CGD) is a rare ployed sequential FDG-PET imaging in patients with in-
primary immunodeficiency disorder that may result in fection and inflammatory disorders such as sarcoidosis
life-threatening infections. In a study of five children with (Figure 20.10).
CGD and signs of infection of unknown origin, PET
imaging detected 102 foci of infection that were confirmed
by bacteriologic and histologic findings. CT imaging de-
tected only 49 of these sites. In addition, PET excluded Conclusions
active infection at 20 sites that appeared abnormal on CT
imaging (121). A recent study compared FDG-PET and Whole-body FDG-PET imaging is clearly superior to the
Ga imaging in detecting the underlying causes of FUO. anatomic imaging techniques such as contrast-enhanced
312 Positron Emission Tomography

Pre-treatment Post-treatment Normal

Figure 20.10. Pre- and posttherapy FDG-PET scans (attenuation-corrected projection image) of a patient with known pulmonary Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare infection re-
vealed significant reduction of activity following treatment. Attenuation-corrected projection image from a normal subject is also shown for comparison.



Figure 20.11. In this 21-year-old

woman with Chlamydia trachomatis
pelvic inflammatory disease, FDG-PET
identified the infected site (arrows)
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Evolving Role of FDG-PET Imaging in the Management of Patients with Suspected Infection and Inflammatory Disorders 313

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PET Imaging of the Skeleton
Gary J.R. Cook, Ignac Fogelman, and Ora Israel

A number of applications of PET in skeletal disorders atite crystals of bone to form fluoroapatite. Blood flow
have become apparent in the last decade. With the gener- and the capillary permeability–surface area product (PS)
alized growth of oncologic applications, there has been determine the clearance of fluoride by total bone tissue
particular interest in assessing the skeleton for metastatic (bone mineral, bone marrow, and associated extracellu-
disease with the bone tracer 18F-fluoride and the meta- lar fluid spaces). Net clearance by bone mineral is
bolic tumor agent 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG). There influenced by osteoblastic activity, which increases accu-
are also some early data on the use of FDG in the evalua- mulation by means of local bone mineralization and also
tion of primary bone tumors. by the relationship between blood flow and bone forma-
In benign skeletal disorders, quantitative dynamic 18F- tion. At low blood flow, passage of 18F-fluoride from the
fluoride PET scanning can be used to measure a number vascular space to bone tissue is limited by perfusion, but
of parameters related to regional metabolism of bone in at high blood flow, diffusion becomes the limiting factor.
both global and focal skeletal diseases, but the use of this This difference means that the unidirectional, single-
tracer has not been described in qualitative imaging eval- passage extraction efficiency (E) is close to unity at low
uation of benign disorders. There is a possible role for flow rates, so that 18F-fluoride clearance by total bone
FDG in the evaluation of infection within the skeleton, tissue approximates blood flow (3). However, at high
and the hypoxia tracer 18F-fluoromisonidazole has been blood flow E decreases and clearance underestimates
assessed in anaerobic skeletal infection. blood flow (4, 5).

Radiopharmaceuticals and Uptake F-Fluorodeoxyglucose
Mechanisms It has been known for many years that malignant cells
have a higher glycolytic rate than normal tissue (6) so that
F-Fluoride the glucose analogue FDG preferentially accumulates in a
number of tumors, although uptake is not specific to ma-
F-Fluoride was first described as a bone imaging agent in lignant tissue. Uptake of FDG is also related to tumor
the 1960s (1) but was subsequently replaced by 99mTc- hypoxia, which is probably also mediated by an increase
labeled diphosphonate compounds that were more suit- in glycolysis (7). FDG is transported into tumor cells by
able for gamma camera imaging. With improvement and the glucose transporter membrane proteins GLUT
increased availability of PET scanners, allowing high-res- 1–GLUT 5. GLUT 1 in particular is expressed in many ma-
olution imaging of the skeleton, there is now renewed in- lignant tumors (8).
terest in the use of 18F-fluoride for clinical and research In the skeleton, it is assumed that FDG is taken up di-
applications. rectly into tumor cells and does not result from skeletal
The mechanism of uptake of 18F-fluoride is similar to reaction to tumor as with 18F-fluoride, which accumulates
other bone-specific tracers used in nuclear medicine. on the mineralizing surface of bone rather than the tumor
Accumulation depends on regional blood flow and to a itself. The mechanisms of uptake and the information
greater extent on regional osteoblastic activity. 18F- available from FDG uptake in the skeleton are therefore
Fluoride is preferentially deposited at sites of high bone quite different from 18F-fluoride. FDG is currently the
turnover and remodeling (2) by chemisorption onto bone most commonly used tracer in oncologic PET imaging,
surfaces, exchanging with hydroxyl groups in hydroxyap- and because uptake of this tracer is not restricted to the
318 Positron Emission Tomography

skeleton, it has the advantage of demonstrating all 18

F-fluoride activity, including determination of Ki, the
metastatic sites, whether they be in soft tissue or bone. rate constant of plasma clearance of 18F-fluoride by bone
With regard to imaging of skeletal infection and inflam- mineral, have shown 3- to 10-fold-higher activity in
mation, uptake of FDG is likely to be largely associated metastases compared to normal bone (12, 15). However,
with activated white cells. As this mechanism of uptake is comparisons to benign lesions have not been reported. It
not specific to the skeleton, there is the potential to also is also possible to generate parametric images of regional
image the soft tissue component of infection associated indices from dynamic acquisitions, a process that may fa-
with the skeleton. cilitate measurement of regional kinetic indices (12).
Because of better spatial resolution and the routine ac-
quisition of tomographic images, 18F-fluoride PET
F-Fluoromisonidazole imaging has potential advantages over conventional bone
scintigraphy in detecting bone metastases. Schirrmeister
F-Fluoromisonidazole is one of a number of labeled and colleagues (17) have compared 18F-fluoride PET with
compounds that have been synthesized which incorporate 99m
Tc-MDP in 44 patients with varied primary cancers
a 2-nitroimidazole moiety as a bioreductive molecule (9). (prostate, lung, and thyroid), using computed tomogra-
The nitro group undergoes one-electron reduction in phy (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and 131I-
viable cells to produce a radical anion. In hypoxic cells, scintigraphy as reference methods. It was found that all
this intermediate is further reduced to species that react known metastases were detected by 18F-fluoride PET and
with cellular components and are trapped within the cell. nearly twice as many benign and malignant lesions were
In normoxic conditions, reoxidation rapidly takes place identified by PET than by 99mTc-MDP bone scans. It was
and the compound eventually diffuses out of the cell. also possible to correctly classify a larger number of
These compounds have been most extensively evaluated lesions as benign or malignant with 18F-fluoride (97%)
in the context of tumor and myocardial hypoxia but may compared to 99mTc-MDP (80.5%) because of the superior
have a role in the investigation of anaerobic infection of spatial localization of the former, particularly in the spine.
bone (10, 11). In a further study of patients with breast cancer, the
greater accuracy of 18F-fluoride PET led to a change in
management in 4 of 34 patients compared to conventional
Tc-MDP bone scans (16).
Malignant Skeletal Disease It is possible that some of the benefit of 18F-fluoride PET
derives from the better spatial resolution and tomographic
Skeletal Metastases images compared to planar bone scintigraphy. A further
study by Schirrmeister et al. (18) in patients with lung
High image contrast between normal and diseased bone cancer showed a significant advantage in diagnostic accu-
is achievable by PET imaging as early as 1 h following in- racy for 18F-fluoride PET compared to planar bone scintig-
jection of 18F-fluoride, and this method has been evalu- raphy but only a small, nonstatistically significant
ated in the investigation of bone metastases (12–17). advantage compared to bone scintigraphy augmented with
In breast cancer, both sclerotic and lytic bone metas- SPECT. 18F-Fluoride PET led to a change in management
tases have been reported to show increased uptake of 18F- in 11% of patients compared to planar bone scintigraphy.
fluoride (15), as is also seen with conventional nuclear In a subsequent study, 18F-fluoride PET was found to be
medicine bone tracers such as 99mTc-methylene diphos- more effective than SPECT but was associated with higher
phonate (MDP). Lytic metastases, more frequently en- incremental costs (19). It remains to be seen whether
countered in most cancers, are caused by osteoclastic routine PET bone scanning by 18F-fluoride PET would be
bone resorption that is stimulated by tumor-derived cy- cost effective across a broader spectrum of malignancies.
tokines, and this is nearly always accompanied by local re- With the advent of combined PET/CT, it is likely that
active bone formation and hence uptake of bone tracers. the anatomic and structural information available from
Sclerotic metastases occur when newly formed bone is the CT component will enhance the diagnostic accuracy
laid down without prior resorption, and these are charac- compared to 18F-fluoride PET alone, as has been
teristically associated with marked uptake of bone tracers. confirmed in an initial study by Even-Sapir et al. in which
Although PET shows superior quantitative accuracy the specificity of PET/CT was significantly greater than
over planar or single photon emission computed tomog- PET (97% versus 72%; P less than 0.001) (Figure 21.1)
raphy (SPECT) gamma camera imaging, it is unlikely that (20).
quantification of uptake of 18F-fluoride uptake, as a non- Because the uptake of FDG is within tumor cells and
specific bone agent, would be able to differentiate benign not on bone mineral surface, measurement of quantitative
from malignant focal skeletal lesions. Using a relatively indices of FDG and 18F-fluoride uptake is attractive, as
crude index of uptake (lesion to normal ratios), it has not there is the potential to grade lesions, infer prognosis, and
been possible to differentiate benign from malignant monitor response to treatment. This potential has not
lesions (13). Dynamic measurements of regional skeletal been explored so far.
PET Imaging of the Skeleton 319

The possible role of FDG in the evaluation of skeletal staging procedure, with the added advantage that other
metastases has been explored in a number of studies. On a tissues will be imaged at the same time (33, 34). For as-
patient-by-patient basis, the sensitivity for detecting sessing bone marrow response to treatment, the situation
metastases was found to be the same as 99mTc-MDP in may be more difficult with FDG, because it is known that
non-small cell lung cancer, but FDG-PET correctly chemotherapy and granulocyte colony-stimulating factors
confirmed the absence of bone metastases in a larger cause benign, diffuse increase in marrow activity (35, 36)
number of cases [specificity of 98% (87/89) compared to (Figure 21.5). Similarly, in other malignancies where bone
61% (54/89)] (21). The most likely explanation for these scintigraphy characteristically has a lower sensitivity as a
observations is that uptake of FDG is more specific for result of predominantly lytic skeletal disease, including
tumor and does not accumulate in coincidental benign multiple myeloma and renal cell carcinoma, FDG-PET has
skeletal disease such as osteoarthritis. Subsequent studies been reported as showing greater accuracy in assessing
in lung cancer have shown advantages of FDG-PET over the extent of skeletal involvement (37–39).
bone scintigraphy with regard to overall accuracy (22, 23). It would be anticipated that MRI would also be sensi-
In a similar study of 145 patients with a variety of tive to marrow-based metastatic disease compared to
cancers, FDG-PET demonstrated higher sensitivity and bone scintigraphy. In a study of 39 children and young
specificity on a lesion-by-lesion basis (24). This improved adults with Ewing’s sarcoma, osteosarcoma, lymphoma,
sensitivity may result from detection of metastases at an rhabdomyosarcoma, melanoma, and Langerhan’s cell his-
earlier stage, when only bone marrow is involved, as well as tiocytosis, sensitivity for the detection of bone metastases
the better spatial and contrast resolution offered by PET. for FDG-PET was 90%, for whole-body MRI, 82%, and for
FDG-PET is not more sensitive than bone scintigraphy bone scintigraphy, 71%, although FDG-PET showed the
for the detection of all bone metastases. In breast cancer, a highest number of false-positive results (40).
higher false-negative rate has been described in the skele- Early data using FDG with combined PET/CT for evalu-
ton compared to other sites (25, 26). In a group of patients ation of skeletal metastases in the spine have shown that
with breast cancer and progressive disease, a significantly having CT as an anatomic and structural correlate results
higher number of metastases was reported overall with in a higher specificity (41). PET/CT also allows the assess-
FDG-PET (Figure 21.2), but it was noted that a subgroup ment of soft tissue extension of potential neurologic
with predominantly sclerotic disease showed fewer lesions significance (Figures 21.6, 21.7).
by PET than by conventional 99mTc-MDP bone scintigra- Skeletal metastases are notoriously difficult to assess
phy (27). Sclerotic metastases showed lower uptake than with regard to response to systemic therapies using
lytic metastases in terms of standardized uptake value current standard criteria depending on changes in radi-
(SUV) (Figure 21.3). It has also been noted in a number of ographic appearances, a method that is accepted as being
reports that FDG was less accurate in assessing skeletal relatively insensitive compared to standard methods for
disease in prostate cancer, a tumor that produces pre- monitoring soft tissue metastases. Assessing response with
dominantly sclerotic bone metastases (28, 29). conventional bone scintigraphy is also limited by a slow
A number of possible explanations have been advanced change in bone activity or by the flare response. Direct
for the lower uptake of FDG in sclerotic bone metastases. measurement of skeletal tumor viability with FDG-PET is
It may be that this type of metastasis is metabolically less therefore of potential interest. At the present time there
active. This explanation would be supported by the are few data to support the use of FDG-PET in this role,
finding of a better prognosis in breast cancer patients with but a preliminary study reported by Stafford and col-
sclerotic bone metastasis than those with lytic metastasis leagues (42) showed a correlation in response as measured
(27). Sclerotic metastases are relatively less cellular (30), by tumor markers and that measured by serial FDG-PET.
so that smaller tumor volumes may account for the lower
uptake of FDG. In addition, more aggressive lytic disease
might be expected to outstrip its blood supply, rendering Primary Bone Tumors
the metastasis relatively hypoxic, a property that is associ-
ated with increased FDG uptake in some cell lines (7). In a There are fewer published data regarding the role of PET
different study, the sensitivity for detection of bone in primary bone tumors than bone metastases. As in
metastases was no different between FDG-PET and bone many other tumor types, there is a relationship between
scintigraphy, but FDG-PET showed a higher specificity the uptake of FDG, whether measured by semiquantitative
(97.6% versus 80.9%) (31). indices such as SUV or kinetic parameters such as the
In lymphoma, where skeletal involvement is predomi- metabolic rate of FDG and tumor grade in soft tissue and
nantly marrow based rather than in cortical bone, FDG- bone sarcomas (43–45). Because of low uptake in low-
PET has shown greater sensitivity than conventional bone grade sarcomas, FDG-PET may not be an adequate tool to
scintigraphy (32) (Figure 21.4). As bone marrow staging differentiate low-grade sarcomas from benign lesions (46,
of lymphoma is limited to iliac crest biopsy, which in- 47). However, uptake of FDG does not generally reach a
volves obvious sampling errors, it has also been suggested plateau for 3 to 4 h in malignant lesions whereas benign
that FDG-PET might replace bone marrow biopsy as a lesions show maximal uptake long before this (48). There
320 Positron Emission Tomography

a b
Figure 21.1. 18F-Fluoride PET/CT images of a 73-year-old man with hormone refractory prostate cancer [Gleason 9; prostate-specific antigen (PSA), 37 ng/mL]. A sclerotic T9 metas-
tasis and a pathologic rib fracture with an associated abnormal soft tissue mass are demonstrated on the PET (a) and PET/CT (b, c) images. (Courtesy Dr. Einat Even-Sapir, Souraski Medical
Center, Tel-Aviv, Israel.)

is therefore the potential for better differentiation of be complementary to MRI in differentiating residual
benign from malignant sarcomas by scanning later than viable tumor from treatment effects (54). Good correla-
the conventional 1 h postinjection or by measuring tion between serial FDG-PET and histopathologic re-
changes in uptake between two time points. sponse has also been observed in pediatric bone sarcomas
In chondrosarcomas, a correlation between SUV and (55).
histopathologic stage has been described with an im- FDG-PET has also been used in the evaluation of resid-
provement in identifying patients at risk of local relapse ual or recurrent musculoskeletal tumors, and results
and metastatic disease with higher SUVs (49). A further suggest that it may be more sensitive than other tumor
improvement in prognostic power was found when histo- agents such as 99mTc-sestamibi. In addition, it is possible
logic tumor grade and SUV information were combined. that additional information may be gained by using both
Similarly, high FDG activity has adverse prognostic FDG and 99mTc-sestamibi, where the former gives infor-
significance in osteosarcoma (50). For detecting skeletal mation on tumor viability and the latter gives information
metastases, it would appear that FDG-PET is more sensi- on the presence of multidrug resistance (56).
tive than conventional bone scintigraphy in Ewing’s
sarcoma but relatively insensitive in osteosarcoma (51).
The value of FDG in the monitoring response of bone
tumors to chemotherapy is unclear. Certainly there Benign Skeletal Disease
appears to be a reduction in uptake corresponding to
tumor necrosis following neoadjuvant therapy (52), but F-Fluoride
uptake into benign reactive fibrous tissue has been de-
scribed that may cause difficulty in differentiating com- Outside oncology, most of the reported work using 18F-
plete from partial response (53). However, FDG-PET may fluoride is in quantifying regional skeletal kinetics. The
PET Imaging of the Skeleton 321

Figure 21.1. Contd. (c) 18F-Fluoride

PET/CT images of a 73-year-old man
with hormone refractory prostate cancer
[Gleason 9; prostate-specific antigen
(PSA), 37 ng/mL]. A sclerotic T9 metasta-
sis and a pathologic rib fracture with an
associated abnormal soft tissue mass are
demonstrated on the PET/CT.

method was pioneered by Hawkins and colleagues (12) data analysis. It would appear that although the central
and has subsequently been used to quantify a number of compartment is an oversimplification, that is, it contains
indices of regional skeletal metabolism in normal subjects both bone marrow and bone extracellular fluid (ECF) as
(12, 57, 58), metabolic bone diseases (59, 60), avascular well as bone marrow cellular elements, this has little effect
necrosis of the hip (61), and surgical bone grafts of the on parameter estimation, particularly Ki (58). This finding
maxilla and hip (62, 63), as well as measuring differences suggests that bone marrow 18F-fluoride is available for
between trabecular and cortical sites within the same uptake into bone mineral, even if on a longer time scale
subject (57). than true bone ECF.
By measuring plasma arterial activity and acquiring The two most important parameters are Ki (net plasma
dynamic PET data over a skeletal region of interest, it is clearance of fluoride by bone mineral; units, ml min–1
possible to calculate a number of parameters related to ml–1) and K1 (plasma clearance of fluoride by total bone
different aspects of bone metabolism. Hawkins et al. (12) tissue; units, ml min-1 ml-1). The parameters k2, k3, and k4
described a three-compartment model and with the use of are simple rate constants (units of min–1). Ki has been
nonlinear regression analysis was able to determine the shown to correlate with biochemical and histomorphome-
rate constants describing exchange of tracer between tric parameters of bone formation and mineralization. K1
compartments as well as the macro-constant Ki, where is related to blood flow (Q) and E by the equation:
Ki = K1 k3/(k2 + k3) (1) K1 = Q • E (2)
It was found that a three-compartment model, consist- If E is close to unity, as has been deduced from mea-
ing of a plasma compartment, a central extravascular surements on rabbit hindlimb (3), K1 represents regional
compartment, and a bone mineral compartment, fitted bone blood flow. The Renkin–Crone model of capillary
the data better than a two-compartment model consisting diffusion (64) predicts that E is reduced at high rates of
of plasma and bone only. Subsequently, this model has blood flow, as might be seen in trabecular sites. K1 there-
been validated by using model-independent methods of fore underestimates true regional blood flow in these cir-
322 Positron Emission Tomography

Figure 21.2. 99mTc-MDP) bone scan (a)

and FDG-PET scan (b) in a patient with
breast cancer. The scans were performed
2 weeks apart with no intervening
therapy. The bone scan is essentially
normal, but the PET scan shows a
number of skeletal metastases.
a b

cumstances; this is supported by work from Piert and col- renal osteodystrophy patients with accelerated turnover
leagues (65) who compared vertebral blood flow in pigs from those with adynamic bone. Bone biopsy may be the
measured with 15O-labeled water with K1 for 18F-fluoride only way of resolving this problem, and thus alternative
determined as just described. noninvasive methods to determine bone turnover are at-
A number of potential clinical applications have been tractive. Messa and colleagues (59), by measuring Ki in
described for dynamic, quantitative 18F-fluoride PET. One vertebrae of patients with renal osteodystrophy, were able
clinical problem in bone disease is the differentiation of to differentiate those with high turnover from those with


a b

Figure 21.3. Transaxial 18F-fluoride (a), FDG (b), and CT (c) scans demonstrate focally
increased bone turnover in a sclerotic metastasis (arrows) but with no abnormal FDG
PET Imaging of the Skeleton 323

Figure 21.4. FDG-PET (a) and PET/CT (b)

scans in a patient with recurrent lym-
phoma. On the FDG-PET scan, abnormal
focal uptake is seen (arrows), but it is not
possible to confidently localize these
lesions to the skeleton. The combined
PET/CT scan allows accurate skeletal lo-
calization of the lesions, which had been
unsuspected and changed management.

adynamic bone and were also able to show correlations

between Ki and histomorphometric and biochemical
indices of bone formation.
Schiepers et al. (60) studied the axial skeleton in a small
number of subjects with a variety of metabolic bone dis-
eases, including Paget’s disease and osteoporosis, by this
method. Two subjects with Paget’s disease showed an ex-
pected increase in both Ki and K1, reflecting an increase in
both regional mineralization and blood flow. We have
noted similar findings in seven patients with pagetic ver-
tebrae (66). It was also noted that k4, describing the
release of 18F-fluoride from bone mineral back to the ex-
travascular compartment, was lower in pagetic vertebrae
compared to adjacent normal vertebrae, suggesting that
F-fluoride remains more tightly bound to bone mineral
in Paget’s disease, an observation also recorded by
Fogelman and colleagues using the 99mTc-MDP retention
Figure 21.5. Diffuse increase in uptake of FDG seen in the bone marrow of a patient 2 method (67).
weeks after completing chemotherapy is consistent with reactive changes rather than Osteoporotic subjects show low values of vertebral Ki
active lymphoma. (expressed in units of ml min–1 ml–1) (58, 60), a finding
324 Positron Emission Tomography

Figure 21.6. A 47-year-old woman with

metastatic breast cancer treated with
chemotherapy 2 years previously pre-
sented with increasing serum tumor
markers. Planar bone scintigraphy (a)
shows areas of abnormal uptake at the
sacrum, T5, first left rib, a right anterior
rib, and the right femoral neck. FDG-PET
coronal slices (b) demonstrate patho-
logic uptake in the sacrum, left first rib,
and T5.
PET Imaging of the Skeleton 325


Figure 21.6. Contd. PET/CT images (c)

show an active lytic metastasis in the
pedicle of T4 (i), an active mixed sclerotic
and lytic metastasis in the left first rib (ii)
Figure 21.6. Contd. (c) and an active
lytic metastasis in the sacrum (iii).

a b
PET Imaging of the Skeleton 327

Figure 21.7. Contd. (c) demonstrate

pathologic uptake in both femora, the
left proximal humerus, T4, and L5 (the
left iliac crest is not visible on these

that is at odds with reports of increased bone turnover as pilot study has suggested that by measuring K1 as an index
measured by other methods (68). It is possible that there of blood flow in the femoral head following trauma, it may
is a dissociation between global skeletal turnover and that be possible to predict which patients will require surgical
measured in the predominantly trabecular site of the intervention rather than a conservative approach (61).
lumbar spine (58). It is clear that further work, perhaps Two studies have also employed this method in assessing
with correlation with histomorphometric measurements, bone grafts, suggesting that it may be a useful method to
is required in osteoporotic subjects, before the full monitor graft metabolism and incorporation (62, 63).
significance of kinetic parameters derived by 18F-fluoride
PET is understood. However, using this method a direct
metabolic effect of antiresorptive therapy on skeletal ki- F-Fluorodeoxyglucose
netics at the clinically important site of the lumbar spine
has been observed in osteoporotic women (69). Accumulation of FDG is not specific to malignant cells,
Quantification of regional skeletal metabolic indices and observation of increased uptake into activated
also has potential clinical applications in orthopedics. A inflammatory cells (70, 71) has led to its use in the detec-
328 Positron Emission Tomography

e f
Figure 21.7. Contd. FDG-PET/CT images show the intramedullary location of sites of disease in the femora and left humerus (d), an active lytic lesion in the right pedicle of T4 (e),
and an intramedullary lesion in the left anterior iliac crest (f)
PET Imaging of the Skeleton 329

entiating this tumor from benign pagetic changes may be

Conversely, it does not appear that benign degenerative
disease in the spine or elsewhere causes uptake of FDG
that would be mistaken for metastatic deposits, but
uptake may be seen in inflammatory joint disease, partic-
ularly in the shoulder where uptake is assumed to be
caused by inflammatory capsulitis or tendonitis. FDG-
PET has been found to be very reliable in differentiating
degenerative and infective vertebral endplate abnormali-
ties detected on MRI, with no false positives or false nega-
tives reported in one series of 30 patients (85). In the
detection of bone metastases a potential false positive is
caused by recent fractures (86–89). It has been suggested
that measurement of SUV may help differentiate benign
from pathologic malignant fractures. In a series of 20 pa-
tients, it was found that the mean SUV in those with
benign fractures was 1.36 ± 0.49 whereas those with
pathologic fractures had a mean SUV of 4.46 ± 2.12 (88).
It has been noted that it is rare for FDG uptake to persist
g longer than 3 month after trauma (89).
Figure 21.7. Contd. and the left humerus (g).

tion of infection in humans (72). Early reports suggest
that this application may be particularly successful in the There is a limited literature on the potential use of this
skeleton (73, 74). Increased uptake of FDG occurs in both hypoxia selective tracer in skeletal infection. Its accumu-
acute and chronic osteomyelitis (Figure 21.8), but care is lation has been described in situations that commonly
required in image interpretation following surgical inter- involve infection by anaerobic organisms, such as diabetic
vention when nonspecific uptake may be seen (75–78). foot infection and osteomyelitis, as well as in odontogenic
There is increasing evidence that FDG-PET may be disease (10, 11).
helpful in assessing painful prostheses, although there is
the potential for false-positive interpretation for infection
if close attention is not paid to the pattern of uptake in
painful hip prostheses (79–81). Here it has been suggested Conclusion
that a pattern of uptake in the interface between the pros-
thesis and bone is more predictive of infection than The role for PET imaging of the skeleton is evolving. It is
uptake around the head or neck of the prosthesis (82). possible that 18F-fluoride PET may have incremental value
Accuracy has been reported as being better for hip pros- in detecting bone metastases over conventional bone
thetic infection compared to knee prostheses (83) (Figure scintigraphy, but this has yet to be established. A role may
21.9). also exist for quantitative studies using 18F-fluoride PET
It has been noted that increased uptake of FDG may for research or clinical applications where there is a need
also be seen in Paget’s disease, particularly in patients to quantify regional skeletal metabolism.
with more active disease as measured by serum alkaline FDG-PET is highly sensitive for detecting skeletal
phosphatase levels (84) (Figure 21.10). As the majority of metastases in most cancers, and it is possible that the use
patients with Paget’s disease are asymptomatic and may of conventional bone scintigraphy may diminish as FDG-
be unaware of the disease, there is the possibility of an oc- PET is used more routinely for cancer staging. There is a
casional false-positive scan in patients being staged for developing role for the use of this method also in primary
cancer. Although osteosarcoma is only a rare complica- bone tumors and in the detection of infection related to
tion of Paget’s disease, the efficacy of FDG-PET for differ- the skeleton.
330 Positron Emission Tomography

Figure 21.8. A 40-year-old woman with

a previous history of osteomyelitis of the
right foot complained of recurrent
swelling and pain in the foot. FDG-PET (a)
shows a focus of abnormal uptake in the
right foot, localized to the second right
metatarsal on the PET/CT images (b),
consistent with recurrent osteomyelitis.
PET Imaging of the Skeleton 331

Figure 21.9. A 28-year-old woman with

a left total hip replacement following an
osteogenic sarcoma in childhood com-
plained of pain related to the prosthesis.
Coronal FDG-PET images with attenua-
tion correction (a),
332 Positron Emission Tomography

Figure 21.9. Contd. and without atten-

uation correction (b) show foci of ab-
normal uptake surrounding both the
acetabular and femoral components of
the prosthesis, consistent with infection.
PET Imaging of the Skeleton 333

ai aii

bi bii
Figure 21.10. Tc-MDP bone scan (a) demonstrates Paget’s disease in the left femur and in the upper thoracic spine; increased activity is also shown on a FDG-PET scan (b).

5. Blake GM, Park-Holohan SJ,Cook GJR, Fogelman I. Quantitative

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PET Imaging in Pediatric Disorders
Hossein Jadvar, Leonard P. Connolly, Frederic H. Fahey, and Barry L. Shulkin

Development and validation of applications for positron However, on occasion, an anxious parent may actually
emission tomography (PET) in pediatrics has proceeded impair the performance of the study.
more slowly than in adult medicine, partly because dis- Sedation is indicated when, on the basis of careful
eases to which PET has been most widely applied in adults consideration, it is anticipated that simpler approaches
are uncommon in pediatrics. Only about 2% of all will be inadequate. Sedation protocols, particularly re-
cancers, for example, occur before 15 years of age. garding the recommended medications and the level of
Experience has therefore been gained more slowly in pe- sedation required for an imaging procedure, vary from
diatrics. Accrual of experience has been further slowed institution to institution. Guidelines such as those ad-
because there are few PET units in pediatric hospitals. The vanced by the Society of Nuclear Medicine (3) are useful
labor-intensive nature of imaging sick children has in developing an institutional sedation program and a
limited the ability of adult-oriented PET centers, which sedation formulary.
are faced with a shortage of available imaging slots, to Also important to consider is the potential effect of
take on a substantial number of time-consuming, chal- sedatives on 18F-2-deoxy-D-glucose (FDG) distribution.
lenging pediatric cases. Despite these considerations, PET, Many sedatives may affect cerebral metabolism. When
and more recently the hybrid positron emission tomogra- performing FDG-PET of the brain, it is best if sedatives
phy-computed tomography (PET/CT) imaging systems, are not administered for 30 min after FDG administra-
are emerging as important tools in pediatric nuclear med- tion because it is during this interval that the majority of
icine. In this chapter, we review the clinical applications of cerebral FDG uptake occurs. Sedatives are not known to
PET in pediatrics with an emphasis on the more-common cause significant changes in tumoral metabolism and can
applications in epilepsy and oncology. General considera- be administered at any time relative to FDG administra-
tions in patient preparation and radiation dosimetry are tion for studies of tumors outside the central nervous
also discussed. system (4). During this time, the patient should be kept
quiet and inactive to reduce regional stimulation of the
cerebral cortex, which might confuse interpretation of
Patient Preparation the results.
Other important technical issues specific to performing
Preparation of children and parents for nuclear medicine PET studies in pediatric patients (e.g. consent, intra-
imaging has been thoroughly reviewed elsewhere (1, 2). venous access, bladder catheterization) have recently been
As with any imaging study, gaining the trust and allaying reviewed (5, 6). The recent introduction of PET/CT
the fears of both the patient and the parents are essential imaging systems also present unique issues that will need
before attempting to image. Because parental attitudes to be addressed. Kaste et al. (7) has reviewed the experi-
and anxieties are readily conveyed to children, it is essen- ence with implementing PET/CT at a tertiary pediatric
tial that the parents be well informed and cooperative if hospital. Issues such as physical location of the PET/CT
their child’s trust is to be gained. Patient cooperation, unit, the roles of CT and nuclear medicine technologists,
once achieved, may be assisted by relatively simple and the methodology for study interpretation are dis-
methods. Sheets wrapped around the body, sandbags, cussed. Additional important considerations deliberated
and/or special holding devices are often sufficient for im- are the use of intravenous and sugar-free oral contrasts
mobilization. Parents may accompany their child during for the CT portion of the PET/CT examinations and the
the course of a study to provide emotional support. management of hyperglycemia.

338 Positron Emission Tomography

Table 22.1. Radiation dosimetry for 18F-2-deoxy-D-glucose (FDG).

1 year 5 years 10 years 15 years Adult
Mass (kg) 9.8 19.0 32.0 55.0 70.0
Administered activity (MBq) 54.5 105.6 177.8 305.6 389.0
Bladder 32.1 33.8 49.8 64.2 62.2
Brain 2.6 3.6 5.3 8.6 10.9
Heart 19.1 21.1 21.3 24.8 24.1
Kidneys 5.2 5.7 6.4 7.6 8.2
Red marrow 3.3 3.4 3.9 4.3 4.3
Effective dose (mSv) 5.2 5.3 6.4 7.6 7.4

The doses are reported in mSv (8). Patient masses represent the 50% percentile for that age (9).

Radiation Dosimetry ference is primarily due to the higher photon energy for
F as compared to 99mTc and the fact that two photons
Several factors affect the dosimetry of positron emitters are emitted per disintegration. It is therefore prudent to
relative to single photon imaging agents. On the one hand, consider the radiation exposure to the parent during
the energy per photon is higher (511 keV as compared to these procedures. As shown in Table 22.1, pediatric pa-
140 keV for 99mTc), and there are two photons emitted per tients receive a range of administered activities depend-
disintegration, which leads to much higher energy per ing on patient size. The following assumptions are
unit activity than with most single photon agents. made: the patient receives 260 MBq and is considered to
However, the higher photon energy also leads to a smaller be a point source with no self-absorption. The patient
fraction of the photons being absorbed within the patient. sits in a preparatory room for 60 min during uptake and
Table 22.1 summarizes the dosimetry of FDG for selected then is imaged for 60 min. These assumptions are con-
organs as well as the effective dose in the pediatric popu- sidered quite conservative; that is, these will probably
lation based upon the administered activity of 5.55 kBq/kg lead to an overestimation of the radiation dose to the
(0.15 “Ci/kg). parent. Table 22.3 estimates the total exposure to the
Because the administered activities are scaled by body parent during both the uptake and imaging periods,
weight, the doses are similar across the age range, being provided the parent maintains the specified distance
slightly higher in adults. The effective dose is 5.2 and 7.4 from the patient.
mSv for the 1-year-old child and the adult, respectively. Even if the parent stayed within 1 m of the patient
The critical organ is the bladder wall, with the dose being during the entire uptake and imaging periods, the expo-
six to eight times higher than the effective dose. Table 22.2 sure to the parent would be no more than 5.5 mR.
compares the effective dose from FDG to a number of Therefore, the parents can be allowed to stay with the
commonly used single photon imaging agents. patient during the procedure but are instructed to stay as
Table 22.2 illustrates that the radiation-absorbed dose far from the patient as they feel comfortable.
to the patient from an FDG-PET study is very similar to Hybrid PET/CT scanners use the CT portion of the ex-
the dose received from other nuclear medicine imaging amination for attenuation correction. The dose to the
procedures (4, 10, 11). patient from CT can vary greatly, depending on the tube
In pediatric imaging, the parents of the patient often voltage and current and the size of the patient. Table 22.4
prefer to remain with the patient during the procedure. summarizes the radiation dose to patients from the CT
The exposure rate constants for 18F and 99mTc are 0.0154 transmission as a function of tube voltage (based on a
and 0.00195 mR/h per MBq at 1 m, respectively. The dif- phantom study using phantoms of various sizes).

Table 22.2. Effective dose in pediatric patients for a variety of radiopharmaceuticals.

Radiopharmaceutical Maximum administered activity (MBq) 1 year 5 years 10 years 15 years Adult
FDG 389 5.2 5.3 6.4 7.6 7.4
Ga-Citrate 222 19.9 19.9 20.3 22.7 22.2
Tc HMPAO 740 5.1 5.4 5.8 6.4 6.9
Tc MDP 740 2.8 2.8 3.7 4.1 4.2
Tc SestaMIBI 740 4.7 4.6 5.4 5.8 5.8

The doses are reported in mSv. The maximum administered activity is that which would be administered to a 70-kg adult. The pediatric dose administered is scaled by the
patient’s weight as in Table 22.1 (8, 9). Patient masses represent the 50% percentile for that age (9).
PET Imaging in Pediatric Disorders 339

Table 22.3. Total exposure to the parent from a patient receiving 260 MBq of 18F Table 22.4. Radiation dose from computed tomography (CT) transmission as a
for a positron emission tomography (PET) study. function of tube voltage.

Distance from patient Distance from patient Total exposure to Kvp Newborn 1 year 5 years 10 years Medium adult
during uptake period (m) during imaging period (m) parent (mR)
80 7.0 5.7 4.5 3.8 1.5
1 1 5.5 100 13.5 11.3 9.0 7.9 3.5
1 2 4.0 120 21.4 18.2 14.9 12.9 6.0
2 2 1.4 140 30.1 25.8 21.8 18.9 9.0
2 3 1.1
All doses are reported in mGy. All data were obtained at 130 mA and a pitch of
It is assumed that the parent stayed with the patient during a 60-min uptake helical 1.5:1 (12).
period and a 60-min imaging period.

parietal, temporal, calcarine, and cerebellar cortices.

Smaller patients receive a substantially higher dose Maturation of the frontal cortex, which proceeds from
than adults from the same CT acquisition parameters. For lateral to medial, and of the dorsolateral cortex occur
example, the radiation dose to a 10-year-old is approxi- during the second 6 months of life. Cerebral FDG distrib-
mately twice that to a medium-sized adult for the same ution in children after the age of 1 year resembles that of
CT acquisition parameters. An alternative to using CT for adults (Figure 22.1).
attenuation correction is to use rotating rod sources. With
a total activity in the rods of 370 MBq, the dose to the
patient is between 0.05 and 0.2 mGy for a 15-min acquisi-
tion, based on a phantom study using phantoms of differ- Childhood Epilepsy
ent sizes (12). Thus, the dose to the patient from a CT scan
used for attenuation correction is substantially higher Epilepsy is a relatively common and potentially devastat-
than that associated with the rotating rods sources. ing neurologic condition during childhood. Its incidence in
However, the CT scan provides anatomic correlation to children and adolescents is between 40 and 100 per 100,000
the functional images, a feature that is not available using (17). The 1990 National Institutes of Health Consensus
the rod sources. Conference on Surgery for Epilepsy estimated that 10% to
Comparing the values in Tables 22.1 and 22.4, the dose 20% of epilepsy cases prove medically intractable and that
to the patient from the CT portion of the scan can be 2,000 to 5,000 epilepsy patients per year can benefit from
equal to, if not higher than, the dose received from the surgical resection of the seizure focus (18).
radiopharmaceutical. Thus, the acquisition parameters Accurate preoperative localization of the epileptogenic
for the CT portion of the scan should be tailored to the region is an essential but difficult task that is best accom-
patient’s size. For diagnostic CT, reduction of exposure plished by finding a concordance between results ob-
by 30% to 50% relative to an adult has been suggested tained with clinical examination, electroencephalography
(13). Reducing the milliamps (mA) proportionately de- (EEG), neuropsychologic evaluation, and imaging studies.
creases the absorbed radiation dose without significant Computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance
loss in the information provided. In addition, there is the imaging (MRI) are used to detect anatomic lesions that
potential to further reduce the tube voltage and current may cause the seizures. However, structural lesions occur
without adversely affecting the quality of the attenuation in a relatively small percentage of patients with epilepsy
correction in those cases where anatomic correlation is and, when such lesions are detected, they may not neces-
not required. sarily correspond to the epileptogenic region (19). Ictal or
interictal single photon emission tomography (SPECT)
evaluation of regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) with
tracers such as 99mTc-hexamethylpropylene (99mTc-
PET in Pediatric Neurology HMPAO) and 99mTc-ethyl cysteinate dimer (99mTc-ECD)
can localize the epileptogenic region in the presence or
Normal Brain Development absence of structural abnormalities. The characteristic ap-
pearance of an epileptogenic region is relative zonal hy-
An understanding of the normal brain development and perperfusion on ictal SPECT and relative zonal
evolution of cerebral glucose utilization is important hypoperfusion on interictal SPECT. The sensitivity of ictal
when FDG-PET is considered as a diagnostic functional rCBF tracer SPECT may approach 90% whereas that of in-
imaging study. Functional maturation proceeds phyloge- terictal SPECT is in the range of 50% (20). The utility of
netically. Glucose metabolism is initially high in the sen- ictal SPECT is somewhat reduced by the difficulty in coor-
sorimotor cortex, thalamus, brainstem, and cerebellar dinating tracer administration with seizures. Noninvasive
vermis. During the first 3 months of life, glucose metabo- evaluation is often unsuccessful in precisely localizing an
lism gradually increases in the basal ganglia and in the epileptogenic region. As a result, surgical placement of
340 Positron Emission Tomography

Figure 22.1. Normal brain maturation. Positron emission tomography (PET) scans show ontogenic changes in local cerebral glucose metabolism of the normal human infant. (a) In
the 5-day-old infant, glucose metabolism is highest in the sensorimotor cortex, thalamus, cerebellar vermis (arrows), and brainstem (not shown). (b–d) Glucose metabolism increases
gradually in the parietal, temporal, and calcarine cortices, basal ganglia, and cerebellar cortex (arrows), especially during the second and third months. (e) In the frontal cortex,
glucose metabolism increases first in the lateral prefrontal regions by approximately 6 months. (f) By about 8 months, glucose metabolism also increases in the medial aspects of the
frontal cortex (arrows) as well as the dorsolateral occipital cortex. (g) By 1 year of age, the glucose metabolic pattern resembles that of a normal adult, although the metabolic rates
are two- to threefold elevated in comparison to values expected in normal adults. (Photo kindly provided by Harry Chugani, MD. From Chugani HT. Positron emission tomography. In: Berg BO,
editor. Principles of Child Neurology. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1996:113–128.)

electrode grids on the brain surface or insertion of depth well as ictal FDG distribution. Ictal FDG studies may also
electrodes becomes necessary. show areas of seizure propagation that could be confused
FDG-PET has proven useful in preoperative localization with the actual seizure focus. Despite these considerations,
of the epileptogenic region (Figure 22.2) (21). FDG-PET is some favorable results have been reported employing ictal
generally performed following an interictal injection. PET for patients with continuous or frequent seizures (22).
Although metabolic alterations might be localized better For interictal PET, FDG should be administered in a
ictally than interictally, the relatively short half-life of 18F setting such as a quiet room with dim lights where envi-
limits the window of opportunity during which it can be ronmental stimuli are minimal during the 30 min follow-
administered ictally. Even when FDG can be administered ing FDG administration. It is best to have the child remain
at seizure onset, the approximately 30-min brain uptake awake with minimal parental interaction during this
time of FDG means that the study may depict periictal as period. EEG monitoring is essential to identify seizure ac-

Figure 22.2. Transverse brain FDG-PET

scan of a 14-year-old girl shows a hy-
pometabolic epileptogenic right temporal
lobe. (Reprinted with permission from Jadvar
H, Connolly LP, Shulkin BL, Treves ST, Fischman
AJ. Positron-emission tomography in pediatrics.
Nuclear Medicine Annual 2000;53–83.)
PET Imaging in Pediatric Disorders 341

tivity that might affect FDG distribution. The sensitivity reduced not only in the hemorrhagic areas but also in the
of interictal FDG-PET approaches that of ictal rCBF remainder of the involved hemisphere, suggesting that
SPECT in localizing the epileptogenic region, which is de- neurologic deficits may be caused by ischemia rather than
tected as regional hypometabolism. Importantly, the hy- the presence of blood within the brain parenchyma or
pometabolism may predominantly affect cortex bordering cerebral ventricles (39). In full-term infants with perinatal
the epileptogenic focus. Epileptic activity may originate in asphyxia, diminished blood flow to the parasagittal corti-
cortical areas bordering the hypometabolic regions rather cal regions suggested that injury to the brain in these
than the hypometabolic region itself (23). infants was also ischemic in etiology (40).
Incorporation of FDG-PET into preoperative evaluation PET has also been employed to study the pathophysiol-
of epilepsy patients reduces the need for intracranial EEG ogy of many other childhood brain disorders such as
monitoring and the cost of preoperative evaluation (24). autism (41), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (42),
The best results have been obtained in temporal lobe schizophrenia (43), sickle cell encephalopathy (44),
epilepsy, for which metabolic abnormalities may be anorexia and bulimia nervosa (45, 46), Rasmussen’s syn-
evident in as many as 90% of surgical candidates (24, 25). drome (47), Krabbe’s disease (48), Sturge–Weber syn-
Extratemporal epileptogenic regions are more difficult to drome (49), and cognitive impairment in Duchenne
identify, but some success has been achieved in children muscular dystrophy (50). However, the exact role of PET
with intractable frontal lobe epilepsy and normal CT or in these clinical settings remains unclear. Further experi-
MRI studies (26). ence may result in expanded role of PET in many child-
FDG-PET has been reported as being of particular help in hood neurologic disorders.
the evaluation of infantile spasms, a subtype of seizure dis-
order. This condition, which has an incidence of 2 to 6 per
10,000 live births, consists of a characteristic pattern of in-
fantile myoclonic seizures and is frequently associated with PET in Pediatric Cardiology
profound developmental delay despite medical treatment
(16, 27). Before the availability of FDG-PET, surgical inter- Currently, PET plays a relatively minor role in pediatric
vention was attempted and successful in only isolated in- cardiology. Quinlivan et al. (51) have reviewed the cardiac
stances. Incorporation of FDG-PET into the evaluation of applications of PET in children. PET with 13N-ammonia
children with infantile spasms has resulted in identification has been employed to measure myocardial perfusion in
of a substantial number of children who benefit from corti- infants after anatomic repair of congenital heart defects
cal resection. FDG-PET has revealed marked focal cortical and after Norwood palliation for hypoplastic left heart
glucose hypometabolism associated with malformative or syndrome (52). Infants with repaired heart disease had
dysplastic lesions that are not evident on anatomic imaging. higher resting blood flow and less coronary flow reserve
There is marked decline in seizure frequency and in some than previously reported for adults. Infants with Norwood
patients reversal of developmental delay when a single palliation also had less perfusion and oxygen delivery to
metabolic abnormality that correlates with EEG findings is the systemic ventricle than the infants with repaired con-
shown by FDG-PET. Patients with bitemporal hypometabo- genital heart lesion, explaining in part the less favorable
lism on FDG-PET have a poor prognosis and typically are outcome for patients with Norwood palliation. Evaluation
not candidates for resective surgery (27–31). of myocardial perfusion with 13N-ammonia PET in infants
In addition to FDG, PET tracers that assess altered following a neonatal arterial switch operation has demon-
abundance or function of receptors, enzymes, and neuro- strated that patients with myocardial perfusion defects
transmitters in epileptogenic regions have been applied to may have a more complicated postoperative course (53).
localizing the epileptogenic region. Among alterations that A major application of PET in adult cardiology is the as-
have been observed are relatively reduced uptake of 11C- sessment of myocardial viability with FDG as a tracer for
flumazenil, a central benzodiazepine receptor antagonist, glucose metabolism. A recent study evaluated regional
and 11C-labeled (S)-(N-methyl) ketamine, which binds to glucose metabolism and contractile function by gated FDG-
the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor-gated ion channel PET in seven infants and seven children after arterial switch
(32–36). Relative increases in uptake of 11C-carfentanil, a operation and suspected myocardial infarction (54). Gated
selective mu opiate receptor agonist, and 11C-deuterium- FDG-PET was found to contribute pertinent information to
deprenyl, an irreversible inhibitor of monoamine oxidase guide additional therapy including high-risk revasculariza-
type B (MAO-B) have also been described (37, 38). tion procedures. Recent reports have also provided evi-
dence for the utility of PET in the assessment of myocardial
perfusion and viability in infants and children with coro-
Other Neurological Applications nary abnormalities (55, 56). In another study in children
with Kawasaki disease, PET with 13N-ammonia and FDG
PET with 15O-water has also been investigated in infants showed abnormalities in about 60% of patients during the
with intraventricular hemorrhage and hemorrhagic in- acute and subacute stages and about 40% of patients in the
farction and in infants with hypoxic–ischemic en- convalescent stage of disease (57). PET was valuable in as-
cephalopathy (39, 40). Cerebral blood flow was markedly sessing immunoglobulin therapy response at differing
342 Positron Emission Tomography

doses and administration schedules. 13N-ammonia PET FDG-PET and its impact on patient management have
may also reveal reduction of coronary flow reserve in chil- been reported for many pediatric cancers (62–64). In de-
dren with Kawasaki disease and angiographically normal creasing order of frequency, PET led to important changes
epicardial coronary arteries (58). Beyond the more in clinical management of lymphoma (32%), brain tumors
common assessment of myocardial perfusion and oxidative (15%), and sarcomas (13%) (63).
metabolism, PET has been used to study such fundamental Before reviewing the applications of PET in pediatric
functional abnormalities as mitochondrial dysfunction in oncology, it is important to consider potential causes of
children with hypertrophic or dilated cardiomyopathy (59). confusion on FDG-PET that relate to physiologic FDG dis-
Dynamic PET with 11C-acetate demonstrated reduced my- tribution in children. High FDG uptake in thymus (65–67)
ocardial Kreb cycle activity (i.e., decreased oxidative metab- and in skeletal growth centers, particularly the long bone
olism) in children with cardiomyopathy despite normal physes, are two important physiologic variations in FDG
myocardial perfusion. The diminished oxidative metabo- distribution encountered in children (Figures 22.3, 22.4).
lism was associated with compensatory increased glycolytic With the introduction of PET/CT imaging systems, it has
activity as demonstrated on FDG-PET. been recognized that elevated FDG uptake in the normal
brown adipose tissue may also be a source of false-posi-
tive findings (68, 69). The common anatomic areas in-
PET in Pediatric Oncology volved include the neck and shoulder region, axillae,
mediastinum, and the paravertebral and perinephric
The incidence of cancer is estimated to be 133.3 per regions. Neck brown fat hypermetabolism is seen more
million children in the United States (60). Although commonly in the pediatric than in the adult population
cancer is much less common in children than in adults, it (15% versus 2%; P less than 0.01) and appears to be stim-
is still an important cause of mortality in pediatrics. ulated by cold temperatures (68, 69). Recent data have
Approximately 10% of deaths during childhood are attrib- shown that brown fat metabolic activity may be sup-
utable to cancer, making it the leading cause of childhood pressed pharmacologically (e.g., propranolol) (70).
death from disease (61). Other potential pitfalls, which also apply to imaging
Childhood cancers often differ from those encountered adults, include variable FDG uptake in active skeletal
in adults, as is illustrated in Table 22.5, which delineates muscles, the myocardium, the thyroid gland, and the gas-
the estimated incidences of the more commonly encoun- trointestinal tract, as well as accumulation of FDG ex-
tered cancers in American children. Of the adult cancers creted into the renal pelves and bladder, and possible
to which FDG-PET has been most widely applied, only tracer accumulation in draining lymph nodes from ex-
lymphomas and brain tumors occur with an appreciable travasated tracer at the time of injection (71). Diffuse high
incidence in children. However, the diagnostic utility of bone marrow and splenic FDG uptake following adminis-

Table 22.5. Cancer incidence rates per million children younger than 15 years of age in the United States as derived from the Surveillance, Epidemology, and End Results (SEER)
and reported in reference.

Totala Males Females Male:Female Whites Blacks White:Black

Histology No. Rate (%) No. Rate No. Rate No. Rate No. Rate

All histologic types 10,555 133.3 100.0 5711 140.9 4844 125.1 1.13 8756 139.5 1064 108.3 1.29
Acute lymohoid leukemia 2484 30.9 23.2 1383 33.7 18.0 1.20 2092 32.9 169 16.9 1.95
All central nervous system 2205 27.6 1195 29.3 1010 26.0 1.13 1847 29.3 239 23.8 1.23
Astrocytomas and gliomas 1329 16.8 12.6 692 17.1 637 16.2 1.06 1130 17.9 144 14.3 1.25
Primitive neuroectodermal 532 6.6 5.0 311 7.7 221 5.6 1.38 433 6.8 58 5.9 1.15
Other CNS 344 4.3 3.2 192 4.6 152 3.9 1.18 284 4.6 37 3.6 1.28
Neuroblastoma 74 9.7 7.3 389 9.8 365 9.6 1.02 632 10.2 78 7.8 1.31
Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma 666 8.4 6.3 484 12.0 182 4.6 2.61 578 9.1 53. 5.4 1.69
Wilm’s tumor 638 8.1 6.1 287 6.9 351 8.9 0.78 520 8.3 94 9.4 0.88
Hodgkin’s disease 511 6.6 5.0 295 7.4 216 5.6 1.32 451 7.3 46 4.7 1.55
Acute mycloid leukemia 454 5.6 4.2 224 5.5 230 6.0 0.92 358 5.8 47 4.8 1.21
Rhabdomyosarcoma 354 4.5 3.4 211 5.2 143 3.6 1.44 294 4.7 40 4.1 1.15
Retinoblastoma 306 3.9 2.9 144 3.6 162 4.2 0.86 234 3.9 44 4.5 0.87
Osteosarcoma 262 3.4 2.6 130 3.3 132 3.4 0.97 197 3.4 38 3.9 0.87
Ewing’s sarcoma 208 2.8 2.1 109 2.8 99 2.6 1.08 194 3.3 3 0.3 11.00
All other histologic types 1713 21.8 16.4 860 21.4 853 22.6 0.95 1359 21.3 213 22.7 0.94
Rates are standardized to the 1980 SEER population and reported per million children per year.
Source: From Bailey DL, Townsend DW, Valk PE, Maisey MN. Positron Emission Tomography: Basic Sciences. Springer-Verlag London Ltd 2005, p.759.
PET Imaging in Pediatric Disorders 343

Figure 22.3. Five-year-old boy with

history of T-cell large cell anaplastic lym-
phoma. Coronal images from PET/CT
obtained before bone marrow transplan-
tation. Left panel: CT of neck, chest,
abdomen, pelvis, and thighs. Center
panel: FDG-PET of same area shows
normal-appearing thymic activity, left
greater than right, in the superior medi-
astinum. Right panel: Fused PET/CT
image overlays the metabolic informa-
tion from the FDG-PET study onto the
anatomic map provided by the CT

tration of hematopoietic stimulating factors may also re- Another important issue specific to PET imaging of pe-
semble disseminated metastatic disease (Figure 22.5) (72, diatric patients is the choice of measurement parameter
73). Elevated bone marrow FDG uptake has been observed for the standardized uptake value (SUV), which is
in patients as long as 4 weeks after completion of treat- commonly used as a semiquantitative measure of the
ment with granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) degree of FDG uptake in a region of interest. The calcula-
(72). This observation is probably reflective of increased tion of SUV based on body surface area appears to be a
bone marrow glycolytic metabolism in response to more-uniform parameter than that calculated based on
hematopoietic growth factors. body weight in pediatric patients (74).

Figure 22.4. Coronal images of a 4-year-

old boy with history of Wilms tumor. Left
panel: CT images bone window. Middle
panel: FDG-PET images show increased
uptake representing growth plate activ-
ity in the proximal humerii, proximal
femurs, and about both knees, similar to
activity found in these areas on bone
scan. Right panel: Fused FDG-PET images
on CT show more precisely the anatomic
location of the FDG activity representing
growth plates.
344 Positron Emission Tomography

Figure 22.5. Sagittal images of PET/CT

from 4-year-old child undergoing
chemotherapy for metastatic Wilms
tumor and receiving granulocyte colony-
stimulating factor (G-CSF). (a) CT images
bone window. (b) FDG-PET images show
uniform increased uptake in the spine
and sternum. (c) Fusion images of FDG-
PET and CT.
a b c

Central Nervous System Tumors rent or residual tumor from abnormalities resulting from
surgery or radiation. SPECT with 201Tl-chloride and 99mTc-
Taken as a group, tumors of the central nervous system methoxyisobutylisonitrile (MIBI) have proven valuable for
(CNS) are the most common nonhematologic tumors of this determination in a number of pediatric brain tumors
childhood. They account for about 20% of all pediatric (77–80). Use of FDG-PET in brain tumors has been widely
malignancies. The grouping includes many histologically reported in series that predominantly include adult pa-
diverse tumors of both neuroepithelial and nonneuroep- tients for whom FDG-PET has helped distinguish viable
ithelial origin. The majority of pediatric brain tumors tumor from posttherapeutic changes (81–83). High FDG
arise from neuroepithelial tissue. CNS tumors are sub- uptake relative to adjacent brain indicates residual or re-
classified histopathologically by cell type and graded for current tumor whereas low or absent FDG uptake is ob-
degree of malignancy using criteria that include mitotic served in areas of necrosis. This distinction is most readily
activity, infiltration, and anaplasia (75, 76). made with high-grade tumors that show high uptake of
To grasp the wide variety of pediatric CNS tumors, one FDG at diagnosis. Even with high-grade tumors, the pres-
need only consider the distribution of the most common ence of microscopic tumor foci is not excluded by an FDG-
tumors according to the major anatomic compartment in- PET study that does not show increased uptake; this is
volved. In the posterior fossa, medulloblastoma, cerebellar particularly true after intensive radiation therapy, in which
astrocytoma, ependymoma, and brainstem gliomas are case FDG-PET results may not accurately correlate with
most common. Tumors about the third ventricle include tumor progression (84). Furthermore, in the immediate
tumors that arise from suprasellar, pineal, and ventricular posttherapy period, elevated FDG uptake may persist (85).
tissue. The most common neoplasms about the third ventri- FDG-PET has been applied to tumor grading and prog-
cle are optic and hypothalamic gliomas, craniopharyn- nostic stratification. Higher-grade aggressive tumors typi-
giomas, and germ cell tumors. Supratentorial tumors are cally have higher FDG uptake than do lower-grade tumors
most often astrocytomas, many of which are low grade (76). (Figures 22.6, 22.7) (86). Among low-grade tumors, some
MRI and CT are the main imaging modalities used in show insufficient FDG uptake to be distinguished from
staging and following children with CNS tumors. Their adjacent brain and some appear hypometabolic. The de-
main limitation is the inability to distinguish viable recur- velopment of hypermetabolism as evidenced by increased

Figure 22.6. FDG-PET brain scan from a

10-year-old boy with anaplastic pontine
astrocytoma shows considerably in-
creased FDG uptake within the tumor
compared to surrounding gray matter
and extracerebral soft tissue. (a) coronal
images; (b) sagittal images; (c) trans-
PET Imaging in Pediatric Disorders 345

cies. Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma occurs throughout child-

hood. Lymphoblastic and small cell tumors, including
Burkitt’s lymphoma, are the most common histologic
types. The disease is usually widespread at diagnosis.
Mediastinal and hilar involvement are common with lym-
phoblastic lymphoma. Burkitt’s lymphoma most often
occurs in the abdomen. Hodgkin’s disease has a peak inci-
dence during adolescence. Nodular sclerosing and mixed
cellularity are the most common histologic types. The
disease is rarely widespread at diagnosis and the majority
of cases have intrathoracic nodal involvement (60, 99).
Ga-citrate scintigraphy has proven useful in staging
and monitoring therapeutic response of patients with
Figure 22.7. Transverse FDG-PET brain image from a 4.5-year-old boy with generalized
tonic–clonic seizure demonstrates hypometabolism in the left frontal lobe. This area non-Hodgkin’s and Hodgkin’s lymphomas (100–104). In
was resected and shown to be a low-grade glioma. (Reprinted with permission from Jadvar numerous studies, which have included predominantly
H, Connolly LP, Shulkin BL, Treves ST, Fischman AJ. Positron-emission tomography in pediatrics. adult patient populations, FDG has been shown to accu-
Nuclear Medicine Annual 2000;53–83.) mulate in non-Hodgkin’s and Hodgkin’s lymphoma tissue
(Figure 22.8) (71, 105–123). Similarly to 67Ga-citrate, FDG
FDG uptake in a low-grade tumor that appeared hy- uptake is generally greater in higher- than in lower-grade
pometabolic at diagnosis indicates degeneration to a lymphomas (112, 114). FDG-PET has been shown to
higher grade (87). The biologic behavior of high-grade reveal sites of nodal and extranodal disease that are not
tumors may be reflected in their appearance on FDG-PET. detected by conventional staging methods, resulting in
Shorter survival times have been reported for patients upstaging of disease (110–117, 124). FDG-PET, when per-
whose tumors show the highest degree of FDG uptake (88). formed at the time of initial evaluation, has also been re-
Data, although limited, suggest that FDG-PET findings also cently shown to change disease stage and treatment in up
correlate well with pathology and clinical outcome in chil- to 10% to 23% of children with lymphoma (125, 126).
dren (89–91). A potential pediatric application of this ap- Identification of areas of intense FDG uptake within the
proach entails a reported excellent correlation between bone marrow can be particularly useful in directing the
FDG-PET findings and clinical outcome in children af- site of biopsy or even eliminating the need for biopsy at
fected by neurofibromatosis who have low-grade astrocy- staging (110, 123). FDG-PET is also useful for assessing
tomas (92). In that series, high tumoral glucose metabolism residual soft tissue masses shown by CT after therapy.
shown by FDG-PET was a more-accurate predictor of Absence of FDG uptake in a residual mass is predictive of
tumor behavior than was histologic analysis. Combining remission whereas high uptake indicates residual or re-
FDG-PET imaging and MRI in the planning of stereotactic current tumor (117). A negative FDG-PET scan after com-
brain biopsies has been reported to improve the diagnostic pletion of chemotherapy, however, does not exclude the
yield in infiltrative, poorly defined lesions and to reduce presence of residual microscopic disease (127). The po-
sampling in high-risk functional areas (93). tential role of FDG-PET in radiation treatment planning
Another positron-emitting radiotracer that has been used for pediatric oncology including lymphoma has also been
to study pediatric brain tumors is 11C-methionine (11C-Met), recently described (128–130).
which localizes to only a minimal degree in normal brain. FDG-PET has been compared to 11C-Met-PET in a rela-
Uptake of this labeled amino acid reflects transmethylation tively small series of 14 patients with non-Hodgkin’s
pathways that are present in some tumors. However, as with lymphoma. 11C-Met-PET provided superior tumor-to-
FDG, some low-grade gliomas may escape detection (94, background contrast, whereas FDG-PET was superior in
95). 11C-Met-PET has been reported to be useful in differen- distinguishing between high- and low-grade lymphomas
tiating viable tumor from treatment-induced changes (94, (108).
96). It is worth noting, however, that 11C-Met is not tumor
specific as it has been shown to accumulate in some nontu-
moral CNS diseases, probably as a result of blood–brain Neuroblastoma
barrier disruption (97). Both FDG-PET and 11C-Met-PET
have been shown to be independent predictors of event-free Neuroblastoma is the most common extracranial solid
survival (98). 11C-Met, because of the short 20-min half-life malignant tumor in children. The mean age of patients at
of the 11C label, must be produced locally for administration presentation is 20 to 30 months, and it is rare after the age
and is not commercially available. of 5 years (99).
The most common location of neuroblastoma is the
adrenal gland. Other sites of origin include the paraverte-
Lymphoma bral and presacral sympathetic chain, the organ of
Zuckerkandl, posterior mediastinal sympathetic ganglia,
Lymphomas of non-Hodgkin’s and Hodgkin’s types and cervical sympathetic plexuses. Gross or microscopic
346 Positron Emission Tomography

Figure 22.8. Coronal images of FDG-

PET/CT of 11-year-old child with newly
diagnosed nodular sclerosing Hodgkins
disease following left axillary lymph
node biopsy. Upper left panel: FDG-PET
scan shows increased uptake of FDG in
bilaterally in the lower neck and medi-
astinum, the left axilla, the right hilum,
the left mid- and lower abdomen, and
centrally within the pelvis. Upper right
panel: CT image corresponding with
FDG-PET scan. Lower left panel: Fusion
image of these FDG-PET and CT images.

neural crest tumors, ganglioneuroma and ganglioneurob- Delineation of local disease extent is achieved with
lastoma, have been described. Some neuroblastomas spon- MRI, CT, and scintigraphic studies (132). These tests are
taneously regress or mature into ganglioneuroma, which is also utilized in localizing the primary site in children who
benign. However, the unpredictability and apparent infre- present with disseminated disease or with a paraneoplas-
quency of spontaneous regression and maturation, and the tic syndrome. Metaiodobenzylguanidine (MIBG) and
consequences of delaying therapy, require that treatment be In-pentetreotide scintigraphy have been employed in
instituted at diagnosis in most cases. Ganglioneuroblastoma these settings with a sensitivity of greater than 85% for de-
is a malignant tumor that contains both undifferentiated tecting neuroblastoma. Uptake of MIBG, which is an ana-
neuroblasts and mature ganglion cells. logue of guanethidine and norepinephrine, into
Disseminated disease is present in up to 70% of neurob- neuroblastoma is by a neuronal sodium- and energy-de-
lastoma cases at diagnosis and most commonly involves pendent transport mechanism. The localization of 111In-
cortical bone and bone marrow. Less frequently, there is in- pentetreotide in neuroblastoma reflects the presence of
volvement of liver, skin, or lung. A primary tumor is not somatostatin type 2 receptors on some neuroblastoma
detected in up to 10% of children with disseminated neu- cells (133).
roblastoma (131). The primary tumor may also go unde- Bone scintigraphy has been most widely used for detec-
tected in patients who present with paraneoplastic tion of skeletal involvement for staging. MIBG and, to a
syndromes such as infantile myoclonic encephalopathy. lesser extent, 111In-pentetreotide imaging have also been
Surgical excision is the preferred treatment of localized increasingly used for detecting skeletal involvement (134).
neuroblastoma. When local disease is extensive, intensive Patients with residual unresected primary tumors are
preoperative chemotherapy may be utilized. When distant periodically evaluated with MRI or CT. However, these
metastases are present, surgical removal is not likely to studies cannot distinguish viable tumor from treatment-
improve survival. The prognosis in these cases is poor, related scar or tumor that has matured into ganglioneu-
but high-dose chemotherapy, total-body irradiation, and roma. Specificity in establishing residual viable tumor
bone marrow reinfusion are beneficial for some children can be improved with MIBG or 111In-pentetreotide
PET Imaging in Pediatric Disorders 347

Figure 22.9. Images of a 2-year-old girl with neuroblastoma at presentation. Top left: Anterior planar view of the head, neck, chest, and upper abdomen 48 h following [131I]MIBG in-
jection. An area of abnormal uptake is present in the right superior aspect of the skull (upper arrow). A large focus of abnormal uptake in the primary tumor (lower arrow) extends
from the upper left abdomen medially and inferior to the liver. Top right: Anterior projection of the head, neck, chest, and upper abdomen approximately 1 h following FDG injection.
Increased FDG uptake in the skull (upper arrow) corresponding to the site of abnormal [131I]MIBG uptake is well visualized against the normal brain uptake of FDG. Increased FDG
uptake is present in the primary tumor (lower arrow). Note the paucity of background activity in the chest and abdomen. Bottom left: Transaxial image through the midabdomen
shows marked FDG uptake in the primary tumor. A central area of decreased FDG accumulation probably represents necrosis. Bottom right: A large mass in the left abdomen is shown
in a transaxial CT image. This set of images demonstrates that neuroblastomas are metabolically active. The primary tumor and metastases can be well visualized with FDG-PET.
(Reprinted with permission from Jadvar H, Connolly LP, Shulkin BL, Treves ST, Fischman AJ. Positron-emission tomography in pediatrics. Nuclear Medicine Annual 2000;53–83.)

cumulate one of these agents. These agents are also tion whereas MIBG imaging is performed 1 or more days
useful in assessing residual skeletal disease in patients following tracer administration.
with MIBG- or 111In-pentetreotide-avid skeletal metas- FDG-PET imaging may be of limited value for the eval-
tases. Bone scintigraphy, however, is unable to distin- uation of the bone marrow involvement of neuroblastoma
guish active disease from bony repair on the basis of for reason of the mild FDG accumulation by the normal
tracer uptake. bone marrow (135). Pitfalls resulting from physiologic
Neuroblastomas are metabolically active tumors. FDG uptake in the bowel and the thymus are additional
Neuroblastomas or their metastases avidly concentrated factors that may limit the role for FDG-PET in neuroblas-
FDG before chemotherapy or radiation therapy in 16 of 17 toma. A recent study has reported that once the primary
patients studied with FDG-PET and MIBG imaging tumor is resected, PET and bone marrow examination
(135).Uptake after therapy was variable but tended to be suffice for monitoring neuroblastoma patients at high risk
lower. FDG and MIBG results were concordant in most in- for progressive disease in soft tissue, bone, and bone
stances (Figures 22.9, 22.10). However, there were occa- marrow (136). Currently, however, the primary role of
sions that one agent accumulated at a site of disease and FDG-PET in neuroblastoma is in the evaluation of known
the other did not (Figure 22.11). MIBG imaging was or suspected neuroblastomas that do not demonstrate
overall considered superior to FDG-PET, particularly in MIBG uptake. We have also noted variable uptake of FDG
delineation of residual disease. As the patients in this in ganglioneuromas (Figure 22.12). This finding suggests
series had aggressive tumors and poor prognoses, the that FDG may not reliably differentiate between neurob-
value of FDG-PET for assessing therapeutic response lastomas and ganglioneuromas.
could not be determined. An advantage of FDG-PET is the C-Hydroxyephedrine (11C-HED), an analogue of nor-
348 Positron Emission Tomography

Figure 22.10. Three-year-old boy who presented with leg and abdominal pain: top panel, images from the time of diagnosis; bottom panel, images obtained at reevaluation 6
months later following chemotherapy. Following reevaluation, the patient underwent surgical exploration, and a tumor consisting of ganglioneuroblastoma was removed from the
sites identified by MIBG scintigraphy and PET-FDG scanning the adrenal bed, and ganglioneuroma from the adjacent paraspinal lymphadenopathy, which no longer concentrated
FDG. Top left panel: Transverse PET image of the upper abdomen acquired 60 min after injection. There is extensive paraspinal uptake of FDG (arrows). Top middle panel: CT scan
demonstrates scattered calcifications within the paraspinal lymphadenopathy, which corresponds well with the increased metabolic activity demonstrated by FDG-PET scanning. Top
right panel: Posterior image of the chest–abdomen–pelvis 48 h after [131I]MIBG injection. There is a large area of abnormal uptake in the upper abdomen–lower thorax (arrow) and
extensive uptake of MIBG within the skeleton, consistent with metastatic disease in the bone marrow. Lower left panel: Transverse PET image of the upper abdomen acquired at 60
min after injection shows persistent activity to the left of the spine, consistent with residual neoplasm (arrow). Uptake in paraspinal lymphadenopathy is no longer present. Lower
middle panel: CT scan shows considerable calcification and reduction in the size of the paraspinal tumor, but a partially calcified mass persists in the region of the left adrenal gland.
Lower right panel: Posterior image of the chest–abdomen 48 h after [131I]MIBG injection. Slightly increased activity remains in the area of the left adrenal gland (arrow). (Reprinted with
permission from Shulkin BL, Hutchinson RJ, Castle VP, Yanik GA, Shapiro B, Sisson JC. Neuroblastoma: positron emission tomography with 2-[fluorine-18]-fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose compared with
metaiodobenzylguanidine scintigraphy. Radiology 1996;199:743–750.)

used in evaluating neuroblastoma (Figure 22.13). All (139) and I-labeled MIBG (140) has also been de-
seven neuroblastomas studied showed uptake of 11C-HED scribed.
(137), and four of five neuroblastomas studied showed
uptake of 11C-epinephrine (138). Uptake of these tracers
is demonstrated within minutes after administration, Wilms Tumor
which is an advantage over MIBG imaging. Limitations
regarding cost and the need for onsite synthesis of short Wilms tumor is the most common renal malignancy of
lived 11C (half-life, 20 min) suggest that neither 11C-HED childhood. Wilms tumor is predominantly seen in
nor 11C-epinephrine PET is likely to replace MIBG younger children and is uncommonly encountered after
imaging. These tracers may prove useful adjuncts in the age of 5 years (60). Bilateral renal involvement occurs
difficult cases where a primary tumor is difficult to iden- in about 5% of all cases and can be identified synchro-
tify with more readily available agents and to further the nously or metachronously (97, 114). An asymptomatic ab-
understanding of this disease. Compounds labeled with dominal mass is the typical mode of presentation.
F, such as fluoronorepinephrine, fluorometaraminol, Nephrectomy with adjuvant chemotherapy is the treat-
and fluorodopamine, may also be useful tracers. PET ment of choice. Radiation therapy is used in selected cases
when resection is incomplete.
PET Imaging in Pediatric Disorders 349

Figure 22.11. Neuroblastoma recurrence post bone marrow transplantation. Left panel: Posterior projection image of PET scan obtained 1 h following FDG injection. There is marked
accumulation of FDG in the right shoulder (arrow), a right lower rib (arrow), and an abnormal focus of activity within the abdomen (arrow) between the kidneys, which most likely
represented metastatic disease. Right panel: Posterior image of the chest and abdomen from a bone scan acquired 2 h following injection of 25 mCi [99mTc]MDP shows abnormal
uptake in the right shoulder (arrow) and ninth right rib (arrow), confirming that two of the sites of abnormal FDG uptake involve bone. The patient declined further evaluation and
died of widely metastatic disease. (Reprinted with permission from Shulkin BL, Hutchinson RJ, Castle VP, Yanik GA, Shapiro B, Sisson JC. Neuroblastoma: positron emission tomography with 2-[fluorine-
18]-fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose compared with metaiodobenzylguanidine scintigraphy. Radiology 1996;199:743–750.)

Scintigraphy has not played an important role in correlation with anatomic cross-sectional imaging allows
imaging of Wilms tumor. Radiography, ultrasonography, distinction of tumor uptake from normal renal FDG
CT, and MRI are commonly employed in anatomic excretion.
staging and detection of metastases, which predominantly
involve lung, occasionally liver, and only rarely other
sites. Anatomic imaging, however, is of limited value in Bone Tumors
the assessment for residual or recurrent tumor (141).
Uptake of FDG by Wilms tumor (Figure 22.14) has been Osteosarcoma and Ewing’s sarcoma are the two primary
described (142), but a role for FDG-PET in Wilms tumor bone malignancies of childhood; of the two, osteosarcoma
has not been established. Normal excretion of FDG is the more common and predominantly affects adoles-
through the kidney is a limiting factor. However, careful cents and young adults. A second peak affects older adults,

Figure 22.12. Uptake of FDG within ganglioneuroma. The patient presented at age 2 years with intractable diarrhea and was found to have a nonresectable 10-cm abdominal mass
containing mostly stroma and rare elements of neuroblastoma. She received radiotherapy, chemotherapy, and subsequent surgical debulking. MIBG scans showed persistent ab-
dominal uptake. The patient eventually received therapy with [131I]MIBG. Surgical debulking was again repeated. Multiple resected portions of the tumor contained only mature
stroma and no neuroblastoma. She did well and returned for reevaluation 16 months later. Left panel: Transverse image of PET scan obtained 60 min following injection of FDG shows
heterogeneous increased uptake of FDG in midabdomen. Middle panel: CT scan of the abdomen demonstrates the very large abdominal mass. Right panel: Anterior image of
[131I]MIBG scan 48 h after injection shows extensive, intense uptake in the abdomen, corresponding to the tumor. (Reprinted with permission from Shulkin BL, Hutchinson RJ, Castle VP, Yanik
GA, Shapiro B, Sisson JC. Neuroblastoma: positron emission tomography with 2-[fluorine-18]-fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose compared with metaiodobenzylguanidine scintigraphy. Radiology 1996;199:743–750.)
350 Positron Emission Tomography

a b

c d

Figure 22.13. (a) CT scan of the pelvis of a 6-month-old boy following surgical debulking of abdominal–pelvic neuroblastoma. There is abnormal soft tissue with speckled calcifica-
tion in the right posterior pelvis. (b) MIBG-SPECT scan at 24 h shows uptake into the tumor. (c) 11C-Hydroxyephedrine (HED)-PET scan at 20 min following injection. There is excellent
uptake within the neuroblastoma, and the image appears similar to the MIBG-SPECT examination. (d) FDG-PET scan at 50 min shows moderate accumulation of FDG within the mass
relative to surrounding background. However, the tumor appears better delineated with the more specific adrenergic tumor imaging agent HED. (Reprinted by permission of the Society of
Nuclear Medicine from Shulkin BL, Wieland DM, Baro ME, et al. PET hydroxyephedrine imaging of neuroblastoma. J Nucl Med 1996;37:18, Figure 2.)

predominantly individuals with a history of prior radiation agent chemotherapy for eradication of microscopic or
to bone or Paget’s disease. This tumor rarely affects chil- overt metastatic disease and irradiation and/or surgery for
dren younger than 7 years of age. Osteosarcoma is typically control of the primary lesion. Because late recurrence is not
a lesion of the long bones. The treatment of choice for os- uncommon, resection of the primary tumor is gaining
teosarcoma of an extremity is wide resection and limb- favor for local disease control (145).
sparing surgery. Limb-sparing procedures entail the MRI is used to define the local extent of osteosarcoma
resection of tumor with a cuff of surrounding normal tissue and Ewing’s sarcoma in bone and soft tissue. However,
at all margins, skeletal reconstruction, and muscle and soft signal abnormalities caused by peritumoral edema can
tissue transfers. Employing current chemotherapeutic regi- result in an overestimation of tumor extension (146).
mens pre- and postoperatively and imaging to define Scintigraphy has been used primarily to detect skeletal
tumor extent and tumor viability preoperatively, limb- metastases of these tumors at diagnosis and during
sparing procedures can be appropriately performed in 80% follow-up. With osteosarcoma, skeletal scintigraphy occa-
of patients with osteosarcoma (143). sionally demonstrates extraosseous metastases, most
Almost all cases of Ewing’s sarcoma occur between the often pulmonary, as a result of osteoid production by the
ages of 5 and 30 years with the highest incidence being in metastatic deposits.
the second decade of life. In patients younger than 20 years, Determination of preoperative chemotherapeutic re-
Ewing’s sarcoma most often affects the appendicular skele- sponse is important in planning limb salvage surgery.
ton. Beyond that age, pelvic, rib, and vertebral lesions pre- Because of the nonspecific appearance of viable tumor
dominate. The tumor is believed to be of neuroectodermal on MRI, variable results have been reported for assessing
origin and, along with the primitive neuroectodermal chemotherapeutic response (147–152). Scintigraphy with
tumor (PNET), to be part of a spectrum of a single biologic Tl has been shown to be useful for assessing thera-
entity (144). Ewing’s sarcoma is considered an undifferen- peutic response in osteosarcoma (153–158) and perhaps
tiated variant and PNET a more differentiated peripheral Ewing’s sarcoma (154, 155). Marked decrease in
neural tumor. Therapy for Ewing’s sarcoma involves multi- tumoral 201Tl uptake indicates a favorable response to
PET Imaging in Pediatric Disorders 351

in monitoring response to therapy (161–167). When com-

pared to bone scintigraphy, FDG-PET may be superior for
detecting osseous metastases from Ewing’s sarcoma but
may be less sensitive for those from osteosarcoma (168).
A second potential role is in assessing patients with sus-
pected or known pulmonary metastasis, which is particu-
larly common with osteosarcoma.

Soft Tissue Tumors

Rhabdomyosarcoma is the most common soft tissue ma-
lignancy of childhood. The peak incidence occurs between
3 and 6 years of age. Rhabdomyosarcomas can develop in
a any organ or tissue but, contrary to what the name
implies, this tumor does not usually arise in muscle. The
most common anatomic locations are the head, particu-
larly the orbit and paranasal sinuses, the neck, and the
genitourinary tract. CT or MRI is important for establish-
ing the extent of local disease. Radiography and CT are
used for detecting pulmonary metastases, and skeletal
scintigraphy is employed for identifying osseous metas-
tases. Radiation therapy and surgery are utilized for local
disease control, and chemotherapy is employed for treat-
ment of metastases. Rhabdomyosarcomas show variable
degrees of FDG accumulation. Cases showing the clinical
utility of FDG-PET have been described, but the exact role
of FDG-PET in rhabdomyosarcoma is yet to be deter-
mined (Figure 22.17) (4, 161).
Figure 22.14. CT scan (a) PET scan (b). Markedly increased uptake of FDG (arrow) is
present within the right-sided mass seen on CT (arrow). The mass was surgically
removed and confirmed histologically to represent Wilms tumor. (Copyright 1997. From
Shulkin BL, Chang E, Strouse PJ, et al. PET FDG studies of Wilms tumors. J Pediatr Hem/Onc
1997;19:334–338. Reproduced by permission of Taylor & Francis, Inc., http://www.taylorandfran- FDG-PET is being applied increasingly to study diseases
cis.com.) of childhood, especially tumors. Because the tumors en-
countered are relatively rare, it will be difficult to perform
chemotherapy. When tumoral 201Tl uptake does not de- well-designed, prospective clinical trials at single institu-
crease within weeks of chemotherapy, a therapeutic tions. The recent merger of the CCG (Children’s Cancer
change may be needed. 99mTc-MIBI may also be useful in Group) and the POG (Pediatric Oncology Group) to form
osteosarcoma but seemingly not with Ewing’s sarcoma COG (Children’s Oncology Group) brings an opportunity
(159, 160). to examine the use of FDG-PET in the management of
The exact role of FDG-PET in osteosarcoma and childhood tumors in multiinstitutional, cooperative
Ewing’s sarcoma has not yet been determined (Figures efforts. We expect that future data will show that FDG-
22.15, 22.16). However, early experience suggests that in PET does contribute unique, valuable information for the
patients with Ewing’s sarcoma FDG-PET may play a role care of childhood tumors.

Figure 22.15. A 16-year-old girl with os-

teosarcoma. Images obtained following
four courses of chemotherapy to assess
for residual disease. (a) Coronal CT
images show sclerotic lesions in the
distal right tibia. (b) FDG-PET images
show elevated FDG uptake at the periph-
ery of the sclerotic lesions, indicating
viable tumor. (c) Fusion images of CT and
352 Positron Emission Tomography

b (transverse)

b (coronal)

Figure 22.16. An 11-year-old girl who complained of pain and swelling in the left thigh. Plain film radiographs showed findings suggestive of Ewing’s sarcoma, subsequently con-
firmed on biopsy. (a) Left panel: Bone scan obtained 2 h following injection of 99mTc-MDP. Abnormal accumulation of tracer is noted throughout the left femur. The right femur is un-
remarkable. Center panel: Anterior projection image from PET study shows intense, irregular uptake of FDG within the soft tissues of the left thigh. Two small foci of activity are seen
in the region of the distal right femur that are not present on bone scanning. Right panel: T1-weighted coronal MR image shows soft tissue mass in the left thigh, replacement of
normal marrow of the left femur, and two focal lesions in the distal right femur. (b) Left panel: Transverse and coronal image from PET scan at the level of the distal femurs. Intense
uptake of FDG is present in the soft tissues surrounding the left femur and focally within the right femur. Right panel: T1-weighted MR image at same level shows the soft tissue mass
surrounding the left femur, replacement of marrow of the left femur, and a lesion in the center of the right femur. (Reprinted with permission from Shulkin BL, Mitchell DS, Ungar DR, et al.
Neoplasms in a pediatric population: 2-[F-18]-fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose PET studies. Radiology 1995;194:495–500.)
PET Imaging in Pediatric Disorders 353

Figure 22.17. Rhabdomyosarcoma. (a)

CT of the right foot of an 18-year-old girl
following chemotherapy shows abnor-
mal residual soft tissue mass below the
right fifth metatarsal. (b) Depicted left to
right are transverse, coronal, and sagittal
images. (c) Nonattenuation-corrected
images of the chest show metastases in
the medial right lung and lateral left
lung. (Reprinted with permission from Shulkin
BL. PET applications in pediatrics. Q J Nucl Med
1997;41:281–291.) c

Acknowledgments References
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PET Imaging for Tumor Hypoxia: Characterizing the Tumor
and Guiding Treatment
Joseph G. Rajendran and Kenneth A. Krohn

The explosive growth seen in imaging is rapidly changing can indeed be present in well-perfused tumors. High in-
our understanding of the functional processes in several terstitial pressure may exacerbate the already inefficient
biologic systems including cancer. Ever-increasing clini- vascularization within the tumor (12), although other
cal applications of positron emission tomography (PET) factors such as low O2 solubility (anemia) might increase
using 18F-fluorodeoxyglugose (FDG) provide a prominent the degree of tissue hypoxia. The mechanistic aspects of
example of this situation. Molecular imaging provides a hypoxia as a factor in treatment response were elucidated
noninvasive diagnostic tool to characterize and evaluate by Thomlinson and Gray, who showed the likelihood for
function and phenotypic expression in tissues and organ hypoxia beyond a distance of 200 µm from a capillary
systems in a serial fashion (1–5). Advances in PET instru- (13). This observation was later substantiated by Folkman
mentation, supported by an increasing array of molecular in his study of angiogenesis (14).
probes, have contributed substantially to this expanding
role for molecular imaging (6–9). These techniques are
likely to provide answers to some complex questions of
clinical oncologists. In addition to the traditional role of
Hypoxia-Induced Changes in Tumor
anatomic imaging in characterizing the tumor, molecular Biology
imaging, when coupled with cross-sectional imaging, can
also guide therapy. Aggressive tumors often have high microvessel density
The many changes associated with the growth and but can have paradoxically higher levels of hypoxia (15).
spread of a tumor produce a chaotic but complex milieu Hypoxic cells attempt to adapt by using glycolysis to
of function and form (10). These changes include altered maintain the production of adequate amounts of adeno-
metabolism, proliferation, invasiveness, and metastatic sine triphosphate (ATP) in spite of reduced levels of
potential that are unique for malignancy. As the tumor oxygen. However, anaerobic glycolysis is much less
grows, changes in the microenvironment result in con- efficient than the oxidative phosphorylation that takes
trasting differences from that of surrounding normal place under normoxic conditions. As a consequence of in-
tissues, and this is the basis for many imaging techniques. creased glycolysis, cells accumulate lactate, which changes
One example involves oxygen, an essential metabolic sub- the pH and eventually result in a decreased ATP/ADP
strate because of its critical role as the terminal electron ratio. Continued poor delivery of oxygen and other nutri-
acceptor in metabolic respiration. Levels of oxygen range ents to the tumor will eventually shut down glycolytic ac-
through a continuum between normal levels (euoxia or tivity, in spite of continued hypoxia (16). A measure of
normoxia) and total lack of oxygen (anoxia). The tissue glycolysis is not a measure of hypoxia (Figure 23.1).
oxygen levels, commonly reported as a partial pressure, Hypoxia-induced homeostatic changes to maintain via-
pO2, can reach below 5 mmHg and cells can still survive bility of the cell include more-efficient extraction of
and adapt to these circumstances. oxygen from blood and induction of more-aggressive sur-
Presence of hypoxia during their growth and evolution vival traits through expression of new proteins, indepen-
is one hallmark of many solid tumors, primarily a result dent of the level of perfusion or status of the vasculature
of unregulated cellular growth, resulting in a greater in a tumor. A number of hypoxia-related genes are re-
demand on oxygen for energy metabolism (11). Ischemia sponsible for these genomic changes, which are mediated
and hypoxia are not synonymous; the former is a lack of via downstream transcription factors (17–20) (Figures
perfusion and can lead to hypoxia, although it may not be 23.2, 23.3). These changes include expression of endothe-
evident until the late stages of ischemia. Tissue hypoxia lial cytokines such as vascular endothelial growth factor
360 Positron Emission Tomography

can be as high as twofold (26, 27). Hexokinase levels can

also be elevated (28).
45 head/neck
40 sarcoma
Hypoxia-Inducible Factor
20 The mechanistic aspects of tissue oxygen sensing and the
15 response to hypoxia are the focus of active research. The
10 primary cellular oxygen-sensing mechanism appears to be
5 mediated by a heme protein that uses O2 as a substrate to
catalyze hydroxylation of proline in a segment of hypoxia-
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5
inducible factor (HIF1α) this leads to rapid degradation
FMISO T:Bmax of HIF1α by ubiquitination under normoxic conditions
(29). In the absence of O2, HIF1α accumulates and forms a
heterodimer with HIF1β that is transported to the nucleus
Figure 23.1. Graph of the distribution of 18F-fluorodeoxyglugose (FDG) and fluo- and promotes hypoxia-responsive genes, resulting in a
romisonidazole (FMISO) uptake (divided into four quadrants based on the median cascade of genetic and metabolic events in an effort to
uptake values) in patients with several types of cancer shows the heterogeneous corre-
mitigate the effects of hypoxia on cellular energetics (30,
lation between hypoxia and glycolysis. SUV, standardized uptake value. [Reprinted with
permission from Rajendran JG, Mankoff DM, O’Sullivan F, et al. Hypoxia and glucose metabolism
31). Stabilization of HIF1α has been shown to occur early
in malignant tumors: evaluation by FMISO and FDG PET imaging. Clin Cancer Res in the process of tumor development, even before the in-
2004;10(7):2245–2252.] vasive stage (32). Identification of overexpressed HIF1α in
tissues by immunocytochemical (IHC) staining has been
used as an indirect measure of hypoxia (33–35), but its
(VEGF) and signaling molecules such as interleukin 1 (IL-
heterogeneous expression within a tumor and the non-
1), tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-a), and transform-
specific nature of HIF1α expression limit the prognostic
ing growth factor-beta (TGF-β), and selection of cells with
value of IHC.
mutant p53 (21, 22). Several consequences of this genetic
adaptation are relevant to treatment as well as imaging.
For example, hypoxic cells do not readily undergo death
by apoptosis (23) or arrest in the G1 phase of the cell cycle Angiogenesis
in response to sublethal deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)
damage induced by radiation (24, 25). Increased glucose Angiogenesis in tumors has been aggressively investigated
transporter (GLUT) activity is responsible for much of the by many groups, both from an imaging standpoint and,
increased glucose uptake associated with hypoxia, which more importantly, for finding a therapeutic strategy (36,


hypoxia hypoxia-induced
acidosis • transcriptional changes
lactate ↑ ↑ • posttranscriptional changes
glucose • posttranslational changes

hypoxia/ - phenotype
cell cycle arrest
# viable tumor cells ↑ ↑ stress adaptation growth stasis
diffusional O2 flux anaerobic metabolism Figure 23.2. Hypoxia-induced pro-
hypoxia/ 0 phenotype
chaotic microcirculation change of cell contacts teomic changes in cancer cells influenc-
tissue remodelling ing propagation of cancer. The net result
propagation of these effects is manifested by growth,
regression, or stable disease. [From Hockel
hypoxia/ + phenotype
M, Vaupel P. Tumor hypoxia: definitions and
somatic mutations current clinical, biologic, and molecular
neoplastic cell proliferation aspects. J Natl Cancer Inst 2001;93(4):266–276.
tissue field effects
Reprinted by permission of Oxford University
PET Imaging for Tumor Hypoxia: Characterizing the Tumor and Guiding Treatment 361

± reoxygenation

# viable cells ↑ malignant genomic instability ↑

neoplastic cell ↑
diffusional O2 flux genomic heterogeneity ↑
proliferation progression
chaotic microcirculation selection pressure ↑

clonal selection of
Figure 23.3. Progressive genomic variants featuring e.g.

changes in a tumor resulting from apoptotic potential tumor propagation
hypoxia. [From Hockel M, Vaupel P. Tumor ↑ angiogenic potential resistance to therapy
hypoxia: definitions and current clinical, bio-
hypoxia/ + hpenotype
logic, and molecular aspects. J Natl Cancer Inst
2001;93(4):266–276. Reprinted by permission
of Oxford University Press.]

37). Angiogenesis, the formation of new blood vessels, is tion dose to cause the same lethality in hypoxic cells as
an important aspect of the tumor phenotype and can be compared to normoxic cells (13, 47–50).
considered as a failure of the balance between proangio- While these are all established concepts, what is new in
genic and antiangiogenic signals. New blood vessels are our understanding is that hypoxia results in the develop-
essential for the delivery of nutrients to sustain tumor ment and selection of an aggressive phenotype, poor re-
growth, invasion, and metastatic spread. It has been sponse, and poor outcome because of increased
found that tumors do not grow beyond a size of 1 to 2 mm metastatic potential (23, 51–53). Hypoxia can also
without inducing angiogenesis (38). Angiogenesis is promote resistance to chemotherapeutic agents by any
further accentuated in hypoxia as a direct result of tran- one of several mechanisms. (i) Hypoxia can result in
scription factors such as VEGF. However, this process of slowing of cellular proliferation, and the effectiveness of
tumor angiogenesis is chaotic and can exhibit significant chemotherapy frequently correlates with S-phase func-
functional deficiencies compared to normal vasculature tion. (ii) Changes in perfusion associated with hypoxia
(12, 39). Although angiogenesis is a frequent consequence may impede delivery of chemotherapy drugs. (iii) Gene
of hypoxia, some tumors develop extensive angiogenesis amplification results in the induction of numerous stress
without the presence of hypoxia. Severely hypoxic tumors proteins that are factors in limiting response, for example,
do not promote significant angiogenesis. Imaging of an- apoptosis (53, 54) (Figure 23.4).
giogenesis has been attempted by several methods includ- However, cancer treatment schemes designed over the
ing optical, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and PET. years to circumvent the cure-limiting consequences of
Further details can be obtained from recent references hypoxia have led to disappointing results (55). Hyperbaric
(40–44). oxygen, neutron therapy, hyperfractionation, and the use
of oxygen-mimetic radiation sensitizers have not pro-
duced the expected benefit in the clinic. Although several
reasons have been postulated for this situation, the most
Tumor Hypoxia and Clinical Outcome: significant for this review is the need for a noninvasive
What Is New? assay to identify patients with hypoxic tumors. Such an
assay would help characterize the tumor and would also
The negative association of hypoxia in tumor biology and provide a basis for rational patient selection and for
clinical prognosis has long been known. Radiobiologic guiding treatment. Optimal time, dose, and fractionation
experiments have overwhelmingly established oxygen as schemes to overcome hypoxia are being actively investi-
important for fixing (making permanent) the radiation- gated, but further discussion of that topic is left to the ra-
induced cytotoxic products in tissues. In the absence of diation oncology literature.
oxygen, the free radicals formed by ionizing radiation re- The negative association of hypoxia with treatment re-
combine without producing the anticipated cellular sponse and patient outcome implies that evaluating
damage (45–47). Clinical as well as preclinical experience hypoxia will help identify tumors with a high hypoxic
indicates that it takes three times as much photon radia- fraction, so that hypoxia-directed treatments can be im-
362 Positron Emission Tomography

Respons in Hypox ic

Survive the Improve the Escape from the

microenvironment microenvironment microenvironment

1. Alter metabolism
2. Reduce proliferation 1. Angiogenesis (VEGF) Invasion (MMP)
3. p53 mutation 2. pH modulation (CA IX) Metastases

Poor Response Poor Survival

to XRT and

Figure 23.4. Possible biologic and clini-

cal implications of hypoxia response.

plemented and treatments that depend on the presence of Evaluation of Tumor Hypoxia
oxygen can be avoided. If careful selection of patients with
hypoxic tumors improved the outcome in patients treated During the past several decades, tumor oxygenation has
with hypoxia-specific approaches, this would benefit the been evaluated by several methods, and assays of tumor
individual patient. Contrary to expectations, there is hypoxia have been evaluated to predict patient outcome
abundant evidence that tumor hypoxia does not correlate in cancers of the uterine cervix (72), lung (58), head and
with tumor size, grade, and extent of necrosis or blood he- neck (64, 73–75), and glioma (76, 77). These techniques
moglobin status (56–61). Moreover, most of the com- have identified widespread heterogeneity in tumor
monly used clinicopathologic measures of tumor hypoxia hypoxia within a tumor, between tumors, and between
are not strong indicators of prognosis. patients with the same tumor type (78). Hypoxia usually
The nature of hypoxic cells makes them attractive resolves as the tumor shrinks with treatment, either by
targets for hypoxia-activated prodrugs (62, 63). Although radiotherapy or by chemotherapy, but it may show para-
focal hypoxia in a tumor can be treated with boost radia- doxical results in some tumors, perhaps because of rela-
tion using intensity-modulating radiation therapy (IMRT) tive sparing of hypoxic cells by the treatment (79).
(64, 65), more-diffuse hypoxia will benefit from hypoxic Because of the changing dynamics in the tumor sec-
cell toxins or sensitizers. Newer hypoxia-activated pro- ondary to treatment, the optimal radiation boost needs
drugs (66) with less toxicity and more effectiveness than to be directed to the hypoxic subvolume from imaging
their early counterparts have been synthesized (67). The after a few treatments rather than to the baseline
most widely tested drug has been SR 4233, now called tira- information.
pazamine (TPZ). In addition to direct cytotoxic effects, Current hypoxia assays can be categorized as in vivo
these agents exhibit synergistic toxicity with radiation and (both invasive and noninvasive) or ex vivo (invasive
chemotherapy. Tirapazamine is being tried in a number biopsy) (5, 80, 81). A useful assay should distinguish nor-
of malignancies with encouraging results (63, 68, 69). moxic regions from hypoxic regions at a level of oxygen
Nuclear imaging with hypoxia-specific tracers should be relevant to cancer, pO2 in the range of 3 to 5 mmHg.
an important tool for selecting patients who might benefit Experience has shown that regional levels of hypoxia
from this treatment. When some early results were ana- should be measured for individual patients and individ-
lyzed (70), it was obvious that TPZ was much more effec- ual tumor sites. To be maximally successful, hypoxia-di-
tive in the presence of hypoxia, indicating that rected imaging and treatment should target both chronic
identification of hypoxia before treatment would be hypoxia and hypoxia resulting from transient interrup-
beneficial in patient selection (70, 71). tion of blood flow (79). The assay should reflect intracellu-
PET Imaging for Tumor Hypoxia: Characterizing the Tumor and Guiding Treatment 363

lar pO2 rather than blood flow or some consequence of the stress at relatively high pO2 (86). Moreover, oxygen ex-
O2 level on downstream biochemical changes in, for traction capacities of cells might be impaired in the whole
example, thiols or NADH. The observed temporal hetero- tumor or regionally within a tumor. Electrode studies
geneity in tissue pO2 suggests that a secondary effect, such commonly report the percentage of readings that fall
as intracellular redox status, will not be as relevant to below some cutoff value that may range from 2.5 to 10
cancer treatment outcome as the intracellular partial pres- mmHg, depending on the tumor site and standards for a
sure of O2. laboratory. An absolute pO2 value may be less useful and
Other desirable characteristics for an ideal clinical less robust than accurate assessment of the volume or
hypoxia assay include (a) simple and noninvasive fraction of tumor cells that are hypoxic. In addition, O2
method, (b) nontoxic, (c) rapid and easy to perform with consumption continues during electrode assay. The dis-
consistency between laboratories, and (d) ability to quan- tribution of electrode measurements in a tumor can be
tify without the need for substantial calibration of the de- bimodal in some instances (87). The fraction of cells in
tection instrumentation. Location of the tumor in a the hypoxic peak may be much more important than the
patient should not be a limiting factor for the assay. Last, mean pO2 or the pO2 for the nadir separating hypoxia and
spatial heterogeneity in the distribution of hypoxia dic- normoxia. These limitations provided the impetus to
tates that the ideal assay must provide a complete locore- search for a noninvasive method that could be done seri-
gional evaluation of the tumor. All these requirements ally to characterize and quantify tumor hypoxia in pa-
suggest an important role for imaging in evaluating tients. Imaging methods for hypoxia provide a complete
hypoxia. map of relative oxygenation level in tumor regions with
good spatial resolution in a microenvironment that tends
to be highly heterogeneous.
Polarographic Electrode Measurements
Early measurements of oxygen levels in tumors were PET Hypoxia Imaging
largely based on direct measurement of pO2 levels using
very fine polarographic electrodes. Because this assay can Hypoxia imaging presents the special challenge of making
be calibrated in units of mmHg, it has been described as a a positive image from the relative absence of O2. Chemists
gold standard for pO2. Heterogeneity of hypoxia within a have developed two different classes of imaging agents to
tumor, which shows a gradient toward the center of the address this problem: bioreductive alkylating agents that
tumor, presents a challenge for accurately mapping re- are O2 sensitive and metal chelates which are apparently
gional pO2 (57, 82). The electrodes do not provide full sensitive to the intracellular redox state that develops as a
maps of a tumor area, but do provide a histogram of the consequence of hypoxia.
distribution of the electrode’s reading as it is inserted and
then slowly withdrawn. Interlaboratory variations in cali-
bration of the electrodes further plague the results (83), Nitroimidazole Compounds
especially when pO2 values are compared between labora-
tories. Because polarographic electrodes measure oxygen Misonidazole, an azomycin-based hypoxic cell sensitizer
tension in a group of cells, the readings can be influenced introduced in clinical radiation oncology three decades
by the presence of blood in the interstitial or vascular ago, binds covalently to intracellular molecules at levels
spaces in tumors (84). that are inversely proportional to intracellular oxygen
Although image-guided sampling can be used to select concentration below about 10 mmHg. It is a lipophilic 2-
the path and depth of electrode deployment to avoid nitroimidazole derivative whose uptake in hypoxic cells is
blood vessels (85), anatomic imaging methods are notori- dependent on the sequential reduction of the nitro group
ously limited in identifying areas of viable tissue within a on the imidazole ring (88). This uptake mechanism re-
tumor. For example, a hypodense area visualized within a quires viability of the cells; reduction depends on electron
tumor on CT is considered necrotic, but it can have mea- transport to provide electrons for the bioreduction step.
surable levels of oxygen (84). Selection of close needle In the absence of mitochondrial electron transport, the
entry points can reduce sampling error (83) but can com- tracer is not reduced and thus not accumulated in the
promise patient comfort and compliance. Other limita- tissues. The one-electron reduction product is an unsta-
tions of electrode measurements include the need for ble radical anion that will either give up its extra electron
accessible tumor location and difficulties associated with to O2 or pick up a second electron. In the presence of O2,
serial measurements. An accurate value of pO2 may be less the nitroimidazole simply goes through a futile reduction
informative than once expected, because different tissues cycle and is returned to its initial nitromidazole state. In
have different respiratory demand and may not exhibit a the absence of a competitive electron acceptor, the ni-
hypoxic stress response at the same level of oxygenation. troimidazole continues to accumulate electrons to form
Normal cells, for example, cardiomyocytes, experience the hydroxylamine alkylating agent and become trapped
364 Positron Emission Tomography

N N 18 F


+ e- from Nitroreductase enzymes

+ e- + 4e-
O2 R-NO2 R-N=O R-NH2
Radical covalent bonding
Anion to macromolecules Figure 23.5. Structure of misonidazole
showing the mechanism of action in the
presence and absence of oxygen.

within the viable but O2-deficient cell (Figure 23.5). The and 150 min, which can be adjusted to fit the clinic sched-
uptake and retention of 18F-fluoromisonidazole (FMISO) ule and has a logistic analogy to a diphosphonate bone
is inversely related to the instantaneous oxygen tension scan. The modest tumor-to-background ratio reflects the
within the cell. In vitro studies have shown that reoxy- continuum between normoxia and hypoxia and does not
genated cells exposed to a new batch of the tracer will not compromise image interpretation. Hypoxia images can be
accumulate the 2-nitroimidazole compounds. interpreted by either qualitative or quantitative methods.
FMISO is an imaging agent derived from misonidazole, Qualitative interpretations have been used with a scoring
one of the earliest investigated radiosensitizers in clinical system to grade the uptake in a tumor in relation to
radiation therapy. It has a high hypoxia-specific factor normal tissue (70). We use a simple but accurate quantita-
(HSF) of 20 to 50, defined as the ratio of uptake in hypoxic tion method using a venous blood sample to calculate a
cells compared to normoxic cells. This factor determines tissue-to-blood ratio that is the result of extensive valida-
the uptake specificity in vitro (89). Prodrug imaging tion studies (4, 98). The tumor to plasma ratio has proved
agents such as FMISO are bioreductively activated in useful to estimate the degree of hypoxia in a number of
hypoxic tissue but the process is reversible in the presence studies, as has the tumor-to-muscle ratio (92). The FMISO
of oxygen in tissues. The result is a positive image of the ratio image provides a reliable and reproducible analysis
absence of O2. that can be readily introduced in clinical practice.
FMISO is a highly stable and robust radiopharmaceutical Fractional hypoxic volume (FHV), defined as the pro-
that can be used to quantify tissue hypoxia using PET portion of pixels within the imaged tumor volume that
imaging (59, 90). Its easy synthesis and optimal safety have a ratio above some cutoff value, has been used (93)
profile are responsible for its acceptance in the clinic. After but this requires accurate delineation of tumor margins to
extensive clinical validation, FMISO has maintained its role define the denominator. This parameter is a conceptual ex-
as the most commonly used PET hypoxia tracer (16, 58, 59, trapolation of the FHV from radiobiology laboratory ex-
91–95). It has biodistribution and dosimetry characteristics periments. We prefer the tumor hypoxic volume (HV)
ideal for PET imaging (96). The partition coeffecient of parameter, which is the total number of pixels with a
FMISO is 0.41 (97), similar to that of the blood flow agent tissue-to-blood ratio of 1.2 or more. Expressed in milli-
iodoantipyrine, so that initially after injection the tissue liters (mL), it is a measure of the extent of hypoxic tissue
distribution reflects blood flow. After about an hour the and obviates the need for stringent demarcation of the
distribution reflects its partition coefficient; it is homoge- tumor boundaries (4, 99). Mathematical models with more
neously distributed with no tissue specificity (86). detailed analysis are useful research tools but are not likely
The distribution of pixel uptake values after about 90 to find acceptance in routine clinical imaging (100).
min is narrowly dispersed, which has led to a simple A typical protocol for PET scanning with FMISO uses
analysis of FMISO PET images by scaling the pixel uptake an intravenous administration of a dose of 3.7 MBq (0.1
to plasma concentration. The mean value for this ratio in mCi)/kg, which results in an effective total-body dose
all tissues is close to unity and almost all normoxic pixels equivalent of 0.0126 mGy/MBq (96). Scanning typically
have a value less than 1.2. The regional concentration of begins at about 120 min and lasts for 20 min with blood
the intermediate radical anion product parallels nitrore- sampling during the scan. A transmission scan is used for
ductase levels, which vary only slightly, so this factor does attenuation correction of emission data. Typically one
not affect the imaging analysis of hypoxic volume (93). axial field of view (AFOV) of 15 cm in the craniocaudal di-
The optimal time for imaging appears to be between 90 mension is acquired. An FDG scan of the entire torso in-
PET Imaging for Tumor Hypoxia: Characterizing the Tumor and Guiding Treatment 365


T:Bmax = 1.51

SUVmax = 10.2
Figure 23.6. Corresponding transaxial
and coronal FMISO (top) and FDG
(bottom) images of a patient with cancer
of the posterior tongue with metastatic
lymph nodes.

clusive of the same region is obtained for some patients, Alternative Azomycin Imaging Agents
with care taken to reposition the patient between images.
Addition of FDG imaging data increases the sensitivity of Some research groups have developed alternative
FMISO imaging by indicating the full extent of tumor and azomycin (nitroimidazole) radiopharmaceuticals for
helps in correlating metabolic activity and hypoxia in hypoxia imaging by attempting to manipulate the rate of
tumor as well as in staging (16) (Figures 23.6–23.10). blood clearance to improve image contrast (101–103). EF-



T:Bmax = 2.55 SUVmax = 4.5

Figure 23.7. Corresponding transaxial

magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) (left),
FMISO (middle), and FDG (right) images
of a patient with glioblastoma multi-
forme in the left temporal lobe. Hypoxic
region generally parallels the FDG
uptake, but note the differences in
uptake in the anteromedial aspect of the
366 Positron Emission Tomography


T:Bmax = 1.94 SUVmax = 40.3

Figure 23.8. Corresponding

FMISO (left) and FDG (right)
images of a patient with soft
tissue sarcoma of the pelvis
show uniform uptake of the
tracers in the tumor.

1 was initially developed because of the availability of an Single photon emission computed tomography
antibody stain to verify the distribution in tissue samples (SPECT)-based hypoxia imaging compounds have been
(104). Fluoroerythronitroimidazole (FETNIM) was devel- introduced with the hope of taking this technology to
oped as a more-hydrophilic derivative of misonidazole that gamma camera imaging (107). The Cross Cancer Center
might have more-rapid plasma clearance as this could be group pioneered the development of iodinated derivatives
an imaging advantage. Fluoroetanidazole has binding char- of nitroimidazoles. Direct halogenation of the imidazole
acteristics similar to FMISO but has been reported to have ring does not lead to a stable radiopharmaceutical, so the
less retention in liver and fewer metabolites in animals general approach has been to place sugar residues
(105, 106). It appears to be the best of the alternative between the nitroimidazole and the radioiodine to stabi-
azomycins; however, the advantages have not been lize the labeled molecule. Introduction of the sugar results
sufficient to carry these derivatives to wide clinical testing. in a more water soluble molecule than misonidazole.
These products exhibit minimal deiodination, and two de-
rivatives have been evaluated in mice and in patients,
iodoazomycin arabinoside and iodoazomycin galactoside.
The sugar has two consequences: the hydrophilic product
Lung clears more rapidly, but its clearance and therefore its
background distribution in normoxic tissues are some-
what dependent on blood flow. The resulting images have
FMISO higher contrast than FMISO when imaging is typically ini-
T:Bmax =1.85
max = 1.85
tiated 110 min after injection.
The success with positron-labeled radioiodinated
azomycins led to attempts to develop technetium deriva-
tives of 2-nitroimidazole and to take advantage of a 99mTc
label, well known in the nuclear medicine community.
Ready availability at low cost, convenient half-life for
hypoxia measurements, and versatile chemistry are all
benefits of 99mTc-compounds. Two different approaches
have been evaluated: both BMS181321 and HL91 were
synthesized and evaluated as hypoxia-based agents.
Although both these molecules involve ligands with po-
tential hypoxia-specific binding characteristics, the reduc-
tion chemistry of the metal core is also subject to redox
Figure 23.9. FMISO image of a patient with a right non-small cell lung cancer. Note the chemistry that can result in lability of the Tc=O core from
central area of photopenia corresponding to necrosis in the tumor. the ligand (101, 108). The BMS compound was so
PET Imaging for Tumor Hypoxia: Characterizing the Tumor and Guiding Treatment 367


T:Bmax = 2.15 SUVmax = 18.2

Figure 23.10. Corresponding

FMISO (left) and FDG (right)
images of a patient with cer-
vical cancer. Although the
FMISO uptake in the primary
tumor is not as pronounced
as the FDG uptake, this
tumor was found to have a
FMISO tissue-to-blood ratio
(T:B) of 2.15 and a hypoxic
volume (HV) of 68.4 mL,
which is significant.

lipophilic that its background activity remained high, es- potential advantage of a longer half-life for practical clini-
pecially in the abdomen. A less-lipophilic derivative, cal use (112–114) although the mechanism of retention is
BMS194796, has been developed with better clearance less well validated than FMISO. Intracellular retention is
properties, especially from the liver (109). Both the BMS related to the copper reduction chemistry, Cu2+ to Cu+,
compounds involve a nitroimidazole group, although it is which has a redox potential of –297 mV for Cu-ATSM
probably not the dominant influence in determining the (115). Several other biologic systems have comparable
biodistribution kinetics of the radiopharmaceutical or its redox potentials: –315 mV for NADH and –230 mV for
specific localization in hypoxic tissues. The HL91 mole- glutathione.
cule 99mTc-BnAO does not include a nitroimidazole; the Retention of Cu-ATSM in hypoxic regions and rapid
Tc–ligand coordination chemistry is directly reduced washout from normal regions have been documented
and retained in hypoxic environments (108). It requires a (115). This radiopharmaceutical has rapid washout from
much lower level of O2 for its reduction and uptake, normoxic areas. It is a useful imaging agent for identify-
raising concerns for routine clinical applications (110). ing regions of tissue that have higher levels of reducing
The lack of specificity for hypoxia has led to abandon- agents, for example, NADH, as a consequence of hypoxia.
ment of this molecule as a tracer for imaging hypoxia. This mechanism is distinct from that for the nitroimida-
SPECT radiopharmacuticals, both the iodinated com- zoles in that the copper agents reflect a consequence of
pounds (e.g., 123I-IAZA) (111) and the 99mTc-based agents hypoxia rather than simply the level of pO2. This mecha-
already noted, suffer from lower image contrast and have nistic difference might limit the role of Cu-ATSM for mea-
less potential for quantification than the PET agents (102). suring a prompt reoxygenation response because the
The absence of a gold standard for hypoxia evaluation increased levels of NADH secondary to hypoxia persist
complicates validation of all hypoxia markers, including after reoxygenation. Diffusion of NADH and other related
FMISO (89). There is an urgent need for treatment reducing equivalents might also make Cu-ATSM less
outcome studies to provide convincing evidence for the reflective of the spatial heterogeneity of hypoxia.
clinical value of hypoxia imaging in the oncology clinic. However, the same characteristics make the Cu agents
preferable for imaging chronic hypoxia where levels of
NADH can increase by severalfold (113, 116), resulting in
Other Imaging Agents substantial signal amplification.

Copper bis(thiosemicarbazones) are a class of molecules

that has been evaluated as freely diffusible blood flow
tracers that are retained once they enter cells. The altered Summary
redox environment associated with hypoxia results in in-
creased retention of some copper chelates so that they The increasing utilization of PET imaging in the clinic
produce high-contrast images. The 64Cu-labeled acetyl de- makes it an attractive choice for evaluating tumor
rivative of pyruvaldehyde bis[N4-methylthiosemicar- hypoxia. One can evaluate the entire tumor and regional
bazonato]–copper (II) complex, Cu-ATSM, has the lymph nodes noninvasively at the same time in a snapshot
368 Positron Emission Tomography

fashion, and PET imaging is not limited by some of the ment will provide an even better understanding of the ef-
procedural difficulties of polarographic electrodes. In ad- fectiveness of treatment.
dition, the noninvasiveness and safety profile provide the Hypoxia imaging can be combined with other indica-
ability for repeat imaging (117). The main advantage of tors of tissue hemodynamics and oxygenation, such as
PET is its ability to accurately quantify tissue uptake of perfusion imaging using 15O-water, and tissue markers of
the hypoxia tracer, independent of anatomic location of proteomic response to hypoxia, such as vascular density
the tumor. Widespread availability of PET scanners (and and HIF1? expression using immunocytochemistry, to
now PET/CT scanners) and distribution of 18F-labeled provide complementary information. Availability of
hypoxia tracers in the community will make this proce- PET/CT scanners provides the opportunity to combine
dure within reach of community nuclear medicine and ra- anatomic imaging and functional information; this will
diation oncology centers. Although the level of pretherapy increase the accuracy of hypoxia imaging and will also fa-
hypoxia is an important parameter, its change with treat- cilitate incorporation of the images into radiation treat-

Figure 23.11. (a) Computed tomography (CT) images, (b) FDG PET images, and (c) fused FDG-PET/CT images reconstructed in transaxial, sagittal, and coronal planes with crosshairs
centered on the tumor in the right tonsilar region.
PET Imaging for Tumor Hypoxia: Characterizing the Tumor and Guiding Treatment 369

Figure 23.12. Fused FMISO PET/CT images reconstructed in transaxial, sagittal, and coronal planes with crosshairs centered on the hypoxic subvolume in the right tonsilar primary

ment plans to explore the feasibility of IMRT-based dressed with newer drugs and advanced radiation tech-
boosts to hypoxic subvolumes (64, 65, 118) (Figures niques in treatment planning and delivery. An effective
23.11–23.14). hypoxia assay would guide treatment selection and help
Rapid advances in technology and expanding sophisti- monitor treatment results. However, each of the currently
cation of cancer treatment necessitate noninvasive molec- available imaging procedures has at least one disadvan-
ular imaging methods to characterize the tumor and guide tage. The limited quantitative potential of SPECT and MRI
treatment decisions. The problem of tumor hypoxia, first will always limit imaging based on these detection
realized during the last century, can now be effectively ad- systems. PET imaging with FMISO and Cu-ATSM both

Figure 23.13. (a) Isodose distributions for intensity-modulating radiation therapy (IMRT) planning for the gloss target volume (GTV) derived from CT scan. (b) Isodose distributions
for IMRT planning for additional boost dose to the hypoxic subvolume derived from FMISO images.
370 Positron Emission Tomography

Figure 23.14. (a) Dose–volume his-

tograms (DVH) for boost to hypoxia
subvolume based on FMISO. (b)
Dose–volume histograms (DVH) for dose
to the primary tumor GTV based on CT

have initial clinical experience and need to be studied in a tracers. Modern techniques in radiation treatment plan-
multicenter trial of the importance of hypoxia as a cure- ning, such as IMRT, provide the ability to customize radi-
limiting factor. ation delivery based on physical conformity (64, 65, 119,
However, PET, for the foreseeable future, will retain 120). By incorporating information on focal hypoxia,
disadvantages associated with cost and availability of the imaging can be used to create a biologic profile of the
PET Imaging for Tumor Hypoxia: Characterizing the Tumor and Guiding Treatment 371

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Labeled Pyrimidines in PET Imaging
Anthony F. Shields

Cellular proliferation is a requirement of life and is is transported across the cell membrane, in a variety of
needed as animals develop, replace tissues, and repair cell types, by a number of both active and passive carrier-
damage. On the other hand, uncontrolled proliferation mediated transporters (3). Transport is rapid in both
leads to cancer. Because of the intense interest in cell directions and does not appear to be a rate-limiting step
growth, many different aspects of proliferation have been under most circumstances (4). Once in the cell, thymidine
evaluated over the years. One of the basic requirements of can be used for DNA synthesis or degraded. It is impor-
proliferating cells is to make a new complement of cellular tant to realize that the major source of thymidine used in
DNA before division. Because excess cellular growth is a DNA synthesis is endogenous synthesis by the cell from
problem and cause in both cancer and some immunologic uracil. Uracil, in the form of uridine monophosphate, is
diseases, DNA synthesis is a common target of therapy. methylated from folate donors to produce thymidine. The
Many drugs and radiotherapy can directly alter DNA and uptake of exogenous thymidine, while accounting for a
interfere with cell replication, resulting in immediate or minority of that used in DNA synthesis, can still be used
delayed (programmed) cell death. It is generally thought as a marker of cellular proliferation, based on the fact that
that impairment of DNA synthesis by therapy better the relative utilization of the two pathways depends on the
reflects cell injury than do changes seen in glycolysis, concentration of thymidine outside the cell (5). If this
which relies on more robust organelles such as mitochon- concentration is relatively constant, then the fraction used
dria (1). Therefore, nucleoside utilization may be a more within the cell is predictable.
sensitive and specific measure of early response to Once in the cell, thymidine can be degraded or utilized
therapy because cells may maintain their oxidative and in DNA synthesis (Figure 24.2). Its utilization is first me-
glycolytic function for some time after therapy. In con- diated by its phosphoryation by thymidine kinase. One
trast to other positron emission tomography (PET) form of this enzyme, thymidine kinase 1 (TK1), is a cy-
tracers that measure energetic or biosynthetic functions tosolic enzyme and used by the cell as it processes thymi-
(for example, glucose and amino acids), nucleosides such dine that is employed in DNA within the nucleus. The cell
as thymidine are precursors of DNA synthesis (2) (Figure also possesses a second thymidine kinase (TK2) that is
24.1). Imaging pathways of proliferation may be prefer- located within the mitochondria and is not involved in
able in situations where one needs to rapidly assess physi- cell replication. The regulation of TK1 is closely coordi-
ologic response or noncytotoxic therapy is being nated with the other enzymes involved in DNA synthesis,
employed. Imaging with nucleosides may be useful in di- and its concentration within the cell increases severalfold
agnosis and staging of some tumor types, particularly in as the cells begin to make new DNA. Another important
tissues and organs with high physiologic uptake of 18F- enzyme in the DNA synthetic pathway is thymidylate syn-
fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG). thase, the enzyme responsible for the endogenous synthe-
Thymidine is taken up by cells and used in DNA syn- sis of thymidine from uracil monophosphate. Similarly,
thesis or degraded. The pyrimidine basis of thymidine, DNA polymerase is rapidly increased in cells as they enter
thymine, is not used in RNA synthesis, unlike adenine, cy- the DNA synthetic or “S” phase of the cell cycle.
tidine, and guanine. Thus, thymidine is routinely used of Before the development of PET, a number of parame-
thymidine uptake as a measure of cell growth, and thymi- ters dependent on thymidine assays have been defined to
dine labeled with 14C and 3H has been used in the labora- help quantitate and describe cell growth (6, 7).
tory for half a century, producing extensive data for Unfortunately, these tests often require repeated speci-
understanding uptake, retention, and degradation of men examinations and are usually not suitable for routine
thymidine. After delivery via the bloodstream, thymidine clinical use. The labeling index (LI) is probably the easiest
376 Positron Emission Tomography

thesis was needed to make this approach feasible. The in-

troduction of 11C with its 20-min half-life into thymidine
O and the need to synthesize quantities of about 20 mCi for
*Me patient studies is a formidable task. 11C-Thymidine was
NH first synthesized with the label in the 5-methyl position by
HO * Christman et al., and the method was improved by
O N O Sundoro-Wu et al. (9, 10). Subsequently, a synthesis of 11C
O in the ring 2-position was also described (11). The advan-
tage of labeled thymidine is that it is a native compound
that it is readily incorporated into DNA (12). A detailed
OH OH understanding of its in vivo kinetics is needed to interpret
PET images, but the pathways of its uptake, retention, uti-
Thymidine 5 - Halogen Analogs lization, and degradation are well understood.
X = F , Br, I Preliminary studies in animals with both implanted and
spontaneous tumors demonstrated that the retention in
O O tumors was sufficient to make imaging feasible (13). After
intravenous injection in vivo, the labeled thymidine is pri-
Me *Y
NH NH marily retained in DNA (14), but rapid degradation has
also been shown to occur (15, 16).
HO HO The initial human studies using 5-methyl-labeled 11C-
O O thymidine were carried out in patients with non-
*F Hodgkin’s lymphoma (17). This study first demonstrated
that 11C-thymidine uptake was rapid enough to make
tumor imaging clinically feasible. The relative retention of
thymidine was found to correlate with tumor grade.
2' - Fluoro Analogs Patients with low-grade and high-grade lymphoma had a
FLT mean uptake of 0.29% and 0.71% dose per 100 mL, respec-
Y = CH 3 , Br, I
tively. Uptake was much higher in tumors than muscle,
with a mean lymphoma-to-muscle ratio of 11.8. In a study
of 13 patients with head and neck cancer, the tumor was
Figure 24.1. Structures of thymidine and its analogues. Halogens can be used to label
visualized in each case, although the standard uptake
the 5-position and produce iodo-, bromo-, and fluoro-deoxyuridine. FLT (3’-deoxy-3’-
fluorothymidine) is readily labeled with 18F. Analogues of 2’-fluoro compounds can be values (SUVs) were relatively modest (mean, 1.3; range,
methyl-, bromo-, or iodo labeled in the 5-position or with 18F in the sugar. Asterisks in- 0.8–2.0) (18). High activity was also noted in the kidney
dicate position of possible labels. (mean SUV, 13.7), liver (SUV, 18.0), and heart muscle
(SUV, 3.2). Retention in the liver is the result of degrada-
thymidine-based assay of cell kinetics to obtain. Before tion of methyl-labeled 11C-thymidine, and heart retention
biopsy, labeled thymidine is injected into the animal or appears to be mediated by trapping involving mitochon-
patient being studied. The fraction of cells with labeled drial TK2. In a study of patients with various brain lesions
nuclei is then quantitated with autoradiography. The LI, using methyl-labeled thymidine, the lesion was detected
therefore, is a measure of the fraction of cells in S phase at in 8 of 10 patients with cancer. In 10 patients with nonma-
a given time in a single sample of cells, which may not be lignant abnormalities, none had detectable lesion uptake.
representative of the tissue or tumor. The potential ad- Although some of the retention of thymidine in the
vantage of PET is that it could provide a means of nonin- tumors may be attributable to incorporation into DNA,
vasively obtaining repeated measurements from multiple the concentration of metabolites in lesions with a dis-
sites in a tumor and, when combined with kinetic model- rupted blood–brain barrier may also contribute to the
ing, provides an accurate and consistent measure of uptake (19). Methyl-labeled thymidine was also found to
uptake. Similar approaches using unlabeled 5-bromod- be useful in differentiating benign from lymphomatous
eoxyuridine (BUdR) have also been developed where cel- lesions in the brain in patients with AIDS (20).
lular retention is detected using monoclonal antibodies, Thymidine was labeled for use with 11C in the ring 2-
but the requirement for tissue sampling remains (8). position to take advantage of the alternate degradation
found when compared to the methyl-labeled thymidine
(Figure 24.3). The degradation of the methyl-labeled
thymidine results in the production of numerous labeled
C-Thymidine Imaging metabolites, some of which are retained in the liver, pro-
ducing a high background in that organ. Ring-2-labeled
C-Labeled thymidine was considered an attractive tracer thymidine undergoes degradation to labeled CO2. Within
to image cellular proliferation in vivo, but a practical syn- 8 eight min after injection, 65% of the blood activity is
Labeled Pyrimidines in PET Imaging 377

Nucleoside Pathways
DNA - pathway
(irreversible in vivo)

TdRPase TK1

Thymine Thymidine Thymidine-5'-MP TDP TTP


X or

5FU FUdR Py-5'-MP Py-5'-TTP

or or Py-5'-MP
Figure 24.2. Pathways of incorporation Br - BUdR
and degradation of thymidine and its
analogues. TK1, thymidine kinase 1;
TdRPase, thymidine phosphorylase, the
initial step in the degradation of thymi-
dine; Py, the appropriate phosphorylated
X FLT Py-5'-MP Py-5'-TP (?)



* CH3 *CH 3
# #

OH * CH 3
Thymidine NH
*CH 3 O
NH 2
NH 2
Figure 24.3. Degradation pathway of
methyl and ring-2-labeled forms of O
thymidine. The methyl-labeled form (*)
#CO 2 β -Ureidoisobutyric Acid
leads to β-amino-isobutyric acid (BAIB)
and other metabolites; the ring-2-
labeled form (#) generates CO2.
378 Positron Emission Tomography

present as labeled CO2 (16). Because CO2 is not concen- brain tumors were visible in all but 1 case with thymidine
trated in the liver, one can noninvasively image liver and all but 2 cases with FDG (24). Even when seen with
regeneration, as well as tumor within the liver, using 2- both tracers, the tumor was better visualized with thymi-
[11C]thymidine (21). Although labeled CO2 is not prefer- dine in 2 cases and FDG in 1 case, demonstrating the com-
entially retained in any organ, it is widely distributed in plementary nature of both tracers. Because most of the
the body and is not rapidly exhaled (22). Therefore, ring-2 thymidine is degraded to CO2, imaging with
kinetic modeling must also take into account the presence [11C]CO2 was done independently and these results were
of such metabolites. used to assess contribution of [11C]CO2 to the images, to
Patients with brain tumors have been imaged using 2- calculate the DNA flux, and understand the contribution of
[11C]thymidine, with results compared to those obtained the blood–brain barrier disruption. This approach was
with 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG). In a study by Vander used to produce images of thymidine flux, which enhanced
Borght and colleagues, 20 patients with intracranial tumors the ability to image tumors and demonstrated that DNA
were studied (23). Increased thymidine retention was synthesis is being measured in the tumor, not metabolites.
noted in 11 of 14 and 5 of 6 patients with untreated and re- 2-[11C]Thymidine has also been used in a pilot study to
current tumors, respectively. The SUV of tumors ranged measure response to chemotherapy in patients with small
from 0.68 to 6.94 (mean, 1.7). Normal areas of the cortex cell lung cancer and sarcoma (25). Rapid declines in thymi-
have a mean SUV of 0.85. There was no correlation with dine retention were noted within one week of starting
uptake and tumor grade. High SUV values were seen in the therapy (Figure 24.4). Kinetic modeling, allowing for the
2 patients with lymphoma (2.29 and 2.62). Although this removal of the metabolite contribution, was more robust
could be expected, it was unexpected that meningiomas for tumor detection than simply measuring changes in
also had very high retention with a mean of 3.6 (range, SUV. Declines in FDG were also noted, but these were not
2.3–6.9). With thymidine, the tumor-to-normal cortex as dramatic or complete. In patients with locally advanced
uptake ratio was 2.0 (range, 0.8–7.2). Because of the high non-small cell lung cancer receiving chemoradiotherapy,
retention of FDG in the normal brain, the tumor-to-cortex thymidine uptake also appears to decline more rapidly
ratio was only 0.7 (range, 0.2–3.4) with this tracer. FDG was then FDG retention. FDG retention takes about 3 months
able to demonstrate the tumor in 11 of 20 cases, compared to decline after successful therapy because of slow loss of
to 16 of 20 with thymidine. In another study of 13 patients, both tumor and inflammatory cells (26).

Pre-therapy Post-therapy



Figure 24.4. Pretherapy images and

those obtained 6 days after treatment.
Thymidine (TdR) and 18F-2-deoxy-D-
glucose (FDG) images both demon-
strated declines in tumor activity, but the
changes were more pronounced with
thymidine. CT, computed tomography.
FDG (Reprinted by permission of the Society of
Nuclear Medicine from Shields AF, Mankoff DA,
Link JM, et al. [11C]Thymidine and FDG to
measure therapy response. J Nucl Med
1998;39:1757–1762, Figure 1.)
Labeled Pyrimidines in PET Imaging 379

sive imaging detects both the intact and degraded BUdR,

5-Halogenated Analogues of making it unsuitable for in vivo studies.
Thymidine 5-Idoxurindinum (IUdR), a similarly structured com-
pound incorporated into DNA, has been studied for
The 5-halogenated analogues of thymidine have been of imaging proliferation in brain tumors using 131I and
interest from both a therapeutic and an imaging stand- SPECT or 124I and PET. Studies in tumor-bearing rats have
point. Much of the work on alternative labeled nucleo- shown that changes in IUdR retention correlated with
sides has focused on halogenated analogues of thymidine, change of the S-phase fraction after hormonal treatment
reflecting the potential for imaging with PET using 76Br, of mammary carcinoma (32). Labeled IUdR has limita-
124 125
I/ I, and 18F, and the steric match of the halogen atom tions similar to those of BUdR because it also undergoes
with the thymidine methyl group. Single photon emission rapid dehalogenation. Once incorporated into DNA, IUdR
computed tomography (SPECT) imaging is also possible can still be dehalogenated, but this occurs over a period of
using 77Br and 131I radionuclides. BUdR was explored ini- days and should not interfere with imaging (33). IUdR has
tially because the van der Waals radius of bromine is the a half-life of only 1.6 min in humans, but the free iodide is
closest match to that of the methyl group of thymidine. cleared with a half-life of about 6.4 h, which is more rapid
BUdR is problematic for clinical use because of its rapid than the clearance of bromide (34). Waiting 24 h before
dehalogenation, resulting in 90% of plasma activity being imaging to allow for iodide washout has proven to be
present as free bromide after 10 min in humans (27). useful in improving the relative retention in the tumors
BUdR is readily incorporated into DNA, as shown in cell (35) (Figure 24.5). Even after such a delay, a variable frac-
culture and animal studies; however, one must take into tion of the tumor nonincorporated activity (15%–93%) re-
account the distribution of free bromide (28). Attempts mained (36). This finding has led to suggestions that
have been made to account for the generation of free increased hydration may improve the quality of such
bromide and to limit its retention using infusions of saline images. The addition of unlabeled IUdR to the labeled
and forced diuresis (29). Despite such efforts, investiga- agent was also shown to increase retention in murine
tors have found that the slow washout of bromide and low glioblastoma cell lines studied in vitro and in vivo (37). A
specific retention in DNA has made BUdR unsuitable for similar effect was seen when using 5-fluoro-2’-deoxyuri-
imaging proliferation in animals and patients (30, 31). It is dine (38). The mechanism remains under investigation,
of note that BUdR is suitable for in vitro, animal, and but it was not due to a decline in degradation of the
biopsy studies. For example, a number of studies have labeled IUdR.
been done in patients where unlabeled BUdR was injected Replacement of the methyl group in thymine with
intravenously and a biopsy was obtained several hours fluorine has been studied extensively for both therapeutic
later. The cells that contained BUdR that had been incor- and imaging uses. 5-Fluorouracil (5-FU) was the first ra-
porated into DNA could then be detected using a fluores- tionally designed antineoplastic agent. Its synthesis was
cent antibody. In such a situation, the free bromine was first reported in 1957 (39), and today it is still extensively
not a limiting factor in the assay. Unfortunately, noninva- used in the treatment of a wide variety of tumors includ-

CMRglu Ki
µmoles/min/hg µl/min/cc
77 29.6

Figure 24.5. FDG (left) and 124I-5-idox-

urindinum (124I-IUdR) (right) images from
a patient with a glioblastoma multiform.
The IUdR images were obtained 24 h after
injection to allow for the clearance of free
iodine. (Reprinted from Blasberg RG, Roelcke 0
U, Weinreich R, et al. Imaging brain tumor pro-
liferative activity with [124I]iododeoxyuridine.
Cancer Res 2000;60(3):624–635.)
[ 18 F]-FDG [ 124 I]-IUdR
380 Positron Emission Tomography

ing breast and gastrointestinal malignancies. 5-FU has from FUdR with subsequent replacement by ribose before
been labeled with 18F to assist in tracking its retention in use in RNA synthesis (49).
tumors and its metabolism (40). It was found that tumor
retention was increased in patients who responded to
therapy (41). Although labeled 5-FU is very useful in un-
derstanding the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynam-
Fluorinated Deoxyribose Analogues of
ics of the drug, it is not useful as an agent for imaging Thymidine
general cellular proliferation. One problem is that 5-FU is
almost completely degraded by the liver within several The analogues of thymidine with substitutions on the
minutes of intravenous injection (42). In addition, it can ribose sugar have been extensively studied because of pos-
be incorporated into both RNA and DNA, depending if it sible antiviral and antineoplastic properties. 3’-Azido-
is linked to ribose or deoxyribose, respectively. thymidine (AZT) was originally synthesized as a possible
5-Fluoro-2’-deoxyuridine (FUdR) has also been antineoplastic agent but has subsequently found extensive
used as a therapeutic and imaging compound. use in the treatment of human immunodeficiency virus
Therapeutically, it is commonly used in the treatment of (HIV). AZT acts as a chain terminator during the synthe-
tumors within the liver and is administered via intrahep- sis of DNA. The open 5’-hydoxyl on the sugar allows cova-
atic infusion. The agent is rapidly cleared by the liver lent linkage to the growing DNA chain, but the presence
with a first-pass extraction of 69% to 92% (43), which of the azido group on the 3’-position prevents further
results in a high drug exposure to tumors within the liver elongation. Replacement of the azido group by a fluorine
but limited systemic exposure and toxicity. One advan- results in 3’-deoxy-3’-fluorothymidine (FLT), which was
tage of FUdR over 5-FU is that it is one step closer to in- also made as a possible antineoplastic compound, but
corporation into DNA than 5-FU. A number of studies subsequently tested against HIV (50). One distinct advan-
have explored the use of FUdR as an imaging agent and tage of the 3’-fluorine is that it also stabilizes the glyco-
compared it to other tracers. An advantage of FUdR over sidic linkage, inhibits degradation of the compound, and
the iodine- or bromine-labeled counterparts is more- allows for the production of an 18F-labeled imaging agent
limited dehalogenation, as the primary path of degrada- (51). Investigators have also placed the fluorine in the 2’-
tion is to alpha-fluoro-beta-alanine (44). One of the position, as has been done with 1-(2’-deoxy-2’-fluoro-β-
initial studies was done by Abe and colleagues in tumor- D -arabinofuranosyluracil)thymine (FMAU) (52, 53).
bearing rats (45). They demonstrated that, at 120 min Although FLT and FMAU are no longer being used clini-
after injection, the tumor-to-blood activity ratio was ap- cally because of hepatotoxicity and neurotoxicity, respec-
proximately 18 for FUdR and 6 for 5-FU and 5-fluoro-2’- tively, at therapeutic doses (54), these and other similar
uridine (FUR). In rabbits, they were able to produce analogues are being explored for their potential as
images of an implanted tumor. Because of metabolism imaging agents for cellular proliferation.
and excretion, 18F activity present in the liver and FLT, similar to thymidine, is readily taken up by cells
kidneys obscures imaging in these organs. A recent study and transported across the cell membrane, which involves
in mice with pancreatic cancer found that the tumor a carrier-mediated transport mechanism (55), and then
could be well imaged (46). Using flow cytometry, the in- undergoes phosphorylation by thymidine kinase. FLT is a
vestigators compared the proportion of cells in S phase preferential substrate for cytosolic TK1 rather than the
with the uptake of FUdR and found a strong correlation mitochondrial isozyme (TK2) (56), which is important as
(r = 0.82, P less than 0.0001). A trial of 18F-FUdR in 22 TK2 is maintained at low basal levels in all cells whereas
patients with gliomas found increased retention in those TK1 is increased up to 10 fold in proliferating cells com-
with high-grade compared with low-grade tumors (mean pared to those in a resting state (57). TK1 can readily
SUV, 0.64 and 0.21, respectively) (47). The relative merits monophosphorylate FLT at a rate 25% to 50% of the rate
of FUdR imaging compared to some of the other halo- of natural thymidine (58). FLT can undergo further phos-
gentated tracers should be studied. phorylation to di- and triphosphates, but at a rate that is
A comparison of 3H-thymidine to 18F labeled FUdR, about 25 fold lower than thymidine (59). FLT can be in-
FUR, and 5-FU was conducted in tumor-bearing mice and corporated into DNA, where it terminates the growing
rats (48). Of the fluorinated pyrimidines, FUdR showed strand of the DNA, but less than 0.1% of intracellular FLT
the highest incorporation into DNA whereas FUR has the is incorporated into DNA (55). The uptake and retention
lowest. Although the distribution of FUdR and thymidine of FLT, therefore, are dependent on phosphorylation by
was slightly different in tumors, both appeared to provide thymidine kinase, but not on incorporation into DNA.
similar tumor detection capacity. The differences that Phosphorylated FLT is cleared from the cells with a phase
were seen between FUdR and thymidine were attributed 1 half-life of about 1.2 h (55). In studies in dogs and
in part to possible uptake of FUdR into organs with high humans, uptake at 60 min is high in proliferating organs
RNA, as well as to DNA synthesis. The pathway for such and tumors, with little evidence of tracer loss from the cell
incorporation involve removal of the deoxyribose sugar over that time period (60, 61). Although little FLT is incor-
Labeled Pyrimidines in PET Imaging 381

porated into DNA, the uptake of FLT reflects the distribu- tained in the heart, due to the presence of TK2, the
tion of thymidine kinase (62) and this mirrors cell prolif- specificity of FLT for TK1 means that the heart has little
eration when studied in cell lines, lung, and colon cancer uptake. FLT imaging, therefore, allows for the detection of
(63–66). In some tumor cell lines, however, TK does not lung, esophageal, and breast cancers.
appear to rapidly increase as the cell enters S phase (67); Studies have started to compare FLT and FDG for the
FLT retention may not well image tumors that seem to detection of tumors, including a study of 26 patients
rely more on endogenous thymidine synthesis and, with lung lesions (77). Of the 18 patients with malignant
therefore, do not readily incorporate FLT through the lesions, FDG only missed 1 (carcinoma in situ), whereas
exogenous, TK-dependent pathway. The conclusions of FLT missed 2 additional lesions. On the other hand, all
these studies indicate that FLT deserve to be further 8 benign lesions were normal with FLT-PET, but 4 were
investigated. false positive with FDG. Another study comparing FLT
In studies in rats, dogs, monkeys, and humans, little and FDG in pulmonary lesions found that FLT had a
degradation of FLT was found to occur (55, 60, 61, 68), sensitivity and specificity of 86% and 100%, respectively,
so that labeled catabolites were not a problem after ad- for detecting cancer compared to 100% and 73%, respec-
ministration of 18F-FLT. The only other expected labeled tively, for FDG (78). A study comparing both tracers in
compound in the blood is the polar glucuronide, as patients with colorectal cancer found that both had a
found in studies of AZT, which will not enter tissues and similar sensitivity for detection disease outside the liver,
is cleared by the kidneys (69). In monkeys, about 7% to although the degree of FLT retention was less than that
31% of the FLT is excreted as the glucuronide, depend- of FDG. Within the liver, FLT missed many lesions
ing on the species studied (55, 70). In humans, about because of the physiologic retention of FLT within
15% to 35% of FLT is present as the glucuronide 60 min normal liver. FLT may be more specific than FDG for de-
after injection (71, 72). For kinetic analysis, this must be tection of malignancy because of less retention in
taken into account when determining the flux of FLT inflammatory cells. A study in mice with a sterile inflam-
(72, 73). matory lesion caused by turpentine demonstrated
FLT produces images of high contrast with many types inflamed muscle-to-normal muscle uptake ratio of
of tumors when used in patients imaging (74–76). Its use 4.8 with FDG and 1.3 with FLT (79). However, a study
is limited for imaging the liver because of retention of FLT comparing FLT and FDG imaging in patients with head
during glucuronidation and is limited in the kidney and and neck cancer demonstrated that both gave com-
bladder by excretion of FLT. The marrow takes up FLT parable results for detection of malignancies but also
because of its normal proliferative activity. On the other inflammatory lesions (80). In another study using FLT-
hand, retention of FLT in brain tumors allows for easy PET to evaluate patients with metastatic melanomas,
imaging of high-grade tumors because little FLT is trans- 2 patients were FLT positive in the groin, but no cancer
ported across the intact blood–brain barrier, producing was found. (81).
very little normal cerebral uptake. In the chest, there is Although FLT may have a greater specificity than FDG,
little uptake in normal organs, aside from the bone owing to its retention on proliferating tissues, its greatest
marrow (Figure 24.6). Although thymidine is readily re- value may be in monitoring response to treatment. The
two tracers were compared in a study of mice bearing
fibrosarcoma treated with a single injection of 5-FU (82).
The animals were imaged in an animal PET device 24 and
28 h after treatment. The FLT and FDG retention declined
by 72.9% and 48.2%, respectively.
FMAU also had potential advantages for imaging cell
proliferation. Similar to FLT, the placement of fluorine in
the sugar, now in the 2’-position, stabilizes the molecule
but still allows for chain elongation during DNA synthe-
sis. Labeled and unlabeled FMAU is primarily excreted
unchanged in the urine in mice (70%–86%) and in rats
and dogs (more than 90%) (53, 83, 84). Studies in mice
with 14C-FMAU found tumor-to-blood ratios of 4.2 and
7.7 at 1 and 2 h, respectively. As was seen with FLT,
uptake varies in different types of tumors, possibly
reflecting the variable reliance on the exogenous pathway.
Studies have shown that more than 90% of both labeled
Figure 24.6. FLT retention in a patient with primary breast cancer (arrowhead) and
thymidine and FMAU were incorporated into DNA of
lymph node metastases (arrow). FLT retention in normal vertebral and sternal marrow prostate cancer cell lines (85). FMAU has been labeled
is also visible. with 11C in the 5-methyl position for use in PET imaging
382 Positron Emission Tomography

Figure 24-7. 11C-1-(2’-Deoxy-2’-fluoro-β-D-arabinofuranosyluracil)thymine (FMAU) (right), FDG (center), and gallium (left) images of in a patient with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma in
the neck.

(86) (Figure 24.7), and recently, FMAU has also been pro-
duced and labeled with 18F on the sugar (87, 88). Pilot
imaging studies have been done with both labeled tracers
Imaging with thymidine and a number of analogues has
in patients with cancer. Marrow and tumors have been
been demonstrated in a number of laboratory and clinical
found to concentrate the tracer, permitting PET imaging.
settings. Although thymidine can be used to accurately
Similar to the results with FLT, increased retention is seen
quantitate DNA synthesis, the short physical and biologic
in the liver, kidney, and bladder. Because FMAU is also
half-life of the compound limits its routine use for clinical
phosphorylated by TK2, it is retained in the heart as well.
evaluation. Newer analogues, such as FLT, FMAU, and
The advantage of FMAU is that it is incorporated into
FBAU, offer metabolically simpler approaches. Each ra-
DNA, in contrast to FLT, which does not proceed beyond
diopharmaceutical has its strengths and weaknesses. FLT
phosphorylation. The relative merits of both FMAU and
is simplest to synthesize but measures the level of cellular
FLT need to be further explored.
TK1, the first step in the DNA synthetic pathway; it is not
Another potential imaging tracer is 1-(2’-deoxy-2’-
incorporated into DNA. FMAU and FBAU are incorpo-
fluoro-β-D-arabinofuranosyluracil) bromouracil (FBAU)
rated into DNA but are more difficult to label with 18F.
(89, 90). Given the similar sizes of the methyl and bromo
Alternatively, they can be labeled with 11C or 77Br, respec-
moieties, it behaves very much like FMAU. Furthermore, it
tively. Clinical studies with thymidine and the analogues
can be labeled with 76Br with a 16-h half-life for use with
are still in the early stages. Use in the detection of brain
PET. FBAU can also be labeled with 18F with only slight
tumors appears particularly promising given the low
modification of the synthesis used for FMAU (88). Studies
background of these tracers in the normal brain. The rela-
in rats have shown that it is retained in rapidly proliferat-
tive merits of pyrimidines and FDG for use in other
ing organs such as the spleen and small intestine.
organs and in measuring response require further studies.
Extraction of the incorporated radioactivity demonstrated
that about 90% is incorporated into DNA and that this was
blocked by the DNA synthesis inhibitor hydroxyurea. As
with FMAU, there was little catabolism of the compound, References
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Assessment of Treatment Response by FDG-PET
Lale Kostakoglu and Peter E.Valk

Objective and accurate evaluation of tumor response to early on could also lead to improved survival with the ini-
anticancer treatment may have significant therapeutic and tiation of salvage therapy with lesser tumor burden. This
management implications in clinical practice. Monitoring important issue, however, is yet to be proven. In general
tumor response serves as a guide for the clinician in the clinical practice, contrast-enhanced computer tomogra-
decision-making process regarding the continuation or phy (CT) is the imaging modality of choice to monitor
cessation of the current therapy protocol. Tumor response tumor response over treatment time, but objective
is also used as an endpoint in prospective randomized demonstration of lack of response may be difficult by CT
clinical trials that are designed to establish the efficacy of as tumor size change does not always correlate with
new cytotoxic anticancer agents. The ability of tumor cell tumor viability. Recently, 18F-2-deoxy-D-glucose-positron
to respond to a therapy modality (chemotherapy, radio- emission tomography (FDG-PET) imaging has been sug-
therapy, hormonal and immunotherapy) is variable gested as a sensitive and relatively more specific means to
between different individuals even within the same tumor reflect tumor biologic changes and glucose metabolism
model as a result of inherent biologic variations, including after therapy. With increasingly compelling evidence,
(1) tumor heterogeneity, (2) quantity and accessibility of FDG-PET imaging provides a reliable means to accurately
various receptors and antigenic systems used for targeted assess tumor response that may lead to a better manage-
therapy, and (3) expression of specific genes that govern ment with an effective therapeutic approach.
tumor resistance, host immunologic function, and tumor
oxygenation. Identification of refractory or nonrespond-
ing tumors at an early period during or immediately after
therapy may lead to timely institution of an alternative
Conventional Criteria for Evaluation of
therapy protocol. Nevertheless, evaluation of treatment Response
response is clinically consequential only if effective treat-
ment alternatives exist, so that change in treatment may There are universally accepted guidelines for objective
ultimately increase the probability of response and sur- evaluation of response to systemic cancer therapy. The
vival. High-dose combination chemotherapy with non- criteria established by the World Health Organization
cross-reacting drugs may be successful in the elimination (WHO) for evaluation of response to cytotoxic therapy
of tumor cells rapidly enough to prevent the selection of based on tumor size change measurements have recently
resistant cell clones. Emerging novel therapies including been modified and simplified by the Response Evaluation
immunotherapy, cancer vaccines, and biologic therapy Criteria in Solid Tumor (RECIST) guidelines (2, 3). These
with cytokines are entering into the therapeutic arma- criteria are summarized in Table 25.1. RECIST criteria
mentarium as alternative options to patients with refrac- adopted a unidimensional measurement (tumor maximum
tory or resistant tumors. axial diameter) for response assessment by assuming a
Early recognition of therapeutic ineffectiveness is spherical tumor shape. This criterion replaced two-di-
essential to avoid high cumulative toxicity because anti- mensional measurements (maximum axial diameter and
neoplastic drugs have a very narrow therapeutic index; for largest perpendicular diameter) previously used for re-
example, there is a small difference between doses yield- sponse assessment by the WHO guidelines, which
ing antitumor effect and potentially fatal toxicity. For assumed an elliptic tumor shape. Also, the cutoff point for
some tumors, the proportion of patients that benefit from definitions of partial response and progression of disease
chemotherapy may be as low as 20% even under best cir- has changed with the new RECIST guidelines. The major
cumstances (1). Discontinuation of ineffective therapy shortcoming associated with these conventional guide-
388 Positron Emission Tomography

ual viable tumor, the specificity and positive predictive

Table 25.1. WHO and RECIST definition of tumor response.
value of anatomic imaging modalities is unfavorable. A
WHOa RECISTb tumor can respond without any size change for reasons of
CR Complete disappearance of all Complete disappearance of all replacement by fibrotic tissue or even with enlargement of
lesionsc lesionsc tumor size from intratumoral hemorrhage in some tumor
PR At least 50% decrease in tumor At least 30% decrease in tumor sizec subtypes (4). Additionally, as size measurements are per-
formed on axial CT images, the accuracy of a lesion mea-
SD Meets neither PR nor PD criteria Meets neither PR nor PD criteria surement can be spurious when the length of a lesion is
PD Greater than 25% increase of Greater than 20% increase in size more than twice its width. Following therapy, the de-
at least one lesion or new lesion
crease or increase in tumor size can occur with varying
WHO, World Health Organization; RECIST, Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid diameters that might lead to a change in shape.
Tumors; CR, complete response; PR, partial response; SD, stable disease; PD, Consequently, these types of unprecedented changes may
progressive disease.
a have important implications in the evaluation of re-
Change in sum of products (product of the longest diameter and the greatest
perpendicular diameter). sponse to therapy that have not been addressed by either
Change in sums of longest diameters. the WHO or RECIST guidelines (2, 3). Any erroneous cat-
Confirmed at 4 weeks; no CR, PR, or SD documented before progression of disease. egorization of patients into progressive or stable disease
may result in unnecessary therapy and associated mor-
bidity with delay in initiation of alternative therapy (5).In
lines is that morphologic information is dependent on an attempt to streamline the complete response criteria,
size measurements; thus, it does not reflect metabolic a new category of response was designated as
changes. A normal-size lesion can harbor tumor or, con- unconfirmed/uncertain complete responses (Cru) or to
versely, an enlargement of an organ, particularly lymph further address the inherent uncertainty associated with
nodes, does not necessarily represent tumor involve- posttherapy residual CT masses. CRu has been recog-
ment. This quandary becomes even more pronounced in nized in the response criteria for both Hodgkin’s disease
the posttherapy setting, where tumor morphologic (HD) and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL) (6, 7). The
changes often lag behind tumor metabolic response. clinical significance of recognition of CRu is that patients
Consequently, in the posttherapy identification of resid- with benign posttherapy masses may be subject to unnec-

Figure 25.1. Patient with diffuse large cell lymphoma underwent FDG-PET imaging 3 weeks after completion of first-line chemotherapy and subsequently at 4-month follow-up.
(a) Axial computed tomography (CT; left), PET (middle), and PET/CT fusion (right) images demonstrate that there is minimal FDG uptake [standardized uptake value (SUV), 1.7] in a
large pelvic mass (arrows) where the patient’s original disease was located, which may represent residual lymphoma. (b) Follow-up study performed 4 months after completion of
first-line therapy reveals a significant reduction in the size of the pelvic mass on the axial CT section (left) whereas PET and PET/CT fusion images (middle and right, respectively)
demonstrate a distinct focus of increased FDG uptake within this mass, consistent with recurrent lymphoma (SUV, 5.2) (arrows). Following biopsy confirmation of the lesion, patient
was started on a second-line therapy.
Assessment of Treatment Response by FDG-PET 389

essary therapy that might only increase morbidity and various muscle groups, particularly by the laryngeal
risk of second malignancies (8). muscles, which may cause a false-positive finding for
residual or recurrent head and neck tumor. Patients
should be kept warm to avoid brown adipose tissue (BAT)
uptake, which may pose diagnostic challenges in the supr-
Evaluation of Treatment Response by aclavicular fossa and paravertebral spaces, especially in
FDG-PET Imaging children and young adults (Figure 25.2). Oral diazepam
directly and indirectly acts on abolishing the BAT-FDG
As alluded to in the previous section, tumor shrinkage as- uptake, as BAT is rich not only in sympathetic adrenergic
sessed by anatomic modalities is not a good indicator of receptors but also in peripheral-type benzodiazepine re-
response for detecting resistant clones present even in the ceptors (10, 11).
significantly shrunken masses after therapy (Figure 25.1).
FDG-PET imaging is uniquely suited to evaluate biochem-
ical or metabolic activity of human neoplasms for diag- Timing for FDG-PET Imaging
nostic imaging purposes. In the posttherapy setting,
FDG-PET imaging may permit differentiation of fibrotic Monitoring response to therapy requires acquisition of a
or necrotic changes from viable residual tumor by evalua- baseline FDG-PET study before therapy and a repeat
tion of tissue metabolism, thereby permitting more timely study during or after the completion of therapy. Selecting
institution of therapy targeted toward residual tumor. the exact timing of FDG-PET reimaging can be challeng-
Some guidelines have been developed by the European ing because of the variability in tumor sensitivity to differ-
Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer ent treatment modalities. In fact, determination of
(EORTC) in an attempt to standardize FDG-PET protocols optimal imaging time after therapy is still in evolution for
and response criteria (9). The group made initial recom- different tumor systems. Imaging 1 to 2 weeks after com-
mendations regarding patient preparation and acquisition pletion of therapy or individual therapy cycle is recom-
protocols, methods to measure FDG uptake, and mended to avoid transient fluctuations in FDG
definition of tumor response by FDG-PET criteria. metabolism. When FDG-PET imaging is performed
during the course of chemotherapy, current data indicate
that images can be obtained as early as after one or two
Patient Preparation cycles of therapy in some tumors (12–17). The timing for
FDG-PET imaging after radiotherapy should be longer
Blood glucose levels have an impact on FDG uptake via than after chemotherapy because of differences in cell-
the competitive displacement of FDG by plasma glucose. killing mechanisms and involvement of normal tissues
Thus, patients should fast 4 to 6 h to reduce competition between these two therapy modalities. This issue is
with plasma glucose and thus optimize and standardize further discussed in the following sections of this chapter.
tumor FDG uptake. There is no consensus as to the
optimal procedure for adjusting glucose levels in diabetic
patients. Patients with type I diabetes should be scanned Response Criteria for FDG-PET Imaging
in the morning after an overnight fast. In type II diabetes,
those with glucose levels exceeding 200 mg/dL should be Another important issue that has to be further investi-
rescheduled after their blood glucose is better regulated. gated is the standardization of the guidelines for evalua-
Generally, administration of insulin is not recommended tion of response to therapy with FDG-PET imaging.
because it causes preferential muscle and adipose tissue Similar to RECIST or WHO, complete response (CR) is
uptake by shunting FDG into the muscles and adipose usually defined as disappearance of tumor FDG uptake
tissues through the activated insulin-responsive glucose after therapy. Progression of disease (Prog) and no re-
transporters (Glut-4). Because the major glucose trans- sponse (NR) can be defined as an increase in FDG uptake
porter for tumors, Glut-1, is not insulin responsive, eleva- and unchanged tumor FDG uptake compared to baseline,
tion of insulin does not propagate glucose or FDG uptake respectively. However, definition of partial response (PR)
by the tumor. The primary route of FDG excretion is is more challenging and varies widely among studies. The
renal; thus, good hydration is required before imaging to EORTC guidelines recommend using a 25% decrease in
encourage urinary excretion. It is recommended that pa- uptake as the definition of “partial metabolic response” to
tients drink 500 mL water after injection of FDG. therapy (9). However, selection of this cutoff value was
Utilization of anxiolytics are strongly recommended in not based on substantiated data, and thus there is a strong
tense patients (diazepam 5–10 mg orally, 30–60 min need for quantitative data validated across various tumor
before to injection), especially patients with head and systems. Because metabolic response involves diverse
neck tumors, to avoid FDG uptake caused by muscle physiologic details that may differ for each tumor system,
tension. Patients should remain still and refrain from definition of response criteria for FDG-PET imaging will
speaking during and after injection to reduce uptake by probably vary among different tumor phenotypes.
390 Positron Emission Tomography

Figure 25.2. A 28-year-old man with a history of Hodgkin’s disease was referred for evaluation of response to therapy after completion of chemotherapy. Coronal CT (left), PET
(middle), and PET/CT fusion (right) images show symmetrical hypermetabolic foci in the cervical, supraclavicular, axillary, and paravertebral fat planes, bilaterally, consistent with
brown adipose tissue (BAT). The BAT uptake renders the interpretation difficult by obscuring the underlying lymph nodes that may harbor viable residual disease. It is essential that
this pattern of uptake should be evaluated with a simultaneously acquired CT scan.

signals in an otherwise normal microenvironment (19)

Cell Death in Response to Anticancer (Table 25.2). Enzymes such as caspases target specific pro-
Therapy teins to digest the cytoskeleton with subsequent fragmen-
tation of the nuclear DNA. The final stage is cell
In addition to surgery, there are three main modalities shrinkage, chromatin condensation, formation of apop-
employed in cancer treatment: chemotherapy (including totic bodies, and phagocytosis by adjoining cells (19).
hormonal therapy), radiotherapy, and biologic therapy Hence, apoptosis is a dynamic and gradual process with
(cytokines, bacterial adjuvants, vaccines, immunother- no inflammatory component, in contrast to necrotic
apy). The management of most solid tumors involves the death, which is abrupt and always associated with inflam-
use of combined therapy modalities to overcome diverse mation. Agents that primarily trigger apoptotic pathways
drug resistance mechanisms and thereby increase the would not cause significant inflammatory changes follow-
efficacy of treatment. These cytotoxic therapy modalities ing therapy; the truth, however, is that there is no therapy
trigger two independent types of cell death pathways:
necrotic cell death and programmed cell death, so-called
apoptosis. These two forms of cell death can be differenti-
Table 25.2. Cell death pathways
ated on the basis of their morphologic and biochemical
features. In the case of necrotic cell death, any insult re- Apoptosis Necrosis
sulting in membrane permeability and cytoskeleton de- Cells shrink Cells swell and “explode”
rangements can lead to swelling of the cytoplasm, Orderly DNA fragmentation (ladders) Disorderly DNA fragmentation
lysosomal rupture, and eventual degradation of chro- Caspase activation (cascade) No caspase activation
matin and DNA (18). In this pathway, cytotoxic cellular No inflammation Inflammation
components induce inflammation in the neighboring Requires ATP Caused by lack of ATP
cells. In apoptosis, however, the cell undergoes an energy- Phagocytosis (no body) Necrotic “corpse” persists
dependent cellular death initiated by specific molecular
Assessment of Treatment Response by FDG-PET 391

modality that selectively triggers apoptotic mechanisms imaging can be performed as early as after one cycle of
without inducing necrotic cell death. The majority of chemotherapy or, more traditionally, after three cycles
chemotherapic agents exert their cytotoxic effects through and at completion of therapy. Considering the foregoing
perturbation of DNA, RNA, or protein synthesis, which circumstances, residual FDG uptake early during the
leads to necrotic cell death or discontinuation of cell course of therapy (for example, one to three cycles) may
growth. Additionally, many cytotoxic drugs are able to act not consistently reflect poor prognosis in all tumor
through induction of apoptosis: these include alkylating models as the additional cycles of therapy may eventually
agents (chlorambucil and BCNU), plant alkaloids (Taxol, overcome the cell’s initial slow response to therapy.
Taxotere), antimetabolites (fluorouracil and ARA-C) Nonetheless, rapidity of complete response (as early as
topoisomerase I and II inhibitors (camptothecin and after one cycle) to therapy is proven to be an independent
etoposide), and hormonal manipulation (steroids, antie- prognostic factor in some tumor models, particularly in
strogens, and androgen withdrawal) (20). lymphoma, although it is not proven for all tumor models
(12–17). Response can also be slow because of inherent
cell-killing mechanisms involved with some of the therapy
modalities such as immunotherapy and radioim-
FDG-PET Imaging in the Evaluation of munotherapy. One caveat to keep in mind is that in pa-
Cell Death tients undergoing hormonal therapy, such as those with
breast cancer, hormone-induced changes in tumor metab-
Accelerated glucose transport resulting from enhanced olism (metabolic flare) may manifest as marked increase
glucose metabolism is the hallmark of oncogenic transfor- in FDG metabolism early after initiation of tamoxifen
mation in most tumors (21). Many factors influence ap- therapy in responding lesions (25). Accordingly, one
parent changes in tumor FDG uptake with therapy, should be cautious when extrapolating FDG-PET results
including change in lesion size and perfusion, tumor obtained for one tumor model or therapy modality to
glucose utilization, tumor heterogeneity, change in cell another in the evaluation of response to therapy.
number and proliferative activity, reversible cell damage,
and inflammatory response to therapy. These issues are
poorly understood and difficult to evaluate in vivo, and Chemotherapy
clinical studies of FDG-PET imaging in assessment of
treatment effect have taken a pragmatic approach, relat- Chemotherapy can be given in three essential settings
ing observed changes in tumor FDG concentration to his- (20). (1) In induction therapy, the aim is to reduce tumor
tologic findings and clinical outcome. volume to achieve complete response or cure. (2) In
The decrease in tumor glucose utilization after therapy adjuvant therapy, the aim is to eradicate any tumor cells
is probably a manifestation of impaired cell metabolic that may have escaped after surgery or radiotherapy, as
functions, including glycolysis resulting from perturbed following the removal of the primary tumor (except lym-
cell integrity. The absence of any degree of FDG uptake phoma) radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy and/or hor-
after therapy is a strong evidence of complete response to monal therapy (prostate and breast cancer) can be
therapy; however, duration of response may not be pre- administered to eradicate microscopic disease. (3) In
dicted by loss of uptake, as relapses are possible from neoadjuvant therapy (also known as preoperative or
minimal residual disease that is undetectable within the primary chemotherapy), given preoperatively, the aim
resolution limits of imaging modalities. for the former is to increase the chance of achieving a
Prediction of the ultimate outcome after an initial in- better long-term tumor control of a tumor that is opera-
complete response is an elusive quest. Following therapy, ble by effects on microscopic disease and the latter is to
cancer cells can be metabolically active with or without increase the chance of tumor control of an inoperable
the loss of their reproductive or proliferative competence. tumor (26). Neoadjuvant chemotherapy is mainly in-
With the loss of proliferative function, residual cells even- tended to downstage the primary tumor to decrease the
tually degenerate and undergo cell death. At this stage, morbidity associated with the subsequent treatment
tumor cells can completely escape cytotoxic effects (surgery or radiotherapy). Except in a small number of
through developing drug resistance mechanisms or con- malignancies, such as acute lymphocytic and myeloge-
tinue to undergo necrotic and/or apoptotic cell death neous leukemia, Hodgkin’s disease, diffuse large cell
(22–24). With the intact proliferative capacity, however, lymphoma, testicular cancer, and choriocarcinoma,
there are two scenarios. If the proliferative capacity is still chemotherapy is primarily used in a neoadjuvant or ad-
intact after completion of therapy, progression of disease juvant setting because of the tumor biology and ad-
is inevitable. However, if the proliferative capacity is vanced stage. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy can also
intact after only a few cycles of therapy, the efficacy of be delivered concurrently primarily to induce spatial co-
therapy is a function of the dominant component, repro- operation where chemotherapy eradicates subclinical
ducing cell activity that evades cytotoxic effects versus cy- metastases and radiotherapy controls primary disease or
totoxicity which leads to eventual cell death. FDG-PET to enhance the effects of radiotherapy.
392 Positron Emission Tomography

A chemotherapy regimen consists of cycles (often three Special Considerations After Chemotherapy
to six cycles) in which each cycle is 21 or 28 days and drug
combinations are administered weekly. The number of The false-positive and false-negative findings that can be
cycles can be modified during therapy based on the re- observed after chemotherapy (and radiotherapy) are
sponse and toxicity. Objective evaluation is performed listed in Table 25.3. The primary side effects of cytotoxic
every third cycle, and the therapy is given until a therapy include hematologic toxicity (myelosuppression)
maximum antitumor effect is achieved or until there is and immunosuppression, which may lead to various in-
significant toxicity (1). The cell-killing effect of cytotoxic fectious processes, most notably pneumonia and oppor-
tissue insult is most pronounced in rapidly proliferating tunistic infections. Other therapy-related side effects
cells indiscriminately in cancer cells and normal cells. include pulmonary toxicity (especially with bleomycine
Thus, tissues with rapid turnover, such as bone marrow, and methotrexate), gastrointestinal side effects, follicular
and epithelial cells (lung, kidney) can be seriously affected lymph node hyperplasia, sarcoid-like granulomas, partic-
during chemotherapy. During this period, a metabolic ularly seen in Hodgkin’s disease patients (27), and
imaging tool such as FDG-PET imaging can be of great Epstein–Barr virus-associated posttransplantation lym-
value to accurately determine tumor response in a timely phoproliferative disorders (PTLD) (28).
manner for individually tailored therapy, especially in FDG uptake can be significantly high in infectious
nonresponding patients for the avoidance of unnecessary processes, although the pattern of uptake is usually more
morbidity. diffuse than focal (Figure 25.3). The radiographic patterns
of PTLD in such cases include mainly pulmonary nodules,
which may be misinterpreted as lymphoma progression
Table 25.3. Sources of FDG-PET misinterpretations (29). Although it is yet to be established, inflammatory
FP disease and conditions FN disease and conditions changes may be prominent in stroma-rich tumors such as
Lymphoma Sarcoidosis, Tb Extranodal MALT
breast cancer and lung cancer. FDG-PET findings should be
Benign LPD (e.g., Castleman’s) CLL/SLL interpreted in light of these therapy-related tissue changes
Paget’s BM infiltration and side effects. Coexisting sarcoidosis is always problem-
PTLD Lesions less than 5 mm atic, especially in patients with lymphoma, because of
Thymic rebound common presentations on FDG-PET imaging (30). Other
G-CSF (bone marrow uptake)
sources of false-positive findings include bone marrow
NSCLC Sarcoidosis, toxoplasmosis Bronchoalveolar, BALT (BM) reactive changes in response to hematopoietic colony
Histoplasmosis, aspergillosis Primary carcinoid stimulators [granulocyte colony stimulating factor (G-CSF)
Tb, pneumonia, Well-differentiated
RT-pneumonitis adenocarcinoma
and granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor
Esophagitis (post-RT) (GM-CSF)] (Figure 25.4). Cytokines are usually adminis-
Pleurodysis tered a few days after chemotherapy and are given daily for
Breast cancer Biopsy changes Mucinous carcinoma
up to 14 days. The clearance half-life of colony stimulators
Fibroadenomas (10%) Tubular carcinoma is relatively short (~4 h), and with discontinuation of these
Lobular carcinoma, DCIS agents, leukocyte counts return to pretreatment values over
H&N cancer Pneumonia Local LN mets close to a 1- to 2-week recovery period (31). Therefore, the colony
Wartin’s tumor primary site stimulating factor-induced FDG uptake in the BM and in
Second primary Necrotic LN metastasis the spleen (in some patients) should return to normal in 2
to 3 weeks after administration of G-CSF or GM-CSF.
Stomatitis, esophagitis
Recurrent nerve paralysis Another issue is the thymic rebound seen after cessation
of chemotherapy in younger population, especially in pa-
Colon cancer IBD Mucinous cancer
tients with lymphoma and testicular cancer (Figure 25.5).
Villous adenoma Local LN metastasis close to
primary site The proposed mechanism for thymic hyperplasia after
therapy includes initial thymic regression due to apoptotic
Esophagus cancer Esophagitis (post-RT) Local LN metastasis close to
T cells and thymocyte death via a number of mechanisms
GEJ uptake primary site
Necrotic LN metastasis caused by the cytotoxic agents or corticosteroids with sub-
sequent hyperplasia and regrowth on reversal of the pre-
Ovarian cancer Corpus luteum cysts Mucinous carcinoma?
disposing cause (32). Thus, thymic rebound usually
Focal ureteral uptake
presents 2 to 6 months after completion of therapy and
Testicular cancer Thymic rebound Mature teratoma may persist for 12 to 15 months (our experience).
Focal ureteral uptake

FP, false positive; FN, false negative; LN, lymph nodes; PTLD, post-transplantation,
lymphoproliferative disorder; GEJ, gastroesophageal junction; G-CSF, granulocyte Radiotherapy
colony-stimulating factor; BALT, bronchiole-associated lymphoid tissue; RT,
radiotherapy; IBD, inflammatory bowel disease; Tb, tuberculosis; DCIS, ductal
carcinoma in situ; BM, bone marrow; H&N, head and neck.
The double-stranded break of nuclear DNA is the most
important cellular effect of radiation therapy (RT) (33).
Assessment of Treatment Response by FDG-PET 393

Figure 25.3. Patient with a history of lung cancer referred for evaluation of response to therapy after completion of chemotherapy. Axial CT (left), PET (middle), and PET/CT fusion
(right) images demonstrate a diffuse moderately hypermetabolic area in the left posterior lung fields corresponding to the patchy and irregular appearance on the CT slice, consistent
with pneumonia.

Figure 25.4. A 21-year-old man with a history of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma referred for restaging following granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) administration and
chemotherapy. Coronal CT, PET, and PET/CT slices demonstrate diffusely increased metabolic activity within the bone marrow of the vertebral column and pelvis, consistent with
394 Positron Emission Tomography

Figure 25.5. (a) A 20-year-old woman with a history of lymphoma referred for a follow-up PET/CT study 3 months following chemotherapy. Axial CT (left), PET (middle), and PET/CT
(right) sections reveal that there is minimally asymmetrical hypermetabolic focus that corresponds to the thymus gland, which appears as a bilobed structure with convex lateral
borders in the anterior and superior mediastinum on CT (white arrows), consistent with posttherapy thymic rebound (black arrows). This pattern of asymmetrical uptake may be con-
fusing in certain clinical presentations, particularly in cases with the original disease located in the superior anterior mediastinum (b) A 26-year-old man with a history of testicular
cancer referred for posttherapy evaluation. Axial CT (left), PET (middle), and PET/CT (right) sections demonstrate a convex-shaped, symmetrical superior mediastinal hypermetabolic
focus that corresponds to the thymus, consistent with thymic rebound (arrows).

There are two main types of radiation-induced cell death. tumor cells might have a 10-fold increase in FDG uptake
(1) Interphase cell death occurs when the cell can no in the first 12 days of irradiation despite the decreased
longer maintain metabolic functions and subsequently number of viable cells (34). This phenomenon may be at-
dies. This type of death is associated with high doses of tributed to giant cell formation after RT, which is charac-
radiation, generally exceeding 60 Gy. (2) Reproductive cell terized by logarithmic increases in the cell’s protein and
death occurs when cell injury results in alteration of DNA and RNA content (35) but may also be caused by in-
RNA/DNA that leads to eventual cell death during creased repair of cells. Therefore, an FDG-PET study ob-
mitosis. This type of death is associated with low radia- tained earlier than 3 months after completion of RT or
tion levels, less than 55 Gy. Radiation damage is most chemoradiotherapy may overestimate FDG uptake values
commonly indirectly ionizing via free radical intermedi- compared to that performed at 3 to 4 months after RT.
aries formed from the radiolysis of cellular water. The dilemma here is the timing of the boost dose of radia-
Radiation can also affect the processes of the cell cycle tion that would be based on the residual tumor metabolic
through apoptosis. As in chemotherapy, after RT, the activity. As achieving tumor control is dependent on the
tumor may still maintain its reproductive and metabolic timely employment of the fractionated RT protocol,
activity or may be reproductively compromised with sus- delayed evaluation of the metabolic function may com-
tained metabolic activity. In the latter setting, cells even- promise the expected effectiveness of RT.
tually undergo pyknosis or lysis if the proliferative activity In the assessment of RT or chemoradiotherapy, one
is sufficiently damaged, whereas in the former, tumor pro- theoretical issue is that posttherapy changes in FDG
gression is usually inevitable (22–24). Tumor cells with a uptake may also be caused by the radiation-induced
high proliferative index would be expected to be lethally altered cellular glucose transport mechanism or vascular
damaged after RT; however, it may take up to 3 months damage with resultant poor radiotracer delivery into
for the damaged cancer cell to complete its cell death cycle tumors rather than cell death (34, 36). Transient and re-
(4). In vitro assays also demonstrated that irradiated versible cell damage as well as minimal residual disease
Assessment of Treatment Response by FDG-PET 395

may obscure assessment of true cell kill in the tumor sentation of ground-glass opacities confined to the mantle
mass. radiation ports (45, 46). Acute changes eventually disap-
After RT, tumor stromal cells and inflammatory cells pear after 6 months, usually replaced by chronic changes
may also contribute to the overall FDG uptake. In this in the ensuing 18 months, presenting as retraction or trac-
regard, in vitro or animal studies have contradictory tion bronchiectasis and mediastinal fibrosis, which may
results compared with in vivo human studies. Kubota et al. resemble granulomatous disease, but these are usually
(37) reported that, in the posttherapy setting, nonneoplas- symmetrical and confined to the mantle port (47). In con-
tic cellular elements such as macrophages, neutrophils, trast to acute radiation pneumonitis, permanent changes
fibroblasts, and granulation tissue can account for up to of radiation fibrosis can take months to years to evolve
30% of FDG uptake in association with growth and necro- but normally stabilize within 1 to 2 years. Pulmonary
sis of the tumor. However, Brown et al. (38) demonstrated fibrosis is the repair process that follows the acute inflam-
that, in human non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) matory response and is characterized by progressive
tissues, macrophages account for less than 10% (mean, fibrosis of the alveolar septa thickened by bundles of
7.4% ± 6.4%) of all cells in the tumor. Infiltrating inflam- elastic fibers. In the acute period, radiation pneumonitis
matory white blood cells also represent a small fraction of may reveal significantly high FDG uptake indistinguish-
the tissue sample. Therefore, contribution by the inflam- able from tumor uptake. In the late phase, however, the
matory elements to the overall FDG uptake in vivo is prob- FDG uptake is usually low grade, corresponding to
ably not significant. Nonetheless, each tumor may have a fibrotic changes (Figure 25.7). All FDG-PET studies
different percentage of inflammatory cell population should be correlated with a contemporaneous CT scan in
within the tumor mass, and thereby the contribution to the the posttherapy setting to avoid false- positive findings.
overall FDG uptake may vary greatly among different The primary osseous complication arising from radia-
tumor subtypes. Avril et al. (39) reported that a modest to tion injury is osteoradionecrosis, which is a major
high degree of infiltration with inflammatory cells was concern, especially for those with head and neck tumors
found in approximately 50% of breast cancers. However, (48). There appears to be a direct relationship between the
no significant relationship was observed between the FDG total dose and the incidence of osteoradionecrosis. When
uptake and the infiltration of inflammatory cells. total radiation dose is 70 Gy or more, there is 10 times the
Haberkorn et al. (40) have suggested that persistence of relative risk of osteoradionecrosis when compared to the
FDG uptake in patients with colon cancer following RT is group receiving less than 50 Gy (49). Osseous structures
the result of inflammatory reactions caused by radiation with RT-induced necrosis typically show an intense and
injury. There is clearly a need for additional in vivo studies focal FDG uptake mimicking a residual or recurrent
in various tumor systems to define the optimal timing of disease (50).
imaging after RT. Considering all these issues, it is recom-
mended to delay FDG-PET studies for at least 3 months
after completion of RT to accurately assess therapy Hormonal Therapy
outcome (41–44). Generally, FDG uptake observed 6
months after RT is associated with tumor recurrence. Elimination of hormonal stimulation can be an effective
treatment for cancers whose growth is under gonadal hor-
monal control, particularly in breast and prostate cancer
Special Considerations After RT (51). For example, in breast cancer, tamoxifen is thought
to competitively block estrogen receptors and suppress
The false-positive and false-negative findings that can be the genome of the breast cancer cell. Flare response with
observed after radiotherapy (and chemotherapy) are tamoxifen is a known phenomenon that is characterized
listed in Table 25.3. Radiation effects on the normal by the apparent transient disease progression that occurs
tissues are divided into acute and chronic effects. Acute within 7 to 10 days of initiation of hormonal therapy (52,
radiation effects include direct toxic injury to endothelial 53). Flare response is associated with the initial tumor
and epithelial cells, which starts during therapy, becomes growth induced by estrogen-like agonist effects of hor-
most evident after 1 week of treatment, and lasts 2 to 4 monal therapy, which is followed by tumor regression.
weeks after the completion of RT (45). In this phase, Hormone-induced flare reaction is considered a reliable
tissues that proliferate rapidly respond acutely to radia- predictor of response, as it has been observed that up to
tion and account for the acute morbidity of the treatment 90% of patients who experience a flare reaction demon-
in the form of stomatitis, mucositis, and esophagitis strate an objective response (54–56).
(Figure 25.6). In this early period, the FDG uptake is char-
acteristically diffuse and sometimes patchy in the irradi-
ated mucosal surfaces, particularly in the oral cavity, Estrogen Receptor Imaging
oropharynx, nasopharynx, and esophagus.
In the lung, acute radiation changes usually appear The responsiveness of a tumor to hormone therapy is an
within 3 to 6 months after completion of RT with a pre- important parameter in breast cancer management. PET
396 Positron Emission Tomography

Figure 25.6. Patient with a history of lung cancer referred for evaluation of response to therapy after radiotherapy. Sagittal CT (left), PET (middle), and PET/CT (right) sections
demonstrate a tubular uptake pattern in distribution of the esophagus in its entirety immediately anterior to the vertebral column (arrows), consistent with postradiotherapy

estrogen receptor (ER) imaging can be used to predict the 1.37]. These preliminary results show the potential of
likelihood of response to hormonal therapy and may PET-ER imaging to help guide appropriate, individual-
guide patient selection process. Several studies reported ized breast cancer treatment and to point the way for
that a higher level of 18F-fluoroestradiol-17-beta (FES) future studies and clinical use.
uptake in advanced tumors predicts a greater chance of
response to tamoxifen (25, 57, 58). In a study by Mortimer
et al. (25), in the responders, the tumor FDG uptake in- Biologic Therapy
creased after tamoxifen by 28.4%; only five of these pa-
tients had clinical evidence of a flare reaction. In Biologic therapy for cancer involves activation or stimula-
nonresponders, there was no significant change in tumor tion of the immune system and its components. Biologic
FDG uptake from baseline. Lesions of responders had therapy with response modifiers (for example, interferon,
higher baseline FES uptake than those of nonresponders. IL-2) or monoclonal antibodies (naked) activate host
Serial FES-PET can also assess the functional response immune effector mechanisms, or, by inducing apoptosis,
to hormonal therapy in the primary tumor or metastasis direct antiproliferative effects also play an important role
(59). Inoue et al. (60) performed a pilot study of PET (61). There are several mechanisms by which this therapy
imaging with 18F-fluorotamoxifen (FTX) in 10 patients modality can exert its cell-killing effects, including anti-
with ER+ breast tumors for prediction of tumor re- body-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) and com-
sponse to tamoxifen. There was no significant difference plement-dependent cytotoxicity (CDC), both resulting in
of FTX uptake in bone lesions between good and poor lysis of the target cell. Induction of apoptosis is also an
responders. However, when bone lesions were excluded, important cell death pathway in biologic therapy. This
FTX uptakes in tumors with good responses were type of therapy is relatively slow acting compared to
significantly higher than those with poor responses chemotherapy or radiotherapy because of the differences
[mean standardized uptake value (SUV), 2.46 versus in cell-killing mechanisms. Rituximab (Rituxan; anti-
Assessment of Treatment Response by FDG-PET 397

Figure 25.7. Patient with a history of lung cancer referred for a follow-up study 18 months after completion of therapy including radiation and surgery. Axial CT (left upper), PET
(middle upper), and PET/CT (lower) sections demonstrate minimally increased FDG uptake corresponding to the pleural thickening seen in the right lung fissure secondary to scarring
caused by radiation therapy, consistent with chronic inflammatory changes.

CD20) for lymphoma, alemtuzumab (Campath; anti- estimate the response to RIT. FDG-PET metabolic data
CD52) for B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia, and obtained 1 to 2 months after RIT correlated well with the
trastuzumab (Herceptin; anti-HER2) for metastatic breast ultimate response of NHL to RIT, more significantly than
cancer are FDA-approved immunotherapy agents. the early FDG-PET data obtained 5 to 7 days after RIT
Radioimmunotherapy (RIT) uses monoclonal antibod- (63). For both immunotherapy and RIT, the earliest re-
ies to guide radionuclides for selectively targeting malig- sponse evaluation should be performed at completion of
nant tissues. RIT is fundamentally different from RT. In therapy or, ideally, 3 months after completion of therapy
contrast to RT, RIT delivers radiation continuously with a for an accurate evaluation. Earlier periods of assessment
lower peak rate (62). Radionuclides suited for RIT usually may give rise to false-positive findings.
emit β-radiation for irradiation of the tumor cells. The One important issue that has not been addressed sys-
mechanisms by which β-radiation induces cell death are tematically is the potential value of FDG-PET imaging in
not understood at the molecular level; however, it is the assessment of novel therapeutic regimens in phase II
deemed that β-irradiation induces apoptosis pathways de- efficacy trials. The patients with a metabolic response can
pending on doses, time points, and dose rates. There are safely continue the new therapeutic regimen, whereas for
currently two FDA-approved RIT products, 131I-tositu- those without a metabolic response the experimental trial
momab (Bexxar; anti-CD20) and 90Y-ibritumomab tiuxe- should be discontinued. Using metabolic response as an
tan (Zevalin; anti-CD20), for the treatment of low-grade endpoint may shorten the duration of phase II studies
or transformed low-grade lymphoma. As with immuno- evaluating new cytotoxic drugs and may decrease the
therapy, the tumor response to RIT is more gradual as morbidity and costs of therapy in nonresponding pa-
compared to chemotherapy and radiotherapy (Figure tients. However, integration of FDG-PET imaging in the
25.8). The prognostic value of FDG- PET imaging was evaluation of efficacy of experimental therapy trials will
evaluated in 14 patients with NHL treated with 131I-anti-B1 require a very well designed algorithm as well as further
therapy. All patients underwent FDG-PET imaging at establishment of FDG-PET imaging as a reliable surveil-
baseline and at 5 to 7 days and 1 to 2 months after RIT to lance means.
398 Positron Emission Tomography

Figure 25.8. Patient with a history of transformed low-grade lymphoma underwent PET/CT imaging before and 3 months after 131I-labeled anti-CD20 antibody. (a) Pretherapy axial
CT (left), PET (middle), and PET/CT (right) sections demonstrate intense radiotracer uptake in the pelvic mass consistent with patient’s known disease. (b) Three months following ra-
dioimmunotherapy, there is virtually no uptake in the pelvic mass, which has shrunken by more than 80% of its previous volume, consistent with good response to therapy.

with a change in uptake by adjacent tissue, without

Methods of Assessing Tumor FDG change in tumor metabolism. When visual assessment of
Metabolism by PET Imaging sequential scans is used, it is important to adjust the
image intensities of the studies under comparison in an
Methods of evaluating changes in tumor FDG metabolism appropriate fashion, basing intensity on uptake in normal
with therapy have been thoroughly discussed by Hoekstra tissues rather than tumor.
et al. (64), Graham et al. (65), and the PET study group of
the European Organization for Research and Treatment
of Cancer (EORTC) (9). The following approaches have
been compared. Semiquantitative Assessment
Although visual evaluation is valuable and practical, one
Visual Assessment of the greatest advantages of FDG-PET imaging is the
ability to use quantitative data, particularly, in predicting
Visual assessment based on differential uptake by tumor outcome by determining tumor aggressiveness and moni-
and adjacent tissues is the most commonly used method toring response to therapy. Nevertheless, the optimal
in daily clinical practice for the interpretation of FDG- method of quantitation for prognosis and assessing re-
PET images. This approach, however, is subjective, re- sponse to therapy has not yet been defined. There are
quires substantial experience, and is not sufficient for several ways to approach quantitation, from simple
subtle findings. Alternatively, graded visual assessment tumor-to-background calculations to intricate kinetic
results in less interobserver variability provided that there analysis with dynamic PET acquisition and blood sam-
are well-defined criteria for positive and negative findings. pling. Currently, it is not clear that more-advanced quan-
Visual assessment alone is valuable for demonstration of titation techniques are superior to more-basic methods in
response or lack of response to therapy when no visible the prediction of prognosis and response to therapy,
tumor uptake remains after treatment or when obvious mainly because of the insufficient FDG-PET data ob-
increase in uptake or in the number of lesions occurs tained, thus far, on assessment of various tumors. All
during treatment. In cases with subtle changes with treat- quantitation methods entail attenuation correction to
ment, however, a more-objective assessment approach is avoid the variability in FDG uptake resulting from the dif-
required. Further, a change in visual contrast can occur ferences in tumor depth in the body.
Assessment of Treatment Response by FDG-PET 399

Tumor-to-Normal Tissue Ratio (T/N Ratio) period) is probably the largest single source of variation
in determining tumor SUV and affects all methods
Determination of tumor-to-normal ratio is the simplest equally. Hamberg et al. (69) showed that FDG uptake in
means of quantitation. This method can be applied to carcinoma of the lung did not reach equilibrium until
images even after reconstruction without the requirement more than 3 h after injection, notably greater than the
of additional procedures or information. The T/N ratio is a usual 60-min postinjection scanning time. For repro-
semiquantitative index that compares tumor activity to ac- ducible and accurate results, posttherapy PET imaging
tivity in normal tissues. The T/N ratio does not require ac- must be acquired at the same time interval (with 5–10 min
curate quantitative determination of tissue activity and is difference) after injection as the pretherapy study. Blood
not affected by the injected dose, patient weight, or blood glucose concentration has also been shown to change
glucose level. It is also not affected by change in distribu- tissue uptake of tracer, which decreases with increasing
tion of tracer to other tissues, as may occur with extravasa- glucose concentration in the blood (71–73). Correction for
tion of injected tracer or decrease in renal excretion. plasma glucose improves reproducibility, but differences
Change in T/N ratio is similar to change in visual contrast in SUV remain in some patients.
and could occur with change in normal tissue uptake SUV measurements can also be affected by the lesion
without change in tumor activity. Also, it may be difficult to size and tumor necrosis (Figure 25.9). Underestimation of
select an appropriate adjacent normal reference site, par- FDG concentration is inevitable for lesions smaller than
ticularly in the abdomen and pelvis where there is marked two times the scanner resolution at full-width half-
variation in uptake between studies and between patients. maximum (partial-volume effect). Nonetheless, partial-
In prediction of treatment response in colorectal cancer volume effects can be corrected with the use of appropriate
metastatic to the liver, Findlay et al. (66) found that change recovery coefficients, although these methods do not land
in tumor-to-liver ratio was a better predictor than change themselves as practical application in daily routine.
in SUV. Although this approach is more objective than
visual assessment, it has significant limitations regarding
the placement of regions of interest versus background, use Quantitative Kinetic Methods
of count statistics, and reconstruction algorithms.
Nonlinear Regression
Standardized Uptake Value Kinetic modeling by fitting tissue time–activity curves to a
two-compartment model, using an arterial input function
The SUV, which is less commonly referred to as the differ- and nonlinear regression, may be used to determine the
ential uptake ratio, is a semiquantitative measure that is metabolic rate of glucose in moles/min/mL (64, 65). The
derived from determination of tissue activity obtained time course of radioactivity in tissue (uptake curve) is ob-
from a single static image. It is defined as the tissue con- tained by dynamic imaging, and the arterial blood radioac-
centration of injected tracer as determined by PET tivity curve (input function) is obtained by arterial blood
imaging, divided by the injected dose, and multiplied by a sampling. By this method, the individual rate constants de-
calibration factor. Tracer concentration is usually deter- scribing glucose delivery and phosphorylation, as well as
mined from the image pixel that shows the highest lesion the net influx constant, Ki, can be determined. This tech-
activity (SUVmax). SUV has also been determined from nique is too invasive and demanding of resources for
mean lesion activity (SUVmean), but this approach has routine clinical use but provides the most detailed descrip-
fallen into disuse. For comparison purposes, SUVmax tion of glucose uptake. The use of image-derived input
should be used as SUVmean measurements may be subject functions, obtained immediately following injection from
to the size of region of interest. regions of- interest over the left ventricle or the aorta, can
The most frequently used calibration factor has been simplify the procedure and make it less invasive.
body weight. SUV normalized to body weight has been
shown to be dependent on patient weight, resulting in
overestimation in more-obese individuals, probably due Patlak Graphical Analysis
to lower uptake of FDG in fat than in other tissues (67,
68). FDG uptake in the fat is lower than in muscle; there- Patlak graphical analysis (PGA) can be used to provide a
fore, the lean body weight or body surface area have also linear solution for Ki for tracers that are irreversibly
been used and correlate better with FDG metabolic rate bound after uptake (74); this is approximately true for
(65). Unlike visual analysis and tumor-to-background FDG during the first hour postinjection. PGA permits a
ratio determination, the SUV method involves no as- simplified dynamic imaging procedure with fewer data
sumptions regarding normal tissue activity. frames, and requires only the integral of the blood–activ-
The problems involved in evaluation of SUV have been ity curve during the early postinjection period, so that ar-
discussed by Hamberg et al. (69) and by Keyes et al. (70). terialized venous blood samples or image data can be
Time interval between FDG injection and imaging (uptake used to obtain the input function. This is a linear method
400 Positron Emission Tomography

Figure 25.9. A patient with lung carcinoma underwent PET/CT imaging before and one months after completion of neoadjuvant therapy. (a) Pretherapy axial CT (left), PET (middle),
and PET/CT (right) sections demonstrate intense radiotracer uptake in a large left lung mass with an SUVmax of 10, consistent with patient’s known disease. Note the relatively
decreased FDG uptake within the lesion, which is more evident on the PET/CT fusion image (right), consistent with central necrosis (arrow). (b) Following neoadjuvant therapy, there
is significant reduction in the lesion size and apparently in FDG uptake. However, the measured SUVmax is 13, which appears to be in contrast to the visual interpretation of partial
response to therapy. This discrepancy is probably due to the necrotic component seen on the pretherapy image, which compromises SUV measurements and renders pre- and post-
therapy comparison difficult.

with no noise amplification, so that it can be applied on a peated measurements were approximately normally dis-
pixel-by-pixel basis to provide parametric images of tributed for all parameters with a standard deviation (SD)
glucose consumption. of the mean percentage difference of about 10%. This
study showed no clear advantage in using tracer kinetics
over SUVs. Similarly, in another study by the same inves-
Simplified Kinetic Method tigators, changes in tumor SUVs were compared with
changes in FDG net-influx constants (Ki) and tumor-to-
In the simplified kinetic method (SKM), a single blood muscle ratios (t/m) in patients with advanced-stage
sample is used to scale an average blood time–activity NSCLC undergoing response evaluation 3 weeks after ini-
curve, and uptake is defined as tissue activity divided by tiation of therapy (77). A reduction of SUVs by more than
the integral of blood activity up to the midpoint of the 20% was used as a criterion for a metabolic response in
PET image. Hunter et al. (75) compared measurements advanced NSCLC. Median time to progression and overall
obtained in patients with advanced-stage NSCLC by this survival were significantly longer for metabolic respon-
method to the metabolic rate of glucose determined by ders than for metabolic nonresponders determined by
nonlinear regression (NLR) and with the calculated SUV. SUVs (163 versus 54 days and 252 days versus 151 days,
The SKM was an improvement over the SUV and ap- respectively). Similar results were obtained when Ki was
proached NLR in accuracy. The method is simpler than used to assess tumor glucose use, whereas changes in t/m
PGA and is more suitable for routine clinical application showed considerable overlap between responding and
than other kinetic methods. nonresponding tumors. Changes of SUVs that are outside
Weber et al. (76) assessed the reproducibility of serial the 95% normal range may be used to define a metabolic
FDG-PET measurements to define objective criteria for response to therapy in NSCLC.
the evaluation of treatment-induced changes in 16 pa-
tients). Patients underwent PET studies twice within 10
days before therapy. SUVs, FDG net influx constants (Ki), Comparison of Methods
glucose normalized SUVs (SUV(gluc)), and influx con-
stants (K(i,gluc)) were determined for various lesions. The SUV has been found to correlate with the metabolic
None of the parameters showed a significant increase or rate for FDG determined by PET imaging in cancer
Assessment of Treatment Response by FDG-PET 401

0.84 (79). The correlation improved further when the SUV ment scans. These discrepant results raise the possibility
was normalized to body surface area rather than weight. that error may result from the introduction of the addi-
Wahl et al. (80) showed in breast cancer patients that a re- tional variables in an attempt to devise a semiquantita-
duction in SUV in responding patients was accompanied tive method.
by a comparable or greater decrease in Ki as determined Image resolution is limited to 5 to 8 mm full-width at
by PGA. Graham et al. (81) compared SUV, normalized to half-maximum, which is well short of the resolution capa-
body weight and to body surface area, SKM, and PGA to bility of CT or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). As a
NLR in 40 patients who had hepatic metastases from col- result, measured FDG uptake in tumor foci smaller than
orectal cancer. They concluded that PGA was the most ac- approximately 1.5 cm will be significantly underestimated
curate mean for distinguishing tumor from normal tissue, because of partial-volume effects (82). On the other hand,
closely followed by SKM. It was best to normalize SUV to high tumor uptake of FDG usually produces higher image
body surface area. If one blood sample is obtained during contrast between tumor and normal or fibrotic tissue than
the study, SKM can be used instead of SUV. For predic- is seen by CT, offsetting the effect of the resolution differ-
tion of survival, measurement of Patlak slope was best, ence. Despite resolution limits, the sensitivity and
closely followed by SUV normalized to body surface area. specificity of PET imaging for many malignant tumors is
Both SUV measurement and kinetic methods are subject higher than the sensitivity and specificity of CT or MRI,
to error, because not all the assumptions made in deter- particularly in the posttherapy setting when CT falls short
mination of metabolic rate of FDG are adhered to in the in differentiating benign posttreatment changes from
simplified kinetic methods, particularly in assessment of viable tumor. Recently introduced PET/CT systems may
arterial input function. The EORTC PET study group has allow for more-accurate assessment of tumor response by
recommended the use of SUV normalized to body surface providing a combination of anatomic CT and metabolic
area as the basic standard for measurement (9). It is im- PET information. In addition, most PET/CT systems have
portant to use the most practical PET protocol that can 4 to 16 slice multidetector CT capability, which facilitates
produce an accurate result so as to minimize scan time orthogonal lesion measurements in three planes.
and blood sampling. Patient compliance and ease of per-
formance in active clinical departments are important
factors in ensuring success in clinical trials and therapeu-
tic applications. When SUV is being used to evaluate
Patient Population to Monitor
treatment effect, the number of potential variables Response to Therapy
between studies should be minimized by a strict protocol.
Time interval after injection and blood sugar should be This section is a review of the patient population that
maintained within 10% SD limits between the two studies. should be selected for assessment of the response to
Reproducibility is likely to be greater in such intrapatient therapy using FDG-PET imaging. For further information
comparisons than in studies that compare results between regarding clinical studies in each tumor category, please
patients. refer to the relevant chapters in this volume.
The EORTC group also suggested using a 25% decrease
in uptake as the definition of “partial metabolic response”
to treatment (9). However, selection of this cutoff value Lymphoma
was arbitrary, and it seems likely that a meaningful re-
sponse threshold will need to be defined for each tumor Improvements in chemotherapy and combination therapy
individually by clinical trials. have lead to better overall response and survival rates for
In semiquantitative evaluation of FDG uptake in pa- patients with HD. Nonetheless, in lymphoma, prognosis
tients with hepatic metastases from colorectal cancer, and therapy success also depend on histologic subtypes,
Findlay et al. (66) found that change in T/N ratio was a accurate staging, and follow-up.
more accurate predictor of response than change in SUV.
In one nonresponding patient who showed a decrease in
SUV with treatment, tracer extravasation at the time of Therapy and Patient Population to Monitor
injection may have caused underestimation of the SUV Response
without affecting the T/B ratio. Two patients with re-
sponding tumors and increasing SUV were more difficult At early stages, both HD and nonbulky aggressive NHL
to explain. However, it was noted that in both patients are curable in a large proportion of patients (75%–90%)
the liver SUV showed a similar increase with treatment, with combination therapy. At advanced stages (stage III
suggesting that there may have been an error in dose cal- or IV), only 30% to 50% of patients achieve complete re-
culation in the pretreatment study. Such “miscalcula- mission; thus, evaluation of response to therapy is critical
tion” could have resulted from higher uptake at a in this population as alternative therapy regimens can be
competing site, as the pretreatment scans showed unusu- started as soon as tumor nonresponse is recognized (83,
ally high uptake in the myocardium in one case and the 84). The patients who are first-line chemotherapy failures
kidneys in the other, which was not seen in the posttreat- may benefit from different chemotherapy combinations
402 Positron Emission Tomography

Figure 25.10. Patient with aggressive

non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL) in the
retroperitoneal, iliac, and inguinal lymph
nodes underwent PET/CT imaging before
and 3 weeks after completion of first-line
therapy. (a) Pretherapy axial CT (left),
PET (middle), and PET/CT (right) sections
demonstrate intense radiotracer uptake
in the retroperitoneal, common, internal,
and external iliac as well as inguinal
lymph nodes, consistent with active lym-
phoma. (b) Two months following first-
line therapy, the PET/CT images still
demonstrate residual uptake in the
retroperitoneal, iliac, and right external
iliac lymph node stations with decrease
in intensity and extent of FDG uptake
and increase in other locations. This
pattern is consistent with posttherapy
residual disease that requires further
therapy. The patient subsequently
underwent high-dose therapy and stem
cell transplant.

or high-dose chemotherapy with stem cell support (Figure Non-Small Cell Lung Carcinoma
25.10). Thus, there is an advantage to assess the response
to therapy early during chemotherapy (after cycles 1 to 3) Lung cancer is a major cause of cancer-related death in
because early evidence for persistent disease may suggest both men and women. Although FDG-PET response data
intervention with such alternative therapy options (Figure are available for NSCLC, SCLC has not been studied to a
25.11). large extent.
In indolent lymphoma, various combinations of
therapy have not convincingly prolonged remission dura-
tion or survival (85). Immunotherapy or radioim- Therapy and Patient Population to Monitor
munotherapy in relapsing patients has proven to induce Response to Therapy
longer remissions, but survival benefits are yet to be es-
tablished. In this patient population, there is no standard There are two main limitations in the evaluation of the re-
therapeutic algorithm; thus, regarding surveillance of re- sponse to therapy in NSCLC. The first issue relates to the
sponse to therapy, avoiding unwarranted toxicity is a observer variability in defining response using anatomic
more-relevant objective than seeking a more-effective imaging modalities in the presence of poorly defined
therapy option with better survival benefits in this tumor boundaries of tumor that may have a significant inflam-
subtype. matory component because of the rich stroma in lung
Assessment of Treatment Response by FDG-PET 403

Figure 25.11. Patient with aggressive NHL in the pelvis underwent PET/CT imaging before and after three cycles of chemotherapy. (a) Pretherapy axial CT (left), PET (middle), and
PET/CT (right) sections demonstrate intense radiotracer uptake in a left pelvic mass, consistent with active disease (arrow). (b) Following three cycles of chemotherapy, the PET/CT
images still demonstrate residual uptake within the pelvic mass (arrow). Despite significant decrease in intensity and extent of uptake, this uptake is consistent with residual disease
that may require therapy modification or which may change without completion of the entire therapy protocol.

cancer. Consequently, antitumor effect may be underrated Hence, in locally advanced NSCLC (stage IIIAN2), the role
by CT evaluation as persistent abnormalities do not nec- of FDG-PET imaging in the assessment of response to
essarily exclude a complete response. The second issue is first-line chemotherapy is more useful in locally advanced
the fact that, in NSCLC, there is poor correlation between disease than in advanced disease (Figure 25.12).
response rate and survival, and therefore determination Nonetheless, response evaluation in NSCLC is primarily
of complete response may not translate into a long-term geared toward identifying those patients who would not
benefit for the patient. FDG-PET imaging can be a useful respond to therapy to prevent unnecessary toxicity rather
solution for the former problem; however, the latter issue than seeking a more-optimal alternative protocol, particu-
remains as a limitation even with the higher predictive larly in those undergoing second-line therapy with
values obtained with PET compared to CT imaging. docetaxel.
In locally advanced disease (stage IIIAN2–IIIB) disease, Ideally, results of postinduction FDG-PET studies
data from pilot studies demonstrate a survival benefit for should lead to the selection of the proper patient group
patients undergoing induction therapy followed by for surgery with curative intent; however, in clinical prac-
surgery compared with surgery alone (86). The 5-year sur- tice most patients are operated after induction therapy re-
vival for patients with no residual disease following induc- gardless of the degree of response, unless there is
tion therapy and surgery is 54% compared with 17% for progression of disease, which occurs in one-third of pa-
those treated with induction therapy regardless of the re- tients (89). This issue should be further addressed with
sponse status. Hence, it would be beneficial to offer randomized trials to lead to possible management change.
surgery only to those patients with objective evidence of FDG-PET imaging can also be useful in the assessment
response to therapy (87). of the volumetric response to radiation therapy for locally
In advanced-stage (IIIB and IV) lung cancer, cisplatin- advanced lung cancer. Chemotherapy-assisted novel hy-
or carboplatin-based therapy yields only a modest prolon- perfractionated accelerated radiotherapy may be used in
gation of survival (median, 1.5–3 months). In selected pa- selected patients. Identification of nonresponders may
tients with advanced-stage disease, at progression after allow physicians to limit more-aggressive and more-toxic
platinum-based chemotherapy, there may be a survival approaches to the subgroups of patients who would
benefit with docetaxel over supportive care alone (88). benefit from them (90).
404 Positron Emission Tomography

Figure 25.12. Patient with adenocarcinoma of the lung underwent PET/CT imaging before and after neoadjuvant therapy. (a) Pretherapy axial CT (left), PET (middle), and PET/CT
(right) sections demonstrate intense radiotracer uptake in the right posterior lung corresponding to a large mass, consistent with active disease (arrows). (b) Following neoadjuvant
therapy, the PET/CT images demonstrate minimal residual uptake within the lung mass, consistent with minimal residual disease (arrows). The patient subsequently underwent re-
section of the lower lung. The patient has been disease free for more than 12 months.

Breast Cancer breast cancer (Figure 25.13). Early results of clinical trials
have suggested that patients with unresponsive tumors
Breast cancer is the most common cancer in females and may achieve an improved survival from crossover to a
also the principal cause of death from cancer among non-cross-resistant regimen (94). It is essential, therefore,
women globally (91). Despite steadily increasing inci- to accurately identify patients who would benefit from al-
dence rates, the leveling off in mortality and subsequent ternative treatments during the course of chemotherapy.
decline may be the result of earlier diagnosis and ad- FDG-PET imaging may assist in the selection of individu-
vances in treatment and management during follow-up. alized therapy by providing the ability to determine tumor
sensitivity to therapy.
Limited information from clinical trials suggests that
Therapy and Patient Population to Monitor the rapidity of response varies among patients. To induce
Response maximal tumor response to most neoadjuvant
chemotherapy, programs recommend four cycles of a
Therapy of operable breast cancer involves surgery with single regimen before surgery. Some programs recom-
or without radiotherapy or adjuvant chemotherapy. The mend even more cycles of the same treatment, using a
effects of radiotherapy and surgery in early breast cancer “plateau” of response before surgery. Treatment is con-
are discussed in an overview of the randomized trials (92). tinued until no further change in the tumor is clinically
Tumors larger than 5 cm or smaller tumors with evi- apparent from one cycle to the next (or the tumor had re-
dence of locally advanced disease (T3–T4, N2, N3) are sponded completely). Particularly in this setting, FDG-
currently treated with neoadjuvant chemotherapy. There PET imaging is a valuable tool to evaluate the response to
is evidence from controlled studies that such therapy therapy compared to anatomic imaging modalities.
significantly increases the number of patients who can be Demonstration of nonresponse early in the course of
offered breast-conserving surgery (93). The patient popu- treatment may avoid the morbidity and cost of ineffective
lation who would benefit most from monitoring response chemotherapy but may not change patient outcome.
to therapy includes those patients undergoing preopera- Accordingly, prediction of response has less significance
tive neoadjuvant (primary) therapy for locally advanced in management of breast cancer than in lymphoma.
Assessment of Treatment Response by FDG-PET 405

Figure 25.13. Patient with locally advanced infiltrating ductal breast cancer underwent PET/CT imaging before and after neoadjuvant therapy. (a) Pretherapy axial CT (left), PET
(middle), and PET/CT (right) sections demonstrate intense radiotracer uptake in the right upper quadrant corresponding to a large mass, consistent with patient’s known disease.
Note the fracture in a posterior left rib (small arrow). (b) Following neoadjuvant therapy, the PET/CT images demonstrate significant decrease in intensity and extent of uptake in the
corresponding lesion, consistent with good response to therapy. The patient subsequently underwent right modified mastectomy.

Monitoring response to therapy offers minimal benefit sis is less common. In locally advanced disease, poten-
to patients who are undergoing induction therapy for tially curative therapy exists with the combined-modality
metastatic disease because of the short median survival treatment with chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and surgery
with conventional chemotherapy in this group (12–24 (95).
months). Additionally, the alternative therapy options are
limited, which renders this group suboptimal for therapy
surveillance. Thus, in this group of patients, the evalua- Therapy and Patient Population to Monitor
tion of response to therapy should be geared toward Response
avoidance of toxicity in nonresponding patients. There is
no proven method with which to monitor response to The patient population who would benefit from monitor-
postoperative adjuvant chemotherapy because of the ing response to treatment includes those who are planned
removal of reference tumor activity in the primary tumor to undergo sequential preoperative neoadjuvant chemo-
and lymph nodes. Hence, FDG-PET imaging is not of therapy and RT or neoadjuvant chemotherapy concurrent
value to determine therapeutic efficacy in this patient with RT. The main benefit of neoadjuvant chemotherapy
population. is to preserve organ structure and function, similar to that
in locally advanced breast cancer (Figure 25.14) (96, 97).
This sequential therapy setting also allows for
Head and Neck Carcinoma modifications in management during the course of treat-
ment in nonresponders to optimally balance benefits with
Head and neck cancer accounts for approximately 5% of treatment-associated toxicities (98).
all new cancer cases in the Western world each year. Most The median survival for patients with local or metasta-
head and neck malignancies are squamous cell carcino- tic recurrent HNSCC is less than 1 year (99). FDG-PET
mas (HNSCC). In patients with early-stage disease, both imaging may have a role in the evaluation of response to
radiation and surgery are often curative whereas the therapy for guiding various alternative therapy strategies,
overall survival for patients with locally advanced disease although its impact would probably be not as significant
is less than 50%. Mortality is most frequently the result of as in those undergoing neoadjuvant therapy before
locoregional recurrence, and death from distant metasta- surgery at initial presentation.
406 Positron Emission Tomography

Pre Post

Figure 25.14. Patient with locally ad-

vanced head and neck squamous cell
carcinoma underwent FDG-PET imaging
before and following neoadjuvant
therapy. (a) Coronal PET image reveals
intense FDG uptake in the left tonsil
(horizontal arrow) as well as in a left
jugular lymph node (vertical arrow), con-
sistent with primary disease and local
lymph node metastasis, respectively.
(b) One month following completion
of neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy,
coronal PET image demonstrates com-
plete resolution of the primary disease in
the left tonsil and metastatic disease in
the left jugular lymph node, consistent
with complete response to therapy.

Esophageal Carcinoma apy (100). However, local failure, local recurrence, and re-
gional lymph-node metastasis are frequently detected
Despite significant decrease in surgical mortality rates in after definitive chemoradiotherapy (103, 104). FDG-PET
patients with esophageal cancer, long-term survival has imaging is particularly useful in patients undergoing
not changed dramatically. Recent evidence reveals that neoadjuvant therapy because it allows accurate
the addition of neoadjuvant treatment may improve re- stratification of patients into surgical and multimodality
section rates, reduce the risk of recurrence, and thereby protocols, an important aspect because approximately
improve survival. Because of the poor prognosis and the 50% of patients do not respond to current chemotherapy
risks associated with surgical intervention, accurate as- regimens (101). In patients failing to respond to neoadju-
sessment of therapy is essential for optimal treatment vant treatment, the risk of treatment-related morbidity
planning. and mortality can be avoided if FDG-PET imaging accu-
rately determines therapy failure. Furthermore, these pa-
tients can be placed on alternative therapy modalities
Therapy and Patient Population to Monitor early during the course of disease.
Response Currently, the role of postoperative adjuvant chemora-
diotherapy is undefined although it may be beneficial in
For patients with locally advanced esophageal cancer (T3 patients with positive resection margins. As with HNSCC,
or T4 status: stage III), neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy in an adjuvant therapy setting, the role of FDG-PET
consisting of cisplatin, 5-fluorouracil (5-FU), and radia- imaging is limited in monitoring the response to therapy.
tion followed by esophagectomy has been the mainstay of Two-thirds of patients have a recurrence within 1 year,
treatment (100–102). The rationale behind such a treat- and in approximately one-third of patients the recurrence
ment is to improve the rate of curative resection by down- is within the primary surgical field (105). FDG-PET
staging tumor, early eradication of micrometastases, and imaging may allow a highly sensitive and specific means
increasing radiosensitivity. Improved 5-year survival rates to distinguish postoperative scar from tumor recurrence
approaching 60% have been reported following pathologic in the follow-up period. FDG-PET imaging is also valuable
complete response with concomitant RT and chemother- for further investigation of abnormal masses seen with
Assessment of Treatment Response by FDG-PET 407

other imaging modalities, especially in asymptomatic pa- Testicular Cancer

tients. Treatment of recurrent esophageal cancer may
include palliative therapy with the use of any standard The incidence of testicular cancer is increasing in the de-
treatment as well as clinical trials of novel therapy modali- veloped countries. There are two main types of germinal
ties. Although evaluation of response to therapy using cell testicular cancers: seminomatous germ cell tumors
FDG-PET imaging is of limited value, it may allow early (SGCT) and nonseminomatous germ cell tumors
changes in the treatment of unresponsive tumors or dis- (NSGCT). SGCT are the most common testicular tumors
continuation of therapy in nonresponding patients. (40%). Metastatic spread is more common with NSGCT
(70%) than with SGCT (30%) at initial diagnosis (110).

Colorectal Carcinoma
Therapy and Patient Population to Monitor
Adenocarcinoma of the colon affects 5% of the population Response to Therapy
in the United States and in most of Western countries.
Potentially curative resection at disease presentation can be Early-stage (stages I–IIB) SGCTs are treated with RT with
performed only in 70% to 80% of the patients, and overall negligible relapse rates. Although it is still controversial,
survival at 5 years is less than 60%. Improvements in surgi- early-stage NSGCTs (stages I–IIB) are usually treated sur-
cal and adjuvant therapies, more extensive screening pro- gically, including retroperitoneal lymph node dissection
grams, and recent advances in detection techniques (RPLND), followed by adjuvant chemotherapy or close
including imaging modalities have resulted in a decline in surveillance (110). Primary chemotherapy is not recom-
colon cancer mortality in the United States (106). mended in patients with high-risk clinical stage I NSGCT
because it has not yet been proven to be beneficial and can
cause significant long-term sequelae (111). Hence, there is
Therapy and Patient Population to Monitor no definite role for FDG-PET imaging in monitoring re-
Response to Therapy sponse to therapy for early-stage disease for both sub-
types of testicular cancers.
FDG-PET imaging is most useful in monitoring advanced- The treatment of choice in patients with high-burden,
stage colorectal cancer. Advanced disease is associated advanced GCTs (stages IIC–III; bulky lymph node metas-
with a poor prognosis. Chemotherapy has demonstrated tases measuring more than 5 cm in diameter and/or vis-
effective palliation, improvement of quality of life, and ceral metastases) is cis-platinum-based chemotherapy
symptom improvement in such patients. Systemic followed by residual tumor resection or RPLND (112).
chemotherapy doubles the survival of these patients com- Following chemotherapy, there are two groups of patients
pared to untreated controls. For nearly four decades, who should be distinguished based on response to
fluorouracil (5-FU) has been the mainstay of treatment therapy. The first group includes the majority of patients
(107). The use of 5-FU in combination with radiation (~80%), who will be likely to obtain an initial complete re-
therapy in primary unresectable colorectal cancer is also sponse (low-risk group). The focus of clinical trials in this
associated with improved survival. group is to reduce chemotherapy-induced toxicity while
Chemotherapeutic options in the treatment of ad- maintaining a high cure rate. The second group comprises
vanced colorectal cancer have markedly improved during those patients not achieving a durable response (~20%;
the last years, partly as a result of the high-dose 5-FU poor-risk group), of whom nearly 25% may be cured with
regimen, but also from the development of new cytotoxic salvage cisplatin plus ifosfamide chemotherapy instead of
agents and drug combinations. Today most patients are RPLND (110, 113).
treated by a sequential therapeutic concept using the The primary objective of therapy trails in this high-risk
newer drugs mainly for second- or third-line therapy. group of patients is to improve the proportion of com-
Combination of oxaliplatin with 5-FU/FA could down- plete response. Not surprisingly, residual radiographic ab-
stage previously unresectable liver metastases for poten- normalities are observed in up to 78% of patients who
tially curative surgery in some patients (108). undergo induction chemotherapy for disseminated GCTs
FDG-PET imaging is promising in the optimization of (110). In the high-risk group, accurate differentiation of
therapy, particularly as more targeted therapies become patients with favorable outcome (complete responders)
available. FDG-PET imaging enables very early and more from those with unfavorable outcome (partial or nonre-
specific indication of response to preoperative therapies sponders) by FDG-PET imaging may select the proper
or of the presence of residual disease after surgical tumor patient population for alternative therapy strategies and
resection or interventional tumor ablation of metastases potentially avoid unnecessary RPLND.
or recurrences (109). FDG-PET imaging may play an im- In the low-risk group, early determination of response
portant role in avoiding major surgery in patients for to therapy by FDG-PET imaging may also be helpful to
whom curative surgery is intended after chemotherapy or determine the optimal number of treatment cycles that
radiotherapy. would result in low or no morbidity. One exception is
408 Positron Emission Tomography

teratoma, which is a relatively chemotherapy-resistant response to adjuvant therapy. In those patients who
histologic subtype; thus, cytotoxic agents may not be ap- demonstrate no response, FDG-PET imaging may guide
propriate for treatment. Hence, FDG-PET imaging does clinicians to change management toward areas of re-
not seem to offer clinical benefit in the management of search, including non-cross-resistant antineoplastic
patients with teratomas. agents, intraperitoneal therapy, anticancer vaccines, gene
As many as 30% of patients with testicular cancer may therapy, and antiangiogenic therapy (116).
relapse (110, 112). The durable complete remission rate In patients with recurrent disease, although expected
may exceed 50% with high-dose chemotherapy at first survival is not long, depending on the response to
relapse (114). The choice of salvage surgery versus autolo- therapy, secondary non-cross-resistant chemotherapies
gous bone marrow transplantation (BMT) for refractory can be administered, or resistance-modulating agents, bi-
disease may be based on the extent of metastatic disease. ologic therapies, and high-dose chemotherapy with bone
FDG-PET imaging can be particularly useful in the accu- marrow support (ABMT) can be offered. FGD-PET
rate assessment of disease burden to categorize patients imaging may have a niche in early differentiation of re-
into different treatment protocols. In the group who are sponders from nonresponders in this group of patients,
planned to undergo high-dose chemotherapy followed by although it may not affect survival to any large extent.
autologous BMT, prediction of response to therapy is
crucial as not all patients would benefit from this treat-
ment. In these patients, FDG-PET imaging may play a role
guiding the appropriate therapy approach by accurately
Integrated PET/CT Imaging and
identifying the nonresponders for whom the morbidity Monitoring Response to Therapy
and the cost of the treatment could be spared.
Furthermore, FDG-PET imaging may be indicated to lo- PET/CT fusion imaging, which integrates two disparate
calize recurrence in patients with rising blood levels of imaging modalities, is now gaining momentum toward
tumor markers as well as in patients with multiple resid- becoming the diagnostic tool in the staging and restaging
ual masses who have marker-negative active disease. algorithm of cancer. Following therapy, subtle metabolic
findings on FDG-PET imaging, that would otherwise have
been disregarded, may result in the detection of residual
Ovarian Cancer disease after correlation with the simultaneously acquired
morphologic data. Alternatively, equivocal CT findings,
Ovarian carcinoma is the seventh most common female which could represent either recurrent tumor or postther-
cancer worldwide and the fifth leading cause of cancer apy fibrosclerosis, can now be distinguished with the help
death among women in the developed countries. of the additional information provided by FDG-PET data.
Approximately 70% of women present with advanced In the posttherapy setting, PET/CT fusion can improve
disease at diagnosis. Most patients respond to initial the accuracy of PET imaging in distinguishing recurrent
therapy; however, the relapse rate is high, and the 5-year disease from benign posttherapy changes, delineating the
survival with advanced disease is only 25% to 35% (115). anatomic location of metastatic disease, and monitoring
the response to therapy by solving a myriad of problems
inherent in the posttherapy assessment of cancer. As
Therapy and Patient Population to Monitor PET/CT systems are not yet in widespread use, the data
Response to Therapy regarding the impact of fusion imaging on posttherapy
patient management are still in evolution. Nevertheless,
The treatment of ovarian cancer is based on the stage of the preliminary data evinced that PET/CT findings have
the disease. The mainstay of early-stage ovarian cancer resulted in the accurate staging and improved evaluation
[International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics of response to therapy, in particular, in patients with head
(FIGO) stages IA–IIA] is comprehensive surgical staging and neck cancer or genitourinary and gastrointestinal ma-
followed by appropriate adjuvant chemotherapy (116). In lignancies (117, 118).
this group of patients, FDG-PET imaging may not offer a In a recent study, the accurate spatial localization
benefit in the clinical decision-making process as moni- offered by the PET/CT fusion technique provided a better
toring response may not be feasible in patients who are assessment of response to treatment and changed clinical
technically tumor free following surgery. management in up to 30% of cancer patients (117).
The majority of ovarian cancer patients present with PET/CT imaging provides accurate information about the
advanced disease at diagnosis (FIGO stages IIB–IV). In anatomic planes and excludes false-positive findings.
these patients, aggressive cytoreductive surgery followed There are fewer anatomic landmarks in the neck than in
by adjuvant chemotherapy and/or external irradiation is other parts of the body; hence, combining PET with CT
the treatment of choice. Because these patients would have imaging provides crucial information in differentiating
detectable tumor mass after surgery (usually =1–2 cm), physiologic activity from viable tumor in the cervical
FDG-PET imaging may have a role in evaluating the muscles, brown fat at the base of the neck (118), vocal
Assessment of Treatment Response by FDG-PET 409

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PET in Clinical Cardiology
Frank M. Bengel and Markus Schwaiger

Following its introduction nearly 30 years ago, positron

emission tomography (PET) was first established in acad-
Cardiac PET Imaging: Methodologic
emic centers for clinical research in neurology, cardiol- Considerations
ogy, and oncology. Based on promising early results,
clinical applications for PET in the heart have emerged Radiopharmaceuticals
and were established even before its breakthrough in clin-
ical oncology. Although other cardiac imaging techniques PET radiopharmaceuticals that have been applied for
such as single photon emission tomography (SPECT), ul- cardiac imaging in the clinical setting are summarized in
trasound, or magnetic resonance are available on a Table 26.1. At present, these tracers target myocardial
broader clinical basis, PET is still widely regarded as the perfusion, metabolism, innervation, and receptors.
noninvasive gold standard for the assessment of myocar- Further tracers are under evaluation that aim at imaging
dial viability and perfusion. Comparison of alternative of molecular structures such as extracellular matrix,
techniques with this gold standard has refined their appli- membrane molecules, or intracellular products of gene
cation and allowed for improved imaging algorithms. expression. Those tracers are expected to broaden the
Moreover, PET has substantially contributed to a better spectrum of biologic targets for clinical cardiac PET
understanding of various disease processes. The recent imaging in the future and are briefly outlined at the end of
advances in molecular biology and the progress in the chapter.
disease-specific therapy have prompted an increasing
need for characterization of physiologic and biologic pa-
rameters in the heart. The available techniques, along with Kinetic Modeling: Noninvasive Quantification of
new tracer approaches aiming at molecular targets such Biologic Processes
as specific proteins and genes, are suited to monitor ther-
apeutically induced changes in tissue function. The PET is a truly quantitative imaging tool because it allows
uniqueness of this biologic information will contribute to measuring localized tracer concentration in the body in
define the clinical future of PET and noninvasive cardio- absolute units of radioactivity concentration. For cardiac
vascular imaging in general. imaging, software algorithms are available that are similar
This chapter highlights the potential of PET for clinical to those applied for SPECT image display; these allow for
imaging in cardiovascular disease. The methodologic reangulation of tomographic images along cardiac short
background is outlined first, before major practical appli- and long axes and for calculation of polar maps (Figure
cations (with a special focus on viability as the pre- 26.1).
dominant clinical use of PET), along with novel biologic With the use of tracer kinetic modeling, there is the po-
imaging targets in the heart, are summarized. Finally, an tential for substantial improvement of the type and
outlook into the future, comprising molecular tracers and quality of information obtained from biologic data.
advanced imaging technology, is given. Kinetic modeling of tracers in the heart requires acquisi-

414 Positron Emission Tomography

Table 26.1. Positron emission tomography (PET) radiopharmaceuticals for clinical Camera Technology
cardiac imaging.

Tracer Biologic target Because dedicated PET scanners are expensive and not
Blood flow:
widely available, alternative strategies have been devel-
oped for imaging the cardiac distribution of positron-
N-Ammonia Perfusion, blood flow
emitting tracers with conventional gamma cameras. One
O-Water Blood flow, perfusible tissue
is SPECT imaging of single 511-keV photons with an ul-
Rb-Chloride Perfusion, viability
trahigh-energy collimator (5), and the other is coinci-
Cu-PTSM Perfusion dence imaging with a dual-headed gamma camera (6).
Metabolism: These approaches are characterized by lower spatial reso-
F-Fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) Glucose transport, hexokinase lution and detection sensitivity and do not allow for
C-Glucose Glucose metabolism dynamic imaging and absolute quantification. However,
C-Acetate Oxidative metabolism (TCA cycle turnover) especially for 511-keV SPECT imaging of FDG in the as-
C-Palmitate Fatty acid metabolism
sessment of myocardial viability, considerable evidence
has accumulated supporting the clinical usefulness of this
F-FTHA Fatty acid uptake
simplified strategy (7).
Innervation: Meanwhile, detector technology for dedicated PET
F-Fluorodopamine Presynaptic sympathetic function systems has undergone further developments allowing for
C-Hydroxyephedrine Presynaptic catecholamine uptake improvements in spatial resolution, dead time, and sensi-
C-Epinephrine Presynaptic catecholamine uptake and tivity. Dedicated small animal scanner systems, which
storage allow for imaging of mouse hearts, represent the current
C-Phenylephrine Presynaptic catecholamine uptake and epitome of high-resolution PET imaging (8). Developments
metabolism in these preclinical systems have significantly contributed
Receptors: to a parallel refinement of clinically applicable systems.
C-CGP12177 Beta-adrenergic receptor (nonselective) Most recently, hybrid PET/CT cameras have been intro-
C-MQNB Muscarinic receptor duced that combine high-end PET systems with multislice
CT, allowing for application not only in oncology but also
in cardiology. The impact of this approach for combined
tion of a dynamic imaging sequence, which generates morphologic and biologic imaging is expected to be
serial images at various time points after radiotracer in- significant and is outlined elsewhere in this volume.
jection. This method allows for extraction of time–activity
curves for myocardial segments. The time course of tracer
concentration in arterial blood (arterial input function) is
additionally obtained using a region of interest in the left
Assessment of Myocardial Blood Flow
ventricular cavity or left atrium. Time–activity curves are and Perfusion
subsequently fitted to suitable compartmental models that
characterize the tissue kinetics of the respective tracers In a clinical setting, PET perfusion imaging is mainly
(Figure 26.2). For 15O-water as a freely diffusible perfusion done using static qualitative images. Its purpose is then
tracer, this is a single-compartment model with one ex- similar to that of SPECT, namely, to detect myocardial
travascular compartment (1). For the perfusion tracer ischemia or infarction in patients with suspected or
N-ammonia, which is taken up by tissue and subse- known coronary artery disease (CAD), to determine
quently used for glutamine synthesis, two- and three- extent and severity of the disease, to determine individ-
compartment models can be applied for quantification of ual risk for cardiac events, and to thereby guide further
myocardial blood flow (2, 3). Kinetics of the metabolic decision making (9–11). For the standard evaluation of
tracer 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) can be described by patients with known or suspected coronary artery
a three-compartment model (4). FDG is taken up by my- disease (CAD), the application of PET remains limited to
ocardium via specific membrane glucose transporters selected cases because of high costs and limited avail-
(GLUT). Intracellularly, FDG is then phosphorylated by ability. Introduction of hybrid PET/CT systems may in-
hexokinase to FDG-6-phosphate. FDG-6-phosphate is not crease the clinical use of PET, but alternative techniques
a good substrate for further metabolism and thus is more widely available, such as SPECT and echocardiog-
trapped intracellularly. Compartmental modeling of raphy, are sufficient for detection of ischemia in most
tracer kinetics may be applied to other available tracers situations.
and yields rate constants that quantitatively reflect bio- The major impact of PET perfusion studies results from
logic processes. This unique feature of PET is a key the potential for noninvasive quantification of myocardial
element to its acceptance as the noninvasive imaging gold blood flow, allowing evaluation of coronary microcircula-
standard in cardiology. tory regulation at the resistance level (12). Therefore,
PET in Clinical Cardiology 415

Volumetric radial sampling

according to LV long axis

3D-display of search rays

Polar napofofLVLV
map Myocardial contour detection
Figure 26.1. Semiquantitative analysis of myocardial PET to obtain polar maps of the left ventricular (LV) myocardium. Using the displayed three-dimensional volumetric sampling
algorithm, the left ventricular distribution of any PET-derived biologic information can be obtained. Polar maps show apex in the center, base in the periphery, anterior wall on the
top, inferior wall on the bottom, septum on the left, and lateral wall on the right.

quantitative measurements of myocardial perfusion with Hyperemic flow in response to these agents normally in-
PET allows the assessment of earliest alterations in vascu- creases 2.5- to 5 fold from baseline and is believed to
lar integrity before development of clinically overt CAD reflect an integrated response of the coronary circulatory
and ischemia. Quantitative PET measurements of myocar- system, partially mediated by direct smooth muscle
dial blood flow have significantly refined the understand- effects and partially mediated by additional, shear stress-
ing of risk factors and preventive interventions for related endothelial activation (15).
coronary atherosclerosis, but a clear-cut clinical applica- More recently, stress tests that are specific for endothe-
tion for such measurements of global microvascular reac- lial function have been applied for PET imaging; these are
tivity needs to be defined. based on sympathetic stimulation, either by cold pressor
test or by mental stress (16–18). Release of norepineph-
rine from stimulated sympathetic neurons activates
Stress Testing alpha-adrenoceptors on endothelium that mediate nitric
oxide (NO) release. This vasodilatory signal results in a
Myocardial perfusion PET imaging is accomplished using 30% to 50% increase of baseline flow in case of intact en-
flow tracers at rest and during stress (13, 14). In the clini- dothelium. Alpha-adrenergic stimulation of vascular
cal setting, dipyridamole or adenosine are applied for smooth muscle cells, which causes vasoconstriction, is
pharmacologic vasodilation at doses commonly used for normally counteracted but may outweigh endothelium-
SPECT imaging. Physical exercise is not practical for derived vasodilation in case of impaired endothelial in-
stress flow measurements with PET because of the short tegrity. The resulting flow decrease then indicates
half-life of the PET perfusion tracers and the potential for endothelial dysfunction. PET flow measurements during
patient motion during imaging. sympathetic stimulation are therefore thought to provide
Adenosine or dipyridamole act directly on vascular specific information about coronary endothelial function
smooth muscle cells via specific adenosine receptors, and have been applied mainly in research studies of vas-
causing relaxation, vasodilation, and flow increase. cular reactivity.
416 Positron Emission Tomography

(460 segments)

generation of
time activity
(arterial input)

Fitting Results


Fitting of

tim activity curves 0.020

model for NH3)

0 200 400 600 800 1000 12000
Time / 3

Display of K1 as
K1 = MBF
a polar map

Figure 26.2. Tracer kinetic analysis for noninvasive absolute quantification. Shown are the major steps of quantification of myocardial blood flow using 13N-ammonia (NH3), as
applied at the TU München. Top: Myocardial segments and blood pool are identified using software-based volumetric sampling. Time–activity curves are extracted from the dynamic
imaging dataset for these segments. Middle: Individual time–activity curves are fitted to a validated three-compartment model for ammonia (white stars, measured activity over time
in representative myocardial segment; white line, fitted myocardial time–activity curve; red line, blood pool curve). Bottom: After the fitting procedure, the influx constant K1,
which reflects absolute myocardial blood flow, is depicted for all myocardial segments as a two-dimensional polar map.
PET in Clinical Cardiology 417

PET Perfusion Imaging in Coronary Artery The diagnostic accuracy of PET for detection of CAD is
thought to be higher compared to SPECT (19) because of
Disease higher spatial resolution, higher extraction fraction of
PET flow tracers, and accurate correction of attenuation
For the clinical workup of CAD, relative regional perfu-
artefacts. Incremental prognostic value of qualitative per-
sion abnormalities are assessed from static images using
13 fusion PET over clinical variables for prediction of cardiac
N-ammonia and 82Rb (Figure 26.3). The usefulness of
15 events has been demonstrated (20). Additionally, it has
O-water as a freely diffusible tracer in this regard is less
been shown that the more-expensive PET perfusion
well documented because myocardial images are only ob-
imaging approach can still be cost effective in a specific
tained after application of factor analysis or blood pool
setting when compared to other strategies, including exer-
subtraction techniques.
cise electrocardiogram (ECG) and SPECT (21).


Perfusion SA HLA VLA


Rest Stress
Polar Maps


LCX 2.6
RCA 2.3
Ant Ant
Sep Lat Sep Lat
Inf Inf

Figure 26.3. Myocardial perfusion study using 13N-ammonia PET at rest and during adenosine-mediated vasodilation (stress). Stress-induced hypoperfusion is observed in the PET
images (a) in the apex and distal anteroseptal wall. Polar maps (b) allow for quantification of defect size. Additional calculation of quantitative myocardial blood flow reveals reduced
coronary flow reserve (CFR) in the territory of the left anterior descending artery (LAD), consistent with the visual impression from static images.
418 Positron Emission Tomography

Quantitative Assessment of Microvascular antioxidant vitamins have been observed, especially in

smokers (40). Furthermore, effects of specific drugs have
Reactivity been evaluated. Antihypertensive agents and lipid-lower-
ing drugs were shown to improve flow reserve in subjects
Although potentially helpful in the clinical diagnosis of
with mild coronary disease, substantiating their potential
CAD (22), absolute flow measurements by PET have
in secondary prevention (41, 42). More recently, effects of
mainly been used in investigational studies to understand
estrogens were evaluated, yielding no improvement of
the effects of risk factors of CAD, such as hyperlipidemia,
vascular response to hyperemia or to cold in women with
diabetes, and smoking, leading to an increased emphasis
risk factors and only mild improvement in endothelial-
on preventive therapy (23–28).
dependent response to cold in otherwise healthy women
Several early studies using PET at rest and during phar-
(43, 44).
macologic hyperemia demonstrated impairments of flow
The potential of PET to serve as a surrogate marker of
reserve in patient with risk factors but no clinical evidence
drug effectiveness has been increasingly emphasized, and
of coronary disease. A relationship with age was observed,
the number and size of clinical trials using PET flow mea-
characterized by reduction of flow reserve in older indi-
surements for the evaluation of drug effects is increasing.
viduals due to increase of resting flow and less-pro-
The higher demand for this imaging procedure will not
nounced decrease of hyperemic flow (29, 30). Further
only increase its recognition but may also stimulate evalu-
studies established positive correlations between impair-
ation of diagnostic and prognostic feasibility in a clinical
ment of lipid profile and microvascular reactivity (24, 26).
setting in the future.
Decrease of flow reserve with increasing total and low-
density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol has been demon-
strated in dyslipidemic subjects, whereas HDL cholesterol
seems to be associated with greater vascular reactivity in
healthy subjects (31). Assessment of Myocardial Viability
Early studies in smokers indicated an impaired flow re-
sponse to dipyridamole during acute smoking but no im- The Clinical Problem
pairments in chronic smokers (32). In this group of
individuals at risk, more-recent studies used the endothe- It is patients with advanced coronary disease that seem to
lial-dependent cold pressor testing to gain further insight benefit most from interventional therapy. A variety of
into vascular reactivity. Again, chronic smokers exhibited studies indicate that patients with poor left ventricular
no impairments of hyperemic flow in response to phar- function and multivessel disease show improved clinical
macologic vasodilation, but the response to sympathetic outcome after surgical revascularization (45–49). The de-
stimulation by cold pressor testing was significantly im- cision to proceed with revascularization in those patients,
paired compared to normals (16). Furthermore, this however, is not an inconsequential one. Patients with
impaired response to cold could be alleviated by adminis- severe ventricular dysfunction undergo bypass surgery or
tration of L-arginine, a precursor of NO and substrate of angioplasty with considerable risk of procedure-related
NO synthetase (33). morbidity and mortality (49). Hence, accurate methods to
Diabetes mellitus is another cardiovascular risk factor identify patients who benefit most are required to justify
that has been extensively evaluated. Impairments of flow the potential risks.
reserve in response to pharmacologic vasodilation have The reversibility of contractile dysfunction is an impor-
been demonstrated in insulin-dependent and non- tant factor contributing to the beneficial effect of revascu-
insulin-dependent diabetic subjects early in the course of larization. During the last decades, there has been
disease (34–36). More recently, impaired response to cold increasing clinical awareness that contractile dysfunction
has been identified in one-third of a group of dietarily in patients with coronary disease does not necessarily
controlled, asymptomatic patients with mild diabetes reflect scar tissue (50, 51). Investigations of contractile
(28). Effects of impaired glucose tolerance, insulin, and reserve in the catheterization laboratory using cate-
metabolic syndrome on microvascular reactivity are cholamine stimulation or postextrasystolic potentiation
subject of ongoing and recently published studies (37). first described reversibility of left ventricular dysfunction
With the ability to test specific components of mi- in the 1970s (52, 53). Since then, several noninvasive
crovascular function such as endothelial-dependent and - imaging techniques have been developed to identify tissue
independent vasodilation, PET serves increasingly as an viability in dysfunctional myocardium and to thereby de-
endpoint to measure effects of risk factor manipulation, termine which patients with ventricular dysfunction are
new drugs, and other therapeutic approaches in the pre- the most appropriate candidates for revascularization
vention of clinical CAD. Using PET, improvements of per- (54). At the same time, experimental investigations were
fusion have been observed as a consequence of short-term initiated to reproduce clinical observations in the animal
cardiovascular conditioning, low-fat diet, and long-term laboratory and to define the pathophysiology of reversible
risk factor modification (23, 38, 39). Beneficial effects of left ventricular dysfunction (55).
PET in Clinical Cardiology 419

Pathophysiologic Considerations can be saved and the tolerance to ischemia can be in-
creased at the expense of regional dysfunction. It is also
The heart may develop specific sustained responses to is- hypothesized that these adaptive processes are associated
chemia for improved resistance to hypoperfusion. Those with dedifferentiation of myocytes, decreased expression
responses, commonly referred to as stunning and hiber- of contractile proteins, and accumulation of glycogen
nation, may dynamically interrelate with acute ischemia (60–62).
and cell death in the clinical development of left ventricu- Although Rahimtoola (51) initially described hibernat-
lar dysfunction in patients with chronic CAD (Figure ing myocardium by a chronic reduction of blood flow as a
26.4). culprit for dysfunction, implying chronic ischemia,
“Stunned myocardium” is characterized by persisting studies with PET have shown that blood flow either can be
myocardial dysfunction in absence of irreversible damage normal or only slightly decreased in dysfunctional viable
despite restoration of near-normal blood flow (56). myocardium. Vanoverschelde et al. (63) demonstrated
Contractile dysfunction in this setting is completely re- near-normal perfusion in collateral-dependent viable, but
versible, and can be observed clinically, for example, fol- dysfunctional, myocardium distal to an occluded coro-
lowing thrombolysis for acute myocardial infarction or nary artery. Measurements of the water-perfusible tissue
after exercise-induced ischemia (55, 57). In addition to fraction also indicated that dysfunctional myocardium
“acute”stunning as a consequence of a single episode of may not be limited by oxygen supply under resting condi-
ischemia, the term has also been extended to chronic left tions (64, 65). Based on these results, there is ongoing dis-
ventricular dysfunction associated with repetitive cussion as to whether reversible left ventricular
episodes of ischemia, then referred to as “repetitive stun- dysfunction in severe ischemic heart disease reflects
ning” (55, 58). repetitive stunning or hibernation (50). The clinical situa-
Clinical observations of reversible left ventricular dys- tion in most patients is characterized by heterogeneous is-
function in patients with chronic CAD have lead to intro- chemic injury, consisting of necrosis or scar in the
duction of the term hibernating myocardium (51). The subendocardium surrounded by viable but compromised
initial concept of hibernation included the hypothesis of tissue. The dynamic nature of ischemic heart disease
reduced resting perfusion caused by severe coronary renders these segments ischemic during daily life activi-
stenosis, leading to an adaptive downregulation of con- ties, which may lead to repetitive stunning. On the other
tractile function that is reversible after reestablishment of hand, severe flow restriction may result in chronic hypop-
normal perfusion (51, 59). Uncoupling of contractile func- erfusion, fulfilling the original criteria of hibernation. One
tion and myocardial blood flow is thought to be part of can speculate that both conditions coexist in patients with
this adaptation. Because approximately 60% of oxygen advanced coronary disease and impairment of left ven-
consumption is linked to contractile performance, energy tricular function (66). From a clinical point of view, the

contractile dysfunction

protection repetitive severe ischemia,
against chronic
ischemic hypoperfusion no or insufficient
irreversible episodes reperfusion


prolonged contractile chronic contractile
CONDITIONING dysfunction dysfunction

revasculari- insufficient
zation adaptation

Figure 26.4. Schematic display of the FUNCTIONAL CELL DEATH

interrelation between ischemia, reperfu- apoptosis
RECOVERY necrosis
sion, sustained responses to ischemia,
and myocardial cell death contributing
to left ventricular dysfunction.
420 Positron Emission Tomography

pathophysiologic discussion is less important because distributed FDG uptake than observed during the
many studies have shown that revascularization results in fasting state (73). Despite the gain in image quality
functional improvement of both stunned and hibernating after oral glucose loading (50–75 g), diagnostically sub-
myocardium (66). optimal images may still be obtained in 20% to 25% of
the patients with CAD (69, 73). Abnormal glucose han-
dling or even type 2 diabetes that remained undetected
PET-Based Diagnostic Approach to Viability accounts for the poor image quality in many of these
Assessment patients.
• Euglycemic hyperinsulinemic clamping is an approach
The level of myocardial blood flow alone does not com- that mimics the postabsorptive steady state (69, 74)
pletely identify reversible contractile dysfunction. At both and has become an alternative to oral glucose loading
ends of the spectrum of flow, the situation is clear because for enhancing glucose utilization (69). Insulin clamp-
normal levels are seen with stunning and severely reduced ing stimulates uptake of glucose and FDG in the my-
levels with irreversible injury. An intermediate level of ocardium and in skeletal muscle and yields images of
flow reduction, however, can be associated with either re- consistently high diagnostic quality, even in patients
versible or irreversible contractile dysfunction because with diabetes.
myocardial hibernation may be present in addition to • Several studies (70, 75–77) have demonstrated that oral
necrosis or tissue fibrosis (67). administration of a nicotinic acid or its derivatives are
If functional recovery is to occur following revascular- another effective technique to improve FDG image
ization, cellular homeostasis, energy metabolism, and quality. When combined with small amounts of short-
membrane integrity must be preserved. Metabolic activ- acting insulin, good image quality can also be obtained
ity as the source for energy is a particular aspect of my- in diabetic subjects (75). Nicotinic acid inhibits periph-
ocardial viability that can be evaluated by PET imaging. eral lipolysis and thus reduces plasma FFA concentra-
Preserved metabolism in a dysfunctional area indicates vi- tions. Acipimox is a nicotinic acid derivative that is 20
ability and thus reversibility, whereas reduction of metab- times more potent and has more favorable kinetics
olism in parallel with flow reduction reflects scar or than nicotinic acid (78). Importantly, with the excep-
fibrosis and thus irreversible injury. tion of flushing, no side effects of Acipimox have been
FDG myocardial imaging is the most common clinical observed.
application of cardiac PET (13, 14). For assessment of my-
ocardial viability, FDG is combined with resting perfusion
measurements using either a second PET tracer in the
same session or (if performed at a place remote from a cy- Clinical Impact of PET Viability Assessment
clotron and not equipped with a perfusion tracer genera-
Differentiation of reversible and irreversible dysfunction
tor) in combination with perfusion SPECT. Residual
in patients with severe impairment of left ventricular (LV)
metabolic activity is an indicator of myocardial viability
function has become a major clinical question for the de-
and thus of reversibility of contractile dysfunction.
cision-making process concerning revascularization.
Qualitative evaluation of PET flow studies demonstrated
decreased 13N-ammonia and increased FDG uptake (mis-
Metabolic Standardization match) in viable myocardium, which has been considered
the scintigraphic hallmark of hibernation (79) (Figures
Diagnostic quality of myocardial FDG images is
26.5, 26.6). Although such a pattern suggests reduced
influenced by the concentration of tracer in myocardium
blood flow, the intensity of tracer uptake depends not
and blood. Myocardial FDG uptake depends on glucose
only on flow but also on left ventricular wall thickness
and insulin plasma concentrations as well as the rate of
(partial-volume effect). Therefore, reduction of 13N-
glucose utilization. High glucose plasma concentrations
ammonia uptake may reflect wall thinning or admixture
degrade the quality of the myocardial FDG uptake image
of viable and scarred myocardium (80). Flow measure-
(68–70). Myocardial glucose uptake also depends on
ments with 150-water are less sensitive to partial-volume
cardiac work, plasma levels of free fatty acids (FFA) and
effect but may overestimate transmural flow (81). In con-
other substrates, insulin, catecholamine, and oxygen
trast, the FDG signal indicates a relatively higher FDG ex-
supply (71). Standardization of the metabolic environ-
traction compared to 13N-ammonia. Sensitive and specific
ment is necessary for clinical myocardial FDG imaging
identification of viable myocardium can be performed,
(72). There are several accepted methods for improve-
using information on both blood flow and glucose metab-
ment of myocardial FDG-PET image quality.
olism, as was first shown by Tillisch et al. (79), who
• Oral glucose loading is commonly used to stimulate compared relative FDG uptake before and after revascu-
insulin secretion and myocardial glucose utilization. It larization in patients with advanced CAD and impaired
enhances the image quality with more homogeneously regional and global function. Maintained FDG uptake in
PET in Clinical Cardiology 421


Mismatch SA HLA VLA





Figure 26.5. Patterns of myocardial blood flow and glucose utilization assessed by PET with 13N-ammonia (NH3) and 18F-deoxyglucose (FDG) in patients with advanced coronary
artery disease (CAD). Shown on the (a) is a mismatch pattern with reduced blood flow but preserved FDG uptake in the inferior wall, indicative of hibernating myocardium. Shown on
the (b) is a matched perfusion/metabolism defect in the lateral wall, indicating irreversibly damaged scar tissue. SA, short-axis slices; HLA, horizontal long-axis slices; VLA, vertical
long-axis slices.

dysfunctional segments with reduced flow was associated seems to be dependent on several factors. First, the initial
with functional recovery after revascularization, whereas depression of global function needs to be taken into
segments with concordantly decreased flow and metabo- account. A higher increase was observed in patients with
lism did not recover. Subsequently, a large number of severe dysfunction compared to those with only mild dys-
similar studies confirmed the predictive value of FDG function (88). Pagano et al. (89) have demonstrated a
imaging for recovery of contractile function after revascu- significant correlation between extent of PET mismatch
larization (79, 80, 82–87). pattern and increase of ejection fraction after revascular-
The observed increase of global left ventricular ejection ization. The amount of scar and fibrotic tissue, which may
fraction in patients with evidence of viability at PET coexist together with viable hibernating myocardium as
imaging varies among studies and is on average 30% to already mentioned, is another determinant of the magni-
40% (88). Functional improvement after revascularization tude of regional contractile improvement. Finally, the
422 Positron Emission Tomography

Ant Ant Ant Ant

Sep Lat Sep Lat Sep Lat Sep Lat
Inf Inf Inf Inf

–20 70
EDV/ESV 320/253ml 37
LVEF 21% %

Perfusion Metabolism
Perfusion Metabolism Wallmotion
Wall motion Viability
(NH3) (FDG)
(NH3) (FDG)

Ant Ant Ant Ant

Sep Lat Sep Lat Sep Lat Sep Lat
Inf Inf Inf Inf

–20 70
Normal 84%
EDV/ESV 320/253ml Mismatch 1%
LVEF 21% Scar 15%

Figure 26.6. Polar maps of perfusion, metabolism, and wall motion (from gated FDG-PET) for the two patients presented in Figure 26.5. Based on information in flow and metabo-
lism maps, a color-coded viability map is additionally calculated (right) and displays regional extent of normal, mismatch, and scar areas along with their global extent in percent (%)
of the entire map. The polar map and gated analysis provide additional information: The mismatch pattern on the top appears to be large and is combined with severe dysfunction
and elevated ventricular volumes. The scar area in the bottom case, on the other hand, is small; there is only little regional dysfunction and global ejection fraction and volumes are
almost normal.

time after revascularization at which recovery is evaluated was observed (92). When patients are treated medically,
does also influence the extent of recovery (90). In a recent NYHA class remains unchanged.
study, Haas et al. (66) performed repetitive measurements More importantly, the pattern of blood flow and glucose
until 1 year after revascularization and demonstrated that metabolism contains predictive information about long-
functional recovery of hibernating myocardium may term survival after surgery. Retrospective data analysis re-
require several months. vealed a high incidence of cardiovascular complications in
The importance of PET studies of tissue viability goes chronic coronary patients who had regionally decreased
beyond the predictive value for functional recovery. Di blood flow with maintained FDG uptake and who did not
Carli et al. (91), for example, have demonstrated that the undergo revascularization (92, 93). When patients with a
percent of mismatch identified preoperatively predicts re- PET mismatch pattern underwent revascularization,
covery of function and improvement in heart failure however, a significantly lower mortality was observed. In
symptoms and daily life activity. Following revasculariza- contrast, the incidence of cardiovascular complications was
tion of patients with a mismatch pattern, a significant im- similar in patients with scintigraphic evidence of scar or
provement in New York Heart Association (NYHA) class normal myocardium, regardless of revascularization (94).
PET in Clinical Cardiology 423

These data indicate that the mismatch pattern prospective randomized trials are currently underway to
identifies a subgroup of patients at increased risk for obtain further evidence for the clinical usefulness of via-
cardiovascular complications. The prognostic informa- bility imaging.
tion appears independent of the traditional markers
such as left ventricular ejection fraction or NYHA
classification, which were not different among the inves- Comparison with Other Imaging Modalities
tigated subgroups. Similarly, a study by Beanlands et al.
(95) showed higher preoperative mortality when revas- There have been numerous comparisons of regional FDG
cularization was delayed for more than 35 days after uptake with electrocardiographic criteria, standard 201Tl
identification of a PET mismatch pattern. This finding and 99mTc-flow agent imaging, stress echocardiography,
supports the notion that mismatch is an unstable state and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) (54, 100). Early
that requires immediate therapeutic attention. In this observations of discordant results between the FDG distri-
study, functional recovery in patients with delayed bution and 201Tl redistribution pattern emphasized the
revascularization was also attenuated. limitations of 201Tl imaging for assessment of tissue via-
The degree of functional recovery of patients after bility, which are partially overcome by reinjection tech-
revascularization can be predicted on the basis of the niques (101). The use of 99mTc-sestamibi also provides
scintigraphic pattern, as well as extent of mismatch (80, clinically useful information regarding tissue viability
91). Di Carli et al. (91) reported an 80% likelihood of (102). In combination with nitrate administration, the
functional improvement in the presence of mismatch predictive value of 99mTc-sestamibi imaging is improved
that exceeded 18% of the left ventricle. Pagano et al. (96) (103). Comparing scintigraphic data with those obtained
indicated that the extent of viability correlated not only after positive inotropic interventions (imaged by echocar-
with functional recovery but also with survival. Patients diography or magnetic resonance), it appeared that tracer
with severe left ventricular dysfunction were at higher retention provides a more-sensitive marker of viable my-
risk for complications associated with revascularization. ocardium, whereas assessment of contractile reserve is
Dreyfus et al.( 97) reported that assessment of tissue via- more specific for reversible myocardial dysfunction (54).
bility in such patients before surgery improved the The most attractive test for detection of myocardial scar
selection process for revascularization by lowering peri- at present is MRI of the late enhancement of gadolinium.
operative mortality. More recently, Haas et al. (98) This technique allows for accurate visualization of extent,
confirmed the impact of PET on peri- and postoperative location, and transmurality of scar (104). It compares well
outcome by comparing two groups of patients with to results of PET for scar detection (105) but seems to
three-vessel disease and impaired left ventricular func- detect nontransmural tissue damage with higher sensitiv-
tion. Patients selected for revascularization based on ity. Scar detection by late enhancement MRI has a good
PET had significantly lower perioperative complications accuracy for predicting functional recovery following
and better long-term outcome than a group of patients revascularization (106). An important clinical issue is the
who underwent revascularization without prior viability presence or absence of hibernating myocardium in non-
assessment. transmural scar because of the balance and transition
By providing sensitive prediction of functional recov- between programs of cell survival and cell death (107).
ery together with other prognostic information, PET is PET has the advantage to identify hibernating my-
likely to influence patient management and therapy plan- ocardium with the pattern of perfusion–metabolism
ning. As reported by Beanlands et al. (99), PET altered mismatch whereas MRI with delayed gadolinium en-
clinical decision making in 57% of 87 patients with hancement would delineate the scar but would not differ-
chronic left ventricular dysfunction. Forty-two percent of entiate adjacent normal from hibernating myocardium.
patients initially scheduled for bypass surgery were as-
signed to medical treatment after PET, and approximately
half of the patients who were initially assigned for conser-
vative therapy underwent revascularization. Moreover,
Targeting of Cardiovascular Molecular
63% of patients assigned to cardiac transplantation were Mechanisms
submitted to bypass surgery after PET (99). The use of
PET to guide clinical decision making and to select appro- Growing knowledge of the molecular mechanisms of car-
priate therapy based on individual patient risk and likeli- diovascular disorders plays a key role in the improvement
hood for recovery may avoid costly procedures such as of prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of heart disease.
bypass surgery and cardiac transplantation in patients With novel developments in radiopharmaceuticals and
who are unlikely to benefit. Thereby, the use of viability imaging technology, PET is increasingly playing a role as a
imaging may contribute to an overall reduction of costs mediator between molecular cardiac research and clinical
in the management of patients with chronic coronary management of patients with heart disease. The most
disease and impaired left ventricular function. Large promising applications of PET in the near future focus on
424 Positron Emission Tomography

molecular biologic targets within the myocardium and the oxygen consumption) (113). This approach is of special
coronary vasculature. A variety of molecular-targeted interest in heart failure (114), where it can be used to
imaging approaches are available and are briefly outlined measure effects of drugs such as beta-blockers or dobuta-
here to demonstrate that PET is both capable and neces- mine (113, 115) and thereby to optimize medical therapy.
sary for the transference of new biologic knowledge to Combination of metabolic tracers allows detailed in-
clinical practice. With this new array of molecular sights into substrate utilization and metabolic regulation
imaging approaches, PET constitutes a strong basis for an of the myocardium. Peterson et al. (116), for example,
advanced and individually tailored approach to cardio- combined 11C-glucose, 11C-palmitate, and 11C-acetate and
vascular disease. found increased myocardial oxygen consumption and de-
creased efficiency in obese young women. Insulin resis-
tance was also observed, which was associated with
Substrate Metabolism increase myocardial fatty acid utilization, and it was con-
cluded that insulin resistance and increased myocardial
A variety of other tracers exists, besides FDG, to study fatty acid utilization may contribute to the development
quantitatively the complex interaction between substrate of impaired cardiac performance in obesity (116).
delivery, uptake, and turnover in myocardial tissue under Although this application is limited primarily to research,
various physiologic and pathophysiologic conditions metabolism can be evaluated quantitatively with PET, not
(Figure 26.7). The myocardial metabolic rate of glucose only in the myocardium but also in other organs such as
can be quantified from dynamic FDG-PET imaging (4) or, liver, peripheral muscle, or adipose tissue (117).
as shown more recently, using 11C-glucose (108).
Additionally, utilization of fatty acids as the second major
substrate can be investigated using 11C-palmitate (109) or Autonomic Innervation
F-fluorothioheptadecanoic acid (FTHA) (110).
C-Acetate is another metabolic tracer that is extracted The autonomic nervous system plays a central role for
proportionally to myocardial blood flow, then rapidly regulation of cardiac performance under various physio-
enters the tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCA) and is metabo- logic and pathophysiologic conditions. The importance of
lized to carbon dioxide. Washout of 11C-acetate from the alterations of autonomic innervation in the pathophysiol-
myocardium is used to quantify turnover in TCA as the ogy of heart disease has been increasingly emphasized.
final common pathway of all substrates and thus measure Using radiolabeled catecholamine analogues such as 11C-
the overall oxidative metabolism (111, 112). When com- hydroxyephedrine (HED) or 18F-fluorodopamine, PET
bined with measures of cardiac contractile performance, provides noninvasive information about global and re-
PET using 11C-acetate can evaluate noninvasively cardiac gional myocardial sympathetic innervation. It has sub-
efficiency (defined as the relation between work and stantially facilitated and refined the study of the heart’s

Fatty acids
(C-11 Palmitate) (C-11 Acetate)

Carnitine CO2 CO2
Triglycerides Acyl-carnitine -oxidation
Acyl-CoA Acetyl-CoA

Glucose-6-phosphate Pyruvate
Glucose Lactate
(F-18 FDG)
Figure 26.7. Pathways of myocardial
metabolism that can be investigated by
PET in Clinical Cardiology 425

nervous system in health and disease and has significantly Knowledge of the physiologic and functional impor-
contributed to a continuous improvement of the under- tance of myocardial innervation has been refined in these
standing of cardiac pathophysiology. PET studies, and pathophysiologic correlates and conse-
In transplanted hearts, which are completely dener- quences of altered autonomic innervation have been
vated early after surgery, partial sympathetic reinnerva- identified. Further studies need to define the prognostic
tion has been identified (Figure 26.8) (118). The importance of cardiac neuroimaging in various diseases.
reinnervated heart was used as a model for determination This achievement will set the basis for future clinical ap-
of physiologic effects of innervation by intraindividual plications by supporting the usefulness in clinical decision
comparison of denervated and reinnervated myocardium, making and the utilization as a surrogate endpoint in clin-
substantiating the role of innervation for regulation of ical trials.
myocardial blood flow, metabolism, and contractility
(119–121). Furthermore, alterations of cardiac innerva-
tions were identified in diabetes mellitus, ischemic syn- Receptors
dromes (122), arrhythmogenic diseases (123, 124), and
heart failure (125, 126), and their pathophysiologic rele- Various myocardial receptors play a role in cardiovascu-
vance (127) as well as prognostic implications (128) were lar pathophysiology and represent attractive targets
identified in subsets of patients. for imaging. PET imaging with the nonselective beta-

C-11 Hydroxyephedrine - Polar Maps

Normal Early after HTX Late after HTX

Ant Ant
Sep Lat Sep Lat
Inf Inf
0%/min 12%/min 0%/min 12%/min 0%/min 12%/min

Ant Ant Ant

Sep Lat Sep Lat Sep Lat
Inf Inf Inf

reinnervated 100 % reinnervated 100 % reinnervated 43 %

denervated 0% denervated 0% denervated 57%

Figure 26.8. Polar maps of left ventricular myocardial distribution of the catecholamine analogue 11C-hydroxyephedrine in a healthy normal individual (left), a denervated transplant
recipient early after cardiac transplantation (HTX) (middle), and a reinnervated transplant recipient several years after HTX (right). Color-coded maps on the bottom show degree of
innervation (white) and denervation (blue) when compared with a normal database.
426 Positron Emission Tomography

adrenergic receptor ligand 11C-CGP12177 allowed visual- overexpression of a transgene in host tissue that
ization of downregulation of beta-receptors in heart encodes for an enzyme, a receptor, or a transport
failure (129) and identification of the pre-/postsynaptic protein which is normally not present in the target
imbalance in cardiomyopathy and arrhythmogenic dis- area. Suitable reporter probes are labeled substrates or
eases (123, 130). Other adrenergic receptor ligands have ligands for the reporter gene product. PET can be
been introduced but not yet applied in humans (131, 132). applied to detect accumulation of the probe, which
PET imaging with the muscarinic receptor agonist 11C- specifically identifies the reporter gene product (138).
MQNB allowed studying the upregulation of myocardial The signal imaged reflects indirectly expression and
muscarinic receptors in heart failure as a potential adap- transcriptional regulation of the reporter gene. An
tive mechanism (133). Other attractive targets for myocar- example is the use of the herpes viral thymidine kinase
dial receptor imaging include the opiate, endothelin, reporter gene and radiolabeled nucleosides as reporter
angiotensin, and adenosine receptor systems. Limitations probes. This technique allows monitoring the success
of these tracers are related to low selectivity and affinity, of gene therapy when reporter genes are combined and
high nonspecific binding, lack of hydrophilicity (to avoid coexpressed with therapeutic genes. It may also allow
binding to internalized inactive receptors), and pharma- monitoring endogenous gene expression, if reporter
cologic/toxicologic effects. In addition, the complex syn- genes are expressed under control of specific promot-
thesis of some of these tracers has precluded more ers that are sensitive to endogenous gene products
widespread investigations. These limitations need to be (139). Alternatively, the reporter gene can be expressed
overcome in the future for potential clinical applications. in stem cells before their transplantation for subse-
quent in vivo monitoring of the fate of these therapeu-
tic cells (140).
Further Molecular Probes For all these new molecular PET assays, the amount of
signal produced, target-to-background ratios, morpho-
The advances and success of molecular imaging have led
logic localization, and specific activity of the probe are
to the development of promising novel tracer approaches
critical issues that need to be overcome for clinical appli-
that go beyond identification of flow, metabolism, and in-
cation. The ultimate challenge is to develop molecular
nervation and target further specific biomechanisms in-
imaging probes not only for imaging myocardial biology
volved in disease. Developments in oncologic and
but also for characterization of atherosclerotic plaques.
cardiologic research are often overlapping and may
Molecular targets for identification of vulnerable plaques,
benefit from each other:
which are prone to rupture and thus linked with adverse
• The regulation of blood vessel growth is one area of in- outcome, include inflammation, apoptosis, proteolytic
terest for both oncologists and cardiologists. αvβ3 inte- enzyme activity, adhesion molecule expression, and
grins are expressed on the endothelial surface during thrombogenicity.
tumor angiogenesis and metastatic growth and can be
imaged in the experimental setting using 18F-labeled
arginine-glycine-aspartate (RGD) peptides (134). These
proteins are also a target for cardiac molecular
Summary and Future Perspectives
imaging, when expressed during angio-/vasculogene-
With the availability of a broad spectrum of tracers for bio-
sis, during rapid development of coronary stenosis, for
logic mechanisms, PET as a research tool has substantially
example, restenosis following interventions, or during
improved the understanding of pathophysiologic processes
migration of inflammatory cells.
in the heart. Clinical applications for assessment of myo-
• Apoptosis (programmed cell death) is a therapeutic cardial perfusion and viability have emerged in the past.
target in tumor treatment, but is also known to play a The knowledge derived from cardiac PET imaging has been
pivotal role in cardiovascular disease, for example, in successfully transferred to other imaging techniques,
transplant rejection and plaque destabilization (135). leading to refinement of their application and to increased
Recently, annexin-V, a molecule that specifically binds acceptance of noninvasive cardiac imaging in general.
to phosphatidylserine, which is expressed on the Clinically, PET is still regarded as the gold standard in
surface of cells entering the apoptotic cascade, has cardiac biologic imaging. It continues to serve as an end-
been successfully labeled with 18F and is now available point for evaluation of medical and interventional thera-
for PET imaging (136). Previously, this tracer was peutic approaches. Costs remain a limitation for the use
available only as a 99mTc-labeled compound for con- as a standard procedure, but new technical developments
ventional scintigraphy. may allow for a more-effective, widespread use of
• Within recent years, reporter gene imaging has positron-emitting tracers and for integrated biologic–
emerged as an innovative strategy for noninvasive vi- morphologic imaging.
sualization of genetic processes (137). The principle of PET will continue to have an impact as a powerful re-
reporter gene imaging is based on vector-mediated search tool. Availability of micro-PET systems for small
PET in Clinical Cardiology 427

PET Fusion

CT Angio



Figure 26.9. Display of an FDG viability study, combined with CT angiography (left) and gated analysis (right) using a hybrid PET/CT system.

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Assessment of Coronary Artery Disease with Cardiac PET/CT
Marcelo F. Di Carli

During the past two decades, the experimental and clini- lar systolic function or chronic pulmonary disease and,
cal use of positron emission tomography (PET) has occasionally, in smokers; this may, in turn, adversely
significantly contributed to the knowledge of cardiac affect the quality of the images. In these cases, it may be
physiology and metabolism. Positron tomography has necessary to increase the time between injection and
emerged from the experimental arena and currently plays image acquisition to optimize the contrast between my-
an important role in clinical cardiology. ocardial and background activity.
Coronary stenoses may be diagnosed and located Animal studies have shown that 95% to 100% of in-
through PET myocardial perfusion imaging in patients travascular 13N-ammonia traverses the capillary mem-
with suspected ischemic heart disease. In addition, the brane into the interstitial space and ultimately into the
physiologic severity of known coronary stenoses may be myocyte (2). Once inside the myocyte, 13N-ammonia is in-
precisely characterized because PET enables absolute corporated into the glutamine pool and becomes metabol-
quantification of coronary flow reserve (CFR). This im- ically trapped (2). Only a small fraction diffuses back into
portant clinical role is expected to grow with the avail- the intravascular space (2). Its retention by the my-
ability of positron emission tomography-computed ocardium has a nonlinear and inverse relationship with
tomography (PET/CT) scanners that allow a true integra- blood flow. The fraction of 13N-ammonia retained by the
tion (fusion) of structure and function (1), which will myocardium during its first pass is 0.83 when blood flow
make available a comprehensive examination of the is 1 mL/min/g and decreases to 0.60 as flow increases to 3
heart’s anatomy and function in ways never before possi- mL/min/g. As with other nondiffusible tracers, the net
ble. The objective of this review is to provide the reader tissue extraction (the product of the retained fraction
with an update on the current and (potential) future role during first pass and the blood flow velocity) decreases as
of PET/CT in clinical cardiology. myocardial blood flow increases. For 13N-ammonia, the
relation between net tissue extraction and blood flow is
linear for blood flow velocities up to 2.5 mL/min/g. At
high flow rates, “metabolic trapping” of 13N-ammonia
Tracers for Assessment of Myocardial becomes the rate-limiting step of tracer retention, which
Perfusion leads to underestimation of blood flow in high flow rates
(3). Therefore, to quantify myocardial blood flow using
Although several tracers have been used for evaluating N-ammonia, it becomes necessary to correct for flow-de-
myocardial perfusion with PET, the most widely used are pendent changes in net tissue extraction.
N-ammonia, 82Rb, and 15O-labeled water.

Rubidium-82 (82Rb)
Rb a generator-produced radiotracer with a physical
N-Ammonia is a cyclotron product and has a physical half-life of 76 sec and kinetics similar to thallium-201
half-life of 9.96 min. After injection, 13N-ammonia rapidly (201Tl) (4). Its parent radioinuclide is 82Sr, which has a
disappears from the circulation, permitting the acquisi- physical half-life of 23 days. Because of the distinct advan-
tion of images of excellent quality. Although the seques- tage of not requiring an onsite cyclotron, 82Rb is the most
tration of 13N-ammonia in the lungs is usually minimal, it widely used radionuclide for assessment of myocardial
may be increased in patients with depressed left ventricu- perfusion with PET. The short half-life of 82Rb makes
434 Positron Emission Tomography

imaging challenging, but it allows for rapid sequential (CO). 15CO binds irreversibly to hemoglobin, forming 15O-
perfusion imaging. Optimal myocardial to blood pool carboxyhemoglobin, thereby allowing delineation and
contrast is achieved within 90 sec after injection. digital subtraction of blood pool activity. The cumber-
However, this time is usually longer (=120 sec) in patients some nature of the procedure required to subtract the
with low ejection fraction. blood pool activity of 15O-water to visualize the my-
After intravenous injection, 82Rb rapidly crosses the ocardium has limited the use of this tracer in the clinical
capillary membrane (4). Myocardial uptake of 82Rb re- setting.
quires active transport via the Na/K ATP transporter,
which is dependent on coronary blood flow (5). Similar to
other nondiffusible tracers, the net extraction fraction of
Rb decreases in a nonlinear fashion with increasing my- Selecting a Perfusion Tracer for Clinical
ocardial blood flow (5–7). The single capillary transit ex- Cardiac PET
traction fraction of 82Rb exceeds 50%.
Although in many ways 15O-water is an ideal flow tracer,
its use in the clinical setting remains limited. Besides re-
O-Water quiring an onsite cyclotron, obtaining diagnostic images
requires an impractical image subtraction procedure. The
O-Water is cyclotron produced and has a physical half- advantages of 13N-ammonia are its higher first-pass tissue
life of 2.07 min. 15O-Water is a freely diffusible agent with extraction (65%–70%) compared to 82Rb (60%–65%) (2,
very high myocardial extraction across a wide range of 6–8), and a longer half-life that allows longer imaging
myocardial blood flow (4). The degree of extraction is in- times and better count statistics, as well as injection
dependent of flow and is not affected by the metabolic during treadmill exercise and subsequent imaging of the
state of the myocardium (4). Because it is a freely dif- trapped radionuclide in the myocardium. However, the
fusible tracer, however, imaging is challenging due to its main disadvantage of 13N-ammonia vis-à-vis 82Rb is the
high concentration in the blood pool, which requires sub- need for an onsite cyclotron, which makes it costly and
traction of the blood pool counts from the original image impractical. Also, its longer physical half-life makes
to visualize the myocardium. This adjustment can be ac- rest–stress protocols more inefficient than with 82Rb (~90
complished by acquiring a second set of images after a min versus ~25 min, respectively). Finally, increased
single inhalation of 40 to 50 mCi of 15O-carbon monoxide uptake in the liver and, occasionally, in the lungs (for

Figure 27.1. Myocardial perfusion

images obtained with 13N-ammonia
during vasodilator stress and at rest.
Images demonstrate a moderate perfu-
sion deficit in the mid-left anterior
descending territory, which is fixed, re-
flecting nontransmural scarred my-
Assessment of Coronary Artery Disease with Cardiac PET/CT 435

Figure 27.2. Myocardial perfusion

images obtained with 82Rb during va-
sodilator stress and at rest. Images
demonstrate a severe perfusion deficit in
the midleft anterior descending territory,
which is reversible, reflecting myocardial

example, heart failure, smokers) can significantly affect dipyridamole, or dobutamine), and at peak stress a
image quality with 13N-ammonia. Figures 27.1 and 27.2 second injection of 82Rb (40–60 mCi) or 13N-ammonia
demonstrate that, with modern PET scanners, compara- (~20 mCi) is again administered. Because all PET radio-
ble image quality can be obtained with both 13N-ammonia tracers decay by emitting photons with similar energy
and 82Rb. (511 keV), counts in the field of view should decrease to
background levels before new images with a second radio-
tracer injection may be obtained. For 82Rb (physical half-
life, 76 sec), stress testing can be performed without delay
Imaging Protocols after completion of the resting study. For 13N-ammonia
(physical half-life, 9.96 min), however, stress testing is
Figures 27.3 and 27.4 illustrate several protocols that are delayed for approximately 30 min after completion of the
commonly used in clinical practice (1). Image acquisition resting study to allow for radioactive decay of the first
starts with careful positioning of the patient in the dose of 13N-ammonia to background levels. Stress images
PET/CT gantry. Patients should be made as comfortable are then obtained in the same manner as with the resting
as possible to minimize movement during the study. After study. Attenuation correction of the stress images is gen-
the patient is positioned appropriately, the precise loca- erally performed with a separate transmission image,
tion of the heart in the thorax should be determined using which is obtained after stress imaging is complete. This
a CT scout image. Once the heart is localized, a CT-based second transmission scan is important because the heart
transmission image (~15–40 s) is obtained to have a direct tends to change position within the chest because of the
measurement of photon attenuation. different breathing pattern during pharmacologic stress
After the scout and transmission scans, 82Rb (40–60 (Figures 27.5, 27.6).
mCi) or 13N-ammonia (~20 mCi) is injected at rest. When studies are acquired with a single frame format,
Imaging begins 90 to 120 s after 82Rb injection or 3 to 5 image acquisition can be ECG -ated to allow assessment of
min after 13N-ammonia injection (single frame acquisi- regional and global left ventricular function. Because of its
tion) to allow for clearance of radioactivity from the lungs ultrashort half-life, 82Rb allows peak stress gated imaging,
and blood pool and extends for 5 or 20 min, respectively. which may be helpful in identifying patients with exten-
Alternatively, imaging can begin with the infusion of 82Rb sive coronary artery disease (CAD) as left ventricular ejec-
or 13N-ammonia and continue for 7 to 8 min or 20 min tion fraction (LVEF) changes during pharmacologic stress
(multiframe or dynamic image sequence), respectively. have similar implications to those during exercise (Figure
The latter approach is generally used for quantification of 27.7). However, when images are obtained using a multi-
myocardial blood flow (ml/min/g). frame sequence, a separate 82Rb or 13N-ammonia injection
After resting imaging, a pharmacologic stress is per- is necessary to obtain ECG-gated images. The time re-
formed (for example, vasodilator stress with adenosine or quired for completing a rest and stress myocardial perfu-
Figure 27.3. Positron emission tomography-computed tomography (PET/CT) imaging protocols for the evaluation of regional myocardial perfusion with dipyridamole and 82Rb (top
panel) or 13N-ammonia (lower panel).

Figure 27.5. Fused CT and 82Rb emission images (left panel) demonstrate significant misalignment in the anterolateral wall that overlaps the lung field on the CT images.
Reconstructed 82Rb images (right panel) demonstrate a small but severe perfusion defect in the anterolateral wall that shows complete reversibility and suggests ischemia in the di-
agonal coronary territory.

Figure 27.6. Reconstructed 82Rb images

of the same patient as in Figure 27.5
after correction of the misalignment
between the CT-based transmission and
Rb demonstrate normal perfusion both
at rest and during stress.
438 Positron Emission Tomography

Rest Gated Rb-82 Stress Gated Rb-82

End Diastole End Diastole

End Systole End Systole

Figure 27.7. End-diastolic and end-systolic ECG-gated images obtained with 82Rb PET/CT at rest and during peak vasodilator stress in a patient with coronary artery disease (CAD)
and left ventricular (LV) dysfunction.

sion study varies between 25 and 90 min depending on the flow response. Thus, the vasodilator response to agents
radionuclide, imaging protocol, and scanner used (see such as adenosine and dipyridamole assesses the inte-
Figures 27.3, 27.4). grated effects of both vascular smooth muscle and en-
dothelial cell function and also implicates endothelial
dysfunction as major determinant of the reduced hyper-
emic response in patients with risk factors for CAD.
Pharmacologic Interventions to Furthermore, it suggests that significant improvements in
Evaluate Coronary Microvascular pharmacologically stimulated hyperemic responses as ob-
served after interventions aimed at risk factor
Function modification may also be attributed to improvements in
endothelial function and in NO bioavailabity (11–13).
Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell Function
Changes in arteriolar resistance in response to agents Vascular Endothelial Cell Function
such as adenosine or dipyridamole are largely mediated
by direct vascular smooth muscle relaxation, and thus Acetylcholine is considered the classic stimulus to evalu-
measurements of myocardial blood flow (MBF) during ate endothelial-dependent vasoreactivity. It requires in-
peak hyperemia are thought to reflect primarily endothe- tracoronary injections, and thus it is always employed
lium-independent vasodilation. However, there is evi- with invasive techniques such as coronary angiography to
dence that 20% to 40% of the maximal vasodilator measure endothelium-mediated vasodilation in both epi-
response caused by adenosine or dipyridamole is related cardial and resistance vessels (14, 15). Endothelium-medi-
to the release of nitric oxide (NO) from intact endothe- ated coronary vasoreactivity may also be determined by
lium as a result of increased shear stress on endothelial the cold pressor test (CPT) (14, 15). A significant correla-
cells caused by the hyperemic response. In humans, tion between the coronary vasomotor response to intra-
blockade of NO production by L-NMMA (N?-mono- coronary acetylcholine and that to CPT has been
methyl-L-arginine, an inhibitor of NO synthase) during demonstrated in patients with mild atherosclerosis (16).
continuous infusion of adenosine reduces forearm and Therefore, CPT has been proposed as a noninvasive tool
coronary blood flow by approximately 20% to 40% (9, 10); to probe endothelium-dependent coronary vasomotion.
this implicates a flow-dependent, predominantly endothe- Sympathetic stimulation by the CPT induces norepineph-
lium-mediated mechanism at the level of the resistance rine release cardiac and peripheral sympathetic nerve
and the epicardial vessels as contributor to the hyperemic endings. The direct effect of norepinephrine (α1-, α2-, and
Assessment of Coronary Artery Disease with Cardiac PET/CT 439

β1-receptor agonist) on smooth muscle cells is vasocon- tion and its resulting consequences on coronary vasore-
striction, which is mediated by activation of α1- and α2- activity is an attractive diagnostic target, especially for
adrenoceptors. When endothelial function is normal, this methods such as PET that can quantify coronary vasodila-
vasoconstrictor effect is opposed by endothelial α2- tor dysfunction noninvasively. Detection of patients at
adrenoceptor-mediated stimulation of NO release (17). In risk may offer an opportunity for early medical interven-
contrast, when endothelial cell function is abnormal, the tion aimed at halting the progression of atherogenesis and
vasoconstrictive response to norepinephrine predomi- ultimately lead to a reduction in cardiovascular events.
nates (14).

Relation Between Risk Factors and Coronary

Myocardial Perfusion PET for Vasoreactivity as Measured by PET
Evaluation Coronary Artery Disease There is mounting and consistent evidence that patients
with coronary risk factors including dyslipidemia, dia-
Preclinical Coronary Artery Disease betes, hypertension, and smoking demonstrate abnormal
coronary vasodilator function as measured by PET
The significant advances in our understanding of the (Figure 27.8) (18). Importantly, these abnormalities are
mechanisms that initiate and facilitate the progression of present in patients without clinically overt (obstructive)
coronary atherosclerosis have greatly improved our CAD. These abnormalities in vascular function have been
ability to target therapies aimed at preventing, halting the linked with endothelial dysfunction, an early event in
progression, or promoting the regression of atherosclero- atherogenesis. Thus, PET measures of coronary vasodila-
sis before it becomes clinically overt. Thus, cardiovascular tor function may be useful surrogate markers of athero-
medicine is witnessing a dramatic shift from the “tradi- sclerotic disease activity. Such measurements of impaired
tional” paradigm of diagnosing obstructive CAD to a coronary vasoreactivity in patients with and without ob-
“new” paradigm in which the central goal is to detect pa- structive CAD may also have important prognostic impli-
tients who are at risk for developing CAD or who already cations (19–23).
have preclinical (albeit not obstructive) disease. Furthermore, the available evidence also suggests that
In this paradigm shift, the traditional relative assess- these measures of coronary vasoreactivity are useful
ments of regional myocardial perfusion will likely be in- markers to monitor therapeutic responses (12, 24–27). For
sensitive to identify preclinical CAD and thus of limited example, lipid-lowering therapy with 3-hydroxy-3-
clinical value. It is now clear that endothelial dysfunction methylgluaryl (HMG)-CoA reductase inhibitors (statins)
is an early event in atherosclerosis that precedes the de- consistently improves coronary vasodilator function in
velopment of structural changes in the coronary arteries, patients with and without obstructive CAD (Table 27.1).
and it is magnified in the presence of coronary risk factors This improvement in coronary vasodilator function has
and obstructive CAD. Consequently, endothelial dysfunc- important clinical implications because it may reduce is-

Average of 6 studies Average of 7 studies


(peak flow/baseline flow)
Coronary vasodilator


Figure 27.8. Bar graph illustrating

average coronary flow reserve as deter-
mined by PET in patients with dyslipi- 1
demia (left) and diabetes (right) without
clinically overt CAD. (Reprinted from J Nucl
Cardiol, vol. 11. Campisi R, Di Carli MF. 0
Assessment of coronary flow reserve and mi- Controls Dyslipidemics Controls Diabetics
crocirculation: a clinical perspective, pages N=89 N=134 N=78 N=139
3–11. Copyright 2004, with permission from
The American Society of Nuclear Cardiology.)
440 Positron Emission Tomography

Table 27.1. Effects of 3-hydroxy-3-methylgluaryl (HMG)-CoA (HMG-CoA) Clinical CAD

reductase inhibitor treatment on myocardial perfusion in patients with and
without obstructive coronary artery disease (CAD). PET has proven to be a powerful and efficient noninvasive
Author Methodology Endpoint Magnitude of benefit imaging modality to evaluate regional myocardial perfu-
sion in patients with known or suspected obstructive
Baller (24) PET In hyperemic MBF 31%
CAD. Several technical advantages account for the im-
Janatuinen (25) PET In hyperemic MBF 27%
proved diagnostic power of PET, including (1) routine
Guethlin (12) PET In hyperemic MBF 35%
measured (depth independent) attenuation correction,
Huggins (26) PET In hyperemic MBF 46% which decreases false positives and thus increases
Yokoyama (13) PET In hyperemic MBF 20% specificity (Figures 27.9, 27.10); (2) high spatial and con-
Schwartz (28) SPECT PD size and severity 22% trast resolution (heart-to-background ratio) that allows
PET, positron emission tomography; SPECT, single photon emission computed improved detection of small perfusion defects, thereby de-
tomography; MBF, myocardial blood flow; PD, size:perfusion defect. creasing false negatives and increasing sensitivity; and (3)
Source: Reprinted from J Nucl Cardiol, vol. 11. Campisi R, Di Carli MF. Assessment of high temporal resolution allowing fast dynamic imaging
coronary flow reserve and microcirculation: a clinical perspective, pages 3–11. of tracer kinetics, which makes absolute quantification of
Copyright 2004, with permission from The American Society of Nuclear Cardiology.
myocardial perfusion (in mL/min/g of tissue) possible. In
addition, the use of short-lived radiopharmaceuticals
allows fast, sequential assessment of regional myocardial
perfusion (for example, rest and stress), thereby improv-
ing laboratory efficiency and patient throughput (see
Figures 27.3, 27.4).
chemic burden and improve symptoms in patients with Although these technical advantages have been recog-
obstructive CAD (28). The beneficial effects of statins on nized for a long time, the use of PET for routine detection
vascular function have been linked to improved endothe- of CAD has only gained momentum in recent years.
lial function, decreased platelet aggregativity and throm- Recent FDA approval of PET radiotracers [for example,
bus deposition, and reduced vascular inflammation. Rb, 13N-ammonia, and 18F-2-deoxy-D-glucose (FDG)]

Figure 27.9. Reconstructed 99mTc-sestamibi single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) images in a female patient demonstrates a moderately large area of moderate is-
chemia throughout the anterior and lateral walls.
Assessment of Coronary Artery Disease with Cardiac PET/CT 441

Figure 27.10. Reconstructed 82Rb

PET/CT images in the patient shown in
Figure 27.9 demonstrate normal myocar-
dial perfusion both at rest and during

and the subsequent changes in reimbursement are re- patients. They observed a higher specificity for PET (53%
sponsible for much of the recent growth in clinical cardiac versus 83% for SPECT and PET, respectively) and no
PET. significant differences in sensitivity (84% versus 86% for
SPECT and PET, respectively). Diagnostic accuracy was
higher with PET (89% versus 78%).
Diagnostic Accuracy of PET for Detection of
Obstructive CAD
Table 27.2. Sensitivity and specificity of PET for detecting obstructive CAD.
The experience with PET for detecting obstructive CAD
has been extensively documented in seven studies in- Prior MI Sensitivity Specificity
Year Author Radiotracer (%) (%) (%)
cluding 663 patients (Table 27.2) (1). In these studies,
regional myocardial perfusion was assessed with 13N- 1992 Marwick (56) 82
Rb 49 90 100
ammonia or 82Rb. The average sensitivity for detecting (63/70) (4/4)
more than 50% angiographic stenosis was 89% (range, 1992 Grover- Rb 13 100 73
83%–100%), whereas the average specificity was 86% McKay (57) (16/16) (11/15)
(range, 73%–100%). 1991 Stewart (30) Rb 42 83 86
(50/60) (18/21)
1990 Go (29) Rb 47 93 78
(142/152) (39/50)
Comparative Studies of PET Versus SPECT 82
1989 Demer (58) Rb/ 34 83 95
N-ammonia (126/152) (39/41)
Only two studies have performed a head-to-head compar- 13
1988 Tamaki (59) N-Ammonia 75 98 100
ison of the diagnostic accuracy of 82Rb-PET and 201Tl- (47/48) (3/3)
single photon emission computed tomography (-SPECT) 82
1986 Gould (60) Rb/ NR 95 100
in the same patient population (1). Go and colleagues 13
N-ammonia (21/22) (9/9)
(29)compared PET and SPECT in 202 patients. Their Total 89 86
results showed a higher sensitivity with PET (76% versus
93%), and no significant changes for specificity (80% Source: Reprinted from J Nucl Cardiol, vol. 11. Di Carli MF. Advances in positron
emission tomography, pages 719–732. Copyright 2004, with permission from The
versus 78% for SPECT and PET, respectively). In another American Society of Nuclear Cardiology.
study, Stewart et al. (30) compared PET and SPECT in 81
442 Positron Emission Tomography

Myocardial blood flow (ml/min/g) Coronary flow reserve

2.5 2.5

2 2

1.5 1.5

1 1

Figure 27.11. Relation between my-

0.5 0.5 ocardial blood flow and coronary va-
sodilator reserve, and coronary stenoses
severity, on quantitative coronary an-
0 0 giography. (Reprinted from J Nucl Cardiol,
<50% 50-70% 70-90% >90% <50% 50-70% 70-90% >90%
vol. 11. Di Carli MF. Advances in positron emis-
Stenosis severity Stenosis severity sion tomography, pages 719–732. Copyright
2004, with permission from The American
Society of Nuclear Cardiology.)

Assessing Coronary Flow Reserve to Evaluate et al. (35) compared the clinical value of measures of
coronary vasodilator reserve as assessed by PET to rela-
the Extent of CAD tive assessments of myocardial perfusion by SPECT in 27
patients with CAD. They showed good agreement between
Most reports evaluating the diagnostic performance of
SPECT defects and PET measures of vasodilator reserve in
myocardial perfusion PET to detect angiographic
only 16 of 58 (28%) myocardial regions supplied by coro-
stenoses, however, examined imaging results in terms of
nary stenosis greater than 50% as assessed by quantitative
sensitivity and specificity rather than as a continuous
angiography. The remaining 42 of 58 (72%) regions with
spectrum of severity (31). In patients with CAD, noninva-
angiographic stenoses showed no regional perfusion
sive measurements of coronary blood flow and flow
defects by SPECT but a definitely abnormal vasodilator
reserve by PET are inversely and nonlinearly related to
reserve by PET. Similarly, Parkash et al. (36) recently re-
stenosis severity as defined by quantitative angiography.
ported on the value of quantification of coronary flow
Importantly, coronary lesions of intermediate severity
reserve versus the traditional relative assessment of my-
have a differential coronary flow reserve that decreases as
ocardial perfusion to delineate the extent of CAD in a rel-
stenosis severity increases that can be detected by PET,
atively small group of 23 patients. In patients with
thus allowing better definition of the functional impor-
three-vessel CAD, they found that defect sizes were
tance of known coronary epicardial stenosis (Figure
significantly larger using quantification methods as com-
27.11) (32–34). Figure 27.12 illustrates the potential use of
pared with the traditional method (44% ± 18% versus
measurements of myocardial blood flow and coronary va-
69% ± 24%). In patients with single-vessel CAD, defect
sodilator reserve to better delineate the extent of underly-
sizes were smaller using quantification methods than with
ing CAD. In patients with so-called balanced ischemia or
the traditional method (10% ± 12% versus 18% ± 17%).
diffuse CAD, measurements of coronary vasodilator
Thus, this is clearly an area of great clinical interest, and
reserve would uncover areas of myocardium at risk that
future studies are warranted to evaluate the added value
would be generally missed by performing only relative as-
of quantitative flow measurements for the noninvasive di-
sessments of myocardial perfusion. It is generally ac-
agnosis of CAD.
cepted that while the relative assessment of myocardial
perfusion with SPECT remains a sensitive means for de-
tecting CAD, the approach often uncovers only the terri-
tory supplied by the most severe stenosis. This concept is Myocardial Perfusion PET to Monitor
based on the fact that in patients with CAD coronary va- Progression and Regression of CAD
sodilator reserve is often abnormal even in territories sup-
plied by noncritical angiographic stenoses (33, 34), Lipid-lowering trials in patients with coronary atheroscle-
thereby reducing the heterogeneity of flow between rosis have demonstrated no progression or only modest
“normal” and “abnormal” zones. regression of anatomic coronary artery stenoses com-
Two recent reports illustrate the potential clinical value pared to control patients (37–40). Despite the lack or
of measures of coronary vasodilator reserve as assessed by modest regression in coronary artery stenoses, these
PET to delineate the extent of underlying CAD. Yoshinaga studies have reported a proportionately greater decrease
Assessment of Coronary Artery Disease with Cardiac PET/CT 443

Stress [13N]ammonia


Figure 27.12. Example of a stress-and-

rest myocardial perfusion PET study with
N-ammonia as the flow tracer. The
images (top panel) demonstrate small
perfusion defects involving the LV apex
and the inferolateral walls, consistent Coronary Rest MBF Stress MBF MFR
with modest myocardial ischemia. The Territory (mL/min/g) (mL/min/g) (Stress/Rest)
quantitative data (lower panel) demon-
strate impaired coronary vasodilator
reserve (peak flow/baseline flow) LAD 0.80 1.42 1.7
throughout all three coronary territories.
Subsequent coronary angiography LCX 0.83 1.17 1.4
demonstrated significant three-vessel
CAD. This case illustrates the potential RCA 0.84 1.77 2.1
use of blood flow quantitation to better
delineate the extent of CAD.

in coronary events in treated than in control patients allows detection and quantification of the burden of coro-
(37–41). This finding has led to the hypothesis that stabi- nary atherosclerosis (i.e., extent of calcified and non-
lization of atherosclerotic plaques, reduction of inducible calcified plaques), quantification of vascular reactivity and
myocardial ischemia (caused by an improvement in coro- endothelial health, identification of flow-limiting coro-
nary vasodilator function), or both effects combined may nary stenoses, and potentially identification of high-risk
be more closely related to improved clinical outcomes plaques in the coronary and other arterial beds. Together,
than the anatomic change in plaque burden. There is by revealing the degree and location of anatomic stenoses
mounting evidence that the functional abnormalities in and their physiologic significance, and the plaque burden
coronary vascular function described earlier can be im- and its composition, PET-MDCT can provide unique in-
proved by therapeutic interventions designed to improve formation that may improve noninvasive detection of
the risk factor profile and that these changes can be mea- CAD and the prediction of cardiovascular risk. In addi-
sured noninvasively with PET. tion, it may facilitate further study of atherothrombosis
progression and its response to therapy and allow assess-
ment of subclinical disease.

Integrating Coronary Anatomy and

Myocardial Perfusion with PET/CT in Assessment of Coronary
the Evaluation of Coronary Artery Atherosclerotic Burden
Calcified and Noncalcified Coronary Plaques
In addition to the functional assessments obtained with
PET (i.e., myocardial perfusion and metabolism), the new Calcification of the arterial wall is associated with the
hybrid PET-multidetector CT (MDCT) technology (42) majority of atherosclerotic lesions, although it is most
444 Positron Emission Tomography

Moderate Severe
No Calcification Calcification Calcification


Ao Ao


Left Main LAD


Figure 27.13. Cross-sectional images of the heart obtained with gated multidetector CT (MDCT) demonstrate different degrees of coronary artery calcification. (Reprinted from J Nucl
Cardiol, vol. 11. Di Carli MF. Advances in positron emission tomography, pages 719–732. Copyright 2004, with permission from The American Society of Nuclear Cardiology.)

frequently found in advanced atherosclerotic lesions. in proximal coronary segments (91% and 89%, respec-
Conventional plain chest X-ray, cine fluoroscopy, coro- tively). However, MDCT systematically underestimates
nary angiography, ultrasound, and magnetic resonance plaque volume per segment as compared with IVUS (46).
imaging (MRI) can identify calcium in blood vessels;
however, only electron beam CT (EBCT) and MDCT are
able to accurately quantify the coronary calcium plaque Integrating Structure and Biology to Identify
burden (Figure 27.13). Because arterial calcification Vulnerable Plaques
almost always represents atherosclerosis, detection of
coronary artery calcium by means of CT is a sensitive, al- Because there is marked heterogeneity in the composition
though not specific, marker for obstructive CAD (43). of human atherosclerotic plaques, it would be clinically
Indeed, a recent study by Berman and colleagues (44) re- desirable to have reliable noninvasive imaging tools that
ported that only 13% of patients with coronary artery can characterize the composition of such plaques, thereby
calcium scores of 400 or more (Agatston method) showed allowing determining their risk for complications (for
mild to moderate ischemic defects by stress SPECT. This example, erosion and rupture). Such imaging tools would
number was slightly higher (20%) among those with provide mechanistic insights into atherothrombotic
calcium scores of 1,000 or more. Together, these data processes, better risk stratification, optimal selection of
suggest that coronary calcium may provide an assessment therapeutic targets, and the means for monitoring thera-
of preclinical CAD. Importantly, recent data from Shaw et peutic responses. Several imaging modalities have been
al. (45) suggest that coronary calcium provides indepen- employed to study atherosclerotic plaques and their com-
dent incremental information over that provided by tradi- position. PET/CT appears attractive because it allows
tional risk factors in the prediction of all-cause mortality. image fusion of structure and biology, thereby allowing
MDCT can also delineate the burden of noncalcified characterization of plaques. Rudd and colleagues (47)
coronary plaques, even in arterial segments without have recently demonstrated a relationship between
significant luminal narrowing (Figure 27.14). Achenbach anatomic plaque, FDG uptake as a marker of inflamma-
et al. (46) showed a sensitivity of 78% and a specificity of tion, and patients’ symptoms. Eight patients with sympto-
87% for MDCT compared to intravascular ultrasound matic carotid atherosclerosis were imaged using FDG-PET
(IVUS). These numbers were higher for plaques localized and coregistered CT (Figure 27.15). The net FDG accumu-
Assessment of Coronary Artery Disease with Cardiac PET/CT 445

Figure 27.14. Contrast-enhanced 16-detector-row CT coronary angiographic images in oblique maximum intensity projection in a patient with chest pain demonstrate a long ec-
centric segment of noncalcified plaque (arrows) in the proximal right coronary artery.

Figure 27.15. Upper row (from left to right) shows PET, contrast CT, and coregistered PET/CT images in the sagittal plane from a 63-year-old man who had experienced two episodes of
left-sided hemiparesis. Angiography demonstrated stenosis of the proximal right internal carotid artery, which was confirmed on the CT image (black arrow). The white arrows show FDG
uptake at the level of the plaque in the carotid artery. As expected, there was high FDG uptake in the brain, jaw muscles, and facial soft tissues. Lower row (from left to right) demonstrates
a low level of FDG uptake in an asymptomatic carotid stenosis. The black arrow highlights the stenosis on the CT angiogram, and the white arrows demonstrate minimal 18FDG accumula-
tion at this site on the FDG-PET and coregistered PET/CT images. (Reproduced from Rudd JH, Warburton EA, Fryer TD, et al. Imaging atherosclerotic plaque inflammation with [18F]-fluorodeoxyglucose
positron emission tomography. Circulation 2002;105:2708–2727, with permission of the American Heart Association.)
446 Positron Emission Tomography

Figure 27.16. Contrast-enhanced 16-detector-row CT coronary angiographic images in transverse and oblique maximum intensity projection in a patient without obstructive CAD.
The cross-sectional, multiplane, high spatial resolution MDCT images enable detailed noninvasive evaluation of the coronary artery tree. (Reprinted from J Nucl Cardiol, vol. 11. Di Carli MF.
Advances in positron emission tomography, pages 719–732. Copyright 2004, with permission from The American Society of Nuclear Cardiology.)

Rest - Stress 82Rb PET/CT Protocol & CT Coronary Angiography

2 IV Lines Required

~ 45 minutes

Figure 27.17. PET/CT imaging protocol for the combined evaluation of regional myocardial perfusion with 82Rb and coronary angiography.
Assessment of Coronary Artery Disease with Cardiac PET/CT 447

lation rate in symptomatic lesions was 27% higher than in Assessment of Extent and Severity of
contralateral asymptomatic lesions. There was no measur-
able FDG uptake into normal carotid arteries.
Myocardial Ischemia and Scar
Autoradiography of excised plaques confirmed accumula-
Because not all coronary stenoses are flow limiting,
tion of FDG in macrophage-rich areas of the plaque. This
however, the myocardial perfusion PET data complement
study provides proof that it is possible to measure the
the CT anatomic information by providing instant assess-
inflammatory burden of atherosclerotic plaques in vivo
ment about the clinical significance (i.e., ischemic burden)
with PET/CT, thereby allowing definition of the underly-
of such stenoses (Figures 27.17, 27.18). Image fusion of
ing biology and possibly the risk of complication of such
the functional PET data with the coronary CT information
can also help identify the culprit stenosis in a patient pre-
senting with chest pain. Presence of severe calcification is
a limitation of contrast-enhanced CT coronary angiogra-
phy because beam-hardening artifacts and partial-volume
CT Coronary Angiography effects can completely obscure the cross section of the
vessel and prevent assessment of the degree of luminal
Breath-hold cardiac CT with retrospective ECG gating can
narrowing. Owing to similar effects, metal objects such as
provide detailed information regarding angiographic
stents, surgical clips, and sternal wires can also interfere
stenoses of the coronary artery tree, especially its proxi-
with the evaluation of underlying coronary stenoses.
mal and mid portions. The overall diagnostic quality of
Thus, the functional myocardial perfusion PET data are
noninvasive CT coronary angiography is largely depen-
also very useful for sorting out the presence of flow-limit-
dent on spatial resolution, patient heart rate during
ing stenoses within areas of heavy calcification or prior
examination and temporal resolution of the scanner,
stenting (Figure 27.19).
choice of appropriate reconstruction time point within
the cardiac cycle, and quality of contrast enhancement
(48). The coronary arteries and disease manifestation
within these vessels are minute and difficult targets for Conclusions
imaging. Recent multidetector-row (16 and now 64) CT
scanners provide high spatial and temporal resolution Positron emission tomography provides accurate diagno-
cardiac scan protocols with submillimeter (0.5–0.75 mm) sis of the extent, severity, and anatomic location of coro-
section collimation and an in-plane spatial resolution of nary artery disease. A review of the current literature
up to 0.5 x 0.5 mm (Figure 27.16). indicates that the sensitivity and specificity of myocardial
The accuracy of CT coronary angiography for noninva- perfusion with pharmacologic stress vary from 90% to
sive detection of coronary artery stenosis is an area of 95% in both men and women. An additional advantage of
active research. Published data using 4-slice CT scanners PET is the possibility of quantifying regional perfusion
have reported sensitivities between 80% and 90%, espe- and coronary flow reserve. Experimental and clinical evi-
cially for the proximal coronary segments (49–53). dence indicates that these measurements of coronary flow
However, the number of uninterpretable vessels due to reserve have a nonlinear inverse correlation with the
image degradation caused by motion (particularly in the anatomic severity of stenosis. These measurements are
RCA territory), increased calcium deposition, small vessel useful for assessing the functional implications of coro-
diameter, or breathing artifacts in the published studies nary stenoses of intermediate severity (50%–80%), espe-
remains high (range, 6%–32%). Newer CT technology cially in patients with extensive CAD.
with increased temporal and spatial resolution appears The high relative cost of PET requires a careful selec-
promising to overcome some of limitations observed tion of patients. The great sensitivity and, above all, the
using 4-slice CT scanners (46). The advent of faster CT high specificity of PET for diagnosing CAD make it a par-
scanners with added detector elements (for example, ticularly useful tool for the assessment of obese patients
16-slice CT and higher) increases the number of assess- and women with a low to intermediate probability of
able coronary arteries and improves the overall accuracy having CAD. This important clinical role is expected to
of noninvasive CT coronary angiography for stenosis de- grow with the availability of PET/CT scanners that allow a
tection (54, 55). Of note, the majority of published studies true integration (fusion) of structure and function (42),
agree with regard to the high negative predictive value of a which will allow a comprehensive examination of
negative CT coronary angiogram (as high as 97% with 16- the heart’s anatomy and function in ways never before
detector row CT) (49–53). possible (1).
448 Positron Emission Tomography

Figure 27.18. (a) Contrast-enhanced

16-detector-row CT coronary angio-
graphic images in transverse and oblique
maximum intensity projection in a
patient with ostial obstruction of the left
main (LM) and moderate calcification of
the distal LM and proximal left anterior
descending artery (LAD). (b) Stress and
rest myocardial perfusion images ob-
tained with 82Rb demonstrate the
anatomic stenoses seen on MDCT are not
flow limiting. The functional PET data
gave instant access to the functional sig-
nificance of the anatomic MDCT data.
This patient was counseled about the
presence of coronary atherosclerosis and
the benefits of risk factor modification
and was treated with aggressive medical
therapy. (Reprinted from J Nucl Cardiol, vol.
11. Di Carli MF. Advances in positron emission
tomography, pages 719–732. Copyright 2004,
with permission from The American Society of
Nuclear Cardiology.)

Assessment of Coronary Artery Disease with Cardiac PET/CT 449

Figure 27.19. (a) Contrast-enhanced

16-detector row CT coronary angio-
graphic images in transverse and oblique
maximum intensity projection in a
patient with suspected CAD. The images
demonstrate extensive calcified (proxi-
mal LAD) and complex plaque (calcified
and noncalcified) (proximal right coro-
nary artery, RCA), as well as a total occlu-
sion of the distal RCA. The presence of
coronary calcium limits the ability of con-
trast-enhanced CT coronary angiography
to determine the degree of luminal nar-
rowing. (b) Stress and rest myocardial
perfusion images obtained with 82Rb
demonstrate a dilated left ventricle (LV),
a large area of scar in the LAD territory,
and a moderate amount of ischemia in
the posterior descending artery (PDA)
and obtuse marginal (OM) territory. The
myocardial perfusion PET information
added diagnostic sensitivity to the MDCT
data and provided the additional infor-
mation needed for an appropriate man-
agement decision. The patient underwent
double-vessel percutaneous coronary in-
tervention (PCI) of the left circumflex and
right coronary arteries.
450 Positron Emission Tomography

testing: contrasting myocardial blood flow responses to short- and

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PET in Clinical Neurology
Yen F.Tai and Paola Piccini

Positron emission tomography (PET) offers a noninvasive significant functional impairment or fulfill the diagnosis
method to investigate in vivo brain functions. It allows us of dementia. MCI is heterogeneous in aetiologies and clin-
to quantify neuroreceptor binding, cerebral metabolism, ical presentations. It is estimated that the rate of progres-
and blood flow. A vast array of tracers has enabled inves- sion from MCI to dementia is between 6% and 25% per
tigators to study various brain functions. Table 28.1 lists year (6). MCI can present with PET findings similar to
some of the commonly used tracers and their specific ap- that found in Alzheimer’s (7). De Santi et al. (8) attempted
plications. PET studies may be carried out at rest, while to find out the best discriminant of various subtypes of
performing certain tasks, or after administration of chal- cognitive impairment using atrophy-corrected FDG-PET.
lenge compounds. They found that entorhinal cortex glucose metabolism is
PET is increasingly used in clinical neurology to aid with the most accurate variable to differentiate MCI from con-
disease diagnosis in early or equivocal cases and to monitor trols, whereas temporal cortex glucose metabolism is best
disease progression and treatment response. This chapter at separating MCI from Alzheimer’s disease.
discusses the main uses of PET in clinical neurology. FDG-PET has been used to detect subjects at risk for
Alzheimer’s disease even before onset of symptoms.
Cognitively normal carriers of the apolipoprotein E type 4
allele, a common susceptibility gene for Alzheimer’s
PET in Clinical Neurology disease, showed similar pattern of glucose hypometabo-
lism as Alzheimer’s disease patients (9, 10), and such ab-
Dementia normalities can be seen several decades before possible
onset of dementia (11). After a mean follow-up of 2 years,
Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of demen- the cortical metabolic abnormality continued to decline
tia. It is characterized pathologically by deposition of despite relative preservation of cognitive function (12, 13).
amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles. 18F-2-Fluoro- PET may be able to help predict which of these at-risk
2-deoxyglucose (FDG)-PET has been widely used to study subjects will progress to Alzheimer’s disease. Entorhinal
regional cerebral glucose metabolism in dementia. Early cortex hypometabolism on FDG-PET in cognitively
Alzheimer’s disease patients typically exhibit posterior normal elderly can predict the progression to mild cogni-
cingulate and temporoparietal hypometabolism of glucose tive impairment (14). Arnaiz et al. showed that combined
(1). With progression of disease, there may also be frontal glucose hypometabolism in the left temporoparietal area
involvement (2). The degree of hypometabolism corre- and performance on the block design, a measure of visu-
lates with the severity of dementia (3). The glucose hy- ospatial function, correctly predicted future development
pometabolism in Alzheimer’s disease results from a of Alzheimer’s disease from MCI in 90% of cases (15).
combination of neuronal cell loss and decreased synaptic FDG-PET in dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) reveals
activity, although the latter appears to be of greater im- changes similar to those seen in Alzheimer’s disease, plus
portance (4). In one study that included 138 patients with additional hypometabolism in primary and associative
symptoms of dementia and postmortem histopathologic visual cortices (16). In a PET study with postmortem
examination, visual analysis of FDG PET was able to iden- confirmatory diagnosis, the antemortem occipital glucose
tify Alzheimer’s disease with a sensitivity of 94% and hypometabolism can help distinguish DLB from
specificity of 73% (5). Patients with mild cognitive impair- Alzheimer’s disease with 90% sensitivity and 80%
ment (MCI) represent a large group of subjects whose specificity (17). In addition, patients with DLB can present
cognitive deficits are not severe enough to cause with parkinsonism and are more likely than Alzheimer’s
454 Positron Emission Tomography

Table 28.1. Common positron emission tomography (PET) tracers used to study
extent of which is greater than actual pathology seen on
neurologic disorders. postmortem examination, probably caused by degenera-
tion of axons following infarct with disconnection of
Application Tracer
remote structures (19, 20). Frontotemporal dementia is
Cerebral blood flow [15O]-H2O
associated with hypometabolism in frontal and temporal
Oxygen metabolism [15O]-O2 lobes (20).
Glucose metabolism [18F]-2-Fluoro-2-deoxyglucose ([18F]-FDG) Alzheimer’s disease is also characterised by degenera-
Presynaptic dopamine transporter [11C]-Methylphenidate, 11C-RTI tion of the nucleus basalis of Meynert and its ascending
Dopamine storage [18F]-6-Fluoro-L-dopa (18F-DOPA) cholinergic innervation (21). These cholinergic neurons
Dopamine D1 receptors [11C]-SCH23390 express the enzyme acetylcholine esterase (AChE), which
Dopamine D2 receptors [11C]-Raclopride degrades acetylcholine. The uptake of 11C-methyl-
Central benzodiazepine binding [11C]-Flumazenil piperidin-4-yl propionate ([11C]-PMP), an AChE analogue,
Opioid binding [11C]-Diprenorphine is markedly reduced in the neocortex, hippocampus, and
amygdala in early-onset Alzheimer’s disease, whereas the
reduction is found only in temporoparietal cortex and
disease patients to have nigrostriatal dopaminergic dys- amygdala in late-onset Alzheimer’s disease (22). There was
function. Reduced putamenal uptake of [18F]-6-fluoro-L- also significant correlation between cortical AChE activity
DOPA ([18F]-DOPA) is able to differentiate DLB from and Mini-Mental State Examination scores. This, together
Alzheimer’s disease with a sensitivity of 86% and with known beneficial effects of AChE inhibitors in
specificity of 100% (18). FDG-PET in multiinfarct demen- Alzheimer’s disease (23), suggests cholinergic deficiency
tia shows multiple focal areas of hypometabolism, the plays an important role in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s


Normal Alzheimer’s disease


Figure 28.1. FDG cerebral glucose metabolism parametric maps (upper panel) of a normal individual and an Alzheimer’s disease patient. The latter displays characteristic
temporoparietal hypometabolism. The lower panel shows minimal [11C]-6-OH-BTA-1 ([11C]-PIB) uptake in the normal individual, but marked widespread uptake in the cortex and
striatum of the same Alzheimer’s disease patient, indicating deposition of amyloid plaques. (Images courtesy of Paul Edison.)
PET in Clinical Neurology 455

disease. 11C-PMP PET may help distinguish patients with benazine, have also been utilised as markers of presynap-
Alzheimer’s disease from Parkinson’s disease dementia. tic dopaminergic function.
The latter group showed even greater and more wide- Differentiating various types of Parkinsonian syn-
spread reduction in cortical AChE activity than dromes clinically, especially in the early stages of the
Alzheimer’s disease patients matched for severity of de- disease, can be difficult. Conventional imaging methods
mentia (24). such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may not
Despite the characteristic patterns seen in many of the reveal any abnormality. PET can be employed as an
dementia syndromes, there can be considerable overlap in adjunct to clinical diagnosis in equivocal cases.
their PET findings. Recent efforts in developing a specific Parkinson’s disease is characterized by loss of dopaminer-
ligand for beta-amyloid plaques, such as [11C]-6-OH-BTA- gic neurons in pars compacta of substantia nigra, particu-
1 ([11C]-PIB) (Figure 28.1), may further enhance the sensi- larly in the ventrolateral tier, with lesser involvement in
tivity of PET for early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease the dorsomedial tier (26). The loss of their corresponding
and provide a biologic marker of disease progression. A striatal projection terminals is detected by [18F]-DOPA-
recent PET study by Klunk et al. (25) showed significant PET as progressive decline in [18F]-DOPA Ki in the
[11C]-PIB uptake particularly in frontal, temporal, pari- putamen in a caudal-rostral direction. The greatest de-
etal, and occipital cortices and the striatum in mild crease is seen in the putamen contralateral to the side with
Alzheimer’s disease patients. 11C-PIB binding correlated most severe symptoms. The caudate nucleus also becomes
inversely with glucose metabolism. However, no correla- affected later on (27). By contrast, the more-diffuse loss of
tion between 11C-PIB uptake and cognitive performance nigrostriatal dopaminergic terminals in multiple system
was observed. Further studies are needed to determine the atrophy (MSA) and progressive supranuclear palsy is dis-
sensitivity and specificity of this tracer in diagnosing played by [18F]-DOPA-PET as bilateral, symmetrical re-
Alzheimer’s disease and in predicting conversion of MCI duction in Ki in the entire striatum. Corticobasal
to Alzheimer’s disease. PET can provide important infor- degeneration (CBD) shows equivalent reduction in [18F]-
mation that will help identify at-risk individuals, such as DOPA Ki of caudate and putamen, but the striatum oppo-
those carrying the apolipoprotein E type 4 allele or with site the most affected limbs has the greatest reduction.
MCI who will eventually develop Alzheimer’s disease, F-DOPA-PET can distinguish Parkinson’s disease from
because timely administration of putative neuroprotective the striatonigral degeneration form of MSA in 70% of
agents may prevent or delay phenoconversion. cases, and Parkinson’s disease from progressive supranu-
clear palsy in 90% of cases (28); it is, however, less effec-
tive in discriminating between the atypical Parkinsonian
Movement Disorders syndromes.
FDG-PET is also helpful in the differential diagnosis of
The majority of movement disorders are characterized by various Parkinsonian disorders. FDG-PET in Parkinson’s
dopaminergic dysfunction in the basal ganglia neuronal disease reveals normal or raised glucose metabolism in
circuit. The tracer [18F]-DOPA is frequently used to study striatum but decreased metabolism in temporoparietal
presynaptic dopaminergic function. Following intra- areas (29). Progressive supranuclear palsy shows bilateral
venous administration, [18F]-DOPA is taken up by striatal and frontal hypometabolism, whereas decreases
dopaminergic neurons and converted to [18F]-dopamine in striatal, brainstem and cerebellar metabolism are
by aromatic amino acid decarboxylase (AADC). The found in MSA. In CBD, there is asymmetrical hypome-
influx rate constant (Ki) of [18F]-DOPA reflects dopa tabolism of striatum, thalamus, frontal, and tem-
uptake into the neurons, AADC activity, and dopamine poroparietal cortex, with the hemisphere contralateral to
storage capacity. [18F]-DOPA-PET therefore provides an the most affected limb displaying the greatest reduction.
in vivo indicator of the function and integrity of presy- Principal-component analysis can reveal an abnormal
naptic dopaminergic terminals. Tracers that bind to pattern of relative hypermetabolism in lentiform nucleus
presynaptic dopamine transporters, such as [11C]- and hypometabolism in premotor cortex in Parkinson’s
methylphenidate, and dopamine terminal vesicular disease (30). Table 28.2 summarizes major PET findings
monoamine transporters, such as [11C]-dihydrotetra- in Parkinsonian syndromes.

Table 28.2. Summary of major PET findings in Parkinsonian syndromes.

PET tracer Parkinson’s disease Progressive supranuclear palsy Multiple system atrophy (MSA) Corticobasal degeneration (CBD)
F-DOPA Asymmetrical reduction Symmetrical reduction Symmetrical reduction Asymmetrical reduction
(caudal putamen > rostral (caudate = putamen) (caudate = putamen) (caudate = putamen)
putamen > caudate)
[18F]-FDG Normal/raised in striatum Reduced in striatum and frontal Reduced in striatum, brainstem, Asymmetrical reduction in
Asymmetrically reduced in cortex bilaterally and cerebellum striatum, thalamus, and frontal
temporoparietal cortex and temporoparietal cortex
456 Positron Emission Tomography

PET has been developed as a marker of disease severity parkinsonism, such as those carrying mutations in parkin
and progression in Parkinson’s disease. Striatal [18F]- (40) and PINK1 (41) genes. Parkinson’s disease patients
DOPA Ki is shown to correlate with postmortem with parkin mutations have more extensive pre- and post-
dopaminergic cell density in the substantia nigra (31). synaptic dopaminergic dysfunction than other
Cross-sectional putamenal Ki in Parkinson’s disease also Parkinson’s disease patients matched for age and disease
correlates with motor disability (32). Longitudinal pro- severity (Figure 28.2) (42), but their presynaptic striatal
gression study of Parkinson’s disease found a 9% to 12% dopaminergic function progressed at a slower rate than
annual decline in striatal [18F]-DOPA Ki (33, 34), although idiopathic Parkinson’s disease patients (40). This finding
it follows a negative exponential decline course in which suggests that dopamine cell loss in these patients occurs
the rate of decline is fastest earlier in the course of the early but progresses very slowly, allowing compensatory
disease (35). Several neuroprotective/restorative trials in- mechanisms to take place.
volving dopamine agonists (36), neural transplantation PET has also been widely used to study hyperkinetic
(37), and infusion of neurotrophic factors (38) have used movement disorders. Huntington’s disease is an autoso-
F-DOPA-PET as a marker of response to treatment, al- mal dominant disorder arising from expanded CAG
though the outcome may sometimes be confounded by repeats in the IT15 gene on chromosome 4. The
potential interactions between the PET ligands and GABAergic medium spiny projection neurons in the stria-
medical interventions (39). tum, which express dopamine D1 and D2 receptors, are
[18F]-DOPA-PET has also identified subclinical preferentially lost in Huntington’s disease. Using [11C]-
dopaminergic dysfunction in subjects at risk for familial SCH23390 and [11C]-raclopride PET, Turjanski et al. (43)

Idiopathic Patient with

PD parkin mutation

Figure 28.2. [18F]-6-Fluoro-L-DOPA ([18F]-DOPA) integrated image of a subject with idiopathic Parkinson’s disease (left) compared with that of a subject with young-onset familial
Parkinson’s disease linked to parkin mutation. The latter showed a greater reduction in striatal 18F-DOPA uptake despite having similar disease duration and severity. H&Y, Hoehn &
Yahr stage; d.d., disease duration.
PET in Clinical Neurology 457

found a parallel reduction in striatal D1 and D2 receptor important to perform PET with concomitant scalp EEG
binding in Huntington’s disease. Striatal [11C]-raclopride recording to correlate PET findings with ictal status of the
binding decreases by approximately 5% per year in patients. Interictal studies in patients with temporal lobe
Huntington’s disease and correlates cross-sectionally epilepsy using FDG-PET have found a 60% to 90% inci-
with the duration and clinical severity of the disease (44). dence of temporal lobe hypometabolism (53). However,
Huntington’s disease patients also showed striatal the area with abnormal cerebral blood flow and metabo-
glucose hypometabolism, with the cortex becomes pro- lism is considerably larger than the actual structural ab-
gressively involved with increasing severity of disease, normality, possibly reflecting reduced synaptic inhibition
reflecting the widespread nature of Huntington’s disease or deafferentiation of neighboring neurons in areas of
pathology (45). Huntington’s disease gene carriers can be epileptic propagation (53). Therefore, false localizations
identified using genetic tests but existing methods, in- may occur, but this can be minimized by using quantita-
cluding CAG repeat length, do not accurately predict tive rather than qualitative assessment of regional cere-
disease onset (46). PET studies of presymptomatic bral glucose metabolism. Nevertheless, this problem has
Huntington’s disease carriers have found reduced striatal limited the usefulness of FDG-PET as a localizing tool for
D2 binding and glucose metabolism in only a proportion epileptogenic foci.
of them (47, 48). It is likely that those nearer the onset of Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is the principal
disease are more likely to display PET abnormalities. inhibitory neurotransmitter in brain. The binding of
Larger trials are ongoing to ascertain the accuracy of PET C-flumazenil ([11C]-FMZ), a specific ligand for the ben-
in identifying such subjects, as intervention at this early zodiazepine binding site of the GABAA–central benzodi-
stage using putative neuroprotective agents may yield azepine receptor complex (58), is reduced by 30% in
most benefits. epileptogenic foci (59). An autoradiographic and
Striatal D2 receptor binding and glucose metabolism histopathologic study of sclerotic hippocampi revealed
are also reduced in chorea because of other degenerative that this is the result of a combination of neuronal loss
conditions [e.g., neuroacanthocytosis (49)] but are pre- and decreased density of GABAA receptors (60). There
served or even increased in nondegenerative chorea [e.g., is also a good correlation between in vivo hippocampal
systemic lupus erythematosus (49) and Sydenham’s [ 11C]-FMZ binding and ex vivo [ 3H]-FMZ autoradi-
chorea (50)]. ographic measurements in individual patients who have
undergone surgery for hippocampal sclerosis (61). One
study examined 100 patients with focal epilepsy who
Epilepsy had undergone presurgical evaluation using FDG and
[ 11C]-FMZ PET. The latter demonstrated abnormality
Antiepileptic drugs fail to adequately control seizures in in 94% of patients with temporal lobe epilepsy. The
25% of patients who have epilepsy (51). Epilepsy surgery [11C]-FMZ abnormality coincided with MRI abnormal-
can play a significant role in the treatment of intractable ity in 81% of the cases. The area with abnormal [11C]-
focal epilepsy, as demonstrated in temporal lobe epilepsy FMZ binding is usually smaller than that seen on
where surgery results in a significant improvement in the FDG-PET but larger than the abnormality detected on
control of the seizures and quality of life (52). Modern MRI (62). Another study that examined the focus-local-
MRI is able to identify the source of seizure in the major- izing ability of [ 11C]-FMZ and FDG-PET, using extra-
ity of patients with focal epilepsy. However, 20% to 30% of and intracranial EEG recordings as reference, found
potential surgical candidates with focal epilepsy have the former to be more sensitive and accurate (63).
normal MRI (53). These patients are also less likely to Correction for partial-volume effect caused by atrophy
become seizure free if they do undergo epilepsy surgery increased the sensitivity of [11C]-FMZ-PET in detecting
(54). Subtle structural abnormalities, which may only be unilateral hippocampal sclerosis from 65% to 100% in
evident through histologic examination, are often not de- one study (64).
tected by MRI (55). The main clinical use of PET in [11C]-FMZ PET can detect abnormalities in patients
epilepsy is to localize epileptogenic foci in potential surgi- with normal MRI. In a study of patients with refractory
cal candidates with focal epilepsy and to corroborate temporal lobe epilepsy and normal MRI, 16 of 18 patients
findings from other investigational modalities such as showed abnormal [11C]-FMZ binding in the temporal
electroencephalography (EEG). lobe, and in 7 of these the findings were concordant with
In focal epilepsy, the glucose metabolism and cerebral clinical and EEG data (65). Three patients subsequently
blood flow in the region of the epileptogenic focus are in- underwent anterior temporal lobe resection with
creased during the ictal period (56). Immediately after significant clinical improvement. The authors have also
seizures, the hyperperfusion gradually returns to baseline, identified increased white matter [11C]-FMZ binding in
but the glucose hypermetabolism persists for another 24 patients with temporal lobe epilepsy and neocortical
to 48 h (57). Interictal PET shows decreased glucose me- epilepsy but normal MRI, which they attributed to possi-
tabolism and blood flow in the epileptogenic focus. It is ble presence of heterotopic white matter neurons or
458 Positron Emission Tomography

5 Figure 28.3. Voxel-based analysis of

C-flumazenil parametric image of a
patient with temporal lobe epilepsy and
normal magnetic resonance imaging
(MRI), showing increased 11C-flumazenil
3 uptake in the temporal lobe white
matter bilaterally compared to normal
controls (65). Color scale, Z-score. (From
2 Hammers A, Koepp MJ, Hurlemann R, et al.
Abnormalities of grey and white matter
1 [11C]flumazenil binding in temporal lobe
epilepsy with normal MRI. Brain 2002;125(pt
10):2257–2271. Reprinted by permission of
0 Oxford University Press.)

microdysgenesis (Figure 28.3) (65, 66). These abnormali- of the artery, PET can identify a “core” region of irre-
ties are often undetected by MRI and may form the patho- versibly damaged tissue with profoundly depressed cere-
physiologic basis of medically refractory epilepsy in some bral blood flow and metabolism. This core region is
patients (51). Bilateral or multiple PET abnormalities surrounded by the penumbra, an area with marked hy-
outside epileptic foci are also associated with worse poperfusion but relatively normal oxygen consumption,
prognosis for seizure control postoperatively as they may which may yet be salvaged by reperfusion (70). Survival
represent underlying pathology that is potentially epilep- of the penumbra correlates with the functional recovery
togenic (67, 68). after ischemic stroke (71). The incidence and extent of
The foci-localizing ability of PET, particularly [11C]- penumbra decrease with time since onset of stroke. One
FMZ-PET, can reduce the need for preoperative invasive study showed that in 90% of patients studied within 6 h
EEG recording in the future. Some centers have proposed after onset of stroke, there was still a substantial amount
using PET routinely to assess patients before having of cortical penumbra. Such findings were detected in
epilepsy surgery. However, PET does not provide addi- about one-third of patients even at 5 to 18 h after onset
tional information if MRI has already identified an (72). The heterogeneity in the survival of penumbra sug-
obvious cause of epilepsy such as hippocampal sclerosis gests that the therapeutic window for reperfusion strate-
(69). Therefore, PET is likely to be most useful when MRI gies may be different for certain subsets of patients, and
is equivocal or normal. this possibility should be investigated in future thrombol-
PET is less useful clinically for primary generalized ysis trials.
seizures. During seizures, cerebral glucose metabolism in- Significant recovery of cerebral functions in adult
creases globally, but the interictal pattern is usually brains after insults such as stroke can occur despite
normal (53). limited structural recovery (73). Evidences from several
PET studies suggest that recruitment of remote areas such
as corresponding cortical areas of unaffected hemisphere
Stroke and Neuronal Plasticity and functional reorganization of adjacent structures are
among the mechanisms responsible for this. One [15O]-
PET cerebral blood flow and metabolism studies have H2O activation study showed that in patients who recov-
provided significant insight into the pathophysiology of ered from hemiplegic stroke there was a bilateral
stroke and the development of thrombolysis as a thera- activation of motor cortices when moving fingers in the
peutic approach in ischemic stroke. Following occlusion affected hand, whereas movement of fingers in the normal
PET in Clinical Neurology 459

hand resulted in activation of only contralateral motor utilization in isolated memory impairment and Alzheimer’s
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Declining brain activity in cognitively normal apolipoprotein E
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AAPM. See American Association of Physicists American Joint Cancer Committee and —photons in concrete and, 58
in Medicine European Joint Cancer Committee Attenuation correction factor (ACF), 5
Abdomen (AJCC/UICC) staging system for melanoma, —CT based, 14
—FDG uptake and, 71 234 —CT transmission for, 18–19
—PET/CT fusion images and, 24 N-Ammonia, myocardial perfusion and, 433, —small lymphocytic non-Hodgkins
Abdominal 18FDG images, 72 434, 435 lymphoma and, 132–133
Abdominal non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, Amputation, STS and, 263 Attenuation-weighted OSEM (AWOSEM), 8
132–133 Anaplastic cancer(s) —CT scan and, 14
Acetylcholine esterase (AchE) —follicular cells and, 270 Autism, PET and, 341
—Alzheimer’s disease and, 454 —of thyroid, PET imaging in, 275–276 Autologous peripheral blood stem-cell
—vascular endothelial cell function and, 438 Anaplastic pontine astrocytoma, FDG uptake transplant with melphalan, MM and, 286
ACF. See Attenuation correction factor in, 344 Automatic exposure control (AEC), 45
AchE. See Acetylcholine esterase Anatomic localization, CT transmission for, 19 Automatic modulation of tube current
ACTH. See Pituitary adrenocorticotrophic Anatomic staging techniques, testicular cancer (ATCM), 45–46
hormone and, 218 Autonomic innervation, heart disease
[15O]-H2O activation study, 458 Anesthetics, PET scans and, 33 pathophysiology and, 424–425
ADCC. See Antibody-dependent cellular Angiogenesis in tumors, 360–361 AWOSEM. See Attenuation-weighted OSEM
cytotoxicity Angiographic images, CT and, 17 Axillary mammary nodal staging, FDG-PET
Adenocarcinoma, 89 Annihilation gamma rays, 2 for, 212
—of gastroesopohagal junction, staging, 171 Anorexia, PET and, 341 Axillary skin fold, artifacts in, PET images and,
—metastasis, 120 Anthracycline, aggressive NHL and, 126 71–74
Adenosine Antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity Azomycin radiopharmaceuticals, 365–367
—stress testing and, 416 (ADCC), 397 AZT, antiviral properties of, 380
—vascular smooth muscle cell and, 438 Anticancer therapy, cell death in, 390–391
Adjuvant therapy, 391 Antiepileptic drugs, seizures and, 457
Adrenal cortical lesions, 278 Antiestrogen therapy, breast cancer and, 197 Barium studies, gastric cancer and, 175
Adrenal gland(s), 278–279 Antineoplastic drugs, toxicity and, 387 Barriers, radiation dose and, 57
—adrenal medullary lesions of, 278 Anxiolytics, FDG-PET images and, 390 BAT. See Brown adipose tissue
—childhood neuroblastoma and, 345 Apoptosis (programmed cell death), 390, 426 Becquerel (Bq), 43
—cortical lesions of, 278 —biologic therapy and, 396-397 Benign follicular hyperplasia of lymph nodes,
—diseases, imaging in, 269–280 —hypoxic cells and, 360, 390 133
—metastases to, 278–279 Apoptotic pathways, 390–391 Benign skeletal disease, 320–327, 329
—normal, 278 ARA-C, 391 Benign thyroid nodule, malignant thyroid
Adrenal medullary lesions, 278 Arrhythmogenic disease, cardiac innervation nodule v., role of PET in, 277
Adrenal metastasis, 98 and, 425 Benzodiazepines
Adult patient, radiation dose to, CT and, 49, 50 Arthroplasty, 309, 310 —FDG uptake and, 111
AEC. See Automatic exposure control —infection with, FDG-PET and, 307 —muscle uptake and, 67
Age, MM and, 295 Artifacts, 72 BGO. See Bismuth germanate oxide
AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) —PET/CT images and, 102 Biliary obstruction
—NHL and, 125 —PET images and, 71–74 —pancreatic carcinoma and, CT scan, 190
—opportunistic infections, 309-310 —PET oncology protocol, 150 —tumors and, 181
—thymidine and, 377 —whole-Body PET imaging and, 63–77 Biologic therapy, cancer and, 396-397
ALARA. See As low as reasonably achievable As low as reasonably achievable (ALARA), Biopsy. See also Fiberoptic bronchoscopy and
Alemtuzumab, 397 radiation and, 41 biopsy; Fine-needle aspiration biopsy
Allografts, FDG uptake in, 304 ATCM. See Automatic modulation of tube —bone, 321-322
Alpha adrenoceptors, smooth muscle cell current —bone marrow, MM and, 297
vasoconstriction and, 439 Atheronomatous plaques, FDG and, 25 —breast cancer and, 211
Alzheimer’s disease, 459 Atherosclerotic plaques, identifying, 444–445 —Hodgkins lymphoma, 126
—FDG-PET and, 453–455 Attention-deficit-hyperactivity disorder, PET —osteogenic sarcomas, 254
Ambient dose equivalent, 56 and, 341 —primary breast cancers, 198
American Association of Physicists in Attenuation —stereotactic
Medicine (AAPM) —correction, 102 —guidance for, 82–83
—dose rates and, 53 —correction artifact, vertebroplasty and, 297 —radiation therapy and, 84
—shielding and, 56 —effect, 5 —STS and, 253

464 Index

Bismuth germanate oxide (BGO) Breast, FDG uptake and, 71 —methodologic considerations in, 413–414,
—block detector, 4, 6, 7, 8, 17 Breast cancer 415, 416
—dose for, PET and, 46 —FDG-PET and, 22 —myocardial blood flow and, assessment of,
Bladder —hormonal therapy, 395 416–418
—cancer, 245–246 —imaging in, 197–215 —perfusion tracer selection for, 434–435
—FDG uptake in, 68 —inflammatory cells and, 395 —semiquantitative analysis of, 414
—PET oncology protocol, 150 —MDP and, 320 Cardiology
Bladder dose, FDG dosimetry, 47 —PET in, cost-effectiveness of, 211 —imaging for, 25
Bladder wall, pediatric imaging and, 329 —PET-related approaches in, 211 —PET in, 413–431
Blood glucose level, FDG injection and, 35, 109 —therapy response to —PET scanning in, 33–36
Blood-time activity curve, SKM and, 400 —evaluation of, 209–211 Cardiovascular disorders, molecular
Blood vessel growth, regulation of, 426 —patient population for, 404–405 mechanisms of, 423–426
BMS194796, hypoxic tissues and, 367 Breast-feeding, PET images and, artifacts in, Cardiovascular molecular mechanisms,
Bone 71 targeting of, 423–426
—biopsy, 321-322 Breast tissue, normal, breast cancer v., 197 Castleman’s disease, 298–299
—imaging, 206 Breath-hold cardiac CT with ECG gating, 447 Catecholamine analogue, polar maps and,
—lymphoma staging and, 130 Breathing 425
—metabolism, 18F-fluoride and, 320 —FDG emission images and, 19 CBF.See Cerebral blood flow
—metastases, 18F-fluoride and, 318, 319 —patterns, CT v. PET acquisitions and, 73 CBTRUS. See Central Brain Tumor Registry of
Bone extracellular fluid (EFC), 321-322 Bronchioloalveolar carcinoma, 89–90 United States
Bone grafts, skeletal metabolic indices, 329 Bronchoscopy, diagnosis, lung cancer and, 90 CBV. See Cerebral blood volume
Bone marrow Brown adipose tissue (BAT) C-Choline PET
—biopsy, MM and, 297 —FDG-PET images and, 389 —prostate cancer, 248
—childhood neuroblastoma and, 347 —FDG uptake and, 110, 111 —tracer, prostate cancer and, 249, 250
—FDG uptake, 342–343 Brown fat metabolism, pediatrics and, 342 CDC. See Complement-dependent cytotoxicity
—post chemotherapy, 320 BUdR imaging, 379 Cecum, FDG uptake in, 70
—lymphoma staging and, 129–130, 321 Bulimia nervosa, PET and, 341 Cell death. See also Apoptosis
—transplantation Burkitt’s lymphoma, children and, 345 —anticancer therapy and, 390–391
—MM and, 294 —FDG-PET imaging and, 391–392, 394–397
—neuroblastoma recurrence post, 349 Cell proliferation
Bone sarcomas, 255 CA-125 biochemical markers, ovarian cancer —11C-thymidine and, 376–377
—imaging, 258 and, 225 —DNA and, 375
—monitoring therapy response in, 263 C-acetate —FMAU and, 381
—recurrent disease in, 261-263 —hepatocellular carcinoma and, 184–185 Cellular immunodeficiency, Hodgkin’s
—staging of, 259–262 —PET tracer, prostate cancer and, 249, 250 lymphoma and, 135
—surgical management of, 256–257 —prostate cancer and, 248 Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
Bone scan, prostate cancer and, 247 Caffeine, FDG uptake and, 32 (CMS), FDG-PET imaging and, 2
Bone scintigraphy Calcification, severe, myocardial perfusion Central Brain Tumor Registry of United States
—childhood neuroblastoma and, 346 PET, 447, 449 (CBTRUS), 79
—18F-fluoride PET imaging v., 319, 320 Calcified coronary plaques, 443 Central nervous system lymphoma, FDG-PET
—metastatic breast cancer and, 323–324 Calcitonin and, 85
Bone tumor response, chemotherapy, FDG —cancer and, 270 Cerebral blood flow (CBF), brain tumor and,
and, 320 —medullary cancers of thyroid, 276 79
Bone tumors of childhood, 349–353 Calculated attenuation correction, brain and, Cerebral blood volume (CBV), brain tumor
Bq. See Becquerel 21 and, 79
Brachial plexus metastasis of breast cancer, 207 Caloric intake, FDG-PET study and, 80–81 Cerebral glucose
Brain Cancer, 2. See also Systemic cancer therapy; —metabolism, seizures and, 458
—FDG and, 64 Specific type i.e. Ovarian cancer —utilization, pediatric neurology and, 339
—glucose metabolism in, 80 —biologic therapy for, 396-397 Cerebral metabolism, sedatives and, 337
—organ systems v., FDG-PET imaging and, 86 —cells, hypoxia-induced proteomic changes Cerebral metastases, 99
Brain development, normal in, 360 Cervical cancer, 221–225
—cerebral glucose metabolism in, 339 —PET and, 1 —corresponding FMISO, FDG v., 367
—pediatric neurology, 339 —radiation dose levels and, 42 —staging system for, 222, 223
Brain tumors. See also Low-grade brain —radiation exposure, age dependent risk in, Cervical lymph nodes
tumors 42 —anatomic levels of, schematic of, 109
—diagnosis of, 81–82 —treatment, modalities in, 390 —classification of, 108
—evaluation of Cancer of tongue, FMISO of, FDG v., 365 Cervical metastases, head and neck primary
—FDG in, 80 Capecitabine. See Xeloda tumor and, 116–117
—following therapy, 84–85 Capsular penetration, prostate cancer and, 247 Cervical spinal cord, FDG uptake and, 110
—FDG accumulation of, 82 Carcinoma in situ, staging and, 112 CFR. See Coronary flow reserve
—imaging of, PET radiopharmaceuticals for, Carcinoma of larynx, 107 Chemoradiotherapy, 394
79–80 Cardiac imaging, CT and, 25 Chemotherapy, 393. See also Combination
—PET imaging of, 32, 79–87 Cardiac PET FDG scanning, insulin given, chemotherapy; High-dose chemotherapy
Breakout lesions sliding scale of, 35 —bone sarcomas, 263
—extramedullary disease, 293 Cardiac PET imaging, 33–34, 35 —considerations after, 392
—MM and, 290 —clinical cardiology and, 413–431 —cycles of, 392
Index 465

Chemotherapy (continued) —management decisions, PET impact, 156 Coronary flow reserve (CFR), 433
—esophageal cancer and, long-term survival —monitoring therapy response, patient —assessing, evaluation of CAD and, 442
and, 172 population for, 407 —bargraph of, myocardial perfusion PET for,
—FDG-PET monitoring of, 30 —PET imaging in, 147–164 439
—CRC and, 155–157 —indications for, 153–154 —myocardial blood flow v., coronary stenosis
—FDG uptake, thymus and, 133 —recurrent v., 442
—lung cancer and, 89 —FDG-PET, 148 Coronary microvascular function,
—lymphoma, thymic rebound and, 394 —imaging accuracy, 150–153 pharmacological interventions for,
—melanoma and, 236 —PET/CT, 158 438–439
—response to therapy and, 134-135, 220 —preoperative staging of, 156 Coronary stenosis, myocardial blood flow v.,
—rhabdomyosarcoma, 351 —therapy monitoring and, 156 coronary flow reserve v., 442–443
—settings for, 391–392 Combination chemotherapy, tumor cells and, Coronary vasoreactivity, risk factors v.,
Chest, PET/CT images of, 23–24 387 measured by PET, 439–440
Chest X-ray, diagnosis, lung cancer and, 90 Complement-dependent cytotoxicity (CDC), Costs
Childhood brain disorders, PET and, 341 397 —FDG-PET and
Childhood epilepsy, imaging for, 339–341 Complete response (CR), 389 —CRC and, 156-157
Childhood lymphoma, FDG-PET imaging in, Compression fractures, vertebroplasty for, —CT v., 93
140–141 MM and, 297 —staging lung cancer and, 99–100
Childhood sarcoidosis, 311 Computed tomography (CT), 1 —staging with PET, lymphoma and, 130–131
Children —cancer staging, 90 Cotswold Staging Classification, Hodgkin’s
—epilepsy in, scan for, 33 —coronary angiography, 445, 446, 447 lymphoma and, 126
—FDG uptake in, 65 —accuracy of, 447 CPT. See Cold pressor test
—osteosarcoma in, 255, 256 —dose definitions, 45–46 CR. See Complete response
—radiation dose and, 42 —effective dose from, 50 C radioparmaceuticals, PET scan and, 33
Childrens Oncology Group, FDG-PET and, —FDG-PET v. CRC. See Colorectal cancer
351 —esophageal cancer and, 167 Cru. See Unconfirmed/uncertain complete
Chimeric human-murine monoclonal —esophageal cancer distant metastatic responses
antibody, aggressive NHL and, 126 disease, 167-169 CT. See Computed tomography
Chlamydia trachomatis, FDG-PET and, 312 —hepatobiliary system tumors and, 182 CTDI. See CT dose index
Chlorambucil, 391 —with intravenous injection of iodinated CT dose index (CTDI), 45
Cholangiocarcinomas, 181 contrast, HNSCC and, 115–116 Cu-ATSM images
—diagnosis and staging of, role of FDG-PET —organ and tissue dose from, estimation of, —contrast and, 371
in, 185 48–49 —hypoxia and, 367
—imaging for, 182 —pediatric imaging and, 329 Cushings syndrome, ACTH and, 278
—restaging for, 185 —radiation, 42–44 Cyclophosphamide-based polychemotherapy,
F-choline, brain tumors and, 80 —children and, 42 aggressive NHL and, 126
Chondrosarcomas, 320 —measurement and dose quantities for, Cyclotron, PET service and, 29
Chronic liver disease, hepatocellular 44–45 Cytokines, FDG uptake and, 305
carcinoma and, 181 —topogram, imaging protocols for MM and, Cytosolic TK1, 380
Cisplatin-based polychemotherapy, gastric 288 Cytotoxic therapy modalities, 391
cancer and, 176 —transmission, diagnostic purposes for, 19 —cell death pathways, 390
C-labeled tracer, 32, 33 —tumor size and, 387
Clark’s level III melanoma, 237 Computed tomography (CT)-based
Clinical coronary artery disease, PET and, attenuation correction, 12–13 D0. See Unshielded dose
440–441 Congenital heart defects, 341 DDE. See Deep dose equivalent
Clinical neurology, PET in, 453–461 Containment of sources, spills and, 59 Decision-analysis modeling, 96
C-Methionine (C-Met) Contractile dysfunction, revascularization Deep dose equivalent (DDE), 56
—brain tumors and, 79–80 and, 418 Deformable fusion, imaging protocols for MM,
—cervical cancer and, 225 Contrast materials. See also Specific type 288
—head and neck and, 109 Contrast material i.e. FDG Degenerative disease in spine, FDG uptake
—ovarian cancer and, 225 —pediatrics and, 337 and, 329
—pediatric brain tumors and, 345 Copper bis (thiosemicarbazones), blood flow Dementia, FDG-PET in, 453–455
C-Methionine (C-Met) PET tracers and, 367 Dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB), FDG-PET
—pediatric oncology and, 345 Coronal CT attenuation, FDG scan and, 73 in, 454
—prostate cancer and, 249 Coronary anatomy, myocardial perfusion with 3-deoxy-3-fluorothymidine. See FLT
CMS. See Centers for Medicare and Medicaid PET/CT, CAD and, 443 Deoxyglucose (DG), positron emitters and,
Services Coronary artery disease (CAD) 2–3
Coincident photons (events), 3 —assessment of, cardiac PET/CT and, 433–451 Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)
Cold pressor test (CPT), vascular endothelial —imaging for, 25 —BUdR imaging and, 379
cell function and, 438 —myocardial perfusion PET for, 439–443 —hypoxia and, 360
Colon, FDG uptake in, 70 —PET perfusion imaging for, 416, 417–418 —radiation and, 394
Colon cancer. See Resection of colon cancer —preclinical, myocardial perfusion PET for, —synthesis
Color-coded viability map, CAD and, 422 439 —therapy and, 375
Colorectal cancer (CRC) —risk factors, 439 —thymidine and, 375
—historical perspective of, 148 Coronary atherossclerotic burden, assessment Dermatomyositis complicating malignancy,
—local recurrence, detection of, 151 of, 443–445, 447 FDG uptake, 67
466 Index

Dexamethasone Dual-modality imaging Ethanol, HNSCC and, 107

—CNS lymphoma and, 130 —CRC and147-148, 147 Ethmoid sinus, T classification of, 114
—MM and, 297 —patient positioning and, 149 Euglycemic hyperinsulinemic clamping, 420
Diabetes mellitus —with PET/CT, staging CRC and, 156–158, —image quality and, 420
—CAD and, 418 160 European Organization for Research and
—cardiac innervation and, 425 Duchenne muscular dystrophy, PET and, 341 Treatment of Cancer (EORTC), 156
—FDG injection and, 109 Durie-Salmon staging (D-S staging) —FDG-PET protocols and response criteria
Diabetic foot infection, —MM and, 286 for, 389
18F-Fluoromisonidazole, 329 —X-ray and, 285 Event-free survival (EFS), MM and, 284, 285
Diazepam DVH. See Dose-volume histograms (DVH) Events. See Coincident photons
—FDG injection and, 30, 31 Dynamic PET with C-acetate, children with Ewing’s sarcoma of childhood, 349, 350
—FDG-PET images and, 389 cardiomyopathy and, 342 role of FDG-PET in, 351
Diet, PET service and, 29 Exercise, FDG injection and, 67
Differentiated thyroid cancer, PET imaging in, Exercise electrocardiogram (ECG), PET
271–273 e+. See Positron perfusion imaging and, CAD and, 417
Diffuse FDG uptake, MM and, 293–295 EBCT. See Electron beam CT External dose rates, FDG patients and, 53
Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL), EBV. See Epstein-Barr virus Extrahepatic metastasis, CRC and, 152
131–132 ECG. See Exercise electrocardiogram Extramedullary disease, 293
—bone scintigraphy of, 321-322 Echinococcosis, FDG-PET and, 311 Extranodal disease, lymphoma, 127, 128, 129
—FDG-PET for, chemotherapy and, 388 Effective dose, 41
Diffuse-type cancers, 175 EFS. See Event-free survival
Dipyridamole EGFR. See Epithelial growth factor receptor Facility planning, for radiation protection,
—stress testing and, 416 Electrocardiogram. See Exercise 55–59
—vascular smooth muscle cell and, 438 electrocardiogram False-negative findings, 392
Disease sites, staging according to, lymphoma, Electron beam CT (EBCT), 444 —dexamethasone and, MM and, 297
127–131 Electronic personal dosimeter, 60 —disease and conditions in, 392
Distant metastatic disease (M Stage) Electron neutrino (ne), 2, 3 —PET and, lymphoma and, 133
—accuracy of tumor detection in, melanoma Embryo, radiation dose to, PET —RT and, 392, 395
and, 239–240 radiopharmaceuticals and, 52 False-positive findings
—CRC and, 148, 152 Endometrial cancer, 227, 228 —disease and conditions in, 392
—head and neck cancer, 114, 121 Endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS) —low PPV and, 133
—HNSCC and, 116 —gastric cancer and, 175 —N Stage metastases, esophageal cancer and,
—melanoma and, 236 —hepatobiliary system tumors and, 182 167–169
—metastatic esophageal cancer, 167–171 —tumor staging and, 166–167 —PET and, lymphoma and, 133–135
—prostate cancer and, 247 EORTC. See European Organization for —RIT and, 397
—staging for, 97, 99 Research and Treatment of Cancer —RT and, 392, 395
Distant recurrence, PET detection in, 120 Eosinophilic granuloma, Hodgkin’s lymphoma Family members, dose limits for, 55
Distant staging, PET and, 118 and, 135 FBAU imaging tracer, 382
Diuretics, FDG injection and, 32 Epilepsy. See also Focal epilepsy FDG (18F-fluorodeoxyglucose), 17–18, 329
DLB. See Dementia with Lewy bodies —FDG-PET brain scans for, 33 —attenuation correction and, 18–19
DLBCL. See Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma —PET in, 32, 457–458 —avid malignancies, 19
DMSA (99mTc-pentavalent —preoperative evaluation of, 341 —benign causes of, 73
dimercaptosuccinate), medullary cancers of —surgery, 459 —bone metastases and, 318, 319
thyroid, 276 Epithelial bronchogenic carcinoma, WHO and, —brain tumors and, 79
DNA. See Deoxyribonucleic acid 89 —breast cancer and, 197
[18F]-DOPA PET, 455, 456 Epithelial cells, radiation effects on, 395 —cardiac scans, gating of, 35
—presynaptic dopaminergic function and, 455 Epithelial growth factor receptor (EGFR), —childhood neuroblastoma and, 347
[18F]-DOPA tracer, presynaptic dopaminergic HNSCC and, 107 —distribution, sedative effect on, 337
function and, 455 Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), HNSCC and, 107 —dosimetry, 47
Dose calibrator, 59 Equipment, for radiation protection, 55–59 —energy half-life of, 43
Dose coefficients, PET tracers and, 47 Erythema nodosum, false-positive PET and, —glucose and, 3
Dose estimates, medical research and, 135 —graph of distribution, 360
volunteers and, 52–53 Esophageal adenocarcinoma —head and neck cancer and, 108
Dose length product (DLP), 45 —squamous cell carcinoma v., 165–166 —images, tumor activity in, 378
Dose rate constants, diagnostic imaging and, —staging, 171 —imaging protocols for MM and, 288
44 Esophageal cancer(s), 165–175 —lung cancer and, PET and, 89
Dose rates, radiation, 43 —imaging for, 165–175 —lymph node metastases and, 200–201
—diagnostic imaging and, 44 —lymph node involvement, imaging —mechanisms of uptake, 63–64
—FDG and, 38–39 comparisons in, 167 —normal distribution of, 64–66
Dose-volume histograms (DVH), FMISO and, —response to therapy —PET and, 1
hypoxia subvolume based on, 370 —assessment of, 171–174, 173 —prostate cancer and, 247
Dosimetry. See also Electronic personal —patient population for, 406–407 —radiation dosimetry for, 338
dosimeter; Radiation dosimetry; —staging, 168, 170 —regional skeletal kinetics and, 320
Thermoluminescent dosimeters —TNM classification for, 165 —renal cell carcinoma and, 244
—PET/CT and, 41–62 Estrogen receptor imaging, hormone therapy —skeleton and, 317–318
D-S staging. See Durie-Salmon staging and, 395-396 —STS and, 259, 261
Index 467

FDG (18F-fluorodeoxyglucose) (continued) —glycolytic enzymes, 303 5-Fluorouracil (5-FU), 379

—study —head and neck cancer and, 23 FMAU, 380, 381, 382
—coronal sections from, 66 —therapy evaluation, 118–119 —gene expression and, 382
—uptake variations, pathology obscuring, —infectious processes and, 392 FMISO. See F-fluoromisonidazole
66–68, 71 —malignancy and, 295 FMISO-PET images, 364
—thyroid uptake of, nonthyroidal —malignant tumor cells and, 148–149 Focal epilepsy, 457
investigations and, 277 —myocardium and, 34 Focal lesions, MM and, 291
—viability study, 427 —normal, 109–112 Follicular cell cancers, thyroid and, 269
FDG-PET, 6. See also FDG uptake; Whole body —NSCLC and, 395 Follicular non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, 132–133
FDG-PET —osteomyelitis and, 329, 330 FORE. See Fourier rebinding
—bone marrow, lymphoma staging and, —pediatric lymphomas and, 345 Fourier rebinding (FORE), 14
129–130 —pediatrics and, 342–345 —3D data and, 8
—brain scan —prosthesis and, 309 Free fatty acids (FFA), oncologic scans and, 65
—epilepsy and, 33 —renal cell carcinoma and, 244 FTX. See18F-fluorotamoxifen
—prognostic significance of, 83–84 —response to therapy and, 134-135, 137 5-FU. See 5-Fluorouracil
—breast cancer resection, metastasis and, 206 —tense muscle and, 31 FUdR. See 5-Fluoro-2-doxyuridine
—cancer staging and, 90 —thyroid cancer and, 273–274 Full-width at half-maximum (FWHM), 3–4
—CMS and, 2 —tissues and, 375 Functional imaging, history, 1–2
—computed tomography v. —variants and pitfalls in, 109–112 FUO. See Fever of unknown origin
—esophageal cancer and, 167 FES. See Fluoro-17-estriol FUR. See 5-fluoro-2-uridine
—esophageal cancer distant metastatic Fetal dose, diagnostic CT scan and, 51 Furosemide, FDG injection and, 32
disease, 169 FETNIM. See Fluoroerythronitroimidazole FWHM. See Full-width at half-maximum
—CRC and, 147 Fetus, radiation dose to, PET
—extrahepatic metastasis and, CRC and, 152 radiopharmaceuticals and, 52
—FUO and, 311 Fever of unknown origin (FUO), 310–311 GABA. See Gamma-aminobutyric acid
—GISTs, 177–178 F-Fluoride ion, bone imaging and, 206 Ga-citrate scintigraphy, pediatric malignancies
—Hodgkin’s lymphoma and, staging of, 131 18F-fluoride-PET, skeletal metabolism and, and, 345
—infection detection with, 295 329 Gadolinium oxyorthosilicate (GSO), 7, 8, 14
—limitations of, 91 F-fluoromisonidazole (FMISO), 371 Gallbladder carcinomas, 181
—lymphoma, 125 —breast cancer and, 211 —diagnosis and staging of, role of FDG-PET
—clinical indications for, 141 —hypoxia imaging and, 264 in, 185, 187–188
—metastatic prostate cancer and, 247 —hypoxic cells and, 364 —restaging, 187
—nodal staging, 95 —skeletal infection and, 329 Gallium-67
—occult metastases with, detection of, 153 Fiberoptic bronchoscopy and biopsy, lung —bone scintigraphy, infection detection
—osteosarcoma and, 259–262 tumors and, 92 through, 305
—patient management by, change in, 155 FIGO staging system, ovarian cancer and, 225 —FUO and, 311
—patient preparation for, 389–390 Filtered back-projection reconstruction, streak —infection and, 303
—phase II efficacy trials and, 397 artifacts and, 72 Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), epilepsy
—procedure, metastases and, 91 Fine-needle aspiration biopsy, 116 and, 457
—prognosis assessment with, esophageal —under CT guidance, lung tumors and, 92 Gamma camera, 1
cancer and, 171 —diagnosis, lung cancer and, 90 —cardiac PET imaging, 416
—prospective series of, lung nodules and, 92 —osteogenic sarcomas, 254 —PET scanner v., 277
—response criteria for, 389 5-fluoro-2-uridine (FUR), tumor and, 380 —SPECT-based hypoxia imaging and, 366
—skeletal scintigraphy v., 97 F-Labeled choline derivatives, prostate cancer, Gamma radiation, exposure to, 43
—STS and, 258, 258, 265 248 Ganglioneuroma, FDG uptake with, 349
—therapy response, evaluation of, 134-135 Flare response, tamoxifen, 397 Gastric cancers, 175–178
—timing for, 389 Flow and metabolism maps, 422 —imaging for, 165–195
—treatment assessment with, 100–101 FLT (3-deoxy-3-fluorothymidine), 380, 381, —staging of, 175
—treatment response by, assessment of, 382 —TNM staging for, 166
387–412 —head and neck and, 109 Gastric non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, FDG-PET
—whole-body scan, 8 —sarcomas and, 264 imaging, 130
FDG-PET/CT C-flumazenil PET, epilepsy and, 457, 458 Gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs),
—chest and, 23–24 Flumaznil, partial epilepsy and, 32 176–178
—Hodgkin’s lymphoma, staging, 126, 127 Fluorine antineoplastic agent, 379 —response to therapy, 177
—oncology and, 29–32 5-Fluoro-2-doxyuridine (FUdR), 380 Gastrointestinal system, FDG uptake in, 68
—technology advances, lymphoma and, 141 Fluoroerythronitroimidazole (FETNIM), Gated studies, cardiac cycle and, 36
—whole body scan, protocols in pregnancy, 52 hypoxia imaging and, 366 G-CSF. See Granulocyte colony-stimulating
FDG-PET/CT and MIP, breast cancer Fluoro-17-estriol (FES) factor
metastases and, 203 —breast cancer and, 197 Geiger-Mueller (GM) detectors, 59
FDG uptake, 21, 22. See also Diffuse FDG —tamoxifen, 397 Gene expression, 387
uptake F-fluoromethylcholine, prostate cancer and, —imaging, FMAU and, 382
—benign v. malignant lesions, 319-320 248 Generalized tonic-clonic seizure, 345
—breast cancer and, 22, 198, 199 F-fluoromisonidazole, 318 General public, radiation dose rates to, risk,
—esophageal cancer and, 172 —uptake of, 317 39–40
—esophageal tumors and, 167 F-fluorotamoxifen (FTX) uptake, 397 GISTs. See Gastrointestinal stromal tumors
—gallbladder carcinomas and, 187 Fluorouracil, 391 Gleevec therapy, GISTs, 177
468 Index

Glioblastoma multiforme, 79 —recurrent, assessment of, 119 —tracer uptake and, 210
—FLT PET and, 80 —staging, 112–116 Hormone-induced flare reaction, tumor
—MRI and, 82 —therapy evaluation in, 118–119 response and, 397
—MRI v. FMISO v. FDG in, 365 —conventional, 118 HSF. See Hypoxia-specific factor
Gliomas, features of, 82 —PET imaging, 118–119 Human actrapid, insulin and, 35
Glucose. See also Blood glucose level —TNM classification for, 113 Humerus, uptake in, 329
—FDG uptake in, 66 Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma Huntington disease, 457
—FDG v., 32 (HNSCC), 107 Hürthle cell cancers, 269, 270
—malignant cells and, 1 —metastases sites for, 116 —PET imaging in, 275
—myocardium and, 34 —monitoring therapy response to, patient Hydration, FDG-PET images and, 389
Glucose hypometabolism, Alzheimer’s disease population for, 405, 406 C-Hydroxyephedrine (11C-HED), 424
and, 453 Health Care Financing Administration —neuroblastoma and, 347, 350, 351
Glucose metabolism (HCFA), PET technology and, 17 3-hydroxy-3methylgluaryl CoA reductase
—brain and, 80 Heart failure, cardiac innervation and, 425 inhibitor. See HMG-CoA
—brain tumors and, 85 HED. See C-hydroxyephedrine Hyperglycemia
—degenerative diseases and, 457 Helicobacter pylori, gastric cancer and, 175 —FDG uptake and, 304
—nonlinear regression and, 400 Hematopoietic marrow, MM and, 294, 295 —imaging protocols for MM and, 288
—pediatric neurology and, 339 Hepatic lesions Hypermetabolic tumors, prognosis of, 83
—quantitative kinetic methods and, 399-400 —evaluation of, imaging for, 183–185–188 Hypometabolic tumors, prognosis of, 83
—tumors and, 391 —monitoring therapy of, role of FDG-PET in, Hypopharynx cancer, T classification of, 113
Glucose-6-phosphatase-mediated 185 Hypoxia
dephosphorylation of FDG, tumors and, 63 Hepatic metastasis, 99 —assays, categories of, 362, 363
Glucose transporter (GLUT), hypoxia and, —breast cancer and, 207, 208 —malignant tumors and, FDG uptake and,
360 —chemotherapy and, 156 63–64
Glucose utilization, patterns of, CAD and, 421 —CRC and, 151–152 Hypoxia-Cell tracers, sarcomas and, 264–265
Glycolysis, malignant tumor cells, 148 —role of FDG-PET in, 184 Hypoxia-directed imaging, 362
GM-CSF. See Granulocyte-macrophage Hepatobiliary system tumors, 181–188 Hypoxia-inducible factor, 360
colony-stimulating factor —conventional imaging for, 183 Hypoxia response, biological and clinical
Graft-versus-myloma effect, 284 —diagnosis methods for, 181–182 implications of, 362
Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor Hepatocellular carcinoma Hypoxia-specific factor (HSF), 364
(G-CSF), FDG uptake and, 343 —C-Acetate for, 184–185 Hypoxic cell cytotoxin, 371
Granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating —chronic liver disease and, 181 Hypoxic cells, misonidazole and, 363
factor (GM-CSF), 392 —imaging for, 182
Grave’s disease, 277 —staging and diagnosis of, role of FDG-PET
—FDG and, 150 in, 184 IAZA imaging agents, 371
Gross target volumes (GTVs), CT images and, Hibernating myocardium, PET cardiology ICRP. See International Commission on
24 and, 33–34 Radiological Protection
GSO. See Gadolinium oxyorthosilicate High-density contrast agents, artifact and, 75 Ictal FDG studies, childhood epilepsy,
GTVs. See Gross target volumes High-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, 339–341
Gynecologic cancers, imaging, 217–231 CAD and, 418 IgM-MGUS, Waldenström’s
High-dose chemotherapy, chemosensitivity macroglobulinemia and, 299, 301
before, evaluation of, 137–138 IL-1. See Interleukin 1
Half-life values (HLV), 54, 56 High-grade tumors, 82 IL-2. See Interleukin 2
5-halogenated analogues of thymidine, Hip prosthesis, FDG uptake, 309 Iliac wing, FDG uptake and, 297, 298
379–380 HIV, AZT and, 380 Image acquisition, 80–81
Hand doses, 55 HLV. See Half-life values Image fusion
—technologists and, radioactivity and, 37 HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor —organ uptake, PET and, 46
Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, 277 (3-hydroxy-3methylgluaryl -CoA), —PET/CT hybrid systems and, 102
HCC. See Primary hepatocellular carcinoma myocardial perfusion and, 339, 440 Image quality, CT scans and, 45
HDL cholesterol. See High-density lipoprotein HNSCC. See Head and neck squamous cell Image registration
cholesterol carcinoma —MRI and, 81
Head Hodgkin’s disease (HD), 85 —techniques, 40
—cancer, PET in, 23 —child with, 346 Imaging modalities, comparison of, CAD and,
—FDG uptake and, 23 —eosinophilic granuloma and, 135 423
Head and neck —epidemiology of, 126 Imatinib therapy, GISTs, 177, 178
—anatomy, imaging and, 107–108 —histologic subtypes results, 131 I-Metaiodobenzylguanidine (MIBG)
—tumors, osteoradionecrosis and, 395 —imaging studies for, 139 —hepatobiliary system tumors and, 182
Head and neck cancer —monitoring therapy response to, patient —neuroblastoma and, 346, 348
—advanced, treatment for, 117 population for, 401–402 Immunosuppressed patients, FDG-PET
—distant metastasis for, 114 —prognosis of, 125 imaging, MM and, 295
—lung metastases and, 113 —staging in, 126–133 Immunotherapy agents, 391, 397
—management, PET and, 121 Hodgkin’s lymphoma. See Hodgkins disease IMRT. See Intenisity-modulating radiation
—nodal classification for, 114 Hodgkin’s lymphoma plus NHL, 138–139 therapy
—PET/CT imaging in, 107–124 Hormonal manipulation, apoptosis and, 391 Induction therapy, tumor volume and, 391
—PET imaging, 107–124 Hormonal therapy, 391 Infants with intraventricular hemorrhage, PET
—technique, 108–109 —cancers and, 395 with O-water and, 344
Index 469

Infection —tumors, 188 —diagnosis, 90–91

—hematologic malignancies, FDG-PET and, 301 I-tositumomab, 397 —management
—imaging protocols for, 304–305 IV. See Intravenous —FDG-PET imaging, indications for,
—MM and, 295, 296, 297 91–102
—prosthesis and, 307, 308, 309–310 —PET in, future of, 102
Infectious disease, FDG-PET imaging in, Joint prostheses, 18FDG uptake in, 73 —neoadjuvant therapy and, 399
303–313 —PET/CT imaging in, 89–103
Inflammation —PET imaging in, 89–103
—imaging protocols for, 304–305 Kawasaki disease, PET and, 341 —skeletal metastasis of, 97, 98, 99
—necrotic cell death and, 390 Kinetic modeling, cardiac PET imaging and, Lung cancer staging, FDG-PET and, cost-
Inflammatory cells, FDG uptake and, 413-414, 416 effectiveness of, 99–100
hierarchy of, 303 Kit-inhibitor therapy, GIST and, 176, 177 Lung metastases, head and neck cancer and,
Inflammatory disorders, FDG-PET imaging in, Krabbe’s disease, PET and, 341 113
303–313 Lutetium oxyorthosicilate (LSO), 7, 14, 17
Inflammatory sinusitis, FDG uptake and, 111, LVEF. See Left ventricular ejection fraction
112 Labeled-leukocyte scanning Lymph node disease, FDG-PET imaging and,
Injection sites, FDG-PET imaging and, —FDG-PET v., 313 30
oncology and, 30 —FUO and, 311 Lymph node dissection, melanoma staging
In-pentetreotide imaging, childhood Labeling index (LI), thymidine based assay system and, 235
neuroblastoma and, 346–347 and, 376 Lymph node metastasis. See also Nodal
Integrated PET/CT imaging, 18 Lactating patient, radiation dose to, PET with metastases; Regional lymph node
—CT acquisition protocols for, 18–19 FDG, 50–51 metastases; Staging
—diagnostic implications of, 25 Laparoscopc cholecystectomy, gallbladder —thyroid cancer, PET/CT of, 272
—response to therapy, monitoring, 408–409 carcinomas and, 187 Lymph node(s). See also Nodal classification;
Intensity-modulating radiation therapy Large B-cell lymphoma, 126 Regional lymph nodes; Staging
(IMRT), 362 Large-cell carcinoma, 90 —esophageal cancer and, 167–169
—hypoxia, 362 Laryngeal glottic cancer, T classification of, 113 —18FDG uptake in, 73
—isodose distributions for, 369 Laryngeal muscles, FDG uptake in, 67 —head and neck cancer, 115
Intercranial metastases, non-small cell lung Laryngeal subglottic cancer, T classification of, —PET/CT and, 19
carcinoma and, 86 114 —prostate cancer and, 247
Interferon IL-2, biologic therapy, 396-397 Laryngeal supraglottic cancer, T classification —staging, 95–97
Interleukin 1 (IL-1), 360 of, 113 —FDG-PET accuracy in, 95–96
Interleukin 2 (IL-2), melanoma and, 236 Larynx, 108 —lymphoma, FDG-PET imaging and, 127,
Internal laryngeal muscles, FDG uptake, 110 LDL cholesterol. See Low-density lipoprotein 128, 129
Internal mammary lymph node metastasis, cholesterol —mediastinoscopy for, 90–91
PET and, 201, 202 Leakage radiation, tissue dose from, 48 —prostate cancer and, 247
Internal mammary nodal staging, FDG-PET Left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF), 435 Lymphoblastic tumors, children and, 345
for, 212 Left ventricular (LV) dysfunction Lymphoid tissue of pharynx, FDG uptake, 109
International Commission on Radiological —contributors to, 419 Lymphoma, 85, 311. See also Hodgkin’s
Protection (ICRP) —PET cardiology and, 33 disease; Lymphoma staging; Non-Hodgkin’s
—dosimetry, 47 Lentigo maligna melanoma, 234 lymphoma
—medical research and, volunteers and, 52–53 Limb sparing surgery, osteosarcoma and, —bone scintigraphy and, PET v., 319-320
—radiation and, dose limits, 41 349–350 —chemotherapy, response evaluation and,
International Prognostic Index (IPI), Line-of-response (LOR), photons and, 5 132–140
aggressive NHL and, 126 Lip and oral cavity, 108 —FDG-PET imaging, clinical indications for,
Interphase cell death, radiation and, 394 Liver 141
Interventional therapy, coronary disease and, —5-FU and, 380 —monitoring therapy response to, patient
418 —metastasis, CRC and, 160 population for, 401–402
Intestinal -type cancers, 175 —tumors, 181–193 —pediatric malignancies and, 345
Intestine, FBAU imaging tracer and, 382 Local recurrence, PET and, CRC and, 151 —PET/CT and, 19, 21, 125–145
Intramedullary lesion, iliac crest and, 328 Locoregional recurrence, head and neck —PET imaging in, 125–145
Intravenous (IV) contrast cancer, PET in, 120 —recurrent, 136, 320
—CT acquisition and, 75 LOR. See Line-of-response —of thyroid, PET imaging in, 276
—iodinated, CT and, 12 Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, —Waldenström’s macroglobulinemia and,
Inverse square law, shielding and, 37 CAD and, 418 301
Iodine, medullary cancers and, 271 Low-grade brain tumors, FDG-PET Lymphoma staging, 141–142
Iodine-124, PET imaging using, 277–278 significance, 84 —skeletal scintigraphy in, FDG-PET v., 130
Iodine scan, thyroid cancer and, 271 LSO. See Lutetium oxyorthosicilate Lytic lesion, 328
IPI. See International Prognostic Index Lung, radiation changes in, RT and, 395, 395 Lytic metastasis in sacrum, 320
Ischemic stroke, PET cerebral blood flow Lung cancer
studies and, 458 —adrenal glands and, 278–279
Ischemic syndromes, cardiac innervation and, —PET and, 278–279 Magnetic resonance
425 —classification and evaluation of, 89–91 cholangiopancreatogaphy. See MRCP
Islet cell(s) —diagnostic and staging procedures, 90–91 Magnetic resonance imaging. See MRI
—pancreatic tumors and, FDG-PET evaluation —FDG-PET imaging in, 91 Magnetic resonance spectroscopy, bone
of, 191–192 —histologic classification in, 89–90 sarcomas and, 263
470 Index

Malignancy. See also Specific type Malignancy Metastases. See also Distant metastatic disease; M protein
i.e. Malignant bone tumors Systemic metastatic disease; Specific type of —malignant plasma cells and, 283
—detection of, 93 Metastases i.e. Metastatic breast cancer —MM and, 283, 284
—FDG-PET images of, 304 —bladder cancer and, 245–246 MRCP. (Magnetic resonance
—infection v., PET imaging and, 295 —cholangiocarcinoma and, 185 cholangiopancreatogaphy)
Malignant bone tumors, WHO classification, —from high-grade sarcoma, images of, 260 —cholangiocarcinoma and, 182
254 —imaging for, hepatobiliary system tumors —hepatobiliary system tumors and, 182
Malignant cells, FDG accumulation, 329 and, 182 MRI (Magnetic resonance imaging), 1, 2.
Malignant foci, FDG emission images and, 21 —osteogenic sarcomas and, 253–255 See also Whole body MRI
Malignant otitis, images of, 306 —soft tissue sarcomas and, 259 —artifact in, 116
Malignant plasma cells, M protein and, 283 —supraclavicular lyphadenopathy and, 208 —FDG-PET v., breast cancer and, 199
Malignant skeletal disease, skeletal metastases —systemic, 97 —hepatobiliary system tumors and, 182
in, 318 —to thyroid, 269 —image registration with, 81
Malignant soft tissue tumors, WHO Metastatic brain tumors, 85 —marrow-based metastatic disease, 321
classification of, 254 Metastatic breast cancer, planar bone —MM and, staging, 286–288
Malignant thyroid nodule, benign v., role of scintigraphy and, 323–324 MSCT. See Multislice CT
PET in, 277 Metastatic disease to brain, FDG and, 150 M Stage. See Distant metastatic disease
Malignant tissue, FDG uptake in, 64 Metastatic lymph nodes, cervical cancer and, Multimodality therapy
Malignant tumor cells, glycolysis in, 148 223 —esophageal carcinoma and, 165
Mammography, 198 Metastatic melanoma, 238 —gastric carcinoma and, 165
Mantle cell lymphoma (MCL), 132 —accuracy of PET in, 239 Multiple endocrine neoplasias (MEN), 271
Marsden System, testicular cancer and, 218 —treatment of, 235–236 Multiple myeloma (MM), 283–284
Masseter muscles, gum chewing, FDG uptake Metastatic pheochromocytoma, —bone scintigraphy and, 321
during, 68 F-fluorodopamine and, 278 —clinical PET/CT protocols, 288–290
Matrices (sinograms), 3 Metastatic prostate cancer —clinical PET protocols, 288–290
Maxillary sinus, T classification of, 114 —acetate PET of, 249 —diagnosis and conventional staging of,
Maximal vasodilator response, NO and, 438 —FDG-PET of, 247 283–284
Maximum intensity projection (MIP), 22, 203 Metastatic testicular cancer, FDG-PET scan —diagnosis criteria for, 290
—nodal staging and, 95 for, 222 —imaging of, 284–288
—SPN and, 92 Methionine, FDG scan and, 32 —PET imaging in, focal lesions in, 291, 293
MBF. See Myocardial blood flow Tc-methylene diphosphonate (MDP) —role of PET/CT in, 290–291, 293–295
MCI. See Mild cognitive impairment —bone metastases and, 318 —role of X-ray in, 284–285
MCL. See Mantle cell lymphoma —breast cancer and, 320 —treatment, 284
MDCT. See PET-multidetector CT Methyl-labeled thymidine, degradation of, —tumor biology of, 283
Tc-MDP retention method, 323-327 377 Multiple solitary plasmacytomas, 283, 291, 293
Mediastinal staging, 97 MGUS. See Monoclonal gammopathy of Multislice CT (MSCT)
Mediastinoscopy undetermined significance —PET/CT scanners, 49
—lymph node staging and, 90–91 MIBG. See I-Metaiodobenzylguanidine —radiation safety and, 41
—nodal staging, 96, 97 (MIBG) Multispiral computed tomography (CT), 17
Medical exposure, PET tracers and, organ and Microvascular reactivity, quantitative Muscle/brown fat uptake, 30, 31
tissue dose estimation, 46–48 assessment of, 418 Muscle uptake, 110
Medical imaging equipment vendors, PET/CT Mild cognitive impairment (MCI), dementia Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare infection,
scanners from, 10, 11 v., 453 FDG-PET, 312
Medical Internal Radiation Dose (MIRD), 46 Mini-Mental State Examination scores, 454 Myeloablative chemotherapy, aggressive NHL
—dosimetry and, 47 MIP image. See Maximum intensity projection and, 126
Medical research, volunteer exposure for, 52–53 image Myocardial blood flow (MBF)
Medullary cancers, 270 MIRD. See Medical Internal Radiation Dose —cardiac PET imaging and, assessment of,
—of thyroid, PET imaging in, 276 Misonidazole 416–418
Melanoma —hypoxic cells and, 363 —coronary flow reserve v., coronary stenosis
—diagnosis and treatment of, 234–241 —structure of, 364 v., 442
—epidemiology of, 233 Mitochondrial isozyme (TK2), 380 —patterns of, CAD and, 421
—false-positive PET and, 135 MM. See Multiple myeloma —peak hyperemia and, 438
—FDG-PET and, indications for, 237–238 Molecular imaging with PET Myocardial blood perfusion
—imaging in, 233–242 —assays, 426 —cardiac PET imaging and, assessment of,
—PET and, overview of, 236–237 —instrumentation for, 17–19 416–418
—PET/CT and, 21 Monitoring, FDG-PET in, 100–101 —FDG uptake in, 66
—risk factors of, 233 Monoclonal B-cell disorders, Hodgkin’s —HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor, 339, 440
—tumor histology and, 233–234 lymphoma and, 126 —images, 82Rb and, 435, 437, 438
MEN. See Multiple endocrine neoplasias Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined —imaging protocols for, 435
Mesenchymal tumors, 181 significance (MGUS), 300 —13N-Ammonia, 434, 435
Metabolic bone diseases, studies of, 323-327 —MM and, 283, 297 —tracers, 34, 433–435
Metabolic rate of glucose. See Glucose Monte Carlo approach, 48 Myocardial FDG uptake, 31–32
metabolism Morbidity —metabolic standardization and, 420
Metabolic response, gastric cancer and, 176 —gynecologic cancers and, 217 Myocardial ischemia, assessment of, 446, 447,
I-Metaiodobenzylguanidine (MIGB) —testicular cancers and, 217 448
scanning, thyroid and, 278 Movement disorders, 455–457 Myocardial metabolism, pathways of, 424
Index 471

Myocardial perfusion-PET imaging Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL), 85 Osseous prostate cancer metastases, 248
—CAD and, 439–443 —children and, 345 Osteogenic sarcomas, 253–255
—progression and regression of, 442–443 —11C-thymidine imaging, 377 —differential diagnosis of, 253–254
—calcification and, 447 —epidemiology of, 125 Osteolytic lesions, MM and, 284, 285, 286
—stress testing and, 416, 417 —histologic subtypes results, 131–133 Osteomyelitis
Myocardial receptors, cardiovascular —Hodgkin’s lymphoma v., 140 —FDG-PET images and, 305, 306
pathophysiology and, 425–426 —imaging studies for, 139 —FDG uptake in, 329, 330
Myocardial scar, assessment of, 446, 447, 448 —monitoring therapy response to, patient Osteoporosis. See also Systemic osteoporosis
Myocardial viability, assessment of, 418–423 population for, 401–402, 402, 403 —skeletal metabolic indices and, 323-327
—metabolic standardization, 420 —prognosis of, 125 Osteoradionecrosis, head and neck tumors
—pathoophysiologic considerations in, —staging in, 126–133 and, 395
419–420 Nonlinear regression, metabolic rate of Osteosarcoma, 329, 351
—PET-based diagnostic approach to, 420 glucose and, 400 —of childhood, 255, 349
Nonseminomatous germ cell tumor (NSGCT), —FDG uptake in, 351
217, 218 —pulmonary metastases of, 261
Nasal cavity, 108 Non-small cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC), 89, —role of FDG-PET in, 351
—T classification of, 114 97, 98, 101 Ostiod, 254
Nasopharynx cancer —FDG uptake and, 395 Ovarian cancer, 225–227, 227
—nodal classification for, 114 —intercranial metastases of, 86 —FDG-PET and, 24
—stage grouping of, 115 —monitoring therapy response to, patient —monitoring therapy response to, patient
—T classification of, 113 population for, 402–403, 404 population for, 408
National Institutes of Health (NIH) —pretreatment staging of, 94–100 —staging of, 225
—F-fluorodopamine and, metastatic —TNM staging, 90 Overall survival (OS), MM and, 284, 285
pheochromocytoma and, 278 No response (NR), 389 O-water
—PET/CT and, 2 NSCLC. See Non-small cell lung carcinoma —myocardial perfusion and, 434
ne. See Electron neutrino N Stage. See Regional lymph node metastases —uptake, breast cancer and, 210
Neck, FDG uptake and, 23, 64, 275 Nuclear medicine imaging, patient
Neck cancer, PET in, 23 preparation in, children, 337
NECR. See Noise equivalent count rate Nuclear medicine radionuclides, energy, from Paget’s disease, 349
Necrotic cell death, 390 decay of, 43 —FDG uptake in, 329, 333
Neoadjuvant therapy, 391 Nuclear medicine technologist, perspective, Painful prosthesis
—gastric cancer and, 176 27 —FDG-PET and, 329, 331–332
—lung carcinoma and, 399 —infection and, imaging of, 309, 310
Neoplasms, FDG uptake and, 149 Palpation-guided FNAB, 116
Neuroblastoma Obstructive coronary artery disease (CAD), Pancreatic carcinoma
—children with, 345–348 PET accuracy and, 441 —assessing recurrence of, FDG-PET in, 191
—MIBG injection and, 347 Occupational radiation —conventional imaging in, 188
—staging, 346 —dose and, 42 —FDG-PET and, preoperative diagnosis and,
Neurological disorders, tracers for, 453 —exposures, 53–55 188–189
Neurology. See also Clinical neurology —external exposure to, 43 —patient management and, FDG-PET and,
—PET scanning in, 32–33 In-octreoscan, thyroid cancer and, 272 190
Neuroprotective agents, PET and, 459 Odontogenic disease, 18F- —staging of, FDG-PET and, 188–189
NHL. See Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma Fluoromisonidazole, 329 Pancreaticoduodenectomy, 188
NIH. See National Institutes of Health O-labeled compounds, brain tumors and, Pancreatic tumors, 181–193, 188
Nitric oxide (NO) release 79–80 —FDG limitations for, 192–193
—maximal vasodilator response and, 438 Oncology —islet cells and, FDG-PET evaluation of,
—stress testing and, 416 —PET/CT images in, clinical impact of, 19–25 191–192
Nitroimidazole compounds —PET scanning in, 29–32 Parafollicular cells, cancers, 270
—hypoxia imaging and, 264 Oral cavity tumors, 117 —thyroid and, 269
—PET hypoxia imaging and, 363–365 Oral glucose loading Parkinsonian syndromes, PET findings in, 455
NO. See Nitric oxide release —image quality and, 420 Parkinson’s disease, 459
Nodal (N) classification Oral nicotinic acid, FDG image quality and, —parkin mutation in, 456
—head and neck cancers and, 113 420 Parkinson’s disease dementia, Alzheimer’s
—nasopharynx cancer in, 114 Orbital muscles, FDG uptake, 110 disease v., imaging for, 455
Nodal (N) metastases, breast cancer and, PET Orchidectomy, testicular cancer and, 217 Partial response (PR), 389
and, 201–202 Ordered-subset-expectation-maximization Patient handling system (PHS), 11
Nodal (N) sampling, lymph node staging and, (OSEM), 8 Patient history, lung cancer and, 90
91 Organ sparing approach, 107 Patient management
Nodal staging. See Lymph node(s); Lymph —HNSCC and, 119 —chemotherapy evaluation and, 138
node staging Organ tissue, radiation dose —infection in MM and, 297
Nodular melanoma, 233 —CT and, 48–49 —melanoma and, 240–241
Noise equivalent count rate (NECR), 8 —ICRP and, 46, 47 —pancreatic carcinoma and, FDG-PET and,
Noncalcified coronary plaques, 443 Oropharynx cancer, T classification of, 113 190
Non-FDG-avid lymph node metastasis, renal OS. See Overall survival —role of FDG-PET in, 96–97
cell carcinoma and, 245 OSEM. See Ordered-subset-expectation- Patient population, selecting, response to
Nonfluent aphasia study, 458 maximization therapy and, 401–409
472 Index

Patient(s). See also Pediatric patients —set-up of, 27–29 Photons, PET and, 42
—asymptomatic, follow-up of, 140 —planning, 28–29 PHS. See Patient handling system
—movement, image quality and, 72 —staffing requirements and training in, 28 Pituitary adrenocorticotrophic hormone
—positioning, 9, 19 PET-multidetector CT (MDCT) (ACTH), Cushings syndrome and, 278
—PET/CT imaging and, 13 —coronary atherosclerosis and, 443, 444 Placental transfer
—preparation —heart cross-section in, 444 —of FDG, 51
—PET and, 29–36 PET (Positron emission tomography), —of radioactivity, 51
—PET oncology protocol, 149–150 258–265. See also Whole body PET imaging Plasma cell dyscrasias, 283
—radiation dose to —anatomic imaging and, functional imaging —imaging for, 301
—PET/CT examinations and, 49–53 v., 17–18 —role of FDG-PET in, 290–291, 293–295
—PET examinations and, 49–53 —block detector design, 6 —role of PET/CT in, 290–291, 293–295
Patlak graphical analysis (PGA), tracer uptake —brain tumors and, 79–87 Plasma cells, MM and, 283
and, 400 —breast cancer and, 197–215 Plastic liners, e+ and, 56
PDGF. See Platelet-derived growth factor —cerebral blood flow and metabolism studies, Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), GIST
Pediatric brain tumors stroke pathophysiology and, 458 and, 177
—C-Met and, 345 —cerebral emission images, brain and, 21 Pleomorphic adenoma, FDG and, 121
—PET management of, 342 —2D and 3D modules for, 7 Pleural tumor, evaluation of, FDG-PET and,
Pediatric cardiology, PET in, 341–342 —3D modules for, 7–8 100
Pediatric disorders, PET imaging in, 337–357 —dosimetry in, 41–62 PNET. See Primitive neuroectodermal tumor
Pediatric imaging, parental dose from, —early, tumor response in, 156 Pneumonia, false-positive PET and, 133
338–339 —estrogen receptor imaging, 395-396 Pneumothorax, fine-needle aspiration biopsy
Pediatric lymphoma, PET management of, —false-negative, thyroid cancer and, 273–274 and, 92
342 —false-positive, thyroid cancer and, 273–274 Polar maps, catecholamine analogue and, 425
Pediatric neurology, PET in, 339 —historical background of, 1–2 Polarographic electrode measurements,
Pediatric oncology, imaging in, 342–351 —hypoxia imaging, 363–367 hypoxia and, 363
Pediatric patients —imaging technology for, 6–8 Positive predictive value (PPV), false-positive
—cancer incidence rates, 342 —lung cancer and, 89–103 studies, 133
—radiation dose to, CT and, 50 —lymphoma and, 125–145 Positron cameras, breast lesion imaging and,
—sedation guidelines for, 337 —melanoma and 200
Pediatric sarcomas, PET management of, 342 —imaging protocol for, 237 Positron (e+), 2, 3
Pelvis, PET/CT fusion images and, 24, 159 —overview of, 236–237 —PET and, 42
PEM. See Positron emission mammography —MM, key findings in, 290–291 —plastic liners for, 56
Tc-pentavalent dimercaptosuccinate. —with N-ammonia, myocardial perfusion in Positron emission mammography (PEM),
See DMSA infants and, 341 breast lesion imaging and, 200
Penumbra, PET cerebral blood flow studies —with O-water, infants with intraventricular Positron emission tomography. See PET
and, 458 hemorrhage and, 344 Positron emitters, DG and, 2–3
Peripheral vein, radiopharmaceuticals —pediatric patients and, 337 Posttransplantation lymphoproliferative
administration in, MM and, 295 —perfusion imaging, CAD and, 416, 417 disorders (PTLD), 392
Periprosthetic infection, diagnosis of, 307, 309 —physical principles of, 2–6 PPV. See Positive predictive value
Perspex, shielded syringe and, 37 —posttreatment changes, recurrent tumor v., PR. See Partial response
PET/CT, 63. See also Integrated PET/CT 160 Pregnancy
imaging —radiation protection in, 41–62 —fetal dose estimates during, 52
—anatomy and function of, 2 —radionuclide emissions, 42–44 —radiation exposure risk in, 43
—breast cancer and, 197–215 —radionuclide properties, radiation Pregnant patient, radiation dose to, 51–52
—Chest, 23–24 protection and, 44 Primary bladder cancer, 246–250
—clinical impact of, oncology and, 19–25 —radiotracers, recent, 440–441 Primary bone tumors, 319-320
—CT coronary angiography and, protocol for, —scintillators, physical properties of, 6–7 Primary brain tumor. See Brain tumors
446 —sensitivity and specificity of Primary breast cancers
—dosimetry in, 41–62 —obstructive CAD and, 441 —evaluation of, 198–200
—hybrid systems, image fusion and, 102 —thyroid cancer, 272 —FLT retention in, 381
—imaging protocols, myocardial perfusion —source containers, tungsten v. lead for, 56 Primary central nervous system (CNS)
and, 436 —SPECT v., CAD comparative studies, 441 lymphoma, 130
—lung cancer and, 89–103 —technologist, radiation protection for, 36–39 Primary cerebral lymphoma, 130
—lymphoma and, 125–145 —treatment response evaluation, breast Primary hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), 181
—MSCT system and, 49 cancer and, 209–211 Primary intracranial tumors, classification of,
—problems related to, 73–76 —tumor hypoxia and, 367–371 79
—protocols for, 13–15 —viability assessment, clinical impact of, Primary malignancy, grading
—radiation protection in, 41–62 420–423 —bone sarcoma and, 259, 261
—schematic of, 10 PET tracers —soft tissue sarcoma and, 258–259
—technology for, 8–9, 11–12, 11–15 —dose coefficients for, 47 Primary malignant bone tumors, surgical
—design objectives in, 9, 11 —medical exposure to, organ and tissue dose management of, 256–257
—tumor hypoxia and, 368 estimation, 46–48 Primary melanoma, 238
PET/CT fusion images, 21 PGA. See Patlak graphical analysis —diagnosis of, 234
—lymph node metastasis and, 202, 205 Pharyngeal SCC, PET/CT of, 116 —staging of, 234
PET imaging business Pharynx, 108 —treatment of, 234–235
—scanning protocols in, 29–36 Pheochromocytoma, 278 Primary prostate cancer, acetate PET of, 249
Index 473

Primary tumors —nuclear DNA and, 392, 394, 395 Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumor
—HNSCC, 116 —primary rectal cancer and, 156 (RECIST) guidelines, 387, 388
—PET evaluation of, head and neck cancer, —rhabdomyosarcoma, 351 Response to therapy
117–118 —RIT v., 397 —GISTs, 177
—unknown origin, 121 —treatment planning in, 24–25 —prediction of, 220
—diagnosis of, 117 Radioimmunotherapy (RIT), 391, 397, 398 Rest/stress flow studies
Primary tumor staging (T Stage) —response evaluation after, 140 —82Rb PET/CT protocol and CT coronary
—esophagus and, 166–167 —RT v., 397 angiography for, 446
—primary tumor and, 94–95 Radioiodine, treatment shortcomings, 277 —reversible ischemia and, 34
Primary vulvar cancer, PET and, 227–228 Radionuclide imaging, effective dose from, 50 Retroperitoneal lymphoma, FDG-PET and, 20
Primitive neuroectodermal tumor (PNET), 350 Radiopharmaceutical administration Revascularization, contractile dysfunction
Prog. See Progression of disease —imaging protocols for MM and, 288 and, 418
Prognosis —peripheral vein for, MM and, 295 Reversible ischemia, rest/stress flow studies
—FDG-PET and, NSCLC and, 100 Radiopharmaceutical(s) and, 34
—gastric cancer and, 175 —brain tumors and, 79–80 Rhabdomyosarcoma
—SUV and, tumor grade and, 320 —cardiac PET imaging and, 413–414 —childhood and, 351
—TNM staging and, 90 —dose estimations, calculating, 46 —imaging, 351, 353
Programmed cell death. See Apoptosis —effective dose, pediatrics, 338 rhTSH. See Recombinant human TSH
Progression-free survival, lymphoma and, —uptake mechanisms and, 317 Ring artifacts, 18FDG uptake in, 73
early response evaluation and, 134-135 Radiotherapy, 392, 394–395 RIT. See Radioimmunotherapy
Progression of disease (Prog), 389 —NSCLC and, 101 Rituximab, 397
Prostate cancer —nuclear DNA and, 392 —aggressive NHL and, 126
—diagnostic imaging in, 246–247 Radiotherapy-induced pneumonitis, RNA, radiation and, 394
—hormonal therapy, 395 false-positive PET and, 135 RT. See Radiation therapy
Prosthesis. See also Hip prosthesis; Painful Radiotracers, sarcomas and, 264 Rubidium-82 (82Rb), myocardial perfusion
prosthesis Random coincidence rate (R), 4–5 and, 433–434
—infection associated with, 307, 308, 309–310 Random marrow biopsy of iliac crest, MM
PTLD. See Posttransplantation and, 291
lymphoproliferative disorders Rasmussen’s syndrome, PET and, 341 Salivary glands, PET and, 120–121
Public radiation exposures, 53–55 Rb. See Rubidium-82 Sarcoidosis, 311, 312
—dose limits for, 55 Recombinant human TSH (rhTSH), FDG Sarcomas
Pulmonary metastases, 99 uptake and, 274 —imaging in, 253–268
—osteosarcoma and, 261 Reconstruction artifacts, FDG-PET imaging —metastases from, images of, 260
and, 30 —staging of, 255
Recurrent disease Scaling algorithms, attenuation values and, 12,
Quantitative kinetic methods, glucose —esophageal cancer and, 174–175 13
metabolism and, 399-400 —PET in, thyroid cancer and, 271 Scattered photons (SF), 4–5
—prostate cancer, 248 SCC. See Squamous cell carcinoma
—STS, 261-263 Scintigraphy, Wilms tumor and, 348–349
R. See Random coincidence rate —studies of, CRC and, 148 Scintillators, PET and, 6–7
RADAR. See Radiation Dose Assessment —thyroid cancer, image of, 272 Sedation, children and, 337
Resource Recurrent melanoma, treatment of, 235–236 Seizures
Radiation. See also Intensity-modulating Regional lymph node metastases (N Stage), —antiepileptic drugs and, 457
radiation therapy; Whole body dose esophageal cancer and, 167–169 —scan and, 32
—ALARA and, 41 Regional lymph nodes Semiquantitiative assessment, tumor FDG
—CT system and, 44 —breast cancer and, detection of, 200–204 metabolism and, 398–400
—dose —head and neck cancer and, 108 Sequential dual-tracer neurologic studies, 33
—PET examinations and, 49–53 —tumor detection in, melanoma and, Serum carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA)
—PET tracers, organ and tissue exposure to, 238–239 —CRC recurrence and, 148
46–48 Regional nodal disease, melanoma staging —evaluation of elevated, CRC and, 153–154
—instrumentation, 59–60 system and, 235 Serum glucose levels, FDG-PET and, 304
—protection, PET radionuclide properties for, Regional nodal staging, PET and, 117–118 Serum marker levels, metastases and, breast
44 Renal cell carcinoma (RCC), 243–245 cancer, 207
—safety, MSCT and, 41 —bone scintigraphy and, 321 Tc-sestamibi, thyroid cancer and, 272
—whole body, PET v. nuclear medicine, 37–38 Renal malignancies, 243 SF. See Scattered photons
Radiation Dose Assessment Resource Reporter gene imaging, 426 Shielding
(RADAR), 46 Reproductive cell death, 394 —facility rooms and, 55–56
Radiation dosimetry, 338–339 Resection of colon cancer —PET/CT systems and, 36–37, 59
—FDG and, 338 —FDG-PET images, 153 Sickle cell encephalopathy, PET and, 341
Radiation exposure, to parent, from pediatric —metastases and, 153 Siemens Biograph scanner, pattern of
patient, 338 —recurrence, FDG-PET of, 151 exposure on, 57
Radiation-induced cell death, types of, 394 Residual masses, PET imaging, testicular Simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV)
Radiation necrosis, tumor recurrence v., 84 cancer and, 219–220 —animal studies, PET and, 310
Radiation therapy (RT) Respiration —PET images of, 304
—considerations after, 395–396 —CT scan and, 14 Simplified kinetic method (SKM), 400
—CRC and, 156 —FDG emission images and, 19 Single photon emission tomography. See SPECT
474 Index

Sinograms. See Matrices Spiral CT scan, 14 —N2 disease and, 97

SIV. See Simian immunodeficiency virus —operator for, 45 —NSCLC and, 101
16-slice integrated PET/CT systems, Spleen, lymphoma staging, imaging and, 129 Surgical resection, gastric cancer, 175
cardiology and, 25 SPN. See Solitary pulmonary nodules Survival rate, extramedullary disease, 293
Skeletal disease, in MM, 294 Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), 89 SUVs. See Standardized uptake values
Skeletal infection, 18F-Fluoromisonidazole —cervical cancer and, 221 Sydeham’s chorea, striatal D2 receptor binding
and, 317 —FDG-PET image of, 94 and, 457
Skeletal metabolic indices, osteoporosis and, —FDG uptake and, 108–109 Systemic cancer therapy, evaluation of
323-327 Staging. See also Anatomic staging techniques; response, conventional criteria for, 387–389
Skeletal metastases Axillary mammary nodal staging; Cotswold Systemic metastatic disease, breast cancer as,
—breast cancer and, 206, 209 Staging Classification; Distant staging; FIGO evaluation of, 203-204
—lung cancer and, 97, 98, 99 staging system; Lymphoma staging; Systemic osteoporosis, MM and, 297
—malignant skeletal disease and, 318 Mediastinal staging; Nodal classification;
—skeletal scintigraphy for, 90 Pancreatic carcinoma; TNM classification
—systemic metastatic disease and, breast —bone sarcomas, 259–262 Tamoxifen
cancer as, 206 —breast cancer, FDG-PET and, 212 —estrogen receptors and, 395-396
Skeletal scintigraphy —esophageal adenocarcinoma, 171 —FES and, 397
—FDG-PET v., 97 —esophageal cancer, 168 —18F-fluorotamoxifen and, 397
—skeletal metastasis and, 90 —head and neck cancers, 114 Tandem autotransplantation, MM and, 284
Skeleton, PET imaging of, 317–335 —Hodgkin’s lymphoma, 126–133 Taxol, 391
SKM. See Simplified kinetic method —initial, before treatment, 115 Taxotere, 391
Small-cell lung cancer, 89 —local nodal, 95–97 T-cell large cell anaplastic lymphoma, images
—metastases, 85 —MM and, MRI role in, 286–288 of, 344
—radiation therapy in, 25 —NHL, 126–133 Technologist
—staging, PET and, 100 —ovarian cancer and, 225 —radiation exposures, 54
Small cell tumors, children and, 345 —sarcomas, 255 —PET studies and, 53
Small lymphocytic lymphoma, 126 —small-cell lung cancer, 100 —radiation protection for, 36–39
Small lymphocytic non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, —small lymphocytic non-Hodgkin’s —specific task exposure to, PET and, 54
staging, 132–133 lymphoma, 132–133 Tenth value layers (TVLs), 54, 56
Smoking, HNSCC and, 107 —STS and, 255 Testicular cancer(s), 217–221
Soft tissue metastasis, prostate cancer, 248 —testicular cancer and, 217–219 —diagnosis of, 217–219
Soft tissue sarcomas (STS), 253 —T staging, 94–95 —FDG-PET image, elevated markers in, 221
—corresponding FMISO, FDG v., 366 Staging modalities, esophageal cancer, —imaging, 217–231
—imaging, 258 165–166 —monitoring therapy response to, patient
—management of, algorithm for, 265 Standardized uptake values (SUVs), 5, 91, 399 population for, 407–408
—monitoring therapy response in, 263 —attenuation correction and, 18–19 —PET and, 228
—pathology of, 253 —children and, 343 —rising tumor markers and, 220
—recurrent disease and, 261-263 —esophageal tumors and, prognosis and, 171 —staging of, 217, 218
—staging, 255, 261 —FDG and, 73 —imaging procedures in, 218–219
—surgical management of, 255–256 —histologic tumor grade and, prognosis, 320 Tc-tetrafosmin, thyroid cancer and, 272
Soft tissue tumors of childhood, 351 —imaging protocols for MM and, 288 Texanes, breast cancer and, 211
Software fusion —quantitative kinetic methods and, Thalidomide and CC-5013, MM and, 284
—drawbacks of, hardware approach and, 9 comparison of, 399–401 Therapy planning, FDG-PET in, 100–101
—PET/CT approach v., 15 —soft tissue sarcoma and, 258, 258, 259 Thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLD), 48–49,
Solitary bone plasmacytoma, 291, 298, 300 —static PET images and, 149 54
Solitary extramedullary plasmacytoma, 291, —uptake values and, 109 Thoracic spinal cord, FDG uptake and, 110
292, 298 Stem cell transplantation, aggressive NHL and, Thorax, image of, breast cancer and, 210
Solitary pulmonary nodules (SPN), 92 126 Three-compartment model, data analysis and,
—diagnosis of Stereotactic biopsy, 82–83 320, 324
—accuracy of, 92–93 —techniques, breast cancer and, 211 3D imaging, 7–8
—conventional methods of, 91–92 Stomach, GIST and, 176–177 Three dimensional surface projections, muscle
—FDG-PET in, cost effectiveness of, 93 Stomach wall, FDG uptake in, 69 uptake and, 110
—management strategy, role of FDG-PET in, Stress-and-rest myocardial perfusion PET, 443 Thymic rebound, 392
93 Stress testing, myocardial perfusion PET Thymidine
Somatostatin analogues, neuroendocrine imaging and, 416 —DNA synthesis and, 375, 376, 377
tumors, 191 Striatal D2 receptor binding, Sydeham’s —fluorinated deoxyribose analogues of,
Spatial resolution chorea and, 457 380–382
—CT v. PET, 149 STS. See Soft tissue sarcoma —5-halogenated analogues of, 379–380
—PET and, 3–4 Substrate metabolism, cardiac imaging and, —incorporation and degradation of, pathways
SPECT (Single photon emission computed 424 of, 376, 377, 395
tomography), 1 Surgery —structures of, 375
—attenuation effects and, 18 —epilepsy, 459 —weaknesses of, 382
—CAD and, 440 —esophageal cancer and, 71, 165 Thymidine based assay, LI and, 376
—childhood epilepsy, 339–341 —gastric cancer, 165 C-thymidine, 376–378
—FUO and, 311 —GIST and, 177 —brain tumors and, 79–80
Spills, containment of sources and, 59 —melanoma and, 234–235 —FDG v., 378
Index 475

11 Tumor glucose utilization, 391 Urologic tumors, imaging in, 243–251

C-thymidine (continued)
—head and neck and, 109 Tumor grade, 115 Uterine cancer, 227
—human studies with, 377 —FDG metabolism and, 83 Uterus dose, diagnostic CT scan and, 51
—sarcomas and, 264 —sarcoma and, 255
—tumor activity in, 378 —thymidine and, 377
F-thymidine, brain tumors and, 80 Tumor hypoxia Vascular endothelial cell, function of, 438–439
Thyroid, FDG uptake in, 65 —clinical outcome and, 361–362 Vascular smooth muscle cell, function of, 438
Thyroid cancer, 112, 269–278 —evaluation of, 362–363 Velcade, MM and, 284
Thyroid diseases, imaging n, 269–280 —PET and, 367–371 Vertebroplasty, compression fractures and,
Thyroid glands, normal structure, on PET Tumor markers, testicular cancer and, MM and, 297
imaging, 269, 270 220–221 Visual assessment, tumor FDG metabolism
Thyroid uptake, 111–112 Tumor metabolism, prognosis of, 83 and, 398
Thyrotropin (TSH) levels Tumor recurrence Vulval cancer, 227–228
—role of, 274–275 —imaging procedures in
—thyroid cancer and, 272 —cervical cancer and, 224–225
Tirapazamine (TPZ), hypoxia, 362 —ovarian cancer and, 226–227 Waldenström’s macroglobulinemia, 299, 301
Tissue dose, CT and, 48–49 —metastatic testicular cancer and, 219 Weighted CTDI, 45
Tissue PO2, 363 —radiation necrosis v., 84 Whipple procedure, pancreatic cancer,
Tissues, radiation dose and, ICRP and, 46, 47 Tumor response restaging, 192
Tissue uptake of hypoxia tracer, PET and, 368 —esophageal cancer and, 172 WHO. See World Health Organization
TK2. See Mitochondrial isozyme —WHO and, RECIST guidelines and, 387, 388 Whole body dose
TLD. See Thermoluminescent dosimeters Tumor(s). See also Brain tumors; High-grade —PET/CT, 48
TNM classification/staging system tumors; Neoplasms; TNM —PET v. nuclear medicine, 37–38
—for esophageal carcinoma, 165 classification/staging system; Tumor Whole-body FDG-PET
—gastric cancers and, 166 staging; World Health Organization —breast cancer and, axillary lymph nodes
—head and neck cancer, 112, 121 —biology, hypoxia-induced changes in, and, 201
—lung cancer and, 90 359–360 —predictive value of, post-treatment
—NSCLC and, 90 —FDG uptake and, 76 evaluation and, 138
T/N ratio. See Tumor-to-normal tissue ratio —focal uptake and, 291 Whole body imaging
Tobacco use, HNSCC and, 107 —genomic changes in, hypoxia and, 361 —cancer and, 97
Tonsillar cancer, primary tumor uptake in, 115 —glucose-6-phosphatase-mediated —head and neck cancer, 118
Topoisomerase inhibitors, 391 dephosphorylation of FDG and, 63 Whole body MRI, MM and, 288
Toxicity, combination chemotherapy and, 387 —head and neck, 107 Whole-body PET imaging
Tracer kinetic analysis, noninvasive —MRI v.FDG-PET/CT and, 21 —artifacts in, 63–77
quantification for, 415, 416 —oxygen levels in, 363 —breast cancer and, sensitivity of, 198, 199
Tracers —recurrent, 83 —normal variants in, 63–77
—dispensing, 37 —size, 388 Whole body protocols, 49
—myocardium and, 34 Tumors of central nervous system (CNS), Whole body scan
—neurological disorders and, 453 pediatrics and, 344–345 —progressive dose to uterus during, 48
—PET and, 426 Tumor staging, 90 —withTI, thyroid cancer and, 272
—PET service and, 29 —imaging procedures in, cervical cancer and, Wilms tumor, 344, 351
—shielding and, 37 223–224 —FDG uptake in, 351
Tracer uptake, FDG-PET and, breast cancer —ovarian cancer and, imaging procedures in, —malignancy of childhood and, 348–349
and, 212 226 Wizard workstation, imaging protocols for
Transabdominal ultrasound, hepatobiliary Tumor to background ratios, bone sarcomas, MM and, 288
system tumors and, 182 263 World Health Organization (WHO)
Trastuzumab, 397 Tumor to blood ratios, 381 —classification of malignant bone tumors, 254
Treatment plan, tumor staging and, 117 Tumor-to-lymph node rations, breast cancer —classification of malignant soft tissue
Treatment response, evaluation of, FDG-PET and, 200 tumors, 254
imaging and, 389–390 Tumor-to-normal tissue ratio (T/N ratio), 399 —histologic classification, epithelial
Triple-phase computed tomography, Tumor volume measurement, PET and, bronchogenic carcinoma and, 89
hepatobiliary system tumors and, 182 cervical cancer and, 224 —NHL classification and, 125
Trocar site seeding, gallbladder carcinomas TVLs. See Tenth value layers —primary intracranial tumors and,
and, 187 T1-weighted postgadolinium MR images, 81 classification of, 79
TSH levels. See Thyrotropin levels 2D imaging, 3D imaging v., 8 —RECIST guidelines and, 387, 388
T Stage. See Primary tumor staging 2.5D RAMLA, 8
Tuberculosis, false-positive PET and, 133
Tuberculous spondylitis, 311 Xeloda (capecitabine), breast cancer and, 211
Tumor cell response, therapy modality and, Unconfirmed/uncertain complete responses X-rays, CT system and, 44
387 (Cru), clinical significance of, 388–389 X-ray tube-based transmission scan, 19
Tumor cells, glucose transporters, FDG Unshielded dose (D0), 56 X-ray tube housing, radiation from, 44
uptake, 303 Uptake period, activity during, 67
Tumor FDG metabolism, methods of Urinary excretion, FDG-PET images and, 389
assessing, PET imaging and, 398–401 Urine, FDG uptake and, 71 Y-ibritumomab tiuxetan, 397

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